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Improve transaction logic, fix broken tests
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Fix SimpleRatio underflow
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charleskawczynski committed Aug 27, 2023
1 parent bb388b9 commit 506865b
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Showing 6 changed files with 50 additions and 29 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/chips.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ export SimpleRatio
struct SimpleRatio
function SimpleRatio(num, den)
_den = num == 0 ? 1 : den
return new(num, _den)

Base.:(+)(x::Int, y::SimpleRatio) = SimpleRatio(x*y.den + y.num, y.den)
Expand Down
16 changes: 9 additions & 7 deletions src/game.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ function _deal_and_play!(game::Game, sf::StartFrom)
@cdebug logger "initial_∑brs = $(initial_∑brs)"
@cdebug logger "sum(bank_roll.(players)) = $(sum(bank_roll.(players)))"
@cdebug logger "initial_brs = $(initial_brs)"
@cdebug logger "bank_roll.(players) = $(bank_roll.(players))"
@cdebug logger "bank_roll_chips.(players) = $(bank_roll_chips.(players))"

if sf.game_point isa StartOfGame
if !(logger isa ByPassLogger)
Expand All @@ -346,12 +346,14 @@ function _deal_and_play!(game::Game, sf::StartFrom)
prof = bank_roll_chips(player) - initial_br
br = map(x->bank_roll_chips(x), players)
# TODO: this is broken due to
# @assert prof ≤ mpp string("Over-winning occurred:\n",
# " Player $(name(player))\n",
# " Initial BRs $(initial_brs)\n",
# " BRs $br\n",
# " profit $prof\n",
# " max possible profit $mpp")
@assert prof mpp string("Over-winning occurred:\n",
" Player $(name(player))\n",
" Initial BRs $(initial_brs)\n",
" BRs $br\n",
" profit $prof\n",
" profit.n $(prof.n)\n",
" cond $(prof.n mpp.n)\n",
" max possible profit $mpp")

@cinfo logger "Final bank roll summary: $(bank_roll_chips.(players))"
Expand Down
45 changes: 26 additions & 19 deletions src/transactions.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ of the (sorted) players at the start of the game.
function contribute!(table, player, amt, call=false)
tm = table.transactions
logger = table.logger
players = players_at_table(table)
@cdebug logger "$(name(player))'s bank roll (pre-contribute) = $(bank_roll(player))"
if !(0 amt bank_roll(player))
msg1 = "$(name(player)) has insufficient bank"
Expand All @@ -175,16 +176,19 @@ function contribute!(table, player, amt, call=false)

@inbounds for i in 1:length(tm.side_pots)
@assert 0 amt_remaining
cap_i = cap(tm.side_pots[i])
cond = amt_remaining < cap_i
amt_contrib = cond ? amt_remaining : cap_i
contributing = !side_pot_full(tm, i) && !(cap_i == 0)
# This is a bit noisy:
# @cdebug logger "$(name(player)) potentially contributing $amt_contrib to side-pot $(i) ($cond). cap_i=$cap_i, amt_remaining=$amt_remaining"
@cdebug logger "contributing, amt_contrib = $contributing, $amt_contrib"
contributing || continue
@assert !(amt_contrib == 0)
tm.side_pots[i].amts[seat_number(player)] += amt_contrib
sp = tm.side_pots[i]
sn = seat_number(player)
if is_player_contribution_to_side_pot_full(sp, sn)
@assert 0 < amt_remaining "amt_remaining: $amt_remaining"
amt_contrib = if contribution_fits_in_sidepot(sp, sn, amt_remaining)
contribution_that_fits_in_sidepot(sp, sn)
@assert 0 < amt_contrib
sp.amts[sn] += amt_contrib
player.bank_roll -= amt_contrib
amt_remaining -= amt_contrib
amt_remaining == 0 && break
Expand All @@ -196,24 +200,27 @@ function contribute!(table, player, amt, call=false)
player.action_required = false

if is_side_pot_full(tm, table, player, call)
if is_side_pot_full(tm, players)
@cdebug logger "$(name(player))'s bank roll (post-contribute) = $(bank_roll(player))"
@cdebug logger "all_in($(name(player))) = $(all_in(player))"
@cdebug logger "post-contribute side-pots: $(tm.side_pots)"

function is_side_pot_full(tm::TransactionManager, table, player, call)
players = players_at_table(table)
# To switch from pot_id = 1 to pot_id = 2, then exactly 1 player should be all-in:
# To switch from pot_id = 2 to pot_id = 3, then exactly 2 players should be all-in:
# ...
return @inbounds count(x->all_in(x), players) == tm.pot_id[1] && last_action_of_round(table, player, call)
increment_pot_id!(tm::TransactionManager) = (tm.pot_id[1]+=1)
function is_side_pot_full(tm, players, ith_sidepot = tm.pot_id[1])
sp = tm.side_pots[ith_sidepot]
all(x->is_player_contribution_to_side_pot_full(sp, seat_number(x)), players)
is_player_contribution_to_side_pot_full(side_pot, sn::Int) =
side_pot.amts[sn] == cap(side_pot)

increment_pot_id!(tm::TransactionManager) = (tm.pot_id[1]+=1)
side_pot_full(tm::TransactionManager, i) = i < tm.pot_id[1]
contribution_fits_in_sidepot(side_pot, sn::Int, contribution) =
side_pot.amts[sn] + contribution cap(side_pot)

contribution_that_fits_in_sidepot(side_pot, sn::Int) =
cap(side_pot) - side_pot.amts[sn]

Base.@propagate_inbounds function sidepot_winnings(tm::TransactionManager, id::Int)
mapreduce(i->sum(tm.side_pots[i].amts), +, 1:id; init=0)
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/chips.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,4 +11,5 @@ end
@test a + b == Chips(4, SimpleRatio(1, 2))
@test Chips(12, SimpleRatio(0, 1)) == Chips(12, SimpleRatio(0, 2))
@test Chips(12, SimpleRatio(1, 3)) Chips(12, SimpleRatio(1, 2))
@test Chips(94, SimpleRatio(-518400, 1036800)) Chips(175, SimpleRatio(0, 4031078400000))
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions test/fuzz_play.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
using Revise; include("test/fuzz_utils.jl")
@eval Main using TexasHoldem # don't qualify types in log
@eval Main using TexasHoldem:SidePot # don't qualify types in log
to debug cases, use (for example):
Expand All @@ -12,6 +14,7 @@ players = (
Player(Bot5050(), 3; bank_roll=4),
fuzz_given_players_debug(;fun=play!, players, n_games=138)
fuzz_debug(; fun = tournament!, n_players = 10, bank_roll = 30, n_games = 1310)
fuzz_debug(; fun = tournament!, n_players = 2, bank_roll = 6, n_games = 1)
fuzz_debug(; fun = tournament!, n_players = 3, bank_roll = 6, n_games = 38)
fuzz_debug(; fun = play!, n_players = 3, bank_roll = 200, n_games = 2373)
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions test/transactions.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -370,9 +370,12 @@ end
@test TH.amounts.(tm.side_pots) == [[4, 1, 2], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]

call!(table, players[2]) # call
@test_broken TH.amounts.(tm.side_pots) == [10, 2, 0]
@test TH.amounts.(tm.side_pots) == [[4, 4, 2], [1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]]

call!(table, players[3]) # call
@test_broken TH.amounts.(tm.side_pots) == [12, 2, 0]
@test_broken TH.side_pot_full(tm, 1) == true
@test TH.amounts.(tm.side_pots) == [[4, 4, 4], [1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]]
@test TH.is_side_pot_full(tm, players, 1)
# TODO: all but one player is all-in, is it okay that this
# side-pot is considered not full?
@test !TH.is_side_pot_full(tm, players, 2)

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