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Jason Pepas edited this page Mar 16, 2015 · 10 revisions


The LM324 is an P-channel MOSFET. It is available in a DIP-14 package.

When to use this part


How to use the LM324 in LTSpice

To simulate a LM324 in LTSpice, we will place an 'opamp2' part and then modify its attributes to use one of our LM324.lib files.

Start by creating the following test circuit.

After you place the opamp2 part, control-right-click on it to bring up the part attribute editor.

Change the 'Value' to 'LM324'.

Make the voltage source 5V and make the resistor 1k. At this point your circuit should look like this:

Save your LTSpice circuit. Choose one of the LM324 parts (in parts/op amp/) and drag it into the same folder. Here, I've chosen the LM324 manufactured by Texas Instruments.

Add a spice directive to load the LM324 part.

Create a transient simulation. Here, I'm simulating through 1 millisecond with a 1 microsecond time-step.

This should be your final circuit, ready to be simulated.

Run the simulation and measure the current through the 1k resistor. It should be just below 5mA.

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