Vectorized embedding pairwise distances computation functions
class ABC
: Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using -
class CosineDistance
: Compute pairwise cosine distances between embeddings. -
class Distance
: Note: don't forget to add your distance to the DISTANCES list -
class EuclideanDistance
: Compute pairwise euclidean distances between embeddings. -
class FloatTensor
: Float tensor -
class InnerProductSimilarity
: Compute the pairwise inner product between embeddings. -
class ManhattanDistance
: Compute pairwise Manhattan distances between embeddings. -
class SNRDistance
: Computes pairwise SNR distances between embeddings. -
class SquaredEuclideanDistance
: Compute pairwise squared Euclidean distance.
: Normalize user requested distance to its matching Distance object.