Represents a {@link snowflake_file_format}.
import ""
fileformat.NewFileFormat(scope Construct, id *string, config FileFormatConfig) FileFormat
Name | Type | Description |
scope | |
The scope in which to define this construct. |
id |
*string |
The scoped construct ID. |
config |
FileFormatConfig |
No description. |
- Type:
The scope in which to define this construct.
- Type: *string
The scoped construct ID.
Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope
- Type: FileFormatConfig
Name | Description |
ToString |
Returns a string representation of this construct. |
AddOverride |
No description. |
OverrideLogicalId |
Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID. |
ResetOverrideLogicalId |
Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again. |
ToHclTerraform |
No description. |
ToMetadata |
No description. |
ToTerraform |
Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output. |
AddMoveTarget |
Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move. |
GetAnyMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanAttribute |
No description. |
GetBooleanMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberListAttribute |
No description. |
GetNumberMapAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringAttribute |
No description. |
GetStringMapAttribute |
No description. |
HasResourceMove |
No description. |
ImportFrom |
No description. |
InterpolationForAttribute |
No description. |
MoveFromId |
Move the resource corresponding to "id" to this resource. |
MoveTo |
Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget. |
MoveToId |
Moves this resource to the resource corresponding to "id". |
ResetAllowDuplicate |
No description. |
ResetBinaryAsText |
No description. |
ResetBinaryFormat |
No description. |
ResetComment |
No description. |
ResetCompression |
No description. |
ResetDateFormat |
No description. |
ResetDisableAutoConvert |
No description. |
ResetDisableSnowflakeData |
No description. |
ResetEmptyFieldAsNull |
No description. |
ResetEnableOctal |
No description. |
ResetEncoding |
No description. |
ResetErrorOnColumnCountMismatch |
No description. |
ResetEscape |
No description. |
ResetEscapeUnenclosedField |
No description. |
ResetFieldDelimiter |
No description. |
ResetFieldOptionallyEnclosedBy |
No description. |
ResetFileExtension |
No description. |
ResetId |
No description. |
ResetIgnoreUtf8Errors |
No description. |
ResetNullIf |
No description. |
ResetParseHeader |
No description. |
ResetPreserveSpace |
No description. |
ResetRecordDelimiter |
No description. |
ResetReplaceInvalidCharacters |
No description. |
ResetSkipBlankLines |
No description. |
ResetSkipByteOrderMark |
No description. |
ResetSkipHeader |
No description. |
ResetStripNullValues |
No description. |
ResetStripOuterArray |
No description. |
ResetStripOuterElement |
No description. |
ResetTimeFormat |
No description. |
ResetTimestampFormat |
No description. |
ResetTrimSpace |
No description. |
func ToString() *string
Returns a string representation of this construct.
func AddOverride(path *string, value interface{})
- Type: *string
- Type: interface{}
func OverrideLogicalId(newLogicalId *string)
Overrides the auto-generated logical ID with a specific ID.
- Type: *string
The new logical ID to use for this stack element.
func ResetOverrideLogicalId()
Resets a previously passed logical Id to use the auto-generated logical id again.
func ToHclTerraform() interface{}
func ToMetadata() interface{}
func ToTerraform() interface{}
Adds this resource to the terraform JSON output.
func AddMoveTarget(moveTarget *string)
Adds a user defined moveTarget string to this resource to be later used in .moveTo(moveTarget) to resolve the location of the move.
- Type: *string
The string move target that will correspond to this resource.
func GetAnyMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func GetBooleanMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*bool
- Type: *string
func GetListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*string
- Type: *string
func GetNumberAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberListAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *[]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetNumberMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*f64
- Type: *string
func GetStringAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *string
- Type: *string
func GetStringMapAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) *map[string]*string
- Type: *string
func HasResourceMove() interface{}
func ImportFrom(id *string, provider TerraformProvider)
- Type: *string
- Type:
func InterpolationForAttribute(terraformAttribute *string) IResolvable
- Type: *string
func MoveFromId(id *string)
Move the resource corresponding to "id" to this resource.
Note that the resource being moved from must be marked as moved using it's instance function.
- Type: *string
Full id of resource being moved from, e.g. "aws_s3_bucket.example".
func MoveTo(moveTarget *string, index interface{})
Moves this resource to the target resource given by moveTarget.
- Type: *string
The previously set user defined string set by .addMoveTarget() corresponding to the resource to move to.
- Type: interface{}
Optional The index corresponding to the key the resource is to appear in the foreach of a resource to move to.
func MoveToId(id *string)
Moves this resource to the resource corresponding to "id".
- Type: *string
Full id of resource to move to, e.g. "aws_s3_bucket.example".
func ResetAllowDuplicate()
func ResetBinaryAsText()
func ResetBinaryFormat()
func ResetComment()
func ResetCompression()
func ResetDateFormat()
func ResetDisableAutoConvert()
func ResetDisableSnowflakeData()
func ResetEmptyFieldAsNull()
func ResetEnableOctal()
func ResetEncoding()
func ResetErrorOnColumnCountMismatch()
func ResetEscape()
func ResetEscapeUnenclosedField()
func ResetFieldDelimiter()
func ResetFieldOptionallyEnclosedBy()
func ResetFileExtension()
func ResetId()
func ResetIgnoreUtf8Errors()
func ResetNullIf()
func ResetParseHeader()
func ResetPreserveSpace()
func ResetRecordDelimiter()
func ResetReplaceInvalidCharacters()
func ResetSkipBlankLines()
func ResetSkipByteOrderMark()
func ResetSkipHeader()
func ResetStripNullValues()
func ResetStripOuterArray()
func ResetStripOuterElement()
func ResetTimeFormat()
func ResetTimestampFormat()
func ResetTrimSpace()
Name | Description |
IsConstruct |
Checks if x is a construct. |
IsTerraformElement |
No description. |
IsTerraformResource |
No description. |
GenerateConfigForImport |
Generates CDKTF code for importing a FileFormat resource upon running "cdktf plan ". |
import ""
fileformat.FileFormat_IsConstruct(x interface{}) *bool
Checks if x
is a construct.
Use this method instead of instanceof
to properly detect Construct
instances, even when the construct library is symlinked.
Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the constructs
library on
disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a
consequence, the class Construct
in each copy of the constructs
is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as
the other class. npm install
will not create installations
like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or
use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the constructs
library can be accidentally installed, and instanceof
will behave
unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using instanceof
, and using
this type-testing method instead.
- Type: interface{}
Any object.
import ""
fileformat.FileFormat_IsTerraformElement(x interface{}) *bool
- Type: interface{}
import ""
fileformat.FileFormat_IsTerraformResource(x interface{}) *bool
- Type: interface{}
import ""
fileformat.FileFormat_GenerateConfigForImport(scope Construct, importToId *string, importFromId *string, provider TerraformProvider) ImportableResource
Generates CDKTF code for importing a FileFormat resource upon running "cdktf plan ".
- Type:
The scope in which to define this construct.
- Type: *string
The construct id used in the generated config for the FileFormat to import.
- Type: *string
The id of the existing FileFormat that should be imported.
Refer to the {@link import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use
- Type:
? Optional instance of the provider where the FileFormat to import is found.
Name | Type | Description |
Node | |
The tree node. |
CdktfStack | |
No description. |
Fqn |
*string |
No description. |
FriendlyUniqueId |
*string |
No description. |
TerraformMetaArguments |
*map[string]interface{} |
No description. |
TerraformResourceType |
*string |
No description. |
TerraformGeneratorMetadata | |
No description. |
Connection |
interface{} |
No description. |
Count |
interface{} |
No description. |
DependsOn |
*[]*string |
No description. |
ForEach | |
No description. |
Lifecycle | |
No description. |
Provider | |
No description. |
Provisioners |
*[]interface{} |
No description. |
FullyQualifiedName |
*string |
No description. |
AllowDuplicateInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
BinaryAsTextInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
BinaryFormatInput |
*string |
No description. |
CommentInput |
*string |
No description. |
CompressionInput |
*string |
No description. |
DatabaseInput |
*string |
No description. |
DateFormatInput |
*string |
No description. |
DisableAutoConvertInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
DisableSnowflakeDataInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
EmptyFieldAsNullInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
EnableOctalInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
EncodingInput |
*string |
No description. |
ErrorOnColumnCountMismatchInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
EscapeInput |
*string |
No description. |
EscapeUnenclosedFieldInput |
*string |
No description. |
FieldDelimiterInput |
*string |
No description. |
FieldOptionallyEnclosedByInput |
*string |
No description. |
FileExtensionInput |
*string |
No description. |
FormatTypeInput |
*string |
No description. |
IdInput |
*string |
No description. |
IgnoreUtf8ErrorsInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
NameInput |
*string |
No description. |
NullIfInput |
*[]*string |
No description. |
ParseHeaderInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
PreserveSpaceInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
RecordDelimiterInput |
*string |
No description. |
ReplaceInvalidCharactersInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
SchemaInput |
*string |
No description. |
SkipBlankLinesInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
SkipByteOrderMarkInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
SkipHeaderInput |
*f64 |
No description. |
StripNullValuesInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
StripOuterArrayInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
StripOuterElementInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
TimeFormatInput |
*string |
No description. |
TimestampFormatInput |
*string |
No description. |
TrimSpaceInput |
interface{} |
No description. |
AllowDuplicate |
interface{} |
No description. |
BinaryAsText |
interface{} |
No description. |
BinaryFormat |
*string |
No description. |
Comment |
*string |
No description. |
Compression |
*string |
No description. |
Database |
*string |
No description. |
DateFormat |
*string |
No description. |
DisableAutoConvert |
interface{} |
No description. |
DisableSnowflakeData |
interface{} |
No description. |
EmptyFieldAsNull |
interface{} |
No description. |
EnableOctal |
interface{} |
No description. |
Encoding |
*string |
No description. |
ErrorOnColumnCountMismatch |
interface{} |
No description. |
Escape |
*string |
No description. |
EscapeUnenclosedField |
*string |
No description. |
FieldDelimiter |
*string |
No description. |
FieldOptionallyEnclosedBy |
*string |
No description. |
FileExtension |
*string |
No description. |
FormatType |
*string |
No description. |
Id |
*string |
No description. |
IgnoreUtf8Errors |
interface{} |
No description. |
Name |
*string |
No description. |
NullIf |
*[]*string |
No description. |
ParseHeader |
interface{} |
No description. |
PreserveSpace |
interface{} |
No description. |
RecordDelimiter |
*string |
No description. |
ReplaceInvalidCharacters |
interface{} |
No description. |
Schema |
*string |
No description. |
SkipBlankLines |
interface{} |
No description. |
SkipByteOrderMark |
interface{} |
No description. |
SkipHeader |
*f64 |
No description. |
StripNullValues |
interface{} |
No description. |
StripOuterArray |
interface{} |
No description. |
StripOuterElement |
interface{} |
No description. |
TimeFormat |
*string |
No description. |
TimestampFormat |
*string |
No description. |
TrimSpace |
interface{} |
No description. |
func Node() Node
- Type:
The tree node.
func CdktfStack() TerraformStack
- Type:
func Fqn() *string
- Type: *string
func FriendlyUniqueId() *string
- Type: *string
func TerraformMetaArguments() *map[string]interface{}
- Type: *map[string]interface{}
func TerraformResourceType() *string
- Type: *string
func TerraformGeneratorMetadata() TerraformProviderGeneratorMetadata
- Type:
func Connection() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func Count() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func DependsOn() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
func ForEach() ITerraformIterator
- Type:
func Lifecycle() TerraformResourceLifecycle
- Type:
func Provider() TerraformProvider
- Type:
func Provisioners() *[]interface{}
- Type: *[]interface{}
func FullyQualifiedName() *string
- Type: *string
func AllowDuplicateInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func BinaryAsTextInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func BinaryFormatInput() *string
- Type: *string
func CommentInput() *string
- Type: *string
func CompressionInput() *string
- Type: *string
func DatabaseInput() *string
- Type: *string
func DateFormatInput() *string
- Type: *string
func DisableAutoConvertInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func DisableSnowflakeDataInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func EmptyFieldAsNullInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func EnableOctalInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func EncodingInput() *string
- Type: *string
func ErrorOnColumnCountMismatchInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func EscapeInput() *string
- Type: *string
func EscapeUnenclosedFieldInput() *string
- Type: *string
func FieldDelimiterInput() *string
- Type: *string
func FieldOptionallyEnclosedByInput() *string
- Type: *string
func FileExtensionInput() *string
- Type: *string
func FormatTypeInput() *string
- Type: *string
func IdInput() *string
- Type: *string
func IgnoreUtf8ErrorsInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func NameInput() *string
- Type: *string
func NullIfInput() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
func ParseHeaderInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func PreserveSpaceInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func RecordDelimiterInput() *string
- Type: *string
func ReplaceInvalidCharactersInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func SchemaInput() *string
- Type: *string
func SkipBlankLinesInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func SkipByteOrderMarkInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func SkipHeaderInput() *f64
- Type: *f64
func StripNullValuesInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func StripOuterArrayInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func StripOuterElementInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func TimeFormatInput() *string
- Type: *string
func TimestampFormatInput() *string
- Type: *string
func TrimSpaceInput() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func AllowDuplicate() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func BinaryAsText() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func BinaryFormat() *string
- Type: *string
func Comment() *string
- Type: *string
func Compression() *string
- Type: *string
func Database() *string
- Type: *string
func DateFormat() *string
- Type: *string
func DisableAutoConvert() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func DisableSnowflakeData() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func EmptyFieldAsNull() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func EnableOctal() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func Encoding() *string
- Type: *string
func ErrorOnColumnCountMismatch() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func Escape() *string
- Type: *string
func EscapeUnenclosedField() *string
- Type: *string
func FieldDelimiter() *string
- Type: *string
func FieldOptionallyEnclosedBy() *string
- Type: *string
func FileExtension() *string
- Type: *string
func FormatType() *string
- Type: *string
func Id() *string
- Type: *string
func IgnoreUtf8Errors() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func Name() *string
- Type: *string
func NullIf() *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
func ParseHeader() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func PreserveSpace() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func RecordDelimiter() *string
- Type: *string
func ReplaceInvalidCharacters() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func Schema() *string
- Type: *string
func SkipBlankLines() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func SkipByteOrderMark() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func SkipHeader() *f64
- Type: *f64
func StripNullValues() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func StripOuterArray() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func StripOuterElement() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
func TimeFormat() *string
- Type: *string
func TimestampFormat() *string
- Type: *string
func TrimSpace() interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Name | Type | Description |
TfResourceType |
*string |
No description. |
func TfResourceType() *string
- Type: *string
import ""
&fileformat.FileFormatConfig {
Connection: interface{},
Count: interface{},
DependsOn: *[],
Provisioners: *[]interface{},
Database: *string,
FormatType: *string,
Name: *string,
Schema: *string,
AllowDuplicate: interface{},
BinaryAsText: interface{},
BinaryFormat: *string,
Comment: *string,
Compression: *string,
DateFormat: *string,
DisableAutoConvert: interface{},
DisableSnowflakeData: interface{},
EmptyFieldAsNull: interface{},
EnableOctal: interface{},
Encoding: *string,
ErrorOnColumnCountMismatch: interface{},
Escape: *string,
EscapeUnenclosedField: *string,
FieldDelimiter: *string,
FieldOptionallyEnclosedBy: *string,
FileExtension: *string,
Id: *string,
IgnoreUtf8Errors: interface{},
NullIf: *[]*string,
ParseHeader: interface{},
PreserveSpace: interface{},
RecordDelimiter: *string,
ReplaceInvalidCharacters: interface{},
SkipBlankLines: interface{},
SkipByteOrderMark: interface{},
SkipHeader: *f64,
StripNullValues: interface{},
StripOuterArray: interface{},
StripOuterElement: interface{},
TimeFormat: *string,
TimestampFormat: *string,
TrimSpace: interface{},
Name | Type | Description |
Connection |
interface{} |
No description. |
Count |
interface{} |
No description. |
DependsOn |
*[] |
No description. |
ForEach | |
No description. |
Lifecycle | |
No description. |
Provider | |
No description. |
Provisioners |
*[]interface{} |
No description. |
Database |
*string |
The database in which to create the file format. |
FormatType |
*string |
Specifies the format of the input files (for data loading) or output files (for data unloading). |
Name |
*string |
Specifies the identifier for the file format; |
Schema |
*string |
The schema in which to create the file format. |
AllowDuplicate |
interface{} |
Boolean that specifies to allow duplicate object field names (only the last one will be preserved). |
BinaryAsText |
interface{} |
Boolean that specifies whether to interpret columns with no defined logical data type as UTF-8 text. |
BinaryFormat |
*string |
Defines the encoding format for binary input or output. |
Comment |
*string |
Specifies a comment for the file format. |
Compression |
*string |
Specifies the current compression algorithm for the data file. |
DateFormat |
*string |
Defines the format of date values in the data files (data loading) or table (data unloading). |
DisableAutoConvert |
interface{} |
Boolean that specifies whether the XML parser disables automatic conversion of numeric and Boolean values from text to native representation. |
DisableSnowflakeData |
interface{} |
Boolean that specifies whether the XML parser disables recognition of Snowflake semi-structured data tags. |
EmptyFieldAsNull |
interface{} |
Specifies whether to insert SQL NULL for empty fields in an input file, which are represented by two successive delimiters. |
EnableOctal |
interface{} |
Boolean that enables parsing of octal numbers. |
Encoding |
*string |
String (constant) that specifies the character set of the source data when loading data into a table. |
ErrorOnColumnCountMismatch |
interface{} |
Boolean that specifies whether to generate a parsing error if the number of delimited columns (i.e. fields) in an input file does not match the number of columns in the corresponding table. |
Escape |
*string |
Single character string used as the escape character for field values. |
EscapeUnenclosedField |
*string |
Single character string used as the escape character for unenclosed field values only. |
FieldDelimiter |
*string |
Specifies one or more singlebyte or multibyte characters that separate fields in an input file (data loading) or unloaded file (data unloading). |
FieldOptionallyEnclosedBy |
*string |
Character used to enclose strings. |
FileExtension |
*string |
Specifies the extension for files unloaded to a stage. |
Id |
*string |
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#id}. |
IgnoreUtf8Errors |
interface{} |
Boolean that specifies whether UTF-8 encoding errors produce error conditions. |
NullIf |
*[]*string |
String used to convert to and from SQL NULL. |
ParseHeader |
interface{} |
Boolean that specifies whether to use the first row headers in the data files to determine column names. |
PreserveSpace |
interface{} |
Boolean that specifies whether the XML parser preserves leading and trailing spaces in element content. |
RecordDelimiter |
*string |
Specifies one or more singlebyte or multibyte characters that separate records in an input file (data loading) or unloaded file (data unloading). |
ReplaceInvalidCharacters |
interface{} |
Boolean that specifies whether to replace invalid UTF-8 characters with the Unicode replacement character (�). |
SkipBlankLines |
interface{} |
Boolean that specifies to skip any blank lines encountered in the data files. |
SkipByteOrderMark |
interface{} |
Boolean that specifies whether to skip the BOM (byte order mark), if present in a data file. |
SkipHeader |
*f64 |
Number of lines at the start of the file to skip. |
StripNullValues |
interface{} |
Boolean that instructs the JSON parser to remove object fields or array elements containing null values. |
StripOuterArray |
interface{} |
Boolean that instructs the JSON parser to remove outer brackets. |
StripOuterElement |
interface{} |
Boolean that specifies whether the XML parser strips out the outer XML element, exposing 2nd level elements as separate documents. |
TimeFormat |
*string |
Defines the format of time values in the data files (data loading) or table (data unloading). |
TimestampFormat |
*string |
Defines the format of timestamp values in the data files (data loading) or table (data unloading). |
TrimSpace |
interface{} |
Boolean that specifies whether to remove white space from fields. |
Connection interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Count interface{}
- Type: interface{}
DependsOn *[]ITerraformDependable
- Type: *[]
ForEach ITerraformIterator
- Type:
Lifecycle TerraformResourceLifecycle
- Type:
Provider TerraformProvider
- Type:
Provisioners *[]interface{}
- Type: *[]interface{}
Database *string
- Type: *string
The database in which to create the file format.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#database}
FormatType *string
- Type: *string
Specifies the format of the input files (for data loading) or output files (for data unloading).
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#format_type}
Name *string
- Type: *string
Specifies the identifier for the file format;
must be unique for the database and schema in which the file format is created.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#name}
Schema *string
- Type: *string
The schema in which to create the file format.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#schema}
AllowDuplicate interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Boolean that specifies to allow duplicate object field names (only the last one will be preserved).
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#allow_duplicate}
BinaryAsText interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Boolean that specifies whether to interpret columns with no defined logical data type as UTF-8 text.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#binary_as_text}
BinaryFormat *string
- Type: *string
Defines the encoding format for binary input or output.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#binary_format}
Comment *string
- Type: *string
Specifies a comment for the file format.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#comment}
Compression *string
- Type: *string
Specifies the current compression algorithm for the data file.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#compression}
DateFormat *string
- Type: *string
Defines the format of date values in the data files (data loading) or table (data unloading).
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#date_format}
DisableAutoConvert interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Boolean that specifies whether the XML parser disables automatic conversion of numeric and Boolean values from text to native representation.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#disable_auto_convert}
DisableSnowflakeData interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Boolean that specifies whether the XML parser disables recognition of Snowflake semi-structured data tags.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#disable_snowflake_data}
EmptyFieldAsNull interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Specifies whether to insert SQL NULL for empty fields in an input file, which are represented by two successive delimiters.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#empty_field_as_null}
EnableOctal interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Boolean that enables parsing of octal numbers.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#enable_octal}
Encoding *string
- Type: *string
String (constant) that specifies the character set of the source data when loading data into a table.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#encoding}
ErrorOnColumnCountMismatch interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Boolean that specifies whether to generate a parsing error if the number of delimited columns (i.e. fields) in an input file does not match the number of columns in the corresponding table.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#error_on_column_count_mismatch}
Escape *string
- Type: *string
Single character string used as the escape character for field values.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#escape}
EscapeUnenclosedField *string
- Type: *string
Single character string used as the escape character for unenclosed field values only.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#escape_unenclosed_field}
FieldDelimiter *string
- Type: *string
Specifies one or more singlebyte or multibyte characters that separate fields in an input file (data loading) or unloaded file (data unloading).
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#field_delimiter}
FieldOptionallyEnclosedBy *string
- Type: *string
Character used to enclose strings.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#field_optionally_enclosed_by}
FileExtension *string
- Type: *string
Specifies the extension for files unloaded to a stage.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#file_extension}
Id *string
- Type: *string
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#id}.
Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable.
IgnoreUtf8Errors interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Boolean that specifies whether UTF-8 encoding errors produce error conditions.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#ignore_utf8_errors}
NullIf *[]*string
- Type: *[]*string
String used to convert to and from SQL NULL.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#null_if}
ParseHeader interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Boolean that specifies whether to use the first row headers in the data files to determine column names.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#parse_header}
PreserveSpace interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Boolean that specifies whether the XML parser preserves leading and trailing spaces in element content.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#preserve_space}
RecordDelimiter *string
- Type: *string
Specifies one or more singlebyte or multibyte characters that separate records in an input file (data loading) or unloaded file (data unloading).
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#record_delimiter}
ReplaceInvalidCharacters interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Boolean that specifies whether to replace invalid UTF-8 characters with the Unicode replacement character (�).
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#replace_invalid_characters}
SkipBlankLines interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Boolean that specifies to skip any blank lines encountered in the data files.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#skip_blank_lines}
SkipByteOrderMark interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Boolean that specifies whether to skip the BOM (byte order mark), if present in a data file.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#skip_byte_order_mark}
SkipHeader *f64
- Type: *f64
Number of lines at the start of the file to skip.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#skip_header}
StripNullValues interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Boolean that instructs the JSON parser to remove object fields or array elements containing null values.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#strip_null_values}
StripOuterArray interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Boolean that instructs the JSON parser to remove outer brackets.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#strip_outer_array}
StripOuterElement interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Boolean that specifies whether the XML parser strips out the outer XML element, exposing 2nd level elements as separate documents.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#strip_outer_element}
TimeFormat *string
- Type: *string
Defines the format of time values in the data files (data loading) or table (data unloading).
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#time_format}
TimestampFormat *string
- Type: *string
Defines the format of timestamp values in the data files (data loading) or table (data unloading).
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#timestamp_format}
TrimSpace interface{}
- Type: interface{}
Boolean that specifies whether to remove white space from fields.
Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link FileFormat#trim_space}