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Athena Data Transformation

This folder contains an example of using Athena to aggregate and transform CloudTrail data. To develop this I used the aggregated data produced by my stage-1 aggregation, but it's easy to adapt to raw CloudTrail data.

The most interesting part of this example is that I use a CREATE TABLE AS (CTAS) query to generate the monthly aggregations, which are stored as partitions of a long-lived table.

The Long-lived Table

The long-lived table is how you query the CloudTrail events. It is partitioned by month and year, and uses partition projection rather than storing a list of partitions in the Glue data catalog.

The file table.ddl contains the DDL to create this table. You must edit this file before use, raplacing MY_BUCKET with your actual S3 bucket (you may also change the table name, which is also used as the bucket prefix from cloudtrail_athena to something else). After editing, use the Athena Console to create the table.

You'll note that this table definition does not contain struct fields or arrays, unlike the AWS-provided DDL for accessing raw CloudTrail data. Instead, these fields are turned into stringified JSON, and must be parsed for use.

Creating a Partition

Each monthly partition in the long-lived table is created using a separate Athena query. The specific steps are:

  1. If you're running the transform multiple times, you need to delete any data already in the partition location on S3, as well as the temporary table in the data catalog (if it exists).
  2. Edit the CTAS query to specify the source table, destination location, and date range.
  3. Run the CTAS query.
  4. Delete the table produced by the CTAS query. This does not delete the table's data, which can be accessed via the long-lived table.

You can perform these steps manually using the Concole. I've also provided a Lambda and Airflow DAG that perform them programmatically.

Permissions Required

Whether you run in Airflow, Lambda, or the Console, you need a permission policy that lets you read and write S3, run Athena queries, and update the Glue data catalog.

For a Lambda deployment, the provided CloudFormation template generates this policy. For an Airflow deployment, or to manually execute the queries, the file policy.json contains a sample policy. To use, edit and replace the following dummy values whereever they appear:


    The account and region where the Athena database lives. These are used to contruct non-S3 ARNs.


    The name of the Athena workgroup used to run these queries. If you have not configured workgroups, use "primary" (a predefined workgroup available in all accounts/regions).


    The bucket and prefix where Athena stores query results for the specified workgroup.


    The bucket and prefix for the source table. This is used to grant read permissions to Athena.


    The bucket and prefix for the destination table. This is used to grant write/delete permissions to Athena.


    The name of the Glue database where the source table lives and the partition table will be written. If you have not configured databases, use "default".

Note that the policy separates source and destination buckets, even though most deployments will use a single bucket; feel free to combine those statements. Also note that there's a separate statement that controls access to the default results bucket for Athena, which might also be the same as that used for table data.

You may also wish to relax the resources covered by each policy statement, especially if you use Athena for multiple queries.

Running as a Lambda

As with the previous examples this Lambda is invoked via SQS, using either an explicit month/year or an EventBridge message. To deploy, there's a CloudFormation template, and like the previous examples you must update the Lambda code from the file

There are a more parameters for this CloudFormation template than that of earlier stages. In particular, the source and destination table names must be provided in addition to the bucket/prefix combinations. We also require the Athena workgroup configuration (bucket, prefix, and workgroup name), and the Glue database name.

Running in Airflow

I will preface this section by noting that I am a novice Airflow user. If you have suggestions for a better implementation, feel free to open an issue in this repository.

My Airflow DAG performs the steps listed above: it deletes any existing temporary table or S3 objects, executes the CTAS, and then deletes the temporary table. To do this, it uses components from the Amazon AWS provider: S3DeleteObjectsOperator, AthenaOperator, AthenaSensor, and the Amazon Web Services Connection.

To use this DAG, you'll need to at least edit the BUCKET_NAME constant, replacing "MY_BUCKET" with your actual bucket name.

You may also want to change the connection referenced by the AWS_CONNECTION_ID constant. If you're using AWS Managed Airflow (MWAA), then the existing ("aws_default") connection refers to the Airflow execution role; add the above policy to that role if it doesn't already grant similar permissions. When I was developing the DAG I used an IAM user that only had that policy attached; there may be better approaches, but as I said, I'm an Airflow novice.