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\\n\\n```json\\n{\\n \\"homeTeam\\":{\\n \\"name\\":\\"Real Madrid\\",\\n \\"players\\":[\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"John Doe\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Jane Smith\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Alex Johnson\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Chris Lee\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Pat Kim\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Sam Morgan\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Jamie Brown\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Casey Davis\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Morgan Garcia\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Taylor White\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Jordan Martinez\\"\\n }\\n ]\\n },\\n \\"awayTeam\\":{\\n \\"name\\":\\"Barcelona\\",\\n \\"players\\":[\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Robin Wilson\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Drew Taylor\\",\\n \\"events\\":[\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"RED_CARD\\"\\n }\\n ]\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Jessie Bailey\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Casey Flores\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Jordan Walker\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Charlie Green\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Alex Adams\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Morgan Thompson\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Taylor Clark\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Jordan Hernandez\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Jamie Lewis\\"\\n }\\n ]\\n }\\n}\\n```\\n\\n
\\n\\n\\n```json\\n{\\n \\"homeTeam\\":{\\n \\"name\\":\\"Real Madrid\\",\\n \\"score\\":3,\\n \\"players\\":[\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"John Doe\\",\\n \\"events\\":[\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"YELLOW_CARD\\",\\n \\"minute\\":6\\n },\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"SUBSTITUTE\\",\\n \\"minute\\":39\\n }\\n ]\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Jane Smith\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Alex Johnson\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Chris Lee\\",\\n \\"events\\":[\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"GOAL\\",\\n \\"minute\\":84\\n }\\n ]\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Pat Kim\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Sam Morgan\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Jamie Brown\\",\\n \\"events\\":[\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"SUBSTITUTE\\",\\n \\"minute\\":9\\n }\\n ]\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Casey Davis\\",\\n \\"events\\":[\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"YELLOW_CARD\\",\\n \\"minute\\":81\\n }\\n ]\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Morgan Garcia\\",\\n \\"events\\":[\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"SUBSTITUTE\\",\\n \\"minute\\":15\\n },\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"GOAL\\",\\n \\"minute\\":30\\n },\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"YELLOW_CARD\\",\\n \\"minute\\":57\\n },\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"GOAL\\",\\n \\"minute\\":62\\n },\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"RED_CARD\\",\\n \\"minute\\":66\\n }\\n ]\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Taylor White\\",\\n \\"events\\":[\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"YELLOW_CARD\\",\\n \\"minute\\":18\\n },\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"SUBSTITUTE\\",\\n \\"minute\\":42\\n },\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"SUBSTITUTE\\",\\n \\"minute\\":45\\n },\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"YELLOW_CARD\\",\\n \\"minute\\":69\\n },\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"RED_CARD\\",\\n \\"minute\\":72\\n }\\n ]\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Jordan Martinez\\",\\n \\"events\\":[\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"SUBSTITUTE\\",\\n \\"minute\\":21\\n },\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"SUBSTITUTE\\",\\n \\"minute\\":24\\n }\\n ]\\n }\\n ]\\n },\\n \\"awayTeam\\":{\\n \\"name\\":\\"Barcelona\\",\\n \\"score\\":3,\\n \\"players\\":[\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Robin Wilson\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Drew Taylor\\",\\n \\"events\\":[\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"RED_CARD\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"GOAL\\",\\n \\"minute\\":12\\n }\\n ]\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Jessie Bailey\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Casey Flores\\",\\n \\"events\\":[\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"YELLOW_CARD\\",\\n \\"minute\\":78\\n }\\n ]\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Jordan Walker\\",\\n \\"events\\":[\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"SUBSTITUTE\\",\\n \\"minute\\":33\\n }\\n ]\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Charlie Green\\",\\n \\"events\\":[\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"GOAL\\",\\n \\"minute\\":51\\n },\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"GOAL\\",\\n \\"minute\\":60\\n },\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"SUBSTITUTE\\",\\n \\"minute\\":75\\n }\\n ]\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Alex Adams\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Morgan Thompson\\",\\n \\"events\\":[\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"YELLOW_CARD\\",\\n \\"minute\\":27\\n },\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"SUBSTITUTE\\",\\n \\"minute\\":48\\n }\\n ]\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Taylor Clark\\",\\n \\"events\\":[\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"SUBSTITUTE\\",\\n \\"minute\\":3\\n },\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"SUBSTITUTE\\",\\n \\"minute\\":87\\n }\\n ]\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Jordan Hernandez\\"\\n },\\n {\\n \\"name\\":\\"Jamie Lewis\\",\\n \\"events\\":[\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"YELLOW_CARD\\",\\n \\"minute\\":36\\n },\\n {\\n \\"type\\":\\"SUBSTITUTE\\",\\n \\"minute\\":54\\n }\\n ]\\n }\\n ]\\n }\\n}\\n```\\n\\n
\\n\\n\\n```protobuf\\nsyntax = \\"proto3\\";\\n\\npackage centrifugal.centrifuge.examples.compression_playground;\\n\\noption go_package = \\"./;apppb\\";\\n\\nenum EventType {\\n UNKNOWN = 0; // Default value, should not be used\\n GOAL = 1;\\n YELLOW_CARD = 2;\\n RED_CARD = 3;\\n SUBSTITUTE = 4;\\n}\\n\\nmessage Event {\\n EventType type = 1;\\n int32 minute = 2;\\n}\\n\\nmessage Player {\\n string name = 1;\\n repeated Event events = 2;\\n}\\n\\nmessage Team {\\n string name = 1;\\n int32 score = 2;\\n repeated Player players = 3;\\n}\\n\\nmessage Match {\\n int32 id = 1;\\n Team home_team = 2;\\n Team away_team = 3;\\n}\\n```\\n\\n
\\nIn Centrifugo v5 we're phasing out old client protocol support, introducing a more intuitive HTTP API, adjusting token management behaviour in SDKs, improving configuration process, and refactoring the history meta ttl option. As the result you get a cleaner, more user-friendly, and optimized Centrifugo experience. And we have important news about the project - check it out in the end of this post.
diff --git a/blog/2023/08/19/asynchronous-message-streaming-to-centrifugo-with-benthos.html b/blog/2023/08/19/asynchronous-message-streaming-to-centrifugo-with-benthos.html index 119f36bf8..3d50f84ee 100644 --- a/blog/2023/08/19/asynchronous-message-streaming-to-centrifugo-with-benthos.html +++ b/blog/2023/08/19/asynchronous-message-streaming-to-centrifugo-with-benthos.html @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ - - + +Using binary data in combination with the Centrifugo Protobuf protocol provides substantial bandwidth reduction even without deflate or delta compression. However, this comes at the cost of increased data format complexity. An additional benefit of using the Centrifugo Protobuf protocol is its faster marshalling and unmarshalling on the server side compared to the JSON protocol.
-For Centrifugo, these results highlighted the potential of implementing delta compression, so we proceeded with it. The benefit depends on the nature of the data being sent – you can achieve even greater savings if you have larger messages that are very similar to each other.
For Centrifugo, these results highlighted the potential of implementing delta compression, so we proceeded with it. The benefit depends on the nature of the data being sent – you can achieve even greater savings if you have larger messages that are very similar to each other.