AVD Accelerator - Deployment Baseline
Parameter name | Required | Description |
deploymentPrefix | No | The name of the resource group to deploy. (Default: AVD1) |
deploymentEnvironment | No | The name of the resource group to deploy. (Default: Dev) |
diskEncryptionKeyExpirationInDays | No | This value is used to set the expiration date on the disk encryption key. (Default: 60) |
avdSessionHostLocation | No | Location where to deploy compute services. (Default: eastus2) |
avdManagementPlaneLocation | No | Location where to deploy AVD management plane. (Default: eastus2) |
avdWorkloadSubsId | No | AVD workload subscription ID, multiple subscriptions scenario. (Default: "") |
avdEnterpriseAppObjectId | No | Azure Virtual Desktop Enterprise Application object ID. (Default: "") |
avdVmLocalUserName | Yes | AVD session host local username. |
avdVmLocalUserPassword | Yes | AVD session host local password. |
avdIdentityServiceProvider | No | Required, The service providing domain services for Azure Virtual Desktop. (Default: ADDS) |
createIntuneEnrollment | No | Required, Eronll session hosts on Intune. (Default: false) |
securityPrincipalId | No | Optional, Identity ID to grant RBAC role to access AVD application group and NTFS permissions. (Default: "") |
securityPrincipalName | No | Optional, Identity name to grant RBAC role to access AVD application group and NTFS permissions. (Default: "") |
identityDomainName | No | FQDN of on-premises AD domain, used for FSLogix storage configuration and NTFS setup. (Default: "") |
identityDomainGuid | No | AD domain GUID. (Default: "") |
avdDomainJoinUserName | No | AVD session host domain join user principal name. (Default: none) |
avdDomainJoinUserPassword | No | AVD session host domain join password. (Default: none) |
avdOuPath | No | OU path to join AVd VMs. (Default: "") |
avdHostPoolType | No | AVD host pool type. (Default: Pooled) |
hostPoolPreferredAppGroupType | No | Optional. The type of preferred application group type, default to Desktop Application Group. |
avdPersonalAssignType | No | AVD host pool type. (Default: Automatic) |
avdHostPoolLoadBalancerType | No | AVD host pool load balacing type. (Default: BreadthFirst) |
hostPoolMaxSessions | No | AVD host pool maximum number of user sessions per session host. (Default: 8) |
avdStartVmOnConnect | No | AVD host pool start VM on Connect. (Default: true) |
avdHostPoolRdpProperties | No | AVD host pool Custom RDP properties. (Default: audiocapturemode:i:1;audiomode:i:0;drivestoredirect:s:;redirectclipboard:i:1;redirectcomports:i:1;redirectprinters:i:1;redirectsmartcards:i:1;screen mode id:i:2) |
avdDeployScalingPlan | No | AVD deploy scaling plan. (Default: true) |
createAvdVnet | No | Create new virtual network. (Default: true) |
existingVnetAvdSubnetResourceId | No | Existing virtual network subnet for AVD. (Default: "") |
existingVnetPrivateEndpointSubnetResourceId | No | Existing virtual network subnet for private endpoints. (Default: "") |
existingHubVnetResourceId | No | Existing hub virtual network for perring. (Default: "") |
avdVnetworkAddressPrefixes | No | AVD virtual network address prefixes. (Default: |
vNetworkAvdSubnetAddressPrefix | No | AVD virtual network subnet address prefix. (Default: |
vNetworkPrivateEndpointSubnetAddressPrefix | No | private endpoints virtual network subnet address prefix. (Default: |
customDnsIps | No | custom DNS servers IPs. (Default: "") |
deployPrivateEndpointKeyvaultStorage | No | Deploy private endpoints for key vault and storage. (Default: true) |
createPrivateDnsZones | No | Create new Azure private DNS zones for private endpoints. (Default: true) |
avdVnetPrivateDnsZoneFilesId | No | Use existing Azure private DNS zone for Azure files privatelink.file.core.windows.net or privatelink.file.core.usgovcloudapi.net. (Default: "") |
avdVnetPrivateDnsZoneKeyvaultId | No | Use existing Azure private DNS zone for key vault privatelink.vaultcore.azure.net or privatelink.vaultcore.usgovcloudapi.net. (Default: "") |
vNetworkGatewayOnHub | No | Does the hub contains a virtual network gateway. (Default: false) |
createAvdFslogixDeployment | No | Deploy Fslogix setup. (Default: true) |
createMsixDeployment | No | Deploy MSIX App Attach setup. (Default: false) |
fslogixFileShareQuotaSize | No | Fslogix file share size. (Default: 1) |
msixFileShareQuotaSize | No | MSIX file share size. (Default: 1) |
avdDeploySessionHosts | No | Deploy new session hosts. (Default: true) |
deployGpuPolicies | No | Deploy VM GPU extension policies. (Default: false) |
avdDeployMonitoring | No | Deploy AVD monitoring resources and setings. (Default: false) |
deployAlaWorkspace | No | Deploy AVD Azure log analytics workspace. (Default: true) |
deployCustomPolicyMonitoring | No | Create and assign custom Azure Policy for diagnostic settings for the AVD Log Analytics workspace. (Default: false) |
avdAlaWorkspaceDataRetention | No | AVD Azure log analytics workspace data retention. (Default: 90) |
alaExistingWorkspaceResourceId | No | Existing Azure log analytics workspace resource ID to connect to. (Default: "") |
avdDeploySessionHostsCount | No | Quantity of session hosts to deploy. (Default: 1) |
avdSessionHostCountIndex | No | The session host number to begin with for the deployment. This is important when adding virtual machines to ensure the names do not conflict. (Default: 0) |
availabilityZonesCompute | No | When true VMs are distributed across availability zones, when set to false, VMs will be members of a new availability set. (Default: true) |
zoneRedundantStorage | No | When true, Zone Redundant Storage (ZRS) is used, when set to false, Locally Redundant Storage (LRS) is used. (Default: false) |
avsetFaultDomainCount | No | Sets the number of fault domains for the availability set. (Default: 2) |
avsetUpdateDomainCount | No | Sets the number of update domains for the availability set. (Default: 5) |
fslogixStoragePerformance | No | Storage account SKU for FSLogix storage. Recommended tier is Premium (Default: Premium) |
msixStoragePerformance | No | Storage account SKU for MSIX storage. Recommended tier is Premium. (Default: Premium) |
diskZeroTrust | No | Enables a zero trust configuration on the session host disks. (Default: false) |
avdSessionHostsSize | No | Session host VM size. (Default: Standard_D4ads_v5) |
avdSessionHostDiskType | No | OS disk type for session host. (Default: Premium_LRS) |
enableAcceleratedNetworking | No | Enables accelerated Networking on the session hosts. If using a Azure Compute Gallery Image, the Image Definition must have been configured with the 'isAcceleratedNetworkSupported' property set to 'true'. |
securityType | No | Specifies the securityType of the virtual machine. "ConfidentialVM" and "TrustedLaunch" require a Gen2 Image. (Default: TrustedLaunch) |
secureBootEnabled | No | Specifies whether secure boot should be enabled on the virtual machine. This parameter is part of the UefiSettings. securityType should be set to TrustedLaunch or ConfidentialVM to enable UefiSettings. (Default: true) |
vTpmEnabled | No | Specifies whether vTPM should be enabled on the virtual machine. This parameter is part of the UefiSettings. securityType should be set to TrustedLaunch or ConfidentialVM to enable UefiSettings. (Default: true) |
avdOsImage | No | AVD OS image SKU. (Default: win11-22h2) |
managementVmOsImage | No | Management VM image SKU (Default: winServer_2022_Datacenter_smalldisk_g2) |
useSharedImage | No | Set to deploy image from Azure Compute Gallery. (Default: false) |
avdImageTemplateDefinitionId | No | Source custom image ID. (Default: "") |
storageOuPath | No | OU name for Azure Storage Account. It is recommended to create a new AD Organizational Unit (OU) in AD and disable password expiration policy on computer accounts or service logon accounts accordingly. (Default: "") |
avdUseCustomNaming | No | AVD resources custom naming. (Default: false) |
avdServiceObjectsRgCustomName | No | AVD service resources resource group custom name. (Default: rg-avd-app1-dev-use2-service-objects) |
avdNetworkObjectsRgCustomName | No | AVD network resources resource group custom name. (Default: rg-avd-app1-dev-use2-network) |
avdComputeObjectsRgCustomName | No | AVD network resources resource group custom name. (Default: rg-avd-app1-dev-use2-pool-compute) |
avdStorageObjectsRgCustomName | No | AVD network resources resource group custom name. (Default: rg-avd-app1-dev-use2-storage) |
avdMonitoringRgCustomName | No | AVD monitoring resource group custom name. (Default: rg-avd-dev-use2-monitoring) |
avdVnetworkCustomName | No | AVD virtual network custom name. (Default: vnet-app1-dev-use2-001) |
avdAlaWorkspaceCustomName | No | AVD Azure log analytics workspace custom name. (Default: log-avd-app1-dev-use2) |
avdVnetworkSubnetCustomName | No | AVD virtual network subnet custom name. (Default: snet-avd-app1-dev-use2-001) |
privateEndpointVnetworkSubnetCustomName | No | private endpoints virtual network subnet custom name. (Default: snet-pe-app1-dev-use2-001) |
avdNetworksecurityGroupCustomName | No | AVD network security group custom name. (Default: nsg-avd-app1-dev-use2-001) |
privateEndpointNetworksecurityGroupCustomName | No | Private endpoint network security group custom name. (Default: nsg-pe-app1-dev-use2-001) |
avdRouteTableCustomName | No | AVD route table custom name. (Default: route-avd-app1-dev-use2-001) |
privateEndpointRouteTableCustomName | No | Private endpoint route table custom name. (Default: route-avd-app1-dev-use2-001) |
avdApplicationSecurityGroupCustomName | No | AVD application security custom name. (Default: asg-app1-dev-use2-001) |
avdWorkSpaceCustomName | No | AVD workspace custom name. (Default: vdws-app1-dev-use2-001) |
avdWorkSpaceCustomFriendlyName | No | AVD workspace custom friendly (Display) name. (Default: App1 - Dev - East US 2 - 001) |
avdHostPoolCustomName | No | AVD host pool custom name. (Default: vdpool-app1-dev-use2-001) |
avdHostPoolCustomFriendlyName | No | AVD host pool custom friendly (Display) name. (Default: App1 - East US - Dev - 001) |
avdScalingPlanCustomName | No | AVD scaling plan custom name. (Default: vdscaling-app1-dev-use2-001) |
avdApplicationGroupCustomName | No | AVD desktop application group custom name. (Default: vdag-desktop-app1-dev-use2-001) |
avdApplicationGroupCustomFriendlyName | No | AVD desktop application group custom friendly (Display) name. (Default: Desktops - App1 - East US - Dev - 001) |
avdSessionHostCustomNamePrefix | No | AVD session host prefix custom name. (Default: vmapp1duse2) |
avsetCustomNamePrefix | No | AVD availability set custom name. (Default: avail) |
storageAccountPrefixCustomName | No | AVD FSLogix and MSIX app attach storage account prefix custom name. (Default: st) |
fslogixFileShareCustomName | No | FSLogix file share name. (Default: fslogix-pc-app1-dev-001) |
msixFileShareCustomName | No | MSIX file share name. (Default: msix-app1-dev-001) |
avdWrklKvPrefixCustomName | No | AVD keyvault prefix custom name (with Zero Trust to store credentials to domain join and local admin). (Default: kv-sec) |
ztDiskEncryptionSetCustomNamePrefix | No | AVD disk encryption set custom name. (Default: des-zt) |
ztManagedIdentityCustomName | No | AVD managed identity for zero trust to encrypt managed disks using a customer managed key. (Default: id-zt) |
ztKvPrefixCustomName | No | AVD key vault custom name for zero trust and store store disk encryption key (Default: kv-key) |
createResourceTags | No | Apply tags on resources and resource groups. (Default: false) |
workloadNameTag | No | The name of workload for tagging purposes. (Default: Contoso-Workload) |
workloadTypeTag | No | Reference to the size of the VM for your workloads (Default: Light) |
dataClassificationTag | No | Sensitivity of data hosted (Default: Non-business) |
departmentTag | No | Department that owns the deployment, (Dafult: Contoso-AVD) |
workloadCriticalityTag | No | Criticality of the workload. (Default: Low) |
workloadCriticalityCustomValueTag | No | Tag value for custom criticality value. (Default: Contoso-Critical) |
applicationNameTag | No | Details about the application. |
workloadSlaTag | No | Service level agreement level of the worload. (Contoso-SLA) |
opsTeamTag | No | Team accountable for day-to-day operations. ([email protected]) |
ownerTag | No | Organizational owner of the AVD deployment. (Default: [email protected]) |
costCenterTag | No | Cost center of owner team. (Default: Contoso-CC) |
time | No | Do not modify, used to set unique value for resource deployment. |
enableTelemetry | No | Enable usage and telemetry feedback to Microsoft. |
enableKvPurgeProtection | No | Enable purge protection for the keyvaults. (Default: true) |
The name of the resource group to deploy. (Default: AVD1)
- Default value:
The name of the resource group to deploy. (Default: Dev)
Default value:
Allowed values:
This value is used to set the expiration date on the disk encryption key. (Default: 60)
- Default value:
Location where to deploy compute services. (Default: eastus2)
- Default value:
Location where to deploy AVD management plane. (Default: eastus2)
- Default value:
AVD workload subscription ID, multiple subscriptions scenario. (Default: "")
Azure Virtual Desktop Enterprise Application object ID. (Default: "")
AVD session host local username.
AVD session host local password.
Required, The service providing domain services for Azure Virtual Desktop. (Default: ADDS)
Default value:
Allowed values:
Required, Eronll session hosts on Intune. (Default: false)
- Default value:
Optional, Identity ID to grant RBAC role to access AVD application group and NTFS permissions. (Default: "")
Optional, Identity name to grant RBAC role to access AVD application group and NTFS permissions. (Default: "")
FQDN of on-premises AD domain, used for FSLogix storage configuration and NTFS setup. (Default: "")
- Default value:
AD domain GUID. (Default: "")
AVD session host domain join user principal name. (Default: none)
- Default value:
AVD session host domain join password. (Default: none)
- Default value:
OU path to join AVd VMs. (Default: "")
AVD host pool type. (Default: Pooled)
Default value:
Allowed values:
Optional. The type of preferred application group type, default to Desktop Application Group.
Default value:
Allowed values:
AVD host pool type. (Default: Automatic)
Default value:
Allowed values:
AVD host pool load balacing type. (Default: BreadthFirst)
Default value:
Allowed values:
AVD host pool maximum number of user sessions per session host. (Default: 8)
- Default value:
AVD host pool start VM on Connect. (Default: true)
- Default value:
AVD host pool Custom RDP properties. (Default: audiocapturemode:i:1;audiomode:i:0;drivestoredirect:s:;redirectclipboard:i:1;redirectcomports:i:1;redirectprinters:i:1;redirectsmartcards:i:1;screen mode id:i:2)
- Default value:
audiocapturemode:i:1;audiomode:i:0;drivestoredirect:s:;redirectclipboard:i:1;redirectcomports:i:1;redirectprinters:i:1;redirectsmartcards:i:1;screen mode id:i:2
AVD deploy scaling plan. (Default: true)
- Default value:
Create new virtual network. (Default: true)
- Default value:
Existing virtual network subnet for AVD. (Default: "")
Existing virtual network subnet for private endpoints. (Default: "")
Existing hub virtual network for perring. (Default: "")
AVD virtual network address prefixes. (Default:
- Default value:
AVD virtual network subnet address prefix. (Default:
- Default value:
private endpoints virtual network subnet address prefix. (Default:
- Default value:
custom DNS servers IPs. (Default: "")
Deploy private endpoints for key vault and storage. (Default: true)
- Default value:
Create new Azure private DNS zones for private endpoints. (Default: true)
- Default value:
Use existing Azure private DNS zone for Azure files privatelink.file.core.windows.net or privatelink.file.core.usgovcloudapi.net. (Default: "")
Use existing Azure private DNS zone for key vault privatelink.vaultcore.azure.net or privatelink.vaultcore.usgovcloudapi.net. (Default: "")
Does the hub contains a virtual network gateway. (Default: false)
- Default value:
Deploy Fslogix setup. (Default: true)
- Default value:
Deploy MSIX App Attach setup. (Default: false)
- Default value:
Fslogix file share size. (Default: 1)
- Default value:
MSIX file share size. (Default: 1)
- Default value:
Deploy new session hosts. (Default: true)
- Default value:
Deploy VM GPU extension policies. (Default: false)
- Default value:
Deploy AVD monitoring resources and setings. (Default: false)
- Default value:
Deploy AVD Azure log analytics workspace. (Default: true)
- Default value:
Create and assign custom Azure Policy for diagnostic settings for the AVD Log Analytics workspace. (Default: false)
- Default value:
AVD Azure log analytics workspace data retention. (Default: 90)
- Default value:
Existing Azure log analytics workspace resource ID to connect to. (Default: "")
Quantity of session hosts to deploy. (Default: 1)
- Default value:
The session host number to begin with for the deployment. This is important when adding virtual machines to ensure the names do not conflict. (Default: 0)
- Default value:
When true VMs are distributed across availability zones, when set to false, VMs will be members of a new availability set. (Default: true)
- Default value:
When true, Zone Redundant Storage (ZRS) is used, when set to false, Locally Redundant Storage (LRS) is used. (Default: false)
- Default value:
Sets the number of fault domains for the availability set. (Default: 2)
- Default value:
Sets the number of update domains for the availability set. (Default: 5)
- Default value:
Storage account SKU for FSLogix storage. Recommended tier is Premium (Default: Premium)
Default value:
Allowed values:
Storage account SKU for MSIX storage. Recommended tier is Premium. (Default: Premium)
Default value:
Allowed values:
Enables a zero trust configuration on the session host disks. (Default: false)
- Default value:
Session host VM size. (Default: Standard_D4ads_v5)
- Default value:
OS disk type for session host. (Default: Premium_LRS)
- Default value:
Enables accelerated Networking on the session hosts. If using a Azure Compute Gallery Image, the Image Definition must have been configured with the 'isAcceleratedNetworkSupported' property set to 'true'.
- Default value:
Specifies the securityType of the virtual machine. "ConfidentialVM" and "TrustedLaunch" require a Gen2 Image. (Default: TrustedLaunch)
Default value:
Allowed values:
Specifies whether secure boot should be enabled on the virtual machine. This parameter is part of the UefiSettings. securityType should be set to TrustedLaunch or ConfidentialVM to enable UefiSettings. (Default: true)
- Default value:
Specifies whether vTPM should be enabled on the virtual machine. This parameter is part of the UefiSettings. securityType should be set to TrustedLaunch or ConfidentialVM to enable UefiSettings. (Default: true)
- Default value:
AVD OS image SKU. (Default: win11-22h2)
Default value:
Allowed values:
Management VM image SKU (Default: winServer_2022_Datacenter_smalldisk_g2)
- Default value:
Set to deploy image from Azure Compute Gallery. (Default: false)
- Default value:
Source custom image ID. (Default: "")
OU name for Azure Storage Account. It is recommended to create a new AD Organizational Unit (OU) in AD and disable password expiration policy on computer accounts or service logon accounts accordingly. (Default: "")
AVD resources custom naming. (Default: false)
- Default value:
AVD service resources resource group custom name. (Default: rg-avd-app1-dev-use2-service-objects)
- Default value:
AVD network resources resource group custom name. (Default: rg-avd-app1-dev-use2-network)
- Default value:
AVD network resources resource group custom name. (Default: rg-avd-app1-dev-use2-pool-compute)
- Default value:
AVD network resources resource group custom name. (Default: rg-avd-app1-dev-use2-storage)
- Default value:
AVD monitoring resource group custom name. (Default: rg-avd-dev-use2-monitoring)
- Default value:
AVD virtual network custom name. (Default: vnet-app1-dev-use2-001)
- Default value:
AVD Azure log analytics workspace custom name. (Default: log-avd-app1-dev-use2)
- Default value:
AVD virtual network subnet custom name. (Default: snet-avd-app1-dev-use2-001)
- Default value:
private endpoints virtual network subnet custom name. (Default: snet-pe-app1-dev-use2-001)
- Default value:
AVD network security group custom name. (Default: nsg-avd-app1-dev-use2-001)
- Default value:
Private endpoint network security group custom name. (Default: nsg-pe-app1-dev-use2-001)
- Default value:
AVD route table custom name. (Default: route-avd-app1-dev-use2-001)
- Default value:
Private endpoint route table custom name. (Default: route-avd-app1-dev-use2-001)
- Default value:
AVD application security custom name. (Default: asg-app1-dev-use2-001)
- Default value:
AVD workspace custom name. (Default: vdws-app1-dev-use2-001)
- Default value:
AVD workspace custom friendly (Display) name. (Default: App1 - Dev - East US 2 - 001)
- Default value:
App1 - Dev - East US 2 - 001
AVD host pool custom name. (Default: vdpool-app1-dev-use2-001)
- Default value:
AVD host pool custom friendly (Display) name. (Default: App1 - East US - Dev - 001)
- Default value:
App1 - Dev - East US 2 - 001
AVD scaling plan custom name. (Default: vdscaling-app1-dev-use2-001)
- Default value:
AVD desktop application group custom name. (Default: vdag-desktop-app1-dev-use2-001)
- Default value:
AVD desktop application group custom friendly (Display) name. (Default: Desktops - App1 - East US - Dev - 001)
- Default value:
Desktops - App1 - Dev - East US 2 - 001
AVD session host prefix custom name. (Default: vmapp1duse2)
- Default value:
AVD availability set custom name. (Default: avail)
- Default value:
AVD FSLogix and MSIX app attach storage account prefix custom name. (Default: st)
- Default value:
FSLogix file share name. (Default: fslogix-pc-app1-dev-001)
- Default value:
MSIX file share name. (Default: msix-app1-dev-001)
- Default value:
AVD keyvault prefix custom name (with Zero Trust to store credentials to domain join and local admin). (Default: kv-sec)
- Default value:
AVD disk encryption set custom name. (Default: des-zt)
- Default value:
AVD managed identity for zero trust to encrypt managed disks using a customer managed key. (Default: id-zt)
- Default value:
AVD key vault custom name for zero trust and store store disk encryption key (Default: kv-key)
- Default value:
Apply tags on resources and resource groups. (Default: false)
- Default value:
The name of workload for tagging purposes. (Default: Contoso-Workload)
- Default value:
Reference to the size of the VM for your workloads (Default: Light)
Default value:
Allowed values:
Sensitivity of data hosted (Default: Non-business)
Default value:
Allowed values:
Department that owns the deployment, (Dafult: Contoso-AVD)
- Default value:
Criticality of the workload. (Default: Low)
Default value:
Allowed values:
Tag value for custom criticality value. (Default: Contoso-Critical)
- Default value:
Details about the application.
- Default value:
Service level agreement level of the worload. (Contoso-SLA)
- Default value:
Team accountable for day-to-day operations. ([email protected])
- Default value:
[email protected]
Organizational owner of the AVD deployment. (Default: [email protected])
- Default value:
[email protected]
Cost center of owner team. (Default: Contoso-CC)
- Default value:
Do not modify, used to set unique value for resource deployment.
- Default value:
Enable usage and telemetry feedback to Microsoft.
- Default value:
Enable purge protection for the keyvaults. (Default: true)
- Default value:
"$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentParameters.json#",
"contentVersion": "",
"metadata": {
"template": "workload/arm/deploy-baseline.json"
"parameters": {
"deploymentPrefix": {
"value": "AVD1"
"deploymentEnvironment": {
"value": "Dev"
"diskEncryptionKeyExpirationInDays": {
"value": 60
"avdSessionHostLocation": {
"value": "eastus2"
"avdManagementPlaneLocation": {
"value": "eastus2"
"avdWorkloadSubsId": {
"value": ""
"avdEnterpriseAppObjectId": {
"value": ""
"avdVmLocalUserName": {
"value": ""
"avdVmLocalUserPassword": {
"reference": {
"keyVault": {
"id": ""
"secretName": ""
"avdIdentityServiceProvider": {
"value": "ADDS"
"createIntuneEnrollment": {
"value": false
"securityPrincipalId": {
"value": ""
"securityPrincipalName": {
"value": ""
"identityDomainName": {
"value": "none"
"identityDomainGuid": {
"value": ""
"avdDomainJoinUserName": {
"value": "none"
"avdDomainJoinUserPassword": {
"reference": {
"keyVault": {
"id": ""
"secretName": ""
"avdOuPath": {
"value": ""
"avdHostPoolType": {
"value": "Pooled"
"hostPoolPreferredAppGroupType": {
"value": "Desktop"
"avdPersonalAssignType": {
"value": "Automatic"
"avdHostPoolLoadBalancerType": {
"value": "BreadthFirst"
"hostPoolMaxSessions": {
"value": 8
"avdStartVmOnConnect": {
"value": true
"avdHostPoolRdpProperties": {
"value": "audiocapturemode:i:1;audiomode:i:0;drivestoredirect:s:;redirectclipboard:i:1;redirectcomports:i:1;redirectprinters:i:1;redirectsmartcards:i:1;screen mode id:i:2"
"avdDeployScalingPlan": {
"value": true
"createAvdVnet": {
"value": true
"existingVnetAvdSubnetResourceId": {
"value": ""
"existingVnetPrivateEndpointSubnetResourceId": {
"value": ""
"existingHubVnetResourceId": {
"value": ""
"avdVnetworkAddressPrefixes": {
"value": ""
"vNetworkAvdSubnetAddressPrefix": {
"value": ""
"vNetworkPrivateEndpointSubnetAddressPrefix": {
"value": ""
"customDnsIps": {
"value": ""
"deployPrivateEndpointKeyvaultStorage": {
"value": true
"createPrivateDnsZones": {
"value": true
"avdVnetPrivateDnsZoneFilesId": {
"value": ""
"avdVnetPrivateDnsZoneKeyvaultId": {
"value": ""
"vNetworkGatewayOnHub": {
"value": false
"createAvdFslogixDeployment": {
"value": true
"createMsixDeployment": {
"value": false
"fslogixFileShareQuotaSize": {
"value": 1
"msixFileShareQuotaSize": {
"value": 1
"avdDeploySessionHosts": {
"value": true
"deployGpuPolicies": {
"value": false
"avdDeployMonitoring": {
"value": false
"deployAlaWorkspace": {
"value": true
"deployCustomPolicyMonitoring": {
"value": false
"avdAlaWorkspaceDataRetention": {
"value": 90
"alaExistingWorkspaceResourceId": {
"value": ""
"avdDeploySessionHostsCount": {
"value": 1
"avdSessionHostCountIndex": {
"value": 0
"availabilityZonesCompute": {
"value": true
"zoneRedundantStorage": {
"value": false
"avsetFaultDomainCount": {
"value": 2
"avsetUpdateDomainCount": {
"value": 5
"fslogixStoragePerformance": {
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