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/docs/other_free_step/ |
List of OSS or free STEP programs |
SC4 Express Archive - for STEP AP schemas that are International Standards (IS)
STEPmod on Sourceforge - for versions of modular STEP AP schemas that are in development
CAX-IF Schemas, Recommended Practices, and Test Rounds - for AP203, AP214, and AP242
Express Engine - used to validate models with schemas. Old website is here
JSDAI, similar to STEPcode but written in Java. Created by LKSoftWare GmbH.
Express for Free, also here
SEBNF2Pars - Creates Part 21 parsers from an EBNF representation
lgtstep - a Logtalk STEP implementation
Scripting Applications for STEP Part 21 files - uses Prolog
expfront - free on-line EXPRESS schema checker
IDA-STEP Viewer - free downloadable STEP file viewer
Jen-X p28 schema generator and p21-p28 mediators - for shipbuilding STEP AP's