diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 26399da..dd0ea36 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,742 +1,4 @@ -# ChartMuseum Helm Chart +# ChartMuseum Project Helm Charts [![Artifact HUB](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://artifacthub.io/badge/repository/chartmuseum)](https://artifacthub.io/packages/search?page=1&org=chartmuseum) -Deploy your own private ChartMuseum. - -Please also see https://github.com/helm/chartmuseum - -## Table of Content - - - - - -- [ChartMuseum Helm Chart](#chartmuseum-helm-chart) - - [Table of Content](#table-of-content) - - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - - [Configuration](#configuration) - - [Installation](#installation) - - [Using with Amazon S3](#using-with-amazon-s3) - - [permissions grant with access keys](#permissions-grant-with-access-keys) - - [permissions grant with IAM instance profile](#permissions-grant-with-iam-instance-profile) - - [permissions grant with IAM assumed role](#permissions-grant-with-iam-assumed-role) - - [permissions grant with IAM Roles for Service Accounts](#permissions-grant-with-iam-roles-for-service-accounts) - - [Using with Google Cloud Storage](#using-with-google-cloud-storage) - - [Using with Google Cloud Storage and a Google Service Account](#using-with-google-cloud-storage-and-a-google-service-account) - - [Using with Microsoft Azure Blob Storage](#using-with-microsoft-azure-blob-storage) - - [Using with Alibaba Cloud OSS Storage](#using-with-alibaba-cloud-oss-storage) - - [Using with Openstack Object Storage](#using-with-openstack-object-storage) - - [Using with Oracle Object Storage](#using-with-oracle-object-storage) - - [Using an existing secret](#using-an-existing-secret) - - [Using with local filesystem storage](#using-with-local-filesystem-storage) - - [Setting local storage permissions with initContainers](#setting-local-storage-permissions-with-initcontainers) - - [Example storage class](#example-storage-class) - - [Authentication](#authentication) - - [Basic Authentication](#basic-authentication) - - [Bearer/Token auth](#bearertoken-auth) - - [Ingress](#ingress) - - [Hosts](#hosts) - - [Extra Paths](#extra-paths) - - [Annotations](#annotations) - - [Example Ingress configuration](#example-ingress-configuration) - - [Uninstall](#uninstall) - - - - -## Prerequisites - -* [If enabled] A persistent storage resource and RW access to it -* [If enabled] Kubernetes StorageClass for dynamic provisioning - -## Configuration - -By default this chart will not have persistent storage, and the API service -will be *DISABLED*. This protects against unauthorized access to the API -with default configuration values. - -In addition, by default, pod `securityContext.fsGroup` is set to `1000`. This -is the user/group that the ChartMuseum container runs as, and is used to -enable local persitant storage. If your cluster has DenySecurityContext enabled, -you can set `securityContext` to `{}` and still use this chart with one of -the cloud storage options. - -For a more robust solution supply helm install with a custom values.yaml -You are also required to create the StorageClass resource ahead of time: -``` -kubectl create -f /path/to/storage_class.yaml -``` - -The following table lists common configurable parameters of the chart and -their default values. See values.yaml for all available options. - -| Parameter | Description | Default | -| --------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | -| `image.pullPolicy` | Container pull policy | `IfNotPresent` | -| `image.repository` | Container image to use | `chartmuseum/chartmuseum` | -| `image.tag` | Container image tag to deploy | `v0.12.0` | -| `persistence.accessMode` | Access mode to use for PVC | `ReadWriteOnce` | -| `persistence.enabled` | Whether to use a PVC for persistent storage | `false` | -| `persistence.path` | PV mount path | `/storage` | -| `persistence.size` | Amount of space to claim for PVC | `8Gi` | -| `persistence.labels` | Additional labels for PVC | `{}` | -| `persistence.storageClass` | Storage Class to use for PVC | `-` | -| `persistence.volumeName` | Volume to use for PVC | `` | -| `persistence.pv.enabled` | Whether to use a PV for persistent storage | `false` | -| `persistence.pv.capacity.storage` | Storage size to use for PV | `8Gi` | -| `persistence.pv.accessMode` | Access mode to use for PV | `ReadWriteOnce` | -| `persistence.pv.nfs.server` | NFS server for PV | `` | -| `persistence.pv.nfs.path` | Storage Path | `` | -| `persistence.pv.pvname` | Custom name for private volume | `` | -| `volumePermissions.image.registry` | Init container volume-permissions image registry | `docker.io` | -| `volumePermissions.image.repository` | Init container volume-permissions image name | `bitnami/minideb` | -| `volumePermissions.image.tag` | Init container volume-permissions image tag | `buster` | -| `volumePermissions.image.pullPolicy` | Init container volume-permissions image pull policy | `Always` | -| `replicaCount` | k8s replicas | `1` | -| `resources.limits.cpu` | Container maximum CPU | `100m` | -| `resources.limits.memory` | Container maximum memory | `128Mi` | -| `resources.requests.cpu` | Container requested CPU | `80m` | -| `resources.requests.memory` | Container requested memory | `64Mi` | -| `secret.labels` | Additional labels for secret | `false` | -| `serviceAccount.create` | If true, create the service account | `false` | -| `serviceAccount.name` | Name of the serviceAccount to create or use | `{{ chartmuseum.fullname }}` | -| `serviceAccount.annotations` | Additional Service Account annotations | `{}` | -| `securityContext.enabled` | Enable securityContext | `true` | -| `securityContext.fsGroup` | Group ID for the container | `1000` | -| `securityContext.runAsNonRoot` | Running Pods as non-root | `` | -| `securityContext.supplementalGroups` | Control which group IDs containers add | `` | -| `containerSecurityContext` | Additional Container securityContext (ex. allowPrivilegeEscalation) | `{}` | -| `priorityClassName ` | priorityClassName | `""` | -| `nodeSelector` | Map of node labels for pod assignment | `{}` | -| `tolerations` | List of node taints to tolerate | `[]` | -| `affinity` | Map of node/pod affinities | `{}` | -| `schedulerName` | Kubernetes scheduler to use | `default` | -| `env.open.STORAGE` | Storage Backend to use | `local` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_ALIBABA_BUCKET` | Bucket to store charts in for Alibaba | `` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_ALIBABA_PREFIX` | Prefix to store charts under for Alibaba | `` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_ALIBABA_ENDPOINT` | Alternative Alibaba endpoint | `` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_ALIBABA_SSE` | Server side encryption algorithm to use | `` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_AMAZON_BUCKET` | Bucket to store charts in for AWS | `` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_AMAZON_ENDPOINT` | Alternative AWS endpoint | `` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_AMAZON_PREFIX` | Prefix to store charts under for AWS | `` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_AMAZON_REGION` | Region to use for bucket access for AWS | `` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_AMAZON_SSE` | Server side encryption algorithm to use | `` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET` | Bucket to store charts in for GCP | `` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_GOOGLE_PREFIX` | Prefix to store charts under for GCP | `` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_MICROSOFT_CONTAINER` | Container to store charts under for MS | `` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_MICROSOFT_PREFIX` | Prefix to store charts under for MS | `` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_OPENSTACK_CONTAINER` | Container to store charts for openstack | `` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_OPENSTACK_PREFIX` | Prefix to store charts for openstack | `` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_OPENSTACK_REGION` | Region of openstack container | `` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_OPENSTACK_CACERT` | Path to a CA cert bundle for openstack | `` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_ORACLE_COMPARTMENTID` | Compartment ID for Oracle Object Store | `` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_ORACLE_BUCKET` | Bucket to store charts in Oracle Object Store | `` | -| `env.open.STORAGE_ORACLE_PREFIX` | Prefix to store charts for Oracle object Store | `` | -| `env.open.CHART_POST_FORM_FIELD_NAME` | Form field to query for chart file content | `` | -| `env.open.PROV_POST_FORM_FIELD_NAME` | Form field to query for chart provenance | `` | -| `env.open.DEPTH` | levels of nested repos for multitenancy. | `0` | -| `env.open.DEBUG` | Show debug messages | `false` | -| `env.open.LOG_JSON` | Output structured logs in JSON | `true` | -| `env.open.DISABLE_STATEFILES` | Disable use of index-cache.yaml | `false` | -| `env.open.DISABLE_METRICS` | Disable Prometheus metrics | `true` | -| `env.open.DISABLE_API` | Disable all routes prefixed with /api | `true` | -| `env.open.ALLOW_OVERWRITE` | Allow chart versions to be re-uploaded | `false` | -| `env.open.CHART_URL` | Absolute url for .tgzs in index.yaml | `` | -| `env.open.AUTH_ANONYMOUS_GET` | Allow anon GET operations when auth is used | `false` | -| `env.open.CONTEXT_PATH` | Set the base context path | `` | -| `env.open.INDEX_LIMIT` | Parallel scan limit for the repo indexer | `` | -| `env.open.CACHE` | Cache store, can be one of: redis | `` | -| `env.open.CACHE_REDIS_ADDR` | Address of Redis service (host:port) | `` | -| `env.open.CACHE_REDIS_DB` | Redis database to be selected after connect | `0` | -| `env.open.BEARER_AUTH` | Enable bearer auth | `false` | -| `env.open.AUTH_REALM` | Realm used for bearer authentication | `` | -| `env.open.AUTH_SERVICE` | Service used for bearer authentication | `` | -| `env.field` | Expose pod information to containers through environment variables | `` | -| `env.existingSecret` | Name of the existing secret use values | `` | -| `env.existingSecret.BASIC_AUTH_USER` | Key name in the secret for the Username | `` | -| `env.existingSecret.BASIC_AUTH_PASS` | Key name in the secret for the Password | `` | -| `env.secret.BASIC_AUTH_USER` | Username for basic HTTP authentication | `` | -| `env.secret.BASIC_AUTH_PASS` | Password for basic HTTP authentication | `` | -| `env.secret.CACHE_REDIS_PASSWORD` | Redis requirepass server configuration | `` | -| `extraArgs` | Pass extra arguments to the chartmuseum binary | `` | -| `gcp.secret.enabled` | Flag for the GCP service account | `false` | -| `gcp.secret.name` | Secret name for the GCP json file | `` | -| `gcp.secret.key` | Secret key for te GCP json file | `credentials.json` | -| `oracle.secret.enabled` | Flag for Oracle OCI account | `false` | -| `oracle.secret.name` | Secret name for OCI config and key | `` | -| `oracle.secret.config` | Secret key that holds the OCI config | `config` | -| `oracle.secret.key_file` | Secret key that holds the OCI private key | `key_file` | -| `bearerAuth.secret.enabled` | Flag for bearer auth public key secret | `` | -| `bearerAuth.secret.publicKey` | The name of the secret with the public key | `` | -| `service.type` | Kubernetes Service type | `ClusterIP` | -| `service.clusterIP` | Static clusterIP or None for headless services | `nil` | -| `service.externalTrafficPolicy` | Source IP preservation (only for Service type NodePort and LoadBalancer) | `Local` | -| `service.loadBalancerSourceRanges` | Restricts access for LoadBalancer (only for Service type LoadBalancer) | `[]` | -| `service.servicename` | Custom name for service | `` | -| `service.labels` | Additional labels for service | `{}` | -| `serviceMonitor.enabled` | Enable the ServiceMontor resource to be deployed | `false` | -| `serviceMonitor.labels` | Labels for the servicemonitor used by the Prometheus Operator | `{}` | -| `serviceMonitor.namespace` | Namespace of the ServiceMonitor resource | `{{ .Release.Namespace }}` | -| `serviceMonitor.metricsPath` | Path to the Chartmuseum metrics path | `/metrics` | -| `serviceMonitor.interval` | Scrape interval, If not set, the Prometheus default scrape interval is used | `nil` | -| `serviceMonitor.timeout` | Scrape request timeout. If not set, the Prometheus default timeout is used | `nil` | -| `deployment.labels` | Additional labels for deployment | `{}` | -| `deployment.matchlabes` | Match labels for deployment selector | `{}` | -| `ingress.enabled` | Enable ingress controller resource | `false` | -| `ingress.annotations` | Ingress annotations | `[]` | -| `ingress.labels` | Ingress labels | `[]` | -| `ingress.hosts[0].name` | Hostname for the ingress | `` | -| `ingress.hosts[0].path` | Path within the url structure | `` | -| `ingress.hosts[0].tls ` | Enable TLS on the ingress host | `false` | -| `ingress.hosts[0].tlsSecret` | TLS secret to use (must be manually created) | `` | -| `ingress.hosts[0].serviceName` | The name of the service to route traffic to. | `{{ .Values.service.externalPort }}` | -| `ingress.hosts[0].servicePort` | The port of the service to route traffic to. | `{{ .chartmuseum. }}` | -| `ingress.extraPaths[0].path` | Path within the url structure. | `` | -| `ingress.extraPaths[0].service` | The name of the service to route traffic to. | `` | -| `ingress.extraPaths[0].port` | The port of the service to route traffic to. | `` | - -Specify each parameter using the `--set key=value[,key=value]` argument to -`helm install`. - -## Installation - -```shell -helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum -``` - -### Using with Amazon S3 -Make sure your environment is properly setup to access `my-s3-bucket` - -You need at least the following permissions inside your IAM Policy -```yaml -{ - "Version": "2012-10-17", - "Statement": [ - { - "Sid": "AllowListObjects", - "Effect": "Allow", - "Action": [ - "s3:ListBucket" - ], - "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-s3-bucket" - }, - { - "Sid": "AllowObjectsCRUD", - "Effect": "Allow", - "Action": [ - "s3:DeleteObject", - "s3:GetObject", - "s3:PutObject" - ], - "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-s3-bucket/*" - } - ] -} -``` - -You can grant it to `chartmuseum` by several ways: - -#### permissions grant with access keys - -Grant permissions to `special user` and us it's access keys for auth on aws - -Specify `custom.yaml` with such values - -```yaml -env: - open: - STORAGE: amazon - STORAGE_AMAZON_BUCKET: my-s3-bucket - STORAGE_AMAZON_PREFIX: - STORAGE_AMAZON_REGION: us-east-1 - secret: - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "********" ## aws access key id value - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "********" ## aws access key secret value -``` - -Run command to install - -```shell -helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum -``` - -#### permissions grant with IAM instance profile - -You can grant permissions to k8s node IAM instance profile. -For more information read this [article](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles_use_switch-role-ec2.html) - -Specify `custom.yaml` with such values - -```yaml -env: - open: - STORAGE: amazon - STORAGE_AMAZON_BUCKET: my-s3-bucket - STORAGE_AMAZON_PREFIX: - STORAGE_AMAZON_REGION: us-east-1 -``` - -Run command to install - -```shell -helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum -``` - -#### permissions grant with IAM assumed role - -To provide access with assumed role you need to install [kube2iam](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/kube2iam) -and create role with granded permissions. - -Specify `custom.yaml` with such values - -```yaml -env: - open: - STORAGE: amazon - STORAGE_AMAZON_BUCKET: my-s3-bucket - STORAGE_AMAZON_PREFIX: - STORAGE_AMAZON_REGION: us-east-1 -replica: - annotations: - iam.amazonaws.com/role: "{assumed role name}" -``` - -Run command to install - -```shell -helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum -``` - -#### permissions grant with IAM Roles for Service Accounts - -For Amazon EKS clusters, access can be provided with a service account using [IAM Roles for Service Accounts](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/iam-roles-for-service-accounts.html). - -Specify `custom.yaml` with such values - -```yaml -env: - open: - STORAGE: amazon - STORAGE_AMAZON_BUCKET: my-s3-bucket - STORAGE_AMAZON_PREFIX: - STORAGE_AMAZON_REGION: us-east-1 -serviceAccount: - create: true - annotations: - eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: "arn:aws:iam::{aws account ID}:role/{assumed role name}" -``` - -Run command to install - -```shell -helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum -``` - -### Using with Google Cloud Storage -Make sure your environment is properly setup to access `my-gcs-bucket` - -Specify `custom.yaml` with such values - -```yaml -env: - open: - STORAGE: google - STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET: my-gcs-bucket - STORAGE_GOOGLE_PREFIX: -``` - -### Using with Google Cloud Storage and a Google Service Account - -A Google service account credentials are stored in a json file. There are two approaches here. Ideally you don't want to send your secrets to tiller. In that case, before installing this chart, you should create a secret with those credentials: - -```shell -kubectl create secret generic chartmuseum-secret --from-file=credentials.json="my-project-45e35d85a593.json" -``` - -Then you can either use a `VALUES` yaml with your values or set those values in the command line: - -```shell -helm install stable/chartmuseum --debug --set gcp.secret.enabled=true,env.open.STORAGE=google,env.open.DISABLE_API=false,env.open.STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET=my-gcp-chartmuseum,gcp.secret.name=chartmuseum-secret -``` - -If you prefer to use a yaml file: - -```yaml -env: - open: - STORAGE: google - STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET: my-gcs-bucket - STORAGE_GOOGLE_PREFIX: - -gcp: - secret: - enabled: true - name: chartmuseum-secret - key: credentials.json -``` - -Run command to install - -```shell -helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum -``` - -In case that you don't mind adding your secret to tiller (you shouldn't do it), this are the commands - -```yaml -env: - open: - STORAGE: google - STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET: my-gcs-bucket - STORAGE_GOOGLE_PREFIX: - secret: - GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_JSON: my-json-file-base64-encoded -gcp: - secret: - enabled: true - -``` - -Run command to install - -```shell -helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum -``` - -To set the values directly in the command line, use the following command. Note that we have to base64 encode the json file because we cannot pass a multi-line text as a value. - -```shell -export JSONKEY=$(cat my-project-77e35d85a593.json | base64) -helm install stable/chartmuseum --debug --set gcp.secret.enabled=true,env.secret.GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_JSON=${JSONKEY},env.open.STORAGE=google,env.open.DISABLE_API=false,env.open.STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET=my-gcp-chartmuseum -``` - -### Using with Microsoft Azure Blob Storage - -Make sure your environment is properly setup to access `mycontainer`. - -To do so, you must set the following env vars: -- `AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT` -- `AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY` - -Specify `custom.yaml` with such values - -```yaml -env: - open: - STORAGE: microsoft - STORAGE_MICROSOFT_CONTAINER: mycontainer - # prefix to store charts for microsoft storage backend - STORAGE_MICROSOFT_PREFIX: - secret: - AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT: "********" ## azure storage account - AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY: "********" ## azure storage account access key -``` - -Run command to install - -```shell -helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum -``` - -### Using with Alibaba Cloud OSS Storage - -Make sure your environment is properly setup to access `my-oss-bucket`. - -To do so, you must set the following env vars: -- `ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID` -- `ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET` - -Specify `custom.yaml` with such values - -```yaml -env: - open: - STORAGE: alibaba - STORAGE_ALIBABA_BUCKET: my-oss-bucket - STORAGE_ALIBABA_PREFIX: - STORAGE_ALIBABA_ENDPOINT: oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com - secret: - ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "********" ## alibaba OSS access key id - ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET: "********" ## alibaba OSS access key secret -``` - -Run command to install - -```shell -helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum -``` - -### Using with Openstack Object Storage - -Make sure your environment is properly setup to access `mycontainer`. - -To do so, you must set the following env vars (depending on your openstack version): -- `OS_AUTH_URL` -- either `OS_PROJECT_NAME` or `OS_TENANT_NAME` or `OS_PROJECT_ID` or `OS_TENANT_ID` -- either `OS_DOMAIN_NAME` or `OS_DOMAIN_ID` -- either `OS_USERNAME` or `OS_USERID` -- `OS_PASSWORD` - -Specify `custom.yaml` with such values - -```yaml -env: - open: - STORAGE: openstack - STORAGE_OPENSTACK_CONTAINER: mycontainer - STORAGE_OPENSTACK_PREFIX: - STORAGE_OPENSTACK_REGION: YOURREGION - secret: - OS_AUTH_URL: https://myauth.url.com/v2.0/ - OS_TENANT_ID: yourtenantid - OS_USERNAME: yourusername - OS_PASSWORD: yourpassword -``` - -Run command to install - -```shell -helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum -``` -### Using with Oracle Object Storage - -Oracle (OCI) configuration and private key need to be added to a secret and are mounted at /home/chartmuseum/.oci. Your OCI config needs to be under [DEFAULT] and your `key_file` needs to be /home/chartmuseum/.oci/oci.key. See https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/sdkconfig.htm - -```shell -kubectl create secret generic chartmuseum-secret --from-file=config=".oci/config" --from-file=key_file=".oci/oci.key" -``` - -Then you can either use a `VALUES` yaml with your values or set those values in the command line: - -```shell -helm install stable/chartmuseum --debug --set env.open.STORAGE=oracle,env.open.STORAGE_ORACLE_COMPARTMENTID=ocid1.compartment.oc1..abc123,env.open.STORAGE_ORACLE_BUCKET=myocibucket,env.open.STORAGE_ORACLE_PREFIX=chartmuseum,oracle.secret.enabled=true,oracle.secret.name=chartmuseum-secret -``` - -If you prefer to use a yaml file: - -```yaml -env: - open: - STORAGE: oracle - STORAGE_ORACLE_COMPARTMENTID: ocid1.compartment.oc1..abc123 - STORAGE_ORACLE_BUCKET: myocibucket - STORAGE_ORACLE_PREFIX: chartmuseum - -oracle: - secret: - enabled: enabled - name: chartmuseum-secret - config: config - key_file: key_file - -``` - -Run command to install - -```shell -helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum -``` - -### Using an existing secret - -It is possible to pre-create a secret in kubernetes and get this chart to use that - -Given you are for example using the above AWS example - -You could create a Secret like this - -```shell - kubectl create secret generic chartmuseum-secret --from-literal="aws-access-key=myaccesskey" --from-literal="aws-secret-access-key=mysecretaccesskey" --from-literal="basic-auth-user=curator" --from-literal="basic-auth-pass=mypassword" -``` - -Specify `custom.yaml` with such values - -```yaml -env: - open: - STORAGE: amazonexistingSecret - STORAGE_AMAZON_BUCKET: my-s3-bucket - STORAGE_AMAZON_PREFIX: - STORAGE_AMAZON_REGION: us-east-1 - existingSecret: chartmuseum-secret - existingSecretMappings: - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: aws-access-key - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: aws-secret-access-key - BASIC_AUTH_USER: basic-auth-user - BASIC_AUTH_PASS: basic-auth-pass -``` - -Run command to install - -```shell -helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum -``` - -### Using with local filesystem storage -By default chartmuseum uses local filesystem storage. -But on pod recreation it will lose all charts, to prevent that enable persistent storage. - -```yaml -env: - open: - STORAGE: local -persistence: - enabled: true - accessMode: ReadWriteOnce - size: 8Gi - ## A manually managed Persistent Volume and Claim - ## Requires persistence.enabled: true - ## If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound - # existingClaim: - - ## Chartmuseum data Persistent Volume Storage Class - ## If defined, storageClassName: - ## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning - ## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is - ## set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on - ## GKE, AWS & OpenStack) - ## - # storageClass: "-" -``` - -Run command to install - -```shell -helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum -``` - -### Setting local storage permissions with initContainers - -Some clusters do not allow using securityContext to set permissions for persistent volumes. Instead, an initContainer can be created to run `chown` on the mounted volume. To enable it, set `securityContext.enabled` to `false`. - - -#### Example storage class - -Example storage-class.yaml provided here for use with a Ceph cluster. - -``` -kind: StorageClass -apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1 -metadata: - name: storage-volume -provisioner: kubernetes.io/rbd -parameters: - monitors: "," - adminId: admin - adminSecretName: thesecret - adminSecretNamespace: default - pool: chartstore - userId: user - userSecretName: thesecret -``` - -### Authentication - -By default this chart does not have any authentication configured and allows anyone to fetch or upload (assuming the API is enabled) charts there are two supported methods of authentication - -#### Basic Authentication - -This allows all API routes to be protected by HTTP basic auth, this is configured either as plain text in the values that gets stored as a secret in the kubernetes cluster by setting: - -```yaml -env: - secret: - BASIC_AUTH_USER: curator - BASIC_AUTH_PASS: mypassword -``` - -Or by using values from an existing secret in the cluster that can be created using: - -```shell -kubectl create secret generic chartmuseum-secret --from-literal="basic-auth-user=curator" --from-literal="basic-auth-pass=mypassword" -``` - -This secret can be used in the values file as follows: - -```yaml -env: - existingSecret: chartmuseum-secret - existingSecretMappings: - BASIC_AUTH_USER: basic-auth-user - BASIC_AUTH_PASS: basic-auth-pass -``` - -#### Bearer/Token auth - -When using this ChartMuseum is configured with a public key, and will accept RS256 JWT tokens signed by the associated private key, passed in the Authorization header. You can use the [chartmuseum/auth](https://github.com/chartmuseum/auth) Go library to generate valid JWT tokens. For more information about how this works, please see [chartmuseum/auth-server-example](https://github.com/chartmuseum/auth-server-example) - -To use this the public key should be stored in a secret this can be done with - -```shell -kubectl create secret generic chartmuseum-public-key --from-file=public-key.pem -``` - -And Bearer/Token auth can be configured using the following values - -```yaml -env: - open: - BEARER_AUTH: true - AUTH_REALM: - AUTH_SERVICE: - -bearerAuth: - secret: - enabled: true - publicKeySecret: chartmuseum-public-key -``` - -### Ingress - -This chart provides support for ingress resources. If you have an ingress controller installed on your cluster, such as [nginx-ingress](https://hub.kubeapps.com/charts/stable/nginx-ingress) or [traefik](https://hub.kubeapps.com/charts/stable/traefik) you can utilize the ingress controller to expose Kubeapps. - -To enable ingress integration, please set `ingress.enabled` to `true` - -#### Hosts - -Most likely you will only want to have one hostname that maps to this Chartmuseum installation, however, it is possible to have more than one host. To facilitate this, the `ingress.hosts` object is an array. TLS secrets referenced in the ingress host configuration must be manually created in the namespace. - -In most cases, you should not specify values for `ingress.hosts[0].serviceName` and `ingress.hosts[0].servicePort`. However, some ingress controllers support advanced scenarios requiring you to specify these values. For example, [setting up an SSL redirect using the AWS ALB Ingress Controller](https://kubernetes-sigs.github.io/aws-alb-ingress-controller/guide/tasks/ssl_redirect/). - -#### Extra Paths - -Specifying extra paths to prepend to every host configuration is especially useful when configuring [custom actions with AWS ALB Ingress Controller](https://kubernetes-sigs.github.io/aws-alb-ingress-controller/guide/ingress/annotation/#actions). - -```shell -helm install --name my-chartmuseum stable/chartmuseum \ - --set ingress.enabled=true \ - --set ingress.hosts[0].name=chartmuseum.domain.com \ - --set ingress.extraPaths[0].service=ssl-redirect \ - --set ingress.extraPaths[0].port=use-annotation \ -``` - - -#### Annotations - -For annotations, please see [this document for nginx](https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/blob/master/docs/user-guide/nginx-configuration/annotations.md) and [this document for Traefik](https://docs.traefik.io/configuration/backends/kubernetes/#general-annotations). Not all annotations are supported by all ingress controllers, but this document does a good job of indicating which annotation is supported by many popular ingress controllers. Annotations can be set using `ingress.annotations`. - -#### Example Ingress configuration - -```shell -helm install --name my-chartmuseum stable/chartmuseum \ - --set ingress.enabled=true \ - --set ingress.hosts[0].name=chartmuseum.domain.com \ - --set ingress.hosts[0].path=/ - --set ingress.hosts[0].tls=true - --set ingress.hosts[0].tlsSecret=chartmuseum.tls-secret -``` - -## Uninstall - -By default, a deliberate uninstall will result in the persistent volume -claim being deleted. - -```shell -helm delete my-chartmuseum -``` - -To delete the deployment and its history: -```shell -helm delete --purge my-chartmuseum -``` diff --git a/logo.jpg b/logo.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef5fd0f Binary files /dev/null and b/logo.jpg differ diff --git a/src/chartmuseum/Chart.yaml b/src/chartmuseum/Chart.yaml index faaf850..588474c 100644 --- a/src/chartmuseum/Chart.yaml +++ b/src/chartmuseum/Chart.yaml @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ apiVersion: v1 description: Host your own Helm Chart Repository name: chartmuseum -version: 2.14.2 +version: 2.15.0 appVersion: 0.12.0 home: https://github.com/helm/chartmuseum -icon: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/chartmuseum/master/logo2.png +icon: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chartmuseum/charts/main/logo.jpg keywords: - chartmuseum - helm diff --git a/src/chartmuseum/README.md b/src/chartmuseum/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd2abc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/chartmuseum/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,740 @@ +# ChartMuseum Helm Chart + +Deploy your own private ChartMuseum. + +Please also see https://github.com/helm/chartmuseum + +## Table of Content + + + + + +- [ChartMuseum Helm Chart](#chartmuseum-helm-chart) + - [Table of Content](#table-of-content) + - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) + - [Configuration](#configuration) + - [Installation](#installation) + - [Using with Amazon S3](#using-with-amazon-s3) + - [permissions grant with access keys](#permissions-grant-with-access-keys) + - [permissions grant with IAM instance profile](#permissions-grant-with-iam-instance-profile) + - [permissions grant with IAM assumed role](#permissions-grant-with-iam-assumed-role) + - [permissions grant with IAM Roles for Service Accounts](#permissions-grant-with-iam-roles-for-service-accounts) + - [Using with Google Cloud Storage](#using-with-google-cloud-storage) + - [Using with Google Cloud Storage and a Google Service Account](#using-with-google-cloud-storage-and-a-google-service-account) + - [Using with Microsoft Azure Blob Storage](#using-with-microsoft-azure-blob-storage) + - [Using with Alibaba Cloud OSS Storage](#using-with-alibaba-cloud-oss-storage) + - [Using with Openstack Object Storage](#using-with-openstack-object-storage) + - [Using with Oracle Object Storage](#using-with-oracle-object-storage) + - [Using an existing secret](#using-an-existing-secret) + - [Using with local filesystem storage](#using-with-local-filesystem-storage) + - [Setting local storage permissions with initContainers](#setting-local-storage-permissions-with-initcontainers) + - [Example storage class](#example-storage-class) + - [Authentication](#authentication) + - [Basic Authentication](#basic-authentication) + - [Bearer/Token auth](#bearertoken-auth) + - [Ingress](#ingress) + - [Hosts](#hosts) + - [Extra Paths](#extra-paths) + - [Annotations](#annotations) + - [Example Ingress configuration](#example-ingress-configuration) + - [Uninstall](#uninstall) + + + + +## Prerequisites + +* [If enabled] A persistent storage resource and RW access to it +* [If enabled] Kubernetes StorageClass for dynamic provisioning + +## Configuration + +By default this chart will not have persistent storage, and the API service +will be *DISABLED*. This protects against unauthorized access to the API +with default configuration values. + +In addition, by default, pod `securityContext.fsGroup` is set to `1000`. This +is the user/group that the ChartMuseum container runs as, and is used to +enable local persitant storage. If your cluster has DenySecurityContext enabled, +you can set `securityContext` to `{}` and still use this chart with one of +the cloud storage options. + +For a more robust solution supply helm install with a custom values.yaml +You are also required to create the StorageClass resource ahead of time: +``` +kubectl create -f /path/to/storage_class.yaml +``` + +The following table lists common configurable parameters of the chart and +their default values. See values.yaml for all available options. + +| Parameter | Description | Default | +| --------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | +| `image.pullPolicy` | Container pull policy | `IfNotPresent` | +| `image.repository` | Container image to use | `chartmuseum/chartmuseum` | +| `image.tag` | Container image tag to deploy | `v0.12.0` | +| `persistence.accessMode` | Access mode to use for PVC | `ReadWriteOnce` | +| `persistence.enabled` | Whether to use a PVC for persistent storage | `false` | +| `persistence.path` | PV mount path | `/storage` | +| `persistence.size` | Amount of space to claim for PVC | `8Gi` | +| `persistence.labels` | Additional labels for PVC | `{}` | +| `persistence.storageClass` | Storage Class to use for PVC | `-` | +| `persistence.volumeName` | Volume to use for PVC | `` | +| `persistence.pv.enabled` | Whether to use a PV for persistent storage | `false` | +| `persistence.pv.capacity.storage` | Storage size to use for PV | `8Gi` | +| `persistence.pv.accessMode` | Access mode to use for PV | `ReadWriteOnce` | +| `persistence.pv.nfs.server` | NFS server for PV | `` | +| `persistence.pv.nfs.path` | Storage Path | `` | +| `persistence.pv.pvname` | Custom name for private volume | `` | +| `volumePermissions.image.registry` | Init container volume-permissions image registry | `docker.io` | +| `volumePermissions.image.repository` | Init container volume-permissions image name | `bitnami/minideb` | +| `volumePermissions.image.tag` | Init container volume-permissions image tag | `buster` | +| `volumePermissions.image.pullPolicy` | Init container volume-permissions image pull policy | `Always` | +| `replicaCount` | k8s replicas | `1` | +| `resources.limits.cpu` | Container maximum CPU | `100m` | +| `resources.limits.memory` | Container maximum memory | `128Mi` | +| `resources.requests.cpu` | Container requested CPU | `80m` | +| `resources.requests.memory` | Container requested memory | `64Mi` | +| `secret.labels` | Additional labels for secret | `false` | +| `serviceAccount.create` | If true, create the service account | `false` | +| `serviceAccount.name` | Name of the serviceAccount to create or use | `{{ chartmuseum.fullname }}` | +| `serviceAccount.annotations` | Additional Service Account annotations | `{}` | +| `securityContext.enabled` | Enable securityContext | `true` | +| `securityContext.fsGroup` | Group ID for the container | `1000` | +| `securityContext.runAsNonRoot` | Running Pods as non-root | `` | +| `securityContext.supplementalGroups` | Control which group IDs containers add | `` | +| `containerSecurityContext` | Additional Container securityContext (ex. allowPrivilegeEscalation) | `{}` | +| `priorityClassName ` | priorityClassName | `""` | +| `nodeSelector` | Map of node labels for pod assignment | `{}` | +| `tolerations` | List of node taints to tolerate | `[]` | +| `affinity` | Map of node/pod affinities | `{}` | +| `schedulerName` | Kubernetes scheduler to use | `default` | +| `env.open.STORAGE` | Storage Backend to use | `local` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_ALIBABA_BUCKET` | Bucket to store charts in for Alibaba | `` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_ALIBABA_PREFIX` | Prefix to store charts under for Alibaba | `` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_ALIBABA_ENDPOINT` | Alternative Alibaba endpoint | `` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_ALIBABA_SSE` | Server side encryption algorithm to use | `` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_AMAZON_BUCKET` | Bucket to store charts in for AWS | `` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_AMAZON_ENDPOINT` | Alternative AWS endpoint | `` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_AMAZON_PREFIX` | Prefix to store charts under for AWS | `` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_AMAZON_REGION` | Region to use for bucket access for AWS | `` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_AMAZON_SSE` | Server side encryption algorithm to use | `` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET` | Bucket to store charts in for GCP | `` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_GOOGLE_PREFIX` | Prefix to store charts under for GCP | `` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_MICROSOFT_CONTAINER` | Container to store charts under for MS | `` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_MICROSOFT_PREFIX` | Prefix to store charts under for MS | `` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_OPENSTACK_CONTAINER` | Container to store charts for openstack | `` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_OPENSTACK_PREFIX` | Prefix to store charts for openstack | `` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_OPENSTACK_REGION` | Region of openstack container | `` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_OPENSTACK_CACERT` | Path to a CA cert bundle for openstack | `` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_ORACLE_COMPARTMENTID` | Compartment ID for Oracle Object Store | `` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_ORACLE_BUCKET` | Bucket to store charts in Oracle Object Store | `` | +| `env.open.STORAGE_ORACLE_PREFIX` | Prefix to store charts for Oracle object Store | `` | +| `env.open.CHART_POST_FORM_FIELD_NAME` | Form field to query for chart file content | `` | +| `env.open.PROV_POST_FORM_FIELD_NAME` | Form field to query for chart provenance | `` | +| `env.open.DEPTH` | levels of nested repos for multitenancy. | `0` | +| `env.open.DEBUG` | Show debug messages | `false` | +| `env.open.LOG_JSON` | Output structured logs in JSON | `true` | +| `env.open.DISABLE_STATEFILES` | Disable use of index-cache.yaml | `false` | +| `env.open.DISABLE_METRICS` | Disable Prometheus metrics | `true` | +| `env.open.DISABLE_API` | Disable all routes prefixed with /api | `true` | +| `env.open.ALLOW_OVERWRITE` | Allow chart versions to be re-uploaded | `false` | +| `env.open.CHART_URL` | Absolute url for .tgzs in index.yaml | `` | +| `env.open.AUTH_ANONYMOUS_GET` | Allow anon GET operations when auth is used | `false` | +| `env.open.CONTEXT_PATH` | Set the base context path | `` | +| `env.open.INDEX_LIMIT` | Parallel scan limit for the repo indexer | `` | +| `env.open.CACHE` | Cache store, can be one of: redis | `` | +| `env.open.CACHE_REDIS_ADDR` | Address of Redis service (host:port) | `` | +| `env.open.CACHE_REDIS_DB` | Redis database to be selected after connect | `0` | +| `env.open.BEARER_AUTH` | Enable bearer auth | `false` | +| `env.open.AUTH_REALM` | Realm used for bearer authentication | `` | +| `env.open.AUTH_SERVICE` | Service used for bearer authentication | `` | +| `env.field` | Expose pod information to containers through environment variables | `` | +| `env.existingSecret` | Name of the existing secret use values | `` | +| `env.existingSecret.BASIC_AUTH_USER` | Key name in the secret for the Username | `` | +| `env.existingSecret.BASIC_AUTH_PASS` | Key name in the secret for the Password | `` | +| `env.secret.BASIC_AUTH_USER` | Username for basic HTTP authentication | `` | +| `env.secret.BASIC_AUTH_PASS` | Password for basic HTTP authentication | `` | +| `env.secret.CACHE_REDIS_PASSWORD` | Redis requirepass server configuration | `` | +| `extraArgs` | Pass extra arguments to the chartmuseum binary | `` | +| `gcp.secret.enabled` | Flag for the GCP service account | `false` | +| `gcp.secret.name` | Secret name for the GCP json file | `` | +| `gcp.secret.key` | Secret key for te GCP json file | `credentials.json` | +| `oracle.secret.enabled` | Flag for Oracle OCI account | `false` | +| `oracle.secret.name` | Secret name for OCI config and key | `` | +| `oracle.secret.config` | Secret key that holds the OCI config | `config` | +| `oracle.secret.key_file` | Secret key that holds the OCI private key | `key_file` | +| `bearerAuth.secret.enabled` | Flag for bearer auth public key secret | `` | +| `bearerAuth.secret.publicKey` | The name of the secret with the public key | `` | +| `service.type` | Kubernetes Service type | `ClusterIP` | +| `service.clusterIP` | Static clusterIP or None for headless services | `nil` | +| `service.externalTrafficPolicy` | Source IP preservation (only for Service type NodePort and LoadBalancer) | `Local` | +| `service.loadBalancerSourceRanges` | Restricts access for LoadBalancer (only for Service type LoadBalancer) | `[]` | +| `service.servicename` | Custom name for service | `` | +| `service.labels` | Additional labels for service | `{}` | +| `serviceMonitor.enabled` | Enable the ServiceMontor resource to be deployed | `false` | +| `serviceMonitor.labels` | Labels for the servicemonitor used by the Prometheus Operator | `{}` | +| `serviceMonitor.namespace` | Namespace of the ServiceMonitor resource | `{{ .Release.Namespace }}` | +| `serviceMonitor.metricsPath` | Path to the Chartmuseum metrics path | `/metrics` | +| `serviceMonitor.interval` | Scrape interval, If not set, the Prometheus default scrape interval is used | `nil` | +| `serviceMonitor.timeout` | Scrape request timeout. If not set, the Prometheus default timeout is used | `nil` | +| `deployment.labels` | Additional labels for deployment | `{}` | +| `deployment.matchlabes` | Match labels for deployment selector | `{}` | +| `ingress.enabled` | Enable ingress controller resource | `false` | +| `ingress.annotations` | Ingress annotations | `[]` | +| `ingress.labels` | Ingress labels | `[]` | +| `ingress.hosts[0].name` | Hostname for the ingress | `` | +| `ingress.hosts[0].path` | Path within the url structure | `` | +| `ingress.hosts[0].tls ` | Enable TLS on the ingress host | `false` | +| `ingress.hosts[0].tlsSecret` | TLS secret to use (must be manually created) | `` | +| `ingress.hosts[0].serviceName` | The name of the service to route traffic to. | `{{ .Values.service.externalPort }}` | +| `ingress.hosts[0].servicePort` | The port of the service to route traffic to. | `{{ .chartmuseum. }}` | +| `ingress.extraPaths[0].path` | Path within the url structure. | `` | +| `ingress.extraPaths[0].service` | The name of the service to route traffic to. | `` | +| `ingress.extraPaths[0].port` | The port of the service to route traffic to. | `` | + +Specify each parameter using the `--set key=value[,key=value]` argument to +`helm install`. + +## Installation + +```shell +helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum +``` + +### Using with Amazon S3 +Make sure your environment is properly setup to access `my-s3-bucket` + +You need at least the following permissions inside your IAM Policy +```yaml +{ + "Version": "2012-10-17", + "Statement": [ + { + "Sid": "AllowListObjects", + "Effect": "Allow", + "Action": [ + "s3:ListBucket" + ], + "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-s3-bucket" + }, + { + "Sid": "AllowObjectsCRUD", + "Effect": "Allow", + "Action": [ + "s3:DeleteObject", + "s3:GetObject", + "s3:PutObject" + ], + "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-s3-bucket/*" + } + ] +} +``` + +You can grant it to `chartmuseum` by several ways: + +#### permissions grant with access keys + +Grant permissions to `special user` and us it's access keys for auth on aws + +Specify `custom.yaml` with such values + +```yaml +env: + open: + STORAGE: amazon + STORAGE_AMAZON_BUCKET: my-s3-bucket + STORAGE_AMAZON_PREFIX: + STORAGE_AMAZON_REGION: us-east-1 + secret: + AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "********" ## aws access key id value + AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "********" ## aws access key secret value +``` + +Run command to install + +```shell +helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum +``` + +#### permissions grant with IAM instance profile + +You can grant permissions to k8s node IAM instance profile. +For more information read this [article](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles_use_switch-role-ec2.html) + +Specify `custom.yaml` with such values + +```yaml +env: + open: + STORAGE: amazon + STORAGE_AMAZON_BUCKET: my-s3-bucket + STORAGE_AMAZON_PREFIX: + STORAGE_AMAZON_REGION: us-east-1 +``` + +Run command to install + +```shell +helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum +``` + +#### permissions grant with IAM assumed role + +To provide access with assumed role you need to install [kube2iam](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/kube2iam) +and create role with granded permissions. + +Specify `custom.yaml` with such values + +```yaml +env: + open: + STORAGE: amazon + STORAGE_AMAZON_BUCKET: my-s3-bucket + STORAGE_AMAZON_PREFIX: + STORAGE_AMAZON_REGION: us-east-1 +replica: + annotations: + iam.amazonaws.com/role: "{assumed role name}" +``` + +Run command to install + +```shell +helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum +``` + +#### permissions grant with IAM Roles for Service Accounts + +For Amazon EKS clusters, access can be provided with a service account using [IAM Roles for Service Accounts](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/iam-roles-for-service-accounts.html). + +Specify `custom.yaml` with such values + +```yaml +env: + open: + STORAGE: amazon + STORAGE_AMAZON_BUCKET: my-s3-bucket + STORAGE_AMAZON_PREFIX: + STORAGE_AMAZON_REGION: us-east-1 +serviceAccount: + create: true + annotations: + eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: "arn:aws:iam::{aws account ID}:role/{assumed role name}" +``` + +Run command to install + +```shell +helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum +``` + +### Using with Google Cloud Storage +Make sure your environment is properly setup to access `my-gcs-bucket` + +Specify `custom.yaml` with such values + +```yaml +env: + open: + STORAGE: google + STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET: my-gcs-bucket + STORAGE_GOOGLE_PREFIX: +``` + +### Using with Google Cloud Storage and a Google Service Account + +A Google service account credentials are stored in a json file. There are two approaches here. Ideally you don't want to send your secrets to tiller. In that case, before installing this chart, you should create a secret with those credentials: + +```shell +kubectl create secret generic chartmuseum-secret --from-file=credentials.json="my-project-45e35d85a593.json" +``` + +Then you can either use a `VALUES` yaml with your values or set those values in the command line: + +```shell +helm install stable/chartmuseum --debug --set gcp.secret.enabled=true,env.open.STORAGE=google,env.open.DISABLE_API=false,env.open.STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET=my-gcp-chartmuseum,gcp.secret.name=chartmuseum-secret +``` + +If you prefer to use a yaml file: + +```yaml +env: + open: + STORAGE: google + STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET: my-gcs-bucket + STORAGE_GOOGLE_PREFIX: + +gcp: + secret: + enabled: true + name: chartmuseum-secret + key: credentials.json +``` + +Run command to install + +```shell +helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum +``` + +In case that you don't mind adding your secret to tiller (you shouldn't do it), this are the commands + +```yaml +env: + open: + STORAGE: google + STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET: my-gcs-bucket + STORAGE_GOOGLE_PREFIX: + secret: + GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_JSON: my-json-file-base64-encoded +gcp: + secret: + enabled: true + +``` + +Run command to install + +```shell +helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum +``` + +To set the values directly in the command line, use the following command. Note that we have to base64 encode the json file because we cannot pass a multi-line text as a value. + +```shell +export JSONKEY=$(cat my-project-77e35d85a593.json | base64) +helm install stable/chartmuseum --debug --set gcp.secret.enabled=true,env.secret.GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_JSON=${JSONKEY},env.open.STORAGE=google,env.open.DISABLE_API=false,env.open.STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET=my-gcp-chartmuseum +``` + +### Using with Microsoft Azure Blob Storage + +Make sure your environment is properly setup to access `mycontainer`. + +To do so, you must set the following env vars: +- `AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT` +- `AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY` + +Specify `custom.yaml` with such values + +```yaml +env: + open: + STORAGE: microsoft + STORAGE_MICROSOFT_CONTAINER: mycontainer + # prefix to store charts for microsoft storage backend + STORAGE_MICROSOFT_PREFIX: + secret: + AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT: "********" ## azure storage account + AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY: "********" ## azure storage account access key +``` + +Run command to install + +```shell +helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum +``` + +### Using with Alibaba Cloud OSS Storage + +Make sure your environment is properly setup to access `my-oss-bucket`. + +To do so, you must set the following env vars: +- `ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID` +- `ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET` + +Specify `custom.yaml` with such values + +```yaml +env: + open: + STORAGE: alibaba + STORAGE_ALIBABA_BUCKET: my-oss-bucket + STORAGE_ALIBABA_PREFIX: + STORAGE_ALIBABA_ENDPOINT: oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com + secret: + ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "********" ## alibaba OSS access key id + ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET: "********" ## alibaba OSS access key secret +``` + +Run command to install + +```shell +helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum +``` + +### Using with Openstack Object Storage + +Make sure your environment is properly setup to access `mycontainer`. + +To do so, you must set the following env vars (depending on your openstack version): +- `OS_AUTH_URL` +- either `OS_PROJECT_NAME` or `OS_TENANT_NAME` or `OS_PROJECT_ID` or `OS_TENANT_ID` +- either `OS_DOMAIN_NAME` or `OS_DOMAIN_ID` +- either `OS_USERNAME` or `OS_USERID` +- `OS_PASSWORD` + +Specify `custom.yaml` with such values + +```yaml +env: + open: + STORAGE: openstack + STORAGE_OPENSTACK_CONTAINER: mycontainer + STORAGE_OPENSTACK_PREFIX: + STORAGE_OPENSTACK_REGION: YOURREGION + secret: + OS_AUTH_URL: https://myauth.url.com/v2.0/ + OS_TENANT_ID: yourtenantid + OS_USERNAME: yourusername + OS_PASSWORD: yourpassword +``` + +Run command to install + +```shell +helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum +``` +### Using with Oracle Object Storage + +Oracle (OCI) configuration and private key need to be added to a secret and are mounted at /home/chartmuseum/.oci. Your OCI config needs to be under [DEFAULT] and your `key_file` needs to be /home/chartmuseum/.oci/oci.key. See https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/sdkconfig.htm + +```shell +kubectl create secret generic chartmuseum-secret --from-file=config=".oci/config" --from-file=key_file=".oci/oci.key" +``` + +Then you can either use a `VALUES` yaml with your values or set those values in the command line: + +```shell +helm install stable/chartmuseum --debug --set env.open.STORAGE=oracle,env.open.STORAGE_ORACLE_COMPARTMENTID=ocid1.compartment.oc1..abc123,env.open.STORAGE_ORACLE_BUCKET=myocibucket,env.open.STORAGE_ORACLE_PREFIX=chartmuseum,oracle.secret.enabled=true,oracle.secret.name=chartmuseum-secret +``` + +If you prefer to use a yaml file: + +```yaml +env: + open: + STORAGE: oracle + STORAGE_ORACLE_COMPARTMENTID: ocid1.compartment.oc1..abc123 + STORAGE_ORACLE_BUCKET: myocibucket + STORAGE_ORACLE_PREFIX: chartmuseum + +oracle: + secret: + enabled: enabled + name: chartmuseum-secret + config: config + key_file: key_file + +``` + +Run command to install + +```shell +helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum +``` + +### Using an existing secret + +It is possible to pre-create a secret in kubernetes and get this chart to use that + +Given you are for example using the above AWS example + +You could create a Secret like this + +```shell + kubectl create secret generic chartmuseum-secret --from-literal="aws-access-key=myaccesskey" --from-literal="aws-secret-access-key=mysecretaccesskey" --from-literal="basic-auth-user=curator" --from-literal="basic-auth-pass=mypassword" +``` + +Specify `custom.yaml` with such values + +```yaml +env: + open: + STORAGE: amazonexistingSecret + STORAGE_AMAZON_BUCKET: my-s3-bucket + STORAGE_AMAZON_PREFIX: + STORAGE_AMAZON_REGION: us-east-1 + existingSecret: chartmuseum-secret + existingSecretMappings: + AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: aws-access-key + AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: aws-secret-access-key + BASIC_AUTH_USER: basic-auth-user + BASIC_AUTH_PASS: basic-auth-pass +``` + +Run command to install + +```shell +helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum +``` + +### Using with local filesystem storage +By default chartmuseum uses local filesystem storage. +But on pod recreation it will lose all charts, to prevent that enable persistent storage. + +```yaml +env: + open: + STORAGE: local +persistence: + enabled: true + accessMode: ReadWriteOnce + size: 8Gi + ## A manually managed Persistent Volume and Claim + ## Requires persistence.enabled: true + ## If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound + # existingClaim: + + ## Chartmuseum data Persistent Volume Storage Class + ## If defined, storageClassName: + ## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning + ## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is + ## set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on + ## GKE, AWS & OpenStack) + ## + # storageClass: "-" +``` + +Run command to install + +```shell +helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum +``` + +### Setting local storage permissions with initContainers + +Some clusters do not allow using securityContext to set permissions for persistent volumes. Instead, an initContainer can be created to run `chown` on the mounted volume. To enable it, set `securityContext.enabled` to `false`. + + +#### Example storage class + +Example storage-class.yaml provided here for use with a Ceph cluster. + +``` +kind: StorageClass +apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1 +metadata: + name: storage-volume +provisioner: kubernetes.io/rbd +parameters: + monitors: "," + adminId: admin + adminSecretName: thesecret + adminSecretNamespace: default + pool: chartstore + userId: user + userSecretName: thesecret +``` + +### Authentication + +By default this chart does not have any authentication configured and allows anyone to fetch or upload (assuming the API is enabled) charts there are two supported methods of authentication + +#### Basic Authentication + +This allows all API routes to be protected by HTTP basic auth, this is configured either as plain text in the values that gets stored as a secret in the kubernetes cluster by setting: + +```yaml +env: + secret: + BASIC_AUTH_USER: curator + BASIC_AUTH_PASS: mypassword +``` + +Or by using values from an existing secret in the cluster that can be created using: + +```shell +kubectl create secret generic chartmuseum-secret --from-literal="basic-auth-user=curator" --from-literal="basic-auth-pass=mypassword" +``` + +This secret can be used in the values file as follows: + +```yaml +env: + existingSecret: chartmuseum-secret + existingSecretMappings: + BASIC_AUTH_USER: basic-auth-user + BASIC_AUTH_PASS: basic-auth-pass +``` + +#### Bearer/Token auth + +When using this ChartMuseum is configured with a public key, and will accept RS256 JWT tokens signed by the associated private key, passed in the Authorization header. You can use the [chartmuseum/auth](https://github.com/chartmuseum/auth) Go library to generate valid JWT tokens. For more information about how this works, please see [chartmuseum/auth-server-example](https://github.com/chartmuseum/auth-server-example) + +To use this the public key should be stored in a secret this can be done with + +```shell +kubectl create secret generic chartmuseum-public-key --from-file=public-key.pem +``` + +And Bearer/Token auth can be configured using the following values + +```yaml +env: + open: + BEARER_AUTH: true + AUTH_REALM: + AUTH_SERVICE: + +bearerAuth: + secret: + enabled: true + publicKeySecret: chartmuseum-public-key +``` + +### Ingress + +This chart provides support for ingress resources. If you have an ingress controller installed on your cluster, such as [nginx-ingress](https://hub.kubeapps.com/charts/stable/nginx-ingress) or [traefik](https://hub.kubeapps.com/charts/stable/traefik) you can utilize the ingress controller to expose Kubeapps. + +To enable ingress integration, please set `ingress.enabled` to `true` + +#### Hosts + +Most likely you will only want to have one hostname that maps to this Chartmuseum installation, however, it is possible to have more than one host. To facilitate this, the `ingress.hosts` object is an array. TLS secrets referenced in the ingress host configuration must be manually created in the namespace. + +In most cases, you should not specify values for `ingress.hosts[0].serviceName` and `ingress.hosts[0].servicePort`. However, some ingress controllers support advanced scenarios requiring you to specify these values. For example, [setting up an SSL redirect using the AWS ALB Ingress Controller](https://kubernetes-sigs.github.io/aws-alb-ingress-controller/guide/tasks/ssl_redirect/). + +#### Extra Paths + +Specifying extra paths to prepend to every host configuration is especially useful when configuring [custom actions with AWS ALB Ingress Controller](https://kubernetes-sigs.github.io/aws-alb-ingress-controller/guide/ingress/annotation/#actions). + +```shell +helm install --name my-chartmuseum stable/chartmuseum \ + --set ingress.enabled=true \ + --set ingress.hosts[0].name=chartmuseum.domain.com \ + --set ingress.extraPaths[0].service=ssl-redirect \ + --set ingress.extraPaths[0].port=use-annotation \ +``` + + +#### Annotations + +For annotations, please see [this document for nginx](https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/blob/master/docs/user-guide/nginx-configuration/annotations.md) and [this document for Traefik](https://docs.traefik.io/configuration/backends/kubernetes/#general-annotations). Not all annotations are supported by all ingress controllers, but this document does a good job of indicating which annotation is supported by many popular ingress controllers. Annotations can be set using `ingress.annotations`. + +#### Example Ingress configuration + +```shell +helm install --name my-chartmuseum stable/chartmuseum \ + --set ingress.enabled=true \ + --set ingress.hosts[0].name=chartmuseum.domain.com \ + --set ingress.hosts[0].path=/ + --set ingress.hosts[0].tls=true + --set ingress.hosts[0].tlsSecret=chartmuseum.tls-secret +``` + +## Uninstall + +By default, a deliberate uninstall will result in the persistent volume +claim being deleted. + +```shell +helm delete my-chartmuseum +``` + +To delete the deployment and its history: +```shell +helm delete --purge my-chartmuseum +```