Initialized an empty TypeScript project in the
folder by running the following command:npm init -y
to creat a
Then To configure TypeScript for the project, I installed TypeScript as a development dependency:
npm install typescript --save-dev
Created a tsconfig.json file to define the compiler options:
npx tsc --init
In tsconfig.json specified "outDir": "./dist" & "rootDir": "./src".
index.ts needs express, so installed
npm install express @types/express
Intialized AWS EC2 instance, S3 scalable cloud storage (bucket setup) and cloudfront CDN
Initialized (next app) user & worker frontends
прх create-next-app
Designed schema using postgres(DB) & prisma(ORM) by installing
npm i prisma
under bsckend and then initialisednpx prisma init
to set up Prisma ORM(by writing tables) and then migrated to postgresnpx prisma migrate dev
Added endpoints for User and Worker routes and for sso installing JWT
npm i jsonwebtoken
laternpm i --save-dev @types/jsonwebtoken
to prevent type error -
to compile code
tsc -b
& to runnode dist/index.js
and tested through postman.
- through
npm i @aws-sdk/client-s3
as well asnpm i @aws-sdk/s3-presigned-post
and this endpoint making through authmiddleware to identify user - make sure of created IAM user to be assigned to one of the security groups that are related to buckets and also make sure to not include token in headers.
- Added
npm i zod
after making changes in index.ts to parse data that user send to bakcend through body [basically to validate input send by user]. - re migrated schema as removed option_id from options
npx prisma migrate dev --name emove_option_id
and regenerate client throughnpx prisma generate
. - tested task end point(post) with json on postman { options: [ { imgUrl: 'asd' }, { imgUrl: 'Fandom_image_url' }, { imgUrl: 'random_image_url' } ], signature: '0x123123123' }
- tested task(get) endpoint http://localhost:3000/v1/user/task?taskId=1
- creting endpoints to worker and removed bal_id from worker schema and migrated
npx prisma migrate dev --name remove_balid_worker
then generatednpx prisma generate
undr be. - Again modified Task schema by altering it with done col, so migrate and generate.
- once again
npx prisma migrate dev --name added_unique_constraint
and regenerate.
- added cors package
npm i cors @types/cors
to enable communication between backend (BE) and FE as they both hosted on different ports - under user fe created appbar, hero, upload and uploadImage files and tested AWS s3 connection to fetch images through cloudfront url with status 200ok.
- created dynamic routes folder
cd app && mkdir -p task/\[taskId\]
to contain page.tsxtouch "task/[taskId]/page.tsx"
that returns specific options submitted userId == taskId - developed worker fe and user fe to track task submissions and psots resepectively.
npm install --save \ @solana/wallet-adapter-base \ @solana/wallet-adapter-react \ @solana/wallet-adapter-react-ui \ @solana/wallet-adapter-wallets \ @solana/web3.js
under user fe and thennpm i tweetnacl
&npm i @solana/web3.js
in user be to make connections, and get tx signtr & blockhashes. -
did as same as above in worker fe and be as well
wrapped entire code base with wallet provider as a context with layout.ts in root level