title | output | vignette | ||||
Microenvironments |
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Microenvironments} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
# install packages if necessary
# devtools::install_github("cellgeni/visutils")
# package to load h5ad file as Seurat objects
Visium data analyses frequently include deconvolution of gene expression matrix into celltype abundances using tools such as cell2location or RCTD. These methods allows to predict per spot abundance matrix using reference single cell dataset. The next step is to identify microenvironments: groups of co-locating cells. This can be achived using non-negative matrix factorization (NMF). This vignete will demonstrate to use NMF and visutils packages to do so,
We will use data from https://www.ebi.ac.uk/biostudies/arrayexpress/studies/E-MTAB-13084, lets first load metadata:
meta = read.table('https://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/biostudies/fire/E-MTAB-/084/E-MTAB-13084/Files/E-MTAB-13084.sdrf.txt',header = TRUE,check.names = FALSE,sep='\t',quote = '')
# samples are duplicated for each fastq, lets collapse them
colnames(meta) = gsub('Characteristics\\[|]','',colnames(meta))
meta = unique(meta[,c('Source Name','age','sex','sampling site','disease','sample id')])
meta$`body part` = splitSub(meta$`sample id`,'_',1)
rownames(meta) = meta$`Source Name`
ord = c(body=1,face=2,bcc=3)
meta = meta[order(ord[meta$`body part`]),]
#> Source Name age sex sampling site disease sample id body part
#> WSSKNKCLsp104466211 WSSKNKCLsp104466211 60 male back normal body_back1a body
#> WSSKNKCLsp10446623 WSSKNKCLsp10446623 55 male inguinal part of abdomen normal body_inguinal1a body
#> WSSKNKCLsp10767965 WSSKNKCLsp10767965 47 male abdomen normal body_abdomen1b body
We'll take h5ad data from https://spatial-skin-atlas.cellgeni.sanger.ac.uk/ and load them using hchard package. These h5ad contains cell2location celltype abundance predictions that we need as input for NMF. For sake of time we will use samples taken from temple:
# download data to to temporary location and load as Seurat object
metat = meta[meta$`sampling site`=='temple',]
tmpfile = tempfile()
vs = list()
for(i in 1:nrow(metat)){
download.file(paste0('https://cellgeni.cog.sanger.ac.uk/spatial-skin-atlas/download/',metat$`Source Name`[i],'.h5ad'),
tmpfile,quiet = TRUE)
vs[[metat$`Source Name`[i]]] = schard::h5ad2seurat_spatial(tmpfile,use.raw = TRUE,img.res = 'hires')
#> ....
print('\n# spots:')
#> [1] "\n# spots:"
#> WSSKNKCLsp10446613 WSSKNKCLsp10446614 WSSKNKCLsp10446615 WSSKNKCLsp10446616
#> 986 927 1547 1494
lets first extract cell2location prediction from Seurat objects, they are in metadata prefixed with 'c2l_'
celltypes = colnames(vs[[1]]@meta.data)
celltypes = celltypes[startsWith(celltypes,'c2l_')]
c2l = do.call(rbind,lapply(vs,function(v)v@meta.data[,celltypes]))
colnames(c2l) = sub('c2l_','',colnames(c2l))
c2l = as.matrix(c2l)
# we will use per-spot normalazed celltype abundancies
c2l = sweep(c2l,1,rowSums(c2l),'/')
# we will run nmf N times to assess results stubility
N = 50 # consider to increase it
rank = 6 # number of factors is almost arbitrary and to be set manually in dependence on desired granularity of microenvironments. here it is 6 assuming about 5 celltypes per ME
nmf = llply(1:N,function(i){nmf(c2l, rank = rank)},.parallel = T)
Next we will calculate consensus clustering matrix across all nmf runs and choose the one that agees with consensus matrix most:
best.nmf = nmfGetBest(nmf,getNMFNormFs('max'))
plotNMFCons(best.nmf$coefn,best.nmf$cons/N,ylab.cex=0.7,max.cex = 2)
Lets visualize spatial ME distribution
for(i in 1:nrow(metat)){
for(me in 1:rank){
x = best.nmf$basisn[paste0(rownames(metat)[i],'.',colnames(vs[[i]])),me]
plotVisium(vs[[i]],x,main=paste0(metat$`sample id`[i],'; ME',me))