A Filebeat embedding a nsq output.
You can use the output in every beat you want. This repository offers a Filebeat "main" that embeds it. You can compile and use it by following the Golang setup detailed in the CONTRIBUTE instructions of beats : https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/devguide/current/beats-contributing.html#setting-up-dev-environment
And compiling this repository using :
install go version 1.13.10
update go.mod with beats/go.mod
require set GOPATH
if you use goenv, you should exporet GOENV_DISABLE_GOPATH=1
go get -d github.com/elastic/beats
go get -d github.com/chennqqi/filebeat.nsq.output
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/chennqqi/filebeat.nsq.output
ln -s ../../elastic/beats/vendor .
GO111MODULE=off go build
To build the project, and :
- ./filebeat.nsq.output
To launch it.
inspired by https://github.com/dapicard/filebeat.mongodb.output
- official develop documentation https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/devguide/current/beats-contributing.html#setting-up-dev-environment
- an third party mongodb output https://github.com/dapicard/filebeat.mongodb.output
- official kafka output https://github.com/elastic/beats/tree/master/libbeat/outputs/kafka