diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71dc761 Binary files /dev/null and b/.DS_Store differ diff --git a/chaloBEST/.DS_Store b/chaloBEST/.DS_Store new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f30c75 Binary files /dev/null and b/chaloBEST/.DS_Store differ diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/.DS_Store b/chaloBEST/templates/.DS_Store new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fbf3227 Binary files /dev/null and b/chaloBEST/templates/.DS_Store differ diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/.DS_Store b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/.DS_Store new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be9430d Binary files /dev/null and b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/.DS_Store differ diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/.sass-cache/53f7d6d6f30bd8642f02dfb0d3b1a756d852ec58/_settings.scssc b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/.sass-cache/53f7d6d6f30bd8642f02dfb0d3b1a756d852ec58/_settings.scssc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..032024b Binary files /dev/null and b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/.sass-cache/53f7d6d6f30bd8642f02dfb0d3b1a756d852ec58/_settings.scssc differ diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/.sass-cache/53f7d6d6f30bd8642f02dfb0d3b1a756d852ec58/style.scssc b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/.sass-cache/53f7d6d6f30bd8642f02dfb0d3b1a756d852ec58/style.scssc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1651129 Binary files /dev/null and b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/.sass-cache/53f7d6d6f30bd8642f02dfb0d3b1a756d852ec58/style.scssc differ diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/_settings.scss b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/_settings.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eca9300 --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/_settings.scss @@ -0,0 +1,1192 @@ +// +// Foundation Variables +// + +//// The default font-size is set to 100% of the browser style sheet (usually 16px) +//// for compatibility with brower-based text zoom or user-set defaults. +$base-font-size: 100% !default; + +//// $base-line-height is 24px while $base-font-size is 16px +//// $base-line-height: 150%; + +//// This is the default html and body font-size for the base em value. + +//// Since the typical default browser font-size is 16px, that makes the calculation for grid size. +//// If you want your base font-size to be a different size and not have it effect grid size too, +//// set the value of $em-base to $base-font-size ($em-base: $base-font-size;) +$em-base: 16px !default; + +//// Working in ems is annoying. Think in pixels by using this handy function, emCalc(#px) +@function emCalc($pxWidth) { + @return $pxWidth / $em-base * 1em; +} + +//// Various global styles + +// $body-bg: #fff; +// $body-font-color: #222; +// $body-font-family: "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; +// $body-font-weight: normal; +// $body-font-style: normal; + +//// Font-smoothing + +// $font-smoothing: antialiased; + +//// Text direction settings + +// $text-direction: ltr; + +//// Colors + +// $primary-color: #2ba6cb; +// $secondary-color: #e9e9e9; +// $alert-color: #c60f13; +// $success-color: #5da423; + +//// Make sure border radius matches unless we want it different. + +// $global-radius: 3px; +// $global-rounded: 1000px; + +//// Inset shadow shiny edges and depressions. + +// $shiny-edge-size: 0 1px 0; +// $shiny-edge-color: rgba(#fff, .5); +// $shiny-edge-active-color: rgba(#000, .2); + +//// Control whether or not CSS classes come through in the CSS files. + +// $include-html-classes: true; +// $include-print-styles: true; +// $include-html-grid-classes: $include-html-classes; +// $include-html-visibility-classes: $include-html-classes; +// $include-html-button-classes: $include-html-classes; +// $include-html-form-classes: $include-html-classes; +// $include-html-media-classes: $include-html-classes; +// $include-html-section-classes: $include-html-classes; +// $include-html-reveal-classes: $include-html-classes; +// $include-html-alert-classes: $include-html-classes; +// $include-html-nav-classes: $include-html-classes; +// $include-html-label-classes: $include-html-classes; +// $include-html-panel-classes: $include-html-classes; +// $include-html-pricing-classes: $include-html-classes; +// $include-html-progress-classes: $include-html-classes; +// $include-html-magellan-classes: $include-html-classes; + +//// Media Queries + +// $small-screen: emCalc(768px); +// $medium-screen: emCalc(1280px); +// $large-screen: emCalc(1440px); + +// $screen: "only screen"; +// $small: "only screen and (min-width:"#{$small-screen}")"; +// $medium: "only screen and (min-width:"#{$medium-screen}")"; +// $large: "only screen and (min-width:"#{$large-screen}")"; +// $landscape: "only screen and (orientation: landscape)"; +// $portrait: "only screen and (orientation: portrait)"; + +// +// Grid Variables +// + +// $row-width: emCalc(1000px); +// $column-gutter: emCalc(30px); +// $total-columns: 12; + +// +// Block Grid Variables +// + +//// Maximum number of block grid elements per row + +// $block-grid-elements: 12; +// $block-grid-default-spacing: 10px; + +//// Enables media queries for block-grid classes. Set to false if writing semantic HTML. + +// $block-grid-media-queries: true; + +// +// Typography Variables +// + +//// Heading font styles + +// $header-font-family: "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; +// $header-font-weight: bold; +// $header-font-style: normal; +// $header-font-color: #222; +// $header-line-height: 1.4; +// $header-top-margin: .2em; +// $header-bottom-margin: .5em; +// $header-text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; + +//// Heading font sizes + +// $h1-font-size: emCalc(44px); +// $h2-font-size: emCalc(37px); +// $h3-font-size: emCalc(27px); +// $h4-font-size: emCalc(23px); +// $h5-font-size: emCalc(18px); +// $h6-font-size: 1em; + +//// Subheaders + +// $subheader-line-height: 1.4; +// $subheader-font-color: lighten($header-font-color, 30%); +// $subheader-font-weight: 300; +// $subheader-top-margin: .2em; +// $subheader-bottom-margin: .5em; + +//// styling + +// $small-font-size: 60%; +// $small-font-color: lighten($header-font-color, 30%); + +//// Paragraphs + +// $paragraph-font-family: inherit; +// $paragraph-font-weight: normal; +// $paragraph-font-size: 1em; +// $paragraph-line-height: 1.6; +// $paragraph-margin-bottom: emCalc(20px); +// $paragraph-aside-font-size: emCalc(14px); +// $paragraph-aside-line-height: 1.35; +// $paragraph-aside-font-style: italic; + +//// tags + +// $code-color: darken($alert-color, 15%); +// $code-font-family: Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', Courier, monospace; +// $code-font-weight: bold; + +//// Anchors + +// $anchor-text-decoration: none; +// $anchor-font-color: $primary-color; +// $anchor-font-color-hover: darken($primary-color, 5%); + +////
element + +// $hr-border-width: 1px; +// $hr-border-style: solid; +// $hr-border-color: #ddd; +// $hr-margin: emCalc(20px); + +//// Lists + +// $list-style-position: outside; +// $list-side-margin: emCalc(18px); +// $definition-list-header-weight: bold; +// $definition-list-header-margin-bottom: .3em; +// $definition-list-margin-bottom: emCalc(12px); + +//// Blockquotes + +// $blockquote-font-color: lighten($header-font-color, 30%); +// $blockquote-padding: emCalc(9px) emCalc(20px) 0 emCalc(19px); +// $blockquote-border: 1px solid #ddd; +// $blockquote-cite-font-size: emCalc(13px); +// $blockquote-cite-font-color: lighten($header-font-color, 20%); +// $blockquote-cite-link-color: $blockquote-cite-font-color; + +//// Acronym + +// $acronym-underline: 1px dotted #ddd; + +//// Padding and margin + +// $microformat-padding: emCalc(10px) emCalc(12px); +// $microformat-margin: 0 0 emCalc(20px) 0; + +//// Border styles + +// $microformat-border-width: 1px; +// $microformat-border-style: solid; +// $microformat-border-color: #ddd; + +//// Full name font styles + +// $microformat-fullname-font-weight: bold; +// $microformat-fullname-font-size: emCalc(15px); + +//// Summary font styles + +// $microformat-summary-font-weight: bold; + +//// padding + +// $microformat-abbr-padding: 0 emCalc(1px); + +//// font styles + +// $microformat-abbr-font-weight: bold; +// $microformat-abbr-font-decoration: none; + +// +// Form Variables +// + +//// Base for lots of form spacing and positioning styles + +// $form-spacing: emCalc(16px); + +//// Labels + +// $label-pointer: pointer; +// $label-font-size: emCalc(14px); +// $label-font-weight: 500; +// $label-font-color: lighten(#000, 30%); +// $label-bottom-margin: emCalc(3px); +// $input-font-family: inherit; +// $input-font-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.75); +// $input-font-size: emCalc(14px); +// $input-bg-color: #fff; +// $input-focus-bg-color: darken(#fff, 2%); +// $input-border-color: darken(#fff, 20%); +// $input-focus-border-color: darken(#fff, 40%); +// $input-border-style: solid; +// $input-border-width: 1px; +// $input-disabled-bg: #ddd; +// $input-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); + +//// Fieldset border and spacing. + +// $fieldset-border-style: solid; +// $fieldset-border-width: 1px; +// $fieldset-border-color: #ddd; +// $fieldset-padding: emCalc(20px); +// $fieldset-margin: emCalc(18px) 0; + +//// Legends + +// $legend-bg: #fff; +// $legend-font-weight: bold; +// $legend-padding: 0 emCalc(3px); + +//// Prefix and postfix input elements + +// $input-prefix-bg: darken(#fff, 5%); +// $input-prefix-border-color: darken(#fff, 20%); +// $input-prefix-border-size: 1px; +// $input-prefix-border-type: solid; +// $input-prefix-overflow: hidden; +// $input-prefix-font-color: #333; +// $input-prefix-font-color-alt: #fff; + +//// Error states for inputs and labels + +// $input-error-message-padding: emCalc(6px) emCalc(4px); +// $input-error-message-top: -($form-spacing) - emCalc(5px); +// $input-error-message-font-size: emCalc(12px); +// $input-error-message-font-weight: bold; +// $input-error-message-font-color: #fff; +// $input-error-message-font-color-alt: #333; + +//// Padding for buttons. + +// $button-tny: emCalc(7px); +// $button-sml: emCalc(9px); +// $button-med: emCalc(12px); +// $button-lrg: emCalc(16px); + +//// Display property. + +// $button-display: inline-block; +// $button-margin-bottom: emCalc(20px); + +//// Button text styles. + +// $button-font-family: inherit; +// $button-font-color: #fff; +// $button-font-color-alt: #333; +// $button-font-med: emCalc(16px); +// $button-font-tny: emCalc(11px); +// $button-font-sml: emCalc(13px); +// $button-font-lrg: emCalc(20px); +// $button-font-weight: bold; +// $button-font-align: center; + +//// Various hover effects. + +// $button-function-factor: 10%; + +//// Button border styles. + +// $button-border-width: 1px; +// $button-border-style: solid; +// $button-border-color: darken($primary-color, $button-function-factor); + +//// Radius used throughout the core. + +// $button-radius: $global-radius; + +//// Opacity for disabled buttons. + +// $button-disabled-opacity: 0.6; + +// +// Dropdown Button Variables +// + +// Color of the pip in dropdown buttons + +// $dropdown-button-pip-color: #fff; +// $dropdown-button-pip-color-alt: #333; + +//// Tiny dropdown buttons + +// $dropdown-button-padding-tny: $button-tny * 5; +// $dropdown-button-pip-size-tny: $button-tny; +// $dropdown-button-pip-right-tny: $button-tny * 2; +// $dropdown-button-pip-top-tny: -$button-tny / 2 + emCalc(1px); + +//// Small dropdown buttons + +// $dropdown-button-padding-sml: $button-sml * 5; +// $dropdown-button-pip-size-sml: $button-sml; +// $dropdown-button-pip-right-sml: $button-sml * 2; +// $dropdown-button-pip-top-sml: -$button-sml / 2 + emCalc(1px); + +//// Medium dropdown buttons + +// $dropdown-button-padding-med: $button-med * 4 + emCalc(3px); +// $dropdown-button-pip-size-med: $button-med - emCalc(3px); +// $dropdown-button-pip-right-med: $button-med * 2; +// $dropdown-button-pip-top-med: -$button-med / 2 + emCalc(2px); + +//// Large dropdown buttons + +// $dropdown-button-padding-lrg: $button-lrg * 4; +// $dropdown-button-pip-size-lrg: $button-lrg - emCalc(6px); +// $dropdown-button-pip-right-lrg: $button-lrg + emCalc(12px); +// $dropdown-button-pip-top-lrg: -$button-lrg / 2 + emCalc(3px); + +// +// Split Button Variables +// + +//// Shared styles for Split Buttons + +// $split-button-function-factor: 15%; +// $split-button-pip-color: #fff; +// $split-button-pip-color-alt: #333; +// $split-button-active-bg-tint: rgba(0,0,0,0.1); + +//// Tiny split buttons + +// $split-button-padding-tny: $button-tny * 9; +// $split-button-span-width-tny: $button-tny * 6.5; +// $split-button-pip-size-tny: $button-tny; +// $split-button-pip-top-tny: $button-tny * 2; +// $split-button-pip-left-tny: emCalc(-5px); + +//// Small split buttons + +// $split-button-padding-sml: $button-sml * 7; +// $split-button-span-width-sml: $button-sml * 5; +// $split-button-pip-size-sml: $button-sml; +// $split-button-pip-top-sml: $button-sml * 1.5; +// $split-button-pip-left-sml: emCalc(-9px); + +//// Medium split buttons + +// $split-button-padding-med: $button-med * 6.4; +// $split-button-span-width-med: $button-med * 4; +// $split-button-pip-size-med: $button-med - emCalc(3px); +// $split-button-pip-top-med: $button-med * 1.5; +// $split-button-pip-left-med: emCalc(-9px); + +//// Large split buttons + +// $split-button-padding-lrg: $button-lrg * 6; +// $split-button-span-width-lrg: $button-lrg * 3.75; +// $split-button-pip-size-lrg: $button-lrg - emCalc(6px); +// $split-button-pip-top-lrg: $button-lrg + emCalc(5px); +// $split-button-pip-left-lrg: emCalc(-9px); + +// +// Alert Variables +// + +//// Alert padding. + +// $alert-padding-top: emCalc(11px); +// $alert-padding-left: $alert-padding-top; +// $alert-padding-right: $alert-padding-top + emCalc(10px); +// $alert-padding-bottom: $alert-padding-top + emCalc(1px); + +//// Text style. + +// $alert-font-weight: bold; +// $alert-font-size: emCalc(14px); +// $alert-font-color: #fff; +// $alert-font-color-alt: darken($secondary-color, 60%); + +//// Close hover effect. + +// $alert-function-factor: 10%; + +//// Border styles. + +// $alert-border-style: solid; +// $alert-border-width: 1px; +// $alert-border-color: darken($primary-color, $alert-function-factor); +// $alert-bottom-margin: emCalc(20px); + +//// Close buttons + +// $alert-close-color: #333; +// $alert-close-position: emCalc(5px); +// $alert-close-font-size: emCalc(22px); +// $alert-close-opacity: 0.3; +// $alert-close-opacity-hover: 0.5; +// $alert-close-padding: 5px 4px 4px; + +//// Border radius + +// $alert-radius: $global-radius; + +// +// Breadcrumb Variables +// + +//// Background color for the breadcrumb container. + +// $crumb-bg: lighten($secondary-color, 5%); + +//// Padding around the breadcrumbs. + +// $crumb-padding: emCalc(6px) emCalc(14px) emCalc(9px); +// $crumb-side-padding: emCalc(12px); + +//// Border styles. + +// $crumb-function-factor: 10%; +// $crumb-border-size: 1px; +// $crumb-border-style: solid; +// $crumb-border-color: darken($crumb-bg, $crumb-function-factor); +// $crumb-radius: $global-radius; + +//// Various text styles for breadcrumbs. + +// $crumb-font-size: emCalc(11px); +// $crumb-font-color: $primary-color; +// $crumb-font-color-current: #333; +// $crumb-font-color-unavailable: #999; +// $crumb-font-transform: uppercase; +// $crumb-link-decor: underline; + +//// Slash between breadcrumbs + +// $crumb-slash-color: #aaa; +// $crumb-slash: "/"; + +// +// Clearing Variables +// + +//// Background colors for parts of Clearing. + +// $clearing-bg: #111; +// $clearing-caption-bg: $clearing-bg; +// $clearing-carousel-bg: #111; +// $clearing-img-bg: $clearing-bg; + +//// Close button + +// $clearing-close-color: #fff; +// $clearing-close-size: 40px; + +//// Style the arrows + +// $clearing-arrow-size: 16px; +// $clearing-arrow-color: $clearing-close-color; + +//// Style captions + +// $clearing-caption-font-color: #fff; +// $clearing-caption-padding: 10px 30px; + +//// Make the image and carousel height and style + +// $clearing-active-img-height: 75%; +// $clearing-carousel-height: 150px; +// $clearing-carousel-thumb-width: 175px; +// $clearing-carousel-thumb-active-border: 4px solid rgb(255,255,255); + +// +// Custom Form Variables +// + +//// Basic form styles input styles + +// $custom-form-border-color: #ccc; +// $custom-form-bg: #fff; +// $custom-form-bg-disabled: #ddd; +// $custom-form-check-color: #222; + +//// Custom select form element. + +// $custom-select-bg: #fff; +// $custom-select-fade-to-color: #f3f3f3; +// $custom-select-border-color: #ddd; +// $custom-select-triangle-color: #aaa; +// $custom-select-triangle-color-open: #222; +// $custom-select-height: emCalc(13px) + ($form-spacing * 1.5); +// $custom-select-margin-bottom: emCalc(20px); +// $custom-select-font-color-selected: #141414; +// $custom-select-disabled-color: #888; + +//// Custom select dropdown element. + +// $custom-dropdown-height: 200px; +// $custom-dropdown-bg: #fff; +// $custom-dropdown-border-color: darken(#fff, 20%); +// $custom-dropdown-border-width: 1px; +// $custom-dropdown-border-style: solid; +// $custom-dropdown-font-color: #555; +// $custom-dropdown-font-size: emCalc(14px); +// $custom-dropdown-color-selected: #eeeeee; +// $custom-dropdown-font-color-selected: #000; +// $custom-dropdown-shadow: 0 2px 2px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); +// $custom-dropdown-offset-top: none; +// $custom-dropdown-list-padding: emCalc(4px); +// $custom-dropdown-left-padding: emCalc(6px); +// $custom-dropdown-right-padding: emCalc(38px); +// $custom-dropdown-list-item-min-height: emCalc(24px); + +// +// Dropdown Variables +// + +//// Height and width styles. + +// $f-dropdown-max-width: 200px; +// $f-dropdown-height: auto; +// $f-dropdown-max-height: none; +// $f-dropdown-margin-top: 2px; + +//// Background color + +// $f-dropdown-bg: #fff; + +//// Border styles for dropdowns. + +// $f-dropdown-border-style: solid; +// $f-dropdown-border-width: 1px; +// $f-dropdown-border-color: darken(#fff, 20%); + +//// Triangle pip. + +// $f-dropdown-triangle-size: 6px; +// $f-dropdown-triangle-color: #fff; +// $f-dropdown-triangle-side-offset: 10px; + +//// List elements. + +// $f-dropdown-list-style: none; +// $f-dropdown-font-color: #555; +// $f-dropdown-font-size: emCalc(14px); +// $f-dropdown-list-padding: emCalc(5px) emCalc(10px); +// $f-dropdown-line-height: emCalc(18px); +// $f-dropdown-list-hover-bg: #eeeeee; +// $dropdown-mobile-left: 0; + +//// When the dropdown has custom content. + +// $f-dropdown-content-padding: emCalc(20px); + +// +// Flex Video Variables +// + +//// Video container padding and margins + +// $flex-video-padding-top: emCalc(25px); +// $flex-video-padding-bottom: 67.5%; +// $flex-video-margin-bottom: emCalc(16px); + +//// Widescreen bottom padding + +// $flex-video-widescreen-padding-bottom: 57.25%; + +// +// Inline List Variables +// + +//// Margins and padding of the inline list. + +// $inline-list-margin-bottom: emCalc(17px) emCalc(-22px ); +// $inline-list-margin: 0 0; +// $inline-list-padding: 0; + +//// Overflow of the inline list. + +// $inline-list-overflow: hidden; + +//// List items + +// $inline-list-display: block; + +//// Elments within list items + +// $inline-list-children-display: block; + +// +// Joyride Variables +// + +//// Joyride styles + +// $joyride-tip-bg: rgb(0,0,0); +// $joyride-tip-default-width: 300px; +// $joyride-tip-padding: emCalc(18px) emCalc(20px) emCalc(24px); +// $joyride-tip-border: solid 1px #555; +// $joyride-tip-radius: 4px; +// $joyride-tip-position-offset: 22px; + +//// Tip font styles + +// $joyride-tip-font-color: #fff; +// $joyride-tip-font-size: emCalc(14px); +// $joyride-tip-header-weight: bold; + +//// Changes the nub size + +// $joyride-tip-nub-size: 14px; + +//// Adjusts the styles for the timer when its enabled + +// $joyride-tip-timer-width: 50px; +// $joyride-tip-timer-height: 3px; +// $joyride-tip-timer-color: #666; + +//// Changes up the styles for the close button + +// $joyride-tip-close-color: #777; +// $joyride-tip-close-size: 30px; +// $joyride-tip-close-weight: normal; + +//// When Joyride is filling the screen, style for the bg + +// $joyride-screenfill: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); + +// +// Keystroke Variables +// + +//// Text styles. + +// $keystroke-font: "Consolas", "Menlo", "Courier", monospace; +// $keystroke-font-size: emCalc(15px); +// $keystroke-font-color: #222; +// $keystroke-font-color-alt: #fff; +// $keystroke-function-factor: 7%; + +//// Keystroke padding. + +// $keystroke-padding: emCalc(2px) emCalc(4px) emCalc(0px); + +//// Background and border styles. + +// $keystroke-bg: darken(#fff, $keystroke-function-factor); +// $keystroke-border-style: solid; +// $keystroke-border-width: 1px; +// $keystroke-border-color: darken($keystroke-bg, $keystroke-function-factor); +// $keystroke-radius: $global-radius; + +// +// Label Variables +// + +//// Style the labels + +// $label-padding: emCalc(3px) emCalc(10px) emCalc(4px); +// $label-radius: $global-radius; + +//// We use these to style the label text + +// $label-font-sizing: emCalc(14px); +// $label-font-weight: bold; +// $label-font-color: #333; +// $label-font-color-alt: #fff; + +// +// Magellan Variables +// + +//// Basic visual styles + +// $magellan-bg: #fff; +// $magellan-padding: 10px; + +// +// Orbit Settings +// + +//// Caption styles + +// $orbit-container-bg: #f5f5f5; +// $orbit-caption-bg-old-browser: #000; +// $orbit-caption-bg-old: rgb(0,0,0); +// $orbit-caption-bg: rgba(0,0,0,0.6); +// $orbit-caption-font-color: #fff; + +//// Left/right nav styles + +// $orbit-nav-bg-old: rgb(0,0,0); +// $orbit-nav-bg: rgba(0,0,0,0.6); + +//// Timer styles + +// $orbit-timer-bg-old: rgb(0,0,0); +// $orbit-timer-bg: rgba(0,0,0,0.6); + +//// Bullet nav styles + +// $orbit-bullet-nav-color: #999; +// $orbit-bullet-nav-color-active: #222; + +//// Slide numbers + +// $orbit-slide-number-bg: rgb(0,0,0); +// $orbit-slide-number-font-color: #fff; +// $orbit-slide-number-padding: emCalc(5px); + +//// Margin for when Orbit is stacked on small screens + +// $stack-on-small-margin-bottom: emCalc(20px); // Doesn't quite work yet + +// +// Pagination Variables +// + +//// Pagination container + +// $pagination-height: emCalc(24px); +// $pagination-margin: emCalc(-5px); + +//// List-item properties + +// $pagination-li-float: $default-float; +// $pagination-li-height: emCalc(24px); +// $pagination-li-font-color: #222; +// $pagination-li-font-size: emCalc(14px); +// $pagination-li-margin: emCalc(5px); + +//// Pagination anchor links + +// $pagination-link-pad: emCalc(1px) emCalc(7px) emCalc(1px); +// $pagination-link-font-color: #999; +// $pagination-link-active-bg: darken(#fff, 10%); + +//// Disabled anchor links + +// $pagination-link-unavailable-cursor: default; +// $pagination-link-unavailable-font-color: #999; +// $pagination-link-unavailable-bg-active: transparent; + +//// Currently selected anchor links + +// $pagination-link-current-background: $primary-color; +// $pagination-link-current-font-color: #fff; +// $pagination-link-current-font-weight: bold; +// $pagination-link-current-cursor: default; +// $pagination-link-current-active-bg: $primary-color; + +// +// Panel Variables +// + +//// Background and border styles + +// $panel-bg: darken(#fff, 5%); +// $panel-border-style: solid; +// $panel-border-size: 1px; + +//// Control how much we darken things on hover + +// $panel-function-factor: 10%; +// $panel-border-color: darken($panel-bg, $panel-function-factor); + +//// Inner padding and bottom margin + +// $panel-margin-bottom: emCalc(20px); +// $panel-padding: emCalc(20px); + +//// Font colors + +// $panel-font-color: #333; +// $panel-font-color-alt: #fff; + +// +// Pricing Table Variables +// + +//// Border color + +// $price-table-border: solid 1px #ddd; + +//// Bottom margin of the pricing table + +// $price-table-margin-bottom: emCalc(20px); + +//// Control the title styles + +// $price-title-bg: #ddd; +// $price-title-padding: emCalc(15px) emCalc(20px); +// $price-title-align: center; +// $price-title-color: #333; +// $price-title-weight: bold; +// $price-title-size: emCalc(16px); + +//// Control the price styles + +// $price-money-bg: #eee; +// $price-money-padding: emCalc(15px) emCalc(20px); +// $price-money-align: center; +// $price-money-color: #333; +// $price-money-weight: normal; +// $price-money-size: emCalc(20px); + +//// Description styles + +// $price-bg: #fff; +// $price-desc-color: #777; +// $price-desc-padding: emCalc(15px); +// $price-desc-align: center; +// $price-desc-font-size: emCalc(12px); +// $price-desc-weight: normal; +// $price-desc-line-height: 1.4; +// $price-desc-bottom-border: dotted 1px #ddd; + +//// List item styles + +// $price-item-color: #333; +// $price-item-padding: emCalc(15px); +// $price-item-align: center; +// $price-item-font-size: emCalc(14px); +// $price-item-weight: normal; +// $price-item-bottom-border: dotted 1px #ddd; + +//// CTA area styles + +// $price-cta-bg: #f5f5f5; +// $price-cta-align: center; +// $price-cta-padding: emCalc(20px) emCalc(20px) 0; + +// +// Progress Bar Variables +// + +//// Progress bar height + +// $progress-bar-height: emCalc(25px); +// $progress-bar-color: transparent; + +//// Border styles + +// $progress-bar-border-color: darken(#fff, 20%); +// $progress-bar-border-size: 1px; +// $progress-bar-border-style: solid; +// $progress-bar-border-radius: $global-radius; + +//// Margin & padding + +// $progress-bar-pad: emCalc(2px); +// $progress-bar-margin-bottom: emCalc(10px); + +//// Meter colors + +// $progress-meter-color: $primary-color; +// $progress-meter-secondary-color: $secondary-color; +// $progress-meter-success-color: $success-color; +// $progress-meter-alert-color: $alert-color; + +// +// Reveal Variables +// + +//// Reveal overlay. + +// $reveal-overlay-bg: rgba(#000, .45); +// $reveal-overlay-bg-old: #000; + +//// Modal itself. + +// $reveal-modal-bg: #fff; +// $reveal-position-top: 50px; +// $reveal-default-width: 80%; +// $reveal-modal-padding: emCalc(20px); +// $reveal-box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(#000,.4); + +//// Reveal close button + +// $reveal-close-font-size: emCalc(22px); +// $reveal-close-top: emCalc(8px); +// $reveal-close-side: emCalc(11px); +// $reveal-close-color: #aaa; +// $reveal-close-weight: bold; + +//// Modal border + +// $reveal-border-style: solid; +// $reveal-border-width: 1px; +// $reveal-border-color: #666; + +// +// Section Variables +// + +//// Padding and hover factor + +// $section-padding: emCalc(15px); +// $section-function-factor: 10%; + +//// Titles + +// $section-title-color: #333; +// $section-title-bg: #efefef; +// $section-title-bg-active: darken($section-title-bg, $section-function-factor); +// $section-title-bg-active-tabs: #fff; + +//// Border size + +// $section-border-size: 1px; +// $section-border-style: solid; +// $section-border-color: #ccc; + +//// Color of the background and some size options + +// $section-content-bg: #fff; +// $section-vertical-nav-min-width: emCalc(200px); +// $section-vertical-tabs-title-width: emCalc(200px); +// $section-bottom-margin: emCalc(20px); + +// +// Side Nav Variables +// + +//// Padding + +// $side-nav-padding: emCalc(14px) 0; + +//// List styles + +// $side-nav-list-type: none; +// $side-nav-list-position: inside; +// $side-nav-list-margin: 0 0 emCalc(7px) 0; + +//// Link styles + +// $side-nav-link-color: $primary-color; +// $side-nav-link-color-active: lighten(#000, 30%); +// $side-nav-font-size: emCalc(14px); +// $side-nav-font-weight: bold; + +//// Border styles + +// $side-nav-divider-size: 1px; +// $side-nav-divider-style: solid; +// $side-nav-divider-color: darken(#fff, 10%); + +// +// Sub Nav Variables +// + +//// Margin and padding + +// $sub-nav-list-margin: emCalc(-4px) 0 emCalc(18px); +// $sub-nav-list-padding-top: emCalc(4px); + +//// Definition + +// $sub-nav-font-size: emCalc(14px); +// $sub-nav-font-color: #999; +// $sub-nav-font-weight: normal; +// $sub-nav-text-decoration: none; +// $sub-nav-border-radius: 1000px; + +//// Active item styles + +// $sub-nav-active-font-weight: bold; +// $sub-nav-active-bg: $primary-color; +// $sub-nav-active-color: #fff; +// $sub-nav-active-padding: emCalc(3px) emCalc(9px); +// $sub-nav-active-cursor: default; + +// +// Switch Variables +// + +//// Border styles and background colors for the switch container + +// $switch-border-color: darken(#fff, 20%); +// $switch-border-style: solid; +// $switch-border-width: 1px; +// $switch-bg: #fff; + +//// Switch heights for our default classes + +// $switch-height-tny: 22px; +// $switch-height-sml: 28px; +// $switch-height-med: 36px; +// $switch-height-lrg: 44px; +// $switch-bottom-margin: emCalc(20px); + +//// Font sizes for our classes. + +// $switch-font-size-tny: 11px; +// $switch-font-size-sml: 12px; +// $switch-font-size-med: 14px; +// $switch-font-size-lrg: 17px; +// $switch-label-side-padding: 6px; + +//// Switch-paddle + +// $switch-paddle-bg: #fff; +// $switch-paddle-fade-to-color: darken($switch-paddle-bg, 10%); +// $switch-paddle-border-color: darken($switch-paddle-bg, 35%); +// $switch-paddle-border-width: 1px; +// $switch-paddle-border-style: solid; +// $switch-paddle-transition-speed: .1s; +// $switch-paddle-transition-ease: ease-out; +// $switch-positive-color: lighten($success-color, 50%); +// $switch-negative-color: #f5f5f5; + +//// Outline Style for tabbing through switches + +// $switch-label-outline: 1px dotted #888; + +// +// Table Variables +// + +//// Background color for the table and even rows + +// $table-bg: #fff; +// $table-even-row-bg: #f9f9f9; + +//// Table cell border style + +// $table-border-style: solid; +// $table-border-size: 1px; +// $table-border-color: #ddd; + +//// Table head styles + +// $table-head-bg: #f5f5f5; +// $table-head-font-size: emCalc(14px); +// $table-head-font-color: #222; +// $table-head-font-weight: bold; +// $table-head-padding: emCalc(8px) emCalc(10px) emCalc(10px); + +//// Row padding and font styles + +// $table-row-padding: emCalc(9px) emCalc(10px); +// $table-row-font-size: emCalc(14px); +// $table-row-font-color: #222; +// $table-line-height: emCalc(18px); + +//// Display and margin of tables + +// $table-display: table-cell; +// $table-margin-bottom: emCalc(20px); + +// +// Image Thumbnail Variables +// + +//// Border styles + +// $thumb-border-style: solid; +// $thumb-border-width: 4px; +// $thumb-border-color: #fff; +// $thumb-box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(#000,.2); +// $thumb-box-shadow-hover: 0 0 6px 1px rgba($primary-color,0.5); + +//// Radius and transition speed for thumbs + +// $thumb-radius: $global-radius; +// $thumb-transition-speed: 200ms; + +// +// Tooltip Variables +// + +// $has-tip-border-bottom: dotted 1px #ccc; +// $has-tip-font-weight: bold; +// $has-tip-font-color: #333; +// $has-tip-border-bottom-hover: dotted 1px darken($primary-color, 20%); +// $has-tip-font-color-hover: $primary-color; +// $has-tip-cursor-type: help; + +// $tooltip-padding: emCalc(8px); +// $tooltip-bg: #000; +// $tooltip-font-size: emCalc(15px); +// $tooltip-font-weight: bold; +// $tooltip-font-color: #fff; +// $tooltip-line-height: 1.3; +// $tooltip-close-font-size: emCalc(10px); +// $tooltip-close-font-weight: normal; +// $tooltip-close-font-color: #888; +// $tooltip-font-size-sml: emCalc(14px); +// $tooltip-radius: $global-radius; +// $tooltip-pip-size: 5px; + +// +// Top Bar Variables +// + +//// Background color for the top bar + +// $topbar-bg: #111; + +//// Height and margin + +// $topbar-height: 45px; +// $topbar-margin-bottom: emCalc(30px); + +//// Input height for top bar + +// $topbar-input-height: 2.45em; + +//// Title in the top bar + +// $topbar-title-weight: bold; +// $topbar-title-font-size: emCalc(17px); + +//// Link colors and styles for top-level nav + +// $topbar-link-color: #fff; +// $topbar-link-weight: bold; +// $topbar-link-font-size: emCalc(13px); +// $topbar-link-hover-lightness: -30% !default; // Darken by 30% + +//// Top bar dropdown elements + +// $topbar-dropdown-bg: #333; +// $topbar-dropdown-link-color: #fff; +// $topbar-dropdown-toggle-size: 5px; +// $topbar-dropdown-toggle-color: #fff; +// $topbar-dropdown-toggle-alpha: 0.5; +// $dropdown-label-color: #555; + +//// Top menu icon styles + +// $topbar-menu-link-transform: uppercase; +// $topbar-menu-link-font-size: emCalc(13px); +// $topbar-menu-link-weight: bold; +// $topbar-menu-link-color: #fff; +// $topbar-menu-icon-color: #fff; +// $topbar-menu-link-color-toggled: #888; +// $topbar-menu-icon-color-toggled: #888; + +//// Transitions and breakpoint styles + +// $topbar-transition-speed: 300ms; +// $topbar-breakpoint: emCalc(940px); // Change to 9999px for always mobile layout +// $topbar-media-query: "only screen and (min-width "#{$topbar-breakpoint}")"; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/app.scss b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/app.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11f7984 --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/app.scss @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +// Global Foundation Settings +@import "settings"; + +// Comment out this import if you are customizing you imports below +@import "foundation"; + +// Import specific parts of Foundation by commenting the import "foundation" +// and uncommenting what you want below. You must uncomment the following if customizing + +// @import "foundation/components/global"; // *always required +// @import "foundation/components/grid"; +// @import "foundation/components/visibility"; +// @import "foundation/components/block-grid"; +// @import "foundation/components/type"; +// @import "foundation/components/buttons"; +// @import "foundation/components/forms"; // *requires components/buttons +// @import "foundation/components/custom-forms"; // *requires components/buttons, components/forms +// @import "foundation/components/button-groups"; // *requires components/buttons +// @import "foundation/components/dropdown-buttons"; // *requires components/buttons +// @import "foundation/components/split-buttons"; // *requires components/buttons +// @import "foundation/components/flex-video"; +// @import "foundation/components/section"; +// @import "foundation/components/top-bar"; // *requires components/grid +// @import "foundation/components/orbit"; +// @import "foundation/components/reveal"; +// @import "foundation/components/joyride"; +// @import "foundation/components/clearing"; +// @import "foundation/components/alert-boxes"; +// @import "foundation/components/breadcrumbs"; +// @import "foundation/components/keystrokes"; +// @import "foundation/components/labels"; +// @import "foundation/components/inline-lists"; +// @import "foundation/components/pagination"; +// @import "foundation/components/panels"; +// @import "foundation/components/pricing-tables"; +// @import "foundation/components/progress-bars"; +// @import "foundation/components/side-nav"; +// @import "foundation/components/sub-nav"; +// @import "foundation/components/switch"; +// @import "foundation/components/magellan"; +// @import "foundation/components/tables"; +// @import "foundation/components/thumbs"; +// @import "foundation/components/tooltips"; +// @import "foundation/components/dropdown"; + diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/main.css b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/main.css new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b6e2f1c --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/main.css @@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ +/* + * HTML5 Boilerplate + * + * What follows is the result of much research on cross-browser styling. + * Credit left inline and big thanks to Nicolas Gallagher, Jonathan Neal, + * Kroc Camen, and the H5BP dev community and team. + */ + +/* ========================================================================== + Base styles: opinionated defaults + ========================================================================== */ + +html, +button, +input, +select, +textarea { + color: #222; +} + +body { + font-size: 1em; + line-height: 1.4; +} + +/* + * Remove text-shadow in selection highlight: h5bp.com/i + * These selection declarations have to be separate. + * Customize the background color to match your design. + */ + +::-moz-selection { + background: #b3d4fc; + text-shadow: none; +} + +::selection { + background: #b3d4fc; + text-shadow: none; +} + +/* + * A better looking default horizontal rule + */ + +hr { + display: block; + height: 1px; + border: 0; + border-top: 1px solid #ccc; + margin: 1em 0; + padding: 0; +} + +/* + * Remove the gap between images and the bottom of their containers: h5bp.com/i/440 + */ + +img { + vertical-align: middle; +} + +/* + * Remove default fieldset styles. + */ + +fieldset { + border: 0; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} + +/* + * Allow only vertical resizing of textareas. + */ + +textarea { + resize: vertical; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Chrome Frame prompt + ========================================================================== */ + +.chromeframe { + margin: 0.2em 0; + background: #ccc; + color: #000; + padding: 0.2em 0; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Author's custom styles + ========================================================================== */ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +/* ========================================================================== + Helper classes + ========================================================================== */ + +/* + * Image replacement + */ + +.ir { + background-color: transparent; + border: 0; + overflow: hidden; + /* IE 6/7 fallback */ + *text-indent: -9999px; +} + +.ir:before { + content: ""; + display: block; + width: 0; + height: 150%; +} + +/* + * Hide from both screenreaders and browsers: h5bp.com/u + */ + +.hidden { + display: none !important; + visibility: hidden; +} + +/* + * Hide only visually, but have it available for screenreaders: h5bp.com/v + */ + +.visuallyhidden { + border: 0; + clip: rect(0 0 0 0); + height: 1px; + margin: -1px; + overflow: hidden; + padding: 0; + position: absolute; + width: 1px; +} + +/* + * Extends the .visuallyhidden class to allow the element to be focusable + * when navigated to via the keyboard: h5bp.com/p + */ + +.visuallyhidden.focusable:active, +.visuallyhidden.focusable:focus { + clip: auto; + height: auto; + margin: 0; + overflow: visible; + position: static; + width: auto; +} + +/* + * Hide visually and from screenreaders, but maintain layout + */ + +.invisible { + visibility: hidden; +} + +/* + * Clearfix: contain floats + * + * For modern browsers + * 1. The space content is one way to avoid an Opera bug when the + * `contenteditable` attribute is included anywhere else in the document. + * Otherwise it causes space to appear at the top and bottom of elements + * that receive the `clearfix` class. + * 2. The use of `table` rather than `block` is only necessary if using + * `:before` to contain the top-margins of child elements. + */ + +.clearfix:before, +.clearfix:after { + content: " "; /* 1 */ + display: table; /* 2 */ +} + +.clearfix:after { + clear: both; +} + +/* + * For IE 6/7 only + * Include this rule to trigger hasLayout and contain floats. + */ + +.clearfix { + *zoom: 1; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + EXAMPLE Media Queries for Responsive Design. + Theses examples override the primary ('mobile first') styles. + Modify as content requires. + ========================================================================== */ + +@media only screen and (min-width: 35em) { + /* Style adjustments for viewports that meet the condition */ +} + +@media print, + (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 5/4), + (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.25), + (min-resolution: 120dpi) { + /* Style adjustments for high resolution devices */ +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Print styles. + Inlined to avoid required HTTP connection: h5bp.com/r + ========================================================================== */ + +@media print { + * { + background: transparent !important; + color: #000 !important; /* Black prints faster: h5bp.com/s */ + box-shadow: none !important; + text-shadow: none !important; + } + + a, + a:visited { + text-decoration: underline; + } + + a[href]:after { + content: " (" attr(href) ")"; + } + + abbr[title]:after { + content: " (" attr(title) ")"; + } + + /* + * Don't show links for images, or javascript/internal links + */ + + .ir a:after, + a[href^="javascript:"]:after, + a[href^="#"]:after { + content: ""; + } + + pre, + blockquote { + border: 1px solid #999; + page-break-inside: avoid; + } + + thead { + display: table-header-group; /* h5bp.com/t */ + } + + tr, + img { + page-break-inside: avoid; + } + + img { + max-width: 100% !important; + } + + @page { + margin: 0.5cm; + } + + p, + h2, + h3 { + orphans: 3; + widows: 3; + } + + h2, + h3 { + page-break-after: avoid; + } +} diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/normalize.css b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/normalize.css new file mode 100755 index 0000000..4d4d01d --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/normalize.css @@ -0,0 +1,527 @@ +/*! normalize.css v1.1.0 | MIT License | git.io/normalize */ + +/* ========================================================================== + HTML5 display definitions + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Correct `block` display not defined in IE 6/7/8/9 and Firefox 3. + */ + +article, +aside, +details, +figcaption, +figure, +footer, +header, +hgroup, +main, +nav, +section, +summary { + display: block; +} + +/** + * Correct `inline-block` display not defined in IE 6/7/8/9 and Firefox 3. + */ + +audio, +canvas, +video { + display: inline-block; + *display: inline; + *zoom: 1; +} + +/** + * Prevent modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls. + * Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices. + */ + +audio:not([controls]) { + display: none; + height: 0; +} + +/** + * Address styling not present in IE 7/8/9, Firefox 3, and Safari 4. + * Known issue: no IE 6 support. + */ + +[hidden] { + display: none; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Base + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * 1. Correct text resizing oddly in IE 6/7 when body `font-size` is set using + * `em` units. + * 2. Prevent iOS text size adjust after orientation change, without disabling + * user zoom. + */ + +html { + font-size: 100%; /* 1 */ + -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */ + -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * Address `font-family` inconsistency between `textarea` and other form + * elements. + */ + +html, +button, +input, +select, +textarea { + font-family: sans-serif; +} + +/** + * Address margins handled incorrectly in IE 6/7. + */ + +body { + margin: 0; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Links + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Address `outline` inconsistency between Chrome and other browsers. + */ + +a:focus { + outline: thin dotted; +} + +/** + * Improve readability when focused and also mouse hovered in all browsers. + */ + +a:active, +a:hover { + outline: 0; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Typography + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Address font sizes and margins set differently in IE 6/7. + * Address font sizes within `section` and `article` in Firefox 4+, Safari 5, + * and Chrome. + */ + +h1 { + font-size: 2em; + margin: 0.67em 0; +} + +h2 { + font-size: 1.5em; + margin: 0.83em 0; +} + +h3 { + font-size: 1.17em; + margin: 1em 0; +} + +h4 { + font-size: 1em; + margin: 1.33em 0; +} + +h5 { + font-size: 0.83em; + margin: 1.67em 0; +} + +h6 { + font-size: 0.67em; + margin: 2.33em 0; +} + +/** + * Address styling not present in IE 7/8/9, Safari 5, and Chrome. + */ + +abbr[title] { + border-bottom: 1px dotted; +} + +/** + * Address style set to `bolder` in Firefox 3+, Safari 4/5, and Chrome. + */ + +b, +strong { + font-weight: bold; +} + +blockquote { + margin: 1em 40px; +} + +/** + * Address styling not present in Safari 5 and Chrome. + */ + +dfn { + font-style: italic; +} + +/** + * Address differences between Firefox and other browsers. + * Known issue: no IE 6/7 normalization. + */ + +hr { + -moz-box-sizing: content-box; + box-sizing: content-box; + height: 0; +} + +/** + * Address styling not present in IE 6/7/8/9. + */ + +mark { + background: #ff0; + color: #000; +} + +/** + * Address margins set differently in IE 6/7. + */ + +p, +pre { + margin: 1em 0; +} + +/** + * Correct font family set oddly in IE 6, Safari 4/5, and Chrome. + */ + +code, +kbd, +pre, +samp { + font-family: monospace, serif; + _font-family: 'courier new', monospace; + font-size: 1em; +} + +/** + * Improve readability of pre-formatted text in all browsers. + */ + +pre { + white-space: pre; + white-space: pre-wrap; + word-wrap: break-word; +} + +/** + * Address CSS quotes not supported in IE 6/7. + */ + +q { + quotes: none; +} + +/** + * Address `quotes` property not supported in Safari 4. + */ + +q:before, +q:after { + content: ''; + content: none; +} + +/** + * Address inconsistent and variable font size in all browsers. + */ + +small { + font-size: 80%; +} + +/** + * Prevent `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers. + */ + +sub, +sup { + font-size: 75%; + line-height: 0; + position: relative; + vertical-align: baseline; +} + +sup { + top: -0.5em; +} + +sub { + bottom: -0.25em; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Lists + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Address margins set differently in IE 6/7. + */ + +dl, +menu, +ol, +ul { + margin: 1em 0; +} + +dd { + margin: 0 0 0 40px; +} + +/** + * Address paddings set differently in IE 6/7. + */ + +menu, +ol, +ul { + padding: 0 0 0 40px; +} + +/** + * Correct list images handled incorrectly in IE 7. + */ + +nav ul, +nav ol { + list-style: none; + list-style-image: none; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Embedded content + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * 1. Remove border when inside `a` element in IE 6/7/8/9 and Firefox 3. + * 2. Improve image quality when scaled in IE 7. + */ + +img { + border: 0; /* 1 */ + -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * Correct overflow displayed oddly in IE 9. + */ + +svg:not(:root) { + overflow: hidden; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Figures + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Address margin not present in IE 6/7/8/9, Safari 5, and Opera 11. + */ + +figure { + margin: 0; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Forms + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Correct margin displayed oddly in IE 6/7. + */ + +form { + margin: 0; +} + +/** + * Define consistent border, margin, and padding. + */ + +fieldset { + border: 1px solid #c0c0c0; + margin: 0 2px; + padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em; +} + +/** + * 1. Correct color not being inherited in IE 6/7/8/9. + * 2. Correct text not wrapping in Firefox 3. + * 3. Correct alignment displayed oddly in IE 6/7. + */ + +legend { + border: 0; /* 1 */ + padding: 0; + white-space: normal; /* 2 */ + *margin-left: -7px; /* 3 */ +} + +/** + * 1. Correct font size not being inherited in all browsers. + * 2. Address margins set differently in IE 6/7, Firefox 3+, Safari 5, + * and Chrome. + * 3. Improve appearance and consistency in all browsers. + */ + +button, +input, +select, +textarea { + font-size: 100%; /* 1 */ + margin: 0; /* 2 */ + vertical-align: baseline; /* 3 */ + *vertical-align: middle; /* 3 */ +} + +/** + * Address Firefox 3+ setting `line-height` on `input` using `!important` in + * the UA stylesheet. + */ + +button, +input { + line-height: normal; +} + +/** + * Address inconsistent `text-transform` inheritance for `button` and `select`. + * All other form control elements do not inherit `text-transform` values. + * Correct `button` style inheritance in Chrome, Safari 5+, and IE 6+. + * Correct `select` style inheritance in Firefox 4+ and Opera. + */ + +button, +select { + text-transform: none; +} + +/** + * 1. Avoid the WebKit bug in Android 4.0.* where (2) destroys native `audio` + * and `video` controls. + * 2. Correct inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS. + * 3. Improve usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type + * `input` and others. + * 4. Remove inner spacing in IE 7 without affecting normal text inputs. + * Known issue: inner spacing remains in IE 6. + */ + +button, +html input[type="button"], /* 1 */ +input[type="reset"], +input[type="submit"] { + -webkit-appearance: button; /* 2 */ + cursor: pointer; /* 3 */ + *overflow: visible; /* 4 */ +} + +/** + * Re-set default cursor for disabled elements. + */ + +button[disabled], +html input[disabled] { + cursor: default; +} + +/** + * 1. Address box sizing set to content-box in IE 8/9. + * 2. Remove excess padding in IE 8/9. + * 3. Remove excess padding in IE 7. + * Known issue: excess padding remains in IE 6. + */ + +input[type="checkbox"], +input[type="radio"] { + box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */ + padding: 0; /* 2 */ + *height: 13px; /* 3 */ + *width: 13px; /* 3 */ +} + +/** + * 1. Address `appearance` set to `searchfield` in Safari 5 and Chrome. + * 2. Address `box-sizing` set to `border-box` in Safari 5 and Chrome + * (include `-moz` to future-proof). + */ + +input[type="search"] { + -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */ + -moz-box-sizing: content-box; + -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; /* 2 */ + box-sizing: content-box; +} + +/** + * Remove inner padding and search cancel button in Safari 5 and Chrome + * on OS X. + */ + +input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button, +input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration { + -webkit-appearance: none; +} + +/** + * Remove inner padding and border in Firefox 3+. + */ + +button::-moz-focus-inner, +input::-moz-focus-inner { + border: 0; + padding: 0; +} + +/** + * 1. Remove default vertical scrollbar in IE 6/7/8/9. + * 2. Improve readability and alignment in all browsers. + */ + +textarea { + overflow: auto; /* 1 */ + vertical-align: top; /* 2 */ +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Tables + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Remove most spacing between table cells. + */ + +table { + border-collapse: collapse; + border-spacing: 0; +} diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/normalize.scss b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/normalize.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d24a38 --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/normalize.scss @@ -0,0 +1,402 @@ +/*! normalize.css v2.1.1 | MIT License | git.io/normalize */ + +/* ========================================================================== + HTML5 display definitions + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Correct `block` display not defined in IE 8/9. + */ + +article, +aside, +details, +figcaption, +figure, +footer, +header, +hgroup, +main, +nav, +section, +summary { + display: block; +} + +/** + * Correct `inline-block` display not defined in IE 8/9. + */ + +audio, +canvas, +video { + display: inline-block; +} + +/** + * Prevent modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls. + * Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices. + */ + +audio:not([controls]) { + display: none; + height: 0; +} + +/** + * Address styling not present in IE 8/9. + */ + +[hidden] { + display: none; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Base + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * 1. Prevent system color scheme's background color being used in Firefox, IE, + * and Opera. + * 2. Prevent system color scheme's text color being used in Firefox, IE, and + * Opera. + * 3. Set default font family to sans-serif. + * 4. Prevent iOS text size adjust after orientation change, without disabling + * user zoom. + */ + +html { + background: #fff; /* 1 */ + color: #000; /* 2 */ + font-family: sans-serif; /* 3 */ + -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 4 */ + -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 4 */ +} + +/** + * Remove default margin. + */ + +body { + margin: 0; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Links + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Address `outline` inconsistency between Chrome and other browsers. + */ + +a:focus { + outline: thin dotted; +} + +/** + * Improve readability when focused and also mouse hovered in all browsers. + */ + +a:active, +a:hover { + outline: 0; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Typography + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Address variable `h1` font-size and margin within `section` and `article` + * contexts in Firefox 4+, Safari 5, and Chrome. + */ + +h1 { + font-size: 2em; + margin: 0.67em 0; +} + +/** + * Address styling not present in IE 8/9, Safari 5, and Chrome. + */ + +abbr[title] { + border-bottom: 1px dotted; +} + +/** + * Address style set to `bolder` in Firefox 4+, Safari 5, and Chrome. + */ + +b, +strong { + font-weight: bold; +} + +/** + * Address styling not present in Safari 5 and Chrome. + */ + +dfn { + font-style: italic; +} + +/** + * Address differences between Firefox and other browsers. + */ + +hr { + -moz-box-sizing: content-box; + box-sizing: content-box; + height: 0; +} + +/** + * Address styling not present in IE 8/9. + */ + +mark { + background: #ff0; + color: #000; +} + +/** + * Correct font family set oddly in Safari 5 and Chrome. + */ + +code, +kbd, +pre, +samp { + font-family: monospace, serif; + font-size: 1em; +} + +/** + * Improve readability of pre-formatted text in all browsers. + */ + +pre { + white-space: pre-wrap; +} + +/** + * Set consistent quote types. + */ + +q { + quotes: "\201C" "\201D" "\2018" "\2019"; +} + +/** + * Address inconsistent and variable font size in all browsers. + */ + +small { + font-size: 80%; +} + +/** + * Prevent `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers. + */ + +sub, +sup { + font-size: 75%; + line-height: 0; + position: relative; + vertical-align: baseline; +} + +sup { + top: -0.5em; +} + +sub { + bottom: -0.25em; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Embedded content + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Remove border when inside `a` element in IE 8/9. + */ + +img { + border: 0; +} + +/** + * Correct overflow displayed oddly in IE 9. + */ + +svg:not(:root) { + overflow: hidden; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Figures + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Address margin not present in IE 8/9 and Safari 5. + */ + +figure { + margin: 0; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Forms + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Define consistent border, margin, and padding. + */ + +fieldset { + border: 1px solid #c0c0c0; + margin: 0 2px; + padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em; +} + +/** + * 1. Correct `color` not being inherited in IE 8/9. + * 2. Remove padding so people aren't caught out if they zero out fieldsets. + */ + +legend { + border: 0; /* 1 */ + padding: 0; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * 1. Correct font family not being inherited in all browsers. + * 2. Correct font size not being inherited in all browsers. + * 3. Address margins set differently in Firefox 4+, Safari 5, and Chrome. + */ + +button, +input, +select, +textarea { + font-family: inherit; /* 1 */ + font-size: 100%; /* 2 */ + margin: 0; /* 3 */ +} + +/** + * Address Firefox 4+ setting `line-height` on `input` using `!important` in + * the UA stylesheet. + */ + +button, +input { + line-height: normal; +} + +/** + * Address inconsistent `text-transform` inheritance for `button` and `select`. + * All other form control elements do not inherit `text-transform` values. + * Correct `button` style inheritance in Chrome, Safari 5+, and IE 8+. + * Correct `select` style inheritance in Firefox 4+ and Opera. + */ + +button, +select { + text-transform: none; +} + +/** + * 1. Avoid the WebKit bug in Android 4.0.* where (2) destroys native `audio` + * and `video` controls. + * 2. Correct inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS. + * 3. Improve usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type + * `input` and others. + */ + +button, +html input[type="button"], /* 1 */ +input[type="reset"], +input[type="submit"] { + -webkit-appearance: button; /* 2 */ + cursor: pointer; /* 3 */ +} + +/** + * Re-set default cursor for disabled elements. + */ + +button[disabled], +html input[disabled] { + cursor: default; +} + +/** + * 1. Address box sizing set to `content-box` in IE 8/9. + * 2. Remove excess padding in IE 8/9. + */ + +input[type="checkbox"], +input[type="radio"] { + box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */ + padding: 0; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * 1. Address `appearance` set to `searchfield` in Safari 5 and Chrome. + * 2. Address `box-sizing` set to `border-box` in Safari 5 and Chrome + * (include `-moz` to future-proof). + */ + +input[type="search"] { + -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */ + -moz-box-sizing: content-box; + -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; /* 2 */ + box-sizing: content-box; +} + +/** + * Remove inner padding and search cancel button in Safari 5 and Chrome + * on OS X. + */ + +input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button, +input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration { + -webkit-appearance: none; +} + +/** + * Remove inner padding and border in Firefox 4+. + */ + +button::-moz-focus-inner, +input::-moz-focus-inner { + border: 0; + padding: 0; +} + +/** + * 1. Remove default vertical scrollbar in IE 8/9. + * 2. Improve readability and alignment in all browsers. + */ + +textarea { + overflow: auto; /* 1 */ + vertical-align: top; /* 2 */ +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Tables + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Remove most spacing between table cells. + */ + +table { + border-collapse: collapse; + border-spacing: 0; +} diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/style.css b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/style.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..561995f --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/style.css @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ +.clearfix:after { + visibility: hidden; + display: block; + font-size: 0; + content: " "; + clear: both; + height: 0; } + +.clearfix { + display: inline-block; } + +/* start commented backslash hack \*/ +* html .clearfix { + height: 1%; } + +.clearfix { + display: block; } + +/* close commented backslash hack */ +[lang="hi"] { + font-size: 120%; } + +a { + color: inherit; } + a:hover { + color: #d43b39; } + +nav { + margin-bottom: 0!important; } + nav .button.round { + margin-left: 5px; } + +header h1 { + position: relative; + line-height: 100%; + font-size: 200%; + border-bottom: 3px solid black; + padding-bottom: 10px; + margin-bottom: 0; } + header h1 .place { + font-size: 60%; + opacity: 0.8; } + header h1 img { + position: absolute; + right: 0; + top: 0; + height: 70px; } +header h2.subheader { + background-color: #444444; + padding: 10px 40px; + margin: 0; + margin: 0; } +header .id { + opacity: 0.5; + margin: 10px 0 0; } + header .id:hover { + opacity: 1; } + header .id a { + display: inline-block; + color: inherit; + vertical-align: bottom; } + +#pincode { + font-size: 90%; + float: right; } + #pincode:before { + content: "Pin : "; + opacity: 0.8; } + #pincode a { + padding-top: 3px; } + +#shelter { + float: right; } + #shelter #stop-id { + font-weight: normal; + padding: 2px 4px; } + #shelter #stop-id.best { + color: black; } + #shelter #stop-id.best:before { + content: "BEST:"; + color: #d43b39; } + +#map { + height: 500px; + border-radius: 10px; + -moz-border-radius: 10px; + -webkit-border-radius: 10px; + margin: 0; } + +aside { + font-size: 60%; } + aside h4 { + margin-bottom: 2px; + opacity: 0.8; } + aside .subheader { + margin-top: -6px; + margin-bottom: 2px; + color: #444444; + opacity: 0.5; } + aside ul { + border: none!important; + border-radius: 10px; + -moz-border-radius: 10px; + -webkit-border-radius: 10px; } + aside ul li { + color: #444444; + list-style-type: none; + font-size: 120%; } + +.routes span.walk { + float: right; } + .routes span.walk:after { + content: "min"; + opacity: 0.8; } + .routes span.walk img { + height: 12px; + margin-top: -3px; } +.routes span.best { + border-radius: 4px; + -moz-border-radius: 4px; + -webkit-border-radius: 4px; + padding: 2px; + margin-left: 2px; + background-color: black; + color: white; } +.routes span.ltd { + background-color: white; + color: #d43b39; + font-weight: bold; } +.routes span.ac { + background-color: #6B006B; + color: white; } + +#transit-information h3 { + color: #d43b39; } + +/* Route details */ +li.route { + margin: 0; + border: 1px solid white; } + li.route .routing { + font-size: 80%; } + li.route .routing li { + list-style-type: none; + display: inline; } + li.route .routing li:after { + content: ", "; } + +.service { + margin-left: 10px; + font-weight: normal; } + +/* Footer */ +footer { + background-color: #eee; + margin-top: 20px; + border-top: 2px solid #ccc; + padding: 10px; } + +#chalobest h3 img { + float: left; + width: 54px; + height: 54px; + margin-right: 10px; + border: none; } +#chalobest h3 [lang="hi"] { + margin-right: 10px; } +#chalobest a { + color: black; + font-size: 40%; } + #chalobest a [lang="hi"] { + opacity: 0.5; } +#chalobest .sms { + color: #d43b39; + margin: 0 5px; + padding: 3px 8px; + border: 1px solid #ccc; + min-width: 100px; + background-color: #ddd; + display: inline-block; } + +#slug { + float: right; } + #slug img { + width: 30px; } + +#source { + font-size: 40%; + opacity: 0.5; } + #source a { + color: inherit; + font-weight: bold; } + #source span { + opacity: 0.8; } diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/style.scss b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/style.scss new file mode 100755 index 0000000..972a44a --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/css/style.scss @@ -0,0 +1,278 @@ +@import "_settings"; +$block-grid-default-spacing: 10px; +$accent:#D43B39; +$mute1:#444; +$mute2:#666; + +$opacity1:0.8; +$opacity2:0.5; + +$best-red:#D43B39; +$best-route-ltd:#D43B39; +$best-ac:#D43B39; +$best-route:#111; + +@mixin rounded($vert, $horz, $radius: 10px) { + border-#{$vert}-#{$horz}-radius: $radius; + -moz-border-radius-#{$vert}#{$horz}: $radius; + -webkit-border-#{$vert}-#{$horz}-radius: $radius; +} +@mixin rounded-corners($amount: 5px){ + border-radius: $amount; + -moz-border-radius: $amount; + -webkit-border-radius: $amount; +} + +@mixin shadow($color: #333333) { + -moz-box-shadow: 0px 1px 2px $color; + -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 1px 2px $color; + box-shadow: 0px 1px 2px $color; + -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Strength=4, Direction=90, Color='$color')"; + filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Strength=4, Direction=90, Color='$color'); +} + +.clearfix:after { + visibility: hidden; + display: block; + font-size: 0; + content: " "; + clear: both; + height: 0; +} +.clearfix { display: inline-block; } +/* start commented backslash hack \*/ +* html .clearfix { height: 1%; } +.clearfix { display: block; } +/* close commented backslash hack */ + +[lang="hi"]{ + font-size:120%; +} +a{color:inherit; + &:hover{color:$accent;} +} + +nav{ + margin-bottom:0!important; + .button.round{ + margin-left: 5px; + } +} + +header{ + h1{ + position:relative; + line-height:100%; + font-size: 200%; + border-bottom: 3px solid black; + padding-bottom: 10px; + margin-bottom:0; + .place{ + font-size:60%; + opacity:0.8; + } + img{ + position:absolute; + right:0; + top:0; + height:70px; + } + } + + h2.subheader{ + background-color:$mute1; + padding:10px 40px; + margin:0; + margin:0; + } + .id{ + opacity:$opacity2; + margin:10px 0 0; + &:hover{ + opacity:1; + } + a{ + display: inline-block; + color:inherit; + vertical-align: bottom; + } + } +} +#pincode{ + font-size: 90%; + float: right; + &:before{ + content: "Pin : "; + opacity:$opacity1; + } + a{ + padding-top:3px; + } +} + +#shelter{ + float:right; + + #stop-id{ + font-weight: normal; + padding:2px 4px; + &.best{ + color:black; + &:before{ + content: "BEST:"; + color:$best-red; + } + } + } +} + +#map { + height: 500px; + // border: 10px solid $mute1; + @include rounded-corners(10px); + margin:0; +} + +aside{ + font-size:60%; + h4{ + margin-bottom: 2px; + opacity:$opacity1; + } + .subheader{ + margin-top:-6px; + margin-bottom: 2px; + color:$mute1; + opacity:$opacity2; + } + ul{ + border: none!important; + @include rounded-corners(10px); + li{ + color:$mute1; + list-style-type:none; + font-size:120%; + } + } +} + +.routes span{ + &.walk{ + float:right; + &:after{ + content:"min"; + opacity:$opacity1; + } + img{ + height:12px; + margin-top:-3px; + } + + } + &.best{ + @include rounded-corners(4px); + padding:2px; + margin-left:2px; + background-color:black; + color:white; + } + &.ltd{ + background-color:white; + color:$best-route-ltd; + font-weight: bold; + } + &.ac{ + background-color:#6B006B; + color:white; + } +} + +#transit-information{ + h3{ + color:$accent; + } +} + +/* Route details */ + + +li.route{ + margin:0; + border:1px solid white; + .routing{ + //opacity:$opacity1; + font-size:80%; + li{ + list-style-type: none; + display: inline; + &:after{ + content:", "; + } + } + } + + +} +.service{ + margin-left:10px; + font-weight: normal; +} + + + + + +/* Footer */ +footer{ + background-color:#eee; + margin-top:20px; + border-top:2px solid #ccc; + padding:10px; +} + +#chalobest{ + h3{ + img{ + float:left; + width:54px; + height:54px; + margin-right:10px; + border:none; + } + [lang="hi"]{margin-right: 10px;} + } + a{ + color:black; + font-size: 40%; + [lang="hi"]{ + opacity:$opacity2; + } + } + .sms{ + color:$best-red; + margin: 0 5px; + padding:3px 8px; + border:1px solid #ccc; + min-width:100px; + background-color: #ddd; + display: inline-block; + } +} +#slug{ + float:right; + img{ + width:30px; + } + +} +#source{ + font-size: 40%; + opacity:$opacity2; + a{ + color:inherit; + font-weight: bold; + } + span{ + opacity:$opacity1; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/img/.DS_Store b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/img/.DS_Store new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a30e9dc Binary files /dev/null and b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/img/.DS_Store differ diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/img/.gitignore b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/img/.gitignore new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/img/bus.svg b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/img/bus.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dcdae68 --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/img/bus.svg @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/img/chalobest-square.svg b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/img/chalobest-square.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98f4ff8 --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/img/chalobest-square.svg @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/img/walk.svg b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/img/walk.svg new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c1fea8f --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/img/walk.svg @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/js/.DS_Store b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/js/.DS_Store new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5008ddf Binary files /dev/null and b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/js/.DS_Store differ diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/js/main.js b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/js/main.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..8b13789 --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/js/main.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/js/plugins.js b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/js/plugins.js new file mode 100755 index 0000000..728680b --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/js/plugins.js @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +// Avoid `console` errors in browsers that lack a console. +(function() { + var method; + var noop = function () {}; + var methods = [ + 'assert', 'clear', 'count', 'debug', 'dir', 'dirxml', 'error', + 'exception', 'group', 'groupCollapsed', 'groupEnd', 'info', 'log', + 'markTimeline', 'profile', 'profileEnd', 'table', 'time', 'timeEnd', + 'timeStamp', 'trace', 'warn' + ]; + var length = methods.length; + var console = (window.console = window.console || {}); + + while (length--) { + method = methods[length]; + + // Only stub undefined methods. + if (!console[method]) { + console[method] = noop; + } + } +}()); + +// Place any jQuery/helper plugins in here. diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/stop-routes-poster.html b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/stop-routes-poster.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da034cf --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/stop-routes-poster.html @@ -0,0 +1,293 @@ + + + + + + + Bus Routes from Nehru Planetarium, Worli - ChaloBEST + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +
+ + + + +

+ +
+ + नेहरु तारांगण + डॉ. एनी बीसेंट मार्ग +
+ + NEHRU PLANETARIUM + Dr Annie Besant Road +
+ + + +

+ +
+ +
+ + +

+ + बस मार्गों + + + BUS ROUTES + + +

+ + + +
  • +

    + + ९२ + + Limited stop service +

    + + मंत्रालय + + + Mantralaya + +
    • मंत्रालय
    • मंत्रालय
    • मंत्रालय
    • Worli
    • Santa Cruz
    • Dadar
    • Bandra
    • Chembur
    + + मंत्रालय + + + World Trade Center + +
    + +
  • +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/.DS_Store b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/.DS_Store new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3fe270 Binary files /dev/null and b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/.DS_Store differ diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/custom.modernizr.js b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/custom.modernizr.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4eb3d06 --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/custom.modernizr.js @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +/* Modernizr 2.6.2 (Custom Build) | MIT & BSD + * Build: http://modernizr.com/download/#-inlinesvg-svg-svgclippaths-touch-shiv-mq-cssclasses-teststyles-prefixes-ie8compat-load + */ +;window.Modernizr=function(a,b,c){function y(a){j.cssText=a}function z(a,b){return y(m.join(a+";")+(b||""))}function A(a,b){return typeof a===b}function B(a,b){return!!~(""+a).indexOf(b)}function C(a,b,d){for(var e in a){var f=b[a[e]];if(f!==c)return d===!1?a[e]:A(f,"function")?f.bind(d||b):f}return!1}var d="2.6.2",e={},f=!0,g=b.documentElement,h="modernizr",i=b.createElement(h),j=i.style,k,l={}.toString,m=" -webkit- -moz- -o- -ms- ".split(" "),n={svg:"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"},o={},p={},q={},r=[],s=r.slice,t,u=function(a,c,d,e){var f,i,j,k,l=b.createElement("div"),m=b.body,n=m||b.createElement("body");if(parseInt(d,10))while(d--)j=b.createElement("div"),j.id=e?e[d]:h+(d+1),l.appendChild(j);return f=["­",'"].join(""),l.id=h,(m?l:n).innerHTML+=f,n.appendChild(l),m||(n.style.background="",n.style.overflow="hidden",k=g.style.overflow,g.style.overflow="hidden",g.appendChild(n)),i=c(l,a),m?l.parentNode.removeChild(l):(n.parentNode.removeChild(n),g.style.overflow=k),!!i},v=function(b){var c=a.matchMedia||a.msMatchMedia;if(c)return c(b).matches;var d;return u("@media "+b+" { #"+h+" { position: absolute; 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+ }; + d3.descending = function(a, b) { + return b < a ? -1 : b > a ? 1 : b >= a ? 0 : NaN; + }; + d3.mean = function(array, f) { + var n = array.length, a, m = 0, i = -1, j = 0; + if (arguments.length === 1) { + while (++i < n) if (d3_number(a = array[i])) m += (a - m) / ++j; + } else { + while (++i < n) if (d3_number(a = f.call(array, array[i], i))) m += (a - m) / ++j; + } + return j ? m : undefined; + }; + d3.median = function(array, f) { + if (arguments.length > 1) array = array.map(f); + array = array.filter(d3_number); + return array.length ? d3.quantile(array.sort(d3.ascending), .5) : undefined; + }; + d3.min = function(array, f) { + var i = -1, n = array.length, a, b; + if (arguments.length === 1) { + while (++i < n && ((a = array[i]) == null || a != a)) a = undefined; + while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && a > b) a = b; + } else { + while (++i < n && ((a = f.call(array, array[i], i)) == null || a != a)) a = undefined; + while (++i < n) if ((b = f.call(array, array[i], i)) != null && a > b) a = b; + } + return a; + }; + d3.max = function(array, f) { + var i = -1, n = array.length, a, b; + if (arguments.length === 1) { + while (++i < n && ((a = array[i]) == null || a != a)) a = undefined; + while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && b > a) a = b; + } else { + while (++i < n && ((a = f.call(array, array[i], i)) == null || a != a)) a = undefined; + while (++i < n) if ((b = f.call(array, array[i], i)) != null && b > a) a = b; + } + return a; + }; + d3.extent = function(array, f) { + var i = -1, n = array.length, a, b, c; + if (arguments.length === 1) { + while (++i < n && ((a = c = array[i]) == null || a != a)) a = c = undefined; + while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null) { + if (a > b) a = b; + if (c < b) c = b; + } + } else { + while (++i < n && ((a = c = f.call(array, array[i], i)) == null || a != a)) a = undefined; + while (++i < n) if ((b = f.call(array, array[i], i)) != null) { + if (a > b) a = b; + if (c < b) c = b; + } + } + return [ a, c ]; + }; + d3.random = { + normal: function(µ, σ) { + var n = arguments.length; + if (n < 2) σ = 1; + if (n < 1) µ = 0; + return function() { + var x, y, r; + do { + x = Math.random() * 2 - 1; + y = Math.random() * 2 - 1; + r = x * x + y * y; + } while (!r || r > 1); + return µ + σ * x * Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(r) / r); + }; + }, + logNormal: function(µ, σ) { + var n = arguments.length; + if (n < 2) σ = 1; + if (n < 1) µ = 0; + var random = d3.random.normal(); + return function() { + return Math.exp(µ + σ * random()); + }; + }, + irwinHall: function(m) { + return function() { + for (var s = 0, j = 0; j < m; j++) s += Math.random(); + return s / m; + }; + } + }; + function d3_number(x) { + return x != null && !isNaN(x); + } + d3.sum = function(array, f) { + var s = 0, n = array.length, a, i = -1; + if (arguments.length === 1) { + while (++i < n) if (!isNaN(a = +array[i])) s += a; + } else { + while (++i < n) if (!isNaN(a = +f.call(array, array[i], i))) s += a; + } + return s; + }; + d3.quantile = function(values, p) { + var H = (values.length - 1) * p + 1, h = Math.floor(H), v = +values[h - 1], e = H - h; + return e ? v + e * (values[h] - v) : v; + }; + d3.shuffle = function(array) { + var m = array.length, t, i; + while (m) { + i = Math.random() * m-- | 0; + t = array[m], array[m] = array[i], array[i] = t; + } + return array; + }; + d3.transpose = function(matrix) { + return d3.zip.apply(d3, matrix); + }; + d3.zip = function() { + if (!(n = arguments.length)) return []; + for (var i = -1, m = d3.min(arguments, d3_zipLength), zips = new Array(m); ++i < m; ) { + for (var j = -1, n, zip = zips[i] = new Array(n); ++j < n; ) { + zip[j] = arguments[j][i]; + } + } + return zips; + }; + function d3_zipLength(d) { + return d.length; + } + d3.bisector = function(f) { + return { + left: function(a, x, lo, hi) { + if (arguments.length < 3) lo = 0; + if (arguments.length < 4) hi = a.length; + while (lo < hi) { + var mid = lo + hi >>> 1; + if (f.call(a, a[mid], mid) < x) lo = mid + 1; else hi = mid; + } + return lo; + }, + right: function(a, x, lo, hi) { + if (arguments.length < 3) lo = 0; + if (arguments.length < 4) hi = a.length; + while (lo < hi) { + var mid = lo + hi >>> 1; + if (x < f.call(a, a[mid], mid)) hi = mid; else lo = mid + 1; + } + return lo; + } + }; + }; + var d3_bisector = d3.bisector(function(d) { + return d; + }); + d3.bisectLeft = d3_bisector.left; + d3.bisect = d3.bisectRight = d3_bisector.right; + d3.nest = function() { + var nest = {}, keys = [], sortKeys = [], sortValues, rollup; + function map(array, depth) { + if (depth >= keys.length) return rollup ? rollup.call(nest, array) : sortValues ? array.sort(sortValues) : array; + var i = -1, n = array.length, key = keys[depth++], keyValue, object, valuesByKey = new d3_Map(), values, o = {}; + while (++i < n) { + if (values = valuesByKey.get(keyValue = key(object = array[i]))) { + values.push(object); + } else { + valuesByKey.set(keyValue, [ object ]); + } + } + valuesByKey.forEach(function(keyValue, values) { + o[keyValue] = map(values, depth); + }); + return o; + } + function entries(map, depth) { + if (depth >= keys.length) return map; + var a = [], sortKey = sortKeys[depth++], key; + for (key in map) { + a.push({ + key: key, + values: entries(map[key], depth) + }); + } + if (sortKey) a.sort(function(a, b) { + return sortKey(a.key, b.key); + }); + return a; + } + nest.map = function(array) { + return map(array, 0); + }; + nest.entries = function(array) { + return entries(map(array, 0), 0); + }; + nest.key = function(d) { + keys.push(d); + return nest; + }; + nest.sortKeys = function(order) { + sortKeys[keys.length - 1] = order; + return nest; + }; + nest.sortValues = function(order) { + sortValues = order; + return nest; + }; + nest.rollup = function(f) { + rollup = f; + return nest; + }; + return nest; + }; + d3.keys = function(map) { + var keys = []; + for (var key in map) keys.push(key); + return keys; + }; + d3.values = function(map) { + var values = []; + for (var key in map) values.push(map[key]); + return values; + }; + d3.entries = function(map) { + var entries = []; + for (var key in map) entries.push({ + key: key, + value: map[key] + }); + return entries; + }; + d3.permute = function(array, indexes) { + var permutes = [], i = -1, n = indexes.length; + while (++i < n) permutes[i] = array[indexes[i]]; + return permutes; + }; + d3.merge = function(arrays) { + return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arrays); + }; + function d3_collapse(s) { + return s.trim().replace(/\s+/g, " "); + } + d3.range = function(start, stop, step) { + if (arguments.length < 3) { + step = 1; + if (arguments.length < 2) { + stop = start; + start = 0; + } + } + if ((stop - start) / step === Infinity) throw new Error("infinite range"); + var range = [], k = d3_range_integerScale(Math.abs(step)), i = -1, j; + start *= k, stop *= k, step *= k; + if (step < 0) while ((j = start + step * ++i) > stop) range.push(j / k); else while ((j = start + step * ++i) < stop) range.push(j / k); + return range; + }; + function d3_range_integerScale(x) { + var k = 1; + while (x * k % 1) k *= 10; + return k; + } + d3.requote = function(s) { + return s.replace(d3_requote_re, "\\$&"); + }; + var d3_requote_re = /[\\\^\$\*\+\?\|\[\]\(\)\.\{\}]/g; + d3.round = function(x, n) { + return n ? Math.round(x * (n = Math.pow(10, n))) / n : Math.round(x); + }; + d3.xhr = function(url, mimeType, callback) { + var xhr = {}, dispatch = d3.dispatch("progress", "load", "error"), headers = {}, response = d3_identity, request = new (window.XDomainRequest && /^(http(s)?:)?\/\//.test(url) ? XDomainRequest : XMLHttpRequest)(); + "onload" in request ? request.onload = request.onerror = respond : request.onreadystatechange = function() { + request.readyState > 3 && respond(); + }; + function respond() { + var s = request.status; + !s && request.responseText || s >= 200 && s < 300 || s === 304 ? dispatch.load.call(xhr, response.call(xhr, request)) : dispatch.error.call(xhr, request); + } + request.onprogress = function(event) { + var o = d3.event; + d3.event = event; + try { + dispatch.progress.call(xhr, request); + } finally { + d3.event = o; + } + }; + xhr.header = function(name, value) { + name = (name + "").toLowerCase(); + if (arguments.length < 2) return headers[name]; + if (value == null) delete headers[name]; else headers[name] = value + ""; + return xhr; + }; + xhr.mimeType = function(value) { + if (!arguments.length) return mimeType; + mimeType = value == null ? null : value + ""; + return xhr; + }; + xhr.response = function(value) { + response = value; + return xhr; + }; + [ "get", "post" ].forEach(function(method) { + xhr[method] = function() { + return xhr.send.apply(xhr, [ method ].concat(d3_array(arguments))); + }; + }); + xhr.send = function(method, data, callback) { + if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof data === "function") callback = data, data = null; + request.open(method, url, true); + if (mimeType != null && !("accept" in headers)) headers["accept"] = mimeType + ",*/*"; + if (request.setRequestHeader) for (var name in headers) request.setRequestHeader(name, headers[name]); + if (mimeType != null && request.overrideMimeType) request.overrideMimeType(mimeType); + if (callback != null) xhr.on("error", callback).on("load", function(request) { + callback(null, request); + }); + request.send(data == null ? null : data); + return xhr; + }; + xhr.abort = function() { + request.abort(); + return xhr; + }; + d3.rebind(xhr, dispatch, "on"); + if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof mimeType === "function") callback = mimeType, + mimeType = null; + return callback == null ? xhr : xhr.get(d3_xhr_fixCallback(callback)); + }; + function d3_xhr_fixCallback(callback) { + return callback.length === 1 ? function(error, request) { + callback(error == null ? request : null); + } : callback; + } + d3.text = function() { + return d3.xhr.apply(d3, arguments).response(d3_text); + }; + function d3_text(request) { + return request.responseText; + } + d3.json = function(url, callback) { + return d3.xhr(url, "application/json", callback).response(d3_json); + }; + function d3_json(request) { + return JSON.parse(request.responseText); + } + d3.html = function(url, callback) { + return d3.xhr(url, "text/html", callback).response(d3_html); + }; + function d3_html(request) { + var range = document.createRange(); + range.selectNode(document.body); + return range.createContextualFragment(request.responseText); + } + d3.xml = function() { + return d3.xhr.apply(d3, arguments).response(d3_xml); + }; + function d3_xml(request) { + return request.responseXML; + } + var d3_nsPrefix = { + svg: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", + xhtml: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", + xlink: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", + xml: "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", + xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/" + }; + d3.ns = { + prefix: d3_nsPrefix, + qualify: function(name) { + var i = name.indexOf(":"), prefix = name; + if (i >= 0) { + prefix = name.substring(0, i); + name = name.substring(i + 1); + } + return d3_nsPrefix.hasOwnProperty(prefix) ? { + space: d3_nsPrefix[prefix], + local: name + } : name; + } + }; + d3.dispatch = function() { + var dispatch = new d3_dispatch(), i = -1, n = arguments.length; + while (++i < n) dispatch[arguments[i]] = d3_dispatch_event(dispatch); + return dispatch; + }; + function d3_dispatch() {} + d3_dispatch.prototype.on = function(type, listener) { + var i = type.indexOf("."), name = ""; + if (i > 0) { + name = type.substring(i + 1); + type = type.substring(0, i); + } + return arguments.length < 2 ? this[type].on(name) : this[type].on(name, listener); + }; + function d3_dispatch_event(dispatch) { + var listeners = [], listenerByName = new d3_Map(); + function event() { + var z = listeners, i = -1, n = z.length, l; + while (++i < n) if (l = z[i].on) l.apply(this, arguments); + return dispatch; + } + event.on = function(name, listener) { + var l = listenerByName.get(name), i; + if (arguments.length < 2) return l && l.on; + if (l) { + l.on = null; + listeners = listeners.slice(0, i = listeners.indexOf(l)).concat(listeners.slice(i + 1)); + listenerByName.remove(name); + } + if (listener) listeners.push(listenerByName.set(name, { + on: listener + })); + return dispatch; + }; + return event; + } + d3.format = function(specifier) { + var match = d3_format_re.exec(specifier), fill = match[1] || " ", align = match[2] || ">", sign = match[3] || "", basePrefix = match[4] || "", zfill = match[5], width = +match[6], comma = match[7], precision = match[8], type = match[9], scale = 1, suffix = "", integer = false; + if (precision) precision = +precision.substring(1); + if (zfill || fill === "0" && align === "=") { + zfill = fill = "0"; + align = "="; + if (comma) width -= Math.floor((width - 1) / 4); + } + switch (type) { + case "n": + comma = true; + type = "g"; + break; + + case "%": + scale = 100; + suffix = "%"; + type = "f"; + break; + + case "p": + scale = 100; + suffix = "%"; + type = "r"; + break; + + case "b": + case "o": + case "x": + case "X": + if (basePrefix) basePrefix = "0" + type.toLowerCase(); + + case "c": + case "d": + integer = true; + precision = 0; + break; + + case "s": + scale = -1; + type = "r"; + break; + } + if (basePrefix === "#") basePrefix = ""; + if (type == "r" && !precision) type = "g"; + type = d3_format_types.get(type) || d3_format_typeDefault; + var zcomma = zfill && comma; + return function(value) { + if (integer && value % 1) return ""; + var negative = value < 0 || value === 0 && 1 / value < 0 ? (value = -value, "-") : sign; + if (scale < 0) { + var prefix = d3.formatPrefix(value, precision); + value = prefix.scale(value); + suffix = prefix.symbol; + } else { + value *= scale; + } + value = type(value, precision); + if (!zfill && comma) value = d3_format_group(value); + var length = basePrefix.length + value.length + (zcomma ? 0 : negative.length), padding = length < width ? new Array(length = width - length + 1).join(fill) : ""; + if (zcomma) value = d3_format_group(padding + value); + if (d3_format_decimalPoint) value.replace(".", d3_format_decimalPoint); + negative += basePrefix; + return (align === "<" ? negative + value + padding : align === ">" ? padding + negative + value : align === "^" ? padding.substring(0, length >>= 1) + negative + value + padding.substring(length) : negative + (zcomma ? value : padding + value)) + suffix; + }; + }; + var d3_format_re = /(?:([^{])?([<>=^]))?([+\- ])?(#)?(0)?([0-9]+)?(,)?(\.[0-9]+)?([a-zA-Z%])?/; + var d3_format_types = d3.map({ + b: function(x) { + return x.toString(2); + }, + c: function(x) { + return String.fromCharCode(x); + }, + o: function(x) { + return x.toString(8); + }, + x: function(x) { + return x.toString(16); + }, + X: function(x) { + return x.toString(16).toUpperCase(); + }, + g: function(x, p) { + return x.toPrecision(p); + }, + e: function(x, p) { + return x.toExponential(p); + }, + f: function(x, p) { + return x.toFixed(p); + }, + r: function(x, p) { + return d3.round(x, p = d3_format_precision(x, p)).toFixed(Math.max(0, Math.min(20, p))); + } + }); + function d3_format_precision(x, p) { + return p - (x ? 1 + Math.floor(Math.log(x + Math.pow(10, 1 + Math.floor(Math.log(x) / Math.LN10) - p)) / Math.LN10) : 1); + } + function d3_format_typeDefault(x) { + return x + ""; + } + var d3_format_group = d3_identity; + if (d3_format_grouping) { + var d3_format_groupingLength = d3_format_grouping.length; + d3_format_group = function(value) { + var i = value.lastIndexOf("."), f = i >= 0 ? "." + value.substring(i + 1) : (i = value.length, + ""), t = [], j = 0, g = d3_format_grouping[0]; + while (i > 0 && g > 0) { + t.push(value.substring(i -= g, i + g)); + g = d3_format_grouping[j = (j + 1) % d3_format_groupingLength]; + } + return t.reverse().join(d3_format_thousandsSeparator || "") + f; + }; + } + var d3_formatPrefixes = [ "y", "z", "a", "f", "p", "n", "μ", "m", "", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y" ].map(d3_formatPrefix); + d3.formatPrefix = function(value, precision) { + var i = 0; + if (value) { + if (value < 0) value *= -1; + if (precision) value = d3.round(value, d3_format_precision(value, precision)); + i = 1 + Math.floor(1e-12 + Math.log(value) / Math.LN10); + i = Math.max(-24, Math.min(24, Math.floor((i <= 0 ? i + 1 : i - 1) / 3) * 3)); + } + return d3_formatPrefixes[8 + i / 3]; + }; + function d3_formatPrefix(d, i) { + var k = Math.pow(10, Math.abs(8 - i) * 3); + return { + scale: i > 8 ? function(d) { + return d / k; + } : function(d) { + return d * k; + }, + symbol: d + }; + } + var d3_ease_default = function() { + return d3_identity; + }; + var d3_ease = d3.map({ + linear: d3_ease_default, + poly: d3_ease_poly, + quad: function() { + return d3_ease_quad; + }, + cubic: function() { + return d3_ease_cubic; + }, + sin: function() { + return d3_ease_sin; + }, + exp: function() { + return d3_ease_exp; + }, + circle: function() { + return d3_ease_circle; + }, + elastic: d3_ease_elastic, + back: d3_ease_back, + bounce: function() { + return d3_ease_bounce; + } + }); + var d3_ease_mode = d3.map({ + "in": d3_identity, + out: d3_ease_reverse, + "in-out": d3_ease_reflect, + "out-in": function(f) { + return d3_ease_reflect(d3_ease_reverse(f)); + } + }); + d3.ease = function(name) { + var i = name.indexOf("-"), t = i >= 0 ? name.substring(0, i) : name, m = i >= 0 ? name.substring(i + 1) : "in"; + t = d3_ease.get(t) || d3_ease_default; + m = d3_ease_mode.get(m) || d3_identity; + return d3_ease_clamp(m(t.apply(null, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)))); + }; + function d3_ease_clamp(f) { + return function(t) { + return t <= 0 ? 0 : t >= 1 ? 1 : f(t); + }; + } + function d3_ease_reverse(f) { + return function(t) { + return 1 - f(1 - t); + }; + } + function d3_ease_reflect(f) { + return function(t) { + return .5 * (t < .5 ? f(2 * t) : 2 - f(2 - 2 * t)); + }; + } + function d3_ease_quad(t) { + return t * t; + } + function d3_ease_cubic(t) { + return t * t * t; + } + function d3_ease_cubicInOut(t) { + if (t <= 0) return 0; + if (t >= 1) return 1; + var t2 = t * t, t3 = t2 * t; + return 4 * (t < .5 ? t3 : 3 * (t - t2) + t3 - .75); + } + function d3_ease_poly(e) { + return function(t) { + return Math.pow(t, e); + }; + } + function d3_ease_sin(t) { + return 1 - Math.cos(t * π / 2); + } + function d3_ease_exp(t) { + return Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)); + } + function d3_ease_circle(t) { + return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - t * t); + } + function d3_ease_elastic(a, p) { + var s; + if (arguments.length < 2) p = .45; + if (arguments.length) s = p / (2 * π) * Math.asin(1 / a); else a = 1, s = p / 4; + return function(t) { + return 1 + a * Math.pow(2, 10 * -t) * Math.sin((t - s) * 2 * π / p); + }; + } + function d3_ease_back(s) { + if (!s) s = 1.70158; + return function(t) { + return t * t * ((s + 1) * t - s); + }; + } + function d3_ease_bounce(t) { + return t < 1 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * t * t : t < 2 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * (t -= 1.5 / 2.75) * t + .75 : t < 2.5 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + .9375 : 7.5625 * (t -= 2.625 / 2.75) * t + .984375; + } + d3.event = null; + function d3_eventCancel() { + d3.event.stopPropagation(); + d3.event.preventDefault(); + } + function d3_eventSource() { + var e = d3.event, s; + while (s = e.sourceEvent) e = s; + return e; + } + function d3_eventDispatch(target) { + var dispatch = new d3_dispatch(), i = 0, n = arguments.length; + while (++i < n) dispatch[arguments[i]] = d3_dispatch_event(dispatch); + dispatch.of = function(thiz, argumentz) { + return function(e1) { + try { + var e0 = e1.sourceEvent = d3.event; + e1.target = target; + d3.event = e1; + dispatch[e1.type].apply(thiz, argumentz); + } finally { + d3.event = e0; + } + }; + }; + return dispatch; + } + d3.transform = function(string) { + var g = document.createElementNS(d3.ns.prefix.svg, "g"); + return (d3.transform = function(string) { + g.setAttribute("transform", string); + var t = g.transform.baseVal.consolidate(); + return new d3_transform(t ? t.matrix : d3_transformIdentity); + })(string); + }; + function d3_transform(m) { + var r0 = [ m.a, m.b ], r1 = [ m.c, m.d ], kx = d3_transformNormalize(r0), kz = d3_transformDot(r0, r1), ky = d3_transformNormalize(d3_transformCombine(r1, r0, -kz)) || 0; + if (r0[0] * r1[1] < r1[0] * r0[1]) { + r0[0] *= -1; + r0[1] *= -1; + kx *= -1; + kz *= -1; + } + this.rotate = (kx ? Math.atan2(r0[1], r0[0]) : Math.atan2(-r1[0], r1[1])) * d3_degrees; + this.translate = [ m.e, m.f ]; + this.scale = [ kx, ky ]; + this.skew = ky ? Math.atan2(kz, ky) * d3_degrees : 0; + } + d3_transform.prototype.toString = function() { + return "translate(" + this.translate + ")rotate(" + this.rotate + ")skewX(" + this.skew + ")scale(" + this.scale + ")"; + }; + function d3_transformDot(a, b) { + return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1]; + } + function d3_transformNormalize(a) { + var k = Math.sqrt(d3_transformDot(a, a)); + if (k) { + a[0] /= k; + a[1] /= k; + } + return k; + } + function d3_transformCombine(a, b, k) { + a[0] += k * b[0]; + a[1] += k * b[1]; + return a; + } + var d3_transformIdentity = { + a: 1, + b: 0, + c: 0, + d: 1, + e: 0, + f: 0 + }; + d3.interpolate = function(a, b) { + var i = d3.interpolators.length, f; + while (--i >= 0 && !(f = d3.interpolators[i](a, b))) ; + return f; + }; + d3.interpolateNumber = function(a, b) { + b -= a; + return function(t) { + return a + b * t; + }; + }; + d3.interpolateRound = function(a, b) { + b -= a; + return function(t) { + return Math.round(a + b * t); + }; + }; + d3.interpolateString = function(a, b) { + var m, i, j, s0 = 0, s1 = 0, s = [], q = [], n, o; + d3_interpolate_number.lastIndex = 0; + for (i = 0; m = d3_interpolate_number.exec(b); ++i) { + if (m.index) s.push(b.substring(s0, s1 = m.index)); + q.push({ + i: s.length, + x: m[0] + }); + s.push(null); + s0 = d3_interpolate_number.lastIndex; + } + if (s0 < b.length) s.push(b.substring(s0)); + for (i = 0, n = q.length; (m = d3_interpolate_number.exec(a)) && i < n; ++i) { + o = q[i]; + if (o.x == m[0]) { + if (o.i) { + if (s[o.i + 1] == null) { + s[o.i - 1] += o.x; + s.splice(o.i, 1); + for (j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) q[j].i--; + } else { + s[o.i - 1] += o.x + s[o.i + 1]; + s.splice(o.i, 2); + for (j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) q[j].i -= 2; + } + } else { + if (s[o.i + 1] == null) { + s[o.i] = o.x; + } else { + s[o.i] = o.x + s[o.i + 1]; + s.splice(o.i + 1, 1); + for (j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) q[j].i--; + } + } + q.splice(i, 1); + n--; + i--; + } else { + o.x = d3.interpolateNumber(parseFloat(m[0]), parseFloat(o.x)); + } + } + while (i < n) { + o = q.pop(); + if (s[o.i + 1] == null) { + s[o.i] = o.x; + } else { + s[o.i] = o.x + s[o.i + 1]; + s.splice(o.i + 1, 1); + } + n--; + } + if (s.length === 1) { + return s[0] == null ? q[0].x : function() { + return b; + }; + } + return function(t) { + for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) s[(o = q[i]).i] = o.x(t); + return s.join(""); + }; + }; + d3.interpolateTransform = function(a, b) { + var s = [], q = [], n, A = d3.transform(a), B = d3.transform(b), ta = A.translate, tb = B.translate, ra = A.rotate, rb = B.rotate, wa = A.skew, wb = B.skew, ka = A.scale, kb = B.scale; + if (ta[0] != tb[0] || ta[1] != tb[1]) { + s.push("translate(", null, ",", null, ")"); + q.push({ + i: 1, + x: d3.interpolateNumber(ta[0], tb[0]) + }, { + i: 3, + x: d3.interpolateNumber(ta[1], tb[1]) + }); + } else if (tb[0] || tb[1]) { + s.push("translate(" + tb + ")"); + } else { + s.push(""); + } + if (ra != rb) { + if (ra - rb > 180) rb += 360; else if (rb - ra > 180) ra += 360; + q.push({ + i: s.push(s.pop() + "rotate(", null, ")") - 2, + x: d3.interpolateNumber(ra, rb) + }); + } else if (rb) { + s.push(s.pop() + "rotate(" + rb + ")"); + } + if (wa != wb) { + q.push({ + i: s.push(s.pop() + "skewX(", null, ")") - 2, + x: d3.interpolateNumber(wa, wb) + }); + } else if (wb) { + s.push(s.pop() + "skewX(" + wb + ")"); + } + if (ka[0] != kb[0] || ka[1] != kb[1]) { + n = s.push(s.pop() + "scale(", null, ",", null, ")"); + q.push({ + i: n - 4, + x: d3.interpolateNumber(ka[0], kb[0]) + }, { + i: n - 2, + x: d3.interpolateNumber(ka[1], kb[1]) + }); + } else if (kb[0] != 1 || kb[1] != 1) { + s.push(s.pop() + "scale(" + kb + ")"); + } + n = q.length; + return function(t) { + var i = -1, o; + while (++i < n) s[(o = q[i]).i] = o.x(t); + return s.join(""); + }; + }; + d3.interpolateRgb = function(a, b) { + a = d3.rgb(a); + b = d3.rgb(b); + var ar = a.r, ag = a.g, ab = a.b, br = b.r - ar, bg = b.g - ag, bb = b.b - ab; + return function(t) { + return "#" + d3_rgb_hex(Math.round(ar + br * t)) + d3_rgb_hex(Math.round(ag + bg * t)) + d3_rgb_hex(Math.round(ab + bb * t)); + }; + }; + d3.interpolateHsl = function(a, b) { + a = d3.hsl(a); + b = d3.hsl(b); + var h0 = a.h, s0 = a.s, l0 = a.l, h1 = b.h - h0, s1 = b.s - s0, l1 = b.l - l0; + if (h1 > 180) h1 -= 360; else if (h1 < -180) h1 += 360; + return function(t) { + return d3_hsl_rgb(h0 + h1 * t, s0 + s1 * t, l0 + l1 * t) + ""; + }; + }; + d3.interpolateLab = function(a, b) { + a = d3.lab(a); + b = d3.lab(b); + var al = a.l, aa = a.a, ab = a.b, bl = b.l - al, ba = b.a - aa, bb = b.b - ab; + return function(t) { + return d3_lab_rgb(al + bl * t, aa + ba * t, ab + bb * t) + ""; + }; + }; + d3.interpolateHcl = function(a, b) { + a = d3.hcl(a); + b = d3.hcl(b); + var ah = a.h, ac = a.c, al = a.l, bh = b.h - ah, bc = b.c - ac, bl = b.l - al; + if (bh > 180) bh -= 360; else if (bh < -180) bh += 360; + return function(t) { + return d3_hcl_lab(ah + bh * t, ac + bc * t, al + bl * t) + ""; + }; + }; + d3.interpolateArray = function(a, b) { + var x = [], c = [], na = a.length, nb = b.length, n0 = Math.min(a.length, b.length), i; + for (i = 0; i < n0; ++i) x.push(d3.interpolate(a[i], b[i])); + for (;i < na; ++i) c[i] = a[i]; + for (;i < nb; ++i) c[i] = b[i]; + return function(t) { + for (i = 0; i < n0; ++i) c[i] = x[i](t); + return c; + }; + }; + d3.interpolateObject = function(a, b) { + var i = {}, c = {}, k; + for (k in a) { + if (k in b) { + i[k] = d3_interpolateByName(k)(a[k], b[k]); + } else { + c[k] = a[k]; + } + } + for (k in b) { + if (!(k in a)) { + c[k] = b[k]; + } + } + return function(t) { + for (k in i) c[k] = i[k](t); + return c; + }; + }; + var d3_interpolate_number = /[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g; + function d3_interpolateByName(name) { + return name == "transform" ? d3.interpolateTransform : d3.interpolate; + } + d3.interpolators = [ d3.interpolateObject, function(a, b) { + return b instanceof Array && d3.interpolateArray(a, b); + }, function(a, b) { + return (typeof a === "string" || typeof b === "string") && d3.interpolateString(a + "", b + ""); + }, function(a, b) { + return (typeof b === "string" ? d3_rgb_names.has(b) || /^(#|rgb\(|hsl\()/.test(b) : b instanceof d3_Color) && d3.interpolateRgb(a, b); + }, function(a, b) { + return !isNaN(a = +a) && !isNaN(b = +b) && d3.interpolateNumber(a, b); + } ]; + function d3_uninterpolateNumber(a, b) { + b = b - (a = +a) ? 1 / (b - a) : 0; + return function(x) { + return (x - a) * b; + }; + } + function d3_uninterpolateClamp(a, b) { + b = b - (a = +a) ? 1 / (b - a) : 0; + return function(x) { + return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (x - a) * b)); + }; + } + function d3_Color() {} + d3_Color.prototype.toString = function() { + return this.rgb() + ""; + }; + d3.rgb = function(r, g, b) { + return arguments.length === 1 ? r instanceof d3_Rgb ? d3_rgb(r.r, r.g, r.b) : d3_rgb_parse("" + r, d3_rgb, d3_hsl_rgb) : d3_rgb(~~r, ~~g, ~~b); + }; + function d3_rgb(r, g, b) { + return new d3_Rgb(r, g, b); + } + function d3_Rgb(r, g, b) { + this.r = r; + this.g = g; + this.b = b; + } + var d3_rgbPrototype = d3_Rgb.prototype = new d3_Color(); + d3_rgbPrototype.brighter = function(k) { + k = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? k : 1); + var r = this.r, g = this.g, b = this.b, i = 30; + if (!r && !g && !b) return d3_rgb(i, i, i); + if (r && r < i) r = i; + if (g && g < i) g = i; + if (b && b < i) b = i; + return d3_rgb(Math.min(255, Math.floor(r / k)), Math.min(255, Math.floor(g / k)), Math.min(255, Math.floor(b / k))); + }; + d3_rgbPrototype.darker = function(k) { + k = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? k : 1); + return d3_rgb(Math.floor(k * this.r), Math.floor(k * this.g), Math.floor(k * this.b)); + }; + d3_rgbPrototype.hsl = function() { + return d3_rgb_hsl(this.r, this.g, this.b); + }; + d3_rgbPrototype.toString = function() { + return "#" + d3_rgb_hex(this.r) + d3_rgb_hex(this.g) + d3_rgb_hex(this.b); + }; + function d3_rgb_hex(v) { + return v < 16 ? "0" + Math.max(0, v).toString(16) : Math.min(255, v).toString(16); + } + function d3_rgb_parse(format, rgb, hsl) { + var r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, m1, m2, name; + m1 = /([a-z]+)\((.*)\)/i.exec(format); + if (m1) { + m2 = m1[2].split(","); + switch (m1[1]) { + case "hsl": + { + return hsl(parseFloat(m2[0]), parseFloat(m2[1]) / 100, parseFloat(m2[2]) / 100); + } + + case "rgb": + { + return rgb(d3_rgb_parseNumber(m2[0]), d3_rgb_parseNumber(m2[1]), d3_rgb_parseNumber(m2[2])); + } + } + } + if (name = d3_rgb_names.get(format)) return rgb(name.r, name.g, name.b); + if (format != null && format.charAt(0) === "#") { + if (format.length === 4) { + r = format.charAt(1); + r += r; + g = format.charAt(2); + g += g; + b = format.charAt(3); + b += b; + } else if (format.length === 7) { + r = format.substring(1, 3); + g = format.substring(3, 5); + b = format.substring(5, 7); + } + r = parseInt(r, 16); + g = parseInt(g, 16); + b = parseInt(b, 16); + } + return rgb(r, g, b); + } + function d3_rgb_hsl(r, g, b) { + var min = Math.min(r /= 255, g /= 255, b /= 255), max = Math.max(r, g, b), d = max - min, h, s, l = (max + min) / 2; + if (d) { + s = l < .5 ? d / (max + min) : d / (2 - max - min); + if (r == max) h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); else if (g == max) h = (b - r) / d + 2; else h = (r - g) / d + 4; + h *= 60; + } else { + s = h = 0; + } + return d3_hsl(h, s, l); + } + function d3_rgb_lab(r, g, b) { + r = d3_rgb_xyz(r); + g = d3_rgb_xyz(g); + b = d3_rgb_xyz(b); + var x = d3_xyz_lab((.4124564 * r + .3575761 * g + .1804375 * b) / d3_lab_X), y = d3_xyz_lab((.2126729 * r + .7151522 * g + .072175 * b) / d3_lab_Y), z = d3_xyz_lab((.0193339 * r + .119192 * g + .9503041 * b) / d3_lab_Z); + return d3_lab(116 * y - 16, 500 * (x - y), 200 * (y - z)); + } + function d3_rgb_xyz(r) { + return (r /= 255) <= .04045 ? r / 12.92 : Math.pow((r + .055) / 1.055, 2.4); + } + function d3_rgb_parseNumber(c) { + var f = parseFloat(c); + return c.charAt(c.length - 1) === "%" ? Math.round(f * 2.55) : f; + } + var d3_rgb_names = d3.map({ + aliceblue: "#f0f8ff", + antiquewhite: "#faebd7", + aqua: "#00ffff", + aquamarine: "#7fffd4", + azure: "#f0ffff", + beige: "#f5f5dc", + bisque: "#ffe4c4", + black: "#000000", + blanchedalmond: "#ffebcd", + blue: "#0000ff", + blueviolet: "#8a2be2", + brown: "#a52a2a", + burlywood: "#deb887", + cadetblue: "#5f9ea0", + chartreuse: "#7fff00", + chocolate: "#d2691e", + coral: "#ff7f50", + cornflowerblue: "#6495ed", + cornsilk: "#fff8dc", + crimson: "#dc143c", + cyan: "#00ffff", + darkblue: "#00008b", + darkcyan: "#008b8b", + darkgoldenrod: "#b8860b", + darkgray: "#a9a9a9", + darkgreen: "#006400", + darkgrey: "#a9a9a9", + darkkhaki: "#bdb76b", + darkmagenta: "#8b008b", + darkolivegreen: "#556b2f", + darkorange: "#ff8c00", + darkorchid: "#9932cc", + darkred: "#8b0000", + darksalmon: "#e9967a", + darkseagreen: "#8fbc8f", + darkslateblue: "#483d8b", + darkslategray: "#2f4f4f", + darkslategrey: "#2f4f4f", + darkturquoise: "#00ced1", + darkviolet: "#9400d3", + deeppink: "#ff1493", + deepskyblue: "#00bfff", + dimgray: "#696969", + dimgrey: "#696969", + dodgerblue: "#1e90ff", + firebrick: "#b22222", + floralwhite: "#fffaf0", + forestgreen: "#228b22", + fuchsia: "#ff00ff", + gainsboro: "#dcdcdc", + ghostwhite: "#f8f8ff", + gold: "#ffd700", + goldenrod: "#daa520", + gray: "#808080", + green: "#008000", + greenyellow: "#adff2f", + grey: "#808080", + honeydew: "#f0fff0", + hotpink: "#ff69b4", + indianred: "#cd5c5c", + indigo: "#4b0082", + ivory: "#fffff0", + khaki: "#f0e68c", + lavender: "#e6e6fa", + lavenderblush: "#fff0f5", + lawngreen: "#7cfc00", + lemonchiffon: "#fffacd", + lightblue: "#add8e6", + lightcoral: "#f08080", + lightcyan: "#e0ffff", + lightgoldenrodyellow: "#fafad2", + lightgray: "#d3d3d3", + lightgreen: "#90ee90", + lightgrey: "#d3d3d3", + lightpink: "#ffb6c1", + lightsalmon: "#ffa07a", + lightseagreen: "#20b2aa", + lightskyblue: "#87cefa", + lightslategray: "#778899", + lightslategrey: "#778899", + lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de", + lightyellow: "#ffffe0", + lime: "#00ff00", + limegreen: "#32cd32", + linen: "#faf0e6", + magenta: "#ff00ff", + maroon: "#800000", + mediumaquamarine: "#66cdaa", + mediumblue: "#0000cd", + mediumorchid: "#ba55d3", + mediumpurple: "#9370db", + mediumseagreen: "#3cb371", + mediumslateblue: "#7b68ee", + mediumspringgreen: "#00fa9a", + mediumturquoise: "#48d1cc", + mediumvioletred: "#c71585", + midnightblue: "#191970", + mintcream: "#f5fffa", + mistyrose: "#ffe4e1", + moccasin: "#ffe4b5", + navajowhite: "#ffdead", + navy: "#000080", + oldlace: "#fdf5e6", + olive: "#808000", + olivedrab: "#6b8e23", + orange: "#ffa500", + orangered: "#ff4500", + orchid: "#da70d6", + palegoldenrod: "#eee8aa", + palegreen: "#98fb98", + paleturquoise: "#afeeee", + palevioletred: "#db7093", + papayawhip: "#ffefd5", + peachpuff: "#ffdab9", + peru: "#cd853f", + pink: "#ffc0cb", + plum: "#dda0dd", + powderblue: "#b0e0e6", + purple: "#800080", + red: "#ff0000", + rosybrown: "#bc8f8f", + royalblue: "#4169e1", + saddlebrown: "#8b4513", + salmon: "#fa8072", + sandybrown: "#f4a460", + seagreen: "#2e8b57", + seashell: "#fff5ee", + sienna: "#a0522d", + silver: "#c0c0c0", + skyblue: "#87ceeb", + slateblue: "#6a5acd", + slategray: "#708090", + slategrey: "#708090", + snow: "#fffafa", + springgreen: "#00ff7f", + steelblue: "#4682b4", + tan: "#d2b48c", + teal: "#008080", + thistle: "#d8bfd8", + tomato: "#ff6347", + turquoise: "#40e0d0", + violet: "#ee82ee", + wheat: "#f5deb3", + white: "#ffffff", + whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5", + yellow: "#ffff00", + yellowgreen: "#9acd32" + }); + d3_rgb_names.forEach(function(key, value) { + d3_rgb_names.set(key, d3_rgb_parse(value, d3_rgb, d3_hsl_rgb)); + }); + d3.hsl = function(h, s, l) { + return arguments.length === 1 ? h instanceof d3_Hsl ? d3_hsl(h.h, h.s, h.l) : d3_rgb_parse("" + h, d3_rgb_hsl, d3_hsl) : d3_hsl(+h, +s, +l); + }; + function d3_hsl(h, s, l) { + return new d3_Hsl(h, s, l); + } + function d3_Hsl(h, s, l) { + this.h = h; + this.s = s; + this.l = l; + } + var d3_hslPrototype = d3_Hsl.prototype = new d3_Color(); + d3_hslPrototype.brighter = function(k) { + k = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? k : 1); + return d3_hsl(this.h, this.s, this.l / k); + }; + d3_hslPrototype.darker = function(k) { + k = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? k : 1); + return d3_hsl(this.h, this.s, k * this.l); + }; + d3_hslPrototype.rgb = function() { + return d3_hsl_rgb(this.h, this.s, this.l); + }; + function d3_hsl_rgb(h, s, l) { + var m1, m2; + h = h % 360; + if (h < 0) h += 360; + s = s < 0 ? 0 : s > 1 ? 1 : s; + l = l < 0 ? 0 : l > 1 ? 1 : l; + m2 = l <= .5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s; + m1 = 2 * l - m2; + function v(h) { + if (h > 360) h -= 360; else if (h < 0) h += 360; + if (h < 60) return m1 + (m2 - m1) * h / 60; + if (h < 180) return m2; + if (h < 240) return m1 + (m2 - m1) * (240 - h) / 60; + return m1; + } + function vv(h) { + return Math.round(v(h) * 255); + } + return d3_rgb(vv(h + 120), vv(h), vv(h - 120)); + } + d3.hcl = function(h, c, l) { + return arguments.length === 1 ? h instanceof d3_Hcl ? d3_hcl(h.h, h.c, h.l) : h instanceof d3_Lab ? d3_lab_hcl(h.l, h.a, h.b) : d3_lab_hcl((h = d3_rgb_lab((h = d3.rgb(h)).r, h.g, h.b)).l, h.a, h.b) : d3_hcl(+h, +c, +l); + }; + function d3_hcl(h, c, l) { + return new d3_Hcl(h, c, l); + } + function d3_Hcl(h, c, l) { + this.h = h; + this.c = c; + this.l = l; + } + var d3_hclPrototype = d3_Hcl.prototype = new d3_Color(); + d3_hclPrototype.brighter = function(k) { + return d3_hcl(this.h, this.c, Math.min(100, this.l + d3_lab_K * (arguments.length ? k : 1))); + }; + d3_hclPrototype.darker = function(k) { + return d3_hcl(this.h, this.c, Math.max(0, this.l - d3_lab_K * (arguments.length ? k : 1))); + }; + d3_hclPrototype.rgb = function() { + return d3_hcl_lab(this.h, this.c, this.l).rgb(); + }; + function d3_hcl_lab(h, c, l) { + return d3_lab(l, Math.cos(h *= d3_radians) * c, Math.sin(h) * c); + } + d3.lab = function(l, a, b) { + return arguments.length === 1 ? l instanceof d3_Lab ? d3_lab(l.l, l.a, l.b) : l instanceof d3_Hcl ? d3_hcl_lab(l.l, l.c, l.h) : d3_rgb_lab((l = d3.rgb(l)).r, l.g, l.b) : d3_lab(+l, +a, +b); + }; + function d3_lab(l, a, b) { + return new d3_Lab(l, a, b); + } + function d3_Lab(l, a, b) { + this.l = l; + this.a = a; + this.b = b; + } + var d3_lab_K = 18; + var d3_lab_X = .95047, d3_lab_Y = 1, d3_lab_Z = 1.08883; + var d3_labPrototype = d3_Lab.prototype = new d3_Color(); + d3_labPrototype.brighter = function(k) { + return d3_lab(Math.min(100, this.l + d3_lab_K * (arguments.length ? k : 1)), this.a, this.b); + }; + d3_labPrototype.darker = function(k) { + return d3_lab(Math.max(0, this.l - d3_lab_K * (arguments.length ? k : 1)), this.a, this.b); + }; + d3_labPrototype.rgb = function() { + return d3_lab_rgb(this.l, this.a, this.b); + }; + function d3_lab_rgb(l, a, b) { + var y = (l + 16) / 116, x = y + a / 500, z = y - b / 200; + x = d3_lab_xyz(x) * d3_lab_X; + y = d3_lab_xyz(y) * d3_lab_Y; + z = d3_lab_xyz(z) * d3_lab_Z; + return d3_rgb(d3_xyz_rgb(3.2404542 * x - 1.5371385 * y - .4985314 * z), d3_xyz_rgb(-.969266 * x + 1.8760108 * y + .041556 * z), d3_xyz_rgb(.0556434 * x - .2040259 * y + 1.0572252 * z)); + } + function d3_lab_hcl(l, a, b) { + return d3_hcl(Math.atan2(b, a) / π * 180, Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b), l); + } + function d3_lab_xyz(x) { + return x > .206893034 ? x * x * x : (x - 4 / 29) / 7.787037; + } + function d3_xyz_lab(x) { + return x > .008856 ? Math.pow(x, 1 / 3) : 7.787037 * x + 4 / 29; + } + function d3_xyz_rgb(r) { + return Math.round(255 * (r <= .00304 ? 12.92 * r : 1.055 * Math.pow(r, 1 / 2.4) - .055)); + } + function d3_selection(groups) { + d3_arraySubclass(groups, d3_selectionPrototype); + return groups; + } + var d3_select = function(s, n) { + return n.querySelector(s); + }, d3_selectAll = function(s, n) { + return n.querySelectorAll(s); + }, d3_selectRoot = document.documentElement, d3_selectMatcher = d3_selectRoot.matchesSelector || d3_selectRoot.webkitMatchesSelector || d3_selectRoot.mozMatchesSelector || d3_selectRoot.msMatchesSelector || d3_selectRoot.oMatchesSelector, d3_selectMatches = function(n, s) { + return d3_selectMatcher.call(n, s); + }; + if (typeof Sizzle === "function") { + d3_select = function(s, n) { + return Sizzle(s, n)[0] || null; + }; + d3_selectAll = function(s, n) { + return Sizzle.uniqueSort(Sizzle(s, n)); + }; + d3_selectMatches = Sizzle.matchesSelector; + } + var d3_selectionPrototype = []; + d3.selection = function() { + return d3_selectionRoot; + }; + d3.selection.prototype = d3_selectionPrototype; + d3_selectionPrototype.select = function(selector) { + var subgroups = [], subgroup, subnode, group, node; + if (typeof selector !== "function") selector = d3_selection_selector(selector); + for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) { + subgroups.push(subgroup = []); + subgroup.parentNode = (group = this[j]).parentNode; + for (var i = -1, n = group.length; ++i < n; ) { + if (node = group[i]) { + subgroup.push(subnode = selector.call(node, node.__data__, i)); + if (subnode && "__data__" in node) subnode.__data__ = node.__data__; + } else { + subgroup.push(null); + } + } + } + return d3_selection(subgroups); + }; + function d3_selection_selector(selector) { + return function() { + return d3_select(selector, this); + }; + } + d3_selectionPrototype.selectAll = function(selector) { + var subgroups = [], subgroup, node; + if (typeof selector !== "function") selector = d3_selection_selectorAll(selector); + for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) { + for (var group = this[j], i = -1, n = group.length; ++i < n; ) { + if (node = group[i]) { + subgroups.push(subgroup = d3_array(selector.call(node, node.__data__, i))); + subgroup.parentNode = node; + } + } + } + return d3_selection(subgroups); + }; + function d3_selection_selectorAll(selector) { + return function() { + return d3_selectAll(selector, this); + }; + } + d3_selectionPrototype.attr = function(name, value) { + if (arguments.length < 2) { + if (typeof name === "string") { + var node = this.node(); + name = d3.ns.qualify(name); + return name.local ? node.getAttributeNS(name.space, name.local) : node.getAttribute(name); + } + for (value in name) this.each(d3_selection_attr(value, name[value])); + return this; + } + return this.each(d3_selection_attr(name, value)); + }; + function d3_selection_attr(name, value) { + name = d3.ns.qualify(name); + function attrNull() { + this.removeAttribute(name); + } + function attrNullNS() { + this.removeAttributeNS(name.space, name.local); + } + function attrConstant() { + this.setAttribute(name, value); + } + function attrConstantNS() { + this.setAttributeNS(name.space, name.local, value); + } + function attrFunction() { + var x = value.apply(this, arguments); + if (x == null) this.removeAttribute(name); else this.setAttribute(name, x); + } + function attrFunctionNS() { + var x = value.apply(this, arguments); + if (x == null) this.removeAttributeNS(name.space, name.local); else this.setAttributeNS(name.space, name.local, x); + } + return value == null ? name.local ? attrNullNS : attrNull : typeof value === "function" ? name.local ? attrFunctionNS : attrFunction : name.local ? attrConstantNS : attrConstant; + } + d3_selectionPrototype.classed = function(name, value) { + if (arguments.length < 2) { + if (typeof name === "string") { + var node = this.node(), n = (name = name.trim().split(/^|\s+/g)).length, i = -1; + if (value = node.classList) { + while (++i < n) if (!value.contains(name[i])) return false; + } else { + value = node.className; + if (value.baseVal != null) value = value.baseVal; + while (++i < n) if (!d3_selection_classedRe(name[i]).test(value)) return false; + } + return true; + } + for (value in name) this.each(d3_selection_classed(value, name[value])); + return this; + } + return this.each(d3_selection_classed(name, value)); + }; + function d3_selection_classedRe(name) { + return new RegExp("(?:^|\\s+)" + d3.requote(name) + "(?:\\s+|$)", "g"); + } + function d3_selection_classed(name, value) { + name = name.trim().split(/\s+/).map(d3_selection_classedName); + var n = name.length; + function classedConstant() { + var i = -1; + while (++i < n) name[i](this, value); + } + function classedFunction() { + var i = -1, x = value.apply(this, arguments); + while (++i < n) name[i](this, x); + } + return typeof value === "function" ? classedFunction : classedConstant; + } + function d3_selection_classedName(name) { + var re = d3_selection_classedRe(name); + return function(node, value) { + if (c = node.classList) return value ? c.add(name) : c.remove(name); + var c = node.className, cb = c.baseVal != null, cv = cb ? c.baseVal : c; + if (value) { + re.lastIndex = 0; + if (!re.test(cv)) { + cv = d3_collapse(cv + " " + name); + if (cb) c.baseVal = cv; else node.className = cv; + } + } else if (cv) { + cv = d3_collapse(cv.replace(re, " ")); + if (cb) c.baseVal = cv; else node.className = cv; + } + }; + } + d3_selectionPrototype.style = function(name, value, priority) { + var n = arguments.length; + if (n < 3) { + if (typeof name !== "string") { + if (n < 2) value = ""; + for (priority in name) this.each(d3_selection_style(priority, name[priority], value)); + return this; + } + if (n < 2) return getComputedStyle(this.node(), null).getPropertyValue(name); + priority = ""; + } + return this.each(d3_selection_style(name, value, priority)); + }; + function d3_selection_style(name, value, priority) { + function styleNull() { + this.style.removeProperty(name); + } + function styleConstant() { + this.style.setProperty(name, value, priority); + } + function styleFunction() { + var x = value.apply(this, arguments); + if (x == null) this.style.removeProperty(name); else this.style.setProperty(name, x, priority); + } + return value == null ? styleNull : typeof value === "function" ? styleFunction : styleConstant; + } + d3_selectionPrototype.property = function(name, value) { + if (arguments.length < 2) { + if (typeof name === "string") return this.node()[name]; + for (value in name) this.each(d3_selection_property(value, name[value])); + return this; + } + return this.each(d3_selection_property(name, value)); + }; + function d3_selection_property(name, value) { + function propertyNull() { + delete this[name]; + } + function propertyConstant() { + this[name] = value; + } + function propertyFunction() { + var x = value.apply(this, arguments); + if (x == null) delete this[name]; else this[name] = x; + } + return value == null ? propertyNull : typeof value === "function" ? propertyFunction : propertyConstant; + } + d3_selectionPrototype.text = function(value) { + return arguments.length ? this.each(typeof value === "function" ? function() { + var v = value.apply(this, arguments); + this.textContent = v == null ? "" : v; + } : value == null ? function() { + this.textContent = ""; + } : function() { + this.textContent = value; + }) : this.node().textContent; + }; + d3_selectionPrototype.html = function(value) { + return arguments.length ? this.each(typeof value === "function" ? function() { + var v = value.apply(this, arguments); + this.innerHTML = v == null ? "" : v; + } : value == null ? function() { + this.innerHTML = ""; + } : function() { + this.innerHTML = value; + }) : this.node().innerHTML; + }; + d3_selectionPrototype.append = function(name) { + name = d3.ns.qualify(name); + function append() { + return this.appendChild(document.createElementNS(this.namespaceURI, name)); + } + function appendNS() { + return this.appendChild(document.createElementNS(name.space, name.local)); + } + return this.select(name.local ? appendNS : append); + }; + d3_selectionPrototype.insert = function(name, before) { + name = d3.ns.qualify(name); + function insert() { + return this.insertBefore(document.createElementNS(this.namespaceURI, name), d3_select(before, this)); + } + function insertNS() { + return this.insertBefore(document.createElementNS(name.space, name.local), d3_select(before, this)); + } + return this.select(name.local ? insertNS : insert); + }; + d3_selectionPrototype.remove = function() { + return this.each(function() { + var parent = this.parentNode; + if (parent) parent.removeChild(this); + }); + }; + d3_selectionPrototype.data = function(value, key) { + var i = -1, n = this.length, group, node; + if (!arguments.length) { + value = new Array(n = (group = this[0]).length); + while (++i < n) { + if (node = group[i]) { + value[i] = node.__data__; + } + } + return value; + } + function bind(group, groupData) { + var i, n = group.length, m = groupData.length, n0 = Math.min(n, m), updateNodes = new Array(m), enterNodes = new Array(m), exitNodes = new Array(n), node, nodeData; + if (key) { + var nodeByKeyValue = new d3_Map(), dataByKeyValue = new d3_Map(), keyValues = [], keyValue; + for (i = -1; ++i < n; ) { + keyValue = key.call(node = group[i], node.__data__, i); + if (nodeByKeyValue.has(keyValue)) { + exitNodes[i] = node; + } else { + nodeByKeyValue.set(keyValue, node); + } + keyValues.push(keyValue); + } + for (i = -1; ++i < m; ) { + keyValue = key.call(groupData, nodeData = groupData[i], i); + if (node = nodeByKeyValue.get(keyValue)) { + updateNodes[i] = node; + node.__data__ = nodeData; + } else if (!dataByKeyValue.has(keyValue)) { + enterNodes[i] = d3_selection_dataNode(nodeData); + } + dataByKeyValue.set(keyValue, nodeData); + nodeByKeyValue.remove(keyValue); + } + for (i = -1; ++i < n; ) { + if (nodeByKeyValue.has(keyValues[i])) { + exitNodes[i] = group[i]; + } + } + } else { + for (i = -1; ++i < n0; ) { + node = group[i]; + nodeData = groupData[i]; + if (node) { + node.__data__ = nodeData; + updateNodes[i] = node; + } else { + enterNodes[i] = d3_selection_dataNode(nodeData); + } + } + for (;i < m; ++i) { + enterNodes[i] = d3_selection_dataNode(groupData[i]); + } + for (;i < n; ++i) { + exitNodes[i] = group[i]; + } + } + enterNodes.update = updateNodes; + enterNodes.parentNode = updateNodes.parentNode = exitNodes.parentNode = group.parentNode; + enter.push(enterNodes); + update.push(updateNodes); + exit.push(exitNodes); + } + var enter = d3_selection_enter([]), update = d3_selection([]), exit = d3_selection([]); + if (typeof value === "function") { + while (++i < n) { + bind(group = this[i], value.call(group, group.parentNode.__data__, i)); + } + } else { + while (++i < n) { + bind(group = this[i], value); + } + } + update.enter = function() { + return enter; + }; + update.exit = function() { + return exit; + }; + return update; + }; + function d3_selection_dataNode(data) { + return { + __data__: data + }; + } + d3_selectionPrototype.datum = function(value) { + return arguments.length ? this.property("__data__", value) : this.property("__data__"); + }; + d3_selectionPrototype.filter = function(filter) { + var subgroups = [], subgroup, group, node; + if (typeof filter !== "function") filter = d3_selection_filter(filter); + for (var j = 0, m = this.length; j < m; j++) { + subgroups.push(subgroup = []); + subgroup.parentNode = (group = this[j]).parentNode; + for (var i = 0, n = group.length; i < n; i++) { + if ((node = group[i]) && filter.call(node, node.__data__, i)) { + subgroup.push(node); + } + } + } + return d3_selection(subgroups); + }; + function d3_selection_filter(selector) { + return function() { + return d3_selectMatches(this, selector); + }; + } + d3_selectionPrototype.order = function() { + for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) { + for (var group = this[j], i = group.length - 1, next = group[i], node; --i >= 0; ) { + if (node = group[i]) { + if (next && next !== node.nextSibling) next.parentNode.insertBefore(node, next); + next = node; + } + } + } + return this; + }; + d3_selectionPrototype.sort = function(comparator) { + comparator = d3_selection_sortComparator.apply(this, arguments); + for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) this[j].sort(comparator); + return this.order(); + }; + function d3_selection_sortComparator(comparator) { + if (!arguments.length) comparator = d3.ascending; + return function(a, b) { + return comparator(a && a.__data__, b && b.__data__); + }; + } + d3_selectionPrototype.on = function(type, listener, capture) { + var n = arguments.length; + if (n < 3) { + if (typeof type !== "string") { + if (n < 2) listener = false; + for (capture in type) this.each(d3_selection_on(capture, type[capture], listener)); + return this; + } + if (n < 2) return (n = this.node()["__on" + type]) && n._; + capture = false; + } + return this.each(d3_selection_on(type, listener, capture)); + }; + function d3_selection_on(type, listener, capture) { + var name = "__on" + type, i = type.indexOf("."); + if (i > 0) type = type.substring(0, i); + function onRemove() { + var wrapper = this[name]; + if (wrapper) { + this.removeEventListener(type, wrapper, wrapper.$); + delete this[name]; + } + } + function onAdd() { + var node = this, args = d3_array(arguments); + onRemove.call(this); + this.addEventListener(type, this[name] = wrapper, wrapper.$ = capture); + wrapper._ = listener; + function wrapper(e) { + var o = d3.event; + d3.event = e; + args[0] = node.__data__; + try { + listener.apply(node, args); + } finally { + d3.event = o; + } + } + } + return listener ? onAdd : onRemove; + } + d3_selectionPrototype.each = function(callback) { + return d3_selection_each(this, function(node, i, j) { + callback.call(node, node.__data__, i, j); + }); + }; + function d3_selection_each(groups, callback) { + for (var j = 0, m = groups.length; j < m; j++) { + for (var group = groups[j], i = 0, n = group.length, node; i < n; i++) { + if (node = group[i]) callback(node, i, j); + } + } + return groups; + } + d3_selectionPrototype.call = function(callback) { + var args = d3_array(arguments); + callback.apply(args[0] = this, args); + return this; + }; + d3_selectionPrototype.empty = function() { + return !this.node(); + }; + d3_selectionPrototype.node = function() { + for (var j = 0, m = this.length; j < m; j++) { + for (var group = this[j], i = 0, n = group.length; i < n; i++) { + var node = group[i]; + if (node) return node; + } + } + return null; + }; + d3_selectionPrototype.transition = function() { + var id = d3_transitionInheritId || ++d3_transitionId, subgroups = [], subgroup, node, transition = Object.create(d3_transitionInherit); + transition.time = Date.now(); + for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) { + subgroups.push(subgroup = []); + for (var group = this[j], i = -1, n = group.length; ++i < n; ) { + if (node = group[i]) d3_transitionNode(node, i, id, transition); + subgroup.push(node); + } + } + return d3_transition(subgroups, id); + }; + var d3_selectionRoot = d3_selection([ [ document ] ]); + d3_selectionRoot[0].parentNode = d3_selectRoot; + d3.select = function(selector) { + return typeof selector === "string" ? d3_selectionRoot.select(selector) : d3_selection([ [ selector ] ]); + }; + d3.selectAll = function(selector) { + return typeof selector === "string" ? d3_selectionRoot.selectAll(selector) : d3_selection([ d3_array(selector) ]); + }; + function d3_selection_enter(selection) { + d3_arraySubclass(selection, d3_selection_enterPrototype); + return selection; + } + var d3_selection_enterPrototype = []; + d3.selection.enter = d3_selection_enter; + d3.selection.enter.prototype = d3_selection_enterPrototype; + d3_selection_enterPrototype.append = d3_selectionPrototype.append; + d3_selection_enterPrototype.insert = d3_selectionPrototype.insert; + d3_selection_enterPrototype.empty = d3_selectionPrototype.empty; + d3_selection_enterPrototype.node = d3_selectionPrototype.node; + d3_selection_enterPrototype.select = function(selector) { + var subgroups = [], subgroup, subnode, upgroup, group, node; + for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) { + upgroup = (group = this[j]).update; + subgroups.push(subgroup = []); + subgroup.parentNode = group.parentNode; + for (var i = -1, n = group.length; ++i < n; ) { + if (node = group[i]) { + subgroup.push(upgroup[i] = subnode = selector.call(group.parentNode, node.__data__, i)); + subnode.__data__ = node.__data__; + } else { + subgroup.push(null); + } + } + } + return d3_selection(subgroups); + }; + function d3_transition(groups, id) { + d3_arraySubclass(groups, d3_transitionPrototype); + groups.id = id; + return groups; + } + var d3_transitionPrototype = [], d3_transitionId = 0, d3_transitionInheritId, d3_transitionInherit = { + ease: d3_ease_cubicInOut, + delay: 0, + duration: 250 + }; + d3_transitionPrototype.call = d3_selectionPrototype.call; + d3_transitionPrototype.empty = d3_selectionPrototype.empty; + d3_transitionPrototype.node = d3_selectionPrototype.node; + d3.transition = function(selection) { + return arguments.length ? d3_transitionInheritId ? selection.transition() : selection : d3_selectionRoot.transition(); + }; + d3.transition.prototype = d3_transitionPrototype; + function d3_transitionNode(node, i, id, inherit) { + var lock = node.__transition__ || (node.__transition__ = { + active: 0, + count: 0 + }), transition = lock[id]; + if (!transition) { + var time = inherit.time; + transition = lock[id] = { + tween: new d3_Map(), + event: d3.dispatch("start", "end"), + time: time, + ease: inherit.ease, + delay: inherit.delay, + duration: inherit.duration + }; + ++lock.count; + d3.timer(function(elapsed) { + var d = node.__data__, ease = transition.ease, event = transition.event, delay = transition.delay, duration = transition.duration, tweened = []; + return delay <= elapsed ? start(elapsed) : d3.timer(start, delay, time), 1; + function start(elapsed) { + if (lock.active > id) return stop(); + lock.active = id; + event.start.call(node, d, i); + transition.tween.forEach(function(key, value) { + if (value = value.call(node, d, i)) { + tweened.push(value); + } + }); + if (!tick(elapsed)) d3.timer(tick, 0, time); + return 1; + } + function tick(elapsed) { + if (lock.active !== id) return stop(); + var t = (elapsed - delay) / duration, e = ease(t), n = tweened.length; + while (n > 0) { + tweened[--n].call(node, e); + } + if (t >= 1) { + stop(); + event.end.call(node, d, i); + return 1; + } + } + function stop() { + if (--lock.count) delete lock[id]; else delete node.__transition__; + return 1; + } + }, 0, time); + return transition; + } + } + d3_transitionPrototype.select = function(selector) { + var id = this.id, subgroups = [], subgroup, subnode, node; + if (typeof selector !== "function") selector = d3_selection_selector(selector); + for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) { + subgroups.push(subgroup = []); + for (var group = this[j], i = -1, n = group.length; ++i < n; ) { + if ((node = group[i]) && (subnode = selector.call(node, node.__data__, i))) { + if ("__data__" in node) subnode.__data__ = node.__data__; + d3_transitionNode(subnode, i, id, node.__transition__[id]); + subgroup.push(subnode); + } else { + subgroup.push(null); + } + } + } + return d3_transition(subgroups, id); + }; + d3_transitionPrototype.selectAll = function(selector) { + var id = this.id, subgroups = [], subgroup, subnodes, node, subnode, transition; + if (typeof selector !== "function") selector = d3_selection_selectorAll(selector); + for (var j = -1, m = this.length; ++j < m; ) { + for (var group = this[j], i = -1, n = group.length; ++i < n; ) { + if (node = group[i]) { + transition = node.__transition__[id]; + subnodes = selector.call(node, node.__data__, i); + subgroups.push(subgroup = []); + for (var k = -1, o = subnodes.length; ++k < o; ) { + d3_transitionNode(subnode = subnodes[k], k, id, transition); + subgroup.push(subnode); + } + } + } + } + return d3_transition(subgroups, id); + }; + d3_transitionPrototype.filter = function(filter) { + var subgroups = [], subgroup, group, node; + if (typeof filter !== "function") filter = d3_selection_filter(filter); + for (var j = 0, m = this.length; j < m; j++) { + subgroups.push(subgroup = []); + for (var group = this[j], i = 0, n = group.length; i < n; i++) { + if ((node = group[i]) && filter.call(node, node.__data__, i)) { + subgroup.push(node); + } + } + } + return d3_transition(subgroups, this.id, this.time).ease(this.ease()); + }; + d3_transitionPrototype.attr = function(nameNS, value) { + if (arguments.length < 2) { + for (value in nameNS) this.attr(value, nameNS[value]); + return this; + } + var interpolate = d3_interpolateByName(nameNS), name = d3.ns.qualify(nameNS); + function attrNull() { + this.removeAttribute(name); + } + function attrNullNS() { + this.removeAttributeNS(name.space, name.local); + } + return d3_transition_tween(this, "attr." + nameNS, value, function(b) { + function attrString() { + var a = this.getAttribute(name), i; + return a !== b && (i = interpolate(a, b), function(t) { + this.setAttribute(name, i(t)); + }); + } + function attrStringNS() { + var a = this.getAttributeNS(name.space, name.local), i; + return a !== b && (i = interpolate(a, b), function(t) { + this.setAttributeNS(name.space, name.local, i(t)); + }); + } + return b == null ? name.local ? attrNullNS : attrNull : (b += "", name.local ? attrStringNS : attrString); + }); + }; + d3_transitionPrototype.attrTween = function(nameNS, tween) { + var name = d3.ns.qualify(nameNS); + function attrTween(d, i) { + var f = tween.call(this, d, i, this.getAttribute(name)); + return f && function(t) { + this.setAttribute(name, f(t)); + }; + } + function attrTweenNS(d, i) { + var f = tween.call(this, d, i, this.getAttributeNS(name.space, name.local)); + return f && function(t) { + this.setAttributeNS(name.space, name.local, f(t)); + }; + } + return this.tween("attr." + nameNS, name.local ? attrTweenNS : attrTween); + }; + d3_transitionPrototype.style = function(name, value, priority) { + var n = arguments.length; + if (n < 3) { + if (typeof name !== "string") { + if (n < 2) value = ""; + for (priority in name) this.style(priority, name[priority], value); + return this; + } + priority = ""; + } + var interpolate = d3_interpolateByName(name); + function styleNull() { + this.style.removeProperty(name); + } + return d3_transition_tween(this, "style." + name, value, function(b) { + function styleString() { + var a = getComputedStyle(this, null).getPropertyValue(name), i; + return a !== b && (i = interpolate(a, b), function(t) { + this.style.setProperty(name, i(t), priority); + }); + } + return b == null ? styleNull : (b += "", styleString); + }); + }; + d3_transitionPrototype.styleTween = function(name, tween, priority) { + if (arguments.length < 3) priority = ""; + return this.tween("style." + name, function(d, i) { + var f = tween.call(this, d, i, getComputedStyle(this, null).getPropertyValue(name)); + return f && function(t) { + this.style.setProperty(name, f(t), priority); + }; + }); + }; + d3_transitionPrototype.text = function(value) { + return d3_transition_tween(this, "text", value, d3_transition_text); + }; + function d3_transition_text(b) { + if (b == null) b = ""; + return function() { + this.textContent = b; + }; + } + d3_transitionPrototype.remove = function() { + return this.each("end.transition", function() { + var p; + if (!this.__transition__ && (p = this.parentNode)) p.removeChild(this); + }); + }; + d3_transitionPrototype.ease = function(value) { + var id = this.id; + if (arguments.length < 1) return this.node().__transition__[id].ease; + if (typeof value !== "function") value = d3.ease.apply(d3, arguments); + return d3_selection_each(this, function(node) { + node.__transition__[id].ease = value; + }); + }; + d3_transitionPrototype.delay = function(value) { + var id = this.id; + return d3_selection_each(this, typeof value === "function" ? function(node, i, j) { + node.__transition__[id].delay = value.call(node, node.__data__, i, j) | 0; + } : (value |= 0, function(node) { + node.__transition__[id].delay = value; + })); + }; + d3_transitionPrototype.duration = function(value) { + var id = this.id; + return d3_selection_each(this, typeof value === "function" ? function(node, i, j) { + node.__transition__[id].duration = Math.max(1, value.call(node, node.__data__, i, j) | 0); + } : (value = Math.max(1, value | 0), function(node) { + node.__transition__[id].duration = value; + })); + }; + d3_transitionPrototype.each = function(type, listener) { + var id = this.id; + if (arguments.length < 2) { + var inherit = d3_transitionInherit, inheritId = d3_transitionInheritId; + d3_transitionInheritId = id; + d3_selection_each(this, function(node, i, j) { + d3_transitionInherit = node.__transition__[id]; + type.call(node, node.__data__, i, j); + }); + d3_transitionInherit = inherit; + d3_transitionInheritId = inheritId; + } else { + d3_selection_each(this, function(node) { + node.__transition__[id].event.on(type, listener); + }); + } + return this; + }; + d3_transitionPrototype.transition = function() { + var id0 = this.id, id1 = ++d3_transitionId, subgroups = [], subgroup, group, node, transition; + for (var j = 0, m = this.length; j < m; j++) { + subgroups.push(subgroup = []); + for (var group = this[j], i = 0, n = group.length; i < n; i++) { + if (node = group[i]) { + transition = Object.create(node.__transition__[id0]); + transition.delay += transition.duration; + d3_transitionNode(node, i, id1, transition); + } + subgroup.push(node); + } + } + return d3_transition(subgroups, id1); + }; + d3_transitionPrototype.tween = function(name, tween) { + var id = this.id; + if (arguments.length < 2) return this.node().__transition__[id].tween.get(name); + return d3_selection_each(this, tween == null ? function(node) { + node.__transition__[id].tween.remove(name); + } : function(node) { + node.__transition__[id].tween.set(name, tween); + }); + }; + function d3_transition_tween(groups, name, value, tween) { + var id = groups.id; + return d3_selection_each(groups, typeof value === "function" ? function(node, i, j) { + node.__transition__[id].tween.set(name, tween(value.call(node, node.__data__, i, j))); + } : (value = tween(value), function(node) { + node.__transition__[id].tween.set(name, value); + })); + } + var d3_timer_id = 0, d3_timer_byId = {}, d3_timer_queue = null, d3_timer_interval, d3_timer_timeout; + d3.timer = function(callback, delay, then) { + if (arguments.length < 3) { + if (arguments.length < 2) delay = 0; else if (!isFinite(delay)) return; + then = Date.now(); + } + var timer = d3_timer_byId[callback.id]; + if (timer && timer.callback === callback) { + timer.then = then; + timer.delay = delay; + } else d3_timer_byId[callback.id = ++d3_timer_id] = d3_timer_queue = { + callback: callback, + then: then, + delay: delay, + next: d3_timer_queue + }; + if (!d3_timer_interval) { + d3_timer_timeout = clearTimeout(d3_timer_timeout); + d3_timer_interval = 1; + d3_timer_frame(d3_timer_step); + } + }; + function d3_timer_step() { + var elapsed, now = Date.now(), t1 = d3_timer_queue; + while (t1) { + elapsed = now - t1.then; + if (elapsed >= t1.delay) t1.flush = t1.callback(elapsed); + t1 = t1.next; + } + var delay = d3_timer_flush() - now; + if (delay > 24) { + if (isFinite(delay)) { + clearTimeout(d3_timer_timeout); + d3_timer_timeout = setTimeout(d3_timer_step, delay); + } + d3_timer_interval = 0; + } else { + d3_timer_interval = 1; + d3_timer_frame(d3_timer_step); + } + } + d3.timer.flush = function() { + var elapsed, now = Date.now(), t1 = d3_timer_queue; + while (t1) { + elapsed = now - t1.then; + if (!t1.delay) t1.flush = t1.callback(elapsed); + t1 = t1.next; + } + d3_timer_flush(); + }; + function d3_timer_flush() { + var t0 = null, t1 = d3_timer_queue, then = Infinity; + while (t1) { + if (t1.flush) { + delete d3_timer_byId[t1.callback.id]; + t1 = t0 ? t0.next = t1.next : d3_timer_queue = t1.next; + } else { + then = Math.min(then, t1.then + t1.delay); + t1 = (t0 = t1).next; + } + } + return then; + } + var d3_timer_frame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) { + setTimeout(callback, 17); + }; + d3.mouse = function(container) { + return d3_mousePoint(container, d3_eventSource()); + }; + var d3_mouse_bug44083 = /WebKit/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? -1 : 0; + function d3_mousePoint(container, e) { + var svg = container.ownerSVGElement || container; + if (svg.createSVGPoint) { + var point = svg.createSVGPoint(); + if (d3_mouse_bug44083 < 0 && (window.scrollX || window.scrollY)) { + svg = d3.select(document.body).append("svg").style("position", "absolute").style("top", 0).style("left", 0); + var ctm = svg[0][0].getScreenCTM(); + d3_mouse_bug44083 = !(ctm.f || ctm.e); + svg.remove(); + } + if (d3_mouse_bug44083) { + point.x = e.pageX; + point.y = e.pageY; + } else { + point.x = e.clientX; + point.y = e.clientY; + } + point = point.matrixTransform(container.getScreenCTM().inverse()); + return [ point.x, point.y ]; + } + var rect = container.getBoundingClientRect(); + return [ e.clientX - rect.left - container.clientLeft, e.clientY - rect.top - container.clientTop ]; + } + d3.touches = function(container, touches) { + if (arguments.length < 2) touches = d3_eventSource().touches; + return touches ? d3_array(touches).map(function(touch) { + var point = d3_mousePoint(container, touch); + point.identifier = touch.identifier; + return point; + }) : []; + }; + function d3_noop() {} + d3.scale = {}; + function d3_scaleExtent(domain) { + var start = domain[0], stop = domain[domain.length - 1]; + return start < stop ? [ start, stop ] : [ stop, start ]; + } + function d3_scaleRange(scale) { + return scale.rangeExtent ? scale.rangeExtent() : d3_scaleExtent(scale.range()); + } + function d3_scale_nice(domain, nice) { + var i0 = 0, i1 = domain.length - 1, x0 = domain[i0], x1 = domain[i1], dx; + if (x1 < x0) { + dx = i0, i0 = i1, i1 = dx; + dx = x0, x0 = x1, x1 = dx; + } + if (nice = nice(x1 - x0)) { + domain[i0] = nice.floor(x0); + domain[i1] = nice.ceil(x1); + } + return domain; + } + function d3_scale_niceDefault() { + return Math; + } + d3.scale.linear = function() { + return d3_scale_linear([ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ], d3.interpolate, false); + }; + function d3_scale_linear(domain, range, interpolate, clamp) { + var output, input; + function rescale() { + var linear = Math.min(domain.length, range.length) > 2 ? d3_scale_polylinear : d3_scale_bilinear, uninterpolate = clamp ? d3_uninterpolateClamp : d3_uninterpolateNumber; + output = linear(domain, range, uninterpolate, interpolate); + input = linear(range, domain, uninterpolate, d3.interpolate); + return scale; + } + function scale(x) { + return output(x); + } + scale.invert = function(y) { + return input(y); + }; + scale.domain = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return domain; + domain = x.map(Number); + return rescale(); + }; + scale.range = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return range; + range = x; + return rescale(); + }; + scale.rangeRound = function(x) { + return scale.range(x).interpolate(d3.interpolateRound); + }; + scale.clamp = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return clamp; + clamp = x; + return rescale(); + }; + scale.interpolate = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return interpolate; + interpolate = x; + return rescale(); + }; + scale.ticks = function(m) { + return d3_scale_linearTicks(domain, m); + }; + scale.tickFormat = function(m) { + return d3_scale_linearTickFormat(domain, m); + }; + scale.nice = function() { + d3_scale_nice(domain, d3_scale_linearNice); + return rescale(); + }; + scale.copy = function() { + return d3_scale_linear(domain, range, interpolate, clamp); + }; + return rescale(); + } + function d3_scale_linearRebind(scale, linear) { + return d3.rebind(scale, linear, "range", "rangeRound", "interpolate", "clamp"); + } + function d3_scale_linearNice(dx) { + dx = Math.pow(10, Math.round(Math.log(dx) / Math.LN10) - 1); + return dx && { + floor: function(x) { + return Math.floor(x / dx) * dx; + }, + ceil: function(x) { + return Math.ceil(x / dx) * dx; + } + }; + } + function d3_scale_linearTickRange(domain, m) { + var extent = d3_scaleExtent(domain), span = extent[1] - extent[0], step = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(span / m) / Math.LN10)), err = m / span * step; + if (err <= .15) step *= 10; else if (err <= .35) step *= 5; else if (err <= .75) step *= 2; + extent[0] = Math.ceil(extent[0] / step) * step; + extent[1] = Math.floor(extent[1] / step) * step + step * .5; + extent[2] = step; + return extent; + } + function d3_scale_linearTicks(domain, m) { + return d3.range.apply(d3, d3_scale_linearTickRange(domain, m)); + } + function d3_scale_linearTickFormat(domain, m) { + return d3.format(",." + Math.max(0, -Math.floor(Math.log(d3_scale_linearTickRange(domain, m)[2]) / Math.LN10 + .01)) + "f"); + } + function d3_scale_bilinear(domain, range, uninterpolate, interpolate) { + var u = uninterpolate(domain[0], domain[1]), i = interpolate(range[0], range[1]); + return function(x) { + return i(u(x)); + }; + } + function d3_scale_polylinear(domain, range, uninterpolate, interpolate) { + var u = [], i = [], j = 0, k = Math.min(domain.length, range.length) - 1; + if (domain[k] < domain[0]) { + domain = domain.slice().reverse(); + range = range.slice().reverse(); + } + while (++j <= k) { + u.push(uninterpolate(domain[j - 1], domain[j])); + i.push(interpolate(range[j - 1], range[j])); + } + return function(x) { + var j = d3.bisect(domain, x, 1, k) - 1; + return i[j](u[j](x)); + }; + } + d3.scale.log = function() { + return d3_scale_log(d3.scale.linear(), d3_scale_logp); + }; + function d3_scale_log(linear, log) { + var pow = log.pow; + function scale(x) { + return linear(log(x)); + } + scale.invert = function(x) { + return pow(linear.invert(x)); + }; + scale.domain = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return linear.domain().map(pow); + log = x[0] < 0 ? d3_scale_logn : d3_scale_logp; + pow = log.pow; + linear.domain(x.map(log)); + return scale; + }; + scale.nice = function() { + linear.domain(d3_scale_nice(linear.domain(), d3_scale_niceDefault)); + return scale; + }; + scale.ticks = function() { + var extent = d3_scaleExtent(linear.domain()), ticks = []; + if (extent.every(isFinite)) { + var i = Math.floor(extent[0]), j = Math.ceil(extent[1]), u = pow(extent[0]), v = pow(extent[1]); + if (log === d3_scale_logn) { + ticks.push(pow(i)); + for (;i++ < j; ) for (var k = 9; k > 0; k--) ticks.push(pow(i) * k); + } else { + for (;i < j; i++) for (var k = 1; k < 10; k++) ticks.push(pow(i) * k); + ticks.push(pow(i)); + } + for (i = 0; ticks[i] < u; i++) {} + for (j = ticks.length; ticks[j - 1] > v; j--) {} + ticks = ticks.slice(i, j); + } + return ticks; + }; + scale.tickFormat = function(n, format) { + if (arguments.length < 2) format = d3_scale_logFormat; + if (!arguments.length) return format; + var k = Math.max(.1, n / scale.ticks().length), f = log === d3_scale_logn ? (e = -1e-12, + Math.floor) : (e = 1e-12, Math.ceil), e; + return function(d) { + return d / pow(f(log(d) + e)) <= k ? format(d) : ""; + }; + }; + scale.copy = function() { + return d3_scale_log(linear.copy(), log); + }; + return d3_scale_linearRebind(scale, linear); + } + var d3_scale_logFormat = d3.format(".0e"); + function d3_scale_logp(x) { + return Math.log(x < 0 ? 0 : x) / Math.LN10; + } + function d3_scale_logn(x) { + return -Math.log(x > 0 ? 0 : -x) / Math.LN10; + } + d3_scale_logp.pow = function(x) { + return Math.pow(10, x); + }; + d3_scale_logn.pow = function(x) { + return -Math.pow(10, -x); + }; + d3.scale.pow = function() { + return d3_scale_pow(d3.scale.linear(), 1); + }; + function d3_scale_pow(linear, exponent) { + var powp = d3_scale_powPow(exponent), powb = d3_scale_powPow(1 / exponent); + function scale(x) { + return linear(powp(x)); + } + scale.invert = function(x) { + return powb(linear.invert(x)); + }; + scale.domain = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return linear.domain().map(powb); + linear.domain(x.map(powp)); + return scale; + }; + scale.ticks = function(m) { + return d3_scale_linearTicks(scale.domain(), m); + }; + scale.tickFormat = function(m) { + return d3_scale_linearTickFormat(scale.domain(), m); + }; + scale.nice = function() { + return scale.domain(d3_scale_nice(scale.domain(), d3_scale_linearNice)); + }; + scale.exponent = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return exponent; + var domain = scale.domain(); + powp = d3_scale_powPow(exponent = x); + powb = d3_scale_powPow(1 / exponent); + return scale.domain(domain); + }; + scale.copy = function() { + return d3_scale_pow(linear.copy(), exponent); + }; + return d3_scale_linearRebind(scale, linear); + } + function d3_scale_powPow(e) { + return function(x) { + return x < 0 ? -Math.pow(-x, e) : Math.pow(x, e); + }; + } + d3.scale.sqrt = function() { + return d3.scale.pow().exponent(.5); + }; + d3.scale.ordinal = function() { + return d3_scale_ordinal([], { + t: "range", + a: [ [] ] + }); + }; + function d3_scale_ordinal(domain, ranger) { + var index, range, rangeBand; + function scale(x) { + return range[((index.get(x) || index.set(x, domain.push(x))) - 1) % range.length]; + } + function steps(start, step) { + return d3.range(domain.length).map(function(i) { + return start + step * i; + }); + } + scale.domain = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return domain; + domain = []; + index = new d3_Map(); + var i = -1, n = x.length, xi; + while (++i < n) if (!index.has(xi = x[i])) index.set(xi, domain.push(xi)); + return scale[ranger.t].apply(scale, ranger.a); + }; + scale.range = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return range; + range = x; + rangeBand = 0; + ranger = { + t: "range", + a: arguments + }; + return scale; + }; + scale.rangePoints = function(x, padding) { + if (arguments.length < 2) padding = 0; + var start = x[0], stop = x[1], step = (stop - start) / (Math.max(1, domain.length - 1) + padding); + range = steps(domain.length < 2 ? (start + stop) / 2 : start + step * padding / 2, step); + rangeBand = 0; + ranger = { + t: "rangePoints", + a: arguments + }; + return scale; + }; + scale.rangeBands = function(x, padding, outerPadding) { + if (arguments.length < 2) padding = 0; + if (arguments.length < 3) outerPadding = padding; + var reverse = x[1] < x[0], start = x[reverse - 0], stop = x[1 - reverse], step = (stop - start) / (domain.length - padding + 2 * outerPadding); + range = steps(start + step * outerPadding, step); + if (reverse) range.reverse(); + rangeBand = step * (1 - padding); + ranger = { + t: "rangeBands", + a: arguments + }; + return scale; + }; + scale.rangeRoundBands = function(x, padding, outerPadding) { + if (arguments.length < 2) padding = 0; + if (arguments.length < 3) outerPadding = padding; + var reverse = x[1] < x[0], start = x[reverse - 0], stop = x[1 - reverse], step = Math.floor((stop - start) / (domain.length - padding + 2 * outerPadding)), error = stop - start - (domain.length - padding) * step; + range = steps(start + Math.round(error / 2), step); + if (reverse) range.reverse(); + rangeBand = Math.round(step * (1 - padding)); + ranger = { + t: "rangeRoundBands", + a: arguments + }; + return scale; + }; + scale.rangeBand = function() { + return rangeBand; + }; + scale.rangeExtent = function() { + return d3_scaleExtent(ranger.a[0]); + }; + scale.copy = function() { + return d3_scale_ordinal(domain, ranger); + }; + return scale.domain(domain); + } + d3.scale.category10 = function() { + return d3.scale.ordinal().range(d3_category10); + }; + d3.scale.category20 = function() { + return d3.scale.ordinal().range(d3_category20); + }; + d3.scale.category20b = function() { + return d3.scale.ordinal().range(d3_category20b); + }; + d3.scale.category20c = function() { + return d3.scale.ordinal().range(d3_category20c); + }; + var d3_category10 = [ "#1f77b4", "#ff7f0e", "#2ca02c", "#d62728", "#9467bd", "#8c564b", "#e377c2", "#7f7f7f", "#bcbd22", "#17becf" ]; + var d3_category20 = [ "#1f77b4", "#aec7e8", "#ff7f0e", "#ffbb78", "#2ca02c", "#98df8a", "#d62728", "#ff9896", "#9467bd", "#c5b0d5", "#8c564b", "#c49c94", "#e377c2", "#f7b6d2", "#7f7f7f", "#c7c7c7", "#bcbd22", "#dbdb8d", "#17becf", "#9edae5" ]; + var d3_category20b = [ "#393b79", "#5254a3", "#6b6ecf", "#9c9ede", "#637939", "#8ca252", "#b5cf6b", "#cedb9c", "#8c6d31", "#bd9e39", "#e7ba52", "#e7cb94", "#843c39", "#ad494a", "#d6616b", "#e7969c", "#7b4173", "#a55194", "#ce6dbd", "#de9ed6" ]; + var d3_category20c = [ "#3182bd", "#6baed6", "#9ecae1", "#c6dbef", "#e6550d", "#fd8d3c", "#fdae6b", "#fdd0a2", "#31a354", "#74c476", "#a1d99b", "#c7e9c0", "#756bb1", "#9e9ac8", "#bcbddc", "#dadaeb", "#636363", "#969696", "#bdbdbd", "#d9d9d9" ]; + d3.scale.quantile = function() { + return d3_scale_quantile([], []); + }; + function d3_scale_quantile(domain, range) { + var thresholds; + function rescale() { + var k = 0, q = range.length; + thresholds = []; + while (++k < q) thresholds[k - 1] = d3.quantile(domain, k / q); + return scale; + } + function scale(x) { + if (isNaN(x = +x)) return NaN; + return range[d3.bisect(thresholds, x)]; + } + scale.domain = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return domain; + domain = x.filter(function(d) { + return !isNaN(d); + }).sort(d3.ascending); + return rescale(); + }; + scale.range = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return range; + range = x; + return rescale(); + }; + scale.quantiles = function() { + return thresholds; + }; + scale.copy = function() { + return d3_scale_quantile(domain, range); + }; + return rescale(); + } + d3.scale.quantize = function() { + return d3_scale_quantize(0, 1, [ 0, 1 ]); + }; + function d3_scale_quantize(x0, x1, range) { + var kx, i; + function scale(x) { + return range[Math.max(0, Math.min(i, Math.floor(kx * (x - x0))))]; + } + function rescale() { + kx = range.length / (x1 - x0); + i = range.length - 1; + return scale; + } + scale.domain = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return [ x0, x1 ]; + x0 = +x[0]; + x1 = +x[x.length - 1]; + return rescale(); + }; + scale.range = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return range; + range = x; + return rescale(); + }; + scale.copy = function() { + return d3_scale_quantize(x0, x1, range); + }; + return rescale(); + } + d3.scale.threshold = function() { + return d3_scale_threshold([ .5 ], [ 0, 1 ]); + }; + function d3_scale_threshold(domain, range) { + function scale(x) { + return range[d3.bisect(domain, x)]; + } + scale.domain = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return domain; + domain = _; + return scale; + }; + scale.range = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return range; + range = _; + return scale; + }; + scale.copy = function() { + return d3_scale_threshold(domain, range); + }; + return scale; + } + d3.scale.identity = function() { + return d3_scale_identity([ 0, 1 ]); + }; + function d3_scale_identity(domain) { + function identity(x) { + return +x; + } + identity.invert = identity; + identity.domain = identity.range = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return domain; + domain = x.map(identity); + return identity; + }; + identity.ticks = function(m) { + return d3_scale_linearTicks(domain, m); + }; + identity.tickFormat = function(m) { + return d3_scale_linearTickFormat(domain, m); + }; + identity.copy = function() { + return d3_scale_identity(domain); + }; + return identity; + } + d3.svg = {}; + d3.svg.arc = function() { + var innerRadius = d3_svg_arcInnerRadius, outerRadius = d3_svg_arcOuterRadius, startAngle = d3_svg_arcStartAngle, endAngle = d3_svg_arcEndAngle; + function arc() { + var r0 = innerRadius.apply(this, arguments), r1 = outerRadius.apply(this, arguments), a0 = startAngle.apply(this, arguments) + d3_svg_arcOffset, a1 = endAngle.apply(this, arguments) + d3_svg_arcOffset, da = (a1 < a0 && (da = a0, + a0 = a1, a1 = da), a1 - a0), df = da < π ? "0" : "1", c0 = Math.cos(a0), s0 = Math.sin(a0), c1 = Math.cos(a1), s1 = Math.sin(a1); + return da >= d3_svg_arcMax ? r0 ? "M0," + r1 + "A" + r1 + "," + r1 + " 0 1,1 0," + -r1 + "A" + r1 + "," + r1 + " 0 1,1 0," + r1 + "M0," + r0 + "A" + r0 + "," + r0 + " 0 1,0 0," + -r0 + "A" + r0 + "," + r0 + " 0 1,0 0," + r0 + "Z" : "M0," + r1 + "A" + r1 + "," + r1 + " 0 1,1 0," + -r1 + "A" + r1 + "," + r1 + " 0 1,1 0," + r1 + "Z" : r0 ? "M" + r1 * c0 + "," + r1 * s0 + "A" + r1 + "," + r1 + " 0 " + df + ",1 " + r1 * c1 + "," + r1 * s1 + "L" + r0 * c1 + "," + r0 * s1 + "A" + r0 + "," + r0 + " 0 " + df + ",0 " + r0 * c0 + "," + r0 * s0 + "Z" : "M" + r1 * c0 + "," + r1 * s0 + "A" + r1 + "," + r1 + " 0 " + df + ",1 " + r1 * c1 + "," + r1 * s1 + "L0,0" + "Z"; + } + arc.innerRadius = function(v) { + if (!arguments.length) return innerRadius; + innerRadius = d3_functor(v); + return arc; + }; + arc.outerRadius = function(v) { + if (!arguments.length) return outerRadius; + outerRadius = d3_functor(v); + return arc; + }; + arc.startAngle = function(v) { + if (!arguments.length) return startAngle; + startAngle = d3_functor(v); + return arc; + }; + arc.endAngle = function(v) { + if (!arguments.length) return endAngle; + endAngle = d3_functor(v); + return arc; + }; + arc.centroid = function() { + var r = (innerRadius.apply(this, arguments) + outerRadius.apply(this, arguments)) / 2, a = (startAngle.apply(this, arguments) + endAngle.apply(this, arguments)) / 2 + d3_svg_arcOffset; + return [ Math.cos(a) * r, Math.sin(a) * r ]; + }; + return arc; + }; + var d3_svg_arcOffset = -π / 2, d3_svg_arcMax = 2 * π - 1e-6; + function d3_svg_arcInnerRadius(d) { + return d.innerRadius; + } + function d3_svg_arcOuterRadius(d) { + return d.outerRadius; + } + function d3_svg_arcStartAngle(d) { + return d.startAngle; + } + function d3_svg_arcEndAngle(d) { + return d.endAngle; + } + function d3_svg_line(projection) { + var x = d3_svg_lineX, y = d3_svg_lineY, defined = d3_true, interpolate = d3_svg_lineLinear, interpolateKey = interpolate.key, tension = .7; + function line(data) { + var segments = [], points = [], i = -1, n = data.length, d, fx = d3_functor(x), fy = d3_functor(y); + function segment() { + segments.push("M", interpolate(projection(points), tension)); + } + while (++i < n) { + if (defined.call(this, d = data[i], i)) { + points.push([ +fx.call(this, d, i), +fy.call(this, d, i) ]); + } else if (points.length) { + segment(); + points = []; + } + } + if (points.length) segment(); + return segments.length ? segments.join("") : null; + } + line.x = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return x; + x = _; + return line; + }; + line.y = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return y; + y = _; + return line; + }; + line.defined = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return defined; + defined = _; + return line; + }; + line.interpolate = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return interpolateKey; + if (typeof _ === "function") interpolateKey = interpolate = _; else interpolateKey = (interpolate = d3_svg_lineInterpolators.get(_) || d3_svg_lineLinear).key; + return line; + }; + line.tension = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return tension; + tension = _; + return line; + }; + return line; + } + d3.svg.line = function() { + return d3_svg_line(d3_identity); + }; + function d3_svg_lineX(d) { + return d[0]; + } + function d3_svg_lineY(d) { + return d[1]; + } + var d3_svg_lineInterpolators = d3.map({ + linear: d3_svg_lineLinear, + "linear-closed": d3_svg_lineLinearClosed, + "step-before": d3_svg_lineStepBefore, + "step-after": d3_svg_lineStepAfter, + basis: d3_svg_lineBasis, + "basis-open": d3_svg_lineBasisOpen, + "basis-closed": d3_svg_lineBasisClosed, + bundle: d3_svg_lineBundle, + cardinal: d3_svg_lineCardinal, + "cardinal-open": d3_svg_lineCardinalOpen, + "cardinal-closed": d3_svg_lineCardinalClosed, + monotone: d3_svg_lineMonotone + }); + d3_svg_lineInterpolators.forEach(function(key, value) { + value.key = key; + value.closed = /-closed$/.test(key); + }); + function d3_svg_lineLinear(points) { + return points.join("L"); + } + function d3_svg_lineLinearClosed(points) { + return d3_svg_lineLinear(points) + "Z"; + } + function d3_svg_lineStepBefore(points) { + var i = 0, n = points.length, p = points[0], path = [ p[0], ",", p[1] ]; + while (++i < n) path.push("V", (p = points[i])[1], "H", p[0]); + return path.join(""); + } + function d3_svg_lineStepAfter(points) { + var i = 0, n = points.length, p = points[0], path = [ p[0], ",", p[1] ]; + while (++i < n) path.push("H", (p = points[i])[0], "V", p[1]); + return path.join(""); + } + function d3_svg_lineCardinalOpen(points, tension) { + return points.length < 4 ? d3_svg_lineLinear(points) : points[1] + d3_svg_lineHermite(points.slice(1, points.length - 1), d3_svg_lineCardinalTangents(points, tension)); + } + function d3_svg_lineCardinalClosed(points, tension) { + return points.length < 3 ? d3_svg_lineLinear(points) : points[0] + d3_svg_lineHermite((points.push(points[0]), + points), d3_svg_lineCardinalTangents([ points[points.length - 2] ].concat(points, [ points[1] ]), tension)); + } + function d3_svg_lineCardinal(points, tension) { + return points.length < 3 ? d3_svg_lineLinear(points) : points[0] + d3_svg_lineHermite(points, d3_svg_lineCardinalTangents(points, tension)); + } + function d3_svg_lineHermite(points, tangents) { + if (tangents.length < 1 || points.length != tangents.length && points.length != tangents.length + 2) { + return d3_svg_lineLinear(points); + } + var quad = points.length != tangents.length, path = "", p0 = points[0], p = points[1], t0 = tangents[0], t = t0, pi = 1; + if (quad) { + path += "Q" + (p[0] - t0[0] * 2 / 3) + "," + (p[1] - t0[1] * 2 / 3) + "," + p[0] + "," + p[1]; + p0 = points[1]; + pi = 2; + } + if (tangents.length > 1) { + t = tangents[1]; + p = points[pi]; + pi++; + path += "C" + (p0[0] + t0[0]) + "," + (p0[1] + t0[1]) + "," + (p[0] - t[0]) + "," + (p[1] - t[1]) + "," + p[0] + "," + p[1]; + for (var i = 2; i < tangents.length; i++, pi++) { + p = points[pi]; + t = tangents[i]; + path += "S" + (p[0] - t[0]) + "," + (p[1] - t[1]) + "," + p[0] + "," + p[1]; + } + } + if (quad) { + var lp = points[pi]; + path += "Q" + (p[0] + t[0] * 2 / 3) + "," + (p[1] + t[1] * 2 / 3) + "," + lp[0] + "," + lp[1]; + } + return path; + } + function d3_svg_lineCardinalTangents(points, tension) { + var tangents = [], a = (1 - tension) / 2, p0, p1 = points[0], p2 = points[1], i = 1, n = points.length; + while (++i < n) { + p0 = p1; + p1 = p2; + p2 = points[i]; + tangents.push([ a * (p2[0] - p0[0]), a * (p2[1] - p0[1]) ]); + } + return tangents; + } + function d3_svg_lineBasis(points) { + if (points.length < 3) return d3_svg_lineLinear(points); + var i = 1, n = points.length, pi = points[0], x0 = pi[0], y0 = pi[1], px = [ x0, x0, x0, (pi = points[1])[0] ], py = [ y0, y0, y0, pi[1] ], path = [ x0, ",", y0 ]; + d3_svg_lineBasisBezier(path, px, py); + while (++i < n) { + pi = points[i]; + px.shift(); + px.push(pi[0]); + py.shift(); + py.push(pi[1]); + d3_svg_lineBasisBezier(path, px, py); + } + i = -1; + while (++i < 2) { + px.shift(); + px.push(pi[0]); + py.shift(); + py.push(pi[1]); + d3_svg_lineBasisBezier(path, px, py); + } + return path.join(""); + } + function d3_svg_lineBasisOpen(points) { + if (points.length < 4) return d3_svg_lineLinear(points); + var path = [], i = -1, n = points.length, pi, px = [ 0 ], py = [ 0 ]; + while (++i < 3) { + pi = points[i]; + px.push(pi[0]); + py.push(pi[1]); + } + path.push(d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier3, px) + "," + d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier3, py)); + --i; + while (++i < n) { + pi = points[i]; + px.shift(); + px.push(pi[0]); + py.shift(); + py.push(pi[1]); + d3_svg_lineBasisBezier(path, px, py); + } + return path.join(""); + } + function d3_svg_lineBasisClosed(points) { + var path, i = -1, n = points.length, m = n + 4, pi, px = [], py = []; + while (++i < 4) { + pi = points[i % n]; + px.push(pi[0]); + py.push(pi[1]); + } + path = [ d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier3, px), ",", d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier3, py) ]; + --i; + while (++i < m) { + pi = points[i % n]; + px.shift(); + px.push(pi[0]); + py.shift(); + py.push(pi[1]); + d3_svg_lineBasisBezier(path, px, py); + } + return path.join(""); + } + function d3_svg_lineBundle(points, tension) { + var n = points.length - 1; + if (n) { + var x0 = points[0][0], y0 = points[0][1], dx = points[n][0] - x0, dy = points[n][1] - y0, i = -1, p, t; + while (++i <= n) { + p = points[i]; + t = i / n; + p[0] = tension * p[0] + (1 - tension) * (x0 + t * dx); + p[1] = tension * p[1] + (1 - tension) * (y0 + t * dy); + } + } + return d3_svg_lineBasis(points); + } + function d3_svg_lineDot4(a, b) { + return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2] + a[3] * b[3]; + } + var d3_svg_lineBasisBezier1 = [ 0, 2 / 3, 1 / 3, 0 ], d3_svg_lineBasisBezier2 = [ 0, 1 / 3, 2 / 3, 0 ], d3_svg_lineBasisBezier3 = [ 0, 1 / 6, 2 / 3, 1 / 6 ]; + function d3_svg_lineBasisBezier(path, x, y) { + path.push("C", d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier1, x), ",", d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier1, y), ",", d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier2, x), ",", d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier2, y), ",", d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier3, x), ",", d3_svg_lineDot4(d3_svg_lineBasisBezier3, y)); + } + function d3_svg_lineSlope(p0, p1) { + return (p1[1] - p0[1]) / (p1[0] - p0[0]); + } + function d3_svg_lineFiniteDifferences(points) { + var i = 0, j = points.length - 1, m = [], p0 = points[0], p1 = points[1], d = m[0] = d3_svg_lineSlope(p0, p1); + while (++i < j) { + m[i] = (d + (d = d3_svg_lineSlope(p0 = p1, p1 = points[i + 1]))) / 2; + } + m[i] = d; + return m; + } + function d3_svg_lineMonotoneTangents(points) { + var tangents = [], d, a, b, s, m = d3_svg_lineFiniteDifferences(points), i = -1, j = points.length - 1; + while (++i < j) { + d = d3_svg_lineSlope(points[i], points[i + 1]); + if (Math.abs(d) < 1e-6) { + m[i] = m[i + 1] = 0; + } else { + a = m[i] / d; + b = m[i + 1] / d; + s = a * a + b * b; + if (s > 9) { + s = d * 3 / Math.sqrt(s); + m[i] = s * a; + m[i + 1] = s * b; + } + } + } + i = -1; + while (++i <= j) { + s = (points[Math.min(j, i + 1)][0] - points[Math.max(0, i - 1)][0]) / (6 * (1 + m[i] * m[i])); + tangents.push([ s || 0, m[i] * s || 0 ]); + } + return tangents; + } + function d3_svg_lineMonotone(points) { + return points.length < 3 ? d3_svg_lineLinear(points) : points[0] + d3_svg_lineHermite(points, d3_svg_lineMonotoneTangents(points)); + } + d3.svg.line.radial = function() { + var line = d3_svg_line(d3_svg_lineRadial); + line.radius = line.x, delete line.x; + line.angle = line.y, delete line.y; + return line; + }; + function d3_svg_lineRadial(points) { + var point, i = -1, n = points.length, r, a; + while (++i < n) { + point = points[i]; + r = point[0]; + a = point[1] + d3_svg_arcOffset; + point[0] = r * Math.cos(a); + point[1] = r * Math.sin(a); + } + return points; + } + function d3_svg_area(projection) { + var x0 = d3_svg_lineX, x1 = d3_svg_lineX, y0 = 0, y1 = d3_svg_lineY, defined = d3_true, interpolate = d3_svg_lineLinear, interpolateKey = interpolate.key, interpolateReverse = interpolate, L = "L", tension = .7; + function area(data) { + var segments = [], points0 = [], points1 = [], i = -1, n = data.length, d, fx0 = d3_functor(x0), fy0 = d3_functor(y0), fx1 = x0 === x1 ? function() { + return x; + } : d3_functor(x1), fy1 = y0 === y1 ? function() { + return y; + } : d3_functor(y1), x, y; + function segment() { + segments.push("M", interpolate(projection(points1), tension), L, interpolateReverse(projection(points0.reverse()), tension), "Z"); + } + while (++i < n) { + if (defined.call(this, d = data[i], i)) { + points0.push([ x = +fx0.call(this, d, i), y = +fy0.call(this, d, i) ]); + points1.push([ +fx1.call(this, d, i), +fy1.call(this, d, i) ]); + } else if (points0.length) { + segment(); + points0 = []; + points1 = []; + } + } + if (points0.length) segment(); + return segments.length ? segments.join("") : null; + } + area.x = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return x1; + x0 = x1 = _; + return area; + }; + area.x0 = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return x0; + x0 = _; + return area; + }; + area.x1 = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return x1; + x1 = _; + return area; + }; + area.y = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return y1; + y0 = y1 = _; + return area; + }; + area.y0 = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return y0; + y0 = _; + return area; + }; + area.y1 = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return y1; + y1 = _; + return area; + }; + area.defined = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return defined; + defined = _; + return area; + }; + area.interpolate = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return interpolateKey; + if (typeof _ === "function") interpolateKey = interpolate = _; else interpolateKey = (interpolate = d3_svg_lineInterpolators.get(_) || d3_svg_lineLinear).key; + interpolateReverse = interpolate.reverse || interpolate; + L = interpolate.closed ? "M" : "L"; + return area; + }; + area.tension = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return tension; + tension = _; + return area; + }; + return area; + } + d3_svg_lineStepBefore.reverse = d3_svg_lineStepAfter; + d3_svg_lineStepAfter.reverse = d3_svg_lineStepBefore; + d3.svg.area = function() { + return d3_svg_area(d3_identity); + }; + d3.svg.area.radial = function() { + var area = d3_svg_area(d3_svg_lineRadial); + area.radius = area.x, delete area.x; + area.innerRadius = area.x0, delete area.x0; + area.outerRadius = area.x1, delete area.x1; + area.angle = area.y, delete area.y; + area.startAngle = area.y0, delete area.y0; + area.endAngle = area.y1, delete area.y1; + return area; + }; + d3.svg.chord = function() { + var source = d3_source, target = d3_target, radius = d3_svg_chordRadius, startAngle = d3_svg_arcStartAngle, endAngle = d3_svg_arcEndAngle; + function chord(d, i) { + var s = subgroup(this, source, d, i), t = subgroup(this, target, d, i); + return "M" + s.p0 + arc(s.r, s.p1, s.a1 - s.a0) + (equals(s, t) ? curve(s.r, s.p1, s.r, s.p0) : curve(s.r, s.p1, t.r, t.p0) + arc(t.r, t.p1, t.a1 - t.a0) + curve(t.r, t.p1, s.r, s.p0)) + "Z"; + } + function subgroup(self, f, d, i) { + var subgroup = f.call(self, d, i), r = radius.call(self, subgroup, i), a0 = startAngle.call(self, subgroup, i) + d3_svg_arcOffset, a1 = endAngle.call(self, subgroup, i) + d3_svg_arcOffset; + return { + r: r, + a0: a0, + a1: a1, + p0: [ r * Math.cos(a0), r * Math.sin(a0) ], + p1: [ r * Math.cos(a1), r * Math.sin(a1) ] + }; + } + function equals(a, b) { + return a.a0 == b.a0 && a.a1 == b.a1; + } + function arc(r, p, a) { + return "A" + r + "," + r + " 0 " + +(a > π) + ",1 " + p; + } + function curve(r0, p0, r1, p1) { + return "Q 0,0 " + p1; + } + chord.radius = function(v) { + if (!arguments.length) return radius; + radius = d3_functor(v); + return chord; + }; + chord.source = function(v) { + if (!arguments.length) return source; + source = d3_functor(v); + return chord; + }; + chord.target = function(v) { + if (!arguments.length) return target; + target = d3_functor(v); + return chord; + }; + chord.startAngle = function(v) { + if (!arguments.length) return startAngle; + startAngle = d3_functor(v); + return chord; + }; + chord.endAngle = function(v) { + if (!arguments.length) return endAngle; + endAngle = d3_functor(v); + return chord; + }; + return chord; + }; + function d3_svg_chordRadius(d) { + return d.radius; + } + d3.svg.diagonal = function() { + var source = d3_source, target = d3_target, projection = d3_svg_diagonalProjection; + function diagonal(d, i) { + var p0 = source.call(this, d, i), p3 = target.call(this, d, i), m = (p0.y + p3.y) / 2, p = [ p0, { + x: p0.x, + y: m + }, { + x: p3.x, + y: m + }, p3 ]; + p = p.map(projection); + return "M" + p[0] + "C" + p[1] + " " + p[2] + " " + p[3]; + } + diagonal.source = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return source; + source = d3_functor(x); + return diagonal; + }; + diagonal.target = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return target; + target = d3_functor(x); + return diagonal; + }; + diagonal.projection = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return projection; + projection = x; + return diagonal; + }; + return diagonal; + }; + function d3_svg_diagonalProjection(d) { + return [ d.x, d.y ]; + } + d3.svg.diagonal.radial = function() { + var diagonal = d3.svg.diagonal(), projection = d3_svg_diagonalProjection, projection_ = diagonal.projection; + diagonal.projection = function(x) { + return arguments.length ? projection_(d3_svg_diagonalRadialProjection(projection = x)) : projection; + }; + return diagonal; + }; + function d3_svg_diagonalRadialProjection(projection) { + return function() { + var d = projection.apply(this, arguments), r = d[0], a = d[1] + d3_svg_arcOffset; + return [ r * Math.cos(a), r * Math.sin(a) ]; + }; + } + d3.svg.symbol = function() { + var type = d3_svg_symbolType, size = d3_svg_symbolSize; + function symbol(d, i) { + return (d3_svg_symbols.get(type.call(this, d, i)) || d3_svg_symbolCircle)(size.call(this, d, i)); + } + symbol.type = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return type; + type = d3_functor(x); + return symbol; + }; + symbol.size = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return size; + size = d3_functor(x); + return symbol; + }; + return symbol; + }; + function d3_svg_symbolSize() { + return 64; + } + function d3_svg_symbolType() { + return "circle"; + } + function d3_svg_symbolCircle(size) { + var r = Math.sqrt(size / π); + return "M0," + r + "A" + r + "," + r + " 0 1,1 0," + -r + "A" + r + "," + r + " 0 1,1 0," + r + "Z"; + } + var d3_svg_symbols = d3.map({ + circle: d3_svg_symbolCircle, + cross: function(size) { + var r = Math.sqrt(size / 5) / 2; + return "M" + -3 * r + "," + -r + "H" + -r + "V" + -3 * r + "H" + r + "V" + -r + "H" + 3 * r + "V" + r + "H" + r + "V" + 3 * r + "H" + -r + "V" + r + "H" + -3 * r + "Z"; + }, + diamond: function(size) { + var ry = Math.sqrt(size / (2 * d3_svg_symbolTan30)), rx = ry * d3_svg_symbolTan30; + return "M0," + -ry + "L" + rx + ",0" + " 0," + ry + " " + -rx + ",0" + "Z"; + }, + square: function(size) { + var r = Math.sqrt(size) / 2; + return "M" + -r + "," + -r + "L" + r + "," + -r + " " + r + "," + r + " " + -r + "," + r + "Z"; + }, + "triangle-down": function(size) { + var rx = Math.sqrt(size / d3_svg_symbolSqrt3), ry = rx * d3_svg_symbolSqrt3 / 2; + return "M0," + ry + "L" + rx + "," + -ry + " " + -rx + "," + -ry + "Z"; + }, + "triangle-up": function(size) { + var rx = Math.sqrt(size / d3_svg_symbolSqrt3), ry = rx * d3_svg_symbolSqrt3 / 2; + return "M0," + -ry + "L" + rx + "," + ry + " " + -rx + "," + ry + "Z"; + } + }); + d3.svg.symbolTypes = d3_svg_symbols.keys(); + var d3_svg_symbolSqrt3 = Math.sqrt(3), d3_svg_symbolTan30 = Math.tan(30 * d3_radians); + d3.svg.axis = function() { + var scale = d3.scale.linear(), orient = "bottom", tickMajorSize = 6, tickMinorSize = 6, tickEndSize = 6, tickPadding = 3, tickArguments_ = [ 10 ], tickValues = null, tickFormat_, tickSubdivide = 0; + function axis(g) { + g.each(function() { + var g = d3.select(this); + var ticks = tickValues == null ? scale.ticks ? scale.ticks.apply(scale, tickArguments_) : scale.domain() : tickValues, tickFormat = tickFormat_ == null ? scale.tickFormat ? scale.tickFormat.apply(scale, tickArguments_) : String : tickFormat_; + var subticks = d3_svg_axisSubdivide(scale, ticks, tickSubdivide), subtick = g.selectAll(".minor").data(subticks, String), subtickEnter = subtick.enter().insert("line", "g").attr("class", "tick minor").style("opacity", 1e-6), subtickExit = d3.transition(subtick.exit()).style("opacity", 1e-6).remove(), subtickUpdate = d3.transition(subtick).style("opacity", 1); + var tick = g.selectAll("g").data(ticks, String), tickEnter = tick.enter().insert("g", "path").style("opacity", 1e-6), tickExit = d3.transition(tick.exit()).style("opacity", 1e-6).remove(), tickUpdate = d3.transition(tick).style("opacity", 1), tickTransform; + var range = d3_scaleRange(scale), path = g.selectAll(".domain").data([ 0 ]), pathUpdate = d3.transition(path); + var scale1 = scale.copy(), scale0 = this.__chart__ || scale1; + this.__chart__ = scale1; + path.enter().append("path").attr("class", "domain"); + tickEnter.append("line").attr("class", "tick"); + tickEnter.append("text"); + var lineEnter = tickEnter.select("line"), lineUpdate = tickUpdate.select("line"), text = tick.select("text").text(tickFormat), textEnter = tickEnter.select("text"), textUpdate = tickUpdate.select("text"); + switch (orient) { + case "bottom": + { + tickTransform = d3_svg_axisX; + subtickEnter.attr("y2", tickMinorSize); + subtickUpdate.attr("x2", 0).attr("y2", tickMinorSize); + lineEnter.attr("y2", tickMajorSize); + textEnter.attr("y", Math.max(tickMajorSize, 0) + tickPadding); + lineUpdate.attr("x2", 0).attr("y2", tickMajorSize); + textUpdate.attr("x", 0).attr("y", Math.max(tickMajorSize, 0) + tickPadding); + text.attr("dy", ".71em").style("text-anchor", "middle"); + pathUpdate.attr("d", "M" + range[0] + "," + tickEndSize + "V0H" + range[1] + "V" + tickEndSize); + break; + } + + case "top": + { + tickTransform = d3_svg_axisX; + subtickEnter.attr("y2", -tickMinorSize); + subtickUpdate.attr("x2", 0).attr("y2", -tickMinorSize); + lineEnter.attr("y2", -tickMajorSize); + textEnter.attr("y", -(Math.max(tickMajorSize, 0) + tickPadding)); + lineUpdate.attr("x2", 0).attr("y2", -tickMajorSize); + textUpdate.attr("x", 0).attr("y", -(Math.max(tickMajorSize, 0) + tickPadding)); + text.attr("dy", "0em").style("text-anchor", "middle"); + pathUpdate.attr("d", "M" + range[0] + "," + -tickEndSize + "V0H" + range[1] + "V" + -tickEndSize); + break; + } + + case "left": + { + tickTransform = d3_svg_axisY; + subtickEnter.attr("x2", -tickMinorSize); + subtickUpdate.attr("x2", -tickMinorSize).attr("y2", 0); + lineEnter.attr("x2", -tickMajorSize); + textEnter.attr("x", -(Math.max(tickMajorSize, 0) + tickPadding)); + lineUpdate.attr("x2", -tickMajorSize).attr("y2", 0); + textUpdate.attr("x", -(Math.max(tickMajorSize, 0) + tickPadding)).attr("y", 0); + text.attr("dy", ".32em").style("text-anchor", "end"); + pathUpdate.attr("d", "M" + -tickEndSize + "," + range[0] + "H0V" + range[1] + "H" + -tickEndSize); + break; + } + + case "right": + { + tickTransform = d3_svg_axisY; + subtickEnter.attr("x2", tickMinorSize); + subtickUpdate.attr("x2", tickMinorSize).attr("y2", 0); + lineEnter.attr("x2", tickMajorSize); + textEnter.attr("x", Math.max(tickMajorSize, 0) + tickPadding); + lineUpdate.attr("x2", tickMajorSize).attr("y2", 0); + textUpdate.attr("x", Math.max(tickMajorSize, 0) + tickPadding).attr("y", 0); + text.attr("dy", ".32em").style("text-anchor", "start"); + pathUpdate.attr("d", "M" + tickEndSize + "," + range[0] + "H0V" + range[1] + "H" + tickEndSize); + break; + } + } + if (scale.ticks) { + tickEnter.call(tickTransform, scale0); + tickUpdate.call(tickTransform, scale1); + tickExit.call(tickTransform, scale1); + subtickEnter.call(tickTransform, scale0); + subtickUpdate.call(tickTransform, scale1); + subtickExit.call(tickTransform, scale1); + } else { + var dx = scale1.rangeBand() / 2, x = function(d) { + return scale1(d) + dx; + }; + tickEnter.call(tickTransform, x); + tickUpdate.call(tickTransform, x); + } + }); + } + axis.scale = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return scale; + scale = x; + return axis; + }; + axis.orient = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return orient; + orient = x; + return axis; + }; + axis.ticks = function() { + if (!arguments.length) return tickArguments_; + tickArguments_ = arguments; + return axis; + }; + axis.tickValues = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return tickValues; + tickValues = x; + return axis; + }; + axis.tickFormat = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return tickFormat_; + tickFormat_ = x; + return axis; + }; + axis.tickSize = function(x, y) { + if (!arguments.length) return tickMajorSize; + var n = arguments.length - 1; + tickMajorSize = +x; + tickMinorSize = n > 1 ? +y : tickMajorSize; + tickEndSize = n > 0 ? +arguments[n] : tickMajorSize; + return axis; + }; + axis.tickPadding = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return tickPadding; + tickPadding = +x; + return axis; + }; + axis.tickSubdivide = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return tickSubdivide; + tickSubdivide = +x; + return axis; + }; + return axis; + }; + function d3_svg_axisX(selection, x) { + selection.attr("transform", function(d) { + return "translate(" + x(d) + ",0)"; + }); + } + function d3_svg_axisY(selection, y) { + selection.attr("transform", function(d) { + return "translate(0," + y(d) + ")"; + }); + } + function d3_svg_axisSubdivide(scale, ticks, m) { + subticks = []; + if (m && ticks.length > 1) { + var extent = d3_scaleExtent(scale.domain()), subticks, i = -1, n = ticks.length, d = (ticks[1] - ticks[0]) / ++m, j, v; + while (++i < n) { + for (j = m; --j > 0; ) { + if ((v = +ticks[i] - j * d) >= extent[0]) { + subticks.push(v); + } + } + } + for (--i, j = 0; ++j < m && (v = +ticks[i] + j * d) < extent[1]; ) { + subticks.push(v); + } + } + return subticks; + } + d3.svg.brush = function() { + var event = d3_eventDispatch(brush, "brushstart", "brush", "brushend"), x = null, y = null, resizes = d3_svg_brushResizes[0], extent = [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ], extentDomain; + function brush(g) { + g.each(function() { + var g = d3.select(this), bg = g.selectAll(".background").data([ 0 ]), fg = g.selectAll(".extent").data([ 0 ]), tz = g.selectAll(".resize").data(resizes, String), e; + g.style("pointer-events", "all").on("mousedown.brush", brushstart).on("touchstart.brush", brushstart); + bg.enter().append("rect").attr("class", "background").style("visibility", "hidden").style("cursor", "crosshair"); + fg.enter().append("rect").attr("class", "extent").style("cursor", "move"); + tz.enter().append("g").attr("class", function(d) { + return "resize " + d; + }).style("cursor", function(d) { + return d3_svg_brushCursor[d]; + }).append("rect").attr("x", function(d) { + return /[ew]$/.test(d) ? -3 : null; + }).attr("y", function(d) { + return /^[ns]/.test(d) ? -3 : null; + }).attr("width", 6).attr("height", 6).style("visibility", "hidden"); + tz.style("display", brush.empty() ? "none" : null); + tz.exit().remove(); + if (x) { + e = d3_scaleRange(x); + bg.attr("x", e[0]).attr("width", e[1] - e[0]); + redrawX(g); + } + if (y) { + e = d3_scaleRange(y); + bg.attr("y", e[0]).attr("height", e[1] - e[0]); + redrawY(g); + } + redraw(g); + }); + } + function redraw(g) { + g.selectAll(".resize").attr("transform", function(d) { + return "translate(" + extent[+/e$/.test(d)][0] + "," + extent[+/^s/.test(d)][1] + ")"; + }); + } + function redrawX(g) { + g.select(".extent").attr("x", extent[0][0]); + g.selectAll(".extent,.n>rect,.s>rect").attr("width", extent[1][0] - extent[0][0]); + } + function redrawY(g) { + g.select(".extent").attr("y", extent[0][1]); + g.selectAll(".extent,.e>rect,.w>rect").attr("height", extent[1][1] - extent[0][1]); + } + function brushstart() { + var target = this, eventTarget = d3.select(d3.event.target), event_ = event.of(target, arguments), g = d3.select(target), resizing = eventTarget.datum(), resizingX = !/^(n|s)$/.test(resizing) && x, resizingY = !/^(e|w)$/.test(resizing) && y, dragging = eventTarget.classed("extent"), center, origin = mouse(), offset; + var w = d3.select(window).on("mousemove.brush", brushmove).on("mouseup.brush", brushend).on("touchmove.brush", brushmove).on("touchend.brush", brushend).on("keydown.brush", keydown).on("keyup.brush", keyup); + if (dragging) { + origin[0] = extent[0][0] - origin[0]; + origin[1] = extent[0][1] - origin[1]; + } else if (resizing) { + var ex = +/w$/.test(resizing), ey = +/^n/.test(resizing); + offset = [ extent[1 - ex][0] - origin[0], extent[1 - ey][1] - origin[1] ]; + origin[0] = extent[ex][0]; + origin[1] = extent[ey][1]; + } else if (d3.event.altKey) center = origin.slice(); + g.style("pointer-events", "none").selectAll(".resize").style("display", null); + d3.select("body").style("cursor", eventTarget.style("cursor")); + event_({ + type: "brushstart" + }); + brushmove(); + d3_eventCancel(); + function mouse() { + var touches = d3.event.changedTouches; + return touches ? d3.touches(target, touches)[0] : d3.mouse(target); + } + function keydown() { + if (d3.event.keyCode == 32) { + if (!dragging) { + center = null; + origin[0] -= extent[1][0]; + origin[1] -= extent[1][1]; + dragging = 2; + } + d3_eventCancel(); + } + } + function keyup() { + if (d3.event.keyCode == 32 && dragging == 2) { + origin[0] += extent[1][0]; + origin[1] += extent[1][1]; + dragging = 0; + d3_eventCancel(); + } + } + function brushmove() { + var point = mouse(), moved = false; + if (offset) { + point[0] += offset[0]; + point[1] += offset[1]; + } + if (!dragging) { + if (d3.event.altKey) { + if (!center) center = [ (extent[0][0] + extent[1][0]) / 2, (extent[0][1] + extent[1][1]) / 2 ]; + origin[0] = extent[+(point[0] < center[0])][0]; + origin[1] = extent[+(point[1] < center[1])][1]; + } else center = null; + } + if (resizingX && move1(point, x, 0)) { + redrawX(g); + moved = true; + } + if (resizingY && move1(point, y, 1)) { + redrawY(g); + moved = true; + } + if (moved) { + redraw(g); + event_({ + type: "brush", + mode: dragging ? "move" : "resize" + }); + } + } + function move1(point, scale, i) { + var range = d3_scaleRange(scale), r0 = range[0], r1 = range[1], position = origin[i], size = extent[1][i] - extent[0][i], min, max; + if (dragging) { + r0 -= position; + r1 -= size + position; + } + min = Math.max(r0, Math.min(r1, point[i])); + if (dragging) { + max = (min += position) + size; + } else { + if (center) position = Math.max(r0, Math.min(r1, 2 * center[i] - min)); + if (position < min) { + max = min; + min = position; + } else { + max = position; + } + } + if (extent[0][i] !== min || extent[1][i] !== max) { + extentDomain = null; + extent[0][i] = min; + extent[1][i] = max; + return true; + } + } + function brushend() { + brushmove(); + g.style("pointer-events", "all").selectAll(".resize").style("display", brush.empty() ? "none" : null); + d3.select("body").style("cursor", null); + w.on("mousemove.brush", null).on("mouseup.brush", null).on("touchmove.brush", null).on("touchend.brush", null).on("keydown.brush", null).on("keyup.brush", null); + event_({ + type: "brushend" + }); + d3_eventCancel(); + } + } + brush.x = function(z) { + if (!arguments.length) return x; + x = z; + resizes = d3_svg_brushResizes[!x << 1 | !y]; + return brush; + }; + brush.y = function(z) { + if (!arguments.length) return y; + y = z; + resizes = d3_svg_brushResizes[!x << 1 | !y]; + return brush; + }; + brush.extent = function(z) { + var x0, x1, y0, y1, t; + if (!arguments.length) { + z = extentDomain || extent; + if (x) { + x0 = z[0][0], x1 = z[1][0]; + if (!extentDomain) { + x0 = extent[0][0], x1 = extent[1][0]; + if (x.invert) x0 = x.invert(x0), x1 = x.invert(x1); + if (x1 < x0) t = x0, x0 = x1, x1 = t; + } + } + if (y) { + y0 = z[0][1], y1 = z[1][1]; + if (!extentDomain) { + y0 = extent[0][1], y1 = extent[1][1]; + if (y.invert) y0 = y.invert(y0), y1 = y.invert(y1); + if (y1 < y0) t = y0, y0 = y1, y1 = t; + } + } + return x && y ? [ [ x0, y0 ], [ x1, y1 ] ] : x ? [ x0, x1 ] : y && [ y0, y1 ]; + } + extentDomain = [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ]; + if (x) { + x0 = z[0], x1 = z[1]; + if (y) x0 = x0[0], x1 = x1[0]; + extentDomain[0][0] = x0, extentDomain[1][0] = x1; + if (x.invert) x0 = x(x0), x1 = x(x1); + if (x1 < x0) t = x0, x0 = x1, x1 = t; + extent[0][0] = x0 | 0, extent[1][0] = x1 | 0; + } + if (y) { + y0 = z[0], y1 = z[1]; + if (x) y0 = y0[1], y1 = y1[1]; + extentDomain[0][1] = y0, extentDomain[1][1] = y1; + if (y.invert) y0 = y(y0), y1 = y(y1); + if (y1 < y0) t = y0, y0 = y1, y1 = t; + extent[0][1] = y0 | 0, extent[1][1] = y1 | 0; + } + return brush; + }; + brush.clear = function() { + extentDomain = null; + extent[0][0] = extent[0][1] = extent[1][0] = extent[1][1] = 0; + return brush; + }; + brush.empty = function() { + return x && extent[0][0] === extent[1][0] || y && extent[0][1] === extent[1][1]; + }; + return d3.rebind(brush, event, "on"); + }; + var d3_svg_brushCursor = { + n: "ns-resize", + e: "ew-resize", + s: "ns-resize", + w: "ew-resize", + nw: "nwse-resize", + ne: "nesw-resize", + se: "nwse-resize", + sw: "nesw-resize" + }; + var d3_svg_brushResizes = [ [ "n", "e", "s", "w", "nw", "ne", "se", "sw" ], [ "e", "w" ], [ "n", "s" ], [] ]; + d3.behavior = {}; + d3.behavior.drag = function() { + var event = d3_eventDispatch(drag, "drag", "dragstart", "dragend"), origin = null; + function drag() { + this.on("mousedown.drag", mousedown).on("touchstart.drag", mousedown); + } + function mousedown() { + var target = this, event_ = event.of(target, arguments), eventTarget = d3.event.target, touchId = d3.event.touches ? d3.event.changedTouches[0].identifier : null, offset, origin_ = point(), moved = 0; + var w = d3.select(window).on(touchId != null ? "touchmove.drag-" + touchId : "mousemove.drag", dragmove).on(touchId != null ? "touchend.drag-" + touchId : "mouseup.drag", dragend, true); + if (origin) { + offset = origin.apply(target, arguments); + offset = [ offset.x - origin_[0], offset.y - origin_[1] ]; + } else { + offset = [ 0, 0 ]; + } + if (touchId == null) d3_eventCancel(); + event_({ + type: "dragstart" + }); + function point() { + var p = target.parentNode; + return touchId != null ? d3.touches(p).filter(function(p) { + return p.identifier === touchId; + })[0] : d3.mouse(p); + } + function dragmove() { + if (!target.parentNode) return dragend(); + var p = point(), dx = p[0] - origin_[0], dy = p[1] - origin_[1]; + moved |= dx | dy; + origin_ = p; + d3_eventCancel(); + event_({ + type: "drag", + x: p[0] + offset[0], + y: p[1] + offset[1], + dx: dx, + dy: dy + }); + } + function dragend() { + event_({ + type: "dragend" + }); + if (moved) { + d3_eventCancel(); + if (d3.event.target === eventTarget) w.on("click.drag", click, true); + } + w.on(touchId != null ? "touchmove.drag-" + touchId : "mousemove.drag", null).on(touchId != null ? "touchend.drag-" + touchId : "mouseup.drag", null); + } + function click() { + d3_eventCancel(); + w.on("click.drag", null); + } + } + drag.origin = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return origin; + origin = x; + return drag; + }; + return d3.rebind(drag, event, "on"); + }; + d3.behavior.zoom = function() { + var translate = [ 0, 0 ], translate0, scale = 1, scale0, scaleExtent = d3_behavior_zoomInfinity, event = d3_eventDispatch(zoom, "zoom"), x0, x1, y0, y1, touchtime; + function zoom() { + this.on("mousedown.zoom", mousedown).on("mousewheel.zoom", mousewheel).on("mousemove.zoom", mousemove).on("DOMMouseScroll.zoom", mousewheel).on("dblclick.zoom", dblclick).on("touchstart.zoom", touchstart).on("touchmove.zoom", touchmove).on("touchend.zoom", touchstart); + } + zoom.translate = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return translate; + translate = x.map(Number); + rescale(); + return zoom; + }; + zoom.scale = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return scale; + scale = +x; + rescale(); + return zoom; + }; + zoom.scaleExtent = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return scaleExtent; + scaleExtent = x == null ? d3_behavior_zoomInfinity : x.map(Number); + return zoom; + }; + zoom.x = function(z) { + if (!arguments.length) return x1; + x1 = z; + x0 = z.copy(); + translate = [ 0, 0 ]; + scale = 1; + return zoom; + }; + zoom.y = function(z) { + if (!arguments.length) return y1; + y1 = z; + y0 = z.copy(); + translate = [ 0, 0 ]; + scale = 1; + return zoom; + }; + function location(p) { + return [ (p[0] - translate[0]) / scale, (p[1] - translate[1]) / scale ]; + } + function point(l) { + return [ l[0] * scale + translate[0], l[1] * scale + translate[1] ]; + } + function scaleTo(s) { + scale = Math.max(scaleExtent[0], Math.min(scaleExtent[1], s)); + } + function translateTo(p, l) { + l = point(l); + translate[0] += p[0] - l[0]; + translate[1] += p[1] - l[1]; + } + function rescale() { + if (x1) x1.domain(x0.range().map(function(x) { + return (x - translate[0]) / scale; + }).map(x0.invert)); + if (y1) y1.domain(y0.range().map(function(y) { + return (y - translate[1]) / scale; + }).map(y0.invert)); + } + function dispatch(event) { + rescale(); + d3.event.preventDefault(); + event({ + type: "zoom", + scale: scale, + translate: translate + }); + } + function mousedown() { + var target = this, event_ = event.of(target, arguments), eventTarget = d3.event.target, moved = 0, w = d3.select(window).on("mousemove.zoom", mousemove).on("mouseup.zoom", mouseup), l = location(d3.mouse(target)); + window.focus(); + d3_eventCancel(); + function mousemove() { + moved = 1; + translateTo(d3.mouse(target), l); + dispatch(event_); + } + function mouseup() { + if (moved) d3_eventCancel(); + w.on("mousemove.zoom", null).on("mouseup.zoom", null); + if (moved && d3.event.target === eventTarget) w.on("click.zoom", click, true); + } + function click() { + d3_eventCancel(); + w.on("click.zoom", null); + } + } + function mousewheel() { + if (!translate0) translate0 = location(d3.mouse(this)); + scaleTo(Math.pow(2, d3_behavior_zoomDelta() * .002) * scale); + translateTo(d3.mouse(this), translate0); + dispatch(event.of(this, arguments)); + } + function mousemove() { + translate0 = null; + } + function dblclick() { + var p = d3.mouse(this), l = location(p), k = Math.log(scale) / Math.LN2; + scaleTo(Math.pow(2, d3.event.shiftKey ? Math.ceil(k) - 1 : Math.floor(k) + 1)); + translateTo(p, l); + dispatch(event.of(this, arguments)); + } + function touchstart() { + var touches = d3.touches(this), now = Date.now(); + scale0 = scale; + translate0 = {}; + touches.forEach(function(t) { + translate0[t.identifier] = location(t); + }); + d3_eventCancel(); + if (touches.length === 1) { + if (now - touchtime < 500) { + var p = touches[0], l = location(touches[0]); + scaleTo(scale * 2); + translateTo(p, l); + dispatch(event.of(this, arguments)); + } + touchtime = now; + } + } + function touchmove() { + var touches = d3.touches(this), p0 = touches[0], l0 = translate0[p0.identifier]; + if (p1 = touches[1]) { + var p1, l1 = translate0[p1.identifier]; + p0 = [ (p0[0] + p1[0]) / 2, (p0[1] + p1[1]) / 2 ]; + l0 = [ (l0[0] + l1[0]) / 2, (l0[1] + l1[1]) / 2 ]; + scaleTo(d3.event.scale * scale0); + } + translateTo(p0, l0); + touchtime = null; + dispatch(event.of(this, arguments)); + } + return d3.rebind(zoom, event, "on"); + }; + var d3_behavior_zoomDiv, d3_behavior_zoomInfinity = [ 0, Infinity ]; + function d3_behavior_zoomDelta() { + if (!d3_behavior_zoomDiv) { + d3_behavior_zoomDiv = d3.select("body").append("div").style("visibility", "hidden").style("top", 0).style("height", 0).style("width", 0).style("overflow-y", "scroll").append("div").style("height", "2000px").node().parentNode; + } + var e = d3.event, delta; + try { + d3_behavior_zoomDiv.scrollTop = 1e3; + d3_behavior_zoomDiv.dispatchEvent(e); + delta = 1e3 - d3_behavior_zoomDiv.scrollTop; + } catch (error) { + delta = e.wheelDelta || -e.detail * 5; + } + return delta; + } + d3.layout = {}; + d3.layout.bundle = function() { + return function(links) { + var paths = [], i = -1, n = links.length; + while (++i < n) paths.push(d3_layout_bundlePath(links[i])); + return paths; + }; + }; + function d3_layout_bundlePath(link) { + var start = link.source, end = link.target, lca = d3_layout_bundleLeastCommonAncestor(start, end), points = [ start ]; + while (start !== lca) { + start = start.parent; + points.push(start); + } + var k = points.length; + while (end !== lca) { + points.splice(k, 0, end); + end = end.parent; + } + return points; + } + function d3_layout_bundleAncestors(node) { + var ancestors = [], parent = node.parent; + while (parent != null) { + ancestors.push(node); + node = parent; + parent = parent.parent; + } + ancestors.push(node); + return ancestors; + } + function d3_layout_bundleLeastCommonAncestor(a, b) { + if (a === b) return a; + var aNodes = d3_layout_bundleAncestors(a), bNodes = d3_layout_bundleAncestors(b), aNode = aNodes.pop(), bNode = bNodes.pop(), sharedNode = null; + while (aNode === bNode) { + sharedNode = aNode; + aNode = aNodes.pop(); + bNode = bNodes.pop(); + } + return sharedNode; + } + d3.layout.chord = function() { + var chord = {}, chords, groups, matrix, n, padding = 0, sortGroups, sortSubgroups, sortChords; + function relayout() { + var subgroups = {}, groupSums = [], groupIndex = d3.range(n), subgroupIndex = [], k, x, x0, i, j; + chords = []; + groups = []; + k = 0, i = -1; + while (++i < n) { + x = 0, j = -1; + while (++j < n) { + x += matrix[i][j]; + } + groupSums.push(x); + subgroupIndex.push(d3.range(n)); + k += x; + } + if (sortGroups) { + groupIndex.sort(function(a, b) { + return sortGroups(groupSums[a], groupSums[b]); + }); + } + if (sortSubgroups) { + subgroupIndex.forEach(function(d, i) { + d.sort(function(a, b) { + return sortSubgroups(matrix[i][a], matrix[i][b]); + }); + }); + } + k = (2 * π - padding * n) / k; + x = 0, i = -1; + while (++i < n) { + x0 = x, j = -1; + while (++j < n) { + var di = groupIndex[i], dj = subgroupIndex[di][j], v = matrix[di][dj], a0 = x, a1 = x += v * k; + subgroups[di + "-" + dj] = { + index: di, + subindex: dj, + startAngle: a0, + endAngle: a1, + value: v + }; + } + groups[di] = { + index: di, + startAngle: x0, + endAngle: x, + value: (x - x0) / k + }; + x += padding; + } + i = -1; + while (++i < n) { + j = i - 1; + while (++j < n) { + var source = subgroups[i + "-" + j], target = subgroups[j + "-" + i]; + if (source.value || target.value) { + chords.push(source.value < target.value ? { + source: target, + target: source + } : { + source: source, + target: target + }); + } + } + } + if (sortChords) resort(); + } + function resort() { + chords.sort(function(a, b) { + return sortChords((a.source.value + a.target.value) / 2, (b.source.value + b.target.value) / 2); + }); + } + chord.matrix = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return matrix; + n = (matrix = x) && matrix.length; + chords = groups = null; + return chord; + }; + chord.padding = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return padding; + padding = x; + chords = groups = null; + return chord; + }; + chord.sortGroups = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return sortGroups; + sortGroups = x; + chords = groups = null; + return chord; + }; + chord.sortSubgroups = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return sortSubgroups; + sortSubgroups = x; + chords = null; + return chord; + }; + chord.sortChords = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return sortChords; + sortChords = x; + if (chords) resort(); + return chord; + }; + chord.chords = function() { + if (!chords) relayout(); + return chords; + }; + chord.groups = function() { + if (!groups) relayout(); + return groups; + }; + return chord; + }; + d3.layout.force = function() { + var force = {}, event = d3.dispatch("start", "tick", "end"), size = [ 1, 1 ], drag, alpha, friction = .9, linkDistance = d3_layout_forceLinkDistance, linkStrength = d3_layout_forceLinkStrength, charge = -30, gravity = .1, theta = .8, nodes = [], links = [], distances, strengths, charges; + function repulse(node) { + return function(quad, x1, _, x2) { + if (quad.point !== node) { + var dx = quad.cx - node.x, dy = quad.cy - node.y, dn = 1 / Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); + if ((x2 - x1) * dn < theta) { + var k = quad.charge * dn * dn; + node.px -= dx * k; + node.py -= dy * k; + return true; + } + if (quad.point && isFinite(dn)) { + var k = quad.pointCharge * dn * dn; + node.px -= dx * k; + node.py -= dy * k; + } + } + return !quad.charge; + }; + } + force.tick = function() { + if ((alpha *= .99) < .005) { + event.end({ + type: "end", + alpha: alpha = 0 + }); + return true; + } + var n = nodes.length, m = links.length, q, i, o, s, t, l, k, x, y; + for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) { + o = links[i]; + s = o.source; + t = o.target; + x = t.x - s.x; + y = t.y - s.y; + if (l = x * x + y * y) { + l = alpha * strengths[i] * ((l = Math.sqrt(l)) - distances[i]) / l; + x *= l; + y *= l; + t.x -= x * (k = s.weight / (t.weight + s.weight)); + t.y -= y * k; + s.x += x * (k = 1 - k); + s.y += y * k; + } + } + if (k = alpha * gravity) { + x = size[0] / 2; + y = size[1] / 2; + i = -1; + if (k) while (++i < n) { + o = nodes[i]; + o.x += (x - o.x) * k; + o.y += (y - o.y) * k; + } + } + if (charge) { + d3_layout_forceAccumulate(q = d3.geom.quadtree(nodes), alpha, charges); + i = -1; + while (++i < n) { + if (!(o = nodes[i]).fixed) { + q.visit(repulse(o)); + } + } + } + i = -1; + while (++i < n) { + o = nodes[i]; + if (o.fixed) { + o.x = o.px; + o.y = o.py; + } else { + o.x -= (o.px - (o.px = o.x)) * friction; + o.y -= (o.py - (o.py = o.y)) * friction; + } + } + event.tick({ + type: "tick", + alpha: alpha + }); + }; + force.nodes = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return nodes; + nodes = x; + return force; + }; + force.links = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return links; + links = x; + return force; + }; + force.size = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return size; + size = x; + return force; + }; + force.linkDistance = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return linkDistance; + linkDistance = d3_functor(x); + return force; + }; + force.distance = force.linkDistance; + force.linkStrength = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return linkStrength; + linkStrength = d3_functor(x); + return force; + }; + force.friction = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return friction; + friction = x; + return force; + }; + force.charge = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return charge; + charge = typeof x === "function" ? x : +x; + return force; + }; + force.gravity = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return gravity; + gravity = x; + return force; + }; + force.theta = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return theta; + theta = x; + return force; + }; + force.alpha = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return alpha; + if (alpha) { + if (x > 0) alpha = x; else alpha = 0; + } else if (x > 0) { + event.start({ + type: "start", + alpha: alpha = x + }); + d3.timer(force.tick); + } + return force; + }; + force.start = function() { + var i, j, n = nodes.length, m = links.length, w = size[0], h = size[1], neighbors, o; + for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { + (o = nodes[i]).index = i; + o.weight = 0; + } + distances = []; + strengths = []; + for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) { + o = links[i]; + if (typeof o.source == "number") o.source = nodes[o.source]; + if (typeof o.target == "number") o.target = nodes[o.target]; + distances[i] = linkDistance.call(this, o, i); + strengths[i] = linkStrength.call(this, o, i); + ++o.source.weight; + ++o.target.weight; + } + for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { + o = nodes[i]; + if (isNaN(o.x)) o.x = position("x", w); + if (isNaN(o.y)) o.y = position("y", h); + if (isNaN(o.px)) o.px = o.x; + if (isNaN(o.py)) o.py = o.y; + } + charges = []; + if (typeof charge === "function") { + for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { + charges[i] = +charge.call(this, nodes[i], i); + } + } else { + for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { + charges[i] = charge; + } + } + function position(dimension, size) { + var neighbors = neighbor(i), j = -1, m = neighbors.length, x; + while (++j < m) if (!isNaN(x = neighbors[j][dimension])) return x; + return Math.random() * size; + } + function neighbor() { + if (!neighbors) { + neighbors = []; + for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) { + neighbors[j] = []; + } + for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) { + var o = links[j]; + neighbors[o.source.index].push(o.target); + neighbors[o.target.index].push(o.source); + } + } + return neighbors[i]; + } + return force.resume(); + }; + force.resume = function() { + return force.alpha(.1); + }; + force.stop = function() { + return force.alpha(0); + }; + force.drag = function() { + if (!drag) drag = d3.behavior.drag().origin(d3_identity).on("dragstart", d3_layout_forceDragstart).on("drag", dragmove).on("dragend", d3_layout_forceDragend); + this.on("mouseover.force", d3_layout_forceMouseover).on("mouseout.force", d3_layout_forceMouseout).call(drag); + }; + function dragmove(d) { + d.px = d3.event.x, d.py = d3.event.y; + force.resume(); + } + return d3.rebind(force, event, "on"); + }; + function d3_layout_forceDragstart(d) { + d.fixed |= 2; + } + function d3_layout_forceDragend(d) { + d.fixed &= 1; + } + function d3_layout_forceMouseover(d) { + d.fixed |= 4; + d.px = d.x, d.py = d.y; + } + function d3_layout_forceMouseout(d) { + d.fixed &= 3; + } + function d3_layout_forceAccumulate(quad, alpha, charges) { + var cx = 0, cy = 0; + quad.charge = 0; + if (!quad.leaf) { + var nodes = quad.nodes, n = nodes.length, i = -1, c; + while (++i < n) { + c = nodes[i]; + if (c == null) continue; + d3_layout_forceAccumulate(c, alpha, charges); + quad.charge += c.charge; + cx += c.charge * c.cx; + cy += c.charge * c.cy; + } + } + if (quad.point) { + if (!quad.leaf) { + quad.point.x += Math.random() - .5; + quad.point.y += Math.random() - .5; + } + var k = alpha * charges[quad.point.index]; + quad.charge += quad.pointCharge = k; + cx += k * quad.point.x; + cy += k * quad.point.y; + } + quad.cx = cx / quad.charge; + quad.cy = cy / quad.charge; + } + function d3_layout_forceLinkDistance() { + return 20; + } + function d3_layout_forceLinkStrength() { + return 1; + } + d3.layout.partition = function() { + var hierarchy = d3.layout.hierarchy(), size = [ 1, 1 ]; + function position(node, x, dx, dy) { + var children = node.children; + node.x = x; + node.y = node.depth * dy; + node.dx = dx; + node.dy = dy; + if (children && (n = children.length)) { + var i = -1, n, c, d; + dx = node.value ? dx / node.value : 0; + while (++i < n) { + position(c = children[i], x, d = c.value * dx, dy); + x += d; + } + } + } + function depth(node) { + var children = node.children, d = 0; + if (children && (n = children.length)) { + var i = -1, n; + while (++i < n) d = Math.max(d, depth(children[i])); + } + return 1 + d; + } + function partition(d, i) { + var nodes = hierarchy.call(this, d, i); + position(nodes[0], 0, size[0], size[1] / depth(nodes[0])); + return nodes; + } + partition.size = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return size; + size = x; + return partition; + }; + return d3_layout_hierarchyRebind(partition, hierarchy); + }; + d3.layout.pie = function() { + var value = Number, sort = d3_layout_pieSortByValue, startAngle = 0, endAngle = 2 * π; + function pie(data) { + var values = data.map(function(d, i) { + return +value.call(pie, d, i); + }); + var a = +(typeof startAngle === "function" ? startAngle.apply(this, arguments) : startAngle); + var k = ((typeof endAngle === "function" ? endAngle.apply(this, arguments) : endAngle) - startAngle) / d3.sum(values); + var index = d3.range(data.length); + if (sort != null) index.sort(sort === d3_layout_pieSortByValue ? function(i, j) { + return values[j] - values[i]; + } : function(i, j) { + return sort(data[i], data[j]); + }); + var arcs = []; + index.forEach(function(i) { + var d; + arcs[i] = { + data: data[i], + value: d = values[i], + startAngle: a, + endAngle: a += d * k + }; + }); + return arcs; + } + pie.value = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return value; + value = x; + return pie; + }; + pie.sort = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return sort; + sort = x; + return pie; + }; + pie.startAngle = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return startAngle; + startAngle = x; + return pie; + }; + pie.endAngle = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return endAngle; + endAngle = x; + return pie; + }; + return pie; + }; + var d3_layout_pieSortByValue = {}; + d3.layout.stack = function() { + var values = d3_identity, order = d3_layout_stackOrderDefault, offset = d3_layout_stackOffsetZero, out = d3_layout_stackOut, x = d3_layout_stackX, y = d3_layout_stackY; + function stack(data, index) { + var series = data.map(function(d, i) { + return values.call(stack, d, i); + }); + var points = series.map(function(d) { + return d.map(function(v, i) { + return [ x.call(stack, v, i), y.call(stack, v, i) ]; + }); + }); + var orders = order.call(stack, points, index); + series = d3.permute(series, orders); + points = d3.permute(points, orders); + var offsets = offset.call(stack, points, index); + var n = series.length, m = series[0].length, i, j, o; + for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) { + out.call(stack, series[0][j], o = offsets[j], points[0][j][1]); + for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) { + out.call(stack, series[i][j], o += points[i - 1][j][1], points[i][j][1]); + } + } + return data; + } + stack.values = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return values; + values = x; + return stack; + }; + stack.order = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return order; + order = typeof x === "function" ? x : d3_layout_stackOrders.get(x) || d3_layout_stackOrderDefault; + return stack; + }; + stack.offset = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return offset; + offset = typeof x === "function" ? x : d3_layout_stackOffsets.get(x) || d3_layout_stackOffsetZero; + return stack; + }; + stack.x = function(z) { + if (!arguments.length) return x; + x = z; + return stack; + }; + stack.y = function(z) { + if (!arguments.length) return y; + y = z; + return stack; + }; + stack.out = function(z) { + if (!arguments.length) return out; + out = z; + return stack; + }; + return stack; + }; + function d3_layout_stackX(d) { + return d.x; + } + function d3_layout_stackY(d) { + return d.y; + } + function d3_layout_stackOut(d, y0, y) { + d.y0 = y0; + d.y = y; + } + var d3_layout_stackOrders = d3.map({ + "inside-out": function(data) { + var n = data.length, i, j, max = data.map(d3_layout_stackMaxIndex), sums = data.map(d3_layout_stackReduceSum), index = d3.range(n).sort(function(a, b) { + return max[a] - max[b]; + }), top = 0, bottom = 0, tops = [], bottoms = []; + for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { + j = index[i]; + if (top < bottom) { + top += sums[j]; + tops.push(j); + } else { + bottom += sums[j]; + bottoms.push(j); + } + } + return bottoms.reverse().concat(tops); + }, + reverse: function(data) { + return d3.range(data.length).reverse(); + }, + "default": d3_layout_stackOrderDefault + }); + var d3_layout_stackOffsets = d3.map({ + silhouette: function(data) { + var n = data.length, m = data[0].length, sums = [], max = 0, i, j, o, y0 = []; + for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) { + for (i = 0, o = 0; i < n; i++) o += data[i][j][1]; + if (o > max) max = o; + sums.push(o); + } + for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) { + y0[j] = (max - sums[j]) / 2; + } + return y0; + }, + wiggle: function(data) { + var n = data.length, x = data[0], m = x.length, i, j, k, s1, s2, s3, dx, o, o0, y0 = []; + y0[0] = o = o0 = 0; + for (j = 1; j < m; ++j) { + for (i = 0, s1 = 0; i < n; ++i) s1 += data[i][j][1]; + for (i = 0, s2 = 0, dx = x[j][0] - x[j - 1][0]; i < n; ++i) { + for (k = 0, s3 = (data[i][j][1] - data[i][j - 1][1]) / (2 * dx); k < i; ++k) { + s3 += (data[k][j][1] - data[k][j - 1][1]) / dx; + } + s2 += s3 * data[i][j][1]; + } + y0[j] = o -= s1 ? s2 / s1 * dx : 0; + if (o < o0) o0 = o; + } + for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) y0[j] -= o0; + return y0; + }, + expand: function(data) { + var n = data.length, m = data[0].length, k = 1 / n, i, j, o, y0 = []; + for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) { + for (i = 0, o = 0; i < n; i++) o += data[i][j][1]; + if (o) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) data[i][j][1] /= o; else for (i = 0; i < n; i++) data[i][j][1] = k; + } + for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) y0[j] = 0; + return y0; + }, + zero: d3_layout_stackOffsetZero + }); + function d3_layout_stackOrderDefault(data) { + return d3.range(data.length); + } + function d3_layout_stackOffsetZero(data) { + var j = -1, m = data[0].length, y0 = []; + while (++j < m) y0[j] = 0; + return y0; + } + function d3_layout_stackMaxIndex(array) { + var i = 1, j = 0, v = array[0][1], k, n = array.length; + for (;i < n; ++i) { + if ((k = array[i][1]) > v) { + j = i; + v = k; + } + } + return j; + } + function d3_layout_stackReduceSum(d) { + return d.reduce(d3_layout_stackSum, 0); + } + function d3_layout_stackSum(p, d) { + return p + d[1]; + } + d3.layout.histogram = function() { + var frequency = true, valuer = Number, ranger = d3_layout_histogramRange, binner = d3_layout_histogramBinSturges; + function histogram(data, i) { + var bins = [], values = data.map(valuer, this), range = ranger.call(this, values, i), thresholds = binner.call(this, range, values, i), bin, i = -1, n = values.length, m = thresholds.length - 1, k = frequency ? 1 : 1 / n, x; + while (++i < m) { + bin = bins[i] = []; + bin.dx = thresholds[i + 1] - (bin.x = thresholds[i]); + bin.y = 0; + } + if (m > 0) { + i = -1; + while (++i < n) { + x = values[i]; + if (x >= range[0] && x <= range[1]) { + bin = bins[d3.bisect(thresholds, x, 1, m) - 1]; + bin.y += k; + bin.push(data[i]); + } + } + } + return bins; + } + histogram.value = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return valuer; + valuer = x; + return histogram; + }; + histogram.range = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return ranger; + ranger = d3_functor(x); + return histogram; + }; + histogram.bins = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return binner; + binner = typeof x === "number" ? function(range) { + return d3_layout_histogramBinFixed(range, x); + } : d3_functor(x); + return histogram; + }; + histogram.frequency = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return frequency; + frequency = !!x; + return histogram; + }; + return histogram; + }; + function d3_layout_histogramBinSturges(range, values) { + return d3_layout_histogramBinFixed(range, Math.ceil(Math.log(values.length) / Math.LN2 + 1)); + } + function d3_layout_histogramBinFixed(range, n) { + var x = -1, b = +range[0], m = (range[1] - b) / n, f = []; + while (++x <= n) f[x] = m * x + b; + return f; + } + function d3_layout_histogramRange(values) { + return [ d3.min(values), d3.max(values) ]; + } + d3.layout.hierarchy = function() { + var sort = d3_layout_hierarchySort, children = d3_layout_hierarchyChildren, value = d3_layout_hierarchyValue; + function recurse(node, depth, nodes) { + var childs = children.call(hierarchy, node, depth); + node.depth = depth; + nodes.push(node); + if (childs && (n = childs.length)) { + var i = -1, n, c = node.children = [], v = 0, j = depth + 1, d; + while (++i < n) { + d = recurse(childs[i], j, nodes); + d.parent = node; + c.push(d); + v += d.value; + } + if (sort) c.sort(sort); + if (value) node.value = v; + } else if (value) { + node.value = +value.call(hierarchy, node, depth) || 0; + } + return node; + } + function revalue(node, depth) { + var children = node.children, v = 0; + if (children && (n = children.length)) { + var i = -1, n, j = depth + 1; + while (++i < n) v += revalue(children[i], j); + } else if (value) { + v = +value.call(hierarchy, node, depth) || 0; + } + if (value) node.value = v; + return v; + } + function hierarchy(d) { + var nodes = []; + recurse(d, 0, nodes); + return nodes; + } + hierarchy.sort = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return sort; + sort = x; + return hierarchy; + }; + hierarchy.children = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return children; + children = x; + return hierarchy; + }; + hierarchy.value = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return value; + value = x; + return hierarchy; + }; + hierarchy.revalue = function(root) { + revalue(root, 0); + return root; + }; + return hierarchy; + }; + function d3_layout_hierarchyRebind(object, hierarchy) { + d3.rebind(object, hierarchy, "sort", "children", "value"); + object.nodes = object; + object.links = d3_layout_hierarchyLinks; + return object; + } + function d3_layout_hierarchyChildren(d) { + return d.children; + } + function d3_layout_hierarchyValue(d) { + return d.value; + } + function d3_layout_hierarchySort(a, b) { + return b.value - a.value; + } + function d3_layout_hierarchyLinks(nodes) { + return d3.merge(nodes.map(function(parent) { + return (parent.children || []).map(function(child) { + return { + source: parent, + target: child + }; + }); + })); + } + d3.layout.pack = function() { + var hierarchy = d3.layout.hierarchy().sort(d3_layout_packSort), padding = 0, size = [ 1, 1 ]; + function pack(d, i) { + var nodes = hierarchy.call(this, d, i), root = nodes[0]; + root.x = 0; + root.y = 0; + d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, function(d) { + d.r = Math.sqrt(d.value); + }); + d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, d3_layout_packSiblings); + var w = size[0], h = size[1], k = Math.max(2 * root.r / w, 2 * root.r / h); + if (padding > 0) { + var dr = padding * k / 2; + d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, function(d) { + d.r += dr; + }); + d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, d3_layout_packSiblings); + d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, function(d) { + d.r -= dr; + }); + k = Math.max(2 * root.r / w, 2 * root.r / h); + } + d3_layout_packTransform(root, w / 2, h / 2, 1 / k); + return nodes; + } + pack.size = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return size; + size = x; + return pack; + }; + pack.padding = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return padding; + padding = +_; + return pack; + }; + return d3_layout_hierarchyRebind(pack, hierarchy); + }; + function d3_layout_packSort(a, b) { + return a.value - b.value; + } + function d3_layout_packInsert(a, b) { + var c = a._pack_next; + a._pack_next = b; + b._pack_prev = a; + b._pack_next = c; + c._pack_prev = b; + } + function d3_layout_packSplice(a, b) { + a._pack_next = b; + b._pack_prev = a; + } + function d3_layout_packIntersects(a, b) { + var dx = b.x - a.x, dy = b.y - a.y, dr = a.r + b.r; + return dr * dr - dx * dx - dy * dy > .001; + } + function d3_layout_packSiblings(node) { + if (!(nodes = node.children) || !(n = nodes.length)) return; + var nodes, xMin = Infinity, xMax = -Infinity, yMin = Infinity, yMax = -Infinity, a, b, c, i, j, k, n; + function bound(node) { + xMin = Math.min(node.x - node.r, xMin); + xMax = Math.max(node.x + node.r, xMax); + yMin = Math.min(node.y - node.r, yMin); + yMax = Math.max(node.y + node.r, yMax); + } + nodes.forEach(d3_layout_packLink); + a = nodes[0]; + a.x = -a.r; + a.y = 0; + bound(a); + if (n > 1) { + b = nodes[1]; + b.x = b.r; + b.y = 0; + bound(b); + if (n > 2) { + c = nodes[2]; + d3_layout_packPlace(a, b, c); + bound(c); + d3_layout_packInsert(a, c); + a._pack_prev = c; + d3_layout_packInsert(c, b); + b = a._pack_next; + for (i = 3; i < n; i++) { + d3_layout_packPlace(a, b, c = nodes[i]); + var isect = 0, s1 = 1, s2 = 1; + for (j = b._pack_next; j !== b; j = j._pack_next, s1++) { + if (d3_layout_packIntersects(j, c)) { + isect = 1; + break; + } + } + if (isect == 1) { + for (k = a._pack_prev; k !== j._pack_prev; k = k._pack_prev, s2++) { + if (d3_layout_packIntersects(k, c)) { + break; + } + } + } + if (isect) { + if (s1 < s2 || s1 == s2 && b.r < a.r) d3_layout_packSplice(a, b = j); else d3_layout_packSplice(a = k, b); + i--; + } else { + d3_layout_packInsert(a, c); + b = c; + bound(c); + } + } + } + } + var cx = (xMin + xMax) / 2, cy = (yMin + yMax) / 2, cr = 0; + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { + c = nodes[i]; + c.x -= cx; + c.y -= cy; + cr = Math.max(cr, c.r + Math.sqrt(c.x * c.x + c.y * c.y)); + } + node.r = cr; + nodes.forEach(d3_layout_packUnlink); + } + function d3_layout_packLink(node) { + node._pack_next = node._pack_prev = node; + } + function d3_layout_packUnlink(node) { + delete node._pack_next; + delete node._pack_prev; + } + function d3_layout_packTransform(node, x, y, k) { + var children = node.children; + node.x = x += k * node.x; + node.y = y += k * node.y; + node.r *= k; + if (children) { + var i = -1, n = children.length; + while (++i < n) d3_layout_packTransform(children[i], x, y, k); + } + } + function d3_layout_packPlace(a, b, c) { + var db = a.r + c.r, dx = b.x - a.x, dy = b.y - a.y; + if (db && (dx || dy)) { + var da = b.r + c.r, dc = dx * dx + dy * dy; + da *= da; + db *= db; + var x = .5 + (db - da) / (2 * dc), y = Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, 2 * da * (db + dc) - (db -= dc) * db - da * da)) / (2 * dc); + c.x = a.x + x * dx + y * dy; + c.y = a.y + x * dy - y * dx; + } else { + c.x = a.x + db; + c.y = a.y; + } + } + d3.layout.cluster = function() { + var hierarchy = d3.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null), separation = d3_layout_treeSeparation, size = [ 1, 1 ]; + function cluster(d, i) { + var nodes = hierarchy.call(this, d, i), root = nodes[0], previousNode, x = 0; + d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, function(node) { + var children = node.children; + if (children && children.length) { + node.x = d3_layout_clusterX(children); + node.y = d3_layout_clusterY(children); + } else { + node.x = previousNode ? x += separation(node, previousNode) : 0; + node.y = 0; + previousNode = node; + } + }); + var left = d3_layout_clusterLeft(root), right = d3_layout_clusterRight(root), x0 = left.x - separation(left, right) / 2, x1 = right.x + separation(right, left) / 2; + d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, function(node) { + node.x = (node.x - x0) / (x1 - x0) * size[0]; + node.y = (1 - (root.y ? node.y / root.y : 1)) * size[1]; + }); + return nodes; + } + cluster.separation = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return separation; + separation = x; + return cluster; + }; + cluster.size = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return size; + size = x; + return cluster; + }; + return d3_layout_hierarchyRebind(cluster, hierarchy); + }; + function d3_layout_clusterY(children) { + return 1 + d3.max(children, function(child) { + return child.y; + }); + } + function d3_layout_clusterX(children) { + return children.reduce(function(x, child) { + return x + child.x; + }, 0) / children.length; + } + function d3_layout_clusterLeft(node) { + var children = node.children; + return children && children.length ? d3_layout_clusterLeft(children[0]) : node; + } + function d3_layout_clusterRight(node) { + var children = node.children, n; + return children && (n = children.length) ? d3_layout_clusterRight(children[n - 1]) : node; + } + d3.layout.tree = function() { + var hierarchy = d3.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null), separation = d3_layout_treeSeparation, size = [ 1, 1 ]; + function tree(d, i) { + var nodes = hierarchy.call(this, d, i), root = nodes[0]; + function firstWalk(node, previousSibling) { + var children = node.children, layout = node._tree; + if (children && (n = children.length)) { + var n, firstChild = children[0], previousChild, ancestor = firstChild, child, i = -1; + while (++i < n) { + child = children[i]; + firstWalk(child, previousChild); + ancestor = apportion(child, previousChild, ancestor); + previousChild = child; + } + d3_layout_treeShift(node); + var midpoint = .5 * (firstChild._tree.prelim + child._tree.prelim); + if (previousSibling) { + layout.prelim = previousSibling._tree.prelim + separation(node, previousSibling); + layout.mod = layout.prelim - midpoint; + } else { + layout.prelim = midpoint; + } + } else { + if (previousSibling) { + layout.prelim = previousSibling._tree.prelim + separation(node, previousSibling); + } + } + } + function secondWalk(node, x) { + node.x = node._tree.prelim + x; + var children = node.children; + if (children && (n = children.length)) { + var i = -1, n; + x += node._tree.mod; + while (++i < n) { + secondWalk(children[i], x); + } + } + } + function apportion(node, previousSibling, ancestor) { + if (previousSibling) { + var vip = node, vop = node, vim = previousSibling, vom = node.parent.children[0], sip = vip._tree.mod, sop = vop._tree.mod, sim = vim._tree.mod, som = vom._tree.mod, shift; + while (vim = d3_layout_treeRight(vim), vip = d3_layout_treeLeft(vip), vim && vip) { + vom = d3_layout_treeLeft(vom); + vop = d3_layout_treeRight(vop); + vop._tree.ancestor = node; + shift = vim._tree.prelim + sim - vip._tree.prelim - sip + separation(vim, vip); + if (shift > 0) { + d3_layout_treeMove(d3_layout_treeAncestor(vim, node, ancestor), node, shift); + sip += shift; + sop += shift; + } + sim += vim._tree.mod; + sip += vip._tree.mod; + som += vom._tree.mod; + sop += vop._tree.mod; + } + if (vim && !d3_layout_treeRight(vop)) { + vop._tree.thread = vim; + vop._tree.mod += sim - sop; + } + if (vip && !d3_layout_treeLeft(vom)) { + vom._tree.thread = vip; + vom._tree.mod += sip - som; + ancestor = node; + } + } + return ancestor; + } + d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, function(node, previousSibling) { + node._tree = { + ancestor: node, + prelim: 0, + mod: 0, + change: 0, + shift: 0, + number: previousSibling ? previousSibling._tree.number + 1 : 0 + }; + }); + firstWalk(root); + secondWalk(root, -root._tree.prelim); + var left = d3_layout_treeSearch(root, d3_layout_treeLeftmost), right = d3_layout_treeSearch(root, d3_layout_treeRightmost), deep = d3_layout_treeSearch(root, d3_layout_treeDeepest), x0 = left.x - separation(left, right) / 2, x1 = right.x + separation(right, left) / 2, y1 = deep.depth || 1; + d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, function(node) { + node.x = (node.x - x0) / (x1 - x0) * size[0]; + node.y = node.depth / y1 * size[1]; + delete node._tree; + }); + return nodes; + } + tree.separation = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return separation; + separation = x; + return tree; + }; + tree.size = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return size; + size = x; + return tree; + }; + return d3_layout_hierarchyRebind(tree, hierarchy); + }; + function d3_layout_treeSeparation(a, b) { + return a.parent == b.parent ? 1 : 2; + } + function d3_layout_treeLeft(node) { + var children = node.children; + return children && children.length ? children[0] : node._tree.thread; + } + function d3_layout_treeRight(node) { + var children = node.children, n; + return children && (n = children.length) ? children[n - 1] : node._tree.thread; + } + function d3_layout_treeSearch(node, compare) { + var children = node.children; + if (children && (n = children.length)) { + var child, n, i = -1; + while (++i < n) { + if (compare(child = d3_layout_treeSearch(children[i], compare), node) > 0) { + node = child; + } + } + } + return node; + } + function d3_layout_treeRightmost(a, b) { + return a.x - b.x; + } + function d3_layout_treeLeftmost(a, b) { + return b.x - a.x; + } + function d3_layout_treeDeepest(a, b) { + return a.depth - b.depth; + } + function d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(node, callback) { + function visit(node, previousSibling) { + var children = node.children; + if (children && (n = children.length)) { + var child, previousChild = null, i = -1, n; + while (++i < n) { + child = children[i]; + visit(child, previousChild); + previousChild = child; + } + } + callback(node, previousSibling); + } + visit(node, null); + } + function d3_layout_treeShift(node) { + var shift = 0, change = 0, children = node.children, i = children.length, child; + while (--i >= 0) { + child = children[i]._tree; + child.prelim += shift; + child.mod += shift; + shift += child.shift + (change += child.change); + } + } + function d3_layout_treeMove(ancestor, node, shift) { + ancestor = ancestor._tree; + node = node._tree; + var change = shift / (node.number - ancestor.number); + ancestor.change += change; + node.change -= change; + node.shift += shift; + node.prelim += shift; + node.mod += shift; + } + function d3_layout_treeAncestor(vim, node, ancestor) { + return vim._tree.ancestor.parent == node.parent ? vim._tree.ancestor : ancestor; + } + d3.layout.treemap = function() { + var hierarchy = d3.layout.hierarchy(), round = Math.round, size = [ 1, 1 ], padding = null, pad = d3_layout_treemapPadNull, sticky = false, stickies, mode = "squarify", ratio = .5 * (1 + Math.sqrt(5)); + function scale(children, k) { + var i = -1, n = children.length, child, area; + while (++i < n) { + area = (child = children[i]).value * (k < 0 ? 0 : k); + child.area = isNaN(area) || area <= 0 ? 0 : area; + } + } + function squarify(node) { + var children = node.children; + if (children && children.length) { + var rect = pad(node), row = [], remaining = children.slice(), child, best = Infinity, score, u = mode === "slice" ? rect.dx : mode === "dice" ? rect.dy : mode === "slice-dice" ? node.depth & 1 ? rect.dy : rect.dx : Math.min(rect.dx, rect.dy), n; + scale(remaining, rect.dx * rect.dy / node.value); + row.area = 0; + while ((n = remaining.length) > 0) { + row.push(child = remaining[n - 1]); + row.area += child.area; + if (mode !== "squarify" || (score = worst(row, u)) <= best) { + remaining.pop(); + best = score; + } else { + row.area -= row.pop().area; + position(row, u, rect, false); + u = Math.min(rect.dx, rect.dy); + row.length = row.area = 0; + best = Infinity; + } + } + if (row.length) { + position(row, u, rect, true); + row.length = row.area = 0; + } + children.forEach(squarify); + } + } + function stickify(node) { + var children = node.children; + if (children && children.length) { + var rect = pad(node), remaining = children.slice(), child, row = []; + scale(remaining, rect.dx * rect.dy / node.value); + row.area = 0; + while (child = remaining.pop()) { + row.push(child); + row.area += child.area; + if (child.z != null) { + position(row, child.z ? rect.dx : rect.dy, rect, !remaining.length); + row.length = row.area = 0; + } + } + children.forEach(stickify); + } + } + function worst(row, u) { + var s = row.area, r, rmax = 0, rmin = Infinity, i = -1, n = row.length; + while (++i < n) { + if (!(r = row[i].area)) continue; + if (r < rmin) rmin = r; + if (r > rmax) rmax = r; + } + s *= s; + u *= u; + return s ? Math.max(u * rmax * ratio / s, s / (u * rmin * ratio)) : Infinity; + } + function position(row, u, rect, flush) { + var i = -1, n = row.length, x = rect.x, y = rect.y, v = u ? round(row.area / u) : 0, o; + if (u == rect.dx) { + if (flush || v > rect.dy) v = rect.dy; + while (++i < n) { + o = row[i]; + o.x = x; + o.y = y; + o.dy = v; + x += o.dx = Math.min(rect.x + rect.dx - x, v ? round(o.area / v) : 0); + } + o.z = true; + o.dx += rect.x + rect.dx - x; + rect.y += v; + rect.dy -= v; + } else { + if (flush || v > rect.dx) v = rect.dx; + while (++i < n) { + o = row[i]; + o.x = x; + o.y = y; + o.dx = v; + y += o.dy = Math.min(rect.y + rect.dy - y, v ? round(o.area / v) : 0); + } + o.z = false; + o.dy += rect.y + rect.dy - y; + rect.x += v; + rect.dx -= v; + } + } + function treemap(d) { + var nodes = stickies || hierarchy(d), root = nodes[0]; + root.x = 0; + root.y = 0; + root.dx = size[0]; + root.dy = size[1]; + if (stickies) hierarchy.revalue(root); + scale([ root ], root.dx * root.dy / root.value); + (stickies ? stickify : squarify)(root); + if (sticky) stickies = nodes; + return nodes; + } + treemap.size = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return size; + size = x; + return treemap; + }; + treemap.padding = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return padding; + function padFunction(node) { + var p = x.call(treemap, node, node.depth); + return p == null ? d3_layout_treemapPadNull(node) : d3_layout_treemapPad(node, typeof p === "number" ? [ p, p, p, p ] : p); + } + function padConstant(node) { + return d3_layout_treemapPad(node, x); + } + var type; + pad = (padding = x) == null ? d3_layout_treemapPadNull : (type = typeof x) === "function" ? padFunction : type === "number" ? (x = [ x, x, x, x ], + padConstant) : padConstant; + return treemap; + }; + treemap.round = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return round != Number; + round = x ? Math.round : Number; + return treemap; + }; + treemap.sticky = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return sticky; + sticky = x; + stickies = null; + return treemap; + }; + treemap.ratio = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return ratio; + ratio = x; + return treemap; + }; + treemap.mode = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return mode; + mode = x + ""; + return treemap; + }; + return d3_layout_hierarchyRebind(treemap, hierarchy); + }; + function d3_layout_treemapPadNull(node) { + return { + x: node.x, + y: node.y, + dx: node.dx, + dy: node.dy + }; + } + function d3_layout_treemapPad(node, padding) { + var x = node.x + padding[3], y = node.y + padding[0], dx = node.dx - padding[1] - padding[3], dy = node.dy - padding[0] - padding[2]; + if (dx < 0) { + x += dx / 2; + dx = 0; + } + if (dy < 0) { + y += dy / 2; + dy = 0; + } + return { + x: x, + y: y, + dx: dx, + dy: dy + }; + } + function d3_dsv(delimiter, mimeType) { + var reFormat = new RegExp('["' + delimiter + "\n]"), delimiterCode = delimiter.charCodeAt(0); + function dsv(url, callback) { + return d3.xhr(url, mimeType, callback).response(response); + } + function response(request) { + return dsv.parse(request.responseText); + } + dsv.parse = function(text) { + var o; + return dsv.parseRows(text, function(row) { + if (o) return o(row); + o = new Function("d", "return {" + row.map(function(name, i) { + return JSON.stringify(name) + ": d[" + i + "]"; + }).join(",") + "}"); + }); + }; + dsv.parseRows = function(text, f) { + var EOL = {}, EOF = {}, rows = [], N = text.length, I = 0, n = 0, t, eol; + function token() { + if (I >= N) return EOF; + if (eol) return eol = false, EOL; + var j = I; + if (text.charCodeAt(j) === 34) { + var i = j; + while (i++ < N) { + if (text.charCodeAt(i) === 34) { + if (text.charCodeAt(i + 1) !== 34) break; + ++i; + } + } + I = i + 2; + var c = text.charCodeAt(i + 1); + if (c === 13) { + eol = true; + if (text.charCodeAt(i + 2) === 10) ++I; + } else if (c === 10) { + eol = true; + } + return text.substring(j + 1, i).replace(/""/g, '"'); + } + while (I < N) { + var c = text.charCodeAt(I++), k = 1; + if (c === 10) eol = true; else if (c === 13) { + eol = true; + if (text.charCodeAt(I) === 10) ++I, ++k; + } else if (c !== delimiterCode) continue; + return text.substring(j, I - k); + } + return text.substring(j); + } + while ((t = token()) !== EOF) { + var a = []; + while (t !== EOL && t !== EOF) { + a.push(t); + t = token(); + } + if (f && !(a = f(a, n++))) continue; + rows.push(a); + } + return rows; + }; + dsv.format = function(rows) { + return rows.map(formatRow).join("\n"); + }; + function formatRow(row) { + return row.map(formatValue).join(delimiter); + } + function formatValue(text) { + return reFormat.test(text) ? '"' + text.replace(/\"/g, '""') + '"' : text; + } + return dsv; + } + d3.csv = d3_dsv(",", "text/csv"); + d3.tsv = d3_dsv(" ", "text/tab-separated-values"); + d3.geo = {}; + d3.geo.stream = function(object, listener) { + if (d3_geo_streamObjectType.hasOwnProperty(object.type)) { + d3_geo_streamObjectType[object.type](object, listener); + } else { + d3_geo_streamGeometry(object, listener); + } + }; + function d3_geo_streamGeometry(geometry, listener) { + if (d3_geo_streamGeometryType.hasOwnProperty(geometry.type)) { + d3_geo_streamGeometryType[geometry.type](geometry, listener); + } + } + var d3_geo_streamObjectType = { + Feature: function(feature, listener) { + d3_geo_streamGeometry(feature.geometry, listener); + }, + FeatureCollection: function(object, listener) { + var features = object.features, i = -1, n = features.length; + while (++i < n) d3_geo_streamGeometry(features[i].geometry, listener); + } + }; + var d3_geo_streamGeometryType = { + Sphere: function(object, listener) { + listener.sphere(); + }, + Point: function(object, listener) { + var coordinate = object.coordinates; + listener.point(coordinate[0], coordinate[1]); + }, + MultiPoint: function(object, listener) { + var coordinates = object.coordinates, i = -1, n = coordinates.length, coordinate; + while (++i < n) coordinate = coordinates[i], listener.point(coordinate[0], coordinate[1]); + }, + LineString: function(object, listener) { + d3_geo_streamLine(object.coordinates, listener, 0); + }, + MultiLineString: function(object, listener) { + var coordinates = object.coordinates, i = -1, n = coordinates.length; + while (++i < n) d3_geo_streamLine(coordinates[i], listener, 0); + }, + Polygon: function(object, listener) { + d3_geo_streamPolygon(object.coordinates, listener); + }, + MultiPolygon: function(object, listener) { + var coordinates = object.coordinates, i = -1, n = coordinates.length; + while (++i < n) d3_geo_streamPolygon(coordinates[i], listener); + }, + GeometryCollection: function(object, listener) { + var geometries = object.geometries, i = -1, n = geometries.length; + while (++i < n) d3_geo_streamGeometry(geometries[i], listener); + } + }; + function d3_geo_streamLine(coordinates, listener, closed) { + var i = -1, n = coordinates.length - closed, coordinate; + listener.lineStart(); + while (++i < n) coordinate = coordinates[i], listener.point(coordinate[0], coordinate[1]); + listener.lineEnd(); + } + function d3_geo_streamPolygon(coordinates, listener) { + var i = -1, n = coordinates.length; + listener.polygonStart(); + while (++i < n) d3_geo_streamLine(coordinates[i], listener, 1); + listener.polygonEnd(); + } + function d3_geo_spherical(cartesian) { + return [ Math.atan2(cartesian[1], cartesian[0]), Math.asin(Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, cartesian[2]))) ]; + } + function d3_geo_sphericalEqual(a, b) { + return Math.abs(a[0] - b[0]) < ε && Math.abs(a[1] - b[1]) < ε; + } + function d3_geo_cartesian(spherical) { + var λ = spherical[0], φ = spherical[1], cosφ = Math.cos(φ); + return [ cosφ * Math.cos(λ), cosφ * Math.sin(λ), Math.sin(φ) ]; + } + function d3_geo_cartesianDot(a, b) { + return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2]; + } + function d3_geo_cartesianCross(a, b) { + return [ a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1], a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2], a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0] ]; + } + function d3_geo_cartesianAdd(a, b) { + a[0] += b[0]; + a[1] += b[1]; + a[2] += b[2]; + } + function d3_geo_cartesianScale(vector, k) { + return [ vector[0] * k, vector[1] * k, vector[2] * k ]; + } + function d3_geo_cartesianNormalize(d) { + var l = Math.sqrt(d[0] * d[0] + d[1] * d[1] + d[2] * d[2]); + d[0] /= l; + d[1] /= l; + d[2] /= l; + } + function d3_geo_resample(project) { + var δ2 = .5, maxDepth = 16; + function resample(stream) { + var λ0, x0, y0, a0, b0, c0; + var resample = { + point: point, + lineStart: lineStart, + lineEnd: lineEnd, + polygonStart: function() { + stream.polygonStart(); + resample.lineStart = polygonLineStart; + }, + polygonEnd: function() { + stream.polygonEnd(); + resample.lineStart = lineStart; + } + }; + function point(x, y) { + x = project(x, y); + stream.point(x[0], x[1]); + } + function lineStart() { + x0 = NaN; + resample.point = linePoint; + stream.lineStart(); + } + function linePoint(λ, φ) { + var c = d3_geo_cartesian([ λ, φ ]), p = project(λ, φ); + resampleLineTo(x0, y0, λ0, a0, b0, c0, x0 = p[0], y0 = p[1], λ0 = λ, a0 = c[0], b0 = c[1], c0 = c[2], maxDepth, stream); + stream.point(x0, y0); + } + function lineEnd() { + resample.point = point; + stream.lineEnd(); + } + function polygonLineStart() { + var λ00, φ00, x00, y00, a00, b00, c00; + lineStart(); + resample.point = function(λ, φ) { + linePoint(λ00 = λ, φ00 = φ), x00 = x0, y00 = y0, a00 = a0, b00 = b0, c00 = c0; + resample.point = linePoint; + }; + resample.lineEnd = function() { + resampleLineTo(x0, y0, λ0, a0, b0, c0, x00, y00, λ00, a00, b00, c00, maxDepth, stream); + resample.lineEnd = lineEnd; + lineEnd(); + }; + } + return resample; + } + function resampleLineTo(x0, y0, λ0, a0, b0, c0, x1, y1, λ1, a1, b1, c1, depth, stream) { + var dx = x1 - x0, dy = y1 - y0, d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy; + if (d2 > 4 * δ2 && depth--) { + var a = a0 + a1, b = b0 + b1, c = c0 + c1, m = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c), φ2 = Math.asin(c /= m), λ2 = Math.abs(Math.abs(c) - 1) < ε ? (λ0 + λ1) / 2 : Math.atan2(b, a), p = project(λ2, φ2), x2 = p[0], y2 = p[1], dx2 = x2 - x0, dy2 = y2 - y0, dz = dy * dx2 - dx * dy2; + if (dz * dz / d2 > δ2 || Math.abs((dx * dx2 + dy * dy2) / d2 - .5) > .3) { + resampleLineTo(x0, y0, λ0, a0, b0, c0, x2, y2, λ2, a /= m, b /= m, c, depth, stream); + stream.point(x2, y2); + resampleLineTo(x2, y2, λ2, a, b, c, x1, y1, λ1, a1, b1, c1, depth, stream); + } + } + } + resample.precision = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return Math.sqrt(δ2); + maxDepth = (δ2 = _ * _) > 0 && 16; + return resample; + }; + return resample; + } + d3.geo.albersUsa = function() { + var lower48 = d3.geo.albers(); + var alaska = d3.geo.albers().rotate([ 160, 0 ]).center([ 0, 60 ]).parallels([ 55, 65 ]); + var hawaii = d3.geo.albers().rotate([ 160, 0 ]).center([ 0, 20 ]).parallels([ 8, 18 ]); + var puertoRico = d3.geo.albers().rotate([ 60, 0 ]).center([ 0, 10 ]).parallels([ 8, 18 ]); + function albersUsa(coordinates) { + return projection(coordinates)(coordinates); + } + function projection(point) { + var lon = point[0], lat = point[1]; + return lat > 50 ? alaska : lon < -140 ? hawaii : lat < 21 ? puertoRico : lower48; + } + albersUsa.scale = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return lower48.scale(); + lower48.scale(x); + alaska.scale(x * .6); + hawaii.scale(x); + puertoRico.scale(x * 1.5); + return albersUsa.translate(lower48.translate()); + }; + albersUsa.translate = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return lower48.translate(); + var dz = lower48.scale(), dx = x[0], dy = x[1]; + lower48.translate(x); + alaska.translate([ dx - .4 * dz, dy + .17 * dz ]); + hawaii.translate([ dx - .19 * dz, dy + .2 * dz ]); + puertoRico.translate([ dx + .58 * dz, dy + .43 * dz ]); + return albersUsa; + }; + return albersUsa.scale(lower48.scale()); + }; + function d3_geo_albers(φ0, φ1) { + var sinφ0 = Math.sin(φ0), n = (sinφ0 + Math.sin(φ1)) / 2, C = 1 + sinφ0 * (2 * n - sinφ0), ρ0 = Math.sqrt(C) / n; + function albers(λ, φ) { + var ρ = Math.sqrt(C - 2 * n * Math.sin(φ)) / n; + return [ ρ * Math.sin(λ *= n), ρ0 - ρ * Math.cos(λ) ]; + } + albers.invert = function(x, y) { + var ρ0_y = ρ0 - y; + return [ Math.atan2(x, ρ0_y) / n, Math.asin((C - (x * x + ρ0_y * ρ0_y) * n * n) / (2 * n)) ]; + }; + return albers; + } + (d3.geo.albers = function() { + var φ0 = 29.5 * d3_radians, φ1 = 45.5 * d3_radians, m = d3_geo_projectionMutator(d3_geo_albers), p = m(φ0, φ1); + p.parallels = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return [ φ0 * d3_degrees, φ1 * d3_degrees ]; + return m(φ0 = _[0] * d3_radians, φ1 = _[1] * d3_radians); + }; + return p.rotate([ 98, 0 ]).center([ 0, 38 ]).scale(1e3); + }).raw = d3_geo_albers; + var d3_geo_azimuthalEqualArea = d3_geo_azimuthal(function(cosλcosφ) { + return Math.sqrt(2 / (1 + cosλcosφ)); + }, function(ρ) { + return 2 * Math.asin(ρ / 2); + }); + (d3.geo.azimuthalEqualArea = function() { + return d3_geo_projection(d3_geo_azimuthalEqualArea); + }).raw = d3_geo_azimuthalEqualArea; + var d3_geo_azimuthalEquidistant = d3_geo_azimuthal(function(cosλcosφ) { + var c = Math.acos(cosλcosφ); + return c && c / Math.sin(c); + }, d3_identity); + (d3.geo.azimuthalEquidistant = function() { + return d3_geo_projection(d3_geo_azimuthalEquidistant); + }).raw = d3_geo_azimuthalEquidistant; + d3.geo.bounds = d3_geo_bounds(d3_identity); + function d3_geo_bounds(projectStream) { + var x0, y0, x1, y1; + var bound = { + point: boundPoint, + lineStart: d3_noop, + lineEnd: d3_noop, + polygonStart: function() { + bound.lineEnd = boundPolygonLineEnd; + }, + polygonEnd: function() { + bound.point = boundPoint; + } + }; + function boundPoint(x, y) { + if (x < x0) x0 = x; + if (x > x1) x1 = x; + if (y < y0) y0 = y; + if (y > y1) y1 = y; + } + function boundPolygonLineEnd() { + bound.point = bound.lineEnd = d3_noop; + } + return function(feature) { + y1 = x1 = -(x0 = y0 = Infinity); + d3.geo.stream(feature, projectStream(bound)); + return [ [ x0, y0 ], [ x1, y1 ] ]; + }; + } + d3.geo.centroid = function(object) { + d3_geo_centroidDimension = d3_geo_centroidW = d3_geo_centroidX = d3_geo_centroidY = d3_geo_centroidZ = 0; + d3.geo.stream(object, d3_geo_centroid); + var m; + if (d3_geo_centroidW && Math.abs(m = Math.sqrt(d3_geo_centroidX * d3_geo_centroidX + d3_geo_centroidY * d3_geo_centroidY + d3_geo_centroidZ * d3_geo_centroidZ)) > ε) { + return [ Math.atan2(d3_geo_centroidY, d3_geo_centroidX) * d3_degrees, Math.asin(Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, d3_geo_centroidZ / m))) * d3_degrees ]; + } + }; + var d3_geo_centroidDimension, d3_geo_centroidW, d3_geo_centroidX, d3_geo_centroidY, d3_geo_centroidZ; + var d3_geo_centroid = { + sphere: function() { + if (d3_geo_centroidDimension < 2) { + d3_geo_centroidDimension = 2; + d3_geo_centroidW = d3_geo_centroidX = d3_geo_centroidY = d3_geo_centroidZ = 0; + } + }, + point: d3_geo_centroidPoint, + lineStart: d3_geo_centroidLineStart, + lineEnd: d3_geo_centroidLineEnd, + polygonStart: function() { + if (d3_geo_centroidDimension < 2) { + d3_geo_centroidDimension = 2; + d3_geo_centroidW = d3_geo_centroidX = d3_geo_centroidY = d3_geo_centroidZ = 0; + } + d3_geo_centroid.lineStart = d3_geo_centroidRingStart; + }, + polygonEnd: function() { + d3_geo_centroid.lineStart = d3_geo_centroidLineStart; + } + }; + function d3_geo_centroidPoint(λ, φ) { + if (d3_geo_centroidDimension) return; + ++d3_geo_centroidW; + λ *= d3_radians; + var cosφ = Math.cos(φ *= d3_radians); + d3_geo_centroidX += (cosφ * Math.cos(λ) - d3_geo_centroidX) / d3_geo_centroidW; + d3_geo_centroidY += (cosφ * Math.sin(λ) - d3_geo_centroidY) / d3_geo_centroidW; + d3_geo_centroidZ += (Math.sin(φ) - d3_geo_centroidZ) / d3_geo_centroidW; + } + function d3_geo_centroidRingStart() { + var λ00, φ00; + d3_geo_centroidDimension = 1; + d3_geo_centroidLineStart(); + d3_geo_centroidDimension = 2; + var linePoint = d3_geo_centroid.point; + d3_geo_centroid.point = function(λ, φ) { + linePoint(λ00 = λ, φ00 = φ); + }; + d3_geo_centroid.lineEnd = function() { + d3_geo_centroid.point(λ00, φ00); + d3_geo_centroidLineEnd(); + d3_geo_centroid.lineEnd = d3_geo_centroidLineEnd; + }; + } + function d3_geo_centroidLineStart() { + var x0, y0, z0; + if (d3_geo_centroidDimension > 1) return; + if (d3_geo_centroidDimension < 1) { + d3_geo_centroidDimension = 1; + d3_geo_centroidW = d3_geo_centroidX = d3_geo_centroidY = d3_geo_centroidZ = 0; + } + d3_geo_centroid.point = function(λ, φ) { + λ *= d3_radians; + var cosφ = Math.cos(φ *= d3_radians); + x0 = cosφ * Math.cos(λ); + y0 = cosφ * Math.sin(λ); + z0 = Math.sin(φ); + d3_geo_centroid.point = nextPoint; + }; + function nextPoint(λ, φ) { + λ *= d3_radians; + var cosφ = Math.cos(φ *= d3_radians), x = cosφ * Math.cos(λ), y = cosφ * Math.sin(λ), z = Math.sin(φ), w = Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((w = y0 * z - z0 * y) * w + (w = z0 * x - x0 * z) * w + (w = x0 * y - y0 * x) * w), x0 * x + y0 * y + z0 * z); + d3_geo_centroidW += w; + d3_geo_centroidX += w * (x0 + (x0 = x)); + d3_geo_centroidY += w * (y0 + (y0 = y)); + d3_geo_centroidZ += w * (z0 + (z0 = z)); + } + } + function d3_geo_centroidLineEnd() { + d3_geo_centroid.point = d3_geo_centroidPoint; + } + d3.geo.circle = function() { + var origin = [ 0, 0 ], angle, precision = 6, interpolate; + function circle() { + var center = typeof origin === "function" ? origin.apply(this, arguments) : origin, rotate = d3_geo_rotation(-center[0] * d3_radians, -center[1] * d3_radians, 0).invert, ring = []; + interpolate(null, null, 1, { + point: function(x, y) { + ring.push(x = rotate(x, y)); + x[0] *= d3_degrees, x[1] *= d3_degrees; + } + }); + return { + type: "Polygon", + coordinates: [ ring ] + }; + } + circle.origin = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return origin; + origin = x; + return circle; + }; + circle.angle = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return angle; + interpolate = d3_geo_circleInterpolate((angle = +x) * d3_radians, precision * d3_radians); + return circle; + }; + circle.precision = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return precision; + interpolate = d3_geo_circleInterpolate(angle * d3_radians, (precision = +_) * d3_radians); + return circle; + }; + return circle.angle(90); + }; + function d3_geo_circleInterpolate(radians, precision) { + var cr = Math.cos(radians), sr = Math.sin(radians); + return function(from, to, direction, listener) { + if (from != null) { + from = d3_geo_circleAngle(cr, from); + to = d3_geo_circleAngle(cr, to); + if (direction > 0 ? from < to : from > to) from += direction * 2 * π; + } else { + from = radians + direction * 2 * π; + to = radians; + } + var point; + for (var step = direction * precision, t = from; direction > 0 ? t > to : t < to; t -= step) { + listener.point((point = d3_geo_spherical([ cr, -sr * Math.cos(t), -sr * Math.sin(t) ]))[0], point[1]); + } + }; + } + function d3_geo_circleAngle(cr, point) { + var a = d3_geo_cartesian(point); + a[0] -= cr; + d3_geo_cartesianNormalize(a); + var angle = Math.acos(Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, -a[1]))); + return ((-a[2] < 0 ? -angle : angle) + 2 * Math.PI - ε) % (2 * Math.PI); + } + function d3_geo_clip(pointVisible, clipLine, interpolate) { + return function(listener) { + var line = clipLine(listener); + var clip = { + point: point, + lineStart: lineStart, + lineEnd: lineEnd, + polygonStart: function() { + clip.point = pointRing; + clip.lineStart = ringStart; + clip.lineEnd = ringEnd; + invisible = false; + invisibleArea = visibleArea = 0; + segments = []; + listener.polygonStart(); + }, + polygonEnd: function() { + clip.point = point; + clip.lineStart = lineStart; + clip.lineEnd = lineEnd; + segments = d3.merge(segments); + if (segments.length) { + d3_geo_clipPolygon(segments, interpolate, listener); + } else if (visibleArea < -ε || invisible && invisibleArea < -ε) { + listener.lineStart(); + interpolate(null, null, 1, listener); + listener.lineEnd(); + } + listener.polygonEnd(); + segments = null; + }, + sphere: function() { + listener.polygonStart(); + listener.lineStart(); + interpolate(null, null, 1, listener); + listener.lineEnd(); + listener.polygonEnd(); + } + }; + function point(λ, φ) { + if (pointVisible(λ, φ)) listener.point(λ, φ); + } + function pointLine(λ, φ) { + line.point(λ, φ); + } + function lineStart() { + clip.point = pointLine; + line.lineStart(); + } + function lineEnd() { + clip.point = point; + line.lineEnd(); + } + var segments, visibleArea, invisibleArea, invisible; + var buffer = d3_geo_clipBufferListener(), ringListener = clipLine(buffer), ring; + function pointRing(λ, φ) { + ringListener.point(λ, φ); + ring.push([ λ, φ ]); + } + function ringStart() { + ringListener.lineStart(); + ring = []; + } + function ringEnd() { + pointRing(ring[0][0], ring[0][1]); + ringListener.lineEnd(); + var clean = ringListener.clean(), ringSegments = buffer.buffer(), segment, n = ringSegments.length; + if (!n) { + invisible = true; + invisibleArea += d3_geo_clipAreaRing(ring, -1); + ring = null; + return; + } + ring = null; + if (clean & 1) { + segment = ringSegments[0]; + visibleArea += d3_geo_clipAreaRing(segment, 1); + var n = segment.length - 1, i = -1, point; + listener.lineStart(); + while (++i < n) listener.point((point = segment[i])[0], point[1]); + listener.lineEnd(); + return; + } + if (n > 1 && clean & 2) ringSegments.push(ringSegments.pop().concat(ringSegments.shift())); + segments.push(ringSegments.filter(d3_geo_clipSegmentLength1)); + } + return clip; + }; + } + function d3_geo_clipPolygon(segments, interpolate, listener) { + var subject = [], clip = []; + segments.forEach(function(segment) { + var n = segment.length; + if (n <= 1) return; + var p0 = segment[0], p1 = segment[n - 1], a = { + point: p0, + points: segment, + other: null, + visited: false, + entry: true, + subject: true + }, b = { + point: p0, + points: [ p0 ], + other: a, + visited: false, + entry: false, + subject: false + }; + a.other = b; + subject.push(a); + clip.push(b); + a = { + point: p1, + points: [ p1 ], + other: null, + visited: false, + entry: false, + subject: true + }; + b = { + point: p1, + points: [ p1 ], + other: a, + visited: false, + entry: true, + subject: false + }; + a.other = b; + subject.push(a); + clip.push(b); + }); + clip.sort(d3_geo_clipSort); + d3_geo_clipLinkCircular(subject); + d3_geo_clipLinkCircular(clip); + if (!subject.length) return; + var start = subject[0], current, points, point; + while (1) { + current = start; + while (current.visited) if ((current = current.next) === start) return; + points = current.points; + listener.lineStart(); + do { + current.visited = current.other.visited = true; + if (current.entry) { + if (current.subject) { + for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) listener.point((point = points[i])[0], point[1]); + } else { + interpolate(current.point, current.next.point, 1, listener); + } + current = current.next; + } else { + if (current.subject) { + points = current.prev.points; + for (var i = points.length; --i >= 0; ) listener.point((point = points[i])[0], point[1]); + } else { + interpolate(current.point, current.prev.point, -1, listener); + } + current = current.prev; + } + current = current.other; + points = current.points; + } while (!current.visited); + listener.lineEnd(); + } + } + function d3_geo_clipLinkCircular(array) { + if (!(n = array.length)) return; + var n, i = 0, a = array[0], b; + while (++i < n) { + a.next = b = array[i]; + b.prev = a; + a = b; + } + a.next = b = array[0]; + b.prev = a; + } + function d3_geo_clipSort(a, b) { + return ((a = a.point)[0] < 0 ? a[1] - π / 2 - ε : π / 2 - a[1]) - ((b = b.point)[0] < 0 ? b[1] - π / 2 - ε : π / 2 - b[1]); + } + function d3_geo_clipSegmentLength1(segment) { + return segment.length > 1; + } + function d3_geo_clipBufferListener() { + var lines = [], line; + return { + lineStart: function() { + lines.push(line = []); + }, + point: function(λ, φ) { + line.push([ λ, φ ]); + }, + lineEnd: d3_noop, + buffer: function() { + var buffer = lines; + lines = []; + line = null; + return buffer; + } + }; + } + function d3_geo_clipAreaRing(ring, invisible) { + if (!(n = ring.length)) return 0; + var n, i = 0, area = 0, p = ring[0], λ = p[0], φ = p[1], cosφ = Math.cos(φ), x0 = Math.atan2(invisible * Math.sin(λ) * cosφ, Math.sin(φ)), y0 = 1 - invisible * Math.cos(λ) * cosφ, x1 = x0, x, y; + while (++i < n) { + p = ring[i]; + cosφ = Math.cos(φ = p[1]); + x = Math.atan2(invisible * Math.sin(λ = p[0]) * cosφ, Math.sin(φ)); + y = 1 - invisible * Math.cos(λ) * cosφ; + if (Math.abs(y0 - 2) < ε && Math.abs(y - 2) < ε) continue; + if (Math.abs(y) < ε || Math.abs(y0) < ε) {} else if (Math.abs(Math.abs(x - x0) - π) < ε) { + if (y + y0 > 2) area += 4 * (x - x0); + } else if (Math.abs(y0 - 2) < ε) area += 4 * (x - x1); else area += ((3 * π + x - x0) % (2 * π) - π) * (y0 + y); + x1 = x0, x0 = x, y0 = y; + } + return area; + } + var d3_geo_clipAntimeridian = d3_geo_clip(d3_true, d3_geo_clipAntimeridianLine, d3_geo_clipAntimeridianInterpolate); + function d3_geo_clipAntimeridianLine(listener) { + var λ0 = NaN, φ0 = NaN, sλ0 = NaN, clean; + return { + lineStart: function() { + listener.lineStart(); + clean = 1; + }, + point: function(λ1, φ1) { + var sλ1 = λ1 > 0 ? π : -π, dλ = Math.abs(λ1 - λ0); + if (Math.abs(dλ - π) < ε) { + listener.point(λ0, φ0 = (φ0 + φ1) / 2 > 0 ? π / 2 : -π / 2); + listener.point(sλ0, φ0); + listener.lineEnd(); + listener.lineStart(); + listener.point(sλ1, φ0); + listener.point(λ1, φ0); + clean = 0; + } else if (sλ0 !== sλ1 && dλ >= π) { + if (Math.abs(λ0 - sλ0) < ε) λ0 -= sλ0 * ε; + if (Math.abs(λ1 - sλ1) < ε) λ1 -= sλ1 * ε; + φ0 = d3_geo_clipAntimeridianIntersect(λ0, φ0, λ1, φ1); + listener.point(sλ0, φ0); + listener.lineEnd(); + listener.lineStart(); + listener.point(sλ1, φ0); + clean = 0; + } + listener.point(λ0 = λ1, φ0 = φ1); + sλ0 = sλ1; + }, + lineEnd: function() { + listener.lineEnd(); + λ0 = φ0 = NaN; + }, + clean: function() { + return 2 - clean; + } + }; + } + function d3_geo_clipAntimeridianIntersect(λ0, φ0, λ1, φ1) { + var cosφ0, cosφ1, sinλ0_λ1 = Math.sin(λ0 - λ1); + return Math.abs(sinλ0_λ1) > ε ? Math.atan((Math.sin(φ0) * (cosφ1 = Math.cos(φ1)) * Math.sin(λ1) - Math.sin(φ1) * (cosφ0 = Math.cos(φ0)) * Math.sin(λ0)) / (cosφ0 * cosφ1 * sinλ0_λ1)) : (φ0 + φ1) / 2; + } + function d3_geo_clipAntimeridianInterpolate(from, to, direction, listener) { + var φ; + if (from == null) { + φ = direction * π / 2; + listener.point(-π, φ); + listener.point(0, φ); + listener.point(π, φ); + listener.point(π, 0); + listener.point(π, -φ); + listener.point(0, -φ); + listener.point(-π, -φ); + listener.point(-π, 0); + listener.point(-π, φ); + } else if (Math.abs(from[0] - to[0]) > ε) { + var s = (from[0] < to[0] ? 1 : -1) * π; + φ = direction * s / 2; + listener.point(-s, φ); + listener.point(0, φ); + listener.point(s, φ); + } else { + listener.point(to[0], to[1]); + } + } + function d3_geo_clipCircle(degrees) { + var radians = degrees * d3_radians, cr = Math.cos(radians), interpolate = d3_geo_circleInterpolate(radians, 6 * d3_radians); + return d3_geo_clip(visible, clipLine, interpolate); + function visible(λ, φ) { + return Math.cos(λ) * Math.cos(φ) > cr; + } + function clipLine(listener) { + var point0, v0, v00, clean; + return { + lineStart: function() { + v00 = v0 = false; + clean = 1; + }, + point: function(λ, φ) { + var point1 = [ λ, φ ], point2, v = visible(λ, φ); + if (!point0 && (v00 = v0 = v)) listener.lineStart(); + if (v !== v0) { + point2 = intersect(point0, point1); + if (d3_geo_sphericalEqual(point0, point2) || d3_geo_sphericalEqual(point1, point2)) { + point1[0] += ε; + point1[1] += ε; + v = visible(point1[0], point1[1]); + } + } + if (v !== v0) { + clean = 0; + if (v0 = v) { + listener.lineStart(); + point2 = intersect(point1, point0); + listener.point(point2[0], point2[1]); + } else { + point2 = intersect(point0, point1); + listener.point(point2[0], point2[1]); + listener.lineEnd(); + } + point0 = point2; + } + if (v && (!point0 || !d3_geo_sphericalEqual(point0, point1))) listener.point(point1[0], point1[1]); + point0 = point1; + }, + lineEnd: function() { + if (v0) listener.lineEnd(); + point0 = null; + }, + clean: function() { + return clean | (v00 && v0) << 1; + } + }; + } + function intersect(a, b) { + var pa = d3_geo_cartesian(a, 0), pb = d3_geo_cartesian(b, 0); + var n1 = [ 1, 0, 0 ], n2 = d3_geo_cartesianCross(pa, pb), n2n2 = d3_geo_cartesianDot(n2, n2), n1n2 = n2[0], determinant = n2n2 - n1n2 * n1n2; + if (!determinant) return a; + var c1 = cr * n2n2 / determinant, c2 = -cr * n1n2 / determinant, n1xn2 = d3_geo_cartesianCross(n1, n2), A = d3_geo_cartesianScale(n1, c1), B = d3_geo_cartesianScale(n2, c2); + d3_geo_cartesianAdd(A, B); + var u = n1xn2, w = d3_geo_cartesianDot(A, u), uu = d3_geo_cartesianDot(u, u), t = Math.sqrt(w * w - uu * (d3_geo_cartesianDot(A, A) - 1)), q = d3_geo_cartesianScale(u, (-w - t) / uu); + d3_geo_cartesianAdd(q, A); + return d3_geo_spherical(q); + } + } + function d3_geo_compose(a, b) { + function compose(x, y) { + return x = a(x, y), b(x[0], x[1]); + } + if (a.invert && b.invert) compose.invert = function(x, y) { + return x = b.invert(x, y), x && a.invert(x[0], x[1]); + }; + return compose; + } + function d3_geo_equirectangular(λ, φ) { + return [ λ, φ ]; + } + (d3.geo.equirectangular = function() { + return d3_geo_projection(d3_geo_equirectangular).scale(250 / π); + }).raw = d3_geo_equirectangular.invert = d3_geo_equirectangular; + var d3_geo_gnomonic = d3_geo_azimuthal(function(cosλcosφ) { + return 1 / cosλcosφ; + }, Math.atan); + (d3.geo.gnomonic = function() { + return d3_geo_projection(d3_geo_gnomonic); + }).raw = d3_geo_gnomonic; + d3.geo.graticule = function() { + var x1, x0, y1, y0, dx = 22.5, dy = dx, x, y, precision = 2.5; + function graticule() { + return { + type: "MultiLineString", + coordinates: lines() + }; + } + function lines() { + return d3.range(Math.ceil(x0 / dx) * dx, x1, dx).map(x).concat(d3.range(Math.ceil(y0 / dy) * dy, y1, dy).map(y)); + } + graticule.lines = function() { + return lines().map(function(coordinates) { + return { + type: "LineString", + coordinates: coordinates + }; + }); + }; + graticule.outline = function() { + return { + type: "Polygon", + coordinates: [ x(x0).concat(y(y1).slice(1), x(x1).reverse().slice(1), y(y0).reverse().slice(1)) ] + }; + }; + graticule.extent = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return [ [ x0, y0 ], [ x1, y1 ] ]; + x0 = +_[0][0], x1 = +_[1][0]; + y0 = +_[0][1], y1 = +_[1][1]; + if (x0 > x1) _ = x0, x0 = x1, x1 = _; + if (y0 > y1) _ = y0, y0 = y1, y1 = _; + return graticule.precision(precision); + }; + graticule.step = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return [ dx, dy ]; + dx = +_[0], dy = +_[1]; + return graticule; + }; + graticule.precision = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return precision; + precision = +_; + x = d3_geo_graticuleX(y0, y1, precision); + y = d3_geo_graticuleY(x0, x1, precision); + return graticule; + }; + return graticule.extent([ [ -180 + ε, -90 + ε ], [ 180 - ε, 90 - ε ] ]); + }; + function d3_geo_graticuleX(y0, y1, dy) { + var y = d3.range(y0, y1 - ε, dy).concat(y1); + return function(x) { + return y.map(function(y) { + return [ x, y ]; + }); + }; + } + function d3_geo_graticuleY(x0, x1, dx) { + var x = d3.range(x0, x1 - ε, dx).concat(x1); + return function(y) { + return x.map(function(x) { + return [ x, y ]; + }); + }; + } + d3.geo.interpolate = function(source, target) { + return d3_geo_interpolate(source[0] * d3_radians, source[1] * d3_radians, target[0] * d3_radians, target[1] * d3_radians); + }; + function d3_geo_interpolate(x0, y0, x1, y1) { + var cy0 = Math.cos(y0), sy0 = Math.sin(y0), cy1 = Math.cos(y1), sy1 = Math.sin(y1), kx0 = cy0 * Math.cos(x0), ky0 = cy0 * Math.sin(x0), kx1 = cy1 * Math.cos(x1), ky1 = cy1 * Math.sin(x1), d = Math.acos(Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, sy0 * sy1 + cy0 * cy1 * Math.cos(x1 - x0)))), k = 1 / Math.sin(d); + function interpolate(t) { + var B = Math.sin(t *= d) * k, A = Math.sin(d - t) * k, x = A * kx0 + B * kx1, y = A * ky0 + B * ky1, z = A * sy0 + B * sy1; + return [ Math.atan2(y, x) / d3_radians, Math.atan2(z, Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)) / d3_radians ]; + } + interpolate.distance = d; + return interpolate; + } + d3.geo.greatArc = function() { + var source = d3_source, source_, target = d3_target, target_, precision = 6 * d3_radians, interpolate; + function greatArc() { + var p0 = source_ || source.apply(this, arguments), p1 = target_ || target.apply(this, arguments), i = interpolate || d3.geo.interpolate(p0, p1), t = 0, dt = precision / i.distance, coordinates = [ p0 ]; + while ((t += dt) < 1) coordinates.push(i(t)); + coordinates.push(p1); + return { + type: "LineString", + coordinates: coordinates + }; + } + greatArc.distance = function() { + return (interpolate || d3.geo.interpolate(source_ || source.apply(this, arguments), target_ || target.apply(this, arguments))).distance; + }; + greatArc.source = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return source; + source = _, source_ = typeof _ === "function" ? null : _; + interpolate = source_ && target_ ? d3.geo.interpolate(source_, target_) : null; + return greatArc; + }; + greatArc.target = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return target; + target = _, target_ = typeof _ === "function" ? null : _; + interpolate = source_ && target_ ? d3.geo.interpolate(source_, target_) : null; + return greatArc; + }; + greatArc.precision = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return precision / d3_radians; + precision = _ * d3_radians; + return greatArc; + }; + return greatArc; + }; + function d3_geo_mercator(λ, φ) { + return [ λ / (2 * π), Math.max(-.5, Math.min(+.5, Math.log(Math.tan(π / 4 + φ / 2)) / (2 * π))) ]; + } + d3_geo_mercator.invert = function(x, y) { + return [ 2 * π * x, 2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(2 * π * y)) - π / 2 ]; + }; + (d3.geo.mercator = function() { + return d3_geo_projection(d3_geo_mercator).scale(500); + }).raw = d3_geo_mercator; + var d3_geo_orthographic = d3_geo_azimuthal(function() { + return 1; + }, Math.asin); + (d3.geo.orthographic = function() { + return d3_geo_projection(d3_geo_orthographic); + }).raw = d3_geo_orthographic; + d3.geo.path = function() { + var pointRadius = 4.5, projection, context, projectStream, contextStream; + function path(object) { + if (object) d3.geo.stream(object, projectStream(contextStream.pointRadius(typeof pointRadius === "function" ? +pointRadius.apply(this, arguments) : pointRadius))); + return contextStream.result(); + } + path.area = function(object) { + d3_geo_pathAreaSum = 0; + d3.geo.stream(object, projectStream(d3_geo_pathArea)); + return d3_geo_pathAreaSum; + }; + path.centroid = function(object) { + d3_geo_centroidDimension = d3_geo_centroidX = d3_geo_centroidY = d3_geo_centroidZ = 0; + d3.geo.stream(object, projectStream(d3_geo_pathCentroid)); + return d3_geo_centroidZ ? [ d3_geo_centroidX / d3_geo_centroidZ, d3_geo_centroidY / d3_geo_centroidZ ] : undefined; + }; + path.bounds = function(object) { + return d3_geo_bounds(projectStream)(object); + }; + path.projection = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return projection; + projectStream = (projection = _) ? _.stream || d3_geo_pathProjectStream(_) : d3_identity; + return path; + }; + path.context = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return context; + contextStream = (context = _) == null ? new d3_geo_pathBuffer() : new d3_geo_pathContext(_); + return path; + }; + path.pointRadius = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return pointRadius; + pointRadius = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : +_; + return path; + }; + return path.projection(d3.geo.albersUsa()).context(null); + }; + function d3_geo_pathCircle(radius) { + return "m0," + radius + "a" + radius + "," + radius + " 0 1,1 0," + -2 * radius + "a" + radius + "," + radius + " 0 1,1 0," + +2 * radius + "z"; + } + function d3_geo_pathProjectStream(project) { + var resample = d3_geo_resample(function(λ, φ) { + return project([ λ * d3_degrees, φ * d3_degrees ]); + }); + return function(stream) { + stream = resample(stream); + return { + point: function(λ, φ) { + stream.point(λ * d3_radians, φ * d3_radians); + }, + sphere: function() { + stream.sphere(); + }, + lineStart: function() { + stream.lineStart(); + }, + lineEnd: function() { + stream.lineEnd(); + }, + polygonStart: function() { + stream.polygonStart(); + }, + polygonEnd: function() { + stream.polygonEnd(); + } + }; + }; + } + function d3_geo_pathBuffer() { + var pointCircle = d3_geo_pathCircle(4.5), buffer = []; + var stream = { + point: point, + lineStart: function() { + stream.point = pointLineStart; + }, + lineEnd: lineEnd, + polygonStart: function() { + stream.lineEnd = lineEndPolygon; + }, + polygonEnd: function() { + stream.lineEnd = lineEnd; + stream.point = point; + }, + pointRadius: function(_) { + pointCircle = d3_geo_pathCircle(_); + return stream; + }, + result: function() { + if (buffer.length) { + var result = buffer.join(""); + buffer = []; + return result; + } + } + }; + function point(x, y) { + buffer.push("M", x, ",", y, pointCircle); + } + function pointLineStart(x, y) { + buffer.push("M", x, ",", y); + stream.point = pointLine; + } + function pointLine(x, y) { + buffer.push("L", x, ",", y); + } + function lineEnd() { + stream.point = point; + } + function lineEndPolygon() { + buffer.push("Z"); + } + return stream; + } + function d3_geo_pathContext(context) { + var pointRadius = 4.5; + var stream = { + point: point, + lineStart: function() { + stream.point = pointLineStart; + }, + lineEnd: lineEnd, + polygonStart: function() { + stream.lineEnd = lineEndPolygon; + }, + polygonEnd: function() { + stream.lineEnd = lineEnd; + stream.point = point; + }, + pointRadius: function(_) { + pointRadius = _; + return stream; + }, + result: d3_noop + }; + function point(x, y) { + context.moveTo(x, y); + context.arc(x, y, pointRadius, 0, 2 * π); + } + function pointLineStart(x, y) { + context.moveTo(x, y); + stream.point = pointLine; + } + function pointLine(x, y) { + context.lineTo(x, y); + } + function lineEnd() { + stream.point = point; + } + function lineEndPolygon() { + context.closePath(); + } + return stream; + } + var d3_geo_pathAreaSum, d3_geo_pathAreaPolygon, d3_geo_pathArea = { + point: d3_noop, + lineStart: d3_noop, + lineEnd: d3_noop, + polygonStart: function() { + d3_geo_pathAreaPolygon = 0; + d3_geo_pathArea.lineStart = d3_geo_pathAreaRingStart; + }, + polygonEnd: function() { + d3_geo_pathArea.lineStart = d3_geo_pathArea.lineEnd = d3_geo_pathArea.point = d3_noop; + d3_geo_pathAreaSum += Math.abs(d3_geo_pathAreaPolygon / 2); + } + }; + function d3_geo_pathAreaRingStart() { + var x00, y00, x0, y0; + d3_geo_pathArea.point = function(x, y) { + d3_geo_pathArea.point = nextPoint; + x00 = x0 = x, y00 = y0 = y; + }; + function nextPoint(x, y) { + d3_geo_pathAreaPolygon += y0 * x - x0 * y; + x0 = x, y0 = y; + } + d3_geo_pathArea.lineEnd = function() { + nextPoint(x00, y00); + }; + } + var d3_geo_pathCentroid = { + point: d3_geo_pathCentroidPoint, + lineStart: d3_geo_pathCentroidLineStart, + lineEnd: d3_geo_pathCentroidLineEnd, + polygonStart: function() { + d3_geo_pathCentroid.lineStart = d3_geo_pathCentroidRingStart; + }, + polygonEnd: function() { + d3_geo_pathCentroid.point = d3_geo_pathCentroidPoint; + d3_geo_pathCentroid.lineStart = d3_geo_pathCentroidLineStart; + d3_geo_pathCentroid.lineEnd = d3_geo_pathCentroidLineEnd; + } + }; + function d3_geo_pathCentroidPoint(x, y) { + if (d3_geo_centroidDimension) return; + d3_geo_centroidX += x; + d3_geo_centroidY += y; + ++d3_geo_centroidZ; + } + function d3_geo_pathCentroidLineStart() { + var x0, y0; + if (d3_geo_centroidDimension !== 1) { + if (d3_geo_centroidDimension < 1) { + d3_geo_centroidDimension = 1; + d3_geo_centroidX = d3_geo_centroidY = d3_geo_centroidZ = 0; + } else return; + } + d3_geo_pathCentroid.point = function(x, y) { + d3_geo_pathCentroid.point = nextPoint; + x0 = x, y0 = y; + }; + function nextPoint(x, y) { + var dx = x - x0, dy = y - y0, z = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); + d3_geo_centroidX += z * (x0 + x) / 2; + d3_geo_centroidY += z * (y0 + y) / 2; + d3_geo_centroidZ += z; + x0 = x, y0 = y; + } + } + function d3_geo_pathCentroidLineEnd() { + d3_geo_pathCentroid.point = d3_geo_pathCentroidPoint; + } + function d3_geo_pathCentroidRingStart() { + var x00, y00, x0, y0; + if (d3_geo_centroidDimension < 2) { + d3_geo_centroidDimension = 2; + d3_geo_centroidX = d3_geo_centroidY = d3_geo_centroidZ = 0; + } + d3_geo_pathCentroid.point = function(x, y) { + d3_geo_pathCentroid.point = nextPoint; + x00 = x0 = x, y00 = y0 = y; + }; + function nextPoint(x, y) { + var z = y0 * x - x0 * y; + d3_geo_centroidX += z * (x0 + x); + d3_geo_centroidY += z * (y0 + y); + d3_geo_centroidZ += z * 3; + x0 = x, y0 = y; + } + d3_geo_pathCentroid.lineEnd = function() { + nextPoint(x00, y00); + }; + } + d3.geo.area = function(object) { + d3_geo_areaSum = 0; + d3.geo.stream(object, d3_geo_area); + return d3_geo_areaSum; + }; + var d3_geo_areaSum, d3_geo_areaRing; + var d3_geo_area = { + sphere: function() { + d3_geo_areaSum += 4 * π; + }, + point: d3_noop, + lineStart: d3_noop, + lineEnd: d3_noop, + polygonStart: function() { + d3_geo_areaRing = 0; + d3_geo_area.lineStart = d3_geo_areaRingStart; + }, + polygonEnd: function() { + d3_geo_areaSum += d3_geo_areaRing < 0 ? 4 * π + d3_geo_areaRing : d3_geo_areaRing; + d3_geo_area.lineStart = d3_geo_area.lineEnd = d3_geo_area.point = d3_noop; + } + }; + function d3_geo_areaRingStart() { + var λ00, φ00, λ1, λ0, φ0, cosφ0, sinφ0; + d3_geo_area.point = function(λ, φ) { + d3_geo_area.point = nextPoint; + λ1 = λ0 = (λ00 = λ) * d3_radians, φ0 = (φ00 = φ) * d3_radians, cosφ0 = Math.cos(φ0), + sinφ0 = Math.sin(φ0); + }; + function nextPoint(λ, φ) { + λ *= d3_radians, φ *= d3_radians; + if (Math.abs(Math.abs(φ0) - π / 2) < ε && Math.abs(Math.abs(φ) - π / 2) < ε) return; + var cosφ = Math.cos(φ), sinφ = Math.sin(φ); + if (Math.abs(φ0 - π / 2) < ε) d3_geo_areaRing += (λ - λ1) * 2; else { + var dλ = λ - λ0, cosdλ = Math.cos(dλ), d = Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((d = cosφ * Math.sin(dλ)) * d + (d = cosφ0 * sinφ - sinφ0 * cosφ * cosdλ) * d), sinφ0 * sinφ + cosφ0 * cosφ * cosdλ), s = (d + π + φ0 + φ) / 4; + d3_geo_areaRing += (dλ < 0 && dλ > -π || dλ > π ? -4 : 4) * Math.atan(Math.sqrt(Math.abs(Math.tan(s) * Math.tan(s - d / 2) * Math.tan(s - π / 4 - φ0 / 2) * Math.tan(s - π / 4 - φ / 2)))); + } + λ1 = λ0, λ0 = λ, φ0 = φ, cosφ0 = cosφ, sinφ0 = sinφ; + } + d3_geo_area.lineEnd = function() { + nextPoint(λ00, φ00); + }; + } + d3.geo.projection = d3_geo_projection; + d3.geo.projectionMutator = d3_geo_projectionMutator; + function d3_geo_projection(project) { + return d3_geo_projectionMutator(function() { + return project; + })(); + } + function d3_geo_projectionMutator(projectAt) { + var project, rotate, projectRotate, projectResample = d3_geo_resample(function(x, y) { + x = project(x, y); + return [ x[0] * k + δx, δy - x[1] * k ]; + }), k = 150, x = 480, y = 250, λ = 0, φ = 0, δλ = 0, δφ = 0, δγ = 0, δx, δy, clip = d3_geo_clipAntimeridian, clipAngle = null; + function projection(point) { + point = projectRotate(point[0] * d3_radians, point[1] * d3_radians); + return [ point[0] * k + δx, δy - point[1] * k ]; + } + function invert(point) { + point = projectRotate.invert((point[0] - δx) / k, (δy - point[1]) / k); + return point && [ point[0] * d3_degrees, point[1] * d3_degrees ]; + } + projection.stream = function(stream) { + return d3_geo_projectionRadiansRotate(rotate, clip(projectResample(stream))); + }; + projection.clipAngle = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return clipAngle; + clip = _ == null ? (clipAngle = _, d3_geo_clipAntimeridian) : d3_geo_clipCircle(clipAngle = +_); + return projection; + }; + projection.scale = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return k; + k = +_; + return reset(); + }; + projection.translate = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return [ x, y ]; + x = +_[0]; + y = +_[1]; + return reset(); + }; + projection.center = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return [ λ * d3_degrees, φ * d3_degrees ]; + λ = _[0] % 360 * d3_radians; + φ = _[1] % 360 * d3_radians; + return reset(); + }; + projection.rotate = function(_) { + if (!arguments.length) return [ δλ * d3_degrees, δφ * d3_degrees, δγ * d3_degrees ]; + δλ = _[0] % 360 * d3_radians; + δφ = _[1] % 360 * d3_radians; + δγ = _.length > 2 ? _[2] % 360 * d3_radians : 0; + return reset(); + }; + d3.rebind(projection, projectResample, "precision"); + function reset() { + projectRotate = d3_geo_compose(rotate = d3_geo_rotation(δλ, δφ, δγ), project); + var center = project(λ, φ); + δx = x - center[0] * k; + δy = y + center[1] * k; + return projection; + } + return function() { + project = projectAt.apply(this, arguments); + projection.invert = project.invert && invert; + return reset(); + }; + } + function d3_geo_projectionRadiansRotate(rotate, stream) { + return { + point: function(x, y) { + y = rotate(x * d3_radians, y * d3_radians), x = y[0]; + stream.point(x > π ? x - 2 * π : x < -π ? x + 2 * π : x, y[1]); + }, + sphere: function() { + stream.sphere(); + }, + lineStart: function() { + stream.lineStart(); + }, + lineEnd: function() { + stream.lineEnd(); + }, + polygonStart: function() { + stream.polygonStart(); + }, + polygonEnd: function() { + stream.polygonEnd(); + } + }; + } + function d3_geo_rotation(δλ, δφ, δγ) { + return δλ ? δφ || δγ ? d3_geo_compose(d3_geo_rotationλ(δλ), d3_geo_rotationφγ(δφ, δγ)) : d3_geo_rotationλ(δλ) : δφ || δγ ? d3_geo_rotationφγ(δφ, δγ) : d3_geo_equirectangular; + } + function d3_geo_forwardRotationλ(δλ) { + return function(λ, φ) { + return λ += δλ, [ λ > π ? λ - 2 * π : λ < -π ? λ + 2 * π : λ, φ ]; + }; + } + function d3_geo_rotationλ(δλ) { + var rotation = d3_geo_forwardRotationλ(δλ); + rotation.invert = d3_geo_forwardRotationλ(-δλ); + return rotation; + } + function d3_geo_rotationφγ(δφ, δγ) { + var cosδφ = Math.cos(δφ), sinδφ = Math.sin(δφ), cosδγ = Math.cos(δγ), sinδγ = Math.sin(δγ); + function rotation(λ, φ) { + var cosφ = Math.cos(φ), x = Math.cos(λ) * cosφ, y = Math.sin(λ) * cosφ, z = Math.sin(φ), k = z * cosδφ + x * sinδφ; + return [ Math.atan2(y * cosδγ - k * sinδγ, x * cosδφ - z * sinδφ), Math.asin(Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, k * cosδγ + y * sinδγ))) ]; + } + rotation.invert = function(λ, φ) { + var cosφ = Math.cos(φ), x = Math.cos(λ) * cosφ, y = Math.sin(λ) * cosφ, z = Math.sin(φ), k = z * cosδγ - y * sinδγ; + return [ Math.atan2(y * cosδγ + z * sinδγ, x * cosδφ + k * sinδφ), Math.asin(Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, k * cosδφ - x * sinδφ))) ]; + }; + return rotation; + } + var d3_geo_stereographic = d3_geo_azimuthal(function(cosλcosφ) { + return 1 / (1 + cosλcosφ); + }, function(ρ) { + return 2 * Math.atan(ρ); + }); + (d3.geo.stereographic = function() { + return d3_geo_projection(d3_geo_stereographic); + }).raw = d3_geo_stereographic; + function d3_geo_azimuthal(scale, angle) { + function azimuthal(λ, φ) { + var cosλ = Math.cos(λ), cosφ = Math.cos(φ), k = scale(cosλ * cosφ); + return [ k * cosφ * Math.sin(λ), k * Math.sin(φ) ]; + } + azimuthal.invert = function(x, y) { + var ρ = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y), c = angle(ρ), sinc = Math.sin(c), cosc = Math.cos(c); + return [ Math.atan2(x * sinc, ρ * cosc), Math.asin(ρ && y * sinc / ρ) ]; + }; + return azimuthal; + } + d3.geom = {}; + d3.geom.hull = function(vertices) { + if (vertices.length < 3) return []; + var len = vertices.length, plen = len - 1, points = [], stack = [], i, j, h = 0, x1, y1, x2, y2, u, v, a, sp; + for (i = 1; i < len; ++i) { + if (vertices[i][1] < vertices[h][1]) { + h = i; + } else if (vertices[i][1] == vertices[h][1]) { + h = vertices[i][0] < vertices[h][0] ? i : h; + } + } + for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { + if (i === h) continue; + y1 = vertices[i][1] - vertices[h][1]; + x1 = vertices[i][0] - vertices[h][0]; + points.push({ + angle: Math.atan2(y1, x1), + index: i + }); + } + points.sort(function(a, b) { + return a.angle - b.angle; + }); + a = points[0].angle; + v = points[0].index; + u = 0; + for (i = 1; i < plen; ++i) { + j = points[i].index; + if (a == points[i].angle) { + x1 = vertices[v][0] - vertices[h][0]; + y1 = vertices[v][1] - vertices[h][1]; + x2 = vertices[j][0] - vertices[h][0]; + y2 = vertices[j][1] - vertices[h][1]; + if (x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 >= x2 * x2 + y2 * y2) { + points[i].index = -1; + } else { + points[u].index = -1; + a = points[i].angle; + u = i; + v = j; + } + } else { + a = points[i].angle; + u = i; + v = j; + } + } + stack.push(h); + for (i = 0, j = 0; i < 2; ++j) { + if (points[j].index !== -1) { + stack.push(points[j].index); + i++; + } + } + sp = stack.length; + for (;j < plen; ++j) { + if (points[j].index === -1) continue; + while (!d3_geom_hullCCW(stack[sp - 2], stack[sp - 1], points[j].index, vertices)) { + --sp; + } + stack[sp++] = points[j].index; + } + var poly = []; + for (i = 0; i < sp; ++i) { + poly.push(vertices[stack[i]]); + } + return poly; + }; + function d3_geom_hullCCW(i1, i2, i3, v) { + var t, a, b, c, d, e, f; + t = v[i1]; + a = t[0]; + b = t[1]; + t = v[i2]; + c = t[0]; + d = t[1]; + t = v[i3]; + e = t[0]; + f = t[1]; + return (f - b) * (c - a) - (d - b) * (e - a) > 0; + } + d3.geom.polygon = function(coordinates) { + coordinates.area = function() { + var i = 0, n = coordinates.length, area = coordinates[n - 1][1] * coordinates[0][0] - coordinates[n - 1][0] * coordinates[0][1]; + while (++i < n) { + area += coordinates[i - 1][1] * coordinates[i][0] - coordinates[i - 1][0] * coordinates[i][1]; + } + return area * .5; + }; + coordinates.centroid = function(k) { + var i = -1, n = coordinates.length, x = 0, y = 0, a, b = coordinates[n - 1], c; + if (!arguments.length) k = -1 / (6 * coordinates.area()); + while (++i < n) { + a = b; + b = coordinates[i]; + c = a[0] * b[1] - b[0] * a[1]; + x += (a[0] + b[0]) * c; + y += (a[1] + b[1]) * c; + } + return [ x * k, y * k ]; + }; + coordinates.clip = function(subject) { + var input, i = -1, n = coordinates.length, j, m, a = coordinates[n - 1], b, c, d; + while (++i < n) { + input = subject.slice(); + subject.length = 0; + b = coordinates[i]; + c = input[(m = input.length) - 1]; + j = -1; + while (++j < m) { + d = input[j]; + if (d3_geom_polygonInside(d, a, b)) { + if (!d3_geom_polygonInside(c, a, b)) { + subject.push(d3_geom_polygonIntersect(c, d, a, b)); + } + subject.push(d); + } else if (d3_geom_polygonInside(c, a, b)) { + subject.push(d3_geom_polygonIntersect(c, d, a, b)); + } + c = d; + } + a = b; + } + return subject; + }; + return coordinates; + }; + function d3_geom_polygonInside(p, a, b) { + return (b[0] - a[0]) * (p[1] - a[1]) < (b[1] - a[1]) * (p[0] - a[0]); + } + function d3_geom_polygonIntersect(c, d, a, b) { + var x1 = c[0], x3 = a[0], x21 = d[0] - x1, x43 = b[0] - x3, y1 = c[1], y3 = a[1], y21 = d[1] - y1, y43 = b[1] - y3, ua = (x43 * (y1 - y3) - y43 * (x1 - x3)) / (y43 * x21 - x43 * y21); + return [ x1 + ua * x21, y1 + ua * y21 ]; + } + d3.geom.voronoi = function(vertices) { + var polygons = vertices.map(function() { + return []; + }), Z = 1e6; + d3_voronoi_tessellate(vertices, function(e) { + var s1, s2, x1, x2, y1, y2; + if (e.a === 1 && e.b >= 0) { + s1 = e.ep.r; + s2 = e.ep.l; + } else { + s1 = e.ep.l; + s2 = e.ep.r; + } + if (e.a === 1) { + y1 = s1 ? s1.y : -Z; + x1 = e.c - e.b * y1; + y2 = s2 ? s2.y : Z; + x2 = e.c - e.b * y2; + } else { + x1 = s1 ? s1.x : -Z; + y1 = e.c - e.a * x1; + x2 = s2 ? s2.x : Z; + y2 = e.c - e.a * x2; + } + var v1 = [ x1, y1 ], v2 = [ x2, y2 ]; + polygons[e.region.l.index].push(v1, v2); + polygons[e.region.r.index].push(v1, v2); + }); + polygons = polygons.map(function(polygon, i) { + var cx = vertices[i][0], cy = vertices[i][1], angle = polygon.map(function(v) { + return Math.atan2(v[0] - cx, v[1] - cy); + }); + return d3.range(polygon.length).sort(function(a, b) { + return angle[a] - angle[b]; + }).filter(function(d, i, order) { + return !i || angle[d] - angle[order[i - 1]] > ε; + }).map(function(d) { + return polygon[d]; + }); + }); + polygons.forEach(function(polygon, i) { + var n = polygon.length; + if (!n) return polygon.push([ -Z, -Z ], [ -Z, Z ], [ Z, Z ], [ Z, -Z ]); + if (n > 2) return; + var p0 = vertices[i], p1 = polygon[0], p2 = polygon[1], x0 = p0[0], y0 = p0[1], x1 = p1[0], y1 = p1[1], x2 = p2[0], y2 = p2[1], dx = Math.abs(x2 - x1), dy = y2 - y1; + if (Math.abs(dy) < ε) { + var y = y0 < y1 ? -Z : Z; + polygon.push([ -Z, y ], [ Z, y ]); + } else if (dx < ε) { + var x = x0 < x1 ? -Z : Z; + polygon.push([ x, -Z ], [ x, Z ]); + } else { + var y = (x2 - x1) * (y1 - y0) < (x1 - x0) * (y2 - y1) ? Z : -Z, z = Math.abs(dy) - dx; + if (Math.abs(z) < ε) { + polygon.push([ dy < 0 ? y : -y, y ]); + } else { + if (z > 0) y *= -1; + polygon.push([ -Z, y ], [ Z, y ]); + } + } + }); + return polygons; + }; + var d3_voronoi_opposite = { + l: "r", + r: "l" + }; + function d3_voronoi_tessellate(vertices, callback) { + var Sites = { + list: vertices.map(function(v, i) { + return { + index: i, + x: v[0], + y: v[1] + }; + }).sort(function(a, b) { + return a.y < b.y ? -1 : a.y > b.y ? 1 : a.x < b.x ? -1 : a.x > b.x ? 1 : 0; + }), + bottomSite: null + }; + var EdgeList = { + list: [], + leftEnd: null, + rightEnd: null, + init: function() { + EdgeList.leftEnd = EdgeList.createHalfEdge(null, "l"); + EdgeList.rightEnd = EdgeList.createHalfEdge(null, "l"); + EdgeList.leftEnd.r = EdgeList.rightEnd; + EdgeList.rightEnd.l = EdgeList.leftEnd; + EdgeList.list.unshift(EdgeList.leftEnd, EdgeList.rightEnd); + }, + createHalfEdge: function(edge, side) { + return { + edge: edge, + side: side, + vertex: null, + l: null, + r: null + }; + }, + insert: function(lb, he) { + he.l = lb; + he.r = lb.r; + lb.r.l = he; + lb.r = he; + }, + leftBound: function(p) { + var he = EdgeList.leftEnd; + do { + he = he.r; + } while (he != EdgeList.rightEnd && Geom.rightOf(he, p)); + he = he.l; + return he; + }, + del: function(he) { + he.l.r = he.r; + he.r.l = he.l; + he.edge = null; + }, + right: function(he) { + return he.r; + }, + left: function(he) { + return he.l; + }, + leftRegion: function(he) { + return he.edge == null ? Sites.bottomSite : he.edge.region[he.side]; + }, + rightRegion: function(he) { + return he.edge == null ? Sites.bottomSite : he.edge.region[d3_voronoi_opposite[he.side]]; + } + }; + var Geom = { + bisect: function(s1, s2) { + var newEdge = { + region: { + l: s1, + r: s2 + }, + ep: { + l: null, + r: null + } + }; + var dx = s2.x - s1.x, dy = s2.y - s1.y, adx = dx > 0 ? dx : -dx, ady = dy > 0 ? dy : -dy; + newEdge.c = s1.x * dx + s1.y * dy + (dx * dx + dy * dy) * .5; + if (adx > ady) { + newEdge.a = 1; + newEdge.b = dy / dx; + newEdge.c /= dx; + } else { + newEdge.b = 1; + newEdge.a = dx / dy; + newEdge.c /= dy; + } + return newEdge; + }, + intersect: function(el1, el2) { + var e1 = el1.edge, e2 = el2.edge; + if (!e1 || !e2 || e1.region.r == e2.region.r) { + return null; + } + var d = e1.a * e2.b - e1.b * e2.a; + if (Math.abs(d) < 1e-10) { + return null; + } + var xint = (e1.c * e2.b - e2.c * e1.b) / d, yint = (e2.c * e1.a - e1.c * e2.a) / d, e1r = e1.region.r, e2r = e2.region.r, el, e; + if (e1r.y < e2r.y || e1r.y == e2r.y && e1r.x < e2r.x) { + el = el1; + e = e1; + } else { + el = el2; + e = e2; + } + var rightOfSite = xint >= e.region.r.x; + if (rightOfSite && el.side === "l" || !rightOfSite && el.side === "r") { + return null; + } + return { + x: xint, + y: yint + }; + }, + rightOf: function(he, p) { + var e = he.edge, topsite = e.region.r, rightOfSite = p.x > topsite.x; + if (rightOfSite && he.side === "l") { + return 1; + } + if (!rightOfSite && he.side === "r") { + return 0; + } + if (e.a === 1) { + var dyp = p.y - topsite.y, dxp = p.x - topsite.x, fast = 0, above = 0; + if (!rightOfSite && e.b < 0 || rightOfSite && e.b >= 0) { + above = fast = dyp >= e.b * dxp; + } else { + above = p.x + p.y * e.b > e.c; + if (e.b < 0) { + above = !above; + } + if (!above) { + fast = 1; + } + } + if (!fast) { + var dxs = topsite.x - e.region.l.x; + above = e.b * (dxp * dxp - dyp * dyp) < dxs * dyp * (1 + 2 * dxp / dxs + e.b * e.b); + if (e.b < 0) { + above = !above; + } + } + } else { + var yl = e.c - e.a * p.x, t1 = p.y - yl, t2 = p.x - topsite.x, t3 = yl - topsite.y; + above = t1 * t1 > t2 * t2 + t3 * t3; + } + return he.side === "l" ? above : !above; + }, + endPoint: function(edge, side, site) { + edge.ep[side] = site; + if (!edge.ep[d3_voronoi_opposite[side]]) return; + callback(edge); + }, + distance: function(s, t) { + var dx = s.x - t.x, dy = s.y - t.y; + return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); + } + }; + var EventQueue = { + list: [], + insert: function(he, site, offset) { + he.vertex = site; + he.ystar = site.y + offset; + for (var i = 0, list = EventQueue.list, l = list.length; i < l; i++) { + var next = list[i]; + if (he.ystar > next.ystar || he.ystar == next.ystar && site.x > next.vertex.x) { + continue; + } else { + break; + } + } + list.splice(i, 0, he); + }, + del: function(he) { + for (var i = 0, ls = EventQueue.list, l = ls.length; i < l && ls[i] != he; ++i) {} + ls.splice(i, 1); + }, + empty: function() { + return EventQueue.list.length === 0; + }, + nextEvent: function(he) { + for (var i = 0, ls = EventQueue.list, l = ls.length; i < l; ++i) { + if (ls[i] == he) return ls[i + 1]; + } + return null; + }, + min: function() { + var elem = EventQueue.list[0]; + return { + x: elem.vertex.x, + y: elem.ystar + }; + }, + extractMin: function() { + return EventQueue.list.shift(); + } + }; + EdgeList.init(); + Sites.bottomSite = Sites.list.shift(); + var newSite = Sites.list.shift(), newIntStar; + var lbnd, rbnd, llbnd, rrbnd, bisector; + var bot, top, temp, p, v; + var e, pm; + while (true) { + if (!EventQueue.empty()) { + newIntStar = EventQueue.min(); + } + if (newSite && (EventQueue.empty() || newSite.y < newIntStar.y || newSite.y == newIntStar.y && newSite.x < newIntStar.x)) { + lbnd = EdgeList.leftBound(newSite); + rbnd = EdgeList.right(lbnd); + bot = EdgeList.rightRegion(lbnd); + e = Geom.bisect(bot, newSite); + bisector = EdgeList.createHalfEdge(e, "l"); + EdgeList.insert(lbnd, bisector); + p = Geom.intersect(lbnd, bisector); + if (p) { + EventQueue.del(lbnd); + EventQueue.insert(lbnd, p, Geom.distance(p, newSite)); + } + lbnd = bisector; + bisector = EdgeList.createHalfEdge(e, "r"); + EdgeList.insert(lbnd, bisector); + p = Geom.intersect(bisector, rbnd); + if (p) { + EventQueue.insert(bisector, p, Geom.distance(p, newSite)); + } + newSite = Sites.list.shift(); + } else if (!EventQueue.empty()) { + lbnd = EventQueue.extractMin(); + llbnd = EdgeList.left(lbnd); + rbnd = EdgeList.right(lbnd); + rrbnd = EdgeList.right(rbnd); + bot = EdgeList.leftRegion(lbnd); + top = EdgeList.rightRegion(rbnd); + v = lbnd.vertex; + Geom.endPoint(lbnd.edge, lbnd.side, v); + Geom.endPoint(rbnd.edge, rbnd.side, v); + EdgeList.del(lbnd); + EventQueue.del(rbnd); + EdgeList.del(rbnd); + pm = "l"; + if (bot.y > top.y) { + temp = bot; + bot = top; + top = temp; + pm = "r"; + } + e = Geom.bisect(bot, top); + bisector = EdgeList.createHalfEdge(e, pm); + EdgeList.insert(llbnd, bisector); + Geom.endPoint(e, d3_voronoi_opposite[pm], v); + p = Geom.intersect(llbnd, bisector); + if (p) { + EventQueue.del(llbnd); + EventQueue.insert(llbnd, p, Geom.distance(p, bot)); + } + p = Geom.intersect(bisector, rrbnd); + if (p) { + EventQueue.insert(bisector, p, Geom.distance(p, bot)); + } + } else { + break; + } + } + for (lbnd = EdgeList.right(EdgeList.leftEnd); lbnd != EdgeList.rightEnd; lbnd = EdgeList.right(lbnd)) { + callback(lbnd.edge); + } + } + d3.geom.delaunay = function(vertices) { + var edges = vertices.map(function() { + return []; + }), triangles = []; + d3_voronoi_tessellate(vertices, function(e) { + edges[e.region.l.index].push(vertices[e.region.r.index]); + }); + edges.forEach(function(edge, i) { + var v = vertices[i], cx = v[0], cy = v[1]; + edge.forEach(function(v) { + v.angle = Math.atan2(v[0] - cx, v[1] - cy); + }); + edge.sort(function(a, b) { + return a.angle - b.angle; + }); + for (var j = 0, m = edge.length - 1; j < m; j++) { + triangles.push([ v, edge[j], edge[j + 1] ]); + } + }); + return triangles; + }; + d3.geom.quadtree = function(points, x1, y1, x2, y2) { + var p, i = -1, n = points.length; + if (arguments.length < 5) { + if (arguments.length === 3) { + y2 = y1; + x2 = x1; + y1 = x1 = 0; + } else { + x1 = y1 = Infinity; + x2 = y2 = -Infinity; + while (++i < n) { + p = points[i]; + if (p.x < x1) x1 = p.x; + if (p.y < y1) y1 = p.y; + if (p.x > x2) x2 = p.x; + if (p.y > y2) y2 = p.y; + } + } + } + var dx = x2 - x1, dy = y2 - y1; + if (dx > dy) y2 = y1 + dx; else x2 = x1 + dy; + function insert(n, p, x1, y1, x2, y2) { + if (isNaN(p.x) || isNaN(p.y)) return; + if (n.leaf) { + var v = n.point; + if (v) { + if (Math.abs(v.x - p.x) + Math.abs(v.y - p.y) < .01) { + insertChild(n, p, x1, y1, x2, y2); + } else { + n.point = null; + insertChild(n, v, x1, y1, x2, y2); + insertChild(n, p, x1, y1, x2, y2); + } + } else { + n.point = p; + } + } else { + insertChild(n, p, x1, y1, x2, y2); + } + } + function insertChild(n, p, x1, y1, x2, y2) { + var sx = (x1 + x2) * .5, sy = (y1 + y2) * .5, right = p.x >= sx, bottom = p.y >= sy, i = (bottom << 1) + right; + n.leaf = false; + n = n.nodes[i] || (n.nodes[i] = d3_geom_quadtreeNode()); + if (right) x1 = sx; else x2 = sx; + if (bottom) y1 = sy; else y2 = sy; + insert(n, p, x1, y1, x2, y2); + } + var root = d3_geom_quadtreeNode(); + root.add = function(p) { + insert(root, p, x1, y1, x2, y2); + }; + root.visit = function(f) { + d3_geom_quadtreeVisit(f, root, x1, y1, x2, y2); + }; + points.forEach(root.add); + return root; + }; + function d3_geom_quadtreeNode() { + return { + leaf: true, + nodes: [], + point: null + }; + } + function d3_geom_quadtreeVisit(f, node, x1, y1, x2, y2) { + if (!f(node, x1, y1, x2, y2)) { + var sx = (x1 + x2) * .5, sy = (y1 + y2) * .5, children = node.nodes; + if (children[0]) d3_geom_quadtreeVisit(f, children[0], x1, y1, sx, sy); + if (children[1]) d3_geom_quadtreeVisit(f, children[1], sx, y1, x2, sy); + if (children[2]) d3_geom_quadtreeVisit(f, children[2], x1, sy, sx, y2); + if (children[3]) d3_geom_quadtreeVisit(f, children[3], sx, sy, x2, y2); + } + } + d3.time = {}; + var d3_time = Date, d3_time_daySymbols = [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ]; + function d3_time_utc() { + this._ = new Date(arguments.length > 1 ? Date.UTC.apply(this, arguments) : arguments[0]); + } + d3_time_utc.prototype = { + getDate: function() { + return this._.getUTCDate(); + }, + getDay: function() { + return this._.getUTCDay(); + }, + getFullYear: function() { + return this._.getUTCFullYear(); + }, + getHours: function() { + return this._.getUTCHours(); + }, + getMilliseconds: function() { + return this._.getUTCMilliseconds(); + }, + getMinutes: function() { + return this._.getUTCMinutes(); + }, + getMonth: function() { + return this._.getUTCMonth(); + }, + getSeconds: function() { + return this._.getUTCSeconds(); + }, + getTime: function() { + return this._.getTime(); + }, + getTimezoneOffset: function() { + return 0; + }, + valueOf: function() { + return this._.valueOf(); + }, + setDate: function() { + d3_time_prototype.setUTCDate.apply(this._, arguments); + }, + setDay: function() { + d3_time_prototype.setUTCDay.apply(this._, arguments); + }, + setFullYear: function() { + d3_time_prototype.setUTCFullYear.apply(this._, arguments); + }, + setHours: function() { + d3_time_prototype.setUTCHours.apply(this._, arguments); + }, + setMilliseconds: function() { + d3_time_prototype.setUTCMilliseconds.apply(this._, arguments); + }, + setMinutes: function() { + d3_time_prototype.setUTCMinutes.apply(this._, arguments); + }, + setMonth: function() { + d3_time_prototype.setUTCMonth.apply(this._, arguments); + }, + setSeconds: function() { + d3_time_prototype.setUTCSeconds.apply(this._, arguments); + }, + setTime: function() { + d3_time_prototype.setTime.apply(this._, arguments); + } + }; + var d3_time_prototype = Date.prototype; + var d3_time_formatDateTime = "%a %b %e %X %Y", d3_time_formatDate = "%m/%d/%Y", d3_time_formatTime = "%H:%M:%S"; + var d3_time_days = [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ], d3_time_dayAbbreviations = [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" ], d3_time_months = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ], d3_time_monthAbbreviations = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ]; + d3.time.format = function(template) { + var n = template.length; + function format(date) { + var string = [], i = -1, j = 0, c, p, f; + while (++i < n) { + if (template.charCodeAt(i) === 37) { + string.push(template.substring(j, i)); + if ((p = d3_time_formatPads[c = template.charAt(++i)]) != null) c = template.charAt(++i); + if (f = d3_time_formats[c]) c = f(date, p == null ? c === "e" ? " " : "0" : p); + string.push(c); + j = i + 1; + } + } + string.push(template.substring(j, i)); + return string.join(""); + } + format.parse = function(string) { + var d = { + y: 1900, + m: 0, + d: 1, + H: 0, + M: 0, + S: 0, + L: 0 + }, i = d3_time_parse(d, template, string, 0); + if (i != string.length) return null; + if ("p" in d) d.H = d.H % 12 + d.p * 12; + var date = new d3_time(); + date.setFullYear(d.y, d.m, d.d); + date.setHours(d.H, d.M, d.S, d.L); + return date; + }; + format.toString = function() { + return template; + }; + return format; + }; + function d3_time_parse(date, template, string, j) { + var c, p, i = 0, n = template.length, m = string.length; + while (i < n) { + if (j >= m) return -1; + c = template.charCodeAt(i++); + if (c === 37) { + p = d3_time_parsers[template.charAt(i++)]; + if (!p || (j = p(date, string, j)) < 0) return -1; + } else if (c != string.charCodeAt(j++)) { + return -1; + } + } + return j; + } + function d3_time_formatRe(names) { + return new RegExp("^(?:" + names.map(d3.requote).join("|") + ")", "i"); + } + function d3_time_formatLookup(names) { + var map = new d3_Map(), i = -1, n = names.length; + while (++i < n) map.set(names[i].toLowerCase(), i); + return map; + } + function d3_time_formatPad(value, fill, width) { + value += ""; + var length = value.length; + return length < width ? new Array(width - length + 1).join(fill) + value : value; + } + var d3_time_dayRe = d3_time_formatRe(d3_time_days), d3_time_dayAbbrevRe = d3_time_formatRe(d3_time_dayAbbreviations), d3_time_monthRe = d3_time_formatRe(d3_time_months), d3_time_monthLookup = d3_time_formatLookup(d3_time_months), d3_time_monthAbbrevRe = d3_time_formatRe(d3_time_monthAbbreviations), d3_time_monthAbbrevLookup = d3_time_formatLookup(d3_time_monthAbbreviations); + var d3_time_formatPads = { + "-": "", + _: " ", + "0": "0" + }; + var d3_time_formats = { + a: function(d) { + return d3_time_dayAbbreviations[d.getDay()]; + }, + A: function(d) { + return d3_time_days[d.getDay()]; + }, + b: function(d) { + return d3_time_monthAbbreviations[d.getMonth()]; + }, + B: function(d) { + return d3_time_months[d.getMonth()]; + }, + c: d3.time.format(d3_time_formatDateTime), + d: function(d, p) { + return d3_time_formatPad(d.getDate(), p, 2); + }, + e: function(d, p) { + return d3_time_formatPad(d.getDate(), p, 2); + }, + H: function(d, p) { + return d3_time_formatPad(d.getHours(), p, 2); + }, + I: function(d, p) { + return d3_time_formatPad(d.getHours() % 12 || 12, p, 2); + }, + j: function(d, p) { + return d3_time_formatPad(1 + d3.time.dayOfYear(d), p, 3); + }, + L: function(d, p) { + return d3_time_formatPad(d.getMilliseconds(), p, 3); + }, + m: function(d, p) { + return d3_time_formatPad(d.getMonth() + 1, p, 2); + }, + M: function(d, p) { + return d3_time_formatPad(d.getMinutes(), p, 2); + }, + p: function(d) { + return d.getHours() >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM"; + }, + S: function(d, p) { + return d3_time_formatPad(d.getSeconds(), p, 2); + }, + U: function(d, p) { + return d3_time_formatPad(d3.time.sundayOfYear(d), p, 2); + }, + w: function(d) { + return d.getDay(); + }, + W: function(d, p) { + return d3_time_formatPad(d3.time.mondayOfYear(d), p, 2); + }, + x: d3.time.format(d3_time_formatDate), + X: d3.time.format(d3_time_formatTime), + y: function(d, p) { + return d3_time_formatPad(d.getFullYear() % 100, p, 2); + }, + Y: function(d, p) { + return d3_time_formatPad(d.getFullYear() % 1e4, p, 4); + }, + Z: d3_time_zone, + "%": function() { + return "%"; + } + }; + var d3_time_parsers = { + a: d3_time_parseWeekdayAbbrev, + A: d3_time_parseWeekday, + b: d3_time_parseMonthAbbrev, + B: d3_time_parseMonth, + c: d3_time_parseLocaleFull, + d: d3_time_parseDay, + e: d3_time_parseDay, + H: d3_time_parseHour24, + I: d3_time_parseHour24, + L: d3_time_parseMilliseconds, + m: d3_time_parseMonthNumber, + M: d3_time_parseMinutes, + p: d3_time_parseAmPm, + S: d3_time_parseSeconds, + x: d3_time_parseLocaleDate, + X: d3_time_parseLocaleTime, + y: d3_time_parseYear, + Y: d3_time_parseFullYear + }; + function d3_time_parseWeekdayAbbrev(date, string, i) { + d3_time_dayAbbrevRe.lastIndex = 0; + var n = d3_time_dayAbbrevRe.exec(string.substring(i)); + return n ? i += n[0].length : -1; + } + function d3_time_parseWeekday(date, string, i) { + d3_time_dayRe.lastIndex = 0; + var n = d3_time_dayRe.exec(string.substring(i)); + return n ? i += n[0].length : -1; + } + function d3_time_parseMonthAbbrev(date, string, i) { + d3_time_monthAbbrevRe.lastIndex = 0; + var n = d3_time_monthAbbrevRe.exec(string.substring(i)); + return n ? (date.m = d3_time_monthAbbrevLookup.get(n[0].toLowerCase()), i += n[0].length) : -1; + } + function d3_time_parseMonth(date, string, i) { + d3_time_monthRe.lastIndex = 0; + var n = d3_time_monthRe.exec(string.substring(i)); + return n ? (date.m = d3_time_monthLookup.get(n[0].toLowerCase()), i += n[0].length) : -1; + } + function d3_time_parseLocaleFull(date, string, i) { + return d3_time_parse(date, d3_time_formats.c.toString(), string, i); + } + function d3_time_parseLocaleDate(date, string, i) { + return d3_time_parse(date, d3_time_formats.x.toString(), string, i); + } + function d3_time_parseLocaleTime(date, string, i) { + return d3_time_parse(date, d3_time_formats.X.toString(), string, i); + } + function d3_time_parseFullYear(date, string, i) { + d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0; + var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i, i + 4)); + return n ? (date.y = +n[0], i += n[0].length) : -1; + } + function d3_time_parseYear(date, string, i) { + d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0; + var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i, i + 2)); + return n ? (date.y = d3_time_expandYear(+n[0]), i += n[0].length) : -1; + } + function d3_time_expandYear(d) { + return d + (d > 68 ? 1900 : 2e3); + } + function d3_time_parseMonthNumber(date, string, i) { + d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0; + var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i, i + 2)); + return n ? (date.m = n[0] - 1, i += n[0].length) : -1; + } + function d3_time_parseDay(date, string, i) { + d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0; + var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i, i + 2)); + return n ? (date.d = +n[0], i += n[0].length) : -1; + } + function d3_time_parseHour24(date, string, i) { + d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0; + var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i, i + 2)); + return n ? (date.H = +n[0], i += n[0].length) : -1; + } + function d3_time_parseMinutes(date, string, i) { + d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0; + var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i, i + 2)); + return n ? (date.M = +n[0], i += n[0].length) : -1; + } + function d3_time_parseSeconds(date, string, i) { + d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0; + var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i, i + 2)); + return n ? (date.S = +n[0], i += n[0].length) : -1; + } + function d3_time_parseMilliseconds(date, string, i) { + d3_time_numberRe.lastIndex = 0; + var n = d3_time_numberRe.exec(string.substring(i, i + 3)); + return n ? (date.L = +n[0], i += n[0].length) : -1; + } + var d3_time_numberRe = /^\s*\d+/; + function d3_time_parseAmPm(date, string, i) { + var n = d3_time_amPmLookup.get(string.substring(i, i += 2).toLowerCase()); + return n == null ? -1 : (date.p = n, i); + } + var d3_time_amPmLookup = d3.map({ + am: 0, + pm: 1 + }); + function d3_time_zone(d) { + var z = d.getTimezoneOffset(), zs = z > 0 ? "-" : "+", zh = ~~(Math.abs(z) / 60), zm = Math.abs(z) % 60; + return zs + d3_time_formatPad(zh, "0", 2) + d3_time_formatPad(zm, "0", 2); + } + d3.time.format.utc = function(template) { + var local = d3.time.format(template); + function format(date) { + try { + d3_time = d3_time_utc; + var utc = new d3_time(); + utc._ = date; + return local(utc); + } finally { + d3_time = Date; + } + } + format.parse = function(string) { + try { + d3_time = d3_time_utc; + var date = local.parse(string); + return date && date._; + } finally { + d3_time = Date; + } + }; + format.toString = local.toString; + return format; + }; + var d3_time_formatIso = d3.time.format.utc("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ"); + d3.time.format.iso = Date.prototype.toISOString ? d3_time_formatIsoNative : d3_time_formatIso; + function d3_time_formatIsoNative(date) { + return date.toISOString(); + } + d3_time_formatIsoNative.parse = function(string) { + var date = new Date(string); + return isNaN(date) ? null : date; + }; + d3_time_formatIsoNative.toString = d3_time_formatIso.toString; + function d3_time_interval(local, step, number) { + function round(date) { + var d0 = local(date), d1 = offset(d0, 1); + return date - d0 < d1 - date ? d0 : d1; + } + function ceil(date) { + step(date = local(new d3_time(date - 1)), 1); + return date; + } + function offset(date, k) { + step(date = new d3_time(+date), k); + return date; + } + function range(t0, t1, dt) { + var time = ceil(t0), times = []; + if (dt > 1) { + while (time < t1) { + if (!(number(time) % dt)) times.push(new Date(+time)); + step(time, 1); + } + } else { + while (time < t1) times.push(new Date(+time)), step(time, 1); + } + return times; + } + function range_utc(t0, t1, dt) { + try { + d3_time = d3_time_utc; + var utc = new d3_time_utc(); + utc._ = t0; + return range(utc, t1, dt); + } finally { + d3_time = Date; + } + } + local.floor = local; + local.round = round; + local.ceil = ceil; + local.offset = offset; + local.range = range; + var utc = local.utc = d3_time_interval_utc(local); + utc.floor = utc; + utc.round = d3_time_interval_utc(round); + utc.ceil = d3_time_interval_utc(ceil); + utc.offset = d3_time_interval_utc(offset); + utc.range = range_utc; + return local; + } + function d3_time_interval_utc(method) { + return function(date, k) { + try { + d3_time = d3_time_utc; + var utc = new d3_time_utc(); + utc._ = date; + return method(utc, k)._; + } finally { + d3_time = Date; + } + }; + } + d3.time.second = d3_time_interval(function(date) { + return new d3_time(Math.floor(date / 1e3) * 1e3); + }, function(date, offset) { + date.setTime(date.getTime() + Math.floor(offset) * 1e3); + }, function(date) { + return date.getSeconds(); + }); + d3.time.seconds = d3.time.second.range; + d3.time.seconds.utc = d3.time.second.utc.range; + d3.time.minute = d3_time_interval(function(date) { + return new d3_time(Math.floor(date / 6e4) * 6e4); + }, function(date, offset) { + date.setTime(date.getTime() + Math.floor(offset) * 6e4); + }, function(date) { + return date.getMinutes(); + }); + d3.time.minutes = d3.time.minute.range; + d3.time.minutes.utc = d3.time.minute.utc.range; + d3.time.hour = d3_time_interval(function(date) { + var timezone = date.getTimezoneOffset() / 60; + return new d3_time((Math.floor(date / 36e5 - timezone) + timezone) * 36e5); + }, function(date, offset) { + date.setTime(date.getTime() + Math.floor(offset) * 36e5); + }, function(date) { + return date.getHours(); + }); + d3.time.hours = d3.time.hour.range; + d3.time.hours.utc = d3.time.hour.utc.range; + d3.time.day = d3_time_interval(function(date) { + var day = new d3_time(1970, 0); + day.setFullYear(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()); + return day; + }, function(date, offset) { + date.setDate(date.getDate() + offset); + }, function(date) { + return date.getDate() - 1; + }); + d3.time.days = d3.time.day.range; + d3.time.days.utc = d3.time.day.utc.range; + d3.time.dayOfYear = function(date) { + var year = d3.time.year(date); + return Math.floor((date - year - (date.getTimezoneOffset() - year.getTimezoneOffset()) * 6e4) / 864e5); + }; + d3_time_daySymbols.forEach(function(day, i) { + day = day.toLowerCase(); + i = 7 - i; + var interval = d3.time[day] = d3_time_interval(function(date) { + (date = d3.time.day(date)).setDate(date.getDate() - (date.getDay() + i) % 7); + return date; + }, function(date, offset) { + date.setDate(date.getDate() + Math.floor(offset) * 7); + }, function(date) { + var day = d3.time.year(date).getDay(); + return Math.floor((d3.time.dayOfYear(date) + (day + i) % 7) / 7) - (day !== i); + }); + d3.time[day + "s"] = interval.range; + d3.time[day + "s"].utc = interval.utc.range; + d3.time[day + "OfYear"] = function(date) { + var day = d3.time.year(date).getDay(); + return Math.floor((d3.time.dayOfYear(date) + (day + i) % 7) / 7); + }; + }); + d3.time.week = d3.time.sunday; + d3.time.weeks = d3.time.sunday.range; + d3.time.weeks.utc = d3.time.sunday.utc.range; + d3.time.weekOfYear = d3.time.sundayOfYear; + d3.time.month = d3_time_interval(function(date) { + date = d3.time.day(date); + date.setDate(1); + return date; + }, function(date, offset) { + date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + offset); + }, function(date) { + return date.getMonth(); + }); + d3.time.months = d3.time.month.range; + d3.time.months.utc = d3.time.month.utc.range; + d3.time.year = d3_time_interval(function(date) { + date = d3.time.day(date); + date.setMonth(0, 1); + return date; + }, function(date, offset) { + date.setFullYear(date.getFullYear() + offset); + }, function(date) { + return date.getFullYear(); + }); + d3.time.years = d3.time.year.range; + d3.time.years.utc = d3.time.year.utc.range; + function d3_time_scale(linear, methods, format) { + function scale(x) { + return linear(x); + } + scale.invert = function(x) { + return d3_time_scaleDate(linear.invert(x)); + }; + scale.domain = function(x) { + if (!arguments.length) return linear.domain().map(d3_time_scaleDate); + linear.domain(x); + return scale; + }; + scale.nice = function(m) { + return scale.domain(d3_scale_nice(scale.domain(), function() { + return m; + })); + }; + scale.ticks = function(m, k) { + var extent = d3_time_scaleExtent(scale.domain()); + if (typeof m !== "function") { + var span = extent[1] - extent[0], target = span / m, i = d3.bisect(d3_time_scaleSteps, target); + if (i == d3_time_scaleSteps.length) return methods.year(extent, m); + if (!i) return linear.ticks(m).map(d3_time_scaleDate); + if (Math.log(target / d3_time_scaleSteps[i - 1]) < Math.log(d3_time_scaleSteps[i] / target)) --i; + m = methods[i]; + k = m[1]; + m = m[0].range; + } + return m(extent[0], new Date(+extent[1] + 1), k); + }; + scale.tickFormat = function() { + return format; + }; + scale.copy = function() { + return d3_time_scale(linear.copy(), methods, format); + }; + return d3.rebind(scale, linear, "range", "rangeRound", "interpolate", "clamp"); + } + function d3_time_scaleExtent(domain) { + var start = domain[0], stop = domain[domain.length - 1]; + return start < stop ? [ start, stop ] : [ stop, start ]; + } + function d3_time_scaleDate(t) { + return new Date(t); + } + function d3_time_scaleFormat(formats) { + return function(date) { + var i = formats.length - 1, f = formats[i]; + while (!f[1](date)) f = formats[--i]; + return f[0](date); + }; + } + function d3_time_scaleSetYear(y) { + var d = new Date(y, 0, 1); + d.setFullYear(y); + return d; + } + function d3_time_scaleGetYear(d) { + var y = d.getFullYear(), d0 = d3_time_scaleSetYear(y), d1 = d3_time_scaleSetYear(y + 1); + return y + (d - d0) / (d1 - d0); + } + var d3_time_scaleSteps = [ 1e3, 5e3, 15e3, 3e4, 6e4, 3e5, 9e5, 18e5, 36e5, 108e5, 216e5, 432e5, 864e5, 1728e5, 6048e5, 2592e6, 7776e6, 31536e6 ]; + var d3_time_scaleLocalMethods = [ [ d3.time.second, 1 ], [ d3.time.second, 5 ], [ d3.time.second, 15 ], [ d3.time.second, 30 ], [ d3.time.minute, 1 ], [ d3.time.minute, 5 ], [ d3.time.minute, 15 ], [ d3.time.minute, 30 ], [ d3.time.hour, 1 ], [ d3.time.hour, 3 ], [ d3.time.hour, 6 ], [ d3.time.hour, 12 ], [ d3.time.day, 1 ], [ d3.time.day, 2 ], [ d3.time.week, 1 ], [ d3.time.month, 1 ], [ d3.time.month, 3 ], [ d3.time.year, 1 ] ]; + var d3_time_scaleLocalFormats = [ [ d3.time.format("%Y"), d3_true ], [ d3.time.format("%B"), function(d) { + return d.getMonth(); + } ], [ d3.time.format("%b %d"), function(d) { + return d.getDate() != 1; + } ], [ d3.time.format("%a %d"), function(d) { + return d.getDay() && d.getDate() != 1; + } ], [ d3.time.format("%I %p"), function(d) { + return d.getHours(); + } ], [ d3.time.format("%I:%M"), function(d) { + return d.getMinutes(); + } ], [ d3.time.format(":%S"), function(d) { + return d.getSeconds(); + } ], [ d3.time.format(".%L"), function(d) { + return d.getMilliseconds(); + } ] ]; + var d3_time_scaleLinear = d3.scale.linear(), d3_time_scaleLocalFormat = d3_time_scaleFormat(d3_time_scaleLocalFormats); + d3_time_scaleLocalMethods.year = function(extent, m) { + return d3_time_scaleLinear.domain(extent.map(d3_time_scaleGetYear)).ticks(m).map(d3_time_scaleSetYear); + }; + d3.time.scale = function() { + return d3_time_scale(d3.scale.linear(), d3_time_scaleLocalMethods, d3_time_scaleLocalFormat); + }; + var d3_time_scaleUTCMethods = d3_time_scaleLocalMethods.map(function(m) { + return [ m[0].utc, m[1] ]; + }); + var d3_time_scaleUTCFormats = [ [ d3.time.format.utc("%Y"), d3_true ], [ d3.time.format.utc("%B"), function(d) { + return d.getUTCMonth(); + } ], [ d3.time.format.utc("%b %d"), function(d) { + return d.getUTCDate() != 1; + } ], [ d3.time.format.utc("%a %d"), function(d) { + return d.getUTCDay() && d.getUTCDate() != 1; + } ], [ d3.time.format.utc("%I %p"), function(d) { + return d.getUTCHours(); + } ], [ d3.time.format.utc("%I:%M"), function(d) { + return d.getUTCMinutes(); + } ], [ d3.time.format.utc(":%S"), function(d) { + return d.getUTCSeconds(); + } ], [ d3.time.format.utc(".%L"), function(d) { + return d.getUTCMilliseconds(); + } ] ]; + var d3_time_scaleUTCFormat = d3_time_scaleFormat(d3_time_scaleUTCFormats); + function d3_time_scaleUTCSetYear(y) { + var d = new Date(Date.UTC(y, 0, 1)); + d.setUTCFullYear(y); + return d; + } + function d3_time_scaleUTCGetYear(d) { + var y = d.getUTCFullYear(), d0 = d3_time_scaleUTCSetYear(y), d1 = d3_time_scaleUTCSetYear(y + 1); + return y + (d - d0) / (d1 - d0); + } + d3_time_scaleUTCMethods.year = function(extent, m) { + return d3_time_scaleLinear.domain(extent.map(d3_time_scaleUTCGetYear)).ticks(m).map(d3_time_scaleUTCSetYear); + }; + d3.time.scale.utc = function() { + return d3_time_scale(d3.scale.linear(), d3_time_scaleUTCMethods, d3_time_scaleUTCFormat); + }; +})(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/d3/d3.v3.min.js b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/d3/d3.v3.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cba27c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/d3/d3.v3.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +(function(){function t(t){return t.target}function n(t){return t.source}function e(t,n){try{for(var e in n)Object.defineProperty(t.prototype,e,{value:n[e],enumerable:!1})}catch(r){t.prototype=n}}function r(t){for(var n=-1,e=t.length,r=[];e>++n;)r.push(t[n]);return r}function i(t){return Array.prototype.slice.call(t)}function u(){}function a(t){return t}function o(){return!0}function c(t){return"function"==typeof t?t:function(){return t}}function l(t,n,e){return function(){var r=e.apply(n,arguments);return arguments.length?t:r}}function s(t){return null!=t&&!isNaN(t)}function f(t){return t.length}function h(t){return t.trim().replace(/\s+/g," ")}function d(t){for(var n=1;t*n%1;)n*=10;return n}function g(t){return 1===t.length?function(n,e){t(null==n?e:null)}:t}function p(t){return t.responseText}function m(t){return JSON.parse(t.responseText)}function v(t){var n=document.createRange();return n.selectNode(document.body),n.createContextualFragment(t.responseText)}function y(t){return t.responseXML}function M(){}function b(t){function n(){for(var n,r=e,i=-1,u=r.length;u>++i;)(n=r[i].on)&&n.apply(this,arguments);return t}var e=[],r=new u;return n.on=function(n,i){var u,a=r.get(n);return 2>arguments.length?a&&a.on:(a&&(a.on=null,e=e.slice(0,u=e.indexOf(a)).concat(e.slice(u+1)),r.remove(n)),i&&e.push(r.set(n,{on:i})),t)},n}function x(t,n){return n-(t?1+Math.floor(Math.log(t+Math.pow(10,1+Math.floor(Math.log(t)/Math.LN10)-n))/Math.LN10):1)}function _(t){return t+""}function w(t,n){var e=Math.pow(10,3*Math.abs(8-n));return{scale:n>8?function(t){return t/e}:function(t){return t*e},symbol:t}}function S(t){return function(n){return 0>=n?0:n>=1?1:t(n)}}function k(t){return function(n){return 1-t(1-n)}}function E(t){return function(n){return.5*(.5>n?t(2*n):2-t(2-2*n))}}function A(t){return t*t}function N(t){return t*t*t}function T(t){if(0>=t)return 0;if(t>=1)return 1;var n=t*t,e=n*t;return 4*(.5>t?e:3*(t-n)+e-.75)}function q(t){return function(n){return Math.pow(n,t)}}function C(t){return 1-Math.cos(t*Ru/2)}function z(t){return Math.pow(2,10*(t-1))}function D(t){return 1-Math.sqrt(1-t*t)}function L(t,n){var e;return 2>arguments.length&&(n=.45),arguments.length?e=n/(2*Ru)*Math.asin(1/t):(t=1,e=n/4),function(r){return 1+t*Math.pow(2,10*-r)*Math.sin(2*(r-e)*Ru/n)}}function F(t){return t||(t=1.70158),function(n){return n*n*((t+1)*n-t)}}function H(t){return 1/2.75>t?7.5625*t*t:2/2.75>t?7.5625*(t-=1.5/2.75)*t+.75:2.5/2.75>t?7.5625*(t-=2.25/2.75)*t+.9375:7.5625*(t-=2.625/2.75)*t+.984375}function R(){d3.event.stopPropagation(),d3.event.preventDefault()}function P(){for(var t,n=d3.event;t=n.sourceEvent;)n=t;return n}function j(t){for(var n=new M,e=0,r=arguments.length;r>++e;)n[arguments[e]]=b(n);return n.of=function(e,r){return function(i){try{var u=i.sourceEvent=d3.event;i.target=t,d3.event=i,n[i.type].apply(e,r)}finally{d3.event=u}}},n}function O(t){var n=[t.a,t.b],e=[t.c,t.d],r=U(n),i=Y(n,e),u=U(I(e,n,-i))||0;n[0]*e[1]t?"0"+Math.max(0,t).toString(16):Math.min(255,t).toString(16)}function K(t,n,e){var r,i,u,a=0,o=0,c=0;if(r=/([a-z]+)\((.*)\)/i.exec(t))switch(i=r[2].split(","),r[1]){case"hsl":return e(parseFloat(i[0]),parseFloat(i[1])/100,parseFloat(i[2])/100);case"rgb":return n(nn(i[0]),nn(i[1]),nn(i[2]))}return(u=aa.get(t))?n(u.r,u.g,u.b):(null!=t&&"#"===t.charAt(0)&&(4===t.length?(a=t.charAt(1),a+=a,o=t.charAt(2),o+=o,c=t.charAt(3),c+=c):7===t.length&&(a=t.substring(1,3),o=t.substring(3,5),c=t.substring(5,7)),a=parseInt(a,16),o=parseInt(o,16),c=parseInt(c,16)),n(a,o,c))}function W(t,n,e){var r,i,u=Math.min(t/=255,n/=255,e/=255),a=Math.max(t,n,e),o=a-u,c=(a+u)/2;return o?(i=.5>c?o/(a+u):o/(2-a-u),r=t==a?(n-e)/o+(e>n?6:0):n==a?(e-t)/o+2:(t-n)/o+4,r*=60):i=r=0,en(r,i,c)}function Q(t,n,e){t=tn(t),n=tn(n),e=tn(e);var r=gn((.4124564*t+.3575761*n+.1804375*e)/sa),i=gn((.2126729*t+.7151522*n+.072175*e)/fa),u=gn((.0193339*t+.119192*n+.9503041*e)/ha);return ln(116*i-16,500*(r-i),200*(i-u))}function tn(t){return.04045>=(t/=255)?t/12.92:Math.pow((t+.055)/1.055,2.4)}function nn(t){var n=parseFloat(t);return"%"===t.charAt(t.length-1)?Math.round(2.55*n):n}function en(t,n,e){return new rn(t,n,e)}function rn(t,n,e){this.h=t,this.s=n,this.l=e}function un(t,n,e){function r(t){return t>360?t-=360:0>t&&(t+=360),60>t?u+(a-u)*t/60:180>t?a:240>t?u+(a-u)*(240-t)/60:u}function i(t){return Math.round(255*r(t))}var u,a;return t%=360,0>t&&(t+=360),n=0>n?0:n>1?1:n,e=0>e?0:e>1?1:e,a=.5>=e?e*(1+n):e+n-e*n,u=2*e-a,$(i(t+120),i(t),i(t-120))}function an(t,n,e){return new on(t,n,e)}function on(t,n,e){this.h=t,this.c=n,this.l=e}function cn(t,n,e){return ln(e,Math.cos(t*=ju)*n,Math.sin(t)*n)}function ln(t,n,e){return new sn(t,n,e)}function sn(t,n,e){this.l=t,this.a=n,this.b=e}function fn(t,n,e){var r=(t+16)/116,i=r+n/500,u=r-e/200;return i=dn(i)*sa,r=dn(r)*fa,u=dn(u)*ha,$(pn(3.2404542*i-1.5371385*r-.4985314*u),pn(-.969266*i+1.8760108*r+.041556*u),pn(.0556434*i-.2040259*r+1.0572252*u))}function hn(t,n,e){return an(180*(Math.atan2(e,n)/Ru),Math.sqrt(n*n+e*e),t)}function dn(t){return t>.206893034?t*t*t:(t-4/29)/7.787037}function gn(t){return t>.008856?Math.pow(t,1/3):7.787037*t+4/29}function pn(t){return Math.round(255*(.00304>=t?12.92*t:1.055*Math.pow(t,1/2.4)-.055))}function mn(t){return Iu(t,Ma),t}function vn(t){return function(){return ga(t,this)}}function yn(t){return function(){return pa(t,this)}}function Mn(t,n){function e(){this.removeAttribute(t)}function r(){this.removeAttributeNS(t.space,t.local)}function i(){this.setAttribute(t,n)}function u(){this.setAttributeNS(t.space,t.local,n)}function a(){var e=n.apply(this,arguments);null==e?this.removeAttribute(t):this.setAttribute(t,e)}function o(){var e=n.apply(this,arguments);null==e?this.removeAttributeNS(t.space,t.local):this.setAttributeNS(t.space,t.local,e)}return t=d3.ns.qualify(t),null==n?t.local?r:e:"function"==typeof n?t.local?o:a:t.local?u:i}function bn(t){return RegExp("(?:^|\\s+)"+d3.requote(t)+"(?:\\s+|$)","g")}function xn(t,n){function e(){for(var e=-1;i>++e;)t[e](this,n)}function r(){for(var e=-1,r=n.apply(this,arguments);i>++e;)t[e](this,r)}t=t.trim().split(/\s+/).map(_n);var i=t.length;return"function"==typeof n?r:e}function _n(t){var n=bn(t);return function(e,r){if(i=e.classList)return r?i.add(t):i.remove(t);var i=e.className,u=null!=i.baseVal,a=u?i.baseVal:i;r?(n.lastIndex=0,n.test(a)||(a=h(a+" "+t),u?i.baseVal=a:e.className=a)):a&&(a=h(a.replace(n," ")),u?i.baseVal=a:e.className=a)}}function wn(t,n,e){function r(){this.style.removeProperty(t)}function i(){this.style.setProperty(t,n,e)}function u(){var r=n.apply(this,arguments);null==r?this.style.removeProperty(t):this.style.setProperty(t,r,e)}return null==n?r:"function"==typeof n?u:i}function Sn(t,n){function e(){delete this[t]}function r(){this[t]=n}function i(){var e=n.apply(this,arguments);null==e?delete this[t]:this[t]=e}return null==n?e:"function"==typeof n?i:r}function kn(t){return{__data__:t}}function En(t){return function(){return ya(this,t)}}function An(t){return arguments.length||(t=d3.ascending),function(n,e){return t(n&&n.__data__,e&&e.__data__)}}function Nn(t,n,e){function r(){var n=this[u];n&&(this.removeEventListener(t,n,n.$),delete this[u])}function i(){function i(t){var e=d3.event;d3.event=t,o[0]=a.__data__;try{n.apply(a,o)}finally{d3.event=e}}var a=this,o=Yu(arguments);r.call(this),this.addEventListener(t,this[u]=i,i.$=e),i._=n}var u="__on"+t,a=t.indexOf(".");return a>0&&(t=t.substring(0,a)),n?i:r}function Tn(t,n){for(var e=0,r=t.length;r>e;e++)for(var i,u=t[e],a=0,o=u.length;o>a;a++)(i=u[a])&&n(i,a,e);return t}function qn(t){return Iu(t,xa),t}function Cn(t,n){return Iu(t,wa),t.id=n,t}function zn(t,n,e,r){var i=t.__transition__||(t.__transition__={active:0,count:0}),a=i[e];if(!a){var o=r.time;return a=i[e]={tween:new u,event:d3.dispatch("start","end"),time:o,ease:r.ease,delay:r.delay,duration:r.duration},++i.count,d3.timer(function(r){function u(r){return i.active>e?l():(i.active=e,h.start.call(t,s,n),a.tween.forEach(function(e,r){(r=r.call(t,s,n))&&p.push(r)}),c(r)||d3.timer(c,0,o),1)}function c(r){if(i.active!==e)return l();for(var u=(r-d)/g,a=f(u),o=p.length;o>0;)p[--o].call(t,a);return u>=1?(l(),h.end.call(t,s,n),1):void 0}function l(){return--i.count?delete i[e]:delete t.__transition__,1}var s=t.__data__,f=a.ease,h=a.event,d=a.delay,g=a.duration,p=[];return r>=d?u(r):d3.timer(u,d,o),1},0,o),a}}function Dn(t){return null==t&&(t=""),function(){this.textContent=t}}function Ln(t,n,e,r){var i=t.id;return Tn(t,"function"==typeof e?function(t,u,a){t.__transition__[i].tween.set(n,r(e.call(t,t.__data__,u,a)))}:(e=r(e),function(t){t.__transition__[i].tween.set(n,e)}))}function Fn(){for(var t,n=Date.now(),e=qa;e;)t=n-e.then,t>=e.delay&&(e.flush=e.callback(t)),e=e.next;var r=Hn()-n;r>24?(isFinite(r)&&(clearTimeout(Aa),Aa=setTimeout(Fn,r)),Ea=0):(Ea=1,Ca(Fn))}function Hn(){for(var t=null,n=qa,e=1/0;n;)n.flush?(delete Ta[n.callback.id],n=t?t.next=n.next:qa=n.next):(e=Math.min(e,n.then+n.delay),n=(t=n).next);return e}function Rn(t,n){var e=t.ownerSVGElement||t;if(e.createSVGPoint){var r=e.createSVGPoint();if(0>za&&(window.scrollX||window.scrollY)){e=d3.select(document.body).append("svg").style("position","absolute").style("top",0).style("left",0);var i=e[0][0].getScreenCTM();za=!(i.f||i.e),e.remove()}return za?(r.x=n.pageX,r.y=n.pageY):(r.x=n.clientX,r.y=n.clientY),r=r.matrixTransform(t.getScreenCTM().inverse()),[r.x,r.y]}var u=t.getBoundingClientRect();return[n.clientX-u.left-t.clientLeft,n.clientY-u.top-t.clientTop]}function Pn(){}function jn(t){var n=t[0],e=t[t.length-1];return e>n?[n,e]:[e,n]}function On(t){return t.rangeExtent?t.rangeExtent():jn(t.range())}function Yn(t,n){var e,r=0,i=t.length-1,u=t[r],a=t[i];return u>a&&(e=r,r=i,i=e,e=u,u=a,a=e),(n=n(a-u))&&(t[r]=n.floor(u),t[i]=n.ceil(a)),t}function Un(){return Math}function In(t,n,e,r){function i(){var i=Math.min(t.length,n.length)>2?Gn:Jn,c=r?Z:X;return a=i(t,n,c,e),o=i(n,t,c,d3.interpolate),u}function u(t){return a(t)}var a,o;return u.invert=function(t){return o(t)},u.domain=function(n){return arguments.length?(t=n.map(Number),i()):t},u.range=function(t){return arguments.length?(n=t,i()):n},u.rangeRound=function(t){return u.range(t).interpolate(d3.interpolateRound)},u.clamp=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=t,i()):r},u.interpolate=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=t,i()):e},u.ticks=function(n){return Bn(t,n)},u.tickFormat=function(n){return $n(t,n)},u.nice=function(){return Yn(t,Xn),i()},u.copy=function(){return In(t,n,e,r)},i()}function Vn(t,n){return d3.rebind(t,n,"range","rangeRound","interpolate","clamp")}function Xn(t){return t=Math.pow(10,Math.round(Math.log(t)/Math.LN10)-1),t&&{floor:function(n){return Math.floor(n/t)*t},ceil:function(n){return Math.ceil(n/t)*t}}}function Zn(t,n){var e=jn(t),r=e[1]-e[0],i=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log(r/n)/Math.LN10)),u=n/r*i;return.15>=u?i*=10:.35>=u?i*=5:.75>=u&&(i*=2),e[0]=Math.ceil(e[0]/i)*i,e[1]=Math.floor(e[1]/i)*i+.5*i,e[2]=i,e}function Bn(t,n){return d3.range.apply(d3,Zn(t,n))}function $n(t,n){return d3.format(",."+Math.max(0,-Math.floor(Math.log(Zn(t,n)[2])/Math.LN10+.01))+"f")}function Jn(t,n,e,r){var i=e(t[0],t[1]),u=r(n[0],n[1]);return function(t){return u(i(t))}}function Gn(t,n,e,r){var i=[],u=[],a=0,o=Math.min(t.length,n.length)-1;for(t[o]=++a;)i.push(e(t[a-1],t[a])),u.push(r(n[a-1],n[a]));return function(n){var e=d3.bisect(t,n,1,o)-1;return u[e](i[e](n))}}function Kn(t,n){function e(e){return t(n(e))}var r=n.pow;return e.invert=function(n){return r(t.invert(n))},e.domain=function(i){return arguments.length?(n=0>i[0]?Qn:Wn,r=n.pow,t.domain(i.map(n)),e):t.domain().map(r)},e.nice=function(){return t.domain(Yn(t.domain(),Un)),e},e.ticks=function(){var e=jn(t.domain()),i=[];if(e.every(isFinite)){var u=Math.floor(e[0]),a=Math.ceil(e[1]),o=r(e[0]),c=r(e[1]);if(n===Qn)for(i.push(r(u));a>u++;)for(var l=9;l>0;l--)i.push(r(u)*l);else{for(;a>u;u++)for(var l=1;10>l;l++)i.push(r(u)*l);i.push(r(u))}for(u=0;o>i[u];u++);for(a=i.length;i[a-1]>c;a--);i=i.slice(u,a)}return i},e.tickFormat=function(t,i){if(2>arguments.length&&(i=Da),!arguments.length)return i;var u,a=Math.max(.1,t/e.ticks().length),o=n===Qn?(u=-1e-12,Math.floor):(u=1e-12,Math.ceil);return function(t){return a>=t/r(o(n(t)+u))?i(t):""}},e.copy=function(){return Kn(t.copy(),n)},Vn(e,t)}function Wn(t){return Math.log(0>t?0:t)/Math.LN10}function Qn(t){return-Math.log(t>0?0:-t)/Math.LN10}function te(t,n){function e(n){return t(r(n))}var r=ne(n),i=ne(1/n);return e.invert=function(n){return i(t.invert(n))},e.domain=function(n){return arguments.length?(t.domain(n.map(r)),e):t.domain().map(i)},e.ticks=function(t){return Bn(e.domain(),t)},e.tickFormat=function(t){return $n(e.domain(),t)},e.nice=function(){return e.domain(Yn(e.domain(),Xn))},e.exponent=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return n;var u=e.domain();return r=ne(n=t),i=ne(1/n),e.domain(u)},e.copy=function(){return te(t.copy(),n)},Vn(e,t)}function ne(t){return function(n){return 0>n?-Math.pow(-n,t):Math.pow(n,t)}}function ee(t,n){function e(n){return a[((i.get(n)||i.set(n,t.push(n)))-1)%a.length]}function r(n,e){return d3.range(t.length).map(function(t){return n+e*t})}var i,a,o;return e.domain=function(r){if(!arguments.length)return t;t=[],i=new u;for(var a,o=-1,c=r.length;c>++o;)i.has(a=r[o])||i.set(a,t.push(a));return e[n.t].apply(e,n.a)},e.range=function(t){return arguments.length?(a=t,o=0,n={t:"range",a:arguments},e):a},e.rangePoints=function(i,u){2>arguments.length&&(u=0);var c=i[0],l=i[1],s=(l-c)/(Math.max(1,t.length-1)+u);return a=r(2>t.length?(c+l)/2:c+s*u/2,s),o=0,n={t:"rangePoints",a:arguments},e},e.rangeBands=function(i,u,c){2>arguments.length&&(u=0),3>arguments.length&&(c=u);var l=i[1]arguments.length&&(u=0),3>arguments.length&&(c=u);var l=i[1]++e;)i[e-1]=d3.quantile(t,e/u);return r}function r(t){return isNaN(t=+t)?0/0:n[d3.bisect(i,t)]}var i;return r.domain=function(n){return arguments.length?(t=n.filter(function(t){return!isNaN(t)}).sort(d3.ascending),e()):t},r.range=function(t){return arguments.length?(n=t,e()):n},r.quantiles=function(){return i},r.copy=function(){return re(t,n)},e()}function ie(t,n,e){function r(n){return e[Math.max(0,Math.min(a,Math.floor(u*(n-t))))]}function i(){return u=e.length/(n-t),a=e.length-1,r}var u,a;return r.domain=function(e){return arguments.length?(t=+e[0],n=+e[e.length-1],i()):[t,n]},r.range=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=t,i()):e},r.copy=function(){return ie(t,n,e)},i()}function ue(t,n){function e(e){return n[d3.bisect(t,e)]}return e.domain=function(n){return arguments.length?(t=n,e):t},e.range=function(t){return arguments.length?(n=t,e):n},e.copy=function(){return ue(t,n)},e}function ae(t){function n(t){return+t}return n.invert=n,n.domain=n.range=function(e){return arguments.length?(t=e.map(n),n):t},n.ticks=function(n){return Bn(t,n)},n.tickFormat=function(n){return $n(t,n)},n.copy=function(){return ae(t)},n}function oe(t){return t.innerRadius}function ce(t){return t.outerRadius}function le(t){return t.startAngle}function se(t){return t.endAngle}function fe(t){function n(n){function a(){s.push("M",u(t(f),l))}for(var o,s=[],f=[],h=-1,d=n.length,g=c(e),p=c(r);d>++h;)i.call(this,o=n[h],h)?f.push([+g.call(this,o,h),+p.call(this,o,h)]):f.length&&(a(),f=[]);return f.length&&a(),s.length?s.join(""):null}var e=he,r=de,i=o,u=ge,a=u.key,l=.7;return n.x=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=t,n):e},n.y=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=t,n):r},n.defined=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=t,n):i},n.interpolate=function(t){return arguments.length?(a="function"==typeof t?u=t:(u=Oa.get(t)||ge).key,n):a},n.tension=function(t){return arguments.length?(l=t,n):l},n}function he(t){return t[0]}function de(t){return t[1]}function ge(t){return t.join("L")}function pe(t){return ge(t)+"Z"}function me(t){for(var n=0,e=t.length,r=t[0],i=[r[0],",",r[1]];e>++n;)i.push("V",(r=t[n])[1],"H",r[0]);return i.join("")}function ve(t){for(var n=0,e=t.length,r=t[0],i=[r[0],",",r[1]];e>++n;)i.push("H",(r=t[n])[0],"V",r[1]);return i.join("")}function ye(t,n){return 4>t.length?ge(t):t[1]+xe(t.slice(1,t.length-1),_e(t,n))}function Me(t,n){return 3>t.length?ge(t):t[0]+xe((t.push(t[0]),t),_e([t[t.length-2]].concat(t,[t[1]]),n))}function be(t,n){return 3>t.length?ge(t):t[0]+xe(t,_e(t,n))}function xe(t,n){if(1>n.length||t.length!=n.length&&t.length!=n.length+2)return ge(t);var e=t.length!=n.length,r="",i=t[0],u=t[1],a=n[0],o=a,c=1;if(e&&(r+="Q"+(u[0]-2*a[0]/3)+","+(u[1]-2*a[1]/3)+","+u[0]+","+u[1],i=t[1],c=2),n.length>1){o=n[1],u=t[c],c++,r+="C"+(i[0]+a[0])+","+(i[1]+a[1])+","+(u[0]-o[0])+","+(u[1]-o[1])+","+u[0]+","+u[1];for(var l=2;n.length>l;l++,c++)u=t[c],o=n[l],r+="S"+(u[0]-o[0])+","+(u[1]-o[1])+","+u[0]+","+u[1]}if(e){var s=t[c];r+="Q"+(u[0]+2*o[0]/3)+","+(u[1]+2*o[1]/3)+","+s[0]+","+s[1]}return r}function _e(t,n){for(var e,r=[],i=(1-n)/2,u=t[0],a=t[1],o=1,c=t.length;c>++o;)e=u,u=a,a=t[o],r.push([i*(a[0]-e[0]),i*(a[1]-e[1])]);return r}function we(t){if(3>t.length)return ge(t);var n=1,e=t.length,r=t[0],i=r[0],u=r[1],a=[i,i,i,(r=t[1])[0]],o=[u,u,u,r[1]],c=[i,",",u];for(Ne(c,a,o);e>++n;)r=t[n],a.shift(),a.push(r[0]),o.shift(),o.push(r[1]),Ne(c,a,o);for(n=-1;2>++n;)a.shift(),a.push(r[0]),o.shift(),o.push(r[1]),Ne(c,a,o);return c.join("")}function Se(t){if(4>t.length)return ge(t);for(var n,e=[],r=-1,i=t.length,u=[0],a=[0];3>++r;)n=t[r],u.push(n[0]),a.push(n[1]);for(e.push(Ae(Ia,u)+","+Ae(Ia,a)),--r;i>++r;)n=t[r],u.shift(),u.push(n[0]),a.shift(),a.push(n[1]),Ne(e,u,a);return e.join("")}function ke(t){for(var n,e,r=-1,i=t.length,u=i+4,a=[],o=[];4>++r;)e=t[r%i],a.push(e[0]),o.push(e[1]);for(n=[Ae(Ia,a),",",Ae(Ia,o)],--r;u>++r;)e=t[r%i],a.shift(),a.push(e[0]),o.shift(),o.push(e[1]),Ne(n,a,o);return n.join("")}function Ee(t,n){var e=t.length-1;if(e)for(var r,i,u=t[0][0],a=t[0][1],o=t[e][0]-u,c=t[e][1]-a,l=-1;e>=++l;)r=t[l],i=l/e,r[0]=n*r[0]+(1-n)*(u+i*o),r[1]=n*r[1]+(1-n)*(a+i*c);return we(t)}function Ae(t,n){return t[0]*n[0]+t[1]*n[1]+t[2]*n[2]+t[3]*n[3]}function Ne(t,n,e){t.push("C",Ae(Ya,n),",",Ae(Ya,e),",",Ae(Ua,n),",",Ae(Ua,e),",",Ae(Ia,n),",",Ae(Ia,e))}function Te(t,n){return(n[1]-t[1])/(n[0]-t[0])}function qe(t){for(var n=0,e=t.length-1,r=[],i=t[0],u=t[1],a=r[0]=Te(i,u);e>++n;)r[n]=(a+(a=Te(i=u,u=t[n+1])))/2;return r[n]=a,r}function Ce(t){for(var n,e,r,i,u=[],a=qe(t),o=-1,c=t.length-1;c>++o;)n=Te(t[o],t[o+1]),1e-6>Math.abs(n)?a[o]=a[o+1]=0:(e=a[o]/n,r=a[o+1]/n,i=e*e+r*r,i>9&&(i=3*n/Math.sqrt(i),a[o]=i*e,a[o+1]=i*r));for(o=-1;c>=++o;)i=(t[Math.min(c,o+1)][0]-t[Math.max(0,o-1)][0])/(6*(1+a[o]*a[o])),u.push([i||0,a[o]*i||0]);return u}function ze(t){return 3>t.length?ge(t):t[0]+xe(t,Ce(t))}function De(t){for(var n,e,r,i=-1,u=t.length;u>++i;)n=t[i],e=n[0],r=n[1]+Pa,n[0]=e*Math.cos(r),n[1]=e*Math.sin(r);return t}function Le(t){function n(n){function o(){m.push("M",l(t(y),d),h,f(t(v.reverse()),d),"Z")}for(var s,g,p,m=[],v=[],y=[],M=-1,b=n.length,x=c(e),_=c(i),w=e===r?function(){return g}:c(r),S=i===u?function(){return p}:c(u);b>++M;)a.call(this,s=n[M],M)?(v.push([g=+x.call(this,s,M),p=+_.call(this,s,M)]),y.push([+w.call(this,s,M),+S.call(this,s,M)])):v.length&&(o(),v=[],y=[]);return v.length&&o(),m.length?m.join(""):null}var e=he,r=he,i=0,u=de,a=o,l=ge,s=l.key,f=l,h="L",d=.7;return n.x=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=r=t,n):r},n.x0=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=t,n):e},n.x1=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=t,n):r},n.y=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=u=t,n):u},n.y0=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=t,n):i},n.y1=function(t){return arguments.length?(u=t,n):u},n.defined=function(t){return arguments.length?(a=t,n):a},n.interpolate=function(t){return arguments.length?(s="function"==typeof t?l=t:(l=Oa.get(t)||ge).key,f=l.reverse||l,h=l.closed?"M":"L",n):s},n.tension=function(t){return arguments.length?(d=t,n):d},n}function Fe(t){return t.radius}function He(t){return[t.x,t.y]}function Re(t){return function(){var n=t.apply(this,arguments),e=n[0],r=n[1]+Pa;return[e*Math.cos(r),e*Math.sin(r)]}}function Pe(){return 64}function je(){return"circle"}function Oe(t){var n=Math.sqrt(t/Ru);return"M0,"+n+"A"+n+","+n+" 0 1,1 0,"+-n+"A"+n+","+n+" 0 1,1 0,"+n+"Z"}function Ye(t,n){t.attr("transform",function(t){return"translate("+n(t)+",0)"})}function Ue(t,n){t.attr("transform",function(t){return"translate(0,"+n(t)+")"})}function Ie(t,n,e){if(r=[],e&&n.length>1){for(var r,i,u,a=jn(t.domain()),o=-1,c=n.length,l=(n[1]-n[0])/++e;c>++o;)for(i=e;--i>0;)(u=+n[o]-i*l)>=a[0]&&r.push(u);for(--o,i=0;e>++i&&(u=+n[o]+i*l)++c;)u=a[c],null!=u&&(We(u,n,e),t.charge+=u.charge,r+=u.charge*u.cx,i+=u.charge*u.cy);if(t.point){t.leaf||(t.point.x+=Math.random()-.5,t.point.y+=Math.random()-.5);var l=n*e[t.point.index];t.charge+=t.pointCharge=l,r+=l*t.point.x,i+=l*t.point.y}t.cx=r/t.charge,t.cy=i/t.charge}function Qe(){return 20}function tr(){return 1}function nr(t){return t.x}function er(t){return t.y}function rr(t,n,e){t.y0=n,t.y=e}function ir(t){return d3.range(t.length)}function ur(t){for(var n=-1,e=t[0].length,r=[];e>++n;)r[n]=0;return r}function ar(t){for(var n,e=1,r=0,i=t[0][1],u=t.length;u>e;++e)(n=t[e][1])>i&&(r=e,i=n);return r}function or(t){return t.reduce(cr,0)}function cr(t,n){return t+n[1]}function lr(t,n){return sr(t,Math.ceil(Math.log(n.length)/Math.LN2+1))}function sr(t,n){for(var e=-1,r=+t[0],i=(t[1]-r)/n,u=[];n>=++e;)u[e]=i*e+r;return u}function fr(t){return[d3.min(t),d3.max(t)]}function hr(t,n){return d3.rebind(t,n,"sort","children","value"),t.nodes=t,t.links=mr,t}function dr(t){return t.children}function gr(t){return t.value}function pr(t,n){return n.value-t.value}function mr(t){return d3.merge(t.map(function(t){return(t.children||[]).map(function(n){return{source:t,target:n}})}))}function vr(t,n){return t.value-n.value}function yr(t,n){var e=t._pack_next;t._pack_next=n,n._pack_prev=t,n._pack_next=e,e._pack_prev=n}function Mr(t,n){t._pack_next=n,n._pack_prev=t}function br(t,n){var e=n.x-t.x,r=n.y-t.y,i=t.r+n.r;return i*i-e*e-r*r>.001}function xr(t){function n(t){s=Math.min(t.x-t.r,s),f=Math.max(t.x+t.r,f),h=Math.min(t.y-t.r,h),d=Math.max(t.y+t.r,d)}if((e=t.children)&&(l=e.length)){var e,r,i,u,a,o,c,l,s=1/0,f=-1/0,h=1/0,d=-1/0;if(e.forEach(_r),r=e[0],r.x=-r.r,r.y=0,n(r),l>1&&(i=e[1],i.x=i.r,i.y=0,n(i),l>2))for(u=e[2],kr(r,i,u),n(u),yr(r,u),r._pack_prev=u,yr(u,i),i=r._pack_next,a=3;l>a;a++){kr(r,i,u=e[a]);var g=0,p=1,m=1;for(o=i._pack_next;o!==i;o=o._pack_next,p++)if(br(o,u)){g=1;break}if(1==g)for(c=r._pack_prev;c!==o._pack_prev&&!br(c,u);c=c._pack_prev,m++);g?(m>p||p==m&&i.ra;a++)u=e[a],u.x-=v,u.y-=y,M=Math.max(M,u.r+Math.sqrt(u.x*u.x+u.y*u.y));t.r=M,e.forEach(wr)}}function _r(t){t._pack_next=t._pack_prev=t}function wr(t){delete t._pack_next,delete t._pack_prev}function Sr(t,n,e,r){var i=t.children;if(t.x=n+=r*t.x,t.y=e+=r*t.y,t.r*=r,i)for(var u=-1,a=i.length;a>++u;)Sr(i[u],n,e,r)}function kr(t,n,e){var r=t.r+e.r,i=n.x-t.x,u=n.y-t.y;if(r&&(i||u)){var a=n.r+e.r,o=i*i+u*u;a*=a,r*=r;var c=.5+(r-a)/(2*o),l=Math.sqrt(Math.max(0,2*a*(r+o)-(r-=o)*r-a*a))/(2*o);e.x=t.x+c*i+l*u,e.y=t.y+c*u-l*i}else e.x=t.x+r,e.y=t.y}function Er(t){return 1+d3.max(t,function(t){return t.y})}function Ar(t){return t.reduce(function(t,n){return t+n.x},0)/t.length}function Nr(t){var n=t.children;return n&&n.length?Nr(n[0]):t}function Tr(t){var n,e=t.children;return e&&(n=e.length)?Tr(e[n-1]):t}function qr(t,n){return t.parent==n.parent?1:2}function Cr(t){var n=t.children;return n&&n.length?n[0]:t._tree.thread}function zr(t){var n,e=t.children;return e&&(n=e.length)?e[n-1]:t._tree.thread}function Dr(t,n){var e=t.children;if(e&&(i=e.length))for(var r,i,u=-1;i>++u;)n(r=Dr(e[u],n),t)>0&&(t=r);return t}function Lr(t,n){return t.x-n.x}function Fr(t,n){return n.x-t.x}function Hr(t,n){return t.depth-n.depth}function Rr(t,n){function e(t,r){var i=t.children;if(i&&(a=i.length))for(var u,a,o=null,c=-1;a>++c;)u=i[c],e(u,o),o=u;n(t,r)}e(t,null)}function Pr(t){for(var n,e=0,r=0,i=t.children,u=i.length;--u>=0;)n=i[u]._tree,n.prelim+=e,n.mod+=e,e+=n.shift+(r+=n.change)}function jr(t,n,e){t=t._tree,n=n._tree;var r=e/(n.number-t.number);t.change+=r,n.change-=r,n.shift+=e,n.prelim+=e,n.mod+=e}function Or(t,n,e){return t._tree.ancestor.parent==n.parent?t._tree.ancestor:e}function Yr(t){return{x:t.x,y:t.y,dx:t.dx,dy:t.dy}}function Ur(t,n){var e=t.x+n[3],r=t.y+n[0],i=t.dx-n[1]-n[3],u=t.dy-n[0]-n[2];return 0>i&&(e+=i/2,i=0),0>u&&(r+=u/2,u=0),{x:e,y:r,dx:i,dy:u}}function Ir(t,n){function e(t,e){return d3.xhr(t,n,e).response(r)}function r(t){return e.parse(t.responseText)}function i(n){return n.map(u).join(t)}function u(t){return a.test(t)?'"'+t.replace(/\"/g,'""')+'"':t}var a=RegExp('["'+t+"\n]"),o=t.charCodeAt(0);return e.parse=function(t){var n;return e.parseRows(t,function(t){return n?n(t):(n=Function("d","return {"+t.map(function(t,n){return JSON.stringify(t)+": d["+n+"]"}).join(",")+"}"),void 0)})},e.parseRows=function(t,n){function e(){if(s>=l)return a;if(i)return i=!1,u;var n=s;if(34===t.charCodeAt(n)){for(var e=n;l>e++;)if(34===t.charCodeAt(e)){if(34!==t.charCodeAt(e+1))break;++e}s=e+2;var r=t.charCodeAt(e+1);return 13===r?(i=!0,10===t.charCodeAt(e+2)&&++s):10===r&&(i=!0),t.substring(n+1,e).replace(/""/g,'"')}for(;l>s;){var r=t.charCodeAt(s++),c=1;if(10===r)i=!0;else if(13===r)i=!0,10===t.charCodeAt(s)&&(++s,++c);else if(r!==o)continue;return t.substring(n,s-c)}return t.substring(n)}for(var r,i,u={},a={},c=[],l=t.length,s=0,f=0;(r=e())!==a;){for(var h=[];r!==u&&r!==a;)h.push(r),r=e();(!n||(h=n(h,f++)))&&c.push(h)}return c},e.format=function(t){return t.map(i).join("\n")},e}function Vr(t,n){no.hasOwnProperty(t.type)&&no[t.type](t,n)}function Xr(t,n,e){var r,i=-1,u=t.length-e;for(n.lineStart();u>++i;)r=t[i],n.point(r[0],r[1]);n.lineEnd()}function Zr(t,n){var e=-1,r=t.length;for(n.polygonStart();r>++e;)Xr(t[e],n,1);n.polygonEnd()}function Br(t){return[Math.atan2(t[1],t[0]),Math.asin(Math.max(-1,Math.min(1,t[2])))]}function $r(t,n){return Pu>Math.abs(t[0]-n[0])&&Pu>Math.abs(t[1]-n[1])}function Jr(t){var n=t[0],e=t[1],r=Math.cos(e);return[r*Math.cos(n),r*Math.sin(n),Math.sin(e)]}function Gr(t,n){return t[0]*n[0]+t[1]*n[1]+t[2]*n[2]}function Kr(t,n){return[t[1]*n[2]-t[2]*n[1],t[2]*n[0]-t[0]*n[2],t[0]*n[1]-t[1]*n[0]]}function Wr(t,n){t[0]+=n[0],t[1]+=n[1],t[2]+=n[2]}function Qr(t,n){return[t[0]*n,t[1]*n,t[2]*n]}function ti(t){var n=Math.sqrt(t[0]*t[0]+t[1]*t[1]+t[2]*t[2]);t[0]/=n,t[1]/=n,t[2]/=n}function ni(t){function n(n){function r(e,r){e=t(e,r),n.point(e[0],e[1])}function u(){s=0/0,p.point=a,n.lineStart()}function a(r,u){var a=Jr([r,u]),o=t(r,u);e(s,f,l,h,d,g,s=o[0],f=o[1],l=r,h=a[0],d=a[1],g=a[2],i,n),n.point(s,f)}function o(){p.point=r,n.lineEnd()}function c(){var t,r,c,m,v,y,M;u(),p.point=function(n,e){a(t=n,r=e),c=s,m=f,v=h,y=d,M=g,p.point=a},p.lineEnd=function(){e(s,f,l,h,d,g,c,m,t,v,y,M,i,n),p.lineEnd=o,o()}}var l,s,f,h,d,g,p={point:r,lineStart:u,lineEnd:o,polygonStart:function(){n.polygonStart(),p.lineStart=c},polygonEnd:function(){n.polygonEnd(),p.lineStart=u}};return p}function e(n,i,u,a,o,c,l,s,f,h,d,g,p,m){var v=l-n,y=s-i,M=v*v+y*y;if(M>4*r&&p--){var b=a+h,x=o+d,_=c+g,w=Math.sqrt(b*b+x*x+_*_),S=Math.asin(_/=w),k=Pu>Math.abs(Math.abs(_)-1)?(u+f)/2:Math.atan2(x,b),E=t(k,S),A=E[0],N=E[1],T=A-n,q=N-i,C=y*T-v*q;(C*C/M>r||Math.abs((v*T+y*q)/M-.5)>.3)&&(e(n,i,u,a,o,c,A,N,k,b/=w,x/=w,_,p,m),m.point(A,N),e(A,N,k,b,x,_,l,s,f,h,d,g,p,m))}}var r=.5,i=16;return n.precision=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=(r=t*t)>0&&16,n):Math.sqrt(r)},n}function ei(t,n){function e(t,n){var e=Math.sqrt(u-2*i*Math.sin(n))/i;return[e*Math.sin(t*=i),a-e*Math.cos(t)]}var r=Math.sin(t),i=(r+Math.sin(n))/2,u=1+r*(2*i-r),a=Math.sqrt(u)/i;return e.invert=function(t,n){var e=a-n;return[Math.atan2(t,e)/i,Math.asin((u-(t*t+e*e)*i*i)/(2*i))]},e}function ri(t){function n(t,n){r>t&&(r=t),t>u&&(u=t),i>n&&(i=n),n>a&&(a=n)}function e(){o.point=o.lineEnd=Pn}var r,i,u,a,o={point:n,lineStart:Pn,lineEnd:Pn,polygonStart:function(){o.lineEnd=e},polygonEnd:function(){o.point=n}};return function(n){return a=u=-(r=i=1/0),d3.geo.stream(n,t(o)),[[r,i],[u,a]]}}function ii(t,n){if(!io){++uo,t*=ju;var e=Math.cos(n*=ju);ao+=(e*Math.cos(t)-ao)/uo,oo+=(e*Math.sin(t)-oo)/uo,co+=(Math.sin(n)-co)/uo}}function ui(){var t,n;io=1,ai(),io=2;var e=lo.point;lo.point=function(r,i){e(t=r,n=i)},lo.lineEnd=function(){lo.point(t,n),oi(),lo.lineEnd=oi}}function ai(){function t(t,i){t*=ju;var u=Math.cos(i*=ju),a=u*Math.cos(t),o=u*Math.sin(t),c=Math.sin(i),l=Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((l=e*c-r*o)*l+(l=r*a-n*c)*l+(l=n*o-e*a)*l),n*a+e*o+r*c);uo+=l,ao+=l*(n+(n=a)),oo+=l*(e+(e=o)),co+=l*(r+(r=c))}var n,e,r;io>1||(1>io&&(io=1,uo=ao=oo=co=0),lo.point=function(i,u){i*=ju;var a=Math.cos(u*=ju);n=a*Math.cos(i),e=a*Math.sin(i),r=Math.sin(u),lo.point=t})}function oi(){lo.point=ii}function ci(t,n){var e=Math.cos(t),r=Math.sin(t);return function(i,u,a,o){null!=i?(i=li(e,i),u=li(e,u),(a>0?u>i:i>u)&&(i+=2*a*Ru)):(i=t+2*a*Ru,u=t);for(var c,l=a*n,s=i;a>0?s>u:u>s;s-=l)o.point((c=Br([e,-r*Math.cos(s),-r*Math.sin(s)]))[0],c[1])}}function li(t,n){var e=Jr(n);e[0]-=t,ti(e);var r=Math.acos(Math.max(-1,Math.min(1,-e[1])));return((0>-e[2]?-r:r)+2*Math.PI-Pu)%(2*Math.PI)}function si(t,n,e){return function(r){function i(n,e){t(n,e)&&r.point(n,e)}function u(t,n){m.point(t,n)}function a(){v.point=u,m.lineStart()}function o(){v.point=i,m.lineEnd()}function c(t,n){M.point(t,n),p.push([t,n])}function l(){M.lineStart(),p=[]}function s(){c(p[0][0],p[0][1]),M.lineEnd();var t,n=M.clean(),e=y.buffer(),i=e.length;if(!i)return g=!0,d+=mi(p,-1),p=null,void 0;if(p=null,1&n){t=e[0],h+=mi(t,1);var u,i=t.length-1,a=-1;for(r.lineStart();i>++a;)r.point((u=t[a])[0],u[1]);return r.lineEnd(),void 0}i>1&&2&n&&e.push(e.pop().concat(e.shift())),f.push(e.filter(gi))}var f,h,d,g,p,m=n(r),v={point:i,lineStart:a,lineEnd:o,polygonStart:function(){v.point=c,v.lineStart=l,v.lineEnd=s,g=!1,d=h=0,f=[],r.polygonStart() +},polygonEnd:function(){v.point=i,v.lineStart=a,v.lineEnd=o,f=d3.merge(f),f.length?fi(f,e,r):(-Pu>h||g&&-Pu>d)&&(r.lineStart(),e(null,null,1,r),r.lineEnd()),r.polygonEnd(),f=null},sphere:function(){r.polygonStart(),r.lineStart(),e(null,null,1,r),r.lineEnd(),r.polygonEnd()}},y=pi(),M=n(y);return v}}function fi(t,n,e){var r=[],i=[];if(t.forEach(function(t){var n=t.length;if(!(1>=n)){var e=t[0],u=t[n-1],a={point:e,points:t,other:null,visited:!1,entry:!0,subject:!0},o={point:e,points:[e],other:a,visited:!1,entry:!1,subject:!1};a.other=o,r.push(a),i.push(o),a={point:u,points:[u],other:null,visited:!1,entry:!1,subject:!0},o={point:u,points:[u],other:a,visited:!1,entry:!0,subject:!1},a.other=o,r.push(a),i.push(o)}}),i.sort(di),hi(r),hi(i),r.length)for(var u,a,o,c=r[0];;){for(u=c;u.visited;)if((u=u.next)===c)return;a=u.points,e.lineStart();do{if(u.visited=u.other.visited=!0,u.entry){if(u.subject)for(var l=0;a.length>l;l++)e.point((o=a[l])[0],o[1]);else n(u.point,u.next.point,1,e);u=u.next}else{if(u.subject){a=u.prev.points;for(var l=a.length;--l>=0;)e.point((o=a[l])[0],o[1])}else n(u.point,u.prev.point,-1,e);u=u.prev}u=u.other,a=u.points}while(!u.visited);e.lineEnd()}}function hi(t){if(n=t.length){for(var n,e,r=0,i=t[0];n>++r;)i.next=e=t[r],e.prev=i,i=e;i.next=e=t[0],e.prev=i}}function di(t,n){return(0>(t=t.point)[0]?t[1]-Ru/2-Pu:Ru/2-t[1])-(0>(n=n.point)[0]?n[1]-Ru/2-Pu:Ru/2-n[1])}function gi(t){return t.length>1}function pi(){var t,n=[];return{lineStart:function(){n.push(t=[])},point:function(n,e){t.push([n,e])},lineEnd:Pn,buffer:function(){var e=n;return n=[],t=null,e}}}function mi(t,n){if(!(e=t.length))return 0;for(var e,r,i,u=0,a=0,o=t[0],c=o[0],l=o[1],s=Math.cos(l),f=Math.atan2(n*Math.sin(c)*s,Math.sin(l)),h=1-n*Math.cos(c)*s,d=f;e>++u;)o=t[u],s=Math.cos(l=o[1]),r=Math.atan2(n*Math.sin(c=o[0])*s,Math.sin(l)),i=1-n*Math.cos(c)*s,Pu>Math.abs(h-2)&&Pu>Math.abs(i-2)||(Pu>Math.abs(i)||Pu>Math.abs(h)||(Pu>Math.abs(Math.abs(r-f)-Ru)?i+h>2&&(a+=4*(r-f)):a+=Pu>Math.abs(h-2)?4*(r-d):((3*Ru+r-f)%(2*Ru)-Ru)*(h+i)),d=f,f=r,h=i);return a}function vi(t){var n,e=0/0,r=0/0,i=0/0;return{lineStart:function(){t.lineStart(),n=1},point:function(u,a){var o=u>0?Ru:-Ru,c=Math.abs(u-e);Pu>Math.abs(c-Ru)?(t.point(e,r=(r+a)/2>0?Ru/2:-Ru/2),t.point(i,r),t.lineEnd(),t.lineStart(),t.point(o,r),t.point(u,r),n=0):i!==o&&c>=Ru&&(Pu>Math.abs(e-i)&&(e-=i*Pu),Pu>Math.abs(u-o)&&(u-=o*Pu),r=yi(e,r,u,a),t.point(i,r),t.lineEnd(),t.lineStart(),t.point(o,r),n=0),t.point(e=u,r=a),i=o},lineEnd:function(){t.lineEnd(),e=r=0/0},clean:function(){return 2-n}}}function yi(t,n,e,r){var i,u,a=Math.sin(t-e);return Math.abs(a)>Pu?Math.atan((Math.sin(n)*(u=Math.cos(r))*Math.sin(e)-Math.sin(r)*(i=Math.cos(n))*Math.sin(t))/(i*u*a)):(n+r)/2}function Mi(t,n,e,r){var i;if(null==t)i=e*Ru/2,r.point(-Ru,i),r.point(0,i),r.point(Ru,i),r.point(Ru,0),r.point(Ru,-i),r.point(0,-i),r.point(-Ru,-i),r.point(-Ru,0),r.point(-Ru,i);else if(Math.abs(t[0]-n[0])>Pu){var u=(t[0]u}function e(t){var e,i,u,a;return{lineStart:function(){u=i=!1,a=1},point:function(o,c){var l,s=[o,c],f=n(o,c);!e&&(u=i=f)&&t.lineStart(),f!==i&&(l=r(e,s),($r(e,l)||$r(s,l))&&(s[0]+=Pu,s[1]+=Pu,f=n(s[0],s[1]))),f!==i&&(a=0,(i=f)?(t.lineStart(),l=r(s,e),t.point(l[0],l[1])):(l=r(e,s),t.point(l[0],l[1]),t.lineEnd()),e=l),!f||e&&$r(e,s)||t.point(s[0],s[1]),e=s},lineEnd:function(){i&&t.lineEnd(),e=null},clean:function(){return a|(u&&i)<<1}}}function r(t,n){var e=Jr(t,0),r=Jr(n,0),i=[1,0,0],a=Kr(e,r),o=Gr(a,a),c=a[0],l=o-c*c;if(!l)return t;var s=u*o/l,f=-u*c/l,h=Kr(i,a),d=Qr(i,s),g=Qr(a,f);Wr(d,g);var p=h,m=Gr(d,p),v=Gr(p,p),y=Math.sqrt(m*m-v*(Gr(d,d)-1)),M=Qr(p,(-m-y)/v);return Wr(M,d),Br(M)}var i=t*ju,u=Math.cos(i),a=ci(i,6*ju);return si(n,e,a)}function xi(t,n){function e(e,r){return e=t(e,r),n(e[0],e[1])}return t.invert&&n.invert&&(e.invert=function(e,r){return e=n.invert(e,r),e&&t.invert(e[0],e[1])}),e}function _i(t,n){return[t,n]}function wi(t,n,e){var r=d3.range(t,n-Pu,e).concat(n);return function(t){return r.map(function(n){return[t,n]})}}function Si(t,n,e){var r=d3.range(t,n-Pu,e).concat(n);return function(t){return r.map(function(n){return[n,t]})}}function ki(t,n,e,r){function i(t){var n=Math.sin(t*=d)*g,e=Math.sin(d-t)*g,r=e*l+n*f,i=e*s+n*h,u=e*a+n*c;return[Math.atan2(i,r)/ju,Math.atan2(u,Math.sqrt(r*r+i*i))/ju]}var u=Math.cos(n),a=Math.sin(n),o=Math.cos(r),c=Math.sin(r),l=u*Math.cos(t),s=u*Math.sin(t),f=o*Math.cos(e),h=o*Math.sin(e),d=Math.acos(Math.max(-1,Math.min(1,a*c+u*o*Math.cos(e-t)))),g=1/Math.sin(d);return i.distance=d,i}function Ei(t,n){return[t/(2*Ru),Math.max(-.5,Math.min(.5,Math.log(Math.tan(Ru/4+n/2))/(2*Ru)))]}function Ai(t){return"m0,"+t+"a"+t+","+t+" 0 1,1 0,"+-2*t+"a"+t+","+t+" 0 1,1 0,"+2*t+"z"}function Ni(t){var n=ni(function(n,e){return t([n*Ou,e*Ou])});return function(t){return t=n(t),{point:function(n,e){t.point(n*ju,e*ju)},sphere:function(){t.sphere()},lineStart:function(){t.lineStart()},lineEnd:function(){t.lineEnd()},polygonStart:function(){t.polygonStart()},polygonEnd:function(){t.polygonEnd()}}}}function Ti(){function t(t,n){a.push("M",t,",",n,u)}function n(t,n){a.push("M",t,",",n),o.point=e}function e(t,n){a.push("L",t,",",n)}function r(){o.point=t}function i(){a.push("Z")}var u=Ai(4.5),a=[],o={point:t,lineStart:function(){o.point=n},lineEnd:r,polygonStart:function(){o.lineEnd=i},polygonEnd:function(){o.lineEnd=r,o.point=t},pointRadius:function(t){return u=Ai(t),o},result:function(){if(a.length){var t=a.join("");return a=[],t}}};return o}function qi(t){function n(n,e){t.moveTo(n,e),t.arc(n,e,a,0,2*Ru)}function e(n,e){t.moveTo(n,e),o.point=r}function r(n,e){t.lineTo(n,e)}function i(){o.point=n}function u(){t.closePath()}var a=4.5,o={point:n,lineStart:function(){o.point=e},lineEnd:i,polygonStart:function(){o.lineEnd=u},polygonEnd:function(){o.lineEnd=i,o.point=n},pointRadius:function(t){return a=t,o},result:Pn};return o}function Ci(){function t(t,n){po+=i*t-r*n,r=t,i=n}var n,e,r,i;mo.point=function(u,a){mo.point=t,n=r=u,e=i=a},mo.lineEnd=function(){t(n,e)}}function zi(t,n){io||(ao+=t,oo+=n,++co)}function Di(){function t(t,r){var i=t-n,u=r-e,a=Math.sqrt(i*i+u*u);ao+=a*(n+t)/2,oo+=a*(e+r)/2,co+=a,n=t,e=r}var n,e;if(1!==io){if(!(1>io))return;io=1,ao=oo=co=0}vo.point=function(r,i){vo.point=t,n=r,e=i}}function Li(){vo.point=zi}function Fi(){function t(t,n){var e=i*t-r*n;ao+=e*(r+t),oo+=e*(i+n),co+=3*e,r=t,i=n}var n,e,r,i;2>io&&(io=2,ao=oo=co=0),vo.point=function(u,a){vo.point=t,n=r=u,e=i=a},vo.lineEnd=function(){t(n,e)}}function Hi(){function t(t,n){if(t*=ju,n*=ju,!(Pu>Math.abs(Math.abs(u)-Ru/2)&&Pu>Math.abs(Math.abs(n)-Ru/2))){var e=Math.cos(n),c=Math.sin(n);if(Pu>Math.abs(u-Ru/2))Mo+=2*(t-r);else{var l=t-i,s=Math.cos(l),f=Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((f=e*Math.sin(l))*f+(f=a*c-o*e*s)*f),o*c+a*e*s),h=(f+Ru+u+n)/4;Mo+=(0>l&&l>-Ru||l>Ru?-4:4)*Math.atan(Math.sqrt(Math.abs(Math.tan(h)*Math.tan(h-f/2)*Math.tan(h-Ru/4-u/2)*Math.tan(h-Ru/4-n/2))))}r=i,i=t,u=n,a=e,o=c}}var n,e,r,i,u,a,o;bo.point=function(c,l){bo.point=t,r=i=(n=c)*ju,u=(e=l)*ju,a=Math.cos(u),o=Math.sin(u)},bo.lineEnd=function(){t(n,e)}}function Ri(t){return Pi(function(){return t})()}function Pi(t){function n(t){return t=a(t[0]*ju,t[1]*ju),[t[0]*s+o,c-t[1]*s]}function e(t){return t=a.invert((t[0]-o)/s,(c-t[1])/s),t&&[t[0]*Ou,t[1]*Ou]}function r(){a=xi(u=Oi(p,m,v),i);var t=i(d,g);return o=f-t[0]*s,c=h+t[1]*s,n}var i,u,a,o,c,l=ni(function(t,n){return t=i(t,n),[t[0]*s+o,c-t[1]*s]}),s=150,f=480,h=250,d=0,g=0,p=0,m=0,v=0,y=so,M=null;return n.stream=function(t){return ji(u,y(l(t)))},n.clipAngle=function(t){return arguments.length?(y=null==t?(M=t,so):bi(M=+t),n):M},n.scale=function(t){return arguments.length?(s=+t,r()):s},n.translate=function(t){return arguments.length?(f=+t[0],h=+t[1],r()):[f,h]},n.center=function(t){return arguments.length?(d=t[0]%360*ju,g=t[1]%360*ju,r()):[d*Ou,g*Ou]},n.rotate=function(t){return arguments.length?(p=t[0]%360*ju,m=t[1]%360*ju,v=t.length>2?t[2]%360*ju:0,r()):[p*Ou,m*Ou,v*Ou]},d3.rebind(n,l,"precision"),function(){return i=t.apply(this,arguments),n.invert=i.invert&&e,r()}}function ji(t,n){return{point:function(e,r){r=t(e*ju,r*ju),e=r[0],n.point(e>Ru?e-2*Ru:-Ru>e?e+2*Ru:e,r[1])},sphere:function(){n.sphere()},lineStart:function(){n.lineStart()},lineEnd:function(){n.lineEnd()},polygonStart:function(){n.polygonStart()},polygonEnd:function(){n.polygonEnd()}}}function Oi(t,n,e){return t?n||e?xi(Ui(t),Ii(n,e)):Ui(t):n||e?Ii(n,e):_i}function Yi(t){return function(n,e){return n+=t,[n>Ru?n-2*Ru:-Ru>n?n+2*Ru:n,e]}}function Ui(t){var n=Yi(t);return n.invert=Yi(-t),n}function Ii(t,n){function e(t,n){var e=Math.cos(n),o=Math.cos(t)*e,c=Math.sin(t)*e,l=Math.sin(n),s=l*r+o*i;return[Math.atan2(c*u-s*a,o*r-l*i),Math.asin(Math.max(-1,Math.min(1,s*u+c*a)))]}var r=Math.cos(t),i=Math.sin(t),u=Math.cos(n),a=Math.sin(n);return e.invert=function(t,n){var e=Math.cos(n),o=Math.cos(t)*e,c=Math.sin(t)*e,l=Math.sin(n),s=l*u-c*a;return[Math.atan2(c*u+l*a,o*r+s*i),Math.asin(Math.max(-1,Math.min(1,s*r-o*i)))]},e}function Vi(t,n){function e(n,e){var r=Math.cos(n),i=Math.cos(e),u=t(r*i);return[u*i*Math.sin(n),u*Math.sin(e)]}return e.invert=function(t,e){var r=Math.sqrt(t*t+e*e),i=n(r),u=Math.sin(i),a=Math.cos(i);return[Math.atan2(t*u,r*a),Math.asin(r&&e*u/r)]},e}function Xi(t,n,e,r){var i,u,a,o,c,l,s;return i=r[t],u=i[0],a=i[1],i=r[n],o=i[0],c=i[1],i=r[e],l=i[0],s=i[1],(s-a)*(o-u)-(c-a)*(l-u)>0}function Zi(t,n,e){return(e[0]-n[0])*(t[1]-n[1])<(e[1]-n[1])*(t[0]-n[0])}function Bi(t,n,e,r){var i=t[0],u=e[0],a=n[0]-i,o=r[0]-u,c=t[1],l=e[1],s=n[1]-c,f=r[1]-l,h=(o*(c-l)-f*(i-u))/(f*a-o*s);return[i+h*a,c+h*s]}function $i(t,n){var e={list:t.map(function(t,n){return{index:n,x:t[0],y:t[1]}}).sort(function(t,n){return t.yn.y?1:t.xn.x?1:0}),bottomSite:null},r={list:[],leftEnd:null,rightEnd:null,init:function(){r.leftEnd=r.createHalfEdge(null,"l"),r.rightEnd=r.createHalfEdge(null,"l"),r.leftEnd.r=r.rightEnd,r.rightEnd.l=r.leftEnd,r.list.unshift(r.leftEnd,r.rightEnd)},createHalfEdge:function(t,n){return{edge:t,side:n,vertex:null,l:null,r:null}},insert:function(t,n){n.l=t,n.r=t.r,t.r.l=n,t.r=n},leftBound:function(t){var n=r.leftEnd;do n=n.r;while(n!=r.rightEnd&&i.rightOf(n,t));return n=n.l},del:function(t){t.l.r=t.r,t.r.l=t.l,t.edge=null},right:function(t){return t.r},left:function(t){return t.l},leftRegion:function(t){return null==t.edge?e.bottomSite:t.edge.region[t.side]},rightRegion:function(t){return null==t.edge?e.bottomSite:t.edge.region[_o[t.side]]}},i={bisect:function(t,n){var e={region:{l:t,r:n},ep:{l:null,r:null}},r=n.x-t.x,i=n.y-t.y,u=r>0?r:-r,a=i>0?i:-i;return e.c=t.x*r+t.y*i+.5*(r*r+i*i),u>a?(e.a=1,e.b=i/r,e.c/=r):(e.b=1,e.a=r/i,e.c/=i),e},intersect:function(t,n){var e=t.edge,r=n.edge;if(!e||!r||e.region.r==r.region.r)return null;var i=e.a*r.b-e.b*r.a;if(1e-10>Math.abs(i))return null;var u,a,o=(e.c*r.b-r.c*e.b)/i,c=(r.c*e.a-e.c*r.a)/i,l=e.region.r,s=r.region.r;l.y=a.region.r.x;return f&&"l"===u.side||!f&&"r"===u.side?null:{x:o,y:c}},rightOf:function(t,n){var e=t.edge,r=e.region.r,i=n.x>r.x;if(i&&"l"===t.side)return 1;if(!i&&"r"===t.side)return 0;if(1===e.a){var u=n.y-r.y,a=n.x-r.x,o=0,c=0;if(!i&&0>e.b||i&&e.b>=0?c=o=u>=e.b*a:(c=n.x+n.y*e.b>e.c,0>e.b&&(c=!c),c||(o=1)),!o){var l=r.x-e.region.l.x;c=e.b*(a*a-u*u)e.b&&(c=!c)}}else{var s=e.c-e.a*n.x,f=n.y-s,h=n.x-r.x,d=s-r.y;c=f*f>h*h+d*d}return"l"===t.side?c:!c},endPoint:function(t,e,r){t.ep[e]=r,t.ep[_o[e]]&&n(t)},distance:function(t,n){var e=t.x-n.x,r=t.y-n.y;return Math.sqrt(e*e+r*r)}},u={list:[],insert:function(t,n,e){t.vertex=n,t.ystar=n.y+e;for(var r=0,i=u.list,a=i.length;a>r;r++){var o=i[r];if(!(t.ystar>o.ystar||t.ystar==o.ystar&&n.x>o.vertex.x))break}i.splice(r,0,t)},del:function(t){for(var n=0,e=u.list,r=e.length;r>n&&e[n]!=t;++n);e.splice(n,1)},empty:function(){return 0===u.list.length},nextEvent:function(t){for(var n=0,e=u.list,r=e.length;r>n;++n)if(e[n]==t)return e[n+1];return null},min:function(){var t=u.list[0];return{x:t.vertex.x,y:t.ystar}},extractMin:function(){return u.list.shift()}};r.init(),e.bottomSite=e.list.shift();for(var a,o,c,l,s,f,h,d,g,p,m,v,y,M=e.list.shift();;)if(u.empty()||(a=u.min()),M&&(u.empty()||M.yd.y&&(g=h,h=d,d=g,y="r"),v=i.bisect(h,d),f=r.createHalfEdge(v,y),r.insert(l,f),i.endPoint(v,_o[y],m),p=i.intersect(l,f),p&&(u.del(l),u.insert(l,p,i.distance(p,h))),p=i.intersect(f,s),p&&u.insert(f,p,i.distance(p,h))}for(o=r.right(r.leftEnd);o!=r.rightEnd;o=r.right(o))n(o.edge)}function Ji(){return{leaf:!0,nodes:[],point:null}}function Gi(t,n,e,r,i,u){if(!t(n,e,r,i,u)){var a=.5*(e+i),o=.5*(r+u),c=n.nodes;c[0]&&Gi(t,c[0],e,r,a,o),c[1]&&Gi(t,c[1],a,r,i,o),c[2]&&Gi(t,c[2],e,o,a,u),c[3]&&Gi(t,c[3],a,o,i,u)}}function Ki(){this._=new Date(arguments.length>1?Date.UTC.apply(this,arguments):arguments[0])}function Wi(t,n,e,r){for(var i,u,a=0,o=n.length,c=e.length;o>a;){if(r>=c)return-1;if(i=n.charCodeAt(a++),37===i){if(u=Yo[n.charAt(a++)],!u||0>(r=u(t,e,r)))return-1}else if(i!=e.charCodeAt(r++))return-1}return r}function Qi(t){return RegExp("^(?:"+t.map(d3.requote).join("|")+")","i")}function tu(t){for(var n=new u,e=-1,r=t.length;r>++e;)n.set(t[e].toLowerCase(),e);return n}function nu(t,n,e){t+="";var r=t.length;return e>r?Array(e-r+1).join(n)+t:t}function eu(t,n,e){Lo.lastIndex=0;var r=Lo.exec(n.substring(e));return r?e+=r[0].length:-1}function ru(t,n,e){Do.lastIndex=0;var r=Do.exec(n.substring(e));return r?e+=r[0].length:-1}function iu(t,n,e){Ro.lastIndex=0;var r=Ro.exec(n.substring(e));return r?(t.m=Po.get(r[0].toLowerCase()),e+=r[0].length):-1}function uu(t,n,e){Fo.lastIndex=0;var r=Fo.exec(n.substring(e));return r?(t.m=Ho.get(r[0].toLowerCase()),e+=r[0].length):-1}function au(t,n,e){return Wi(t,""+Oo.c,n,e)}function ou(t,n,e){return Wi(t,""+Oo.x,n,e)}function cu(t,n,e){return Wi(t,""+Oo.X,n,e)}function lu(t,n,e){Uo.lastIndex=0;var r=Uo.exec(n.substring(e,e+4));return r?(t.y=+r[0],e+=r[0].length):-1}function su(t,n,e){Uo.lastIndex=0;var r=Uo.exec(n.substring(e,e+2));return r?(t.y=fu(+r[0]),e+=r[0].length):-1}function fu(t){return t+(t>68?1900:2e3)}function hu(t,n,e){Uo.lastIndex=0;var r=Uo.exec(n.substring(e,e+2));return r?(t.m=r[0]-1,e+=r[0].length):-1}function du(t,n,e){Uo.lastIndex=0;var r=Uo.exec(n.substring(e,e+2));return r?(t.d=+r[0],e+=r[0].length):-1}function gu(t,n,e){Uo.lastIndex=0;var r=Uo.exec(n.substring(e,e+2));return r?(t.H=+r[0],e+=r[0].length):-1}function pu(t,n,e){Uo.lastIndex=0;var r=Uo.exec(n.substring(e,e+2));return r?(t.M=+r[0],e+=r[0].length):-1}function mu(t,n,e){Uo.lastIndex=0;var r=Uo.exec(n.substring(e,e+2));return r?(t.S=+r[0],e+=r[0].length):-1}function vu(t,n,e){Uo.lastIndex=0;var r=Uo.exec(n.substring(e,e+3));return r?(t.L=+r[0],e+=r[0].length):-1}function yu(t,n,e){var r=Io.get(n.substring(e,e+=2).toLowerCase());return null==r?-1:(t.p=r,e)}function Mu(t){var n=t.getTimezoneOffset(),e=n>0?"-":"+",r=~~(Math.abs(n)/60),i=Math.abs(n)%60;return e+nu(r,"0",2)+nu(i,"0",2)}function bu(t){return t.toISOString()}function xu(t,n,e){function r(n){var e=t(n),r=u(e,1);return r-n>n-e?e:r}function i(e){return n(e=t(new wo(e-1)),1),e}function u(t,e){return n(t=new wo(+t),e),t}function a(t,r,u){var a=i(t),o=[];if(u>1)for(;r>a;)e(a)%u||o.push(new Date(+a)),n(a,1);else for(;r>a;)o.push(new Date(+a)),n(a,1);return o}function o(t,n,e){try{wo=Ki;var r=new Ki;return r._=t,a(r,n,e)}finally{wo=Date}}t.floor=t,t.round=r,t.ceil=i,t.offset=u,t.range=a;var c=t.utc=_u(t);return c.floor=c,c.round=_u(r),c.ceil=_u(i),c.offset=_u(u),c.range=o,t}function _u(t){return function(n,e){try{wo=Ki;var r=new Ki;return r._=n,t(r,e)._}finally{wo=Date}}}function wu(t,n,e){function r(n){return t(n)}return r.invert=function(n){return ku(t.invert(n))},r.domain=function(n){return arguments.length?(t.domain(n),r):t.domain().map(ku)},r.nice=function(t){return r.domain(Yn(r.domain(),function(){return t}))},r.ticks=function(e,i){var u=Su(r.domain());if("function"!=typeof e){var a=u[1]-u[0],o=a/e,c=d3.bisect(Xo,o);if(c==Xo.length)return n.year(u,e);if(!c)return t.ticks(e).map(ku);Math.log(o/Xo[c-1])n?[n,e]:[e,n]}function ku(t){return new Date(t)}function Eu(t){return function(n){for(var e=t.length-1,r=t[e];!r[1](n);)r=t[--e];return r[0](n)}}function Au(t){var n=new Date(t,0,1);return n.setFullYear(t),n}function Nu(t){var n=t.getFullYear(),e=Au(n),r=Au(n+1);return n+(t-e)/(r-e)}function Tu(t){var n=new Date(Date.UTC(t,0,1));return n.setUTCFullYear(t),n}function qu(t){var 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u(){m&&m.domain(p.range().map(function(t){return(t-b[0])/x}).map(p.invert)),y&&y.domain(v.range().map(function(t){return(t-b[1])/x}).map(v.invert))}function a(t){u(),d3.event.preventDefault(),t({type:"zoom",scale:x,translate:b})}function o(){function t(){l=1,i(d3.mouse(u),f),a(o)}function e(){l&&R(),s.on("mousemove.zoom",null).on("mouseup.zoom",null),l&&d3.event.target===c&&s.on("click.zoom",r,!0)}function r(){R(),s.on("click.zoom",null)}var u=this,o=w.of(u,arguments),c=d3.event.target,l=0,s=d3.select(window).on("mousemove.zoom",t).on("mouseup.zoom",e),f=n(d3.mouse(u));window.focus(),R()}function c(){d||(d=n(d3.mouse(this))),r(Math.pow(2,.002*Ve())*x),i(d3.mouse(this),d),a(w.of(this,arguments))}function l(){d=null}function s(){var t=d3.mouse(this),e=n(t),u=Math.log(x)/Math.LN2;r(Math.pow(2,d3.event.shiftKey?Math.ceil(u)-1:Math.floor(u)+1)),i(t,e),a(w.of(this,arguments))}function f(){var 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s.end({type:"end",alpha:r=0}),!0;var n,e,a,c,l,d,g,v,b,x=y.length,_=M.length;for(e=0;_>e;++e)a=M[e],c=a.source,l=a.target,v=l.x-c.x,b=l.y-c.y,(d=v*v+b*b)&&(d=r*u[e]*((d=Math.sqrt(d))-i[e])/d,v*=d,b*=d,l.x-=v*(g=c.weight/(l.weight+c.weight)),l.y-=b*g,c.x+=v*(g=1-g),c.y+=b*g);if((g=r*m)&&(v=f[0]/2,b=f[1]/2,e=-1,g))for(;x>++e;)a=y[e],a.x+=(v-a.x)*g,a.y+=(b-a.y)*g;if(p)for(We(n=d3.geom.quadtree(y),r,o),e=-1;x>++e;)(a=y[e]).fixed||n.visit(t(a));for(e=-1;x>++e;)a=y[e],a.fixed?(a.x=a.px,a.y=a.py):(a.x-=(a.px-(a.px=a.x))*h,a.y-=(a.py-(a.py=a.y))*h);s.tick({type:"tick",alpha:r})},l.nodes=function(t){return arguments.length?(y=t,l):y},l.links=function(t){return arguments.length?(M=t,l):M},l.size=function(t){return arguments.length?(f=t,l):f},l.linkDistance=function(t){return arguments.length?(d=c(t),l):d},l.distance=l.linkDistance,l.linkStrength=function(t){return arguments.length?(g=c(t),l):g},l.friction=function(t){return arguments.length?(h=t,l):h},l.charge=function(t){return 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t(a[0],0,i[0],i[1]/n(a[0])),a}var r=d3.layout.hierarchy(),i=[1,1];return e.size=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=t,e):i},hr(e,r)},d3.layout.pie=function(){function t(u){var a=u.map(function(e,r){return+n.call(t,e,r)}),o=+("function"==typeof r?r.apply(this,arguments):r),c=(("function"==typeof i?i.apply(this,arguments):i)-r)/d3.sum(a),l=d3.range(u.length);null!=e&&l.sort(e===Ka?function(t,n){return a[n]-a[t]}:function(t,n){return e(u[t],u[n])});var s=[];return l.forEach(function(t){var n;s[t]={data:u[t],value:n=a[t],startAngle:o,endAngle:o+=n*c}}),s}var n=Number,e=Ka,r=0,i=2*Ru;return t.value=function(e){return arguments.length?(n=e,t):n},t.sort=function(n){return arguments.length?(e=n,t):e},t.startAngle=function(n){return arguments.length?(r=n,t):r},t.endAngle=function(n){return arguments.length?(i=n,t):i},t};var Ka={};d3.layout.stack=function(){function t(a,c){var l=a.map(function(e,r){return n.call(t,e,r)}),s=l.map(function(n){return n.map(function(n,e){return[u.call(t,n,e),o.call(t,n,e)]})}),f=e.call(t,s,c);l=d3.permute(l,f),s=d3.permute(s,f);var h,d,g,p=r.call(t,s,c),m=l.length,v=l[0].length;for(d=0;v>d;++d)for(i.call(t,l[0][d],g=p[d],s[0][d][1]),h=1;m>h;++h)i.call(t,l[h][d],g+=s[h-1][d][1],s[h][d][1]);return a}var n=a,e=ir,r=ur,i=rr,u=nr,o=er;return t.values=function(e){return arguments.length?(n=e,t):n},t.order=function(n){return arguments.length?(e="function"==typeof n?n:Wa.get(n)||ir,t):e},t.offset=function(n){return arguments.length?(r="function"==typeof n?n:Qa.get(n)||ur,t):r},t.x=function(n){return arguments.length?(u=n,t):u},t.y=function(n){return arguments.length?(o=n,t):o},t.out=function(n){return arguments.length?(i=n,t):i},t};var Wa=d3.map({"inside-out":function(t){var n,e,r=t.length,i=t.map(ar),u=t.map(or),a=d3.range(r).sort(function(t,n){return i[t]-i[n]}),o=0,c=0,l=[],s=[];for(n=0;r>n;++n)e=a[n],c>o?(o+=u[e],l.push(e)):(c+=u[e],s.push(e));return s.reverse().concat(l)},reverse:function(t){return d3.range(t.length).reverse()},"default":ir}),Qa=d3.map({silhouette:function(t){var n,e,r,i=t.length,u=t[0].length,a=[],o=0,c=[];for(e=0;u>e;++e){for(n=0,r=0;i>n;n++)r+=t[n][e][1];r>o&&(o=r),a.push(r)}for(e=0;u>e;++e)c[e]=(o-a[e])/2;return c},wiggle:function(t){var n,e,r,i,u,a,o,c,l,s=t.length,f=t[0],h=f.length,d=[];for(d[0]=c=l=0,e=1;h>e;++e){for(n=0,i=0;s>n;++n)i+=t[n][e][1];for(n=0,u=0,o=f[e][0]-f[e-1][0];s>n;++n){for(r=0,a=(t[n][e][1]-t[n][e-1][1])/(2*o);n>r;++r)a+=(t[r][e][1]-t[r][e-1][1])/o;u+=a*t[n][e][1]}d[e]=c-=i?u/i*o:0,l>c&&(l=c)}for(e=0;h>e;++e)d[e]-=l;return d},expand:function(t){var n,e,r,i=t.length,u=t[0].length,a=1/i,o=[];for(e=0;u>e;++e){for(n=0,r=0;i>n;n++)r+=t[n][e][1];if(r)for(n=0;i>n;n++)t[n][e][1]/=r;else for(n=0;i>n;n++)t[n][e][1]=a}for(e=0;u>e;++e)o[e]=0;return o},zero:ur});d3.layout.histogram=function(){function t(t,u){for(var a,o,c=[],l=t.map(e,this),s=r.call(this,l,u),f=i.call(this,s,l,u),u=-1,h=l.length,d=f.length-1,g=n?1:1/h;d>++u;)a=c[u]=[],a.dx=f[u+1]-(a.x=f[u]),a.y=0;if(d>0)for(u=-1;h>++u;)o=l[u],o>=s[0]&&s[1]>=o&&(a=c[d3.bisect(f,o,1,d)-1],a.y+=g,a.push(t[u]));return c}var n=!0,e=Number,r=fr,i=lr;return t.value=function(n){return arguments.length?(e=n,t):e},t.range=function(n){return arguments.length?(r=c(n),t):r},t.bins=function(n){return arguments.length?(i="number"==typeof n?function(t){return sr(t,n)}:c(n),t):i},t.frequency=function(e){return arguments.length?(n=!!e,t):n},t},d3.layout.hierarchy=function(){function t(n,a,o){var c=i.call(e,n,a);if(n.depth=a,o.push(n),c&&(l=c.length)){for(var l,s,f=-1,h=n.children=[],d=0,g=a+1;l>++f;)s=t(c[f],g,o),s.parent=n,h.push(s),d+=s.value;r&&h.sort(r),u&&(n.value=d)}else u&&(n.value=+u.call(e,n,a)||0);return n}function n(t,r){var i=t.children,a=0;if(i&&(o=i.length))for(var o,c=-1,l=r+1;o>++c;)a+=n(i[c],l);else u&&(a=+u.call(e,t,r)||0);return u&&(t.value=a),a}function e(n){var e=[];return t(n,0,e),e}var r=pr,i=dr,u=gr;return e.sort=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=t,e):r},e.children=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=t,e):i},e.value=function(t){return arguments.length?(u=t,e):u},e.revalue=function(t){return n(t,0),t},e},d3.layout.pack=function(){function t(t,i){var u=n.call(this,t,i),a=u[0];a.x=0,a.y=0,Rr(a,function(t){t.r=Math.sqrt(t.value)}),Rr(a,xr);var o=r[0],c=r[1],l=Math.max(2*a.r/o,2*a.r/c);if(e>0){var s=e*l/2;Rr(a,function(t){t.r+=s}),Rr(a,xr),Rr(a,function(t){t.r-=s}),l=Math.max(2*a.r/o,2*a.r/c)}return Sr(a,o/2,c/2,1/l),u}var n=d3.layout.hierarchy().sort(vr),e=0,r=[1,1];return t.size=function(n){return arguments.length?(r=n,t):r},t.padding=function(n){return arguments.length?(e=+n,t):e},hr(t,n)},d3.layout.cluster=function(){function t(t,i){var u,a=n.call(this,t,i),o=a[0],c=0;Rr(o,function(t){var n=t.children;n&&n.length?(t.x=Ar(n),t.y=Er(n)):(t.x=u?c+=e(t,u):0,t.y=0,u=t)});var l=Nr(o),s=Tr(o),f=l.x-e(l,s)/2,h=s.x+e(s,l)/2;return Rr(o,function(t){t.x=(t.x-f)/(h-f)*r[0],t.y=(1-(o.y?t.y/o.y:1))*r[1]}),a}var n=d3.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null),e=qr,r=[1,1];return t.separation=function(n){return arguments.length?(e=n,t):e},t.size=function(n){return arguments.length?(r=n,t):r},hr(t,n)},d3.layout.tree=function(){function t(t,i){function u(t,n){var r=t.children,i=t._tree;if(r&&(a=r.length)){for(var a,c,l,s=r[0],f=s,h=-1;a>++h;)l=r[h],u(l,c),f=o(l,c,f),c=l;Pr(t);var d=.5*(s._tree.prelim+l._tree.prelim);n?(i.prelim=n._tree.prelim+e(t,n),i.mod=i.prelim-d):i.prelim=d}else n&&(i.prelim=n._tree.prelim+e(t,n))}function a(t,n){t.x=t._tree.prelim+n;var e=t.children;if(e&&(r=e.length)){var r,i=-1;for(n+=t._tree.mod;r>++i;)a(e[i],n)}}function o(t,n,r){if(n){for(var i,u=t,a=t,o=n,c=t.parent.children[0],l=u._tree.mod,s=a._tree.mod,f=o._tree.mod,h=c._tree.mod;o=zr(o),u=Cr(u),o&&u;)c=Cr(c),a=zr(a),a._tree.ancestor=t,i=o._tree.prelim+f-u._tree.prelim-l+e(o,u),i>0&&(jr(Or(o,t,r),t,i),l+=i,s+=i),f+=o._tree.mod,l+=u._tree.mod,h+=c._tree.mod,s+=a._tree.mod;o&&!zr(a)&&(a._tree.thread=o,a._tree.mod+=f-s),u&&!Cr(c)&&(c._tree.thread=u,c._tree.mod+=l-h,r=t)}return r}var c=n.call(this,t,i),l=c[0];Rr(l,function(t,n){t._tree={ancestor:t,prelim:0,mod:0,change:0,shift:0,number:n?n._tree.number+1:0}}),u(l),a(l,-l._tree.prelim);var s=Dr(l,Fr),f=Dr(l,Lr),h=Dr(l,Hr),d=s.x-e(s,f)/2,g=f.x+e(f,s)/2,p=h.depth||1;return Rr(l,function(t){t.x=(t.x-d)/(g-d)*r[0],t.y=t.depth/p*r[1],delete t._tree}),c}var n=d3.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null),e=qr,r=[1,1];return t.separation=function(n){return arguments.length?(e=n,t):e},t.size=function(n){return arguments.length?(r=n,t):r},hr(t,n)},d3.layout.treemap=function(){function t(t,n){for(var e,r,i=-1,u=t.length;u>++i;)r=(e=t[i]).value*(0>n?0:n),e.area=isNaN(r)||0>=r?0:r}function n(e){var u=e.children;if(u&&u.length){var a,o,c,l=f(e),s=[],h=u.slice(),g=1/0,p="slice"===d?l.dx:"dice"===d?l.dy:"slice-dice"===d?1&e.depth?l.dy:l.dx:Math.min(l.dx,l.dy);for(t(h,l.dx*l.dy/e.value),s.area=0;(c=h.length)>0;)s.push(a=h[c-1]),s.area+=a.area,"squarify"!==d||g>=(o=r(s,p))?(h.pop(),g=o):(s.area-=s.pop().area,i(s,p,l,!1),p=Math.min(l.dx,l.dy),s.length=s.area=0,g=1/0);s.length&&(i(s,p,l,!0),s.length=s.area=0),u.forEach(n)}}function e(n){var r=n.children;if(r&&r.length){var u,a=f(n),o=r.slice(),c=[];for(t(o,a.dx*a.dy/n.value),c.area=0;u=o.pop();)c.push(u),c.area+=u.area,null!=u.z&&(i(c,u.z?a.dx:a.dy,a,!o.length),c.length=c.area=0);r.forEach(e)}}function r(t,n){for(var e,r=t.area,i=0,u=1/0,a=-1,o=t.length;o>++a;)(e=t[a].area)&&(u>e&&(u=e),e>i&&(i=e));return r*=r,n*=n,r?Math.max(n*i*g/r,r/(n*u*g)):1/0}function i(t,n,e,r){var i,u=-1,a=t.length,o=e.x,l=e.y,s=n?c(t.area/n):0;if(n==e.dx){for((r||s>e.dy)&&(s=e.dy);a>++u;)i=t[u],i.x=o,i.y=l,i.dy=s,o+=i.dx=Math.min(e.x+e.dx-o,s?c(i.area/s):0);i.z=!0,i.dx+=e.x+e.dx-o,e.y+=s,e.dy-=s}else{for((r||s>e.dx)&&(s=e.dx);a>++u;)i=t[u],i.x=o,i.y=l,i.dx=s,l+=i.dy=Math.min(e.y+e.dy-l,s?c(i.area/s):0);i.z=!1,i.dy+=e.y+e.dy-l,e.x+=s,e.dx-=s}}function u(r){var i=a||o(r),u=i[0];return u.x=0,u.y=0,u.dx=l[0],u.dy=l[1],a&&o.revalue(u),t([u],u.dx*u.dy/u.value),(a?e:n)(u),h&&(a=i),i}var a,o=d3.layout.hierarchy(),c=Math.round,l=[1,1],s=null,f=Yr,h=!1,d="squarify",g=.5*(1+Math.sqrt(5));return u.size=function(t){return arguments.length?(l=t,u):l},u.padding=function(t){function n(n){var e=t.call(u,n,n.depth);return null==e?Yr(n):Ur(n,"number"==typeof e?[e,e,e,e]:e)}function e(n){return Ur(n,t)}if(!arguments.length)return s;var r;return f=null==(s=t)?Yr:"function"==(r=typeof t)?n:"number"===r?(t=[t,t,t,t],e):e,u},u.round=function(t){return arguments.length?(c=t?Math.round:Number,u):c!=Number},u.sticky=function(t){return arguments.length?(h=t,a=null,u):h},u.ratio=function(t){return arguments.length?(g=t,u):g},u.mode=function(t){return arguments.length?(d=t+"",u):d},hr(u,o)},d3.csv=Ir(",","text/csv"),d3.tsv=Ir(" ","text/tab-separated-values"),d3.geo={},d3.geo.stream=function(t,n){to.hasOwnProperty(t.type)?to[t.type](t,n):Vr(t,n)};var to={Feature:function(t,n){Vr(t.geometry,n)},FeatureCollection:function(t,n){for(var e=t.features,r=-1,i=e.length;i>++r;)Vr(e[r].geometry,n)}},no={Sphere:function(t,n){n.sphere()},Point:function(t,n){var e=t.coordinates;n.point(e[0],e[1])},MultiPoint:function(t,n){for(var e,r=t.coordinates,i=-1,u=r.length;u>++i;)e=r[i],n.point(e[0],e[1])},LineString:function(t,n){Xr(t.coordinates,n,0)},MultiLineString:function(t,n){for(var e=t.coordinates,r=-1,i=e.length;i>++r;)Xr(e[r],n,0)},Polygon:function(t,n){Zr(t.coordinates,n)},MultiPolygon:function(t,n){for(var e=t.coordinates,r=-1,i=e.length;i>++r;)Zr(e[r],n)},GeometryCollection:function(t,n){for(var e=t.geometries,r=-1,i=e.length;i>++r;)Vr(e[r],n)}};d3.geo.albersUsa=function(){function t(t){return n(t)(t)}function n(t){var n=t[0],a=t[1];return a>50?r:-140>n?i:21>a?u:e}var e=d3.geo.albers(),r=d3.geo.albers().rotate([160,0]).center([0,60]).parallels([55,65]),i=d3.geo.albers().rotate([160,0]).center([0,20]).parallels([8,18]),u=d3.geo.albers().rotate([60,0]).center([0,10]).parallels([8,18]);return t.scale=function(n){return arguments.length?(e.scale(n),r.scale(.6*n),i.scale(n),u.scale(1.5*n),t.translate(e.translate())):e.scale()},t.translate=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return e.translate();var a=e.scale(),o=n[0],c=n[1];return e.translate(n),r.translate([o-.4*a,c+.17*a]),i.translate([o-.19*a,c+.2*a]),u.translate([o+.58*a,c+.43*a]),t},t.scale(e.scale())},(d3.geo.albers=function(){var t=29.5*ju,n=45.5*ju,e=Pi(ei),r=e(t,n);return r.parallels=function(r){return arguments.length?e(t=r[0]*ju,n=r[1]*ju):[t*Ou,n*Ou]},r.rotate([98,0]).center([0,38]).scale(1e3)}).raw=ei;var eo=Vi(function(t){return Math.sqrt(2/(1+t))},function(t){return 2*Math.asin(t/2)});(d3.geo.azimuthalEqualArea=function(){return Ri(eo)}).raw=eo;var ro=Vi(function(t){var n=Math.acos(t);return n&&n/Math.sin(n)},a);(d3.geo.azimuthalEquidistant=function(){return Ri(ro)}).raw=ro,d3.geo.bounds=ri(a),d3.geo.centroid=function(t){io=uo=ao=oo=co=0,d3.geo.stream(t,lo);var n;return uo&&Math.abs(n=Math.sqrt(ao*ao+oo*oo+co*co))>Pu?[Math.atan2(oo,ao)*Ou,Math.asin(Math.max(-1,Math.min(1,co/n)))*Ou]:void 0};var io,uo,ao,oo,co,lo={sphere:function(){2>io&&(io=2,uo=ao=oo=co=0)},point:ii,lineStart:ai,lineEnd:oi,polygonStart:function(){2>io&&(io=2,uo=ao=oo=co=0),lo.lineStart=ui},polygonEnd:function(){lo.lineStart=ai}};d3.geo.circle=function(){function t(){var t="function"==typeof r?r.apply(this,arguments):r,n=Oi(-t[0]*ju,-t[1]*ju,0).invert,i=[];return e(null,null,1,{point:function(t,e){i.push(t=n(t,e)),t[0]*=Ou,t[1]*=Ou}}),{type:"Polygon",coordinates:[i]}}var n,e,r=[0,0],i=6;return t.origin=function(n){return arguments.length?(r=n,t):r},t.angle=function(r){return arguments.length?(e=ci((n=+r)*ju,i*ju),t):n},t.precision=function(r){return arguments.length?(e=ci(n*ju,(i=+r)*ju),t):i},t.angle(90)};var so=si(o,vi,Mi);(d3.geo.equirectangular=function(){return Ri(_i).scale(250/Ru)}).raw=_i.invert=_i;var fo=Vi(function(t){return 1/t},Math.atan);(d3.geo.gnomonic=function(){return Ri(fo)}).raw=fo,d3.geo.graticule=function(){function t(){return{type:"MultiLineString",coordinates:n()}}function n(){return d3.range(Math.ceil(r/c)*c,e,c).map(a).concat(d3.range(Math.ceil(u/l)*l,i,l).map(o))}var e,r,i,u,a,o,c=22.5,l=c,s=2.5;return t.lines=function(){return n().map(function(t){return{type:"LineString",coordinates:t}})},t.outline=function(){return{type:"Polygon",coordinates:[a(r).concat(o(i).slice(1),a(e).reverse().slice(1),o(u).reverse().slice(1))]}},t.extent=function(n){return arguments.length?(r=+n[0][0],e=+n[1][0],u=+n[0][1],i=+n[1][1],r>e&&(n=r,r=e,e=n),u>i&&(n=u,u=i,i=n),t.precision(s)):[[r,u],[e,i]]},t.step=function(n){return arguments.length?(c=+n[0],l=+n[1],t):[c,l]},t.precision=function(n){return arguments.length?(s=+n,a=wi(u,i,s),o=Si(r,e,s),t):s},t.extent([[-180+Pu,-90+Pu],[180-Pu,90-Pu]])},d3.geo.interpolate=function(t,n){return ki(t[0]*ju,t[1]*ju,n[0]*ju,n[1]*ju)},d3.geo.greatArc=function(){function e(){for(var t=r||a.apply(this,arguments),n=i||o.apply(this,arguments),e=u||d3.geo.interpolate(t,n),l=0,s=c/e.distance,f=[t];1>(l+=s);)f.push(e(l));return f.push(n),{type:"LineString",coordinates:f}}var r,i,u,a=n,o=t,c=6*ju;return e.distance=function(){return(u||d3.geo.interpolate(r||a.apply(this,arguments),i||o.apply(this,arguments))).distance},e.source=function(t){return arguments.length?(a=t,r="function"==typeof t?null:t,u=r&&i?d3.geo.interpolate(r,i):null,e):a},e.target=function(t){return arguments.length?(o=t,i="function"==typeof t?null:t,u=r&&i?d3.geo.interpolate(r,i):null,e):o},e.precision=function(t){return arguments.length?(c=t*ju,e):c/ju},e},Ei.invert=function(t,n){return[2*Ru*t,2*Math.atan(Math.exp(2*Ru*n))-Ru/2]},(d3.geo.mercator=function(){return Ri(Ei).scale(500)}).raw=Ei;var ho=Vi(function(){return 1},Math.asin);(d3.geo.orthographic=function(){return Ri(ho)}).raw=ho,d3.geo.path=function(){function t(t){return t&&d3.geo.stream(t,r(i.pointRadius("function"==typeof u?+u.apply(this,arguments):u))),i.result()}var n,e,r,i,u=4.5;return t.area=function(t){return go=0,d3.geo.stream(t,r(mo)),go},t.centroid=function(t){return io=ao=oo=co=0,d3.geo.stream(t,r(vo)),co?[ao/co,oo/co]:void 0},t.bounds=function(t){return ri(r)(t)},t.projection=function(e){return arguments.length?(r=(n=e)?e.stream||Ni(e):a,t):n},t.context=function(n){return arguments.length?(i=null==(e=n)?new Ti:new qi(n),t):e},t.pointRadius=function(n){return arguments.length?(u="function"==typeof n?n:+n,t):u},t.projection(d3.geo.albersUsa()).context(null)};var go,po,mo={point:Pn,lineStart:Pn,lineEnd:Pn,polygonStart:function(){po=0,mo.lineStart=Ci},polygonEnd:function(){mo.lineStart=mo.lineEnd=mo.point=Pn,go+=Math.abs(po/2)}},vo={point:zi,lineStart:Di,lineEnd:Li,polygonStart:function(){vo.lineStart=Fi},polygonEnd:function(){vo.point=zi,vo.lineStart=Di,vo.lineEnd=Li}};d3.geo.area=function(t){return yo=0,d3.geo.stream(t,bo),yo};var yo,Mo,bo={sphere:function(){yo+=4*Ru},point:Pn,lineStart:Pn,lineEnd:Pn,polygonStart:function(){Mo=0,bo.lineStart=Hi},polygonEnd:function(){yo+=0>Mo?4*Ru+Mo:Mo,bo.lineStart=bo.lineEnd=bo.point=Pn}};d3.geo.projection=Ri,d3.geo.projectionMutator=Pi;var xo=Vi(function(t){return 1/(1+t)},function(t){return 2*Math.atan(t)});(d3.geo.stereographic=function(){return Ri(xo)}).raw=xo,d3.geom={},d3.geom.hull=function(t){if(3>t.length)return[];var n,e,r,i,u,a,o,c,l,s,f=t.length,h=f-1,d=[],g=[],p=0;for(n=1;f>n;++n)t[n][1]n;++n)n!==p&&(i=t[n][1]-t[p][1],r=t[n][0]-t[p][0],d.push({angle:Math.atan2(i,r),index:n}));for(d.sort(function(t,n){return t.angle-n.angle}),l=d[0].angle,c=d[0].index,o=0,n=1;h>n;++n)e=d[n].index,l==d[n].angle?(r=t[c][0]-t[p][0],i=t[c][1]-t[p][1],u=t[e][0]-t[p][0],a=t[e][1]-t[p][1],r*r+i*i>=u*u+a*a?d[n].index=-1:(d[o].index=-1,l=d[n].angle,o=n,c=e)):(l=d[n].angle,o=n,c=e);for(g.push(p),n=0,e=0;2>n;++e)-1!==d[e].index&&(g.push(d[e].index),n++);for(s=g.length;h>e;++e)if(-1!==d[e].index){for(;!Xi(g[s-2],g[s-1],d[e].index,t);)--s;g[s++]=d[e].index}var m=[];for(n=0;s>n;++n)m.push(t[g[n]]);return m},d3.geom.polygon=function(t){return t.area=function(){for(var n=0,e=t.length,r=t[e-1][1]*t[0][0]-t[e-1][0]*t[0][1];e>++n;)r+=t[n-1][1]*t[n][0]-t[n-1][0]*t[n][1];return.5*r},t.centroid=function(n){var e,r,i=-1,u=t.length,a=0,o=0,c=t[u-1];for(arguments.length||(n=-1/(6*t.area()));u>++i;)e=c,c=t[i],r=e[0]*c[1]-c[0]*e[1],a+=(e[0]+c[0])*r,o+=(e[1]+c[1])*r;return[a*n,o*n]},t.clip=function(n){for(var e,r,i,u,a,o,c=-1,l=t.length,s=t[l-1];l>++c;){for(e=n.slice(),n.length=0,u=t[c],a=e[(i=e.length)-1],r=-1;i>++r;)o=e[r],Zi(o,s,u)?(Zi(a,s,u)||n.push(Bi(a,o,s,u)),n.push(o)):Zi(a,s,u)&&n.push(Bi(a,o,s,u)),a=o;s=u}return n},t},d3.geom.voronoi=function(t){var n=t.map(function(){return[]}),e=1e6;return $i(t,function(t){var r,i,u,a,o,c;1===t.a&&t.b>=0?(r=t.ep.r,i=t.ep.l):(r=t.ep.l,i=t.ep.r),1===t.a?(o=r?r.y:-e,u=t.c-t.b*o,c=i?i.y:e,a=t.c-t.b*c):(u=r?r.x:-e,o=t.c-t.a*u,a=i?i.x:e,c=t.c-t.a*a);var l=[u,o],s=[a,c];n[t.region.l.index].push(l,s),n[t.region.r.index].push(l,s)}),n=n.map(function(n,e){var r=t[e][0],i=t[e][1],u=n.map(function(t){return Math.atan2(t[0]-r,t[1]-i)});return d3.range(n.length).sort(function(t,n){return u[t]-u[n]}).filter(function(t,n,e){return!n||u[t]-u[e[n-1]]>Pu}).map(function(t){return n[t]})}),n.forEach(function(n,r){var i=n.length;if(!i)return n.push([-e,-e],[-e,e],[e,e],[e,-e]);if(!(i>2)){var u=t[r],a=n[0],o=n[1],c=u[0],l=u[1],s=a[0],f=a[1],h=o[0],d=o[1],g=Math.abs(h-s),p=d-f;if(Pu>Math.abs(p)){var m=f>l?-e:e;n.push([-e,m],[e,m])}else if(Pu>g){var v=s>c?-e:e;n.push([v,-e],[v,e])}else{var m=(s-c)*(d-f)>(h-s)*(f-l)?e:-e,y=Math.abs(p)-g;Pu>Math.abs(y)?n.push([0>p?m:-m,m]):(y>0&&(m*=-1),n.push([-e,m],[e,m]))}}}),n};var _o={l:"r",r:"l"};d3.geom.delaunay=function(t){var n=t.map(function(){return[]}),e=[];return $i(t,function(e){n[e.region.l.index].push(t[e.region.r.index])}),n.forEach(function(n,r){var i=t[r],u=i[0],a=i[1];n.forEach(function(t){t.angle=Math.atan2(t[0]-u,t[1]-a)}),n.sort(function(t,n){return t.angle-n.angle});for(var o=0,c=n.length-1;c>o;o++)e.push([i,n[o],n[o+1]])}),e},d3.geom.quadtree=function(t,n,e,r,i){function u(t,n,e,r,i,u){if(!isNaN(n.x)&&!isNaN(n.y))if(t.leaf){var o=t.point;o?.01>Math.abs(o.x-n.x)+Math.abs(o.y-n.y)?a(t,n,e,r,i,u):(t.point=null,a(t,o,e,r,i,u),a(t,n,e,r,i,u)):t.point=n}else a(t,n,e,r,i,u)}function a(t,n,e,r,i,a){var o=.5*(e+i),c=.5*(r+a),l=n.x>=o,s=n.y>=c,f=(s<<1)+l;t.leaf=!1,t=t.nodes[f]||(t.nodes[f]=Ji()),l?e=o:i=o,s?r=c:a=c,u(t,n,e,r,i,a)}var o,c=-1,l=t.length;if(5>arguments.length)if(3===arguments.length)i=e,r=n,e=n=0;else for(n=e=1/0,r=i=-1/0;l>++c;)o=t[c],n>o.x&&(n=o.x),e>o.y&&(e=o.y),o.x>r&&(r=o.x),o.y>i&&(i=o.y);var s=r-n,f=i-e;s>f?i=e+s:r=n+f;var h=Ji();return h.add=function(t){u(h,t,n,e,r,i)},h.visit=function(t){Gi(t,h,n,e,r,i)},t.forEach(h.add),h},d3.time={};var wo=Date,So=["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"];Ki.prototype={getDate:function(){return this._.getUTCDate()},getDay:function(){return this._.getUTCDay()},getFullYear:function(){return this._.getUTCFullYear()},getHours:function(){return this._.getUTCHours()},getMilliseconds:function(){return this._.getUTCMilliseconds()},getMinutes:function(){return this._.getUTCMinutes()},getMonth:function(){return this._.getUTCMonth()},getSeconds:function(){return this._.getUTCSeconds()},getTime:function(){return this._.getTime()},getTimezoneOffset:function(){return 0},valueOf:function(){return this._.valueOf()},setDate:function(){ko.setUTCDate.apply(this._,arguments)},setDay:function(){ko.setUTCDay.apply(this._,arguments)},setFullYear:function(){ko.setUTCFullYear.apply(this._,arguments)},setHours:function(){ko.setUTCHours.apply(this._,arguments)},setMilliseconds:function(){ko.setUTCMilliseconds.apply(this._,arguments)},setMinutes:function(){ko.setUTCMinutes.apply(this._,arguments)},setMonth:function(){ko.setUTCMonth.apply(this._,arguments)},setSeconds:function(){ko.setUTCSeconds.apply(this._,arguments)},setTime:function(){ko.setTime.apply(this._,arguments)}};var ko=Date.prototype,Eo="%a %b %e %X %Y",Ao="%m/%d/%Y",No="%H:%M:%S",To=["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],qo=["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],Co=["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],zo=["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];d3.time.format=function(t){function n(n){for(var r,i,u,a=[],o=-1,c=0;e>++o;)37===t.charCodeAt(o)&&(a.push(t.substring(c,o)),null!=(i=jo[r=t.charAt(++o)])&&(r=t.charAt(++o)),(u=Oo[r])&&(r=u(n,null==i?"e"===r?" ":"0":i)),a.push(r),c=o+1);return a.push(t.substring(c,o)),a.join("")}var e=t.length;return n.parse=function(n){var e={y:1900,m:0,d:1,H:0,M:0,S:0,L:0},r=Wi(e,t,n,0);if(r!=n.length)return null;"p"in e&&(e.H=e.H%12+12*e.p);var i=new wo;return i.setFullYear(e.y,e.m,e.d),i.setHours(e.H,e.M,e.S,e.L),i},n.toString=function(){return t},n};var Do=Qi(To),Lo=Qi(qo),Fo=Qi(Co),Ho=tu(Co),Ro=Qi(zo),Po=tu(zo),jo={"-":"",_:" ",0:"0"},Oo={a:function(t){return qo[t.getDay()]},A:function(t){return To[t.getDay()]},b:function(t){return zo[t.getMonth()]},B:function(t){return Co[t.getMonth()]},c:d3.time.format(Eo),d:function(t,n){return nu(t.getDate(),n,2)},e:function(t,n){return nu(t.getDate(),n,2)},H:function(t,n){return nu(t.getHours(),n,2)},I:function(t,n){return nu(t.getHours()%12||12,n,2)},j:function(t,n){return nu(1+d3.time.dayOfYear(t),n,3)},L:function(t,n){return nu(t.getMilliseconds(),n,3)},m:function(t,n){return nu(t.getMonth()+1,n,2)},M:function(t,n){return nu(t.getMinutes(),n,2)},p:function(t){return t.getHours()>=12?"PM":"AM"},S:function(t,n){return nu(t.getSeconds(),n,2)},U:function(t,n){return nu(d3.time.sundayOfYear(t),n,2)},w:function(t){return t.getDay()},W:function(t,n){return nu(d3.time.mondayOfYear(t),n,2)},x:d3.time.format(Ao),X:d3.time.format(No),y:function(t,n){return nu(t.getFullYear()%100,n,2)},Y:function(t,n){return nu(t.getFullYear()%1e4,n,4)},Z:Mu,"%":function(){return"%"}},Yo={a:eu,A:ru,b:iu,B:uu,c:au,d:du,e:du,H:gu,I:gu,L:vu,m:hu,M:pu,p:yu,S:mu,x:ou,X:cu,y:su,Y:lu},Uo=/^\s*\d+/,Io=d3.map({am:0,pm:1});d3.time.format.utc=function(t){function n(t){try{wo=Ki;var n=new wo;return n._=t,e(n)}finally{wo=Date}}var e=d3.time.format(t);return n.parse=function(t){try{wo=Ki;var n=e.parse(t);return n&&n._}finally{wo=Date}},n.toString=e.toString,n};var Vo=d3.time.format.utc("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ");d3.time.format.iso=Date.prototype.toISOString?bu:Vo,bu.parse=function(t){var n=new Date(t);return isNaN(n)?null:n},bu.toString=Vo.toString,d3.time.second=xu(function(t){return new wo(1e3*Math.floor(t/1e3))},function(t,n){t.setTime(t.getTime()+1e3*Math.floor(n))},function(t){return t.getSeconds()}),d3.time.seconds=d3.time.second.range,d3.time.seconds.utc=d3.time.second.utc.range,d3.time.minute=xu(function(t){return new wo(6e4*Math.floor(t/6e4))},function(t,n){t.setTime(t.getTime()+6e4*Math.floor(n))},function(t){return t.getMinutes()}),d3.time.minutes=d3.time.minute.range,d3.time.minutes.utc=d3.time.minute.utc.range,d3.time.hour=xu(function(t){var n=t.getTimezoneOffset()/60;return new wo(36e5*(Math.floor(t/36e5-n)+n))},function(t,n){t.setTime(t.getTime()+36e5*Math.floor(n))},function(t){return t.getHours()}),d3.time.hours=d3.time.hour.range,d3.time.hours.utc=d3.time.hour.utc.range,d3.time.day=xu(function(t){var n=new wo(1970,0);return n.setFullYear(t.getFullYear(),t.getMonth(),t.getDate()),n},function(t,n){t.setDate(t.getDate()+n)},function(t){return t.getDate()-1}),d3.time.days=d3.time.day.range,d3.time.days.utc=d3.time.day.utc.range,d3.time.dayOfYear=function(t){var n=d3.time.year(t);return Math.floor((t-n-6e4*(t.getTimezoneOffset()-n.getTimezoneOffset()))/864e5)},So.forEach(function(t,n){t=t.toLowerCase(),n=7-n;var e=d3.time[t]=xu(function(t){return(t=d3.time.day(t)).setDate(t.getDate()-(t.getDay()+n)%7),t},function(t,n){t.setDate(t.getDate()+7*Math.floor(n))},function(t){var e=d3.time.year(t).getDay();return Math.floor((d3.time.dayOfYear(t)+(e+n)%7)/7)-(e!==n)});d3.time[t+"s"]=e.range,d3.time[t+"s"].utc=e.utc.range,d3.time[t+"OfYear"]=function(t){var e=d3.time.year(t).getDay();return Math.floor((d3.time.dayOfYear(t)+(e+n)%7)/7)}}),d3.time.week=d3.time.sunday,d3.time.weeks=d3.time.sunday.range,d3.time.weeks.utc=d3.time.sunday.utc.range,d3.time.weekOfYear=d3.time.sundayOfYear,d3.time.month=xu(function(t){return t=d3.time.day(t),t.setDate(1),t},function(t,n){t.setMonth(t.getMonth()+n)},function(t){return t.getMonth()}),d3.time.months=d3.time.month.range,d3.time.months.utc=d3.time.month.utc.range,d3.time.year=xu(function(t){return t=d3.time.day(t),t.setMonth(0,1),t},function(t,n){t.setFullYear(t.getFullYear()+n)},function(t){return t.getFullYear()}),d3.time.years=d3.time.year.range,d3.time.years.utc=d3.time.year.utc.range;var Xo=[1e3,5e3,15e3,3e4,6e4,3e5,9e5,18e5,36e5,108e5,216e5,432e5,864e5,1728e5,6048e5,2592e6,7776e6,31536e6],Zo=[[d3.time.second,1],[d3.time.second,5],[d3.time.second,15],[d3.time.second,30],[d3.time.minute,1],[d3.time.minute,5],[d3.time.minute,15],[d3.time.minute,30],[d3.time.hour,1],[d3.time.hour,3],[d3.time.hour,6],[d3.time.hour,12],[d3.time.day,1],[d3.time.day,2],[d3.time.week,1],[d3.time.month,1],[d3.time.month,3],[d3.time.year,1]],Bo=[[d3.time.format("%Y"),o],[d3.time.format("%B"),function(t){return t.getMonth()}],[d3.time.format("%b %d"),function(t){return 1!=t.getDate()}],[d3.time.format("%a %d"),function(t){return t.getDay()&&1!=t.getDate()}],[d3.time.format("%I %p"),function(t){return t.getHours()}],[d3.time.format("%I:%M"),function(t){return t.getMinutes()}],[d3.time.format(":%S"),function(t){return t.getSeconds()}],[d3.time.format(".%L"),function(t){return t.getMilliseconds()}]],$o=d3.scale.linear(),Jo=Eu(Bo);Zo.year=function(t,n){return $o.domain(t.map(Nu)).ticks(n).map(Au)},d3.time.scale=function(){return wu(d3.scale.linear(),Zo,Jo)};var Go=Zo.map(function(t){return[t[0].utc,t[1]]}),Ko=[[d3.time.format.utc("%Y"),o],[d3.time.format.utc("%B"),function(t){return t.getUTCMonth()}],[d3.time.format.utc("%b %d"),function(t){return 1!=t.getUTCDate()}],[d3.time.format.utc("%a %d"),function(t){return t.getUTCDay()&&1!=t.getUTCDate()}],[d3.time.format.utc("%I %p"),function(t){return t.getUTCHours()}],[d3.time.format.utc("%I:%M"),function(t){return t.getUTCMinutes()}],[d3.time.format.utc(":%S"),function(t){return t.getUTCSeconds()}],[d3.time.format.utc(".%L"),function(t){return t.getUTCMilliseconds()}]],Wo=Eu(Ko);Go.year=function(t,n){return $o.domain(t.map(qu)).ticks(n).map(Tu)},d3.time.scale.utc=function(){return wu(d3.scale.linear(),Go,Wo)}})(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/css/foundation.css b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/css/foundation.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..611e662 --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/css/foundation.css @@ -0,0 +1,4159 @@ +*, +*:before, +*:after { + -moz-box-sizing: border-box; + -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; + box-sizing: border-box; } + +html, +body { + font-size: 100%; } + +body { + background: white; + color: #222222; + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + font-family: "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; + font-weight: normal; + font-style: normal; + line-height: 1; + position: relative; } + +a:focus { + outline: none; } + +img, +object, +embed { + max-width: 100%; + height: auto; } + +object, 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tbody.hide-for-medium-up, tbody.hide-for-large, tbody.hide-for-large-up, tbody.hide-for-xlarge { + display: table-row-group !important; } + +tr.show-for-small, tr.show-for-medium-down, tr.show-for-large-down, tr.hide-for-medium, tr.hide-for-medium-up, tr.hide-for-large, tr.hide-for-large-up, tr.hide-for-xlarge { + display: table-row !important; } + +td.show-for-small, td.show-for-medium-down, td.show-for-large-down, td.hide-for-medium, td.hide-for-medium-up, td.hide-for-large, td.hide-for-large-up, td.hide-for-xlarge, +th.show-for-small, +th.show-for-medium-down, +th.show-for-large-down, +th.hide-for-medium, +th.hide-for-medium-up, +th.hide-for-large, +th.hide-for-large-up, +th.hide-for-xlarge { + display: table-cell !important; } + +/* Medium Displays: 768px - 1279px */ +@media only screen and (min-width: 48em) { + .show-for-medium, + .show-for-medium-up { + display: inherit !important; } + + .show-for-small { + display: none !important; } + + .hide-for-small { + display: inherit 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+.hide-for-portrait { + display: inherit !important; } + +.hide-for-landscape, +.show-for-portrait { + display: none !important; } + +/* Specific visilbity for tables */ +table.hide-for-landscape, table.show-for-portrait { + display: table; } + +thead.hide-for-landscape, thead.show-for-portrait { + display: table-header-group !important; } + +tbody.hide-for-landscape, tbody.show-for-portrait { + display: table-row-group !important; } + +tr.hide-for-landscape, tr.show-for-portrait { + display: table-row !important; } + +td.hide-for-landscape, td.show-for-portrait, +th.hide-for-landscape, +th.show-for-portrait { + display: table-cell !important; } + +@media only screen and (orientation: landscape) { + .show-for-landscape, + .hide-for-portrait { + display: inherit !important; } + + .hide-for-landscape, + .show-for-portrait { + display: none !important; } + + /* Specific visilbity for tables */ + table.show-for-landscape, table.hide-for-portrait { + display: table; } + + 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table-row !important; } + + td.show-for-portrait, td.hide-for-landscape, + th.show-for-portrait, + th.hide-for-landscape { + display: table-cell !important; } } +/* Touch-enabled device targeting */ +.show-for-touch { + display: none !important; } + +.hide-for-touch { + display: inherit !important; } + +.touch .show-for-touch { + display: inherit !important; } + +.touch .hide-for-touch { + display: none !important; } + +/* Specific visilbity for tables */ +table.hide-for-touch { + display: table; } + +.touch table.show-for-touch { + display: table; } + +thead.hide-for-touch { + display: table-header-group !important; } + +.touch thead.show-for-touch { + display: table-header-group !important; } + +tbody.hide-for-touch { + display: table-row-group !important; } + +.touch tbody.show-for-touch { + display: table-row-group !important; } + +tr.hide-for-touch { + display: table-row !important; } + +.touch tr.show-for-touch { + display: table-row !important; } + +td.hide-for-touch { + display: table-cell !important; } + +.touch td.show-for-touch { + display: table-cell !important; } + +th.hide-for-touch { + display: table-cell !important; } + +.touch th.show-for-touch { + display: table-cell !important; } + +/* Foundation Block Grids for below small breakpoint */ +@media only screen { + [class*="block-grid-"] { + display: block; + padding: 0; + margin: 0 -10px; + *zoom: 1; } + [class*="block-grid-"]:before, [class*="block-grid-"]:after { + content: " "; + display: table; } + [class*="block-grid-"]:after { + clear: both; } + [class*="block-grid-"] > li { + display: inline; + height: auto; + float: left; + padding: 0 10px 10px; } + + .small-block-grid-1 > li { + width: 100%; + padding: 0 10px 10px; } + .small-block-grid-1 > li:nth-of-type(n) { + clear: none; } + .small-block-grid-1 > li:nth-of-type(1n+1) { + clear: both; } + + .small-block-grid-2 > li { + width: 50%; + padding: 0 10px 10px; } + .small-block-grid-2 > li:nth-of-type(n) { + clear: none; } + 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none; } + + .large-block-grid-1 > li { + width: 100%; + padding: 0 10px 10px; } + .large-block-grid-1 > li:nth-of-type(n) { + clear: none; } + .large-block-grid-1 > li:nth-of-type(1n+1) { + clear: both; } + + .large-block-grid-2 > li { + width: 50%; + padding: 0 10px 10px; } + .large-block-grid-2 > li:nth-of-type(n) { + clear: none; } + .large-block-grid-2 > li:nth-of-type(2n+1) { + clear: both; } + + .large-block-grid-3 > li { + width: 33.33333%; + padding: 0 10px 10px; } + .large-block-grid-3 > li:nth-of-type(n) { + clear: none; } + .large-block-grid-3 > li:nth-of-type(3n+1) { + clear: both; } + + .large-block-grid-4 > li { + width: 25%; + padding: 0 10px 10px; } + .large-block-grid-4 > li:nth-of-type(n) { + clear: none; } + .large-block-grid-4 > li:nth-of-type(4n+1) { + clear: both; } + + .large-block-grid-5 > li { + width: 20%; + padding: 0 10px 10px; } + .large-block-grid-5 > li:nth-of-type(n) { + clear: none; } + .large-block-grid-5 > li:nth-of-type(5n+1) { + clear: both; } + + 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+ + .large-block-grid-11 > li { + width: 9.09091%; + padding: 0 10px 10px; } + .large-block-grid-11 > li:nth-of-type(n) { + clear: none; } + .large-block-grid-11 > li:nth-of-type(11n+1) { + clear: both; } + + .large-block-grid-12 > li { + width: 8.33333%; + padding: 0 10px 10px; } + .large-block-grid-12 > li:nth-of-type(n) { + clear: none; } + .large-block-grid-12 > li:nth-of-type(12n+1) { + clear: both; } } +p.lead { + font-size: 1.21875em; + line-height: 1.6; } + +.subheader { + line-height: 1.4; + color: #6f6f6f; + font-weight: 300; + margin-top: 0.2em; + margin-bottom: 0.5em; } + +/* Typography resets */ +div, +dl, +dt, +dd, +ul, +ol, +li, +h1, +h2, +h3, +h4, +h5, +h6, +pre, +form, +p, +blockquote, +th, +td { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + direction: ltr; } + +/* Default Link Styles */ +a { + color: #2ba6cb; + text-decoration: none; + line-height: inherit; } + a:hover, a:focus { + color: #2795b6; } + a img { + border: none; } + +/* Default paragraph styles */ +p { + font-family: 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+ margin-bottom: 0.75em; } + +/* Abbreviations */ +abbr, +acronym { + text-transform: uppercase; + font-size: 90%; + color: #222222; + border-bottom: 1px dotted #dddddd; + cursor: help; } + +abbr { + text-transform: none; } + +/* Blockquotes */ +blockquote { + margin: 0 0 1.25em; + padding: 0.5625em 1.25em 0 1.1875em; + border-left: 1px solid #dddddd; } + blockquote cite { + display: block; + font-size: 0.8125em; + color: #555555; } + blockquote cite:before { + content: "\2014 \0020"; } + blockquote cite a, + blockquote cite a:visited { + color: #555555; } + +blockquote, +blockquote p { + line-height: 1.6; + color: #6f6f6f; } + +/* Microformats */ +.vcard { + display: inline-block; + margin: 0 0 1.25em 0; + border: 1px solid #dddddd; + padding: 0.625em 0.75em; } + .vcard li { + margin: 0; + display: block; } + .vcard .fn { + font-weight: bold; + font-size: 0.9375em; } + +.vevent .summary { + font-weight: bold; } +.vevent abbr { + cursor: default; + text-decoration: none; + font-weight: bold; + border: none; + padding: 0 0.0625em; } + +@media only screen and (min-width: 48em) { + h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { + line-height: 1.4; } + + h1 { + font-size: 2.75em; } + + h2 { + font-size: 2.3125em; } + + h3 { + font-size: 1.6875em; } + + h4 { + font-size: 1.4375em; } } +/* + * Print styles. + * + * Inlined to avoid required HTTP connection: www.phpied.com/delay-loading-your-print-css/ + * Credit to Paul Irish and HTML5 Boilerplate (html5boilerplate.com) +*/ +.print-only { + display: none !important; } + +@media print { + * { + background: transparent !important; + color: black !important; + /* Black prints faster: h5bp.com/s */ + box-shadow: none !important; + text-shadow: none !important; } + + a, + a:visited { + text-decoration: underline; } + + a[href]:after { + content: " (" attr(href) ")"; } + + abbr[title]:after { + content: " (" attr(title) ")"; } + + .ir a:after, + a[href^="javascript:"]:after, + a[href^="#"]:after { + content: ""; } + + pre, + blockquote { + border: 1px solid #999999; + page-break-inside: avoid; } + + thead { + display: table-header-group; + /* h5bp.com/t */ } + + tr, + img { + page-break-inside: avoid; } + + img { + max-width: 100% !important; } + + @page { + margin: 0.5cm; } + + p, + h2, + h3 { + orphans: 3; + widows: 3; } + + h2, + h3 { + page-break-after: avoid; } + + .hide-on-print { + display: none !important; } + + .print-only { + display: block !important; } + + .hide-for-print { + display: none !important; } + + .show-for-print { + display: inherit !important; } } +button, .button { + border-style: solid; + border-width: 1px; + cursor: pointer; + font-family: inherit; + font-weight: bold; + line-height: 1; + margin: 0 0 1.25em; + position: relative; + text-decoration: none; + text-align: center; + display: inline-block; + padding-top: 0.75em; + padding-right: 1.5em; + padding-bottom: 0.8125em; + padding-left: 1.5em; + font-size: 1em; + background-color: #2ba6cb; + border-color: #2284a1; + color: white; } + button:hover, button:focus, .button:hover, .button:focus { + background-color: #2284a1; } + button:hover, button:focus, .button:hover, .button:focus { + color: white; } + button.secondary, .button.secondary { + background-color: #e9e9e9; + border-color: #d0d0d0; + color: #333333; } + button.secondary:hover, button.secondary:focus, .button.secondary:hover, .button.secondary:focus { + background-color: #d0d0d0; } + button.secondary:hover, button.secondary:focus, .button.secondary:hover, .button.secondary:focus { + color: #333333; } + button.success, .button.success { + background-color: #5da423; + border-color: #457a1a; + color: white; } + button.success:hover, button.success:focus, .button.success:hover, .button.success:focus { + background-color: #457a1a; } + button.success:hover, button.success:focus, .button.success:hover, .button.success:focus { + color: white; } + button.alert, .button.alert { + background-color: #c60f13; + border-color: #970b0e; + color: white; } + button.alert:hover, button.alert:focus, .button.alert:hover, .button.alert:focus { + background-color: #970b0e; } + button.alert:hover, button.alert:focus, .button.alert:hover, .button.alert:focus { + color: white; } + button.large, .button.large { + padding-top: 1em; + padding-right: 2em; + padding-bottom: 1.0625em; + padding-left: 2em; + font-size: 1.25em; } + button.small, .button.small { + padding-top: 0.5625em; + padding-right: 1.125em; + padding-bottom: 0.625em; + padding-left: 1.125em; + font-size: 0.8125em; } + button.tiny, .button.tiny { + padding-top: 0.4375em; + padding-right: 0.875em; + padding-bottom: 0.5em; + padding-left: 0.875em; + font-size: 0.6875em; } + button.expand, .button.expand { + padding-right: 0px; + padding-left: 0px; + width: 100%; } + button.left-align, .button.left-align { + text-align: left; + text-indent: 0.75em; } + button.right-align, .button.right-align { + text-align: right; + padding-right: 0.75em; } + button.disabled, button[disabled], .button.disabled, .button[disabled] { + background-color: #2ba6cb; + border-color: #2284a1; + color: white; + cursor: default; + opacity: 0.6; + -webkit-box-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + button.disabled:hover, button.disabled:focus, button[disabled]:hover, button[disabled]:focus, .button.disabled:hover, .button.disabled:focus, .button[disabled]:hover, .button[disabled]:focus { + background-color: #2284a1; } + button.disabled:hover, button.disabled:focus, button[disabled]:hover, button[disabled]:focus, .button.disabled:hover, .button.disabled:focus, .button[disabled]:hover, .button[disabled]:focus { + color: white; } + button.disabled:hover, button.disabled:focus, button[disabled]:hover, button[disabled]:focus, .button.disabled:hover, .button.disabled:focus, .button[disabled]:hover, .button[disabled]:focus { + background-color: #2ba6cb; } + button.disabled.secondary, button[disabled].secondary, .button.disabled.secondary, .button[disabled].secondary { + background-color: #e9e9e9; + border-color: #d0d0d0; + color: #333333; + cursor: default; + opacity: 0.6; + -webkit-box-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + button.disabled.secondary:hover, button.disabled.secondary:focus, button[disabled].secondary:hover, button[disabled].secondary:focus, .button.disabled.secondary:hover, .button.disabled.secondary:focus, .button[disabled].secondary:hover, .button[disabled].secondary:focus { + background-color: #d0d0d0; } + button.disabled.secondary:hover, button.disabled.secondary:focus, button[disabled].secondary:hover, button[disabled].secondary:focus, .button.disabled.secondary:hover, .button.disabled.secondary:focus, .button[disabled].secondary:hover, .button[disabled].secondary:focus { + color: #333333; } + button.disabled.secondary:hover, button.disabled.secondary:focus, button[disabled].secondary:hover, button[disabled].secondary:focus, .button.disabled.secondary:hover, .button.disabled.secondary:focus, .button[disabled].secondary:hover, .button[disabled].secondary:focus { + background-color: #e9e9e9; } + button.disabled.success, button[disabled].success, .button.disabled.success, .button[disabled].success { + background-color: #5da423; + border-color: #457a1a; + color: white; + cursor: default; + opacity: 0.6; + -webkit-box-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + button.disabled.success:hover, button.disabled.success:focus, button[disabled].success:hover, button[disabled].success:focus, .button.disabled.success:hover, .button.disabled.success:focus, .button[disabled].success:hover, .button[disabled].success:focus { + background-color: #457a1a; } + button.disabled.success:hover, button.disabled.success:focus, button[disabled].success:hover, button[disabled].success:focus, .button.disabled.success:hover, .button.disabled.success:focus, .button[disabled].success:hover, .button[disabled].success:focus { + color: white; } + button.disabled.success:hover, button.disabled.success:focus, button[disabled].success:hover, button[disabled].success:focus, .button.disabled.success:hover, .button.disabled.success:focus, .button[disabled].success:hover, .button[disabled].success:focus { + background-color: #5da423; } + button.disabled.alert, button[disabled].alert, .button.disabled.alert, .button[disabled].alert { + background-color: #c60f13; + border-color: #970b0e; + color: white; + cursor: default; + opacity: 0.6; + -webkit-box-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + button.disabled.alert:hover, button.disabled.alert:focus, button[disabled].alert:hover, button[disabled].alert:focus, .button.disabled.alert:hover, .button.disabled.alert:focus, .button[disabled].alert:hover, .button[disabled].alert:focus { + background-color: #970b0e; } + button.disabled.alert:hover, button.disabled.alert:focus, button[disabled].alert:hover, button[disabled].alert:focus, .button.disabled.alert:hover, .button.disabled.alert:focus, .button[disabled].alert:hover, .button[disabled].alert:focus { + color: white; } + button.disabled.alert:hover, button.disabled.alert:focus, button[disabled].alert:hover, button[disabled].alert:focus, .button.disabled.alert:hover, .button.disabled.alert:focus, .button[disabled].alert:hover, .button[disabled].alert:focus { + background-color: #c60f13; } + +button, .button { + padding-top: 0.8125em; + padding-bottom: 0.75em; } + button.tiny, .button.tiny { + padding-top: 0.5em; + padding-bottom: 0.4375em; } + button.small, .button.small { + padding-top: 0.625em; + padding-bottom: 0.5625em; } + button.large, .button.large { + padding-top: 1.03125em; + padding-bottom: 1.03125em; } + +@media only screen { + button, .button { + -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) inset; + box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) inset; + -webkit-transition: background-color 300ms ease-out; + -moz-transition: background-color 300ms ease-out; + transition: background-color 300ms ease-out; } + button:active, .button:active { + -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) inset; + box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) inset; } + button.radius, .button.radius { + -webkit-border-radius: 3px; + border-radius: 3px; } + button.round, .button.round { + -webkit-border-radius: 1000px; + border-radius: 1000px; } } +@media only screen and (min-width: 48em) { + button, .button { + display: inline-block; } } +/* Standard Forms */ +form { + margin: 0 0 1em; } + +/* Using forms within rows, we need to set some defaults */ +form .row .row { + margin: 0 -0.5em; } + form .row .row .column, + form .row .row .columns { + padding: 0 0.5em; } + form .row .row.collapse { + margin: 0; } + form .row .row.collapse .column, + form .row .row.collapse .columns { + padding: 0; } +form .row input.column, +form .row input.columns, +form .row textarea.column, +form .row textarea.columns { + padding-left: 0.5em; } + +/* Label Styles */ +label { + font-size: 0.875em; + color: #4d4d4d; + cursor: pointer; + display: block; + font-weight: 500; + margin-bottom: 0.1875em; } + label.right { + float: none; + text-align: right; } + label.inline { + margin: 0 0 1em 0; + padding: 0.625em 0; } + +/* Attach elements to the beginning or end of an input */ +.prefix, +.postfix { + display: block; + position: relative; + z-index: 2; + text-align: center; + width: 100%; + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + border-style: solid; + border-width: 1px; + overflow: hidden; + font-size: 0.875em; + height: 2.3125em; + line-height: 2.3125em; } + +/* Adjust padding, alignment and radius if pre/post element is a button */ +.postfix.button { + padding-left: 0; + padding-right: 0; + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + text-align: center; + line-height: 2.125em; } + +.prefix.button { + padding-left: 0; + padding-right: 0; + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + text-align: center; + line-height: 2.125em; } + +.prefix.button.radius { + -webkit-border-radius: 0; + border-radius: 0; + -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 3px; + -moz-border-radius-topleft: 3px; + -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; + -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 3px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; + border-top-left-radius: 3px; } + +.postfix.button.radius { + -webkit-border-radius: 0; + border-radius: 0; + -moz-border-radius-topright: 3px; + -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 3px; + -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 3px; + -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; + border-top-right-radius: 3px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; } + +.prefix.button.round { + -webkit-border-radius: 0; + border-radius: 0; + -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 1000px; + -moz-border-radius-topleft: 1000px; + -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 1000px; + -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 1000px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 1000px; + border-top-left-radius: 1000px; } + +.postfix.button.round { + -webkit-border-radius: 0; + border-radius: 0; + -moz-border-radius-topright: 1000px; + -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 1000px; + -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 1000px; + -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 1000px; + border-top-right-radius: 1000px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 1000px; } + +/* Separate prefix and postfix styles when on span so buttons keep their own */ +span.prefix { + background: #f2f2f2; + border-color: #d9d9d9; + border-right: none; + color: #333333; } + span.prefix.radius { + -webkit-border-radius: 0; + border-radius: 0; + -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 3px; + -moz-border-radius-topleft: 3px; + -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; + -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 3px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; + border-top-left-radius: 3px; } + +span.postfix { + background: #f2f2f2; + border-color: #cccccc; + border-left: none; + color: #333333; } + span.postfix.radius { + -webkit-border-radius: 0; + border-radius: 0; + -moz-border-radius-topright: 3px; + -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 3px; + -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 3px; + -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; + border-top-right-radius: 3px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; } + +/* Input groups will automatically style first and last elements of the group */ +.input-group.radius > *:first-child, .input-group.radius > *:first-child * { + -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 3px; + -moz-border-radius-topleft: 3px; + -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; + -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 3px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; + border-top-left-radius: 3px; } +.input-group.radius > *:last-child, .input-group.radius > *:last-child * { + -moz-border-radius-topright: 3px; + -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 3px; + -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 3px; + -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; + border-top-right-radius: 3px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; } +.input-group.round > *:first-child, .input-group.round > *:first-child * { + -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 1000px; + -moz-border-radius-topleft: 1000px; + -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 1000px; + -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 1000px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 1000px; + border-top-left-radius: 1000px; } +.input-group.round > *:last-child, .input-group.round > *:last-child * { + -moz-border-radius-topright: 1000px; + -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 1000px; + -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 1000px; + -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 1000px; + border-top-right-radius: 1000px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 1000px; } + +/* We use this to get basic styling on all basic form elements */ +input[type="text"], +input[type="password"], +input[type="date"], +input[type="datetime"], +input[type="datetime-local"], +input[type="month"], +input[type="week"], +input[type="email"], +input[type="number"], +input[type="search"], +input[type="tel"], +input[type="time"], +input[type="url"], +textarea { + background-color: white; + font-family: inherit; + border: 1px solid #cccccc; + -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); + display: block; + font-size: 0.875em; + margin: 0 0 1em 0; + padding: 0.5em; + height: 2.3125em; + width: 100%; + -moz-box-sizing: border-box; + -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; + box-sizing: border-box; + -webkit-transition: -webkit-box-shadow 0.45s, border-color 0.45s ease-in-out; + -moz-transition: -moz-box-shadow 0.45s, border-color 0.45s ease-in-out; + transition: box-shadow 0.45s, border-color 0.45s ease-in-out; } + input[type="text"]:focus, + input[type="password"]:focus, + input[type="date"]:focus, + input[type="datetime"]:focus, + input[type="datetime-local"]:focus, + input[type="month"]:focus, + input[type="week"]:focus, + input[type="email"]:focus, + input[type="number"]:focus, + input[type="search"]:focus, + input[type="tel"]:focus, + input[type="time"]:focus, + input[type="url"]:focus, + textarea:focus { + -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px #999999; + -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 5px #999999; + box-shadow: 0 0 5px #999999; + border-color: #999999; } + input[type="text"]:focus, + input[type="password"]:focus, + input[type="date"]:focus, + input[type="datetime"]:focus, + input[type="datetime-local"]:focus, + input[type="month"]:focus, + input[type="week"]:focus, + input[type="email"]:focus, + input[type="number"]:focus, + input[type="search"]:focus, + input[type="tel"]:focus, + input[type="time"]:focus, + input[type="url"]:focus, + textarea:focus { + background: #fafafa; + border-color: #999999; + outline: none; } + input[type="text"][disabled], + input[type="password"][disabled], + input[type="date"][disabled], + input[type="datetime"][disabled], + input[type="datetime-local"][disabled], + input[type="month"][disabled], + input[type="week"][disabled], + input[type="email"][disabled], + input[type="number"][disabled], + input[type="search"][disabled], + input[type="tel"][disabled], + input[type="time"][disabled], + input[type="url"][disabled], + textarea[disabled] { + background-color: #dddddd; } + +/* Adjust margin for form elements below */ +input[type="file"], +input[type="checkbox"], +input[type="radio"], +select { + margin: 0 0 1em 0; } + +/* Normalize file input width */ +input[type="file"] { + width: 100%; } + +/* We add basic fieldset styling */ +fieldset { + border: solid 1px #dddddd; + padding: 1.25em; + margin: 1.125em 0; } + fieldset legend { + font-weight: bold; + background: white; + padding: 0 0.1875em; + margin: 0; + margin-left: -0.1875em; } + +/* Error Handling */ +.error input, +input.error, +.error textarea, +textarea.error { + border-color: #c60f13; + background-color: rgba(198, 15, 19, 0.1); } + .error input:focus, + input.error:focus, + .error textarea:focus, + textarea.error:focus { + background: #fafafa; + border-color: #999999; } + +.error label, +label.error { + color: #c60f13; } + +.error small, +small.error { + display: block; + padding: 0.375em 0.25em; + margin-top: -1.3125em; + margin-bottom: 1em; + font-size: 0.75em; + font-weight: bold; + background: #c60f13; + color: white; } + +/* Custom Checkbox and Radio Inputs */ +form.custom .hidden-field { + margin-left: -99999px; + position: absolute; + visibility: hidden; } +form.custom .custom { + display: inline-block; + width: 16px; + height: 16px; + position: relative; + vertical-align: middle; + border: solid 1px #cccccc; + background: white; } + form.custom .custom.checkbox { + -webkit-border-radius: 0px; + border-radius: 0px; + padding: -3px; } + form.custom .custom.radio { + -webkit-border-radius: 1000px; + border-radius: 1000px; + padding: 3px; } + form.custom .custom.checkbox:before { + content: ""; + display: block; + font-size: 20px; + color: white; } + form.custom .custom.radio.checked:before { + content: ""; + display: block; + width: 8px; + height: 8px; + -webkit-border-radius: 1000px; + border-radius: 1000px; + background: #222222; + position: relative; } + form.custom .custom.checkbox.checked:before { + content: "\2A2F"; + color: #222222; + margin-top: -8px; + margin-left: 2px; } + +/* Custom Select Options and Dropdowns */ +form.custom { + /* Custom input, disabled */ } + form.custom .custom.dropdown { + display: block; + position: relative; + top: 0; + height: 2.3125em; + margin-bottom: 1.25em; + margin-top: 0px; + padding: 0px; + width: 100%; + background: white; + background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, white 0%, #f3f3f3 100%); + background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, white 0%, #f3f3f3 100%); + background: linear-gradient(to bottom, white 0%, #f3f3f3 100%); + -webkit-box-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + font-size: 0.875em; + vertical-align: top; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown ul { + overflow-y: auto; + max-height: 200px; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown .current { + cursor: default; + white-space: nowrap; + line-height: 2.25em; + color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); + text-decoration: none; + overflow: hidden; + display: block; + margin-left: 0.5em; + margin-right: 2.3125em; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown .selector { + cursor: default; + position: absolute; + width: 2.5em; + height: 2.3125em; + display: block; + right: 0; + top: 0; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown .selector:after { + content: ""; + display: block; + content: ""; + display: block; + width: 0; + height: 0; + border: inset 5px; + border-color: #aaaaaa transparent transparent transparent; + border-top-style: solid; + position: absolute; + left: 0.9375em; + top: 50%; + margin-top: -3px; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown:hover a.selector:after, form.custom .custom.dropdown.open a.selector:after { + content: ""; + display: block; + width: 0; + height: 0; + border: inset 5px; + border-color: #222222 transparent transparent transparent; + border-top-style: solid; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown .disabled { + color: #888888; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown .disabled:hover { + background: transparent; + color: #888888; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown .disabled:hover:after { + display: none; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown.open ul { + display: block; + z-index: 10; + min-width: 100%; + -moz-box-sizing: content-box; + -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; + box-sizing: content-box; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown.small { + max-width: 134px; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown.medium { + max-width: 254px; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown.large { + max-width: 434px; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown.expand { + width: 100% !important; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown.open.small ul { + min-width: 134px; + -moz-box-sizing: border-box; + -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; + box-sizing: border-box; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown.open.medium ul { + min-width: 254px; + -moz-box-sizing: border-box; + -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; + box-sizing: border-box; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown.open.large ul { + min-width: 434px; + -moz-box-sizing: border-box; + -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; + box-sizing: border-box; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown ul { + position: absolute; + width: auto; + display: none; + margin: 0; + left: -1px; + top: auto; + -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 2px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + box-shadow: 0 2px 2px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + background: white; + border: solid 1px #cccccc; + font-size: 16px; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown ul li { + color: #555555; + font-size: 0.875em; + cursor: default; + padding-top: 0.25em; + padding-bottom: 0.25em; + padding-left: 0.375em; + padding-right: 2.375em; + min-height: 1.5em; + line-height: 1.5em; + margin: 0; + white-space: nowrap; + list-style: none; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown ul li.selected { + background: #eeeeee; + color: black; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown ul li:hover { + background-color: #e4e4e4; + color: black; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown ul li.selected:hover { + background: #eeeeee; + cursor: default; + color: black; } + form.custom .custom.dropdown ul.show { + display: block; } + form.custom .custom.disabled { + background: #dddddd; } + +/* Button Groups */ +.button-group { + list-style: none; + margin: 0; + *zoom: 1; } + .button-group:before, .button-group:after { + content: " "; + display: table; } + .button-group:after { + clear: both; } + .button-group > * { + margin: 0 0 0 -1px; + float: left; } + .button-group > *:first-child { + margin-left: 0; } + .button-group.radius > *:first-child, .button-group.radius > *:first-child > a, .button-group.radius > *:first-child > button, .button-group.radius > *:first-child > .button { + -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 3px; + -moz-border-radius-topleft: 3px; + -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; + -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 3px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; + border-top-left-radius: 3px; } + .button-group.radius > *:last-child, .button-group.radius > *:last-child > a, .button-group.radius > *:last-child > button, .button-group.radius > *:last-child > .button { + -moz-border-radius-topright: 3px; + -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 3px; + -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 3px; + -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; + border-top-right-radius: 3px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; } + .button-group.round > *:first-child, .button-group.round > *:first-child > a, .button-group.round > *:first-child > button, .button-group.round > *:first-child > .button { + -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 1000px; + -moz-border-radius-topleft: 1000px; + -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 1000px; + -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 1000px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 1000px; + border-top-left-radius: 1000px; } + .button-group.round > *:last-child, .button-group.round > *:last-child > a, .button-group.round > *:last-child > button, .button-group.round > *:last-child > .button { + -moz-border-radius-topright: 1000px; + -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 1000px; + -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 1000px; + -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 1000px; + border-top-right-radius: 1000px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 1000px; } + .button-group.even-2 li { + width: 50%; } + .button-group.even-2 li button, .button-group.even-2 li .button { + width: 100%; } + .button-group.even-3 li { + width: 33.33333%; } + .button-group.even-3 li button, .button-group.even-3 li .button { + width: 100%; } + .button-group.even-4 li { + width: 25%; } + .button-group.even-4 li button, .button-group.even-4 li .button { + width: 100%; } + .button-group.even-5 li { + width: 20%; } + .button-group.even-5 li button, .button-group.even-5 li .button { + width: 100%; } + .button-group.even-6 li { + width: 16.66667%; } + .button-group.even-6 li button, .button-group.even-6 li .button { + width: 100%; } + .button-group.even-7 li { + width: 14.28571%; } + .button-group.even-7 li button, .button-group.even-7 li .button { + width: 100%; } + .button-group.even-8 li { + width: 12.5%; } + .button-group.even-8 li button, .button-group.even-8 li .button { + width: 100%; } + +.button-bar { + *zoom: 1; } + .button-bar:before, .button-bar:after { + content: " "; + display: table; } + .button-bar:after { + clear: both; } + .button-bar .button-group { + float: left; + margin-right: 0.625em; } + .button-bar .button-group div { + overflow: hidden; } + +/* Dropdown Button */ +.dropdown.button { + position: relative; + padding-right: 3.1875em; } + .dropdown.button:before { + position: absolute; + content: ""; + width: 0; + height: 0; + display: block; + border-style: solid; + border-color: white transparent transparent transparent; + top: 50%; } + .dropdown.button:before { + border-width: 0.5625em; + right: 1.5em; + margin-top: -0.25em; } + .dropdown.button:before { + border-color: white transparent transparent transparent; } + .dropdown.button.tiny { + padding-right: 2.1875em; } + .dropdown.button.tiny:before { + border-width: 0.4375em; + right: 0.875em; + margin-top: -0.15625em; } + .dropdown.button.tiny:before { + border-color: white transparent transparent transparent; } + .dropdown.button.small { + padding-right: 2.8125em; } + .dropdown.button.small:before { + border-width: 0.5625em; + right: 1.125em; + margin-top: -0.21875em; } + .dropdown.button.small:before { + border-color: white transparent transparent transparent; } + .dropdown.button.large { + padding-right: 4em; } + .dropdown.button.large:before { + border-width: 0.625em; + right: 1.75em; + margin-top: -0.3125em; } + .dropdown.button.large:before { + border-color: white transparent transparent transparent; } + .dropdown.button.secondary:before { + border-color: #333333 transparent transparent transparent; } + +/* Split Buttons */ +.split.button { + position: relative; + padding-right: 4.8em; } + .split.button span { + display: block; + height: 100%; + position: absolute; + right: 0; + top: 0; + border-left: solid 1px; } + .split.button span:before { + position: absolute; + content: ""; + width: 0; + height: 0; + display: block; + border-style: inset; + left: 50%; } + .split.button span:active { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + .split.button span { + border-left-color: #1e728c; } + .split.button span { + width: 3em; } + .split.button span:before { + border-top-style: solid; + border-width: 0.5625em; + top: 1.125em; + margin-left: -0.5625em; } + .split.button span:before { + border-color: white transparent transparent transparent; } + .split.button.secondary span { + border-left-color: #c3c3c3; } + .split.button.secondary span:before { + border-color: white transparent transparent transparent; } + .split.button.alert span { + border-left-color: #7f0a0c; } + .split.button.success span { + border-left-color: #396516; } + .split.button.tiny { + padding-right: 3.9375em; } + .split.button.tiny span { + width: 2.84375em; } + .split.button.tiny span:before { + border-top-style: solid; + border-width: 0.4375em; + top: 0.875em; + margin-left: -0.3125em; } + .split.button.small { + padding-right: 3.9375em; } + .split.button.small span { + width: 2.8125em; } + .split.button.small span:before { + border-top-style: solid; + border-width: 0.5625em; + top: 0.84375em; + margin-left: -0.5625em; } + .split.button.large { + padding-right: 6em; } + .split.button.large span { + width: 3.75em; } + .split.button.large span:before { + border-top-style: solid; + border-width: 0.625em; + top: 1.3125em; + margin-left: -0.5625em; } + .split.button.expand { + padding-left: 2em; } + .split.button.secondary span:before { + border-color: #333333 transparent transparent transparent; } + .split.button.radius span { + -moz-border-radius-topright: 3px; + -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 3px; + -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 3px; + -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; + border-top-right-radius: 3px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; } + .split.button.round span { + -moz-border-radius-topright: 1000px; + -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 1000px; + -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 1000px; + -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 1000px; + border-top-right-radius: 1000px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 1000px; } + +/* Flex Video */ +.flex-video { + position: relative; + padding-top: 1.5625em; + padding-bottom: 67.5%; + height: 0; + margin-bottom: 1em; + overflow: hidden; } + .flex-video.widescreen { + padding-bottom: 57.25%; } + .flex-video.vimeo { + padding-top: 0; } + .flex-video iframe, + .flex-video object, + .flex-video embed, + .flex-video video { + position: absolute; + top: 0; + left: 0; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; } + +/* Sections */ +.section-container, .section-container.auto { + width: 100%; + display: block; + margin-bottom: 1.25em; + border: 1px solid #cccccc; + border-top: none; } + .section-container > section, .section-container > .section, .section-container.auto > section, .section-container.auto > .section { + position: relative; } + .section-container > section > .title, .section-container > .section > .title, .section-container.auto > section > .title, .section-container.auto > .section > .title { + background-color: #efefef; + cursor: pointer; + margin-bottom: 0; } + .section-container > section > .title a, .section-container > .section > .title a, .section-container.auto > section > .title a, .section-container.auto > .section > .title a { + padding: 0.9375em; + display: inline-block; + color: #333333; + font-size: 0.875em; + white-space: nowrap; } + .section-container > section > .title:hover, .section-container > .section > .title:hover, .section-container.auto > section > .title:hover, .section-container.auto > .section > .title:hover { + background-color: #e2e2e2; } + .section-container > section .content, .section-container > .section .content, .section-container.auto > section .content, .section-container.auto > .section .content { + display: none; + padding: 0.9375em; + background-color: white; } + .section-container > section .content > *:last-child, .section-container > .section .content > *:last-child, .section-container.auto > section .content > *:last-child, .section-container.auto > .section .content > *:last-child { + margin-bottom: 0; } + .section-container > section .content > *:first-child, .section-container > .section .content > *:first-child, .section-container.auto > section .content > *:first-child, .section-container.auto > .section .content > *:first-child { + padding-top: 0; } + .section-container > section .content > *:last-child, .section-container > .section .content > *:last-child, .section-container.auto > section .content > *:last-child, .section-container.auto > .section .content > *:last-child { + padding-bottom: 0; } + .section-container > section.active > .content, .section-container > .section.active > .content, .section-container.auto > section.active > .content, .section-container.auto > .section.active > .content { + display: block; } + .section-container > section.active > .title, .section-container > .section.active > .title, .section-container.auto > section.active > .title, .section-container.auto > .section.active > .title { + background: #d5d5d5; } + .section-container > section.active > .title a, .section-container > .section.active > .title a, .section-container.auto > section.active > .title a, .section-container.auto > .section.active > .title a { + color: #333333; } + .section-container > section > .title, .section-container > .section > .title, .section-container.auto > section > .title, .section-container.auto > .section > .title { + top: 0; + width: 100%; + margin: 0; + border-top: solid 1px #cccccc; } + .section-container > section > .title a, .section-container > .section > .title a, .section-container.auto > section > .title a, .section-container.auto > .section > .title a { + width: 100%; } + +.section-container.tabs { + border: 0; + position: relative; } + .section-container.tabs > section, .section-container.tabs > .section { + border: 0; + position: static; } + .section-container.tabs > section > .title, .section-container.tabs > .section > .title { + background-color: #efefef; + cursor: pointer; + margin-bottom: 0; } + .section-container.tabs > section > .title a, .section-container.tabs > .section > .title a { + padding: 0.9375em; + display: inline-block; + color: #333333; + font-size: 0.875em; + white-space: nowrap; } + .section-container.tabs > section > .title:hover, .section-container.tabs > .section > .title:hover { + background-color: #e2e2e2; } + .section-container.tabs > section .content, .section-container.tabs > .section .content { + display: none; + padding: 0.9375em; + background-color: white; } + .section-container.tabs > section .content > *:last-child, .section-container.tabs > .section .content > *:last-child { + margin-bottom: 0; } + .section-container.tabs > section .content > *:first-child, .section-container.tabs > .section .content > *:first-child { + padding-top: 0; } + .section-container.tabs > section .content > *:last-child, .section-container.tabs > .section .content > *:last-child { + padding-bottom: 0; } + .section-container.tabs > section.active > .content, .section-container.tabs > .section.active > .content { + display: block; } + .section-container.tabs > section.active > .title, .section-container.tabs > .section.active > .title { + background: white; } + .section-container.tabs > section.active > .title a, .section-container.tabs > .section.active > .title a { + color: #333333; } + .section-container.tabs > section > .title, .section-container.tabs > .section > .title { + width: auto; + border: solid 1px #cccccc; + border-right: 0; + border-bottom: 0; + position: absolute; + top: 0; + z-index: 1; } + .section-container.tabs > section > .title a, .section-container.tabs > .section > .title a { + width: 100%; } + .section-container.tabs > section:last-child .title, .section-container.tabs > .section:last-child .title { + border-right: solid 1px #cccccc; } + .section-container.tabs > section .content, .section-container.tabs > .section .content { + border: solid 1px #cccccc; + position: absolute; + z-index: 10; + display: none; + top: -1px; } + .section-container.tabs > section.active > .title, .section-container.tabs > .section.active > .title { + z-index: 11; + border-bottom: 0; + background-color: white; } + .section-container.tabs > section.active > .content, .section-container.tabs > .section.active > .content { + position: relative; } + +@media only screen and (min-width: 48em) { + .section-container.auto { + border: 0; + position: relative; } + .section-container.auto > section, .section-container.auto > .section { + border: 0; + position: static; } + .section-container.auto > section > .title, .section-container.auto > .section > .title { + background-color: #efefef; + cursor: pointer; + margin-bottom: 0; } + .section-container.auto > section > .title a, .section-container.auto > .section > .title a { + padding: 0.9375em; + display: inline-block; + color: #333333; + font-size: 0.875em; + white-space: nowrap; } + .section-container.auto > section > .title:hover, .section-container.auto > .section > .title:hover { + background-color: #e2e2e2; } + .section-container.auto > section .content, .section-container.auto > .section .content { + display: none; + padding: 0.9375em; + background-color: white; } + .section-container.auto > section .content > *:last-child, .section-container.auto > .section .content > *:last-child { + margin-bottom: 0; } + .section-container.auto > section .content > *:first-child, .section-container.auto > .section .content > *:first-child { + padding-top: 0; } + .section-container.auto > section .content > *:last-child, .section-container.auto > .section .content > *:last-child { + padding-bottom: 0; } + .section-container.auto > section.active > .content, .section-container.auto > .section.active > .content { + display: block; } + .section-container.auto > section.active > .title, .section-container.auto > .section.active > .title { + background: white; } + .section-container.auto > section.active > .title a, .section-container.auto > .section.active > .title a { + color: #333333; } + .section-container.auto > section > .title, .section-container.auto > .section > .title { + width: auto; + border: solid 1px #cccccc; + border-right: 0; + border-bottom: 0; + position: absolute; + top: 0; + z-index: 1; } + .section-container.auto > section > .title a, .section-container.auto > .section > .title a { + width: 100%; } + .section-container.auto > section:last-child .title, .section-container.auto > .section:last-child .title { + border-right: solid 1px #cccccc; } + .section-container.auto > section .content, .section-container.auto > .section .content { + border: solid 1px #cccccc; + position: absolute; + z-index: 10; + display: none; + top: -1px; } + .section-container.auto > section.active > .title, .section-container.auto > .section.active > .title { + z-index: 11; + border-bottom: 0; + background-color: white; } + .section-container.auto > section.active > .content, .section-container.auto > .section.active > .content { + position: relative; } + + .section-container.accordion .section { + padding-top: 0 !important; } + + .section-container.vertical-tabs { + border: 1px solid #cccccc; + position: relative; } + .section-container.vertical-tabs section, + .section-container.vertical-tabs .section { + padding-top: 0 !important; + border: 0; + position: static; } + 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.content > *:first-child { + padding-top: 0; } + .section-container.vertical-tabs section .content > *:last-child, + .section-container.vertical-tabs .section .content > *:last-child { + padding-bottom: 0; } + .section-container.vertical-tabs section.active > .content, + .section-container.vertical-tabs .section.active > .content { + display: block; } + .section-container.vertical-tabs section.active > .title, + .section-container.vertical-tabs .section.active > .title { + background: #d5d5d5; } + .section-container.vertical-tabs section.active > .title a, + .section-container.vertical-tabs .section.active > .title a { + color: #333333; } + .section-container.vertical-tabs section > .title, + .section-container.vertical-tabs .section > .title { + position: absolute; + border-top: solid 1px #cccccc; + width: 12.5em; } + .section-container.vertical-tabs section:first-child .title, + .section-container.vertical-tabs .section:first-child .title { + border-top: 0; } + .section-container.vertical-tabs section .content, + .section-container.vertical-tabs .section .content { + display: block; + position: relative; + left: 12.5em; + border-left: solid 1px #cccccc; + z-index: 10; } + .section-container.vertical-tabs section.active > .title, + .section-container.vertical-tabs .section.active > .title { + background-color: #d5d5d5; + width: 12.5625em; + border-right: solid 0 transparent; + z-index: 11; } + .section-container.vertical-tabs section.active:last-child .title, + .section-container.vertical-tabs .section.active:last-child .title { + border-bottom: 0; } + + .section-container.vertical-nav { + border: 0; + position: relative; } + .section-container.vertical-nav > section, .section-container.vertical-nav > .section { + padding-top: 0 !important; + position: relative; } + .section-container.vertical-nav > section > .title, .section-container.vertical-nav > .section > .title { + background-color: #efefef; + cursor: pointer; + margin-bottom: 0; } + .section-container.vertical-nav > section > .title a, .section-container.vertical-nav > .section > .title a { + padding: 0.9375em; + display: inline-block; + color: #333333; + font-size: 0.875em; + white-space: nowrap; } + .section-container.vertical-nav > section > .title:hover, .section-container.vertical-nav > .section > .title:hover { + background-color: #e2e2e2; } + .section-container.vertical-nav > section .content, .section-container.vertical-nav > .section .content { + display: none; + padding: 0.9375em; + background-color: white; } + .section-container.vertical-nav > section .content > *:last-child, .section-container.vertical-nav > .section .content > *:last-child { + margin-bottom: 0; } + .section-container.vertical-nav > section .content > *:first-child, .section-container.vertical-nav > .section .content > *:first-child { + padding-top: 0; } + .section-container.vertical-nav > section .content > *:last-child, .section-container.vertical-nav > .section .content > *:last-child { + padding-bottom: 0; } + .section-container.vertical-nav > section.active > .content, .section-container.vertical-nav > .section.active > .content { + display: block; } + .section-container.vertical-nav > section.active > .title, .section-container.vertical-nav > .section.active > .title { + background: #d5d5d5; } + .section-container.vertical-nav > section.active > .title a, .section-container.vertical-nav > .section.active > .title a { + color: #333333; } + .section-container.vertical-nav > section > .title, .section-container.vertical-nav > .section > .title { + border-top: none; + border: solid 1px #cccccc; } + .section-container.vertical-nav > section > .title a, .section-container.vertical-nav > .section > .title a { + display: block; + width: 100%; } + .section-container.vertical-nav > section .content, .section-container.vertical-nav > .section .content { + display: none; } + .section-container.vertical-nav > section:first-child .title, .section-container.vertical-nav > .section:first-child .title { + border-bottom: none; } + .section-container.vertical-nav > section.active > .content, .section-container.vertical-nav > .section.active > .content { + display: block; + position: absolute; + left: 100%; + top: 0px; + z-index: 999; + min-width: 12.5em; + border: solid 1px #cccccc; } + + .section-container.horizontal-nav { + position: relative; + background: #efefef; + border: 1px solid #cccccc; } + .section-container.horizontal-nav > section, .section-container.horizontal-nav > .section { + padding-top: 0; + border: 0; + position: static; } + .section-container.horizontal-nav > section > .title, .section-container.horizontal-nav > .section > .title { + background-color: #efefef; + cursor: pointer; + margin-bottom: 0; } + .section-container.horizontal-nav > section > .title a, .section-container.horizontal-nav > .section > .title a { + padding: 0.9375em; + display: inline-block; + color: #333333; + font-size: 0.875em; + white-space: nowrap; } + .section-container.horizontal-nav > section > .title:hover, .section-container.horizontal-nav > .section > .title:hover { + background-color: #e2e2e2; } + .section-container.horizontal-nav > section .content, .section-container.horizontal-nav > .section .content { + display: none; + padding: 0.9375em; + background-color: white; } + .section-container.horizontal-nav > section .content > *:last-child, .section-container.horizontal-nav > .section .content > *:last-child { + margin-bottom: 0; } + .section-container.horizontal-nav > section .content > *:first-child, .section-container.horizontal-nav > .section .content > *:first-child { + padding-top: 0; } + .section-container.horizontal-nav > section .content > *:last-child, .section-container.horizontal-nav > .section .content > *:last-child { + padding-bottom: 0; } + .section-container.horizontal-nav > section.active > .content, .section-container.horizontal-nav > .section.active > .content { + display: block; } + .section-container.horizontal-nav > section.active > .title, .section-container.horizontal-nav > .section.active > .title { + background: #d5d5d5; } + .section-container.horizontal-nav > section.active > .title a, .section-container.horizontal-nav > .section.active > .title a { + color: #333333; } + .section-container.horizontal-nav > section > .title, .section-container.horizontal-nav > .section > .title { + width: auto; + border: solid 1px #cccccc; + border-left: 0; + top: -1px; + position: absolute; + z-index: 1; } + .section-container.horizontal-nav > section > .title a, .section-container.horizontal-nav > .section > .title a { + width: 100%; } + .section-container.horizontal-nav > section .content, .section-container.horizontal-nav > .section .content { + display: none; } + .section-container.horizontal-nav > section.active > .content, .section-container.horizontal-nav > .section.active > .content { + display: block; + position: absolute; + z-index: 999; + left: 0; + top: -2px; + min-width: 12.5em; + border: solid 1px #cccccc; } } +/* Wrapped around .top-bar to contain to grid width */ +.contain-to-grid { + width: 100%; + background: #111111; } + +.fixed { + width: 100%; + left: 0; + position: fixed; + top: 0; + z-index: 99; } + +.top-bar { + overflow: hidden; + height: 45px; + line-height: 45px; + position: relative; + background: #111111; + margin-bottom: 1.875em; } + .top-bar ul { + margin-bottom: 0; + list-style: none; } + .top-bar .row { + max-width: none; } + .top-bar form, + .top-bar input { + margin-bottom: 0; } + .top-bar input { + height: 2.45em; } + .top-bar .button { + padding-top: .5em; + padding-bottom: .5em; + margin-bottom: 0; } + .top-bar .title-area { + position: relative; } + .top-bar .name { + height: 45px; + margin: 0; + font-size: 16px; } + .top-bar .name h1 { + line-height: 45px; + font-size: 1.0625em; + margin: 0; } + .top-bar .name h1 a { + font-weight: bold; + color: white; + width: 50%; + display: block; + padding: 0 15px; } + .top-bar .toggle-topbar { + position: absolute; + right: 0; + top: 0; } + .top-bar .toggle-topbar a { + color: white; + text-transform: uppercase; + font-size: 0.8125em; + font-weight: bold; + position: relative; + display: block; + padding: 0 15px; + height: 45px; + line-height: 45px; } + .top-bar .toggle-topbar.menu-icon { + right: 15px; + top: 50%; + margin-top: -16px; + padding-left: 40px; } + .top-bar .toggle-topbar.menu-icon a { + text-indent: -48px; + width: 34px; + height: 34px; + line-height: 33px; + padding: 0; + color: white; } + .top-bar .toggle-topbar.menu-icon a span { + position: absolute; + right: 0; + display: block; + width: 16px; + height: 0; + -webkit-box-shadow: 0 10px 0 1px white, 0 16px 0 1px white, 0 22px 0 1px white; + box-shadow: 0 10px 0 1px white, 0 16px 0 1px white, 0 22px 0 1px white; } + .top-bar.expanded { + height: auto; + background: transparent; } + .top-bar.expanded .title-area { + background: #111111; } + .top-bar.expanded .toggle-topbar a { + color: #888888; } + .top-bar.expanded .toggle-topbar a span { + -webkit-box-shadow: 0 10px 0 1px #888888, 0 16px 0 1px #888888, 0 22px 0 1px #888888; + box-shadow: 0 10px 0 1px #888888, 0 16px 0 1px #888888, 0 22px 0 1px #888888; } + +.top-bar-section { + left: 0; + position: relative; + width: auto; + -webkit-transition: left 300ms ease-out; + -moz-transition: left 300ms ease-out; + transition: left 300ms ease-out; } + .top-bar-section ul { + width: 100%; + height: auto; + display: block; + background: #333333; + font-size: 16px; + margin: 0; } + .top-bar-section .divider, + .top-bar-section [role="separator"] { + border-bottom: solid 1px #4d4d4d; + border-top: solid 1px #1a1a1a; + clear: both; + height: 1px; + width: 100%; } + .top-bar-section ul li > a { + display: block; + width: 100%; + color: white; + padding: 12px 0 12px 0; + padding-left: 15px; + font-size: 0.8125em; + font-weight: bold; + background: #333333; } + .top-bar-section ul li > a:hover { + background: #2b2b2b; } + .top-bar-section ul li > a.button { + background: #2ba6cb; + font-size: 0.8125em; } + .top-bar-section ul li > a.button:hover { + background: #2284a1; } + .top-bar-section ul li > a.button.secondary { + background: #e9e9e9; } + .top-bar-section ul li > a.button.secondary:hover { + background: #d0d0d0; } + .top-bar-section ul li > a.button.success { + background: #5da423; } + .top-bar-section ul li > a.button.success:hover { + background: #457a1a; } + .top-bar-section ul li > a.button.alert { + background: #c60f13; } + .top-bar-section ul li > a.button.alert:hover { + background: #970b0e; } + .top-bar-section ul li.active > a { + background: #2b2b2b; } + .top-bar-section .has-form { + padding: 15px; } + .top-bar-section .has-dropdown { + position: relative; } + .top-bar-section .has-dropdown > a:after { + content: ""; + display: block; + width: 0; + height: 0; + border: inset 5px; + border-color: transparent transparent transparent rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); + border-left-style: solid; + margin-right: 15px; + margin-top: -4.5px; + position: absolute; + top: 22px; + right: 0; } + .top-bar-section .has-dropdown.moved { + position: static; } + .top-bar-section .has-dropdown.moved > .dropdown { + visibility: visible; } + .top-bar-section .dropdown { + position: absolute; + left: 100%; + top: 0; + visibility: hidden; + z-index: 99; } + .top-bar-section .dropdown li { + width: 100%; } + .top-bar-section .dropdown li a { + font-weight: normal; + padding: 8px 15px; } + .top-bar-section .dropdown li.title h5 { + margin-bottom: 0; } + .top-bar-section .dropdown li.title h5 a { + color: white; + line-height: 22.5px; + display: block; } + .top-bar-section .dropdown label { + padding: 8px 15px 2px; + margin-bottom: 0; + text-transform: uppercase; + color: #555555; + font-weight: bold; + font-size: 0.625em; } + +.top-bar-js-breakpoint { + width: 58.75em !important; + visibility: hidden; } + +.js-generated { + display: block; } + +@media only screen and (min-width: 58.75em) { + .top-bar { + background: #111111; + *zoom: 1; + overflow: visible; } + .top-bar:before, .top-bar:after { + content: " "; + display: table; } + .top-bar:after { + clear: both; } + .top-bar .toggle-topbar { + display: none; } + .top-bar .title-area { + float: left; } + .top-bar .name h1 a { + width: auto; } + .top-bar input, + .top-bar .button { + line-height: 2em; + font-size: 0.875em; + height: 2em; + padding: 0 10px; + position: relative; + top: 8px; } + .top-bar.expanded { + background: #111111; } + + .contain-to-grid .top-bar { + max-width: 62.5em; + margin: 0 auto; + margin-bottom: 1.875em; } + + .top-bar-section { + -webkit-transition: none 0 0; + -moz-transition: none 0 0; + transition: none 0 0; + left: 0 !important; } + .top-bar-section ul { + width: auto; + height: auto !important; + display: inline; } + .top-bar-section ul li { + float: left; } + .top-bar-section ul li .js-generated { + display: none; } + .top-bar-section li a:not(.button) { + padding: 0 15px; + line-height: 45px; + background: #111111; } + .top-bar-section li a:not(.button):hover { + background: black; } + .top-bar-section .has-dropdown > a { + padding-right: 35px !important; } + .top-bar-section .has-dropdown > a:after { + content: ""; + display: block; + width: 0; + height: 0; + border: inset 5px; + border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) transparent transparent transparent; + border-top-style: solid; + margin-top: -2.5px; + top: 22.5px; } + .top-bar-section .has-dropdown.moved { + position: relative; } + .top-bar-section .has-dropdown.moved > .dropdown { + visibility: hidden; } + .top-bar-section .has-dropdown:hover > .dropdown, .top-bar-section .has-dropdown:active > .dropdown { + visibility: visible; } + .top-bar-section .has-dropdown .dropdown li.has-dropdown > a:after { + border: none; + content: "\00bb"; + margin-top: -15px; + right: 5px; } + .top-bar-section .dropdown { + left: 0; + top: auto; + background: transparent; + min-width: 100%; } + .top-bar-section .dropdown li a { + color: white; + line-height: 1; + white-space: nowrap; + padding: 7px 15px; + background: #1e1e1e; } + .top-bar-section .dropdown li label { + white-space: nowrap; + background: #1e1e1e; } + .top-bar-section .dropdown li .dropdown { + left: 100%; + top: 0; } + .top-bar-section > ul > .divider, .top-bar-section > ul > [role="separator"] { + border-bottom: none; + border-top: none; + border-right: solid 1px #2b2b2b; + border-left: solid 1px black; + clear: none; + height: 45px; + width: 0px; } + .top-bar-section .has-form { + background: #111111; + padding: 0 15px; + height: 45px; } + .top-bar-section ul.right li .dropdown { + left: auto; + right: 0; } + .top-bar-section ul.right li .dropdown li .dropdown { + right: 100%; } } +.orbit-container { + overflow: hidden; + width: 100%; + position: relative; + background: whitesmoke; } + .orbit-container .orbit-slides-container { + list-style: none; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + position: relative; } + .orbit-container .orbit-slides-container img { + display: block; } + .orbit-container .orbit-slides-container > * { + position: relative; + float: left; + height: 100%; } + .orbit-container .orbit-slides-container > * .orbit-caption { + position: absolute; + bottom: 0; + background-color: black; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); + color: #fff; + width: 100%; + padding: 10px 14px; + font-size: 0.875em; } + .orbit-container .orbit-slides-container > * .orbit-caption * { + color: white; } + .orbit-container .orbit-slide-number { + position: absolute; + top: 10px; + left: 10px; + font-size: 12px; + color: white; + background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } + .orbit-container .orbit-slide-number span { + font-weight: 700; + padding: 0.3125em; } + .orbit-container .orbit-timer { + position: absolute; + top: 10px; + right: 10px; + height: 6px; + width: 100px; } + .orbit-container .orbit-timer .orbit-progress { + height: 100%; + background-color: black; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); + display: block; + width: 0%; } + .orbit-container .orbit-timer > span { + display: none; + position: absolute; + top: 10px; + right: 0px; + width: 11px; + height: 14px; + border: solid 4px black; + border-top: none; + border-bottom: none; } + .orbit-container .orbit-timer.paused > span { + right: -6px; + top: 9px; + width: 11px; + height: 14px; + border: inset 8px; + border-right-style: solid; + border-color: transparent transparent transparent black; } + .orbit-container:hover .orbit-timer > span { + display: block; } + .orbit-container .orbit-prev, + .orbit-container .orbit-next { + position: absolute; + top: 50%; + margin-top: -25px; + background-color: black; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); + width: 50px; + height: 60px; + line-height: 50px; + color: white; + text-indent: -9999px !important; } + .orbit-container .orbit-prev > span, + .orbit-container .orbit-next > span { + position: absolute; + top: 50%; + margin-top: -16px; + display: block; + width: 0; + height: 0; + border: inset 16px; } + .orbit-container .orbit-prev { + left: 0; } + .orbit-container .orbit-prev > span { + border-right-style: solid; + border-color: transparent; + border-right-color: #fff; } + .orbit-container .orbit-prev:hover > span { + border-right-color: #ccc; } + .orbit-container .orbit-next { + right: 0; } + .orbit-container .orbit-next > span { + border-color: transparent; + border-left-style: solid; + border-left-color: #fff; + left: 50%; + margin-left: -8px; } + .orbit-container .orbit-next:hover > span { + border-left-color: #ccc; } + +.orbit-bullets { + margin: 0 auto 30px auto; + overflow: hidden; + position: relative; + top: 10px; } + .orbit-bullets li { + display: block; + width: 18px; + height: 18px; + background: #999999; + float: left; + margin-right: 6px; + border: solid 2px #222222; + -webkit-border-radius: 1000px; + border-radius: 1000px; } + .orbit-bullets li.active { + background: #222222; } + .orbit-bullets li:last-child { + margin-right: 0; } + +.touch .orbit-container .orbit-prev, +.touch .orbit-container .orbit-next { + display: none; } +.touch .orbit-bullets { + display: none; } + +@media only screen and (min-width: 48em) { + .touch .orbit-container .orbit-prev, + .touch .orbit-container .orbit-next { + display: inherit; } + .touch .orbit-bullets { + display: block; } } +.reveal-modal-bg { + position: fixed; + height: 100%; + width: 100%; + background: black; + background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.45); + z-index: 98; + display: none; + top: 0; + left: 0; } + +.reveal-modal { + visibility: hidden; + display: none; + position: absolute; + left: 50%; + z-index: 99; + height: auto; + background-color: #fff; + margin-left: -40%; + width: 80%; + background-color: white; + padding: 1.25em; + border: solid 1px #666666; + -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); + box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); + top: 50px; } + .reveal-modal .column, + .reveal-modal .columns { + min-width: 0; } + .reveal-modal > :first-child { + margin-top: 0; } + .reveal-modal > :last-child { + margin-bottom: 0; } + .reveal-modal .close-reveal-modal { + font-size: 1.375em; + line-height: 1; + position: absolute; + top: 0.5em; + right: 0.6875em; + color: #aaaaaa; + font-weight: bold; + cursor: pointer; } + +@media only screen and (min-width: 48em) { + .reveal-modal { + padding: 1.875em; + top: 6.25em; } + .reveal-modal.tiny { + margin-left: -15%; + width: 30%; } + .reveal-modal.small { + margin-left: -20%; + width: 40%; } + .reveal-modal.medium { + margin-left: -30%; + width: 60%; } + .reveal-modal.large { + margin-left: -35%; + width: 70%; } + .reveal-modal.xlarge { + margin-left: -47.5%; + width: 95%; } } +@media print { + .reveal-modal { + background: white !important; } } +/* Foundation Joyride */ +.joyride-list { + display: none; } + +/* Default styles for the container */ +.joyride-tip-guide { + display: none; + position: absolute; + background: black; + color: white; + z-index: 101; + top: 0; + left: 2.5%; + font-family: inherit; + font-weight: normal; + width: 95%; } + +.lt-ie9 .joyride-tip-guide { + max-width: 800px; + left: 50%; + margin-left: -400px; } + +.joyride-content-wrapper { + width: 100%; + padding: 1.125em 1.25em 1.5em; } + .joyride-content-wrapper .button { + margin-bottom: 0 !important; } + +/* Add a little css triangle pip, older browser just miss out on the fanciness of it */ +.joyride-tip-guide .joyride-nub { + display: block; + position: absolute; + left: 22px; + width: 0; + height: 0; + border: inset 14px; } + .joyride-tip-guide .joyride-nub.top { + border-top-style: solid; + border-color: black; + border-top-color: transparent !important; + border-left-color: transparent !important; + border-right-color: transparent !important; + top: -28px; } + .joyride-tip-guide .joyride-nub.bottom { + border-bottom-style: solid; + border-color: black !important; + border-bottom-color: transparent !important; + border-left-color: transparent !important; + border-right-color: transparent !important; + bottom: -28px; } + .joyride-tip-guide .joyride-nub.right { + right: -28px; } + .joyride-tip-guide .joyride-nub.left { + left: -28px; } + +/* Typography */ +.joyride-tip-guide h1, +.joyride-tip-guide h2, +.joyride-tip-guide h3, +.joyride-tip-guide h4, +.joyride-tip-guide h5, +.joyride-tip-guide h6 { + line-height: 1.25; + margin: 0; + font-weight: bold; + color: white; } + +.joyride-tip-guide p { + margin: 0 0 1.125em 0; + font-size: 0.875em; + line-height: 1.3; } + +.joyride-timer-indicator-wrap { + width: 50px; + height: 3px; + border: solid 1px #555555; + position: absolute; + right: 1.0625em; + bottom: 1em; } + +.joyride-timer-indicator { + display: block; + width: 0; + height: inherit; + background: #666666; } + +.joyride-close-tip { + position: absolute; + right: 12px; + top: 10px; + color: #777777 !important; + text-decoration: none; + font-size: 30px; + font-weight: normal; + line-height: 0.5 !important; } + .joyride-close-tip:hover, .joyride-close-tip:focus { + color: #eeeeee !important; } + +.joyride-modal-bg { + position: fixed; + height: 100%; + width: 100%; + background: transparent; + background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); + z-index: 100; + display: none; + top: 0; + left: 0; + cursor: pointer; } + +.joyride-expose-wrapper { + background-color: #ffffff; + position: absolute; + border-radius: 3px; + z-index: 102; + -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 30px white; + -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px white; + box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px white; } + +.joyride-expose-cover { + background: transparent; + border-radius: 3px; + position: absolute; + z-index: 9999; + top: 0px; + left: 0px; } + +/* Styles for screens that are atleast 768px; */ +@media only screen and (min-width: 48em) { + .joyride-tip-guide { + width: 300px; + left: inherit; } + .joyride-tip-guide .joyride-nub.bottom { + border-color: black !important; + border-bottom-color: transparent !important; + border-left-color: transparent !important; + border-right-color: transparent !important; + bottom: -28px; } + .joyride-tip-guide .joyride-nub.right { + border-color: black !important; + border-top-color: transparent !important; + border-right-color: transparent !important; + border-bottom-color: transparent !important; + top: 22px; + left: auto; + right: -28px; } + .joyride-tip-guide .joyride-nub.left { + border-color: black !important; + border-top-color: transparent !important; + border-left-color: transparent !important; + border-bottom-color: transparent !important; + top: 22px; + left: -28px; + right: auto; } } +/* Clearing Styles */ +[data-clearing] { + *zoom: 1; + margin-bottom: 0; + list-style: none; } + [data-clearing]:before, [data-clearing]:after { + content: " "; + display: table; } + [data-clearing]:after { + clear: both; } + [data-clearing] li { + float: left; + margin-right: 10px; } + +.clearing-blackout { + background: #111111; + position: fixed; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + top: 0; + left: 0; + z-index: 998; } + .clearing-blackout .clearing-close { + display: block; } + +.clearing-container { + position: relative; + z-index: 998; + height: 100%; + overflow: hidden; + margin: 0; } + +.visible-img { + height: 95%; + position: relative; } + .visible-img img { + position: absolute; + left: 50%; + top: 50%; + margin-left: -50%; + max-height: 100%; + max-width: 100%; } + +.clearing-caption { + color: white; + line-height: 1.3; + margin-bottom: 0; + text-align: center; + bottom: 0; + background: #111111; + width: 100%; + padding: 10px 30px; + position: absolute; + left: 0; } + +.clearing-close { + z-index: 999; + padding-left: 20px; + padding-top: 10px; + font-size: 40px; + line-height: 1; + color: white; + display: none; } + .clearing-close:hover, .clearing-close:focus { + color: #ccc; } + +.clearing-assembled .clearing-container { + height: 100%; } + .clearing-assembled .clearing-container .carousel > ul { + display: none; } + +@media only screen and (min-width: 48em) { + .clearing-main-prev, + .clearing-main-next { + position: absolute; + height: 100%; + width: 40px; + top: 0; } + .clearing-main-prev > span, + .clearing-main-next > span { + position: absolute; + top: 50%; + display: block; + width: 0; + height: 0; + border: solid 16px; } + + .clearing-main-prev { + left: 0; } + .clearing-main-prev > span { + left: 5px; + border-color: transparent; + border-right-color: white; } + + .clearing-main-next { + right: 0; } + .clearing-main-next > span { + border-color: transparent; + border-left-color: white; } + + .clearing-main-prev.disabled, + .clearing-main-next.disabled { + opacity: 0.5; } + + .clearing-feature ~ li { + display: none; } + + .clearing-assembled .clearing-container .carousel { + background: #111111; + height: 150px; + margin-top: 5px; } + .clearing-assembled .clearing-container .carousel > ul { + display: block; + z-index: 999; + width: 200%; + height: 100%; + margin-left: 0; + position: relative; + left: 0; } + .clearing-assembled .clearing-container .carousel > ul li { + display: block; + width: 175px; + height: inherit; + padding: 0; + float: left; + overflow: hidden; + margin-right: 1px; + position: relative; + cursor: pointer; + opacity: 0.4; } + .clearing-assembled .clearing-container .carousel > ul li.fix-height img { + min-height: 100%; + height: 100%; + max-width: none; } + .clearing-assembled .clearing-container .carousel > ul li a.th { + border: none; + -webkit-box-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + display: block; } + .clearing-assembled .clearing-container .carousel > ul li img { + cursor: pointer !important; + min-width: 100% !important; } + .clearing-assembled .clearing-container .carousel > ul li.visible { + opacity: 1; } + .clearing-assembled .clearing-container .visible-img { + background: #111111; + overflow: hidden; + height: 75%; } + + .clearing-close { + position: absolute; + top: 10px; + right: 20px; + padding-left: 0; + padding-top: 0; } } +/* Foundation Alerts */ +.alert-box { + border-style: solid; + border-width: 1px; + display: block; + font-weight: bold; + margin-bottom: 1.25em; + position: relative; + padding: 0.6875em 1.3125em 0.75em 0.6875em; + font-size: 0.875em; + background-color: #2ba6cb; + border-color: #2284a1; + color: white; } + .alert-box .close { + font-size: 1.375em; + padding: 5px 4px 4px; + line-height: 0; + position: absolute; + top: 0.4375em; + right: 0.3125em; + color: #333333; + opacity: 0.3; } + .alert-box .close:hover, .alert-box .close:focus { + opacity: 0.5; } + .alert-box.radius { + -webkit-border-radius: 3px; + border-radius: 3px; } + .alert-box.round { + -webkit-border-radius: 1000px; + border-radius: 1000px; } + .alert-box.success { + background-color: #5da423; + border-color: #457a1a; + color: white; } + .alert-box.alert { + background-color: #c60f13; + border-color: #970b0e; + color: white; } + .alert-box.secondary { + background-color: #e9e9e9; + border-color: #d0d0d0; + color: #505050; } + +/* Breadcrumbs */ +.breadcrumbs { + display: block; + padding: 0.5625em 0.875em 0.5625em; + overflow: hidden; + margin-left: 0; + list-style: none; + border-style: solid; + border-width: 1px; + background-color: #f6f6f6; + border-color: gainsboro; + -webkit-border-radius: 3px; + border-radius: 3px; } + .breadcrumbs > * { + margin: 0; + float: left; + font-size: 0.6875em; + text-transform: uppercase; + color: #2ba6cb; } + .breadcrumbs > *:hover a, .breadcrumbs > *:focus a { + text-decoration: underline; } + .breadcrumbs > * a, + .breadcrumbs > * span { + text-transform: uppercase; + color: #2ba6cb; } + .breadcrumbs > *.current { + cursor: default; + color: #333333; } + .breadcrumbs > *.current a { + cursor: default; + color: #333333; } + .breadcrumbs > *.current:hover, .breadcrumbs > *.current:hover a, .breadcrumbs > *.current:focus, .breadcrumbs > *.current:focus a { + text-decoration: none; } + .breadcrumbs > *.unavailable { + color: #999999; } + .breadcrumbs > *.unavailable a { + color: #999999; } + .breadcrumbs > *.unavailable:hover, .breadcrumbs > *.unavailable:hover a, .breadcrumbs > *.unavailable:focus, + .breadcrumbs > *.unavailable a:focus { + text-decoration: none; + color: #999999; + cursor: default; } + .breadcrumbs > *:before { + content: "/"; + color: #aaaaaa; + margin: 0 0.75em; + position: relative; + top: 1px; } + .breadcrumbs > *:first-child:before { + content: " "; + margin: 0; } + +/* Keystroke Characters */ +.keystroke, +kbd { + background-color: #ededed; + border-color: #dbdbdb; + color: #222222; + border-style: solid; + border-width: 1px; + margin: 0; + font-family: "Consolas", "Menlo", "Courier", monospace; + font-size: 0.9375em; + padding: 0.125em 0.25em 0em; + -webkit-border-radius: 3px; + border-radius: 3px; } + +/* Labels */ +.label { + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; + text-decoration: none; + line-height: 1; + white-space: nowrap; + display: inline-block; + position: relative; + padding: 0.1875em 0.625em 0.25em; + font-size: 0.875em; + background-color: #2ba6cb; + color: white; } + .label.radius { + -webkit-border-radius: 3px; + border-radius: 3px; } + .label.round { + -webkit-border-radius: 1000px; + border-radius: 1000px; } + .label.alert { + background-color: #c60f13; + color: white; } + .label.success { + background-color: #5da423; + color: white; } + .label.secondary { + background-color: #e9e9e9; + color: #333333; } + +/* Inline Lists */ +.inline-list { + margin: 0 auto 1.0625em auto; + margin-left: -1.375em; + margin-right: 0; + padding: 0; + list-style: none; + overflow: hidden; } + .inline-list > li { + list-style: none; + float: left; + margin-left: 1.375em; + display: block; } + .inline-list > li > * { + display: block; } + +/* Pagination */ +.pagination { + display: block; + height: 1.5em; + margin-left: -0.3125em; } + .pagination li { + display: block; + float: left; + height: 1.5em; + color: #222222; + font-size: 0.875em; + margin-left: 0.3125em; } + .pagination li a { + display: block; + padding: 0.0625em 0.4375em 0.0625em; + color: #999999; } + .pagination li:hover a, + .pagination li a:focus { + background: #e6e6e6; } + .pagination li.unavailable a { + cursor: default; + color: #999999; } + .pagination li.unavailable:hover a, .pagination li.unavailable a:focus { + background: transparent; } + .pagination li.current a { + background: #2ba6cb; + color: white; + font-weight: bold; + cursor: default; } + .pagination li.current a:hover, .pagination li.current a:focus { + background: #2ba6cb; } + +.pagination-centered { + text-align: center; } + .pagination-centered ul > li { + float: none; + display: inline-block; } + +/* Panels */ +.panel { + border-style: solid; + border-width: 1px; + border-color: #d9d9d9; + margin-bottom: 1.25em; + padding: 1.25em; + background: #f2f2f2; } + .panel h1, .panel h2, .panel h3, .panel h4, .panel h5, .panel h6, .panel p { + color: #333333; } + .panel > :first-child { + margin-top: 0; } + .panel > :last-child { + margin-bottom: 0; } + .panel h1, .panel h2, .panel h3, .panel h4, .panel h5, .panel h6 { + line-height: 1; + margin-bottom: 0.625em; } + .panel h1.subheader, .panel h2.subheader, .panel h3.subheader, .panel h4.subheader, .panel h5.subheader, .panel h6.subheader { + line-height: 1.4; } + .panel.callout { + border-style: solid; + border-width: 1px; + border-color: #2284a1; + margin-bottom: 1.25em; + padding: 1.25em; + background: #2ba6cb; + -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) inset; + box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) inset; } + .panel.callout h1, .panel.callout h2, .panel.callout h3, .panel.callout h4, .panel.callout h5, .panel.callout h6, .panel.callout p { + color: white; } + .panel.callout > :first-child { + margin-top: 0; } + .panel.callout > :last-child { + margin-bottom: 0; } + .panel.callout h1, .panel.callout h2, .panel.callout h3, .panel.callout h4, .panel.callout h5, .panel.callout h6 { + line-height: 1; + margin-bottom: 0.625em; } + .panel.callout h1.subheader, .panel.callout h2.subheader, .panel.callout h3.subheader, .panel.callout h4.subheader, .panel.callout h5.subheader, .panel.callout h6.subheader { + line-height: 1.4; } + .panel.radius { + -webkit-border-radius: 3px; + border-radius: 3px; } + +/* Pricing Tables */ +.pricing-table { + border: solid 1px #dddddd; + margin-left: 0; + margin-bottom: 1.25em; } + .pricing-table * { + list-style: none; + line-height: 1; } + .pricing-table .title { + background-color: #dddddd; + padding: 0.9375em 1.25em; + text-align: center; + color: #333333; + font-weight: bold; + font-size: 1em; } + .pricing-table .price { + background-color: #eeeeee; + padding: 0.9375em 1.25em; + text-align: center; + color: #333333; + font-weight: normal; + font-size: 1.25em; } + .pricing-table .description { + background-color: white; + padding: 0.9375em; + text-align: center; + color: #777777; + font-size: 0.75em; + font-weight: normal; + line-height: 1.4; + border-bottom: dotted 1px #dddddd; } + .pricing-table .bullet-item { + background-color: white; + padding: 0.9375em; + text-align: center; + color: #333333; + font-size: 0.875em; + font-weight: normal; + border-bottom: dotted 1px #dddddd; } + .pricing-table .cta-button { + background-color: whitesmoke; + text-align: center; + padding: 1.25em 1.25em 0; } + +/* Progress Bar */ +.progress { + background-color: transparent; + height: 1.5625em; + border: 1px solid #cccccc; + padding: 0.125em; + margin-bottom: 0.625em; } + .progress .meter { + background: #2ba6cb; + height: 100%; + display: block; } + .progress.secondary .meter { + background: #e9e9e9; + height: 100%; + display: block; } + .progress.success .meter { + background: #5da423; + height: 100%; + display: block; } + .progress.alert .meter { + background: #c60f13; + height: 100%; + display: block; } + .progress.radius { + -webkit-border-radius: 3px; + border-radius: 3px; } + .progress.radius .meter { + -webkit-border-radius: 2px; + border-radius: 2px; } + .progress.round { + -webkit-border-radius: 1000px; + border-radius: 1000px; } + .progress.round .meter { + -webkit-border-radius: 999px; + border-radius: 999px; } + +/* Side Nav */ +.side-nav { + display: block; + margin: 0; + padding: 0.875em 0; + list-style-type: none; + list-style-position: inside; } + .side-nav li { + margin: 0 0 0.4375em 0; + font-size: 0.875em; } + .side-nav li a { + display: block; + color: #2ba6cb; } + .side-nav li.active > a:first-child { + color: #4d4d4d; + font-weight: bold; } + .side-nav li.divider { + border-top: 1px solid; + height: 0; + padding: 0; + list-style: none; + border-top-color: #e6e6e6; } + +/* Side Nav */ +.sub-nav { + display: block; + width: auto; + overflow: hidden; + margin: -0.25em 0 1.125em; + padding-top: 0.25em; + margin-right: 0; + margin-left: -0.5625em; } + .sub-nav dt, + .sub-nav dd { + float: left; + display: inline; + margin-left: 0.5625em; + margin-bottom: 0.625em; + font-weight: normal; + font-size: 0.875em; } + .sub-nav dt a, + .sub-nav dd a { + color: #999999; + text-decoration: none; } + .sub-nav dt.active a, + .sub-nav dd.active a { + -webkit-border-radius: 1000px; + border-radius: 1000px; + font-weight: bold; + background: #2ba6cb; + padding: 0.1875em 0.5625em; + cursor: default; + color: white; } + +/* Foundation Switches */ +@media only screen { + div.switch { + position: relative; + width: 100%; + padding: 0; + display: block; + overflow: hidden; + border-style: solid; + border-width: 1px; + margin-bottom: 1.25em; + -webkit-animation: webkitSiblingBugfix infinite 1s; + height: 36px; + background: white; + border-color: #cccccc; } + div.switch label { + position: relative; + left: 0; + z-index: 2; + float: left; + width: 50%; + height: 100%; + margin: 0; + font-weight: bold; + text-align: left; + -webkit-transition: all 0.1s ease-out; + -moz-transition: all 0.1s ease-out; + transition: all 0.1s ease-out; } + div.switch input { + position: absolute; + z-index: 3; + opacity: 0; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + -moz-appearance: none; } + div.switch input:hover, div.switch input:focus { + cursor: pointer; } + div.switch > span { + position: absolute; + top: -1px; + left: -1px; + z-index: 1; + display: block; + padding: 0; + border-width: 1px; + border-style: solid; + -webkit-transition: all 0.1s ease-out; + -moz-transition: all 0.1s ease-out; + transition: all 0.1s ease-out; } + div.switch input:not(:checked) + label { + opacity: 0; } + div.switch input:checked { + display: none !important; } + div.switch input { + left: 0; + display: block !important; } + div.switch input:first-of-type + label, + div.switch input:first-of-type + span + label { + left: -50%; } + div.switch input:first-of-type:checked + label, + div.switch input:first-of-type:checked + span + label { + left: 0%; } + div.switch input:last-of-type + label, + div.switch input:last-of-type + span + label { + right: -50%; + left: auto; + text-align: right; } + div.switch input:last-of-type:checked + label, + div.switch input:last-of-type:checked + span + label { + right: 0%; + left: auto; } + div.switch span.custom { + display: none !important; } + div.switch label { + padding: 0 0.375em; + line-height: 2.3em; + font-size: 0.875em; } + div.switch input:first-of-type:checked ~ span { + left: 100%; + margin-left: -2.1875em; } + div.switch > span { + width: 2.25em; + height: 2.25em; } + div.switch > span { + border-color: #b3b3b3; + background: white; + background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, white 0%, #f2f2f2 100%); + background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, white 0%, #f2f2f2 100%); + background: linear-gradient(to bottom, white 0%, #f2f2f2 100%); + -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 0 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07), 1000px 0 0 1000px #e1f5d1, -2px 0 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07), -1000px 0 0 1000px whitesmoke; + box-shadow: 2px 0 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07), 1000px 0 0 980px #e1f5d1, -2px 0 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07), -1000px 0 0 1000px whitesmoke; } + div.switch:hover > span, div.switch:focus > span { + background: white; + background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, white 0%, #e6e6e6 100%); + background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, white 0%, #e6e6e6 100%); + background: linear-gradient(to bottom, white 0%, #e6e6e6 100%); } + div.switch:active { + background: transparent; } + div.switch.large { + height: 44px; } + div.switch.large label { + padding: 0 0.375em; + line-height: 2.3em; + font-size: 1.0625em; } + div.switch.large input:first-of-type:checked ~ span { + left: 100%; + margin-left: -2.6875em; } + div.switch.large > span { + width: 2.75em; + height: 2.75em; } + div.switch.small { + height: 28px; } + div.switch.small label { + padding: 0 0.375em; + line-height: 2.1em; + font-size: 0.75em; } + div.switch.small input:first-of-type:checked ~ span { + left: 100%; + margin-left: -1.6875em; } + div.switch.small > span { + width: 1.75em; + height: 1.75em; } + div.switch.tiny { + height: 22px; } + div.switch.tiny label { + padding: 0 0.375em; + line-height: 1.9em; + font-size: 0.6875em; } + div.switch.tiny input:first-of-type:checked ~ span { + left: 100%; + margin-left: -1.3125em; } + div.switch.tiny > span { + width: 1.375em; + height: 1.375em; } + div.switch.radius { + -webkit-border-radius: 4px; + border-radius: 4px; } + div.switch.radius > span { + -webkit-border-radius: 3px; + border-radius: 3px; } + div.switch.round { + -webkit-border-radius: 1000px; + border-radius: 1000px; } + div.switch.round > span { + -webkit-border-radius: 999px; + border-radius: 999px; } + div.switch.round label { + padding: 0 0.5625em; } + + @-webkit-keyframes webkitSiblingBugfix { + from { + position: relative; } + + to { + position: relative; } } } +[data-magellan-expedition] { + background: white; + z-index: 50; + min-width: 100%; + padding: 10px; } + [data-magellan-expedition] .sub-nav { + margin-bottom: 0; } + [data-magellan-expedition] .sub-nav dd { + margin-bottom: 0; } + +/* Tables */ +table { + background: white; + margin-bottom: 1.25em; + border: solid 1px #dddddd; } + table thead, + table tfoot { + background: whitesmoke; + font-weight: bold; } + table thead tr th, + table thead tr td, + table tfoot tr th, + table tfoot tr td { + padding: 0.5em 0.625em 0.625em; + font-size: 0.875em; + color: #222222; + text-align: left; } + table tr th, + table tr td { + padding: 0.5625em 0.625em; + font-size: 0.875em; + color: #222222; } + table tr.even, table tr.alt, table tr:nth-of-type(even) { + background: #f9f9f9; } + table thead tr th, + table tfoot tr th, + table tbody tr td, + table tr td, + table tfoot tr td { + display: table-cell; + line-height: 1.125em; } + +/* Image Thumbnails */ +.th { + line-height: 0; + display: inline-block; + border: solid 4px white; + -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + -webkit-transition: all 200ms ease-out; + -moz-transition: all 200ms ease-out; + transition: all 200ms ease-out; } + .th:hover, .th:focus { + -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 6px 1px rgba(43, 166, 203, 0.5); + box-shadow: 0 0 6px 1px rgba(43, 166, 203, 0.5); } + .th.radius { + -webkit-border-radius: 3px; + border-radius: 3px; } + +a.th { + display: block; } + +/* Tooltips */ +.has-tip { + border-bottom: dotted 1px #cccccc; + cursor: help; + font-weight: bold; + color: #333333; } + .has-tip:hover, .has-tip:focus { + border-bottom: dotted 1px #196177; + color: #2ba6cb; } + .has-tip.tip-left, .has-tip.tip-right { + float: none !important; } + +.tooltip { + display: none; + position: absolute; + z-index: 999; + font-weight: bold; + font-size: 0.9375em; + line-height: 1.3; + padding: 0.5em; + max-width: 85%; + left: 50%; + width: 100%; + color: white; + background: black; + -webkit-border-radius: 3px; + border-radius: 3px; } + .tooltip > .nub { + display: block; + left: 5px; + position: absolute; + width: 0; + height: 0; + border: solid 5px; + border-color: transparent transparent black transparent; + top: -10px; } + .tooltip.opened { + color: #2ba6cb !important; + border-bottom: dotted 1px #196177 !important; } + +.tap-to-close { + display: block; + font-size: 0.625em; + color: #888888; + font-weight: normal; } + +@media only screen and (min-width: 48em) { + .tooltip > .nub { + border-color: transparent transparent black transparent; + top: -10px; } + .tooltip.tip-top > .nub { + border-color: black transparent transparent transparent; + top: auto; + bottom: -10px; } + .tooltip.tip-left, .tooltip.tip-right { + float: none !important; } + .tooltip.tip-left > .nub { + border-color: transparent transparent transparent black; + right: -10px; + left: auto; + top: 50%; + margin-top: -5px; } + .tooltip.tip-right > .nub { + border-color: transparent black transparent transparent; + right: auto; + left: -10px; + top: 50%; + margin-top: -5px; } } +@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { + .f-dropdown { + max-width: 100%; + left: 0; } } +/* Foundation Dropdowns */ +.f-dropdown { + position: absolute; + top: -9999px; + list-style: none; + padding: 1.25em; + width: 100%; + height: auto; + max-height: none; + background: white; + border: solid 1px #cccccc; + font-size: 16px; + z-index: 99; + margin-top: 2px; + max-width: 200px; } + .f-dropdown *:first-child { + margin-top: 0; } + .f-dropdown *:last-child { + margin-bottom: 0; } + .f-dropdown:before { + content: ""; + display: block; + width: 0; + height: 0; + border: inset 6px; + border-color: transparent transparent white transparent; + border-bottom-style: solid; + position: absolute; + top: -12px; + left: 10px; + z-index: 99; } + .f-dropdown:after { + content: ""; + display: block; + width: 0; + height: 0; + border: inset 7px; + border-color: transparent transparent #cccccc transparent; + border-bottom-style: solid; + position: absolute; + top: -14px; + left: 9px; + z-index: 98; } + .f-dropdown.right:before { + left: auto; + right: 10px; } + .f-dropdown.right:after { + left: auto; + right: 9px; } + .f-dropdown li { + font-size: 0.875em; + cursor: pointer; + line-height: 1.125em; + margin: 0; } + .f-dropdown li:hover, .f-dropdown li:focus { + background: #eeeeee; } + .f-dropdown li a { + display: block; + padding: 0.3125em 0.625em; + color: #555555; } + .f-dropdown.content { + position: absolute; + top: -9999px; + list-style: none; + padding: 1.25em; + width: 100%; + height: auto; + max-height: none; + background: white; + border: solid 1px #cccccc; + font-size: 16px; + z-index: 99; + max-width: 200px; } + .f-dropdown.content *:first-child { + margin-top: 0; } + .f-dropdown.content *:last-child { + margin-bottom: 0; } + .f-dropdown.tiny { + max-width: 200px; } + .f-dropdown.small { + max-width: 300px; } + .f-dropdown.medium { + max-width: 500px; } + .f-dropdown.large { + max-width: 800px; } diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/css/foundation.min.css b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/css/foundation.min.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0bedfea --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/css/foundation.min.css @@ -0,0 +1 @@ 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--- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/css/normalize.css @@ -0,0 +1,402 @@ +/*! normalize.css v2.1.1 | MIT License | git.io/normalize */ + +/* ========================================================================== + HTML5 display definitions + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Correct `block` display not defined in IE 8/9. + */ + +article, +aside, +details, +figcaption, +figure, +footer, +header, +hgroup, +main, +nav, +section, +summary { + display: block; +} + +/** + * Correct `inline-block` display not defined in IE 8/9. + */ + +audio, +canvas, +video { + display: inline-block; +} + +/** + * Prevent modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls. + * Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices. + */ + +audio:not([controls]) { + display: none; + height: 0; +} + +/** + * Address styling not present in IE 8/9. + */ + +[hidden] { + display: none; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Base + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * 1. Prevent system color scheme's background color being used in Firefox, IE, + * and Opera. + * 2. Prevent system color scheme's text color being used in Firefox, IE, and + * Opera. + * 3. Set default font family to sans-serif. + * 4. Prevent iOS text size adjust after orientation change, without disabling + * user zoom. + */ + +html { + background: #fff; /* 1 */ + color: #000; /* 2 */ + font-family: sans-serif; /* 3 */ + -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 4 */ + -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 4 */ +} + +/** + * Remove default margin. + */ + +body { + margin: 0; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Links + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Address `outline` inconsistency between Chrome and other browsers. + */ + +a:focus { + outline: thin dotted; +} + +/** + * Improve readability when focused and also mouse hovered in all browsers. + */ + +a:active, +a:hover { + outline: 0; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Typography + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Address variable `h1` font-size and margin within `section` and `article` + * contexts in Firefox 4+, Safari 5, and Chrome. + */ + +h1 { + font-size: 2em; + margin: 0.67em 0; +} + +/** + * Address styling not present in IE 8/9, Safari 5, and Chrome. + */ + +abbr[title] { + border-bottom: 1px dotted; +} + +/** + * Address style set to `bolder` in Firefox 4+, Safari 5, and Chrome. + */ + +b, +strong { + font-weight: bold; +} + +/** + * Address styling not present in Safari 5 and Chrome. + */ + +dfn { + font-style: italic; +} + +/** + * Address differences between Firefox and other browsers. + */ + +hr { + -moz-box-sizing: content-box; + box-sizing: content-box; + height: 0; +} + +/** + * Address styling not present in IE 8/9. + */ + +mark { + background: #ff0; + color: #000; +} + +/** + * Correct font family set oddly in Safari 5 and Chrome. + */ + +code, +kbd, +pre, +samp { + font-family: monospace, serif; + font-size: 1em; +} + +/** + * Improve readability of pre-formatted text in all browsers. + */ + +pre { + white-space: pre-wrap; +} + +/** + * Set consistent quote types. + */ + +q { + quotes: "\201C" "\201D" "\2018" "\2019"; +} + +/** + * Address inconsistent and variable font size in all browsers. + */ + +small { + font-size: 80%; +} + +/** + * Prevent `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers. + */ + +sub, +sup { + font-size: 75%; + line-height: 0; + position: relative; + vertical-align: baseline; +} + +sup { + top: -0.5em; +} + +sub { + bottom: -0.25em; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Embedded content + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Remove border when inside `a` element in IE 8/9. + */ + +img { + border: 0; +} + +/** + * Correct overflow displayed oddly in IE 9. + */ + +svg:not(:root) { + overflow: hidden; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Figures + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Address margin not present in IE 8/9 and Safari 5. + */ + +figure { + margin: 0; +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Forms + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Define consistent border, margin, and padding. + */ + +fieldset { + border: 1px solid #c0c0c0; + margin: 0 2px; + padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em; +} + +/** + * 1. Correct `color` not being inherited in IE 8/9. + * 2. Remove padding so people aren't caught out if they zero out fieldsets. + */ + +legend { + border: 0; /* 1 */ + padding: 0; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * 1. Correct font family not being inherited in all browsers. + * 2. Correct font size not being inherited in all browsers. + * 3. Address margins set differently in Firefox 4+, Safari 5, and Chrome. + */ + +button, +input, +select, +textarea { + font-family: inherit; /* 1 */ + font-size: 100%; /* 2 */ + margin: 0; /* 3 */ +} + +/** + * Address Firefox 4+ setting `line-height` on `input` using `!important` in + * the UA stylesheet. + */ + +button, +input { + line-height: normal; +} + +/** + * Address inconsistent `text-transform` inheritance for `button` and `select`. + * All other form control elements do not inherit `text-transform` values. + * Correct `button` style inheritance in Chrome, Safari 5+, and IE 8+. + * Correct `select` style inheritance in Firefox 4+ and Opera. + */ + +button, +select { + text-transform: none; +} + +/** + * 1. Avoid the WebKit bug in Android 4.0.* where (2) destroys native `audio` + * and `video` controls. + * 2. Correct inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS. + * 3. Improve usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type + * `input` and others. + */ + +button, +html input[type="button"], /* 1 */ +input[type="reset"], +input[type="submit"] { + -webkit-appearance: button; /* 2 */ + cursor: pointer; /* 3 */ +} + +/** + * Re-set default cursor for disabled elements. + */ + +button[disabled], +html input[disabled] { + cursor: default; +} + +/** + * 1. Address box sizing set to `content-box` in IE 8/9. + * 2. Remove excess padding in IE 8/9. + */ + +input[type="checkbox"], +input[type="radio"] { + box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */ + padding: 0; /* 2 */ +} + +/** + * 1. Address `appearance` set to `searchfield` in Safari 5 and Chrome. + * 2. Address `box-sizing` set to `border-box` in Safari 5 and Chrome + * (include `-moz` to future-proof). + */ + +input[type="search"] { + -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */ + -moz-box-sizing: content-box; + -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; /* 2 */ + box-sizing: content-box; +} + +/** + * Remove inner padding and search cancel button in Safari 5 and Chrome + * on OS X. + */ + +input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button, +input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration { + -webkit-appearance: none; +} + +/** + * Remove inner padding and border in Firefox 4+. + */ + +button::-moz-focus-inner, +input::-moz-focus-inner { + border: 0; + padding: 0; +} + +/** + * 1. Remove default vertical scrollbar in IE 8/9. + * 2. Improve readability and alignment in all browsers. + */ + +textarea { + overflow: auto; /* 1 */ + vertical-align: top; /* 2 */ +} + +/* ========================================================================== + Tables + ========================================================================== */ + +/** + * Remove most spacing between table cells. + */ + +table { + border-collapse: collapse; + border-spacing: 0; +} diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/humans.txt b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/humans.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..426b35b --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/humans.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +/* Foundation was made by ZURB, an interaction design and design strategy firm in Campbell, CA */ +/* zurb.com */ +/* humanstxt.org */ + +/* SITE */ + Standards: HTML5, CSS3 + Components: jQuery, Orbit, Reveal + Software: Coda, Textmate, Git diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/img/.gitkeep b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/img/.gitkeep new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b13789 --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/img/.gitkeep @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/index.html b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9446b38 --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ + + + + + + + + Foundation 4 + + + + + + + + + + +

Welcome to Foundation


This is version 4.1.6.

+ +

The Grid

+ + +

This is a twelve column section in a row. Each of these includes a div.panel element so you can see where the columns are - it's not required at all for the grid.


Six columns


Six columns


Four columns


Four columns


Four columns

+ +


+ + +
+ +

Getting Started


We're stoked you want to try Foundation! To get going, this file (index.html) includes some basic styles you can modify, play around with, or totally destroy to get going.

+ +

Other Resources


Once you've exhausted the fun in this document, you should check out:

  • Foundation Documentation
    Everything you need to know about using the framework.
  • +
  • Foundation on Github
    Latest code, issue reports, feature requests and more.
  • +
  • @foundationzurb
    Ping us on Twitter if you have questions. If you build something with this we'd love to see it (and send you a totally boss sticker).
  • +
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      '); + + var holder = $('#foundationClearingHolder'), + settings = this.get_data($el), + grid = $el.detach(), + data = { + grid: '', + viewing: settings.templates.viewing + }, + wrapper = '
      ' + data.viewing + + data.grid + '
      '; + + return holder.after(wrapper).remove(); + }, + + // event callbacks + + open : function ($image, current, target) { + var root = target.closest('.clearing-assembled'), + container = root.find('div').first(), + visible_image = container.find('.visible-img'), + image = visible_image.find('img').not($image); + + if (!this.locked()) { + // set the image to the selected thumbnail + image + .attr('src', this.load($image)) + .css('visibility', 'hidden'); + + this.loaded(image, function () { + image.css('visibility', 'visible'); + // toggle the gallery + root.addClass('clearing-blackout'); + container.addClass('clearing-container'); + visible_image.show(); + this.fix_height(target) + .caption(visible_image.find('.clearing-caption'), $image) + .center(image) + .shift(current, target, function () { + target.siblings().removeClass('visible'); + target.addClass('visible'); + }); + }.bind(this)); + } + }, + + close : function (e, el) { + e.preventDefault(); + + var root = (function (target) { + if (/blackout/.test(target.selector)) { + return target; + } else { + return target.closest('.clearing-blackout'); + } + }($(el))), container, visible_image; + + if (el === e.target && root) { + container = root.find('div').first(); + visible_image = container.find('.visible-img'); + this.settings.prev_index = 0; + root.find('ul[data-clearing]') + .attr('style', '').closest('.clearing-blackout') + .removeClass('clearing-blackout'); + container.removeClass('clearing-container'); + visible_image.hide(); + } + + return false; + }, + + is_open : function (current) { + return current.parent().attr('style').length > 0; + }, + + keydown : function (e) { + var clearing = $('.clearing-blackout').find('ul[data-clearing]'); + + if (e.which === 39) this.go(clearing, 'next'); + if (e.which === 37) this.go(clearing, 'prev'); + if (e.which === 27) $('a.clearing-close').trigger('click'); + }, + + nav : function (e, direction) { + var clearing = $('.clearing-blackout').find('ul[data-clearing]'); + + e.preventDefault(); + this.go(clearing, direction); + }, + + resize : function () { + var image = $('.clearing-blackout .visible-img').find('img'); + + if (image.length) { + this.center(image); + } + }, + + // visual adjustments + fix_height : function (target) { + var lis = target.parent().children(), + self = this; + + lis.each(function () { + var li = $(this), + image = li.find('img'); + + if (li.height() > self.outerHeight(image)) { + li.addClass('fix-height'); + } + }) + .closest('ul') + .width(lis.length * 100 + '%'); + + return this; + }, + + update_paddles : function (target) { + var visible_image = target + .closest('.carousel') + .siblings('.visible-img'); + + if (target.next().length > 0) { + visible_image + .find('.clearing-main-next') + .removeClass('disabled'); + } else { + visible_image + .find('.clearing-main-next') + .addClass('disabled'); + } + + if (target.prev().length > 0) { + visible_image + .find('.clearing-main-prev') + .removeClass('disabled'); + } else { + visible_image + .find('.clearing-main-prev') + .addClass('disabled'); + } + }, + + center : function (target) { + if (!this.rtl) { + target.css({ + marginLeft : -(this.outerWidth(target) / 2), + marginTop : -(this.outerHeight(target) / 2) + }); + } else { + target.css({ + marginRight : -(this.outerWidth(target) / 2), + marginTop : -(this.outerHeight(target) / 2) + }); + } + return this; + }, + + // image loading and preloading + + load : function ($image) { + if ($image[0].nodeName === "A") { + var href = $image.attr('href'); + } else { + var href = $image.parent().attr('href'); + } + + this.preload($image); + + if (href) return href; + return $image.attr('src'); + }, + + preload : function ($image) { + this + .img($image.closest('li').next()) + .img($image.closest('li').prev()); + }, + + loaded : function (image, callback) { + // based on jquery.imageready.js + // @weblinc, @jsantell, (c) 2012 + + function loaded () { + callback(); + } + + function bindLoad () { + this.one('load', loaded); + + if (/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { + var src = this.attr( 'src' ), + param = src.match( /\?/ ) ? '&' : '?'; + + param += 'random=' + (new Date()).getTime(); + this.attr('src', src + param); + } + } + + if (!image.attr('src')) { + loaded(); + return; + } + + if (image[0].complete || image[0].readyState === 4) { + loaded(); + } else { + bindLoad.call(image); + } + }, + + img : function (img) { + if (img.length) { + var new_img = new Image(), + new_a = img.find('a'); + + if (new_a.length) { + new_img.src = new_a.attr('href'); + } else { + new_img.src = img.find('img').attr('src'); + } + } + return this; + }, + + // image caption + + caption : function (container, $image) { + var caption = $image.data('caption'); + + if (caption) { + container + .text(caption) + .show(); + } else { + container + .text('') + .hide(); + } + return this; + }, + + // directional methods + + go : function ($ul, direction) { + var current = $ul.find('.visible'), + target = current[direction](); + + if (target.length) { + target + .find('img') + .trigger('click', [current, target]); + } + }, + + shift : function (current, target, callback) { + var clearing = target.parent(), + old_index = this.settings.prev_index || target.index(), + direction = this.direction(clearing, current, target), + left = parseInt(clearing.css('left'), 10), + width = this.outerWidth(target), + skip_shift; + + // we use jQuery animate instead of CSS transitions because we + // need a callback to unlock the next animation + if (target.index() !== old_index && !/skip/.test(direction)){ + if (/left/.test(direction)) { + this.lock(); + clearing.animate({left : left + width}, 300, this.unlock()); + } else if (/right/.test(direction)) { + this.lock(); + clearing.animate({left : left - width}, 300, this.unlock()); + } + } else if (/skip/.test(direction)) { + // the target image is not adjacent to the current image, so + // do we scroll right or not + skip_shift = target.index() - this.settings.up_count; + this.lock(); + + if (skip_shift > 0) { + clearing.animate({left : -(skip_shift * width)}, 300, this.unlock()); + } else { + clearing.animate({left : 0}, 300, this.unlock()); + } + } + + callback(); + }, + + direction : function ($el, current, target) { + var lis = $el.find('li'), + li_width = this.outerWidth(lis) + (this.outerWidth(lis) / 4), + up_count = Math.floor(this.outerWidth($('.clearing-container')) / li_width) - 1, + target_index = lis.index(target), + response; + + this.settings.up_count = up_count; + + if (this.adjacent(this.settings.prev_index, target_index)) { + if ((target_index > up_count) + && target_index > this.settings.prev_index) { + response = 'right'; + } else if ((target_index > up_count - 1) + && target_index <= this.settings.prev_index) { + response = 'left'; + } else { + response = false; + } + } else { + response = 'skip'; + } + + this.settings.prev_index = target_index; + + return response; + }, + + adjacent : function (current_index, target_index) { + for (var i = target_index + 1; i >= target_index - 1; i--) { + if (i === current_index) return true; + } + return false; + }, + + // lock management + + lock : function () { + this.settings.locked = true; + }, + + unlock : function () { + this.settings.locked = false; + }, + + locked : function () { + return this.settings.locked; + }, + + // plugin management/browser quirks + + outerHTML : function (el) { + // support FireFox < 11 + return el.outerHTML || new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(el); + }, + + off : function () { + $(this.scope).off('.fndtn.clearing'); + $(window).off('.fndtn.clearing'); + this.remove_data(); // empty settings cache + this.settings.init = false; + }, + + reflow : function () { + this.init(); + } + }; + +}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document)); diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.cookie.js b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.cookie.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..862027c --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.cookie.js @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +/*! + * jQuery Cookie Plugin v1.3 + * https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie + * + * Copyright 2011, Klaus Hartl + * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. + * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php + * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 + * + * Modified to work with Zepto.js by ZURB + */ +(function ($, document, undefined) { + + var pluses = /\+/g; + + function raw(s) { + return s; + } + + function decoded(s) { + return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(pluses, ' ')); + } + + var config = $.cookie = function (key, value, options) { + + // write + if (value !== undefined) { + options = $.extend({}, config.defaults, options); + + if (value === null) { + options.expires = -1; + } + + if (typeof options.expires === 'number') { + var days = options.expires, t = options.expires = new Date(); + t.setDate(t.getDate() + days); + } + + value = config.json ? JSON.stringify(value) : String(value); + + return (document.cookie = [ + encodeURIComponent(key), '=', config.raw ? value : encodeURIComponent(value), + options.expires ? '; expires=' + options.expires.toUTCString() : '', // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE + options.path ? '; path=' + options.path : '', + options.domain ? '; domain=' + options.domain : '', + options.secure ? '; secure' : '' + ].join('')); + } + + // read + var decode = config.raw ? raw : decoded; + var cookies = document.cookie.split('; '); + for (var i = 0, l = cookies.length; i < l; i++) { + var parts = cookies[i].split('='); + if (decode(parts.shift()) === key) { + var cookie = decode(parts.join('=')); + return config.json ? JSON.parse(cookie) : cookie; + } + } + + return null; + }; + + config.defaults = {}; + + $.removeCookie = function (key, options) { + if ($.cookie(key) !== null) { + $.cookie(key, null, options); + return true; + } + return false; + }; + +})(Foundation.zj, document); diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.dropdown.js b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.dropdown.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ccec66 --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.dropdown.js @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */ + +;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { + 'use strict'; + + Foundation.libs.dropdown = { + name : 'dropdown', + + version : '4.1.3', + + settings : { + activeClass: 'open', + opened: function(){}, + closed: function(){} + }, + + init : function (scope, method, options) { + this.scope = scope || this.scope; + Foundation.inherit(this, 'throttle scrollLeft'); + + if (typeof method === 'object') { + $.extend(true, this.settings, method); + } + + if (typeof method != 'string') { + + if (!this.settings.init) { + this.events(); + } + + return this.settings.init; + } else { + return this[method].call(this, options); + } + }, + + events : function () { + var self = this; + + $(this.scope) + .on('click.fndtn.dropdown', '[data-dropdown]', function (e) { + e.preventDefault(); + self.toggle($(this)); + }) + .on('opened.fndtn.dropdown', '[data-dropdown-content]', this.settings.opened) + .on('closed.fndtn.dropdown', '[data-dropdown-content]', this.settings.closed); + + $('body').on('click.fndtn.dropdown', function (e) { + var parent = $(e.target).closest('[data-dropdown-content]'); + + if ($(e.target).data('dropdown')) { + return; + } + if (parent.length > 0 && ($(e.target).is('[data-dropdown-content]') || $.contains(parent.first()[0], e.target))) { + e.stopPropagation(); + return; + } + + self.close.call(self, $('[data-dropdown-content]')); + }); + + $(window).on('resize.fndtn.dropdown', self.throttle(function () { + self.resize.call(self); + }, 50)).trigger('resize'); + + this.settings.init = true; + }, + + close: function (dropdown) { + var self = this; + dropdown.each(function () { + if ($(this).hasClass(self.settings.activeClass)) { + $(this) + .css(Foundation.rtl ? 'right':'left', '-99999px') + .removeClass(self.settings.activeClass); + $(this).trigger('closed'); + } + }); + }, + + open: function (dropdown, target) { + this + .css(dropdown + .addClass(this.settings.activeClass), target); + dropdown.trigger('opened'); + }, + + toggle : function (target) { + var dropdown = $('#' + target.data('dropdown')); + + this.close.call(this, $('[data-dropdown-content]').not(dropdown)); + + if (dropdown.hasClass(this.settings.activeClass)) { + this.close.call(this, dropdown); + } else { + this.open.call(this, dropdown, target); + } + }, + + resize : function () { + var dropdown = $('[data-dropdown-content].open'), + target = $("[data-dropdown='" + dropdown.attr('id') + "']"); + + if (dropdown.length && target.length) { + this.css(dropdown, target); + } + }, + + css : function (dropdown, target) { + // temporary workaround until 4.2 + if (/body/i.test(dropdown.offsetParent()[0].nodeName)) { + var position = target.offset(); + position.top -= dropdown.offsetParent().offset().top; + position.left -= dropdown.offsetParent().offset().left; + } else { + var position = target.position(); + } + + if (this.small()) { + dropdown.css({ + position : 'absolute', + width: '95%', + left: '2.5%', + 'max-width': 'none', + top: position.top + this.outerHeight(target) + }); + } else { + if (!Foundation.rtl && $(window).width() > this.outerWidth(dropdown) + target.offset().left) { + var left = position.left; + } else { + if (!dropdown.hasClass('right')) { + dropdown.addClass('right'); + } + var left = position.left - (this.outerWidth(dropdown) - this.outerWidth(target)); + } + + dropdown.attr('style', '').css({ + position : 'absolute', + top: position.top + this.outerHeight(target), + left: left + }); + } + + return dropdown; + }, + + small : function () { + return $(window).width() < 768 || $('html').hasClass('lt-ie9'); + }, + + off: function () { + $(this.scope).off('.fndtn.dropdown'); + $('html, body').off('.fndtn.dropdown'); + $(window).off('.fndtn.dropdown'); + $('[data-dropdown-content]').off('.fndtn.dropdown'); + this.settings.init = false; + } + }; +}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document)); diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.forms.js b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.forms.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..287f55a --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.forms.js @@ -0,0 +1,513 @@ +(function ($, window, document, undefined) { + 'use strict'; + + Foundation.libs.forms = { + name: 'forms', + + version: '4.1.6', + + cache: {}, + + settings: { + disable_class: 'no-custom', + last_combo : null + }, + + init: function (scope, method, options) { + + if (typeof method === 'object') { + $.extend(true, this.settings, method); + } + + if (typeof method != 'string') { + if (!this.settings.init) { + this.events(); + } + + this.assemble(); + + return this.settings.init; + } else { + return this[method].call(this, options); + } + }, + + assemble: function () { + $('form.custom input[type="radio"]', $(this.scope)).not('[data-customforms="disabled"]') + .each(this.append_custom_markup); + $('form.custom input[type="checkbox"]', $(this.scope)).not('[data-customforms="disabled"]') + .each(this.append_custom_markup); + $('form.custom select', $(this.scope)) + .not('[data-customforms="disabled"]') + .not('[multiple=multiple]') + .each(this.append_custom_select); + }, + + events: function () { + var self = this; + + $(this.scope) + .on('click.fndtn.forms', 'form.custom span.custom.checkbox', function (e) { + e.preventDefault(); + e.stopPropagation(); + self.toggle_checkbox($(this)); + }) + .on('click.fndtn.forms', 'form.custom span.custom.radio', function (e) { + e.preventDefault(); + e.stopPropagation(); + self.toggle_radio($(this)); + }) + .on('change.fndtn.forms', 'form.custom select:not([data-customforms="disabled"])', function (e, force_refresh) { + self.refresh_custom_select($(this), force_refresh); + }) + .on('click.fndtn.forms', 'form.custom label', function (e) { + if ($(e.target).is('label')) { + var $associatedElement = $('#' + self.escape($(this).attr('for')) + ':not([data-customforms="disabled"])'), + $customCheckbox, + $customRadio; + + if ($associatedElement.length !== 0) { + if ($associatedElement.attr('type') === 'checkbox') { + e.preventDefault(); + $customCheckbox = $(this).find('span.custom.checkbox'); + //the checkbox might be outside after the label or inside of another element + if ($customCheckbox.length == 0) { + $customCheckbox = $associatedElement.add(this).siblings('span.custom.checkbox').first(); + } + self.toggle_checkbox($customCheckbox); + } else if ($associatedElement.attr('type') === 'radio') { + e.preventDefault(); + $customRadio = $(this).find('span.custom.radio'); + //the radio might be outside after the label or inside of another element + if ($customRadio.length == 0) { + $customRadio = $associatedElement.add(this).siblings('span.custom.radio').first(); + } + self.toggle_radio($customRadio); + } + } + } + }) + .on('click.fndtn.forms', 'form.custom div.custom.dropdown a.current, form.custom div.custom.dropdown a.selector', function (e) { + var $this = $(this), + $dropdown = $this.closest('div.custom.dropdown'), + $select = getFirstPrevSibling($dropdown, 'select'); + + // make sure other dropdowns close + if (!$dropdown.hasClass('open')) $(self.scope).trigger('click'); + + e.preventDefault(); + if (false === $select.is(':disabled')) { + $dropdown.toggleClass('open'); + + if ($dropdown.hasClass('open')) { + $(self.scope).on('click.fndtn.forms.customdropdown', function () { + $dropdown.removeClass('open'); + $(self.scope).off('.fndtn.forms.customdropdown'); + }); + } else { + $(self.scope).on('.fndtn.forms.customdropdown'); + } + return false; + } + }) + .on('click.fndtn.forms touchend.fndtn.forms', 'form.custom div.custom.dropdown li', function (e) { + var $this = $(this), + $customDropdown = $this.closest('div.custom.dropdown'), + $select = getFirstPrevSibling($customDropdown, 'select'), + selectedIndex = 0; + + e.preventDefault(); + e.stopPropagation(); + + if (!$(this).hasClass('disabled')) { + $('div.dropdown').not($customDropdown).removeClass('open'); + + var $oldThis = $this.closest('ul') + .find('li.selected'); + $oldThis.removeClass('selected'); + + $this.addClass('selected'); + + $customDropdown.removeClass('open') + .find('a.current') + .text($this.text()); + + $this.closest('ul').find('li').each(function (index) { + if ($this[0] == this) { + selectedIndex = index; + } + }); + $select[0].selectedIndex = selectedIndex; + + //store the old value in data + $select.data('prevalue', $oldThis.html()); + $select.trigger('change'); + } + }); + + $(window).on('keydown', function (e) { + var focus = document.activeElement, + self = Foundation.libs.forms, + dropdown = $('.custom.dropdown.open'); + + if (dropdown.length > 0) { + e.preventDefault(); + + if (e.which === 13) { + dropdown.find('li.selected').trigger('click'); + } + + if (e.which === 27) { + dropdown.removeClass('open'); + } + + if (e.which >= 65 && e.which <= 90) { + var next = self.go_to(dropdown, e.which), + current = dropdown.find('li.selected'); + + if (next) { + current.removeClass('selected'); + self.scrollTo(next.addClass('selected'), 300); + } + } + + if (e.which === 38) { + var current = dropdown.find('li.selected'), + prev = current.prev(':not(.disabled)'); + + if (prev.length > 0) { + prev.parent()[0].scrollTop = prev.parent().scrollTop() - self.outerHeight(prev); + current.removeClass('selected'); + prev.addClass('selected'); + } + } else if (e.which === 40) { + var current = dropdown.find('li.selected'), + next = current.next(':not(.disabled)'); + + if (next.length > 0) { + next.parent()[0].scrollTop = next.parent().scrollTop() + self.outerHeight(next); + current.removeClass('selected'); + next.addClass('selected'); + } + } + } + }); + + this.settings.init = true; + }, + + go_to: function (dropdown, char) { + var lis = dropdown.find('li'), + count = lis.length; + + if (count > 0) { + for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { + var first_letter = lis.eq(i).text().charAt(0).toLowerCase(); + if (first_letter === String.fromCharCode(char).toLowerCase()) return lis.eq(i); + } + } + }, + + scrollTo: function (el, duration) { + if (duration < 0) return; + var parent = el.parent(); + var li_height = this.outerHeight(el); + var difference = (li_height * (el.index())) - parent.scrollTop(); + var perTick = difference / duration * 10; + + this.scrollToTimerCache = setTimeout(function () { + if (!isNaN(parseInt(perTick, 10))) { + parent[0].scrollTop = parent.scrollTop() + perTick; + this.scrollTo(el, duration - 10); + } + }.bind(this), 10); + }, + + append_custom_markup: function (idx, sel) { + var $this = $(sel), + type = $this.attr('type'), + $span = $this.next('span.custom.' + type); + + if (!$this.parent().hasClass('switch')) { + $this.addClass('hidden-field'); + } + + if ($span.length === 0) { + $span = $('').insertAfter($this); + } + + $span.toggleClass('checked', $this.is(':checked')); + $span.toggleClass('disabled', $this.is(':disabled')); + }, + + append_custom_select: function (idx, sel) { + var self = Foundation.libs.forms, + $this = $(sel), + $customSelect = $this.next('div.custom.dropdown'), + $customList = $customSelect.find('ul'), + $selectCurrent = $customSelect.find(".current"), + $selector = $customSelect.find(".selector"), + $options = $this.find('option'), + $selectedOption = $options.filter(':selected'), + copyClasses = $this.attr('class') ? $this.attr('class').split(' ') : [], + maxWidth = 0, + liHtml = '', + $listItems, + $currentSelect = false; + + if ($this.hasClass(self.settings.disable_class)) return; + + if ($customSelect.length === 0) { + var customSelectSize = $this.hasClass('small') ? 'small' : $this.hasClass('medium') ? 'medium' : $this.hasClass('large') ? 'large' : $this.hasClass('expand') ? 'expand' : ''; + + $customSelect = $('
        '); + + $selector = $customSelect.find(".selector"); + $customList = $customSelect.find("ul"); + + liHtml = $options.map(function () { + return "
      • " + $(this).html() + "
      • "; + }).get().join(''); + + $customList.append(liHtml); + + $currentSelect = $customSelect + .prepend('' + $selectedOption.html() + '') + .find(".current"); + + $this.after($customSelect) + .addClass('hidden-field'); + } else { + liHtml = $options.map(function () { + return "
      • " + $(this).html() + "
      • "; + }) + .get().join(''); + + $customList.html('') + .append(liHtml); + + } // endif $customSelect.length === 0 + + self.assign_id($this, $customSelect); + $customSelect.toggleClass('disabled', $this.is(':disabled')); + $listItems = $customList.find('li'); + + // cache list length + self.cache[$customSelect.data('id')] = $listItems.length; + + $options.each(function (index) { + if (this.selected) { + $listItems.eq(index).addClass('selected'); + + if ($currentSelect) { + $currentSelect.html($(this).html()); + } + } + if ($(this).is(':disabled')) { + $listItems.eq(index).addClass('disabled'); + } + }); + + // + // If we're not specifying a predetermined form size. + // + if (!$customSelect.is('.small, .medium, .large, .expand')) { + + // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + // This is a work-around for when elements are contained within hidden parents. + // For example, when custom-form elements are inside of a hidden reveal modal. + // + // We need to display the current custom list element as well as hidden parent elements + // in order to properly calculate the list item element's width property. + // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + $customSelect.addClass('open'); + // + // Quickly, display all parent elements. + // This should help us calcualate the width of the list item's within the drop down. + // + var self = Foundation.libs.forms; + self.hidden_fix.adjust($customList); + + maxWidth = (self.outerWidth($listItems) > maxWidth) ? self.outerWidth($listItems) : maxWidth; + + Foundation.libs.forms.hidden_fix.reset(); + + $customSelect.removeClass('open'); + + } // endif + + }, + + assign_id: function ($select, $customSelect) { + var id = [+new Date(), Foundation.random_str(5)].join('-'); + $select.attr('data-id', id); + $customSelect.attr('data-id', id); + }, + + refresh_custom_select: function ($select, force_refresh) { + var self = this; + var maxWidth = 0, + $customSelect = $select.next(), + $options = $select.find('option'), + $listItems = $customSelect.find('li'); + + if ($listItems.length != this.cache[$customSelect.data('id')] || force_refresh) { + $customSelect.find('ul').html(''); + + $options.each(function () { + var $li = $('
      • ' + $(this).html() + '
      • '); + $customSelect.find('ul').append($li); + }); + + // re-populate + $options.each(function (index) { + if (this.selected) { + $customSelect.find('li').eq(index).addClass('selected'); + $customSelect.find('.current').html($(this).html()); + } + if ($(this).is(':disabled')) { + $customSelect.find('li').eq(index).addClass('disabled'); + } + }); + + // fix width + $customSelect.removeAttr('style') + .find('ul').removeAttr('style'); + $customSelect.find('li').each(function () { + $customSelect.addClass('open'); + if (self.outerWidth($(this)) > maxWidth) { + maxWidth = self.outerWidth($(this)); + } + $customSelect.removeClass('open'); + }); + + $listItems = $customSelect.find('li'); + // cache list length + this.cache[$customSelect.data('id')] = $listItems.length; + } + }, + + toggle_checkbox: function ($element) { + var $input = $element.prev(), + input = $input[0]; + + if (false === $input.is(':disabled')) { + input.checked = ((input.checked) ? false : true); + $element.toggleClass('checked'); + + $input.trigger('change'); + } + }, + + toggle_radio: function ($element) { + var $input = $element.prev(), + $form = $input.closest('form.custom'), + input = $input[0]; + + if (false === $input.is(':disabled')) { + $form.find('input[type="radio"][name="' + this.escape($input.attr('name')) + '"]') + .next().not($element).removeClass('checked'); + + if (!$element.hasClass('checked')) { + $element.toggleClass('checked'); + } + + input.checked = $element.hasClass('checked'); + + $input.trigger('change'); + } + }, + + escape: function (text) { + return text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"); + }, + + hidden_fix: { + /** + * Sets all hidden parent elements and self to visibile. + * + * @method adjust + * @param {jQuery Object} $child + */ + + // We'll use this to temporarily store style properties. + tmp: [], + + // We'll use this to set hidden parent elements. + hidden: null, + + adjust: function ($child) { + // Internal reference. + var _self = this; + + // Set all hidden parent elements, including this element. + _self.hidden = $child.parents().andSelf().filter(":hidden"); + + // Loop through all hidden elements. + _self.hidden.each(function () { + + // Cache the element. + var $elem = $(this); + + // Store the style attribute. + // Undefined if element doesn't have a style attribute. + _self.tmp.push($elem.attr('style')); + + // Set the element's display property to block, + // but ensure it's visibility is hidden. + $elem.css({ + 'visibility': 'hidden', + 'display': 'block' + }); + }); + + }, // end adjust + + /** + * Resets the elements previous state. + * + * @method reset + */ + reset: function () { + // Internal reference. + var _self = this; + // Loop through our hidden element collection. + _self.hidden.each(function (i) { + // Cache this element. + var $elem = $(this), + _tmp = _self.tmp[i]; // Get the stored 'style' value for this element. + + // If the stored value is undefined. + if (_tmp === undefined) + // Remove the style attribute. + $elem.removeAttr('style'); + else + // Otherwise, reset the element style attribute. + $elem.attr('style', _tmp); + }); + // Reset the tmp array. + _self.tmp = []; + // Reset the hidden elements variable. + _self.hidden = null; + + } // end reset + }, + + off: function () { + $(this.scope).off('.fndtn.forms'); + } + }; + + var getFirstPrevSibling = function($el, selector) { + var $el = $el.prev(); + while ($el.length) { + if ($el.is(selector)) return $el; + $el = $el.prev(); + } + return $(); + }; +}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document)); diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.joyride.js b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.joyride.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbcaf99 --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.joyride.js @@ -0,0 +1,831 @@ +/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */ + +(function ($, window, document, undefined) { + 'use strict'; + + Foundation.libs.joyride = { + name: 'joyride', + + version : '4.1.2', + + defaults : { + expose : false, // turn on or off the expose feature + modal : false, // Whether to cover page with modal during the tour + tipLocation : 'bottom', // 'top' or 'bottom' in relation to parent + nubPosition : 'auto', // override on a per tooltip bases + scrollSpeed : 300, // Page scrolling speed in milliseconds, 0 = no scroll animation + timer : 0, // 0 = no timer , all other numbers = timer in milliseconds + startTimerOnClick : true, // true or false - true requires clicking the first button start the timer + startOffset : 0, // the index of the tooltip you want to start on (index of the li) + nextButton : true, // true or false to control whether a next button is used + tipAnimation : 'fade', // 'pop' or 'fade' in each tip + pauseAfter : [], // array of indexes where to pause the tour after + exposed : [], // array of expose elements + tipAnimationFadeSpeed: 300, // when tipAnimation = 'fade' this is speed in milliseconds for the transition + cookieMonster : false, // true or false to control whether cookies are used + cookieName : 'joyride', // Name the cookie you'll use + cookieDomain : false, // Will this cookie be attached to a domain, ie. '.notableapp.com' + cookieExpires : 365, // set when you would like the cookie to expire. + tipContainer : 'body', // Where will the tip be attached + postRideCallback : function (){}, // A method to call once the tour closes (canceled or complete) + postStepCallback : function (){}, // A method to call after each step + preStepCallback : function (){}, // A method to call before each step + preRideCallback : function (){}, // A method to call before the tour starts (passed index, tip, and cloned exposed element) + postExposeCallback : function (){}, // A method to call after an element has been exposed + template : { // HTML segments for tip layout + link : '×', + timer : '
        ', + tip : '
        ', + wrapper : '
        ', + button : '', + modal : '
        ', + expose : '
        ', + exposeCover: '
        ' + } + }, + + settings : {}, + + init : function (scope, method, options) { + this.scope = scope || this.scope; + Foundation.inherit(this, 'throttle data_options scrollTo scrollLeft delay'); + + if (typeof method === 'object') { + $.extend(true, this.settings, this.defaults, method); + } else { + $.extend(true, this.settings, this.defaults, options); + } + + if (typeof method != 'string') { + if (!this.settings.init) this.events(); + + return this.settings.init; + } else { + return this[method].call(this, options); + } + }, + + events : function () { + var self = this; + + $(this.scope) + .on('click.joyride', '.joyride-next-tip, .joyride-modal-bg', function (e) { + e.preventDefault(); + + if (this.settings.$li.next().length < 1) { + this.end(); + } else if (this.settings.timer > 0) { + clearTimeout(this.settings.automate); + this.hide(); + this.show(); + this.startTimer(); + } else { + this.hide(); + this.show(); + } + + }.bind(this)) + + .on('click.joyride', '.joyride-close-tip', function (e) { + e.preventDefault(); + this.end(); + }.bind(this)); + + $(window).on('resize.fndtn.joyride', self.throttle(function () { + if ($('[data-joyride]').length > 0 && self.settings.$next_tip) { + if (self.settings.exposed.length > 0) { + var $els = $(self.settings.exposed); + + $els.each(function () { + var $this = $(this); + self.un_expose($this); + self.expose($this); + }); + } + + if (self.is_phone()) { + self.pos_phone(); + } else { + self.pos_default(false, true); + } + } + }, 100)); + + this.settings.init = true; + }, + + start : function () { + var self = this, + $this = $(this.scope).find('[data-joyride]'), + integer_settings = ['timer', 'scrollSpeed', 'startOffset', 'tipAnimationFadeSpeed', 'cookieExpires'], + int_settings_count = integer_settings.length; + + if (!this.settings.init) this.init(); + + // non configureable settings + this.settings.$content_el = $this; + this.settings.$body = $(this.settings.tipContainer); + this.settings.body_offset = $(this.settings.tipContainer).position(); + this.settings.$tip_content = this.settings.$content_el.find('> li'); + this.settings.paused = false; + this.settings.attempts = 0; + + this.settings.tipLocationPatterns = { + top: ['bottom'], + bottom: [], // bottom should not need to be repositioned + left: ['right', 'top', 'bottom'], + right: ['left', 'top', 'bottom'] + }; + + // can we create cookies? + if (typeof $.cookie !== 'function') { + this.settings.cookieMonster = false; + } + + // generate the tips and insert into dom. + if (!this.settings.cookieMonster || this.settings.cookieMonster && $.cookie(this.settings.cookieName) === null) { + this.settings.$tip_content.each(function (index) { + var $this = $(this); + $.extend(true, self.settings, self.data_options($this)); + // Make sure that settings parsed from data_options are integers where necessary + for (var i = int_settings_count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + self.settings[integer_settings[i]] = parseInt(self.settings[integer_settings[i]], 10); + } + self.create({$li : $this, index : index}); + }); + + // show first tip + if (!this.settings.startTimerOnClick && this.settings.timer > 0) { + this.show('init'); + this.startTimer(); + } else { + this.show('init'); + } + + } + }, + + resume : function () { + this.set_li(); + this.show(); + }, + + tip_template : function (opts) { + var $blank, content; + + opts.tip_class = opts.tip_class || ''; + + $blank = $(this.settings.template.tip).addClass(opts.tip_class); + content = $.trim($(opts.li).html()) + + this.button_text(opts.button_text) + + this.settings.template.link + + this.timer_instance(opts.index); + + $blank.append($(this.settings.template.wrapper)); + $blank.first().attr('data-index', opts.index); + $('.joyride-content-wrapper', $blank).append(content); + + return $blank[0]; + }, + + timer_instance : function (index) { + var txt; + + if ((index === 0 && this.settings.startTimerOnClick && this.settings.timer > 0) || this.settings.timer === 0) { + txt = ''; + } else { + txt = this.outerHTML($(this.settings.template.timer)[0]); + } + return txt; + }, + + button_text : function (txt) { + if (this.settings.nextButton) { + txt = $.trim(txt) || 'Next'; + txt = this.outerHTML($(this.settings.template.button).append(txt)[0]); + } else { + txt = ''; + } + return txt; + }, + + create : function (opts) { + var buttonText = opts.$li.attr('data-button') || opts.$li.attr('data-text'), + tipClass = opts.$li.attr('class'), + $tip_content = $(this.tip_template({ + tip_class : tipClass, + index : opts.index, + button_text : buttonText, + li : opts.$li + })); + + $(this.settings.tipContainer).append($tip_content); + }, + + show : function (init) { + var $timer = null; + + // are we paused? + if (this.settings.$li === undefined + || ($.inArray(this.settings.$li.index(), this.settings.pauseAfter) === -1)) { + + // don't go to the next li if the tour was paused + if (this.settings.paused) { + this.settings.paused = false; + } else { + this.set_li(init); + } + + this.settings.attempts = 0; + + if (this.settings.$li.length && this.settings.$target.length > 0) { + if (init) { //run when we first start + this.settings.preRideCallback(this.settings.$li.index(), this.settings.$next_tip); + if (this.settings.modal) { + this.show_modal(); + } + } + + this.settings.preStepCallback(this.settings.$li.index(), this.settings.$next_tip); + + if (this.settings.modal && this.settings.expose) { + this.expose(); + } + + this.settings.tipSettings = $.extend(this.settings, this.data_options(this.settings.$li)); + + this.settings.timer = parseInt(this.settings.timer, 10); + + this.settings.tipSettings.tipLocationPattern = this.settings.tipLocationPatterns[this.settings.tipSettings.tipLocation]; + + // scroll if not modal + if (!/body/i.test(this.settings.$target.selector)) { + this.scroll_to(); + } + + if (this.is_phone()) { + this.pos_phone(true); + } else { + this.pos_default(true); + } + + $timer = this.settings.$next_tip.find('.joyride-timer-indicator'); + + if (/pop/i.test(this.settings.tipAnimation)) { + + $timer.width(0); + + if (this.settings.timer > 0) { + + this.settings.$next_tip.show(); + + this.delay(function () { + $timer.animate({ + width: $timer.parent().width() + }, this.settings.timer, 'linear'); + }.bind(this), this.settings.tipAnimationFadeSpeed); + + } else { + this.settings.$next_tip.show(); + + } + + + } else if (/fade/i.test(this.settings.tipAnimation)) { + + $timer.width(0); + + if (this.settings.timer > 0) { + + this.settings.$next_tip + .fadeIn(this.settings.tipAnimationFadeSpeed) + .show(); + + this.delay(function () { + $timer.animate({ + width: $timer.parent().width() + }, this.settings.timer, 'linear'); + }.bind(this), this.settings.tipAnimationFadeSpeed); + + } else { + this.settings.$next_tip.fadeIn(this.settings.tipAnimationFadeSpeed); + + } + } + + this.settings.$current_tip = this.settings.$next_tip; + + // skip non-existant targets + } else if (this.settings.$li && this.settings.$target.length < 1) { + + this.show(); + + } else { + + this.end(); + + } + } else { + + this.settings.paused = true; + + } + + }, + + is_phone : function () { + if (Modernizr) { + return Modernizr.mq('only screen and (max-width: 767px)') || $('.lt-ie9').length > 0; + } + + return (this.settings.$window.width() < 767); + }, + + hide : function () { + if (this.settings.modal && this.settings.expose) { + this.un_expose(); + } + + if (!this.settings.modal) { + $('.joyride-modal-bg').hide(); + } + this.settings.$current_tip.hide(); + this.settings.postStepCallback(this.settings.$li.index(), + this.settings.$current_tip); + }, + + set_li : function (init) { + if (init) { + this.settings.$li = this.settings.$tip_content.eq(this.settings.startOffset); + this.set_next_tip(); + this.settings.$current_tip = this.settings.$next_tip; + } else { + this.settings.$li = this.settings.$li.next(); + this.set_next_tip(); + } + + this.set_target(); + }, + + set_next_tip : function () { + this.settings.$next_tip = $(".joyride-tip-guide[data-index='" + this.settings.$li.index() + "']"); + this.settings.$next_tip.data('closed', ''); + }, + + set_target : function () { + var cl = this.settings.$li.attr('data-class'), + id = this.settings.$li.attr('data-id'), + $sel = function () { + if (id) { + return $(document.getElementById(id)); + } else if (cl) { + return $('.' + cl).first(); + } else { + return $('body'); + } + }; + + this.settings.$target = $sel(); + }, + + scroll_to : function () { + var window_half, tipOffset; + + window_half = $(window).height() / 2; + tipOffset = Math.ceil(this.settings.$target.offset().top - window_half + this.outerHeight(this.settings.$next_tip)); + if (tipOffset > 0) { + this.scrollTo($('html, body'), tipOffset, this.settings.scrollSpeed); + } + }, + + paused : function () { + return ($.inArray((this.settings.$li.index() + 1), this.settings.pauseAfter) === -1); + }, + + restart : function () { + this.hide(); + this.settings.$li = undefined; + this.show('init'); + }, + + pos_default : function (init, resizing) { + var half_fold = Math.ceil($(window).height() / 2), + tip_position = this.settings.$next_tip.offset(), + $nub = this.settings.$next_tip.find('.joyride-nub'), + nub_width = Math.ceil(this.outerWidth($nub) / 2), + nub_height = Math.ceil(this.outerHeight($nub) / 2), + toggle = init || false; + + // tip must not be "display: none" to calculate position + if (toggle) { + this.settings.$next_tip.css('visibility', 'hidden'); + this.settings.$next_tip.show(); + } + + if (typeof resizing === 'undefined') { + resizing = false; + } + + if (!/body/i.test(this.settings.$target.selector)) { + + if (this.bottom()) { + var leftOffset = this.settings.$target.offset().left; + if (Foundation.rtl) { + leftOffset = this.settings.$target.offset().width - this.settings.$next_tip.width() + leftOffset; + } + this.settings.$next_tip.css({ + top: (this.settings.$target.offset().top + nub_height + this.outerHeight(this.settings.$target)), + left: leftOffset}); + + this.nub_position($nub, this.settings.tipSettings.nubPosition, 'top'); + + } else if (this.top()) { + var leftOffset = this.settings.$target.offset().left; + if (Foundation.rtl) { + leftOffset = this.settings.$target.offset().width - this.settings.$next_tip.width() + leftOffset; + } + this.settings.$next_tip.css({ + top: (this.settings.$target.offset().top - this.outerHeight(this.settings.$next_tip) - nub_height), + left: leftOffset}); + + this.nub_position($nub, this.settings.tipSettings.nubPosition, 'bottom'); + + } else if (this.right()) { + + this.settings.$next_tip.css({ + top: this.settings.$target.offset().top, + left: (this.outerWidth(this.settings.$target) + this.settings.$target.offset().left + nub_width)}); + + this.nub_position($nub, this.settings.tipSettings.nubPosition, 'left'); + + } else if (this.left()) { + + this.settings.$next_tip.css({ + top: this.settings.$target.offset().top, + left: (this.settings.$target.offset().left - this.outerWidth(this.settings.$next_tip) - nub_width)}); + + this.nub_position($nub, this.settings.tipSettings.nubPosition, 'right'); + + } + + if (!this.visible(this.corners(this.settings.$next_tip)) && this.settings.attempts < this.settings.tipSettings.tipLocationPattern.length) { + + $nub.removeClass('bottom') + .removeClass('top') + .removeClass('right') + .removeClass('left'); + + this.settings.tipSettings.tipLocation = this.settings.tipSettings.tipLocationPattern[this.settings.attempts]; + + this.settings.attempts++; + + this.pos_default(); + + } + + } else if (this.settings.$li.length) { + + this.pos_modal($nub); + + } + + if (toggle) { + this.settings.$next_tip.hide(); + this.settings.$next_tip.css('visibility', 'visible'); + } + + }, + + pos_phone : function (init) { + var tip_height = this.outerHeight(this.settings.$next_tip), + tip_offset = this.settings.$next_tip.offset(), + target_height = this.outerHeight(this.settings.$target), + $nub = $('.joyride-nub', this.settings.$next_tip), + nub_height = Math.ceil(this.outerHeight($nub) / 2), + toggle = init || false; + + $nub.removeClass('bottom') + .removeClass('top') + .removeClass('right') + .removeClass('left'); + + if (toggle) { + this.settings.$next_tip.css('visibility', 'hidden'); + this.settings.$next_tip.show(); + } + + if (!/body/i.test(this.settings.$target.selector)) { + + if (this.top()) { + + this.settings.$next_tip.offset({top: this.settings.$target.offset().top - tip_height - nub_height}); + $nub.addClass('bottom'); + + } else { + + this.settings.$next_tip.offset({top: this.settings.$target.offset().top + target_height + nub_height}); + $nub.addClass('top'); + + } + + } else if (this.settings.$li.length) { + this.pos_modal($nub); + } + + if (toggle) { + this.settings.$next_tip.hide(); + this.settings.$next_tip.css('visibility', 'visible'); + } + }, + + pos_modal : function ($nub) { + this.center(); + $nub.hide(); + + this.show_modal(); + }, + + show_modal : function () { + if (!this.settings.$next_tip.data('closed')) { + var joyridemodalbg = $('.joyride-modal-bg'); + if (joyridemodalbg.length < 1) { + $('body').append(this.settings.template.modal).show(); + } + + if (/pop/i.test(this.settings.tipAnimation)) { + joyridemodalbg.show(); + } else { + joyridemodalbg.fadeIn(this.settings.tipAnimationFadeSpeed); + } + } + }, + + expose : function () { + var expose, + exposeCover, + el, + origCSS, + randId = 'expose-'+Math.floor(Math.random()*10000); + + if (arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] instanceof $) { + el = arguments[0]; + } else if(this.settings.$target && !/body/i.test(this.settings.$target.selector)){ + el = this.settings.$target; + } else { + return false; + } + + if(el.length < 1){ + if(window.console){ + console.error('element not valid', el); + } + return false; + } + + expose = $(this.settings.template.expose); + this.settings.$body.append(expose); + expose.css({ + top: el.offset().top, + left: el.offset().left, + width: this.outerWidth(el, true), + height: this.outerHeight(el, true) + }); + + exposeCover = $(this.settings.template.exposeCover); + + origCSS = { + zIndex: el.css('z-index'), + position: el.css('position') + }; + + el.css('z-index',parseInt(expose.css('z-index'))+1); + + if (origCSS.position == 'static') { + el.css('position','relative'); + } + + el.data('expose-css',origCSS); + + exposeCover.css({ + top: el.offset().top, + left: el.offset().left, + width: this.outerWidth(el, true), + height: this.outerHeight(el, true) + }); + + this.settings.$body.append(exposeCover); + expose.addClass(randId); + exposeCover.addClass(randId); + el.data('expose', randId); + this.settings.postExposeCallback(this.settings.$li.index(), this.settings.$next_tip, el); + this.add_exposed(el); + }, + + un_expose : function () { + var exposeId, + el, + expose , + origCSS, + clearAll = false; + + if (arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] instanceof $) { + el = arguments[0]; + } else if(this.settings.$target && !/body/i.test(this.settings.$target.selector)){ + el = this.settings.$target; + } else { + return false; + } + + if(el.length < 1){ + if (window.console) { + console.error('element not valid', el); + } + return false; + } + + exposeId = el.data('expose'); + expose = $('.' + exposeId); + + if (arguments.length > 1) { + clearAll = arguments[1]; + } + + if (clearAll === true) { + $('.joyride-expose-wrapper,.joyride-expose-cover').remove(); + } else { + expose.remove(); + } + + origCSS = el.data('expose-css'); + + if (origCSS.zIndex == 'auto') { + el.css('z-index', ''); + } else { + el.css('z-index', origCSS.zIndex); + } + + if (origCSS.position != el.css('position')) { + if(origCSS.position == 'static') {// this is default, no need to set it. + el.css('position', ''); + } else { + el.css('position', origCSS.position); + } + } + + el.removeData('expose'); + el.removeData('expose-z-index'); + this.remove_exposed(el); + }, + + add_exposed: function(el){ + this.settings.exposed = this.settings.exposed || []; + if (el instanceof $ || typeof el === 'object') { + this.settings.exposed.push(el[0]); + } else if (typeof el == 'string') { + this.settings.exposed.push(el); + } + }, + + remove_exposed: function(el){ + var search, count; + if (el instanceof $) { + search = el[0] + } else if (typeof el == 'string'){ + search = el; + } + + this.settings.exposed = this.settings.exposed || []; + count = this.settings.exposed.length; + + for (var i=0; i < count; i++) { + if (this.settings.exposed[i] == search) { + this.settings.exposed.splice(i, 1); + return; + } + } + }, + + center : function () { + var $w = $(window); + + this.settings.$next_tip.css({ + top : ((($w.height() - this.outerHeight(this.settings.$next_tip)) / 2) + $w.scrollTop()), + left : ((($w.width() - this.outerWidth(this.settings.$next_tip)) / 2) + this.scrollLeft($w)) + }); + + return true; + }, + + bottom : function () { + return /bottom/i.test(this.settings.tipSettings.tipLocation); + }, + + top : function () { + return /top/i.test(this.settings.tipSettings.tipLocation); + }, + + right : function () { + return /right/i.test(this.settings.tipSettings.tipLocation); + }, + + left : function () { + return /left/i.test(this.settings.tipSettings.tipLocation); + }, + + corners : function (el) { + var w = $(window), + window_half = w.height() / 2, + //using this to calculate since scroll may not have finished yet. + tipOffset = Math.ceil(this.settings.$target.offset().top - window_half + this.settings.$next_tip.outerHeight()), + right = w.width() + this.scrollLeft(w), + offsetBottom = w.height() + tipOffset, + bottom = w.height() + w.scrollTop(), + top = w.scrollTop(); + + if (tipOffset < top) { + if (tipOffset < 0) { + top = 0; + } else { + top = tipOffset; + } + } + + if (offsetBottom > bottom) { + bottom = offsetBottom; + } + + return [ + el.offset().top < top, + right < el.offset().left + el.outerWidth(), + bottom < el.offset().top + el.outerHeight(), + this.scrollLeft(w) > el.offset().left + ]; + }, + + visible : function (hidden_corners) { + var i = hidden_corners.length; + + while (i--) { + if (hidden_corners[i]) return false; + } + + return true; + }, + + nub_position : function (nub, pos, def) { + if (pos === 'auto') { + nub.addClass(def); + } else { + nub.addClass(pos); + } + }, + + startTimer : function () { + if (this.settings.$li.length) { + this.settings.automate = setTimeout(function () { + this.hide(); + this.show(); + this.startTimer(); + }.bind(this), this.settings.timer); + } else { + clearTimeout(this.settings.automate); + } + }, + + end : function () { + if (this.settings.cookieMonster) { + $.cookie(this.settings.cookieName, 'ridden', { expires: this.settings.cookieExpires, domain: this.settings.cookieDomain }); + } + + if (this.settings.timer > 0) { + clearTimeout(this.settings.automate); + } + + if (this.settings.modal && this.settings.expose) { + this.un_expose(); + } + + this.settings.$next_tip.data('closed', true); + + $('.joyride-modal-bg').hide(); + this.settings.$current_tip.hide(); + this.settings.postStepCallback(this.settings.$li.index(), this.settings.$current_tip); + this.settings.postRideCallback(this.settings.$li.index(), this.settings.$current_tip); + $('.joyride-tip-guide').remove(); + }, + + outerHTML : function (el) { + // support FireFox < 11 + return el.outerHTML || new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(el); + }, + + off : function () { + $(this.scope).off('.joyride'); + $(window).off('.joyride'); + $('.joyride-close-tip, .joyride-next-tip, .joyride-modal-bg').off('.joyride'); + $('.joyride-tip-guide, .joyride-modal-bg').remove(); + clearTimeout(this.settings.automate); + this.settings = {}; + } + }; +}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document)); diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.js b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a22157 --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.js @@ -0,0 +1,401 @@ +/* + * Foundation Responsive Library + * http://foundation.zurb.com + * Copyright 2013, ZURB + * Free to use under the MIT license. + * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +*/ + +/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */ + +// Accommodate running jQuery or Zepto in noConflict() mode by +// using an anonymous function to redefine the $ shorthand name. +// See http://docs.jquery.com/Using_jQuery_with_Other_Libraries +// and http://zeptojs.com/ +var libFuncName = null; + +if (typeof jQuery === "undefined" && + typeof Zepto === "undefined" && + typeof $ === "function") { + libFuncName = $; +} else if (typeof jQuery === "function") { + libFuncName = jQuery; +} else if (typeof Zepto === "function") { + libFuncName = Zepto; +} else { + throw new TypeError(); +} + +(function ($, window, document, undefined) { + 'use strict'; + + // add dusty browser stuff + if (!Array.prototype.filter) { + Array.prototype.filter = function(fun /*, thisp */) { + "use strict"; + + if (this == null) { + throw new TypeError(); + } + + var t = Object(this), + len = t.length >>> 0; + if (typeof fun != "function") { + return; + } + + var res = [], + thisp = arguments[1]; + for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { + if (i in t) { + var val = t[i]; // in case fun mutates this + if (fun && fun.call(thisp, val, i, t)) { + res.push(val); + } + } + } + + return res; + } + } + + if (!Function.prototype.bind) { + Function.prototype.bind = function (oThis) { + if (typeof this !== "function") { + // closest thing possible to the ECMAScript 5 internal IsCallable function + throw new TypeError("Function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable"); + } + + var aArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), + fToBind = this, + fNOP = function () {}, + fBound = function () { + return fToBind.apply(this instanceof fNOP && oThis + ? this + : oThis, + aArgs.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments))); + }; + + fNOP.prototype = this.prototype; + fBound.prototype = new fNOP(); + + return fBound; + }; + } + + if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { + Array.prototype.indexOf = function (searchElement /*, fromIndex */ ) { + "use strict"; + if (this == null) { + throw new TypeError(); + } + var t = Object(this); + var len = t.length >>> 0; + if (len === 0) { + return -1; + } + var n = 0; + if (arguments.length > 1) { + n = Number(arguments[1]); + if (n != n) { // shortcut for verifying if it's NaN + n = 0; + } else if (n != 0 && n != Infinity && n != -Infinity) { + n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n)); + } + } + if (n >= len) { + return -1; + } + var k = n >= 0 ? n : Math.max(len - Math.abs(n), 0); + for (; k < len; k++) { + if (k in t && t[k] === searchElement) { + return k; + } + } + return -1; + } + } + + // fake stop() for zepto. + $.fn.stop = $.fn.stop || function() { + return this; + }; + + window.Foundation = { + name : 'Foundation', + + version : '4.1.5', + + // global Foundation cache object + cache : {}, + + init : function (scope, libraries, method, options, response, /* internal */ nc) { + var library_arr, + args = [scope, method, options, response], + responses = [], + nc = nc || false; + + // disable library error catching, + // used for development only + if (nc) this.nc = nc; + + // check RTL + this.rtl = /rtl/i.test($('html').attr('dir')); + + // set foundation global scope + this.scope = scope || this.scope; + + if (libraries && typeof libraries === 'string') { + if (/off/i.test(libraries)) return this.off(); + + library_arr = libraries.split(' '); + + if (library_arr.length > 0) { + for (var i = library_arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + responses.push(this.init_lib(library_arr[i], args)); + } + } + } else { + for (var lib in this.libs) { + responses.push(this.init_lib(lib, args)); + } + } + + // if first argument is callback, add to args + if (typeof libraries === 'function') { + args.unshift(libraries); + } + + return this.response_obj(responses, args); + }, + + response_obj : function (response_arr, args) { + for (var i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; i++) { + if (typeof args[i] === 'function') { + return args[i]({ + errors: response_arr.filter(function (s) { + if (typeof s === 'string') return s; + }) + }); + } + } + + return response_arr; + }, + + init_lib : function (lib, args) { + return this.trap(function () { + if (this.libs.hasOwnProperty(lib)) { + this.patch(this.libs[lib]); + return this.libs[lib].init.apply(this.libs[lib], args); + } + }.bind(this), lib); + }, + + trap : function (fun, lib) { + if (!this.nc) { + try { + return fun(); + } catch (e) { + return this.error({name: lib, message: 'could not be initialized', more: e.name + ' ' + e.message}); + } + } + + return fun(); + }, + + patch : function (lib) { + this.fix_outer(lib); + lib.scope = this.scope; + lib.rtl = this.rtl; + }, + + inherit : function (scope, methods) { + var methods_arr = methods.split(' '); + + for (var i = methods_arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + if (this.lib_methods.hasOwnProperty(methods_arr[i])) { + this.libs[scope.name][methods_arr[i]] = this.lib_methods[methods_arr[i]]; + } + } + }, + + random_str : function (length) { + var chars = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split(''); + + if (!length) { + length = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length); + } + + var str = ''; + for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { + str += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)]; + } + return str; + }, + + libs : {}, + + // methods that can be inherited in libraries + lib_methods : { + set_data : function (node, data) { + // this.name references the name of the library calling this method + var id = [this.name,+new Date(),Foundation.random_str(5)].join('-'); + + Foundation.cache[id] = data; + node.attr('data-' + this.name + '-id', id); + return data; + }, + + get_data : function (node) { + return Foundation.cache[node.attr('data-' + this.name + '-id')]; + }, + + remove_data : function (node) { + if (node) { + delete Foundation.cache[node.attr('data-' + this.name + '-id')]; + node.attr('data-' + this.name + '-id', ''); + } else { + $('[data-' + this.name + '-id]').each(function () { + delete Foundation.cache[$(this).attr('data-' + this.name + '-id')]; + $(this).attr('data-' + this.name + '-id', ''); + }); + } + }, + + throttle : function(fun, delay) { + var timer = null; + return function () { + var context = this, args = arguments; + clearTimeout(timer); + timer = setTimeout(function () { + fun.apply(context, args); + }, delay); + }; + }, + + // parses data-options attribute on nodes and turns + // them into an object + data_options : function (el) { + var opts = {}, ii, p, + opts_arr = (el.attr('data-options') || ':').split(';'), + opts_len = opts_arr.length; + + function isNumber (o) { + return ! isNaN (o-0) && o !== null && o !== "" && o !== false && o !== true; + } + + function trim(str) { + if (typeof str === 'string') return $.trim(str); + return str; + } + + // parse options + for (ii = opts_len - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) { + p = opts_arr[ii].split(':'); + + if (/true/i.test(p[1])) p[1] = true; + if (/false/i.test(p[1])) p[1] = false; + if (isNumber(p[1])) p[1] = parseInt(p[1], 10); + + if (p.length === 2 && p[0].length > 0) { + opts[trim(p[0])] = trim(p[1]); + } + } + + return opts; + }, + + delay : function (fun, delay) { + return setTimeout(fun, delay); + }, + + // animated scrolling + scrollTo : function (el, to, duration) { + if (duration < 0) return; + var difference = to - $(window).scrollTop(); + var perTick = difference / duration * 10; + + this.scrollToTimerCache = setTimeout(function() { + if (!isNaN(parseInt(perTick, 10))) { + window.scrollTo(0, $(window).scrollTop() + perTick); + this.scrollTo(el, to, duration - 10); + } + }.bind(this), 10); + }, + + // not supported in core Zepto + scrollLeft : function (el) { + if (!el.length) return; + return ('scrollLeft' in el[0]) ? el[0].scrollLeft : el[0].pageXOffset; + }, + + // test for empty object or array + empty : function (obj) { + if (obj.length && obj.length > 0) return false; + if (obj.length && obj.length === 0) return true; + + for (var key in obj) { + if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) return false; + } + + return true; + } + }, + + fix_outer : function (lib) { + lib.outerHeight = function (el, bool) { + if (typeof Zepto === 'function') { + return el.height(); + } + + if (typeof bool !== 'undefined') { + return el.outerHeight(bool); + } + + return el.outerHeight(); + }; + + lib.outerWidth = function (el) { + if (typeof Zepto === 'function') { + return el.width(); + } + + if (typeof bool !== 'undefined') { + return el.outerWidth(bool); + } + + return el.outerWidth(); + }; + }, + + error : function (error) { + return error.name + ' ' + error.message + '; ' + error.more; + }, + + // remove all foundation events. + off: function () { + $(this.scope).off('.fndtn'); + $(window).off('.fndtn'); + return true; + }, + + zj : function () { + try { + return Zepto; + } catch (e) { + return jQuery; + } + }() + }; + + $.fn.foundation = function () { + var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); + + return this.each(function () { + Foundation.init.apply(Foundation, [this].concat(args)); + return this; + }); + }; + +}(libFuncName, this, this.document)); diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.magellan.js b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.magellan.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3cdef5b --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.magellan.js @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */ + +;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { + 'use strict'; + + Foundation.libs.magellan = { + name : 'magellan', + + version : '4.0.0', + + settings : { + activeClass: 'active' + }, + + init : function (scope, method, options) { + this.scope = scope || this.scope; + Foundation.inherit(this, 'data_options'); + + if (typeof method === 'object') { + $.extend(true, this.settings, method); + } + + if (typeof method != 'string') { + if (!this.settings.init) { + this.fixed_magellan = $("[data-magellan-expedition]"); + this.set_threshold(); + this.last_destination = $('[data-magellan-destination]').last(); + this.events(); + } + + return this.settings.init; + } else { + return this[method].call(this, options); + } + }, + + events : function () { + var self = this; + $(this.scope).on('arrival.fndtn.magellan', '[data-magellan-arrival]', function (e) { + var $destination = $(this), + $expedition = $destination.closest('[data-magellan-expedition]'), + activeClass = $expedition.attr('data-magellan-active-class') + || self.settings.activeClass; + + $destination + .closest('[data-magellan-expedition]') + .find('[data-magellan-arrival]') + .not($destination) + .removeClass(activeClass); + $destination.addClass(activeClass); + }); + + this.fixed_magellan + .on('update-position.fndtn.magellan', function(){ + var $el = $(this); + // $el.data("magellan-fixed-position",""); + //$el.data("magellan-top-offset", ""); + }) + .trigger('update-position'); + + $(window) + .on('resize.fndtn.magellan', function() { + this.fixed_magellan.trigger('update-position'); + }.bind(this)) + + .on('scroll.fndtn.magellan', function() { + var windowScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); + self.fixed_magellan.each(function() { + var $expedition = $(this); + if (typeof $expedition.data('magellan-top-offset') === 'undefined') { + $expedition.data('magellan-top-offset', $expedition.offset().top); + } + if (typeof $expedition.data('magellan-fixed-position') === 'undefined') { + $expedition.data('magellan-fixed-position', false) + } + var fixed_position = (windowScrollTop + self.settings.threshold) > $expedition.data("magellan-top-offset"); + var attr = $expedition.attr('data-magellan-top-offset'); + + if ($expedition.data("magellan-fixed-position") != fixed_position) { + $expedition.data("magellan-fixed-position", fixed_position); + if (fixed_position) { + $expedition.css({position:"fixed", top:0}); + } else { + $expedition.css({position:"", top:""}); + } + if (fixed_position && typeof attr != 'undefined' && attr != false) { + $expedition.css({position:"fixed", top:attr + "px"}); + } + } + }); + }); + + + if (this.last_destination.length > 0) { + $(window).on('scroll.fndtn.magellan', function (e) { + var windowScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(), + scrolltopPlusHeight = windowScrollTop + $(window).height(), + lastDestinationTop = Math.ceil(self.last_destination.offset().top); + + $('[data-magellan-destination]').each(function () { + var $destination = $(this), + destination_name = $destination.attr('data-magellan-destination'), + topOffset = $destination.offset().top - windowScrollTop; + + if (topOffset <= self.settings.threshold) { + $("[data-magellan-arrival='" + destination_name + "']").trigger('arrival'); + } + // In large screens we may hit the bottom of the page and dont reach the top of the last magellan-destination, so lets force it + if (scrolltopPlusHeight >= $(self.scope).height() && lastDestinationTop > windowScrollTop && lastDestinationTop < scrolltopPlusHeight) { + $('[data-magellan-arrival]').last().trigger('arrival'); + } + }); + }); + } + + this.settings.init = true; + }, + + set_threshold : function () { + if (!this.settings.threshold) { + this.settings.threshold = (this.fixed_magellan.length > 0) ? + this.outerHeight(this.fixed_magellan, true) : 0; + } + }, + + off : function () { + $(this.scope).off('.fndtn.magellan'); + } + }; +}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document)); diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.orbit.js b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.orbit.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c805e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.orbit.js @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ +;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { + 'use strict'; + + Foundation.libs = Foundation.libs || {}; + + Foundation.libs.orbit = { + name: 'orbit', + + version: '4.1.0', + + settings: { + timer_speed: 10000, + animation_speed: 500, + bullets: true, + stack_on_small: true, + navigation_arrows: true, + slide_number: true, + container_class: 'orbit-container', + stack_on_small_class: 'orbit-stack-on-small', + next_class: 'orbit-next', + prev_class: 'orbit-prev', + timer_container_class: 'orbit-timer', + timer_paused_class: 'paused', + timer_progress_class: 'orbit-progress', + slides_container_class: 'orbit-slides-container', + bullets_container_class: 'orbit-bullets', + bullets_active_class: 'active', + slide_number_class: 'orbit-slide-number', + caption_class: 'orbit-caption', + active_slide_class: 'active', + orbit_transition_class: 'orbit-transitioning' + }, + + init: function (scope, method, options) { + var self = this; + Foundation.inherit(self, 'data_options'); + + if (typeof method === 'object') { + $.extend(true, self.settings, method); + } + + $('[data-orbit]', scope).each(function(idx, el) { + var scoped_self = $.extend(true, {}, self); + scoped_self._init(idx, el); + }); + }, + + _container_html: function() { + var self = this; + return '
        '; + }, + + _bullets_container_html: function($slides) { + var self = this, + $list = $('
          '); + $slides.each(function(idx, slide) { + var $item = $('
        1. '); + if (idx === 0) { + $item.addClass(self.settings.bullets_active_class); + } + $list.append($item); + }); + return $list; + }, + + _slide_number_html: function(slide_number, total_slides) { + var self = this, + $container = $('
          '); + $container.append('' + slide_number + ' of ' + total_slides + ''); + return $container; + }, + + _timer_html: function() { + var self = this; + if (typeof self.settings.timer_speed === 'number' && self.settings.timer_speed > 0) { + return '
          '; + } else { + return ''; + } + }, + + _next_html: function() { + var self = this; + return 'Next '; + }, + + _prev_html: function() { + var self = this; + return 'Prev '; + }, + + _init: function (idx, slider) { + var self = this, + $slides_container = $(slider), + $container = $slides_container.wrap(self._container_html()).parent(), + $slides = $slides_container.children(); + + $.extend(true, self.settings, self.data_options($slides_container)); + + if (self.settings.navigation_arrows) { + $container.append(self._prev_html()); + $container.append(self._next_html()); + } + $slides_container.addClass(self.settings.slides_container_class); + if (self.settings.stack_on_small) { + $container.addClass(self.settings.stack_on_small_class); + } + if (self.settings.slide_number) { + $container.append(self._slide_number_html(1, $slides.length)); + } + $container.append(self._timer_html()); + if (self.settings.bullets) { + $container.after(self._bullets_container_html($slides)); + } + // To better support the "sliding" effect it's easier + // if we just clone the first and last slides + $slides_container.append($slides.first().clone().attr('data-orbit-slide','')); + $slides_container.prepend($slides.last().clone().attr('data-orbit-slide','')); + // Make the first "real" slide active + $slides_container.css('marginLeft', '-100%'); + $slides.first().addClass(self.settings.active_slide_class); + + self._init_events($slides_container); + self._init_dimensions($slides_container); + self._start_timer($slides_container); + }, + + _init_events: function ($slides_container) { + var self = this, + $container = $slides_container.parent(); + + $(window) + .on('load.fndtn.orbit', function() { + $slides_container.height(''); + $slides_container.height($slides_container.height($container.height())); + $slides_container.trigger('orbit:ready'); + }) + .on('resize.fndtn.orbit', function() { + $slides_container.height(''); + $slides_container.height($slides_container.height($container.height())); + }); + + $(document).on('click.fndtn.orbit', '[data-orbit-link]', function(e) { + e.preventDefault(); + var id = $(e.currentTarget).attr('data-orbit-link'), + $slide = $slides_container.find('[data-orbit-slide=' + id + ']').first(); + + if ($slide.length === 1) { + self._reset_timer($slides_container, true); + self._goto($slides_container, $slide.index(), function() {}); + } + }); + + $container.siblings('.' + self.settings.bullets_container_class) + .on('click.fndtn.orbit', '[data-orbit-slide-number]', function(e) { + e.preventDefault(); + self._reset_timer($slides_container, true); + self._goto($slides_container, $(e.currentTarget).data('orbit-slide-number'),function() {}); + }); + + $container + .on('orbit:after-slide-change.fndtn.orbit', function(e, orbit) { + var $slide_number = $container.find('.' + self.settings.slide_number_class); + + if ($slide_number.length === 1) { + $slide_number.replaceWith(self._slide_number_html(orbit.slide_number, orbit.total_slides)); + } + }) + .on('orbit:next-slide.fndtn.orbit click.fndtn.orbit', '.' + self.settings.next_class, function(e) { + e.preventDefault(); + self._reset_timer($slides_container, true); + self._goto($slides_container, 'next', function() {}); + }) + .on('orbit:prev-slide.fndtn.orbit click.fndtn.orbit', '.' + self.settings.prev_class, function(e) { + e.preventDefault(); + self._reset_timer($slides_container, true); + self._goto($slides_container, 'prev', function() {}); + }) + .on('orbit:toggle-play-pause.fndtn.orbit click.fndtn.orbit touchstart.fndtn.orbit', '.' + self.settings.timer_container_class, function(e) { + e.preventDefault(); + var $timer = $(e.currentTarget).toggleClass(self.settings.timer_paused_class), + $slides_container = $timer.closest('.' + self.settings.container_class) + .find('.' + self.settings.slides_container_class); + + if ($timer.hasClass(self.settings.timer_paused_class)) { + self._stop_timer($slides_container); + } else { + self._start_timer($slides_container); + } + }) + .on('touchstart.fndtn.orbit', function(e) { + if (!e.touches) { e = e.originalEvent; } + var data = { + start_page_x: e.touches[0].pageX, + start_page_y: e.touches[0].pageY, + start_time: (new Date()).getTime(), + delta_x: 0, + is_scrolling: undefined + }; + $container.data('swipe-transition', data); + e.stopPropagation(); + }) + .on('touchmove.fndtn.orbit', function(e) { + if (!e.touches) { e = e.originalEvent; } + // Ignore pinch/zoom events + if(e.touches.length > 1 || e.scale && e.scale !== 1) return; + + var data = $container.data('swipe-transition'); + if (typeof data === 'undefined') { + data = {}; + } + + data.delta_x = e.touches[0].pageX - data.start_page_x; + + if ( typeof data.is_scrolling === 'undefined') { + data.is_scrolling = !!( data.is_scrolling || Math.abs(data.delta_x) < Math.abs(e.touches[0].pageY - data.start_page_y) ); + } + + if (!data.is_scrolling && !data.active) { + e.preventDefault(); + self._stop_timer($slides_container); + var direction = (data.delta_x < 0) ? 'next' : 'prev'; + data.active = true; + self._goto($slides_container, direction, function() {}); + } + }) + .on('touchend.fndtn.orbit', function(e) { + $container.data('swipe-transition', {}); + e.stopPropagation(); + }); + }, + + _init_dimensions: function ($slides_container) { + var $container = $slides_container.parent(), + $slides = $slides_container.children(); + + $slides_container.css('width', $slides.length * 100 + '%'); + $slides.css('width', 100 / $slides.length + '%'); + $slides_container.height($container.height()); + $slides_container.css('width', $slides.length * 100 + '%'); + }, + + _start_timer: function ($slides_container) { + var self = this, + $container = $slides_container.parent(); + + var callback = function() { + self._reset_timer($slides_container, false); + self._goto($slides_container, 'next', function() { + self._start_timer($slides_container); + }); + }; + + var $timer = $container.find('.' + self.settings.timer_container_class), + $progress = $timer.find('.' + self.settings.timer_progress_class), + progress_pct = ($progress.width() / $timer.width()), + delay = self.settings.timer_speed - (progress_pct * self.settings.timer_speed); + + $progress.animate({'width': '100%'}, delay, 'linear', callback); + $slides_container.trigger('orbit:timer-started'); + }, + + _stop_timer: function ($slides_container) { + var self = this, + $container = $slides_container.parent(), + $timer = $container.find('.' + self.settings.timer_container_class), + $progress = $timer.find('.' + self.settings.timer_progress_class), + progress_pct = $progress.width() / $timer.width(); + self._rebuild_timer($container, progress_pct * 100 + '%'); + // $progress.stop(); + $slides_container.trigger('orbit:timer-stopped'); + $timer = $container.find('.' + self.settings.timer_container_class); + $timer.addClass(self.settings.timer_paused_class); + }, + + _reset_timer: function($slides_container, is_paused) { + var self = this, + $container = $slides_container.parent(); + self._rebuild_timer($container, '0%'); + if (typeof is_paused === 'boolean' && is_paused) { + var $timer = $container.find('.' + self.settings.timer_container_class); + $timer.addClass(self.settings.timer_paused_class); + } + }, + + _rebuild_timer: function ($container, width_pct) { + // Zepto is unable to stop animations since they + // are css-based. This is a workaround for that + // limitation, which rebuilds the dom element + // thus stopping the animation + var self = this, + $timer = $container.find('.' + self.settings.timer_container_class), + $new_timer = $(self._timer_html()), + $new_timer_progress = $new_timer.find('.' + self.settings.timer_progress_class); + + if (typeof Zepto === 'function') { + $timer.remove(); + $container.append($new_timer); + $new_timer_progress.css('width', width_pct); + } else if (typeof jQuery === 'function') { + var $progress = $timer.find('.' + self.settings.timer_progress_class); + $progress.css('width', width_pct); + $progress.stop(); + } + }, + + _goto: function($slides_container, index_or_direction, callback) { + var self = this, + $container = $slides_container.parent(), + $slides = $slides_container.children(), + $active_slide = $slides_container.find('.' + self.settings.active_slide_class), + active_index = $active_slide.index(), + margin_position = Foundation.rtl ? 'marginRight' : 'marginLeft'; + + if ($container.hasClass(self.settings.orbit_transition_class)) { + return false; + } + + if (index_or_direction === 'prev') { + if (active_index === 0) { + active_index = $slides.length - 1; + } + else { + active_index--; + } + } + else if (index_or_direction === 'next') { + active_index = (active_index+1) % $slides.length; + } + else if (typeof index_or_direction === 'number') { + active_index = (index_or_direction % $slides.length); + } + if (active_index === ($slides.length - 1) && index_or_direction === 'next') { + $slides_container.css(margin_position, '0%'); + active_index = 1; + } + else if (active_index === 0 && index_or_direction === 'prev') { + $slides_container.css(margin_position, '-' + ($slides.length - 1) * 100 + '%'); + active_index = $slides.length - 2; + } + // Start transition, make next slide active + $container.addClass(self.settings.orbit_transition_class); + $active_slide.removeClass(self.settings.active_slide_class); + $($slides[active_index]).addClass(self.settings.active_slide_class); + // Make next bullet active + var $bullets = $container.siblings('.' + self.settings.bullets_container_class); + if ($bullets.length === 1) { + $bullets.children().removeClass(self.settings.bullets_active_class); + $($bullets.children()[active_index-1]).addClass(self.settings.bullets_active_class); + } + var new_margin_left = '-' + (active_index * 100) + '%'; + // Check to see if animation will occur, otherwise perform + // callbacks manually + $slides_container.trigger('orbit:before-slide-change'); + if ($slides_container.css(margin_position) === new_margin_left) { + $container.removeClass(self.settings.orbit_transition_class); + $slides_container.trigger('orbit:after-slide-change', [{slide_number: active_index, total_slides: $slides_container.children().length - 2}]); + callback(); + } else { + var properties = {}; + properties[margin_position] = new_margin_left; + + $slides_container.animate(properties, self.settings.animation_speed, 'linear', function() { + $container.removeClass(self.settings.orbit_transition_class); + $slides_container.trigger('orbit:after-slide-change', [{slide_number: active_index, total_slides: $slides_container.children().length - 2}]); + callback(); + }); + } + } + }; +}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document)); diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.placeholder.js b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.placeholder.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65c18fc --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.placeholder.js @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +/*! http://mths.be/placeholder v2.0.7 by @mathias + Modified to work with Zepto.js by ZURB +*/ +;(function(window, document, $) { + + var isInputSupported = 'placeholder' in document.createElement('input'), + isTextareaSupported = 'placeholder' in document.createElement('textarea'), + prototype = $.fn, + valHooks = $.valHooks, + hooks, + placeholder; + + if (isInputSupported && isTextareaSupported) { + + placeholder = prototype.placeholder = function() { + return this; + }; + + placeholder.input = placeholder.textarea = true; + + } else { + + placeholder = prototype.placeholder = function() { + var $this = this; + $this + .filter((isInputSupported ? 'textarea' : ':input') + '[placeholder]') + .not('.placeholder') + .bind({ + 'focus.placeholder': clearPlaceholder, + 'blur.placeholder': setPlaceholder + }) + .data('placeholder-enabled', true) + .trigger('blur.placeholder'); + return $this; + }; + + placeholder.input = isInputSupported; + placeholder.textarea = isTextareaSupported; + + hooks = { + 'get': function(element) { + var $element = $(element); + return $element.data('placeholder-enabled') && $element.hasClass('placeholder') ? '' : element.value; + }, + 'set': function(element, value) { + var $element = $(element); + if (!$element.data('placeholder-enabled')) { + return element.value = value; + } + if (value == '') { + element.value = value; + // Issue #56: Setting the placeholder causes problems if the element continues to have focus. + if (element != document.activeElement) { + // We can't use `triggerHandler` here because of dummy text/password inputs :( + setPlaceholder.call(element); + } + } else if ($element.hasClass('placeholder')) { + clearPlaceholder.call(element, true, value) || (element.value = value); + } else { + element.value = value; + } + // `set` can not return `undefined`; see http://jsapi.info/jquery/1.7.1/val#L2363 + return $element; + } + }; + + isInputSupported || (valHooks.input = hooks); + isTextareaSupported || (valHooks.textarea = hooks); + + $(function() { + // Look for forms + $(document).delegate('form', 'submit.placeholder', function() { + // Clear the placeholder values so they don't get submitted + var $inputs = $('.placeholder', this).each(clearPlaceholder); + setTimeout(function() { + $inputs.each(setPlaceholder); + }, 10); + }); + }); + + // Clear placeholder values upon page reload + $(window).bind('beforeunload.placeholder', function() { + $('.placeholder').each(function() { + this.value = ''; + }); + }); + + } + + function args(elem) { + // Return an object of element attributes + var newAttrs = {}, + rinlinejQuery = /^jQuery\d+$/; + $.each(elem.attributes, function(i, attr) { + if (attr.specified && !rinlinejQuery.test(attr.name)) { + newAttrs[attr.name] = attr.value; + } + }); + return newAttrs; + } + + function clearPlaceholder(event, value) { + var input = this, + $input = $(input); + if (input.value == $input.attr('placeholder') && $input.hasClass('placeholder')) { + if ($input.data('placeholder-password')) { + $input = $input.hide().next().show().attr('id', $input.removeAttr('id').data('placeholder-id')); + // If `clearPlaceholder` was called from `$.valHooks.input.set` + if (event === true) { + return $input[0].value = value; + } + $input.focus(); + } else { + input.value = ''; + $input.removeClass('placeholder'); + input == document.activeElement && input.select(); + } + } + } + + function setPlaceholder() { + var $replacement, + input = this, + $input = $(input), + $origInput = $input, + id = this.id; + if (input.value == '') { + if (input.type == 'password') { + if (!$input.data('placeholder-textinput')) { + try { + $replacement = $input.clone().attr({ 'type': 'text' }); + } catch(e) { + $replacement = $('').attr($.extend(args(this), { 'type': 'text' })); + } + $replacement + .removeAttr('name') + .data({ + 'placeholder-password': true, + 'placeholder-id': id + }) + .bind('focus.placeholder', clearPlaceholder); + $input + .data({ + 'placeholder-textinput': $replacement, + 'placeholder-id': id + }) + .before($replacement); + } + $input = $input.removeAttr('id').hide().prev().attr('id', id).show(); + // Note: `$input[0] != input` now! + } + $input.addClass('placeholder'); + $input[0].value = $input.attr('placeholder'); + } else { + $input.removeClass('placeholder'); + } + } + +}(this, document, Foundation.zj)); diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.reveal.js b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.reveal.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b77cae --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.reveal.js @@ -0,0 +1,277 @@ +/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */ + +;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { + 'use strict'; + + Foundation.libs.reveal = { + name: 'reveal', + + version : '4.1.3', + + locked : false, + + settings : { + animation: 'fadeAndPop', + animationSpeed: 250, + closeOnBackgroundClick: true, + dismissModalClass: 'close-reveal-modal', + bgClass: 'reveal-modal-bg', + open: function(){}, + opened: function(){}, + close: function(){}, + closed: function(){}, + bg : $('.reveal-modal-bg'), + css : { + open : { + 'opacity': 0, + 'visibility': 'visible', + 'display' : 'block' + }, + close : { + 'opacity': 1, + 'visibility': 'hidden', + 'display': 'none' + } + } + }, + + init : function (scope, method, options) { + this.scope = scope || this.scope; + Foundation.inherit(this, 'data_options delay'); + + if (typeof method === 'object') { + $.extend(true, this.settings, method); + } else if (typeof options !== 'undefined') { + $.extend(true, this.settings, options); + } + + if (typeof method != 'string') { + this.events(); + + return this.settings.init; + } else { + return this[method].call(this, options); + } + }, + + events : function () { + var self = this; + + $(this.scope) + .off('.fndtn.reveal') + .on('click.fndtn.reveal', '[data-reveal-id]', function (e) { + e.preventDefault(); + if (!self.locked) { + self.locked = true; + self.open.call(self, $(this)); + } + }) + .on('click.fndtn.reveal touchend.click.fndtn.reveal', this.close_targets(), function (e) { + e.preventDefault(); + if (!self.locked) { + var settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options($('.reveal-modal.open'))); + if ($(e.target)[0] === $('.' + settings.bgClass)[0] && !settings.closeOnBackgroundClick) { + return; + } + + self.locked = true; + self.close.call(self, $(this).closest('.reveal-modal')); + } + }) + .on('open.fndtn.reveal', '.reveal-modal', this.settings.open) + .on('opened.fndtn.reveal', '.reveal-modal', this.settings.opened) + .on('opened.fndtn.reveal', '.reveal-modal', this.open_video) + .on('close.fndtn.reveal', '.reveal-modal', this.settings.close) + .on('closed.fndtn.reveal', '.reveal-modal', this.settings.closed) + .on('closed.fndtn.reveal', '.reveal-modal', this.close_video); + + return true; + }, + + open : function (target) { + if (target) { + var modal = $('#' + target.data('reveal-id')); + } else { + var modal = $(this.scope); + } + + if (!modal.hasClass('open')) { + var open_modal = $('.reveal-modal.open'); + + if (typeof modal.data('css-top') === 'undefined') { + modal.data('css-top', parseInt(modal.css('top'), 10)) + .data('offset', this.cache_offset(modal)); + } + + modal.trigger('open'); + + if (open_modal.length < 1) { + this.toggle_bg(modal); + } + this.hide(open_modal, this.settings.css.close); + this.show(modal, this.settings.css.open); + } + }, + + close : function (modal) { + + var modal = modal || $(this.scope), + open_modals = $('.reveal-modal.open'); + + if (open_modals.length > 0) { + this.locked = true; + modal.trigger('close'); + this.toggle_bg(modal); + this.hide(open_modals, this.settings.css.close); + } + }, + + close_targets : function () { + var base = '.' + this.settings.dismissModalClass; + + if (this.settings.closeOnBackgroundClick) { + return base + ', .' + this.settings.bgClass; + } + + return base; + }, + + toggle_bg : function (modal) { + if ($('.reveal-modal-bg').length === 0) { + this.settings.bg = $('
          ', {'class': this.settings.bgClass}) + .appendTo('body'); + } + + if (this.settings.bg.filter(':visible').length > 0) { + this.hide(this.settings.bg); + } else { + this.show(this.settings.bg); + } + }, + + show : function (el, css) { + // is modal + if (css) { + if (/pop/i.test(this.settings.animation)) { + css.top = $(window).scrollTop() - el.data('offset') + 'px'; + var end_css = { + top: $(window).scrollTop() + el.data('css-top') + 'px', + opacity: 1 + }; + + return this.delay(function () { + return el + .css(css) + .animate(end_css, this.settings.animationSpeed, 'linear', function () { + this.locked = false; + el.trigger('opened'); + }.bind(this)) + .addClass('open'); + }.bind(this), this.settings.animationSpeed / 2); + } + + if (/fade/i.test(this.settings.animation)) { + var end_css = {opacity: 1}; + + return this.delay(function () { + return el + .css(css) + .animate(end_css, this.settings.animationSpeed, 'linear', function () { + this.locked = false; + el.trigger('opened'); + }.bind(this)) + .addClass('open'); + }.bind(this), this.settings.animationSpeed / 2); + } + + return el.css(css).show().css({opacity: 1}).addClass('open').trigger('opened'); + } + + // should we animate the background? + if (/fade/i.test(this.settings.animation)) { + return el.fadeIn(this.settings.animationSpeed / 2); + } + + return el.show(); + }, + + hide : function (el, css) { + // is modal + if (css) { + if (/pop/i.test(this.settings.animation)) { + var end_css = { + top: - $(window).scrollTop() - el.data('offset') + 'px', + opacity: 0 + }; + + return this.delay(function () { + return el + .animate(end_css, this.settings.animationSpeed, 'linear', function () { + this.locked = false; + el.css(css).trigger('closed'); + }.bind(this)) + .removeClass('open'); + }.bind(this), this.settings.animationSpeed / 2); + } + + if (/fade/i.test(this.settings.animation)) { + var end_css = {opacity: 0}; + + return this.delay(function () { + return el + .animate(end_css, this.settings.animationSpeed, 'linear', function () { + this.locked = false; + el.css(css).trigger('closed'); + }.bind(this)) + .removeClass('open'); + }.bind(this), this.settings.animationSpeed / 2); + } + + return el.hide().css(css).removeClass('open').trigger('closed'); + } + + // should we animate the background? + if (/fade/i.test(this.settings.animation)) { + return el.fadeOut(this.settings.animationSpeed / 2); + } + + return el.hide(); + }, + + close_video : function (e) { + var video = $(this).find('.flex-video'), + iframe = video.find('iframe'); + + if (iframe.length > 0) { + iframe.attr('data-src', iframe[0].src); + iframe.attr('src', 'about:blank'); + video.fadeOut(100).hide(); + } + }, + + open_video : function (e) { + var video = $(this).find('.flex-video'), + iframe = video.find('iframe'); + + if (iframe.length > 0) { + var data_src = iframe.attr('data-src'); + if (typeof data_src === 'string') { + iframe[0].src = iframe.attr('data-src'); + } + video.show().fadeIn(100); + } + }, + + cache_offset : function (modal) { + var offset = modal.show().height() + parseInt(modal.css('top'), 10); + + modal.hide(); + + return offset; + }, + + off : function () { + $(this.scope).off('.fndtn.reveal'); + } + }; +}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document)); diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.section.js b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.section.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49baa30 --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.section.js @@ -0,0 +1,407 @@ +/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */ + +;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { + 'use strict'; + + Foundation.libs.section = { + name: 'section', + + version : '4.1.3', + + settings : { + deep_linking: false, + one_up: true, + section_selector : '[data-section]', + region_selector : 'section, .section, [data-section-region]', + title_selector : '.title, [data-section-title]', + active_region_selector : 'section.active, .section.active, .active[data-section-region]', + content_selector : '.content, [data-section-content]', + nav_selector : '[data-section="vertical-nav"], [data-section="horizontal-nav"]', + callback: function (){} + }, + + init : function (scope, method, options) { + var self = this; + Foundation.inherit(this, 'throttle data_options position_right offset_right'); + + if (typeof method === 'object') { + $.extend(true, self.settings, method); + } + + if (typeof method != 'string') { + this.set_active_from_hash(); + this.events(); + + return true; + } else { + return this[method].call(this, options); + } + }, + + events : function () { + var self = this; + + $(this.scope) + .on('click.fndtn.section', '[data-section] .title, [data-section] [data-section-title]', function (e) { + var $this = $(this), + section = $this.closest(self.settings.section_selector); + + self.toggle_active.call(this, e, self); + self.reflow(); + }); + + $(window) + .on('resize.fndtn.section', self.throttle(function () { + self.resize.call(this); + }, 30)) + .on('hashchange', function () { + if (!self.settings.toggled){ + self.set_active_from_hash(); + $(this).trigger('resize'); + } + }).trigger('resize'); + + $(document) + .on('click.fndtn.section', function (e) { + if ($(e.target).closest(self.settings.title_selector).length < 1) { + $(self.settings.nav_selector) + .children(self.settings.region_selector) + .removeClass('active') + .attr('style', ''); + } + }); + + }, + + toggle_active : function (e, self) { + var $this = $(this), + self = Foundation.libs.section, + region = $this.closest(self.settings.region_selector), + content = $this.siblings(self.settings.content_selector), + parent = region.parent(), + settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options(parent)), + prev_active_section = parent + .children(self.settings.active_region_selector); + + self.settings.toggled = true; + + if (!settings.deep_linking && content.length > 0) { + e.preventDefault(); + } + + if (region.hasClass('active')) { + // this is causing the style flash. + if (self.small(parent) + || self.is_vertical_nav(parent) + || self.is_horizontal_nav(parent) + || self.is_accordion(parent)) { + if (prev_active_section[0] !== region[0] + || (prev_active_section[0] === region[0] && !settings.one_up)) { + region + .removeClass('active') + .attr('style', ''); + } + } + } else { + var prev_active_section = parent + .children(self.settings.active_region_selector), + title_height = self.outerHeight(region + .children(self.settings.title_selector)); + + if (self.small(parent) || settings.one_up) { + + if (self.small(parent)) { + prev_active_section.attr('style', ''); + } else { + prev_active_section.attr('style', + 'visibility: hidden; padding-top: '+title_height+'px;'); + } + } + + if (self.small(parent)) { + region.attr('style', ''); + } else { + region.css('padding-top', title_height); + } + + region.addClass('active'); + + if (prev_active_section.length > 0) { + prev_active_section + .removeClass('active') + .attr('style', ''); + } + + // Toggle the content display attribute. This is done to + // ensure accurate outerWidth measurements that account for + // the scrollbar. + if (self.is_vertical_tabs(parent)) { + content.css('display', 'block'); + + if (prev_active_section !== null) { + prev_active_section + .children(self.settings.content_selector) + .css('display', 'none'); + } + } + } + + setTimeout(function () { + self.settings.toggled = false; + }, 300); + + settings.callback(); + }, + + resize : function () { + var self = Foundation.libs.section, + sections = $(self.settings.section_selector); + + sections.each(function() { + var $this = $(this), + active_section = $this + .children(self.settings.active_region_selector), + settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options($this)); + + if (active_section.length > 1) { + active_section + .not(':first') + .removeClass('active') + .attr('style', ''); + } else if (active_section.length < 1 + && !self.is_vertical_nav($this) + && !self.is_horizontal_nav($this) + && !self.is_accordion($this)) { + + var first = $this.children(self.settings.region_selector).first(); + + if (settings.one_up || !self.small($this)) { + first.addClass('active'); + } + + if (self.small($this)) { + first.attr('style', ''); + } else { + first.css('padding-top', self.outerHeight(first + .children(self.settings.title_selector))); + } + } + + if (self.small($this)) { + active_section.attr('style', ''); + } else { + active_section.css('padding-top', self.outerHeight(active_section + .children(self.settings.title_selector))); + } + + self.position_titles($this); + + if ( (self.is_horizontal_nav($this) && !self.small($this)) + || self.is_vertical_tabs($this)) { + self.position_content($this); + } else { + self.position_content($this, false); + } + }); + }, + + is_vertical_nav : function (el) { + return /vertical-nav/i.test(el.data('section')); + }, + + is_horizontal_nav : function (el) { + return /horizontal-nav/i.test(el.data('section')); + }, + + is_accordion : function (el) { + return /accordion/i.test(el.data('section')); + }, + + is_horizontal_tabs : function (el) { + return /^tabs$/i.test(el.data('section')); + }, + + is_vertical_tabs : function (el) { + return /vertical-tabs/i.test(el.data('section')); + }, + + set_active_from_hash : function () { + var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1), + sections = $('[data-section]'), + self = this; + + sections.each(function () { + var section = $(this), + settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options(section)); + + if (hash.length > 0 && settings.deep_linking) { + var regions = section + .children(self.settings.region_selector) + .attr('style', '') + .removeClass('active'); + regions + .map(function () { + return $(this).children('.content[data-slug="' + hash + '"], [data-section-content][data-slug="' + hash + '"]'); + }) + .parent() + .addClass('active'); + } + }); + }, + + position_titles : function (section, off) { + var self = this, + titles = section + .children(this.settings.region_selector) + .map(function () { + return $(this).children(self.settings.title_selector); + }), + previous_width = 0, + previous_height = 0, + self = this; + + if (typeof off === 'boolean') { + titles.attr('style', ''); + + } else { + titles.each(function () { + if (self.is_vertical_tabs(section)) { + $(this).css('top', previous_height); + previous_height += self.outerHeight($(this)); + } else { + if (!self.rtl) { + $(this).css('left', previous_width); + } else { + $(this).css('right', previous_width); + } + previous_width += self.outerWidth($(this)); + } + }); + } + }, + + position_content : function (section, off) { + var self = this, + regions = section.children(self.settings.region_selector), + titles = regions + .map(function () { + return $(this).children(self.settings.title_selector); + }), + content = regions + .map(function () { + return $(this).children(self.settings.content_selector); + }); + + if (typeof off === 'boolean') { + content.attr('style', ''); + section.attr('style', ''); + } else { + if (self.is_vertical_tabs(section) + && !self.small(section)) { + var content_min_height = 0, + content_min_width = Number.MAX_VALUE, + title_width = null; + + regions.each(function () { + var region = $(this), + title = region.children(self.settings.title_selector), + content = region.children(self.settings.content_selector), + content_width = 0; + + title_width = self.outerWidth(title); + content_width = self.outerWidth(section) - title_width; + if (content_width < content_min_width) { + content_min_width = content_width; + } + + // Increment the minimum height of the content region + // to align with the height of the titles. + content_min_height += self.outerHeight(title); + + // Set all of the inactive tabs to 'display: none' + // The CSS sets all of the tabs as 'display: block' + // in order to account for scrollbars when measuring the width + // of the content regions. + if (!$(this).hasClass('active')) { + content.css('display', 'none'); + } + }); + + regions.each(function () { + var content = $(this).children(self.settings.content_selector); + content.css('minHeight', content_min_height); + + // Remove 2 pixels to account for the right-shift in the CSS + content.css('maxWidth', content_min_width - 2); + }); + + // Adjust the outer section container width to match + // the width of the title and content + section.css('maxWidth', title_width + content_min_width); + } else { + regions.each(function () { + var region = $(this), + title = region.children(self.settings.title_selector), + content = region.children(self.settings.content_selector); + if (!self.rtl) { + content + .css({left: title.position().left - 1, + top: self.outerHeight(title) - 2}); + } else { + content + .css({right: self.position_right(title) + 1, + top: self.outerHeight(title) - 2}); + } + }); + + // temporary work around for Zepto outerheight calculation issues. + if (typeof Zepto === 'function') { + section.height(this.outerHeight(titles.first())); + } else { + section.height(this.outerHeight(titles.first()) - 2); + } + } + } + }, + + position_right : function (el) { + var self = this, + section = el.closest(this.settings.section_selector), + regions = section.children(this.settings.region_selector), + section_width = el.closest(this.settings.section_selector).width(), + offset = regions + .map(function () { + return $(this).children(self.settings.title_selector); + }).length; + return (section_width - el.position().left - el.width() * (el.index() + 1) - offset); + }, + + reflow : function (scope) { + var scope = scope || document; + $(this.settings.section_selector, scope).trigger('resize'); + }, + + small : function (el) { + var settings = $.extend({}, this.settings, this.data_options(el)); + if (this.is_horizontal_tabs(el)) { + return false; + } + if (el && this.is_accordion(el)) { + return true; + } + if ($('html').hasClass('lt-ie9')) { + return true; + } + if ($('html').hasClass('ie8compat')) { + return true; + } + return $(this.scope).width() < 768; + }, + + off : function () { + $(this.scope).off('.fndtn.section'); + $(window).off('.fndtn.section'); + $(document).off('.fndtn.section') + } + }; +}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document)); diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.tooltips.js b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.tooltips.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1db73c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.tooltips.js @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */ + +;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { + 'use strict'; + + Foundation.libs.tooltips = { + name: 'tooltips', + + version : '4.1.3', + + settings : { + selector : '.has-tip', + additionalInheritableClasses : [], + tooltipClass : '.tooltip', + appendTo: 'body', + tipTemplate : function (selector, content) { + return '' + content + ''; + } + }, + + cache : {}, + + init : function (scope, method, options) { + var self = this; + this.scope = scope || this.scope; + + if (typeof method === 'object') { + $.extend(true, this.settings, method); + } + + if (typeof method != 'string') { + if (Modernizr.touch) { + $(this.scope) + .on('click.fndtn.tooltip touchstart.fndtn.tooltip touchend.fndtn.tooltip', + '[data-tooltip]', function (e) { + e.preventDefault(); + $(self.settings.tooltipClass).hide(); + self.showOrCreateTip($(this)); + }) + .on('click.fndtn.tooltip touchstart.fndtn.tooltip touchend.fndtn.tooltip', + this.settings.tooltipClass, function (e) { + e.preventDefault(); + $(this).fadeOut(150); + }); + } else { + $(this.scope) + .on('mouseenter.fndtn.tooltip mouseleave.fndtn.tooltip', + '[data-tooltip]', function (e) { + var $this = $(this); + + if (e.type === 'mouseover' || e.type === 'mouseenter') { + self.showOrCreateTip($this); + } else if (e.type === 'mouseout' || e.type === 'mouseleave') { + self.hide($this); + } + }); + } + + // $(this.scope).data('fndtn-tooltips', true); + } else { + return this[method].call(this, options); + } + + }, + + showOrCreateTip : function ($target) { + var $tip = this.getTip($target); + + if ($tip && $tip.length > 0) { + return this.show($target); + } + + return this.create($target); + }, + + getTip : function ($target) { + var selector = this.selector($target), + tip = null; + + if (selector) { + tip = $('span[data-selector=' + selector + ']' + this.settings.tooltipClass); + } + + return (typeof tip === 'object') ? tip : false; + }, + + selector : function ($target) { + var id = $target.attr('id'), + dataSelector = $target.attr('data-tooltip') || $target.attr('data-selector'); + + if ((id && id.length < 1 || !id) && typeof dataSelector != 'string') { + dataSelector = 'tooltip' + Math.random().toString(36).substring(7); + $target.attr('data-selector', dataSelector); + } + + return (id && id.length > 0) ? id : dataSelector; + }, + + create : function ($target) { + var $tip = $(this.settings.tipTemplate(this.selector($target), $('
          ').html($target.attr('title')).html())), + classes = this.inheritable_classes($target); + + $tip.addClass(classes).appendTo(this.settings.appendTo); + if (Modernizr.touch) { + $tip.append('tap to close '); + } + $target.removeAttr('title').attr('title',''); + this.show($target); + }, + + reposition : function (target, tip, classes) { + var width, nub, nubHeight, nubWidth, column, objPos; + + tip.css('visibility', 'hidden').show(); + + width = target.data('width'); + nub = tip.children('.nub'); + nubHeight = this.outerHeight(nub); + nubWidth = this.outerHeight(nub); + + objPos = function (obj, top, right, bottom, left, width) { + return obj.css({ + 'top' : (top) ? top : 'auto', + 'bottom' : (bottom) ? bottom : 'auto', + 'left' : (left) ? left : 'auto', + 'right' : (right) ? right : 'auto', + 'width' : (width) ? width : 'auto' + }).end(); + }; + + objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + this.outerHeight(target) + 10), 'auto', 'auto', target.offset().left, width); + + if ($(window).width() < 767) { + objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + this.outerHeight(target) + 10), 'auto', 'auto', 12.5, $(this.scope).width()); + tip.addClass('tip-override'); + objPos(nub, -nubHeight, 'auto', 'auto', target.offset().left); + } else { + var left = target.offset().left; + if (Foundation.rtl) { + left = target.offset().left + target.offset().width - this.outerWidth(tip); + } + objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + this.outerHeight(target) + 10), 'auto', 'auto', left, width); + tip.removeClass('tip-override'); + if (classes && classes.indexOf('tip-top') > -1) { + objPos(tip, (target.offset().top - this.outerHeight(tip)), 'auto', 'auto', left, width) + .removeClass('tip-override'); + } else if (classes && classes.indexOf('tip-left') > -1) { + objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + (this.outerHeight(target) / 2) - nubHeight*2.5), 'auto', 'auto', (target.offset().left - this.outerWidth(tip) - nubHeight), width) + .removeClass('tip-override'); + } else if (classes && classes.indexOf('tip-right') > -1) { + objPos(tip, (target.offset().top + (this.outerHeight(target) / 2) - nubHeight*2.5), 'auto', 'auto', (target.offset().left + this.outerWidth(target) + nubHeight), width) + .removeClass('tip-override'); + } + } + + tip.css('visibility', 'visible').hide(); + }, + + inheritable_classes : function (target) { + var inheritables = ['tip-top', 'tip-left', 'tip-bottom', 'tip-right', 'noradius'].concat(this.settings.additionalInheritableClasses), + classes = target.attr('class'), + filtered = classes ? $.map(classes.split(' '), function (el, i) { + if ($.inArray(el, inheritables) !== -1) { + return el; + } + }).join(' ') : ''; + + return $.trim(filtered); + }, + + show : function ($target) { + var $tip = this.getTip($target); + + this.reposition($target, $tip, $target.attr('class')); + $tip.fadeIn(150); + }, + + hide : function ($target) { + var $tip = this.getTip($target); + + $tip.fadeOut(150); + }, + + // deprecate reload + reload : function () { + var $self = $(this); + + return ($self.data('fndtn-tooltips')) ? $self.foundationTooltips('destroy').foundationTooltips('init') : $self.foundationTooltips('init'); + }, + + off : function () { + $(this.scope).off('.fndtn.tooltip'); + $(this.settings.tooltipClass).each(function (i) { + $('[data-tooltip]').get(i).attr('title', $(this).text()); + }).remove(); + } + }; +}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document)); diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.topbar.js b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.topbar.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b98cbc --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/foundation/foundation.topbar.js @@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ +/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */ + +;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { + 'use strict'; + + Foundation.libs.topbar = { + name : 'topbar', + + version : '4.1.2', + + settings : { + index : 0, + stickyClass : 'sticky', + custom_back_text: true, + back_text: 'Back', + init : false + }, + + init : function (section, method, options) { + var self = this; + + if (typeof method === 'object') { + $.extend(true, this.settings, method); + } + + if (typeof method != 'string') { + + $('.top-bar').each(function () { + self.settings.$w = $(window); + self.settings.$topbar = $(this); + self.settings.$section = self.settings.$topbar.find('section'); + self.settings.$titlebar = self.settings.$topbar.children('ul').first(); + + + self.settings.$topbar.data('index', 0); + + var breakpoint = $("
          ").insertAfter(self.settings.$topbar); + self.settings.breakPoint = breakpoint.width(); + breakpoint.remove(); + + self.assemble(); + + if (self.settings.$topbar.parent().hasClass('fixed')) { + $('body').css('padding-top', self.outerHeight(self.settings.$topbar)); + } + }); + + if (!self.settings.init) { + this.events(); + } + + return this.settings.init; + } else { + // fire method + return this[method].call(this, options); + } + }, + + events : function () { + var self = this; + var offst = this.outerHeight($('.top-bar')); + $(this.scope) + .on('click.fndtn.topbar', '.top-bar .toggle-topbar', function (e) { + var topbar = $(this).closest('.top-bar'), + section = topbar.find('section, .section'), + titlebar = topbar.children('ul').first(); + + if (!topbar.data('height')) self.largestUL(); + + e.preventDefault(); + + if (self.breakpoint()) { + topbar + .toggleClass('expanded') + .css('min-height', ''); + } + + if (!topbar.hasClass('expanded')) { + if (!self.rtl) { + section.css({left: '0%'}); + section.find('>.name').css({left: '100%'}); + } else { + section.css({right: '0%'}); + section.find('>.name').css({right: '100%'}); + } + section.find('li.moved').removeClass('moved'); + topbar.data('index', 0); + + if (topbar.hasClass('fixed')) { + topbar.parent().addClass('fixed'); + topbar.removeClass('fixed'); + $('body').css('padding-top',offst); + } + } else if (topbar.parent().hasClass('fixed')) { + topbar.parent().removeClass('fixed'); + topbar.addClass('fixed'); + $('body').css('padding-top','0'); + window.scrollTo(0,0); + } + }) + + .on('click.fndtn.topbar', '.top-bar .has-dropdown>a', function (e) { + var topbar = $(this).closest('.top-bar'), + section = topbar.find('section, .section'), + titlebar = topbar.children('ul').first(), + dropdownHeight = $(this).next('.dropdown').outerHeight(); + + if (Modernizr.touch || self.breakpoint()) { + e.preventDefault(); + } + + if (self.breakpoint()) { + var $this = $(this), + $selectedLi = $this.closest('li'); + + topbar.data('index', topbar.data('index') + 1); + $selectedLi.addClass('moved'); + if (!self.rtl) { + section.css({left: -(100 * topbar.data('index')) + '%'}); + section.find('>.name').css({left: 100 * topbar.data('index') + '%'}); + } else { + section.css({right: -(100 * topbar.data('index')) + '%'}); + section.find('>.name').css({right: 100 * topbar.data('index') + '%'}); + } + + $('.top-bar').css('min-height', dropdownHeight); + + $this.siblings('ul') + .height(topbar.data('height') + self.outerHeight(titlebar, true)); + topbar + .css('min-height', topbar.data('height') + self.outerHeight(titlebar, true) * 2) + } + }); + + $(window).on('resize.fndtn.topbar', function () { + if (!self.breakpoint()) { + $('.top-bar') + .css('min-height', '') + .removeClass('expanded'); + } + }.bind(this)); + + // Go up a level on Click + $(this.scope).on('click.fndtn', '.top-bar .has-dropdown .back', function (e) { + e.preventDefault(); + + var $this = $(this), + topbar = $this.closest('.top-bar'), + section = topbar.find('section, .section'), + $movedLi = $this.closest('li.moved'), + $previousLevelUl = $movedLi.parent(); + + topbar.data('index', topbar.data('index') - 1); + if (!self.rtl) { + section.css({left: -(100 * topbar.data('index')) + '%'}); + section.find('>.name').css({left: 100 * topbar.data('index') + '%'}); + } else { + section.css({right: -(100 * topbar.data('index')) + '%'}); + section.find('>.name').css({right: 100 * topbar.data('index') + '%'}); + } + + if (topbar.data('index') === 0) { + topbar.css('min-height', 0); + } + + setTimeout(function () { + $movedLi.removeClass('moved'); + }, 300); + }); + }, + + breakpoint : function () { + return $(window).width() <= this.settings.breakPoint || $('html').hasClass('lt-ie9'); + }, + + assemble : function () { + var self = this; + // Pull element out of the DOM for manipulation + this.settings.$section.detach(); + + this.settings.$section.find('.has-dropdown>a').each(function () { + var $link = $(this), + $dropdown = $link.siblings('.dropdown'), + $titleLi = $('
        2. 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this.outerHeight($('.top-bar')); + + $window.scroll(function() { + if ($window.scrollTop() >= (distance)) { + $(klass).addClass("fixed"); + $('body').css('padding-top',offst); + } + + else if ($window.scrollTop() < distance) { + $(klass).removeClass("fixed"); + $('body').css('padding-top','0'); + } + }); + } + }, + + off : function () { + $(this.scope).off('.fndtn.topbar'); + $(window).off('.fndtn.topbar'); + } + }; +}(Foundation.zj, this, this.document)); diff --git a/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/vendor/custom.modernizr.js b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/vendor/custom.modernizr.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e5afa6c --- /dev/null +++ b/chaloBEST/templates/poster/vendor/foundation-4/js/vendor/custom.modernizr.js @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +/* Modernizr 2.6.2 (Custom Build) | MIT & BSD + * Build: http://modernizr.com/download/#-inlinesvg-svg-svgclippaths-touch-shiv-mq-cssclasses-teststyles-prefixes-ie8compat-load + */ 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j=j||B.errorTimeout,l=b.createElement(a),o=0,r=0,u={t:d,s:c,e:f,a:i,x:j};1===y[c]&&(r=1,y[c]=[]),"object"==a?l.data=c:(l.src=c,l.type=a),l.width=l.height="0",l.onerror=l.onload=l.onreadystatechange=function(){k.call(this,r)},p.splice(e,0,u),"img"!=a&&(r||2===y[c]?(t.insertBefore(l,s?null:n),m(k,j)):y[c].push(l))}function j(a,b,c,d,f){return q=0,b=b||"j",e(a)?i("c"==b?v:u,a,b,this.i++,c,d,f):(p.splice(this.i++,0,a),1==p.length&&h()),this}function k(){var a=B;return a.loader={load:j,i:0},a}var l=b.documentElement,m=a.setTimeout,n=b.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],o={}.toString,p=[],q=0,r="MozAppearance"in l.style,s=r&&!!b.createRange().compareNode,t=s?l:n.parentNode,l=a.opera&&"[object Opera]"==o.call(a.opera),l=!!b.attachEvent&&!l,u=r?"object":l?"script":"img",v=l?"script":u,w=Array.isArray||function(a){return"[object Array]"==o.call(a)},x=[],y={},z={timeout:function(a,b){return b.length&&(a.timeout=b[0]),a}},A,B;B=function(a){function b(a){var a=a.split("!"),b=x.length,c=a.pop(),d=a.length,c={url:c,origUrl:c,prefixes:a},e,f,g;for(f=0;f type pairs + class2type = {}, + + // List of deleted data cache ids, so we can reuse them + core_deletedIds = [], + + core_version = "1.9.1", + + // Save a reference to some core methods + core_concat = core_deletedIds.concat, + core_push = core_deletedIds.push, + core_slice = core_deletedIds.slice, + core_indexOf = core_deletedIds.indexOf, + core_toString = class2type.toString, + core_hasOwn = class2type.hasOwnProperty, + core_trim = core_version.trim, + + // Define a local copy of jQuery + jQuery = function( selector, context ) { + // The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced' + return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context, rootjQuery ); + }, + + // Used for matching numbers + core_pnum = /[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/.source, + + // Used for splitting on whitespace + core_rnotwhite = /\S+/g, + + // Make sure we trim BOM and NBSP (here's looking at you, Safari 5.0 and IE) + rtrim = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, + + // A simple way to check for HTML strings + // Prioritize #id over to avoid XSS via location.hash (#9521) + // Strict HTML recognition (#11290: must start with <) + rquickExpr = /^(?:(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]*))$/, + + // Match a standalone tag + rsingleTag = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/, + + // JSON RegExp + rvalidchars = /^[\],:{}\s]*$/, + rvalidbraces = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, + rvalidescape = /\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[\da-fA-F]{4})/g, + rvalidtokens = /"[^"\\\r\n]*"|true|false|null|-?(?:\d+\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/g, + + // Matches dashed string for camelizing + rmsPrefix = /^-ms-/, + rdashAlpha = /-([\da-z])/gi, + + // Used by jQuery.camelCase as callback to replace() + fcamelCase = function( all, letter ) { + return letter.toUpperCase(); + }, + + // The ready event handler + completed = function( event ) { + + // readyState === "complete" is good enough for us to call the dom ready in oldIE + if ( document.addEventListener || event.type === "load" || document.readyState === "complete" ) { + detach(); + jQuery.ready(); + } + }, + // Clean-up method for dom ready events + detach = function() { + if ( document.addEventListener ) { + document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", completed, false ); + window.removeEventListener( "load", completed, false ); + + } else { + document.detachEvent( "onreadystatechange", completed ); + window.detachEvent( "onload", completed ); + } + }; + +jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = { + // The current version of jQuery being used + jquery: core_version, + + constructor: jQuery, + init: function( selector, context, rootjQuery ) { + var match, elem; + + // HANDLE: $(""), $(null), $(undefined), $(false) + if ( !selector ) { + return this; + } + + // Handle HTML strings + if ( typeof selector === "string" ) { + if ( selector.charAt(0) === "<" && selector.charAt( selector.length - 1 ) === ">" && selector.length >= 3 ) { + // Assume that strings that start and end with <> are HTML and skip the regex check + match = [ null, selector, null ]; + + } else { + match = rquickExpr.exec( selector ); + } + + // Match html or make sure no context is specified for #id + if ( match && (match[1] || !context) ) { + + // HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array) + if ( match[1] ) { + context = context instanceof jQuery ? context[0] : context; + + // scripts is true for back-compat + jQuery.merge( this, jQuery.parseHTML( + match[1], + context && context.nodeType ? context.ownerDocument || context : document, + true + ) ); + + // HANDLE: $(html, props) + if ( rsingleTag.test( match[1] ) && jQuery.isPlainObject( context ) ) { + for ( match in context ) { + // Properties of context are called as methods if possible + if ( jQuery.isFunction( this[ match ] ) ) { + this[ match ]( context[ match ] ); + + // ...and otherwise set as attributes + } else { + this.attr( match, context[ match ] ); + } + } + } + + return this; + + // HANDLE: $(#id) + } else { + elem = document.getElementById( match[2] ); + + // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns + // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963 + if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) { + // Handle the case where IE and Opera return items + // by name instead of ID + if ( elem.id !== match[2] ) { + return rootjQuery.find( selector ); + } + + // Otherwise, we inject the element directly into the jQuery object + this.length = 1; + this[0] = elem; + } + + this.context = document; + this.selector = selector; + return this; + } + + // HANDLE: $(expr, $(...)) + } else if ( !context || context.jquery ) { + return ( context || rootjQuery ).find( selector ); + + // HANDLE: $(expr, context) + // (which is just equivalent to: $(context).find(expr) + } else { + return this.constructor( context ).find( selector ); + } + + // HANDLE: $(DOMElement) + } else if ( selector.nodeType ) { + this.context = this[0] = selector; + this.length = 1; + return this; + + // HANDLE: $(function) + // Shortcut for document ready + } else if ( jQuery.isFunction( selector ) ) { + return rootjQuery.ready( selector ); + } + + if ( selector.selector !== undefined ) { + this.selector = selector.selector; + this.context = selector.context; + } + + return jQuery.makeArray( selector, this ); + }, + + // Start with an empty selector + selector: "", + + // The default length of a jQuery object is 0 + length: 0, + + // The number of elements contained in the matched element set + size: function() { + return this.length; + }, + + toArray: function() { + return core_slice.call( this ); + }, + + // Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR + // Get the whole matched element set as a clean array + get: function( num ) { + return num == null ? + + // Return a 'clean' array + this.toArray() : + + // Return just the object + ( num < 0 ? this[ this.length + num ] : this[ num ] ); + }, + + // Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack + // (returning the new matched element set) + pushStack: function( elems ) { + + // Build a new jQuery matched element set + var ret = jQuery.merge( this.constructor(), elems ); + + // Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference) + ret.prevObject = this; + ret.context = this.context; + + // Return the newly-formed element set + return ret; + }, + + // Execute a callback for every element in the matched set. + // (You can seed the arguments with an array of args, but this is + // only used internally.) + each: function( callback, args ) { + return jQuery.each( this, callback, args ); + }, + + ready: function( fn ) { + // Add the callback + jQuery.ready.promise().done( fn ); + + return this; + }, + + slice: function() { + return this.pushStack( core_slice.apply( this, arguments ) ); + }, + + first: function() { + return this.eq( 0 ); + }, + + last: function() { + return this.eq( -1 ); + }, + + eq: function( i ) { + var len = this.length, + j = +i + ( i < 0 ? len : 0 ); + return this.pushStack( j >= 0 && j < len ? [ this[j] ] : [] ); + }, + + map: function( callback ) { + return this.pushStack( jQuery.map(this, function( elem, i ) { + return callback.call( elem, i, elem ); + })); + }, + + end: function() { + return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null); + }, + + // For internal use only. + // Behaves like an Array's method, not like a jQuery method. + push: core_push, + sort: [].sort, + splice: [].splice +}; + +// Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation +jQuery.fn.init.prototype = jQuery.fn; + +jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() { + var src, copyIsArray, copy, name, options, clone, + target = arguments[0] || {}, + i = 1, + length = arguments.length, + deep = false; + + // Handle a deep copy situation + if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) { + deep = target; + target = arguments[1] || {}; + // skip the boolean and the target + i = 2; + } + + // Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy) + if ( typeof target !== "object" && !jQuery.isFunction(target) ) { + target = {}; + } + + // extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed + if ( length === i ) { + target = this; + --i; + } + + for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { + // Only deal with non-null/undefined values + if ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) { + // Extend the base object + for ( name in options ) { + src = target[ name ]; + copy = options[ name ]; + + // Prevent never-ending loop + if ( target === copy ) { + continue; + } + + // Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays + if ( deep && copy && ( jQuery.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = jQuery.isArray(copy)) ) ) { + if ( copyIsArray ) { + copyIsArray = false; + clone = src && jQuery.isArray(src) ? src : []; + + } else { + clone = src && jQuery.isPlainObject(src) ? src : {}; + } + + // Never move original objects, clone them + target[ name ] = jQuery.extend( deep, clone, copy ); + + // Don't bring in undefined values + } else if ( copy !== undefined ) { + target[ name ] = copy; + } + } + } + } + + // Return the modified object + return target; +}; + +jQuery.extend({ + noConflict: function( deep ) { + if ( window.$ === jQuery ) { + window.$ = _$; + } + + if ( deep && window.jQuery === jQuery ) { + window.jQuery = _jQuery; + } + + return jQuery; + }, + + // Is the DOM ready to be used? Set to true once it occurs. + isReady: false, + + // A counter to track how many items to wait for before + // the ready event fires. See #6781 + readyWait: 1, + + // Hold (or release) the ready event + holdReady: function( hold ) { + if ( hold ) { + jQuery.readyWait++; + } else { + jQuery.ready( true ); + } + }, + + // Handle when the DOM is ready + ready: function( wait ) { + + // Abort if there are pending holds or we're already ready + if ( wait === true ? --jQuery.readyWait : jQuery.isReady ) { + return; + } + + // Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443). + if ( !document.body ) { + return setTimeout( jQuery.ready ); + } + + // Remember that the DOM is ready + jQuery.isReady = true; + + // If a normal DOM Ready event fired, decrement, and wait if need be + if ( wait !== true && --jQuery.readyWait > 0 ) { + return; + } + + // If there are functions bound, to execute + readyList.resolveWith( document, [ jQuery ] ); + + // Trigger any bound ready events + if ( jQuery.fn.trigger ) { + jQuery( document ).trigger("ready").off("ready"); + } + }, + + // See test/unit/core.js for details concerning isFunction. + // Since version 1.3, DOM methods and functions like alert + // aren't supported. They return false on IE (#2968). + isFunction: function( obj ) { + return jQuery.type(obj) === "function"; + }, + + isArray: Array.isArray || function( obj ) { + return jQuery.type(obj) === "array"; + }, + + isWindow: function( obj ) { + return obj != null && obj == obj.window; + }, + + isNumeric: function( obj ) { + return !isNaN( parseFloat(obj) ) && isFinite( obj ); + }, + + type: function( obj ) { + if ( obj == null ) { + return String( obj ); + } + return typeof obj === "object" || typeof obj === "function" ? + class2type[ core_toString.call(obj) ] || "object" : + typeof obj; + }, + + isPlainObject: function( obj ) { + // Must be an Object. + // Because of IE, we also have to check the presence of the constructor property. + // Make sure that DOM nodes and window objects don't pass through, as well + if ( !obj || jQuery.type(obj) !== "object" || obj.nodeType || jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) { + return false; + } + + try { + // Not own constructor property must be Object + if ( obj.constructor && + !core_hasOwn.call(obj, "constructor") && + !core_hasOwn.call(obj.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf") ) { + return false; + } + } catch ( e ) { + // IE8,9 Will throw exceptions on certain host objects #9897 + return false; + } + + // Own properties are enumerated firstly, so to speed up, + // if last one is own, then all properties are own. + + var key; + for ( key in obj ) {} + + return key === undefined || core_hasOwn.call( obj, key ); + }, + + isEmptyObject: function( obj ) { + var name; + for ( name in obj ) { + return false; + } + return true; + }, + + error: function( msg ) { + throw new Error( msg ); + }, + + // data: string of html + // context (optional): If specified, the fragment will be created in this context, defaults to document + // keepScripts (optional): If true, will include scripts passed in the html string + parseHTML: function( data, context, keepScripts ) { + if ( !data || typeof data !== "string" ) { + return null; + } + if ( typeof context === "boolean" ) { + keepScripts = context; + context = false; + } + context = context || document; + + var parsed = rsingleTag.exec( data ), + scripts = !keepScripts && []; + + // Single tag + if ( parsed ) { + return [ context.createElement( parsed[1] ) ]; + } + + parsed = jQuery.buildFragment( [ data ], context, scripts ); + if ( scripts ) { + jQuery( scripts ).remove(); + } + return jQuery.merge( [], parsed.childNodes ); + }, + + parseJSON: function( data ) { + // Attempt to parse using the native JSON parser first + if ( window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ) { + return window.JSON.parse( data ); + } + + if ( data === null ) { + return data; + } + + if ( typeof data === "string" ) { + + // Make sure leading/trailing whitespace is removed (IE can't handle it) + data = jQuery.trim( data ); + + if ( data ) { + // Make sure the incoming data is actual JSON + // Logic borrowed from http://json.org/json2.js + if ( rvalidchars.test( data.replace( rvalidescape, "@" ) + .replace( rvalidtokens, "]" ) + .replace( rvalidbraces, "")) ) { + + return ( new Function( "return " + data ) )(); + } + } + } + + jQuery.error( "Invalid JSON: " + data ); + }, + + // Cross-browser xml parsing + parseXML: function( data ) { + var xml, tmp; + if ( !data || typeof data !== "string" ) { + return null; + } + try { + if ( window.DOMParser ) { // Standard + tmp = new DOMParser(); + xml = tmp.parseFromString( data , "text/xml" ); + } else { // IE + xml = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" ); + xml.async = "false"; + xml.loadXML( data ); + } + } catch( e ) { + xml = undefined; + } + if ( !xml || !xml.documentElement || xml.getElementsByTagName( "parsererror" ).length ) { + jQuery.error( "Invalid XML: " + data ); + } + return xml; + }, + + noop: function() {}, + + // Evaluates a script in a global context + // Workarounds based on findings by Jim Driscoll + // http://weblogs.java.net/blog/driscoll/archive/2009/09/08/eval-javascript-global-context + globalEval: function( data ) { + if ( data && jQuery.trim( data ) ) { + // We use execScript on Internet Explorer + // We use an anonymous function so that context is window + // rather than jQuery in Firefox + ( window.execScript || function( data ) { + window[ "eval" ].call( window, data ); + } )( data ); + } + }, + + // Convert dashed to camelCase; used by the css and data modules + // Microsoft forgot to hump their vendor prefix (#9572) + camelCase: function( string ) { + return string.replace( rmsPrefix, "ms-" ).replace( rdashAlpha, fcamelCase ); + }, + + nodeName: function( elem, name ) { + return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase(); + }, + + // args is for internal usage only + each: function( obj, callback, args ) { + var value, + i = 0, + length = obj.length, + isArray = isArraylike( obj ); + + if ( args ) { + if ( isArray ) { + for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { + value = callback.apply( obj[ i ], args ); + + if ( value === false ) { + break; + } + } + } else { + for ( i in obj ) { + value = callback.apply( obj[ i ], args ); + + if ( value === false ) { + break; + } + } + } + + // A special, fast, case for the most common use of each + } else { + if ( isArray ) { + for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { + value = callback.call( obj[ i ], i, obj[ i ] ); + + if ( value === false ) { + break; + } + } + } else { + for ( i in obj ) { + value = callback.call( obj[ i ], i, obj[ i ] ); + + if ( value === false ) { + break; + } + } + } + } + + return obj; + }, + + // Use native String.trim function wherever possible + trim: core_trim && !core_trim.call("\uFEFF\xA0") ? + function( text ) { + return text == null ? + "" : + core_trim.call( text ); + } : + + // Otherwise use our own trimming functionality + function( text ) { + return text == null ? + "" : + ( text + "" ).replace( rtrim, "" ); + }, + + // results is for internal usage only + makeArray: function( arr, results ) { + var ret = results || []; + + if ( arr != null ) { + if ( isArraylike( Object(arr) ) ) { + jQuery.merge( ret, + typeof arr === "string" ? + [ arr ] : arr + ); + } else { + core_push.call( ret, arr ); + } + } + + return ret; + }, + + inArray: function( elem, arr, i ) { + var len; + + if ( arr ) { + if ( core_indexOf ) { + return core_indexOf.call( arr, elem, i ); + } + + len = arr.length; + i = i ? i < 0 ? Math.max( 0, len + i ) : i : 0; + + for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { + // Skip accessing in sparse arrays + if ( i in arr && arr[ i ] === elem ) { + return i; + } + } + } + + return -1; + }, + + merge: function( first, second ) { + var l = second.length, + i = first.length, + j = 0; + + if ( typeof l === "number" ) { + for ( ; j < l; j++ ) { + first[ i++ ] = second[ j ]; + } + } else { + while ( second[j] !== undefined ) { + first[ i++ ] = second[ j++ ]; + } + } + + first.length = i; + + return first; + }, + + grep: function( elems, callback, inv ) { + var retVal, + ret = [], + i = 0, + length = elems.length; + inv = !!inv; + + // Go through the array, only saving the items + // that pass the validator function + for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { + retVal = !!callback( elems[ i ], i ); + if ( inv !== retVal ) { + ret.push( elems[ i ] ); + } + } + + return ret; + }, + + // arg is for internal usage only + map: function( elems, callback, arg ) { + var value, + i = 0, + length = elems.length, + isArray = isArraylike( elems ), + ret = []; + + // Go through the array, translating each of the items to their + if ( isArray ) { + for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { + value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg ); + + if ( value != null ) { + ret[ ret.length ] = value; + } + } + + // Go through every key on the object, + } else { + for ( i in elems ) { + value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg ); + + if ( value != null ) { + ret[ ret.length ] = value; + } + } + } + + // Flatten any nested arrays + return core_concat.apply( [], ret ); + }, + + // A global GUID counter for objects + guid: 1, + + // Bind a function to a context, optionally partially applying any + // arguments. + proxy: function( fn, context ) { + var args, proxy, tmp; + + if ( typeof context === "string" ) { + tmp = fn[ context ]; + context = fn; + fn = tmp; + } + + // Quick check to determine if target is callable, in the spec + // this throws a TypeError, but we will just return undefined. + if ( !jQuery.isFunction( fn ) ) { + return undefined; + } + + // Simulated bind + args = core_slice.call( arguments, 2 ); + proxy = function() { + return fn.apply( context || this, args.concat( core_slice.call( arguments ) ) ); + }; + + // Set the guid of unique handler to the same of original handler, so it can be removed + proxy.guid = fn.guid = fn.guid || jQuery.guid++; + + return proxy; + }, + + // Multifunctional method to get and set values of a collection + // The value/s can optionally be executed if it's a function + access: function( elems, fn, key, value, chainable, emptyGet, raw ) { + var i = 0, + length = elems.length, + bulk = key == null; + + // Sets many values + if ( jQuery.type( key ) === "object" ) { + chainable = true; + for ( i in key ) { + jQuery.access( elems, fn, i, key[i], true, emptyGet, raw ); + } + + // Sets one value + } else if ( value !== undefined ) { + chainable = true; + + if ( !jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) { + raw = true; + } + + if ( bulk ) { + // Bulk operations run against the entire set + if ( raw ) { + fn.call( elems, value ); + fn = null; + + // ...except when executing function values + } else { + bulk = fn; + fn = function( elem, key, value ) { + return bulk.call( jQuery( elem ), value ); + }; + } + } + + if ( fn ) { + for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { + fn( elems[i], key, raw ? value : value.call( elems[i], i, fn( elems[i], key ) ) ); + } + } + } + + return chainable ? + elems : + + // Gets + bulk ? + fn.call( elems ) : + length ? fn( elems[0], key ) : emptyGet; + }, + + now: function() { + return ( new Date() ).getTime(); + } +}); + +jQuery.ready.promise = function( obj ) { + if ( !readyList ) { + + readyList = jQuery.Deferred(); + + // Catch cases where $(document).ready() is called after the browser event has already occurred. + // we once tried to use readyState "interactive" here, but it caused issues like the one + // discovered by ChrisS here: http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12282#comment:15 + if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) { + // Handle it asynchronously to allow scripts the opportunity to delay ready + setTimeout( jQuery.ready ); + + // Standards-based browsers support DOMContentLoaded + } else if ( document.addEventListener ) { + // Use the handy event callback + document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", completed, false ); + + // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work + window.addEventListener( "load", completed, false ); + + // If IE event model is used + } else { + // Ensure firing before onload, maybe late but safe also for iframes + document.attachEvent( "onreadystatechange", completed ); + + // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work + window.attachEvent( "onload", completed ); + + // If IE and not a frame + // continually check to see if the document is ready + var top = false; + + try { + top = window.frameElement == null && document.documentElement; + } catch(e) {} + + if ( top && top.doScroll ) { + (function doScrollCheck() { + if ( !jQuery.isReady ) { + + try { + // Use the trick by Diego Perini + // http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/ + top.doScroll("left"); + } catch(e) { + return setTimeout( doScrollCheck, 50 ); + } + + // detach all dom ready events + detach(); + + // and execute any waiting functions + jQuery.ready(); + } + })(); + } + } + } + return readyList.promise( obj ); +}; + +// Populate the class2type map +jQuery.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error".split(" "), function(i, name) { + class2type[ "[object " + name + "]" ] = name.toLowerCase(); +}); + +function isArraylike( obj ) { + var length = obj.length, + type = jQuery.type( obj ); + + if ( jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) { + return false; + } + + if ( obj.nodeType === 1 && length ) { + return true; + } + + return type === "array" || type !== "function" && + ( length === 0 || + typeof length === "number" && length > 0 && ( length - 1 ) in obj ); +} + +// All jQuery objects should point back to these +rootjQuery = jQuery(document); +// String to Object options format cache +var optionsCache = {}; + +// Convert String-formatted options into Object-formatted ones and store in cache +function createOptions( options ) { + var object = optionsCache[ options ] = {}; + jQuery.each( options.match( core_rnotwhite ) || [], function( _, flag ) { + object[ flag ] = true; + }); + return object; +} + +/* + * Create a callback list using the following parameters: + * + * options: an optional list of space-separated options that will change how + * the callback list behaves or a more traditional option object + * + * By default a callback list will act like an event callback list and can be + * "fired" multiple times. + * + * Possible options: + * + * once: will ensure the callback list can only be fired once (like a Deferred) + * + * memory: will keep track of previous values and will call any callback added + * after the list has been fired right away with the latest "memorized" + * values (like a Deferred) + * + * unique: will ensure a callback can only be added once (no duplicate in the list) + * + * stopOnFalse: interrupt callings when a callback returns false + * + */ +jQuery.Callbacks = function( options ) { + + // Convert options from String-formatted to Object-formatted if needed + // (we check in cache first) + options = typeof options === "string" ? + ( optionsCache[ options ] || createOptions( options ) ) : + jQuery.extend( {}, options ); + + var // Flag to know if list is currently firing + firing, + // Last fire value (for non-forgettable lists) + memory, + // Flag to know if list was already fired + fired, + // End of the loop when firing + firingLength, + // Index of currently firing callback (modified by remove if needed) + firingIndex, + // First callback to fire (used internally by add and fireWith) + firingStart, + // Actual callback list + list = [], + // Stack of fire calls for repeatable lists + stack = !options.once && [], + // Fire callbacks + fire = function( data ) { + memory = options.memory && data; + fired = true; + firingIndex = firingStart || 0; + firingStart = 0; + firingLength = list.length; + firing = true; + for ( ; list && firingIndex < firingLength; firingIndex++ ) { + if ( list[ firingIndex ].apply( data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ] ) === false && options.stopOnFalse ) { + memory = false; // To prevent further calls using add + break; + } + } + firing = false; + if ( list ) { + if ( stack ) { + if ( stack.length ) { + fire( stack.shift() ); + } + } else if ( memory ) { + list = []; + } else { + self.disable(); + } + } + }, + // Actual Callbacks object + self = { + // Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to the list + add: function() { + if ( list ) { + // First, we save the current length + var start = list.length; + (function add( args ) { + jQuery.each( args, function( _, arg ) { + var type = jQuery.type( arg ); + if ( type === "function" ) { + if ( !options.unique || !self.has( arg ) ) { + list.push( arg ); + } + } else if ( arg && arg.length && type !== "string" ) { + // Inspect recursively + add( arg ); + } + }); + })( arguments ); + // Do we need to add the callbacks to the + // current firing batch? + if ( firing ) { + firingLength = list.length; + // With memory, if we're not firing then + // we should call right away + } else if ( memory ) { + firingStart = start; + fire( memory ); + } + } + return this; + }, + // Remove a callback from the list + remove: function() { + if ( list ) { + jQuery.each( arguments, function( _, arg ) { + var index; + while( ( index = jQuery.inArray( arg, list, index ) ) > -1 ) { + list.splice( index, 1 ); + // Handle firing indexes + if ( firing ) { + if ( index <= firingLength ) { + firingLength--; + } + if ( index <= firingIndex ) { + firingIndex--; + } + } + } + }); + } + return this; + }, + // Check if a given callback is in the list. + // If no argument is given, return whether or not list has callbacks attached. + has: function( fn ) { + return fn ? jQuery.inArray( fn, list ) > -1 : !!( list && list.length ); + }, + // Remove all callbacks from the list + empty: function() { + list = []; + return this; + }, + // Have the list do nothing anymore + disable: function() { + list = stack = memory = undefined; + return this; + }, + // Is it disabled? + disabled: function() { + return !list; + }, + // Lock the list in its current state + lock: function() { + stack = undefined; + if ( !memory ) { + self.disable(); + } + return this; + }, + // Is it locked? + locked: function() { + return !stack; + }, + // Call all callbacks with the given context and arguments + fireWith: function( context, args ) { + args = args || []; + args = [ context, args.slice ? args.slice() : args ]; + if ( list && ( !fired || stack ) ) { + if ( firing ) { + stack.push( args ); + } else { + fire( args ); + } + } + return this; + }, + // Call all the callbacks with the given arguments + fire: function() { + self.fireWith( this, arguments ); + return this; + }, + // To know if the callbacks have already been called at least once + fired: function() { + return !!fired; + } + }; + + return self; +}; +jQuery.extend({ + + Deferred: function( func ) { + var tuples = [ + // action, add listener, listener list, final state + [ "resolve", "done", jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), "resolved" ], + [ "reject", "fail", jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), "rejected" ], + [ "notify", "progress", jQuery.Callbacks("memory") ] + ], + state = "pending", + promise = { + state: function() { + return state; + }, + always: function() { + deferred.done( arguments ).fail( arguments ); + return this; + }, + then: function( /* fnDone, fnFail, fnProgress */ ) { + var fns = arguments; + return jQuery.Deferred(function( newDefer ) { + jQuery.each( tuples, function( i, tuple ) { + var action = tuple[ 0 ], + fn = jQuery.isFunction( fns[ i ] ) && fns[ i ]; + // deferred[ done | fail | progress ] for forwarding actions to newDefer + deferred[ tuple[1] ](function() { + var returned = fn && fn.apply( this, arguments ); + if ( returned && jQuery.isFunction( returned.promise ) ) { + returned.promise() + .done( newDefer.resolve ) + .fail( newDefer.reject ) + .progress( newDefer.notify ); + } else { + newDefer[ action + "With" ]( this === promise ? newDefer.promise() : this, fn ? [ returned ] : arguments ); + } + }); + }); + fns = null; + }).promise(); + }, + // Get a promise for this deferred + // If obj is provided, the promise aspect is added to the object + promise: function( obj ) { + return obj != null ? jQuery.extend( obj, promise ) : promise; + } + }, + deferred = {}; + + // Keep pipe for back-compat + promise.pipe = promise.then; + + // Add list-specific methods + jQuery.each( tuples, function( i, tuple ) { + var list = tuple[ 2 ], + stateString = tuple[ 3 ]; + + // promise[ done | fail | progress ] = list.add + promise[ tuple[1] ] = list.add; + + // Handle state + if ( stateString ) { + list.add(function() { + // state = [ resolved | rejected ] + state = stateString; + + // [ reject_list | resolve_list ].disable; progress_list.lock + }, tuples[ i ^ 1 ][ 2 ].disable, tuples[ 2 ][ 2 ].lock ); + } + + // deferred[ resolve | reject | notify ] + deferred[ tuple[0] ] = function() { + deferred[ tuple[0] + "With" ]( this === deferred ? promise : this, arguments ); + return this; + }; + deferred[ tuple[0] + "With" ] = list.fireWith; + }); + + // Make the deferred a promise + promise.promise( deferred ); + + // Call given func if any + if ( func ) { + func.call( deferred, deferred ); + } + + // All done! + return deferred; + }, + + // Deferred helper + when: function( subordinate /* , ..., subordinateN */ ) { + var i = 0, + resolveValues = core_slice.call( arguments ), + length = resolveValues.length, + + // the count of uncompleted subordinates + remaining = length !== 1 || ( subordinate && jQuery.isFunction( subordinate.promise ) ) ? length : 0, + + // the master Deferred. If resolveValues consist of only a single Deferred, just use that. + deferred = remaining === 1 ? subordinate : jQuery.Deferred(), + + // Update function for both resolve and progress values + updateFunc = function( i, contexts, values ) { + return function( value ) { + contexts[ i ] = this; + values[ i ] = arguments.length > 1 ? core_slice.call( arguments ) : value; + if( values === progressValues ) { + deferred.notifyWith( contexts, values ); + } else if ( !( --remaining ) ) { + deferred.resolveWith( contexts, values ); + } + }; + }, + + progressValues, progressContexts, resolveContexts; + + // add listeners to Deferred subordinates; treat others as resolved + if ( length > 1 ) { + progressValues = new Array( length ); + progressContexts = new Array( length ); + resolveContexts = new Array( length ); + for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { + if ( resolveValues[ i ] && jQuery.isFunction( resolveValues[ i ].promise ) ) { + resolveValues[ i ].promise() + .done( updateFunc( i, resolveContexts, resolveValues ) ) + .fail( deferred.reject ) + .progress( updateFunc( i, progressContexts, progressValues ) ); + } else { + --remaining; + } + } + } + + // if we're not waiting on anything, resolve the master + if ( !remaining ) { + deferred.resolveWith( resolveContexts, resolveValues ); + } + + return deferred.promise(); + } +}); +jQuery.support = (function() { + + var support, all, a, + input, select, fragment, + opt, eventName, isSupported, i, + div = document.createElement("div"); + + // Setup + div.setAttribute( "className", "t" ); + div.innerHTML = "
          a"; + + // Support tests won't run in some limited or non-browser environments + all = div.getElementsByTagName("*"); + a = div.getElementsByTagName("a")[ 0 ]; + if ( !all || !a || !all.length ) { + return {}; + } + + // First batch of tests + select = document.createElement("select"); + opt = select.appendChild( document.createElement("option") ); + input = div.getElementsByTagName("input")[ 0 ]; + + a.style.cssText = "top:1px;float:left;opacity:.5"; + support = { + // Test setAttribute on camelCase class. If it works, we need attrFixes when doing get/setAttribute (ie6/7) + getSetAttribute: div.className !== "t", + + // IE strips leading whitespace when .innerHTML is used + leadingWhitespace: div.firstChild.nodeType === 3, + + // Make sure that tbody elements aren't automatically inserted + // IE will insert them into empty tables + tbody: !div.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length, + + // Make sure that link elements get serialized correctly by innerHTML + // This requires a wrapper element in IE + htmlSerialize: !!div.getElementsByTagName("link").length, + + // Get the style information from getAttribute + // (IE uses .cssText instead) + style: /top/.test( a.getAttribute("style") ), + + // Make sure that URLs aren't manipulated + // (IE normalizes it by default) + hrefNormalized: a.getAttribute("href") === "/a", + + // Make sure that element opacity exists + // (IE uses filter instead) + // Use a regex to work around a WebKit issue. See #5145 + opacity: /^0.5/.test( a.style.opacity ), + + // Verify style float existence + // (IE uses styleFloat instead of cssFloat) + cssFloat: !!a.style.cssFloat, + + // Check the default checkbox/radio value ("" on WebKit; "on" elsewhere) + checkOn: !!input.value, + + // Make sure that a selected-by-default option has a working selected property. + // (WebKit defaults to false instead of true, IE too, if it's in an optgroup) + optSelected: opt.selected, + + // Tests for enctype support on a form (#6743) + enctype: !!document.createElement("form").enctype, + + // Makes sure cloning an html5 element does not cause problems + // Where outerHTML is undefined, this still works + html5Clone: document.createElement("nav").cloneNode( true ).outerHTML !== "<:nav>", + + // jQuery.support.boxModel DEPRECATED in 1.8 since we don't support Quirks Mode + boxModel: document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat", + + // Will be defined later + deleteExpando: true, + noCloneEvent: true, + inlineBlockNeedsLayout: false, + shrinkWrapBlocks: false, + reliableMarginRight: true, + boxSizingReliable: true, + pixelPosition: false + }; + + // Make sure checked status is properly cloned + input.checked = true; + support.noCloneChecked = input.cloneNode( true ).checked; + + // Make sure that the options inside disabled selects aren't marked as disabled + // (WebKit marks them as disabled) + select.disabled = true; + support.optDisabled = !opt.disabled; + + // Support: IE<9 + try { + delete div.test; + } catch( e ) { + support.deleteExpando = false; + } + + // Check if we can trust getAttribute("value") + input = document.createElement("input"); + input.setAttribute( "value", "" ); + support.input = input.getAttribute( "value" ) === ""; + + // Check if an input maintains its value after becoming a radio + input.value = "t"; + input.setAttribute( "type", "radio" ); + support.radioValue = input.value === "t"; + + // #11217 - WebKit loses check when the name is after the checked attribute + input.setAttribute( "checked", "t" ); + input.setAttribute( "name", "t" ); + + fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); + fragment.appendChild( input ); + + // Check if a disconnected checkbox will retain its checked + // value of true after appended to the DOM (IE6/7) + support.appendChecked = input.checked; + + // WebKit doesn't clone checked state correctly in fragments + support.checkClone = fragment.cloneNode( true ).cloneNode( true ).lastChild.checked; + + // Support: IE<9 + // Opera does not clone events (and typeof div.attachEvent === undefined). + // IE9-10 clones events bound via attachEvent, but they don't trigger with .click() + if ( div.attachEvent ) { + div.attachEvent( "onclick", function() { + support.noCloneEvent = false; + }); + + div.cloneNode( true ).click(); + } + + // Support: IE<9 (lack submit/change bubble), Firefox 17+ (lack focusin event) + // Beware of CSP restrictions (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Security/CSP), test/csp.php + for ( i in { submit: true, change: true, focusin: true }) { + div.setAttribute( eventName = "on" + i, "t" ); + + support[ i + "Bubbles" ] = eventName in window || div.attributes[ eventName ].expando === false; + } + + div.style.backgroundClip = "content-box"; + div.cloneNode( true ).style.backgroundClip = ""; + support.clearCloneStyle = div.style.backgroundClip === "content-box"; + + // Run tests that need a body at doc ready + jQuery(function() { + var container, marginDiv, tds, + divReset = "padding:0;margin:0;border:0;display:block;box-sizing:content-box;-moz-box-sizing:content-box;-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;", + body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; + + if ( !body ) { + // Return for frameset docs that don't have a body + return; + } + + container = document.createElement("div"); + container.style.cssText = "border:0;width:0;height:0;position:absolute;top:0;left:-9999px;margin-top:1px"; + + body.appendChild( container ).appendChild( div ); + + // Support: IE8 + // Check if table cells still have offsetWidth/Height when they are set + // to display:none and there are still other visible table cells in a + // table row; if so, offsetWidth/Height are not reliable for use when + // determining if an element has been hidden directly using + // display:none (it is still safe to use offsets if a parent element is + // hidden; don safety goggles and see bug #4512 for more information). + div.innerHTML = "
          "; + tds = div.getElementsByTagName("td"); + tds[ 0 ].style.cssText = "padding:0;margin:0;border:0;display:none"; + isSupported = ( tds[ 0 ].offsetHeight === 0 ); + + tds[ 0 ].style.display = ""; + tds[ 1 ].style.display = "none"; + + // Support: IE8 + // Check if empty table cells still have offsetWidth/Height + support.reliableHiddenOffsets = isSupported && ( tds[ 0 ].offsetHeight === 0 ); + + // Check box-sizing and margin behavior + div.innerHTML = ""; + div.style.cssText = "box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;padding:1px;border:1px;display:block;width:4px;margin-top:1%;position:absolute;top:1%;"; + support.boxSizing = ( div.offsetWidth === 4 ); + support.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = ( body.offsetTop !== 1 ); + + // Use window.getComputedStyle because jsdom on node.js will break without it. + if ( window.getComputedStyle ) { + support.pixelPosition = ( window.getComputedStyle( div, null ) || {} ).top !== "1%"; + support.boxSizingReliable = ( window.getComputedStyle( div, null ) || { width: "4px" } ).width === "4px"; + + // Check if div with explicit width and no margin-right incorrectly + // gets computed margin-right based on width of container. (#3333) + // Fails in WebKit before Feb 2011 nightlies + // WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right + marginDiv = div.appendChild( document.createElement("div") ); + marginDiv.style.cssText = div.style.cssText = divReset; + marginDiv.style.marginRight = marginDiv.style.width = "0"; + div.style.width = "1px"; + + support.reliableMarginRight = + !parseFloat( ( window.getComputedStyle( marginDiv, null ) || {} ).marginRight ); + } + + if ( typeof div.style.zoom !== core_strundefined ) { + // Support: IE<8 + // Check if natively block-level elements act like inline-block + // elements when setting their display to 'inline' and giving + // them layout + div.innerHTML = ""; + div.style.cssText = divReset + "width:1px;padding:1px;display:inline;zoom:1"; + support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = ( div.offsetWidth === 3 ); + + // Support: IE6 + // Check if elements with layout shrink-wrap their children + div.style.display = "block"; + div.innerHTML = "
          "; + div.firstChild.style.width = "5px"; + support.shrinkWrapBlocks = ( div.offsetWidth !== 3 ); + + if ( support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout ) { + // Prevent IE 6 from affecting layout for positioned elements #11048 + // Prevent IE from shrinking the body in IE 7 mode #12869 + // Support: IE<8 + body.style.zoom = 1; + } + } + + body.removeChild( container ); + + // Null elements to avoid leaks in IE + container = div = tds = marginDiv = null; + }); + + // Null elements to avoid leaks in IE + all = select = fragment = opt = a = input = null; + + return support; +})(); + +var rbrace = /(?:\{[\s\S]*\}|\[[\s\S]*\])$/, + rmultiDash = /([A-Z])/g; + +function internalData( elem, name, data, pvt /* Internal Use Only */ ){ + if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) { + return; + } + + var thisCache, ret, + internalKey = jQuery.expando, + getByName = typeof name === "string", + + // We have to handle DOM nodes and JS objects differently because IE6-7 + // can't GC object references properly across the DOM-JS boundary + isNode = elem.nodeType, + + // Only DOM nodes need the global jQuery cache; JS object data is + // attached directly to the object so GC can occur automatically + cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem, + + // Only defining an ID for JS objects if its cache already exists allows + // the code to shortcut on the same path as a DOM node with no cache + id = isNode ? elem[ internalKey ] : elem[ internalKey ] && internalKey; + + // Avoid doing any more work than we need to when trying to get data on an + // object that has no data at all + if ( (!id || !cache[id] || (!pvt && !cache[id].data)) && getByName && data === undefined ) { + return; + } + + if ( !id ) { + // Only DOM nodes need a new unique ID for each element since their data + // ends up in the global cache + if ( isNode ) { + elem[ internalKey ] = id = core_deletedIds.pop() || jQuery.guid++; + } else { + id = internalKey; + } + } + + if ( !cache[ id ] ) { + cache[ id ] = {}; + + // Avoids exposing jQuery metadata on plain JS objects when the object + // is serialized using JSON.stringify + if ( !isNode ) { + cache[ id ].toJSON = jQuery.noop; + } + } + + // An object can be passed to jQuery.data instead of a key/value pair; this gets + // shallow copied over onto the existing cache + if ( typeof name === "object" || typeof name === "function" ) { + if ( pvt ) { + cache[ id ] = jQuery.extend( cache[ id ], name ); + } else { + cache[ id ].data = jQuery.extend( cache[ id ].data, name ); + } + } + + thisCache = cache[ id ]; + + // jQuery data() is stored in a separate object inside the object's internal data + // cache in order to avoid key collisions between internal data and user-defined + // data. + if ( !pvt ) { + if ( !thisCache.data ) { + thisCache.data = {}; + } + + thisCache = thisCache.data; + } + + if ( data !== undefined ) { + thisCache[ jQuery.camelCase( name ) ] = data; + } + + // Check for both converted-to-camel and non-converted data property names + // If a data property was specified + if ( getByName ) { + + // First Try to find as-is property data + ret = thisCache[ name ]; + + // Test for null|undefined property data + if ( ret == null ) { + + // Try to find the camelCased property + ret = thisCache[ jQuery.camelCase( name ) ]; + } + } else { + ret = thisCache; + } + + return ret; +} + +function internalRemoveData( elem, name, pvt ) { + if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) { + return; + } + + var i, l, thisCache, + isNode = elem.nodeType, + + // See jQuery.data for more information + cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem, + id = isNode ? elem[ jQuery.expando ] : jQuery.expando; + + // If there is already no cache entry for this object, there is no + // purpose in continuing + if ( !cache[ id ] ) { + return; + } + + if ( name ) { + + thisCache = pvt ? cache[ id ] : cache[ id ].data; + + if ( thisCache ) { + + // Support array or space separated string names for data keys + if ( !jQuery.isArray( name ) ) { + + // try the string as a key before any manipulation + if ( name in thisCache ) { + name = [ name ]; + } else { + + // split the camel cased version by spaces unless a key with the spaces exists + name = jQuery.camelCase( name ); + if ( name in thisCache ) { + name = [ name ]; + } else { + name = name.split(" "); + } + } + } else { + // If "name" is an array of keys... + // When data is initially created, via ("key", "val") signature, + // keys will be converted to camelCase. + // Since there is no way to tell _how_ a key was added, remove + // both plain key and camelCase key. #12786 + // This will only penalize the array argument path. + name = name.concat( jQuery.map( name, jQuery.camelCase ) ); + } + + for ( i = 0, l = name.length; i < l; i++ ) { + delete thisCache[ name[i] ]; + } + + // If there is no data left in the cache, we want to continue + // and let the cache object itself get destroyed + if ( !( pvt ? isEmptyDataObject : jQuery.isEmptyObject )( thisCache ) ) { + return; + } + } + } + + // See jQuery.data for more information + if ( !pvt ) { + delete cache[ id ].data; + + // Don't destroy the parent cache unless the internal data object + // had been the only thing left in it + if ( !isEmptyDataObject( cache[ id ] ) ) { + return; + } + } + + // Destroy the cache + if ( isNode ) { + jQuery.cleanData( [ elem ], true ); + + // Use delete when supported for expandos or `cache` is not a window per isWindow (#10080) + } else if ( jQuery.support.deleteExpando || cache != cache.window ) { + delete cache[ id ]; + + // When all else fails, null + } else { + cache[ id ] = null; + } +} + +jQuery.extend({ + cache: {}, + + // Unique for each copy of jQuery on the page + // Non-digits removed to match rinlinejQuery + expando: "jQuery" + ( core_version + Math.random() ).replace( /\D/g, "" ), + + // The following elements throw uncatchable exceptions if you + // attempt to add expando properties to them. + noData: { + "embed": true, + // Ban all objects except for Flash (which handle expandos) + "object": "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000", + "applet": true + }, + + hasData: function( elem ) { + elem = elem.nodeType ? jQuery.cache[ elem[jQuery.expando] ] : elem[ jQuery.expando ]; + return !!elem && !isEmptyDataObject( elem ); + }, + + data: function( elem, name, data ) { + return internalData( elem, name, data ); + }, + + removeData: function( elem, name ) { + return internalRemoveData( elem, name ); + }, + + // For internal use only. + _data: function( elem, name, data ) { + return internalData( elem, name, data, true ); + }, + + _removeData: function( elem, name ) { + return internalRemoveData( elem, name, true ); + }, + + // A method for determining if a DOM node can handle the data expando + acceptData: function( elem ) { + // Do not set data on non-element because it will not be cleared (#8335). + if ( elem.nodeType && elem.nodeType !== 1 && elem.nodeType !== 9 ) { + return false; + } + + var noData = elem.nodeName && jQuery.noData[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ]; + + // nodes accept data unless otherwise specified; rejection can be conditional + return !noData || noData !== true && elem.getAttribute("classid") === noData; + } +}); + +jQuery.fn.extend({ + data: function( key, value ) { + var attrs, name, + elem = this[0], + i = 0, + data = null; + + // Gets all values + if ( key === undefined ) { + if ( this.length ) { + data = jQuery.data( elem ); + + if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !jQuery._data( elem, "parsedAttrs" ) ) { + attrs = elem.attributes; + for ( ; i < attrs.length; i++ ) { + name = attrs[i].name; + + if ( !name.indexOf( "data-" ) ) { + name = jQuery.camelCase( name.slice(5) ); + + dataAttr( elem, name, data[ name ] ); + } + } + jQuery._data( elem, "parsedAttrs", true ); + } + } + + return data; + } + + // Sets multiple values + if ( typeof key === "object" ) { + return this.each(function() { + jQuery.data( this, key ); + }); + } + + return jQuery.access( this, function( value ) { + + if ( value === undefined ) { + // Try to fetch any internally stored data first + return elem ? dataAttr( elem, key, jQuery.data( elem, key ) ) : null; + } + + this.each(function() { + jQuery.data( this, key, value ); + }); + }, null, value, arguments.length > 1, null, true ); + }, + + removeData: function( key ) { + return this.each(function() { + jQuery.removeData( this, key ); + }); + } +}); + +function dataAttr( elem, key, data ) { + // If nothing was found internally, try to fetch any + // data from the HTML5 data-* attribute + if ( data === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1 ) { + + var name = "data-" + key.replace( rmultiDash, "-$1" ).toLowerCase(); + + data = elem.getAttribute( name ); + + if ( typeof data === "string" ) { + try { + data = data === "true" ? true : + data === "false" ? false : + data === "null" ? null : + // Only convert to a number if it doesn't change the string + +data + "" === data ? +data : + rbrace.test( data ) ? jQuery.parseJSON( data ) : + data; + } catch( e ) {} + + // Make sure we set the data so it isn't changed later + jQuery.data( elem, key, data ); + + } else { + data = undefined; + } + } + + return data; +} + +// checks a cache object for emptiness +function isEmptyDataObject( obj ) { + var name; + for ( name in obj ) { + + // if the public data object is empty, the private is still empty + if ( name === "data" && jQuery.isEmptyObject( obj[name] ) ) { + continue; + } + if ( name !== "toJSON" ) { + return false; + } + } + + return true; +} +jQuery.extend({ + queue: function( elem, type, data ) { + var queue; + + if ( elem ) { + type = ( type || "fx" ) + "queue"; + queue = jQuery._data( elem, type ); + + // Speed up dequeue by getting out quickly if this is just a lookup + if ( data ) { + if ( !queue || jQuery.isArray(data) ) { + queue = jQuery._data( elem, type, jQuery.makeArray(data) ); + } else { + queue.push( data ); + } + } + return queue || []; + } + }, + + dequeue: function( elem, type ) { + type = type || "fx"; + + var queue = jQuery.queue( elem, type ), + startLength = queue.length, + fn = queue.shift(), + hooks = jQuery._queueHooks( elem, type ), + next = function() { + jQuery.dequeue( elem, type ); + }; + + // If the fx queue is dequeued, always remove the progress sentinel + if ( fn === "inprogress" ) { + fn = queue.shift(); + startLength--; + } + + hooks.cur = fn; + if ( fn ) { + + // Add a progress sentinel to prevent the fx queue from being + // automatically dequeued + if ( type === "fx" ) { + queue.unshift( "inprogress" ); + } + + // clear up the last queue stop function + delete hooks.stop; + fn.call( elem, next, hooks ); + } + + if ( !startLength && hooks ) { + hooks.empty.fire(); + } + }, + + // not intended for public consumption - generates a queueHooks object, or returns the current one + _queueHooks: function( elem, type ) { + var key = type + "queueHooks"; + return jQuery._data( elem, key ) || jQuery._data( elem, key, { + empty: jQuery.Callbacks("once memory").add(function() { + jQuery._removeData( elem, type + "queue" ); + jQuery._removeData( elem, key ); + }) + }); + } +}); + +jQuery.fn.extend({ + queue: function( type, data ) { + var setter = 2; + + if ( typeof type !== "string" ) { + data = type; + type = "fx"; + setter--; + } + + if ( arguments.length < setter ) { + return jQuery.queue( this[0], type ); + } + + return data === undefined ? + this : + this.each(function() { + var queue = jQuery.queue( this, type, data ); + + // ensure a hooks for this queue + jQuery._queueHooks( this, type ); + + if ( type === "fx" && queue[0] !== "inprogress" ) { + jQuery.dequeue( this, type ); + } + }); + }, + dequeue: function( type ) { + return this.each(function() { + jQuery.dequeue( this, type ); + }); + }, + // Based off of the plugin by Clint Helfers, with permission. + // http://blindsignals.com/index.php/2009/07/jquery-delay/ + delay: function( time, type ) { + time = jQuery.fx ? jQuery.fx.speeds[ time ] || time : time; + type = type || "fx"; + + return this.queue( type, function( next, hooks ) { + var timeout = setTimeout( next, time ); + hooks.stop = function() { + clearTimeout( timeout ); + }; + }); + }, + clearQueue: function( type ) { + return this.queue( type || "fx", [] ); + }, + // Get a promise resolved when queues of a certain type + // are emptied (fx is the type by default) + promise: function( type, obj ) { + var tmp, + count = 1, + defer = jQuery.Deferred(), + elements = this, + i = this.length, + resolve = function() { + if ( !( --count ) ) { + defer.resolveWith( elements, [ elements ] ); + } + }; + + if ( typeof type !== "string" ) { + obj = type; + type = undefined; + } + type = type || "fx"; + + while( i-- ) { + tmp = jQuery._data( elements[ i ], type + "queueHooks" ); + if ( tmp && tmp.empty ) { + count++; + tmp.empty.add( resolve ); + } + } + resolve(); + return defer.promise( obj ); + } +}); +var nodeHook, boolHook, + rclass = /[\t\r\n]/g, + rreturn = /\r/g, + rfocusable = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button|object)$/i, + rclickable = /^(?:a|area)$/i, + rboolean = /^(?:checked|selected|autofocus|autoplay|async|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped)$/i, + ruseDefault = /^(?:checked|selected)$/i, + getSetAttribute = jQuery.support.getSetAttribute, + getSetInput = jQuery.support.input; + +jQuery.fn.extend({ + attr: function( name, value ) { + return jQuery.access( this, jQuery.attr, name, value, arguments.length > 1 ); + }, + + removeAttr: function( name ) { + return this.each(function() { + jQuery.removeAttr( this, name ); + }); + }, + + prop: function( name, value ) { + return jQuery.access( this, jQuery.prop, name, value, arguments.length > 1 ); + }, + + removeProp: function( name ) { + name = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name; + return this.each(function() { + // try/catch handles cases where IE balks (such as removing a property on window) + try { + this[ name ] = undefined; + delete this[ name ]; + } catch( e ) {} + }); + }, + + addClass: function( value ) { + var classes, elem, cur, clazz, j, + i = 0, + len = this.length, + proceed = typeof value === "string" && value; + + if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) { + return this.each(function( j ) { + jQuery( this ).addClass( value.call( this, j, this.className ) ); + }); + } + + if ( proceed ) { + // The disjunction here is for better compressibility (see removeClass) + classes = ( value || "" ).match( core_rnotwhite ) || []; + + for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { + elem = this[ i ]; + cur = elem.nodeType === 1 && ( elem.className ? + ( " " + elem.className + " " ).replace( rclass, " " ) : + " " + ); + + if ( cur ) { + j = 0; + while ( (clazz = classes[j++]) ) { + if ( cur.indexOf( " " + clazz + " " ) < 0 ) { + cur += clazz + " "; + } + } + elem.className = jQuery.trim( cur ); + + } + } + } + + return this; + }, + + removeClass: function( value ) { + var classes, elem, cur, clazz, j, + i = 0, + len = this.length, + proceed = arguments.length === 0 || typeof value === "string" && value; + + if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) { + return this.each(function( j ) { + jQuery( this ).removeClass( value.call( this, j, this.className ) ); + }); + } + if ( proceed ) { + classes = ( value || "" ).match( core_rnotwhite ) || []; + + for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { + elem = this[ i ]; + // This expression is here for better compressibility (see addClass) + cur = elem.nodeType === 1 && ( elem.className ? + ( " " + elem.className + " " ).replace( rclass, " " ) : + "" + ); + + if ( cur ) { + j = 0; + while ( (clazz = classes[j++]) ) { + // Remove *all* instances + while ( cur.indexOf( " " + clazz + " " ) >= 0 ) { + cur = cur.replace( " " + clazz + " ", " " ); + } + } + elem.className = value ? jQuery.trim( cur ) : ""; + } + } + } + + return this; + }, + + toggleClass: function( value, stateVal ) { + var type = typeof value, + isBool = typeof stateVal === "boolean"; + + if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) { + return this.each(function( i ) { + jQuery( this ).toggleClass( value.call(this, i, this.className, stateVal), stateVal ); + }); + } + + return this.each(function() { + if ( type === "string" ) { + // toggle individual class names + var className, + i = 0, + self = jQuery( this ), + state = stateVal, + classNames = value.match( core_rnotwhite ) || []; + + while ( (className = classNames[ i++ ]) ) { + // check each className given, space separated list + state = isBool ? state : !self.hasClass( className ); + self[ state ? "addClass" : "removeClass" ]( className ); + } + + // Toggle whole class name + } else if ( type === core_strundefined || type === "boolean" ) { + if ( this.className ) { + // store className if set + jQuery._data( this, "__className__", this.className ); + } + + // If the element has a class name or if we're passed "false", + // then remove the whole classname (if there was one, the above saved it). + // Otherwise bring back whatever was previously saved (if anything), + // falling back to the empty string if nothing was stored. + this.className = this.className || value === false ? "" : jQuery._data( this, "__className__" ) || ""; + } + }); + }, + + hasClass: function( selector ) { + var className = " " + selector + " ", + i = 0, + l = this.length; + for ( ; i < l; i++ ) { + if ( this[i].nodeType === 1 && (" " + this[i].className + " ").replace(rclass, " ").indexOf( className ) >= 0 ) { + return true; + } + } + + return false; + }, + + val: function( value ) { + var ret, hooks, isFunction, + elem = this[0]; + + if ( !arguments.length ) { + if ( elem ) { + hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ elem.type ] || jQuery.valHooks[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ]; + + if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, "value" )) !== undefined ) { + return ret; + } + + ret = elem.value; + + return typeof ret === "string" ? + // handle most common string cases + ret.replace(rreturn, "") : + // handle cases where value is null/undef or number + ret == null ? "" : ret; + } + + return; + } + + isFunction = jQuery.isFunction( value ); + + return this.each(function( i ) { + var val, + self = jQuery(this); + + if ( this.nodeType !== 1 ) { + return; + } + + if ( isFunction ) { + val = value.call( this, i, self.val() ); + } else { + val = value; + } + + // Treat null/undefined as ""; convert numbers to string + if ( val == null ) { + val = ""; + } else if ( typeof val === "number" ) { + val += ""; + } else if ( jQuery.isArray( val ) ) { + val = jQuery.map(val, function ( value ) { + return value == null ? "" : value + ""; + }); + } + + hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ this.type ] || jQuery.valHooks[ this.nodeName.toLowerCase() ]; + + // If set returns undefined, fall back to normal setting + if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || hooks.set( this, val, "value" ) === undefined ) { + this.value = val; + } + }); + } +}); + +jQuery.extend({ + valHooks: { + option: { + get: function( elem ) { + // attributes.value is undefined in Blackberry 4.7 but + // uses .value. See #6932 + var val = elem.attributes.value; + return !val || val.specified ? elem.value : elem.text; + } + }, + select: { + get: function( elem ) { + var value, option, + options = elem.options, + index = elem.selectedIndex, + one = elem.type === "select-one" || index < 0, + values = one ? null : [], + max = one ? index + 1 : options.length, + i = index < 0 ? + max : + one ? index : 0; + + // Loop through all the selected options + for ( ; i < max; i++ ) { + option = options[ i ]; + + // oldIE doesn't update selected after form reset (#2551) + if ( ( option.selected || i === index ) && + // Don't return options that are disabled or in a disabled optgroup + ( jQuery.support.optDisabled ? !option.disabled : option.getAttribute("disabled") === null ) && + ( !option.parentNode.disabled || !jQuery.nodeName( option.parentNode, "optgroup" ) ) ) { + + // Get the specific value for the option + value = jQuery( option ).val(); + + // We don't need an array for one selects + if ( one ) { + return value; + } + + // Multi-Selects return an array + values.push( value ); + } + } + + return values; + }, + + set: function( elem, value ) { + var values = jQuery.makeArray( value ); + + jQuery(elem).find("option").each(function() { + this.selected = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(this).val(), values ) >= 0; + }); + + if ( !values.length ) { + elem.selectedIndex = -1; + } + return values; + } + } + }, + + attr: function( elem, name, value ) { + var hooks, notxml, ret, + nType = elem.nodeType; + + // don't get/set attributes on text, comment and attribute nodes + if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) { + return; + } + + // Fallback to prop when attributes are not supported + if ( typeof elem.getAttribute === core_strundefined ) { + return jQuery.prop( elem, name, value ); + } + + notxml = nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem ); + + // All attributes are lowercase + // Grab necessary hook if one is defined + if ( notxml ) { + name = name.toLowerCase(); + hooks = jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] || ( rboolean.test( name ) ? boolHook : nodeHook ); + } + + if ( value !== undefined ) { + + if ( value === null ) { + jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name ); + + } else if ( hooks && notxml && "set" in hooks && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ) { + return ret; + + } else { + elem.setAttribute( name, value + "" ); + return value; + } + + } else if ( hooks && notxml && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ) { + return ret; + + } else { + + // In IE9+, Flash objects don't have .getAttribute (#12945) + // Support: IE9+ + if ( typeof elem.getAttribute !== core_strundefined ) { + ret = elem.getAttribute( name ); + } + + // Non-existent attributes return null, we normalize to undefined + return ret == null ? + undefined : + ret; + } + }, + + removeAttr: function( elem, value ) { + var name, propName, + i = 0, + attrNames = value && value.match( core_rnotwhite ); + + if ( attrNames && elem.nodeType === 1 ) { + while ( (name = attrNames[i++]) ) { + propName = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name; + + // Boolean attributes get special treatment (#10870) + if ( rboolean.test( name ) ) { + // Set corresponding property to false for boolean attributes + // Also clear defaultChecked/defaultSelected (if appropriate) for IE<8 + if ( !getSetAttribute && ruseDefault.test( name ) ) { + elem[ jQuery.camelCase( "default-" + name ) ] = + elem[ propName ] = false; + } else { + elem[ propName ] = false; + } + + // See #9699 for explanation of this approach (setting first, then removal) + } else { + jQuery.attr( elem, name, "" ); + } + + elem.removeAttribute( getSetAttribute ? name : propName ); + } + } + }, + + attrHooks: { + type: { + set: function( elem, value ) { + if ( !jQuery.support.radioValue && value === "radio" && jQuery.nodeName(elem, "input") ) { + // Setting the type on a radio button after the value resets the value in IE6-9 + // Reset value to default in case type is set after value during creation + var val = elem.value; + elem.setAttribute( "type", value ); + if ( val ) { + elem.value = val; + } + return value; + } + } + } + }, + + propFix: { + tabindex: "tabIndex", + readonly: "readOnly", + "for": "htmlFor", + "class": "className", + maxlength: "maxLength", + cellspacing: "cellSpacing", + cellpadding: "cellPadding", + rowspan: "rowSpan", + colspan: "colSpan", + usemap: "useMap", + frameborder: "frameBorder", + contenteditable: "contentEditable" + }, + + prop: function( elem, name, value ) { + var ret, hooks, notxml, + nType = elem.nodeType; + + // don't get/set properties on text, comment and attribute nodes + if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) { + return; + } + + notxml = nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem ); + + if ( notxml ) { + // Fix name and attach hooks + name = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name; + hooks = jQuery.propHooks[ name ]; + } + + if ( value !== undefined ) { + if ( hooks && "set" in hooks && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ) { + return ret; + + } else { + return ( elem[ name ] = value ); + } + + } else { + if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ) { + return ret; + + } else { + return elem[ name ]; + } + } + }, + + propHooks: { + tabIndex: { + get: function( elem ) { + // elem.tabIndex doesn't always return the correct value when it hasn't been explicitly set + // http://fluidproject.org/blog/2008/01/09/getting-setting-and-removing-tabindex-values-with-javascript/ + var attributeNode = elem.getAttributeNode("tabindex"); + + return attributeNode && attributeNode.specified ? + parseInt( attributeNode.value, 10 ) : + rfocusable.test( elem.nodeName ) || rclickable.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.href ? + 0 : + undefined; + } + } + } +}); + +// Hook for boolean attributes +boolHook = { + get: function( elem, name ) { + var + // Use .prop to determine if this attribute is understood as boolean + prop = jQuery.prop( elem, name ), + + // Fetch it accordingly + attr = typeof prop === "boolean" && elem.getAttribute( name ), + detail = typeof prop === "boolean" ? + + getSetInput && getSetAttribute ? + attr != null : + // oldIE fabricates an empty string for missing boolean attributes + // and conflates checked/selected into attroperties + ruseDefault.test( name ) ? + elem[ jQuery.camelCase( "default-" + name ) ] : + !!attr : + + // fetch an attribute node for properties not recognized as boolean + elem.getAttributeNode( name ); + + return detail && detail.value !== false ? + name.toLowerCase() : + undefined; + }, + set: function( elem, value, name ) { + if ( value === false ) { + // Remove boolean attributes when set to false + jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name ); + } else if ( getSetInput && getSetAttribute || !ruseDefault.test( name ) ) { + // IE<8 needs the *property* name + elem.setAttribute( !getSetAttribute && jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name, name ); + + // Use defaultChecked and defaultSelected for oldIE + } else { + elem[ jQuery.camelCase( "default-" + name ) ] = elem[ name ] = true; + } + + return name; + } +}; + +// fix oldIE value attroperty +if ( !getSetInput || !getSetAttribute ) { + jQuery.attrHooks.value = { + get: function( elem, name ) { + var ret = elem.getAttributeNode( name ); + return jQuery.nodeName( elem, "input" ) ? + + // Ignore the value *property* by using defaultValue + elem.defaultValue : + + ret && ret.specified ? ret.value : undefined; + }, + set: function( elem, value, name ) { + if ( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "input" ) ) { + // Does not return so that setAttribute is also used + elem.defaultValue = value; + } else { + // Use nodeHook if defined (#1954); otherwise setAttribute is fine + return nodeHook && nodeHook.set( elem, value, name ); + } + } + }; +} + +// IE6/7 do not support getting/setting some attributes with get/setAttribute +if ( !getSetAttribute ) { + + // Use this for any attribute in IE6/7 + // This fixes almost every IE6/7 issue + nodeHook = jQuery.valHooks.button = { + get: function( elem, name ) { + var ret = elem.getAttributeNode( name ); + return ret && ( name === "id" || name === "name" || name === "coords" ? ret.value !== "" : ret.specified ) ? + ret.value : + undefined; + }, + set: function( elem, value, name ) { + // Set the existing or create a new attribute node + var ret = elem.getAttributeNode( name ); + if ( !ret ) { + elem.setAttributeNode( + (ret = elem.ownerDocument.createAttribute( name )) + ); + } + + ret.value = value += ""; + + // Break association with cloned elements by also using setAttribute (#9646) + return name === "value" || value === elem.getAttribute( name ) ? + value : + undefined; + } + }; + + // Set contenteditable to false on removals(#10429) + // Setting to empty string throws an error as an invalid value + jQuery.attrHooks.contenteditable = { + get: nodeHook.get, + set: function( elem, value, name ) { + nodeHook.set( elem, value === "" ? false : value, name ); + } + }; + + // Set width and height to auto instead of 0 on empty string( Bug #8150 ) + // This is for removals + jQuery.each([ "width", "height" ], function( i, name ) { + jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.attrHooks[ name ], { + set: function( elem, value ) { + if ( value === "" ) { + elem.setAttribute( name, "auto" ); + return value; + } + } + }); + }); +} + + +// Some attributes require a special call on IE +// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536429%28VS.85%29.aspx +if ( !jQuery.support.hrefNormalized ) { + jQuery.each([ "href", "src", "width", "height" ], function( i, name ) { + jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.attrHooks[ name ], { + get: function( elem ) { + var ret = elem.getAttribute( name, 2 ); + return ret == null ? undefined : ret; + } + }); + }); + + // href/src property should get the full normalized URL (#10299/#12915) + jQuery.each([ "href", "src" ], function( i, name ) { + jQuery.propHooks[ name ] = { + get: function( elem ) { + return elem.getAttribute( name, 4 ); + } + }; + }); +} + +if ( !jQuery.support.style ) { + jQuery.attrHooks.style = { + get: function( elem ) { + // Return undefined in the case of empty string + // Note: IE uppercases css property names, but if we were to .toLowerCase() + // .cssText, that would destroy case senstitivity in URL's, like in "background" + return elem.style.cssText || undefined; + }, + set: function( elem, value ) { + return ( elem.style.cssText = value + "" ); + } + }; +} + +// Safari mis-reports the default selected property of an option +// Accessing the parent's selectedIndex property fixes it +if ( !jQuery.support.optSelected ) { + jQuery.propHooks.selected = jQuery.extend( jQuery.propHooks.selected, { + get: function( elem ) { + var parent = elem.parentNode; + + if ( parent ) { + parent.selectedIndex; + + // Make sure that it also works with optgroups, see #5701 + if ( parent.parentNode ) { + parent.parentNode.selectedIndex; + } + } + return null; + } + }); +} + +// IE6/7 call enctype encoding +if ( !jQuery.support.enctype ) { + jQuery.propFix.enctype = "encoding"; +} + +// Radios and checkboxes getter/setter +if ( !jQuery.support.checkOn ) { + jQuery.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function() { + jQuery.valHooks[ this ] = { + get: function( elem ) { + // Handle the case where in Webkit "" is returned instead of "on" if a value isn't specified + return elem.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : elem.value; + } + }; + }); +} +jQuery.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function() { + jQuery.valHooks[ this ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.valHooks[ this ], { + set: function( elem, value ) { + if ( jQuery.isArray( value ) ) { + return ( elem.checked = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(elem).val(), value ) >= 0 ); + } + } + }); +}); +var rformElems = /^(?:input|select|textarea)$/i, + rkeyEvent = /^key/, + rmouseEvent = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/, + rfocusMorph = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/, + rtypenamespace = /^([^.]*)(?:\.(.+)|)$/; + +function returnTrue() { + return true; +} + +function returnFalse() { + return false; +} + +/* + * Helper functions for managing events -- not part of the public interface. + * Props to Dean Edwards' addEvent library for many of the ideas. + */ +jQuery.event = { + + global: {}, + + add: function( elem, types, handler, data, selector ) { + var tmp, events, t, handleObjIn, + special, eventHandle, handleObj, + handlers, type, namespaces, origType, + elemData = jQuery._data( elem ); + + // Don't attach events to noData or text/comment nodes (but allow plain objects) + if ( !elemData ) { + return; + } + + // Caller can pass in an object of custom data in lieu of the handler + if ( handler.handler ) { + handleObjIn = handler; + handler = handleObjIn.handler; + selector = handleObjIn.selector; + } + + // Make sure that the handler has a unique ID, used to find/remove it later + if ( !handler.guid ) { + handler.guid = jQuery.guid++; + } + + // Init the element's event structure and main handler, if this is the first + if ( !(events = elemData.events) ) { + events = elemData.events = {}; + } + if ( !(eventHandle = elemData.handle) ) { + eventHandle = elemData.handle = function( e ) { + // Discard the second event of a jQuery.event.trigger() and + // when an event is called after a page has unloaded + return typeof jQuery !== core_strundefined && (!e || jQuery.event.triggered !== e.type) ? + jQuery.event.dispatch.apply( eventHandle.elem, arguments ) : + undefined; + }; + // Add elem as a property of the handle fn to prevent a memory leak with IE non-native events + eventHandle.elem = elem; + } + + // Handle multiple events separated by a space + // jQuery(...).bind("mouseover mouseout", fn); + types = ( types || "" ).match( core_rnotwhite ) || [""]; + t = types.length; + while ( t-- ) { + tmp = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || []; + type = origType = tmp[1]; + namespaces = ( tmp[2] || "" ).split( "." ).sort(); + + // If event changes its type, use the special event handlers for the changed type + special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {}; + + // If selector defined, determine special event api type, otherwise given type + type = ( selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type; + + // Update special based on newly reset type + special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {}; + + // handleObj is passed to all event handlers + handleObj = jQuery.extend({ + type: type, + origType: origType, + data: data, + handler: handler, + guid: handler.guid, + selector: selector, + needsContext: selector && jQuery.expr.match.needsContext.test( selector ), + namespace: namespaces.join(".") + }, handleObjIn ); + + // Init the event handler queue if we're the first + if ( !(handlers = events[ type ]) ) { + handlers = events[ type ] = []; + handlers.delegateCount = 0; + + // Only use addEventListener/attachEvent if the special events handler returns false + if ( !special.setup || special.setup.call( elem, data, namespaces, eventHandle ) === false ) { + // Bind the global event handler to the element + if ( elem.addEventListener ) { + elem.addEventListener( type, eventHandle, false ); + + } else if ( elem.attachEvent ) { + elem.attachEvent( "on" + type, eventHandle ); + } + } + } + + if ( special.add ) { + special.add.call( elem, handleObj ); + + if ( !handleObj.handler.guid ) { + handleObj.handler.guid = handler.guid; + } + } + + // Add to the element's handler list, delegates in front + if ( selector ) { + handlers.splice( handlers.delegateCount++, 0, handleObj ); + } else { + handlers.push( handleObj ); + } + + // Keep track of which events have ever been used, for event optimization + jQuery.event.global[ type ] = true; + } + + // Nullify elem to prevent memory leaks in IE + elem = null; + }, + + // Detach an event or set of events from an element + remove: function( elem, types, handler, selector, mappedTypes ) { + var j, handleObj, tmp, + origCount, t, events, + special, handlers, type, + namespaces, origType, + elemData = jQuery.hasData( elem ) && jQuery._data( elem ); + + if ( !elemData || !(events = elemData.events) ) { + return; + } + + // Once for each type.namespace in types; type may be omitted + types = ( types || "" ).match( core_rnotwhite ) || [""]; + t = types.length; + while ( t-- ) { + tmp = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || []; + type = origType = tmp[1]; + namespaces = ( tmp[2] || "" ).split( "." ).sort(); + + // Unbind all events (on this namespace, if provided) for the element + if ( !type ) { + for ( type in events ) { + jQuery.event.remove( elem, type + types[ t ], handler, selector, true ); + } + continue; + } + + special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {}; + type = ( selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type; + handlers = events[ type ] || []; + tmp = tmp[2] && new RegExp( "(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)" ); + + // Remove matching events + origCount = j = handlers.length; + while ( j-- ) { + handleObj = handlers[ j ]; + + if ( ( mappedTypes || origType === handleObj.origType ) && + ( !handler || handler.guid === handleObj.guid ) && + ( !tmp || tmp.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) && + ( !selector || selector === handleObj.selector || selector === "**" && handleObj.selector ) ) { + handlers.splice( j, 1 ); + + if ( handleObj.selector ) { + handlers.delegateCount--; + } + if ( special.remove ) { + special.remove.call( elem, handleObj ); + } + } + } + + // Remove generic event handler if we removed something and no more handlers exist + // (avoids potential for endless recursion during removal of special event handlers) + if ( origCount && !handlers.length ) { + if ( !special.teardown || special.teardown.call( elem, namespaces, elemData.handle ) === false ) { + jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, elemData.handle ); + } + + delete events[ type ]; + } + } + + // Remove the expando if it's no longer used + if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( events ) ) { + delete elemData.handle; + + // removeData also checks for emptiness and clears the expando if empty + // so use it instead of delete + jQuery._removeData( elem, "events" ); + } + }, + + trigger: function( event, data, elem, onlyHandlers ) { + var handle, ontype, cur, + bubbleType, special, tmp, i, + eventPath = [ elem || document ], + type = core_hasOwn.call( event, "type" ) ? event.type : event, + namespaces = core_hasOwn.call( event, "namespace" ) ? event.namespace.split(".") : []; + + cur = tmp = elem = elem || document; + + // Don't do events on text and comment nodes + if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) { + return; + } + + // focus/blur morphs to focusin/out; ensure we're not firing them right now + if ( rfocusMorph.test( type + jQuery.event.triggered ) ) { + return; + } + + if ( type.indexOf(".") >= 0 ) { + // Namespaced trigger; create a regexp to match event type in handle() + namespaces = type.split("."); + type = namespaces.shift(); + namespaces.sort(); + } + ontype = type.indexOf(":") < 0 && "on" + type; + + // Caller can pass in a jQuery.Event object, Object, or just an event type string + event = event[ jQuery.expando ] ? + event : + new jQuery.Event( type, typeof event === "object" && event ); + + event.isTrigger = true; + event.namespace = namespaces.join("."); + event.namespace_re = event.namespace ? + new RegExp( "(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)" ) : + null; + + // Clean up the event in case it is being reused + event.result = undefined; + if ( !event.target ) { + event.target = elem; + } + + // Clone any incoming data and prepend the event, creating the handler arg list + data = data == null ? + [ event ] : + jQuery.makeArray( data, [ event ] ); + + // Allow special events to draw outside the lines + special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {}; + if ( !onlyHandlers && special.trigger && special.trigger.apply( elem, data ) === false ) { + return; + } + + // Determine event propagation path in advance, per W3C events spec (#9951) + // Bubble up to document, then to window; watch for a global ownerDocument var (#9724) + if ( !onlyHandlers && !special.noBubble && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) { + + bubbleType = special.delegateType || type; + if ( !rfocusMorph.test( bubbleType + type ) ) { + cur = cur.parentNode; + } + for ( ; cur; cur = cur.parentNode ) { + eventPath.push( cur ); + tmp = cur; + } + + // Only add window if we got to document (e.g., not plain obj or detached DOM) + if ( tmp === (elem.ownerDocument || document) ) { + eventPath.push( tmp.defaultView || tmp.parentWindow || window ); + } + } + + // Fire handlers on the event path + i = 0; + while ( (cur = eventPath[i++]) && !event.isPropagationStopped() ) { + + event.type = i > 1 ? + bubbleType : + special.bindType || type; + + // jQuery handler + handle = ( jQuery._data( cur, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] && jQuery._data( cur, "handle" ); + if ( handle ) { + handle.apply( cur, data ); + } + + // Native handler + handle = ontype && cur[ ontype ]; + if ( handle && jQuery.acceptData( cur ) && handle.apply && handle.apply( cur, data ) === false ) { + event.preventDefault(); + } + } + event.type = type; + + // If nobody prevented the default action, do it now + if ( !onlyHandlers && !event.isDefaultPrevented() ) { + + if ( (!special._default || special._default.apply( elem.ownerDocument, data ) === false) && + !(type === "click" && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "a" )) && jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) { + + // Call a native DOM method on the target with the same name name as the event. + // Can't use an .isFunction() check here because IE6/7 fails that test. + // Don't do default actions on window, that's where global variables be (#6170) + if ( ontype && elem[ type ] && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) { + + // Don't re-trigger an onFOO event when we call its FOO() method + tmp = elem[ ontype ]; + + if ( tmp ) { + elem[ ontype ] = null; + } + + // Prevent re-triggering of the same event, since we already bubbled it above + jQuery.event.triggered = type; + try { + elem[ type ](); + } catch ( e ) { + // IE<9 dies on focus/blur to hidden element (#1486,#12518) + // only reproducible on winXP IE8 native, not IE9 in IE8 mode + } + jQuery.event.triggered = undefined; + + if ( tmp ) { + elem[ ontype ] = tmp; + } + } + } + } + + return event.result; + }, + + dispatch: function( event ) { + + // Make a writable jQuery.Event from the native event object + event = jQuery.event.fix( event ); + + var i, ret, handleObj, matched, j, + handlerQueue = [], + args = core_slice.call( arguments ), + handlers = ( jQuery._data( this, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] || [], + special = jQuery.event.special[ event.type ] || {}; + + // Use the fix-ed jQuery.Event rather than the (read-only) native event + args[0] = event; + event.delegateTarget = this; + + // Call the preDispatch hook for the mapped type, and let it bail if desired + if ( special.preDispatch && special.preDispatch.call( this, event ) === false ) { + return; + } + + // Determine handlers + handlerQueue = jQuery.event.handlers.call( this, event, handlers ); + + // Run delegates first; they may want to stop propagation beneath us + i = 0; + while ( (matched = handlerQueue[ i++ ]) && !event.isPropagationStopped() ) { + event.currentTarget = matched.elem; + + j = 0; + while ( (handleObj = matched.handlers[ j++ ]) && !event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() ) { + + // Triggered event must either 1) have no namespace, or + // 2) have namespace(s) a subset or equal to those in the bound event (both can have no namespace). + if ( !event.namespace_re || event.namespace_re.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) { + + event.handleObj = handleObj; + event.data = handleObj.data; + + ret = ( (jQuery.event.special[ handleObj.origType ] || {}).handle || handleObj.handler ) + .apply( matched.elem, args ); + + if ( ret !== undefined ) { + if ( (event.result = ret) === false ) { + event.preventDefault(); + event.stopPropagation(); + } + } + } + } + } + + // Call the postDispatch hook for the mapped type + if ( special.postDispatch ) { + special.postDispatch.call( this, event ); + } + + return event.result; + }, + + handlers: function( event, handlers ) { + var sel, handleObj, matches, i, + handlerQueue = [], + delegateCount = handlers.delegateCount, + cur = event.target; + + // Find delegate handlers + // Black-hole SVG instance trees (#13180) + // Avoid non-left-click bubbling in Firefox (#3861) + if ( delegateCount && cur.nodeType && (!event.button || event.type !== "click") ) { + + for ( ; cur != this; cur = cur.parentNode || this ) { + + // Don't check non-elements (#13208) + // Don't process clicks on disabled elements (#6911, #8165, #11382, #11764) + if ( cur.nodeType === 1 && (cur.disabled !== true || event.type !== "click") ) { + matches = []; + for ( i = 0; i < delegateCount; i++ ) { + handleObj = handlers[ i ]; + + // Don't conflict with Object.prototype properties (#13203) + sel = handleObj.selector + " "; + + if ( matches[ sel ] === undefined ) { + matches[ sel ] = handleObj.needsContext ? + jQuery( sel, this ).index( cur ) >= 0 : + jQuery.find( sel, this, null, [ cur ] ).length; + } + if ( matches[ sel ] ) { + matches.push( handleObj ); + } + } + if ( matches.length ) { + handlerQueue.push({ elem: cur, handlers: matches }); + } + } + } + } + + // Add the remaining (directly-bound) handlers + if ( delegateCount < handlers.length ) { + handlerQueue.push({ elem: this, handlers: handlers.slice( delegateCount ) }); + } + + return handlerQueue; + }, + + fix: function( event ) { + if ( event[ jQuery.expando ] ) { + return event; + } + + // Create a writable copy of the event object and normalize some properties + var i, prop, copy, + type = event.type, + originalEvent = event, + fixHook = this.fixHooks[ type ]; + + if ( !fixHook ) { + this.fixHooks[ type ] = fixHook = + rmouseEvent.test( type ) ? this.mouseHooks : + rkeyEvent.test( type ) ? this.keyHooks : + {}; + } + copy = fixHook.props ? this.props.concat( fixHook.props ) : this.props; + + event = new jQuery.Event( originalEvent ); + + i = copy.length; + while ( i-- ) { + prop = copy[ i ]; + event[ prop ] = originalEvent[ prop ]; + } + + // Support: IE<9 + // Fix target property (#1925) + if ( !event.target ) { + event.target = originalEvent.srcElement || document; + } + + // Support: Chrome 23+, Safari? + // Target should not be a text node (#504, #13143) + if ( event.target.nodeType === 3 ) { + event.target = event.target.parentNode; + } + + // Support: IE<9 + // For mouse/key events, metaKey==false if it's undefined (#3368, #11328) + event.metaKey = !!event.metaKey; + + return fixHook.filter ? fixHook.filter( event, originalEvent ) : event; + }, + + // Includes some event props shared by KeyEvent and MouseEvent + props: "altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which".split(" "), + + fixHooks: {}, + + keyHooks: { + props: "char charCode key keyCode".split(" "), + filter: function( event, original ) { + + // Add which for key events + if ( event.which == null ) { + event.which = original.charCode != null ? original.charCode : original.keyCode; + } + + return event; + } + }, + + mouseHooks: { + props: "button buttons clientX clientY fromElement offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement".split(" "), + filter: function( event, original ) { + var body, eventDoc, doc, + button = original.button, + fromElement = original.fromElement; + + // Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available + if ( event.pageX == null && original.clientX != null ) { + eventDoc = event.target.ownerDocument || document; + doc = eventDoc.documentElement; + body = eventDoc.body; + + event.pageX = original.clientX + ( doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0 ); + event.pageY = original.clientY + ( doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0 ); + } + + // Add relatedTarget, if necessary + if ( !event.relatedTarget && fromElement ) { + event.relatedTarget = fromElement === event.target ? original.toElement : fromElement; + } + + // Add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right + // Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it + if ( !event.which && button !== undefined ) { + event.which = ( button & 1 ? 1 : ( button & 2 ? 3 : ( button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) ) ); + } + + return event; + } + }, + + special: { + load: { + // Prevent triggered image.load events from bubbling to window.load + noBubble: true + }, + click: { + // For checkbox, fire native event so checked state will be right + trigger: function() { + if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "input" ) && this.type === "checkbox" && this.click ) { + this.click(); + return false; + } + } + }, + focus: { + // Fire native event if possible so blur/focus sequence is correct + trigger: function() { + if ( this !== document.activeElement && this.focus ) { + try { + this.focus(); + return false; + } catch ( e ) { + // Support: IE<9 + // If we error on focus to hidden element (#1486, #12518), + // let .trigger() run the handlers + } + } + }, + delegateType: "focusin" + }, + blur: { + trigger: function() { + if ( this === document.activeElement && this.blur ) { + this.blur(); + return false; + } + }, + delegateType: "focusout" + }, + + beforeunload: { + postDispatch: function( event ) { + + // Even when returnValue equals to undefined Firefox will still show alert + if ( event.result !== undefined ) { + event.originalEvent.returnValue = event.result; + } + } + } + }, + + simulate: function( type, elem, event, bubble ) { + // Piggyback on a donor event to simulate a different one. + // Fake originalEvent to avoid donor's stopPropagation, but if the + // simulated event prevents default then we do the same on the donor. + var e = jQuery.extend( + new jQuery.Event(), + event, + { type: type, + isSimulated: true, + originalEvent: {} + } + ); + if ( bubble ) { + jQuery.event.trigger( e, null, elem ); + } else { + jQuery.event.dispatch.call( elem, e ); + } + if ( e.isDefaultPrevented() ) { + event.preventDefault(); + } + } +}; + +jQuery.removeEvent = document.removeEventListener ? + function( elem, type, handle ) { + if ( elem.removeEventListener ) { + elem.removeEventListener( type, handle, false ); + } + } : + function( elem, type, handle ) { + var name = "on" + type; + + if ( elem.detachEvent ) { + + // #8545, #7054, preventing memory leaks for custom events in IE6-8 + // detachEvent needed property on element, by name of that event, to properly expose it to GC + if ( typeof elem[ name ] === core_strundefined ) { + elem[ name ] = null; + } + + elem.detachEvent( name, handle ); + } + }; + +jQuery.Event = function( src, props ) { + // Allow instantiation without the 'new' keyword + if ( !(this instanceof jQuery.Event) ) { + return new jQuery.Event( src, props ); + } + + // Event object + if ( src && src.type ) { + this.originalEvent = src; + this.type = src.type; + + // Events bubbling up the document may have been marked as prevented + // by a handler lower down the tree; reflect the correct value. + this.isDefaultPrevented = ( src.defaultPrevented || src.returnValue === false || + src.getPreventDefault && src.getPreventDefault() ) ? returnTrue : returnFalse; + + // Event type + } else { + this.type = src; + } + + // Put explicitly provided properties onto the event object + if ( props ) { + jQuery.extend( this, props ); + } + + // Create a timestamp if incoming event doesn't have one + this.timeStamp = src && src.timeStamp || jQuery.now(); + + // Mark it as fixed + this[ jQuery.expando ] = true; +}; + +// jQuery.Event is based on DOM3 Events as specified by the ECMAScript Language Binding +// http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20030331/ecma-script-binding.html +jQuery.Event.prototype = { + isDefaultPrevented: returnFalse, + isPropagationStopped: returnFalse, + isImmediatePropagationStopped: returnFalse, + + preventDefault: function() { + var e = this.originalEvent; + + this.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue; + if ( !e ) { + return; + } + + // If preventDefault exists, run it on the original event + if ( e.preventDefault ) { + e.preventDefault(); + + // Support: IE + // Otherwise set the returnValue property of the original event to false + } else { + e.returnValue = false; + } + }, + stopPropagation: function() { + var e = this.originalEvent; + + this.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue; + if ( !e ) { + return; + } + // If stopPropagation exists, run it on the original event + if ( e.stopPropagation ) { + e.stopPropagation(); + } + + // Support: IE + // Set the cancelBubble property of the original event to true + e.cancelBubble = true; + }, + stopImmediatePropagation: function() { + this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue; + this.stopPropagation(); + } +}; + +// Create mouseenter/leave events using mouseover/out and event-time checks +jQuery.each({ + mouseenter: "mouseover", + mouseleave: "mouseout" +}, function( orig, fix ) { + jQuery.event.special[ orig ] = { + delegateType: fix, + bindType: fix, + + handle: function( event ) { + var ret, + target = this, + related = event.relatedTarget, + handleObj = event.handleObj; + + // For mousenter/leave call the handler if related is outside the target. + // NB: No relatedTarget if the mouse left/entered the browser window + if ( !related || (related !== target && !jQuery.contains( target, related )) ) { + event.type = handleObj.origType; + ret = handleObj.handler.apply( this, arguments ); + event.type = fix; + } + return ret; + } + }; +}); + +// IE submit delegation +if ( !jQuery.support.submitBubbles ) { + + jQuery.event.special.submit = { + setup: function() { + // Only need this for delegated form submit events + if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "form" ) ) { + return false; + } + + // Lazy-add a submit handler when a descendant form may potentially be submitted + jQuery.event.add( this, "click._submit keypress._submit", function( e ) { + // Node name check avoids a VML-related crash in IE (#9807) + var elem = e.target, + form = jQuery.nodeName( elem, "input" ) || jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ? elem.form : undefined; + if ( form && !jQuery._data( form, "submitBubbles" ) ) { + jQuery.event.add( form, "submit._submit", function( event ) { + event._submit_bubble = true; + }); + jQuery._data( form, "submitBubbles", true ); + } + }); + // return undefined since we don't need an event listener + }, + + postDispatch: function( event ) { + // If form was submitted by the user, bubble the event up the tree + if ( event._submit_bubble ) { + delete event._submit_bubble; + if ( this.parentNode && !event.isTrigger ) { + jQuery.event.simulate( "submit", this.parentNode, event, true ); + } + } + }, + + teardown: function() { + // Only need this for delegated form submit events + if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "form" ) ) { + return false; + } + + // Remove delegated handlers; cleanData eventually reaps submit handlers attached above + jQuery.event.remove( this, "._submit" ); + } + }; +} + +// IE change delegation and checkbox/radio fix +if ( !jQuery.support.changeBubbles ) { + + jQuery.event.special.change = { + + setup: function() { + + if ( rformElems.test( this.nodeName ) ) { + // IE doesn't fire change on a check/radio until blur; trigger it on click + // after a propertychange. Eat the blur-change in special.change.handle. + // This still fires onchange a second time for check/radio after blur. + if ( this.type === "checkbox" || this.type === "radio" ) { + jQuery.event.add( this, "propertychange._change", function( event ) { + if ( event.originalEvent.propertyName === "checked" ) { + this._just_changed = true; + } + }); + jQuery.event.add( this, "click._change", function( event ) { + if ( this._just_changed && !event.isTrigger ) { + this._just_changed = false; + } + // Allow triggered, simulated change events (#11500) + jQuery.event.simulate( "change", this, event, true ); + }); + } + return false; + } + // Delegated event; lazy-add a change handler on descendant inputs + jQuery.event.add( this, "beforeactivate._change", function( e ) { + var elem = e.target; + + if ( rformElems.test( elem.nodeName ) && !jQuery._data( elem, "changeBubbles" ) ) { + jQuery.event.add( elem, "change._change", function( event ) { + if ( this.parentNode && !event.isSimulated && !event.isTrigger ) { + jQuery.event.simulate( "change", this.parentNode, event, true ); + } + }); + jQuery._data( elem, "changeBubbles", true ); + } + }); + }, + + handle: function( event ) { + var elem = event.target; + + // Swallow native change events from checkbox/radio, we already triggered them above + if ( this !== elem || event.isSimulated || event.isTrigger || (elem.type !== "radio" && elem.type !== "checkbox") ) { + return event.handleObj.handler.apply( this, arguments ); + } + }, + + teardown: function() { + jQuery.event.remove( this, "._change" ); + + return !rformElems.test( this.nodeName ); + } + }; +} + +// Create "bubbling" focus and blur events +if ( !jQuery.support.focusinBubbles ) { + jQuery.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function( orig, fix ) { + + // Attach a single capturing handler while someone wants focusin/focusout + var attaches = 0, + handler = function( event ) { + jQuery.event.simulate( fix, event.target, jQuery.event.fix( event ), true ); + }; + + jQuery.event.special[ fix ] = { + setup: function() { + if ( attaches++ === 0 ) { + document.addEventListener( orig, handler, true ); + } + }, + teardown: function() { + if ( --attaches === 0 ) { + document.removeEventListener( orig, handler, true ); + } + } + }; + }); +} + +jQuery.fn.extend({ + + on: function( types, selector, data, fn, /*INTERNAL*/ one ) { + var type, origFn; + + // Types can be a map of types/handlers + if ( typeof types === "object" ) { + // ( types-Object, selector, data ) + if ( typeof selector !== "string" ) { + // ( types-Object, data ) + data = data || selector; + selector = undefined; + } + for ( type in types ) { + this.on( type, selector, data, types[ type ], one ); + } + return this; + } + + if ( data == null && fn == null ) { + // ( types, fn ) + fn = selector; + data = selector = undefined; + } else if ( fn == null ) { + if ( typeof selector === "string" ) { + // ( types, selector, fn ) + fn = data; + data = undefined; + } else { + // ( types, data, fn ) + fn = data; + data = selector; + selector = undefined; + } + } + if ( fn === false ) { + fn = returnFalse; + } else if ( !fn ) { + return this; + } + + if ( one === 1 ) { + origFn = fn; + fn = function( event ) { + // Can use an empty set, since event contains the info + jQuery().off( event ); + return origFn.apply( this, arguments ); + }; + // Use same guid so caller can remove using origFn + fn.guid = origFn.guid || ( origFn.guid = jQuery.guid++ ); + } + return this.each( function() { + jQuery.event.add( this, types, fn, data, selector ); + }); + }, + one: function( types, selector, data, fn ) { + return this.on( types, selector, data, fn, 1 ); + }, + off: function( types, selector, fn ) { + var handleObj, type; + if ( types && types.preventDefault && types.handleObj ) { + // ( event ) dispatched jQuery.Event + handleObj = types.handleObj; + jQuery( types.delegateTarget ).off( + handleObj.namespace ? handleObj.origType + "." + handleObj.namespace : handleObj.origType, + handleObj.selector, + handleObj.handler + ); + return this; + } + if ( typeof types === "object" ) { + // ( types-object [, selector] ) + for ( type in types ) { + this.off( type, selector, types[ type ] ); + } + return this; + } + if ( selector === false || typeof selector === "function" ) { + // ( types [, fn] ) + fn = selector; + selector = undefined; + } + if ( fn === false ) { + fn = returnFalse; + } + return this.each(function() { + jQuery.event.remove( this, types, fn, selector ); + }); + }, + + bind: function( types, data, fn ) { + return this.on( types, null, data, fn ); + }, + unbind: function( types, fn ) { + return this.off( types, null, fn ); + }, + + delegate: function( selector, types, data, fn ) { + return this.on( types, selector, data, fn ); + }, + undelegate: function( selector, types, fn ) { + // ( namespace ) or ( selector, types [, fn] ) + return arguments.length === 1 ? this.off( selector, "**" ) : this.off( types, selector || "**", fn ); + }, + + trigger: function( type, data ) { + return this.each(function() { + jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this ); + }); + }, + triggerHandler: function( type, data ) { + var elem = this[0]; + if ( elem ) { + return jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, elem, true ); + } + } +}); +/*! + * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine + * Copyright 2012 jQuery Foundation and other contributors + * Released under the MIT license + * http://sizzlejs.com/ + */ +(function( window, undefined ) { + +var i, + cachedruns, + Expr, + getText, + isXML, + compile, + hasDuplicate, + outermostContext, + + // Local document vars + setDocument, + document, + docElem, + documentIsXML, + rbuggyQSA, + rbuggyMatches, + matches, + contains, + sortOrder, + + // Instance-specific data + expando = "sizzle" + -(new Date()), + preferredDoc = window.document, + support = {}, + dirruns = 0, + done = 0, + classCache = createCache(), + tokenCache = createCache(), + compilerCache = createCache(), + + // General-purpose constants + strundefined = typeof undefined, + MAX_NEGATIVE = 1 << 31, + + // Array methods + arr = [], + pop = arr.pop, + push = arr.push, + slice = arr.slice, + // Use a stripped-down indexOf if we can't use a native one + indexOf = arr.indexOf || function( elem ) { + var i = 0, + len = this.length; + for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { + if ( this[i] === elem ) { + return i; + } + } + return -1; + }, + + + // Regular expressions + + // Whitespace characters http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#whitespace + whitespace = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]", + // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#characters + characterEncoding = "(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+", + + // Loosely modeled on CSS identifier characters + // An unquoted value should be a CSS identifier http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#attribute-selectors + // Proper syntax: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#value-def-identifier + identifier = characterEncoding.replace( "w", "w#" ), + + // Acceptable operators http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#attribute-selectors + operators = "([*^$|!~]?=)", + attributes = "\\[" + whitespace + "*(" + characterEncoding + ")" + whitespace + + "*(?:" + operators + whitespace + "*(?:(['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|(" + identifier + ")|)|)" + whitespace + "*\\]", + + // Prefer arguments quoted, + // then not containing pseudos/brackets, + // then attribute selectors/non-parenthetical expressions, + // then anything else + // These preferences are here to reduce the number of selectors + // needing tokenize in the PSEUDO preFilter + pseudos = ":(" + characterEncoding + ")(?:\\(((['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|" + attributes.replace( 3, 8 ) + ")*)|.*)\\)|)", + + // Leading and non-escaped trailing whitespace, capturing some non-whitespace characters preceding the latter + rtrim = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + whitespace + "+$", "g" ), + + rcomma = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*," + whitespace + "*" ), + rcombinators = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*([\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f>+~])" + whitespace + "*" ), + rpseudo = new RegExp( pseudos ), + ridentifier = new RegExp( "^" + identifier + "$" ), + + matchExpr = { + "ID": new RegExp( "^#(" + characterEncoding + ")" ), + "CLASS": new RegExp( "^\\.(" + characterEncoding + ")" ), + "NAME": new RegExp( "^\\[name=['\"]?(" + characterEncoding + ")['\"]?\\]" ), + "TAG": new RegExp( "^(" + characterEncoding.replace( "w", "w*" ) + ")" ), + "ATTR": new RegExp( "^" + attributes ), + "PSEUDO": new RegExp( "^" + pseudos ), + "CHILD": new RegExp( "^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\(" + whitespace + + "*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" + whitespace + "*(?:([+-]|)" + whitespace + + "*(\\d+)|))" + whitespace + "*\\)|)", "i" ), + // For use in libraries implementing .is() + // We use this for POS matching in `select` + "needsContext": new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(" + + whitespace + "*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)" + whitespace + "*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)", "i" ) + }, + + rsibling = /[\x20\t\r\n\f]*[+~]/, + + rnative = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native code/, + + // Easily-parseable/retrievable ID or TAG or CLASS selectors + rquickExpr = /^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/, + + rinputs = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i, + rheader = /^h\d$/i, + + rescape = /'|\\/g, + rattributeQuotes = /\=[\x20\t\r\n\f]*([^'"\]]*)[\x20\t\r\n\f]*\]/g, + + // CSS escapes http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#escaped-characters + runescape = /\\([\da-fA-F]{1,6}[\x20\t\r\n\f]?|.)/g, + funescape = function( _, escaped ) { + var high = "0x" + escaped - 0x10000; + // NaN means non-codepoint + return high !== high ? + escaped : + // BMP codepoint + high < 0 ? + String.fromCharCode( high + 0x10000 ) : + // Supplemental Plane codepoint (surrogate pair) + String.fromCharCode( high >> 10 | 0xD800, high & 0x3FF | 0xDC00 ); + }; + +// Use a stripped-down slice if we can't use a native one +try { + slice.call( preferredDoc.documentElement.childNodes, 0 )[0].nodeType; +} catch ( e ) { + slice = function( i ) { + var elem, + results = []; + while ( (elem = this[i++]) ) { + results.push( elem ); + } + return results; + }; +} + +/** + * For feature detection + * @param {Function} fn The function to test for native support + */ +function isNative( fn ) { + return rnative.test( fn + "" ); +} + +/** + * Create key-value caches of limited size + * @returns {Function(string, Object)} Returns the Object data after storing it on itself with + * property name the (space-suffixed) string and (if the cache is larger than Expr.cacheLength) + * deleting the oldest entry + */ +function createCache() { + var cache, + keys = []; + + return (cache = function( key, value ) { + // Use (key + " ") to avoid collision with native prototype properties (see Issue #157) + if ( keys.push( key += " " ) > Expr.cacheLength ) { + // Only keep the most recent entries + delete cache[ keys.shift() ]; + } + return (cache[ key ] = value); + }); +} + +/** + * Mark a function for special use by Sizzle + * @param {Function} fn The function to mark + */ +function markFunction( fn ) { + fn[ expando ] = true; + return fn; +} + +/** + * Support testing using an element + * @param {Function} fn Passed the created div and expects a boolean result + */ +function assert( fn ) { + var div = document.createElement("div"); + + try { + return fn( div ); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } finally { + // release memory in IE + div = null; + } +} + +function Sizzle( selector, context, results, seed ) { + var match, elem, m, nodeType, + // QSA vars + i, groups, old, nid, newContext, newSelector; + + if ( ( context ? context.ownerDocument || context : preferredDoc ) !== document ) { + setDocument( context ); + } + + context = context || document; + results = results || []; + + if ( !selector || typeof selector !== "string" ) { + return results; + } + + if ( (nodeType = context.nodeType) !== 1 && nodeType !== 9 ) { + return []; + } + + if ( !documentIsXML && !seed ) { + + // Shortcuts + if ( (match = rquickExpr.exec( selector )) ) { + // Speed-up: Sizzle("#ID") + if ( (m = match[1]) ) { + if ( nodeType === 9 ) { + elem = context.getElementById( m ); + // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns + // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963 + if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) { + // Handle the case where IE, Opera, and Webkit return items + // by name instead of ID + if ( elem.id === m ) { + results.push( elem ); + return results; + } + } else { + return results; + } + } else { + // Context is not a document + if ( context.ownerDocument && (elem = context.ownerDocument.getElementById( m )) && + contains( context, elem ) && elem.id === m ) { + results.push( elem ); + return results; + } + } + + // Speed-up: Sizzle("TAG") + } else if ( match[2] ) { + push.apply( results, slice.call(context.getElementsByTagName( selector ), 0) ); + return results; + + // Speed-up: Sizzle(".CLASS") + } else if ( (m = match[3]) && support.getByClassName && context.getElementsByClassName ) { + push.apply( results, slice.call(context.getElementsByClassName( m ), 0) ); + return results; + } + } + + // QSA path + if ( support.qsa && !rbuggyQSA.test(selector) ) { + old = true; + nid = expando; + newContext = context; + newSelector = nodeType === 9 && selector; + + // qSA works strangely on Element-rooted queries + // We can work around this by specifying an extra ID on the root + // and working up from there (Thanks to Andrew Dupont for the technique) + // IE 8 doesn't work on object elements + if ( nodeType === 1 && context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object" ) { + groups = tokenize( selector ); + + if ( (old = context.getAttribute("id")) ) { + nid = old.replace( rescape, "\\$&" ); + } else { + context.setAttribute( "id", nid ); + } + nid = "[id='" + nid + "'] "; + + i = groups.length; + while ( i-- ) { + groups[i] = nid + toSelector( groups[i] ); + } + newContext = rsibling.test( selector ) && context.parentNode || context; + newSelector = groups.join(","); + } + + if ( newSelector ) { + try { + push.apply( results, slice.call( newContext.querySelectorAll( + newSelector + ), 0 ) ); + return results; + } catch(qsaError) { + } finally { + if ( !old ) { + context.removeAttribute("id"); + } + } + } + } + } + + // All others + return select( selector.replace( rtrim, "$1" ), context, results, seed ); +} + +/** + * Detect xml + * @param {Element|Object} elem An element or a document + */ +isXML = Sizzle.isXML = function( elem ) { + // documentElement is verified for cases where it doesn't yet exist + // (such as loading iframes in IE - #4833) + var documentElement = elem && (elem.ownerDocument || elem).documentElement; + return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" : false; +}; + +/** + * Sets document-related variables once based on the current document + * @param {Element|Object} [doc] An element or document object to use to set the document + * @returns {Object} Returns the current document + */ +setDocument = Sizzle.setDocument = function( node ) { + var doc = node ? node.ownerDocument || node : preferredDoc; + + // If no document and documentElement is available, return + if ( doc === document || doc.nodeType !== 9 || !doc.documentElement ) { + return document; + } + + // Set our document + document = doc; + docElem = doc.documentElement; + + // Support tests + documentIsXML = isXML( doc ); + + // Check if getElementsByTagName("*") returns only elements + support.tagNameNoComments = assert(function( div ) { + div.appendChild( doc.createComment("") ); + return !div.getElementsByTagName("*").length; + }); + + // Check if attributes should be retrieved by attribute nodes + support.attributes = assert(function( div ) { + div.innerHTML = ""; + var type = typeof div.lastChild.getAttribute("multiple"); + // IE8 returns a string for some attributes even when not present + return type !== "boolean" && type !== "string"; + }); + + // Check if getElementsByClassName can be trusted + support.getByClassName = assert(function( div ) { + // Opera can't find a second classname (in 9.6) + div.innerHTML = ""; + if ( !div.getElementsByClassName || !div.getElementsByClassName("e").length ) { + return false; + } + + // Safari 3.2 caches class attributes and doesn't catch changes + div.lastChild.className = "e"; + return div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 2; + }); + + // Check if getElementById returns elements by name + // Check if getElementsByName privileges form controls or returns elements by ID + support.getByName = assert(function( div ) { + // Inject content + div.id = expando + 0; + div.innerHTML = "
          "; + docElem.insertBefore( div, docElem.firstChild ); + + // Test + var pass = doc.getElementsByName && + // buggy browsers will return fewer than the correct 2 + doc.getElementsByName( expando ).length === 2 + + // buggy browsers will return more than the correct 0 + doc.getElementsByName( expando + 0 ).length; + support.getIdNotName = !doc.getElementById( expando ); + + // Cleanup + docElem.removeChild( div ); + + return pass; + }); + + // IE6/7 return modified attributes + Expr.attrHandle = assert(function( div ) { + div.innerHTML = ""; + return div.firstChild && typeof div.firstChild.getAttribute !== strundefined && + div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") === "#"; + }) ? + {} : + { + "href": function( elem ) { + return elem.getAttribute( "href", 2 ); + }, + "type": function( elem ) { + return elem.getAttribute("type"); + } + }; + + // ID find and filter + if ( support.getIdNotName ) { + Expr.find["ID"] = function( id, context ) { + if ( typeof context.getElementById !== strundefined && !documentIsXML ) { + var m = context.getElementById( id ); + // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns + // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963 + return m && m.parentNode ? [m] : []; + } + }; + Expr.filter["ID"] = function( id ) { + var attrId = id.replace( runescape, funescape ); + return function( elem ) { + return elem.getAttribute("id") === attrId; + }; + }; + } else { + Expr.find["ID"] = function( id, context ) { + if ( typeof context.getElementById !== strundefined && !documentIsXML ) { + var m = context.getElementById( id ); + + return m ? + m.id === id || typeof m.getAttributeNode !== strundefined && m.getAttributeNode("id").value === id ? + [m] : + undefined : + []; + } + }; + Expr.filter["ID"] = function( id ) { + var attrId = id.replace( runescape, funescape ); + return function( elem ) { + var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== strundefined && elem.getAttributeNode("id"); + return node && node.value === attrId; + }; + }; + } + + // Tag + Expr.find["TAG"] = support.tagNameNoComments ? + function( tag, context ) { + if ( typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== strundefined ) { + return context.getElementsByTagName( tag ); + } + } : + function( tag, context ) { + var elem, + tmp = [], + i = 0, + results = context.getElementsByTagName( tag ); + + // Filter out possible comments + if ( tag === "*" ) { + while ( (elem = results[i++]) ) { + if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) { + tmp.push( elem ); + } + } + + return tmp; + } + return results; + }; + + // Name + Expr.find["NAME"] = support.getByName && function( tag, context ) { + if ( typeof context.getElementsByName !== strundefined ) { + return context.getElementsByName( name ); + } + }; + + // Class + Expr.find["CLASS"] = support.getByClassName && function( className, context ) { + if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== strundefined && !documentIsXML ) { + return context.getElementsByClassName( className ); + } + }; + + // QSA and matchesSelector support + + // matchesSelector(:active) reports false when true (IE9/Opera 11.5) + rbuggyMatches = []; + + // qSa(:focus) reports false when true (Chrome 21), + // no need to also add to buggyMatches since matches checks buggyQSA + // A support test would require too much code (would include document ready) + rbuggyQSA = [ ":focus" ]; + + if ( (support.qsa = isNative(doc.querySelectorAll)) ) { + // Build QSA regex + // Regex strategy adopted from Diego Perini + assert(function( div ) { + // Select is set to empty string on purpose + // This is to test IE's treatment of not explictly + // setting a boolean content attribute, + // since its presence should be enough + // http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12359 + div.innerHTML = ""; + + // IE8 - Some boolean attributes are not treated correctly + if ( !div.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length ) { + rbuggyQSA.push( "\\[" + whitespace + "*(?:checked|disabled|ismap|multiple|readonly|selected|value)" ); + } + + // Webkit/Opera - :checked should return selected option elements + // http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-css3-selectors-20110929/#checked + // IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests + if ( !div.querySelectorAll(":checked").length ) { + rbuggyQSA.push(":checked"); + } + }); + + assert(function( div ) { + + // Opera 10-12/IE8 - ^= $= *= and empty values + // Should not select anything + div.innerHTML = ""; + if ( div.querySelectorAll("[i^='']").length ) { + rbuggyQSA.push( "[*^$]=" + whitespace + "*(?:\"\"|'')" ); + } + + // FF 3.5 - :enabled/:disabled and hidden elements (hidden elements are still enabled) + // IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests + if ( !div.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length ) { + rbuggyQSA.push( ":enabled", ":disabled" ); + } + + // Opera 10-11 does not throw on post-comma invalid pseudos + div.querySelectorAll("*,:x"); + rbuggyQSA.push(",.*:"); + }); + } + + if ( (support.matchesSelector = isNative( (matches = docElem.matchesSelector || + docElem.mozMatchesSelector || + docElem.webkitMatchesSelector || + docElem.oMatchesSelector || + docElem.msMatchesSelector) )) ) { + + assert(function( div ) { + // Check to see if it's possible to do matchesSelector + // on a disconnected node (IE 9) + support.disconnectedMatch = matches.call( div, "div" ); + + // This should fail with an exception + // Gecko does not error, returns false instead + matches.call( div, "[s!='']:x" ); + rbuggyMatches.push( "!=", pseudos ); + }); + } + + rbuggyQSA = new RegExp( rbuggyQSA.join("|") ); + rbuggyMatches = new RegExp( rbuggyMatches.join("|") ); + + // Element contains another + // Purposefully does not implement inclusive descendent + // As in, an element does not contain itself + contains = isNative(docElem.contains) || docElem.compareDocumentPosition ? + function( a, b ) { + var adown = a.nodeType === 9 ? a.documentElement : a, + bup = b && b.parentNode; + return a === bup || !!( bup && bup.nodeType === 1 && ( + adown.contains ? + adown.contains( bup ) : + a.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition( bup ) & 16 + )); + } : + function( a, b ) { + if ( b ) { + while ( (b = b.parentNode) ) { + if ( b === a ) { + return true; + } + } + } + return false; + }; + + // Document order sorting + sortOrder = docElem.compareDocumentPosition ? + function( a, b ) { + var compare; + + if ( a === b ) { + hasDuplicate = true; + return 0; + } + + if ( (compare = b.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition( b )) ) { + if ( compare & 1 || a.parentNode && a.parentNode.nodeType === 11 ) { + if ( a === doc || contains( preferredDoc, a ) ) { + return -1; + } + if ( b === doc || contains( preferredDoc, b ) ) { + return 1; + } + return 0; + } + return compare & 4 ? -1 : 1; + } + + return a.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1; + } : + function( a, b ) { + var cur, + i = 0, + aup = a.parentNode, + bup = b.parentNode, + ap = [ a ], + bp = [ b ]; + + // Exit early if the nodes are identical + if ( a === b ) { + hasDuplicate = true; + return 0; + + // Parentless nodes are either documents or disconnected + } else if ( !aup || !bup ) { + return a === doc ? -1 : + b === doc ? 1 : + aup ? -1 : + bup ? 1 : + 0; + + // If the nodes are siblings, we can do a quick check + } else if ( aup === bup ) { + return siblingCheck( a, b ); + } + + // Otherwise we need full lists of their ancestors for comparison + cur = a; + while ( (cur = cur.parentNode) ) { + ap.unshift( cur ); + } + cur = b; + while ( (cur = cur.parentNode) ) { + bp.unshift( cur ); + } + + // Walk down the tree looking for a discrepancy + while ( ap[i] === bp[i] ) { + i++; + } + + return i ? + // Do a sibling check if the nodes have a common ancestor + siblingCheck( ap[i], bp[i] ) : + + // Otherwise nodes in our document sort first + ap[i] === preferredDoc ? -1 : + bp[i] === preferredDoc ? 1 : + 0; + }; + + // Always assume the presence of duplicates if sort doesn't + // pass them to our comparison function (as in Google Chrome). + hasDuplicate = false; + [0, 0].sort( sortOrder ); + support.detectDuplicates = hasDuplicate; + + return document; +}; + +Sizzle.matches = function( expr, elements ) { + return Sizzle( expr, null, null, elements ); +}; + +Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( elem, expr ) { + // Set document vars if needed + if ( ( elem.ownerDocument || elem ) !== document ) { + setDocument( elem ); + } + + // Make sure that attribute selectors are quoted + expr = expr.replace( rattributeQuotes, "='$1']" ); + + // rbuggyQSA always contains :focus, so no need for an existence check + if ( support.matchesSelector && !documentIsXML && (!rbuggyMatches || !rbuggyMatches.test(expr)) && !rbuggyQSA.test(expr) ) { + try { + var ret = matches.call( elem, expr ); + + // IE 9's matchesSelector returns false on disconnected nodes + if ( ret || support.disconnectedMatch || + // As well, disconnected nodes are said to be in a document + // fragment in IE 9 + elem.document && elem.document.nodeType !== 11 ) { + return ret; + } + } catch(e) {} + } + + return Sizzle( expr, document, null, [elem] ).length > 0; +}; + +Sizzle.contains = function( context, elem ) { + // Set document vars if needed + if ( ( context.ownerDocument || context ) !== document ) { + setDocument( context ); + } + return contains( context, elem ); +}; + +Sizzle.attr = function( elem, name ) { + var val; + + // Set document vars if needed + if ( ( elem.ownerDocument || elem ) !== document ) { + setDocument( elem ); + } + + if ( !documentIsXML ) { + name = name.toLowerCase(); + } + if ( (val = Expr.attrHandle[ name ]) ) { + return val( elem ); + } + if ( documentIsXML || support.attributes ) { + return elem.getAttribute( name ); + } + return ( (val = elem.getAttributeNode( name )) || elem.getAttribute( name ) ) && elem[ name ] === true ? + name : + val && val.specified ? val.value : null; +}; + +Sizzle.error = function( msg ) { + throw new Error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg ); +}; + +// Document sorting and removing duplicates +Sizzle.uniqueSort = function( results ) { + var elem, + duplicates = [], + i = 1, + j = 0; + + // Unless we *know* we can detect duplicates, assume their presence + hasDuplicate = !support.detectDuplicates; + results.sort( sortOrder ); + + if ( hasDuplicate ) { + for ( ; (elem = results[i]); i++ ) { + if ( elem === results[ i - 1 ] ) { + j = duplicates.push( i ); + } + } + while ( j-- ) { + results.splice( duplicates[ j ], 1 ); + } + } + + return results; +}; + +function siblingCheck( a, b ) { + var cur = b && a, + diff = cur && ( ~b.sourceIndex || MAX_NEGATIVE ) - ( ~a.sourceIndex || MAX_NEGATIVE ); + + // Use IE sourceIndex if available on both nodes + if ( diff ) { + return diff; + } + + // Check if b follows a + if ( cur ) { + while ( (cur = cur.nextSibling) ) { + if ( cur === b ) { + return -1; + } + } + } + + return a ? 1 : -1; +} + +// Returns a function to use in pseudos for input types +function createInputPseudo( type ) { + return function( elem ) { + var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(); + return name === "input" && elem.type === type; + }; +} + +// Returns a function to use in pseudos for buttons +function createButtonPseudo( type ) { + return function( elem ) { + var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(); + return (name === "input" || name === "button") && elem.type === type; + }; +} + +// Returns a function to use in pseudos for positionals +function createPositionalPseudo( fn ) { + return markFunction(function( argument ) { + argument = +argument; + return markFunction(function( seed, matches ) { + var j, + matchIndexes = fn( [], seed.length, argument ), + i = matchIndexes.length; + + // Match elements found at the specified indexes + while ( i-- ) { + if ( seed[ (j = matchIndexes[i]) ] ) { + seed[j] = !(matches[j] = seed[j]); + } + } + }); + }); +} + +/** + * Utility function for retrieving the text value of an array of DOM nodes + * @param {Array|Element} elem + */ +getText = Sizzle.getText = function( elem ) { + var node, + ret = "", + i = 0, + nodeType = elem.nodeType; + + if ( !nodeType ) { + // If no nodeType, this is expected to be an array + for ( ; (node = elem[i]); i++ ) { + // Do not traverse comment nodes + ret += getText( node ); + } + } else if ( nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 || nodeType === 11 ) { + // Use textContent for elements + // innerText usage removed for consistency of new lines (see #11153) + if ( typeof elem.textContent === "string" ) { + return elem.textContent; + } else { + // Traverse its children + for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling ) { + ret += getText( elem ); + } + } + } else if ( nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4 ) { + return elem.nodeValue; + } + // Do not include comment or processing instruction nodes + + return ret; +}; + +Expr = Sizzle.selectors = { + + // Can be adjusted by the user + cacheLength: 50, + + createPseudo: markFunction, + + match: matchExpr, + + find: {}, + + relative: { + ">": { dir: "parentNode", first: true }, + " ": { dir: "parentNode" }, + "+": { dir: "previousSibling", first: true }, + "~": { dir: "previousSibling" } + }, + + preFilter: { + "ATTR": function( match ) { + match[1] = match[1].replace( runescape, funescape ); + + // Move the given value to match[3] whether quoted or unquoted + match[3] = ( match[4] || match[5] || "" ).replace( runescape, funescape ); + + if ( match[2] === "~=" ) { + match[3] = " " + match[3] + " "; + } + + return match.slice( 0, 4 ); + }, + + "CHILD": function( match ) { + /* matches from matchExpr["CHILD"] + 1 type (only|nth|...) + 2 what (child|of-type) + 3 argument (even|odd|\d*|\d*n([+-]\d+)?|...) + 4 xn-component of xn+y argument ([+-]?\d*n|) + 5 sign of xn-component + 6 x of xn-component + 7 sign of y-component + 8 y of y-component + */ + match[1] = match[1].toLowerCase(); + + if ( match[1].slice( 0, 3 ) === "nth" ) { + // nth-* requires argument + if ( !match[3] ) { + Sizzle.error( match[0] ); + } + + // numeric x and y parameters for Expr.filter.CHILD + // remember that false/true cast respectively to 0/1 + match[4] = +( match[4] ? match[5] + (match[6] || 1) : 2 * ( match[3] === "even" || match[3] === "odd" ) ); + match[5] = +( ( match[7] + match[8] ) || match[3] === "odd" ); + + // other types prohibit arguments + } else if ( match[3] ) { + Sizzle.error( match[0] ); + } + + return match; + }, + + "PSEUDO": function( match ) { + var excess, + unquoted = !match[5] && match[2]; + + if ( matchExpr["CHILD"].test( match[0] ) ) { + return null; + } + + // Accept quoted arguments as-is + if ( match[4] ) { + match[2] = match[4]; + + // Strip excess characters from unquoted arguments + } else if ( unquoted && rpseudo.test( unquoted ) && + // Get excess from tokenize (recursively) + (excess = tokenize( unquoted, true )) && + // advance to the next closing parenthesis + (excess = unquoted.indexOf( ")", unquoted.length - excess ) - unquoted.length) ) { + + // excess is a negative index + match[0] = match[0].slice( 0, excess ); + match[2] = unquoted.slice( 0, excess ); + } + + // Return only captures needed by the pseudo filter method (type and argument) + return match.slice( 0, 3 ); + } + }, + + filter: { + + "TAG": function( nodeName ) { + if ( nodeName === "*" ) { + return function() { return true; }; + } + + nodeName = nodeName.replace( runescape, funescape ).toLowerCase(); + return function( elem ) { + return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === nodeName; + }; + }, + + "CLASS": function( className ) { + var pattern = classCache[ className + " " ]; + + return pattern || + (pattern = new RegExp( "(^|" + whitespace + ")" + className + "(" + whitespace + "|$)" )) && + classCache( className, function( elem ) { + return pattern.test( elem.className || (typeof elem.getAttribute !== strundefined && elem.getAttribute("class")) || "" ); + }); + }, + + "ATTR": function( name, operator, check ) { + return function( elem ) { + var result = Sizzle.attr( elem, name ); + + if ( result == null ) { + return operator === "!="; + } + if ( !operator ) { + return true; + } + + result += ""; + + return operator === "=" ? result === check : + operator === "!=" ? result !== check : + operator === "^=" ? check && result.indexOf( check ) === 0 : + operator === "*=" ? check && result.indexOf( check ) > -1 : + operator === "$=" ? check && result.slice( -check.length ) === check : + operator === "~=" ? ( " " + result + " " ).indexOf( check ) > -1 : + operator === "|=" ? result === check || result.slice( 0, check.length + 1 ) === check + "-" : + false; + }; + }, + + "CHILD": function( type, what, argument, first, last ) { + var simple = type.slice( 0, 3 ) !== "nth", + forward = type.slice( -4 ) !== "last", + ofType = what === "of-type"; + + return first === 1 && last === 0 ? + + // Shortcut for :nth-*(n) + function( elem ) { + return !!elem.parentNode; + } : + + function( elem, context, xml ) { + var cache, outerCache, node, diff, nodeIndex, start, + dir = simple !== forward ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling", + parent = elem.parentNode, + name = ofType && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(), + useCache = !xml && !ofType; + + if ( parent ) { + + // :(first|last|only)-(child|of-type) + if ( simple ) { + while ( dir ) { + node = elem; + while ( (node = node[ dir ]) ) { + if ( ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1 ) { + return false; + } + } + // Reverse direction for :only-* (if we haven't yet done so) + start = dir = type === "only" && !start && "nextSibling"; + } + return true; + } + + start = [ forward ? parent.firstChild : parent.lastChild ]; + + // non-xml :nth-child(...) stores cache data on `parent` + if ( forward && useCache ) { + // Seek `elem` from a previously-cached index + outerCache = parent[ expando ] || (parent[ expando ] = {}); + cache = outerCache[ type ] || []; + nodeIndex = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[1]; + diff = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[2]; + node = nodeIndex && parent.childNodes[ nodeIndex ]; + + while ( (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[ dir ] || + + // Fallback to seeking `elem` from the start + (diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) ) { + + // When found, cache indexes on `parent` and break + if ( node.nodeType === 1 && ++diff && node === elem ) { + outerCache[ type ] = [ dirruns, nodeIndex, diff ]; + break; + } + } + + // Use previously-cached element index if available + } else if ( useCache && (cache = (elem[ expando ] || (elem[ expando ] = {}))[ type ]) && cache[0] === dirruns ) { + diff = cache[1]; + + // xml :nth-child(...) or :nth-last-child(...) or :nth(-last)?-of-type(...) + } else { + // Use the same loop as above to seek `elem` from the start + while ( (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[ dir ] || + (diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) ) { + + if ( ( ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1 ) && ++diff ) { + // Cache the index of each encountered element + if ( useCache ) { + (node[ expando ] || (node[ expando ] = {}))[ type ] = [ dirruns, diff ]; + } + + if ( node === elem ) { + break; + } + } + } + } + + // Incorporate the offset, then check against cycle size + diff -= last; + return diff === first || ( diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0 ); + } + }; + }, + + "PSEUDO": function( pseudo, argument ) { + // pseudo-class names are case-insensitive + // http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#pseudo-classes + // Prioritize by case sensitivity in case custom pseudos are added with uppercase letters + // Remember that setFilters inherits from pseudos + var args, + fn = Expr.pseudos[ pseudo ] || Expr.setFilters[ pseudo.toLowerCase() ] || + Sizzle.error( "unsupported pseudo: " + pseudo ); + + // The user may use createPseudo to indicate that + // arguments are needed to create the filter function + // just as Sizzle does + if ( fn[ expando ] ) { + return fn( argument ); + } + + // But maintain support for old signatures + if ( fn.length > 1 ) { + args = [ pseudo, pseudo, "", argument ]; + return Expr.setFilters.hasOwnProperty( pseudo.toLowerCase() ) ? + markFunction(function( seed, matches ) { + var idx, + matched = fn( seed, argument ), + i = matched.length; + while ( i-- ) { + idx = indexOf.call( seed, matched[i] ); + seed[ idx ] = !( matches[ idx ] = matched[i] ); + } + }) : + function( elem ) { + return fn( elem, 0, args ); + }; + } + + return fn; + } + }, + + pseudos: { + // Potentially complex pseudos + "not": markFunction(function( selector ) { + // Trim the selector passed to compile + // to avoid treating leading and trailing + // spaces as combinators + var input = [], + results = [], + matcher = compile( selector.replace( rtrim, "$1" ) ); + + return matcher[ expando ] ? + markFunction(function( seed, matches, context, xml ) { + var elem, + unmatched = matcher( seed, null, xml, [] ), + i = seed.length; + + // Match elements unmatched by `matcher` + while ( i-- ) { + if ( (elem = unmatched[i]) ) { + seed[i] = !(matches[i] = elem); + } + } + }) : + function( elem, context, xml ) { + input[0] = elem; + matcher( input, null, xml, results ); + return !results.pop(); + }; + }), + + "has": markFunction(function( selector ) { + return function( elem ) { + return Sizzle( selector, elem ).length > 0; + }; + }), + + "contains": markFunction(function( text ) { + return function( elem ) { + return ( elem.textContent || elem.innerText || getText( elem ) ).indexOf( text ) > -1; + }; + }), + + // "Whether an element is represented by a :lang() selector + // is based solely on the element's language value + // being equal to the identifier C, + // or beginning with the identifier C immediately followed by "-". + // The matching of C against the element's language value is performed case-insensitively. + // The identifier C does not have to be a valid language name." + // http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#lang-pseudo + "lang": markFunction( function( lang ) { + // lang value must be a valid identifider + if ( !ridentifier.test(lang || "") ) { + Sizzle.error( "unsupported lang: " + lang ); + } + lang = lang.replace( runescape, funescape ).toLowerCase(); + return function( elem ) { + var elemLang; + do { + if ( (elemLang = documentIsXML ? + elem.getAttribute("xml:lang") || elem.getAttribute("lang") : + elem.lang) ) { + + elemLang = elemLang.toLowerCase(); + return elemLang === lang || elemLang.indexOf( lang + "-" ) === 0; + } + } while ( (elem = elem.parentNode) && elem.nodeType === 1 ); + return false; + }; + }), + + // Miscellaneous + "target": function( elem ) { + var hash = window.location && window.location.hash; + return hash && hash.slice( 1 ) === elem.id; + }, + + "root": function( elem ) { + return elem === docElem; + }, + + "focus": function( elem ) { + return elem === document.activeElement && (!document.hasFocus || document.hasFocus()) && !!(elem.type || elem.href || ~elem.tabIndex); + }, + + // Boolean properties + "enabled": function( elem ) { + return elem.disabled === false; + }, + + "disabled": function( elem ) { + return elem.disabled === true; + }, + + "checked": function( elem ) { + // In CSS3, :checked should return both checked and selected elements + // http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-css3-selectors-20110929/#checked + var nodeName = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(); + return (nodeName === "input" && !!elem.checked) || (nodeName === "option" && !!elem.selected); + }, + + "selected": function( elem ) { + // Accessing this property makes selected-by-default + // options in Safari work properly + if ( elem.parentNode ) { + elem.parentNode.selectedIndex; + } + + return elem.selected === true; + }, + + // Contents + "empty": function( elem ) { + // http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#empty-pseudo + // :empty is only affected by element nodes and content nodes(including text(3), cdata(4)), + // not comment, processing instructions, or others + // Thanks to Diego Perini for the nodeName shortcut + // Greater than "@" means alpha characters (specifically not starting with "#" or "?") + for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling ) { + if ( elem.nodeName > "@" || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 4 ) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + }, + + "parent": function( elem ) { + return !Expr.pseudos["empty"]( elem ); + }, + + // Element/input types + "header": function( elem ) { + return rheader.test( elem.nodeName ); + }, + + "input": function( elem ) { + return rinputs.test( elem.nodeName ); + }, + + "button": function( elem ) { + var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(); + return name === "input" && elem.type === "button" || name === "button"; + }, + + "text": function( elem ) { + var attr; + // IE6 and 7 will map elem.type to 'text' for new HTML5 types (search, etc) + // use getAttribute instead to test this case + return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && + elem.type === "text" && + ( (attr = elem.getAttribute("type")) == null || attr.toLowerCase() === elem.type ); + }, + + // Position-in-collection + "first": createPositionalPseudo(function() { + return [ 0 ]; + }), + + "last": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) { + return [ length - 1 ]; + }), + + "eq": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) { + return [ argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument ]; + }), + + "even": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) { + var i = 0; + for ( ; i < length; i += 2 ) { + matchIndexes.push( i ); + } + return matchIndexes; + }), + + "odd": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) { + var i = 1; + for ( ; i < length; i += 2 ) { + matchIndexes.push( i ); + } + return matchIndexes; + }), + + "lt": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) { + var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument; + for ( ; --i >= 0; ) { + matchIndexes.push( i ); + } + return matchIndexes; + }), + + "gt": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) { + var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument; + for ( ; ++i < length; ) { + matchIndexes.push( i ); + } + return matchIndexes; + }) + } +}; + +// Add button/input type pseudos +for ( i in { radio: true, checkbox: true, file: true, password: true, image: true } ) { + Expr.pseudos[ i ] = createInputPseudo( i ); +} +for ( i in { submit: true, reset: true } ) { + Expr.pseudos[ i ] = createButtonPseudo( i ); +} + +function tokenize( selector, parseOnly ) { + var matched, match, tokens, type, + soFar, groups, preFilters, + cached = tokenCache[ selector + " " ]; + + if ( cached ) { + return parseOnly ? 0 : cached.slice( 0 ); + } + + soFar = selector; + groups = []; + preFilters = Expr.preFilter; + + while ( soFar ) { + + // Comma and first run + if ( !matched || (match = rcomma.exec( soFar )) ) { + if ( match ) { + // Don't consume trailing commas as valid + soFar = soFar.slice( match[0].length ) || soFar; + } + groups.push( tokens = [] ); + } + + matched = false; + + // Combinators + if ( (match = rcombinators.exec( soFar )) ) { + matched = match.shift(); + tokens.push( { + value: matched, + // Cast descendant combinators to space + type: match[0].replace( rtrim, " " ) + } ); + soFar = soFar.slice( matched.length ); + } + + // Filters + for ( type in Expr.filter ) { + if ( (match = matchExpr[ type ].exec( soFar )) && (!preFilters[ type ] || + (match = preFilters[ type ]( match ))) ) { + matched = match.shift(); + tokens.push( { + value: matched, + type: type, + matches: match + } ); + soFar = soFar.slice( matched.length ); + } + } + + if ( !matched ) { + break; + } + } + + // Return the length of the invalid excess + // if we're just parsing + // Otherwise, throw an error or return tokens + return parseOnly ? + soFar.length : + soFar ? + Sizzle.error( selector ) : + // Cache the tokens + tokenCache( selector, groups ).slice( 0 ); +} + +function toSelector( tokens ) { + var i = 0, + len = tokens.length, + selector = ""; + for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { + selector += tokens[i].value; + } + return selector; +} + +function addCombinator( matcher, combinator, base ) { + var dir = combinator.dir, + checkNonElements = base && dir === "parentNode", + doneName = done++; + + return combinator.first ? + // Check against closest ancestor/preceding element + function( elem, context, xml ) { + while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) { + if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) { + return matcher( elem, context, xml ); + } + } + } : + + // Check against all ancestor/preceding elements + function( elem, context, xml ) { + var data, cache, outerCache, + dirkey = dirruns + " " + doneName; + + // We can't set arbitrary data on XML nodes, so they don't benefit from dir caching + if ( xml ) { + while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) { + if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) { + if ( matcher( elem, context, xml ) ) { + return true; + } + } + } + } else { + while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) { + if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) { + outerCache = elem[ expando ] || (elem[ expando ] = {}); + if ( (cache = outerCache[ dir ]) && cache[0] === dirkey ) { + if ( (data = cache[1]) === true || data === cachedruns ) { + return data === true; + } + } else { + cache = outerCache[ dir ] = [ dirkey ]; + cache[1] = matcher( elem, context, xml ) || cachedruns; + if ( cache[1] === true ) { + return true; + } + } + } + } + } + }; +} + +function elementMatcher( matchers ) { + return matchers.length > 1 ? + function( elem, context, xml ) { + var i = matchers.length; + while ( i-- ) { + if ( !matchers[i]( elem, context, xml ) ) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + } : + matchers[0]; +} + +function condense( unmatched, map, filter, context, xml ) { + var elem, + newUnmatched = [], + i = 0, + len = unmatched.length, + mapped = map != null; + + for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { + if ( (elem = unmatched[i]) ) { + if ( !filter || filter( elem, context, xml ) ) { + newUnmatched.push( elem ); + if ( mapped ) { + map.push( i ); + } + } + } + } + + return newUnmatched; +} + +function setMatcher( preFilter, selector, matcher, postFilter, postFinder, postSelector ) { + if ( postFilter && !postFilter[ expando ] ) { + postFilter = setMatcher( postFilter ); + } + if ( postFinder && !postFinder[ expando ] ) { + postFinder = setMatcher( postFinder, postSelector ); + } + return markFunction(function( seed, results, context, xml ) { + var temp, i, elem, + preMap = [], + postMap = [], + preexisting = results.length, + + // Get initial elements from seed or context + elems = seed || multipleContexts( selector || "*", context.nodeType ? [ context ] : context, [] ), + + // Prefilter to get matcher input, preserving a map for seed-results synchronization + matcherIn = preFilter && ( seed || !selector ) ? + condense( elems, preMap, preFilter, context, xml ) : + elems, + + matcherOut = matcher ? + // If we have a postFinder, or filtered seed, or non-seed postFilter or preexisting results, + postFinder || ( seed ? preFilter : preexisting || postFilter ) ? + + // ...intermediate processing is necessary + [] : + + // ...otherwise use results directly + results : + matcherIn; + + // Find primary matches + if ( matcher ) { + matcher( matcherIn, matcherOut, context, xml ); + } + + // Apply postFilter + if ( postFilter ) { + temp = condense( matcherOut, postMap ); + postFilter( temp, [], context, xml ); + + // Un-match failing elements by moving them back to matcherIn + i = temp.length; + while ( i-- ) { + if ( (elem = temp[i]) ) { + matcherOut[ postMap[i] ] = !(matcherIn[ postMap[i] ] = elem); + } + } + } + + if ( seed ) { + if ( postFinder || preFilter ) { + if ( postFinder ) { + // Get the final matcherOut by condensing this intermediate into postFinder contexts + temp = []; + i = matcherOut.length; + while ( i-- ) { + if ( (elem = matcherOut[i]) ) { + // Restore matcherIn since elem is not yet a final match + temp.push( (matcherIn[i] = elem) ); + } + } + postFinder( null, (matcherOut = []), temp, xml ); + } + + // Move matched elements from seed to results to keep them synchronized + i = matcherOut.length; + while ( i-- ) { + if ( (elem = matcherOut[i]) && + (temp = postFinder ? indexOf.call( seed, elem ) : preMap[i]) > -1 ) { + + seed[temp] = !(results[temp] = elem); + } + } + } + + // Add elements to results, through postFinder if defined + } else { + matcherOut = condense( + matcherOut === results ? + matcherOut.splice( preexisting, matcherOut.length ) : + matcherOut + ); + if ( postFinder ) { + postFinder( null, results, matcherOut, xml ); + } else { + push.apply( results, matcherOut ); + } + } + }); +} + +function matcherFromTokens( tokens ) { + var checkContext, matcher, j, + len = tokens.length, + leadingRelative = Expr.relative[ tokens[0].type ], + implicitRelative = leadingRelative || Expr.relative[" "], + i = leadingRelative ? 1 : 0, + + // The foundational matcher ensures that elements are reachable from top-level context(s) + matchContext = addCombinator( function( elem ) { + return elem === checkContext; + }, implicitRelative, true ), + matchAnyContext = addCombinator( function( elem ) { + return indexOf.call( checkContext, elem ) > -1; + }, implicitRelative, true ), + matchers = [ function( elem, context, xml ) { + return ( !leadingRelative && ( xml || context !== outermostContext ) ) || ( + (checkContext = context).nodeType ? + matchContext( elem, context, xml ) : + matchAnyContext( elem, context, xml ) ); + } ]; + + for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { + if ( (matcher = Expr.relative[ tokens[i].type ]) ) { + matchers = [ addCombinator(elementMatcher( matchers ), matcher) ]; + } else { + matcher = Expr.filter[ tokens[i].type ].apply( null, tokens[i].matches ); + + // Return special upon seeing a positional matcher + if ( matcher[ expando ] ) { + // Find the next relative operator (if any) for proper handling + j = ++i; + for ( ; j < len; j++ ) { + if ( Expr.relative[ tokens[j].type ] ) { + break; + } + } + return setMatcher( + i > 1 && elementMatcher( matchers ), + i > 1 && toSelector( tokens.slice( 0, i - 1 ) ).replace( rtrim, "$1" ), + matcher, + i < j && matcherFromTokens( tokens.slice( i, j ) ), + j < len && matcherFromTokens( (tokens = tokens.slice( j )) ), + j < len && toSelector( tokens ) + ); + } + matchers.push( matcher ); + } + } + + return elementMatcher( matchers ); +} + +function matcherFromGroupMatchers( elementMatchers, setMatchers ) { + // A counter to specify which element is currently being matched + var matcherCachedRuns = 0, + bySet = setMatchers.length > 0, + byElement = elementMatchers.length > 0, + superMatcher = function( seed, context, xml, results, expandContext ) { + var elem, j, matcher, + setMatched = [], + matchedCount = 0, + i = "0", + unmatched = seed && [], + outermost = expandContext != null, + contextBackup = outermostContext, + // We must always have either seed elements or context + elems = seed || byElement && Expr.find["TAG"]( "*", expandContext && context.parentNode || context ), + // Use integer dirruns iff this is the outermost matcher + dirrunsUnique = (dirruns += contextBackup == null ? 1 : Math.random() || 0.1); + + if ( outermost ) { + outermostContext = context !== document && context; + cachedruns = matcherCachedRuns; + } + + // Add elements passing elementMatchers directly to results + // Keep `i` a string if there are no elements so `matchedCount` will be "00" below + for ( ; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) { + if ( byElement && elem ) { + j = 0; + while ( (matcher = elementMatchers[j++]) ) { + if ( matcher( elem, context, xml ) ) { + results.push( elem ); + break; + } + } + if ( outermost ) { + dirruns = dirrunsUnique; + cachedruns = ++matcherCachedRuns; + } + } + + // Track unmatched elements for set filters + if ( bySet ) { + // They will have gone through all possible matchers + if ( (elem = !matcher && elem) ) { + matchedCount--; + } + + // Lengthen the array for every element, matched or not + if ( seed ) { + unmatched.push( elem ); + } + } + } + + // Apply set filters to unmatched elements + matchedCount += i; + if ( bySet && i !== matchedCount ) { + j = 0; + while ( (matcher = setMatchers[j++]) ) { + matcher( unmatched, setMatched, context, xml ); + } + + if ( seed ) { + // Reintegrate element matches to eliminate the need for sorting + if ( matchedCount > 0 ) { + while ( i-- ) { + if ( !(unmatched[i] || setMatched[i]) ) { + setMatched[i] = pop.call( results ); + } + } + } + + // Discard index placeholder values to get only actual matches + setMatched = condense( setMatched ); + } + + // Add matches to results + push.apply( results, setMatched ); + + // Seedless set matches succeeding multiple successful matchers stipulate sorting + if ( outermost && !seed && setMatched.length > 0 && + ( matchedCount + setMatchers.length ) > 1 ) { + + Sizzle.uniqueSort( results ); + } + } + + // Override manipulation of globals by nested matchers + if ( outermost ) { + dirruns = dirrunsUnique; + outermostContext = contextBackup; + } + + return unmatched; + }; + + return bySet ? + markFunction( superMatcher ) : + superMatcher; +} + +compile = Sizzle.compile = function( selector, group /* Internal Use Only */ ) { + var i, + setMatchers = [], + elementMatchers = [], + cached = compilerCache[ selector + " " ]; + + if ( !cached ) { + // Generate a function of recursive functions that can be used to check each element + if ( !group ) { + group = tokenize( selector ); + } + i = group.length; + while ( i-- ) { + cached = matcherFromTokens( group[i] ); + if ( cached[ expando ] ) { + setMatchers.push( cached ); + } else { + elementMatchers.push( cached ); + } + } + + // Cache the compiled function + cached = compilerCache( selector, matcherFromGroupMatchers( elementMatchers, setMatchers ) ); + } + return cached; +}; + +function multipleContexts( selector, contexts, results ) { + var i = 0, + len = contexts.length; + for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { + Sizzle( selector, contexts[i], results ); + } + return results; +} + +function select( selector, context, results, seed ) { + var i, tokens, token, type, find, + match = tokenize( selector ); + + if ( !seed ) { + // Try to minimize operations if there is only one group + if ( match.length === 1 ) { + + // Take a shortcut and set the context if the root selector is an ID + tokens = match[0] = match[0].slice( 0 ); + if ( tokens.length > 2 && (token = tokens[0]).type === "ID" && + context.nodeType === 9 && !documentIsXML && + Expr.relative[ tokens[1].type ] ) { + + context = Expr.find["ID"]( token.matches[0].replace( runescape, funescape ), context )[0]; + if ( !context ) { + return results; + } + + selector = selector.slice( tokens.shift().value.length ); + } + + // Fetch a seed set for right-to-left matching + i = matchExpr["needsContext"].test( selector ) ? 0 : tokens.length; + while ( i-- ) { + token = tokens[i]; + + // Abort if we hit a combinator + if ( Expr.relative[ (type = token.type) ] ) { + break; + } + if ( (find = Expr.find[ type ]) ) { + // Search, expanding context for leading sibling combinators + if ( (seed = find( + token.matches[0].replace( runescape, funescape ), + rsibling.test( tokens[0].type ) && context.parentNode || context + )) ) { + + // If seed is empty or no tokens remain, we can return early + tokens.splice( i, 1 ); + selector = seed.length && toSelector( tokens ); + if ( !selector ) { + push.apply( results, slice.call( seed, 0 ) ); + return results; + } + + break; + } + } + } + } + } + + // Compile and execute a filtering function + // Provide `match` to avoid retokenization if we modified the selector above + compile( selector, match )( + seed, + context, + documentIsXML, + results, + rsibling.test( selector ) + ); + return results; +} + +// Deprecated +Expr.pseudos["nth"] = Expr.pseudos["eq"]; + +// Easy API for creating new setFilters +function setFilters() {} +Expr.filters = setFilters.prototype = Expr.pseudos; +Expr.setFilters = new setFilters(); + +// Initialize with the default document +setDocument(); + +// Override sizzle attribute retrieval +Sizzle.attr = jQuery.attr; +jQuery.find = Sizzle; +jQuery.expr = Sizzle.selectors; +jQuery.expr[":"] = jQuery.expr.pseudos; +jQuery.unique = Sizzle.uniqueSort; +jQuery.text = Sizzle.getText; +jQuery.isXMLDoc = Sizzle.isXML; +jQuery.contains = Sizzle.contains; + + +})( window ); +var runtil = /Until$/, + rparentsprev = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/, + isSimple = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/, + rneedsContext = jQuery.expr.match.needsContext, + // methods guaranteed to produce a unique set when starting from a unique set + guaranteedUnique = { + children: true, + contents: true, + next: true, + prev: true + }; + +jQuery.fn.extend({ + find: function( selector ) { + var i, ret, self, + len = this.length; + + if ( typeof selector !== "string" ) { + self = this; + return this.pushStack( jQuery( selector ).filter(function() { + for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { + if ( jQuery.contains( self[ i ], this ) ) { + return true; + } + } + }) ); + } + + ret = []; + for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { + jQuery.find( selector, this[ i ], ret ); + } + + // Needed because $( selector, context ) becomes $( context ).find( selector ) + ret = this.pushStack( len > 1 ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret ); + ret.selector = ( this.selector ? this.selector + " " : "" ) + selector; + return ret; + }, + + has: function( target ) { + var i, + targets = jQuery( target, this ), + len = targets.length; + + return this.filter(function() { + for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { + if ( jQuery.contains( this, targets[i] ) ) { + return true; + } + } + }); + }, + + not: function( selector ) { + return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, false) ); + }, + + filter: function( selector ) { + return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, true) ); + }, + + is: function( selector ) { + return !!selector && ( + typeof selector === "string" ? + // If this is a positional/relative selector, check membership in the returned set + // so $("p:first").is("p:last") won't return true for a doc with two "p". + rneedsContext.test( selector ) ? + jQuery( selector, this.context ).index( this[0] ) >= 0 : + jQuery.filter( selector, this ).length > 0 : + this.filter( selector ).length > 0 ); + }, + + closest: function( selectors, context ) { + var cur, + i = 0, + l = this.length, + ret = [], + pos = rneedsContext.test( selectors ) || typeof selectors !== "string" ? + jQuery( selectors, context || this.context ) : + 0; + + for ( ; i < l; i++ ) { + cur = this[i]; + + while ( cur && cur.ownerDocument && cur !== context && cur.nodeType !== 11 ) { + if ( pos ? pos.index(cur) > -1 : jQuery.find.matchesSelector(cur, selectors) ) { + ret.push( cur ); + break; + } + cur = cur.parentNode; + } + } + + return this.pushStack( ret.length > 1 ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret ); + }, + + // Determine the position of an element within + // the matched set of elements + index: function( elem ) { + + // No argument, return index in parent + if ( !elem ) { + return ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) ? this.first().prevAll().length : -1; + } + + // index in selector + if ( typeof elem === "string" ) { + return jQuery.inArray( this[0], jQuery( elem ) ); + } + + // Locate the position of the desired element + return jQuery.inArray( + // If it receives a jQuery object, the first element is used + elem.jquery ? elem[0] : elem, this ); + }, + + add: function( selector, context ) { + var set = typeof selector === "string" ? + jQuery( selector, context ) : + jQuery.makeArray( selector && selector.nodeType ? [ selector ] : selector ), + all = jQuery.merge( this.get(), set ); + + return this.pushStack( jQuery.unique(all) ); + }, + + addBack: function( selector ) { + return this.add( selector == null ? + this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(selector) + ); + } +}); + +jQuery.fn.andSelf = jQuery.fn.addBack; + +function sibling( cur, dir ) { + do { + cur = cur[ dir ]; + } while ( cur && cur.nodeType !== 1 ); + + return cur; +} + +jQuery.each({ + parent: function( elem ) { + var parent = elem.parentNode; + return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null; + }, + parents: function( elem ) { + return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode" ); + }, + parentsUntil: function( elem, i, until ) { + return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode", until ); + }, + next: function( elem ) { + return sibling( elem, "nextSibling" ); + }, + prev: function( elem ) { + return sibling( elem, "previousSibling" ); + }, + nextAll: function( elem ) { + return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling" ); + }, + prevAll: function( elem ) { + return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling" ); + }, + nextUntil: function( elem, i, until ) { + return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling", until ); + }, + prevUntil: function( elem, i, until ) { + return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling", until ); + }, + siblings: function( elem ) { + return jQuery.sibling( ( elem.parentNode || {} ).firstChild, elem ); + }, + children: function( elem ) { + return jQuery.sibling( elem.firstChild ); + }, + contents: function( elem ) { + return jQuery.nodeName( elem, "iframe" ) ? + elem.contentDocument || elem.contentWindow.document : + jQuery.merge( [], elem.childNodes ); + } +}, function( name, fn ) { + jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( until, selector ) { + var ret = jQuery.map( this, fn, until ); + + if ( !runtil.test( name ) ) { + selector = until; + } + + if ( selector && typeof selector === "string" ) { + ret = jQuery.filter( selector, ret ); + } + + ret = this.length > 1 && !guaranteedUnique[ name ] ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret; + + if ( this.length > 1 && rparentsprev.test( name ) ) { + ret = ret.reverse(); + } + + return this.pushStack( ret ); + }; +}); + +jQuery.extend({ + filter: function( expr, elems, not ) { + if ( not ) { + expr = ":not(" + expr + ")"; + } + + return elems.length === 1 ? + jQuery.find.matchesSelector(elems[0], expr) ? [ elems[0] ] : [] : + jQuery.find.matches(expr, elems); + }, + + dir: function( elem, dir, until ) { + var matched = [], + cur = elem[ dir ]; + + while ( cur && cur.nodeType !== 9 && (until === undefined || cur.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery( cur ).is( until )) ) { + if ( cur.nodeType === 1 ) { + matched.push( cur ); + } + cur = cur[dir]; + } + return matched; + }, + + sibling: function( n, elem ) { + var r = []; + + for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) { + if ( n.nodeType === 1 && n !== elem ) { + r.push( n ); + } + } + + return r; + } +}); + +// Implement the identical functionality for filter and not +function winnow( elements, qualifier, keep ) { + + // Can't pass null or undefined to indexOf in Firefox 4 + // Set to 0 to skip string check + qualifier = qualifier || 0; + + if ( jQuery.isFunction( qualifier ) ) { + return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) { + var retVal = !!qualifier.call( elem, i, elem ); + return retVal === keep; + }); + + } else if ( qualifier.nodeType ) { + return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem ) { + return ( elem === qualifier ) === keep; + }); + + } else if ( typeof qualifier === "string" ) { + var filtered = jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem ) { + return elem.nodeType === 1; + }); + + if ( isSimple.test( qualifier ) ) { + return jQuery.filter(qualifier, filtered, !keep); + } else { + qualifier = jQuery.filter( qualifier, filtered ); + } + } + + return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem ) { + return ( jQuery.inArray( elem, qualifier ) >= 0 ) === keep; + }); +} +function createSafeFragment( document ) { + var list = nodeNames.split( "|" ), + safeFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); + + if ( safeFrag.createElement ) { + while ( list.length ) { + safeFrag.createElement( + list.pop() + ); + } + } + return safeFrag; +} + +var nodeNames = "abbr|article|aside|audio|bdi|canvas|data|datalist|details|figcaption|figure|footer|" + + "header|hgroup|mark|meter|nav|output|progress|section|summary|time|video", + rinlinejQuery = / jQuery\d+="(?:null|\d+)"/g, + rnoshimcache = new RegExp("<(?:" + nodeNames + ")[\\s/>]", "i"), + rleadingWhitespace = /^\s+/, + rxhtmlTag = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/gi, + rtagName = /<([\w:]+)/, + rtbody = /\s*$/g, + + // We have to close these tags to support XHTML (#13200) + wrapMap = { + option: [ 1, "" ], + legend: [ 1, "
          ", "
          " ], + area: [ 1, "", "" ], + param: [ 1, "", "" ], + thead: [ 1, "", "
          " ], + tr: [ 2, "", "
          " ], + col: [ 2, "", "
          " ], + td: [ 3, "", "
          " ], + + // IE6-8 can't serialize link, script, style, or any html5 (NoScope) tags, + // unless wrapped in a div with non-breaking characters in front of it. + _default: jQuery.support.htmlSerialize ? [ 0, "", "" ] : [ 1, "X
          ", "
          " ] + }, + safeFragment = createSafeFragment( document ), + fragmentDiv = safeFragment.appendChild( document.createElement("div") ); + +wrapMap.optgroup = wrapMap.option; +wrapMap.tbody = wrapMap.tfoot = wrapMap.colgroup = wrapMap.caption = wrapMap.thead; +wrapMap.th = wrapMap.td; + +jQuery.fn.extend({ + text: function( value ) { + return jQuery.access( this, function( value ) { + return value === undefined ? + jQuery.text( this ) : + this.empty().append( ( this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || document ).createTextNode( value ) ); + }, null, value, arguments.length ); + }, + + wrapAll: function( html ) { + if ( jQuery.isFunction( html ) ) { + return this.each(function(i) { + jQuery(this).wrapAll( html.call(this, i) ); + }); + } + + if ( this[0] ) { + // The elements to wrap the target around + var wrap = jQuery( html, this[0].ownerDocument ).eq(0).clone(true); + + if ( this[0].parentNode ) { + wrap.insertBefore( this[0] ); + } + + wrap.map(function() { + var elem = this; + + while ( elem.firstChild && elem.firstChild.nodeType === 1 ) { + elem = elem.firstChild; + } + + return elem; + }).append( this ); + } + + return this; + }, + + wrapInner: function( html ) { + if ( jQuery.isFunction( html ) ) { + return this.each(function(i) { + jQuery(this).wrapInner( html.call(this, i) ); + }); + } + + return this.each(function() { + var self = jQuery( this ), + contents = self.contents(); + + if ( contents.length ) { + contents.wrapAll( html ); + + } else { + self.append( html ); + } + }); + }, + + wrap: function( html ) { + var isFunction = jQuery.isFunction( html ); + + return this.each(function(i) { + jQuery( this ).wrapAll( isFunction ? html.call(this, i) : html ); + }); + }, + + unwrap: function() { + return this.parent().each(function() { + if ( !jQuery.nodeName( this, "body" ) ) { + jQuery( this ).replaceWith( this.childNodes ); + } + }).end(); + }, + + append: function() { + return this.domManip(arguments, true, function( elem ) { + if ( this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9 ) { + this.appendChild( elem ); + } + }); + }, + + prepend: function() { + return this.domManip(arguments, true, function( elem ) { + if ( this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9 ) { + this.insertBefore( elem, this.firstChild ); + } + }); + }, + + before: function() { + return this.domManip( arguments, false, function( elem ) { + if ( this.parentNode ) { + this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this ); + } + }); + }, + + after: function() { + return this.domManip( arguments, false, function( elem ) { + if ( this.parentNode ) { + this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this.nextSibling ); + } + }); + }, + + // keepData is for internal use only--do not document + remove: function( selector, keepData ) { + var elem, + i = 0; + + for ( ; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++ ) { + if ( !selector || jQuery.filter( selector, [ elem ] ).length > 0 ) { + if ( !keepData && elem.nodeType === 1 ) { + jQuery.cleanData( getAll( elem ) ); + } + + if ( elem.parentNode ) { + if ( keepData && jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument, elem ) ) { + setGlobalEval( getAll( elem, "script" ) ); + } + elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem ); + } + } + } + + return this; + }, + + empty: function() { + var elem, + i = 0; + + for ( ; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++ ) { + // Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks + if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) { + jQuery.cleanData( getAll( elem, false ) ); + } + + // Remove any remaining nodes + while ( elem.firstChild ) { + elem.removeChild( elem.firstChild ); + } + + // If this is a select, ensure that it displays empty (#12336) + // Support: IE<9 + if ( elem.options && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "select" ) ) { + elem.options.length = 0; + } + } + + return this; + }, + + clone: function( dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents ) { + dataAndEvents = dataAndEvents == null ? false : dataAndEvents; + deepDataAndEvents = deepDataAndEvents == null ? dataAndEvents : deepDataAndEvents; + + return this.map( function () { + return jQuery.clone( this, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents ); + }); + }, + + html: function( value ) { + return jQuery.access( this, function( value ) { + var elem = this[0] || {}, + i = 0, + l = this.length; + + if ( value === undefined ) { + return elem.nodeType === 1 ? + elem.innerHTML.replace( rinlinejQuery, "" ) : + undefined; + } + + // See if we can take a shortcut and just use innerHTML + if ( typeof value === "string" && !rnoInnerhtml.test( value ) && + ( jQuery.support.htmlSerialize || !rnoshimcache.test( value ) ) && + ( jQuery.support.leadingWhitespace || !rleadingWhitespace.test( value ) ) && + !wrapMap[ ( rtagName.exec( value ) || ["", ""] )[1].toLowerCase() ] ) { + + value = value.replace( rxhtmlTag, "<$1>" ); + + try { + for (; i < l; i++ ) { + // Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks + elem = this[i] || {}; + if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) { + jQuery.cleanData( getAll( elem, false ) ); + elem.innerHTML = value; + } + } + + elem = 0; + + // If using innerHTML throws an exception, use the fallback method + } catch(e) {} + } + + if ( elem ) { + this.empty().append( value ); + } + }, null, value, arguments.length ); + }, + + replaceWith: function( value ) { + var isFunc = jQuery.isFunction( value ); + + // Make sure that the elements are removed from the DOM before they are inserted + // this can help fix replacing a parent with child elements + if ( !isFunc && typeof value !== "string" ) { + value = jQuery( value ).not( this ).detach(); + } + + return this.domManip( [ value ], true, function( elem ) { + var next = this.nextSibling, + parent = this.parentNode; + + if ( parent ) { + jQuery( this ).remove(); + parent.insertBefore( elem, next ); + } + }); + }, + + detach: function( selector ) { + return this.remove( selector, true ); + }, + + domManip: function( args, table, callback ) { + + // Flatten any nested arrays + args = core_concat.apply( [], args ); + + var first, node, hasScripts, + scripts, doc, fragment, + i = 0, + l = this.length, + set = this, + iNoClone = l - 1, + value = args[0], + isFunction = jQuery.isFunction( value ); + + // We can't cloneNode fragments that contain checked, in WebKit + if ( isFunction || !( l <= 1 || typeof value !== "string" || jQuery.support.checkClone || !rchecked.test( value ) ) ) { + return this.each(function( index ) { + var self = set.eq( index ); + if ( isFunction ) { + args[0] = value.call( this, index, table ? self.html() : undefined ); + } + self.domManip( args, table, callback ); + }); + } + + if ( l ) { + fragment = jQuery.buildFragment( args, this[ 0 ].ownerDocument, false, this ); + first = fragment.firstChild; + + if ( fragment.childNodes.length === 1 ) { + fragment = first; + } + + if ( first ) { + table = table && jQuery.nodeName( first, "tr" ); + scripts = jQuery.map( getAll( fragment, "script" ), disableScript ); + hasScripts = scripts.length; + + // Use the original fragment for the last item instead of the first because it can end up + // being emptied incorrectly in certain situations (#8070). + for ( ; i < l; i++ ) { + node = fragment; + + if ( i !== iNoClone ) { + node = jQuery.clone( node, true, true ); + + // Keep references to cloned scripts for later restoration + if ( hasScripts ) { + jQuery.merge( scripts, getAll( node, "script" ) ); + } + } + + callback.call( + table && jQuery.nodeName( this[i], "table" ) ? + findOrAppend( this[i], "tbody" ) : + this[i], + node, + i + ); + } + + if ( hasScripts ) { + doc = scripts[ scripts.length - 1 ].ownerDocument; + + // Reenable scripts + jQuery.map( scripts, restoreScript ); + + // Evaluate executable scripts on first document insertion + for ( i = 0; i < hasScripts; i++ ) { + node = scripts[ i ]; + if ( rscriptType.test( node.type || "" ) && + !jQuery._data( node, "globalEval" ) && jQuery.contains( doc, node ) ) { + + if ( node.src ) { + // Hope ajax is available... + jQuery.ajax({ + url: node.src, + type: "GET", + dataType: "script", + async: false, + global: false, + "throws": true + }); + } else { + jQuery.globalEval( ( node.text || node.textContent || node.innerHTML || "" ).replace( rcleanScript, "" ) ); + } + } + } + } + + // Fix #11809: Avoid leaking memory + fragment = first = null; + } + } + + return this; + } +}); + +function findOrAppend( elem, tag ) { + return elem.getElementsByTagName( tag )[0] || elem.appendChild( elem.ownerDocument.createElement( tag ) ); +} + +// Replace/restore the type attribute of script elements for safe DOM manipulation +function disableScript( elem ) { + var attr = elem.getAttributeNode("type"); + elem.type = ( attr && attr.specified ) + "/" + elem.type; + return elem; +} +function restoreScript( elem ) { + var match = rscriptTypeMasked.exec( elem.type ); + if ( match ) { + elem.type = match[1]; + } else { + elem.removeAttribute("type"); + } + return elem; +} + +// Mark scripts as having already been evaluated +function setGlobalEval( elems, refElements ) { + var elem, + i = 0; + for ( ; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) { + jQuery._data( elem, "globalEval", !refElements || jQuery._data( refElements[i], "globalEval" ) ); + } +} + +function cloneCopyEvent( src, dest ) { + + if ( dest.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery.hasData( src ) ) { + return; + } + + var type, i, l, + oldData = jQuery._data( src ), + curData = jQuery._data( dest, oldData ), + events = oldData.events; + + if ( events ) { + delete curData.handle; + curData.events = {}; + + for ( type in events ) { + for ( i = 0, l = events[ type ].length; i < l; i++ ) { + jQuery.event.add( dest, type, events[ type ][ i ] ); + } + } + } + + // make the cloned public data object a copy from the original + if ( curData.data ) { + curData.data = jQuery.extend( {}, curData.data ); + } +} + +function fixCloneNodeIssues( src, dest ) { + var nodeName, e, data; + + // We do not need to do anything for non-Elements + if ( dest.nodeType !== 1 ) { + return; + } + + nodeName = dest.nodeName.toLowerCase(); + + // IE6-8 copies events bound via attachEvent when using cloneNode. + if ( !jQuery.support.noCloneEvent && dest[ jQuery.expando ] ) { + data = jQuery._data( dest ); + + for ( e in data.events ) { + jQuery.removeEvent( dest, e, data.handle ); + } + + // Event data gets referenced instead of copied if the expando gets copied too + dest.removeAttribute( jQuery.expando ); + } + + // IE blanks contents when cloning scripts, and tries to evaluate newly-set text + if ( nodeName === "script" && dest.text !== src.text ) { + disableScript( dest ).text = src.text; + restoreScript( dest ); + + // IE6-10 improperly clones children of object elements using classid. + // IE10 throws NoModificationAllowedError if parent is null, #12132. + } else if ( nodeName === "object" ) { + if ( dest.parentNode ) { + dest.outerHTML = src.outerHTML; + } + + // This path appears unavoidable for IE9. When cloning an object + // element in IE9, the outerHTML strategy above is not sufficient. + // If the src has innerHTML and the destination does not, + // copy the src.innerHTML into the dest.innerHTML. #10324 + if ( jQuery.support.html5Clone && ( src.innerHTML && !jQuery.trim(dest.innerHTML) ) ) { + dest.innerHTML = src.innerHTML; + } + + } else if ( nodeName === "input" && manipulation_rcheckableType.test( src.type ) ) { + // IE6-8 fails to persist the checked state of a cloned checkbox + // or radio button. Worse, IE6-7 fail to give the cloned element + // a checked appearance if the defaultChecked value isn't also set + + dest.defaultChecked = dest.checked = src.checked; + + // IE6-7 get confused and end up setting the value of a cloned + // checkbox/radio button to an empty string instead of "on" + if ( dest.value !== src.value ) { + dest.value = src.value; + } + + // IE6-8 fails to return the selected option to the default selected + // state when cloning options + } else if ( nodeName === "option" ) { + dest.defaultSelected = dest.selected = src.defaultSelected; + + // IE6-8 fails to set the defaultValue to the correct value when + // cloning other types of input fields + } else if ( nodeName === "input" || nodeName === "textarea" ) { + dest.defaultValue = src.defaultValue; + } +} + +jQuery.each({ + appendTo: "append", + prependTo: "prepend", + insertBefore: "before", + insertAfter: "after", + replaceAll: "replaceWith" +}, function( name, original ) { + jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( selector ) { + var elems, + i = 0, + ret = [], + insert = jQuery( selector ), + last = insert.length - 1; + + for ( ; i <= last; i++ ) { + elems = i === last ? this : this.clone(true); + jQuery( insert[i] )[ original ]( elems ); + + // Modern browsers can apply jQuery collections as arrays, but oldIE needs a .get() + core_push.apply( ret, elems.get() ); + } + + return this.pushStack( ret ); + }; +}); + +function getAll( context, tag ) { + var elems, elem, + i = 0, + found = typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== core_strundefined ? context.getElementsByTagName( tag || "*" ) : + typeof context.querySelectorAll !== core_strundefined ? context.querySelectorAll( tag || "*" ) : + undefined; + + if ( !found ) { + for ( found = [], elems = context.childNodes || context; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) { + if ( !tag || jQuery.nodeName( elem, tag ) ) { + found.push( elem ); + } else { + jQuery.merge( found, getAll( elem, tag ) ); + } + } + } + + return tag === undefined || tag && jQuery.nodeName( context, tag ) ? + jQuery.merge( [ context ], found ) : + found; +} + +// Used in buildFragment, fixes the defaultChecked property +function fixDefaultChecked( elem ) { + if ( manipulation_rcheckableType.test( elem.type ) ) { + elem.defaultChecked = elem.checked; + } +} + +jQuery.extend({ + clone: function( elem, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents ) { + var destElements, node, clone, i, srcElements, + inPage = jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument, elem ); + + if ( jQuery.support.html5Clone || jQuery.isXMLDoc(elem) || !rnoshimcache.test( "<" + elem.nodeName + ">" ) ) { + clone = elem.cloneNode( true ); + + // IE<=8 does not properly clone detached, unknown element nodes + } else { + fragmentDiv.innerHTML = elem.outerHTML; + fragmentDiv.removeChild( clone = fragmentDiv.firstChild ); + } + + if ( (!jQuery.support.noCloneEvent || !jQuery.support.noCloneChecked) && + (elem.nodeType === 1 || elem.nodeType === 11) && !jQuery.isXMLDoc(elem) ) { + + // We eschew Sizzle here for performance reasons: http://jsperf.com/getall-vs-sizzle/2 + destElements = getAll( clone ); + srcElements = getAll( elem ); + + // Fix all IE cloning issues + for ( i = 0; (node = srcElements[i]) != null; ++i ) { + // Ensure that the destination node is not null; Fixes #9587 + if ( destElements[i] ) { + fixCloneNodeIssues( node, destElements[i] ); + } + } + } + + // Copy the events from the original to the clone + if ( dataAndEvents ) { + if ( deepDataAndEvents ) { + srcElements = srcElements || getAll( elem ); + destElements = destElements || getAll( clone ); + + for ( i = 0; (node = srcElements[i]) != null; i++ ) { + cloneCopyEvent( node, destElements[i] ); + } + } else { + cloneCopyEvent( elem, clone ); + } + } + + // Preserve script evaluation history + destElements = getAll( clone, "script" ); + if ( destElements.length > 0 ) { + setGlobalEval( destElements, !inPage && getAll( elem, "script" ) ); + } + + destElements = srcElements = node = null; + + // Return the cloned set + return clone; + }, + + buildFragment: function( elems, context, scripts, selection ) { + var j, elem, contains, + tmp, tag, tbody, wrap, + l = elems.length, + + // Ensure a safe fragment + safe = createSafeFragment( context ), + + nodes = [], + i = 0; + + for ( ; i < l; i++ ) { + elem = elems[ i ]; + + if ( elem || elem === 0 ) { + + // Add nodes directly + if ( jQuery.type( elem ) === "object" ) { + jQuery.merge( nodes, elem.nodeType ? [ elem ] : elem ); + + // Convert non-html into a text node + } else if ( !rhtml.test( elem ) ) { + nodes.push( context.createTextNode( elem ) ); + + // Convert html into DOM nodes + } else { + tmp = tmp || safe.appendChild( context.createElement("div") ); + + // Deserialize a standard representation + tag = ( rtagName.exec( elem ) || ["", ""] )[1].toLowerCase(); + wrap = wrapMap[ tag ] || wrapMap._default; + + tmp.innerHTML = wrap[1] + elem.replace( rxhtmlTag, "<$1>" ) + wrap[2]; + + // Descend through wrappers to the right content + j = wrap[0]; + while ( j-- ) { + tmp = tmp.lastChild; + } + + // Manually add leading whitespace removed by IE + if ( !jQuery.support.leadingWhitespace && rleadingWhitespace.test( elem ) ) { + nodes.push( context.createTextNode( rleadingWhitespace.exec( elem )[0] ) ); + } + + // Remove IE's autoinserted from table fragments + if ( !jQuery.support.tbody ) { + + // String was a , *may* have spurious + elem = tag === "table" && !rtbody.test( elem ) ? + tmp.firstChild : + + // String was a bare or + wrap[1] === "
          " && !rtbody.test( elem ) ? + tmp : + 0; + + j = elem && elem.childNodes.length; + while ( j-- ) { + if ( jQuery.nodeName( (tbody = elem.childNodes[j]), "tbody" ) && !tbody.childNodes.length ) { + elem.removeChild( tbody ); + } + } + } + + jQuery.merge( nodes, tmp.childNodes ); + + // Fix #12392 for WebKit and IE > 9 + tmp.textContent = ""; + + // Fix #12392 for oldIE + while ( tmp.firstChild ) { + tmp.removeChild( tmp.firstChild ); + } + + // Remember the top-level container for proper cleanup + tmp = safe.lastChild; + } + } + } + + // Fix #11356: Clear elements from fragment + if ( tmp ) { + safe.removeChild( tmp ); + } + + // Reset defaultChecked for any radios and checkboxes + // about to be appended to the DOM in IE 6/7 (#8060) + if ( !jQuery.support.appendChecked ) { + jQuery.grep( getAll( nodes, "input" ), fixDefaultChecked ); + } + + i = 0; + while ( (elem = nodes[ i++ ]) ) { + + // #4087 - If origin and destination elements are the same, and this is + // that element, do not do anything + if ( selection && jQuery.inArray( elem, selection ) !== -1 ) { + continue; + } + + contains = jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument, elem ); + + // Append to fragment + tmp = getAll( safe.appendChild( elem ), "script" ); + + // Preserve script evaluation history + if ( contains ) { + setGlobalEval( tmp ); + } + + // Capture executables + if ( scripts ) { + j = 0; + while ( (elem = tmp[ j++ ]) ) { + if ( rscriptType.test( elem.type || "" ) ) { + scripts.push( elem ); + } + } + } + } + + tmp = null; + + return safe; + }, + + cleanData: function( elems, /* internal */ acceptData ) { + var elem, type, id, data, + i = 0, + internalKey = jQuery.expando, + cache = jQuery.cache, + deleteExpando = jQuery.support.deleteExpando, + special = jQuery.event.special; + + for ( ; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) { + + if ( acceptData || jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) { + + id = elem[ internalKey ]; + data = id && cache[ id ]; + + if ( data ) { + if ( data.events ) { + for ( type in data.events ) { + if ( special[ type ] ) { + jQuery.event.remove( elem, type ); + + // This is a shortcut to avoid jQuery.event.remove's overhead + } else { + jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, data.handle ); + } + } + } + + // Remove cache only if it was not already removed by jQuery.event.remove + if ( cache[ id ] ) { + + delete cache[ id ]; + + // IE does not allow us to delete expando properties from nodes, + // nor does it have a removeAttribute function on Document nodes; + // we must handle all of these cases + if ( deleteExpando ) { + delete elem[ internalKey ]; + + } else if ( typeof elem.removeAttribute !== core_strundefined ) { + elem.removeAttribute( internalKey ); + + } else { + elem[ internalKey ] = null; + } + + core_deletedIds.push( id ); + } + } + } + } + } +}); +var iframe, getStyles, curCSS, + ralpha = /alpha\([^)]*\)/i, + ropacity = /opacity\s*=\s*([^)]*)/, + rposition = /^(top|right|bottom|left)$/, + // swappable if display is none or starts with table except "table", "table-cell", or "table-caption" + // see here for display values: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/display + rdisplayswap = /^(none|table(?!-c[ea]).+)/, + rmargin = /^margin/, + rnumsplit = new RegExp( "^(" + core_pnum + ")(.*)$", "i" ), + rnumnonpx = new RegExp( "^(" + core_pnum + ")(?!px)[a-z%]+$", "i" ), + rrelNum = new RegExp( "^([+-])=(" + core_pnum + ")", "i" ), + elemdisplay = { BODY: "block" }, + + cssShow = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" }, + cssNormalTransform = { + letterSpacing: 0, + fontWeight: 400 + }, + + cssExpand = [ "Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left" ], + cssPrefixes = [ "Webkit", "O", "Moz", "ms" ]; + +// return a css property mapped to a potentially vendor prefixed property +function vendorPropName( style, name ) { + + // shortcut for names that are not vendor prefixed + if ( name in style ) { + return name; + } + + // check for vendor prefixed names + var capName = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1), + origName = name, + i = cssPrefixes.length; + + while ( i-- ) { + name = cssPrefixes[ i ] + capName; + if ( name in style ) { + return name; + } + } + + return origName; +} + +function isHidden( elem, el ) { + // isHidden might be called from jQuery#filter function; + // in that case, element will be second argument + elem = el || elem; + return jQuery.css( elem, "display" ) === "none" || !jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument, elem ); +} + +function showHide( elements, show ) { + var display, elem, hidden, + values = [], + index = 0, + length = elements.length; + + for ( ; index < length; index++ ) { + elem = elements[ index ]; + if ( !elem.style ) { + continue; + } + + values[ index ] = jQuery._data( elem, "olddisplay" ); + display = elem.style.display; + if ( show ) { + // Reset the inline display of this element to learn if it is + // being hidden by cascaded rules or not + if ( !values[ index ] && display === "none" ) { + elem.style.display = ""; + } + + // Set elements which have been overridden with display: none + // in a stylesheet to whatever the default browser style is + // for such an element + if ( elem.style.display === "" && isHidden( elem ) ) { + values[ index ] = jQuery._data( elem, "olddisplay", css_defaultDisplay(elem.nodeName) ); + } + } else { + + if ( !values[ index ] ) { + hidden = isHidden( elem ); + + if ( display && display !== "none" || !hidden ) { + jQuery._data( elem, "olddisplay", hidden ? display : jQuery.css( elem, "display" ) ); + } + } + } + } + + // Set the display of most of the elements in a second loop + // to avoid the constant reflow + for ( index = 0; index < length; index++ ) { + elem = elements[ index ]; + if ( !elem.style ) { + continue; + } + if ( !show || elem.style.display === "none" || elem.style.display === "" ) { + elem.style.display = show ? values[ index ] || "" : "none"; + } + } + + return elements; +} + +jQuery.fn.extend({ + css: function( name, value ) { + return jQuery.access( this, function( elem, name, value ) { + var len, styles, + map = {}, + i = 0; + + if ( jQuery.isArray( name ) ) { + styles = getStyles( elem ); + len = name.length; + + for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { + map[ name[ i ] ] = jQuery.css( elem, name[ i ], false, styles ); + } + + return map; + } + + return value !== undefined ? + jQuery.style( elem, name, value ) : + jQuery.css( elem, name ); + }, name, value, arguments.length > 1 ); + }, + show: function() { + return showHide( this, true ); + }, + hide: function() { + return showHide( this ); + }, + toggle: function( state ) { + var bool = typeof state === "boolean"; + + return this.each(function() { + if ( bool ? state : isHidden( this ) ) { + jQuery( this ).show(); + } else { + jQuery( this ).hide(); + } + }); + } +}); + +jQuery.extend({ + // Add in style property hooks for overriding the default + // behavior of getting and setting a style property + cssHooks: { + opacity: { + get: function( elem, computed ) { + if ( computed ) { + // We should always get a number back from opacity + var ret = curCSS( elem, "opacity" ); + return ret === "" ? "1" : ret; + } + } + } + }, + + // Exclude the following css properties to add px + cssNumber: { + "columnCount": true, + "fillOpacity": true, + "fontWeight": true, + "lineHeight": true, + "opacity": true, + "orphans": true, + "widows": true, + "zIndex": true, + "zoom": true + }, + + // Add in properties whose names you wish to fix before + // setting or getting the value + cssProps: { + // normalize float css property + "float": jQuery.support.cssFloat ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat" + }, + + // Get and set the style property on a DOM Node + style: function( elem, name, value, extra ) { + // Don't set styles on text and comment nodes + if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || !elem.style ) { + return; + } + + // Make sure that we're working with the right name + var ret, type, hooks, + origName = jQuery.camelCase( name ), + style = elem.style; + + name = jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] || ( jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] = vendorPropName( style, origName ) ); + + // gets hook for the prefixed version + // followed by the unprefixed version + hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] || jQuery.cssHooks[ origName ]; + + // Check if we're setting a value + if ( value !== undefined ) { + type = typeof value; + + // convert relative number strings (+= or -=) to relative numbers. #7345 + if ( type === "string" && (ret = rrelNum.exec( value )) ) { + value = ( ret[1] + 1 ) * ret[2] + parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, name ) ); + // Fixes bug #9237 + type = "number"; + } + + // Make sure that NaN and null values aren't set. See: #7116 + if ( value == null || type === "number" && isNaN( value ) ) { + return; + } + + // If a number was passed in, add 'px' to the (except for certain CSS properties) + if ( type === "number" && !jQuery.cssNumber[ origName ] ) { + value += "px"; + } + + // Fixes #8908, it can be done more correctly by specifing setters in cssHooks, + // but it would mean to define eight (for every problematic property) identical functions + if ( !jQuery.support.clearCloneStyle && value === "" && name.indexOf("background") === 0 ) { + style[ name ] = "inherit"; + } + + // If a hook was provided, use that value, otherwise just set the specified value + if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || (value = hooks.set( elem, value, extra )) !== undefined ) { + + // Wrapped to prevent IE from throwing errors when 'invalid' values are provided + // Fixes bug #5509 + try { + style[ name ] = value; + } catch(e) {} + } + + } else { + // If a hook was provided get the non-computed value from there + if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, false, extra )) !== undefined ) { + return ret; + } + + // Otherwise just get the value from the style object + return style[ name ]; + } + }, + + css: function( elem, name, extra, styles ) { + var num, val, hooks, + origName = jQuery.camelCase( name ); + + // Make sure that we're working with the right name + name = jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] || ( jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] = vendorPropName( elem.style, origName ) ); + + // gets hook for the prefixed version + // followed by the unprefixed version + hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] || jQuery.cssHooks[ origName ]; + + // If a hook was provided get the computed value from there + if ( hooks && "get" in hooks ) { + val = hooks.get( elem, true, extra ); + } + + // Otherwise, if a way to get the computed value exists, use that + if ( val === undefined ) { + val = curCSS( elem, name, styles ); + } + + //convert "normal" to computed value + if ( val === "normal" && name in cssNormalTransform ) { + val = cssNormalTransform[ name ]; + } + + // Return, converting to number if forced or a qualifier was provided and val looks numeric + if ( extra === "" || extra ) { + num = parseFloat( val ); + return extra === true || jQuery.isNumeric( num ) ? num || 0 : val; + } + return val; + }, + + // A method for quickly swapping in/out CSS properties to get correct calculations + swap: function( elem, options, callback, args ) { + var ret, name, + old = {}; + + // Remember the old values, and insert the new ones + for ( name in options ) { + old[ name ] = elem.style[ name ]; + elem.style[ name ] = options[ name ]; + } + + ret = callback.apply( elem, args || [] ); + + // Revert the old values + for ( name in options ) { + elem.style[ name ] = old[ name ]; + } + + return ret; + } +}); + +// NOTE: we've included the "window" in window.getComputedStyle +// because jsdom on node.js will break without it. +if ( window.getComputedStyle ) { + getStyles = function( elem ) { + return window.getComputedStyle( elem, null ); + }; + + curCSS = function( elem, name, _computed ) { + var width, minWidth, maxWidth, + computed = _computed || getStyles( elem ), + + // getPropertyValue is only needed for .css('filter') in IE9, see #12537 + ret = computed ? computed.getPropertyValue( name ) || computed[ name ] : undefined, + style = elem.style; + + if ( computed ) { + + if ( ret === "" && !jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument, elem ) ) { + ret = jQuery.style( elem, name ); + } + + // A tribute to the "awesome hack by Dean Edwards" + // Chrome < 17 and Safari 5.0 uses "computed value" instead of "used value" for margin-right + // Safari 5.1.7 (at least) returns percentage for a larger set of values, but width seems to be reliably pixels + // this is against the CSSOM draft spec: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom/#resolved-values + if ( rnumnonpx.test( ret ) && rmargin.test( name ) ) { + + // Remember the original values + width = style.width; + minWidth = style.minWidth; + maxWidth = style.maxWidth; + + // Put in the new values to get a computed value out + style.minWidth = style.maxWidth = style.width = ret; + ret = computed.width; + + // Revert the changed values + style.width = width; + style.minWidth = minWidth; + style.maxWidth = maxWidth; + } + } + + return ret; + }; +} else if ( document.documentElement.currentStyle ) { + getStyles = function( elem ) { + return elem.currentStyle; + }; + + curCSS = function( elem, name, _computed ) { + var left, rs, rsLeft, + computed = _computed || getStyles( elem ), + ret = computed ? computed[ name ] : undefined, + style = elem.style; + + // Avoid setting ret to empty string here + // so we don't default to auto + if ( ret == null && style && style[ name ] ) { + ret = style[ name ]; + } + + // From the awesome hack by Dean Edwards + // http://erik.eae.net/archives/2007/07/27/18.54.15/#comment-102291 + + // If we're not dealing with a regular pixel number + // but a number that has a weird ending, we need to convert it to pixels + // but not position css attributes, as those are proportional to the parent element instead + // and we can't measure the parent instead because it might trigger a "stacking dolls" problem + if ( rnumnonpx.test( ret ) && !rposition.test( name ) ) { + + // Remember the original values + left = style.left; + rs = elem.runtimeStyle; + rsLeft = rs && rs.left; + + // Put in the new values to get a computed value out + if ( rsLeft ) { + rs.left = elem.currentStyle.left; + } + style.left = name === "fontSize" ? "1em" : ret; + ret = style.pixelLeft + "px"; + + // Revert the changed values + style.left = left; + if ( rsLeft ) { + rs.left = rsLeft; + } + } + + return ret === "" ? "auto" : ret; + }; +} + +function setPositiveNumber( elem, value, subtract ) { + var matches = rnumsplit.exec( value ); + return matches ? + // Guard against undefined "subtract", e.g., when used as in cssHooks + Math.max( 0, matches[ 1 ] - ( subtract || 0 ) ) + ( matches[ 2 ] || "px" ) : + value; +} + +function augmentWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra, isBorderBox, styles ) { + var i = extra === ( isBorderBox ? "border" : "content" ) ? + // If we already have the right measurement, avoid augmentation + 4 : + // Otherwise initialize for horizontal or vertical properties + name === "width" ? 1 : 0, + + val = 0; + + for ( ; i < 4; i += 2 ) { + // both box models exclude margin, so add it if we want it + if ( extra === "margin" ) { + val += jQuery.css( elem, extra + cssExpand[ i ], true, styles ); + } + + if ( isBorderBox ) { + // border-box includes padding, so remove it if we want content + if ( extra === "content" ) { + val -= jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + cssExpand[ i ], true, styles ); + } + + // at this point, extra isn't border nor margin, so remove border + if ( extra !== "margin" ) { + val -= jQuery.css( elem, "border" + cssExpand[ i ] + "Width", true, styles ); + } + } else { + // at this point, extra isn't content, so add padding + val += jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + cssExpand[ i ], true, styles ); + + // at this point, extra isn't content nor padding, so add border + if ( extra !== "padding" ) { + val += jQuery.css( elem, "border" + cssExpand[ i ] + "Width", true, styles ); + } + } + } + + return val; +} + +function getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra ) { + + // Start with offset property, which is equivalent to the border-box value + var valueIsBorderBox = true, + val = name === "width" ? elem.offsetWidth : elem.offsetHeight, + styles = getStyles( elem ), + isBorderBox = jQuery.support.boxSizing && jQuery.css( elem, "boxSizing", false, styles ) === "border-box"; + + // some non-html elements return undefined for offsetWidth, so check for null/undefined + // svg - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=649285 + // MathML - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=491668 + if ( val <= 0 || val == null ) { + // Fall back to computed then uncomputed css if necessary + val = curCSS( elem, name, styles ); + if ( val < 0 || val == null ) { + val = elem.style[ name ]; + } + + // Computed unit is not pixels. Stop here and return. + if ( rnumnonpx.test(val) ) { + return val; + } + + // we need the check for style in case a browser which returns unreliable values + // for getComputedStyle silently falls back to the reliable elem.style + valueIsBorderBox = isBorderBox && ( jQuery.support.boxSizingReliable || val === elem.style[ name ] ); + + // Normalize "", auto, and prepare for extra + val = parseFloat( val ) || 0; + } + + // use the active box-sizing model to add/subtract irrelevant styles + return ( val + + augmentWidthOrHeight( + elem, + name, + extra || ( isBorderBox ? "border" : "content" ), + valueIsBorderBox, + styles + ) + ) + "px"; +} + +// Try to determine the default display value of an element +function css_defaultDisplay( nodeName ) { + var doc = document, + display = elemdisplay[ nodeName ]; + + if ( !display ) { + display = actualDisplay( nodeName, doc ); + + // If the simple way fails, read from inside an iframe + if ( display === "none" || !display ) { + // Use the already-created iframe if possible + iframe = ( iframe || + jQuery("