diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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+# Chaindexing
+A Chain Reorg-Proof indexing engine that helps aggregate states for EVM contracts in RDBMS' as accurately as possible.
+Indexing states of NFTs (`NftState`) for Bored Ape Yatch Club and Doodle's contracts in a Postgres DB.
+1. Setup state by specifying its RDBMS's(Postgres) table name and migration:
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use chaindexing::{ContractState, ContractStateMigrations};
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
+struct NftState {
+ token_id: i32,
+ contract_address: String,
+ owner_address: String,
+impl ContractState for NftState {
+ fn table_name() -> &'static str {
+ "nft_states"
+ }
+struct NftStateMigrations;
+impl ContractStateMigrations for NftStateMigrations {
+ fn migrations(&self) -> Vec<&'static str> {
+ vec![
+ token_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
+ contract_address TEXT NOT NULL,
+ owner_address TEXT NOT NULL
+ )",
+ ]
+ }
+2. Setup Event Handlers:
+For our example, we simply need a handler for `Transfer` events.
+use chaindexing::{Contract, EventContext, EventHandler};
+struct TransferEventHandler;
+impl EventHandler for TransferEventHandler {
+ async fn handle_event<'a>(&self, event_context: EventContext<'a>) {
+ let event = &event_context.event;
+ // Get event parameters
+ let event_params = event.get_params();
+ // Extract each parameter as exactly specified in the ABI:
+ // "event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId)"
+ let from = event_params.get("from").unwrap().clone().into_address().unwrap();
+ let to = event_params.get("to").unwrap().clone().into_address().unwrap();
+ let token_id = event_params.get("tokenId").unwrap().clone().into_uint().unwrap();
+ if let Some(nft_state) = NftState::read_one(
+ [
+ ("token_id".to_owned(), token_id.to_string()),
+ ("owner_address".to_owned(), from.to_string()),
+ ]
+ .into(),
+ &event_context,
+ )
+ .await
+ {
+ let updates = [("owner_address".to_string(), to.to_string())];
+ nft_state.update(updates.into(), &event_context).await;
+ } else {
+ NftState {
+ token_id: token_id.as_u32() as i32,
+ contract_address: event.contract_address.clone(),
+ owner_address: to.to_string(),
+ }
+ .create(&event_context)
+ .await;
+ }
+ }
+3. Start the indexing background process:
+use chaindexing::{Chain, Chaindexing, Chains, Config, Contract, PostgresRepo, Repo};
+async fn main() {
+ // Setup BAYC's contract
+ let bayc_contract = Contract::new("BoredApeYachtClub")
+ // add transfer event and it's corresponding handler
+ .add_event("event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId)", TransferEventHandler)
+ // add migration for the state's DB schema
+ .add_state_migrations(NftStateMigrations)
+ // add contract address for BAYC
+ .add_address(
+ "0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D",
+ &Chain::Mainnet,
+ 17773490,
+ );
+ // Setup Doodles' contract
+ let doodles_contract = Contract::new("Doodles")
+ .add_event("event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId)", TransferEventHandler)
+ .add_address(
+ "0x8a90CAb2b38dba80c64b7734e58Ee1dB38B8992e",
+ &Chain::Mainnet,
+ 17769635,
+ );
+ // Setup indexing config
+ let config = Config::new(
+ // Choose your database and provider its corresponding url
+ PostgresRepo::new("postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/example-db"),
+ HashMap::from([(
+ Chain::Mainnet,
+ "https://eth-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/some-secret"
+ )]),
+ )
+ // add BAYC's and Doodles' contracts
+ .add_contract(bayc_contract)
+ .add_contract(doodles_contract);
+ // Start Indexing Process
+ Chaindexing::index_states(&config).await.unwrap();