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",id:"add-flecksredux",level:2}];function h(e){const t={admonition:"admonition",code:"code",h2:"h2",img:"img",p:"p",pre:"pre",strong:"strong",...(0,r.a)(),...e.components};return(0,s.jsxs)(s.Fragment,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(t.p,{children:"Working with redux in flecks is easy. Let's create a small application to inspect and\nfamiliarize ourselves."}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.h2,{id:"create-an-app-with-a-fleck",children:"Create an app with a fleck"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(a.Z,{type:"app",pkg:"redux-test"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"cd redux-test\nnpx create-fleck ducks\n"})}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(t.h2,{id:"add-flecksredux",children:["Add ",(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"@flecks/redux"})]}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(t.p,{children:["Move to ",(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"packages/ducks"})," and add ",(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"@flecks/redux"}),":"]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"cd packages/ducks\n"})}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(c.Z,{pkg:"@flecks/redux"}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(t.p,{children:["Edit ",(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"packages/ducks/build/flecks.bootstrap.js"}),":"]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{className:"language-js",metastring:'title="packages/ducks/build/flecks.bootstrap.js"',children:"exports.dependencies = ['@flecks/redux'];\n"})}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(t.p,{children:["Alright, let's create a duck at ",(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"packages/ducks/src/state/thing.js"}),":"]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{className:"language-js",metastring:'title="packages/ducks/src/state/thing.js"',children:"import {\n createSelector,\n createSlice,\n} from '@flecks/redux';\n\nexport const thingSelector = ({thing}) => thing;\n\nexport const leftSelector = createSelector([thingSelector], ({left}) => left);\n\nexport const rightSelector = createSelector([thingSelector], ({right}) => right);\n\nexport const totalSelector = createSelector(\n [leftSelector, rightSelector],\n (left, right) => left + right,\n);\n\nexport const initialState = () => ({\n left: 0,\n right: 0,\n});\n\nconst reducers = {\n addToLeft: (state, {payload}) => {\n state.left += payload;\n },\n addToRight: (state, {payload}) => {\n state.right += payload;\n },\n};\n\nconst slice = createSlice({\n name: 'thing',\n initialState: initialState(),\n reducers,\n});\n\nexport const {\n addToLeft,\n addToRight,\n} = slice.actions;\n\nexport default slice.reducer;\n"})}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(t.p,{children:["Let's create an exporter at ",(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"packages/ducks/src/state/index.js"}),":"]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{className:"language-js",metastring:'title="packages/ducks/src/state/index.js"',children:"export * from './thing';\nexport {default as thing} from './thing';\n"})}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(t.p,{children:["Finally, we'll edit ",(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"packages/ducks/src/index.js"}),":"]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{className:"language-js",metastring:'title="packages/ducks/src/index.js"',children:"import {Flecks} from '@flecks/core';\n\nimport {addToLeft, addToRight, thing} from './state';\n\nexport const hooks = {\n '@flecks/web/client.up': Flecks.priority(\n async (flecks) => {\n flecks.redux.dispatch(addToLeft(5));\n flecks.redux.dispatch(addToRight(1));\n flecks.redux.dispatch(addToRight(1));\n },\n {after: '@flecks/redux/client'},\n ),\n '@flecks/redux.slices': () => ({thing}),\n};\n"})}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.admonition,{title:"Have a slice",type:"note",children:(0,s.jsxs)(t.p,{children:["We're using ",(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"@flecks/web/client.up"})," just as a little test."]})}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(t.p,{children:["As a little test, we'll add ",(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"@flecks/web"})," and ",(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"@flecks/electron"})," so we can check out the Redux\ndevtools."]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.p,{children:"From the project root:"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"npx flecks add @flecks/web\nnpx flecks add -d @flecks/electron\n"})}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.admonition,{title:"Attention",type:"warning",children:(0,s.jsxs)(t.p,{children:["Make sure you ",(0,s.jsx)(t.strong,{children:"run those commands in the application root directory"}),"!"]})}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.p,{children:"Now start up your application:"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"yarn start\n"})}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(t.p,{children:["After a moment, Electron will appear. Press ",(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"ctrl+i"})," to open devtools in Electron."]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.p,{children:(0,s.jsx)(t.img,{alt:"A screenshot showing our app running in Electron with devtools open",src:n(778).Z+"",width:"820",height:"655"})}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.p,{children:"Open up the Redux devtools:"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.p,{children:(0,s.jsx)(t.img,{alt:"A screenshot showing our app running in Electron with devtools open now hovering over the Redux devtools tab",src:n(4793).Z+"",width:"820",height:"655"})}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.p,{children:"Everything is there!"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.p,{children:(0,s.jsx)(t.img,{alt:"A screenshot showing our app running in Electron with devtools open to the Redux devtools tab with our state visible",src:n(5106).Z+"",width:"820",height:"655"})}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(t.p,{children:["How about Redux in React? No problem! Move to ",(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"packages/ducks"})," and run the following command:"]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"yarn add @flecks/react-redux\n"})}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.admonition,{title:"Attention",type:"warning",children:(0,s.jsxs)(t.p,{children:["Make sure you ",(0,s.jsxs)(t.strong,{children:["run that command in ",(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"packages/ducks"})]}),"!"]})}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(t.p,{children:["Now update the dependencies in ",(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"packages/ducks/build/flecks.bootstrap.js"}),":"]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{className:"language-js",metastring:'title="packages/ducks/build/flecks.bootstrap.js"',children:"exports.dependencies = ['@flecks/react-redux', '@flecks/redux'];\n"})}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(t.p,{children:["Let's create a component at ",(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{children:"packages/ducks/src/thing.jsx"}),":"]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(t.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(t.code,{className:"language-jsx",metastring:'title="packages/ducks/src/thing.jsx"',children:"import {React} from '@flecks/react';\nimport {useDispatch, useSelector} from '@flecks/react-redux';\n\nimport {\n addToLeft,\n addToRight,\n leftSelector,\n rightSelector,\n totalSelector,\n} from './state';\n\nfunction Thing() {\n const dispatch = useDispatch();\n const left = useSelector(leftSelector);\n const right = useSelector(rightSelector);\n const total = useSelector(totalSelector);\n return (\n Flecks.provide()
",id:"providing-models-with-flecksprovide",level:2},{value:"Working with models",id:"working-with-models",level:2},{value:"Persistence",id:"persistence",level:2},{value:"Containerization",id:"containerization",level:2},{value:"Production",id:"production",level:2}];function u(e){const n={a:"a",admonition:"admonition",blockquote:"blockquote",code:"code",em:"em",h1:"h1",h2:"h2",p:"p",pre:"pre",strong:"strong",...(0,r.a)(),...e.components},{Details:s}=n;return s||function(e,n){throw new Error("Expected "+(n?"component":"object")+" `"+e+"` to be defined: you likely forgot to import, pass, or provide it.")}("Details",!0),(0,t.jsxs)(t.Fragment,{children:[(0,t.jsx)(n.h1,{id:"database",children:"Database"}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["flecks provides database connection through ",(0,t.jsx)(n.a,{href:"",children:"Sequelize"})," and database\nserver instances through either flat SQLite databases or ",(0,t.jsx)(n.a,{href:"",children:"Docker"}),"-ized\ndatabase servers."]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.h2,{id:"install-and-configure",children:"Install and configure"}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"We'll start from scratch as an example. Create a new flecks application:"}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(a.Z,{pkg:"db_test",type:"app"}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Now in your new application directory, add ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"@flecks/db"}),":"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-bash",children:"npx flecks add @flecks/db\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Finally, ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"npm start"})," your application and you will see lines like the following in the logs:"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:" @flecks/db/server/connection config: { dialect: 'sqlite', storage: ':memory:' } +0ms\n @flecks/db/server/connection synchronizing... +107ms\n @flecks/db/server/connection synchronized +2ms\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"By default, flecks will connect to an in-memory SQLite database to get you started instantly."}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.h2,{id:"your-models",children:"Your models"}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Astute observers may have noticed a line preceding the ones earlier:"}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:" @flecks/core/flecks gathered '@flecks/db/server.models': [] +0ms\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Let's create a fleck that makes a model so we can get a feel for how it works."}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"First, create a fleck in your application:"}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(a.Z,{pkg:"content",type:"fleck"}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Now, let's hop into ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"packages/content/src/index.js"})," and add a hook implementation:"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-javascript",metastring:'title="packages/content/src/index.js"',children:"export const hooks = {\n '@flecks/db/server.models': (flecks) => {\n const {Model, Types} = flecks.fleck('@flecks/db/server');\n class Content extends Model {\n static get attributes() {\n return {\n text: {\n type: Types.TEXT,\n allowNull: false,\n },\n };\n }\n };\n return {\n Content,\n };\n },\n}\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Now, ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"npm start"})," your application and you will see that line looks different:"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:" @flecks/core/flecks gathered '@flecks/db/server.models': [ 'Content' ] +0ms\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Our model is recognized!"}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Let's add one more model and create an association between them:"}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-javascript",metastring:'title="packages/content/src/index.js"',children:"export const hooks = {\n '@flecks/db/server.models': (flecks) => {\n const {Model, Types} = flecks.fleck('@flecks/db/server');\n\n class Content extends Model {\n\n static get attributes() {\n return {\n text: {\n type: Types.TEXT,\n allowNull: false,\n },\n };\n }\n\n static associate({Tag}) {\n this.hasMany(Tag);\n }\n\n };\n\n class Tag extends Model {\n\n static get attributes() {\n return {\n value: {\n type: Types.STRING,\n allowNull: false,\n },\n };\n }\n\n static associate({Content}) {\n this.belongsTo(Content);\n }\n\n };\n return {\n Content,\n Tag,\n };\n },\n}\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.admonition,{title:"Ess-Cue-Ell-ize",type:"tip",children:(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:[(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"@flecks/db"})," uses ",(0,t.jsx)(n.a,{href:"",children:"Sequelize"})," under the hood. You can dive into\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.a,{href:"",children:"their documentation"})," to learn even more."]})}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["If you were to ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"npm start"}),", you would see the line:"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:" @flecks/core/flecks gathered '@flecks/db/server.models': [ 'Content', 'Tag' ] +0ms\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.h2,{id:"providing-models-with-flecksprovide",children:["Providing models with ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"Flecks.provide()"})]}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["When building Real","\u2122\ufe0f"," applications we are usually going to need a bunch of models. If we add all\nof them into that one single file, things are going to start getting unwieldy. Let's create a\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"src/models"})," directory in our ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"packages/content"})," fleck and add a ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"content.js"})," and ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"tag.js"})," source\nfiles with the following code:"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-javascript",metastring:'title="packages/content/src/models/content.js"',children:"export default (flecks) => {\n const {Model, Types} = flecks.fleck('@flecks/db/server');\n return class Content extends Model {\n\n static get attributes() {\n return {\n text: {\n type: Types.TEXT,\n allowNull: false,\n },\n };\n }\n\n static associate({Tag}) {\n this.hasMany(Tag);\n }\n\n };\n};\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-javascript",metastring:'title="packages/content/src/models/tag.js"',children:"export default (flecks) => {\n const {Model, Types} = flecks.fleck('@flecks/db/server');\n return class Tag extends Model {\n\n static get attributes() {\n return {\n key: {\n type: Types.STRING,\n allowNull: false,\n },\n value: {\n type: Types.STRING,\n allowNull: false,\n },\n };\n }\n\n static associate({Content}) {\n this.hasMany(Content);\n }\n\n };\n\n};\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Notice that this looks very similar to how we defined the models above, but this time we're only\nreturning the classes."}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Now, hop over to ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"packages/content/src/index.js"})," and let's rewrite the hook implementation:"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-javascript",metastring:'title="packages/content/src/index.js"',children:"import {Flecks} from '@flecks/core/server';\n\nexport const hooks = {\n '@flecks/db/server.models': Flecks.provide(require.context('./models')),\n}\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["We're passing the path to our models directory to ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"require.context"})," which is then passed to\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"Flecks.provide"}),". This is completely equivalent to our original code, but now we can add more\nmodels by adding individual files in ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"packages/content/src/models"})," and keep things tidy."]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.admonition,{title:"Continue gathering knowledge",type:"info",children:(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["For a more detailed treatment of gathering and providing in flecks, see\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.a,{href:"#todo",children:"the gathering guide"}),"."]})}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.h2,{id:"working-with-models",children:"Working with models"}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Let's do something with them. Edit ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"packages/content/src/index.js"})," again like\nso:"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-javascript",metastring:'title="packages/content/src/index.js"',children:"import {Flecks} from '@flecks/core/server';\n\nexport const hooks = {\n // highlight-start\n '@flecks/server.up': async (flecks) => {\n const {Content, Tag} = flecks.db.Models;\n console.log(\n 'There were',\n await Content.count(), 'pieces of content',\n 'and',\n await Tag.count(), 'tags.',\n );\n },\n // highlight-end\n '@flecks/db/server.models': Flecks.provide(require.context('./models')),\n}\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["We have to configure ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"build/flecks.yml"})," so that the database comes up before we try to use it:"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-yml",children:"'@db_test/content:./packages/content/src': {}\n'@flecks/build': {}\n'@flecks/core':\n id: db_test\n'@flecks/db': {}\n// highlight-start\n'@flecks/server':\n up:\n - '@flecks/db'\n - '@db_test/content'\n// highlight-end\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Now, another ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"npm start"})," will greet us with this line in the output:"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"There were 0 pieces of content and 0 tags.\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Not very interesting. Let's add some, but only if there aren't any yet:"}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-javascript",metastring:'title="packages/content/src/index.js"',children:"export const hooks = {\n '@flecks/server.up': async (flecks) => {\n const {Tag} = flecks.db.Models;\n console.log(\n 'There were',\n await Content.count(), 'pieces of content',\n 'and',\n await Tag.count(), 'tags.',\n );\n // highlight-start\n if (0 === await Content.count()) {\n await Content.create(\n {text: 'lorem ipsum', Tags: [{value: 'cool'}, {value: 'trending'}]},\n {include: [Tag]}\n );\n await Content.create(\n {text: 'blah blah', Tags: [{value: 'awesome'}]},\n {include: [Tag]}\n );\n }\n console.log(\n 'There are',\n await Content.count(), 'pieces of content',\n 'and',\n await Tag.count(), 'tags.',\n );\n // highlight-end\n },\n '@flecks/db/server.models': Flecks.provide(require.context('./models')),\n}\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Another ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"npm start"})," and we see:"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"There were 0 pieces of content and 0 tags.\nThere are 2 pieces of content and 3 tags.\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Great!"}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.h2,{id:"persistence",children:"Persistence"}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"You'll notice that if you run it again, it will always say"}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"There were 0 pieces of content and 0 tags.\nThere are 2 pieces of content and 3 tags.\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"What's up with that? Remember in the beginning:"}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.blockquote,{children:["\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"By default, flecks will connect to an in-memory SQLite database to get you started instantly."}),"\n"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["This means that the database will only persist as long as the life of your application. When you\nrestart it, you'll get a fresh new database every time. It was ",(0,t.jsx)(n.strong,{children:"quick to get started"})," developing,\nbut this isn't very helpful for any real purpose. Let's make a change to our ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"build/flecks.yml"}),":"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-yml",metastring:'title="build/flecks.yml"',children:"'@db_test/content:./packages/content/src': {}\n'@flecks/build': {}\n'@flecks/core':\n id: db_test\n'@flecks/db': {}\n// highlight-start\n'@flecks/db/server':\n database: './persistent.sql'\n// highlight-end\n'@flecks/server': {}\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Now ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"npm start"})," again. You'll see our old familiar message:"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"There were 0 pieces of content and 0 tags.\nThere are 2 pieces of content and 3 tags.\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["This time though, our application wrote the SQLite database to disk at ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"./persistent.sql"}),". If we\ngive it one more go, we'll finally see what we expect:"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"There were 2 pieces of content and 3 tags.\nThere are 2 pieces of content and 3 tags.\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"A persistent database!"}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.h2,{id:"containerization",children:"Containerization"}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Sure, our database is persistent... kinda. That ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"persistent.sql"})," file is a bit of a kludge and\nisn't much of a long-term (or production) solution. Let's remove it:"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"rm persistent.sql\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Our small-core philosophy means that you don't pay for spinning up a database by default. However,\nit's trivial to accomplish a ",(0,t.jsx)(n.em,{children:'"real"'})," database connection if you have Docker installed on your\nmachine."]}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(s,{children:[(0,t.jsx)("summary",{children:"How do I know if I have Docker running on my machine?"}),(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"A decent way to test if your machine is ready to continue with this guide is to run the following\ncommand:"}),(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"docker run -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password postgres"})}),(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"if the command appears to spin up a database, you're in good shape!"}),(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["If not, follow the ",(0,t.jsx)(n.a,{href:"",children:"Docker installation documentation"}),"\nbefore proceeding."]})]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Let's add another fleck to our project:"}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-bash",children:"npx flecks add -d @flecks/docker\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Configure ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"build/flecks.yml"}),":"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-yml",metastring:'title="build/flecks.yml"',children:"'@db_test/content:./packages/content/src': {}\n'@flecks/build': {}\n'@flecks/core':\n id: db_test\n'@flecks/db': {}\n// highlight-start\n'@flecks/db/server':\n database: db\n dialect: postgres\n password: THIS_PASSWORD_IS_UNSAFE\n username: postgres\n// highlight-end\n'@flecks/docker': {}\n// highlight-start\n'@flecks/server':\n up:\n - '@flecks/docker'\n - '@flecks/db'\n - '@db_test/content'\n// highlight-end\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Notice that we configured ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"@flecks/server.up"})," to make sure to enforce a specific order in which\nour server flecks come up: first ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"@flecks/docker"})," to spin up the database, then\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"@flecks/db"})," to connect to the database, and finally our ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"@db_test/content"})," fleck to interact with\nthe database. This is important!"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Now ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"npm start"})," will reveal the following message in the logs:"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:" @flecks/server/entry Error: Please install pg package manually\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Pretty straightforward how to proceed:"}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(l.Z,{pkg:"pg"}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Remember, ",(0,t.jsx)(n.strong,{children:"small core"}),"! ","\ud83d\ude04"," Now ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"npm start"})," again and you will see some new lines in the\nlogs:"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:" @flecks/docker/container creating datadir '/tmp/flecks/flecks/docker/sequelize' +0ms\n @flecks/docker/container launching: docker run --name flecks_sequelize -d --rm -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=... -e POSTGRES_DB=... -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=... -v /tmp/flecks/flecks/docker/sequelize:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres +0ms\n @flecks/docker/container 'sequelize' started +372ms\n @flecks/db/server/connection config: { database: 'db', dialect: 'postgres', host: undefined, password: '*** REDACTED ***', port: undefined, username: 'postgres' } +0ms\n @flecks/db/server/connection synchronizing... +2s\n @flecks/db/server/connection synchronized +3ms\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"and of course, we see:"}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"There were 0 tags.\nThere are 2 tags.\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["because we just created a new postgres database from scratch just then! Kill the application and\nrun ",(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"npm start"})," one more time and then you will see what you expect:"]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"There were 2 tags.\nThere are 2 tags.\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Awesome, we have a connection to a real postgres database!"}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(s,{children:[(0,t.jsx)("summary",{children:"Where is the docker container?"}),(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"You may notice that the first time you start your application there is a delay while Docker spins\nup your new database server. This is normal. You may have also noticed that subsequent runs speed\nup to near-instantaneous. This is also normal!"}),(0,t.jsxs)(n.p,{children:[(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"@flecks/docker"})," runs your container in a manner that outlives your application. If you kill your\napplication and then run:"]}),(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:"docker ps\n"})}),(0,t.jsx)(n.p,{children:"You will see a line for your postgres database looking something like:"}),(0,t.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(n.code,{children:'CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES\n} */
+ let marker
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Start of thematic break.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ***
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ effects.enter('thematicBreak')
+ // To do: parse indent like `markdown-rs`.
+ return before(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After optional whitespace, at marker.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ***
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function before(code) {
+ marker = code
+ return atBreak(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After something, before something else.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ***
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function atBreak(code) {
+ if (code === marker) {
+ effects.enter('thematicBreakSequence')
+ return sequence(code)
+ }
+ if (size >= 3 && (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code))) {
+ effects.exit('thematicBreak')
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In sequence.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ***
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function sequence(code) {
+ if (code === marker) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ size++
+ return sequence
+ }
+ effects.exit('thematicBreakSequence')
+ return markdownSpace(code)
+ ? factorySpace(effects, atBreak, 'whitespace')(code)
+ : atBreak(code)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-core-commonmark/lib/list.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').ContainerState} ContainerState
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Exiter} Exiter
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const list = {
+ name: 'list',
+ tokenize: tokenizeListStart,
+ continuation: {
+ tokenize: tokenizeListContinuation
+ },
+ exit: tokenizeListEnd
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const listItemPrefixWhitespaceConstruct = {
+ tokenize: tokenizeListItemPrefixWhitespace,
+ partial: true
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const indentConstruct = {
+ tokenize: tokenizeIndent,
+ partial: true
+// To do: `markdown-rs` parses list items on their own and later stitches them
+// together.
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ */
+function tokenizeListStart(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ const tail =[ - 1]
+ let initialSize =
+ tail && tail[1].type === 'linePrefix'
+ ? tail[2].sliceSerialize(tail[1], true).length
+ : 0
+ let size = 0
+ return start
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function start(code) {
+ const kind =
+ self.containerState.type ||
+ (code === 42 || code === 43 || code === 45
+ ? 'listUnordered'
+ : 'listOrdered')
+ if (
+ kind === 'listUnordered'
+ ? !self.containerState.marker || code === self.containerState.marker
+ : asciiDigit(code)
+ ) {
+ if (!self.containerState.type) {
+ self.containerState.type = kind
+ effects.enter(kind, {
+ _container: true
+ })
+ }
+ if (kind === 'listUnordered') {
+ effects.enter('listItemPrefix')
+ return code === 42 || code === 45
+ ? effects.check(thematicBreak, nok, atMarker)(code)
+ : atMarker(code)
+ }
+ if (!self.interrupt || code === 49) {
+ effects.enter('listItemPrefix')
+ effects.enter('listItemValue')
+ return inside(code)
+ }
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function inside(code) {
+ if (asciiDigit(code) && ++size < 10) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return inside
+ }
+ if (
+ (!self.interrupt || size < 2) &&
+ (self.containerState.marker
+ ? code === self.containerState.marker
+ : code === 41 || code === 46)
+ ) {
+ effects.exit('listItemValue')
+ return atMarker(code)
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * @type {State}
+ **/
+ function atMarker(code) {
+ effects.enter('listItemMarker')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('listItemMarker')
+ self.containerState.marker = self.containerState.marker || code
+ return effects.check(
+ blankLine,
+ // Can’t be empty when interrupting.
+ self.interrupt ? nok : onBlank,
+ effects.attempt(
+ listItemPrefixWhitespaceConstruct,
+ endOfPrefix,
+ otherPrefix
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function onBlank(code) {
+ self.containerState.initialBlankLine = true
+ initialSize++
+ return endOfPrefix(code)
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function otherPrefix(code) {
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
+ effects.enter('listItemPrefixWhitespace')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('listItemPrefixWhitespace')
+ return endOfPrefix
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function endOfPrefix(code) {
+ self.containerState.size =
+ initialSize +
+ self.sliceSerialize(effects.exit('listItemPrefix'), true).length
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ */
+function tokenizeListContinuation(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ self.containerState._closeFlow = undefined
+ return effects.check(blankLine, onBlank, notBlank)
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function onBlank(code) {
+ self.containerState.furtherBlankLines =
+ self.containerState.furtherBlankLines ||
+ self.containerState.initialBlankLine
+ // We have a blank line.
+ // Still, try to consume at most the items size.
+ return factorySpace(
+ effects,
+ ok,
+ 'listItemIndent',
+ self.containerState.size + 1
+ )(code)
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function notBlank(code) {
+ if (self.containerState.furtherBlankLines || !markdownSpace(code)) {
+ self.containerState.furtherBlankLines = undefined
+ self.containerState.initialBlankLine = undefined
+ return notInCurrentItem(code)
+ }
+ self.containerState.furtherBlankLines = undefined
+ self.containerState.initialBlankLine = undefined
+ return effects.attempt(indentConstruct, ok, notInCurrentItem)(code)
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function notInCurrentItem(code) {
+ // While we do continue, we signal that the flow should be closed.
+ self.containerState._closeFlow = true
+ // As we’re closing flow, we’re no longer interrupting.
+ self.interrupt = undefined
+ // Always populated by defaults.
+ return factorySpace(
+ effects,
+ effects.attempt(list, ok, nok),
+ 'linePrefix',
+ self.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented')
+ ? undefined
+ : 4
+ )(code)
+ }
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ */
+function tokenizeIndent(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ return factorySpace(
+ effects,
+ afterPrefix,
+ 'listItemIndent',
+ self.containerState.size + 1
+ )
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function afterPrefix(code) {
+ const tail =[ - 1]
+ return tail &&
+ tail[1].type === 'listItemIndent' &&
+ tail[2].sliceSerialize(tail[1], true).length === self.containerState.size
+ ? ok(code)
+ : nok(code)
+ }
+ * @type {Exiter}
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ */
+function tokenizeListEnd(effects) {
+ effects.exit(this.containerState.type)
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ */
+function tokenizeListItemPrefixWhitespace(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ // Always populated by defaults.
+ return factorySpace(
+ effects,
+ afterPrefix,
+ 'listItemPrefixWhitespace',
+ self.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented')
+ ? undefined
+ : 4 + 1
+ )
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function afterPrefix(code) {
+ const tail =[ - 1]
+ return !markdownSpace(code) &&
+ tail &&
+ tail[1].type === 'listItemPrefixWhitespace'
+ ? ok(code)
+ : nok(code)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-core-commonmark/lib/block-quote.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Exiter} Exiter
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const blockQuote = {
+ name: 'blockQuote',
+ tokenize: tokenizeBlockQuoteStart,
+ continuation: {
+ tokenize: tokenizeBlockQuoteContinuation
+ },
+ exit
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeBlockQuoteStart(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Start of block quote.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | > a
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ if (code === 62) {
+ const state = self.containerState
+ if (! {
+ effects.enter('blockQuote', {
+ _container: true
+ })
+ = true
+ }
+ effects.enter('blockQuotePrefix')
+ effects.enter('blockQuoteMarker')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('blockQuoteMarker')
+ return after
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After `>`, before optional whitespace.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | > a
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function after(code) {
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
+ effects.enter('blockQuotePrefixWhitespace')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('blockQuotePrefixWhitespace')
+ effects.exit('blockQuotePrefix')
+ return ok
+ }
+ effects.exit('blockQuotePrefix')
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+ * Start of block quote continuation.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | > a
+ * > | > b
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeBlockQuoteContinuation(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ return contStart
+ /**
+ * Start of block quote continuation.
+ *
+ * Also used to parse the first block quote opening.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | > a
+ * > | > b
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function contStart(code) {
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
+ // Always populated by defaults.
+ return factorySpace(
+ effects,
+ contBefore,
+ 'linePrefix',
+ self.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented')
+ ? undefined
+ : 4
+ )(code)
+ }
+ return contBefore(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * At `>`, after optional whitespace.
+ *
+ * Also used to parse the first block quote opening.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | > a
+ * > | > b
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function contBefore(code) {
+ return effects.attempt(blockQuote, ok, nok)(code)
+ }
+/** @type {Exiter} */
+function exit(effects) {
+ effects.exit('blockQuote')
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-factory-destination/index.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Effects} Effects
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenType} TokenType
+ */
+ * Parse destinations.
+ *
+ * ###### Examples
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ *
+ * b>
+ *
+ *
+ * a
+ * a\)b
+ * a(b)c
+ * a(b)
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param {Effects} effects
+ * Context.
+ * @param {State} ok
+ * State switched to when successful.
+ * @param {State} nok
+ * State switched to when unsuccessful.
+ * @param {TokenType} type
+ * Type for whole (`` or `b`).
+ * @param {TokenType} literalType
+ * Type when enclosed (``).
+ * @param {TokenType} literalMarkerType
+ * Type for enclosing (`<` and `>`).
+ * @param {TokenType} rawType
+ * Type when not enclosed (`b`).
+ * @param {TokenType} stringType
+ * Type for the value (`a` or `b`).
+ * @param {number | undefined} [max=Infinity]
+ * Depth of nested parens (inclusive).
+ * @returns {State}
+ * Start state.
+ */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-params
+function factoryDestination(
+ effects,
+ ok,
+ nok,
+ type,
+ literalType,
+ literalMarkerType,
+ rawType,
+ stringType,
+ max
+) {
+ const limit = max || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
+ let balance = 0
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Start of destination.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * > | aa
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ if (code === 60) {
+ effects.enter(type)
+ effects.enter(literalType)
+ effects.enter(literalMarkerType)
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit(literalMarkerType)
+ return enclosedBefore
+ }
+ // ASCII control, space, closing paren.
+ if (code === null || code === 32 || code === 41 || asciiControl(code)) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ effects.enter(type)
+ effects.enter(rawType)
+ effects.enter(stringType)
+ effects.enter('chunkString', {
+ contentType: 'string'
+ })
+ return raw(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After `<`, at an enclosed destination.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function enclosedBefore(code) {
+ if (code === 62) {
+ effects.enter(literalMarkerType)
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit(literalMarkerType)
+ effects.exit(literalType)
+ effects.exit(type)
+ return ok
+ }
+ effects.enter(stringType)
+ effects.enter('chunkString', {
+ contentType: 'string'
+ })
+ return enclosed(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In enclosed destination.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function enclosed(code) {
+ if (code === 62) {
+ effects.exit('chunkString')
+ effects.exit(stringType)
+ return enclosedBefore(code)
+ }
+ if (code === null || code === 60 || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return code === 92 ? enclosedEscape : enclosed
+ }
+ /**
+ * After `\`, at a special character.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function enclosedEscape(code) {
+ if (code === 60 || code === 62 || code === 92) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return enclosed
+ }
+ return enclosed(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In raw destination.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | aa
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function raw(code) {
+ if (
+ !balance &&
+ (code === null || code === 41 || markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code))
+ ) {
+ effects.exit('chunkString')
+ effects.exit(stringType)
+ effects.exit(rawType)
+ effects.exit(type)
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+ if (balance < limit && code === 40) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ balance++
+ return raw
+ }
+ if (code === 41) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ balance--
+ return raw
+ }
+ // ASCII control (but *not* `\0`) and space and `(`.
+ // Note: in `markdown-rs`, `\0` exists in codes, in `micromark-js` it
+ // doesn’t.
+ if (code === null || code === 32 || code === 40 || asciiControl(code)) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return code === 92 ? rawEscape : raw
+ }
+ /**
+ * After `\`, at special character.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a\*a
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function rawEscape(code) {
+ if (code === 40 || code === 41 || code === 92) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return raw
+ }
+ return raw(code)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-factory-label/index.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Effects} Effects
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenType} TokenType
+ */
+ * Parse labels.
+ *
+ * > 👉 **Note**: labels in markdown are capped at 999 characters in the string.
+ *
+ * ###### Examples
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * [a]
+ * [a
+ * b]
+ * [a\]b]
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * Tokenize context.
+ * @param {Effects} effects
+ * Context.
+ * @param {State} ok
+ * State switched to when successful.
+ * @param {State} nok
+ * State switched to when unsuccessful.
+ * @param {TokenType} type
+ * Type of the whole label (`[a]`).
+ * @param {TokenType} markerType
+ * Type for the markers (`[` and `]`).
+ * @param {TokenType} stringType
+ * Type for the identifier (`a`).
+ * @returns {State}
+ * Start state.
+ */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-params
+function factoryLabel(effects, ok, nok, type, markerType, stringType) {
+ const self = this
+ let size = 0
+ /** @type {boolean} */
+ let seen
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Start of label.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a]
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ effects.enter(type)
+ effects.enter(markerType)
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit(markerType)
+ effects.enter(stringType)
+ return atBreak
+ }
+ /**
+ * In label, at something, before something else.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a]
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function atBreak(code) {
+ if (
+ size > 999 ||
+ code === null ||
+ code === 91 ||
+ (code === 93 && !seen) ||
+ // To do: remove in the future once we’ve switched from
+ // `micromark-extension-footnote` to `micromark-extension-gfm-footnote`,
+ // which doesn’t need this.
+ // Hidden footnotes hook.
+ /* c8 ignore next 3 */
+ (code === 94 &&
+ !size &&
+ '_hiddenFootnoteSupport' in self.parser.constructs)
+ ) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ if (code === 93) {
+ effects.exit(stringType)
+ effects.enter(markerType)
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit(markerType)
+ effects.exit(type)
+ return ok
+ }
+ // To do: indent? Link chunks and EOLs together?
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ effects.enter('lineEnding')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('lineEnding')
+ return atBreak
+ }
+ effects.enter('chunkString', {
+ contentType: 'string'
+ })
+ return labelInside(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In label, in text.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a]
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function labelInside(code) {
+ if (
+ code === null ||
+ code === 91 ||
+ code === 93 ||
+ markdownLineEnding(code) ||
+ size++ > 999
+ ) {
+ effects.exit('chunkString')
+ return atBreak(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ if (!seen) seen = !markdownSpace(code)
+ return code === 92 ? labelEscape : labelInside
+ }
+ /**
+ * After `\`, at a special character.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a\*a]
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function labelEscape(code) {
+ if (code === 91 || code === 92 || code === 93) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ size++
+ return labelInside
+ }
+ return labelInside(code)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-factory-title/index.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Effects} Effects
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenType} TokenType
+ */
+ * Parse titles.
+ *
+ * ###### Examples
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * "a"
+ * 'b'
+ * (c)
+ * "a
+ * b"
+ * 'a
+ * b'
+ * (a\)b)
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param {Effects} effects
+ * Context.
+ * @param {State} ok
+ * State switched to when successful.
+ * @param {State} nok
+ * State switched to when unsuccessful.
+ * @param {TokenType} type
+ * Type of the whole title (`"a"`, `'b'`, `(c)`).
+ * @param {TokenType} markerType
+ * Type for the markers (`"`, `'`, `(`, and `)`).
+ * @param {TokenType} stringType
+ * Type for the value (`a`).
+ * @returns {State}
+ * Start state.
+ */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-params
+function factoryTitle(effects, ok, nok, type, markerType, stringType) {
+ /** @type {NonNullable} */
+ let marker
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Start of title.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | "a"
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ if (code === 34 || code === 39 || code === 40) {
+ effects.enter(type)
+ effects.enter(markerType)
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit(markerType)
+ marker = code === 40 ? 41 : code
+ return begin
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After opening marker.
+ *
+ * This is also used at the closing marker.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | "a"
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function begin(code) {
+ if (code === marker) {
+ effects.enter(markerType)
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit(markerType)
+ effects.exit(type)
+ return ok
+ }
+ effects.enter(stringType)
+ return atBreak(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * At something, before something else.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | "a"
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function atBreak(code) {
+ if (code === marker) {
+ effects.exit(stringType)
+ return begin(marker)
+ }
+ if (code === null) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ // Note: blank lines can’t exist in content.
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ // To do: use `space_or_tab_eol_with_options`, connect.
+ effects.enter('lineEnding')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('lineEnding')
+ return factorySpace(effects, atBreak, 'linePrefix')
+ }
+ effects.enter('chunkString', {
+ contentType: 'string'
+ })
+ return inside(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function inside(code) {
+ if (code === marker || code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ effects.exit('chunkString')
+ return atBreak(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return code === 92 ? escape : inside
+ }
+ /**
+ * After `\`, at a special character.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | "a\*b"
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function escape(code) {
+ if (code === marker || code === 92) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return inside
+ }
+ return inside(code)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-factory-whitespace/index.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Effects} Effects
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ */
+ * Parse spaces and tabs.
+ *
+ * There is no `nok` parameter:
+ *
+ * * line endings or spaces in markdown are often optional, in which case this
+ * factory can be used and `ok` will be switched to whether spaces were found
+ * or not
+ * * one line ending or space can be detected with
+ * `markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)` right before using `factoryWhitespace`
+ *
+ * @param {Effects} effects
+ * Context.
+ * @param {State} ok
+ * State switched to when successful.
+ * @returns
+ * Start state.
+ */
+function factoryWhitespace(effects, ok) {
+ /** @type {boolean} */
+ let seen
+ return start
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function start(code) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ effects.enter('lineEnding')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('lineEnding')
+ seen = true
+ return start
+ }
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
+ return factorySpace(
+ effects,
+ start,
+ seen ? 'linePrefix' : 'lineSuffix'
+ )(code)
+ }
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-util-normalize-identifier/index.js
+ * Normalize an identifier (as found in references, definitions).
+ *
+ * Collapses markdown whitespace, trim, and then lower- and uppercase.
+ *
+ * Some characters are considered “uppercase”, such as U+03F4 (`ϴ`), but if their
+ * lowercase counterpart (U+03B8 (`θ`)) is uppercased will result in a different
+ * uppercase character (U+0398 (`Θ`)).
+ * So, to get a canonical form, we perform both lower- and uppercase.
+ *
+ * Using uppercase last makes sure keys will never interact with default
+ * prototypal values (such as `constructor`): nothing in the prototype of
+ * `Object` is uppercase.
+ *
+ * @param {string} value
+ * Identifier to normalize.
+ * @returns {string}
+ * Normalized identifier.
+ */
+function normalizeIdentifier(value) {
+ return (
+ value
+ // Collapse markdown whitespace.
+ .replace(/[\t\n\r ]+/g, ' ')
+ // Trim.
+ .replace(/^ | $/g, '')
+ // Some characters are considered “uppercase”, but if their lowercase
+ // counterpart is uppercased will result in a different uppercase
+ // character.
+ // Hence, to get that form, we perform both lower- and uppercase.
+ // Upper case makes sure keys will not interact with default prototypal
+ // methods: no method is uppercase.
+ .toLowerCase()
+ .toUpperCase()
+ )
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-core-commonmark/lib/definition.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const definition = {
+ name: 'definition',
+ tokenize: tokenizeDefinition
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const titleBefore = {
+ tokenize: tokenizeTitleBefore,
+ partial: true
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeDefinition(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let identifier
+ return start
+ /**
+ * At start of a definition.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a]: b "c"
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ // Do not interrupt paragraphs (but do follow definitions).
+ // To do: do `interrupt` the way `markdown-rs` does.
+ // To do: parse whitespace the way `markdown-rs` does.
+ effects.enter('definition')
+ return before(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After optional whitespace, at `[`.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a]: b "c"
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function before(code) {
+ // To do: parse whitespace the way `markdown-rs` does.
+ return
+ self,
+ effects,
+ labelAfter,
+ // Note: we don’t need to reset the way `markdown-rs` does.
+ nok,
+ 'definitionLabel',
+ 'definitionLabelMarker',
+ 'definitionLabelString'
+ )(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After label.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a]: b "c"
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function labelAfter(code) {
+ identifier = normalizeIdentifier(
+ self.sliceSerialize([ - 1][1]).slice(1, -1)
+ )
+ if (code === 58) {
+ effects.enter('definitionMarker')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('definitionMarker')
+ return markerAfter
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After marker.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a]: b "c"
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function markerAfter(code) {
+ // Note: whitespace is optional.
+ return markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)
+ ? factoryWhitespace(effects, destinationBefore)(code)
+ : destinationBefore(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Before destination.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a]: b "c"
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function destinationBefore(code) {
+ return factoryDestination(
+ effects,
+ destinationAfter,
+ // Note: we don’t need to reset the way `markdown-rs` does.
+ nok,
+ 'definitionDestination',
+ 'definitionDestinationLiteral',
+ 'definitionDestinationLiteralMarker',
+ 'definitionDestinationRaw',
+ 'definitionDestinationString'
+ )(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After destination.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a]: b "c"
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function destinationAfter(code) {
+ return effects.attempt(titleBefore, after, after)(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After definition.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a]: b
+ * ^
+ * > | [a]: b "c"
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function after(code) {
+ return markdownSpace(code)
+ ? factorySpace(effects, afterWhitespace, 'whitespace')(code)
+ : afterWhitespace(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After definition, after optional whitespace.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a]: b
+ * ^
+ * > | [a]: b "c"
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function afterWhitespace(code) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ effects.exit('definition')
+ // Note: we don’t care about uniqueness.
+ // It’s likely that that doesn’t happen very frequently.
+ // It is more likely that it wastes precious time.
+ self.parser.defined.push(identifier)
+ // To do: `markdown-rs` interrupt.
+ // // You’d be interrupting.
+ // tokenizer.interrupt = true
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeTitleBefore(effects, ok, nok) {
+ return titleBefore
+ /**
+ * After destination, at whitespace.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a]: b
+ * ^
+ * > | [a]: b "c"
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function titleBefore(code) {
+ return markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)
+ ? factoryWhitespace(effects, beforeMarker)(code)
+ : nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * At title.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | [a]: b
+ * > | "c"
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function beforeMarker(code) {
+ return factoryTitle(
+ effects,
+ titleAfter,
+ nok,
+ 'definitionTitle',
+ 'definitionTitleMarker',
+ 'definitionTitleString'
+ )(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After title.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a]: b "c"
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function titleAfter(code) {
+ return markdownSpace(code)
+ ? factorySpace(effects, titleAfterOptionalWhitespace, 'whitespace')(code)
+ : titleAfterOptionalWhitespace(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After title, after optional whitespace.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a]: b "c"
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function titleAfterOptionalWhitespace(code) {
+ return code === null || markdownLineEnding(code) ? ok(code) : nok(code)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-core-commonmark/lib/code-indented.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const codeIndented = {
+ name: 'codeIndented',
+ tokenize: tokenizeCodeIndented
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const furtherStart = {
+ tokenize: tokenizeFurtherStart,
+ partial: true
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeCodeIndented(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Start of code (indented).
+ *
+ * > **Parsing note**: it is not needed to check if this first line is a
+ * > filled line (that it has a non-whitespace character), because blank lines
+ * > are parsed already, so we never run into that.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | aaa
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ // To do: manually check if interrupting like `markdown-rs`.
+ effects.enter('codeIndented')
+ // To do: use an improved `space_or_tab` function like `markdown-rs`,
+ // so that we can drop the next state.
+ return factorySpace(effects, afterPrefix, 'linePrefix', 4 + 1)(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * At start, after 1 or 4 spaces.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | aaa
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function afterPrefix(code) {
+ const tail =[ - 1]
+ return tail &&
+ tail[1].type === 'linePrefix' &&
+ tail[2].sliceSerialize(tail[1], true).length >= 4
+ ? atBreak(code)
+ : nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * At a break.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | aaa
+ * ^ ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function atBreak(code) {
+ if (code === null) {
+ return after(code)
+ }
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ return effects.attempt(furtherStart, atBreak, after)(code)
+ }
+ effects.enter('codeFlowValue')
+ return inside(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In code content.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | aaa
+ * ^^^^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function inside(code) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ effects.exit('codeFlowValue')
+ return atBreak(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return inside
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function after(code) {
+ effects.exit('codeIndented')
+ // To do: allow interrupting like `markdown-rs`.
+ // Feel free to interrupt.
+ // tokenizer.interrupt = false
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeFurtherStart(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ return furtherStart
+ /**
+ * At eol, trying to parse another indent.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | aaa
+ * ^
+ * | bbb
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function furtherStart(code) {
+ // To do: improve `lazy` / `pierce` handling.
+ // If this is a lazy line, it can’t be code.
+ if (self.parser.lazy[]) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ effects.enter('lineEnding')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('lineEnding')
+ return furtherStart
+ }
+ // To do: the code here in `micromark-js` is a bit different from
+ // `markdown-rs` because there it can attempt spaces.
+ // We can’t yet.
+ //
+ // To do: use an improved `space_or_tab` function like `markdown-rs`,
+ // so that we can drop the next state.
+ return factorySpace(effects, afterPrefix, 'linePrefix', 4 + 1)(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * At start, after 1 or 4 spaces.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | aaa
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function afterPrefix(code) {
+ const tail =[ - 1]
+ return tail &&
+ tail[1].type === 'linePrefix' &&
+ tail[2].sliceSerialize(tail[1], true).length >= 4
+ ? ok(code)
+ : markdownLineEnding(code)
+ ? furtherStart(code)
+ : nok(code)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-core-commonmark/lib/heading-atx.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const headingAtx = {
+ name: 'headingAtx',
+ tokenize: tokenizeHeadingAtx,
+ resolve: resolveHeadingAtx
+/** @type {Resolver} */
+function resolveHeadingAtx(events, context) {
+ let contentEnd = events.length - 2
+ let contentStart = 3
+ /** @type {Token} */
+ let content
+ /** @type {Token} */
+ let text
+ // Prefix whitespace, part of the opening.
+ if (events[contentStart][1].type === 'whitespace') {
+ contentStart += 2
+ }
+ // Suffix whitespace, part of the closing.
+ if (
+ contentEnd - 2 > contentStart &&
+ events[contentEnd][1].type === 'whitespace'
+ ) {
+ contentEnd -= 2
+ }
+ if (
+ events[contentEnd][1].type === 'atxHeadingSequence' &&
+ (contentStart === contentEnd - 1 ||
+ (contentEnd - 4 > contentStart &&
+ events[contentEnd - 2][1].type === 'whitespace'))
+ ) {
+ contentEnd -= contentStart + 1 === contentEnd ? 2 : 4
+ }
+ if (contentEnd > contentStart) {
+ content = {
+ type: 'atxHeadingText',
+ start: events[contentStart][1].start,
+ end: events[contentEnd][1].end
+ }
+ text = {
+ type: 'chunkText',
+ start: events[contentStart][1].start,
+ end: events[contentEnd][1].end,
+ contentType: 'text'
+ }
+ splice(events, contentStart, contentEnd - contentStart + 1, [
+ ['enter', content, context],
+ ['enter', text, context],
+ ['exit', text, context],
+ ['exit', content, context]
+ ])
+ }
+ return events
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeHeadingAtx(effects, ok, nok) {
+ let size = 0
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Start of a heading (atx).
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ## aa
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ // To do: parse indent like `markdown-rs`.
+ effects.enter('atxHeading')
+ return before(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After optional whitespace, at `#`.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ## aa
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function before(code) {
+ effects.enter('atxHeadingSequence')
+ return sequenceOpen(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In opening sequence.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ## aa
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function sequenceOpen(code) {
+ if (code === 35 && size++ < 6) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return sequenceOpen
+ }
+ // Always at least one `#`.
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {
+ effects.exit('atxHeadingSequence')
+ return atBreak(code)
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After something, before something else.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ## aa
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function atBreak(code) {
+ if (code === 35) {
+ effects.enter('atxHeadingSequence')
+ return sequenceFurther(code)
+ }
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ effects.exit('atxHeading')
+ // To do: interrupt like `markdown-rs`.
+ // // Feel free to interrupt.
+ // tokenizer.interrupt = false
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
+ return factorySpace(effects, atBreak, 'whitespace')(code)
+ }
+ // To do: generate `data` tokens, add the `text` token later.
+ // Needs edit map, see: ``.
+ effects.enter('atxHeadingText')
+ return data(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In further sequence (after whitespace).
+ *
+ * Could be normal “visible” hashes in the heading or a final sequence.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ## aa ##
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function sequenceFurther(code) {
+ if (code === 35) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return sequenceFurther
+ }
+ effects.exit('atxHeadingSequence')
+ return atBreak(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In text.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ## aa
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function data(code) {
+ if (code === null || code === 35 || markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {
+ effects.exit('atxHeadingText')
+ return atBreak(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return data
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-core-commonmark/lib/setext-underline.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const setextUnderline = {
+ name: 'setextUnderline',
+ tokenize: tokenizeSetextUnderline,
+ resolveTo: resolveToSetextUnderline
+/** @type {Resolver} */
+function resolveToSetextUnderline(events, context) {
+ // To do: resolve like `markdown-rs`.
+ let index = events.length
+ /** @type {number | undefined} */
+ let content
+ /** @type {number | undefined} */
+ let text
+ /** @type {number | undefined} */
+ let definition
+ // Find the opening of the content.
+ // It’ll always exist: we don’t tokenize if it isn’t there.
+ while (index--) {
+ if (events[index][0] === 'enter') {
+ if (events[index][1].type === 'content') {
+ content = index
+ break
+ }
+ if (events[index][1].type === 'paragraph') {
+ text = index
+ }
+ }
+ // Exit
+ else {
+ if (events[index][1].type === 'content') {
+ // Remove the content end (if needed we’ll add it later)
+ events.splice(index, 1)
+ }
+ if (!definition && events[index][1].type === 'definition') {
+ definition = index
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const heading = {
+ type: 'setextHeading',
+ start: Object.assign({}, events[text][1].start),
+ end: Object.assign({}, events[events.length - 1][1].end)
+ }
+ // Change the paragraph to setext heading text.
+ events[text][1].type = 'setextHeadingText'
+ // If we have definitions in the content, we’ll keep on having content,
+ // but we need move it.
+ if (definition) {
+ events.splice(text, 0, ['enter', heading, context])
+ events.splice(definition + 1, 0, ['exit', events[content][1], context])
+ events[content][1].end = Object.assign({}, events[definition][1].end)
+ } else {
+ events[content][1] = heading
+ }
+ // Add the heading exit at the end.
+ events.push(['exit', heading, context])
+ return events
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeSetextUnderline(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ /** @type {NonNullable} */
+ let marker
+ return start
+ /**
+ * At start of heading (setext) underline.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | aa
+ * > | ==
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ let index =
+ /** @type {boolean | undefined} */
+ let paragraph
+ // Find an opening.
+ while (index--) {
+ // Skip enter/exit of line ending, line prefix, and content.
+ // We can now either have a definition or a paragraph.
+ if (
+[index][1].type !== 'lineEnding' &&
+[index][1].type !== 'linePrefix' &&
+[index][1].type !== 'content'
+ ) {
+ paragraph =[index][1].type === 'paragraph'
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ // To do: handle lazy/pierce like `markdown-rs`.
+ // To do: parse indent like `markdown-rs`.
+ if (!self.parser.lazy[] && (self.interrupt || paragraph)) {
+ effects.enter('setextHeadingLine')
+ marker = code
+ return before(code)
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After optional whitespace, at `-` or `=`.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | aa
+ * > | ==
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function before(code) {
+ effects.enter('setextHeadingLineSequence')
+ return inside(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In sequence.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | aa
+ * > | ==
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function inside(code) {
+ if (code === marker) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return inside
+ }
+ effects.exit('setextHeadingLineSequence')
+ return markdownSpace(code)
+ ? factorySpace(effects, after, 'lineSuffix')(code)
+ : after(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After sequence, after optional whitespace.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | aa
+ * > | ==
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function after(code) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ effects.exit('setextHeadingLine')
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-util-html-tag-name/index.js
+ * List of lowercase HTML “block” tag names.
+ *
+ * The list, when parsing HTML (flow), results in more relaxed rules (condition
+ * 6).
+ * Because they are known blocks, the HTML-like syntax doesn’t have to be
+ * strictly parsed.
+ * For tag names not in this list, a more strict algorithm (condition 7) is used
+ * to detect whether the HTML-like syntax is seen as HTML (flow) or not.
+ *
+ * This is copied from:
+ * .
+ *
+ * > 👉 **Note**: `search` was added in `CommonMark@0.31`.
+ */
+const htmlBlockNames = [
+ 'address',
+ 'article',
+ 'aside',
+ 'base',
+ 'basefont',
+ 'blockquote',
+ 'body',
+ 'caption',
+ 'center',
+ 'col',
+ 'colgroup',
+ 'dd',
+ 'details',
+ 'dialog',
+ 'dir',
+ 'div',
+ 'dl',
+ 'dt',
+ 'fieldset',
+ 'figcaption',
+ 'figure',
+ 'footer',
+ 'form',
+ 'frame',
+ 'frameset',
+ 'h1',
+ 'h2',
+ 'h3',
+ 'h4',
+ 'h5',
+ 'h6',
+ 'head',
+ 'header',
+ 'hr',
+ 'html',
+ 'iframe',
+ 'legend',
+ 'li',
+ 'link',
+ 'main',
+ 'menu',
+ 'menuitem',
+ 'nav',
+ 'noframes',
+ 'ol',
+ 'optgroup',
+ 'option',
+ 'p',
+ 'param',
+ 'search',
+ 'section',
+ 'summary',
+ 'table',
+ 'tbody',
+ 'td',
+ 'tfoot',
+ 'th',
+ 'thead',
+ 'title',
+ 'tr',
+ 'track',
+ 'ul'
+ * List of lowercase HTML “raw” tag names.
+ *
+ * The list, when parsing HTML (flow), results in HTML that can include lines
+ * without exiting, until a closing tag also in this list is found (condition
+ * 1).
+ *
+ * This module is copied from:
+ * .
+ *
+ * > 👉 **Note**: `textarea` was added in `CommonMark@0.30`.
+ */
+const htmlRawNames = ['pre', 'script', 'style', 'textarea']
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-core-commonmark/lib/html-flow.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const htmlFlow = {
+ name: 'htmlFlow',
+ tokenize: tokenizeHtmlFlow,
+ resolveTo: resolveToHtmlFlow,
+ concrete: true
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const blankLineBefore = {
+ tokenize: tokenizeBlankLineBefore,
+ partial: true
+const nonLazyContinuationStart = {
+ tokenize: tokenizeNonLazyContinuationStart,
+ partial: true
+/** @type {Resolver} */
+function resolveToHtmlFlow(events) {
+ let index = events.length
+ while (index--) {
+ if (events[index][0] === 'enter' && events[index][1].type === 'htmlFlow') {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if (index > 1 && events[index - 2][1].type === 'linePrefix') {
+ // Add the prefix start to the HTML token.
+ events[index][1].start = events[index - 2][1].start
+ // Add the prefix start to the HTML line token.
+ events[index + 1][1].start = events[index - 2][1].start
+ // Remove the line prefix.
+ events.splice(index - 2, 2)
+ }
+ return events
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeHtmlFlow(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let marker
+ /** @type {boolean} */
+ let closingTag
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let buffer
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let index
+ /** @type {Code} */
+ let markerB
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Start of HTML (flow).
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ // To do: parse indent like `markdown-rs`.
+ return before(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * At `<`, after optional whitespace.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function before(code) {
+ effects.enter('htmlFlow')
+ effects.enter('htmlFlowData')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return open
+ }
+ /**
+ * After `<`, at tag name or other stuff.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function open(code) {
+ if (code === 33) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return declarationOpen
+ }
+ if (code === 47) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ closingTag = true
+ return tagCloseStart
+ }
+ if (code === 63) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ marker = 3
+ // To do:
+ // tokenizer.concrete = true
+ // To do: use `markdown-rs` style interrupt.
+ // While we’re in an instruction instead of a declaration, we’re on a `?`
+ // right now, so we do need to search for `>`, similar to declarations.
+ return self.interrupt ? ok : continuationDeclarationInside
+ }
+ // ASCII alphabetical.
+ if (asciiAlpha(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ // @ts-expect-error: not null.
+ buffer = String.fromCharCode(code)
+ return tagName
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After ` |
+ * ^
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * > | &<]]>
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function declarationOpen(code) {
+ if (code === 45) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ marker = 2
+ return commentOpenInside
+ }
+ if (code === 91) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ marker = 5
+ index = 0
+ return cdataOpenInside
+ }
+ // ASCII alphabetical.
+ if (asciiAlpha(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ marker = 4
+ // // Do not form containers.
+ // tokenizer.concrete = true
+ return self.interrupt ? ok : continuationDeclarationInside
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After ` |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function commentOpenInside(code) {
+ if (code === 45) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ // // Do not form containers.
+ // tokenizer.concrete = true
+ return self.interrupt ? ok : continuationDeclarationInside
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After ` | &<]]>
+ * ^^^^^^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function cdataOpenInside(code) {
+ const value = 'CDATA['
+ if (code === value.charCodeAt(index++)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ if (index === value.length) {
+ // // Do not form containers.
+ // tokenizer.concrete = true
+ return self.interrupt ? ok : continuation
+ }
+ return cdataOpenInside
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After ``, in closing tag, at tag name.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function tagCloseStart(code) {
+ if (asciiAlpha(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ // @ts-expect-error: not null.
+ buffer = String.fromCharCode(code)
+ return tagName
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In tag name.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^^
+ * > |
+ * ^^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function tagName(code) {
+ if (
+ code === null ||
+ code === 47 ||
+ code === 62 ||
+ markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)
+ ) {
+ const slash = code === 47
+ const name = buffer.toLowerCase()
+ if (!slash && !closingTag && htmlRawNames.includes(name)) {
+ marker = 1
+ // // Do not form containers.
+ // tokenizer.concrete = true
+ return self.interrupt ? ok(code) : continuation(code)
+ }
+ if (htmlBlockNames.includes(buffer.toLowerCase())) {
+ marker = 6
+ if (slash) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return basicSelfClosing
+ }
+ // // Do not form containers.
+ // tokenizer.concrete = true
+ return self.interrupt ? ok(code) : continuation(code)
+ }
+ marker = 7
+ // Do not support complete HTML when interrupting.
+ return self.interrupt && !self.parser.lazy[]
+ ? nok(code)
+ : closingTag
+ ? completeClosingTagAfter(code)
+ : completeAttributeNameBefore(code)
+ }
+ // ASCII alphanumerical and `-`.
+ if (code === 45 || asciiAlphanumeric(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ buffer += String.fromCharCode(code)
+ return tagName
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After closing slash of a basic tag name.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function basicSelfClosing(code) {
+ if (code === 62) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ // // Do not form containers.
+ // tokenizer.concrete = true
+ return self.interrupt ? ok : continuation
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After closing slash of a complete tag name.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function completeClosingTagAfter(code) {
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return completeClosingTagAfter
+ }
+ return completeEnd(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * At an attribute name.
+ *
+ * At first, this state is used after a complete tag name, after whitespace,
+ * where it expects optional attributes or the end of the tag.
+ * It is also reused after attributes, when expecting more optional
+ * attributes.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function completeAttributeNameBefore(code) {
+ if (code === 47) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return completeEnd
+ }
+ // ASCII alphanumerical and `:` and `_`.
+ if (code === 58 || code === 95 || asciiAlpha(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return completeAttributeName
+ }
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return completeAttributeNameBefore
+ }
+ return completeEnd(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In attribute name.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function completeAttributeName(code) {
+ // ASCII alphanumerical and `-`, `.`, `:`, and `_`.
+ if (
+ code === 45 ||
+ code === 46 ||
+ code === 58 ||
+ code === 95 ||
+ asciiAlphanumeric(code)
+ ) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return completeAttributeName
+ }
+ return completeAttributeNameAfter(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After attribute name, at an optional initializer, the end of the tag, or
+ * whitespace.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function completeAttributeNameAfter(code) {
+ if (code === 61) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return completeAttributeValueBefore
+ }
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return completeAttributeNameAfter
+ }
+ return completeAttributeNameBefore(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Before unquoted, double quoted, or single quoted attribute value, allowing
+ * whitespace.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function completeAttributeValueBefore(code) {
+ if (
+ code === null ||
+ code === 60 ||
+ code === 61 ||
+ code === 62 ||
+ code === 96
+ ) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ if (code === 34 || code === 39) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ markerB = code
+ return completeAttributeValueQuoted
+ }
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return completeAttributeValueBefore
+ }
+ return completeAttributeValueUnquoted(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In double or single quoted attribute value.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function completeAttributeValueQuoted(code) {
+ if (code === markerB) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ markerB = null
+ return completeAttributeValueQuotedAfter
+ }
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return completeAttributeValueQuoted
+ }
+ /**
+ * In unquoted attribute value.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function completeAttributeValueUnquoted(code) {
+ if (
+ code === null ||
+ code === 34 ||
+ code === 39 ||
+ code === 47 ||
+ code === 60 ||
+ code === 61 ||
+ code === 62 ||
+ code === 96 ||
+ markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)
+ ) {
+ return completeAttributeNameAfter(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return completeAttributeValueUnquoted
+ }
+ /**
+ * After double or single quoted attribute value, before whitespace or the
+ * end of the tag.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function completeAttributeValueQuotedAfter(code) {
+ if (code === 47 || code === 62 || markdownSpace(code)) {
+ return completeAttributeNameBefore(code)
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In certain circumstances of a complete tag where only an `>` is allowed.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function completeEnd(code) {
+ if (code === 62) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return completeAfter
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After `>` in a complete tag.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function completeAfter(code) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ // // Do not form containers.
+ // tokenizer.concrete = true
+ return continuation(code)
+ }
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return completeAfter
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In continuation of any HTML kind.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function continuation(code) {
+ if (code === 45 && marker === 2) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return continuationCommentInside
+ }
+ if (code === 60 && marker === 1) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return continuationRawTagOpen
+ }
+ if (code === 62 && marker === 4) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return continuationClose
+ }
+ if (code === 63 && marker === 3) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return continuationDeclarationInside
+ }
+ if (code === 93 && marker === 5) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return continuationCdataInside
+ }
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code) && (marker === 6 || marker === 7)) {
+ effects.exit('htmlFlowData')
+ return effects.check(
+ blankLineBefore,
+ continuationAfter,
+ continuationStart
+ )(code)
+ }
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ effects.exit('htmlFlowData')
+ return continuationStart(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return continuation
+ }
+ /**
+ * In continuation, at eol.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * | asd
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function continuationStart(code) {
+ return effects.check(
+ nonLazyContinuationStart,
+ continuationStartNonLazy,
+ continuationAfter
+ )(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In continuation, at eol, before non-lazy content.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * | asd
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function continuationStartNonLazy(code) {
+ effects.enter('lineEnding')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('lineEnding')
+ return continuationBefore
+ }
+ /**
+ * In continuation, before non-lazy content.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * |
+ * > | asd
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function continuationBefore(code) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ return continuationStart(code)
+ }
+ effects.enter('htmlFlowData')
+ return continuation(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In comment continuation, after one `-`, expecting another.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function continuationCommentInside(code) {
+ if (code === 45) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return continuationDeclarationInside
+ }
+ return continuation(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In raw continuation, after `<`, at `/`.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function continuationRawTagOpen(code) {
+ if (code === 47) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ buffer = ''
+ return continuationRawEndTag
+ }
+ return continuation(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In raw continuation, after ``, in a raw tag name.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^^^^^^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function continuationRawEndTag(code) {
+ if (code === 62) {
+ const name = buffer.toLowerCase()
+ if (htmlRawNames.includes(name)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return continuationClose
+ }
+ return continuation(code)
+ }
+ if (asciiAlpha(code) && buffer.length < 8) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ // @ts-expect-error: not null.
+ buffer += String.fromCharCode(code)
+ return continuationRawEndTag
+ }
+ return continuation(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In cdata continuation, after `]`, expecting `]>`.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | &<]]>
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function continuationCdataInside(code) {
+ if (code === 93) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return continuationDeclarationInside
+ }
+ return continuation(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In declaration or instruction continuation, at `>`.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * > | >
+ * ^
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * > | &<]]>
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function continuationDeclarationInside(code) {
+ if (code === 62) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return continuationClose
+ }
+ // More dashes.
+ if (code === 45 && marker === 2) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return continuationDeclarationInside
+ }
+ return continuation(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In closed continuation: everything we get until the eol/eof is part of it.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function continuationClose(code) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ effects.exit('htmlFlowData')
+ return continuationAfter(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return continuationClose
+ }
+ /**
+ * Done.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function continuationAfter(code) {
+ effects.exit('htmlFlow')
+ // // Feel free to interrupt.
+ // tokenizer.interrupt = false
+ // // No longer concrete.
+ // tokenizer.concrete = false
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeNonLazyContinuationStart(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ return start
+ /**
+ * At eol, before continuation.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | * ```js
+ * ^
+ * | b
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ effects.enter('lineEnding')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('lineEnding')
+ return after
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * A continuation.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | * ```js
+ * > | b
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function after(code) {
+ return self.parser.lazy[] ? nok(code) : ok(code)
+ }
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeBlankLineBefore(effects, ok, nok) {
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Before eol, expecting blank line.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > |
+ * ^
+ * |
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ effects.enter('lineEnding')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('lineEnding')
+ return effects.attempt(blankLine, ok, nok)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-core-commonmark/lib/code-fenced.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const nonLazyContinuation = {
+ tokenize: tokenizeNonLazyContinuation,
+ partial: true
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const codeFenced = {
+ name: 'codeFenced',
+ tokenize: tokenizeCodeFenced,
+ concrete: true
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeCodeFenced(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ /** @type {Construct} */
+ const closeStart = {
+ tokenize: tokenizeCloseStart,
+ partial: true
+ }
+ let initialPrefix = 0
+ let sizeOpen = 0
+ /** @type {NonNullable} */
+ let marker
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Start of code.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ~~~js
+ * ^
+ * | alert(1)
+ * | ~~~
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ // To do: parse whitespace like `markdown-rs`.
+ return beforeSequenceOpen(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In opening fence, after prefix, at sequence.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ~~~js
+ * ^
+ * | alert(1)
+ * | ~~~
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function beforeSequenceOpen(code) {
+ const tail =[ - 1]
+ initialPrefix =
+ tail && tail[1].type === 'linePrefix'
+ ? tail[2].sliceSerialize(tail[1], true).length
+ : 0
+ marker = code
+ effects.enter('codeFenced')
+ effects.enter('codeFencedFence')
+ effects.enter('codeFencedFenceSequence')
+ return sequenceOpen(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In opening fence sequence.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ~~~js
+ * ^
+ * | alert(1)
+ * | ~~~
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function sequenceOpen(code) {
+ if (code === marker) {
+ sizeOpen++
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return sequenceOpen
+ }
+ if (sizeOpen < 3) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ effects.exit('codeFencedFenceSequence')
+ return markdownSpace(code)
+ ? factorySpace(effects, infoBefore, 'whitespace')(code)
+ : infoBefore(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In opening fence, after the sequence (and optional whitespace), before info.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ~~~js
+ * ^
+ * | alert(1)
+ * | ~~~
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function infoBefore(code) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ effects.exit('codeFencedFence')
+ return self.interrupt
+ ? ok(code)
+ : effects.check(nonLazyContinuation, atNonLazyBreak, after)(code)
+ }
+ effects.enter('codeFencedFenceInfo')
+ effects.enter('chunkString', {
+ contentType: 'string'
+ })
+ return info(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In info.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ~~~js
+ * ^
+ * | alert(1)
+ * | ~~~
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function info(code) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ effects.exit('chunkString')
+ effects.exit('codeFencedFenceInfo')
+ return infoBefore(code)
+ }
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
+ effects.exit('chunkString')
+ effects.exit('codeFencedFenceInfo')
+ return factorySpace(effects, metaBefore, 'whitespace')(code)
+ }
+ if (code === 96 && code === marker) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return info
+ }
+ /**
+ * In opening fence, after info and whitespace, before meta.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ~~~js eval
+ * ^
+ * | alert(1)
+ * | ~~~
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function metaBefore(code) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ return infoBefore(code)
+ }
+ effects.enter('codeFencedFenceMeta')
+ effects.enter('chunkString', {
+ contentType: 'string'
+ })
+ return meta(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In meta.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ~~~js eval
+ * ^
+ * | alert(1)
+ * | ~~~
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function meta(code) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ effects.exit('chunkString')
+ effects.exit('codeFencedFenceMeta')
+ return infoBefore(code)
+ }
+ if (code === 96 && code === marker) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return meta
+ }
+ /**
+ * At eol/eof in code, before a non-lazy closing fence or content.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ~~~js
+ * ^
+ * > | alert(1)
+ * ^
+ * | ~~~
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function atNonLazyBreak(code) {
+ return effects.attempt(closeStart, after, contentBefore)(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Before code content, not a closing fence, at eol.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | ~~~js
+ * > | alert(1)
+ * ^
+ * | ~~~
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function contentBefore(code) {
+ effects.enter('lineEnding')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('lineEnding')
+ return contentStart
+ }
+ /**
+ * Before code content, not a closing fence.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | ~~~js
+ * > | alert(1)
+ * ^
+ * | ~~~
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function contentStart(code) {
+ return initialPrefix > 0 && markdownSpace(code)
+ ? factorySpace(
+ effects,
+ beforeContentChunk,
+ 'linePrefix',
+ initialPrefix + 1
+ )(code)
+ : beforeContentChunk(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Before code content, after optional prefix.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | ~~~js
+ * > | alert(1)
+ * ^
+ * | ~~~
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function beforeContentChunk(code) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ return effects.check(nonLazyContinuation, atNonLazyBreak, after)(code)
+ }
+ effects.enter('codeFlowValue')
+ return contentChunk(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In code content.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | ~~~js
+ * > | alert(1)
+ * ^^^^^^^^
+ * | ~~~
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function contentChunk(code) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ effects.exit('codeFlowValue')
+ return beforeContentChunk(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return contentChunk
+ }
+ /**
+ * After code.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | ~~~js
+ * | alert(1)
+ * > | ~~~
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function after(code) {
+ effects.exit('codeFenced')
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+ function tokenizeCloseStart(effects, ok, nok) {
+ let size = 0
+ return startBefore
+ /**
+ *
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function startBefore(code) {
+ effects.enter('lineEnding')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('lineEnding')
+ return start
+ }
+ /**
+ * Before closing fence, at optional whitespace.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | ~~~js
+ * | alert(1)
+ * > | ~~~
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ // Always populated by defaults.
+ // To do: `enter` here or in next state?
+ effects.enter('codeFencedFence')
+ return markdownSpace(code)
+ ? factorySpace(
+ effects,
+ beforeSequenceClose,
+ 'linePrefix',
+ self.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented')
+ ? undefined
+ : 4
+ )(code)
+ : beforeSequenceClose(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In closing fence, after optional whitespace, at sequence.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | ~~~js
+ * | alert(1)
+ * > | ~~~
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function beforeSequenceClose(code) {
+ if (code === marker) {
+ effects.enter('codeFencedFenceSequence')
+ return sequenceClose(code)
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In closing fence sequence.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | ~~~js
+ * | alert(1)
+ * > | ~~~
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function sequenceClose(code) {
+ if (code === marker) {
+ size++
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return sequenceClose
+ }
+ if (size >= sizeOpen) {
+ effects.exit('codeFencedFenceSequence')
+ return markdownSpace(code)
+ ? factorySpace(effects, sequenceCloseAfter, 'whitespace')(code)
+ : sequenceCloseAfter(code)
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After closing fence sequence, after optional whitespace.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | ~~~js
+ * | alert(1)
+ * > | ~~~
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function sequenceCloseAfter(code) {
+ if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ effects.exit('codeFencedFence')
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ }
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeNonLazyContinuation(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ return start
+ /**
+ *
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ if (code === null) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ effects.enter('lineEnding')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('lineEnding')
+ return lineStart
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function lineStart(code) {
+ return self.parser.lazy[] ? nok(code) : ok(code)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/character-entities/index.js
+ * Map of named character references.
+ *
+ * @type {Record}
+ */
+const characterEntities = {
+ AElig: 'Æ',
+ AMP: '&',
+ Aacute: 'Á',
+ Abreve: 'Ă',
+ Acirc: 'Â',
+ Acy: 'А',
+ Afr: '𝔄',
+ Agrave: 'À',
+ Alpha: 'Α',
+ Amacr: 'Ā',
+ And: '⩓',
+ Aogon: 'Ą',
+ Aopf: '𝔸',
+ ApplyFunction: '',
+ Aring: 'Å',
+ Ascr: '𝒜',
+ Assign: '≔',
+ Atilde: 'Ã',
+ Auml: 'Ä',
+ Backslash: '∖',
+ Barv: '⫧',
+ Barwed: '⌆',
+ Bcy: 'Б',
+ Because: '∵',
+ Bernoullis: 'ℬ',
+ Beta: 'Β',
+ Bfr: '𝔅',
+ Bopf: '𝔹',
+ Breve: '˘',
+ Bscr: 'ℬ',
+ Bumpeq: '≎',
+ CHcy: 'Ч',
+ COPY: '©',
+ Cacute: 'Ć',
+ Cap: '⋒',
+ CapitalDifferentialD: 'ⅅ',
+ Cayleys: 'ℭ',
+ Ccaron: 'Č',
+ Ccedil: 'Ç',
+ Ccirc: 'Ĉ',
+ Cconint: '∰',
+ Cdot: 'Ċ',
+ Cedilla: '¸',
+ CenterDot: '·',
+ Cfr: 'ℭ',
+ Chi: 'Χ',
+ CircleDot: '⊙',
+ CircleMinus: '⊖',
+ CirclePlus: '⊕',
+ CircleTimes: '⊗',
+ ClockwiseContourIntegral: '∲',
+ CloseCurlyDoubleQuote: '”',
+ CloseCurlyQuote: '’',
+ Colon: '∷',
+ Colone: '⩴',
+ Congruent: '≡',
+ Conint: '∯',
+ ContourIntegral: '∮',
+ Copf: 'ℂ',
+ Coproduct: '∐',
+ CounterClockwiseContourIntegral: '∳',
+ Cross: '⨯',
+ Cscr: '𝒞',
+ Cup: '⋓',
+ CupCap: '≍',
+ DD: 'ⅅ',
+ DDotrahd: '⤑',
+ DJcy: 'Ђ',
+ DScy: 'Ѕ',
+ DZcy: 'Џ',
+ Dagger: '‡',
+ Darr: '↡',
+ Dashv: '⫤',
+ Dcaron: 'Ď',
+ Dcy: 'Д',
+ Del: '∇',
+ Delta: 'Δ',
+ Dfr: '𝔇',
+ DiacriticalAcute: '´',
+ DiacriticalDot: '˙',
+ DiacriticalDoubleAcute: '˝',
+ DiacriticalGrave: '`',
+ DiacriticalTilde: '˜',
+ Diamond: '⋄',
+ DifferentialD: 'ⅆ',
+ Dopf: '𝔻',
+ Dot: '¨',
+ DotDot: '⃜',
+ DotEqual: '≐',
+ DoubleContourIntegral: '∯',
+ DoubleDot: '¨',
+ DoubleDownArrow: '⇓',
+ DoubleLeftArrow: '⇐',
+ DoubleLeftRightArrow: '⇔',
+ DoubleLeftTee: '⫤',
+ DoubleLongLeftArrow: '⟸',
+ DoubleLongLeftRightArrow: '⟺',
+ DoubleLongRightArrow: '⟹',
+ DoubleRightArrow: '⇒',
+ DoubleRightTee: '⊨',
+ DoubleUpArrow: '⇑',
+ DoubleUpDownArrow: '⇕',
+ DoubleVerticalBar: '∥',
+ DownArrow: '↓',
+ DownArrowBar: '⤓',
+ DownArrowUpArrow: '⇵',
+ DownBreve: '̑',
+ DownLeftRightVector: '⥐',
+ DownLeftTeeVector: '⥞',
+ DownLeftVector: '↽',
+ DownLeftVectorBar: '⥖',
+ DownRightTeeVector: '⥟',
+ DownRightVector: '⇁',
+ DownRightVectorBar: '⥗',
+ DownTee: '⊤',
+ DownTeeArrow: '↧',
+ Downarrow: '⇓',
+ Dscr: '𝒟',
+ Dstrok: 'Đ',
+ ENG: 'Ŋ',
+ ETH: 'Ð',
+ Eacute: 'É',
+ Ecaron: 'Ě',
+ Ecirc: 'Ê',
+ Ecy: 'Э',
+ Edot: 'Ė',
+ Efr: '𝔈',
+ Egrave: 'È',
+ Element: '∈',
+ Emacr: 'Ē',
+ EmptySmallSquare: '◻',
+ EmptyVerySmallSquare: '▫',
+ Eogon: 'Ę',
+ Eopf: '𝔼',
+ Epsilon: 'Ε',
+ Equal: '⩵',
+ EqualTilde: '≂',
+ Equilibrium: '⇌',
+ Escr: 'ℰ',
+ Esim: '⩳',
+ Eta: 'Η',
+ Euml: 'Ë',
+ Exists: '∃',
+ ExponentialE: 'ⅇ',
+ Fcy: 'Ф',
+ Ffr: '𝔉',
+ FilledSmallSquare: '◼',
+ FilledVerySmallSquare: '▪',
+ Fopf: '𝔽',
+ ForAll: '∀',
+ Fouriertrf: 'ℱ',
+ Fscr: 'ℱ',
+ GJcy: 'Ѓ',
+ GT: '>',
+ Gamma: 'Γ',
+ Gammad: 'Ϝ',
+ Gbreve: 'Ğ',
+ Gcedil: 'Ģ',
+ Gcirc: 'Ĝ',
+ Gcy: 'Г',
+ Gdot: 'Ġ',
+ Gfr: '𝔊',
+ Gg: '⋙',
+ Gopf: '𝔾',
+ GreaterEqual: '≥',
+ GreaterEqualLess: '⋛',
+ GreaterFullEqual: '≧',
+ GreaterGreater: '⪢',
+ GreaterLess: '≷',
+ GreaterSlantEqual: '⩾',
+ GreaterTilde: '≳',
+ Gscr: '𝒢',
+ Gt: '≫',
+ HARDcy: 'Ъ',
+ Hacek: 'ˇ',
+ Hat: '^',
+ Hcirc: 'Ĥ',
+ Hfr: 'ℌ',
+ HilbertSpace: 'ℋ',
+ Hopf: 'ℍ',
+ HorizontalLine: '─',
+ Hscr: 'ℋ',
+ Hstrok: 'Ħ',
+ HumpDownHump: '≎',
+ HumpEqual: '≏',
+ IEcy: 'Е',
+ IJlig: 'IJ',
+ IOcy: 'Ё',
+ Iacute: 'Í',
+ Icirc: 'Î',
+ Icy: 'И',
+ Idot: 'İ',
+ Ifr: 'ℑ',
+ Igrave: 'Ì',
+ Im: 'ℑ',
+ Imacr: 'Ī',
+ ImaginaryI: 'ⅈ',
+ Implies: '⇒',
+ Int: '∬',
+ Integral: '∫',
+ Intersection: '⋂',
+ InvisibleComma: '',
+ InvisibleTimes: '',
+ Iogon: 'Į',
+ Iopf: '𝕀',
+ Iota: 'Ι',
+ Iscr: 'ℐ',
+ Itilde: 'Ĩ',
+ Iukcy: 'І',
+ Iuml: 'Ï',
+ Jcirc: 'Ĵ',
+ Jcy: 'Й',
+ Jfr: '𝔍',
+ Jopf: '𝕁',
+ Jscr: '𝒥',
+ Jsercy: 'Ј',
+ Jukcy: 'Є',
+ KHcy: 'Х',
+ KJcy: 'Ќ',
+ Kappa: 'Κ',
+ Kcedil: 'Ķ',
+ Kcy: 'К',
+ Kfr: '𝔎',
+ Kopf: '𝕂',
+ Kscr: '𝒦',
+ LJcy: 'Љ',
+ LT: '<',
+ Lacute: 'Ĺ',
+ Lambda: 'Λ',
+ Lang: '⟪',
+ Laplacetrf: 'ℒ',
+ Larr: '↞',
+ Lcaron: 'Ľ',
+ Lcedil: 'Ļ',
+ Lcy: 'Л',
+ LeftAngleBracket: '⟨',
+ LeftArrow: '←',
+ LeftArrowBar: '⇤',
+ LeftArrowRightArrow: '⇆',
+ LeftCeiling: '⌈',
+ LeftDoubleBracket: '⟦',
+ LeftDownTeeVector: '⥡',
+ LeftDownVector: '⇃',
+ LeftDownVectorBar: '⥙',
+ LeftFloor: '⌊',
+ LeftRightArrow: '↔',
+ LeftRightVector: '⥎',
+ LeftTee: '⊣',
+ LeftTeeArrow: '↤',
+ LeftTeeVector: '⥚',
+ LeftTriangle: '⊲',
+ LeftTriangleBar: '⧏',
+ LeftTriangleEqual: '⊴',
+ LeftUpDownVector: '⥑',
+ LeftUpTeeVector: '⥠',
+ LeftUpVector: '↿',
+ LeftUpVectorBar: '⥘',
+ LeftVector: '↼',
+ LeftVectorBar: '⥒',
+ Leftarrow: '⇐',
+ Leftrightarrow: '⇔',
+ LessEqualGreater: '⋚',
+ LessFullEqual: '≦',
+ LessGreater: '≶',
+ LessLess: '⪡',
+ LessSlantEqual: '⩽',
+ LessTilde: '≲',
+ Lfr: '𝔏',
+ Ll: '⋘',
+ Lleftarrow: '⇚',
+ Lmidot: 'Ŀ',
+ LongLeftArrow: '⟵',
+ LongLeftRightArrow: '⟷',
+ LongRightArrow: '⟶',
+ Longleftarrow: '⟸',
+ Longleftrightarrow: '⟺',
+ Longrightarrow: '⟹',
+ Lopf: '𝕃',
+ LowerLeftArrow: '↙',
+ LowerRightArrow: '↘',
+ Lscr: 'ℒ',
+ Lsh: '↰',
+ Lstrok: 'Ł',
+ Lt: '≪',
+ Map: '⤅',
+ Mcy: 'М',
+ MediumSpace: ' ',
+ Mellintrf: 'ℳ',
+ Mfr: '𝔐',
+ MinusPlus: '∓',
+ Mopf: '𝕄',
+ Mscr: 'ℳ',
+ Mu: 'Μ',
+ NJcy: 'Њ',
+ Nacute: 'Ń',
+ Ncaron: 'Ň',
+ Ncedil: 'Ņ',
+ Ncy: 'Н',
+ NegativeMediumSpace: '',
+ NegativeThickSpace: '',
+ NegativeThinSpace: '',
+ NegativeVeryThinSpace: '',
+ NestedGreaterGreater: '≫',
+ NestedLessLess: '≪',
+ NewLine: '\n',
+ Nfr: '𝔑',
+ NoBreak: '',
+ NonBreakingSpace: ' ',
+ Nopf: 'ℕ',
+ Not: '⫬',
+ NotCongruent: '≢',
+ NotCupCap: '≭',
+ NotDoubleVerticalBar: '∦',
+ NotElement: '∉',
+ NotEqual: '≠',
+ NotEqualTilde: '≂̸',
+ NotExists: '∄',
+ NotGreater: '≯',
+ NotGreaterEqual: '≱',
+ NotGreaterFullEqual: '≧̸',
+ NotGreaterGreater: '≫̸',
+ NotGreaterLess: '≹',
+ NotGreaterSlantEqual: '⩾̸',
+ NotGreaterTilde: '≵',
+ NotHumpDownHump: '≎̸',
+ NotHumpEqual: '≏̸',
+ NotLeftTriangle: '⋪',
+ NotLeftTriangleBar: '⧏̸',
+ NotLeftTriangleEqual: '⋬',
+ NotLess: '≮',
+ NotLessEqual: '≰',
+ NotLessGreater: '≸',
+ NotLessLess: '≪̸',
+ NotLessSlantEqual: '⩽̸',
+ NotLessTilde: '≴',
+ NotNestedGreaterGreater: '⪢̸',
+ NotNestedLessLess: '⪡̸',
+ NotPrecedes: '⊀',
+ NotPrecedesEqual: '⪯̸',
+ NotPrecedesSlantEqual: '⋠',
+ NotReverseElement: '∌',
+ NotRightTriangle: '⋫',
+ NotRightTriangleBar: '⧐̸',
+ NotRightTriangleEqual: '⋭',
+ NotSquareSubset: '⊏̸',
+ NotSquareSubsetEqual: '⋢',
+ NotSquareSuperset: '⊐̸',
+ NotSquareSupersetEqual: '⋣',
+ NotSubset: '⊂⃒',
+ NotSubsetEqual: '⊈',
+ NotSucceeds: '⊁',
+ NotSucceedsEqual: '⪰̸',
+ NotSucceedsSlantEqual: '⋡',
+ NotSucceedsTilde: '≿̸',
+ NotSuperset: '⊃⃒',
+ NotSupersetEqual: '⊉',
+ NotTilde: '≁',
+ NotTildeEqual: '≄',
+ NotTildeFullEqual: '≇',
+ NotTildeTilde: '≉',
+ NotVerticalBar: '∤',
+ Nscr: '𝒩',
+ Ntilde: 'Ñ',
+ Nu: 'Ν',
+ OElig: 'Œ',
+ Oacute: 'Ó',
+ Ocirc: 'Ô',
+ Ocy: 'О',
+ Odblac: 'Ő',
+ Ofr: '𝔒',
+ Ograve: 'Ò',
+ Omacr: 'Ō',
+ Omega: 'Ω',
+ Omicron: 'Ο',
+ Oopf: '𝕆',
+ OpenCurlyDoubleQuote: '“',
+ OpenCurlyQuote: '‘',
+ Or: '⩔',
+ Oscr: '𝒪',
+ Oslash: 'Ø',
+ Otilde: 'Õ',
+ Otimes: '⨷',
+ Ouml: 'Ö',
+ OverBar: '‾',
+ OverBrace: '⏞',
+ OverBracket: '⎴',
+ OverParenthesis: '⏜',
+ PartialD: '∂',
+ Pcy: 'П',
+ Pfr: '𝔓',
+ Phi: 'Φ',
+ Pi: 'Π',
+ PlusMinus: '±',
+ Poincareplane: 'ℌ',
+ Popf: 'ℙ',
+ Pr: '⪻',
+ Precedes: '≺',
+ PrecedesEqual: '⪯',
+ PrecedesSlantEqual: '≼',
+ PrecedesTilde: '≾',
+ Prime: '″',
+ Product: '∏',
+ Proportion: '∷',
+ Proportional: '∝',
+ Pscr: '𝒫',
+ Psi: 'Ψ',
+ QUOT: '"',
+ Qfr: '𝔔',
+ Qopf: 'ℚ',
+ Qscr: '𝒬',
+ RBarr: '⤐',
+ REG: '®',
+ Racute: 'Ŕ',
+ Rang: '⟫',
+ Rarr: '↠',
+ Rarrtl: '⤖',
+ Rcaron: 'Ř',
+ Rcedil: 'Ŗ',
+ Rcy: 'Р',
+ Re: 'ℜ',
+ ReverseElement: '∋',
+ ReverseEquilibrium: '⇋',
+ ReverseUpEquilibrium: '⥯',
+ Rfr: 'ℜ',
+ Rho: 'Ρ',
+ RightAngleBracket: '⟩',
+ RightArrow: '→',
+ RightArrowBar: '⇥',
+ RightArrowLeftArrow: '⇄',
+ RightCeiling: '⌉',
+ RightDoubleBracket: '⟧',
+ RightDownTeeVector: '⥝',
+ RightDownVector: '⇂',
+ RightDownVectorBar: '⥕',
+ RightFloor: '⌋',
+ RightTee: '⊢',
+ RightTeeArrow: '↦',
+ RightTeeVector: '⥛',
+ RightTriangle: '⊳',
+ RightTriangleBar: '⧐',
+ RightTriangleEqual: '⊵',
+ RightUpDownVector: '⥏',
+ RightUpTeeVector: '⥜',
+ RightUpVector: '↾',
+ RightUpVectorBar: '⥔',
+ RightVector: '⇀',
+ RightVectorBar: '⥓',
+ Rightarrow: '⇒',
+ Ropf: 'ℝ',
+ RoundImplies: '⥰',
+ Rrightarrow: '⇛',
+ Rscr: 'ℛ',
+ Rsh: '↱',
+ RuleDelayed: '⧴',
+ SHCHcy: 'Щ',
+ SHcy: 'Ш',
+ SOFTcy: 'Ь',
+ Sacute: 'Ś',
+ Sc: '⪼',
+ Scaron: 'Š',
+ Scedil: 'Ş',
+ Scirc: 'Ŝ',
+ Scy: 'С',
+ Sfr: '𝔖',
+ ShortDownArrow: '↓',
+ ShortLeftArrow: '←',
+ ShortRightArrow: '→',
+ ShortUpArrow: '↑',
+ Sigma: 'Σ',
+ SmallCircle: '∘',
+ Sopf: '𝕊',
+ Sqrt: '√',
+ Square: '□',
+ SquareIntersection: '⊓',
+ SquareSubset: '⊏',
+ SquareSubsetEqual: '⊑',
+ SquareSuperset: '⊐',
+ SquareSupersetEqual: '⊒',
+ SquareUnion: '⊔',
+ Sscr: '𝒮',
+ Star: '⋆',
+ Sub: '⋐',
+ Subset: '⋐',
+ SubsetEqual: '⊆',
+ Succeeds: '≻',
+ SucceedsEqual: '⪰',
+ SucceedsSlantEqual: '≽',
+ SucceedsTilde: '≿',
+ SuchThat: '∋',
+ Sum: '∑',
+ Sup: '⋑',
+ Superset: '⊃',
+ SupersetEqual: '⊇',
+ Supset: '⋑',
+ THORN: 'Þ',
+ TRADE: '™',
+ TSHcy: 'Ћ',
+ TScy: 'Ц',
+ Tab: '\t',
+ Tau: 'Τ',
+ Tcaron: 'Ť',
+ Tcedil: 'Ţ',
+ Tcy: 'Т',
+ Tfr: '𝔗',
+ Therefore: '∴',
+ Theta: 'Θ',
+ ThickSpace: ' ',
+ ThinSpace: ' ',
+ Tilde: '∼',
+ TildeEqual: '≃',
+ TildeFullEqual: '≅',
+ TildeTilde: '≈',
+ Topf: '𝕋',
+ TripleDot: '⃛',
+ Tscr: '𝒯',
+ Tstrok: 'Ŧ',
+ Uacute: 'Ú',
+ Uarr: '↟',
+ Uarrocir: '⥉',
+ Ubrcy: 'Ў',
+ Ubreve: 'Ŭ',
+ Ucirc: 'Û',
+ Ucy: 'У',
+ Udblac: 'Ű',
+ Ufr: '𝔘',
+ Ugrave: 'Ù',
+ Umacr: 'Ū',
+ UnderBar: '_',
+ UnderBrace: '⏟',
+ UnderBracket: '⎵',
+ UnderParenthesis: '⏝',
+ Union: '⋃',
+ UnionPlus: '⊎',
+ Uogon: 'Ų',
+ Uopf: '𝕌',
+ UpArrow: '↑',
+ UpArrowBar: '⤒',
+ UpArrowDownArrow: '⇅',
+ UpDownArrow: '↕',
+ UpEquilibrium: '⥮',
+ UpTee: '⊥',
+ UpTeeArrow: '↥',
+ Uparrow: '⇑',
+ Updownarrow: '⇕',
+ UpperLeftArrow: '↖',
+ UpperRightArrow: '↗',
+ Upsi: 'ϒ',
+ Upsilon: 'Υ',
+ Uring: 'Ů',
+ Uscr: '𝒰',
+ Utilde: 'Ũ',
+ Uuml: 'Ü',
+ VDash: '⊫',
+ Vbar: '⫫',
+ Vcy: 'В',
+ Vdash: '⊩',
+ Vdashl: '⫦',
+ Vee: '⋁',
+ Verbar: '‖',
+ Vert: '‖',
+ VerticalBar: '∣',
+ VerticalLine: '|',
+ VerticalSeparator: '❘',
+ VerticalTilde: '≀',
+ VeryThinSpace: ' ',
+ Vfr: '𝔙',
+ Vopf: '𝕍',
+ Vscr: '𝒱',
+ Vvdash: '⊪',
+ Wcirc: 'Ŵ',
+ Wedge: '⋀',
+ Wfr: '𝔚',
+ Wopf: '𝕎',
+ Wscr: '𝒲',
+ Xfr: '𝔛',
+ Xi: 'Ξ',
+ Xopf: '𝕏',
+ Xscr: '𝒳',
+ YAcy: 'Я',
+ YIcy: 'Ї',
+ YUcy: 'Ю',
+ Yacute: 'Ý',
+ Ycirc: 'Ŷ',
+ Ycy: 'Ы',
+ Yfr: '𝔜',
+ Yopf: '𝕐',
+ Yscr: '𝒴',
+ Yuml: 'Ÿ',
+ ZHcy: 'Ж',
+ Zacute: 'Ź',
+ Zcaron: 'Ž',
+ Zcy: 'З',
+ Zdot: 'Ż',
+ ZeroWidthSpace: '',
+ Zeta: 'Ζ',
+ Zfr: 'ℨ',
+ Zopf: 'ℤ',
+ Zscr: '𝒵',
+ aacute: 'á',
+ abreve: 'ă',
+ ac: '∾',
+ acE: '∾̳',
+ acd: '∿',
+ acirc: 'â',
+ acute: '´',
+ acy: 'а',
+ aelig: 'æ',
+ af: '',
+ afr: '𝔞',
+ agrave: 'à',
+ alefsym: 'ℵ',
+ aleph: 'ℵ',
+ alpha: 'α',
+ amacr: 'ā',
+ amalg: '⨿',
+ amp: '&',
+ and: '∧',
+ andand: '⩕',
+ andd: '⩜',
+ andslope: '⩘',
+ andv: '⩚',
+ ang: '∠',
+ ange: '⦤',
+ angle: '∠',
+ angmsd: '∡',
+ angmsdaa: '⦨',
+ angmsdab: '⦩',
+ angmsdac: '⦪',
+ angmsdad: '⦫',
+ angmsdae: '⦬',
+ angmsdaf: '⦭',
+ angmsdag: '⦮',
+ angmsdah: '⦯',
+ angrt: '∟',
+ angrtvb: '⊾',
+ angrtvbd: '⦝',
+ angsph: '∢',
+ angst: 'Å',
+ angzarr: '⍼',
+ aogon: 'ą',
+ aopf: '𝕒',
+ ap: '≈',
+ apE: '⩰',
+ apacir: '⩯',
+ ape: '≊',
+ apid: '≋',
+ apos: "'",
+ approx: '≈',
+ approxeq: '≊',
+ aring: 'å',
+ ascr: '𝒶',
+ ast: '*',
+ asymp: '≈',
+ asympeq: '≍',
+ atilde: 'ã',
+ auml: 'ä',
+ awconint: '∳',
+ awint: '⨑',
+ bNot: '⫭',
+ backcong: '≌',
+ backepsilon: '϶',
+ backprime: '‵',
+ backsim: '∽',
+ backsimeq: '⋍',
+ barvee: '⊽',
+ barwed: '⌅',
+ barwedge: '⌅',
+ bbrk: '⎵',
+ bbrktbrk: '⎶',
+ bcong: '≌',
+ bcy: 'б',
+ bdquo: '„',
+ becaus: '∵',
+ because: '∵',
+ bemptyv: '⦰',
+ bepsi: '϶',
+ bernou: 'ℬ',
+ beta: 'β',
+ beth: 'ℶ',
+ between: '≬',
+ bfr: '𝔟',
+ bigcap: '⋂',
+ bigcirc: '◯',
+ bigcup: '⋃',
+ bigodot: '⨀',
+ bigoplus: '⨁',
+ bigotimes: '⨂',
+ bigsqcup: '⨆',
+ bigstar: '★',
+ bigtriangledown: '▽',
+ bigtriangleup: '△',
+ biguplus: '⨄',
+ bigvee: '⋁',
+ bigwedge: '⋀',
+ bkarow: '⤍',
+ blacklozenge: '⧫',
+ blacksquare: '▪',
+ blacktriangle: '▴',
+ blacktriangledown: '▾',
+ blacktriangleleft: '◂',
+ blacktriangleright: '▸',
+ blank: '␣',
+ blk12: '▒',
+ blk14: '░',
+ blk34: '▓',
+ block: '█',
+ bne: '=⃥',
+ bnequiv: '≡⃥',
+ bnot: '⌐',
+ bopf: '𝕓',
+ bot: '⊥',
+ bottom: '⊥',
+ bowtie: '⋈',
+ boxDL: '╗',
+ boxDR: '╔',
+ boxDl: '╖',
+ boxDr: '╓',
+ boxH: '═',
+ boxHD: '╦',
+ boxHU: '╩',
+ boxHd: '╤',
+ boxHu: '╧',
+ boxUL: '╝',
+ boxUR: '╚',
+ boxUl: '╜',
+ boxUr: '╙',
+ boxV: '║',
+ boxVH: '╬',
+ boxVL: '╣',
+ boxVR: '╠',
+ boxVh: '╫',
+ boxVl: '╢',
+ boxVr: '╟',
+ boxbox: '⧉',
+ boxdL: '╕',
+ boxdR: '╒',
+ boxdl: '┐',
+ boxdr: '┌',
+ boxh: '─',
+ boxhD: '╥',
+ boxhU: '╨',
+ boxhd: '┬',
+ boxhu: '┴',
+ boxminus: '⊟',
+ boxplus: '⊞',
+ boxtimes: '⊠',
+ boxuL: '╛',
+ boxuR: '╘',
+ boxul: '┘',
+ boxur: '└',
+ boxv: '│',
+ boxvH: '╪',
+ boxvL: '╡',
+ boxvR: '╞',
+ boxvh: '┼',
+ boxvl: '┤',
+ boxvr: '├',
+ bprime: '‵',
+ breve: '˘',
+ brvbar: '¦',
+ bscr: '𝒷',
+ bsemi: '⁏',
+ bsim: '∽',
+ bsime: '⋍',
+ bsol: '\\',
+ bsolb: '⧅',
+ bsolhsub: '⟈',
+ bull: '•',
+ bullet: '•',
+ bump: '≎',
+ bumpE: '⪮',
+ bumpe: '≏',
+ bumpeq: '≏',
+ cacute: 'ć',
+ cap: '∩',
+ capand: '⩄',
+ capbrcup: '⩉',
+ capcap: '⩋',
+ capcup: '⩇',
+ capdot: '⩀',
+ caps: '∩︀',
+ caret: '⁁',
+ caron: 'ˇ',
+ ccaps: '⩍',
+ ccaron: 'č',
+ ccedil: 'ç',
+ ccirc: 'ĉ',
+ ccups: '⩌',
+ ccupssm: '⩐',
+ cdot: 'ċ',
+ cedil: '¸',
+ cemptyv: '⦲',
+ cent: '¢',
+ centerdot: '·',
+ cfr: '𝔠',
+ chcy: 'ч',
+ check: '✓',
+ checkmark: '✓',
+ chi: 'χ',
+ cir: '○',
+ cirE: '⧃',
+ circ: 'ˆ',
+ circeq: '≗',
+ circlearrowleft: '↺',
+ circlearrowright: '↻',
+ circledR: '®',
+ circledS: 'Ⓢ',
+ circledast: '⊛',
+ circledcirc: '⊚',
+ circleddash: '⊝',
+ cire: '≗',
+ cirfnint: '⨐',
+ cirmid: '⫯',
+ cirscir: '⧂',
+ clubs: '♣',
+ clubsuit: '♣',
+ colon: ':',
+ colone: '≔',
+ coloneq: '≔',
+ comma: ',',
+ commat: '@',
+ comp: '∁',
+ compfn: '∘',
+ complement: '∁',
+ complexes: 'ℂ',
+ cong: '≅',
+ congdot: '⩭',
+ conint: '∮',
+ copf: '𝕔',
+ coprod: '∐',
+ copy: '©',
+ copysr: '℗',
+ crarr: '↵',
+ cross: '✗',
+ cscr: '𝒸',
+ csub: '⫏',
+ csube: '⫑',
+ csup: '⫐',
+ csupe: '⫒',
+ ctdot: '⋯',
+ cudarrl: '⤸',
+ cudarrr: '⤵',
+ cuepr: '⋞',
+ cuesc: '⋟',
+ cularr: '↶',
+ cularrp: '⤽',
+ cup: '∪',
+ cupbrcap: '⩈',
+ cupcap: '⩆',
+ cupcup: '⩊',
+ cupdot: '⊍',
+ cupor: '⩅',
+ cups: '∪︀',
+ curarr: '↷',
+ curarrm: '⤼',
+ curlyeqprec: '⋞',
+ curlyeqsucc: '⋟',
+ curlyvee: '⋎',
+ curlywedge: '⋏',
+ curren: '¤',
+ curvearrowleft: '↶',
+ curvearrowright: '↷',
+ cuvee: '⋎',
+ cuwed: '⋏',
+ cwconint: '∲',
+ cwint: '∱',
+ cylcty: '⌭',
+ dArr: '⇓',
+ dHar: '⥥',
+ dagger: '†',
+ daleth: 'ℸ',
+ darr: '↓',
+ dash: '‐',
+ dashv: '⊣',
+ dbkarow: '⤏',
+ dblac: '˝',
+ dcaron: 'ď',
+ dcy: 'д',
+ dd: 'ⅆ',
+ ddagger: '‡',
+ ddarr: '⇊',
+ ddotseq: '⩷',
+ deg: '°',
+ delta: 'δ',
+ demptyv: '⦱',
+ dfisht: '⥿',
+ dfr: '𝔡',
+ dharl: '⇃',
+ dharr: '⇂',
+ diam: '⋄',
+ diamond: '⋄',
+ diamondsuit: '♦',
+ diams: '♦',
+ die: '¨',
+ digamma: 'ϝ',
+ disin: '⋲',
+ div: '÷',
+ divide: '÷',
+ divideontimes: '⋇',
+ divonx: '⋇',
+ djcy: 'ђ',
+ dlcorn: '⌞',
+ dlcrop: '⌍',
+ dollar: '$',
+ dopf: '𝕕',
+ dot: '˙',
+ doteq: '≐',
+ doteqdot: '≑',
+ dotminus: '∸',
+ dotplus: '∔',
+ dotsquare: '⊡',
+ doublebarwedge: '⌆',
+ downarrow: '↓',
+ downdownarrows: '⇊',
+ downharpoonleft: '⇃',
+ downharpoonright: '⇂',
+ drbkarow: '⤐',
+ drcorn: '⌟',
+ drcrop: '⌌',
+ dscr: '𝒹',
+ dscy: 'ѕ',
+ dsol: '⧶',
+ dstrok: 'đ',
+ dtdot: '⋱',
+ dtri: '▿',
+ dtrif: '▾',
+ duarr: '⇵',
+ duhar: '⥯',
+ dwangle: '⦦',
+ dzcy: 'џ',
+ dzigrarr: '⟿',
+ eDDot: '⩷',
+ eDot: '≑',
+ eacute: 'é',
+ easter: '⩮',
+ ecaron: 'ě',
+ ecir: '≖',
+ ecirc: 'ê',
+ ecolon: '≕',
+ ecy: 'э',
+ edot: 'ė',
+ ee: 'ⅇ',
+ efDot: '≒',
+ efr: '𝔢',
+ eg: '⪚',
+ egrave: 'è',
+ egs: '⪖',
+ egsdot: '⪘',
+ el: '⪙',
+ elinters: '⏧',
+ ell: 'ℓ',
+ els: '⪕',
+ elsdot: '⪗',
+ emacr: 'ē',
+ empty: '∅',
+ emptyset: '∅',
+ emptyv: '∅',
+ emsp13: ' ',
+ emsp14: ' ',
+ emsp: ' ',
+ eng: 'ŋ',
+ ensp: ' ',
+ eogon: 'ę',
+ eopf: '𝕖',
+ epar: '⋕',
+ eparsl: '⧣',
+ eplus: '⩱',
+ epsi: 'ε',
+ epsilon: 'ε',
+ epsiv: 'ϵ',
+ eqcirc: '≖',
+ eqcolon: '≕',
+ eqsim: '≂',
+ eqslantgtr: '⪖',
+ eqslantless: '⪕',
+ equals: '=',
+ equest: '≟',
+ equiv: '≡',
+ equivDD: '⩸',
+ eqvparsl: '⧥',
+ erDot: '≓',
+ erarr: '⥱',
+ escr: 'ℯ',
+ esdot: '≐',
+ esim: '≂',
+ eta: 'η',
+ eth: 'ð',
+ euml: 'ë',
+ euro: '€',
+ excl: '!',
+ exist: '∃',
+ expectation: 'ℰ',
+ exponentiale: 'ⅇ',
+ fallingdotseq: '≒',
+ fcy: 'ф',
+ female: '♀',
+ ffilig: 'ffi',
+ fflig: 'ff',
+ ffllig: 'ffl',
+ ffr: '𝔣',
+ filig: 'fi',
+ fjlig: 'fj',
+ flat: '♭',
+ fllig: 'fl',
+ fltns: '▱',
+ fnof: 'ƒ',
+ fopf: '𝕗',
+ forall: '∀',
+ fork: '⋔',
+ forkv: '⫙',
+ fpartint: '⨍',
+ frac12: '½',
+ frac13: '⅓',
+ frac14: '¼',
+ frac15: '⅕',
+ frac16: '⅙',
+ frac18: '⅛',
+ frac23: '⅔',
+ frac25: '⅖',
+ frac34: '¾',
+ frac35: '⅗',
+ frac38: '⅜',
+ frac45: '⅘',
+ frac56: '⅚',
+ frac58: '⅝',
+ frac78: '⅞',
+ frasl: '⁄',
+ frown: '⌢',
+ fscr: '𝒻',
+ gE: '≧',
+ gEl: '⪌',
+ gacute: 'ǵ',
+ gamma: 'γ',
+ gammad: 'ϝ',
+ gap: '⪆',
+ gbreve: 'ğ',
+ gcirc: 'ĝ',
+ gcy: 'г',
+ gdot: 'ġ',
+ ge: '≥',
+ gel: '⋛',
+ geq: '≥',
+ geqq: '≧',
+ geqslant: '⩾',
+ ges: '⩾',
+ gescc: '⪩',
+ gesdot: '⪀',
+ gesdoto: '⪂',
+ gesdotol: '⪄',
+ gesl: '⋛︀',
+ gesles: '⪔',
+ gfr: '𝔤',
+ gg: '≫',
+ ggg: '⋙',
+ gimel: 'ℷ',
+ gjcy: 'ѓ',
+ gl: '≷',
+ glE: '⪒',
+ gla: '⪥',
+ glj: '⪤',
+ gnE: '≩',
+ gnap: '⪊',
+ gnapprox: '⪊',
+ gne: '⪈',
+ gneq: '⪈',
+ gneqq: '≩',
+ gnsim: '⋧',
+ gopf: '𝕘',
+ grave: '`',
+ gscr: 'ℊ',
+ gsim: '≳',
+ gsime: '⪎',
+ gsiml: '⪐',
+ gt: '>',
+ gtcc: '⪧',
+ gtcir: '⩺',
+ gtdot: '⋗',
+ gtlPar: '⦕',
+ gtquest: '⩼',
+ gtrapprox: '⪆',
+ gtrarr: '⥸',
+ gtrdot: '⋗',
+ gtreqless: '⋛',
+ gtreqqless: '⪌',
+ gtrless: '≷',
+ gtrsim: '≳',
+ gvertneqq: '≩︀',
+ gvnE: '≩︀',
+ hArr: '⇔',
+ hairsp: ' ',
+ half: '½',
+ hamilt: 'ℋ',
+ hardcy: 'ъ',
+ harr: '↔',
+ harrcir: '⥈',
+ harrw: '↭',
+ hbar: 'ℏ',
+ hcirc: 'ĥ',
+ hearts: '♥',
+ heartsuit: '♥',
+ hellip: '…',
+ hercon: '⊹',
+ hfr: '𝔥',
+ hksearow: '⤥',
+ hkswarow: '⤦',
+ hoarr: '⇿',
+ homtht: '∻',
+ hookleftarrow: '↩',
+ hookrightarrow: '↪',
+ hopf: '𝕙',
+ horbar: '―',
+ hscr: '𝒽',
+ hslash: 'ℏ',
+ hstrok: 'ħ',
+ hybull: '⁃',
+ hyphen: '‐',
+ iacute: 'í',
+ ic: '',
+ icirc: 'î',
+ icy: 'и',
+ iecy: 'е',
+ iexcl: '¡',
+ iff: '⇔',
+ ifr: '𝔦',
+ igrave: 'ì',
+ ii: 'ⅈ',
+ iiiint: '⨌',
+ iiint: '∭',
+ iinfin: '⧜',
+ iiota: '℩',
+ ijlig: 'ij',
+ imacr: 'ī',
+ image: 'ℑ',
+ imagline: 'ℐ',
+ imagpart: 'ℑ',
+ imath: 'ı',
+ imof: '⊷',
+ imped: 'Ƶ',
+ in: '∈',
+ incare: '℅',
+ infin: '∞',
+ infintie: '⧝',
+ inodot: 'ı',
+ int: '∫',
+ intcal: '⊺',
+ integers: 'ℤ',
+ intercal: '⊺',
+ intlarhk: '⨗',
+ intprod: '⨼',
+ iocy: 'ё',
+ iogon: 'į',
+ iopf: '𝕚',
+ iota: 'ι',
+ iprod: '⨼',
+ iquest: '¿',
+ iscr: '𝒾',
+ isin: '∈',
+ isinE: '⋹',
+ isindot: '⋵',
+ isins: '⋴',
+ isinsv: '⋳',
+ isinv: '∈',
+ it: '',
+ itilde: 'ĩ',
+ iukcy: 'і',
+ iuml: 'ï',
+ jcirc: 'ĵ',
+ jcy: 'й',
+ jfr: '𝔧',
+ jmath: 'ȷ',
+ jopf: '𝕛',
+ jscr: '𝒿',
+ jsercy: 'ј',
+ jukcy: 'є',
+ kappa: 'κ',
+ kappav: 'ϰ',
+ kcedil: 'ķ',
+ kcy: 'к',
+ kfr: '𝔨',
+ kgreen: 'ĸ',
+ khcy: 'х',
+ kjcy: 'ќ',
+ kopf: '𝕜',
+ kscr: '𝓀',
+ lAarr: '⇚',
+ lArr: '⇐',
+ lAtail: '⤛',
+ lBarr: '⤎',
+ lE: '≦',
+ lEg: '⪋',
+ lHar: '⥢',
+ lacute: 'ĺ',
+ laemptyv: '⦴',
+ lagran: 'ℒ',
+ lambda: 'λ',
+ lang: '⟨',
+ langd: '⦑',
+ langle: '⟨',
+ lap: '⪅',
+ laquo: '«',
+ larr: '←',
+ larrb: '⇤',
+ larrbfs: '⤟',
+ larrfs: '⤝',
+ larrhk: '↩',
+ larrlp: '↫',
+ larrpl: '⤹',
+ larrsim: '⥳',
+ larrtl: '↢',
+ lat: '⪫',
+ latail: '⤙',
+ late: '⪭',
+ lates: '⪭︀',
+ lbarr: '⤌',
+ lbbrk: '❲',
+ lbrace: '{',
+ lbrack: '[',
+ lbrke: '⦋',
+ lbrksld: '⦏',
+ lbrkslu: '⦍',
+ lcaron: 'ľ',
+ lcedil: 'ļ',
+ lceil: '⌈',
+ lcub: '{',
+ lcy: 'л',
+ ldca: '⤶',
+ ldquo: '“',
+ ldquor: '„',
+ ldrdhar: '⥧',
+ ldrushar: '⥋',
+ ldsh: '↲',
+ le: '≤',
+ leftarrow: '←',
+ leftarrowtail: '↢',
+ leftharpoondown: '↽',
+ leftharpoonup: '↼',
+ leftleftarrows: '⇇',
+ leftrightarrow: '↔',
+ leftrightarrows: '⇆',
+ leftrightharpoons: '⇋',
+ leftrightsquigarrow: '↭',
+ leftthreetimes: '⋋',
+ leg: '⋚',
+ leq: '≤',
+ leqq: '≦',
+ leqslant: '⩽',
+ les: '⩽',
+ lescc: '⪨',
+ lesdot: '⩿',
+ lesdoto: '⪁',
+ lesdotor: '⪃',
+ lesg: '⋚︀',
+ lesges: '⪓',
+ lessapprox: '⪅',
+ lessdot: '⋖',
+ lesseqgtr: '⋚',
+ lesseqqgtr: '⪋',
+ lessgtr: '≶',
+ lesssim: '≲',
+ lfisht: '⥼',
+ lfloor: '⌊',
+ lfr: '𝔩',
+ lg: '≶',
+ lgE: '⪑',
+ lhard: '↽',
+ lharu: '↼',
+ lharul: '⥪',
+ lhblk: '▄',
+ ljcy: 'љ',
+ ll: '≪',
+ llarr: '⇇',
+ llcorner: '⌞',
+ llhard: '⥫',
+ lltri: '◺',
+ lmidot: 'ŀ',
+ lmoust: '⎰',
+ lmoustache: '⎰',
+ lnE: '≨',
+ lnap: '⪉',
+ lnapprox: '⪉',
+ lne: '⪇',
+ lneq: '⪇',
+ lneqq: '≨',
+ lnsim: '⋦',
+ loang: '⟬',
+ loarr: '⇽',
+ lobrk: '⟦',
+ longleftarrow: '⟵',
+ longleftrightarrow: '⟷',
+ longmapsto: '⟼',
+ longrightarrow: '⟶',
+ looparrowleft: '↫',
+ looparrowright: '↬',
+ lopar: '⦅',
+ lopf: '𝕝',
+ loplus: '⨭',
+ lotimes: '⨴',
+ lowast: '∗',
+ lowbar: '_',
+ loz: '◊',
+ lozenge: '◊',
+ lozf: '⧫',
+ lpar: '(',
+ lparlt: '⦓',
+ lrarr: '⇆',
+ lrcorner: '⌟',
+ lrhar: '⇋',
+ lrhard: '⥭',
+ lrm: '',
+ lrtri: '⊿',
+ lsaquo: '‹',
+ lscr: '𝓁',
+ lsh: '↰',
+ lsim: '≲',
+ lsime: '⪍',
+ lsimg: '⪏',
+ lsqb: '[',
+ lsquo: '‘',
+ lsquor: '‚',
+ lstrok: 'ł',
+ lt: '<',
+ ltcc: '⪦',
+ ltcir: '⩹',
+ ltdot: '⋖',
+ lthree: '⋋',
+ ltimes: '⋉',
+ ltlarr: '⥶',
+ ltquest: '⩻',
+ ltrPar: '⦖',
+ ltri: '◃',
+ ltrie: '⊴',
+ ltrif: '◂',
+ lurdshar: '⥊',
+ luruhar: '⥦',
+ lvertneqq: '≨︀',
+ lvnE: '≨︀',
+ mDDot: '∺',
+ macr: '¯',
+ male: '♂',
+ malt: '✠',
+ maltese: '✠',
+ map: '↦',
+ mapsto: '↦',
+ mapstodown: '↧',
+ mapstoleft: '↤',
+ mapstoup: '↥',
+ marker: '▮',
+ mcomma: '⨩',
+ mcy: 'м',
+ mdash: '—',
+ measuredangle: '∡',
+ mfr: '𝔪',
+ mho: '℧',
+ micro: 'µ',
+ mid: '∣',
+ midast: '*',
+ midcir: '⫰',
+ middot: '·',
+ minus: '−',
+ minusb: '⊟',
+ minusd: '∸',
+ minusdu: '⨪',
+ mlcp: '⫛',
+ mldr: '…',
+ mnplus: '∓',
+ models: '⊧',
+ mopf: '𝕞',
+ mp: '∓',
+ mscr: '𝓂',
+ mstpos: '∾',
+ mu: 'μ',
+ multimap: '⊸',
+ mumap: '⊸',
+ nGg: '⋙̸',
+ nGt: '≫⃒',
+ nGtv: '≫̸',
+ nLeftarrow: '⇍',
+ nLeftrightarrow: '⇎',
+ nLl: '⋘̸',
+ nLt: '≪⃒',
+ nLtv: '≪̸',
+ nRightarrow: '⇏',
+ nVDash: '⊯',
+ nVdash: '⊮',
+ nabla: '∇',
+ nacute: 'ń',
+ nang: '∠⃒',
+ nap: '≉',
+ napE: '⩰̸',
+ napid: '≋̸',
+ napos: 'ʼn',
+ napprox: '≉',
+ natur: '♮',
+ natural: '♮',
+ naturals: 'ℕ',
+ nbsp: ' ',
+ nbump: '≎̸',
+ nbumpe: '≏̸',
+ ncap: '⩃',
+ ncaron: 'ň',
+ ncedil: 'ņ',
+ ncong: '≇',
+ ncongdot: '⩭̸',
+ ncup: '⩂',
+ ncy: 'н',
+ ndash: '–',
+ ne: '≠',
+ neArr: '⇗',
+ nearhk: '⤤',
+ nearr: '↗',
+ nearrow: '↗',
+ nedot: '≐̸',
+ nequiv: '≢',
+ nesear: '⤨',
+ nesim: '≂̸',
+ nexist: '∄',
+ nexists: '∄',
+ nfr: '𝔫',
+ ngE: '≧̸',
+ nge: '≱',
+ ngeq: '≱',
+ ngeqq: '≧̸',
+ ngeqslant: '⩾̸',
+ nges: '⩾̸',
+ ngsim: '≵',
+ ngt: '≯',
+ ngtr: '≯',
+ nhArr: '⇎',
+ nharr: '↮',
+ nhpar: '⫲',
+ ni: '∋',
+ nis: '⋼',
+ nisd: '⋺',
+ niv: '∋',
+ njcy: 'њ',
+ nlArr: '⇍',
+ nlE: '≦̸',
+ nlarr: '↚',
+ nldr: '‥',
+ nle: '≰',
+ nleftarrow: '↚',
+ nleftrightarrow: '↮',
+ nleq: '≰',
+ nleqq: '≦̸',
+ nleqslant: '⩽̸',
+ nles: '⩽̸',
+ nless: '≮',
+ nlsim: '≴',
+ nlt: '≮',
+ nltri: '⋪',
+ nltrie: '⋬',
+ nmid: '∤',
+ nopf: '𝕟',
+ not: '¬',
+ notin: '∉',
+ notinE: '⋹̸',
+ notindot: '⋵̸',
+ notinva: '∉',
+ notinvb: '⋷',
+ notinvc: '⋶',
+ notni: '∌',
+ notniva: '∌',
+ notnivb: '⋾',
+ notnivc: '⋽',
+ npar: '∦',
+ nparallel: '∦',
+ nparsl: '⫽⃥',
+ npart: '∂̸',
+ npolint: '⨔',
+ npr: '⊀',
+ nprcue: '⋠',
+ npre: '⪯̸',
+ nprec: '⊀',
+ npreceq: '⪯̸',
+ nrArr: '⇏',
+ nrarr: '↛',
+ nrarrc: '⤳̸',
+ nrarrw: '↝̸',
+ nrightarrow: '↛',
+ nrtri: '⋫',
+ nrtrie: '⋭',
+ nsc: '⊁',
+ nsccue: '⋡',
+ nsce: '⪰̸',
+ nscr: '𝓃',
+ nshortmid: '∤',
+ nshortparallel: '∦',
+ nsim: '≁',
+ nsime: '≄',
+ nsimeq: '≄',
+ nsmid: '∤',
+ nspar: '∦',
+ nsqsube: '⋢',
+ nsqsupe: '⋣',
+ nsub: '⊄',
+ nsubE: '⫅̸',
+ nsube: '⊈',
+ nsubset: '⊂⃒',
+ nsubseteq: '⊈',
+ nsubseteqq: '⫅̸',
+ nsucc: '⊁',
+ nsucceq: '⪰̸',
+ nsup: '⊅',
+ nsupE: '⫆̸',
+ nsupe: '⊉',
+ nsupset: '⊃⃒',
+ nsupseteq: '⊉',
+ nsupseteqq: '⫆̸',
+ ntgl: '≹',
+ ntilde: 'ñ',
+ ntlg: '≸',
+ ntriangleleft: '⋪',
+ ntrianglelefteq: '⋬',
+ ntriangleright: '⋫',
+ ntrianglerighteq: '⋭',
+ nu: 'ν',
+ num: '#',
+ numero: '№',
+ numsp: ' ',
+ nvDash: '⊭',
+ nvHarr: '⤄',
+ nvap: '≍⃒',
+ nvdash: '⊬',
+ nvge: '≥⃒',
+ nvgt: '>⃒',
+ nvinfin: '⧞',
+ nvlArr: '⤂',
+ nvle: '≤⃒',
+ nvlt: '<⃒',
+ nvltrie: '⊴⃒',
+ nvrArr: '⤃',
+ nvrtrie: '⊵⃒',
+ nvsim: '∼⃒',
+ nwArr: '⇖',
+ nwarhk: '⤣',
+ nwarr: '↖',
+ nwarrow: '↖',
+ nwnear: '⤧',
+ oS: 'Ⓢ',
+ oacute: 'ó',
+ oast: '⊛',
+ ocir: '⊚',
+ ocirc: 'ô',
+ ocy: 'о',
+ odash: '⊝',
+ odblac: 'ő',
+ odiv: '⨸',
+ odot: '⊙',
+ odsold: '⦼',
+ oelig: 'œ',
+ ofcir: '⦿',
+ ofr: '𝔬',
+ ogon: '˛',
+ ograve: 'ò',
+ ogt: '⧁',
+ ohbar: '⦵',
+ ohm: 'Ω',
+ oint: '∮',
+ olarr: '↺',
+ olcir: '⦾',
+ olcross: '⦻',
+ oline: '‾',
+ olt: '⧀',
+ omacr: 'ō',
+ omega: 'ω',
+ omicron: 'ο',
+ omid: '⦶',
+ ominus: '⊖',
+ oopf: '𝕠',
+ opar: '⦷',
+ operp: '⦹',
+ oplus: '⊕',
+ or: '∨',
+ orarr: '↻',
+ ord: '⩝',
+ order: 'ℴ',
+ orderof: 'ℴ',
+ ordf: 'ª',
+ ordm: 'º',
+ origof: '⊶',
+ oror: '⩖',
+ orslope: '⩗',
+ orv: '⩛',
+ oscr: 'ℴ',
+ oslash: 'ø',
+ osol: '⊘',
+ otilde: 'õ',
+ otimes: '⊗',
+ otimesas: '⨶',
+ ouml: 'ö',
+ ovbar: '⌽',
+ par: '∥',
+ para: '¶',
+ parallel: '∥',
+ parsim: '⫳',
+ parsl: '⫽',
+ part: '∂',
+ pcy: 'п',
+ percnt: '%',
+ period: '.',
+ permil: '‰',
+ perp: '⊥',
+ pertenk: '‱',
+ pfr: '𝔭',
+ phi: 'φ',
+ phiv: 'ϕ',
+ phmmat: 'ℳ',
+ phone: '☎',
+ pi: 'π',
+ pitchfork: '⋔',
+ piv: 'ϖ',
+ planck: 'ℏ',
+ planckh: 'ℎ',
+ plankv: 'ℏ',
+ plus: '+',
+ plusacir: '⨣',
+ plusb: '⊞',
+ pluscir: '⨢',
+ plusdo: '∔',
+ plusdu: '⨥',
+ pluse: '⩲',
+ plusmn: '±',
+ plussim: '⨦',
+ plustwo: '⨧',
+ pm: '±',
+ pointint: '⨕',
+ popf: '𝕡',
+ pound: '£',
+ pr: '≺',
+ prE: '⪳',
+ prap: '⪷',
+ prcue: '≼',
+ pre: '⪯',
+ prec: '≺',
+ precapprox: '⪷',
+ preccurlyeq: '≼',
+ preceq: '⪯',
+ precnapprox: '⪹',
+ precneqq: '⪵',
+ precnsim: '⋨',
+ precsim: '≾',
+ prime: '′',
+ primes: 'ℙ',
+ prnE: '⪵',
+ prnap: '⪹',
+ prnsim: '⋨',
+ prod: '∏',
+ profalar: '⌮',
+ profline: '⌒',
+ profsurf: '⌓',
+ prop: '∝',
+ propto: '∝',
+ prsim: '≾',
+ prurel: '⊰',
+ pscr: '𝓅',
+ psi: 'ψ',
+ puncsp: ' ',
+ qfr: '𝔮',
+ qint: '⨌',
+ qopf: '𝕢',
+ qprime: '⁗',
+ qscr: '𝓆',
+ quaternions: 'ℍ',
+ quatint: '⨖',
+ quest: '?',
+ questeq: '≟',
+ quot: '"',
+ rAarr: '⇛',
+ rArr: '⇒',
+ rAtail: '⤜',
+ rBarr: '⤏',
+ rHar: '⥤',
+ race: '∽̱',
+ racute: 'ŕ',
+ radic: '√',
+ raemptyv: '⦳',
+ rang: '⟩',
+ rangd: '⦒',
+ range: '⦥',
+ rangle: '⟩',
+ raquo: '»',
+ rarr: '→',
+ rarrap: '⥵',
+ rarrb: '⇥',
+ rarrbfs: '⤠',
+ rarrc: '⤳',
+ rarrfs: '⤞',
+ rarrhk: '↪',
+ rarrlp: '↬',
+ rarrpl: '⥅',
+ rarrsim: '⥴',
+ rarrtl: '↣',
+ rarrw: '↝',
+ ratail: '⤚',
+ ratio: '∶',
+ rationals: 'ℚ',
+ rbarr: '⤍',
+ rbbrk: '❳',
+ rbrace: '}',
+ rbrack: ']',
+ rbrke: '⦌',
+ rbrksld: '⦎',
+ rbrkslu: '⦐',
+ rcaron: 'ř',
+ rcedil: 'ŗ',
+ rceil: '⌉',
+ rcub: '}',
+ rcy: 'р',
+ rdca: '⤷',
+ rdldhar: '⥩',
+ rdquo: '”',
+ rdquor: '”',
+ rdsh: '↳',
+ real: 'ℜ',
+ realine: 'ℛ',
+ realpart: 'ℜ',
+ reals: 'ℝ',
+ rect: '▭',
+ reg: '®',
+ rfisht: '⥽',
+ rfloor: '⌋',
+ rfr: '𝔯',
+ rhard: '⇁',
+ rharu: '⇀',
+ rharul: '⥬',
+ rho: 'ρ',
+ rhov: 'ϱ',
+ rightarrow: '→',
+ rightarrowtail: '↣',
+ rightharpoondown: '⇁',
+ rightharpoonup: '⇀',
+ rightleftarrows: '⇄',
+ rightleftharpoons: '⇌',
+ rightrightarrows: '⇉',
+ rightsquigarrow: '↝',
+ rightthreetimes: '⋌',
+ ring: '˚',
+ risingdotseq: '≓',
+ rlarr: '⇄',
+ rlhar: '⇌',
+ rlm: '',
+ rmoust: '⎱',
+ rmoustache: '⎱',
+ rnmid: '⫮',
+ roang: '⟭',
+ roarr: '⇾',
+ robrk: '⟧',
+ ropar: '⦆',
+ ropf: '𝕣',
+ roplus: '⨮',
+ rotimes: '⨵',
+ rpar: ')',
+ rpargt: '⦔',
+ rppolint: '⨒',
+ rrarr: '⇉',
+ rsaquo: '›',
+ rscr: '𝓇',
+ rsh: '↱',
+ rsqb: ']',
+ rsquo: '’',
+ rsquor: '’',
+ rthree: '⋌',
+ rtimes: '⋊',
+ rtri: '▹',
+ rtrie: '⊵',
+ rtrif: '▸',
+ rtriltri: '⧎',
+ ruluhar: '⥨',
+ rx: '℞',
+ sacute: 'ś',
+ sbquo: '‚',
+ sc: '≻',
+ scE: '⪴',
+ scap: '⪸',
+ scaron: 'š',
+ sccue: '≽',
+ sce: '⪰',
+ scedil: 'ş',
+ scirc: 'ŝ',
+ scnE: '⪶',
+ scnap: '⪺',
+ scnsim: '⋩',
+ scpolint: '⨓',
+ scsim: '≿',
+ scy: 'с',
+ sdot: '⋅',
+ sdotb: '⊡',
+ sdote: '⩦',
+ seArr: '⇘',
+ searhk: '⤥',
+ searr: '↘',
+ searrow: '↘',
+ sect: '§',
+ semi: ';',
+ seswar: '⤩',
+ setminus: '∖',
+ setmn: '∖',
+ sext: '✶',
+ sfr: '𝔰',
+ sfrown: '⌢',
+ sharp: '♯',
+ shchcy: 'щ',
+ shcy: 'ш',
+ shortmid: '∣',
+ shortparallel: '∥',
+ shy: '',
+ sigma: 'σ',
+ sigmaf: 'ς',
+ sigmav: 'ς',
+ sim: '∼',
+ simdot: '⩪',
+ sime: '≃',
+ simeq: '≃',
+ simg: '⪞',
+ simgE: '⪠',
+ siml: '⪝',
+ simlE: '⪟',
+ simne: '≆',
+ simplus: '⨤',
+ simrarr: '⥲',
+ slarr: '←',
+ smallsetminus: '∖',
+ smashp: '⨳',
+ smeparsl: '⧤',
+ smid: '∣',
+ smile: '⌣',
+ smt: '⪪',
+ smte: '⪬',
+ smtes: '⪬︀',
+ softcy: 'ь',
+ sol: '/',
+ solb: '⧄',
+ solbar: '⌿',
+ sopf: '𝕤',
+ spades: '♠',
+ spadesuit: '♠',
+ spar: '∥',
+ sqcap: '⊓',
+ sqcaps: '⊓︀',
+ sqcup: '⊔',
+ sqcups: '⊔︀',
+ sqsub: '⊏',
+ sqsube: '⊑',
+ sqsubset: '⊏',
+ sqsubseteq: '⊑',
+ sqsup: '⊐',
+ sqsupe: '⊒',
+ sqsupset: '⊐',
+ sqsupseteq: '⊒',
+ squ: '□',
+ square: '□',
+ squarf: '▪',
+ squf: '▪',
+ srarr: '→',
+ sscr: '𝓈',
+ ssetmn: '∖',
+ ssmile: '⌣',
+ sstarf: '⋆',
+ star: '☆',
+ starf: '★',
+ straightepsilon: 'ϵ',
+ straightphi: 'ϕ',
+ strns: '¯',
+ sub: '⊂',
+ subE: '⫅',
+ subdot: '⪽',
+ sube: '⊆',
+ subedot: '⫃',
+ submult: '⫁',
+ subnE: '⫋',
+ subne: '⊊',
+ subplus: '⪿',
+ subrarr: '⥹',
+ subset: '⊂',
+ subseteq: '⊆',
+ subseteqq: '⫅',
+ subsetneq: '⊊',
+ subsetneqq: '⫋',
+ subsim: '⫇',
+ subsub: '⫕',
+ subsup: '⫓',
+ succ: '≻',
+ succapprox: '⪸',
+ succcurlyeq: '≽',
+ succeq: '⪰',
+ succnapprox: '⪺',
+ succneqq: '⪶',
+ succnsim: '⋩',
+ succsim: '≿',
+ sum: '∑',
+ sung: '♪',
+ sup1: '¹',
+ sup2: '²',
+ sup3: '³',
+ sup: '⊃',
+ supE: '⫆',
+ supdot: '⪾',
+ supdsub: '⫘',
+ supe: '⊇',
+ supedot: '⫄',
+ suphsol: '⟉',
+ suphsub: '⫗',
+ suplarr: '⥻',
+ supmult: '⫂',
+ supnE: '⫌',
+ supne: '⊋',
+ supplus: '⫀',
+ supset: '⊃',
+ supseteq: '⊇',
+ supseteqq: '⫆',
+ supsetneq: '⊋',
+ supsetneqq: '⫌',
+ supsim: '⫈',
+ supsub: '⫔',
+ supsup: '⫖',
+ swArr: '⇙',
+ swarhk: '⤦',
+ swarr: '↙',
+ swarrow: '↙',
+ swnwar: '⤪',
+ szlig: 'ß',
+ target: '⌖',
+ tau: 'τ',
+ tbrk: '⎴',
+ tcaron: 'ť',
+ tcedil: 'ţ',
+ tcy: 'т',
+ tdot: '⃛',
+ telrec: '⌕',
+ tfr: '𝔱',
+ there4: '∴',
+ therefore: '∴',
+ theta: 'θ',
+ thetasym: 'ϑ',
+ thetav: 'ϑ',
+ thickapprox: '≈',
+ thicksim: '∼',
+ thinsp: ' ',
+ thkap: '≈',
+ thksim: '∼',
+ thorn: 'þ',
+ tilde: '˜',
+ times: '×',
+ timesb: '⊠',
+ timesbar: '⨱',
+ timesd: '⨰',
+ tint: '∭',
+ toea: '⤨',
+ top: '⊤',
+ topbot: '⌶',
+ topcir: '⫱',
+ topf: '𝕥',
+ topfork: '⫚',
+ tosa: '⤩',
+ tprime: '‴',
+ trade: '™',
+ triangle: '▵',
+ triangledown: '▿',
+ triangleleft: '◃',
+ trianglelefteq: '⊴',
+ triangleq: '≜',
+ triangleright: '▹',
+ trianglerighteq: '⊵',
+ tridot: '◬',
+ trie: '≜',
+ triminus: '⨺',
+ triplus: '⨹',
+ trisb: '⧍',
+ tritime: '⨻',
+ trpezium: '⏢',
+ tscr: '𝓉',
+ tscy: 'ц',
+ tshcy: 'ћ',
+ tstrok: 'ŧ',
+ twixt: '≬',
+ twoheadleftarrow: '↞',
+ twoheadrightarrow: '↠',
+ uArr: '⇑',
+ uHar: '⥣',
+ uacute: 'ú',
+ uarr: '↑',
+ ubrcy: 'ў',
+ ubreve: 'ŭ',
+ ucirc: 'û',
+ ucy: 'у',
+ udarr: '⇅',
+ udblac: 'ű',
+ udhar: '⥮',
+ ufisht: '⥾',
+ ufr: '𝔲',
+ ugrave: 'ù',
+ uharl: '↿',
+ uharr: '↾',
+ uhblk: '▀',
+ ulcorn: '⌜',
+ ulcorner: '⌜',
+ ulcrop: '⌏',
+ ultri: '◸',
+ umacr: 'ū',
+ uml: '¨',
+ uogon: 'ų',
+ uopf: '𝕦',
+ uparrow: '↑',
+ updownarrow: '↕',
+ upharpoonleft: '↿',
+ upharpoonright: '↾',
+ uplus: '⊎',
+ upsi: 'υ',
+ upsih: 'ϒ',
+ upsilon: 'υ',
+ upuparrows: '⇈',
+ urcorn: '⌝',
+ urcorner: '⌝',
+ urcrop: '⌎',
+ uring: 'ů',
+ urtri: '◹',
+ uscr: '𝓊',
+ utdot: '⋰',
+ utilde: 'ũ',
+ utri: '▵',
+ utrif: '▴',
+ uuarr: '⇈',
+ uuml: 'ü',
+ uwangle: '⦧',
+ vArr: '⇕',
+ vBar: '⫨',
+ vBarv: '⫩',
+ vDash: '⊨',
+ vangrt: '⦜',
+ varepsilon: 'ϵ',
+ varkappa: 'ϰ',
+ varnothing: '∅',
+ varphi: 'ϕ',
+ varpi: 'ϖ',
+ varpropto: '∝',
+ varr: '↕',
+ varrho: 'ϱ',
+ varsigma: 'ς',
+ varsubsetneq: '⊊︀',
+ varsubsetneqq: '⫋︀',
+ varsupsetneq: '⊋︀',
+ varsupsetneqq: '⫌︀',
+ vartheta: 'ϑ',
+ vartriangleleft: '⊲',
+ vartriangleright: '⊳',
+ vcy: 'в',
+ vdash: '⊢',
+ vee: '∨',
+ veebar: '⊻',
+ veeeq: '≚',
+ vellip: '⋮',
+ verbar: '|',
+ vert: '|',
+ vfr: '𝔳',
+ vltri: '⊲',
+ vnsub: '⊂⃒',
+ vnsup: '⊃⃒',
+ vopf: '𝕧',
+ vprop: '∝',
+ vrtri: '⊳',
+ vscr: '𝓋',
+ vsubnE: '⫋︀',
+ vsubne: '⊊︀',
+ vsupnE: '⫌︀',
+ vsupne: '⊋︀',
+ vzigzag: '⦚',
+ wcirc: 'ŵ',
+ wedbar: '⩟',
+ wedge: '∧',
+ wedgeq: '≙',
+ weierp: '℘',
+ wfr: '𝔴',
+ wopf: '𝕨',
+ wp: '℘',
+ wr: '≀',
+ wreath: '≀',
+ wscr: '𝓌',
+ xcap: '⋂',
+ xcirc: '◯',
+ xcup: '⋃',
+ xdtri: '▽',
+ xfr: '𝔵',
+ xhArr: '⟺',
+ xharr: '⟷',
+ xi: 'ξ',
+ xlArr: '⟸',
+ xlarr: '⟵',
+ xmap: '⟼',
+ xnis: '⋻',
+ xodot: '⨀',
+ xopf: '𝕩',
+ xoplus: '⨁',
+ xotime: '⨂',
+ xrArr: '⟹',
+ xrarr: '⟶',
+ xscr: '𝓍',
+ xsqcup: '⨆',
+ xuplus: '⨄',
+ xutri: '△',
+ xvee: '⋁',
+ xwedge: '⋀',
+ yacute: 'ý',
+ yacy: 'я',
+ ycirc: 'ŷ',
+ ycy: 'ы',
+ yen: '¥',
+ yfr: '𝔶',
+ yicy: 'ї',
+ yopf: '𝕪',
+ yscr: '𝓎',
+ yucy: 'ю',
+ yuml: 'ÿ',
+ zacute: 'ź',
+ zcaron: 'ž',
+ zcy: 'з',
+ zdot: 'ż',
+ zeetrf: 'ℨ',
+ zeta: 'ζ',
+ zfr: '𝔷',
+ zhcy: 'ж',
+ zigrarr: '⇝',
+ zopf: '𝕫',
+ zscr: '𝓏',
+ zwj: '',
+ zwnj: ''
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/decode-named-character-reference/index.js
+const own = {}.hasOwnProperty
+ * Decode a single character reference (without the `&` or `;`).
+ * You probably only need this when you’re building parsers yourself that follow
+ * different rules compared to HTML.
+ * This is optimized to be tiny in browsers.
+ *
+ * @param {string} value
+ * `notin` (named), `#123` (deci), `#x123` (hexa).
+ * @returns {string|false}
+ * Decoded reference.
+ */
+function decodeNamedCharacterReference(value) {
+ return, value) ? characterEntities[value] : false
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-core-commonmark/lib/character-reference.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const characterReference = {
+ name: 'characterReference',
+ tokenize: tokenizeCharacterReference
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeCharacterReference(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ let size = 0
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let max
+ /** @type {(code: Code) => boolean} */
+ let test
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Start of character reference.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a&b
+ * ^
+ * > | a{b
+ * ^
+ * > | a b
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ effects.enter('characterReference')
+ effects.enter('characterReferenceMarker')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('characterReferenceMarker')
+ return open
+ }
+ /**
+ * After `&`, at `#` for numeric references or alphanumeric for named
+ * references.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a&b
+ * ^
+ * > | a{b
+ * ^
+ * > | a b
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function open(code) {
+ if (code === 35) {
+ effects.enter('characterReferenceMarkerNumeric')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('characterReferenceMarkerNumeric')
+ return numeric
+ }
+ effects.enter('characterReferenceValue')
+ max = 31
+ test = asciiAlphanumeric
+ return value(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After `#`, at `x` for hexadecimals or digit for decimals.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a{b
+ * ^
+ * > | a b
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function numeric(code) {
+ if (code === 88 || code === 120) {
+ effects.enter('characterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('characterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal')
+ effects.enter('characterReferenceValue')
+ max = 6
+ test = asciiHexDigit
+ return value
+ }
+ effects.enter('characterReferenceValue')
+ max = 7
+ test = asciiDigit
+ return value(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After markers (``, ``, or `&`), in value, before `;`.
+ *
+ * The character reference kind defines what and how many characters are
+ * allowed.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a&b
+ * ^^^
+ * > | a{b
+ * ^^^
+ * > | a b
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function value(code) {
+ if (code === 59 && size) {
+ const token = effects.exit('characterReferenceValue')
+ if (
+ test === asciiAlphanumeric &&
+ !decodeNamedCharacterReference(self.sliceSerialize(token))
+ ) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ // To do: `markdown-rs` uses a different name:
+ // `CharacterReferenceMarkerSemi`.
+ effects.enter('characterReferenceMarker')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('characterReferenceMarker')
+ effects.exit('characterReference')
+ return ok
+ }
+ if (test(code) && size++ < max) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return value
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-core-commonmark/lib/character-escape.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const characterEscape = {
+ name: 'characterEscape',
+ tokenize: tokenizeCharacterEscape
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeCharacterEscape(effects, ok, nok) {
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Start of character escape.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a\*b
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ effects.enter('characterEscape')
+ effects.enter('escapeMarker')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('escapeMarker')
+ return inside
+ }
+ /**
+ * After `\`, at punctuation.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a\*b
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function inside(code) {
+ // ASCII punctuation.
+ if (asciiPunctuation(code)) {
+ effects.enter('characterEscapeValue')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('characterEscapeValue')
+ effects.exit('characterEscape')
+ return ok
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-core-commonmark/lib/line-ending.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const lineEnding = {
+ name: 'lineEnding',
+ tokenize: tokenizeLineEnding
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeLineEnding(effects, ok) {
+ return start
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function start(code) {
+ effects.enter('lineEnding')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('lineEnding')
+ return factorySpace(effects, ok, 'linePrefix')
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-core-commonmark/lib/label-end.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const labelEnd = {
+ name: 'labelEnd',
+ tokenize: tokenizeLabelEnd,
+ resolveTo: resolveToLabelEnd,
+ resolveAll: resolveAllLabelEnd
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const resourceConstruct = {
+ tokenize: tokenizeResource
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const referenceFullConstruct = {
+ tokenize: tokenizeReferenceFull
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const referenceCollapsedConstruct = {
+ tokenize: tokenizeReferenceCollapsed
+/** @type {Resolver} */
+function resolveAllLabelEnd(events) {
+ let index = -1
+ while (++index < events.length) {
+ const token = events[index][1]
+ if (
+ token.type === 'labelImage' ||
+ token.type === 'labelLink' ||
+ token.type === 'labelEnd'
+ ) {
+ // Remove the marker.
+ events.splice(index + 1, token.type === 'labelImage' ? 4 : 2)
+ token.type = 'data'
+ index++
+ }
+ }
+ return events
+/** @type {Resolver} */
+function resolveToLabelEnd(events, context) {
+ let index = events.length
+ let offset = 0
+ /** @type {Token} */
+ let token
+ /** @type {number | undefined} */
+ let open
+ /** @type {number | undefined} */
+ let close
+ /** @type {Array} */
+ let media
+ // Find an opening.
+ while (index--) {
+ token = events[index][1]
+ if (open) {
+ // If we see another link, or inactive link label, we’ve been here before.
+ if (
+ token.type === 'link' ||
+ (token.type === 'labelLink' && token._inactive)
+ ) {
+ break
+ }
+ // Mark other link openings as inactive, as we can’t have links in
+ // links.
+ if (events[index][0] === 'enter' && token.type === 'labelLink') {
+ token._inactive = true
+ }
+ } else if (close) {
+ if (
+ events[index][0] === 'enter' &&
+ (token.type === 'labelImage' || token.type === 'labelLink') &&
+ !token._balanced
+ ) {
+ open = index
+ if (token.type !== 'labelLink') {
+ offset = 2
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (token.type === 'labelEnd') {
+ close = index
+ }
+ }
+ const group = {
+ type: events[open][1].type === 'labelLink' ? 'link' : 'image',
+ start: Object.assign({}, events[open][1].start),
+ end: Object.assign({}, events[events.length - 1][1].end)
+ }
+ const label = {
+ type: 'label',
+ start: Object.assign({}, events[open][1].start),
+ end: Object.assign({}, events[close][1].end)
+ }
+ const text = {
+ type: 'labelText',
+ start: Object.assign({}, events[open + offset + 2][1].end),
+ end: Object.assign({}, events[close - 2][1].start)
+ }
+ media = [
+ ['enter', group, context],
+ ['enter', label, context]
+ ]
+ // Opening marker.
+ media = push(media, events.slice(open + 1, open + offset + 3))
+ // Text open.
+ media = push(media, [['enter', text, context]])
+ // Always populated by defaults.
+ // Between.
+ media = push(
+ media,
+ resolveAll(
+ context.parser.constructs.insideSpan.null,
+ events.slice(open + offset + 4, close - 3),
+ context
+ )
+ )
+ // Text close, marker close, label close.
+ media = push(media, [
+ ['exit', text, context],
+ events[close - 2],
+ events[close - 1],
+ ['exit', label, context]
+ ])
+ // Reference, resource, or so.
+ media = push(media, events.slice(close + 1))
+ // Media close.
+ media = push(media, [['exit', group, context]])
+ splice(events, open, events.length, media)
+ return events
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeLabelEnd(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ let index =
+ /** @type {Token} */
+ let labelStart
+ /** @type {boolean} */
+ let defined
+ // Find an opening.
+ while (index--) {
+ if (
+ ([index][1].type === 'labelImage' ||
+[index][1].type === 'labelLink') &&
+ ![index][1]._balanced
+ ) {
+ labelStart =[index][1]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Start of label end.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a](b) c
+ * ^
+ * > | [a][b] c
+ * ^
+ * > | [a][] b
+ * ^
+ * > | [a] b
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ // If there is not an okay opening.
+ if (!labelStart) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ // If the corresponding label (link) start is marked as inactive,
+ // it means we’d be wrapping a link, like this:
+ //
+ // ```markdown
+ // > | a [b [c](d) e](f) g.
+ // ^
+ // ```
+ //
+ // We can’t have that, so it’s just balanced brackets.
+ if (labelStart._inactive) {
+ return labelEndNok(code)
+ }
+ defined = self.parser.defined.includes(
+ normalizeIdentifier(
+ self.sliceSerialize({
+ start: labelStart.end,
+ end:
+ })
+ )
+ )
+ effects.enter('labelEnd')
+ effects.enter('labelMarker')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('labelMarker')
+ effects.exit('labelEnd')
+ return after
+ }
+ /**
+ * After `]`.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a](b) c
+ * ^
+ * > | [a][b] c
+ * ^
+ * > | [a][] b
+ * ^
+ * > | [a] b
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function after(code) {
+ // Note: `markdown-rs` also parses GFM footnotes here, which for us is in
+ // an extension.
+ // Resource (`[asd](fgh)`)?
+ if (code === 40) {
+ return effects.attempt(
+ resourceConstruct,
+ labelEndOk,
+ defined ? labelEndOk : labelEndNok
+ )(code)
+ }
+ // Full (`[asd][fgh]`) or collapsed (`[asd][]`) reference?
+ if (code === 91) {
+ return effects.attempt(
+ referenceFullConstruct,
+ labelEndOk,
+ defined ? referenceNotFull : labelEndNok
+ )(code)
+ }
+ // Shortcut (`[asd]`) reference?
+ return defined ? labelEndOk(code) : labelEndNok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After `]`, at `[`, but not at a full reference.
+ *
+ * > 👉 **Note**: we only get here if the label is defined.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a][] b
+ * ^
+ * > | [a] b
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function referenceNotFull(code) {
+ return effects.attempt(
+ referenceCollapsedConstruct,
+ labelEndOk,
+ labelEndNok
+ )(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Done, we found something.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a](b) c
+ * ^
+ * > | [a][b] c
+ * ^
+ * > | [a][] b
+ * ^
+ * > | [a] b
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function labelEndOk(code) {
+ // Note: `markdown-rs` does a bunch of stuff here.
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Done, it’s nothing.
+ *
+ * There was an okay opening, but we didn’t match anything.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a](b c
+ * ^
+ * > | [a][b c
+ * ^
+ * > | [a] b
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function labelEndNok(code) {
+ labelStart._balanced = true
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeResource(effects, ok, nok) {
+ return resourceStart
+ /**
+ * At a resource.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a](b) c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function resourceStart(code) {
+ effects.enter('resource')
+ effects.enter('resourceMarker')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('resourceMarker')
+ return resourceBefore
+ }
+ /**
+ * In resource, after `(`, at optional whitespace.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a](b) c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function resourceBefore(code) {
+ return markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)
+ ? factoryWhitespace(effects, resourceOpen)(code)
+ : resourceOpen(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In resource, after optional whitespace, at `)` or a destination.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a](b) c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function resourceOpen(code) {
+ if (code === 41) {
+ return resourceEnd(code)
+ }
+ return factoryDestination(
+ effects,
+ resourceDestinationAfter,
+ resourceDestinationMissing,
+ 'resourceDestination',
+ 'resourceDestinationLiteral',
+ 'resourceDestinationLiteralMarker',
+ 'resourceDestinationRaw',
+ 'resourceDestinationString',
+ 32
+ )(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In resource, after destination, at optional whitespace.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a](b) c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function resourceDestinationAfter(code) {
+ return markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)
+ ? factoryWhitespace(effects, resourceBetween)(code)
+ : resourceEnd(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * At invalid destination.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a](<<) b
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function resourceDestinationMissing(code) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In resource, after destination and whitespace, at `(` or title.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a](b ) c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function resourceBetween(code) {
+ if (code === 34 || code === 39 || code === 40) {
+ return factoryTitle(
+ effects,
+ resourceTitleAfter,
+ nok,
+ 'resourceTitle',
+ 'resourceTitleMarker',
+ 'resourceTitleString'
+ )(code)
+ }
+ return resourceEnd(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In resource, after title, at optional whitespace.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a](b "c") d
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function resourceTitleAfter(code) {
+ return markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)
+ ? factoryWhitespace(effects, resourceEnd)(code)
+ : resourceEnd(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In resource, at `)`.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a](b) d
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function resourceEnd(code) {
+ if (code === 41) {
+ effects.enter('resourceMarker')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('resourceMarker')
+ effects.exit('resource')
+ return ok
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeReferenceFull(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ return referenceFull
+ /**
+ * In a reference (full), at the `[`.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a][b] d
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function referenceFull(code) {
+ return
+ self,
+ effects,
+ referenceFullAfter,
+ referenceFullMissing,
+ 'reference',
+ 'referenceMarker',
+ 'referenceString'
+ )(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In a reference (full), after `]`.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a][b] d
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function referenceFullAfter(code) {
+ return self.parser.defined.includes(
+ normalizeIdentifier(
+ self.sliceSerialize([ - 1][1]).slice(1, -1)
+ )
+ )
+ ? ok(code)
+ : nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In reference (full) that was missing.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a][b d
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function referenceFullMissing(code) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeReferenceCollapsed(effects, ok, nok) {
+ return referenceCollapsedStart
+ /**
+ * In reference (collapsed), at `[`.
+ *
+ * > 👉 **Note**: we only get here if the label is defined.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a][] d
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function referenceCollapsedStart(code) {
+ // We only attempt a collapsed label if there’s a `[`.
+ effects.enter('reference')
+ effects.enter('referenceMarker')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('referenceMarker')
+ return referenceCollapsedOpen
+ }
+ /**
+ * In reference (collapsed), at `]`.
+ *
+ * > 👉 **Note**: we only get here if the label is defined.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | [a][] d
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function referenceCollapsedOpen(code) {
+ if (code === 93) {
+ effects.enter('referenceMarker')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('referenceMarker')
+ effects.exit('reference')
+ return ok
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-core-commonmark/lib/label-start-image.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const labelStartImage = {
+ name: 'labelStartImage',
+ tokenize: tokenizeLabelStartImage,
+ resolveAll: labelEnd.resolveAll
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeLabelStartImage(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Start of label (image) start.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a ![b] c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ effects.enter('labelImage')
+ effects.enter('labelImageMarker')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('labelImageMarker')
+ return open
+ }
+ /**
+ * After `!`, at `[`.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a ![b] c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function open(code) {
+ if (code === 91) {
+ effects.enter('labelMarker')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('labelMarker')
+ effects.exit('labelImage')
+ return after
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After `![`.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a ![b] c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * This is needed in because, when GFM footnotes are enabled, images never
+ * form when started with a `^`.
+ * Instead, links form:
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * ![^a](b)
+ *
+ * ![^a][b]
+ *
+ * [b]: c
+ * ```
+ *
+ * ```html
+ * !^a
+ * !^a
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function after(code) {
+ // To do: use a new field to do this, this is still needed for
+ // `micromark-extension-gfm-footnote`, but the `label-start-link`
+ // behavior isn’t.
+ // Hidden footnotes hook.
+ /* c8 ignore next 3 */
+ return code === 94 && '_hiddenFootnoteSupport' in self.parser.constructs
+ ? nok(code)
+ : ok(code)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-util-classify-character/index.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ */
+ * Classify whether a code represents whitespace, punctuation, or something
+ * else.
+ *
+ * Used for attention (emphasis, strong), whose sequences can open or close
+ * based on the class of surrounding characters.
+ *
+ * > 👉 **Note**: eof (`null`) is seen as whitespace.
+ *
+ * @param {Code} code
+ * Code.
+ * @returns {typeof constants.characterGroupWhitespace | typeof constants.characterGroupPunctuation | undefined}
+ * Group.
+ */
+function classifyCharacter(code) {
+ if (
+ code === null ||
+ markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code) ||
+ unicodeWhitespace(code)
+ ) {
+ return 1
+ }
+ if (unicodePunctuation(code)) {
+ return 2
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-core-commonmark/lib/attention.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Point} Point
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const attention = {
+ name: 'attention',
+ tokenize: tokenizeAttention,
+ resolveAll: resolveAllAttention
+ * Take all events and resolve attention to emphasis or strong.
+ *
+ * @type {Resolver}
+ */
+function resolveAllAttention(events, context) {
+ let index = -1
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let open
+ /** @type {Token} */
+ let group
+ /** @type {Token} */
+ let text
+ /** @type {Token} */
+ let openingSequence
+ /** @type {Token} */
+ let closingSequence
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let use
+ /** @type {Array} */
+ let nextEvents
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let offset
+ // Walk through all events.
+ //
+ // Note: performance of this is fine on an mb of normal markdown, but it’s
+ // a bottleneck for malicious stuff.
+ while (++index < events.length) {
+ // Find a token that can close.
+ if (
+ events[index][0] === 'enter' &&
+ events[index][1].type === 'attentionSequence' &&
+ events[index][1]._close
+ ) {
+ open = index
+ // Now walk back to find an opener.
+ while (open--) {
+ // Find a token that can open the closer.
+ if (
+ events[open][0] === 'exit' &&
+ events[open][1].type === 'attentionSequence' &&
+ events[open][1]._open &&
+ // If the markers are the same:
+ context.sliceSerialize(events[open][1]).charCodeAt(0) ===
+ context.sliceSerialize(events[index][1]).charCodeAt(0)
+ ) {
+ // If the opening can close or the closing can open,
+ // and the close size *is not* a multiple of three,
+ // but the sum of the opening and closing size *is* multiple of three,
+ // then don’t match.
+ if (
+ (events[open][1]._close || events[index][1]._open) &&
+ (events[index][1].end.offset - events[index][1].start.offset) % 3 &&
+ !(
+ (events[open][1].end.offset -
+ events[open][1].start.offset +
+ events[index][1].end.offset -
+ events[index][1].start.offset) %
+ 3
+ )
+ ) {
+ continue
+ }
+ // Number of markers to use from the sequence.
+ use =
+ events[open][1].end.offset - events[open][1].start.offset > 1 &&
+ events[index][1].end.offset - events[index][1].start.offset > 1
+ ? 2
+ : 1
+ const start = Object.assign({}, events[open][1].end)
+ const end = Object.assign({}, events[index][1].start)
+ movePoint(start, -use)
+ movePoint(end, use)
+ openingSequence = {
+ type: use > 1 ? 'strongSequence' : 'emphasisSequence',
+ start,
+ end: Object.assign({}, events[open][1].end)
+ }
+ closingSequence = {
+ type: use > 1 ? 'strongSequence' : 'emphasisSequence',
+ start: Object.assign({}, events[index][1].start),
+ end
+ }
+ text = {
+ type: use > 1 ? 'strongText' : 'emphasisText',
+ start: Object.assign({}, events[open][1].end),
+ end: Object.assign({}, events[index][1].start)
+ }
+ group = {
+ type: use > 1 ? 'strong' : 'emphasis',
+ start: Object.assign({}, openingSequence.start),
+ end: Object.assign({}, closingSequence.end)
+ }
+ events[open][1].end = Object.assign({}, openingSequence.start)
+ events[index][1].start = Object.assign({}, closingSequence.end)
+ nextEvents = []
+ // If there are more markers in the opening, add them before.
+ if (events[open][1].end.offset - events[open][1].start.offset) {
+ nextEvents = push(nextEvents, [
+ ['enter', events[open][1], context],
+ ['exit', events[open][1], context]
+ ])
+ }
+ // Opening.
+ nextEvents = push(nextEvents, [
+ ['enter', group, context],
+ ['enter', openingSequence, context],
+ ['exit', openingSequence, context],
+ ['enter', text, context]
+ ])
+ // Always populated by defaults.
+ // Between.
+ nextEvents = push(
+ nextEvents,
+ resolveAll(
+ context.parser.constructs.insideSpan.null,
+ events.slice(open + 1, index),
+ context
+ )
+ )
+ // Closing.
+ nextEvents = push(nextEvents, [
+ ['exit', text, context],
+ ['enter', closingSequence, context],
+ ['exit', closingSequence, context],
+ ['exit', group, context]
+ ])
+ // If there are more markers in the closing, add them after.
+ if (events[index][1].end.offset - events[index][1].start.offset) {
+ offset = 2
+ nextEvents = push(nextEvents, [
+ ['enter', events[index][1], context],
+ ['exit', events[index][1], context]
+ ])
+ } else {
+ offset = 0
+ }
+ splice(events, open - 1, index - open + 3, nextEvents)
+ index = open + nextEvents.length - offset - 2
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove remaining sequences.
+ index = -1
+ while (++index < events.length) {
+ if (events[index][1].type === 'attentionSequence') {
+ events[index][1].type = 'data'
+ }
+ }
+ return events
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeAttention(effects, ok) {
+ const attentionMarkers = this.parser.constructs.attentionMarkers.null
+ const previous = this.previous
+ const before = classifyCharacter(previous)
+ /** @type {NonNullable} */
+ let marker
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Before a sequence.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | **
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ marker = code
+ effects.enter('attentionSequence')
+ return inside(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In a sequence.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | **
+ * ^^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function inside(code) {
+ if (code === marker) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return inside
+ }
+ const token = effects.exit('attentionSequence')
+ // To do: next major: move this to resolver, just like `markdown-rs`.
+ const after = classifyCharacter(code)
+ // Always populated by defaults.
+ const open =
+ !after || (after === 2 && before) || attentionMarkers.includes(code)
+ const close =
+ !before || (before === 2 && after) || attentionMarkers.includes(previous)
+ token._open = Boolean(marker === 42 ? open : open && (before || !close))
+ token._close = Boolean(marker === 42 ? close : close && (after || !open))
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+ * Move a point a bit.
+ *
+ * Note: `move` only works inside lines! It’s not possible to move past other
+ * chunks (replacement characters, tabs, or line endings).
+ *
+ * @param {Point} point
+ * @param {number} offset
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+function movePoint(point, offset) {
+ point.column += offset
+ point.offset += offset
+ point._bufferIndex += offset
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-core-commonmark/lib/autolink.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const autolink = {
+ name: 'autolink',
+ tokenize: tokenizeAutolink
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeAutolink(effects, ok, nok) {
+ let size = 0
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Start of an autolink.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ab
+ * ^
+ * > | ab
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ effects.enter('autolink')
+ effects.enter('autolinkMarker')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('autolinkMarker')
+ effects.enter('autolinkProtocol')
+ return open
+ }
+ /**
+ * After `<`, at protocol or atext.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ab
+ * ^
+ * > | ab
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function open(code) {
+ if (asciiAlpha(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return schemeOrEmailAtext
+ }
+ return emailAtext(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * At second byte of protocol or atext.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ab
+ * ^
+ * > | ab
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function schemeOrEmailAtext(code) {
+ // ASCII alphanumeric and `+`, `-`, and `.`.
+ if (code === 43 || code === 45 || code === 46 || asciiAlphanumeric(code)) {
+ // Count the previous alphabetical from `open` too.
+ size = 1
+ return schemeInsideOrEmailAtext(code)
+ }
+ return emailAtext(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In ambiguous protocol or atext.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ab
+ * ^
+ * > | ab
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function schemeInsideOrEmailAtext(code) {
+ if (code === 58) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ size = 0
+ return urlInside
+ }
+ // ASCII alphanumeric and `+`, `-`, and `.`.
+ if (
+ (code === 43 || code === 45 || code === 46 || asciiAlphanumeric(code)) &&
+ size++ < 32
+ ) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return schemeInsideOrEmailAtext
+ }
+ size = 0
+ return emailAtext(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After protocol, in URL.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ab
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function urlInside(code) {
+ if (code === 62) {
+ effects.exit('autolinkProtocol')
+ effects.enter('autolinkMarker')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('autolinkMarker')
+ effects.exit('autolink')
+ return ok
+ }
+ // ASCII control, space, or `<`.
+ if (code === null || code === 32 || code === 60 || asciiControl(code)) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return urlInside
+ }
+ /**
+ * In email atext.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ab
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function emailAtext(code) {
+ if (code === 64) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return emailAtSignOrDot
+ }
+ if (asciiAtext(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return emailAtext
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In label, after at-sign or dot.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ab
+ * ^ ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function emailAtSignOrDot(code) {
+ return asciiAlphanumeric(code) ? emailLabel(code) : nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In label, where `.` and `>` are allowed.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ab
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function emailLabel(code) {
+ if (code === 46) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ size = 0
+ return emailAtSignOrDot
+ }
+ if (code === 62) {
+ // Exit, then change the token type.
+ effects.exit('autolinkProtocol').type = 'autolinkEmail'
+ effects.enter('autolinkMarker')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('autolinkMarker')
+ effects.exit('autolink')
+ return ok
+ }
+ return emailValue(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In label, where `.` and `>` are *not* allowed.
+ *
+ * Though, this is also used in `emailLabel` to parse other values.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | ab
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function emailValue(code) {
+ // ASCII alphanumeric or `-`.
+ if ((code === 45 || asciiAlphanumeric(code)) && size++ < 63) {
+ const next = code === 45 ? emailValue : emailLabel
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return next
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-core-commonmark/lib/html-text.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const htmlText = {
+ name: 'htmlText',
+ tokenize: tokenizeHtmlText
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ /** @type {NonNullable | undefined} */
+ let marker
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let index
+ /** @type {State} */
+ let returnState
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Start of HTML (text).
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ effects.enter('htmlText')
+ effects.enter('htmlTextData')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return open
+ }
+ /**
+ * After `<`, at tag name or other stuff.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a c
+ * ^
+ * > | a c
+ * ^
+ * > | a c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function open(code) {
+ if (code === 33) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return declarationOpen
+ }
+ if (code === 47) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return tagCloseStart
+ }
+ if (code === 63) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return instruction
+ }
+ // ASCII alphabetical.
+ if (asciiAlpha(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return tagOpen
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After ` | a c
+ * ^
+ * > | a c
+ * ^
+ * > | a &<]]> c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function declarationOpen(code) {
+ if (code === 45) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return commentOpenInside
+ }
+ if (code === 91) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ index = 0
+ return cdataOpenInside
+ }
+ if (asciiAlpha(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return declaration
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In a comment, after ` | a c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function commentOpenInside(code) {
+ if (code === 45) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return commentEnd
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In comment.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function comment(code) {
+ if (code === null) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ if (code === 45) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return commentClose
+ }
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ returnState = comment
+ return lineEndingBefore(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return comment
+ }
+ /**
+ * In comment, after `-`.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function commentClose(code) {
+ if (code === 45) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return commentEnd
+ }
+ return comment(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In comment, after `--`.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function commentEnd(code) {
+ return code === 62
+ ? end(code)
+ : code === 45
+ ? commentClose(code)
+ : comment(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After ` | a &<]]> b
+ * ^^^^^^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function cdataOpenInside(code) {
+ const value = 'CDATA['
+ if (code === value.charCodeAt(index++)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return index === value.length ? cdata : cdataOpenInside
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In CDATA.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a &<]]> b
+ * ^^^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function cdata(code) {
+ if (code === null) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ if (code === 93) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return cdataClose
+ }
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ returnState = cdata
+ return lineEndingBefore(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return cdata
+ }
+ /**
+ * In CDATA, after `]`, at another `]`.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a &<]]> b
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function cdataClose(code) {
+ if (code === 93) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return cdataEnd
+ }
+ return cdata(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In CDATA, after `]]`, at `>`.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a &<]]> b
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function cdataEnd(code) {
+ if (code === 62) {
+ return end(code)
+ }
+ if (code === 93) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return cdataEnd
+ }
+ return cdata(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In declaration.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function declaration(code) {
+ if (code === null || code === 62) {
+ return end(code)
+ }
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ returnState = declaration
+ return lineEndingBefore(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return declaration
+ }
+ /**
+ * In instruction.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function instruction(code) {
+ if (code === null) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ if (code === 63) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return instructionClose
+ }
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ returnState = instruction
+ return lineEndingBefore(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return instruction
+ }
+ /**
+ * In instruction, after `?`, at `>`.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function instructionClose(code) {
+ return code === 62 ? end(code) : instruction(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After ``, in closing tag, at tag name.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function tagCloseStart(code) {
+ // ASCII alphabetical.
+ if (asciiAlpha(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return tagClose
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After ` | a c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function tagClose(code) {
+ // ASCII alphanumerical and `-`.
+ if (code === 45 || asciiAlphanumeric(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return tagClose
+ }
+ return tagCloseBetween(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In closing tag, after tag name.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function tagCloseBetween(code) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ returnState = tagCloseBetween
+ return lineEndingBefore(code)
+ }
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return tagCloseBetween
+ }
+ return end(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After ` | a c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function tagOpen(code) {
+ // ASCII alphanumerical and `-`.
+ if (code === 45 || asciiAlphanumeric(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return tagOpen
+ }
+ if (code === 47 || code === 62 || markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {
+ return tagOpenBetween(code)
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In opening tag, after tag name.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function tagOpenBetween(code) {
+ if (code === 47) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return end
+ }
+ // ASCII alphabetical and `:` and `_`.
+ if (code === 58 || code === 95 || asciiAlpha(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return tagOpenAttributeName
+ }
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ returnState = tagOpenBetween
+ return lineEndingBefore(code)
+ }
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return tagOpenBetween
+ }
+ return end(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In attribute name.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a d
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function tagOpenAttributeName(code) {
+ // ASCII alphabetical and `-`, `.`, `:`, and `_`.
+ if (
+ code === 45 ||
+ code === 46 ||
+ code === 58 ||
+ code === 95 ||
+ asciiAlphanumeric(code)
+ ) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return tagOpenAttributeName
+ }
+ return tagOpenAttributeNameAfter(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After attribute name, before initializer, the end of the tag, or
+ * whitespace.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a d
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function tagOpenAttributeNameAfter(code) {
+ if (code === 61) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return tagOpenAttributeValueBefore
+ }
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ returnState = tagOpenAttributeNameAfter
+ return lineEndingBefore(code)
+ }
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return tagOpenAttributeNameAfter
+ }
+ return tagOpenBetween(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Before unquoted, double quoted, or single quoted attribute value, allowing
+ * whitespace.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a e
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function tagOpenAttributeValueBefore(code) {
+ if (
+ code === null ||
+ code === 60 ||
+ code === 61 ||
+ code === 62 ||
+ code === 96
+ ) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ if (code === 34 || code === 39) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ marker = code
+ return tagOpenAttributeValueQuoted
+ }
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ returnState = tagOpenAttributeValueBefore
+ return lineEndingBefore(code)
+ }
+ if (markdownSpace(code)) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return tagOpenAttributeValueBefore
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return tagOpenAttributeValueUnquoted
+ }
+ /**
+ * In double or single quoted attribute value.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a e
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function tagOpenAttributeValueQuoted(code) {
+ if (code === marker) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ marker = undefined
+ return tagOpenAttributeValueQuotedAfter
+ }
+ if (code === null) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ returnState = tagOpenAttributeValueQuoted
+ return lineEndingBefore(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return tagOpenAttributeValueQuoted
+ }
+ /**
+ * In unquoted attribute value.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a e
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function tagOpenAttributeValueUnquoted(code) {
+ if (
+ code === null ||
+ code === 34 ||
+ code === 39 ||
+ code === 60 ||
+ code === 61 ||
+ code === 96
+ ) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ if (code === 47 || code === 62 || markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {
+ return tagOpenBetween(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return tagOpenAttributeValueUnquoted
+ }
+ /**
+ * After double or single quoted attribute value, before whitespace or the end
+ * of the tag.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a e
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function tagOpenAttributeValueQuotedAfter(code) {
+ if (code === 47 || code === 62 || markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {
+ return tagOpenBetween(code)
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In certain circumstances of a tag where only an `>` is allowed.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a e
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function end(code) {
+ if (code === 62) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('htmlTextData')
+ effects.exit('htmlText')
+ return ok
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * At eol.
+ *
+ * > 👉 **Note**: we can’t have blank lines in text, so no need to worry about
+ * > empty tokens.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function lineEndingBefore(code) {
+ effects.exit('htmlTextData')
+ effects.enter('lineEnding')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('lineEnding')
+ return lineEndingAfter
+ }
+ /**
+ * After eol, at optional whitespace.
+ *
+ * > 👉 **Note**: we can’t have blank lines in text, so no need to worry about
+ * > empty tokens.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | a
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function lineEndingAfter(code) {
+ // Always populated by defaults.
+ return markdownSpace(code)
+ ? factorySpace(
+ effects,
+ lineEndingAfterPrefix,
+ 'linePrefix',
+ self.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented')
+ ? undefined
+ : 4
+ )(code)
+ : lineEndingAfterPrefix(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * After eol, after optional whitespace.
+ *
+ * > 👉 **Note**: we can’t have blank lines in text, so no need to worry about
+ * > empty tokens.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * | a
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function lineEndingAfterPrefix(code) {
+ effects.enter('htmlTextData')
+ return returnState(code)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-core-commonmark/lib/label-start-link.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const labelStartLink = {
+ name: 'labelStartLink',
+ tokenize: tokenizeLabelStartLink,
+ resolveAll: labelEnd.resolveAll
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeLabelStartLink(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Start of label (link) start.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a [b] c
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ effects.enter('labelLink')
+ effects.enter('labelMarker')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('labelMarker')
+ effects.exit('labelLink')
+ return after
+ }
+ /** @type {State} */
+ function after(code) {
+ // To do: this isn’t needed in `micromark-extension-gfm-footnote`,
+ // remove.
+ // Hidden footnotes hook.
+ /* c8 ignore next 3 */
+ return code === 94 && '_hiddenFootnoteSupport' in self.parser.constructs
+ ? nok(code)
+ : ok(code)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-core-commonmark/lib/hard-break-escape.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const hardBreakEscape = {
+ name: 'hardBreakEscape',
+ tokenize: tokenizeHardBreakEscape
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeHardBreakEscape(effects, ok, nok) {
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Start of a hard break (escape).
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a\
+ * ^
+ * | b
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ effects.enter('hardBreakEscape')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return after
+ }
+ /**
+ * After `\`, at eol.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | a\
+ * ^
+ * | b
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function after(code) {
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ effects.exit('hardBreakEscape')
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-core-commonmark/lib/code-text.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Previous} Previous
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer
+ */
+/** @type {Construct} */
+const codeText = {
+ name: 'codeText',
+ tokenize: tokenizeCodeText,
+ resolve: resolveCodeText,
+ previous
+// To do: next major: don’t resolve, like `markdown-rs`.
+/** @type {Resolver} */
+function resolveCodeText(events) {
+ let tailExitIndex = events.length - 4
+ let headEnterIndex = 3
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let index
+ /** @type {number | undefined} */
+ let enter
+ // If we start and end with an EOL or a space.
+ if (
+ (events[headEnterIndex][1].type === 'lineEnding' ||
+ events[headEnterIndex][1].type === 'space') &&
+ (events[tailExitIndex][1].type === 'lineEnding' ||
+ events[tailExitIndex][1].type === 'space')
+ ) {
+ index = headEnterIndex
+ // And we have data.
+ while (++index < tailExitIndex) {
+ if (events[index][1].type === 'codeTextData') {
+ // Then we have padding.
+ events[headEnterIndex][1].type = 'codeTextPadding'
+ events[tailExitIndex][1].type = 'codeTextPadding'
+ headEnterIndex += 2
+ tailExitIndex -= 2
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Merge adjacent spaces and data.
+ index = headEnterIndex - 1
+ tailExitIndex++
+ while (++index <= tailExitIndex) {
+ if (enter === undefined) {
+ if (index !== tailExitIndex && events[index][1].type !== 'lineEnding') {
+ enter = index
+ }
+ } else if (
+ index === tailExitIndex ||
+ events[index][1].type === 'lineEnding'
+ ) {
+ events[enter][1].type = 'codeTextData'
+ if (index !== enter + 2) {
+ events[enter][1].end = events[index - 1][1].end
+ events.splice(enter + 2, index - enter - 2)
+ tailExitIndex -= index - enter - 2
+ index = enter + 2
+ }
+ enter = undefined
+ }
+ }
+ return events
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Previous}
+ */
+function previous(code) {
+ // If there is a previous code, there will always be a tail.
+ return (
+ code !== 96 ||
+[ - 1][1].type === 'characterEscape'
+ )
+ * @this {TokenizeContext}
+ * @type {Tokenizer}
+ */
+function tokenizeCodeText(effects, ok, nok) {
+ const self = this
+ let sizeOpen = 0
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let size
+ /** @type {Token} */
+ let token
+ return start
+ /**
+ * Start of code (text).
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | `a`
+ * ^
+ * > | \`a`
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function start(code) {
+ effects.enter('codeText')
+ effects.enter('codeTextSequence')
+ return sequenceOpen(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In opening sequence.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | `a`
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function sequenceOpen(code) {
+ if (code === 96) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ sizeOpen++
+ return sequenceOpen
+ }
+ effects.exit('codeTextSequence')
+ return between(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Between something and something else.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | `a`
+ * ^^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function between(code) {
+ // EOF.
+ if (code === null) {
+ return nok(code)
+ }
+ // To do: next major: don’t do spaces in resolve, but when compiling,
+ // like `markdown-rs`.
+ // Tabs don’t work, and virtual spaces don’t make sense.
+ if (code === 32) {
+ effects.enter('space')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('space')
+ return between
+ }
+ // Closing fence? Could also be data.
+ if (code === 96) {
+ token = effects.enter('codeTextSequence')
+ size = 0
+ return sequenceClose(code)
+ }
+ if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {
+ effects.enter('lineEnding')
+ effects.consume(code)
+ effects.exit('lineEnding')
+ return between
+ }
+ // Data.
+ effects.enter('codeTextData')
+ return data(code)
+ }
+ /**
+ * In data.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | `a`
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function data(code) {
+ if (
+ code === null ||
+ code === 32 ||
+ code === 96 ||
+ markdownLineEnding(code)
+ ) {
+ effects.exit('codeTextData')
+ return between(code)
+ }
+ effects.consume(code)
+ return data
+ }
+ /**
+ * In closing sequence.
+ *
+ * ```markdown
+ * > | `a`
+ * ^
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @type {State}
+ */
+ function sequenceClose(code) {
+ // More.
+ if (code === 96) {
+ effects.consume(code)
+ size++
+ return sequenceClose
+ }
+ // Done!
+ if (size === sizeOpen) {
+ effects.exit('codeTextSequence')
+ effects.exit('codeText')
+ return ok(code)
+ }
+ // More or less accents: mark as data.
+ token.type = 'codeTextData'
+ return data(code)
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark/lib/constructs.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Extension} Extension
+ */
+/** @satisfies {Extension['document']} */
+const constructs_document = {
+ [42]: list,
+ [43]: list,
+ [45]: list,
+ [48]: list,
+ [49]: list,
+ [50]: list,
+ [51]: list,
+ [52]: list,
+ [53]: list,
+ [54]: list,
+ [55]: list,
+ [56]: list,
+ [57]: list,
+ [62]: blockQuote
+/** @satisfies {Extension['contentInitial']} */
+const contentInitial = {
+ [91]: definition
+/** @satisfies {Extension['flowInitial']} */
+const flowInitial = {
+ [-2]: codeIndented,
+ [-1]: codeIndented,
+ [32]: codeIndented
+/** @satisfies {Extension['flow']} */
+const constructs_flow = {
+ [35]: headingAtx,
+ [42]: thematicBreak,
+ [45]: [setextUnderline, thematicBreak],
+ [60]: htmlFlow,
+ [61]: setextUnderline,
+ [95]: thematicBreak,
+ [96]: codeFenced,
+ [126]: codeFenced
+/** @satisfies {Extension['string']} */
+const constructs_string = {
+ [38]: characterReference,
+ [92]: characterEscape
+/** @satisfies {Extension['text']} */
+const constructs_text = {
+ [-5]: lineEnding,
+ [-4]: lineEnding,
+ [-3]: lineEnding,
+ [33]: labelStartImage,
+ [38]: characterReference,
+ [42]: attention,
+ [60]: [autolink, htmlText],
+ [91]: labelStartLink,
+ [92]: [hardBreakEscape, characterEscape],
+ [93]: labelEnd,
+ [95]: attention,
+ [96]: codeText
+/** @satisfies {Extension['insideSpan']} */
+const insideSpan = {
+ null: [attention, resolver]
+/** @satisfies {Extension['attentionMarkers']} */
+const attentionMarkers = {
+ null: [42, 95]
+/** @satisfies {Extension['disable']} */
+const disable = {
+ null: []
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark/lib/parse.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Create} Create
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').FullNormalizedExtension} FullNormalizedExtension
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').InitialConstruct} InitialConstruct
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').ParseContext} ParseContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').ParseOptions} ParseOptions
+ */
+ * @param {ParseOptions | null | undefined} [options]
+ * @returns {ParseContext}
+ */
+function parse(options) {
+ const settings = options || {}
+ const constructs =
+ /** @type {FullNormalizedExtension} */
+ combineExtensions([constructs_namespaceObject, ...(settings.extensions || [])])
+ /** @type {ParseContext} */
+ const parser = {
+ defined: [],
+ lazy: {},
+ constructs,
+ content: create(content),
+ document: create(document_document),
+ flow: create(flow),
+ string: create(string),
+ text: create(text_text)
+ }
+ return parser
+ /**
+ * @param {InitialConstruct} initial
+ */
+ function create(initial) {
+ return creator
+ /** @type {Create} */
+ function creator(from) {
+ return createTokenizer(parser, initial, from)
+ }
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark/lib/preprocess.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Chunk} Chunk
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Encoding} Encoding
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Value} Value
+ */
+ * @callback Preprocessor
+ * @param {Value} value
+ * @param {Encoding | null | undefined} [encoding]
+ * @param {boolean | null | undefined} [end=false]
+ * @returns {Array}
+ */
+const search = /[\0\t\n\r]/g
+ * @returns {Preprocessor}
+ */
+function preprocess() {
+ let column = 1
+ let buffer = ''
+ /** @type {boolean | undefined} */
+ let start = true
+ /** @type {boolean | undefined} */
+ let atCarriageReturn
+ return preprocessor
+ /** @type {Preprocessor} */
+ function preprocessor(value, encoding, end) {
+ /** @type {Array} */
+ const chunks = []
+ /** @type {RegExpMatchArray | null} */
+ let match
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let next
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let startPosition
+ /** @type {number} */
+ let endPosition
+ /** @type {Code} */
+ let code
+ // @ts-expect-error `Buffer` does allow an encoding.
+ value = buffer + value.toString(encoding)
+ startPosition = 0
+ buffer = ''
+ if (start) {
+ // To do: `markdown-rs` actually parses BOMs (byte order mark).
+ if (value.charCodeAt(0) === 65279) {
+ startPosition++
+ }
+ start = undefined
+ }
+ while (startPosition < value.length) {
+ search.lastIndex = startPosition
+ match = search.exec(value)
+ endPosition =
+ match && match.index !== undefined ? match.index : value.length
+ code = value.charCodeAt(endPosition)
+ if (!match) {
+ buffer = value.slice(startPosition)
+ break
+ }
+ if (code === 10 && startPosition === endPosition && atCarriageReturn) {
+ chunks.push(-3)
+ atCarriageReturn = undefined
+ } else {
+ if (atCarriageReturn) {
+ chunks.push(-5)
+ atCarriageReturn = undefined
+ }
+ if (startPosition < endPosition) {
+ chunks.push(value.slice(startPosition, endPosition))
+ column += endPosition - startPosition
+ }
+ switch (code) {
+ case 0: {
+ chunks.push(65533)
+ column++
+ break
+ }
+ case 9: {
+ next = Math.ceil(column / 4) * 4
+ chunks.push(-2)
+ while (column++ < next) chunks.push(-1)
+ break
+ }
+ case 10: {
+ chunks.push(-4)
+ column = 1
+ break
+ }
+ default: {
+ atCarriageReturn = true
+ column = 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ startPosition = endPosition + 1
+ }
+ if (end) {
+ if (atCarriageReturn) chunks.push(-5)
+ if (buffer) chunks.push(buffer)
+ chunks.push(null)
+ }
+ return chunks
+ }
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark/lib/postprocess.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event
+ */
+ * @param {Array} events
+ * @returns {Array}
+ */
+function postprocess(events) {
+ while (!subtokenize(events)) {
+ // Empty
+ }
+ return events
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/micromark-util-decode-numeric-character-reference/index.js
+ * Turn the number (in string form as either hexa- or plain decimal) coming from
+ * a numeric character reference into a character.
+ *
+ * Sort of like `String.fromCharCode(Number.parseInt(value, base))`, but makes
+ * non-characters and control characters safe.
+ *
+ * @param {string} value
+ * Value to decode.
+ * @param {number} base
+ * Numeric base.
+ * @returns {string}
+ * Character.
+ */
+function decodeNumericCharacterReference(value, base) {
+ const code = Number.parseInt(value, base)
+ if (
+ // C0 except for HT, LF, FF, CR, space.
+ code < 9 ||
+ code === 11 ||
+ (code > 13 && code < 32) ||
+ // Control character (DEL) of C0, and C1 controls.
+ (code > 126 && code < 160) ||
+ // Lone high surrogates and low surrogates.
+ (code > 55295 && code < 57344) ||
+ // Noncharacters.
+ (code > 64975 && code < 65008) /* eslint-disable no-bitwise */ ||
+ (code & 65535) === 65535 ||
+ (code & 65535) === 65534 /* eslint-enable no-bitwise */ ||
+ // Out of range
+ code > 1114111
+ ) {
+ return '\uFFFD'
+ }
+ return String.fromCharCode(code)
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/micromark-util-decode-string/index.js
+const characterEscapeOrReference =
+ /\\([!-/:-@[-`{-~])|&(#(?:\d{1,7}|x[\da-f]{1,6})|[\da-z]{1,31});/gi
+ * Decode markdown strings (which occur in places such as fenced code info
+ * strings, destinations, labels, and titles).
+ *
+ * The “string” content type allows character escapes and -references.
+ * This decodes those.
+ *
+ * @param {string} value
+ * Value to decode.
+ * @returns {string}
+ * Decoded value.
+ */
+function decodeString(value) {
+ return value.replace(characterEscapeOrReference, decode)
+ * @param {string} $0
+ * @param {string} $1
+ * @param {string} $2
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function decode($0, $1, $2) {
+ if ($1) {
+ // Escape.
+ return $1
+ }
+ // Reference.
+ const head = $2.charCodeAt(0)
+ if (head === 35) {
+ const head = $2.charCodeAt(1)
+ const hex = head === 120 || head === 88
+ return decodeNumericCharacterReference($2.slice(hex ? 2 : 1), hex ? 16 : 10)
+ }
+ return decodeNamedCharacterReference($2) || $0
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/unist-util-stringify-position/lib/index.js
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Point} Point
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Position} Position
+ */
+ * @typedef NodeLike
+ * @property {string} type
+ * @property {PositionLike | null | undefined} [position]
+ *
+ * @typedef PositionLike
+ * @property {PointLike | null | undefined} [start]
+ * @property {PointLike | null | undefined} [end]
+ *
+ * @typedef PointLike
+ * @property {number | null | undefined} [line]
+ * @property {number | null | undefined} [column]
+ * @property {number | null | undefined} [offset]
+ */
+ * Serialize the positional info of a point, position (start and end points),
+ * or node.
+ *
+ * @param {Node | NodeLike | Position | PositionLike | Point | PointLike | null | undefined} [value]
+ * Node, position, or point.
+ * @returns {string}
+ * Pretty printed positional info of a node (`string`).
+ *
+ * In the format of a range `ls:cs-le:ce` (when given `node` or `position`)
+ * or a point `l:c` (when given `point`), where `l` stands for line, `c` for
+ * column, `s` for `start`, and `e` for end.
+ * An empty string (`''`) is returned if the given value is neither `node`,
+ * `position`, nor `point`.
+ */
+function stringifyPosition(value) {
+ // Nothing.
+ if (!value || typeof value !== 'object') {
+ return ''
+ }
+ // Node.
+ if ('position' in value || 'type' in value) {
+ return position(value.position)
+ }
+ // Position.
+ if ('start' in value || 'end' in value) {
+ return position(value)
+ }
+ // Point.
+ if ('line' in value || 'column' in value) {
+ return point(value)
+ }
+ // ?
+ return ''
+ * @param {Point | PointLike | null | undefined} point
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function point(point) {
+ return index(point && point.line) + ':' + index(point && point.column)
+ * @param {Position | PositionLike | null | undefined} pos
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+function position(pos) {
+ return point(pos && pos.start) + '-' + point(pos && pos.end)
+ * @param {number | null | undefined} value
+ * @returns {number}
+ */
+function index(value) {
+ return value && typeof value === 'number' ? value : 1
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/node_modules/mdast-util-from-markdown/lib/index.js
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Encoding} Encoding
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').ParseOptions} ParseOptions
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext
+ * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Value} Value
+ *
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Parent} UnistParent
+ * @typedef {import('unist').Point} Point
+ *
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').PhrasingContent} PhrasingContent
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').StaticPhrasingContent} StaticPhrasingContent
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Content} Content
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Break} Break
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Blockquote} Blockquote
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Code} Code
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Definition} Definition
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Emphasis} Emphasis
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Heading} Heading
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').HTML} HTML
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Image} Image
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').ImageReference} ImageReference
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').InlineCode} InlineCode
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Link} Link
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').LinkReference} LinkReference
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').List} List
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').ListItem} ListItem
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Paragraph} Paragraph
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Root} Root
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Strong} Strong
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').Text} Text
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').ThematicBreak} ThematicBreak
+ * @typedef {import('mdast').ReferenceType} ReferenceType
+ * @typedef {import('../index.js').CompileData} CompileData
+ */
+ * @typedef {Root | Content} Node
+ * @typedef {Extract} Parent
+ *
+ * @typedef {Omit & {type: 'fragment', children: Array}} Fragment
+ */
+ * @callback Transform
+ * Extra transform, to change the AST afterwards.
+ * @param {Root} tree
+ * Tree to transform.
+ * @returns {Root | undefined | null | void}
+ * New tree or nothing (in which case the current tree is used).
+ *
+ * @callback Handle
+ * Handle a token.
+ * @param {CompileContext} this
+ * Context.
+ * @param {Token} token
+ * Current token.
+ * @returns {void}
+ * Nothing.
+ *
+ * @typedef {Record} Handles
+ * Token types mapping to handles
+ *
+ * @callback OnEnterError
+ * Handle the case where the `right` token is open, but it is closed (by the
+ * `left` token) or because we reached the end of the document.
+ * @param {Omit} this
+ * Context.
+ * @param {Token | undefined} left
+ * Left token.
+ * @param {Token} right
+ * Right token.
+ * @returns {void}
+ * Nothing.
+ *
+ * @callback OnExitError
+ * Handle the case where the `right` token is open but it is closed by
+ * exiting the `left` token.
+ * @param {Omit} this
+ * Context.
+ * @param {Token} left
+ * Left token.
+ * @param {Token} right
+ * Right token.
+ * @returns {void}
+ * Nothing.
+ *
+ * @typedef {[Token, OnEnterError | undefined]} TokenTuple
+ * Open token on the stack, with an optional error handler for when
+ * that token isn’t closed properly.
+ */
+ * @typedef Config
+ * Configuration.
+ *
+ * We have our defaults, but extensions will add more.
+ * @property {Array} canContainEols
+ * Token types where line endings are used.
+ * @property {Handles} enter
+ * Opening handles.
+ * @property {Handles} exit
+ * Closing handles.
+ * @property {Array} transforms
+ * Tree transforms.
+ *
+ * @typedef {Partial} Extension
+ * Change how markdown tokens from micromark are turned into mdast.
+ *
+ * @typedef CompileContext
+ * mdast compiler context.
+ * @property {Array} stack
+ * Stack of nodes.
+ * @property {Array} tokenStack
+ * Stack of tokens.
+ * @property {(key: Key) => CompileData[Key]} getData
+ * Get data from the key/value store.
+ * @property {(key: Key, value?: CompileData[Key]) => void} setData
+ * Set data into the key/value store.
+ * @property {(this: CompileContext) => void} buffer
+ * Capture some of the output data.
+ * @property {(this: CompileContext) => string} resume
+ * Stop capturing and access the output data.
+ * @property {(this: CompileContext, node: Kind, token: Token, onError?: OnEnterError) => Kind} enter
+ * Enter a token.
+ * @property {(this: CompileContext, token: Token, onError?: OnExitError) => Node} exit
+ * Exit a token.
+ * @property {TokenizeContext['sliceSerialize']} sliceSerialize
+ * Get the string value of a token.
+ * @property {Config} config
+ * Configuration.
+ *
+ * @typedef FromMarkdownOptions
+ * Configuration for how to build mdast.
+ * @property {Array> | null | undefined} [mdastExtensions]
+ * Extensions for this utility to change how tokens are turned into a tree.
+ *
+ * @typedef {ParseOptions & FromMarkdownOptions} Options
+ * Configuration.
+ */
+// To do: micromark: create a registry of tokens?
+// To do: next major: don’t return given `Node` from `enter`.
+// To do: next major: remove setter/getter.
+const lib_own = {}.hasOwnProperty
+ * @param value
+ * Markdown to parse.
+ * @param encoding
+ * Character encoding for when `value` is `Buffer`.
+ * @param options
+ * Configuration.
+ * @returns
+ * mdast tree.
+ */
+const fromMarkdown =
+ /**
+ * @type {(
+ * ((value: Value, encoding: Encoding, options?: Options | null | undefined) => Root) &
+ * ((value: Value, options?: Options | null | undefined) => Root)
+ * )}
+ */
+ /**
+ * @param {Value} value
+ * @param {Encoding | Options | null | undefined} [encoding]
+ * @param {Options | null | undefined} [options]
+ * @returns {Root}
+ */
+ function (value, encoding, options) {
+ if (typeof encoding !== 'string') {
+ options = encoding
+ encoding = undefined
+ }
+ return compiler(options)(
+ postprocess(
+ parse(options).document().write(preprocess()(value, encoding, true))
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ * Note this compiler only understand complete buffering, not streaming.
+ *
+ * @param {Options | null | undefined} [options]
+ */
+function compiler(options) {
+ /** @type {Config} */
+ const config = {
+ transforms: [],
+ canContainEols: ['emphasis', 'fragment', 'heading', 'paragraph', 'strong'],
+ enter: {
+ autolink: opener(link),
+ autolinkProtocol: onenterdata,
+ autolinkEmail: onenterdata,
+ atxHeading: opener(heading),
+ blockQuote: opener(blockQuote),
+ characterEscape: onenterdata,
+ characterReference: onenterdata,
+ codeFenced: opener(codeFlow),
+ codeFencedFenceInfo: buffer,
+ codeFencedFenceMeta: buffer,
+ codeIndented: opener(codeFlow, buffer),
+ codeText: opener(codeText, buffer),
+ codeTextData: onenterdata,
+ data: onenterdata,
+ codeFlowValue: onenterdata,
+ definition: opener(definition),
+ definitionDestinationString: buffer,
+ definitionLabelString: buffer,
+ definitionTitleString: buffer,
+ emphasis: opener(emphasis),
+ hardBreakEscape: opener(hardBreak),
+ hardBreakTrailing: opener(hardBreak),
+ htmlFlow: opener(html, buffer),
+ htmlFlowData: onenterdata,
+ htmlText: opener(html, buffer),
+ htmlTextData: onenterdata,
+ image: opener(image),
+ label: buffer,
+ link: opener(link),
+ listItem: opener(listItem),
+ listItemValue: onenterlistitemvalue,
+ listOrdered: opener(list, onenterlistordered),
+ listUnordered: opener(list),
+ paragraph: opener(paragraph),
+ reference: onenterreference,
+ referenceString: buffer,
+ resourceDestinationString: buffer,
+ resourceTitleString: buffer,
+ setextHeading: opener(heading),
+ strong: opener(strong),
+ thematicBreak: opener(thematicBreak)
+ },
+ exit: {
+ atxHeading: closer(),
+ atxHeadingSequence: onexitatxheadingsequence,
+ autolink: closer(),
+ autolinkEmail: onexitautolinkemail,
+ autolinkProtocol: onexitautolinkprotocol,
+ blockQuote: closer(),
+ characterEscapeValue: onexitdata,
+ characterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal: onexitcharacterreferencemarker,
+ characterReferenceMarkerNumeric: onexitcharacterreferencemarker,
+ characterReferenceValue: onexitcharacterreferencevalue,
+ codeFenced: closer(onexitcodefenced),
+ codeFencedFence: onexitcodefencedfence,
+ codeFencedFenceInfo: onexitcodefencedfenceinfo,
+ codeFencedFenceMeta: onexitcodefencedfencemeta,
+ codeFlowValue: onexitdata,
+ codeIndented: closer(onexitcodeindented),
+ codeText: closer(onexitcodetext),
+ codeTextData: onexitdata,
+ data: onexitdata,
+ definition: closer(),
+ definitionDestinationString: onexitdefinitiondestinationstring,
+ definitionLabelString: onexitdefinitionlabelstring,
+ definitionTitleString: onexitdefinitiontitlestring,
+ emphasis: closer(),
+ hardBreakEscape: closer(onexithardbreak),
+ hardBreakTrailing: closer(onexithardbreak),
+ htmlFlow: closer(onexithtmlflow),
+ htmlFlowData: onexitdata,
+ htmlText: closer(onexithtmltext),
+ htmlTextData: onexitdata,
+ image: closer(onexitimage),
+ label: onexitlabel,
+ labelText: onexitlabeltext,
+ lineEnding: onexitlineending,
+ link: closer(onexitlink),
+ listItem: closer(),
+ listOrdered: closer(),
+ listUnordered: closer(),
+ paragraph: closer(),
+ referenceString: onexitreferencestring,
+ resourceDestinationString: onexitresourcedestinationstring,
+ resourceTitleString: onexitresourcetitlestring,
+ resource: onexitresource,
+ setextHeading: closer(onexitsetextheading),
+ setextHeadingLineSequence: onexitsetextheadinglinesequence,
+ setextHeadingText: onexitsetextheadingtext,
+ strong: closer(),
+ thematicBreak: closer()
+ }
+ }
+ configure(config, (options || {}).mdastExtensions || [])
+ /** @type {CompileData} */
+ const data = {}
+ return compile
+ /**
+ * Turn micromark events into an mdast tree.
+ *
+ * @param {Array} events
+ * Events.
+ * @returns {Root}
+ * mdast tree.
+ */
+ function compile(events) {
+ /** @type {Root} */
+ let tree = {
+ type: 'root',
+ children: []
+ }
+ /** @type {Omit} */
+ const context = {
+ stack: [tree],
+ tokenStack: [],
+ config,
+ enter,
+ exit,
+ buffer,
+ resume,
+ setData,
+ getData
+ }
+ /** @type {Array} */
+ const listStack = []
+ let index = -1
+ while (++index < events.length) {
+ // We preprocess lists to add `listItem` tokens, and to infer whether
+ // items the list itself are spread out.
+ if (
+ events[index][1].type === 'listOrdered' ||
+ events[index][1].type === 'listUnordered'
+ ) {
+ if (events[index][0] === 'enter') {
+ listStack.push(index)
+ } else {
+ const tail = listStack.pop()
+ index = prepareList(events, tail, index)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ index = -1
+ while (++index < events.length) {
+ const handler = config[events[index][0]]
+ if (, events[index][1].type)) {
+ handler[events[index][1].type].call(
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ sliceSerialize: events[index][2].sliceSerialize
+ },
+ context
+ ),
+ events[index][1]
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ // Handle tokens still being open.
+ if (context.tokenStack.length > 0) {
+ const tail = context.tokenStack[context.tokenStack.length - 1]
+ const handler = tail[1] || defaultOnError
+, undefined, tail[0])
+ }
+ // Figure out `root` position.
+ tree.position = {
+ start: lib_point(
+ events.length > 0
+ ? events[0][1].start
+ : {
+ line: 1,
+ column: 1,
+ offset: 0
+ }
+ ),
+ end: lib_point(
+ events.length > 0
+ ? events[events.length - 2][1].end
+ : {
+ line: 1,
+ column: 1,
+ offset: 0
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ // Call transforms.
+ index = -1
+ while (++index < config.transforms.length) {
+ tree = config.transforms[index](tree) || tree
+ }
+ return tree
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {Array} events
+ * @param {number} start
+ * @param {number} length
+ * @returns {number}
+ */
+ function prepareList(events, start, length) {
+ let index = start - 1
+ let containerBalance = -1
+ let listSpread = false
+ /** @type {Token | undefined} */
+ let listItem
+ /** @type {number | undefined} */
+ let lineIndex
+ /** @type {number | undefined} */
+ let firstBlankLineIndex
+ /** @type {boolean | undefined} */
+ let atMarker
+ while (++index <= length) {
+ const event = events[index]
+ if (
+ event[1].type === 'listUnordered' ||
+ event[1].type === 'listOrdered' ||
+ event[1].type === 'blockQuote'
+ ) {
+ if (event[0] === 'enter') {
+ containerBalance++
+ } else {
+ containerBalance--
+ }
+ atMarker = undefined
+ } else if (event[1].type === 'lineEndingBlank') {
+ if (event[0] === 'enter') {
+ if (
+ listItem &&
+ !atMarker &&
+ !containerBalance &&
+ !firstBlankLineIndex
+ ) {
+ firstBlankLineIndex = index
+ }
+ atMarker = undefined
+ }
+ } else if (
+ event[1].type === 'linePrefix' ||
+ event[1].type === 'listItemValue' ||
+ event[1].type === 'listItemMarker' ||
+ event[1].type === 'listItemPrefix' ||
+ event[1].type === 'listItemPrefixWhitespace'
+ ) {
+ // Empty.
+ } else {
+ atMarker = undefined
+ }
+ if (
+ (!containerBalance &&
+ event[0] === 'enter' &&
+ event[1].type === 'listItemPrefix') ||
+ (containerBalance === -1 &&
+ event[0] === 'exit' &&
+ (event[1].type === 'listUnordered' ||
+ event[1].type === 'listOrdered'))
+ ) {
+ if (listItem) {
+ let tailIndex = index
+ lineIndex = undefined
+ while (tailIndex--) {
+ const tailEvent = events[tailIndex]
+ if (
+ tailEvent[1].type === 'lineEnding' ||
+ tailEvent[1].type === 'lineEndingBlank'
+ ) {
+ if (tailEvent[0] === 'exit') continue
+ if (lineIndex) {
+ events[lineIndex][1].type = 'lineEndingBlank'
+ listSpread = true
+ }
+ tailEvent[1].type = 'lineEnding'
+ lineIndex = tailIndex
+ } else if (
+ tailEvent[1].type === 'linePrefix' ||
+ tailEvent[1].type === 'blockQuotePrefix' ||
+ tailEvent[1].type === 'blockQuotePrefixWhitespace' ||
+ tailEvent[1].type === 'blockQuoteMarker' ||
+ tailEvent[1].type === 'listItemIndent'
+ ) {
+ // Empty
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if (
+ firstBlankLineIndex &&
+ (!lineIndex || firstBlankLineIndex < lineIndex)
+ ) {
+ listItem._spread = true
+ }
+ // Fix position.
+ listItem.end = Object.assign(
+ {},
+ lineIndex ? events[lineIndex][1].start : event[1].end
+ )
+ events.splice(lineIndex || index, 0, ['exit', listItem, event[2]])
+ index++
+ length++
+ }
+ // Create a new list item.
+ if (event[1].type === 'listItemPrefix') {
+ listItem = {
+ type: 'listItem',
+ _spread: false,
+ start: Object.assign({}, event[1].start),
+ // @ts-expect-error: we’ll add `end` in a second.
+ end: undefined
+ }
+ // @ts-expect-error: `listItem` is most definitely defined, TS...
+ events.splice(index, 0, ['enter', listItem, event[2]])
+ index++
+ length++
+ firstBlankLineIndex = undefined
+ atMarker = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ events[start][1]._spread = listSpread
+ return length
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set data.
+ *
+ * @template {keyof CompileData} Key
+ * Field type.
+ * @param {Key} key
+ * Key of field.
+ * @param {CompileData[Key]} [value]
+ * New value.
+ * @returns {void}
+ * Nothing.
+ */
+ function setData(key, value) {
+ data[key] = value
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get data.
+ *
+ * @template {keyof CompileData} Key
+ * Field type.
+ * @param {Key} key
+ * Key of field.
+ * @returns {CompileData[Key]}
+ * Value.
+ */
+ function getData(key) {
+ return data[key]
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create an opener handle.
+ *
+ * @param {(token: Token) => Node} create
+ * Create a node.
+ * @param {Handle} [and]
+ * Optional function to also run.
+ * @returns {Handle}
+ * Handle.
+ */
+ function opener(create, and) {
+ return open
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @param {Token} token
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ function open(token) {
+, create(token), token)
+ if (and), token)
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ function buffer() {
+ this.stack.push({
+ type: 'fragment',
+ children: []
+ })
+ }
+ /**
+ * @template {Node} Kind
+ * Node type.
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * Context.
+ * @param {Kind} node
+ * Node to enter.
+ * @param {Token} token
+ * Corresponding token.
+ * @param {OnEnterError | undefined} [errorHandler]
+ * Handle the case where this token is open, but it is closed by something else.
+ * @returns {Kind}
+ * The given node.
+ */
+ function enter(node, token, errorHandler) {
+ const parent = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ // @ts-expect-error: Assume `Node` can exist as a child of `parent`.
+ parent.children.push(node)
+ this.stack.push(node)
+ this.tokenStack.push([token, errorHandler])
+ // @ts-expect-error: `end` will be patched later.
+ node.position = {
+ start: lib_point(token.start)
+ }
+ return node
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a closer handle.
+ *
+ * @param {Handle} [and]
+ * Optional function to also run.
+ * @returns {Handle}
+ * Handle.
+ */
+ function closer(and) {
+ return close
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @param {Token} token
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+ function close(token) {
+ if (and), token)
+, token)
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * Context.
+ * @param {Token} token
+ * Corresponding token.
+ * @param {OnExitError | undefined} [onExitError]
+ * Handle the case where another token is open.
+ * @returns {Node}
+ * The closed node.
+ */
+ function exit(token, onExitError) {
+ const node = this.stack.pop()
+ const open = this.tokenStack.pop()
+ if (!open) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Cannot close `' +
+ token.type +
+ '` (' +
+ stringifyPosition({
+ start: token.start,
+ end: token.end
+ }) +
+ '): it’s not open'
+ )
+ } else if (open[0].type !== token.type) {
+ if (onExitError) {
+, token, open[0])
+ } else {
+ const handler = open[1] || defaultOnError
+, token, open[0])
+ }
+ }
+ node.position.end = lib_point(token.end)
+ return node
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+ function resume() {
+ return lib_toString(this.stack.pop())
+ }
+ //
+ // Handlers.
+ //
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onenterlistordered() {
+ setData('expectingFirstListItemValue', true)
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onenterlistitemvalue(token) {
+ if (getData('expectingFirstListItemValue')) {
+ const ancestor = this.stack[this.stack.length - 2]
+ ancestor.start = Number.parseInt(this.sliceSerialize(token), 10)
+ setData('expectingFirstListItemValue')
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitcodefencedfenceinfo() {
+ const data = this.resume()
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ node.lang = data
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitcodefencedfencemeta() {
+ const data = this.resume()
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ node.meta = data
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitcodefencedfence() {
+ // Exit if this is the closing fence.
+ if (getData('flowCodeInside')) return
+ this.buffer()
+ setData('flowCodeInside', true)
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitcodefenced() {
+ const data = this.resume()
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ node.value = data.replace(/^(\r?\n|\r)|(\r?\n|\r)$/g, '')
+ setData('flowCodeInside')
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitcodeindented() {
+ const data = this.resume()
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ node.value = data.replace(/(\r?\n|\r)$/g, '')
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitdefinitionlabelstring(token) {
+ const label = this.resume()
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ node.label = label
+ node.identifier = normalizeIdentifier(
+ this.sliceSerialize(token)
+ ).toLowerCase()
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitdefinitiontitlestring() {
+ const data = this.resume()
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ node.title = data
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitdefinitiondestinationstring() {
+ const data = this.resume()
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ node.url = data
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitatxheadingsequence(token) {
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ if (!node.depth) {
+ const depth = this.sliceSerialize(token).length
+ node.depth = depth
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitsetextheadingtext() {
+ setData('setextHeadingSlurpLineEnding', true)
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitsetextheadinglinesequence(token) {
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ node.depth = this.sliceSerialize(token).charCodeAt(0) === 61 ? 1 : 2
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitsetextheading() {
+ setData('setextHeadingSlurpLineEnding')
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onenterdata(token) {
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ let tail = node.children[node.children.length - 1]
+ if (!tail || tail.type !== 'text') {
+ // Add a new text node.
+ tail = text()
+ // @ts-expect-error: we’ll add `end` later.
+ tail.position = {
+ start: lib_point(token.start)
+ }
+ // @ts-expect-error: Assume `parent` accepts `text`.
+ node.children.push(tail)
+ }
+ this.stack.push(tail)
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitdata(token) {
+ const tail = this.stack.pop()
+ tail.value += this.sliceSerialize(token)
+ tail.position.end = lib_point(token.end)
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitlineending(token) {
+ const context = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ // If we’re at a hard break, include the line ending in there.
+ if (getData('atHardBreak')) {
+ const tail = context.children[context.children.length - 1]
+ tail.position.end = lib_point(token.end)
+ setData('atHardBreak')
+ return
+ }
+ if (
+ !getData('setextHeadingSlurpLineEnding') &&
+ config.canContainEols.includes(context.type)
+ ) {
+, token)
+, token)
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexithardbreak() {
+ setData('atHardBreak', true)
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexithtmlflow() {
+ const data = this.resume()
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ node.value = data
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexithtmltext() {
+ const data = this.resume()
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ node.value = data
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitcodetext() {
+ const data = this.resume()
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ node.value = data
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitlink() {
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ // Note: there are also `identifier` and `label` fields on this link node!
+ // These are used / cleaned here.
+ // To do: clean.
+ if (getData('inReference')) {
+ /** @type {ReferenceType} */
+ const referenceType = getData('referenceType') || 'shortcut'
+ node.type += 'Reference'
+ // @ts-expect-error: mutate.
+ node.referenceType = referenceType
+ // @ts-expect-error: mutate.
+ delete node.url
+ delete node.title
+ } else {
+ // @ts-expect-error: mutate.
+ delete node.identifier
+ // @ts-expect-error: mutate.
+ delete node.label
+ }
+ setData('referenceType')
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitimage() {
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ // Note: there are also `identifier` and `label` fields on this link node!
+ // These are used / cleaned here.
+ // To do: clean.
+ if (getData('inReference')) {
+ /** @type {ReferenceType} */
+ const referenceType = getData('referenceType') || 'shortcut'
+ node.type += 'Reference'
+ // @ts-expect-error: mutate.
+ node.referenceType = referenceType
+ // @ts-expect-error: mutate.
+ delete node.url
+ delete node.title
+ } else {
+ // @ts-expect-error: mutate.
+ delete node.identifier
+ // @ts-expect-error: mutate.
+ delete node.label
+ }
+ setData('referenceType')
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitlabeltext(token) {
+ const string = this.sliceSerialize(token)
+ const ancestor = this.stack[this.stack.length - 2]
+ // @ts-expect-error: stash this on the node, as it might become a reference
+ // later.
+ ancestor.label = decodeString(string)
+ // @ts-expect-error: same as above.
+ ancestor.identifier = normalizeIdentifier(string).toLowerCase()
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitlabel() {
+ const fragment = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ const value = this.resume()
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ // Assume a reference.
+ setData('inReference', true)
+ if (node.type === 'link') {
+ /** @type {Array} */
+ // @ts-expect-error: Assume static phrasing content.
+ const children = fragment.children
+ node.children = children
+ } else {
+ node.alt = value
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitresourcedestinationstring() {
+ const data = this.resume()
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ node.url = data
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitresourcetitlestring() {
+ const data = this.resume()
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ node.title = data
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitresource() {
+ setData('inReference')
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onenterreference() {
+ setData('referenceType', 'collapsed')
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitreferencestring(token) {
+ const label = this.resume()
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ // @ts-expect-error: stash this on the node, as it might become a reference
+ // later.
+ node.label = label
+ // @ts-expect-error: same as above.
+ node.identifier = normalizeIdentifier(
+ this.sliceSerialize(token)
+ ).toLowerCase()
+ setData('referenceType', 'full')
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitcharacterreferencemarker(token) {
+ setData('characterReferenceType', token.type)
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitcharacterreferencevalue(token) {
+ const data = this.sliceSerialize(token)
+ const type = getData('characterReferenceType')
+ /** @type {string} */
+ let value
+ if (type) {
+ value = decodeNumericCharacterReference(
+ data,
+ type === 'characterReferenceMarkerNumeric' ? 10 : 16
+ )
+ setData('characterReferenceType')
+ } else {
+ const result = decodeNamedCharacterReference(data)
+ value = result
+ }
+ const tail = this.stack.pop()
+ tail.value += value
+ tail.position.end = lib_point(token.end)
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitautolinkprotocol(token) {
+, token)
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ node.url = this.sliceSerialize(token)
+ }
+ /**
+ * @this {CompileContext}
+ * @type {Handle}
+ */
+ function onexitautolinkemail(token) {
+, token)
+ const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
+ node.url = 'mailto:' + this.sliceSerialize(token)
+ }
+ //
+ // Creaters.
+ //
+ /** @returns {Blockquote} */
+ function blockQuote() {
+ return {
+ type: 'blockquote',
+ children: []
+ }
+ }
+ /** @returns {Code} */
+ function codeFlow() {
+ return {
+ type: 'code',
+ lang: null,
+ meta: null,
+ value: ''
+ }
+ }
+ /** @returns {InlineCode} */
+ function codeText() {
+ return {
+ type: 'inlineCode',
+ value: ''
+ }
+ }
+ /** @returns {Definition} */
+ function definition() {
+ return {
+ type: 'definition',
+ identifier: '',
+ label: null,
+ title: null,
+ url: ''
+ }
+ }
+ /** @returns {Emphasis} */
+ function emphasis() {
+ return {
+ type: 'emphasis',
+ children: []
+ }
+ }
+ /** @returns {Heading} */
+ function heading() {
+ // @ts-expect-error `depth` will be set later.
+ return {
+ type: 'heading',
+ depth: undefined,
+ children: []
+ }
+ }
+ /** @returns {Break} */
+ function hardBreak() {
+ return {
+ type: 'break'
+ }
+ }
+ /** @returns {HTML} */
+ function html() {
+ return {
+ type: 'html',
+ value: ''
+ }
+ }
+ /** @returns {Image} */
+ function image() {
+ return {
+ type: 'image',
+ title: null,
+ url: '',
+ alt: null
+ }
+ }
+ /** @returns {Link} */
+ function link() {
+ return {
+ type: 'link',
+ title: null,
+ url: '',
+ children: []
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {Token} token
+ * @returns {List}
+ */
+ function list(token) {
+ return {
+ type: 'list',
+ ordered: token.type === 'listOrdered',
+ start: null,
+ spread: token._spread,
+ children: []
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {Token} token
+ * @returns {ListItem}
+ */
+ function listItem(token) {
+ return {
+ type: 'listItem',
+ spread: token._spread,
+ checked: null,
+ children: []
+ }
+ }
+ /** @returns {Paragraph} */
+ function paragraph() {
+ return {
+ type: 'paragraph',
+ children: []
+ }
+ }
+ /** @returns {Strong} */
+ function strong() {
+ return {
+ type: 'strong',
+ children: []
+ }
+ }
+ /** @returns {Text} */
+ function text() {
+ return {
+ type: 'text',
+ value: ''
+ }
+ }
+ /** @returns {ThematicBreak} */
+ function thematicBreak() {
+ return {
+ type: 'thematicBreak'
+ }
+ }
+ * Copy a point-like value.
+ *
+ * @param {Point} d
+ * Point-like value.
+ * @returns {Point}
+ * unist point.
+ */
+function lib_point(d) {
+ return {
+ line: d.line,
+ column: d.column,
+ offset: d.offset
+ }
+ * @param {Config} combined
+ * @param {Array>} extensions
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+function configure(combined, extensions) {
+ let index = -1
+ while (++index < extensions.length) {
+ const value = extensions[index]
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ configure(combined, value)
+ } else {
+ extension(combined, value)
+ }
+ }
+ * @param {Config} combined
+ * @param {Extension} extension
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+function extension(combined, extension) {
+ /** @type {keyof Extension} */
+ let key
+ for (key in extension) {
+ if (, key)) {
+ if (key === 'canContainEols') {
+ const right = extension[key]
+ if (right) {
+ combined[key].push(...right)
+ }
+ } else if (key === 'transforms') {
+ const right = extension[key]
+ if (right) {
+ combined[key].push(...right)
+ }
+ } else if (key === 'enter' || key === 'exit') {
+ const right = extension[key]
+ if (right) {
+ Object.assign(combined[key], right)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/** @type {OnEnterError} */
+function defaultOnError(left, right) {
+ if (left) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Cannot close `' +
+ left.type +
+ '` (' +
+ stringifyPosition({
+ start: left.start,
+ end: left.end
+ }) +
+ '): a different token (`' +
+ right.type +
+ '`, ' +
+ stringifyPosition({
+ start: right.start,
+ end: right.end
+ }) +
+ ') is open'
+ )
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Cannot close document, a token (`' +
+ right.type +
+ '`, ' +
+ stringifyPosition({
+ start: right.start,
+ end: right.end
+ }) +
+ ') is still open'
+ )
+ }
+// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/ts-dedent/esm/index.js
+var esm = __webpack_require__(18464);
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/mermaid/dist/createText-aebacdfe.js
+function preprocessMarkdown(markdown) {
+ const withoutMultipleNewlines = markdown.replace(/\n{2,}/g, "\n");
+ const withoutExtraSpaces = (0,esm/* dedent */.Z)(withoutMultipleNewlines);
+ return withoutExtraSpaces;
+function markdownToLines(markdown) {
+ const preprocessedMarkdown = preprocessMarkdown(markdown);
+ const { children } = fromMarkdown(preprocessedMarkdown);
+ const lines = [[]];
+ let currentLine = 0;
+ function processNode(node, parentType = "normal") {
+ if (node.type === "text") {
+ const textLines = node.value.split("\n");
+ textLines.forEach((textLine, index) => {
+ if (index !== 0) {
+ currentLine++;
+ lines.push([]);
+ }
+ textLine.split(" ").forEach((word) => {
+ if (word) {
+ lines[currentLine].push({ content: word, type: parentType });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ } else if (node.type === "strong" || node.type === "emphasis") {
+ node.children.forEach((contentNode) => {
+ processNode(contentNode, node.type);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ children.forEach((treeNode) => {
+ if (treeNode.type === "paragraph") {
+ treeNode.children.forEach((contentNode) => {
+ processNode(contentNode);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ return lines;
+function markdownToHTML(markdown) {
+ const { children } = fromMarkdown(markdown);
+ function output(node) {
+ if (node.type === "text") {
+ return node.value.replace(/\n/g, "
+ } else if (node.type === "strong") {
+ return `${"")}`;
+ } else if (node.type === "emphasis") {
+ return `${"")}`;
+ } else if (node.type === "paragraph") {
+ return `${"")}
+ }
+ return `Unsupported markdown: ${node.type}`;
+ }
+ return"");
+function splitTextToChars(text) {
+ if (Intl.Segmenter) {
+ return [ Intl.Segmenter().segment(text)].map((s) => s.segment);
+ }
+ return [...text];
+function splitWordToFitWidth(checkFit, word) {
+ const characters = splitTextToChars(word.content);
+ return splitWordToFitWidthRecursion(checkFit, [], characters, word.type);
+function splitWordToFitWidthRecursion(checkFit, usedChars, remainingChars, type) {
+ if (remainingChars.length === 0) {
+ return [
+ { content: usedChars.join(""), type },
+ { content: "", type }
+ ];
+ }
+ const [nextChar,] = remainingChars;
+ const newWord = [...usedChars, nextChar];
+ if (checkFit([{ content: newWord.join(""), type }])) {
+ return splitWordToFitWidthRecursion(checkFit, newWord, rest, type);
+ }
+ if (usedChars.length === 0 && nextChar) {
+ usedChars.push(nextChar);
+ remainingChars.shift();
+ }
+ return [
+ { content: usedChars.join(""), type },
+ { content: remainingChars.join(""), type }
+ ];
+function splitLineToFitWidth(line, checkFit) {
+ if (line.some(({ content }) => content.includes("\n"))) {
+ throw new Error("splitLineToFitWidth does not support newlines in the line");
+ }
+ return splitLineToFitWidthRecursion(line, checkFit);
+function splitLineToFitWidthRecursion(words, checkFit, lines = [], newLine = []) {
+ if (words.length === 0) {
+ if (newLine.length > 0) {
+ lines.push(newLine);
+ }
+ return lines.length > 0 ? lines : [];
+ }
+ let joiner = "";
+ if (words[0].content === " ") {
+ joiner = " ";
+ words.shift();
+ }
+ const nextWord = words.shift() ?? { content: " ", type: "normal" };
+ const lineWithNextWord = [...newLine];
+ if (joiner !== "") {
+ lineWithNextWord.push({ content: joiner, type: "normal" });
+ }
+ lineWithNextWord.push(nextWord);
+ if (checkFit(lineWithNextWord)) {
+ return splitLineToFitWidthRecursion(words, checkFit, lines, lineWithNextWord);
+ }
+ if (newLine.length > 0) {
+ lines.push(newLine);
+ words.unshift(nextWord);
+ } else if (nextWord.content) {
+ const [line, rest] = splitWordToFitWidth(checkFit, nextWord);
+ lines.push([line]);
+ if (rest.content) {
+ words.unshift(rest);
+ }
+ }
+ return splitLineToFitWidthRecursion(words, checkFit, lines);
+function applyStyle(dom, styleFn) {
+ if (styleFn) {
+ dom.attr("style", styleFn);
+ }
+function addHtmlSpan(element, node, width, classes, addBackground = false) {
+ const fo = element.append("foreignObject");
+ const div = fo.append("xhtml:div");
+ const label = node.label;
+ const labelClass = node.isNode ? "nodeLabel" : "edgeLabel";
+ div.html(
+ `
+ " + label + ""
+ );
+ applyStyle(div, node.labelStyle);
+"display", "table-cell");
+"white-space", "nowrap");
+"max-width", width + "px");
+ div.attr("xmlns", "");
+ if (addBackground) {
+ div.attr("class", "labelBkg");
+ }
+ let bbox = div.node().getBoundingClientRect();
+ if (bbox.width === width) {
+"display", "table");
+"white-space", "break-spaces");
+"width", width + "px");
+ bbox = div.node().getBoundingClientRect();
+ }
+"width", bbox.width);
+"height", bbox.height);
+ return fo.node();
+function createTspan(textElement, lineIndex, lineHeight) {
+ return textElement.append("tspan").attr("class", "text-outer-tspan").attr("x", 0).attr("y", lineIndex * lineHeight - 0.1 + "em").attr("dy", lineHeight + "em");
+function computeWidthOfText(parentNode, lineHeight, line) {
+ const testElement = parentNode.append("text");
+ const testSpan = createTspan(testElement, 1, lineHeight);
+ updateTextContentAndStyles(testSpan, line);
+ const textLength = testSpan.node().getComputedTextLength();
+ testElement.remove();
+ return textLength;
+function computeDimensionOfText(parentNode, lineHeight, text) {
+ var _a;
+ const testElement = parentNode.append("text");
+ const testSpan = createTspan(testElement, 1, lineHeight);
+ updateTextContentAndStyles(testSpan, [{ content: text, type: "normal" }]);
+ const textDimension = (_a = testSpan.node()) == null ? void 0 : _a.getBoundingClientRect();
+ if (textDimension) {
+ testElement.remove();
+ }
+ return textDimension;
+function createFormattedText(width, g, structuredText, addBackground = false) {
+ const lineHeight = 1.1;
+ const labelGroup = g.append("g");
+ const bkg = labelGroup.insert("rect").attr("class", "background");
+ const textElement = labelGroup.append("text").attr("y", "-10.1");
+ let lineIndex = 0;
+ for (const line of structuredText) {
+ const checkWidth = (line2) => computeWidthOfText(labelGroup, lineHeight, line2) <= width;
+ const linesUnderWidth = checkWidth(line) ? [line] : splitLineToFitWidth(line, checkWidth);
+ for (const preparedLine of linesUnderWidth) {
+ const tspan = createTspan(textElement, lineIndex, lineHeight);
+ updateTextContentAndStyles(tspan, preparedLine);
+ lineIndex++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (addBackground) {
+ const bbox = textElement.node().getBBox();
+ const padding = 2;
+ bkg.attr("x", -padding).attr("y", -padding).attr("width", bbox.width + 2 * padding).attr("height", bbox.height + 2 * padding);
+ return labelGroup.node();
+ } else {
+ return textElement.node();
+ }
+function updateTextContentAndStyles(tspan, wrappedLine) {
+ tspan.text("");
+ wrappedLine.forEach((word, index) => {
+ const innerTspan = tspan.append("tspan").attr("font-style", word.type === "emphasis" ? "italic" : "normal").attr("class", "text-inner-tspan").attr("font-weight", word.type === "strong" ? "bold" : "normal");
+ if (index === 0) {
+ innerTspan.text(word.content);
+ } else {
+ innerTspan.text(" " + word.content);
+ }
+ });
+const createText = (el, text = "", {
+ style = "",
+ isTitle = false,
+ classes = "",
+ useHtmlLabels = true,
+ isNode = true,
+ width = 200,
+ addSvgBackground = false
+} = {}) => {
+"createText", text, style, isTitle, classes, useHtmlLabels, isNode, addSvgBackground);
+ if (useHtmlLabels) {
+ const htmlText = markdownToHTML(text);
+ const node = {
+ isNode,
+ label: (0,mermaid_934d9bea.J)(htmlText).replace(
+ /fa[blrs]?:fa-[\w-]+/g,
+ (s) => ``
+ ),
+ labelStyle: style.replace("fill:", "color:")
+ };
+ const vertexNode = addHtmlSpan(el, node, width, classes, addSvgBackground);
+ return vertexNode;
+ } else {
+ const structuredText = markdownToLines(text);
+ const svgLabel = createFormattedText(width, el, structuredText, addSvgBackground);
+ return svgLabel;
+ }
+/***/ }),
+/***/ 69138:
+/***/ ((__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
+"use strict";
+/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
+/* harmony export */ diagram: () => (/* binding */ diagram)
+/* harmony export */ });
+/* harmony import */ var _mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(85322);
+/* harmony import */ var d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(64218);
+/* harmony import */ var _createText_aebacdfe_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(54511);
+/* harmony import */ var cytoscape_dist_cytoscape_umd_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(71377);
+/* harmony import */ var cytoscape_cose_bilkent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(14607);
+/* harmony import */ var khroma__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(91619);
+/* harmony import */ var khroma__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(12281);
+/* harmony import */ var khroma__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(7201);
+/* harmony import */ var dayjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(27484);
+/* harmony import */ var _braintree_sanitize_url__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(17967);
+/* harmony import */ var dompurify__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(22424);
+var parser = function() {
+ var o = function(k, v, o2, l) {
+ for (o2 = o2 || {}, l = k.length; l--; o2[k[l]] = v)
+ ;
+ return o2;
+ }, $V0 = [1, 4], $V1 = [1, 13], $V2 = [1, 12], $V3 = [1, 15], $V4 = [1, 16], $V5 = [1, 20], $V6 = [1, 19], $V7 = [6, 7, 8], $V8 = [1, 26], $V9 = [1, 24], $Va = [1, 25], $Vb = [6, 7, 11], $Vc = [1, 6, 13, 15, 16, 19, 22], $Vd = [1, 33], $Ve = [1, 34], $Vf = [1, 6, 7, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19, 22];
+ var parser2 = {
+ trace: function trace() {
+ },
+ yy: {},
+ symbols_: { "error": 2, "start": 3, "mindMap": 4, "spaceLines": 5, "SPACELINE": 6, "NL": 7, "MINDMAP": 8, "document": 9, "stop": 10, "EOF": 11, "statement": 12, "SPACELIST": 13, "node": 14, "ICON": 15, "CLASS": 16, "nodeWithId": 17, "nodeWithoutId": 18, "NODE_DSTART": 19, "NODE_DESCR": 20, "NODE_DEND": 21, "NODE_ID": 22, "$accept": 0, "$end": 1 },
+ terminals_: { 2: "error", 6: "SPACELINE", 7: "NL", 8: "MINDMAP", 11: "EOF", 13: "SPACELIST", 15: "ICON", 16: "CLASS", 19: "NODE_DSTART", 20: "NODE_DESCR", 21: "NODE_DEND", 22: "NODE_ID" },
+ productions_: [0, [3, 1], [3, 2], [5, 1], [5, 2], [5, 2], [4, 2], [4, 3], [10, 1], [10, 1], [10, 1], [10, 2], [10, 2], [9, 3], [9, 2], [12, 2], [12, 2], [12, 2], [12, 1], [12, 1], [12, 1], [12, 1], [12, 1], [14, 1], [14, 1], [18, 3], [17, 1], [17, 4]],
+ performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate, $$, _$) {
+ var $0 = $$.length - 1;
+ switch (yystate) {
+ case 6:
+ case 7:
+ return yy;
+ case 8:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("Stop NL ");
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("Stop EOF ");
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("Stop NL2 ");
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("Stop EOF2 ");
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ yy.getLogger().info("Node: ", $$[$0].id);
+ yy.addNode($$[$0 - 1].length, $$[$0].id, $$[$0].descr, $$[$0].type);
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("Icon: ", $$[$0]);
+ yy.decorateNode({ icon: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ case 21:
+ yy.decorateNode({ class: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 18:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("SPACELIST");
+ break;
+ case 19:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("Node: ", $$[$0].id);
+ yy.addNode(0, $$[$0].id, $$[$0].descr, $$[$0].type);
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ yy.decorateNode({ icon: $$[$0] });
+ break;
+ case 25:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("node found ..", $$[$0 - 2]);
+ this.$ = { id: $$[$0 - 1], descr: $$[$0 - 1], type: yy.getType($$[$0 - 2], $$[$0]) };
+ break;
+ case 26:
+ this.$ = { id: $$[$0], descr: $$[$0], type: yy.nodeType.DEFAULT };
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("node found ..", $$[$0 - 3]);
+ this.$ = { id: $$[$0 - 3], descr: $$[$0 - 1], type: yy.getType($$[$0 - 2], $$[$0]) };
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ table: [{ 3: 1, 4: 2, 5: 3, 6: [1, 5], 8: $V0 }, { 1: [3] }, { 1: [2, 1] }, { 4: 6, 6: [1, 7], 7: [1, 8], 8: $V0 }, { 6: $V1, 7: [1, 10], 9: 9, 12: 11, 13: $V2, 14: 14, 15: $V3, 16: $V4, 17: 17, 18: 18, 19: $V5, 22: $V6 }, o($V7, [2, 3]), { 1: [2, 2] }, o($V7, [2, 4]), o($V7, [2, 5]), { 1: [2, 6], 6: $V1, 12: 21, 13: $V2, 14: 14, 15: $V3, 16: $V4, 17: 17, 18: 18, 19: $V5, 22: $V6 }, { 6: $V1, 9: 22, 12: 11, 13: $V2, 14: 14, 15: $V3, 16: $V4, 17: 17, 18: 18, 19: $V5, 22: $V6 }, { 6: $V8, 7: $V9, 10: 23, 11: $Va }, o($Vb, [2, 22], { 17: 17, 18: 18, 14: 27, 15: [1, 28], 16: [1, 29], 19: $V5, 22: $V6 }), o($Vb, [2, 18]), o($Vb, [2, 19]), o($Vb, [2, 20]), o($Vb, [2, 21]), o($Vb, [2, 23]), o($Vb, [2, 24]), o($Vb, [2, 26], { 19: [1, 30] }), { 20: [1, 31] }, { 6: $V8, 7: $V9, 10: 32, 11: $Va }, { 1: [2, 7], 6: $V1, 12: 21, 13: $V2, 14: 14, 15: $V3, 16: $V4, 17: 17, 18: 18, 19: $V5, 22: $V6 }, o($Vc, [2, 14], { 7: $Vd, 11: $Ve }), o($Vf, [2, 8]), o($Vf, [2, 9]), o($Vf, [2, 10]), o($Vb, [2, 15]), o($Vb, [2, 16]), o($Vb, [2, 17]), { 20: [1, 35] }, { 21: [1, 36] }, o($Vc, [2, 13], { 7: $Vd, 11: $Ve }), o($Vf, [2, 11]), o($Vf, [2, 12]), { 21: [1, 37] }, o($Vb, [2, 25]), o($Vb, [2, 27])],
+ defaultActions: { 2: [2, 1], 6: [2, 2] },
+ parseError: function parseError2(str, hash) {
+ if (hash.recoverable) {
+ this.trace(str);
+ } else {
+ var error = new Error(str);
+ error.hash = hash;
+ throw error;
+ }
+ },
+ parse: function parse(input) {
+ var self = this, stack = [0], tstack = [], vstack = [null], lstack = [], table = this.table, yytext = "", yylineno = 0, yyleng = 0, TERROR = 2, EOF = 1;
+ var args =, 1);
+ var lexer2 = Object.create(this.lexer);
+ var sharedState = { yy: {} };
+ for (var k in this.yy) {
+ if (, k)) {
+ sharedState.yy[k] = this.yy[k];
+ }
+ }
+ lexer2.setInput(input, sharedState.yy);
+ sharedState.yy.lexer = lexer2;
+ sharedState.yy.parser = this;
+ if (typeof lexer2.yylloc == "undefined") {
+ lexer2.yylloc = {};
+ }
+ var yyloc = lexer2.yylloc;
+ lstack.push(yyloc);
+ var ranges = lexer2.options && lexer2.options.ranges;
+ if (typeof sharedState.yy.parseError === "function") {
+ this.parseError = sharedState.yy.parseError;
+ } else {
+ this.parseError = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError;
+ }
+ function lex() {
+ var token;
+ token = tstack.pop() || lexer2.lex() || EOF;
+ if (typeof token !== "number") {
+ if (token instanceof Array) {
+ tstack = token;
+ token = tstack.pop();
+ }
+ token = self.symbols_[token] || token;
+ }
+ return token;
+ }
+ var symbol, state, action, r, yyval = {}, p, len, newState, expected;
+ while (true) {
+ state = stack[stack.length - 1];
+ if (this.defaultActions[state]) {
+ action = this.defaultActions[state];
+ } else {
+ if (symbol === null || typeof symbol == "undefined") {
+ symbol = lex();
+ }
+ action = table[state] && table[state][symbol];
+ }
+ if (typeof action === "undefined" || !action.length || !action[0]) {
+ var errStr = "";
+ expected = [];
+ for (p in table[state]) {
+ if (this.terminals_[p] && p > TERROR) {
+ expected.push("'" + this.terminals_[p] + "'");
+ }
+ }
+ if (lexer2.showPosition) {
+ errStr = "Parse error on line " + (yylineno + 1) + ":\n" + lexer2.showPosition() + "\nExpecting " + expected.join(", ") + ", got '" + (this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + "'";
+ } else {
+ errStr = "Parse error on line " + (yylineno + 1) + ": Unexpected " + (symbol == EOF ? "end of input" : "'" + (this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + "'");
+ }
+ this.parseError(errStr, {
+ text: lexer2.match,
+ token: this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol,
+ line: lexer2.yylineno,
+ loc: yyloc,
+ expected
+ });
+ }
+ if (action[0] instanceof Array && action.length > 1) {
+ throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: " + state + ", token: " + symbol);
+ }
+ switch (action[0]) {
+ case 1:
+ stack.push(symbol);
+ vstack.push(lexer2.yytext);
+ lstack.push(lexer2.yylloc);
+ stack.push(action[1]);
+ symbol = null;
+ {
+ yyleng = lexer2.yyleng;
+ yytext = lexer2.yytext;
+ yylineno = lexer2.yylineno;
+ yyloc = lexer2.yylloc;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ len = this.productions_[action[1]][1];
+ yyval.$ = vstack[vstack.length - len];
+ yyval._$ = {
+ first_line: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_line,
+ last_line: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_line,
+ first_column: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_column,
+ last_column: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_column
+ };
+ if (ranges) {
+ yyval._$.range = [
+ lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].range[0],
+ lstack[lstack.length - 1].range[1]
+ ];
+ }
+ r = this.performAction.apply(yyval, [
+ yytext,
+ yyleng,
+ yylineno,
+ sharedState.yy,
+ action[1],
+ vstack,
+ lstack
+ ].concat(args));
+ if (typeof r !== "undefined") {
+ return r;
+ }
+ if (len) {
+ stack = stack.slice(0, -1 * len * 2);
+ vstack = vstack.slice(0, -1 * len);
+ lstack = lstack.slice(0, -1 * len);
+ }
+ stack.push(this.productions_[action[1]][0]);
+ vstack.push(yyval.$);
+ lstack.push(yyval._$);
+ newState = table[stack[stack.length - 2]][stack[stack.length - 1]];
+ stack.push(newState);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ var lexer = function() {
+ var lexer2 = {
+ EOF: 1,
+ parseError: function parseError2(str, hash) {
+ if (this.yy.parser) {
+ this.yy.parser.parseError(str, hash);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(str);
+ }
+ },
+ // resets the lexer, sets new input
+ setInput: function(input, yy) {
+ this.yy = yy || this.yy || {};
+ this._input = input;
+ this._more = this._backtrack = this.done = false;
+ this.yylineno = this.yyleng = 0;
+ this.yytext = this.matched = this.match = "";
+ this.conditionStack = ["INITIAL"];
+ this.yylloc = {
+ first_line: 1,
+ first_column: 0,
+ last_line: 1,
+ last_column: 0
+ };
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range = [0, 0];
+ }
+ this.offset = 0;
+ return this;
+ },
+ // consumes and returns one char from the input
+ input: function() {
+ var ch = this._input[0];
+ this.yytext += ch;
+ this.yyleng++;
+ this.offset++;
+ this.match += ch;
+ this.matched += ch;
+ var lines = ch.match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g);
+ if (lines) {
+ this.yylineno++;
+ this.yylloc.last_line++;
+ } else {
+ this.yylloc.last_column++;
+ }
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range[1]++;
+ }
+ this._input = this._input.slice(1);
+ return ch;
+ },
+ // unshifts one char (or a string) into the input
+ unput: function(ch) {
+ var len = ch.length;
+ var lines = ch.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
+ this._input = ch + this._input;
+ this.yytext = this.yytext.substr(0, this.yytext.length - len);
+ this.offset -= len;
+ var oldLines = this.match.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
+ this.match = this.match.substr(0, this.match.length - 1);
+ this.matched = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - 1);
+ if (lines.length - 1) {
+ this.yylineno -= lines.length - 1;
+ }
+ var r = this.yylloc.range;
+ this.yylloc = {
+ first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
+ last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
+ first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
+ last_column: lines ? (lines.length === oldLines.length ? this.yylloc.first_column : 0) + oldLines[oldLines.length - lines.length].length - lines[0].length : this.yylloc.first_column - len
+ };
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range = [r[0], r[0] + this.yyleng - len];
+ }
+ this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
+ return this;
+ },
+ // When called from action, caches matched text and appends it on next action
+ more: function() {
+ this._more = true;
+ return this;
+ },
+ // When called from action, signals the lexer that this rule fails to match the input, so the next matching rule (regex) should be tested instead.
+ reject: function() {
+ if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
+ this._backtrack = true;
+ } else {
+ return this.parseError("Lexical error on line " + (this.yylineno + 1) + ". You can only invoke reject() in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion (options.backtrack_lexer = true).\n" + this.showPosition(), {
+ text: "",
+ token: null,
+ line: this.yylineno
+ });
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // retain first n characters of the match
+ less: function(n) {
+ this.unput(this.match.slice(n));
+ },
+ // displays already matched input, i.e. for error messages
+ pastInput: function() {
+ var past = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - this.match.length);
+ return (past.length > 20 ? "..." : "") + past.substr(-20).replace(/\n/g, "");
+ },
+ // displays upcoming input, i.e. for error messages
+ upcomingInput: function() {
+ var next = this.match;
+ if (next.length < 20) {
+ next += this._input.substr(0, 20 - next.length);
+ }
+ return (next.substr(0, 20) + (next.length > 20 ? "..." : "")).replace(/\n/g, "");
+ },
+ // displays the character position where the lexing error occurred, i.e. for error messages
+ showPosition: function() {
+ var pre = this.pastInput();
+ var c = new Array(pre.length + 1).join("-");
+ return pre + this.upcomingInput() + "\n" + c + "^";
+ },
+ // test the lexed token: return FALSE when not a match, otherwise return token
+ test_match: function(match, indexed_rule) {
+ var token, lines, backup;
+ if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
+ backup = {
+ yylineno: this.yylineno,
+ yylloc: {
+ first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
+ last_line: this.last_line,
+ first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
+ last_column: this.yylloc.last_column
+ },
+ yytext: this.yytext,
+ match: this.match,
+ matches: this.matches,
+ matched: this.matched,
+ yyleng: this.yyleng,
+ offset: this.offset,
+ _more: this._more,
+ _input: this._input,
+ yy: this.yy,
+ conditionStack: this.conditionStack.slice(0),
+ done: this.done
+ };
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ backup.yylloc.range = this.yylloc.range.slice(0);
+ }
+ }
+ lines = match[0].match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g);
+ if (lines) {
+ this.yylineno += lines.length;
+ }
+ this.yylloc = {
+ first_line: this.yylloc.last_line,
+ last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
+ first_column: this.yylloc.last_column,
+ last_column: lines ? lines[lines.length - 1].length - lines[lines.length - 1].match(/\r?\n?/)[0].length : this.yylloc.last_column + match[0].length
+ };
+ this.yytext += match[0];
+ this.match += match[0];
+ this.matches = match;
+ this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range = [this.offset, this.offset += this.yyleng];
+ }
+ this._more = false;
+ this._backtrack = false;
+ this._input = this._input.slice(match[0].length);
+ this.matched += match[0];
+ token =, this.yy, this, indexed_rule, this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]);
+ if (this.done && this._input) {
+ this.done = false;
+ }
+ if (token) {
+ return token;
+ } else if (this._backtrack) {
+ for (var k in backup) {
+ this[k] = backup[k];
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ // return next match in input
+ next: function() {
+ if (this.done) {
+ return this.EOF;
+ }
+ if (!this._input) {
+ this.done = true;
+ }
+ var token, match, tempMatch, index;
+ if (!this._more) {
+ this.yytext = "";
+ this.match = "";
+ }
+ var rules = this._currentRules();
+ for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
+ tempMatch = this._input.match(this.rules[rules[i]]);
+ if (tempMatch && (!match || tempMatch[0].length > match[0].length)) {
+ match = tempMatch;
+ index = i;
+ if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
+ token = this.test_match(tempMatch, rules[i]);
+ if (token !== false) {
+ return token;
+ } else if (this._backtrack) {
+ match = false;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (!this.options.flex) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (match) {
+ token = this.test_match(match, rules[index]);
+ if (token !== false) {
+ return token;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this._input === "") {
+ return this.EOF;
+ } else {
+ return this.parseError("Lexical error on line " + (this.yylineno + 1) + ". Unrecognized text.\n" + this.showPosition(), {
+ text: "",
+ token: null,
+ line: this.yylineno
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ // return next match that has a token
+ lex: function lex() {
+ var r =;
+ if (r) {
+ return r;
+ } else {
+ return this.lex();
+ }
+ },
+ // activates a new lexer condition state (pushes the new lexer condition state onto the condition stack)
+ begin: function begin(condition) {
+ this.conditionStack.push(condition);
+ },
+ // pop the previously active lexer condition state off the condition stack
+ popState: function popState() {
+ var n = this.conditionStack.length - 1;
+ if (n > 0) {
+ return this.conditionStack.pop();
+ } else {
+ return this.conditionStack[0];
+ }
+ },
+ // produce the lexer rule set which is active for the currently active lexer condition state
+ _currentRules: function _currentRules() {
+ if (this.conditionStack.length && this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]) {
+ return this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]].rules;
+ } else {
+ return this.conditions["INITIAL"].rules;
+ }
+ },
+ // return the currently active lexer condition state; when an index argument is provided it produces the N-th previous condition state, if available
+ topState: function topState(n) {
+ n = this.conditionStack.length - 1 - Math.abs(n || 0);
+ if (n >= 0) {
+ return this.conditionStack[n];
+ } else {
+ return "INITIAL";
+ }
+ },
+ // alias for begin(condition)
+ pushState: function pushState(condition) {
+ this.begin(condition);
+ },
+ // return the number of states currently on the stack
+ stateStackSize: function stateStackSize() {
+ return this.conditionStack.length;
+ },
+ options: { "case-insensitive": true },
+ performAction: function anonymous(yy, yy_, $avoiding_name_collisions, YY_START) {
+ switch ($avoiding_name_collisions) {
+ case 0:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("Found comment", yy_.yytext);
+ return 6;
+ case 1:
+ return 8;
+ case 2:
+ this.begin("CLASS");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.popState();
+ return 16;
+ case 4:
+ this.popState();
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("Begin icon");
+ this.begin("ICON");
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("SPACELINE");
+ return 6;
+ case 7:
+ return 7;
+ case 8:
+ return 15;
+ case 9:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("end icon");
+ this.popState();
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("Exploding node");
+ this.begin("NODE");
+ return 19;
+ case 11:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("Cloud");
+ this.begin("NODE");
+ return 19;
+ case 12:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("Explosion Bang");
+ this.begin("NODE");
+ return 19;
+ case 13:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("Cloud Bang");
+ this.begin("NODE");
+ return 19;
+ case 14:
+ this.begin("NODE");
+ return 19;
+ case 15:
+ this.begin("NODE");
+ return 19;
+ case 16:
+ this.begin("NODE");
+ return 19;
+ case 17:
+ this.begin("NODE");
+ return 19;
+ case 18:
+ return 13;
+ case 19:
+ return 22;
+ case 20:
+ return 11;
+ case 21:
+ this.begin("NSTR2");
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ return "NODE_DESCR";
+ case 23:
+ this.popState();
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("Starting NSTR");
+ this.begin("NSTR");
+ break;
+ case 25:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("description:", yy_.yytext);
+ return "NODE_DESCR";
+ case 26:
+ this.popState();
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ this.popState();
+ yy.getLogger().trace("node end ))");
+ return "NODE_DEND";
+ case 28:
+ this.popState();
+ yy.getLogger().trace("node end )");
+ return "NODE_DEND";
+ case 29:
+ this.popState();
+ yy.getLogger().trace("node end ...", yy_.yytext);
+ return "NODE_DEND";
+ case 30:
+ this.popState();
+ yy.getLogger().trace("node end ((");
+ return "NODE_DEND";
+ case 31:
+ this.popState();
+ yy.getLogger().trace("node end (-");
+ return "NODE_DEND";
+ case 32:
+ this.popState();
+ yy.getLogger().trace("node end (-");
+ return "NODE_DEND";
+ case 33:
+ this.popState();
+ yy.getLogger().trace("node end ((");
+ return "NODE_DEND";
+ case 34:
+ this.popState();
+ yy.getLogger().trace("node end ((");
+ return "NODE_DEND";
+ case 35:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("Long description:", yy_.yytext);
+ return 20;
+ case 36:
+ yy.getLogger().trace("Long description:", yy_.yytext);
+ return 20;
+ }
+ },
+ rules: [/^(?:\s*%%.*)/i, /^(?:mindmap\b)/i, /^(?::::)/i, /^(?:.+)/i, /^(?:\n)/i, /^(?:::icon\()/i, /^(?:[\s]+[\n])/i, /^(?:[\n]+)/i, /^(?:[^\)]+)/i, /^(?:\))/i, /^(?:-\))/i, /^(?:\(-)/i, /^(?:\)\))/i, /^(?:\))/i, /^(?:\(\()/i, /^(?:\{\{)/i, /^(?:\()/i, /^(?:\[)/i, /^(?:[\s]+)/i, /^(?:[^\(\[\n\)\{\}]+)/i, /^(?:$)/i, /^(?:["][`])/i, /^(?:[^`"]+)/i, /^(?:[`]["])/i, /^(?:["])/i, /^(?:[^"]+)/i, /^(?:["])/i, /^(?:[\)]\))/i, /^(?:[\)])/i, /^(?:[\]])/i, /^(?:\}\})/i, /^(?:\(-)/i, /^(?:-\))/i, /^(?:\(\()/i, /^(?:\()/i, /^(?:[^\)\]\(\}]+)/i, /^(?:.+(?!\(\())/i],
+ conditions: { "CLASS": { "rules": [3, 4], "inclusive": false }, "ICON": { "rules": [8, 9], "inclusive": false }, "NSTR2": { "rules": [22, 23], "inclusive": false }, "NSTR": { "rules": [25, 26], "inclusive": false }, "NODE": { "rules": [21, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36], "inclusive": false }, "INITIAL": { "rules": [0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20], "inclusive": true } }
+ };
+ return lexer2;
+ }();
+ parser2.lexer = lexer;
+ function Parser() {
+ this.yy = {};
+ }
+ Parser.prototype = parser2;
+ parser2.Parser = Parser;
+ return new Parser();
+parser.parser = parser;
+const mindmapParser = parser;
+const sanitizeText = (text) => (0,_mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.d)(text, (0,_mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.c)());
+let nodes = [];
+let cnt = 0;
+let elements = {};
+const clear = () => {
+ nodes = [];
+ cnt = 0;
+ elements = {};
+const getParent = function(level) {
+ for (let i = nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (nodes[i].level < level) {
+ return nodes[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+const getMindmap = () => {
+ return nodes.length > 0 ? nodes[0] : null;
+const addNode = (level, id, descr, type) => {
+"addNode", level, id, descr, type);
+ const conf = (0,_mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.c)();
+ const node = {
+ id: cnt++,
+ nodeId: sanitizeText(id),
+ level,
+ descr: sanitizeText(descr),
+ type,
+ children: [],
+ width: (0,_mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.c)().mindmap.maxNodeWidth
+ };
+ switch (node.type) {
+ case nodeType.ROUNDED_RECT:
+ node.padding = 2 * conf.mindmap.padding;
+ break;
+ case nodeType.RECT:
+ node.padding = 2 * conf.mindmap.padding;
+ break;
+ case nodeType.HEXAGON:
+ node.padding = 2 * conf.mindmap.padding;
+ break;
+ default:
+ node.padding = conf.mindmap.padding;
+ }
+ const parent = getParent(level);
+ if (parent) {
+ parent.children.push(node);
+ nodes.push(node);
+ } else {
+ if (nodes.length === 0) {
+ nodes.push(node);
+ } else {
+ let error = new Error(
+ 'There can be only one root. No parent could be found for ("' + node.descr + '")'
+ );
+ error.hash = {
+ text: "branch " + name,
+ token: "branch " + name,
+ line: "1",
+ loc: { first_line: 1, last_line: 1, first_column: 1, last_column: 1 },
+ expected: ['"checkout ' + name + '"']
+ };
+ throw error;
+ }
+ }
+const nodeType = {
+ RECT: 2,
+ CIRCLE: 3,
+ CLOUD: 4,
+ BANG: 5,
+const getType = (startStr, endStr) => {
+ _mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.l.debug("In get type", startStr, endStr);
+ switch (startStr) {
+ case "[":
+ return nodeType.RECT;
+ case "(":
+ return endStr === ")" ? nodeType.ROUNDED_RECT : nodeType.CLOUD;
+ case "((":
+ return nodeType.CIRCLE;
+ case ")":
+ return nodeType.CLOUD;
+ case "))":
+ return nodeType.BANG;
+ case "{{":
+ return nodeType.HEXAGON;
+ default:
+ return nodeType.DEFAULT;
+ }
+const setElementForId = (id, element) => {
+ elements[id] = element;
+const decorateNode = (decoration) => {
+ const node = nodes[nodes.length - 1];
+ if (decoration && decoration.icon) {
+ node.icon = sanitizeText(decoration.icon);
+ }
+ if (decoration && decoration.class) {
+ node.class = sanitizeText(decoration.class);
+ }
+const type2Str = (type) => {
+ switch (type) {
+ case nodeType.DEFAULT:
+ return "no-border";
+ case nodeType.RECT:
+ return "rect";
+ case nodeType.ROUNDED_RECT:
+ return "rounded-rect";
+ case nodeType.CIRCLE:
+ return "circle";
+ case nodeType.CLOUD:
+ return "cloud";
+ case nodeType.BANG:
+ return "bang";
+ case nodeType.HEXAGON:
+ return "hexgon";
+ default:
+ return "no-border";
+ }
+let parseError;
+const setErrorHandler = (handler) => {
+ parseError = handler;
+const getLogger = () => _mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.l;
+const getNodeById = (id) => nodes[id];
+const getElementById = (id) => elements[id];
+const mindmapDb = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
+ __proto__: null,
+ addNode,
+ clear,
+ decorateNode,
+ getElementById,
+ getLogger,
+ getMindmap,
+ getNodeById,
+ getType,
+ nodeType,
+ get parseError() {
+ return parseError;
+ },
+ sanitizeText,
+ setElementForId,
+ setErrorHandler,
+ type2Str
+}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }));
+const MAX_SECTIONS = 12;
+const defaultBkg = function(elem, node, section) {
+ const rd = 5;
+ elem.append("path").attr("id", "node-" +"class", "node-bkg node-" + type2Str(node.type)).attr(
+ "d",
+ `M0 ${node.height - rd} v${-node.height + 2 * rd} q0,-5 5,-5 h${node.width - 2 * rd} q5,0 5,5 v${node.height - rd} H0 Z`
+ );
+ elem.append("line").attr("class", "node-line-" + section).attr("x1", 0).attr("y1", node.height).attr("x2", node.width).attr("y2", node.height);
+const rectBkg = function(elem, node) {
+ elem.append("rect").attr("id", "node-" +"class", "node-bkg node-" + type2Str(node.type)).attr("height", node.height).attr("width", node.width);
+const cloudBkg = function(elem, node) {
+ const w = node.width;
+ const h = node.height;
+ const r1 = 0.15 * w;
+ const r2 = 0.25 * w;
+ const r3 = 0.35 * w;
+ const r4 = 0.2 * w;
+ elem.append("path").attr("id", "node-" +"class", "node-bkg node-" + type2Str(node.type)).attr(
+ "d",
+ `M0 0 a${r1},${r1} 0 0,1 ${w * 0.25},${-1 * w * 0.1}
+ a${r3},${r3} 1 0,1 ${w * 0.4},${-1 * w * 0.1}
+ a${r2},${r2} 1 0,1 ${w * 0.35},${1 * w * 0.2}
+ a${r1},${r1} 1 0,1 ${w * 0.15},${1 * h * 0.35}
+ a${r4},${r4} 1 0,1 ${-1 * w * 0.15},${1 * h * 0.65}
+ a${r2},${r1} 1 0,1 ${-1 * w * 0.25},${w * 0.15}
+ a${r3},${r3} 1 0,1 ${-1 * w * 0.5},${0}
+ a${r1},${r1} 1 0,1 ${-1 * w * 0.25},${-1 * w * 0.15}
+ a${r1},${r1} 1 0,1 ${-1 * w * 0.1},${-1 * h * 0.35}
+ a${r4},${r4} 1 0,1 ${w * 0.1},${-1 * h * 0.65}
+ H0 V0 Z`
+ );
+const bangBkg = function(elem, node) {
+ const w = node.width;
+ const h = node.height;
+ const r = 0.15 * w;
+ elem.append("path").attr("id", "node-" +"class", "node-bkg node-" + type2Str(node.type)).attr(
+ "d",
+ `M0 0 a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${w * 0.25},${-1 * h * 0.1}
+ a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${w * 0.25},${0}
+ a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${w * 0.25},${0}
+ a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${w * 0.25},${1 * h * 0.1}
+ a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${w * 0.15},${1 * h * 0.33}
+ a${r * 0.8},${r * 0.8} 1 0,0 ${0},${1 * h * 0.34}
+ a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${-1 * w * 0.15},${1 * h * 0.33}
+ a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${-1 * w * 0.25},${h * 0.15}
+ a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${-1 * w * 0.25},${0}
+ a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${-1 * w * 0.25},${0}
+ a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${-1 * w * 0.25},${-1 * h * 0.15}
+ a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${-1 * w * 0.1},${-1 * h * 0.33}
+ a${r * 0.8},${r * 0.8} 1 0,0 ${0},${-1 * h * 0.34}
+ a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${w * 0.1},${-1 * h * 0.33}
+ H0 V0 Z`
+ );
+const circleBkg = function(elem, node) {
+ elem.append("circle").attr("id", "node-" +"class", "node-bkg node-" + type2Str(node.type)).attr("r", node.width / 2);
+function insertPolygonShape(parent, w, h, points, node) {
+ return parent.insert("polygon", ":first-child").attr(
+ "points",
+ {
+ return d.x + "," + d.y;
+ }).join(" ")
+ ).attr("transform", "translate(" + (node.width - w) / 2 + ", " + h + ")");
+const hexagonBkg = function(elem, node) {
+ const h = node.height;
+ const f = 4;
+ const m = h / f;
+ const w = node.width - node.padding + 2 * m;
+ const points = [
+ { x: m, y: 0 },
+ { x: w - m, y: 0 },
+ { x: w, y: -h / 2 },
+ { x: w - m, y: -h },
+ { x: m, y: -h },
+ { x: 0, y: -h / 2 }
+ ];
+ insertPolygonShape(elem, w, h, points, node);
+const roundedRectBkg = function(elem, node) {
+ elem.append("rect").attr("id", "node-" +"class", "node-bkg node-" + type2Str(node.type)).attr("height", node.height).attr("rx", node.padding).attr("ry", node.padding).attr("width", node.width);
+const drawNode = function(elem, node, fullSection, conf) {
+ const htmlLabels = conf.htmlLabels;
+ const section = fullSection % (MAX_SECTIONS - 1);
+ const nodeElem = elem.append("g");
+ node.section = section;
+ let sectionClass = "section-" + section;
+ if (section < 0) {
+ sectionClass += " section-root";
+ }
+ nodeElem.attr("class", (node.class ? node.class + " " : "") + "mindmap-node " + sectionClass);
+ const bkgElem = nodeElem.append("g");
+ const textElem = nodeElem.append("g");
+ const description = node.descr.replace(/(
)/g, "\n");
+ (0,_createText_aebacdfe_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.a)(textElem, description, {
+ useHtmlLabels: htmlLabels,
+ width: node.width,
+ classes: "mindmap-node-label"
+ });
+ if (!htmlLabels) {
+ textElem.attr("dy", "1em").attr("alignment-baseline", "middle").attr("dominant-baseline", "middle").attr("text-anchor", "middle");
+ }
+ const bbox = textElem.node().getBBox();
+ const fontSize = conf.fontSize.replace ? conf.fontSize.replace("px", "") : conf.fontSize;
+ node.height = bbox.height + fontSize * 1.1 * 0.5 + node.padding;
+ node.width = bbox.width + 2 * node.padding;
+ if (node.icon) {
+ if (node.type === nodeType.CIRCLE) {
+ node.height += 50;
+ node.width += 50;
+ const icon = nodeElem.append("foreignObject").attr("height", "50px").attr("width", node.width).attr("style", "text-align: center;");
+ icon.append("div").attr("class", "icon-container").append("i").attr("class", "node-icon-" + section + " " + node.icon);
+ textElem.attr(
+ "transform",
+ "translate(" + node.width / 2 + ", " + (node.height / 2 - 1.5 * node.padding) + ")"
+ );
+ } else {
+ node.width += 50;
+ const orgHeight = node.height;
+ node.height = Math.max(orgHeight, 60);
+ const heightDiff = Math.abs(node.height - orgHeight);
+ const icon = nodeElem.append("foreignObject").attr("width", "60px").attr("height", node.height).attr("style", "text-align: center;margin-top:" + heightDiff / 2 + "px;");
+ icon.append("div").attr("class", "icon-container").append("i").attr("class", "node-icon-" + section + " " + node.icon);
+ textElem.attr(
+ "transform",
+ "translate(" + (25 + node.width / 2) + ", " + (heightDiff / 2 + node.padding / 2) + ")"
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!htmlLabels) {
+ const dx = node.width / 2;
+ const dy = node.padding / 2;
+ textElem.attr("transform", "translate(" + dx + ", " + dy + ")");
+ } else {
+ const dx = (node.width - bbox.width) / 2;
+ const dy = (node.height - bbox.height) / 2;
+ textElem.attr("transform", "translate(" + dx + ", " + dy + ")");
+ }
+ }
+ switch (node.type) {
+ case nodeType.DEFAULT:
+ defaultBkg(bkgElem, node, section);
+ break;
+ case nodeType.ROUNDED_RECT:
+ roundedRectBkg(bkgElem, node);
+ break;
+ case nodeType.RECT:
+ rectBkg(bkgElem, node);
+ break;
+ case nodeType.CIRCLE:
+ bkgElem.attr("transform", "translate(" + node.width / 2 + ", " + +node.height / 2 + ")");
+ circleBkg(bkgElem, node);
+ break;
+ case nodeType.CLOUD:
+ cloudBkg(bkgElem, node);
+ break;
+ case nodeType.BANG:
+ bangBkg(bkgElem, node);
+ break;
+ case nodeType.HEXAGON:
+ hexagonBkg(bkgElem, node);
+ break;
+ }
+ setElementForId(, nodeElem);
+ return node.height;
+const drawEdge = function drawEdge2(edgesElem, mindmap, parent, depth, fullSection) {
+ const section = fullSection % (MAX_SECTIONS - 1);
+ const sx = parent.x + parent.width / 2;
+ const sy = parent.y + parent.height / 2;
+ const ex = mindmap.x + mindmap.width / 2;
+ const ey = mindmap.y + mindmap.height / 2;
+ const mx = ex > sx ? sx + Math.abs(sx - ex) / 2 : sx - Math.abs(sx - ex) / 2;
+ const my = ey > sy ? sy + Math.abs(sy - ey) / 2 : sy - Math.abs(sy - ey) / 2;
+ const qx = ex > sx ? Math.abs(sx - mx) / 2 + sx : -Math.abs(sx - mx) / 2 + sx;
+ const qy = ey > sy ? Math.abs(sy - my) / 2 + sy : -Math.abs(sy - my) / 2 + sy;
+ edgesElem.append("path").attr(
+ "d",
+ parent.direction === "TB" || parent.direction === "BT" ? `M${sx},${sy} Q${sx},${qy} ${mx},${my} T${ex},${ey}` : `M${sx},${sy} Q${qx},${sy} ${mx},${my} T${ex},${ey}`
+ ).attr("class", "edge section-edge-" + section + " edge-depth-" + depth);
+const positionNode = function(node) {
+ const nodeElem = getElementById(;
+ const x = node.x || 0;
+ const y = node.y || 0;
+ nodeElem.attr("transform", "translate(" + x + "," + y + ")");
+const svgDraw = { drawNode, positionNode, drawEdge };
+function drawNodes(svg, mindmap, section, conf) {
+ svgDraw.drawNode(svg, mindmap, section, conf);
+ if (mindmap.children) {
+ mindmap.children.forEach((child, index) => {
+ drawNodes(svg, child, section < 0 ? index : section, conf);
+ });
+ }
+function drawEdges(edgesEl, cy) {
+ cy.edges().map((edge, id) => {
+ const data =;
+ if (edge[0]._private.bodyBounds) {
+ const bounds = edge[0]._private.rscratch;
+ _mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.l.trace("Edge: ", id, data);
+ edgesEl.insert("path").attr(
+ "d",
+ `M ${bounds.startX},${bounds.startY} L ${bounds.midX},${bounds.midY} L${bounds.endX},${bounds.endY} `
+ ).attr("class", "edge section-edge-" + data.section + " edge-depth-" + data.depth);
+ }
+ });
+function addNodes(mindmap, cy, conf, level) {
+ cy.add({
+ group: "nodes",
+ data: {
+ id:,
+ labelText: mindmap.descr,
+ height: mindmap.height,
+ width: mindmap.width,
+ level,
+ nodeId:,
+ padding: mindmap.padding,
+ type: mindmap.type
+ },
+ position: {
+ x: mindmap.x,
+ y: mindmap.y
+ }
+ });
+ if (mindmap.children) {
+ mindmap.children.forEach((child) => {
+ addNodes(child, cy, conf, level + 1);
+ cy.add({
+ group: "edges",
+ data: {
+ id: `${}_${}`,
+ source:,
+ target:,
+ depth: level,
+ section: child.section
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+function layoutMindmap(node, conf) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ const renderEl = (0,d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__/* .select */ .Ys)("body").append("div").attr("id", "cy").attr("style", "display:none");
+ const cy = cytoscape_dist_cytoscape_umd_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__({
+ container: document.getElementById("cy"),
+ // container to render in
+ style: [
+ {
+ selector: "edge",
+ style: {
+ "curve-style": "bezier"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ });
+ renderEl.remove();
+ addNodes(node, cy, conf, 0);
+ cy.nodes().forEach(function(n) {
+ n.layoutDimensions = () => {
+ const data =;
+ return { w: data.width, h: data.height };
+ };
+ });
+ cy.layout({
+ name: "cose-bilkent",
+ quality: "proof",
+ // headless: true,
+ styleEnabled: false,
+ animate: false
+ }).run();
+ cy.ready((e) => {
+"Ready", e);
+ resolve(cy);
+ });
+ });
+function positionNodes(cy) {
+ cy.nodes().map((node, id) => {
+ const data =;
+ data.x = node.position().x;
+ data.y = node.position().y;
+ svgDraw.positionNode(data);
+ const el = getElementById(data.nodeId);
+"Id:", id, "Position: (", node.position().x, ", ", node.position().y, ")", data);
+ el.attr(
+ "transform",
+ `translate(${node.position().x - data.width / 2}, ${node.position().y - data.height / 2})`
+ );
+ el.attr("attr", `apa-${id})`);
+ });
+const draw = async (text, id, version, diagObj) => {
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+ _mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.l.debug("Rendering mindmap diagram\n" + text, diagObj.parser);
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+ if (securityLevel === "sandbox") {
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+ const svg ="#" + id);
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+ const nodesElem = svg.append("g");
+ nodesElem.attr("class", "mindmap-nodes");
+ drawNodes(nodesElem, mm, -1, conf);
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+ positionNodes(cy);
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+ draw
+const genSections = (options) => {
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+ stroke: ${options["cScaleInv" + i]} ;
+ stroke-width: 3;
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+ .disabled, .disabled circle, .disabled text {
+ fill: lightgray;
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+ .disabled text {
+ fill: #efefef;
+ }
+ `;
+ }
+ return sections;
+const getStyles = (options) => `
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+ stroke-width: 3;
+ }
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+ .section-root rect, .section-root path, .section-root circle, .section-root polygon {
+ fill: ${options.git0};
+ }
+ .section-root text {
+ fill: ${options.gitBranchLabel0};
+ }
+ .icon-container {
+ height:100%;
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: center;
+ align-items: center;
+ }
+ .edge {
+ fill: none;
+ }
+ .mindmap-node-label {
+ dy: 1em;
+ alignment-baseline: middle;
+ text-anchor: middle;
+ dominant-baseline: middle;
+ text-align: center;
+ }
+const mindmapStyles = getStyles;
+const diagram = {
+ db: mindmapDb,
+ renderer: mindmapRenderer,
+ parser: mindmapParser,
+ styles: mindmapStyles
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43:this.$={stmt:"state",id:r[a-2].trim(),classes:[r[a].trim()],type:"default",description:""}}},table:[{3:1,4:e,5:s,6:i},{1:[3]},{3:5,4:e,5:s,6:i},{3:6,4:e,5:s,6:i},t([1,4,5,15,16,18,21,23,24,25,26,27,28,32,34,36,37,41,44,45,46,47,50],n,{7:7}),{1:[2,1]},{1:[2,2]},{1:[2,3],4:r,5:o,8:8,9:10,10:12,11:13,12:14,15:a,16:c,18:l,21:h,23:u,24:d,25:p,26:y,27:f,28:m,31:24,32:g,34:S,36:_,37:k,41:T,44:b,45:E,46:x,47:C,50:$},t(v,[2,5]),{9:36,10:12,11:13,12:14,15:a,16:c,18:l,21:h,23:u,24:d,25:p,26:y,27:f,28:m,31:24,32:g,34:S,36:_,37:k,41:T,44:b,45:E,46:x,47:C,50:$},t(v,[2,7]),t(v,[2,8]),t(v,[2,9]),t(v,[2,10]),t(v,[2,11],{13:[1,37],14:[1,38]}),t(v,[2,15]),{17:[1,39]},t(v,[2,17],{19:[1,40]}),{22:[1,41]},t(v,[2,21]),t(v,[2,22]),t(v,[2,23]),t(v,[2,24]),{29:42,30:[1,43],52:[1,44],53:[1,45]},t(v,[2,27]),{33:[1,46]},{35:[1,47]},t(v,[2,30]),{38:[1,48],40:[1,49]},{42:[1,50]},t(D,[2,40],{51:[1,51]}),t(D,[2,41],{51:[1,52]}),t(v,[2,34]),t(v,[2,35]),t(v,[2,36]),t(v,[2,37]),t(v,[2,6]),t(v,[2,12]),{12:53,23:u,50:$},t(v,[2,16]),t(A,n,{7:54}),{23:[1,55]},{23:[1,56]},{22:[1,57]},{23:[2,44]},{23:[2,45]},t(v,[2,28]),t(v,[2,29]),{39:[1,58]},{39:[1,59]},{43:[1,60]},{23:[1,61]},{23:[1,62]},t(v,[2,13],{13:[1,63]}),{4:r,5:o,8:8,9:10,10:12,11:13,12:14,15:a,16:c,18:l,20:[1,64],21:h,23:u,24:d,25:p,26:y,27:f,28:m,31:24,32:g,34:S,36:_,37:k,41:T,44:b,45:E,46:x,47:C,50:$},t(v,[2,19],{19:[1,65]}),{30:[1,66]},{23:[1,67]},t(v,[2,31]),t(v,[2,32]),t(v,[2,33]),t(D,[2,42]),t(D,[2,43]),t(v,[2,14]),t(v,[2,18]),t(A,n,{7:68}),t(v,[2,25]),t(v,[2,26]),{4:r,5:o,8:8,9:10,10:12,11:13,12:14,15:a,16:c,18:l,20:[1,69],21:h,23:u,24:d,25:p,26:y,27:f,28:m,31:24,32:g,34:S,36:_,37:k,41:T,44:b,45:E,46:x,47:C,50:$},t(v,[2,20])],defaultActions:{5:[2,1],6:[2,2],44:[2,44],45:[2,45]},parseError:function(t,e){if(!e.recoverable){var s=new Error(t);throw s.hash=e,s}this.trace(t)},parse:function(t){var e=this,s=[0],i=[],n=[null],r=[],o=this.table,a="",c=0,l=0,,1),u=Object.create(this.lexer),d={yy:{}};for(var p in this.yy),p)&&(d.yy[p]=this.yy[p]);u.setInput(t,d.yy),d.yy.lexer=u,d.yy.parser=this,void 0===u.yylloc&&(u.yylloc={});var y=u.yylloc;r.push(y);var f=u.options&&u.options.ranges;"function"==typeof d.yy.parseError?this.parseError=d.yy.parseError:this.parseError=Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError;for(var m,g,S,_,k,T,b,E,x,C={};;){if(g=s[s.length-1],this.defaultActions[g]?S=this.defaultActions[g]:(null==m&&(x=void 0,"number"!=typeof(x=i.pop()||u.lex()||1)&&(x instanceof Array&&(x=(i=x).pop()),x=e.symbols_[x]||x),m=x),S=o[g]&&o[g][m]),void 0===S||!S.length||!S[0]){var $="";for(k in E=[],o[g])this.terminals_[k]&&k>2&&E.push("'"+this.terminals_[k]+"'");$=u.showPosition?"Parse error on line "+(c+1)+":\n"+u.showPosition()+"\nExpecting "+E.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[m]||m)+"'":"Parse error on line "+(c+1)+": Unexpected "+(1==m?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[m]||m)+"'"),this.parseError($,{text:u.match,token:this.terminals_[m]||m,line:u.yylineno,loc:y,expected:E})}if(S[0]instanceof Array&&S.length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+g+", token: "+m);switch(S[0]){case 1:s.push(m),n.push(u.yytext),r.push(u.yylloc),s.push(S[1]),m=null,l=u.yyleng,a=u.yytext,c=u.yylineno,y=u.yylloc;break;case 2:if(T=this.productions_[S[1]][1],C.$=n[n.length-T],C._$={first_line:r[r.length-(T||1)].first_line,last_line:r[r.length-1].last_line,first_column:r[r.length-(T||1)].first_column,last_column:r[r.length-1].last_column},f&&(C._$.range=[r[r.length-(T||1)].range[0],r[r.length-1].range[1]]),void 0!==(_=this.performAction.apply(C,[a,l,c,d.yy,S[1],n,r].concat(h))))return _;T&&(s=s.slice(0,-1*T*2),n=n.slice(0,-1*T),r=r.slice(0,-1*T)),s.push(this.productions_[S[1]][0]),n.push(C.$),r.push(C._$),b=o[s[s.length-2]][s[s.length-1]],s.push(b);break;case 3:return!0}}return!0}},I={EOF:1,parseError:function(t,e){if(!this.yy.parser)throw new Error(t);this.yy.parser.parseError(t,e)},setInput:function(t,e){return this.yy=e||this.yy||{},this._input=t,this._more=this._backtrack=this.done=!1,this.yylineno=this.yyleng=0,this.yytext=this.matched=this.match="",this.conditionStack=["INITIAL"],this.yylloc={first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[0,0]),this.offset=0,this},input:function(){var t=this._input[0];return this.yytext+=t,this.yyleng++,this.offset++,this.match+=t,this.matched+=t,t.match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g)?(this.yylineno++,this.yylloc.last_line++):this.yylloc.last_column++,this.options.ranges&&this.yylloc.range[1]++,this._input=this._input.slice(1),t},unput:function(t){var e=t.length,s=t.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);this._input=t+this._input,this.yytext=this.yytext.substr(0,this.yytext.length-e),this.offset-=e;var i=this.match.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);this.match=this.match.substr(0,this.match.length-1),this.matched=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-1),s.length-1&&(this.yylineno-=s.length-1);var n=this.yylloc.range;return this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:s?(s.length===i.length?this.yylloc.first_column:0)+i[i.length-s.length].length-s[0].length:this.yylloc.first_column-e},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[n[0],n[0]+this.yyleng-e]),this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this},more:function(){return this._more=!0,this},reject:function(){return this.options.backtrack_lexer?(this._backtrack=!0,this):this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+". You can only invoke reject() in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion (options.backtrack_lexer = true).\n"+this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},less:function(t){this.unput(this.match.slice(t))},pastInput:function(){var t=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);return(t.length>20?"...":"")+t.substr(-20).replace(/\n/g,"")},upcomingInput:function(){var t=this.match;return t.length<20&&(t+=this._input.substr(0,20-t.length)),(t.substr(0,20)+(t.length>20?"...":"")).replace(/\n/g,"")},showPosition:function(){var t=this.pastInput(),e=new Array(t.length+1).join("-");return t+this.upcomingInput()+"\n"+e+"^"},test_match:function(t,e){var s,i,n;if(this.options.backtrack_lexer&&(n={yylineno:this.yylineno,yylloc:{first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.last_line,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:this.yylloc.last_column},yytext:this.yytext,match:this.match,matches:this.matches,matched:this.matched,yyleng:this.yyleng,offset:this.offset,_more:this._more,_input:this._input,yy:this.yy,conditionStack:this.conditionStack.slice(0),done:this.done},this.options.ranges&&(n.yylloc.range=this.yylloc.range.slice(0))),(i=t[0].match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g))&&(this.yylineno+=i.length),this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.last_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.last_column,last_column:i?i[i.length-1].length-i[i.length-1].match(/\r?\n?/)[0].length:this.yylloc.last_column+t[0].length},this.yytext+=t[0],this.match+=t[0],this.matches=t,this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[this.offset,this.offset+=this.yyleng]),this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1,this._input=this._input.slice(t[0].length),this.matched+=t[0],,this.yy,this,e,this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]),this.done&&this._input&&(this.done=!1),s)return s;if(this._backtrack){for(var r in n)this[r]=n[r];return!1}return!1},next:function(){if(this.done)return this.EOF;var t,e,s,i;this._input||(this.done=!0),this._more||(this.yytext="",this.match="");for(var n=this._currentRules(),r=0;re[0].length)){if(e=s,i=r,this.options.backtrack_lexer){if(!1!==(t=this.test_match(s,n[r])))return t;if(this._backtrack){e=!1;continue}return!1}if(!this.options.flex)break}return e?!1!==(t=this.test_match(e,n[i]))&&t:""===this._input?this.EOF:this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+". Unrecognized text.\n"+this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},lex:function(){var;return t||this.lex()},begin:function(t){this.conditionStack.push(t)},popState:function(){return this.conditionStack.length-1>0?this.conditionStack.pop():this.conditionStack[0]},_currentRules:function(){return this.conditionStack.length&&this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]?this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules:this.conditions.INITIAL.rules},topState:function(t){return(t=this.conditionStack.length-1-Math.abs(t||0))>=0?this.conditionStack[t]:"INITIAL"},pushState:function(t){this.begin(t)},stateStackSize:function(){return this.conditionStack.length},options:{"case-insensitive":!0},performAction:function(t,e,s,i){switch(s){case 0:return 40;case 1:case 39:return 44;case 2:case 40:return 45;case 3:case 41:return 46;case 4:case 42:return 47;case 5:case 6:case 8:case 9:case 10:case 11:case 51:case 53:case 59:break;case 7:case 74:return 5;case 12:case 29:return this.pushState("SCALE"),16;case 13:case 30:return 17;case 14:case 20:case 31:case 46:case 49:this.popState();break;case 15:return this.begin("acc_title"),32;case 16:return this.popState(),"acc_title_value";case 17:return this.begin("acc_descr"),34;case 18:return this.popState(),"acc_descr_value";case 19:this.begin("acc_descr_multiline");break;case 21:return"acc_descr_multiline_value";case 22:return this.pushState("CLASSDEF"),37;case 23:return this.popState(),this.pushState("CLASSDEFID"),"DEFAULT_CLASSDEF_ID";case 24:return this.popState(),this.pushState("CLASSDEFID"),38;case 25:return this.popState(),39;case 26:return this.pushState("CLASS"),41;case 27:return this.popState(),this.pushState("CLASS_STYLE"),42;case 28:return this.popState(),43;case 32:this.pushState("STATE");break;case 33:case 36:return this.popState(),e.yytext=e.yytext.slice(0,-8).trim(),24;case 34:case 37:return this.popState(),e.yytext=e.yytext.slice(0,-8).trim(),25;case 35:case 38:return this.popState(),e.yytext=e.yytext.slice(0,-10).trim(),26;case 43:this.pushState("STATE_STRING");break;case 44:return this.pushState("STATE_ID"),"AS";case 45:case 61:return this.popState(),"ID";case 47:return"STATE_DESCR";case 48:return 18;case 50:return this.popState(),this.pushState("struct"),19;case 52:return this.popState(),20;case 54:return this.begin("NOTE"),28;case 55:return this.popState(),this.pushState("NOTE_ID"),52;case 56:return this.popState(),this.pushState("NOTE_ID"),53;case 57:this.popState(),this.pushState("FLOATING_NOTE");break;case 58:return this.popState(),this.pushState("FLOATING_NOTE_ID"),"AS";case 60:return"NOTE_TEXT";case 62:return this.popState(),this.pushState("NOTE_TEXT"),23;case 63:return this.popState(),e.yytext=e.yytext.substr(2).trim(),30;case 64:return this.popState(),e.yytext=e.yytext.slice(0,-8).trim(),30;case 65:case 66:return 6;case 67:return 15;case 68:return 50;case 69:return 23;case 70:return e.yytext=e.yytext.trim(),13;case 71:return 14;case 72:return 27;case 73:return 51;case 75:return"INVALID"}},rules:[/^(?:default\b)/i,/^(?:.*direction\s+TB[^\n]*)/i,/^(?:.*direction\s+BT[^\n]*)/i,/^(?:.*direction\s+RL[^\n]*)/i,/^(?:.*direction\s+LR[^\n]*)/i,/^(?:%%(?!\{)[^\n]*)/i,/^(?:[^\}]%%[^\n]*)/i,/^(?:[\n]+)/i,/^(?:[\s]+)/i,/^(?:((?!\n)\s)+)/i,/^(?:#[^\n]*)/i,/^(?:%[^\n]*)/i,/^(?:scale\s+)/i,/^(?:\d+)/i,/^(?:\s+width\b)/i,/^(?:accTitle\s*:\s*)/i,/^(?:(?!\n||)*[^\n]*)/i,/^(?:accDescr\s*:\s*)/i,/^(?:(?!\n||)*[^\n]*)/i,/^(?:accDescr\s*\{\s*)/i,/^(?:[\}])/i,/^(?:[^\}]*)/i,/^(?:classDef\s+)/i,/^(?:DEFAULT\s+)/i,/^(?:\w+\s+)/i,/^(?:[^\n]*)/i,/^(?:class\s+)/i,/^(?:(\w+)+((,\s*\w+)*))/i,/^(?:[^\n]*)/i,/^(?:scale\s+)/i,/^(?:\d+)/i,/^(?:\s+width\b)/i,/^(?:state\s+)/i,/^(?:.*<>)/i,/^(?:.*<>)/i,/^(?:.*<>)/i,/^(?:.*\[\[fork\]\])/i,/^(?:.*\[\[join\]\])/i,/^(?:.*\[\[choice\]\])/i,/^(?:.*direction\s+TB[^\n]*)/i,/^(?:.*direction\s+BT[^\n]*)/i,/^(?:.*direction\s+RL[^\n]*)/i,/^(?:.*direction\s+LR[^\n]*)/i,/^(?:["])/i,/^(?:\s*as\s+)/i,/^(?:[^\n\{]*)/i,/^(?:["])/i,/^(?:[^"]*)/i,/^(?:[^\n\s\{]+)/i,/^(?:\n)/i,/^(?:\{)/i,/^(?:%%(?!\{)[^\n]*)/i,/^(?:\})/i,/^(?:[\n])/i,/^(?:note\s+)/i,/^(?:left of\b)/i,/^(?:right of\b)/i,/^(?:")/i,/^(?:\s*as\s*)/i,/^(?:["])/i,/^(?:[^"]*)/i,/^(?:[^\n]*)/i,/^(?:\s*[^:\n\s\-]+)/i,/^(?:\s*:[^:\n;]+)/i,/^(?:[\s\S]*?end note\b)/i,/^(?:stateDiagram\s+)/i,/^(?:stateDiagram-v2\s+)/i,/^(?:hide empty description\b)/i,/^(?:\[\*\])/i,/^(?:[^:\n\s\-\{]+)/i,/^(?:\s*:[^:\n;]+)/i,/^(?:-->)/i,/^(?:--)/i,/^(?::::)/i,/^(?:$)/i,/^(?:.)/i],conditions:{LINE:{rules:[9,10],inclusive:!1},struct:{rules:[9,10,22,26,32,39,40,41,42,51,52,53,54,68,69,70,71,72],inclusive:!1},FLOATING_NOTE_ID:{rules:[61],inclusive:!1},FLOATING_NOTE:{rules:[58,59,60],inclusive:!1},NOTE_TEXT:{rules:[63,64],inclusive:!1},NOTE_ID:{rules:[62],inclusive:!1},NOTE:{rules:[55,56,57],inclusive:!1},CLASS_STYLE:{rules:[28],inclusive:!1},CLASS:{rules:[27],inclusive:!1},CLASSDEFID:{rules:[25],inclusive:!1},CLASSDEF:{rules:[23,24],inclusive:!1},acc_descr_multiline:{rules:[20,21],inclusive:!1},acc_descr:{rules:[18],inclusive:!1},acc_title:{rules:[16],inclusive:!1},SCALE:{rules:[13,14,30,31],inclusive:!1},ALIAS:{rules:[],inclusive:!1},STATE_ID:{rules:[45],inclusive:!1},STATE_STRING:{rules:[46,47],inclusive:!1},FORK_STATE:{rules:[],inclusive:!1},STATE:{rules:[9,10,33,34,35,36,37,38,43,44,48,49,50],inclusive:!1},ID:{rules:[9,10],inclusive:!1},INITIAL:{rules:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,15,17,19,22,26,29,32,50,54,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,73,74,75],inclusive:!0}}};function O(){this.yy={}}return L.lexer=I,O.prototype=L,L.Parser=O,new O}();n.parser=n;const r=n,o="TB",a="state",c="relation",l="default",h="divider",u="[*]",d="start",p=u,y="color",f="fill";let m="LR",g=[],S={};let _={root:{relations:[],states:{},documents:{}}},k=_.root,T=0,b=0;const E=t=>JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t)),x=(t,e,s)=>{if(e.stmt===c)x(t,e.state1,!0),x(t,e.state2,!1);else if(e.stmt===a&&("[*]""_start""_end",e.start=s),e.doc){const t=[];let s,n=[];for(s=0;s0&&n.length>0){const s={stmt:a,id:(0,i.G)(),type:"divider",doc:E(n)};t.push(E(s)),e.doc=t}e.doc.forEach((t=>x(e,t,!0)))}},C=function(t,e=l,s=null,n=null,r=null,o=null,a=null,c=null){const h=null==t?void 0:t.trim();if(void 0===k.states[h]?("Adding state ",h,n),k.states[h]={id:h,descriptions:[],type:e,doc:s,note:r,classes:[],styles:[],textStyles:[]}):(k.states[h].doc||(k.states[h].doc=s),k.states[h].type||(k.states[h].type=e)),n&&("Setting state description",h,n),"string"==typeof n&&I(h,n.trim()),"object"==typeof n&&n.forEach((t=>I(h,t.trim())))),r&&(k.states[h].note=r,k.states[h].note.text=i.e.sanitizeText(k.states[h].note.text,(0,i.c)())),o){"Setting state classes",h,o);("string"==typeof o?[o]:o).forEach((t=>N(h,t.trim())))}if(a){"Setting state styles",h,a);("string"==typeof a?[a]:a).forEach((t=>R(h,t.trim())))}if(c){"Setting state styles",h,a);("string"==typeof c?[c]:c).forEach((t=>w(h,t.trim())))}},$=function(t){_={root:{relations:[],states:{},documents:{}}},k=_.root,T=0,S={},t||(0,i.t)()},v=function(t){return k.states[t]};function D(t=""){let e=t;return t===u&&(T++,e=`${d}${T}`),e}function A(t="",e=l){return t===u?d:e}const L=function(t,e,s){if("object"==typeof t)!function(t,e,s){let n=D(,r=A(,t.type),o=D(,a=A(,e.type);C(n,r,t.doc,t.description,t.note,t.classes,t.styles,t.textStyles),C(o,a,e.doc,e.description,e.note,e.classes,e.styles,e.textStyles),k.relations.push({id1:n,id2:o,relationTitle:i.e.sanitizeText(s,(0,i.c)())})}(t,e,s);else{const n=D(t.trim()),r=A(t),o=function(t=""){let e=t;return t===p&&(T++,e=`end${T}`),e}(e.trim()),a=function(t="",e=l){return t===p?"end":e}(e);C(n,r),C(o,a),k.relations.push({id1:n,id2:o,title:i.e.sanitizeText(s,(0,i.c)())})}},I=function(t,e){const s=k.states[t],n=e.startsWith(":")?e.replace(":","").trim():e;s.descriptions.push(i.e.sanitizeText(n,(0,i.c)()))},O=function(t,e=""){void 0===S[t]&&(S[t]={id:t,styles:[],textStyles:[]});const s=S[t];null!=e&&e.split(",").forEach((t=>{const e=t.replace(/([^;]*);/,"$1").trim();if(t.match(y)){const t=e.replace(f,"bgFill").replace(y,f);s.textStyles.push(t)}s.styles.push(e)}))},N=function(t,e){t.split(",").forEach((function(t){let s=v(t);if(void 0===s){const e=t.trim();C(e),s=v(e)}s.classes.push(e)}))},R=function(t,e){const s=v(t);void 0!==s&&s.textStyles.push(e)},w=function(t,e){const s=v(t);void 0!==s&&s.textStyles.push(e)},B={getConfig:()=>(0,i.c)().state,addState:C,clear:$,getState:v,getStates:function(){return k.states},getRelations:function(){return k.relations},getClasses:function(){return S},getDirection:()=>m,addRelation:L,getDividerId:()=>(b++,"divider-id-"+b),setDirection:t=>{m=t},cleanupLabel:function(t){return":"===t.substring(0,1)?t.substr(2).trim():t.trim()},lineType:{LINE:0,DOTTED_LINE:1},relationType:{AGGREGATION:0,EXTENSION:1,COMPOSITION:2,DEPENDENCY:3},logDocuments:function(){"Documents = ",_)},getRootDoc:()=>g,setRootDoc:t=>{"Setting root doc",t),g=t},getRootDocV2:()=>(x({id:"root"},{id:"root",doc:g},!0),{id:"root",doc:g}),extract:t=>{let e;e=t.doc?t.doc:t,,$(!0),"Extract",e),e.forEach((t=>{switch(t.stmt){case a:C(,t.type,t.doc,t.description,t.note,t.classes,t.styles,t.textStyles);break;case c:L(t.state1,t.state2,t.description);break;case"classDef":O(,t.classes);break;case"applyClass":N(,t.styleClass)}}))},trimColon:t=>t&&":"===t[0]?t.substr(1).trim():t.trim(),getAccTitle:i.g,setAccTitle:i.s,getAccDescription:i.a,setAccDescription:i.b,addStyleClass:O,setCssClass:N,addDescription:I,setDiagramTitle:i.q,getDiagramTitle:i.r},P=t=>`\ndefs #statediagram-barbEnd {\n fill: ${t.transitionColor};\n stroke: ${t.transitionColor};\n }\ng.stateGroup text {\n fill: ${t.nodeBorder};\n stroke: none;\n font-size: 10px;\n}\ng.stateGroup text {\n fill: ${t.textColor};\n stroke: none;\n font-size: 10px;\n\n}\ng.stateGroup .state-title {\n font-weight: bolder;\n fill: ${t.stateLabelColor};\n}\n\ng.stateGroup rect {\n fill: ${t.mainBkg};\n stroke: ${t.nodeBorder};\n}\n\ng.stateGroup line {\n stroke: ${t.lineColor};\n stroke-width: 1;\n}\n\n.transition {\n stroke: ${t.transitionColor};\n stroke-width: 1;\n fill: none;\n}\n\n.stateGroup .composit {\n fill: ${t.background};\n border-bottom: 1px\n}\n\n.stateGroup .alt-composit {\n fill: #e0e0e0;\n border-bottom: 1px\n}\n\n.state-note {\n stroke: ${t.noteBorderColor};\n fill: ${t.noteBkgColor};\n\n text {\n fill: ${t.noteTextColor};\n stroke: none;\n font-size: 10px;\n }\n}\n\n.stateLabel .box {\n stroke: none;\n stroke-width: 0;\n fill: ${t.mainBkg};\n opacity: 0.5;\n}\n\n.edgeLabel .label rect {\n fill: ${t.labelBackgroundColor};\n opacity: 0.5;\n}\n.edgeLabel .label text {\n fill: ${t.transitionLabelColor||t.tertiaryTextColor};\n}\n.label div .edgeLabel {\n color: ${t.transitionLabelColor||t.tertiaryTextColor};\n}\n\n.stateLabel text {\n fill: ${t.stateLabelColor};\n font-size: 10px;\n font-weight: bold;\n}\n\n.node circle.state-start {\n fill: ${t.specialStateColor};\n stroke: ${t.specialStateColor};\n}\n\n.node .fork-join {\n fill: ${t.specialStateColor};\n stroke: ${t.specialStateColor};\n}\n\n.node circle.state-end {\n fill: ${t.innerEndBackground};\n stroke: ${t.background};\n stroke-width: 1.5\n}\n.end-state-inner {\n fill: ${t.compositeBackground||t.background};\n // stroke: ${t.background};\n stroke-width: 1.5\n}\n\n.node rect {\n fill: ${t.stateBkg||t.mainBkg};\n stroke: ${t.stateBorder||t.nodeBorder};\n stroke-width: 1px;\n}\n.node polygon {\n fill: ${t.mainBkg};\n stroke: ${t.stateBorder||t.nodeBorder};;\n stroke-width: 1px;\n}\n#statediagram-barbEnd {\n fill: ${t.lineColor};\n}\n\n.statediagram-cluster rect {\n fill: ${t.compositeTitleBackground};\n stroke: ${t.stateBorder||t.nodeBorder};\n stroke-width: 1px;\n}\n\n.cluster-label, .nodeLabel {\n color: ${t.stateLabelColor};\n}\n\n.statediagram-cluster rect.outer {\n rx: 5px;\n ry: 5px;\n}\n.statediagram-state .divider {\n stroke: ${t.stateBorder||t.nodeBorder};\n}\n\n.statediagram-state .title-state {\n rx: 5px;\n ry: 5px;\n}\n.statediagram-cluster.statediagram-cluster .inner {\n fill: ${t.compositeBackground||t.background};\n}\n.statediagram-cluster.statediagram-cluster-alt .inner {\n fill: ${t.altBackground?t.altBackground:"#efefef"};\n}\n\n.statediagram-cluster .inner {\n rx:0;\n ry:0;\n}\n\n.statediagram-state rect.basic {\n rx: 5px;\n ry: 5px;\n}\n.statediagram-state rect.divider {\n stroke-dasharray: 10,10;\n fill: ${t.altBackground?t.altBackground:"#efefef"};\n}\n\n.note-edge {\n stroke-dasharray: 5;\n}\n\n.statediagram-note rect {\n fill: ${t.noteBkgColor};\n stroke: ${t.noteBorderColor};\n stroke-width: 1px;\n rx: 0;\n ry: 0;\n}\n.statediagram-note rect {\n fill: ${t.noteBkgColor};\n stroke: ${t.noteBorderColor};\n stroke-width: 1px;\n rx: 0;\n ry: 0;\n}\n\n.statediagram-note text {\n fill: ${t.noteTextColor};\n}\n\n.statediagram-note .nodeLabel {\n color: ${t.noteTextColor};\n}\n.statediagram .edgeLabel {\n color: red; // ${t.noteTextColor};\n}\n\n#dependencyStart, #dependencyEnd {\n fill: ${t.lineColor};\n stroke: ${t.lineColor};\n stroke-width: 1;\n}\n\n.statediagramTitleText {\n text-anchor: middle;\n font-size: 18px;\n fill: ${t.textColor};\n}\n`}}]);
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+var parser = function() {
+ var o = function(k, v, o2, l) {
+ for (o2 = o2 || {}, l = k.length; l--; o2[k[l]] = v)
+ ;
+ return o2;
+ }, $V0 = [6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 35, 37], $V1 = [1, 25], $V2 = [1, 26], $V3 = [1, 27], $V4 = [1, 28], $V5 = [1, 29], $V6 = [1, 30], $V7 = [1, 31], $V8 = [1, 9], $V9 = [1, 10], $Va = [1, 11], $Vb = [1, 12], $Vc = [1, 13], $Vd = [1, 14], $Ve = [1, 15], $Vf = [1, 16], $Vg = [1, 18], $Vh = [1, 19], $Vi = [1, 20], $Vj = [1, 21], $Vk = [1, 22], $Vl = [1, 24], $Vm = [1, 32];
+ var parser2 = {
+ trace: function trace() {
+ },
+ yy: {},
+ symbols_: { "error": 2, "start": 3, "gantt": 4, "document": 5, "EOF": 6, "line": 7, "SPACE": 8, "statement": 9, "NL": 10, "weekday": 11, "weekday_monday": 12, "weekday_tuesday": 13, "weekday_wednesday": 14, "weekday_thursday": 15, "weekday_friday": 16, "weekday_saturday": 17, "weekday_sunday": 18, "dateFormat": 19, "inclusiveEndDates": 20, "topAxis": 21, "axisFormat": 22, "tickInterval": 23, "excludes": 24, "includes": 25, "todayMarker": 26, "title": 27, "acc_title": 28, "acc_title_value": 29, "acc_descr": 30, "acc_descr_value": 31, "acc_descr_multiline_value": 32, "section": 33, "clickStatement": 34, "taskTxt": 35, "taskData": 36, "click": 37, "callbackname": 38, "callbackargs": 39, "href": 40, "clickStatementDebug": 41, "$accept": 0, "$end": 1 },
+ terminals_: { 2: "error", 4: "gantt", 6: "EOF", 8: "SPACE", 10: "NL", 12: "weekday_monday", 13: "weekday_tuesday", 14: "weekday_wednesday", 15: "weekday_thursday", 16: "weekday_friday", 17: "weekday_saturday", 18: "weekday_sunday", 19: "dateFormat", 20: "inclusiveEndDates", 21: "topAxis", 22: "axisFormat", 23: "tickInterval", 24: "excludes", 25: "includes", 26: "todayMarker", 27: "title", 28: "acc_title", 29: "acc_title_value", 30: "acc_descr", 31: "acc_descr_value", 32: "acc_descr_multiline_value", 33: "section", 35: "taskTxt", 36: "taskData", 37: "click", 38: "callbackname", 39: "callbackargs", 40: "href" },
+ productions_: [0, [3, 3], [5, 0], [5, 2], [7, 2], [7, 1], [7, 1], [7, 1], [11, 1], [11, 1], [11, 1], [11, 1], [11, 1], [11, 1], [11, 1], [9, 1], [9, 1], [9, 1], [9, 1], [9, 1], [9, 1], [9, 1], [9, 1], [9, 1], [9, 1], [9, 2], [9, 2], [9, 1], [9, 1], [9, 1], [9, 2], [34, 2], [34, 3], [34, 3], [34, 4], [34, 3], [34, 4], [34, 2], [41, 2], [41, 3], [41, 3], [41, 4], [41, 3], [41, 4], [41, 2]],
+ performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate, $$, _$) {
+ var $0 = $$.length - 1;
+ switch (yystate) {
+ case 1:
+ return $$[$0 - 1];
+ case 2:
+ this.$ = [];
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $$[$0 - 1].push($$[$0]);
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ this.$ = $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ case 7:
+ this.$ = [];
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ yy.setWeekday("monday");
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ yy.setWeekday("tuesday");
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ yy.setWeekday("wednesday");
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ yy.setWeekday("thursday");
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ yy.setWeekday("friday");
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ yy.setWeekday("saturday");
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ yy.setWeekday("sunday");
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ yy.setDateFormat($$[$0].substr(11));
+ this.$ = $$[$0].substr(11);
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ yy.enableInclusiveEndDates();
+ this.$ = $$[$0].substr(18);
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ yy.TopAxis();
+ this.$ = $$[$0].substr(8);
+ break;
+ case 18:
+ yy.setAxisFormat($$[$0].substr(11));
+ this.$ = $$[$0].substr(11);
+ break;
+ case 19:
+ yy.setTickInterval($$[$0].substr(13));
+ this.$ = $$[$0].substr(13);
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ yy.setExcludes($$[$0].substr(9));
+ this.$ = $$[$0].substr(9);
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ yy.setIncludes($$[$0].substr(9));
+ this.$ = $$[$0].substr(9);
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ yy.setTodayMarker($$[$0].substr(12));
+ this.$ = $$[$0].substr(12);
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ yy.setDiagramTitle($$[$0].substr(6));
+ this.$ = $$[$0].substr(6);
+ break;
+ case 25:
+ this.$ = $$[$0].trim();
+ yy.setAccTitle(this.$);
+ break;
+ case 26:
+ case 27:
+ this.$ = $$[$0].trim();
+ yy.setAccDescription(this.$);
+ break;
+ case 28:
+ yy.addSection($$[$0].substr(8));
+ this.$ = $$[$0].substr(8);
+ break;
+ case 30:
+ yy.addTask($$[$0 - 1], $$[$0]);
+ this.$ = "task";
+ break;
+ case 31:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ yy.setClickEvent($$[$0 - 1], $$[$0], null);
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ yy.setClickEvent($$[$0 - 2], $$[$0 - 1], $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 33:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ yy.setClickEvent($$[$0 - 2], $$[$0 - 1], null);
+ yy.setLink($$[$0 - 2], $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 34:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 3];
+ yy.setClickEvent($$[$0 - 3], $$[$0 - 2], $$[$0 - 1]);
+ yy.setLink($$[$0 - 3], $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 35:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2];
+ yy.setClickEvent($$[$0 - 2], $$[$0], null);
+ yy.setLink($$[$0 - 2], $$[$0 - 1]);
+ break;
+ case 36:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 3];
+ yy.setClickEvent($$[$0 - 3], $$[$0 - 1], $$[$0]);
+ yy.setLink($$[$0 - 3], $$[$0 - 2]);
+ break;
+ case 37:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1];
+ yy.setLink($$[$0 - 1], $$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 38:
+ case 44:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 1] + " " + $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 39:
+ case 40:
+ case 42:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 2] + " " + $$[$0 - 1] + " " + $$[$0];
+ break;
+ case 41:
+ case 43:
+ this.$ = $$[$0 - 3] + " " + $$[$0 - 2] + " " + $$[$0 - 1] + " " + $$[$0];
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ table: [{ 3: 1, 4: [1, 2] }, { 1: [3] }, o($V0, [2, 2], { 5: 3 }), { 6: [1, 4], 7: 5, 8: [1, 6], 9: 7, 10: [1, 8], 11: 17, 12: $V1, 13: $V2, 14: $V3, 15: $V4, 16: $V5, 17: $V6, 18: $V7, 19: $V8, 20: $V9, 21: $Va, 22: $Vb, 23: $Vc, 24: $Vd, 25: $Ve, 26: $Vf, 27: $Vg, 28: $Vh, 30: $Vi, 32: $Vj, 33: $Vk, 34: 23, 35: $Vl, 37: $Vm }, o($V0, [2, 7], { 1: [2, 1] }), o($V0, [2, 3]), { 9: 33, 11: 17, 12: $V1, 13: $V2, 14: $V3, 15: $V4, 16: $V5, 17: $V6, 18: $V7, 19: $V8, 20: $V9, 21: $Va, 22: $Vb, 23: $Vc, 24: $Vd, 25: $Ve, 26: $Vf, 27: $Vg, 28: $Vh, 30: $Vi, 32: $Vj, 33: $Vk, 34: 23, 35: $Vl, 37: $Vm }, o($V0, [2, 5]), o($V0, [2, 6]), o($V0, [2, 15]), o($V0, [2, 16]), o($V0, [2, 17]), o($V0, [2, 18]), o($V0, [2, 19]), o($V0, [2, 20]), o($V0, [2, 21]), o($V0, [2, 22]), o($V0, [2, 23]), o($V0, [2, 24]), { 29: [1, 34] }, { 31: [1, 35] }, o($V0, [2, 27]), o($V0, [2, 28]), o($V0, [2, 29]), { 36: [1, 36] }, o($V0, [2, 8]), o($V0, [2, 9]), o($V0, [2, 10]), o($V0, [2, 11]), o($V0, [2, 12]), o($V0, [2, 13]), o($V0, [2, 14]), { 38: [1, 37], 40: [1, 38] }, o($V0, [2, 4]), o($V0, [2, 25]), o($V0, [2, 26]), o($V0, [2, 30]), o($V0, [2, 31], { 39: [1, 39], 40: [1, 40] }), o($V0, [2, 37], { 38: [1, 41] }), o($V0, [2, 32], { 40: [1, 42] }), o($V0, [2, 33]), o($V0, [2, 35], { 39: [1, 43] }), o($V0, [2, 34]), o($V0, [2, 36])],
+ defaultActions: {},
+ parseError: function parseError(str, hash) {
+ if (hash.recoverable) {
+ this.trace(str);
+ } else {
+ var error = new Error(str);
+ error.hash = hash;
+ throw error;
+ }
+ },
+ parse: function parse(input) {
+ var self = this, stack = [0], tstack = [], vstack = [null], lstack = [], table = this.table, yytext = "", yylineno = 0, yyleng = 0, TERROR = 2, EOF = 1;
+ var args =, 1);
+ var lexer2 = Object.create(this.lexer);
+ var sharedState = { yy: {} };
+ for (var k in this.yy) {
+ if (, k)) {
+ sharedState.yy[k] = this.yy[k];
+ }
+ }
+ lexer2.setInput(input, sharedState.yy);
+ sharedState.yy.lexer = lexer2;
+ sharedState.yy.parser = this;
+ if (typeof lexer2.yylloc == "undefined") {
+ lexer2.yylloc = {};
+ }
+ var yyloc = lexer2.yylloc;
+ lstack.push(yyloc);
+ var ranges = lexer2.options && lexer2.options.ranges;
+ if (typeof sharedState.yy.parseError === "function") {
+ this.parseError = sharedState.yy.parseError;
+ } else {
+ this.parseError = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError;
+ }
+ function lex() {
+ var token;
+ token = tstack.pop() || lexer2.lex() || EOF;
+ if (typeof token !== "number") {
+ if (token instanceof Array) {
+ tstack = token;
+ token = tstack.pop();
+ }
+ token = self.symbols_[token] || token;
+ }
+ return token;
+ }
+ var symbol, state, action, r, yyval = {}, p, len, newState, expected;
+ while (true) {
+ state = stack[stack.length - 1];
+ if (this.defaultActions[state]) {
+ action = this.defaultActions[state];
+ } else {
+ if (symbol === null || typeof symbol == "undefined") {
+ symbol = lex();
+ }
+ action = table[state] && table[state][symbol];
+ }
+ if (typeof action === "undefined" || !action.length || !action[0]) {
+ var errStr = "";
+ expected = [];
+ for (p in table[state]) {
+ if (this.terminals_[p] && p > TERROR) {
+ expected.push("'" + this.terminals_[p] + "'");
+ }
+ }
+ if (lexer2.showPosition) {
+ errStr = "Parse error on line " + (yylineno + 1) + ":\n" + lexer2.showPosition() + "\nExpecting " + expected.join(", ") + ", got '" + (this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + "'";
+ } else {
+ errStr = "Parse error on line " + (yylineno + 1) + ": Unexpected " + (symbol == EOF ? "end of input" : "'" + (this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + "'");
+ }
+ this.parseError(errStr, {
+ text: lexer2.match,
+ token: this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol,
+ line: lexer2.yylineno,
+ loc: yyloc,
+ expected
+ });
+ }
+ if (action[0] instanceof Array && action.length > 1) {
+ throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: " + state + ", token: " + symbol);
+ }
+ switch (action[0]) {
+ case 1:
+ stack.push(symbol);
+ vstack.push(lexer2.yytext);
+ lstack.push(lexer2.yylloc);
+ stack.push(action[1]);
+ symbol = null;
+ {
+ yyleng = lexer2.yyleng;
+ yytext = lexer2.yytext;
+ yylineno = lexer2.yylineno;
+ yyloc = lexer2.yylloc;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ len = this.productions_[action[1]][1];
+ yyval.$ = vstack[vstack.length - len];
+ yyval._$ = {
+ first_line: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_line,
+ last_line: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_line,
+ first_column: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_column,
+ last_column: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_column
+ };
+ if (ranges) {
+ yyval._$.range = [
+ lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].range[0],
+ lstack[lstack.length - 1].range[1]
+ ];
+ }
+ r = this.performAction.apply(yyval, [
+ yytext,
+ yyleng,
+ yylineno,
+ sharedState.yy,
+ action[1],
+ vstack,
+ lstack
+ ].concat(args));
+ if (typeof r !== "undefined") {
+ return r;
+ }
+ if (len) {
+ stack = stack.slice(0, -1 * len * 2);
+ vstack = vstack.slice(0, -1 * len);
+ lstack = lstack.slice(0, -1 * len);
+ }
+ stack.push(this.productions_[action[1]][0]);
+ vstack.push(yyval.$);
+ lstack.push(yyval._$);
+ newState = table[stack[stack.length - 2]][stack[stack.length - 1]];
+ stack.push(newState);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ var lexer = function() {
+ var lexer2 = {
+ EOF: 1,
+ parseError: function parseError(str, hash) {
+ if (this.yy.parser) {
+ this.yy.parser.parseError(str, hash);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(str);
+ }
+ },
+ // resets the lexer, sets new input
+ setInput: function(input, yy) {
+ this.yy = yy || this.yy || {};
+ this._input = input;
+ this._more = this._backtrack = this.done = false;
+ this.yylineno = this.yyleng = 0;
+ this.yytext = this.matched = this.match = "";
+ this.conditionStack = ["INITIAL"];
+ this.yylloc = {
+ first_line: 1,
+ first_column: 0,
+ last_line: 1,
+ last_column: 0
+ };
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range = [0, 0];
+ }
+ this.offset = 0;
+ return this;
+ },
+ // consumes and returns one char from the input
+ input: function() {
+ var ch = this._input[0];
+ this.yytext += ch;
+ this.yyleng++;
+ this.offset++;
+ this.match += ch;
+ this.matched += ch;
+ var lines = ch.match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g);
+ if (lines) {
+ this.yylineno++;
+ this.yylloc.last_line++;
+ } else {
+ this.yylloc.last_column++;
+ }
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range[1]++;
+ }
+ this._input = this._input.slice(1);
+ return ch;
+ },
+ // unshifts one char (or a string) into the input
+ unput: function(ch) {
+ var len = ch.length;
+ var lines = ch.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
+ this._input = ch + this._input;
+ this.yytext = this.yytext.substr(0, this.yytext.length - len);
+ this.offset -= len;
+ var oldLines = this.match.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
+ this.match = this.match.substr(0, this.match.length - 1);
+ this.matched = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - 1);
+ if (lines.length - 1) {
+ this.yylineno -= lines.length - 1;
+ }
+ var r = this.yylloc.range;
+ this.yylloc = {
+ first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
+ last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
+ first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
+ last_column: lines ? (lines.length === oldLines.length ? this.yylloc.first_column : 0) + oldLines[oldLines.length - lines.length].length - lines[0].length : this.yylloc.first_column - len
+ };
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range = [r[0], r[0] + this.yyleng - len];
+ }
+ this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
+ return this;
+ },
+ // When called from action, caches matched text and appends it on next action
+ more: function() {
+ this._more = true;
+ return this;
+ },
+ // When called from action, signals the lexer that this rule fails to match the input, so the next matching rule (regex) should be tested instead.
+ reject: function() {
+ if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
+ this._backtrack = true;
+ } else {
+ return this.parseError("Lexical error on line " + (this.yylineno + 1) + ". You can only invoke reject() in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion (options.backtrack_lexer = true).\n" + this.showPosition(), {
+ text: "",
+ token: null,
+ line: this.yylineno
+ });
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // retain first n characters of the match
+ less: function(n) {
+ this.unput(this.match.slice(n));
+ },
+ // displays already matched input, i.e. for error messages
+ pastInput: function() {
+ var past = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - this.match.length);
+ return (past.length > 20 ? "..." : "") + past.substr(-20).replace(/\n/g, "");
+ },
+ // displays upcoming input, i.e. for error messages
+ upcomingInput: function() {
+ var next = this.match;
+ if (next.length < 20) {
+ next += this._input.substr(0, 20 - next.length);
+ }
+ return (next.substr(0, 20) + (next.length > 20 ? "..." : "")).replace(/\n/g, "");
+ },
+ // displays the character position where the lexing error occurred, i.e. for error messages
+ showPosition: function() {
+ var pre = this.pastInput();
+ var c = new Array(pre.length + 1).join("-");
+ return pre + this.upcomingInput() + "\n" + c + "^";
+ },
+ // test the lexed token: return FALSE when not a match, otherwise return token
+ test_match: function(match, indexed_rule) {
+ var token, lines, backup;
+ if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
+ backup = {
+ yylineno: this.yylineno,
+ yylloc: {
+ first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
+ last_line: this.last_line,
+ first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
+ last_column: this.yylloc.last_column
+ },
+ yytext: this.yytext,
+ match: this.match,
+ matches: this.matches,
+ matched: this.matched,
+ yyleng: this.yyleng,
+ offset: this.offset,
+ _more: this._more,
+ _input: this._input,
+ yy: this.yy,
+ conditionStack: this.conditionStack.slice(0),
+ done: this.done
+ };
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ backup.yylloc.range = this.yylloc.range.slice(0);
+ }
+ }
+ lines = match[0].match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g);
+ if (lines) {
+ this.yylineno += lines.length;
+ }
+ this.yylloc = {
+ first_line: this.yylloc.last_line,
+ last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
+ first_column: this.yylloc.last_column,
+ last_column: lines ? lines[lines.length - 1].length - lines[lines.length - 1].match(/\r?\n?/)[0].length : this.yylloc.last_column + match[0].length
+ };
+ this.yytext += match[0];
+ this.match += match[0];
+ this.matches = match;
+ this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range = [this.offset, this.offset += this.yyleng];
+ }
+ this._more = false;
+ this._backtrack = false;
+ this._input = this._input.slice(match[0].length);
+ this.matched += match[0];
+ token =, this.yy, this, indexed_rule, this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]);
+ if (this.done && this._input) {
+ this.done = false;
+ }
+ if (token) {
+ return token;
+ } else if (this._backtrack) {
+ for (var k in backup) {
+ this[k] = backup[k];
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ // return next match in input
+ next: function() {
+ if (this.done) {
+ return this.EOF;
+ }
+ if (!this._input) {
+ this.done = true;
+ }
+ var token, match, tempMatch, index;
+ if (!this._more) {
+ this.yytext = "";
+ this.match = "";
+ }
+ var rules = this._currentRules();
+ for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
+ tempMatch = this._input.match(this.rules[rules[i]]);
+ if (tempMatch && (!match || tempMatch[0].length > match[0].length)) {
+ match = tempMatch;
+ index = i;
+ if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
+ token = this.test_match(tempMatch, rules[i]);
+ if (token !== false) {
+ return token;
+ } else if (this._backtrack) {
+ match = false;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (!this.options.flex) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (match) {
+ token = this.test_match(match, rules[index]);
+ if (token !== false) {
+ return token;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this._input === "") {
+ return this.EOF;
+ } else {
+ return this.parseError("Lexical error on line " + (this.yylineno + 1) + ". Unrecognized text.\n" + this.showPosition(), {
+ text: "",
+ token: null,
+ line: this.yylineno
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ // return next match that has a token
+ lex: function lex() {
+ var r =;
+ if (r) {
+ return r;
+ } else {
+ return this.lex();
+ }
+ },
+ // activates a new lexer condition state (pushes the new lexer condition state onto the condition stack)
+ begin: function begin(condition) {
+ this.conditionStack.push(condition);
+ },
+ // pop the previously active lexer condition state off the condition stack
+ popState: function popState() {
+ var n = this.conditionStack.length - 1;
+ if (n > 0) {
+ return this.conditionStack.pop();
+ } else {
+ return this.conditionStack[0];
+ }
+ },
+ // produce the lexer rule set which is active for the currently active lexer condition state
+ _currentRules: function _currentRules() {
+ if (this.conditionStack.length && this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]) {
+ return this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]].rules;
+ } else {
+ return this.conditions["INITIAL"].rules;
+ }
+ },
+ // return the currently active lexer condition state; when an index argument is provided it produces the N-th previous condition state, if available
+ topState: function topState(n) {
+ n = this.conditionStack.length - 1 - Math.abs(n || 0);
+ if (n >= 0) {
+ return this.conditionStack[n];
+ } else {
+ return "INITIAL";
+ }
+ },
+ // alias for begin(condition)
+ pushState: function pushState(condition) {
+ this.begin(condition);
+ },
+ // return the number of states currently on the stack
+ stateStackSize: function stateStackSize() {
+ return this.conditionStack.length;
+ },
+ options: { "case-insensitive": true },
+ performAction: function anonymous(yy, yy_, $avoiding_name_collisions, YY_START) {
+ switch ($avoiding_name_collisions) {
+ case 0:
+ this.begin("open_directive");
+ return "open_directive";
+ case 1:
+ this.begin("acc_title");
+ return 28;
+ case 2:
+ this.popState();
+ return "acc_title_value";
+ case 3:
+ this.begin("acc_descr");
+ return 30;
+ case 4:
+ this.popState();
+ return "acc_descr_value";
+ case 5:
+ this.begin("acc_descr_multiline");
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ this.popState();
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ return "acc_descr_multiline_value";
+ case 8:
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ return 10;
+ case 12:
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ this.begin("href");
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ this.popState();
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ return 40;
+ case 18:
+ this.begin("callbackname");
+ break;
+ case 19:
+ this.popState();
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ this.popState();
+ this.begin("callbackargs");
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ return 38;
+ case 22:
+ this.popState();
+ break;
+ case 23:
+ return 39;
+ case 24:
+ this.begin("click");
+ break;
+ case 25:
+ this.popState();
+ break;
+ case 26:
+ return 37;
+ case 27:
+ return 4;
+ case 28:
+ return 19;
+ case 29:
+ return 20;
+ case 30:
+ return 21;
+ case 31:
+ return 22;
+ case 32:
+ return 23;
+ case 33:
+ return 25;
+ case 34:
+ return 24;
+ case 35:
+ return 26;
+ case 36:
+ return 12;
+ case 37:
+ return 13;
+ case 38:
+ return 14;
+ case 39:
+ return 15;
+ case 40:
+ return 16;
+ case 41:
+ return 17;
+ case 42:
+ return 18;
+ case 43:
+ return "date";
+ case 44:
+ return 27;
+ case 45:
+ return "accDescription";
+ case 46:
+ return 33;
+ case 47:
+ return 35;
+ case 48:
+ return 36;
+ case 49:
+ return ":";
+ case 50:
+ return 6;
+ case 51:
+ return "INVALID";
+ }
+ },
+ rules: [/^(?:%%\{)/i, /^(?:accTitle\s*:\s*)/i, /^(?:(?!\n||)*[^\n]*)/i, /^(?:accDescr\s*:\s*)/i, /^(?:(?!\n||)*[^\n]*)/i, /^(?:accDescr\s*\{\s*)/i, /^(?:[\}])/i, /^(?:[^\}]*)/i, /^(?:%%(?!\{)*[^\n]*)/i, /^(?:[^\}]%%*[^\n]*)/i, /^(?:%%*[^\n]*[\n]*)/i, /^(?:[\n]+)/i, /^(?:\s+)/i, /^(?:#[^\n]*)/i, /^(?:%[^\n]*)/i, /^(?:href[\s]+["])/i, /^(?:["])/i, /^(?:[^"]*)/i, /^(?:call[\s]+)/i, /^(?:\([\s]*\))/i, /^(?:\()/i, /^(?:[^(]*)/i, /^(?:\))/i, /^(?:[^)]*)/i, /^(?:click[\s]+)/i, /^(?:[\s\n])/i, /^(?:[^\s\n]*)/i, /^(?:gantt\b)/i, /^(?:dateFormat\s[^#\n;]+)/i, /^(?:inclusiveEndDates\b)/i, /^(?:topAxis\b)/i, /^(?:axisFormat\s[^#\n;]+)/i, /^(?:tickInterval\s[^#\n;]+)/i, /^(?:includes\s[^#\n;]+)/i, /^(?:excludes\s[^#\n;]+)/i, /^(?:todayMarker\s[^\n;]+)/i, /^(?:weekday\s+monday\b)/i, /^(?:weekday\s+tuesday\b)/i, /^(?:weekday\s+wednesday\b)/i, /^(?:weekday\s+thursday\b)/i, /^(?:weekday\s+friday\b)/i, /^(?:weekday\s+saturday\b)/i, /^(?:weekday\s+sunday\b)/i, /^(?:\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\b)/i, /^(?:title\s[^#\n;]+)/i, /^(?:accDescription\s[^#\n;]+)/i, /^(?:section\s[^#:\n;]+)/i, /^(?:[^#:\n;]+)/i, /^(?::[^#\n;]+)/i, /^(?::)/i, /^(?:$)/i, /^(?:.)/i],
+ conditions: { "acc_descr_multiline": { "rules": [6, 7], "inclusive": false }, "acc_descr": { "rules": [4], "inclusive": false }, "acc_title": { "rules": [2], "inclusive": false }, "callbackargs": { "rules": [22, 23], "inclusive": false }, "callbackname": { "rules": [19, 20, 21], "inclusive": false }, "href": { "rules": [16, 17], "inclusive": false }, "click": { "rules": [25, 26], "inclusive": false }, "INITIAL": { "rules": [0, 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51], "inclusive": true } }
+ };
+ return lexer2;
+ }();
+ parser2.lexer = lexer;
+ function Parser() {
+ this.yy = {};
+ }
+ Parser.prototype = parser2;
+ parser2.Parser = Parser;
+ return new Parser();
+parser.parser = parser;
+const ganttParser = parser;
+let dateFormat = "";
+let axisFormat = "";
+let tickInterval = void 0;
+let todayMarker = "";
+let includes = [];
+let excludes = [];
+let links = {};
+let sections = [];
+let tasks = [];
+let currentSection = "";
+let displayMode = "";
+const tags = ["active", "done", "crit", "milestone"];
+let funs = [];
+let inclusiveEndDates = false;
+let topAxis = false;
+let weekday = "sunday";
+let lastOrder = 0;
+const clear = function() {
+ sections = [];
+ tasks = [];
+ currentSection = "";
+ funs = [];
+ taskCnt = 0;
+ lastTask = void 0;
+ lastTaskID = void 0;
+ rawTasks = [];
+ dateFormat = "";
+ axisFormat = "";
+ displayMode = "";
+ tickInterval = void 0;
+ todayMarker = "";
+ includes = [];
+ excludes = [];
+ inclusiveEndDates = false;
+ topAxis = false;
+ lastOrder = 0;
+ links = {};
+ (0,_mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.t)();
+ weekday = "sunday";
+const setAxisFormat = function(txt) {
+ axisFormat = txt;
+const getAxisFormat = function() {
+ return axisFormat;
+const setTickInterval = function(txt) {
+ tickInterval = txt;
+const getTickInterval = function() {
+ return tickInterval;
+const setTodayMarker = function(txt) {
+ todayMarker = txt;
+const getTodayMarker = function() {
+ return todayMarker;
+const setDateFormat = function(txt) {
+ dateFormat = txt;
+const enableInclusiveEndDates = function() {
+ inclusiveEndDates = true;
+const endDatesAreInclusive = function() {
+ return inclusiveEndDates;
+const enableTopAxis = function() {
+ topAxis = true;
+const topAxisEnabled = function() {
+ return topAxis;
+const setDisplayMode = function(txt) {
+ displayMode = txt;
+const getDisplayMode = function() {
+ return displayMode;
+const getDateFormat = function() {
+ return dateFormat;
+const setIncludes = function(txt) {
+ includes = txt.toLowerCase().split(/[\s,]+/);
+const getIncludes = function() {
+ return includes;
+const setExcludes = function(txt) {
+ excludes = txt.toLowerCase().split(/[\s,]+/);
+const getExcludes = function() {
+ return excludes;
+const getLinks = function() {
+ return links;
+const addSection = function(txt) {
+ currentSection = txt;
+ sections.push(txt);
+const getSections = function() {
+ return sections;
+const getTasks = function() {
+ let allItemsProcessed = compileTasks();
+ const maxDepth = 10;
+ let iterationCount = 0;
+ while (!allItemsProcessed && iterationCount < maxDepth) {
+ allItemsProcessed = compileTasks();
+ iterationCount++;
+ }
+ tasks = rawTasks;
+ return tasks;
+const isInvalidDate = function(date, dateFormat2, excludes2, includes2) {
+ if (includes2.includes(date.format(dateFormat2.trim()))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (date.isoWeekday() >= 6 && excludes2.includes("weekends")) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (excludes2.includes(date.format("dddd").toLowerCase())) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return excludes2.includes(date.format(dateFormat2.trim()));
+const setWeekday = function(txt) {
+ weekday = txt;
+const getWeekday = function() {
+ return weekday;
+const checkTaskDates = function(task, dateFormat2, excludes2, includes2) {
+ if (!excludes2.length || task.manualEndTime) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let startTime;
+ if (task.startTime instanceof Date) {
+ startTime = dayjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__(task.startTime);
+ } else {
+ startTime = dayjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__(task.startTime, dateFormat2, true);
+ }
+ startTime = startTime.add(1, "d");
+ let originalEndTime;
+ if (task.endTime instanceof Date) {
+ originalEndTime = dayjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__(task.endTime);
+ } else {
+ originalEndTime = dayjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__(task.endTime, dateFormat2, true);
+ }
+ const [fixedEndTime, renderEndTime] = fixTaskDates(
+ startTime,
+ originalEndTime,
+ dateFormat2,
+ excludes2,
+ includes2
+ );
+ task.endTime = fixedEndTime.toDate();
+ task.renderEndTime = renderEndTime;
+const fixTaskDates = function(startTime, endTime, dateFormat2, excludes2, includes2) {
+ let invalid = false;
+ let renderEndTime = null;
+ while (startTime <= endTime) {
+ if (!invalid) {
+ renderEndTime = endTime.toDate();
+ }
+ invalid = isInvalidDate(startTime, dateFormat2, excludes2, includes2);
+ if (invalid) {
+ endTime = endTime.add(1, "d");
+ }
+ startTime = startTime.add(1, "d");
+ }
+ return [endTime, renderEndTime];
+const getStartDate = function(prevTime, dateFormat2, str) {
+ str = str.trim();
+ const re = /^after\s+([\d\w- ]+)/;
+ const afterStatement = re.exec(str.trim());
+ if (afterStatement !== null) {
+ let latestEndingTask = null;
+ afterStatement[1].split(" ").forEach(function(id) {
+ let task = findTaskById(id);
+ if (task !== void 0) {
+ if (!latestEndingTask) {
+ latestEndingTask = task;
+ } else {
+ if (task.endTime > latestEndingTask.endTime) {
+ latestEndingTask = task;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (!latestEndingTask) {
+ const dt = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
+ dt.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ return dt;
+ } else {
+ return latestEndingTask.endTime;
+ }
+ }
+ let mDate = dayjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__(str, dateFormat2.trim(), true);
+ if (mDate.isValid()) {
+ return mDate.toDate();
+ } else {
+ _mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.l.debug("Invalid date:" + str);
+ _mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.l.debug("With date format:" + dateFormat2.trim());
+ const d = new Date(str);
+ if (d === void 0 || isNaN(d.getTime()) || // WebKit browsers can mis-parse invalid dates to be ridiculously
+ // huge numbers, e.g. new Date('202304') gets parsed as January 1, 202304.
+ // This can cause virtually infinite loops while rendering, so for the
+ // purposes of Gantt charts we'll just treat any date beyond 10,000 AD/BC as
+ // invalid.
+ d.getFullYear() < -1e4 || d.getFullYear() > 1e4) {
+ throw new Error("Invalid date:" + str);
+ }
+ return d;
+ }
+const parseDuration = function(str) {
+ const statement = /^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)([Mdhmswy]|ms)$/.exec(str.trim());
+ if (statement !== null) {
+ return [Number.parseFloat(statement[1]), statement[2]];
+ }
+ return [NaN, "ms"];
+const getEndDate = function(prevTime, dateFormat2, str, inclusive = false) {
+ str = str.trim();
+ let mDate = dayjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__(str, dateFormat2.trim(), true);
+ if (mDate.isValid()) {
+ if (inclusive) {
+ mDate = mDate.add(1, "d");
+ }
+ return mDate.toDate();
+ }
+ let endTime = dayjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__(prevTime);
+ const [durationValue, durationUnit] = parseDuration(str);
+ if (!Number.isNaN(durationValue)) {
+ const newEndTime = endTime.add(durationValue, durationUnit);
+ if (newEndTime.isValid()) {
+ endTime = newEndTime;
+ }
+ }
+ return endTime.toDate();
+let taskCnt = 0;
+const parseId = function(idStr) {
+ if (idStr === void 0) {
+ taskCnt = taskCnt + 1;
+ return "task" + taskCnt;
+ }
+ return idStr;
+const compileData = function(prevTask, dataStr) {
+ let ds;
+ if (dataStr.substr(0, 1) === ":") {
+ ds = dataStr.substr(1, dataStr.length);
+ } else {
+ ds = dataStr;
+ }
+ const data = ds.split(",");
+ const task = {};
+ getTaskTags(data, task, tags);
+ for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ data[i] = data[i].trim();
+ }
+ let endTimeData = "";
+ switch (data.length) {
+ case 1:
+ = parseId();
+ task.startTime = prevTask.endTime;
+ endTimeData = data[0];
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ = parseId();
+ task.startTime = getStartDate(void 0, dateFormat, data[0]);
+ endTimeData = data[1];
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ = parseId(data[0]);
+ task.startTime = getStartDate(void 0, dateFormat, data[1]);
+ endTimeData = data[2];
+ break;
+ }
+ if (endTimeData) {
+ task.endTime = getEndDate(task.startTime, dateFormat, endTimeData, inclusiveEndDates);
+ task.manualEndTime = dayjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__(endTimeData, "YYYY-MM-DD", true).isValid();
+ checkTaskDates(task, dateFormat, excludes, includes);
+ }
+ return task;
+const parseData = function(prevTaskId, dataStr) {
+ let ds;
+ if (dataStr.substr(0, 1) === ":") {
+ ds = dataStr.substr(1, dataStr.length);
+ } else {
+ ds = dataStr;
+ }
+ const data = ds.split(",");
+ const task = {};
+ getTaskTags(data, task, tags);
+ for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ data[i] = data[i].trim();
+ }
+ switch (data.length) {
+ case 1:
+ = parseId();
+ task.startTime = {
+ type: "prevTaskEnd",
+ id: prevTaskId
+ };
+ task.endTime = {
+ data: data[0]
+ };
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ = parseId();
+ task.startTime = {
+ type: "getStartDate",
+ startData: data[0]
+ };
+ task.endTime = {
+ data: data[1]
+ };
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ = parseId(data[0]);
+ task.startTime = {
+ type: "getStartDate",
+ startData: data[1]
+ };
+ task.endTime = {
+ data: data[2]
+ };
+ break;
+ }
+ return task;
+let lastTask;
+let lastTaskID;
+let rawTasks = [];
+const taskDb = {};
+const addTask = function(descr, data) {
+ const rawTask = {
+ section: currentSection,
+ type: currentSection,
+ processed: false,
+ manualEndTime: false,
+ renderEndTime: null,
+ raw: { data },
+ task: descr,
+ classes: []
+ };
+ const taskInfo = parseData(lastTaskID, data);
+ rawTask.raw.startTime = taskInfo.startTime;
+ rawTask.raw.endTime = taskInfo.endTime;
+ =;
+ rawTask.prevTaskId = lastTaskID;
+ =;
+ rawTask.done = taskInfo.done;
+ rawTask.crit = taskInfo.crit;
+ rawTask.milestone = taskInfo.milestone;
+ rawTask.order = lastOrder;
+ lastOrder++;
+ const pos = rawTasks.push(rawTask);
+ lastTaskID =;
+ taskDb[] = pos - 1;
+const findTaskById = function(id) {
+ const pos = taskDb[id];
+ return rawTasks[pos];
+const addTaskOrg = function(descr, data) {
+ const newTask = {
+ section: currentSection,
+ type: currentSection,
+ description: descr,
+ task: descr,
+ classes: []
+ };
+ const taskInfo = compileData(lastTask, data);
+ newTask.startTime = taskInfo.startTime;
+ newTask.endTime = taskInfo.endTime;
+ =;
+ =;
+ newTask.done = taskInfo.done;
+ newTask.crit = taskInfo.crit;
+ newTask.milestone = taskInfo.milestone;
+ lastTask = newTask;
+ tasks.push(newTask);
+const compileTasks = function() {
+ const compileTask = function(pos) {
+ const task = rawTasks[pos];
+ let startTime = "";
+ switch (rawTasks[pos].raw.startTime.type) {
+ case "prevTaskEnd": {
+ const prevTask = findTaskById(task.prevTaskId);
+ task.startTime = prevTask.endTime;
+ break;
+ }
+ case "getStartDate":
+ startTime = getStartDate(void 0, dateFormat, rawTasks[pos].raw.startTime.startData);
+ if (startTime) {
+ rawTasks[pos].startTime = startTime;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (rawTasks[pos].startTime) {
+ rawTasks[pos].endTime = getEndDate(
+ rawTasks[pos].startTime,
+ dateFormat,
+ rawTasks[pos],
+ inclusiveEndDates
+ );
+ if (rawTasks[pos].endTime) {
+ rawTasks[pos].processed = true;
+ rawTasks[pos].manualEndTime = dayjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__(
+ rawTasks[pos],
+ true
+ ).isValid();
+ checkTaskDates(rawTasks[pos], dateFormat, excludes, includes);
+ }
+ }
+ return rawTasks[pos].processed;
+ };
+ let allProcessed = true;
+ for (const [i, rawTask] of rawTasks.entries()) {
+ compileTask(i);
+ allProcessed = allProcessed && rawTask.processed;
+ }
+ return allProcessed;
+const setLink = function(ids, _linkStr) {
+ let linkStr = _linkStr;
+ if ((0,_mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().securityLevel !== "loose") {
+ linkStr = (0,_braintree_sanitize_url__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__/* .sanitizeUrl */ .Nm)(_linkStr);
+ }
+ ids.split(",").forEach(function(id) {
+ let rawTask = findTaskById(id);
+ if (rawTask !== void 0) {
+ pushFun(id, () => {
+, "_self");
+ });
+ links[id] = linkStr;
+ }
+ });
+ setClass(ids, "clickable");
+const setClass = function(ids, className) {
+ ids.split(",").forEach(function(id) {
+ let rawTask = findTaskById(id);
+ if (rawTask !== void 0) {
+ rawTask.classes.push(className);
+ }
+ });
+const setClickFun = function(id, functionName, functionArgs) {
+ if ((0,_mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().securityLevel !== "loose") {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (functionName === void 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let argList = [];
+ if (typeof functionArgs === "string") {
+ argList = functionArgs.split(/,(?=(?:(?:[^"]*"){2})*[^"]*$)/);
+ for (let i = 0; i < argList.length; i++) {
+ let item = argList[i].trim();
+ if (item.charAt(0) === '"' && item.charAt(item.length - 1) === '"') {
+ item = item.substr(1, item.length - 2);
+ }
+ argList[i] = item;
+ }
+ }
+ if (argList.length === 0) {
+ argList.push(id);
+ }
+ let rawTask = findTaskById(id);
+ if (rawTask !== void 0) {
+ pushFun(id, () => {
+ _mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.u.runFunc(functionName, ...argList);
+ });
+ }
+const pushFun = function(id, callbackFunction) {
+ funs.push(
+ function() {
+ const elem = document.querySelector(`[id="${id}"]`);
+ if (elem !== null) {
+ elem.addEventListener("click", function() {
+ callbackFunction();
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ function() {
+ const elem = document.querySelector(`[id="${id}-text"]`);
+ if (elem !== null) {
+ elem.addEventListener("click", function() {
+ callbackFunction();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ );
+const setClickEvent = function(ids, functionName, functionArgs) {
+ ids.split(",").forEach(function(id) {
+ setClickFun(id, functionName, functionArgs);
+ });
+ setClass(ids, "clickable");
+const bindFunctions = function(element) {
+ funs.forEach(function(fun) {
+ fun(element);
+ });
+const ganttDb = {
+ getConfig: () => (0,_mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().gantt,
+ clear,
+ setDateFormat,
+ getDateFormat,
+ enableInclusiveEndDates,
+ endDatesAreInclusive,
+ enableTopAxis,
+ topAxisEnabled,
+ setAxisFormat,
+ getAxisFormat,
+ setTickInterval,
+ getTickInterval,
+ setTodayMarker,
+ getTodayMarker,
+ setAccTitle: _mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.s,
+ getAccTitle: _mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.g,
+ setDiagramTitle: _mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.q,
+ getDiagramTitle: _mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.r,
+ setDisplayMode,
+ getDisplayMode,
+ setAccDescription: _mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.b,
+ getAccDescription: _mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.a,
+ addSection,
+ getSections,
+ getTasks,
+ addTask,
+ findTaskById,
+ addTaskOrg,
+ setIncludes,
+ getIncludes,
+ setExcludes,
+ getExcludes,
+ setClickEvent,
+ setLink,
+ getLinks,
+ bindFunctions,
+ parseDuration,
+ isInvalidDate,
+ setWeekday,
+ getWeekday
+function getTaskTags(data, task, tags2) {
+ let matchFound = true;
+ while (matchFound) {
+ matchFound = false;
+ tags2.forEach(function(t) {
+ const pattern = "^\\s*" + t + "\\s*$";
+ const regex = new RegExp(pattern);
+ if (data[0].match(regex)) {
+ task[t] = true;
+ data.shift(1);
+ matchFound = true;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+const setConf = function() {
+ _mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.l.debug("Something is calling, setConf, remove the call");
+const mapWeekdayToTimeFunction = {
+ monday: d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeMonday */ .Ox9,
+ tuesday: d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeTuesday */ .YDX,
+ wednesday: d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeWednesday */ .EFj,
+ thursday: d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeThursday */ .Igq,
+ friday: d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeFriday */ .y2j,
+ saturday: d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeSaturday */ .LqH,
+ sunday: d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeSunday */ .Zyz
+const getMaxIntersections = (tasks2, orderOffset) => {
+ let timeline = [...tasks2].map(() => -Infinity);
+ let sorted = [...tasks2].sort((a, b) => a.startTime - b.startTime || a.order - b.order);
+ let maxIntersections = 0;
+ for (const element of sorted) {
+ for (let j = 0; j < timeline.length; j++) {
+ if (element.startTime >= timeline[j]) {
+ timeline[j] = element.endTime;
+ element.order = j + orderOffset;
+ if (j > maxIntersections) {
+ maxIntersections = j;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return maxIntersections;
+let w;
+const draw = function(text, id, version, diagObj) {
+ const conf = (0,_mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().gantt;
+ const securityLevel = (0,_mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().securityLevel;
+ let sandboxElement;
+ if (securityLevel === "sandbox") {
+ sandboxElement = (0,d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .select */ .Ys)("#i" + id);
+ }
+ const root = securityLevel === "sandbox" ? (0,d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .select */ .Ys)(sandboxElement.nodes()[0].contentDocument.body) : (0,d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .select */ .Ys)("body");
+ const doc = securityLevel === "sandbox" ? sandboxElement.nodes()[0].contentDocument : document;
+ const elem = doc.getElementById(id);
+ w = elem.parentElement.offsetWidth;
+ if (w === void 0) {
+ w = 1200;
+ }
+ if (conf.useWidth !== void 0) {
+ w = conf.useWidth;
+ }
+ const taskArray = diagObj.db.getTasks();
+ let categories = [];
+ for (const element of taskArray) {
+ categories.push(element.type);
+ }
+ categories = checkUnique(categories);
+ const categoryHeights = {};
+ let h = 2 * conf.topPadding;
+ if (diagObj.db.getDisplayMode() === "compact" || conf.displayMode === "compact") {
+ const categoryElements = {};
+ for (const element of taskArray) {
+ if (categoryElements[element.section] === void 0) {
+ categoryElements[element.section] = [element];
+ } else {
+ categoryElements[element.section].push(element);
+ }
+ }
+ let intersections = 0;
+ for (const category of Object.keys(categoryElements)) {
+ const categoryHeight = getMaxIntersections(categoryElements[category], intersections) + 1;
+ intersections += categoryHeight;
+ h += categoryHeight * (conf.barHeight + conf.barGap);
+ categoryHeights[category] = categoryHeight;
+ }
+ } else {
+ h += taskArray.length * (conf.barHeight + conf.barGap);
+ for (const category of categories) {
+ categoryHeights[category] = taskArray.filter((task) => task.type === category).length;
+ }
+ }
+ elem.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 " + w + " " + h);
+ const svg =`[id="${id}"]`);
+ const timeScale = (0,d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .scaleTime */ .Xf)().domain([
+ (0,d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .min */ .VV$)(taskArray, function(d) {
+ return d.startTime;
+ }),
+ (0,d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .max */ .Fp7)(taskArray, function(d) {
+ return d.endTime;
+ })
+ ]).rangeRound([0, w - conf.leftPadding - conf.rightPadding]);
+ function taskCompare(a, b) {
+ const taskA = a.startTime;
+ const taskB = b.startTime;
+ let result = 0;
+ if (taskA > taskB) {
+ result = 1;
+ } else if (taskA < taskB) {
+ result = -1;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ taskArray.sort(taskCompare);
+ makeGant(taskArray, w, h);
+ (0,_mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.i)(svg, h, w, conf.useMaxWidth);
+ svg.append("text").text(diagObj.db.getDiagramTitle()).attr("x", w / 2).attr("y", conf.titleTopMargin).attr("class", "titleText");
+ function makeGant(tasks2, pageWidth, pageHeight) {
+ const barHeight = conf.barHeight;
+ const gap = barHeight + conf.barGap;
+ const topPadding = conf.topPadding;
+ const leftPadding = conf.leftPadding;
+ const colorScale = (0,d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .scaleLinear */ .BYU)().domain([0, categories.length]).range(["#00B9FA", "#F95002"]).interpolate(d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .interpolateHcl */ .JHv);
+ drawExcludeDays(
+ gap,
+ topPadding,
+ leftPadding,
+ pageWidth,
+ pageHeight,
+ tasks2,
+ diagObj.db.getExcludes(),
+ diagObj.db.getIncludes()
+ );
+ makeGrid(leftPadding, topPadding, pageWidth, pageHeight);
+ drawRects(tasks2, gap, topPadding, leftPadding, barHeight, colorScale, pageWidth);
+ vertLabels(gap, topPadding);
+ drawToday(leftPadding, topPadding, pageWidth, pageHeight);
+ }
+ function drawRects(theArray, theGap, theTopPad, theSidePad, theBarHeight, theColorScale, w2) {
+ const uniqueTaskOrderIds = [ Set( => item.order))];
+ const uniqueTasks = => theArray.find((item) => item.order === id2));
+ svg.append("g").selectAll("rect").data(uniqueTasks).enter().append("rect").attr("x", 0).attr("y", function(d, i) {
+ i = d.order;
+ return i * theGap + theTopPad - 2;
+ }).attr("width", function() {
+ return w2 - conf.rightPadding / 2;
+ }).attr("height", theGap).attr("class", function(d) {
+ for (const [i, category] of categories.entries()) {
+ if (d.type === category) {
+ return "section section" + i % conf.numberSectionStyles;
+ }
+ }
+ return "section section0";
+ });
+ const rectangles = svg.append("g").selectAll("rect").data(theArray).enter();
+ const links2 = diagObj.db.getLinks();
+ rectangles.append("rect").attr("id", function(d) {
+ return;
+ }).attr("rx", 3).attr("ry", 3).attr("x", function(d) {
+ if (d.milestone) {
+ return timeScale(d.startTime) + theSidePad + 0.5 * (timeScale(d.endTime) - timeScale(d.startTime)) - 0.5 * theBarHeight;
+ }
+ return timeScale(d.startTime) + theSidePad;
+ }).attr("y", function(d, i) {
+ i = d.order;
+ return i * theGap + theTopPad;
+ }).attr("width", function(d) {
+ if (d.milestone) {
+ return theBarHeight;
+ }
+ return timeScale(d.renderEndTime || d.endTime) - timeScale(d.startTime);
+ }).attr("height", theBarHeight).attr("transform-origin", function(d, i) {
+ i = d.order;
+ return (timeScale(d.startTime) + theSidePad + 0.5 * (timeScale(d.endTime) - timeScale(d.startTime))).toString() + "px " + (i * theGap + theTopPad + 0.5 * theBarHeight).toString() + "px";
+ }).attr("class", function(d) {
+ const res = "task";
+ let classStr = "";
+ if (d.classes.length > 0) {
+ classStr = d.classes.join(" ");
+ }
+ let secNum = 0;
+ for (const [i, category] of categories.entries()) {
+ if (d.type === category) {
+ secNum = i % conf.numberSectionStyles;
+ }
+ }
+ let taskClass = "";
+ if ( {
+ if (d.crit) {
+ taskClass += " activeCrit";
+ } else {
+ taskClass = " active";
+ }
+ } else if (d.done) {
+ if (d.crit) {
+ taskClass = " doneCrit";
+ } else {
+ taskClass = " done";
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (d.crit) {
+ taskClass += " crit";
+ }
+ }
+ if (taskClass.length === 0) {
+ taskClass = " task";
+ }
+ if (d.milestone) {
+ taskClass = " milestone " + taskClass;
+ }
+ taskClass += secNum;
+ taskClass += " " + classStr;
+ return res + taskClass;
+ });
+ rectangles.append("text").attr("id", function(d) {
+ return + "-text";
+ }).text(function(d) {
+ return d.task;
+ }).attr("font-size", conf.fontSize).attr("x", function(d) {
+ let startX = timeScale(d.startTime);
+ let endX = timeScale(d.renderEndTime || d.endTime);
+ if (d.milestone) {
+ startX += 0.5 * (timeScale(d.endTime) - timeScale(d.startTime)) - 0.5 * theBarHeight;
+ }
+ if (d.milestone) {
+ endX = startX + theBarHeight;
+ }
+ const textWidth = this.getBBox().width;
+ if (textWidth > endX - startX) {
+ if (endX + textWidth + 1.5 * conf.leftPadding > w2) {
+ return startX + theSidePad - 5;
+ } else {
+ return endX + theSidePad + 5;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return (endX - startX) / 2 + startX + theSidePad;
+ }
+ }).attr("y", function(d, i) {
+ i = d.order;
+ return i * theGap + conf.barHeight / 2 + (conf.fontSize / 2 - 2) + theTopPad;
+ }).attr("text-height", theBarHeight).attr("class", function(d) {
+ const startX = timeScale(d.startTime);
+ let endX = timeScale(d.endTime);
+ if (d.milestone) {
+ endX = startX + theBarHeight;
+ }
+ const textWidth = this.getBBox().width;
+ let classStr = "";
+ if (d.classes.length > 0) {
+ classStr = d.classes.join(" ");
+ }
+ let secNum = 0;
+ for (const [i, category] of categories.entries()) {
+ if (d.type === category) {
+ secNum = i % conf.numberSectionStyles;
+ }
+ }
+ let taskType = "";
+ if ( {
+ if (d.crit) {
+ taskType = "activeCritText" + secNum;
+ } else {
+ taskType = "activeText" + secNum;
+ }
+ }
+ if (d.done) {
+ if (d.crit) {
+ taskType = taskType + " doneCritText" + secNum;
+ } else {
+ taskType = taskType + " doneText" + secNum;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (d.crit) {
+ taskType = taskType + " critText" + secNum;
+ }
+ }
+ if (d.milestone) {
+ taskType += " milestoneText";
+ }
+ if (textWidth > endX - startX) {
+ if (endX + textWidth + 1.5 * conf.leftPadding > w2) {
+ return classStr + " taskTextOutsideLeft taskTextOutside" + secNum + " " + taskType;
+ } else {
+ return classStr + " taskTextOutsideRight taskTextOutside" + secNum + " " + taskType + " width-" + textWidth;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return classStr + " taskText taskText" + secNum + " " + taskType + " width-" + textWidth;
+ }
+ });
+ const securityLevel2 = (0,_mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().securityLevel;
+ if (securityLevel2 === "sandbox") {
+ let sandboxElement2;
+ sandboxElement2 = (0,d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .select */ .Ys)("#i" + id);
+ const doc2 = sandboxElement2.nodes()[0].contentDocument;
+ rectangles.filter(function(d) {
+ return links2[] !== void 0;
+ }).each(function(o) {
+ var taskRect = doc2.querySelector("#" +;
+ var taskText = doc2.querySelector("#" + + "-text");
+ const oldParent = taskRect.parentNode;
+ var Link = doc2.createElement("a");
+ Link.setAttribute("xlink:href", links2[]);
+ Link.setAttribute("target", "_top");
+ oldParent.appendChild(Link);
+ Link.appendChild(taskRect);
+ Link.appendChild(taskText);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ function drawExcludeDays(theGap, theTopPad, theSidePad, w2, h2, tasks2, excludes2, includes2) {
+ if (excludes2.length === 0 && includes2.length === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let minTime;
+ let maxTime;
+ for (const { startTime, endTime } of tasks2) {
+ if (minTime === void 0 || startTime < minTime) {
+ minTime = startTime;
+ }
+ if (maxTime === void 0 || endTime > maxTime) {
+ maxTime = endTime;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!minTime || !maxTime) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (dayjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__(maxTime).diff(dayjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__(minTime), "year") > 5) {
+ _mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.l.warn(
+ "The difference between the min and max time is more than 5 years. This will cause performance issues. Skipping drawing exclude days."
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ const dateFormat2 = diagObj.db.getDateFormat();
+ const excludeRanges = [];
+ let range = null;
+ let d = dayjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__(minTime);
+ while (d.valueOf() <= maxTime) {
+ if (diagObj.db.isInvalidDate(d, dateFormat2, excludes2, includes2)) {
+ if (!range) {
+ range = {
+ start: d,
+ end: d
+ };
+ } else {
+ range.end = d;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (range) {
+ excludeRanges.push(range);
+ range = null;
+ }
+ }
+ d = d.add(1, "d");
+ }
+ const rectangles = svg.append("g").selectAll("rect").data(excludeRanges).enter();
+ rectangles.append("rect").attr("id", function(d2) {
+ return "exclude-" + d2.start.format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ }).attr("x", function(d2) {
+ return timeScale(d2.start) + theSidePad;
+ }).attr("y", conf.gridLineStartPadding).attr("width", function(d2) {
+ const renderEnd = d2.end.add(1, "day");
+ return timeScale(renderEnd) - timeScale(d2.start);
+ }).attr("height", h2 - theTopPad - conf.gridLineStartPadding).attr("transform-origin", function(d2, i) {
+ return (timeScale(d2.start) + theSidePad + 0.5 * (timeScale(d2.end) - timeScale(d2.start))).toString() + "px " + (i * theGap + 0.5 * h2).toString() + "px";
+ }).attr("class", "exclude-range");
+ }
+ function makeGrid(theSidePad, theTopPad, w2, h2) {
+ let bottomXAxis = (0,d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .axisBottom */ .LLu)(timeScale).tickSize(-h2 + theTopPad + conf.gridLineStartPadding).tickFormat((0,d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeFormat */ .i$Z)(diagObj.db.getAxisFormat() || conf.axisFormat || "%Y-%m-%d"));
+ const reTickInterval = /^([1-9]\d*)(millisecond|second|minute|hour|day|week|month)$/;
+ const resultTickInterval = reTickInterval.exec(
+ diagObj.db.getTickInterval() || conf.tickInterval
+ );
+ if (resultTickInterval !== null) {
+ const every = resultTickInterval[1];
+ const interval = resultTickInterval[2];
+ const weekday2 = diagObj.db.getWeekday() || conf.weekday;
+ switch (interval) {
+ case "millisecond":
+ bottomXAxis.ticks(d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeMillisecond */ .U8T.every(every));
+ break;
+ case "second":
+ bottomXAxis.ticks(d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeSecond */ .S1K.every(every));
+ break;
+ case "minute":
+ bottomXAxis.ticks(d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeMinute */ .Z_i.every(every));
+ break;
+ case "hour":
+ bottomXAxis.ticks(d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeHour */ .WQD.every(every));
+ break;
+ case "day":
+ bottomXAxis.ticks(d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeDay */ .rr1.every(every));
+ break;
+ case "week":
+ bottomXAxis.ticks(mapWeekdayToTimeFunction[weekday2].every(every));
+ break;
+ case "month":
+ bottomXAxis.ticks(d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeMonth */ .F0B.every(every));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ svg.append("g").attr("class", "grid").attr("transform", "translate(" + theSidePad + ", " + (h2 - 50) + ")").call(bottomXAxis).selectAll("text").style("text-anchor", "middle").attr("fill", "#000").attr("stroke", "none").attr("font-size", 10).attr("dy", "1em");
+ if (diagObj.db.topAxisEnabled() || conf.topAxis) {
+ let topXAxis = (0,d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .axisTop */ .F5q)(timeScale).tickSize(-h2 + theTopPad + conf.gridLineStartPadding).tickFormat((0,d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeFormat */ .i$Z)(diagObj.db.getAxisFormat() || conf.axisFormat || "%Y-%m-%d"));
+ if (resultTickInterval !== null) {
+ const every = resultTickInterval[1];
+ const interval = resultTickInterval[2];
+ const weekday2 = diagObj.db.getWeekday() || conf.weekday;
+ switch (interval) {
+ case "millisecond":
+ topXAxis.ticks(d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeMillisecond */ .U8T.every(every));
+ break;
+ case "second":
+ topXAxis.ticks(d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeSecond */ .S1K.every(every));
+ break;
+ case "minute":
+ topXAxis.ticks(d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeMinute */ .Z_i.every(every));
+ break;
+ case "hour":
+ topXAxis.ticks(d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeHour */ .WQD.every(every));
+ break;
+ case "day":
+ topXAxis.ticks(d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeDay */ .rr1.every(every));
+ break;
+ case "week":
+ topXAxis.ticks(mapWeekdayToTimeFunction[weekday2].every(every));
+ break;
+ case "month":
+ topXAxis.ticks(d3__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__/* .timeMonth */ .F0B.every(every));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ svg.append("g").attr("class", "grid").attr("transform", "translate(" + theSidePad + ", " + theTopPad + ")").call(topXAxis).selectAll("text").style("text-anchor", "middle").attr("fill", "#000").attr("stroke", "none").attr("font-size", 10);
+ }
+ }
+ function vertLabels(theGap, theTopPad) {
+ let prevGap = 0;
+ const numOccurances = Object.keys(categoryHeights).map((d) => [d, categoryHeights[d]]);
+ svg.append("g").selectAll("text").data(numOccurances).enter().append(function(d) {
+ const rows = d[0].split(_mermaid_934d9bea_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.e.lineBreakRegex);
+ const dy = -(rows.length - 1) / 2;
+ const svgLabel = doc.createElementNS("", "text");
+ svgLabel.setAttribute("dy", dy + "em");
+ for (const [j, row] of rows.entries()) {
+ const tspan = doc.createElementNS("", "tspan");
+ tspan.setAttribute("alignment-baseline", "central");
+ tspan.setAttribute("x", "10");
+ if (j > 0) {
+ tspan.setAttribute("dy", "1em");
+ }
+ tspan.textContent = row;
+ svgLabel.appendChild(tspan);
+ }
+ return svgLabel;
+ }).attr("x", 10).attr("y", function(d, i) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ for (let j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+ prevGap += numOccurances[i - 1][1];
+ return d[1] * theGap / 2 + prevGap * theGap + theTopPad;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return d[1] * theGap / 2 + theTopPad;
+ }
+ }).attr("font-size", conf.sectionFontSize).attr("class", function(d) {
+ for (const [i, category] of categories.entries()) {
+ if (d[0] === category) {
+ return "sectionTitle sectionTitle" + i % conf.numberSectionStyles;
+ }
+ }
+ return "sectionTitle";
+ });
+ }
+ function drawToday(theSidePad, theTopPad, w2, h2) {
+ const todayMarker2 = diagObj.db.getTodayMarker();
+ if (todayMarker2 === "off") {
+ return;
+ }
+ const todayG = svg.append("g").attr("class", "today");
+ const today = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
+ const todayLine = todayG.append("line");
+ todayLine.attr("x1", timeScale(today) + theSidePad).attr("x2", timeScale(today) + theSidePad).attr("y1", conf.titleTopMargin).attr("y2", h2 - conf.titleTopMargin).attr("class", "today");
+ if (todayMarker2 !== "") {
+ todayLine.attr("style", todayMarker2.replace(/,/g, ";"));
+ }
+ }
+ function checkUnique(arr) {
+ const hash = {};
+ const result = [];
+ for (let i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; ++i) {
+ if (!, arr[i])) {
+ hash[arr[i]] = true;
+ result.push(arr[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+const ganttRenderer = {
+ setConf,
+ draw
+const getStyles = (options) => `
+ .mermaid-main-font {
+ font-family: "trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif;
+ font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family);
+ }
+ .exclude-range {
+ fill: ${options.excludeBkgColor};
+ }
+ .section {
+ stroke: none;
+ opacity: 0.2;
+ }
+ .section0 {
+ fill: ${options.sectionBkgColor};
+ }
+ .section2 {
+ fill: ${options.sectionBkgColor2};
+ }
+ .section1,
+ .section3 {
+ fill: ${options.altSectionBkgColor};
+ opacity: 0.2;
+ }
+ .sectionTitle0 {
+ fill: ${options.titleColor};
+ }
+ .sectionTitle1 {
+ fill: ${options.titleColor};
+ }
+ .sectionTitle2 {
+ fill: ${options.titleColor};
+ }
+ .sectionTitle3 {
+ fill: ${options.titleColor};
+ }
+ .sectionTitle {
+ text-anchor: start;
+ // font-size: ${options.ganttFontSize};
+ // text-height: 14px;
+ font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, arial, sans-serif;
+ font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family);
+ }
+ /* Grid and axis */
+ .grid .tick {
+ stroke: ${options.gridColor};
+ opacity: 0.8;
+ shape-rendering: crispEdges;
+ text {
+ font-family: ${options.fontFamily};
+ fill: ${options.textColor};
+ }
+ }
+ .grid path {
+ stroke-width: 0;
+ }
+ /* Today line */
+ .today {
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: ${options.todayLineColor};
+ stroke-width: 2px;
+ }
+ /* Task styling */
+ /* Default task */
+ .task {
+ stroke-width: 2;
+ }
+ .taskText {
+ text-anchor: middle;
+ font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, arial, sans-serif;
+ font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family);
+ }
+ // .taskText:not([font-size]) {
+ // font-size: ${options.ganttFontSize};
+ // }
+ .taskTextOutsideRight {
+ fill: ${options.taskTextDarkColor};
+ text-anchor: start;
+ // font-size: ${options.ganttFontSize};
+ font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, arial, sans-serif;
+ font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family);
+ }
+ .taskTextOutsideLeft {
+ fill: ${options.taskTextDarkColor};
+ text-anchor: end;
+ // font-size: ${options.ganttFontSize};
+ }
+ /* Special case clickable */
+ .task.clickable {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ }
+ .taskText.clickable {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ fill: ${options.taskTextClickableColor} !important;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ .taskTextOutsideLeft.clickable {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ fill: ${options.taskTextClickableColor} !important;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ .taskTextOutsideRight.clickable {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ fill: ${options.taskTextClickableColor} !important;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ /* Specific task settings for the sections*/
+ .taskText0,
+ .taskText1,
+ .taskText2,
+ .taskText3 {
+ fill: ${options.taskTextColor};
+ }
+ .task0,
+ .task1,
+ .task2,
+ .task3 {
+ fill: ${options.taskBkgColor};
+ stroke: ${options.taskBorderColor};
+ }
+ .taskTextOutside0,
+ .taskTextOutside2
+ {
+ fill: ${options.taskTextOutsideColor};
+ }
+ .taskTextOutside1,
+ .taskTextOutside3 {
+ fill: ${options.taskTextOutsideColor};
+ }
+ /* Active task */
+ .active0,
+ .active1,
+ .active2,
+ .active3 {
+ fill: ${options.activeTaskBkgColor};
+ stroke: ${options.activeTaskBorderColor};
+ }
+ .activeText0,
+ .activeText1,
+ .activeText2,
+ .activeText3 {
+ fill: ${options.taskTextDarkColor} !important;
+ }
+ /* Completed task */
+ .done0,
+ .done1,
+ .done2,
+ .done3 {
+ stroke: ${options.doneTaskBorderColor};
+ fill: ${options.doneTaskBkgColor};
+ stroke-width: 2;
+ }
+ .doneText0,
+ .doneText1,
+ .doneText2,
+ .doneText3 {
+ fill: ${options.taskTextDarkColor} !important;
+ }
+ /* Tasks on the critical line */
+ .crit0,
+ .crit1,
+ .crit2,
+ .crit3 {
+ stroke: ${options.critBorderColor};
+ fill: ${options.critBkgColor};
+ stroke-width: 2;
+ }
+ .activeCrit0,
+ .activeCrit1,
+ .activeCrit2,
+ .activeCrit3 {
+ stroke: ${options.critBorderColor};
+ fill: ${options.activeTaskBkgColor};
+ stroke-width: 2;
+ }
+ .doneCrit0,
+ .doneCrit1,
+ .doneCrit2,
+ .doneCrit3 {
+ stroke: ${options.critBorderColor};
+ fill: ${options.doneTaskBkgColor};
+ stroke-width: 2;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ shape-rendering: crispEdges;
+ }
+ .milestone {
+ transform: rotate(45deg) scale(0.8,0.8);
+ }
+ .milestoneText {
+ font-style: italic;
+ }
+ .doneCritText0,
+ .doneCritText1,
+ .doneCritText2,
+ .doneCritText3 {
+ fill: ${options.taskTextDarkColor} !important;
+ }
+ .activeCritText0,
+ .activeCritText1,
+ .activeCritText2,
+ .activeCritText3 {
+ fill: ${options.taskTextDarkColor} !important;
+ }
+ .titleText {
+ text-anchor: middle;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ fill: ${options.textColor} ;
+ font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, arial, sans-serif;
+ font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family);
+ }
+const ganttStyles = getStyles;
+const diagram = {
+ parser: ganttParser,
+ db: ganttDb,
+ renderer: ganttRenderer,
+ styles: ganttStyles
+/***/ })
\ No newline at end of file
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r=t.edge(n.v,n.w)||0,u=e(n),a=r+u;t.setEdge(n.v,n.w,a),i=Math.max(i,t.node(n.v).out+=u),o=Math.max(o,t.node(n.w).in+=u)}));var u=s.Z(i+o+3).map((function(){return new d})),a=o+1;return r.Z(t.nodes(),(function(n){p(u,a,t.node(n))})),{graph:t,buckets:u,zeroIdx:a}}(n,e||l),o=function(n,e,t){var r,o=[],i=e[e.length-1],u=e[0];for(;n.nodeCount();){for(;r=u.dequeue();)g(n,e,t,r);for(;r=i.dequeue();)g(n,e,t,r);if(n.nodeCount())for(var a=e.length-2;a>0;--a)if(r=e[a].dequeue()){o=o.concat(g(n,e,t,r,!0));break}}return o}(t.graph,t.buckets,t.zeroIdx);return a.Z(c.Z(o,(function(e){return n.outEdges(e.v,e.w)})))}function g(n,e,t,o,i){var u=i?[]:void 0;return r.Z(n.inEdges(o.v),(function(r){var o=n.edge(r),a=n.node(r.v);i&&u.push({v:r.v,w:r.w}),a.out-=o,p(e,t,a)})),r.Z(n.outEdges(o.v),(function(r){var o=n.edge(r),i=r.w,u=n.node(i);,p(e,t,u)})),n.removeNode(o.v),u}function p(n,e,t){t.out?[].enqueue(t):n[n.length-1].enqueue(t):n[0].enqueue(t)}function b(n){var e="greedy"===n.graph().acyclicer?Z(n,function(n){return function(e){return n.edge(e).weight}}(n)):function(n){var e=[],t={},o={};function u(a){i.Z(o,a)||(o[a]=!0,t[a]=!0,r.Z(n.outEdges(a),(function(n){i.Z(t,n.w)?e.push(n):u(n.w)})),delete t[a])}return r.Z(n.nodes(),u),e}(n);r.Z(e,(function(e){var t=n.edge(e);n.removeEdge(e),,t.reversed=!0,n.setEdge(e.w,e.v,t,o.Z("rev"))}))}var w=t(9236),m=t(1666),y=t(3688),_=t(2714);const E=function(n,e,t){for(var r=-1,o=n.length;++re};var j=t(9203);const x=function(n){return n&&n.length?E(n,j.Z,k):void 0};const N=function(n){var e=null==n?0:n.length;return e?n[e-1]:void 0};var I=t(4752),C=t(2693),O=t(4765);const L=function(n,e){var t={};return e=(0,O.Z)(e,3),(0,C.Z)(n,(function(n,r,o){(0,I.Z)(t,r,e(n,r,o))})),t};var M=t(9360);const A=function(n,e){return nMath.abs(u)*s?(a<0&&(s=-s),t=s*u/a,r=s):(u<0&&(c=-c),t=c,r=c*a/u),{x:o+t,y:i+r}}function B(n){var e=c.Z(s.Z(V(n)+1),(function(){return[]}));return r.Z(n.nodes(),(function(t){var r=n.node(t),o=r.rank;M.Z(o)||(e[o][r.order]=t)})),e}function G(n,e,t,r){var o={width:0,height:0};return arguments.length>=4&&(o.rank=t,o.order=r),T(n,"border",o,e)}function V(n){return x(c.Z(n.nodes(),(function(e){var t=n.node(e).rank;if(!M.Z(t))return t})))}function z(n,e){var t=P();try{return e()}finally{console.log(n+" time: "+(P()-t)+"ms")}}function q(n,e){return e()}function U(n,e,t,r,o,i){var u={width:0,height:0,rank:i,borderType:e},a=o[e][i-1],c=T(n,"border",u,t);o[e][i]=c,n.setParent(c,r),a&&n.setEdge(a,c,{weight:1})}function Y(n){var e=n.graph().rankdir.toLowerCase();"bt"!==e&&"rl"!==e||function(n){r.Z(n.nodes(),(function(e){K(n.node(e))})),r.Z(n.edges(),(function(e){var t=n.edge(e);r.Z(t.points,K),i.Z(t,"y")&&K(t)}))}(n),"lr"!==e&&"rl"!==e||(!function(n){r.Z(n.nodes(),(function(e){W(n.node(e))})),r.Z(n.edges(),(function(e){var t=n.edge(e);r.Z(t.points,W),i.Z(t,"x")&&W(t)}))}(n),$(n))}function $(n){r.Z(n.nodes(),(function(e){J(n.node(e))})),r.Z(n.edges(),(function(e){J(n.edge(e))}))}function J(n){var e=n.width;n.width=n.height,n.height=e}function K(n){n.y=-n.y}function W(n){var e=n.x;n.x=n.y,n.y=e}function H(n){n.graph().dummyChains=[],r.Z(n.edges(),(function(e){!function(n,e){var t,r,o,i=e.v,u=n.node(i).rank,a=e.w,c=n.node(a).rank,,f=n.edge(e),d=f.labelRank;if(c===u+1)return;for(n.removeEdge(e),o=0,++u;u-1?o[i?e[u]:u]:void 0}};var sn=t(1692),fn=t(9869);const dn=function(n){var e=(0,fn.Z)(n),t=e%1;return e==e?t?e-t:e:0};var hn=Math.max;const vn=cn((function(n,e,t){var r=null==n?0:n.length;if(!r)return-1;var o=null==t?0:dn(t);return o<0&&(o=hn(r+o,0)),(0,sn.Z)(n,(0,O.Z)(e,3),o)}));var ln=t(3445);u.Z(1);u.Z(1);t(9473),t(3970),t(3589);var Zn=t(7771);t(8533);(0,t(4193).Z)("length");RegExp("[\\u200d\\ud800-\\udfff\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]");var gn="\\ud800-\\udfff",pn="["+gn+"]",bn="[\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff]",wn="\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]",mn="[^"+gn+"]",yn="(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}",_n="[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]",En="(?:"+bn+"|"+wn+")"+"?",kn="[\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]?",jn=kn+En+("(?:\\u200d(?:"+[mn,yn,_n].join("|")+")"+kn+En+")*"),xn="(?:"+[mn+bn+"?",bn,yn,_n,pn].join("|")+")";RegExp(wn+"(?="+wn+")|"+xn+jn,"g");function Nn(){}function In(n,e,t){Zn.Z(e)||(e=[e]);var o=(n.isDirected()?n.successors:n.neighbors).bind(n),i=[],u={};return r.Z(e,(function(e){if(!n.hasNode(e))throw new Error("Graph does not have node: "+e);Cn(n,e,"post"===t,u,o,i)})),i}function Cn(n,e,t,o,u,a){i.Z(o,e)||(o[e]=!0,t||a.push(e),r.Z(u(e),(function(e){Cn(n,e,t,o,u,a)})),t&&a.push(e))}Nn.prototype=new Error;t(2544);function On(n){n=function(n){var e=(new f.k).setGraph(n.graph());return r.Z(n.nodes(),(function(t){e.setNode(t,n.node(t))})),r.Z(n.edges(),(function(t){var r=e.edge(t.v,t.w)||{weight:0,minlen:1},o=n.edge(t);e.setEdge(t.v,t.w,{weight:r.weight+o.weight,minlen:Math.max(r.minlen,o.minlen)})})),e}(n),X(n);var e,t=en(n);for(An(t),Ln(t,n);e=Sn(t);)Tn(t,n,e,Pn(t,n,e))}function Ln(n,e){var t=function(n,e){return In(n,e,"post")}(n,n.nodes());t=t.slice(0,t.length-1),r.Z(t,(function(t){!function(n,e,t){var r=n.node(t),o=r.parent;n.edge(t,o).cutvalue=Mn(n,e,t)}(n,e,t)}))}function Mn(n,e,t){var o=n.node(t).parent,i=!0,u=e.edge(t,o),a=0;return u||(i=!1,u=e.edge(o,t)),a=u.weight,r.Z(e.nodeEdges(t),(function(r){var u,c,s=r.v===t,f=s?r.w:r.v;if(f!==o){var d=s===i,h=e.edge(r).weight;if(a+=d?h:-h,u=t,c=f,n.hasEdge(u,c)){var v=n.edge(t,f).cutvalue;a+=d?-v:v}}})),a}function An(n,e){arguments.length<2&&(e=n.nodes()[0]),Rn(n,{},1,e)}function Rn(n,e,t,o,u){var a=t,c=n.node(o);return e[o]=!0,r.Z(n.neighbors(o),(function(r){i.Z(e,r)||(t=Rn(n,e,t,r,o))})),c.low=a,c.lim=t++,u?c.parent=u:delete c.parent,t}function Sn(n){return vn(n.edges(),(function(e){return n.edge(e).cutvalue<0}))}function Pn(n,e,t){var r=t.v,o=t.w;e.hasEdge(r,o)||(r=t.w,o=t.v);var i=n.node(r),u=n.node(o),a=i,c=!1;i.lim>u.lim&&(a=u,c=!0);var s=ln.Z(e.edges(),(function(e){return c===Fn(n,n.node(e.v),a)&&c!==Fn(n,n.node(e.w),a)}));return Q(s,(function(n){return nn(e,n)}))}function Tn(n,e,t,o){var i=t.v,u=t.w;n.removeEdge(i,u),n.setEdge(o.v,o.w,{}),An(n),Ln(n,e),function(n,e){var t=vn(n.nodes(),(function(n){return!e.node(n).parent})),o=function(n,e){return In(n,e,"pre")}(n,t);o=o.slice(1),r.Z(o,(function(t){var r=n.node(t).parent,o=e.edge(t,r),i=!1;o||(o=e.edge(r,t),i=!0),e.node(t).rank=e.node(r).rank+(i?o.minlen:-o.minlen)}))}(n,e)}function Fn(n,e,t){return t.low<=e.lim&&e.lim<=t.lim}function Dn(n){switch(n.graph().ranker){case"network-simplex":default:Gn(n);break;case"tight-tree":!function(n){X(n),en(n)}(n);break;case"longest-path":Bn(n)}}On.initLowLimValues=An,On.initCutValues=Ln,On.calcCutValue=Mn,On.leaveEdge=Sn,On.enterEdge=Pn,On.exchangeEdges=Tn;var Bn=X;function Gn(n){On(n)}var Vn=t(4148),zn=t(2344);function qn(n){var e=T(n,"root",{},"_root"),t=function(n){var e={};function t(o,i){var u=n.children(o);u&&u.length&&r.Z(u,(function(n){t(n,i+1)})),e[o]=i}return r.Z(n.children(),(function(n){t(n,1)})),e}(n),o=x(Vn.Z(t))-1,i=2*o+1;n.graph().nestingRoot=e,r.Z(n.edges(),(function(e){n.edge(e).minlen*=i}));var u=function(n){return zn.Z(n.edges(),(function(e,t){return e+n.edge(t).weight}),0)}(n)+1;r.Z(n.children(),(function(r){Un(n,e,i,u,o,t,r)})),n.graph().nodeRankFactor=i}function Un(n,e,t,o,i,u,a){var c=n.children(a);if(c.length){var s=G(n,"_bt"),f=G(n,"_bb"),d=n.node(a);n.setParent(s,a),d.borderTop=s,n.setParent(f,a),d.borderBottom=f,r.Z(c,(function(r){Un(n,e,t,o,i,u,r);var c=n.node(r),d=c.borderTop?c.borderTop:r,h=c.borderBottom?c.borderBottom:r,v=c.borderTop?o:2*o,l=d!==h?1:i-u[a]+1;n.setEdge(s,d,{weight:v,minlen:l,nestingEdge:!0}),n.setEdge(h,f,{weight:v,minlen:l,nestingEdge:!0})})),n.parent(a)||n.setEdge(e,s,{weight:0,minlen:i+u[a]})}else a!==e&&n.setEdge(e,a,{weight:0,minlen:t})}var Yn=t(8451);const $n=function(n){return(0,Yn.Z)(n,5)};function Jn(n,e,t){var u=function(n){var e;for(;n.hasNode(e=o.Z("_root")););return e}(n),a=new f.k({compound:!0}).setGraph({root:u}).setDefaultNodeLabel((function(e){return n.node(e)}));return r.Z(n.nodes(),(function(o){var c=n.node(o),s=n.parent(o);(c.rank===e||c.minRank<=e&&e<=c.maxRank)&&(a.setNode(o),a.setParent(o,s||u),r.Z(n[t](o),(function(e){var t=e.v===o?e.w:e.v,r=a.edge(t,o),i=M.Z(r)?0:r.weight;a.setEdge(t,o,{weight:n.edge(e).weight+i})})),i.Z(c,"minRank")&&a.setNode(o,{borderLeft:c.borderLeft[e],borderRight:c.borderRight[e]}))})),a}var Kn=t(2954);const Wn=function(n,e,t){for(var r=-1,o=n.length,i=e.length,u={};++re||i&&u&&c&&!a&&!s||r&&u&&c||!t&&c||!o)return 1;if(!r&&!i&&!s&&n=a?c:c*("desc"==t[r]?-1:1)}return n.index-e.index};const ue=function(n,e,t){e=e.length?(0,Xn.Z)(e,(function(n){return(0,Zn.Z)(n)?function(e){return(0,ne.Z)(e,1===n.length?n[0]:n)}:n})):[j.Z];var r=-1;e=(0,Xn.Z)(e,(0,re.Z)(O.Z));var o=(0,ee.Z)(n,(function(n,t,o){return{criteria:(0,Xn.Z)(e,(function(e){return e(n)})),index:++r,value:n}}));return te(o,(function(n,e){return ie(n,e,t)}))};var ae=t(9581),ce=t(439);const se=(0,ae.Z)((function(n,e){if(null==n)return[];var t=e.length;return t>1&&(0,ce.Z)(n,e[0],e[1])?e=[]:t>2&&(0,ce.Z)(e[0],e[1],e[2])&&(e=[e[0]]),ue(n,(0,Qn.Z)(e,1),[])}));function fe(n,e){for(var t=0,r=1;r0;)e%2&&(t+=f[e+1]),f[e=e-1>>1]+=n.weight;d+=n.weight*t}))),d}function he(n,e){var t={};return r.Z(n,(function(n,e){var r=t[n.v]={indegree:0,in:[],out:[],vs:[n.v],i:e};M.Z(n.barycenter)||(r.barycenter=n.barycenter,r.weight=n.weight)})),r.Z(e.edges(),(function(n){var e=t[n.v],r=t[n.w];M.Z(e)||M.Z(r)||(r.indegree++,e.out.push(t[n.w]))})),function(n){var e=[];function t(n){return function(e){e.merged||(M.Z(e.barycenter)||M.Z(n.barycenter)||e.barycenter>=n.barycenter)&&function(n,e){var t=0,r=0;n.weight&&(t+=n.barycenter*n.weight,r+=n.weight);e.weight&&(t+=e.barycenter*e.weight,r+=e.weight);n.vs=e.vs.concat(n.vs),n.barycenter=t/r,n.weight=r,n.i=Math.min(e.i,n.i),e.merged=!0}(n,e)}}function o(e){return function(t){,0==--t.indegree&&n.push(t)}}for(;n.length;){var i=n.pop();e.push(i),r.Z(,t(i)),r.Z(i.out,o(i))}return c.Z(ln.Z(e,(function(n){return!n.merged})),(function(n){return m.Z(n,["vs","i","barycenter","weight"])}))}(ln.Z(t,(function(n){return!n.indegree})))}function ve(n,e){var t,o=function(n,e){var t={lhs:[],rhs:[]};return r.Z(n,(function(n){e(n)?t.lhs.push(n):t.rhs.push(n)})),t}(n,(function(n){return i.Z(n,"barycenter")})),u=o.lhs,c=se(o.rhs,(function(n){return-n.i})),s=[],f=0,d=0,h=0;u.sort((t=!!e,function(n,e){return n.barycentere.barycenter?1:t?e.i-n.i:n.i-e.i})),h=le(s,c,h),r.Z(u,(function(n){h+=n.vs.length,s.push(n.vs),f+=n.barycenter*n.weight,d+=n.weight,h=le(s,c,h)}));var v={vs:a.Z(s)};return d&&(v.barycenter=f/d,v.weight=d),v}function le(n,e,t){for(var r;e.length&&(r=N(e)).i<=t;)e.pop(),n.push(r.vs),t++;return t}function Ze(n,e,t,o){var u=n.children(e),s=n.node(e),f=s?s.borderLeft:void 0,d=s?s.borderRight:void 0,h={};f&&(u=ln.Z(u,(function(n){return n!==f&&n!==d})));var v=function(n,e){return c.Z(e,(function(e){var t=n.inEdges(e);if(t.length){var r=zn.Z(t,(function(e,t){var r=n.edge(t),o=n.node(t.v);return{sum:e.sum+r.weight*o.order,weight:e.weight+r.weight}}),{sum:0,weight:0});return{v:e,barycenter:r.sum/r.weight,weight:r.weight}}return{v:e}}))}(n,u);r.Z(v,(function(e){if(n.children(e.v).length){var r=Ze(n,e.v,t,o);h[e.v]=r,i.Z(r,"barycenter")&&(u=e,a=r,M.Z(u.barycenter)?(u.barycenter=a.barycenter,u.weight=a.weight):(u.barycenter=(u.barycenter*u.weight+a.barycenter*a.weight)/(u.weight+a.weight),u.weight+=a.weight))}var u,a}));var l=he(v,t);!function(n,e){r.Z(n,(function(n){n.vs=a.Z({return e[n]?e[n].vs:n})))}))}(l,h);var Z=ve(l,o);if(f&&(Z.vs=a.Z([f,Z.vs,d]),n.predecessors(f).length)){var g=n.node(n.predecessors(f)[0]),p=n.node(n.predecessors(d)[0]);i.Z(Z,"barycenter")||(Z.barycenter=0,Z.weight=0),Z.barycenter=(Z.barycenter*Z.weight+g.order+p.order)/(Z.weight+2),Z.weight+=2}return Z}function ge(n){var e=V(n),t=pe(n,s.Z(1,e+1),"inEdges"),o=pe(n,s.Z(e-1,-1,-1),"outEdges"),u=function(n){var e={},t=ln.Z(n.nodes(),(function(e){return!n.children(e).length})),o=x(c.Z(t,(function(e){return n.node(e).rank}))),u=c.Z(s.Z(o+1),(function(){return[]})),a=se(t,(function(e){return n.node(e).rank}));return r.Z(a,(function t(o){if(!i.Z(e,o)){e[o]=!0;var a=n.node(o);u[a.rank].push(o),r.Z(n.successors(o),t)}})),u}(n);we(n,u);for(var a,f=Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,d=0,h=0;h<4;++d,++h){be(d%2?t:o,d%4>=2);var v=fe(n,u=B(n));vc||s>e[o].lim));i=o,o=r;for(;(o=n.parent(o))!==i;)a.push(o);return{path:u.concat(a.reverse()),lca:i}}(n,e,o.v,o.w),u=i.path,a=i.lca,c=0,s=u[c],f=!0;t!==o.w;){if(r=n.node(t),f){for(;(s=u[c])!==a&&n.node(s).maxRankt){var r=e;e=t,t=r}var o=n[e];o||(n[e]=o={}),o[t]=!0}function Ie(n,e,t){if(e>t){var r=e;e=t,t=r}return i.Z(n[e],t)}function Ce(n,e,t,o,u){var a={},c=function(n,e,t,o){var u=new f.k,a=n.graph(),c=function(n,e,t){return function(r,o,u){var a,c=r.node(o),s=r.node(u),f=0;if(f+=c.width/2,i.Z(c,"labelpos"))switch(c.labelpos.toLowerCase()){case"l":a=-c.width/2;break;case"r":a=c.width/2}if(a&&(f+=t?a:-a),a=0,f+=(c.dummy?e:n)/2,f+=(s.dummy?e:n)/2,f+=s.width/2,i.Z(s,"labelpos"))switch(s.labelpos.toLowerCase()){case"l":a=s.width/2;break;case"r":a=-s.width/2}return a&&(f+=t?a:-a),a=0,f}}(a.nodesep,a.edgesep,o);return r.Z(e,(function(e){var o;r.Z(e,(function(e){var r=t[e];if(u.setNode(r),o){var i=t[o],a=u.edge(i,r);u.setEdge(i,r,Math.max(c(n,e,o),a||0))}o=e}))})),u}(n,e,t,u),s=u?"borderLeft":"borderRight";function d(n,e){for(var t=c.nodes(),r=t.pop(),o={};r;)o[r]?n(r):(o[r]=!0,t.push(r),t=t.concat(e(r))),r=t.pop()}return d((function(n){a[n]=c.inEdges(n).reduce((function(n,e){return Math.max(n,a[e.v]+c.edge(e))}),0)}),c.predecessors.bind(c)),d((function(e){var t=c.outEdges(e).reduce((function(n,e){return Math.min(n,a[e.w]-c.edge(e))}),Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY),r=n.node(e);t!==Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY&&r.borderType!==s&&(a[e]=Math.max(a[e],t))}),c.successors.bind(c)),r.Z(o,(function(n){a[n]=a[t[n]]})),a}function Oe(n){var e,t=B(n),o=w.Z(xe(n,t),function(n,e){var t={};function o(e,o,i,u,a){var c;r.Z(s.Z(o,i),(function(o){c=e[o],n.node(c).dummy&&r.Z(n.predecessors(c),(function(e){var r=n.node(e);r.dummy&&(r.ordera)&&Ne(t,e,c)}))}))}return zn.Z(e,(function(e,t){var i,u=-1,a=0;return r.Z(t,(function(r,c){if("border"===n.node(r).dummy){var s=n.predecessors(r);s.length&&(i=n.node(s[0]).order,o(t,a,c,u,i),a=c,u=i)}o(t,a,t.length,i,e.length)})),t})),t}(n,t)),i={};r.Z(["u","d"],(function(u){e="u"===u?t:Vn.Z(t).reverse(),r.Z(["l","r"],(function(t){"r"===t&&(e=c.Z(e,(function(n){return Vn.Z(n).reverse()})));var a=("u"===u?n.predecessors:n.successors).bind(n),s=function(n,e,t,o){var i={},u={},a={};return r.Z(e,(function(n){r.Z(n,(function(n,e){i[n]=n,u[n]=n,a[n]=e}))})),r.Z(e,(function(n){var e=-1;r.Z(n,(function(n){var r=o(n);if(r.length){r=se(r,(function(n){return a[n]}));for(var c=(r.length-1)/2,s=Math.floor(c),f=Math.ceil(c);s<=f;++s){var d=r[s];u[n]===n&&e{t.d(e,{k:()=>R});var r=t(7452),o=t(2002),i=t(3234),u=t(7179),a=t(3445),c=t(9697),s=t(870),f=t(9360),d=t(626),h=t(9581),v=t(3001),l=t(1692);const Z=function(n){return n!=n};const g=function(n,e,t){for(var r=t-1,o=n.length;++r-1};const w=function(n,e,t){for(var r=-1,o=null==n?0:n.length;++r=200){var s=e?null:j(n);if(s)return(0,E.Z)(s);u=!1,o=m.Z,c=new v.Z}else c=e?[]:a;n:for(;++r1?r.setNode(n,e):r.setNode(n)})),this}setNode(n,e){return r.Z(this._nodes,n)?(arguments.length>1&&(this._nodes[n]=e),this):(this._nodes[n]=arguments.length>1?e:this._defaultNodeLabelFn(n),this._isCompound&&(this._parent[n]=M,this._children[n]={},this._children[M][n]=!0),this._in[n]={},this._preds[n]={},this._out[n]={},this._sucs[n]={},++this._nodeCount,this)}node(n){return this._nodes[n]}hasNode(n){return r.Z(this._nodes,n)}removeNode(n){var e=this;if(r.Z(this._nodes,n)){var t=function(n){e.removeEdge(e._edgeObjs[n])};delete this._nodes[n],this._isCompound&&(this._removeFromParentsChildList(n),delete this._parent[n],s.Z(this.children(n),(function(n){e.setParent(n)})),delete this._children[n]),s.Z(u.Z(this._in[n]),t),delete this._in[n],delete this._preds[n],s.Z(u.Z(this._out[n]),t),delete this._out[n],delete this._sucs[n],--this._nodeCount}return this}setParent(n,e){if(!this._isCompound)throw new Error("Cannot set parent in a non-compound graph");if(f.Z(e))e=M;else{for(var t=e+="";!f.Z(t);t=this.parent(t))if(t===n)throw new Error("Setting "+e+" as parent of "+n+" would create a cycle");this.setNode(e)}return this.setNode(n),this._removeFromParentsChildList(n),this._parent[n]=e,this._children[e][n]=!0,this}_removeFromParentsChildList(n){delete this._children[this._parent[n]][n]}parent(n){if(this._isCompound){var e=this._parent[n];if(e!==M)return e}}children(n){if(f.Z(n)&&(n=M),this._isCompound){var e=this._children[n];if(e)return u.Z(e)}else{if(n===M)return this.nodes();if(this.hasNode(n))return[]}}predecessors(n){var e=this._preds[n];if(e)return u.Z(e)}successors(n){var e=this._sucs[n];if(e)return u.Z(e)}neighbors(n){var e=this.predecessors(n);if(e)return I(e,this.successors(n))}isLeaf(n){return 0===(this.isDirected()?this.successors(n):this.neighbors(n)).length}filterNodes(n){var e=new this.constructor({directed:this._isDirected,multigraph:this._isMultigraph,compound:this._isCompound});e.setGraph(this.graph());var t=this;s.Z(this._nodes,(function(t,r){n(r)&&e.setNode(r,t)})),s.Z(this._edgeObjs,(function(n){e.hasNode(n.v)&&e.hasNode(n.w)&&e.setEdge(n,t.edge(n))}));var r={};function o(n){var i=t.parent(n);return void 0===i||e.hasNode(i)?(r[n]=i,i):i in r?r[i]:o(i)}return this._isCompound&&s.Z(e.nodes(),(function(n){e.setParent(n,o(n))})),e}setDefaultEdgeLabel(n){return i.Z(n)||(n=o.Z(n)),this._defaultEdgeLabelFn=n,this}edgeCount(){return this._edgeCount}edges(){return C.Z(this._edgeObjs)}setPath(n,e){var t=this,r=arguments;return O.Z(n,(function(n,o){return r.length>1?t.setEdge(n,o,e):t.setEdge(n,o),o})),this}setEdge(){var n,e,t,o,i=!1,u=arguments[0];"object"==typeof u&&null!==u&&"v"in u?(n=u.v,e=u.w,,2===arguments.length&&(o=arguments[1],i=!0)):(n=u,e=arguments[1],t=arguments[3],arguments.length>2&&(o=arguments[2],i=!0)),n=""+n,e=""+e,f.Z(t)||(t=""+t);var a=T(this._isDirected,n,e,t);if(r.Z(this._edgeLabels,a))return i&&(this._edgeLabels[a]=o),this;if(!f.Z(t)&&!this._isMultigraph)throw new Error("Cannot set a named edge when isMultigraph = false");this.setNode(n),this.setNode(e),this._edgeLabels[a]=i?o:this._defaultEdgeLabelFn(n,e,t);var c=function(n,e,t,r){var o=""+e,i=""+t;if(!n&&o>i){var u=o;o=i,i=u}var a={v:o,w:i};r&&(;return a}(this._isDirected,n,e,t);return n=c.v,e=c.w,Object.freeze(c),this._edgeObjs[a]=c,S(this._preds[e],n),S(this._sucs[n],e),this._in[e][a]=c,this._out[n][a]=c,this._edgeCount++,this}edge(n,e,t){var r=1===arguments.length?F(this._isDirected,arguments[0]):T(this._isDirected,n,e,t);return this._edgeLabels[r]}hasEdge(n,e,t){var o=1===arguments.length?F(this._isDirected,arguments[0]):T(this._isDirected,n,e,t);return r.Z(this._edgeLabels,o)}removeEdge(n,e,t){var r=1===arguments.length?F(this._isDirected,arguments[0]):T(this._isDirected,n,e,t),o=this._edgeObjs[r];return o&&(n=o.v,e=o.w,delete this._edgeLabels[r],delete this._edgeObjs[r],P(this._preds[e],n),P(this._sucs[n],e),delete this._in[e][r],delete this._out[n][r],this._edgeCount--),this}inEdges(n,e){var t=this._in[n];if(t){var r=C.Z(t);return e?a.Z(r,(function(n){return n.v===e})):r}}outEdges(n,e){var t=this._out[n];if(t){var r=C.Z(t);return e?a.Z(r,(function(n){return n.w===e})):r}}nodeEdges(n,e){var t=this.inEdges(n,e);if(t)return t.concat(this.outEdges(n,e))}}function S(n,e){n[e]?n[e]++:n[e]=1}function P(n,e){--n[e]||delete n[e]}function T(n,e,t,r){var o=""+e,i=""+t;if(!n&&o>i){var u=o;o=i,i=u}return o+A+i+A+(f.Z(r)?L:r)}function F(n,e){return T(n,e.v,e.w,}R.prototype._nodeCount=0,R.prototype._edgeCount=0},5625:(n,e,t)=>{t.d(e,{k:()=>r.k});var r=t(2544)},3001:(n,e,t)=>{t.d(e,{Z:()=>a});var r=t(7834);const o=function(n){return this.__data__.set(n,"__lodash_hash_undefined__"),this};const i=function(n){return this.__data__.has(n)};function u(n){var e=-1,t=null==n?0:n.length;for(this.__data__=new r.Z;++e{t.d(e,{Z:()=>r});const r=function(n,e){for(var t=-1,r=null==n?0:n.length;++t{t.d(e,{Z:()=>r});const r=function(n,e){for(var t=-1,r=null==n?0:n.length,o=0,i=[];++t{t.d(e,{Z:()=>r});const r=function(n,e){for(var t=-1,r=null==n?0:n.length,o=Array(r);++t{t.d(e,{Z:()=>r});const r=function(n,e){for(var t=-1,r=e.length,o=n.length;++t{t.d(e,{Z:()=>X});var r=t(1667),o=t(6579),i=t(2954),u=t(1899),a=t(7179);const c=function(n,e){return n&&(0,u.Z)(e,(0,a.Z)(e),n)};var s=t(2957);const f=function(n,e){return n&&(0,u.Z)(e,(0,s.Z)(e),n)};var d=t(1050),h=t(7215),v=t(5695);const l=function(n,e){return(0,u.Z)(n,(0,v.Z)(n),e)};var Z=t(8694),g=t(2513),p=t(532);const b=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols?function(n){for(var e=[];n;)(0,Z.Z)(e,(0,v.Z)(n)),n=(0,g.Z)(n);return e}:p.Z;const w=function(n,e){return(0,u.Z)(n,b(n),e)};var m=t(1808),y=t(3327);const _=function(n){return(0,y.Z)(n,s.Z,b)};var E=t(3970),k=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;const j=function(n){var e=n.length,t=new n.constructor(e);return e&&"string"==typeof n[0]&&,"index")&&(t.index=n.index,t.input=n.input),t};var x=t(1884);const N=function(n,e){var t=e?(0,x.Z)(n.buffer):n.buffer;return new n.constructor(t,n.byteOffset,n.byteLength)};var I=/\w*$/;const C=function(n){var e=new n.constructor(n.source,I.exec(n));return e.lastIndex=n.lastIndex,e};var O=t(7685),L=O.Z?O.Z.prototype:void 0,M=L?L.valueOf:void 0;const A=function(n){return M?Object({}};var R=t(2701);const S=function(n,e,t){var r=n.constructor;switch(e){case"[object ArrayBuffer]":return(0,x.Z)(n);case"[object Boolean]":case"[object Date]":return new r(+n);case"[object DataView]":return N(n,t);case"[object Float32Array]":case"[object Float64Array]":case"[object Int8Array]":case"[object Int16Array]":case"[object Int32Array]":case"[object Uint8Array]":case"[object Uint8ClampedArray]":case"[object Uint16Array]":case"[object Uint32Array]":return(0,R.Z)(n,t);case"[object Map]":case"[object Set]":return new r;case"[object Number]":case"[object String]":return new r(n);case"[object RegExp]":return C(n);case"[object Symbol]":return A(n)}};var P=t(3658),T=t(7771),F=t(7008),D=t(8533);const B=function(n){return(0,D.Z)(n)&&"[object Map]"==(0,E.Z)(n)};var G=t(1162),V=t(8351),z=V.Z&&V.Z.isMap;const q=z?(0,G.Z)(z):B;var U=t(7226);const Y=function(n){return(0,D.Z)(n)&&"[object Set]"==(0,E.Z)(n)};var $=V.Z&&V.Z.isSet;const J=$?(0,G.Z)($):Y;var K="[object Arguments]",W="[object Function]",H="[object Object]",Q={};Q[K]=Q["[object Array]"]=Q["[object ArrayBuffer]"]=Q["[object DataView]"]=Q["[object Boolean]"]=Q["[object Date]"]=Q["[object Float32Array]"]=Q["[object Float64Array]"]=Q["[object Int8Array]"]=Q["[object Int16Array]"]=Q["[object Int32Array]"]=Q["[object Map]"]=Q["[object Number]"]=Q[H]=Q["[object RegExp]"]=Q["[object Set]"]=Q["[object String]"]=Q["[object Symbol]"]=Q["[object Uint8Array]"]=Q["[object Uint8ClampedArray]"]=Q["[object Uint16Array]"]=Q["[object Uint32Array]"]=!0,Q["[object Error]"]=Q[W]=Q["[object WeakMap]"]=!1;const X=function n(e,t,u,v,Z,g){var p,b=1&t,y=2&t,k=4&t;if(u&&(p=Z?u(e,v,Z,g):u(e)),void 0!==p)return 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r=function(n){return function(e){return null==e?void 0:e[n]}}},9548:(n,e,t)=>{t.d(e,{Z:()=>r});const r=function(n,e){return n.has(e)}},8882:(n,e,t)=>{t.d(e,{Z:()=>o});var r=t(9203);const o=function(n){return"function"==typeof n?n:r.Z}},2823:(n,e,t)=>{t.d(e,{Z:()=>f});var r=t(7771),o=t(9365),i=t(2454);var u=/[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g,a=/\\(\\)?/g;const c=function(n){var e=(0,i.Z)(n,(function(n){return 500===t.size&&t.clear(),n})),t=e.cache;return e}((function(n){var e=[];return 46===n.charCodeAt(0)&&e.push(""),n.replace(u,(function(n,t,r,o){e.push(r?o.replace(a,"$1"):t||n)})),e}));var s=t(751);const f=function(n,e){return(0,r.Z)(n)?n:(0,o.Z)(n,e)?[n]:c((0,s.Z)(n))}},1808:(n,e,t)=>{t.d(e,{Z:()=>u});var r=t(3327),o=t(5695),i=t(7179);const u=function(n){return(0,r.Z)(n,i.Z,o.Z)}},5695:(n,e,t)=>{t.d(e,{Z:()=>a});var r=t(8774),o=t(532),i=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,u=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;const 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t=-1,r=e.length,s=r>2?e[2]:void 0;for(s&&(0,i.Z)(e[0],e[1],s)&&(r=1);++t{t.d(e,{Z:()=>c});var r=t(8774),o=t(9811);const i=function(n,e){var t=[];return(0,o.Z)(n,(function(n,r,o){e(n,r,o)&&t.push(n)})),t};var u=t(4765),a=t(7771);const c=function(n,e){return((0,a.Z)(n)?r.Z:i)(n,(0,u.Z)(e,3))}},7961:(n,e,t)=>{t.d(e,{Z:()=>o});var r=t(626);const o=function(n){return(null==n?0:n.length)?(0,r.Z)(n,1):[]}},870:(n,e,t)=>{t.d(e,{Z:()=>a});var r=t(6579),o=t(9811),i=t(8882),u=t(7771);const a=function(n,e){return((0,u.Z)(n)?r.Z:o.Z)(n,(0,i.Z)(e))}},7452:(n,e,t)=>{t.d(e,{Z:()=>u});var r=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;const o=function(n,e){return null!=n&&,e)};var i=t(5196);const u=function(n,e){return null!=n&&(0,i.Z)(n,e,o)}},5487:(n,e,t)=>{t.d(e,{Z:()=>i});const r=function(n,e){return null!=n&&e in Object(n)};var o=t(5196);const i=function(n,e){return null!=n&&(0,o.Z)(n,e,r)}},2714:(n,e,t)=>{t.d(e,{Z:()=>i});var r=t(3589),o=t(8533);const i=function(n){return"symbol"==typeof 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o=-1,i=null==n?0:n.length;for(r&&i&&(t=n[++o]);++o{t.d(e,{Z:()=>r});const r=function(){return[]}},9869:(n,e,t)=>{t.d(e,{Z:()=>Z});var r=/\s/;const o=function(n){for(var e=n.length;e--&&r.test(n.charAt(e)););return e};var i=/^\s+/;const u=function(n){return n?n.slice(0,o(n)+1).replace(i,""):n};var a=t(7226),c=t(2714),s=/^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i,f=/^0b[01]+$/i,d=/^0o[0-7]+$/i,h=parseInt;const v=function(n){if("number"==typeof n)return n;if((0,c.Z)(n))return NaN;if((0,a.Z)(n)){var e="function"==typeof n.valueOf?n.valueOf():n;n=(0,a.Z)(e)?e+"":e}if("string"!=typeof n)return 0===n?n:+n;n=u(n);var t=f.test(n);return t||d.test(n)?h(n.slice(2),t?2:8):s.test(n)?NaN:+n};var l=1/0;const Z=function(n){return n?(n=v(n))===l||n===-1/0?17976931348623157e292*(n<0?-1:1):n==n?n:0:0===n?n:0}},751:(n,e,t)=>{t.d(e,{Z:()=>f});var r=t(7685),o=t(7679),i=t(7771),u=t(2714),a=r.Z?r.Z.prototype:void 0,c=a?a.toString:void 0;const s=function n(e){if("string"==typeof e)return 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Please use registerExternalDiagrams instead."},Ee={},Ze=t=>{var e;t&&((t.lazyLoadedDiagrams||t.loadExternalDiagramsAtStartup)&&(Ee[e="LAZY_LOAD_DEPRECATED"]||(st.warn(Me[e]),Ee[e]=!0)))},Ne={id:"c4",detector:t=>/^\s*C4Context|C4Container|C4Component|C4Dynamic|C4Deployment/.test(t),loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await i.e(132).then(i.bind(i,132));return{id:"c4",diagram:t}}},je="flowchart",Oe={id:je,detector:(t,e)=>{var i,r;return"dagre-wrapper"!==(null==(i=null==e?void 0:e.flowchart)?void 0:i.defaultRenderer)&&"elk"!==(null==(r=null==e?void 0:e.flowchart)?void 0:r.defaultRenderer)&&/^\s*graph/.test(t)},loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await Promise.all([i.e(1644),i.e(3076),i.e(5269),i.e(7936),i.e(8955),i.e(1763)]).then(i.bind(i,1763));return{id:je,diagram:t}}},Ie="flowchart-v2",De={id:Ie,detector:(t,e)=>{var i,r,n;return"dagre-d3"!==(null==(i=null==e?void 0:e.flowchart)?void 0:i.defaultRenderer)&&"elk"!==(null==(r=null==e?void 0:e.flowchart)?void 0:r.defaultRenderer)&&(!(!/^\s*graph/.test(t)||"dagre-wrapper"!==(null==(n=null==e?void 0:e.flowchart)?void 0:n.defaultRenderer))||/^\s*flowchart/.test(t))},loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await Promise.all([i.e(1644),i.e(3076),i.e(5269),i.e(7936),i.e(8955),i.e(9893)]).then(i.bind(i,9893));return{id:Ie,diagram:t}}},qe={id:"er",detector:t=>/^\s*erDiagram/.test(t),loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await Promise.all([i.e(1644),i.e(3343)]).then(i.bind(i,3343));return{id:"er",diagram:t}}},$e="gitGraph",ze={id:$e,detector:t=>/^\s*gitGraph/.test(t),loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await i.e(3619).then(i.bind(i,3619));return{id:$e,diagram:t}}},Pe="gantt",Re={id:Pe,detector:t=>/^\s*gantt/.test(t),loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await i.e(8016).then(i.bind(i,8016));return{id:Pe,diagram:t}}},Ue="info",He={id:Ue,detector:t=>/^\s*info/.test(t),loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await i.e(5326).then(i.bind(i,5326));return{id:Ue,diagram:t}}},We={id:"pie",detector:t=>/^\s*pie/.test(t),loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await i.e(2661).then(i.bind(i,2661));return{id:"pie",diagram:t}}},Ye="quadrantChart",Ve={id:Ye,detector:t=>/^\s*quadrantChart/.test(t),loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await i.e(6648).then(i.bind(i,6648));return{id:Ye,diagram:t}}},Ge="xychart",Xe={id:Ge,detector:t=>/^\s*xychart-beta/.test(t),loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await Promise.all([i.e(3076),i.e(2693)]).then(i.bind(i,8088));return{id:Ge,diagram:t}}},Je="requirement",Qe={id:Je,detector:t=>/^\s*requirement(Diagram)?/.test(t),loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await Promise.all([i.e(1644),i.e(6985)]).then(i.bind(i,6985));return{id:Je,diagram:t}}},Ke="sequence",ti={id:Ke,detector:t=>/^\s*sequenceDiagram/.test(t),loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await i.e(5790).then(i.bind(i,5790));return{id:Ke,diagram:t}}},ei="class",ii={id:ei,detector:(t,e)=>{var i;return"dagre-wrapper"!==(null==(i=null==e?void 0:e.class)?void 0:i.defaultRenderer)&&/^\s*classDiagram/.test(t)},loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await Promise.all([i.e(1644),i.e(4706),i.e(109)]).then(i.bind(i,109));return{id:ei,diagram:t}}},ri="classDiagram",ni={id:ri,detector:(t,e)=>{var i;return!(!/^\s*classDiagram/.test(t)||"dagre-wrapper"!==(null==(i=null==e?void 0:e.class)?void 0:i.defaultRenderer))||/^\s*classDiagram-v2/.test(t)},loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await Promise.all([i.e(1644),i.e(3076),i.e(5269),i.e(7936),i.e(4706),i.e(6255)]).then(i.bind(i,6255));return{id:ri,diagram:t}}},oi="state",ai={id:oi,detector:(t,e)=>{var i;return"dagre-wrapper"!==(null==(i=null==e?void 0:e.state)?void 0:i.defaultRenderer)&&/^\s*stateDiagram/.test(t)},loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await Promise.all([i.e(1644),i.e(1504),i.e(2696)]).then(i.bind(i,2696));return{id:oi,diagram:t}}},si="stateDiagram",li={id:si,detector:(t,e)=>{var i;return!!/^\s*stateDiagram-v2/.test(t)||!(!/^\s*stateDiagram/.test(t)||"dagre-wrapper"!==(null==(i=null==e?void 0:e.state)?void 0:i.defaultRenderer))},loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await Promise.all([i.e(1644),i.e(3076),i.e(5269),i.e(7936),i.e(1504),i.e(5943)]).then(i.bind(i,5943));return{id:si,diagram:t}}},ci="journey",hi={id:ci,detector:t=>/^\s*journey/.test(t),loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await i.e(2183).then(i.bind(i,2183));return{id:ci,diagram:t}}},ui=function(t,e,i,r){const n=function(t,e,i){let r=new Map;return i?(r.set("width","100%"),r.set("style",`max-width: ${e}px;`)):(r.set("height",t),r.set("width",e)),r}(e,i,r);!function(t,e){for(let i of e)t.attr(i[0],i[1])}(t,n)},di=function(t,e,i,r){const n=e.node().getBBox(),o=n.width,a=n.height;`SVG bounds: ${o}x${a}`,n);let s=0,l=0;`Graph bounds: ${s}x${l}`,t),s=o+2*i,l=a+2*i,`Calculated bounds: ${s}x${l}`),ui(e,l,s,r);const c=`${n.x-i} ${n.y-i} ${n.width+2*i} ${n.height+2*i}`;e.attr("viewBox",c)},fi={},pi=(t,e,i)=>{let r="";return t in fi&&fi[t]?r=fi[t](i):st.warn(`No theme found for ${t}`),` & {\n font-family: ${i.fontFamily};\n font-size: ${i.fontSize};\n fill: ${i.textColor}\n }\n\n /* Classes common for multiple diagrams */\n\n & .error-icon {\n fill: ${i.errorBkgColor};\n }\n & .error-text {\n fill: ${i.errorTextColor};\n stroke: ${i.errorTextColor};\n }\n\n & .edge-thickness-normal {\n stroke-width: 2px;\n }\n & .edge-thickness-thick {\n stroke-width: 3.5px\n }\n & .edge-pattern-solid {\n stroke-dasharray: 0;\n }\n\n & .edge-pattern-dashed{\n stroke-dasharray: 3;\n }\n .edge-pattern-dotted {\n stroke-dasharray: 2;\n }\n\n & .marker {\n fill: ${i.lineColor};\n stroke: ${i.lineColor};\n }\n & .marker.cross {\n stroke: ${i.lineColor};\n }\n\n & svg {\n font-family: ${i.fontFamily};\n font-size: ${i.fontSize};\n }\n\n ${r}\n\n ${e}\n`};let gi="",mi="",yi="";const xi=t=>ft(t,Be()),Ci=()=>{gi="",yi="",mi=""},bi=t=>{gi=xi(t).replace(/^\s+/g,"")},_i=()=>gi,vi=t=>{yi=xi(t).replace(/\n\s+/g,"\n")},ki=()=>yi,Ti=t=>{mi=xi(t)},wi=()=>mi,Si=Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({__proto__:null,clear:Ci,getAccDescription:ki,getAccTitle:_i,getDiagramTitle:wi,setAccDescription:vi,setAccTitle:bi,setDiagramTitle:Ti},Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"})),Bi=st,Fi=lt,Li=Be,Ai=Se,Mi=Ce,Ei=t=>ft(t,Li()),Zi=di,Ni={},ji=(t,e,i)=>{var r,n,o;if(Ni[t])throw new Error(`Diagram ${t} already registered.`);Ni[t]=e,i&&Wt(t,i),n=t,void 0!==(o=e.styles)&&(fi[n]=o),null==(r=e.injectUtils)||,Bi,Fi,Li,Ei,Zi,Si,(()=>{}))},Oi=t=>{if(t in Ni)return Ni[t];throw new Ii(t)};class Ii extends Error{constructor(t){super(`Diagram ${t} not found.`)}}const Di=t=>{var e;const{securityLevel:i}=Li();let r=(0,a.Ys)("body");if("sandbox"===i){const i=(null==(e=(0,a.Ys)(`#i${t}`).node())?void 0:e.contentDocument)??document;r=(0,a.Ys)(i.body)}return`#${t}`)},qi={draw:(t,e,i)=>{st.debug("renering svg for syntax error\n");const r=Di(e);r.attr("viewBox","0 0 2412 512"),ui(r,100,512,!0);const n=r.append("g");n.append("path").attr("class","error-icon").attr("d","m411.313,123.313c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.375 0-22.625s-16.375-6.25-22.625,0l-32,32-9.375,9.375-20.688-20.688c-12.484-12.5-32.766-12.5-45.25,0l-16,16c-1.261,1.261-2.304,2.648-3.31,4.051-21.739-8.561-45.324-13.426-70.065-13.426-105.867,0-192,86.133-192,192s86.133,192 192,192 192-86.133 192-192c0-24.741-4.864-48.327-13.426-70.065 1.402-1.007 2.79-2.049 4.051-3.31l16-16c12.5-12.492 12.5-32.758 0-45.25l-20.688-20.688 9.375-9.375 32.001-31.999zm-219.313,100.687c-52.938,0-96,43.063-96,96 0,8.836-7.164,16-16,16s-16-7.164-16-16c0-70.578 57.422-128 128-128 8.836,0 16,7.164 16,16s-7.164,16-16,16z"),n.append("path").attr("class","error-icon").attr("d","m459.02,148.98c-6.25-6.25-16.375-6.25-22.625,0s-6.25,16.375 0,22.625l16,16c3.125,3.125 7.219,4.688 11.313,4.688 4.094,0 8.188-1.563 11.313-4.688 6.25-6.25 6.25-16.375 0-22.625l-16.001-16z"),n.append("path").attr("class","error-icon").attr("d","m340.395,75.605c3.125,3.125 7.219,4.688 11.313,4.688 4.094,0 8.188-1.563 11.313-4.688 6.25-6.25 6.25-16.375 0-22.625l-16-16c-6.25-6.25-16.375-6.25-22.625,0s-6.25,16.375 0,22.625l15.999,16z"),n.append("path").attr("class","error-icon").attr("d","m400,64c8.844,0 16-7.164 16-16v-32c0-8.836-7.156-16-16-16-8.844,0-16,7.164-16,16v32c0,8.836 7.156,16 16,16z"),n.append("path").attr("class","error-icon").attr("d","m496,96.586h-32c-8.844,0-16,7.164-16,16 0,8.836 7.156,16 16,16h32c8.844,0 16-7.164 16-16 0-8.836-7.156-16-16-16z"),n.append("path").attr("class","error-icon").attr("d","m436.98,75.605c3.125,3.125 7.219,4.688 11.313,4.688 4.094,0 8.188-1.563 11.313-4.688l32-32c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.375 0-22.625s-16.375-6.25-22.625,0l-32,32c-6.251,6.25-6.251,16.375-0.001,22.625z"),n.append("text").attr("class","error-text").attr("x",1440).attr("y",250).attr("font-size","150px").style("text-anchor","middle").text("Syntax error in text"),n.append("text").attr("class","error-text").attr("x",1250).attr("y",400).attr("font-size","100px").style("text-anchor","middle").text(`mermaid version ${i}`)}},$i=qi,zi={db:{},renderer:qi,parser:{parser:{yy:{}},parse:()=>{}}},Pi="flowchart-elk",Ri={id:Pi,detector:(t,e)=>{var i;return!!(/^\s*flowchart-elk/.test(t)||/^\s*flowchart|graph/.test(t)&&"elk"===(null==(i=null==e?void 0:e.flowchart)?void 0:i.defaultRenderer))},loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await Promise.all([i.e(3076),i.e(5269),i.e(8955),i.e(4238)]).then(i.bind(i,4238));return{id:Pi,diagram:t}}},Ui="timeline",Hi={id:Ui,detector:t=>/^\s*timeline/.test(t),loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await i.e(2700).then(i.bind(i,2700));return{id:Ui,diagram:t}}},Wi="mindmap",Yi={id:Wi,detector:t=>/^\s*mindmap/.test(t),loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await Promise.all([i.e(3076),i.e(9138)]).then(i.bind(i,9138));return{id:Wi,diagram:t}}},Vi="sankey",Gi={id:Vi,detector:t=>/^\s*sankey-beta/.test(t),loader:async()=>{const{diagram:t}=await i.e(240).then(i.bind(i,240));return{id:Vi,diagram:t}}};let Xi=!1;const Ji=()=>{Xi||(Xi=!0,ji("error",zi,(t=>"error"===t.toLowerCase().trim())),ji("---",{db:{clear:()=>{}},styles:{},renderer:{draw:()=>{}},parser:{parser:{yy:{}},parse:()=>{throw new Error("Diagrams beginning with --- are not valid. If you were trying to use a YAML front-matter, please ensure that you've correctly opened and closed the YAML front-matter with un-indented `---` blocks")}},init:()=>null},(t=>t.toLowerCase().trimStart().startsWith("---"))),Ht(Ne,ni,ii,qe,Re,He,We,Qe,ti,Ri,De,Oe,Yi,Hi,ze,li,ai,hi,Ve,Gi,Xe))};class Qi{constructor(t,e={}){this.text=t,this.metadata=e,this.type="graph",this.text+="\n";const i=Be();try{this.type=Ut(t,i)}catch(n){this.type="error",this.detectError=n}const r=Oi(this.type);st.debug("Type "+this.type),this.db=r.db,this.renderer=r.renderer,this.parser=r.parser,this.parser.parser.yy=this.db,this.init=r.init,this.parse()}parse(){var t,e,i,r,n;if(this.detectError)throw this.detectError;null==(e=(t=this.db).clear)||;const o=Be();null==(i=this.init)||,o),this.metadata.title&&(null==(n=(r=this.db).setDiagramTitle)||,this.metadata.title)),this.parser.parse(this.text)}async render(t,e){await this.renderer.draw(this.text,t,e,this)}getParser(){return this.parser}getType(){return this.type}}const Ki=async(t,e={})=>{const i=Ut(t,Be());try{Oi(i)}catch(r){const t=Rt[i].loader;if(!t)throw new Pt(`Diagram ${i} not found.`);const{id:e,diagram:n}=await t();ji(e,n)}return new Qi(t,e)};let tr=[];const er=t=>{tr.push(t)},ir="graphics-document document";const rr=t=>t.replace(/^\s*%%(?!{)[^\n]+\n?/gm,"").trimStart();function nr(t){return null==t}var or={isNothing:nr,isObject:function(t){return"object"==typeof t&&null!==t},toArray:function(t){return Array.isArray(t)?t:nr(t)?[]:[t]},repeat:function(t,e){var i,r="";for(i=0;is&&(e=r-s+(o=" ... ").length),i-r>s&&(i=r+s-(a=" ...").length),{str:o+t.slice(e,i).replace(/\t/g,"\u2192")+a,pos:r-e+o.length}}function hr(t,e){return or.repeat(" ",e-t.length)+t}var ur=function(t,e){if(e=Object.create(e||null),!t.buffer)return null;e.maxLength||(e.maxLength=79),"number"!=typeof e.indent&&(e.indent=1),"number"!=typeof e.linesBefore&&(e.linesBefore=3),"number"!=typeof e.linesAfter&&(e.linesAfter=2);for(var i,r=/\r?\n|\r|\0/g,n=[0],o=[],a=-1;i=r.exec(t.buffer);)o.push(i.index),n.push(i.index+i[0].length),t.position<=i.index&&a<0&&(a=n.length-2);a<0&&(a=n.length-1);var s,l,c="",h=Math.min(t.line+e.linesAfter,o.length).toString().length,u=e.maxLength-(e.indent+h+3);for(s=1;s<=e.linesBefore&&!(a-s<0);s++)l=cr(t.buffer,n[a-s],o[a-s],t.position-(n[a]-n[a-s]),u),c=or.repeat(" ",e.indent)+hr((t.line-s+1).toString(),h)+" | "+l.str+"\n"+c;for(l=cr(t.buffer,n[a],o[a],t.position,u),c+=or.repeat(" ",e.indent)+hr((t.line+1).toString(),h)+" | "+l.str+"\n",c+=or.repeat("-",e.indent+h+3+l.pos)+"^\n",s=1;s<=e.linesAfter&&!(a+s>=o.length);s++)l=cr(t.buffer,n[a+s],o[a+s],t.position-(n[a]-n[a+s]),u),c+=or.repeat(" ",e.indent)+hr((t.line+s+1).toString(),h)+" | "+l.str+"\n";return c.replace(/\n$/,"")},dr=["kind","multi","resolve","construct","instanceOf","predicate","represent","representName","defaultStyle","styleAliases"],fr=["scalar","sequence","mapping"];var pr=function(t,e){var i,r;if(e=e||{},Object.keys(e).forEach((function(e){if(-1===dr.indexOf(e))throw new lr('Unknown option "'+e+'" is met in definition of "'+t+'" YAML type.')})),this.options=e,this.tag=t,this.kind=e.kind||null,this.resolve=e.resolve||function(){return!0},this.construct=e.construct||function(t){return t},this.instanceOf=e.instanceOf||null,this.predicate=e.predicate||null,this.represent=e.represent||null,this.representName=e.representName||null,this.defaultStyle=e.defaultStyle||null,this.multi=e.multi||!1,this.styleAliases=(i=e.styleAliases||null,r={},null!==i&&Object.keys(i).forEach((function(t){i[t].forEach((function(e){r[String(e)]=t}))})),r),-1===fr.indexOf(this.kind))throw new lr('Unknown kind "'+this.kind+'" is specified for "'+t+'" YAML type.')};function gr(t,e){var i=[];return t[e].forEach((function(t){var e=i.length;i.forEach((function(i,r){i.tag===t.tag&&i.kind===t.kind&&i.multi===t.multi&&(e=r)})),i[e]=t})),i}function mr(t){return this.extend(t)}mr.prototype.extend=function(t){var e=[],i=[];if(t instanceof pr)i.push(t);else if(Array.isArray(t))i=i.concat(t);else{if(!t||!Array.isArray(t.implicit)&&!Array.isArray(t.explicit))throw new lr("Schema.extend argument should be a Type, [ Type ], or a schema definition ({ implicit: [...], explicit: [...] })");t.implicit&&(e=e.concat(t.implicit)),t.explicit&&(i=i.concat(t.explicit))}e.forEach((function(t){if(!(t instanceof pr))throw new lr("Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.");if(t.loadKind&&"scalar"!==t.loadKind)throw new lr("There is a non-scalar type in the implicit list of a schema. Implicit resolving of such types is not supported.");if(t.multi)throw new lr("There is a multi type in the implicit list of a schema. Multi tags can only be listed as explicit.")})),i.forEach((function(t){if(!(t instanceof pr))throw new lr("Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.")}));var r=Object.create(mr.prototype);return r.implicit=(this.implicit||[]).concat(e),r.explicit=(this.explicit||[]).concat(i),r.compiledImplicit=gr(r,"implicit"),r.compiledExplicit=gr(r,"explicit"),r.compiledTypeMap=function(){var t,e,i={scalar:{},sequence:{},mapping:{},fallback:{},multi:{scalar:[],sequence:[],mapping:[],fallback:[]}};function r(t){t.multi?(i.multi[t.kind].push(t),i.multi.fallback.push(t)):i[t.kind][t.tag]=i.fallback[t.tag]=t}for(t=0,e=arguments.length;t=0?"0b"+t.toString(2):"-0b"+t.toString(2).slice(1)},octal:function(t){return t>=0?"0o"+t.toString(8):"-0o"+t.toString(8).slice(1)},decimal:function(t){return t.toString(10)},hexadecimal:function(t){return 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indentation")),45===r)&&on(t.input.charCodeAt(t.position+1));)if(s=!0,t.position++,vn(t,!0,-1)&&t.lineIndent<=e)a.push(null),r=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position);else if(i=t.line,Fn(t,e,Hr,!1,!0),a.push(t.result),vn(t,!0,-1),r=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position),(t.line===i||t.lineIndent>e)&&0!==r)gn(t,"bad indentation of a sequence entry");else if(t.lineIndente?p=1:t.lineIndent===e?p=0:t.lineIndente?p=1:t.lineIndent===e?p=0:t.lineIndente)&&(y&&(a=t.line,s=t.lineStart,l=t.position),Fn(t,e,Wr,!0,n)&&(y?g=t.result:m=t.result),y||(bn(t,d,f,p,g,m,a,s,l),p=g=m=null),vn(t,!0,-1),c=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position)),(t.line===o||t.lineIndent>e)&&0!==c)gn(t,"bad indentation of a mapping entry");else if(t.lineIndent=0))break;0===n?gn(t,"bad explicit indentation width of a block scalar; it cannot be less than one"):c?gn(t,"repeat of an indentation width identifier"):(h=e+n-1,c=!0)}if(nn(o)){do{o=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)}while(nn(o));if(35===o)do{o=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)}while(!rn(o)&&0!==o)}for(;0!==o;){for(_n(t),t.lineIndent=0,o=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position);(!c||t.lineIndenth&&(h=t.lineIndent),rn(o))u++;else{if(t.lineIndent0){for(n=a,o=0;n>0;n--)(a=sn(s=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)))>=0?o=(o<<4)+a:gn(t,"expected hexadecimal character");t.result+=cn(o),t.position++}else gn(t,"unknown escape sequence");i=r=t.position}else rn(s)?(xn(t,i,r,!0),Tn(t,vn(t,!1,e)),i=r=t.position):t.position===t.lineStart&&kn(t)?gn(t,"unexpected end of the document within a double quoted scalar"):(t.position++,r=t.position)}gn(t,"unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar")}(t,d)?m=!0:!function(t){var e,i,r;if(42!==(r=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position)))return!1;for(r=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position),e=t.position;0!==r&&!on(r)&&!an(r);)r=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);return t.position===e&&gn(t,"name of an alias node must contain at least one character"),i=t.input.slice(e,t.position),,i)||gn(t,'unidentified alias "'+i+'"'),t.result=t.anchorMap[i],vn(t,!0,-1),!0}(t)?function(t,e,i){var r,n,o,a,s,l,c,h,u=t.kind,d=t.result;if(on(h=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position))||an(h)||35===h||38===h||42===h||33===h||124===h||62===h||39===h||34===h||37===h||64===h||96===h)return!1;if((63===h||45===h)&&(on(r=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position+1))||i&&an(r)))return!1;for(t.kind="scalar",t.result="",n=o=t.position,a=!1;0!==h;){if(58===h){if(on(r=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position+1))||i&&an(r))break}else if(35===h){if(on(t.input.charCodeAt(t.position-1)))break}else{if(t.position===t.lineStart&&kn(t)||i&&an(h))break;if(rn(h)){if(s=t.line,l=t.lineStart,c=t.lineIndent,vn(t,!1,-1),t.lineIndent>=e){a=!0,h=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position);continue}t.position=o,t.line=s,t.lineStart=l,t.lineIndent=c;break}}a&&(xn(t,n,o,!1),Tn(t,t.line-s),n=o=t.position,a=!1),nn(h)||(o=t.position+1),h=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)}return xn(t,n,o,!1),!!t.result||(t.kind=u,t.result=d,!1)}(t,d,Rr===i)&&(m=!0,null===t.tag&&(t.tag="?")):(m=!0,null===t.tag&&null===t.anchor||gn(t,"alias node should not have any properties")),null!==t.anchor&&(t.anchorMap[t.anchor]=t.result)):0===p&&(m=s&&wn(t,f))),null===t.tag)null!==t.anchor&&(t.anchorMap[t.anchor]=t.result);else if("?"===t.tag){for(null!==t.result&&"scalar"!==t.kind&&gn(t,'unacceptable node kind for !> tag; it should be "scalar", not "'+t.kind+'"'),l=0,c=t.implicitTypes.length;l"),null!==t.result&&u.kind!==t.kind&&gn(t,"unacceptable node kind for !<"+t.tag+'> tag; it should be "'+u.kind+'", not "'+t.kind+'"'),u.resolve(t.result,t.tag)?(t.result=u.construct(t.result,t.tag),null!==t.anchor&&(t.anchorMap[t.anchor]=t.result)):gn(t,"cannot resolve a node with !<"+t.tag+"> explicit tag")}return null!==t.listener&&t.listener("close",t),null!==t.tag||null!==t.anchor||m}function Ln(t){var e,i,r,n,o=t.position,a=!1;for(t.version=null,t.checkLineBreaks=t.legacy,t.tagMap=Object.create(null),t.anchorMap=Object.create(null);0!==(n=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position))&&(vn(t,!0,-1),n=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position),!(t.lineIndent>0||37!==n));){for(a=!0,n=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position),e=t.position;0!==n&&!on(n);)n=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);for(r=[],(i=t.input.slice(e,t.position)).length<1&&gn(t,"directive name must not be less than one character in length");0!==n;){for(;nn(n);)n=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);if(35===n){do{n=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)}while(0!==n&&!rn(n));break}if(rn(n))break;for(e=t.position;0!==n&&!on(n);)n=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);r.push(t.input.slice(e,t.position))}0!==n&&_n(t),,i)?yn[i](t,i,r):mn(t,'unknown document directive "'+i+'"')}vn(t,!0,-1),0===t.lineIndent&&45===t.input.charCodeAt(t.position)&&45===t.input.charCodeAt(t.position+1)&&45===t.input.charCodeAt(t.position+2)?(t.position+=3,vn(t,!0,-1)):a&&gn(t,"directives end mark is expected"),Fn(t,t.lineIndent-1,Wr,!1,!0),vn(t,!0,-1),t.checkLineBreaks&&Jr.test(t.input.slice(o,t.position))&&mn(t,"non-ASCII line breaks are interpreted as content"),t.documents.push(t.result),t.position===t.lineStart&&kn(t)?46===t.input.charCodeAt(t.position)&&(t.position+=3,vn(t,!0,-1)):t.positiont.replace(/\r\n?/g,"\n").replace(/<(\w+)([^>]*)>/g,((t,e,i)=>"<"+e+i.replace(/="([^"]*)"/g,"='$1'")+">")),Nn=t=>{const{text:e,metadata:i}=function(t){const e=t.match(qt);if(!e)return{text:t,metadata:{}};let i=En(e[1],{schema:Mn})??{};i="object"!=typeof i||Array.isArray(i)?{}:i;const r={};return i.displayMode&&(r.displayMode=i.displayMode.toString()),i.title&&(r.title=i.title.toString()),i.config&&(r.config=i.config),{text:t.slice(e[0].length),metadata:r}}(t),{displayMode:r,title:n,config:o={}}=i;return r&&(o.gantt||(o.gantt={}),o.gantt.displayMode=r),{title:n,config:o,text:e}},jn=t=>{const e=ye.detectInit(t)??{},i=ye.detectDirective(t,"wrap");return 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