diff --git a/specs/src/specs/params.md b/specs/src/specs/params.md
index 098ef93957..71fc28d0ea 100644
--- a/specs/src/specs/params.md
+++ b/specs/src/specs/params.md
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ are blocked by the `x/paramfilter` module.
 | staking.BondDenom | utia | Bondable coin denomination. | False |
 | staking.MinCommissionRate | 0.05 (5%) | Minimum commission rate used by all validators. | True |
 | mint.BondDenom | utia | Denomination that is inflated and sent to the distribution module account. | False |
-| mint.InflationRateChange | 0.10 (10%) | The rate at which the annual provisions decrease each year. | False |
-| mint.InflationRate | 0.08 (8%) | Initial annual inflation rate used to calculate the annual provisions. | False |
+| mint.InitialInflationRate | 0.08 (8%) | The inflation rate the network starts at. | False |
+| mint.DisinflationRate | 0.10 (10%) | The rate at which the inflation rate decreases each year. | False |
+| mint.TargetInflationRate | 0.015 (1.5%) | The inflation rate that the network aims to stabalize at. | False |
 | qgb.DataCommitmentWindow | 400 | Number of blocks that are included in a signed batch (DataCommitment). | True |
diff --git a/x/mint/README.md b/x/mint/README.md
index d3cb7b461c..72afaf6edf 100644
--- a/x/mint/README.md
+++ b/x/mint/README.md
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ The genesis state is defined in [./types/genesis.go](./types/genesis.go).
 ## Params
-All params have been removed from this module because they should not be modifiable via governance.
+All params have been removed from this module because they should not be modifiable via governance. The constants used in this module are defined in [./types/constants.go](./types/constants.go) and they are subject to change via hardforks.
 ## Tests
diff --git a/x/mint/types/constants.go b/x/mint/types/constants.go
index 69d319a4ea..06a7cffbd3 100644
--- a/x/mint/types/constants.go
+++ b/x/mint/types/constants.go
@@ -14,8 +14,10 @@ const (
 	SecondsPerYear     = int64(SecondsPerMinute * MinutesPerHour * HoursPerDay * DaysPerYear) // 31,556,952
 	NanosecondsPerYear = int64(NanosecondsPerSecond * SecondsPerYear)                         // 31,556,952,000,000,000
+	// InitialInflationRate is the inflation rate that the network starts at.
 	InitialInflationRate = 0.08
-	DisinflationRate     = 0.1
+	// DisinflationRate is the rate at which the inflation rate decreases each year.
+	DisinflationRate = 0.1
 	// TargetInflationRate is the inflation rate that the network aims to
 	// stabalize at. In practice, TargetInflationRate acts as a minimum so that
 	// the inflation rate doesn't decrease after reaching it.