title: "The AEGIS Family of Authenticated Encryption Algorithms" docname: draft-irtf-cfrg-aegis-aead-latest category: info
ipr: trust200902 keyword: Internet-Draft workgroup: Crypto Forum submissionType: IRTF
stand_alone: yes smart_quotes: yes pi: [toc, sortrefs, symrefs]
name: Frank Denis
organization: Fastly Inc.
email: [email protected]
- name: Samuel Lucas organization: Individual Contributor email: [email protected]
AEGIS: title: "AEGIS: A Fast Authenticated Encryption Algorithm (v1.1)" venue: CAESAR Competition target: https://competitions.cr.yp.to/round3/aegisv11.pdf author: - ins: H. Wu name: Hongjun Wu org: Nanyang Technological University - ins: B. Preneel name: Bart Preneel org: KU Leuven date: 2016
BS23: title: "Single-query Quantum Hidden Shift Attacks" rc: "Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/1306" target: https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/1306 author: - ins: X. Bonnetain name: Xavier Bonnetain org: Université de Lorraine, CNRS, Inria, LORIA - ins: A. Schrottenloher name: André Schrottenloher org: Université de Rennes, CNRS, Inria, IRISA date: 2023
D23: title: "Adding more parallelism to the AEGIS authenticated encryption algorithms" rc: "Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/523" target: https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/523 author: - ins: F. Denis name: Frank Denis org: Fastly Inc. date: 2023
ENP19: title: "Analyzing the Linear Keystream Biases in AEGIS" rc: "IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 2019(4), pp. 348–368" seriesinfo: DOI: 10.13154/tosc.v2019.i4.348-368 author: - ins: M. Eichlseder name: Maria Eichlseder org: Graz University of Technology - ins: M. Nageler name: Marcel Nageler org: Graz University of Technology - ins: R. Primas name: Robert Primas org: Graz University of Technology date: 2020
IR23: title: "Key Committing Security Analysis of AEGIS" rc: "Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/1495" target: https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/1495 author: - ins: T. Isobe name: Takanori Isobe org: University of Hyogo - ins: M. Rahman name: Mostafizar Rahman org: University of Hyogo date: 2023
JLD21: title: "Guess-and-Determine Attacks on AEGIS" rc: "The Computer Journal, vol 65, 2022(8), pp. 2221–2230" seriesinfo: DOI: 10.1093/comjnl/bxab059 author: - ins: L. Jiao name: Lin Jiao org: State Key Laboratory of Cryptology - ins: Y. Li name: Yongqiang Li org: State Key Laboratory of Information Security, Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences; School of Cyber Security, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences - ins: S. Du name: Shaoyu Du org: State Key Laboratory of Cryptology date: 2021
LGR21: title: "Partitioning Oracle Attacks" rc: "30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21), pp. 195–212" target: https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity21/presentation/len author: - ins: J. Len name: Julia Len org: Cornell Tech - ins: P. Grubbs name: Paul Grubbs org: Cornell Tech - ins: T. Ristenpart name: Thomas Ristenpart org: Cornell Tech date: 2021
LIMS21: title: "Weak Keys in Reduced AEGIS and Tiaoxin" rc: "IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 2021(2), pp. 104–139" seriesinfo: DOI: 10.46586/tosc.v2021.i2.104-139 author: - ins: F. Liu name: Fukang Liu org: East China Normal University; University of Hyogo - ins: T. Isobe name: Takanori Isobe org: University of Hyogo; National Institute of Information and Communications Technology; PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency - ins: W. Meier name: Willi Meier org: University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland - ins: K. Sakamoto name: Kosei Sakamoto org: University of Hyogo date: 2021
M14: title: "Linear Biases in AEGIS Keystream" rc: "Selected Areas in Cryptography. SAC 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8781, pp. 290–305" seriesinfo: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-13051-4_18 author: - ins: B. Minaud name: Brice Minaud org: ANSSI date: 2014
STSI23: title: "MILP-based security evaluation for AEGIS/Tiaoxin-346/Rocca" rc: "IET Information Security, vol 17, 2023(3), pp. 458-467" seriesinfo: DOI: 10.1049/ise2.12109 author: - ins: T. Shiraya name: Takuro Shiraya org: University of Hyogo - ins: N. Takeuchi name: Nobuyuki Takeuchi org: University of Hyogo - ins: K. Sakamoto name: Kosei Sakamoto org: University of Hyogo - ins: T. Isobe name: Takanori Isobe org: University of Hyogo; National Institute of Information and Communications Technology date: 2023
VV18: title: "Can Caesar Beat Galois?" rc: "Applied Cryptography and Network Security. ACNS 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10892, pp. 476–494" seriesinfo: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-93387-0_25 author: - ins: S. Vaudenay name: Serge Vaudenay org: EPFL - ins: D. Vizár name: Damian Vizár org: EPFL date: 2018
--- abstract
This document describes the AEGIS-128L, AEGIS-256, AEGIS-128X, and AEGIS-256X AES-based authenticated encryption algorithms designed for high-performance applications.
The document is a product of the Crypto Forum Research Group (CFRG). It is not an IETF product and is not a standard.
--- middle
This document describes the AEGIS family of authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) algorithms {{AEGIS}}, which were chosen as additional finalists for high-performance applications in the Competition for Authenticated Encryption: Security, Applicability, and Robustness (CAESAR). Whilst AEGIS-128 was selected as a winner for this use case, AEGIS-128L has a better security margin alongside improved performance and AEGIS-256 uses a 256-bit key {{LIMS21}}. All variants of AEGIS are constructed from the AES encryption round function {{!FIPS-AES=FIPS.197.2001}}. This document specifies:
- AEGIS-128L, which has a 128-bit key, a 128-bit nonce, a 1024-bit state, a 128- or 256-bit authentication tag, and processes 256-bit input blocks.
- AEGIS-256, which has a 256-bit key, a 256-bit nonce, a 768-bit state, a 128- or 256-bit authentication tag, and processes 128-bit input blocks.
- AEGIS-128X, which is a mode based on AEGIS-128L, specialized for CPUs with large vector registers and vector AES instructions.
- AEGIS-256X, which is a mode based on AEGIS-256, specialized for CPUs with large vector registers and vector AES instructions.
The AEGIS cipher family offers performance that significantly exceeds that of AES-GCM with hardware support for parallelizable AES block encryption {{AEGIS}}. Similarly, software implementations can also be faster, although to a lesser extent.
Unlike with AES-GCM, nonces can be safely chosen at random with no practical limit when using AEGIS-256 and AEGIS-256X. AEGIS-128L and AEGIS-128X also allow for more messages to be safely encrypted when using random nonces.
With some existing AEAD schemes, such as AES-GCM, an attacker can generate a ciphertext that successfully decrypts under multiple different keys (a partitioning oracle attack) {{LGR21}}. This ability to craft a (ciphertext, authentication tag) pair that verifies under multiple keys significantly reduces the number of required interactions with the oracle in order to perform an exhaustive search, making it practical if the key space is small. For example, with password-based encryption, an attacker can guess a large number of passwords at a time by recursively submitting such a ciphertext to an oracle, which speeds up a password search by reducing it to a binary search.
In AEGIS, finding distinct (key, nonce) pairs that successfully decrypt a given (associated data, ciphertext, authentication tag) tuple is believed to have a complexity that depends on the tag size. A 128-bit tag provides 64-bit committing security, which is generally acceptable for interactive protocols. With a 256-bit tag, finding a collision becomes impractical.
Unlike most other AES-based AEAD constructions, leaking a state does not leak the key nor previous states.
Finally, an AEGIS key is not required after the setup phase, and there is no key schedule. Thus, ephemeral keys can be erased from memory before any data has been encrypted or decrypted, mitigating cold boot attacks.
Note that an earlier version of Hongjun Wu and Bart Preneel's paper introducing AEGIS specified AEGIS-128L and AEGIS-256 sporting differences with regards to the computation of the authentication tag and the number of rounds in the Finalize()
function. We follow the specification of {{AEGIS}}, which can be found in the References section of this document.
{::boilerplate bcp14-tagged}
Throughout this document, "byte" is used interchangeably with "octet" and refers to an 8-bit sequence.
: an empty bit array.|x|
: the length ofx
in bits.a ^ b
: the bitwise exclusive OR operation betweena
.a & b
: the bitwise AND operation betweena
.a || b
: the concatenation ofa
.a mod b
: the remainder of the Euclidean division betweena
as the dividend andb
as the divisor.LE64(x)
: the little-endian encoding of unsigned 64-bit integerx
.ZeroPad(x, n)
: padding operation. Trailing zeros are concatenated tox
until the total length is a multiple ofn
bits.Truncate(x, n)
: truncation operation. The firstn
bits ofx
are kept.Split(x, n)
: splitting operation.x
is split inton
-bit blocks, ignoring partial blocks.Tail(x, n)
: returns the lastn
bits ofx
.AESRound(in, rk)
: a single round of the AES encryption round function, which is the composition of theSubBytes
transformations, as defined in section 5 of {{FIPS-AES}}. Here,in
is the 128-bit AES input state, andrk
is the 128-bit round key.Repeat(n, F)
sequential evaluations of the functionF
.CtEq(a, b)
: comparesa
in constant-time, returningTrue
for an exact match,False
AEGIS internal functions:
Update(M0, M1)
: the state update function.Init(key, nonce)
: the initialization function.Absorb(ai)
: the input block absorption function.Enc(xi)
: the input block encryption function.Dec(ci)
: the input block decryption function.DecPartial(cn)
: the input block decryption function for the last ciphertext bits when they do not fill an entire block.Finalize(ad_len_bits, msg_len_bits)
: the authentication tag generation function.
Input blocks are 256 bits for AEGIS-128L and 128 bits for AEGIS-256.
AES blocks:
: thei
-th AES block of the current state.S'i
: thei
-th AES block of the next state.{Si, ...Sj}
: the vector of thei
-th AES block of the current state to thej
-th block of the current state.C0
: an AES block built from the following bytes in hexadecimal format:{ 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x08, 0x0d, 0x15, 0x22, 0x37, 0x59, 0x90, 0xe9, 0x79, 0x62 }
: an AES block built from the following bytes in hexadecimal format:{ 0xdb, 0x3d, 0x18, 0x55, 0x6d, 0xc2, 0x2f, 0xf1, 0x20, 0x11, 0x31, 0x42, 0x73, 0xb5, 0x28, 0xdd }
AES blocks are always 128 bits in length.
Input and output values:
: the encryption key (128 bits for AEGIS-128L, 256 bits for AEGIS-256).nonce
: the public nonce (128 bits for AEGIS-128L, 256 bits for AEGIS-256).ad
: the associated data.msg
: the plaintext.ct
: the ciphertext.tag
: the authentication tag (128 or 256 bits).
AEGIS-128L has a 1024-bit state, made of eight 128-bit blocks {S0, ...S7}
The parameters for this algorithm, whose meaning is defined in {{!RFC5116, Section 4}} are:
(key length) is 16 bytes (128 bits).P_MAX
(maximum length of the plaintext) is 261 bytes (264 bits).A_MAX
(maximum length of the associated data) is 261 bytes (264 bits).N_MIN
(minimum nonce length) =N_MAX
(maximum nonce length) = 16 bytes (128 bits).C_MAX
(maximum ciphertext length) =P_MAX
+ tag length = 261 + 16 or 32 bytes (264 + 128 or 256 bits).
Distinct associated data inputs, as described in {{!RFC5116, Section 3}} shall be unambiguously encoded as a single input. It is up to the application to create a structure in the associated data input if needed.
Encrypt(msg, ad, key, nonce)
The Encrypt
function encrypts a message and returns the ciphertext along with an authentication tag that verifies the authenticity of the message and associated data, if provided.
- For a given key, the nonce MUST NOT be reused under any circumstances; doing so allows an attacker to recover the internal state.
- The key MUST be randomly chosen from a uniform distribution.
: the message to be encrypted (length MUST be less thanP_MAX
: the associated data to authenticate (length MUST be less thanA_MAX
: the encryption key.nonce
: the public nonce.
: the ciphertext.tag
: the authentication tag.
Init(key, nonce)
ct = {}
ad_blocks = Split(ZeroPad(ad, 256), 256)
for ai in ad_blocks:
msg_blocks = Split(ZeroPad(msg, 256), 256)
for xi in msg_blocks:
ct = ct || Enc(xi)
tag = Finalize(|ad|, |msg|)
ct = Truncate(ct, |msg|)
return ct and tag
Decrypt(ct, tag, ad, key, nonce)
The Decrypt
function decrypts a ciphertext, verifies that the authentication tag is correct, and returns the message on success or an error if tag verification failed.
- If tag verification fails, the decrypted message and wrong message authentication tag MUST NOT be given as output. The decrypted message MUST be overwritten with zeros.
- The comparison of the input
with theexpected_tag
MUST be done in constant time.
: the ciphertext to be decrypted (length MUST be less thanC_MAX
: the authentication tag.ad
: the associated data to authenticate (length MUST be less thanA_MAX
: the encryption key.nonce
: the public nonce.
- Either the decrypted message
or an error indicating that the authentication tag is invalid for the given inputs.
Init(key, nonce)
msg = {}
ad_blocks = Split(ZeroPad(ad, 256), 256)
for ai in ad_blocks:
ct_blocks = Split(ct, 256)
cn = Tail(ct, |ct| mod 256)
for ci in ct_blocks:
msg = msg || Dec(ci)
if cn is not empty:
msg = msg || DecPartial(cn)
expected_tag = Finalize(|ad|, |msg|)
if CtEq(tag, expected_tag) is False:
erase msg
return "verification failed" error
return msg
Init(key, nonce)
The Init
function constructs the initial state {S0, ...S7}
using the given key
and nonce
: the encryption key.nonce
: the public nonce.
{S0, ...S7}
: the initial state.
S0 = key ^ nonce
S1 = C1
S2 = C0
S3 = C1
S4 = key ^ nonce
S5 = key ^ C0
S6 = key ^ C1
S7 = key ^ C0
Repeat(10, Update(nonce, key))
Update(M0, M1)
The Update
function is the core of the AEGIS-128L algorithm.
It updates the state {S0, ...S7}
using two 128-bit values.
: the first 128-bit block to be absorbed.M1
: the second 128-bit block to be absorbed.
{S0, ...S7}
: the state.
S'0 = AESRound(S7, S0 ^ M0)
S'1 = AESRound(S0, S1)
S'2 = AESRound(S1, S2)
S'3 = AESRound(S2, S3)
S'4 = AESRound(S3, S4 ^ M1)
S'5 = AESRound(S4, S5)
S'6 = AESRound(S5, S6)
S'7 = AESRound(S6, S7)
S0 = S'0
S1 = S'1
S2 = S'2
S3 = S'3
S4 = S'4
S5 = S'5
S6 = S'6
S7 = S'7
The Absorb
function absorbs a 256-bit input block ai
into the state {S0, ...S7}
: the 256-bit input block.
t0, t1 = Split(ai, 128)
Update(t0, t1)
The Enc
function encrypts a 256-bit input block xi
using the state {S0, ...S7}
: the 256-bit input block.
: the 256-bit encrypted block.
z0 = S6 ^ S1 ^ (S2 & S3)
z1 = S2 ^ S5 ^ (S6 & S7)
t0, t1 = Split(xi, 128)
out0 = t0 ^ z0
out1 = t1 ^ z1
Update(t0, t1)
ci = out0 || out1
return ci
The Dec
function decrypts a 256-bit input block ci
using the state {S0, ...S7}
: the 256-bit encrypted block.
: the 256-bit decrypted block.
z0 = S6 ^ S1 ^ (S2 & S3)
z1 = S2 ^ S5 ^ (S6 & S7)
t0, t1 = Split(ci, 128)
out0 = t0 ^ z0
out1 = t1 ^ z1
Update(out0, out1)
xi = out0 || out1
return xi
The DecPartial
function decrypts the last ciphertext bits cn
using the state {S0, ...S7}
when they do not fill an entire block.
: the encrypted input.
: the decryption ofcn
z0 = S6 ^ S1 ^ (S2 & S3)
z1 = S2 ^ S5 ^ (S6 & S7)
t0, t1 = Split(ZeroPad(cn, 256), 128)
out0 = t0 ^ z0
out1 = t1 ^ z1
xn = Truncate(out0 || out1, |cn|)
v0, v1 = Split(ZeroPad(xn, 256), 128)
Update(v0, v1)
return xn
Finalize(ad_len_bits, msg_len_bits)
The Finalize
function computes a 128- or 256-bit tag that authenticates the message and associated data.
: the length of the associated data in bits.msg_len_bits
: the length of the message in bits.
: the authentication tag.
t = S2 ^ (LE64(ad_len_bits) || LE64(msg_len_bits))
Repeat(7, Update(t, t))
if tag_length == 16: # 128 bits
tag = S0 ^ S1 ^ S2 ^ S3 ^ S4 ^ S5 ^ S6
else: # 256 bits
tag = (S0 ^ S1 ^ S2 ^ S3) || (S4 ^ S5 ^ S6 ^ S7)
return tag
AEGIS-256 has a 768-bit state, made of six 128-bit blocks {S0, ...S5}
The parameters for this algorithm, whose meaning is defined in {{!RFC5116, Section 4}} are:
(key length) is 32 bytes (256 bits).P_MAX
(maximum length of the plaintext) is 261 bytes (264 bits).A_MAX
(maximum length of the associated data) is 261 bytes (264 bits).N_MIN
(minimum nonce length) =N_MAX
(maximum nonce length) = 32 bytes (256 bits).C_MAX
(maximum ciphertext length) =P_MAX
+ tag length = 261 + 16 or 32 bytes (264 + 128 or 256 bits).
Distinct associated data inputs, as described in {{!RFC5116, Section 3}} shall be unambiguously encoded as a single input. It is up to the application to create a structure in the associated data input if needed.
Encrypt(msg, ad, key, nonce)
The Encrypt
function encrypts a message and returns the ciphertext along with an authentication tag that verifies the authenticity of the message and associated data, if provided.
- For a given key, the nonce MUST NOT be reused under any circumstances; doing so allows an attacker to recover the internal state.
- The key MUST be randomly chosen from a uniform distribution.
: the message to be encrypted (length MUST be less thanP_MAX
: the associated data to authenticate (length MUST be less thanA_MAX
: the encryption key.nonce
: the public nonce.
: the ciphertext.tag
: the authentication tag.
Init(key, nonce)
ct = {}
ad_blocks = Split(ZeroPad(ad, 128), 128)
for ai in ad_blocks:
msg_blocks = Split(ZeroPad(msg, 128), 128)
for xi in msg_blocks:
ct = ct || Enc(xi)
tag = Finalize(|ad|, |msg|)
ct = Truncate(ct, |msg|)
return ct and tag
Decrypt(ct, tag, ad, key, nonce)
The Decrypt
function decrypts a ciphertext, verifies that the authentication tag is correct, and returns the message on success or an error if tag verification failed.
- If tag verification fails, the decrypted message and wrong message authentication tag MUST NOT be given as output. The decrypted message MUST be overwritten with zeros.
- The comparison of the input
with theexpected_tag
MUST be done in constant time.
: the ciphertext to be decrypted (length MUST be less thanC_MAX
: the authentication tag.ad
: the associated data to authenticate (length MUST be less thanA_MAX
: the encryption key.nonce
: the public nonce.
- Either the decrypted message
or an error indicating that the authentication tag is invalid for the given inputs.
Init(key, nonce)
msg = {}
ad_blocks = Split(ZeroPad(ad, 128), 128)
for ai in ad_blocks:
ct_blocks = Split(ZeroPad(ct, 128), 128)
cn = Tail(ct, |ct| mod 128)
for ci in ct_blocks:
msg = msg || Dec(ci)
if cn is not empty:
msg = msg || DecPartial(cn)
expected_tag = Finalize(|ad|, |msg|)
if CtEq(tag, expected_tag) is False:
erase msg
return "verification failed" error
return msg
Init(key, nonce)
The Init
function constructs the initial state {S0, ...S5}
using the given key
and nonce
: the encryption key.nonce
: the public nonce.
{S0, ...S5}
: the initial state.
k0, k1 = Split(key, 128)
n0, n1 = Split(nonce, 128)
S0 = k0 ^ n0
S1 = k1 ^ n1
S2 = C1
S3 = C0
S4 = k0 ^ C0
S5 = k1 ^ C1
Update(k0 ^ n0)
Update(k1 ^ n1)
The Update
function is the core of the AEGIS-256 algorithm.
It updates the state {S0, ...S5}
using a 128-bit value.
: the block to be absorbed.
{S0, ...S5}
: the state.
S'0 = AESRound(S5, S0 ^ M)
S'1 = AESRound(S0, S1)
S'2 = AESRound(S1, S2)
S'3 = AESRound(S2, S3)
S'4 = AESRound(S3, S4)
S'5 = AESRound(S4, S5)
S0 = S'0
S1 = S'1
S2 = S'2
S3 = S'3
S4 = S'4
S5 = S'5
The Absorb
function absorbs a 128-bit input block ai
into the state {S0, ...S5}
: the input block.
The Enc
function encrypts a 128-bit input block xi
using the state {S0, ...S5}
: the input block.
: the encrypted input block.
z = S1 ^ S4 ^ S5 ^ (S2 & S3)
ci = xi ^ z
return ci
The Dec
function decrypts a 128-bit input block ci
using the state {S0, ...S5}
: the encrypted input block.
: the decrypted block.
z = S1 ^ S4 ^ S5 ^ (S2 & S3)
xi = ci ^ z
return xi
The DecPartial
function decrypts the last ciphertext bits cn
using the state {S0, ...S5}
when they do not fill an entire block.
: the encrypted input.
: the decryption ofcn
z = S1 ^ S4 ^ S5 ^ (S2 & S3)
t = ZeroPad(cn, 128)
out = t ^ z
xn = Truncate(out, |cn|)
v = ZeroPad(xn, 128)
return xn
Finalize(ad_len_bits, msg_len_bits)
The Finalize
function computes a 128- or 256-bit tag that authenticates the message and associated data.
: the length of the associated data in bits.msg_len_bits
: the length of the message in bits.
: the authentication tag.
t = S3 ^ (LE64(ad_len_bits) || LE64(msg_len_bits))
Repeat(7, Update(t))
if tag_length == 16: # 128 bits
tag = S0 ^ S1 ^ S2 ^ S3 ^ S4 ^ S5
else: # 256 bits
tag = (S0 ^ S1 ^ S2) || (S3 ^ S4 ^ S5)
return tag
Some CPUs, such as Intel and Intel-compatible CPUs with the VAES extensions, include instructions to efficiently apply the AES round function to a vector of AES blocks.
AEGIS-128X and AEGIS-256X are optional, specialized modes designed to take advantage of these instructions. They share the same properties as the ciphers they are based on but can be significantly faster on these platforms, even for short messages.
AEGIS-128X and AEGIS-256X are parallel evaluations of multiple AEGIS-128L and AEGIS-256 instances respectively, with distinct initial states. On CPUs with wide vector registers, different states can be stored in different 128-bit lanes of the same vector register, allowing parallel updates using vector instructions.
The modes are parameterized by the parallelism degree. With 256-bit registers, 2 parallel operations can be applied to 128-bit AES blocks. With 512-bit registers, the number of instances can be raised to 4.
The state of a parallel mode is represented as a vector of AEGIS-128L or AEGIS-256 states.
: the degree of parallelism.R
: the absorption and output rate of the mode. With AEGIS-128X, the rate is2 * 128 * D
bits. With AEGIS-256X, the rate is128 * D
: thej
-th AES block of thei
-th state.i
is in the[0..D)
range. For AEGIS-128X,j
is in the[0..8)
range, while for AEGIS-256,j
is in the[0..6)
: thej
-th AES block of the nexti
-th state.ctx[i]
: thei
-th context separator. This is a 128-bit mask, made of a byte representing the state index, followed by a byte representing the highest index and 112 all-zero bits.Byte(x)
: the valuex
encoded as 8 bits.
Encrypt(msg, ad, key, nonce)
The Encrypt
function of AEGIS-128X resembles that of AEGIS-128L, and similarly, the Encrypt
function of AEGIS-256X mirrors that of AEGIS-256, but processes R
-bit input blocks per update.
Init(key, nonce)
ct = {}
ad_blocks = Split(ZeroPad(ad, R), R)
for ai in ad_blocks:
msg_blocks = Split(ZeroPad(msg, R), R)
for xi in msg_blocks:
ct = ct || Enc(xi)
tag = Finalize(|ad|, |msg|)
ct = Truncate(ct, |msg|)
return ct and tag
Decrypt(ct, tag, ad, key, nonce)
The Decrypt
function of AEGIS-128X resembles that of AEGIS-128L, and similarly, the Decrypt
function of AEGIS-256X mirrors that of AEGIS-256, but processes R
-bit input blocks per update.
Init(key, nonce)
msg = {}
ad_blocks = Split(ZeroPad(ad, R), R)
for ai in ad_blocks:
ct_blocks = Split(ct, R)
cn = Tail(ct, |ct| mod R)
for ci in ct_blocks:
msg = msg || Dec(ci)
if cn is not empty:
msg = msg || DecPartial(cn)
expected_tag = Finalize(|ad|, |msg|)
if CtEq(tag, expected_tag) is False:
erase msg
return "verification failed" error
return msg
Init(key, nonce)
The Init
function initializes a vector of D
AEGIS-128L states with the same key
and nonce
but a different context ctx[i]
. The context is added to the state before every update.
for i in 0..D:
V[0,i] = key ^ nonce
V[1,i] = C1
V[2,i] = C0
V[3,i] = C1
V[4,i] = key ^ nonce
V[5,i] = key ^ C0
V[6,i] = key ^ C1
V[7,i] = key ^ C0
nonce_v = {}
key_v = {}
for i in 0..D:
nonce_v = nonce_v || nonce
key_v = key_v || key
for i in 0..D:
ctx[i] = ZeroPad(Byte(i) || Byte(D - 1), 128)
V[3,i] = V[3,i] ^ ctx[i]
V[7,i] = V[7,i] ^ ctx[i]
Update(nonce_v, key_v)
Update(M0, M1)
The AEGIS-128X Update
function is similar to the AEGIS-128L Update
function, but absorbs R
(2 * 128 * D
) bits at once. M0
and M1
are 128 * D
bits instead of 128 bits but are split into 128-bit blocks, each of them updating a different AEGIS-128L state.
m0 = Split(M0, 128)
m1 = Split(M1, 128)
for i in 0..D:
V'[0,i] = AESRound(V[7,i], V[0,i] ^ m0[i])
V'[1,i] = AESRound(V[0,i], V[1,i])
V'[2,i] = AESRound(V[1,i], V[2,i])
V'[3,i] = AESRound(V[2,i], V[3,i])
V'[4,i] = AESRound(V[3,i], V[4,i] ^ m1[i])
V'[5,i] = AESRound(V[4,i], V[5,i])
V'[6,i] = AESRound(V[5,i], V[6,i])
V'[7,i] = AESRound(V[6,i], V[7,i])
V[0,i] = V'[0,i]
V[1,i] = V'[1,i]
V[2,i] = V'[2,i]
V[3,i] = V'[3,i]
V[4,i] = V'[4,i]
V[5,i] = V'[5,i]
V[6,i] = V'[6,i]
V[7,i] = V'[7,i]
The Absorb
function is similar to the AEGIS-128L Absorb
function, but absorbs R
bits instead of 256 bits.
t0, t1 = Split(ai, R)
Update(t0, t1)
The Enc
function is similar to the AEGIS-128L Enc
function, but encrypts R
bits instead of 256 bits.
z0 = {}
z1 = {}
for i in 0..D:
z0 = z0 || (V[6,i] ^ V[1,i] ^ (V[2,i] & V[3,i]))
z1 = z1 || (V[2,i] ^ V[5,i] ^ (V[6,i] & V[7,i]))
t0, t1 = Split(xi, R)
out0 = t0 ^ z0
out1 = t1 ^ z1
Update(t0, t1)
ci = out0 || out1
return ci
The Dec
function is similar to the AEGIS-128L Dec
function, but decrypts R
bits instead of 256 bits.
z0 = {}
z1 = {}
for i in 0..D:
z0 = z0 || (V[6,i] ^ V[1,i] ^ (V[2,i] & V[3,i]))
z1 = z1 || (V[2,i] ^ V[5,i] ^ (V[6,i] & V[7,i]))
t0, t1 = Split(ci, R)
out0 = t0 ^ z0
out1 = t1 ^ z1
Update(out0, out1)
xi = out0 || out1
return xi
The DecPartial
function is similar to the AEGIS-128L DecPartial
function, but decrypts up to R
bits instead of 256 bits.
z0 = {}
z1 = {}
for i in 0..D:
z0 = z0 || (V[6,i] ^ V[1,i] ^ (V[2,i] & V[3,i]))
z1 = z1 || (V[2,i] ^ V[5,i] ^ (V[6,i] & V[7,i]))
t0, t1 = Split(ZeroPad(cn, R), 128 * D)
out0 = t0 ^ z0
out1 = t1 ^ z1
xn = Truncate(out0 || out1, |cn|)
v0, v1 = Split(ZeroPad(xn, R), 128 * D)
Update(v0, v1)
return xn
Finalize(ad_len_bits, msg_len_bits)
The Finalize
function finalizes every AEGIS-128L instance and combines the resulting authentication tags using the bitwise exclusive OR operation.
t = {}
u = LE64(ad_len_bits) || LE64(msg_len_bits)
for i in 0..D:
t = t || (V[2,i] ^ u)
Repeat(7, Update(t, t))
if tag_length == 16: # 128 bits
tag = ZeroPad({}, 128)
for i in 0..D:
tag = tag ^ V[0,i] ^ V[1,i] ^ V[2,i] ^ V[3,i] ^ V[4,i] ^ V[5,i] ^ V[6,i]
else: # 256 bits
tag0 = ZeroPad({}, 128)
tag1 = ZeroPad({}, 128)
for i in 0..D:
tag0 = tag0 ^ V[0,i] ^ V[1,i] ^ V[2,i] ^ V[3,i]
tag1 = tag1 ^ V[4,i] ^ V[5,i] ^ V[6,i] ^ V[7,i]
tag = tag0 || tag1
return tag
Init(key, nonce)
The Init
function initializes a vector of D
AEGIS-256 states with the same key
and nonce
but a different context ctx[i]
. The context is added to the state before every update.
k0, k1 = Split(key, 128)
n0, n1 = Split(nonce, 128)
for i in 0..D:
V[0,i] = k0 ^ n0
V[1,i] = k1 ^ n1
V[2,i] = C1
V[3,i] = C0
V[4,i] = k0 ^ C0
V[5,i] = k1 ^ C1
k0_v, k1_v = {}, {}
k0n0_v, k1n1_v = {}, {}
for i in 0..D:
k0_v = k0_v || k0
k1_v = k1_v || k1
k0n0_v = k0n0_v || (k0 ^ n0)
k1n1_v = k1n1_v || (k1 ^ n1)
for i in 0..D:
ctx[i] = ZeroPad(Byte(i) || Byte(D - 1), 128)
V[3,i] = V[3,i] ^ ctx[i]
V[5,i] = V[5,i] ^ ctx[i]
V[3,i] = V[3,i] ^ ctx[i]
V[5,i] = V[5,i] ^ ctx[i]
V[3,i] = V[3,i] ^ ctx[i]
V[5,i] = V[5,i] ^ ctx[i]
V[3,i] = V[3,i] ^ ctx[i]
V[5,i] = V[5,i] ^ ctx[i]
The AEGIS-256X Update
function is similar to the AEGIS-256 Update
function, but absorbs R
(128 * D
) bits at once. M
is 128 * D
bits instead of 128 bits and is split into 128-bit blocks, each of them updating a different AEGIS-256 state.
m = Split(M, 128)
for i in 0..D:
V'[0,i] = AESRound(V[5,i], V[0,i] ^ m[i])
V'[1,i] = AESRound(V[0,i], V[1,i])
V'[2,i] = AESRound(V[1,i], V[2,i])
V'[3,i] = AESRound(V[2,i], V[3,i])
V'[4,i] = AESRound(V[3,i], V[4,i])
V'[5,i] = AESRound(V[4,i], V[5,i])
V[0,i] = V'[0,i]
V[1,i] = V'[1,i]
V[2,i] = V'[2,i]
V[3,i] = V'[3,i]
V[4,i] = V'[4,i]
V[5,i] = V'[5,i]
The Absorb
function is similar to the AEGIS-256 Absorb
function, but absorbs R
bits instead of 128 bits.
The Enc
function is similar to the AEGIS-256 Enc
function, but encrypts R
bits instead of 128 bits.
z = {}
for i in 0..D:
z = z || (V[1,i] ^ V[4,i] ^ V[5,i] ^ (V[2,i] & V[3,i]))
ci = xi ^ z
return ci
The Dec
function is similar to the AEGIS-256 Dec
function, but decrypts R
bits instead of 128 bits.
z = {}
for i in 0..D:
z = z || (V[1,i] ^ V[4,i] ^ V[5,i] ^ (V[2,i] & V[3,i]))
xi = ci ^ z
return xi
The DecPartial
function is similar to the AEGIS-256 DecPartial
function, but decrypts up to R
bits instead of 128 bits.
z = {}
for i in 0..D:
z = z || (V[1,i] ^ V[4,i] ^ V[5,i] ^ (V[2,i] & V[3,i]))
t = ZeroPad(cn, R)
out = t ^ z
xn = Truncate(out, |cn|)
v = ZeroPad(xn, 128 * D)
return xn
Finalize(ad_len_bits, msg_len_bits)
The Finalize
function finalizes every AEGIS-256 instance and combines the resulting authentication tags using the bitwise exclusive OR operation.
t = {}
u = LE64(ad_len_bits) || LE64(msg_len_bits)
for i in 0..D:
t = t || (V[3,i] ^ u)
Repeat(7, Update(t))
if tag_length == 16: # 128 bits
tag = ZeroPad({}, 128)
for i in 0..D:
tag = tag ^ V[0,i] ^ V[1,i] ^ V[2,i] ^ V[3,i] ^ V[4,i] ^ V[5,i]
else: # 256 bits
tag0 = ZeroPad({}, 128)
tag1 = ZeroPad({}, 128)
for i in 0..D:
tag0 = tag0 ^ V[0,i] ^ V[1,i] ^ V[2,i]
tag1 = tag1 ^ V[3,i] ^ V[4,i] ^ V[5,i]
tag = tag0 || tag1
return tag
AEGIS-128X and AEGIS-256X with a degree of 1
are identical to AEGIS-128L and AEGIS-256. This property can be used to reduce the code size of a generic implementation.
In AEGIS-128X, V
can be represented as eight 256-bit registers (when D = 2
) or eight 512-bit registers (when D = 4
). In AEGIS-256X, V
can be represented as six 256-bit registers (when D = 2
) or six 512-bit registers (when D = 4
). With this representation, loops over 0..D
in the above pseudocode can be replaced by vector instructions.
The AEGIS parallel modes are specialized and can only improve performance on specific CPUs.
The degrees of parallelism implementations are encouraged to support are 2
(for CPUs with 256-bit registers) and 4
(for CPUs with 512-bit registers). The resulting algorithms are called AEGIS-128X2
, AEGIS-128X4
, AEGIS-256X2
, and AEGIS-256X4
The following table summarizes how many bits are processed in parallel (rate), the memory requirements (state size), and the minimum vector register sizes a CPU should support for optimal performance.
Algorithm | Rate (bits) | Optimal Register Size | State Size (bits) |
AEGIS-128L | 256 | 128 bits | 1024 |
AEGIS-128X2 | 512 | 256 bits | 2048 |
AEGIS-128X4 | 1024 | 512 bits | 4096 |
AEGIS-256 | 128 | 128 bits | 768 |
AEGIS-256X2 | 256 | 256 bits | 1536 |
AEGIS-256X4 | 512 | 512 bits | 3072 |
Note that architectures with smaller vector registers but with many registers and large pipelines may still benefit from the parallel modes.
Protocols SHOULD opt for a parallel mode only when all the involved parties agree on a specific variant. AEGIS-128L and AEGIS-256 SHOULD remain the default choices.
Implementations MAY choose not to include the parallel AEGIS modes.
Applications MAY keep the ciphertext and the authentication tag in distinct structures or encode both as a single string.
In the latter case, the tag MUST immediately follow the ciphertext:
combined_ct = ct || tag
All AEGIS variants can also be used as stream ciphers.
Stream(len, key, nonce)
The Stream
function expands a key and an optional nonce into a variable-length, secure keystream.
: the length of the keystream to generate.key
: the AEGIS key.nonce
: the nonce. If unspecified, it is set toN_MAX
zero bytes.
: the keystream.
stream, tag = Encrypt(ZeroPad({}, len), {}, key, nonce)
return stream
This is equivalent to encrypting a len
all-zero bytes message without associated data, and discarding the authentication tag.
Instead of relying on the generic Encrypt
function, implementations can skip the finalization step.
After initialization, the Update
function is called with constant parameters, allowing further optimizations.
This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.
Multiple implementations of the schemes described in this document have been developed and verified for interoperability.
A comprehensive list of known implementations and integrations can be found at , which includes reference implementations closely aligned with the pseudocode provided in this document.
AEGIS-256 offers 256-bit message security against plaintext and state recovery, whereas AEGIS-128L offers 128-bit security.
An authentication tag may verify under multiple keys, nonces, or associated data, but AEGIS is assumed to be key committing in the receiver-binding game, preventing common attacks when used with low-entropy keys such as passwords. Finding distinct keys and/or nonces that successfully verify the same (ad, ct, tag)
tuple is expected to require ~264 attempts with a 128-bit authentication tag and ~2128 attempts with a 256-bit tag.
However, it is NOT fully committing because the authentication tag doesn't commit to the associated data. As shown in {{IR23}}, with the ability to also alter ad
, it is possible to efficiently find multiple keys that will verify the same authenticated ciphertext.
Protocols mandating a fully committing scheme can provide the associated data as input to a cryptographic hash function and use the output as the ad
parameter of the Encrypt
and Decrypt
functions. The selected hash function must ensure a minimum of 128-bit preimage resistance. An instance of such a function is SHA-256 {{!RFC6234}}.
Under the assumption that the secret key is unknown to the attacker both AEGIS-128L and AEGIS-256 target 128-bit security against forgery attacks regardless of the tag size.
Both algorithms MUST be used in a nonce-respecting setting: for a given key
, a nonce
MUST only be used once. Failure to do so would immediately reveal the bitwise difference between two messages.
If tag verification fails, the decrypted message and wrong message authentication tag MUST NOT be given as output. As shown in {{VV18}}, even a partial leak of the plaintext without verification would facilitate chosen ciphertext attacks.
Every key MUST be randomly chosen from a uniform distribution.
The nonce MAY be public or predictable. It can be a counter, the output of a permutation, or a generator with a long period.
With AEGIS-128L, random nonces can safely encrypt up to 248 messages using the same key with negligible (~ 2-33, to align with NIST guidelines) collision probability.
With AEGIS-256, random nonces can be used with no practical limits.
Regardless of the variant, the key
and nonce
are only required by the Init
function; other functions only depend on the resulting state. Therefore, implementations can overwrite ephemeral keys with zeros right after the last Update
call of the initialization function.
For the same (key, nonce, ad, msg)
tuple, a different degree of parallelism in AEGIS-128X and AEGIS-256X can produce a different ct
and tag
. Furthermore, different ad
with the same (key, nonce, msg)
can produce a different ct
and tag
with all variants. However, as the ad
and msg
are absorbed into the state identically in that order, this does not necessarily hold when the msg
Each variant can be used as a MAC by calling the Encrypt()
function with the message as the ad
and leaving msg
empty, resulting in just a tag. However, they MUST NOT be used as a hash function; if the key is known, inputs generating state collisions can easily be crafted. Similarly, as opposed to hash-based MACs, tags MUST NOT be used for key derivation as there is no proof they are uniformly random.
As shown in {{D23}}, AEGIS-128X and AEGIS-256X share the same security properties and requirements as AEGIS-128L and AEGIS-256 respectively. In particular, the security level and usage limits remain the same.
The security of AEGIS against timing and physical attacks is limited by the implementation of the underlying AESRound()
function. Failure to implement AESRound()
in a fashion safe against timing and physical attacks, such as differential power analysis, timing analysis or fault injection attacks, may lead to leakage of secret key material or state information. The exact mitigations required for timing and physical attacks also depend on the threat model in question.
AEGIS is considered secure against guess-and-determine attacks aimed at recovering the state from observed ciphertexts. This resilience extends to quantum adversaries in the Q1 model, wherein quantum attacks do not confer any practical advantage for decrypting previously recorded ciphertexts or achieving key recovery.
Security analyses of AEGIS can be found in {{AEGIS}}, {{M14}}, {{ENP19}}, {{LIMS21}}, {{JLD21}}, {{STSI23}}, {{IR23}}, and {{BS23}}.
IANA has assigned the following identifiers in the AEAD Algorithms Registry:
Algorithm Name | ID |
32 |
33 |
{: title="AEGIS entries in the AEAD Algorithms Registry"} |
IANA is requested to update the references of these entries to refer to the final version of this document.
IANA is also requested to register the following identifiers in the AEAD Algorithms Registry:
--- back
in : 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f
rk : 101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f
out : 7a7b4e5638782546a8c0477a3b813f43
S0 : 9b7e60b24cc873ea894ecc07911049a3
S1 : 330be08f35300faa2ebf9a7b0d274658
S2 : 7bbd5bd2b049f7b9b515cf26fbe7756c
S3 : c35a00f55ea86c3886ec5e928f87db18
S4 : 9ebccafce87cab446396c4334592c91f
S5 : 58d83e31f256371e60fc6bb257114601
S6 : 1639b56ea322c88568a176585bc915de
S7 : 640818ffb57dc0fbc2e72ae93457e39a
M0 : 033e6975b94816879e42917650955aa0
M1 : 033e6975b94816879e42917650955aa0
After Update:
S0 : 596ab773e4433ca0127c73f60536769d
S1 : 790394041a3d26ab697bde865014652d
S2 : 38cf49e4b65248acd533041b64dd0611
S3 : 16d8e58748f437bfff1797f780337cee
S4 : 69761320f7dd738b281cc9f335ac2f5a
S5 : a21746bb193a569e331e1aa985d0d729
S6 : 09d714e6fcf9177a8ed1cde7e3d259a6
S7 : 61279ba73167f0ab76f0a11bf203bdff
key : 10010000000000000000000000000000
nonce : 10000200000000000000000000000000
ad :
msg : 00000000000000000000000000000000
ct : c1c0e58bd913006feba00f4b3cc3594e
tag128: abe0ece80c24868a226a35d16bdae37a
tag256: 25835bfbb21632176cf03840687cb968
key : 10010000000000000000000000000000
nonce : 10000200000000000000000000000000
ad :
msg :
ct :
tag128: c2b879a67def9d74e6c14f708bbcc9b4
tag256: 1360dc9db8ae42455f6e5b6a9d488ea4
key : 10010000000000000000000000000000
nonce : 10000200000000000000000000000000
ad : 0001020304050607
msg : 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f
ct : 79d94593d8c2119d7e8fd9b8fc77845c
tag128: cc6f3372f6aa1bb82388d695c3962d9a
tag256: 022cb796fe7e0ae1197525ff67e30948
key : 10010000000000000000000000000000
nonce : 10000200000000000000000000000000
ad : 0001020304050607
msg : 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d
ct : 79d94593d8c2119d7e8fd9b8fc77
tag128: 5c04b3dba849b2701effbe32c7f0fab7
tag256: 86f1b80bfb463aba711d15405d094baf
key : 10010000000000000000000000000000
nonce : 10000200000000000000000000000000
ad : 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f
msg : 101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f
ct : b31052ad1cca4e291abcf2df3502e6bd
tag128: 7542a745733014f9474417b337399507
tag256: b91e2947a33da8bee89b6794e647baf0
This test MUST return a "verification failed" error.
key : 10000200000000000000000000000000
nonce : 10010000000000000000000000000000
ad : 0001020304050607
ct : 79d94593d8c2119d7e8fd9b8fc77
tag128: 5c04b3dba849b2701effbe32c7f0fab7
tag256: 86f1b80bfb463aba711d15405d094baf
This test MUST return a "verification failed" error.
key : 10010000000000000000000000000000
nonce : 10000200000000000000000000000000
ad : 0001020304050607
ct : 79d94593d8c2119d7e8fd9b8fc78
tag128: 5c04b3dba849b2701effbe32c7f0fab7
tag256: 86f1b80bfb463aba711d15405d094baf
This test MUST return a "verification failed" error.
key : 10010000000000000000000000000000
nonce : 10000200000000000000000000000000
ad : 0001020304050608
ct : 79d94593d8c2119d7e8fd9b8fc77
tag128: 5c04b3dba849b2701effbe32c7f0fab7
tag256: 86f1b80bfb463aba711d15405d094baf
This test MUST return a "verification failed" error.
key : 10010000000000000000000000000000
nonce : 10000200000000000000000000000000
ad : 0001020304050607
ct : 79d94593d8c2119d7e8fd9b8fc77
tag128: 6c04b3dba849b2701effbe32c7f0fab8
tag256: 86f1b80bfb463aba711d15405d094baf
S0 : 1fa1207ed76c86f2c4bb40e8b395b43e
S1 : b44c375e6c1e1978db64bcd12e9e332f
S2 : 0dab84bfa9f0226432ff630f233d4e5b
S3 : d7ef65c9b93e8ee60c75161407b066e7
S4 : a760bb3da073fbd92bdc24734b1f56fb
S5 : a828a18d6a964497ac6e7e53c5f55c73
M : b165617ed04ab738afb2612c6d18a1ec
After Update:
S0 : e6bc643bae82dfa3d991b1b323839dcd
S1 : 648578232ba0f2f0a3677f617dc052c3
S2 : ea788e0e572044a46059212dd007a789
S3 : 2f1498ae19b80da13fba698f088a8590
S4 : a54c2ee95e8c2a2c3dae2ec743ae6b86
S5 : a3240fceb68e32d5d114df1b5363ab67
key : 10010000000000000000000000000000
nonce : 10000200000000000000000000000000
ad :
msg : 00000000000000000000000000000000
ct : 754fc3d8c973246dcc6d741412a4b236
tag128: 3fe91994768b332ed7f570a19ec5896e
tag256: 1181a1d18091082bf0266f66297d167d
key : 10010000000000000000000000000000
nonce : 10000200000000000000000000000000
ad :
msg :
ct :
tag128: e3def978a0f054afd1e761d7553afba3
tag256: 6a348c930adbd654896e1666aad67de9
key : 10010000000000000000000000000000
nonce : 10000200000000000000000000000000
ad : 0001020304050607
msg : 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f
ct : f373079ed84b2709faee373584585d60
tag128: 8d86f91ee606e9ff26a01b64ccbdd91d
tag256: b7d28d0c3c0ebd409fd22b4416050307
key : 10010000000000000000000000000000
nonce : 10000200000000000000000000000000
ad : 0001020304050607
msg : 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d
ct : f373079ed84b2709faee37358458
tag128: c60b9c2d33ceb058f96e6dd03c215652
tag256: 8c1cc703c81281bee3f6d9966e14948b
key : 10010000000000000000000000000000
nonce : 10000200000000000000000000000000
ad : 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f
msg : 101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f
ct : 57754a7d09963e7c787583a2e7b859bb
tag128: ab8a7d53fd0e98d727accca94925e128
tag256: a3aca270c006094d71c20e6910b5161c
This test MUST return a "verification failed" error.
key : 10000200000000000000000000000000
nonce : 10010000000000000000000000000000
ad : 0001020304050607
ct : f373079ed84b2709faee37358458
tag128: c60b9c2d33ceb058f96e6dd03c215652
tag256: 8c1cc703c81281bee3f6d9966e14948b
This test MUST return a "verification failed" error.
key : 10010000000000000000000000000000
nonce : 10000200000000000000000000000000
ad : 0001020304050607
ct : f373079ed84b2709faee37358459
tag128: c60b9c2d33ceb058f96e6dd03c215652
tag256: 8c1cc703c81281bee3f6d9966e14948b
This test MUST return a "verification failed" error.
key : 10010000000000000000000000000000
nonce : 10000200000000000000000000000000
ad : 0001020304050608
ct : f373079ed84b2709faee37358458
tag128: c60b9c2d33ceb058f96e6dd03c215652
tag256: 8c1cc703c81281bee3f6d9966e14948b
This test MUST return a "verification failed" error.
key : 10010000000000000000000000000000
nonce : 10000200000000000000000000000000
ad : 0001020304050607
ct : f373079ed84b2709faee37358458
tag128: c60b9c2d33ceb058f96e6dd03c215653
tag256: 8c1cc703c81281bee3f6d9966e14948b
key : 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f
nonce : 101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f
ctx[0]: 00010000000000000000000000000000
ctx[1]: 01010000000000000000000000000000
After initialization:
V[0,0]: a4fc1ad9a72942fb88bd2cabbba6509a
V[0,1]: 80a40e392fc71084209b6c3319bdc6cc
V[1,0]: 380f435cf801763b1f0c2a2f7212052d
V[1,1]: 73796607b59b1b650ee91c152af1f18a
V[2,0]: 6ee1de433ea877fa33bc0782abff2dcb
V[2,1]: b9fab2ab496e16d1facaffd5453cbf14
V[3,0]: 85f94b0d4263bfa86fdf45a603d8b6ac
V[3,1]: 90356c8cadbaa2c969001da02e3feca0
V[4,0]: 09bd69ad3730174bcd2ce9a27cd1357e
V[4,1]: e610b45125796a4fcf1708cef5c4f718
V[5,0]: fcdeb0cf0a87bf442fc82383ddb0f6d6
V[5,1]: 61ad32a4694d6f3cca313a2d3f4687aa
V[6,0]: 571c207988659e2cdfbdaae77f4f37e3
V[6,1]: 32e6094e217573bf91fb28c145a3efa8
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The AEGIS authenticated encryption algorithm was invented by Hongjun Wu and Bart Preneel.
The round function leverages the AES permutation invented by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen. They also authored the Pelican MAC that partly motivated the design of the AEGIS MAC.
We would like to thank the following individuals for their contributions:
- Eric Lagergren and Daniel Bleichenbacher for catching a broken test vector and Daniel Bleichenbacher for many helpful suggestions.
- John Preuß Mattsson for his review of the draft, and for suggesting how AEGIS should be used in the context of DTLS and QUIC.
- Bart Mennink and Charlotte Lefevre as well as Takanori Isobe and Mostafizar Rahman for investigating the commitment security of the schemes specified in this document.