Simple, one-off Arduino projects that are too minor for their own repo. Things like demo projects, proof of concepts, 30-minute projects, and prototypes that eventually became the full product. Code optimization, documentation, feedback, updates or imporvements basically don't exist for these.
Uploading in case I need to revive a dead project, or perform live heart surgery on another project. Maybe someday someone will stumble upon this dump and find something useful.
Makeshift Sound Voltex clone controller
A makeshift controller for pc-based rythm games. Made with this in mind, but will work with any game that has keyboard input.
PS2 to Macintosh Peripherals Adapter
All-in-One PS2 to Macintosh 128K/512K/Plus keyboard and mouse adapter. Because nobody made an all-in-one version for some reason.
It's basically a copy-paste of Two Projects.
All of the credit goes to the original authors. I just made a silly PCB.