This is a security release addressing the log4j vulnerability.
- Mitigate log4j CVE-2021-44228 by passing
- add missing
dependency (thanks @gabicavalcante)
This version has been applied to various eXist-db instances that are actively in production, including more complex setups that use production/staging/dev environments or data replication for high availability.
- add support for eXist-db 5.x
- add multi-instance support (multiple eXist-db on the same host)
- improve memory and GC parameter configuration
- improve Jetty port and IP address configuration
- very flexible pre-installation of xar packages
- [bugfix] disable exist_webxml_from_template by default (thanks @sermo-de-arboribus)
- provide installation documentation
- cleanup exist_adminpass and exist_userpass_map formats
- add syslog support
- add logrotate support for automatic deletion of old log files
- add kernel memory tuning (swappiness)
- add install_method: 'none' (do not touch an installed version)
- make install/replace decision logic more robust
- adapt for deprecated XQuery functions in eXist-db 5.x (thanks @joewiz)
- review and improve documentation
- add Ansible tags
- replace deprecated Ansible constructs (thanks @OyvindLG)
- add Ansible meta data (thanks @jdwit)
- rewrite in python3
- can apply patches after git checkout on source build
- prepare for 'run xquery during startup' (add collection '/db/system/autostart')
- allow xars to be installed from path on destination host (add 'remote_src')
- help ansible check-mode by allowlisting non-modifying shell calls (add 'check_mode: false')
- make maven options configurable (add 'exist_mvn_options')
- disable restxq autostart (add 'exist_confxml_trigger_restxq_enable')
- ability to "live"-patch xars by adding attributes to 'xar_install', see 'exist_xar_' and 'exist_replication_'
- format of exist_adminpass and exist_userpass_map variable has changed, see "Setting the Admin Password and Pre-installing User Accounts" in
- recommended role invocation has changed to
, see "Example Playbook" in - some config variables have been removed or renamed, please refer to
Initial public beta release.