participant client as Client
participant kong as Kong Proxy
participant plugin_access as Plugin:access
participant plugin_response as Plugin:response
participant irs as Idempotent Request
participant mongo as MongoDB
participant api as API Server
Note over plugin_access,plugin_response: Kong Plugin runtime
client ->> +kong: HTTP POST /*, "Idempotency-Key: $(value)"
kong ->> +plugin_access: Trigger :access()
plugin_access ->> +irs: HTTP PUT /captures
irs ->> +mongo: Insert, if not exists
alt Another request capture was recorded
mongo -->> irs: capture.status: completed
irs -->> plugin_access: 200 Ok
plugin_access -->> kong: Set kong.response and exit
kong -->> client: Response
alt Another request capture is in-flight
mongo -->> irs: capture.status: capture_is_in_flight
irs -->> plugin_access: 409 Conflict
plugin_access -->> kong: Set kong.response and exit
kong -->> client: 409 Conflict
alt Recording a capture for the very 1st time
mongo -->> -irs: capture.status: allocated
irs -->> -plugin_access: 202 Accepted
plugin_access -->> -kong: :access() finished
kong ->> +api: Proxy the request
api -->> -kong: Response
kong ->> +plugin_response: Trigger :response()
plugin_response ->> +irs: HTTP POST /captures
irs ->> +mongo: Update the capture document, iff capture.status is "allocated"
mongo -->> -irs: Ok
irs -->> -plugin_response: 200 Ok
plugin_response -->> -kong: :response() completed
kong -->> -client: Response