Use sparkMeasure in flight recorder mode to instrument Spark applications without touching their code.
Flight recorder mode attaches a Spark Listener that collects the metrics while the application runs.
This describes how to sink Spark metrics to an InfluxDB instance.
Note this is for InfluxDB version 1.x, for version 2.x some changes are needed.
You can use this also with VictoriaMetrics, ingesting the InfluxDB line protocol.
InfluxDBSink is a class that extends the SparkListener infrastructure.
It collects and writes Spark metrics and application info in near real-time to an InfluxDB backend
provided by the user. Use this mode to monitor Spark execution workload.
InfluxDBSinkExtended Extends the functionality to record metrics for each executed Task
- InfluxDBSink: the amount of data generated is relatively small in most applications: O(number_of_stages)
- InfluxDBSInkExtended can generate a large amount of data O(Number_of_tasks), use with care
How to use: attach the InfluxDBSink to a Spark Context using the extra listener infrastructure. Example:
Configuration for InfluxDBSink is handled with Spark configuration parameters.
Note: you can add configuration using --config option when using spark-submit
use the .config method when allocating the Spark Session in Scala/Python/Java).
Option 1 (recommended) Start the listener for InfluxDBSink:
As an alternative, start the listener for InfluxDBSink+InfluxDBSinkExtended:
Configuration - InfluxDBSink parameters:
--conf spark.sparkmeasure.influxdbURL (default "http://localhost:8086")
--conf spark.sparkmeasure.influxdbUsername (default "")
Note: username and password can be empty only if InfluxDB runs with auth-enabled=false
--conf spark.sparkmeasure.influxdbPassword (default "")
--conf spark.sparkmeasure.influxdbName (default "sparkmeasure")
Note: the DB will be created if it does not exist already
--conf spark.sparkmeasure.influxdbStagemetrics, (boolean, default is false)
Note: when this is true stage metrics will be collected too
--conf spark.sparkmeasure.influxdbEnableBatch, boolean, default true
Note: this is to improve write performance,
but it requires to explicitly stopping Spark Session for clean exit: spark.stop()
consider setting it to false if this is an issue
Note: The current implementation depends on "". If you deploy sparkMeasure from maven central,
the dependency is being taken care of.
If you run sparkMeasure from a jar instead, you may need to add the dependency manually
in spark-submit/spark-shell as in:
--packages org.influxdb:influxdb-java:2.14
Note currently we need to use influxdb-java version 2.14, as newer versions generate jar conflicts (tested up to Spark version 3.3.1)
- InfluxDBSink can be used as a monitoring application for Spark, notably setting
to true - The original use case to develop InfluxDBSInk was to extend the Spark performance dashboard
with annotations for queries, jobs and stages.
See also how to build a Spark monitoring dashboard with InfluxDB and Grafana - InfluxDBSinkExtended: This can be used to build a performance dashboard with full task execution details. It can also be used for performance analysis using data in InfluxDB series and Influx SQL-like language for querying. However, beware of the impact of collecting all tasks metrics if the number of tasks is significant.
- Start InfluxDB.
- This example uses docker containers and will listen on port 8086 of your local machine
- This example uses InfluxDB version 1.8 (using InfluxDB version 2 requires some changes in the example)
# Alternative 1.
# Use this if you plan to use the Spark dashboard as in
docker run --name influx --network=host -d lucacanali/spark-dashboard:v01
# Alternative 2.
# Start InfluxDB, for example using a docker image
docker run --name influx --network=host -d influxdb:1.8.10
- Start Spark with the InfluxDBSink Listener
bin/spark-shell \
--conf spark.sparkmeasure.influxdbURL="http://localhost:8086" \
--conf, \
--conf spark.sparkmeasure.influxdbStagemetrics=true
// run a Spark job, this will produce metrics
spark.sql("select count(*) from range(1000) cross join range(1000) cross join range(1000)").show
- Notes:
- Stage_metrics data will only be populated if you set
--conf spark.sparkmeasure.influxdbStagemetrics=true
- Task metrics for
will only be populated if you use InfluxDBExtended class instead of InfluxDbSink
- Stage_metrics data will only be populated if you set
- Connect to InfluxDB shell and explore the metrics collected:
# Use this if you started InfluxDB uising a docker image
docker exec -it influx /bin/bash
# Start the InfluxDB CLI
> use sparkmeasure
Using database sparkmeasure
> show measurements
name: measurements
> show series
> select * from queries_started
name: queries_started
time applicationId description queryId
---- ------------- ----------- -------
1660122211786000000 local-1660122150941 show at <console>:23 0
> select * from /executors/
name: executors_started
time applicationId executorHost executorId totalCores
---- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------
1660122151091000000 noAppId driver 8
> select * from stage_metrics
name: stage_metrics
time applicationId attemptNumber bytesRead bytesWritten completionTime executorCpuTime executorDeserializeCpuTime executorDeserializeTime executorRunTime failureReason jvmGCTime memoryBytesSpilled peakExecutionMemory recordsRead recordsWritten resultSerializationTime resultSize shuffleBytesWritten shuffleFetchWaitTime shuffleLocalBlocksFetched shuffleLocalBytesRead shuffleRecordsRead shuffleRecordsWritten shuffleRemoteBlocksFetched shuffleRemoteBytesRead shuffleRemoteBytesReadToDisk shuffleTotalBlocksFetched shuffleTotalBytesRead shuffleWriteTime stageId submissionTime
---- ------------- ------------- --------- ------------ -------------- --------------- -------------------------- ----------------------- --------------- ------------- --------- ------------------ ------------------- ----------- -------------- ----------------------- ---------- ------------------- -------------------- ------------------------- --------------------- ------------------ --------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------- ---------------- ------- --------------
1660122213061000000 local-1660122150941 0 0 0 1660122213061 82265168 1039200151 3171 301 144 0 0 1000 0 7 12119 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1660122212450
1660122213630000000 local-1660122150941 0 0 0 1660122213630 2180200879 49937229 155 2491 0 0 0 1000 0 7 16134 472 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 65588303 1 1660122213240
1660122213764000000 local-1660122150941 0 0 0 1660122213764 38334075 2650585 2 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 2667 0 0 8 472 8 0 0 0 0 8 472 0 3 1660122213711
- stageId
- attemptNumber
- failureReason
- submissionTime
- completionTime
- executorRunTime
- executorCpuTime
- executorDeserializeCpuTime
- executorDeserializeTime
- jvmGCTime
- memoryBytesSpilled
- peakExecutionMemory
- resultSerializationTime
- resultSize
- inputMetrics.bytesRead
- inputMetrics.recordsRead
- outputMetrics.bytesWritten
- outputMetrics.recordsWritten
- shuffleReadMetrics.totalBytesRead
- shuffleReadMetrics.remoteBytesRead
- shuffleReadMetrics.remoteBytesReadToDisk
- shuffleReadMetrics.localBytesRead
- shuffleReadMetrics.totalBlocksFetched
- shuffleReadMetrics.localBlocksFetched
- shuffleReadMetrics.remoteBlocksFetched
- shuffleReadMetrics.recordsRead
- shuffleReadMetrics.fetchWaitTime
- shuffleWriteMetrics.bytesWritten
- shuffleWriteMetrics.recordsWritten
- shuffleWriteMetrics.writeTime