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Cédric Belin edited this page Jun 24, 2022 · 6 revisions

When you will integrate this library with your own application, you will of course need to test it. Often we see developers get ahead of themselves, making a few trivial API calls with minimal values and drawing the wrong conclusions about Akismet's accuracy.

Simulate a positive result (spam)

Make a comment check API call with the set to "viagra-test-123" or set to "[email protected]". Populate all other required fields with typical values.

The Akismet API will always return a CheckResult.spam response to a valid request with one of those values. If you receive anything else, something is wrong in your client, data, or communications.

import akismet.Author;
import akismet.Blog;
import akismet.Client;
import akismet.Comment;

  final comment = new Comment({
    content: "A user comment.",
    author: new Author({
      ipAddress: "",
      name: "viagra-test-123",
      userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0"

  new Client("123YourAPIKey", new Blog({url: ""}))
    .next(result -> trace('It should be "CheckResult.spam": $result'));

Simulate a negative result (ham)

Make a comment check API call with the Author.role set to "administrator" and all other required fields populated with typical values.

The Akismet API will always return a CheckResult.ham response. Any other response indicates a data or communication problem.

import akismet.Author;
import akismet.Blog;
import akismet.Client;
import akismet.Comment;

  final comment = new Comment({
    content: "A user comment.",
    author: new Author({
      ipAddress: "",
      role: Administrator,
      userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0"

  new Client("123YourAPIKey", new Blog({url: ""}))
    .next(result -> trace('It should be "CheckResult.ham": $result'));

Automated testing

Enable the Client.isTest option in your tests.

That will tell Akismet not to change its behaviour based on those API calls: they will have no training effect. That means your tests will be somewhat repeatable, in the sense that one test won't influence subsequent calls.

import akismet.Author;
import akismet.Blog;
import akismet.Client;
import akismet.Comment;

  final blog = new Blog({url: ""});
  final client = new Client("123YourAPIKey", blog, {isTest: true});

  final comment = new Comment({
    content: "A user comment.",
    author: new Author({ipAddress: "", userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0"})

  // It should not influence subsequent calls.
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