HCMUTE Final-year Project
This project is developed from Nox-Robot project ( see also :https://github.com/RBinsonB/Nox_robot).
Robot Motor wheels schematic :
Arduino communicates with Raspberry Pi 4 by USB cable method.
Motor Pin (Using XY-160D motor driver) :
Left motor : IN1 = 7 ; IN2 = 6 ; ENB = 10.
Right motor : IN1 = 11 : IN2 = 12 ; ENB = 9.
Encoder left motor: Chanel A = 2 ; Chanel B = 4.
Encoder right motor: Chanel A = 3 ; Chanel B = 5.
Robotic arm schematic:
Setting up the robot:
Clone the repository to your workspace.(Ubuntu 18.04.05 LTS)
You can install and build the package by typing on terminal :
$ mkdir catkin_ws/src
$ cd catkin_ws/src
$ catkin_init_workspace
$ git clone https://github.com/chanhhoang99/Argiculture-Autonomous-Mobile-Robot.git
$ cd catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
Source your work:
$ source devel/setup.bash
To run the Robot:
Prepare a good Wifi connection
Connect to your RPi4 from your laptop workstation via ssh
Typing this on terminal of the RPi4:
$ roslaunch nox nox_bringup.launch
Start the navigation by typing this on your laptop workstation's terminal
$ roslaunch nox nox_slam.launch
To run the robotic arm:
Controlling robotic arm with join-stat-publisher package
- Typing this on RPi4 terminal:
$ roslaunch arm_pkg check_motors.launch
- Connect to hardware:
$ rosrun rosserial_python serial_node.py _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 _baud:=115200
Controlling robotic arm with Moveit! and kinematics
$ roslaunch moveit_pkg demo.launch
$ rosrun rosserial_python serial_node.py _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 _baud:=115200
( Note: You may need to use ttyACM)
For more detail please contact : [email protected]