To contribute or play around, steps to set up this project up locally are:
# in your CLI
git clone
cd yii2-openapi
make clean_all
make up
make installdocker
sudo chmod -R 777 tests/tmp/ #
make migrate
# to check everything is setup up correctly ensure all tests passes
make cli
# in Docker container
# create new branch from master and Happy contributing!
These commands are available to develop and check the tests. It is available inside the Docker container. To enter into bash shell of container, run make cli
cd tests
./yii migrate-mysql/up
./yii migrate-mysql/down 4
./yii migrate-maria/up
./yii migrate-maria/down 4
./yii migrate-pgsql/up
./yii migrate-pgsql/down 4
To apply multiple migration with one command:
./yii migrate-mysql/up --interactive=0 && \
./yii migrate-mysql/down --interactive=0 4 && \
./yii migrate-maria/up --interactive=0 && \
./yii migrate-maria/down --interactive=0 4 && \
./yii migrate-pgsql/up --interactive=0 && \
./yii migrate-pgsql/down --interactive=0 4
If a PHPUnit test file have 2 test method with names like testEdit()
and testEditExpression()
then by running ./vendor/bin/phpunit --filter XDbDefaultExpressionTest::testEdit
both tests will run. In order to run only one test testEdit()
, run below command:
./vendor/bin/phpunit --filter '/XDbDefaultExpressionTest::testEdit$/'
You can switch the PHP version of the docker runtime by changing the PHP_VERSION
environment variable in the .env
If you have no .env
file yet, create it by copying .env.dist
to .env
After changing the PHP Version you need to run make down up
to start the new container with new version.
$ echo "PHP_VERSION=7.4" > .env
$ make down up cli
Stopping yii2-openapi_php_1 ... done
Stopping yii2-openapi_maria_1 ... done
Stopping yii2-openapi_postgres_1 ... done
Stopping yii2-openapi_mysql_1 ... done
Removing yii2-openapi_php_1 ... done
Removing yii2-openapi_maria_1 ... done
Removing yii2-openapi_postgres_1 ... done
Removing yii2-openapi_mysql_1 ... done
Removing network yii2-openapi_default
Creating network "yii2-openapi_default" with driver "bridge"
Creating yii2-openapi_maria_1 ... done
Creating yii2-openapi_mysql_1 ... done
Creating yii2-openapi_postgres_1 ... done
Creating yii2-openapi_php_1 ... done
docker-compose exec php bash
root@f9928598f841:/app# php -v
PHP 7.4.27 (cli) (built: Jan 26 2022 18:08:44) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v7.4.27, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies
with Xdebug v2.9.6, Copyright (c) 2002-2020, by Derick Rethans
root@f65bb59c3289:/app# ./vendor/bin/phpunit
Fatal error: Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 8.1.0". You are running 7.4.33. in /app/vendor/composer/platform_check.php on line 24
sudo rm -rf vendor
composer update
Say you have a fork of this library at
You implemented new changes or fixed bugs and created PR on GitHub. It is not yet merged in upstream master branch.
You wanted to check this new changes in your own project which is using this lib cebe/yii2-openapi.
You can accomplish it by:
Add below to composer.json of your project file
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": ""
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
Then lets say you have PR SOHELAHMED7#24.
And branch name is 143-if-data-type-is-not-changed-then-still-migrations-are-generated-for-timestamp-in-mysql
Run below command:
composer require cebe/yii2-openapi:dev-143-if-data-type-is-not-changed-then-still-migrations-are-generated-for-timestamp-in-mysql
Ensure to use upstream package name cebe/yii2-openapi
instead of your fork (sohelahmed7/yii2-openapi
) in composer command. And prefix branch name by dev-