When reported data for 2022 are available, an analysis will be conducted using the average logarithmic score to assess and compare forecasts across all counties at each time point. A joint manuscript will be prepared to disseminate findings on this comparison and the general performance of submitted forecasts. Participants may publish their own forecasts and results at any time.
Each quantile forecast will be fitted to a negative binomial distribution and the probability of the observed outcome, x, will be calculated from the probability mass function, p, of the fitted negative binonmial distribution. The corresponding logarithmic score is therefore:
S(p, x) = ln(p(x))
Logarithmic scores below -10 will be assigned a value of -10.
- Gneiting T and AE Raftery. (2007) Strictly proper scoring rules, prediction, and estimation. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 102(477):359-378. Available at: https://www.stat.washington.edu/raftery/Research/PDF/Gneiting2007jasa.pdf.
- Rosenfeld R, J Grefenstette, and D Burke. (2012) A Proposal for Standardized Evaluation of Epidemiological Models. Available at: http://delphi.midas.cs.cmu.edu/files/StandardizedEvaluation_Revised_12-11-09.pdf.