From fd8c03ac47c624b3e721720c952ee316d2232052 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: yizhangliu <> Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 14:08:54 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 01/18] [HOTFIX] Fix typos in the system prompt of router example. (#436) --------- Co-authored-by: DavdGao --- docs/sphinx_doc/zh_CN/source/tutorial/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/sphinx_doc/zh_CN/source/tutorial/ b/docs/sphinx_doc/zh_CN/source/tutorial/ index 12a70cb44..1008214ff 100644 --- a/docs/sphinx_doc/zh_CN/source/tutorial/ +++ b/docs/sphinx_doc/zh_CN/source/tutorial/ @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ AgentScope内置策略的目标是**使初学者能够顺利调用模型API , ## 构建提示面临的挑战 -在多智能体应用中,LLM通常在对话中扮演不同的角色。当使用模型的Chat API时,时长会面临以下挑战: +在多智能体应用中,LLM通常在对话中扮演不同的角色。当使用模型的Chat API时,时常会面临以下挑战: 1. 大多数Chat类型的模型API是为聊天机器人场景设计的,`role`字段只支持`"user"`和`"assistant"`,不支持`name`字段,即API本身不支持角色扮演。 From 6a5e0c33d6d23538a5c02f5264355888293fb1f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ikko Eltociear Ashimine Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 15:47:29 +0900 Subject: [PATCH 02/18] Add in Japanese. (#455) ------ Co-authored-by: DavdGao --- | 2 +- | 396 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 2 +- 3 files changed, 398 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) create mode 100644 diff --git a/ b/ index a5fc5eb90..f15df7418 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -English | [**中文**]( +English | [**中文**]( | [**日本語**]( # AgentScope diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0f1fd2c78 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,396 @@ +[English]( | [中文]( | 日本語 + +# AgentScope + +

+agentscope-logo +

+ +LLMを活用したマルチエージェントアプリケーションをより簡単に構築する。 + +[![](]( +[![](]( +[![](]( +[![](]( +[![](]( +[![](;base64,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)]( + +[![](]( +[![](](./LICENSE) +[![](://]( + +- 私たちの仕事が役に立った場合は、[論文](を引用してください。 + +- [](にアクセスして、ドラッグアンドドロップでマルチエージェントアプリケーションを構築してください。 + +
+ + agentscope-workstation + +
+ +- 私たちのコミュニティに参加してください + +| [Discord]( | DingTalk | +|---------|----------| +| | | + +---- + +## ニュース + +- new**[2024-09-06]** AgentScopeバージョン0.1.0がリリースされました。 + +- new**[2024-09-03]** AgentScopeは**Webブラウザ制御**をサポートしています。詳細については、[例](を参照してください。 + +
+ +
+ +- new**[2024-07-18]** AgentScopeはストリーミングモードをサポートしています。詳細については、[チュートリアル](および[ストリーミングモードでの会話の例](を参照してください。 + +
+agentscope-logo +agentscope-logo +
+ +- new**[2024-07-15]** AgentScopeはMixture-of-Agentsアルゴリズムを実装しました。詳細については、[MoAの例](を参照してください。 + +- **[2024-06-14]** 新しいプロンプトチューニングモジュールがAgentScopeに追加され、開発者がエージェントのシステムプロンプトを生成および最適化するのに役立ちます。詳細については、[チュートリアル](を参照してください。 + +- **[2024-06-11]** RAG機能が**AgentScope**に追加されました。エージェントに外部知識を装備するための[**AgentScopeのRAGの簡単な紹介**](を参照してください。 + +- **[2024-06-09]** **AgentScope** v0.0.5がリリースされました。この新しいバージョンでは、[**AgentScope Workstation**](オンラインバージョンは[](で実行されています)がリファクタリングされた[**AgentScope Studio**](とともにオープンソース化されました。 + +
+完全なニュース + +- **[2024-05-24]** **AgentScope Workstation**に関連する機能がまもなくオープンソース化されることをお知らせします。オンラインウェブサイトサービスは一時的にオフラインになっています。オンラインウェブサイトサービスはアップグレードされ、まもなく再開されます。お楽しみに... + +- **[2024-05-15]** **フォーマットされた応答**のための新しい**パーサーモジュール**がAgentScopeに追加されました。詳細については、[チュートリアル](を参照してください。[`DictDialogAgent`](および[人狼ゲーム](の例も同時に更新されました。 + +- **[2024-05-14]** 親愛なるAgentScopeユーザーの皆様、**AgentScope Workstation & Copilot**のユーザーエクスペリエンスに関するアンケートを実施しています。現在、AgentScopeのドラッグアンドドロップマルチエージェントアプリケーション開発とCopilotのエクスペリエンスを改善するために、貴重なフィードバックが必要です。フィードバックは貴重であり、アンケートには約3〜5分かかります。アンケート調査に参加するには、[URL](をクリックしてください。ご支援とご協力に感謝します。 + +- **[2024-05-14]** AgentScopeは**gpt-4o**および他のOpenAIビジョンモデルをサポートしています。gpt-4oを[モデル構成](./examples/model_configs_template/openai_chat_template.json)と新しい例[Conversation with gpt-4o](./examples/conversation_with_gpt-4o)で試してください。 + +- **[2024-04-30]** **AgentScope** v0.0.4がリリースされました。 + +- **[2024-04-27]** [AgentScope Workstation](がオンラインになりました。*ドラッグアンドドロッププラットフォーム*を使用してマルチエージェントアプリケーションを構築し、*copilot*にAgentScopeに関する質問をすることができます。 + +- **[2024-04-19]** AgentScopeはLlama3をサポートしています。クイックセットアップのための[スクリプト](と[モデル構成](を提供しています。例でllama3を試してみてください。 + +- **[2024-04-06]** **AgentScope** v0.0.3がリリースされました。 + +- **[2024-04-06]** 新しい例[五目並べ](、[ReActエージェントとの会話](、[RAGエージェントとの会話](、および[分散並列最適化](が利用可能になりました。 + +- **[2024-03-19]** **AgentScope** v0.0.2がリリースされました。この新しいバージョンでは、AgentScopeは[ollama](ローカルCPU推論エンジン)、[DashScope](およびGoogle[Gemini](をサポートしています。 + +- **[2024-03-19]** 新しい例「[メンション付きの自律会話](」および「[LangChainライブラリを使用した基本的な会話](」が利用可能になりました。 + +- **[2024-03-19]** AgentScopeの[中国語チュートリアル](がオンラインになりました。 + +- **[2024-02-27]** **AgentScope v0.0.1**がリリースされました。これは[PyPI](でも利用可能です。 + +- **[2024-02-14]** 私たちは論文「[AgentScope: A Flexible yet Robust Multi-Agent Platform](」を[arXiv](に発表しました。 + +
+ +--- + +## AgentScopeとは? + +AgentScopeは、開発者が大規模モデルを使用してマルチエージェントアプリケーションを構築する能力を提供する革新的なマルチエージェントプラットフォームです。 +それは3つの高レベルの機能を備えています: + +- 🤝 **使いやすさ**:開発者向けに設計されており、[豊富なコンポーネント](、[包括的なドキュメント](、および広範な互換性を提供します。さらに、[AgentScope Workstation](は、初心者向けの*ドラッグアンドドロッププログラミングプラットフォーム*と*copilot*を提供します。 + +- ✅ **高い堅牢性**:カスタマイズ可能なフォールトトレランス制御と再試行メカニズムをサポートし、アプリケーションの安定性を向上させます。 + +- 🚀 **アクターベースの分散**:集中型プログラミング方式で分散マルチエージェントアプリケーションを構築し、開発を簡素化します。 + +**サポートされているモデルライブラリ** + +AgentScopeは、ローカルモデルサービスとサードパーティのモデルAPIの両方をサポートするための`ModelWrapper`のリストを提供します。 + +| API | タスク | モデルラッパー | 構成 | サポートされているモデルの一部 | +|------------------------|-----------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| +| OpenAI API | チャット | [`OpenAIChatWrapper`]( | [ガイダンス](
[テンプレート]( | gpt-4o, gpt-4, gpt-3.5-turbo, ... | +| | 埋め込み | [`OpenAIEmbeddingWrapper`]( | [ガイダンス](
[テンプレート]( | text-embedding-ada-002, ... | +| | DALL·E | [`OpenAIDALLEWrapper`]( | [ガイダンス](
[テンプレート]( | dall-e-2, dall-e-3 | +| DashScope API | チャット | [`DashScopeChatWrapper`]( | [ガイダンス](
[テンプレート]( | qwen-plus, qwen-max, ... | +| | 画像生成 | [`DashScopeImageSynthesisWrapper`]( | [ガイダンス](
[テンプレート]( | wanx-v1 | +| | テキスト埋め込み | [`DashScopeTextEmbeddingWrapper`]( | [ガイダンス](
[テンプレート]( | text-embedding-v1, text-embedding-v2, ... | +| | マルチモーダル | [`DashScopeMultiModalWrapper`]( | [ガイダンス](
[テンプレート]( | qwen-vl-max, qwen-vl-chat-v1, qwen-audio-chat | +| Gemini API | チャット | [`GeminiChatWrapper`]( | [ガイダンス](
[テンプレート]( | gemini-pro, ... | +| | 埋め込み | [`GeminiEmbeddingWrapper`]( | [ガイダンス](
[テンプレート]( | models/embedding-001, ... | +| ZhipuAI API | チャット | [`ZhipuAIChatWrapper`]( | [ガイダンス](
[テンプレート]( | glm-4, ... | +| | 埋め込み | [`ZhipuAIEmbeddingWrapper`]( | [ガイダンス](
[テンプレート]( | embedding-2, ... | +| ollama | チャット | [`OllamaChatWrapper`]( | [ガイダンス](
[テンプレート]( | llama3, llama2, Mistral, ... | +| | 埋め込み | [`OllamaEmbeddingWrapper`]( | [ガイダンス](
[テンプレート]( | llama2, Mistral, ... | +| | 生成 | [`OllamaGenerationWrapper`]( | [ガイダンス](
[テンプレート]( | llama2, Mistral, ... | +| LiteLLM API | チャット | [`LiteLLMChatWrapper`]( | [ガイダンス](
[テンプレート]( | [litellmがサポートするモデル]( | +| Yi API | チャット | [`YiChatWrapper`]( | [ガイダンス](
[テンプレート]( | yi-large, yi-medium, ... | +| Post Request based API | - | [`PostAPIModelWrapper`]( | [ガイダンス](
[テンプレート]( | - | + +**サポートされているローカルモデルのデプロイ** + +AgentScopeは、次のライブラリを使用してローカルモデルサービスを迅速にデプロイするためのサポートを提供します。 + +- [ollama (CPU推論)]( +- [Flask + Transformers]( +- [Flask + ModelScope]( +- [FastChat]( +- [vllm]( + +**サポートされているサービス** + +- ウェブ検索 +- データクエリ +- 検索 +- コード実行 +- ファイル操作 +- テキスト処理 +- マルチモーダル生成 +- Wikipedia検索と検索 +- TripAdvisor検索 +- ウェブブラウザ制御 + +**例のアプリケーション** + +- モデル + - [AgentScopeでLlama3を使用する]( + +- 会話 + - [基本的な会話]( + - [メンション付きの自律会話]( + - [自己組織化会話]( + - [LangChainライブラリを使用した基本的な会話]( + - [ReActエージェントとの会話]( + - [自然言語でSQLをクエリする会話]( + - [RAGエージェントとの会話]( + - [gpt-4oとの会話]( + - [ソフトウェアエンジニアリングエージェントとの会話]( + - [カスタマイズされたツールとの会話]( + - new[Mixture of Agentsアルゴリズム]( + - new[ストリーミングモードでの会話]( + - new[CodeActエージェントとの会話]( + - new[Routerエージェントとの会話]( + +- ゲーム + - [五目並べ]( + - [人狼]( + +- 分散 + - [分散会話]( + - [分散ディベート]( + - [分散並列最適化]( + - [分散大規模シミュレーション]( + +さらに多くのモデル、サービス、および例が近日公開予定です。 + +## インストール + +AgentScopeは**Python 3.9**以上が必要です。 + +***注:このプロジェクトは現在アクティブに開発中であり、AgentScopeをソースからインストールすることをお勧めします。*** + +### ソースから + +- AgentScopeを編集モードでインストールします: + +```bash +# GitHubからソースコードを取得 +git clone + +# パッケージを編集モードでインストール +cd agentscope +pip install -e . +``` + +### pipを使用 + +- pipからAgentScopeをインストールします: + +```bash +pip install agentscope +``` + +### 追加の依存関係 + +さまざまなデプロイメントシナリオをサポートするために、AgentScopeはいくつかのオプションの依存関係を提供します。オプションの依存関係の完全なリストは、[チュートリアル](を参照してください。分散モードを例にとると、次のように依存関係をインストールできます: + +#### Windowsの場合 + +```bash +# ソースから +pip install -e .[distribute] +# pypiから +pip install agentscope[distribute] +``` + +#### Mac & Linuxの場合 + +```bash +# ソースから +pip install -e .\[distribute\] +# pypiから +pip install agentscope\[distribute\] +``` + +## クイックスタート + +### 構成 + +AgentScopeでは、モデルのデプロイメントと呼び出しは`ModelWrapper`によってデカップリングされています。 + +これらのモデルラッパーを使用するには、次のようなモデル構成ファイルを準備する必要があります。 + +```python +model_config = { + # 構成の識別子と使用されるモデルラッパー + "config_name": "{your_config_name}", # 構成を識別する名前 + "model_type": "{model_type}", # モデルラッパーを識別するタイプ + + # モデルラッパーを初期化するための詳細なパラメータ + # ... +} +``` + +OpenAI Chat APIを例にとると、モデル構成は次のようになります: + +```python +openai_model_config = { + "config_name": "my_openai_config", # 構成を識別する名前 + "model_type": "openai_chat", # モデルラッパーを識別するタイプ + + # モデルラッパーを初期化するための詳細なパラメータ + "model_name": "gpt-4", # OpenAI APIで使用されるモデル名(例:gpt-4、gpt-3.5-turboなど) + "api_key": "xxx", # OpenAI APIのAPIキー。設定されていない場合、環境変数OPENAI_API_KEYが使用されます。 + "organization": "xxx", # OpenAI APIの組織。設定されていない場合、環境変数OPENAI_ORGANIZATIONが使用されます。 +} +``` + +ローカルモデルサービスのセットアップ方法やモデル構成の準備方法の詳細については、[チュートリアル](を参照してください。 + +### エージェントの作成 + +次のように組み込みのユーザーエージェントとアシスタントエージェントを作成します。 + +```python +from agentscope.agents import DialogAgent, UserAgent +import agentscope + +# モデル構成を読み込む +agentscope.init(model_configs="./model_configs.json") + +# ダイアログエージェントとユーザーエージェントを作成する +dialog_agent = DialogAgent(name="assistant", + model_config_name="my_openai_config") +user_agent = UserAgent() +``` + +### 会話の構築 + +AgentScopeでは、**メッセージ**はエージェント間の橋渡しであり、**dict**であり、2つの必要なフィールド`name`と`content`、およびローカルファイル(画像、ビデオ、またはオーディオ)またはウェブサイトへのオプションのフィールド`url`を含みます。 + +```python +from agentscope.message import Msg + +x = Msg(name="Alice", content="Hi!") +x = Msg("Bob", "What about this picture I took?", url="/path/to/picture.jpg") +``` + +次のコードを使用して、2つのエージェント(例:dialog_agentとuser_agent)間の会話を開始します: + +```python +x = None +while True: + x = dialog_agent(x) + x = user_agent(x) + if x.content == "exit": # ユーザーが"exit"と入力して会話を終了する + break +``` + +### AgentScope Studio + +AgentScopeは、テキスト、画像、オーディオ、ビデオなどのマルチモーダル出力をフロントエンドで表示できる使いやすいランタイムユーザーインターフェースを提供します。 + +詳細については、[チュートリアル](を参照してください。 + +
+agentscope-logo +
+ +## チュートリアル + +- [AgentScopeについて]( +- [インストール]( +- [クイックスタート]( +- [モデル]( +- [プロンプトエンジニアリング]( +- [エージェント]( +- [メモリ]( +- [応答パーサー]( +- [ツール]( +- [パイプラインとMsgHub]( +- [分散]( +- [AgentScope Studio]( +- [ログ]( +- [モニター]( +- [例:人狼ゲーム]( + +## ライセンス + +AgentScopeはApache License 2.0の下でリリースされています。 + +## 貢献 + +貢献は常に歓迎されます! + +公式バージョンと比較して、追加のプリコミットフックを使用してチェックを実行する開発者バージョンを提供します: + +```bash +# Windowsの場合 +pip install -e .[dev] +# Macの場合 +pip install -e .\[dev\] + +# プリコミットフックをインストール +pre-commit install +``` + +詳細については、[貢献ガイド](を参照してください。 + +## 出版物 + +私たちの仕事があなたの研究やアプリケーションに役立つ場合は、私たちの論文を引用してください。 + +1. [AgentScope: A Flexible yet Robust Multi-Agent Platform]( + + ``` + @article{agentscope, + author = {Dawei Gao and + Zitao Li and + Xuchen Pan and + Weirui Kuang and + Zhijian Ma and + Bingchen Qian and + Fei Wei and + Wenhao Zhang and + Yuexiang Xie and + Daoyuan Chen and + Liuyi Yao and + Hongyi Peng and + Ze Yu Zhang and + Lin Zhu and + Chen Cheng and + Hongzhu Shi and + Yaliang Li and + Bolin Ding and + Jingren Zhou} + title = {AgentScope: A Flexible yet Robust Multi-Agent Platform}, + journal = {CoRR}, + volume = {abs/2402.14034}, + year = {2024}, + } + ``` diff --git a/ b/ index 27729bb7f..550eaf407 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -[English]( | 中文 +[English]( | 中文 | [日本語]( # AgentScope From 9711248cce036c94fcbae9b83e72478ed8a453a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Xuchen Pan <> Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2024 10:21:15 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 03/18] [HOTFIX] Fix the bug in zhipu api with streaming text (#461) --- src/agentscope/models/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/agentscope/models/ b/src/agentscope/models/ index b034a4197..661ccaeac 100644 --- a/src/agentscope/models/ +++ b/src/agentscope/models/ @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def text(self) -> str: if self._text is None: if is not None: for _, chunk in - self._text += chunk + self._text = chunk return self._text @text.setter From a2f467c35efa2db656d881d2568097e2e9c0fd46 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "panxuchen.pxc" Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 15:36:42 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 04/18] opt retry info --- src/agentscope/rpc/ | 23 +++++++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/agentscope/rpc/ b/src/agentscope/rpc/ index cc4739686..2646e0fd3 100644 --- a/src/agentscope/rpc/ +++ b/src/agentscope/rpc/ @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from __future__ import annotations import time import random +import inspect from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import Callable, Any from functools import partial @@ -71,16 +72,23 @@ def retry( # pylint: disable=R1710 *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: + exception_type = kwargs.pop("expect_exception_type", Exception) func = partial(func, *args, **kwargs) for attempt in range(self.max_retries + 1): try: return func() - except Exception as e: + except exception_type as e: if attempt == self.max_retries: raise TimeoutError("Max timeout exceeded.") from e random_delay = (random.random() + 0.5) * self.delay + frame_info = inspect.getframeinfo( + inspect.currentframe().f_back, # type: ignore[arg-type] + ) + file_name = frame_info.filename + line_number = frame_info.lineno - f"Attempt {attempt + 1} failed: {e}. Retrying in {random_delay} seconds...", + f"Attempt {attempt + 1} at [{file_name}:{line_number}] failed:" + f"\n{e}.\nRetrying in {random_delay:.2f} seconds...", ) time.sleep(random_delay) raise TimeoutError("Max retry exceeded.") @@ -131,20 +139,27 @@ def retry( # pylint: disable=R1710 *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: + exception_type = kwargs.pop("expect_exception_type", Exception) func = partial(func, *args, **kwargs) delay = self.base_delay for attempt in range(self.max_retries + 1): try: return func() - except Exception as e: + except exception_type as e: if attempt == self.max_retries: raise TimeoutError("Max timeout exceeded.") from e random_delay = min( (random.random() + 0.5) * delay, self.max_delay, ) + frame_info = inspect.getframeinfo( + inspect.currentframe().f_back, # type: ignore[arg-type] + ) + file_name = frame_info.filename + line_number = frame_info.lineno - f"Attempt {attempt + 1} failed: {e}. Retrying in {random_delay} seconds...", + f"Attempt {attempt + 1} at [{file_name}:{line_number}] failed:" + f"\n{e}.\nRetrying in {random_delay:.2f} seconds...", ) time.sleep(random_delay) delay *= 2 From 2dfe7cf545b16537b50872f4edba95e8ce7d688d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Weirui Kuang <> Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 15:46:37 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 05/18] update (#467) --- src/agentscope/ | 12 +++++++++++- src/agentscope/studio/ | 3 ++- 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/agentscope/ b/src/agentscope/ index b5e770b03..5a5ab1ab9 100644 --- a/src/agentscope/ +++ b/src/agentscope/ @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Some constants used in the project""" +import os from numbers import Number from enum import IntEnum @@ -19,7 +20,16 @@ _DEFAULT_SUBDIR_CODE = "code" _DEFAULT_SUBDIR_FILE = "file" _DEFAULT_SUBDIR_INVOKE = "invoke" -_DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR = str(Path.home() / ".cache" / "agentscope") +_DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR = str( + Path( + os.environ.get( + "AS_HOME_PATH", + str(Path.home()), + ), + ) + / ".cache" + / "agentscope", +) _DEFAULT_CFG_NAME = ".config" _DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME = "image_{}_{}.png" _DEFAULT_SQLITE_DB_NAME = "agentscope.db" diff --git a/src/agentscope/studio/ b/src/agentscope/studio/ index 81ed58b61..06226944d 100644 --- a/src/agentscope/studio/ +++ b/src/agentscope/studio/ @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ from flask_socketio import SocketIO, join_room, leave_room from ..constants import ( + _DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR, _DEFAULT_SUBDIR_CODE, _DEFAULT_SUBDIR_INVOKE, FILE_SIZE_LIMIT, @@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ _app = Flask(__name__) # Set the cache directory -_cache_dir = Path.home() / ".cache" / "agentscope-studio" +_cache_dir = Path(_DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR) / "studio" _cache_db = _cache_dir / "agentscope.db" os.makedirs(str(_cache_dir), exist_ok=True) From 1c26592a67233e34366ba33e49e3d3dc45efb3e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ZiTao-Li <> Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 15:54:07 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 06/18] minor fix on embedding related content (#463) --- src/agentscope/manager/ | 5 ++--- src/agentscope/rag/ | 3 ++- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/agentscope/manager/ b/src/agentscope/manager/ index 8fe93b171..8d2d67d12 100644 --- a/src/agentscope/manager/ +++ b/src/agentscope/manager/ @@ -34,13 +34,12 @@ def _get_text_embedding_record_hash( if isinstance(embedding_model, dict): # Format the dict to avoid duplicate keys embedding_model = json.dumps(embedding_model, sort_keys=True) - elif isinstance(embedding_model, str): - embedding_model_hash = _hash_string(embedding_model, hash_method) - else: + elif not isinstance(embedding_model, str): raise RuntimeError( f"The embedding model must be a string or a dict, got " f"{type(embedding_model)}.", ) + embedding_model_hash = _hash_string(embedding_model, hash_method) # Calculate the embedding id by hashing the hash codes of the # original data and the embedding model diff --git a/src/agentscope/rag/ b/src/agentscope/rag/ index 142f71068..b886825ff 100644 --- a/src/agentscope/rag/ +++ b/src/agentscope/rag/ @@ -203,8 +203,9 @@ def __init__( ) if persist_root is None: - persist_root = FileManager.get_instance().run_dir or "./" + persist_root = FileManager.get_instance().cache_dir or "./" self.persist_dir = os.path.join(persist_root, knowledge_id) +"** persist_dir: {self.persist_dir}") self.emb_model = emb_model self.overwrite_index = overwrite_index self.showprogress = showprogress From d29a4acb99abe2dc3224d69f2ab1b8270628777f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chenyushuo <> Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2024 20:33:04 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 07/18] quick fix on chatroom --- .../environments/chatroom/ | 39 +----- .../environments/chatroom/envs/ | 131 +++++++++++++----- src/agentscope/rpc/ | 1 + 3 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-) diff --git a/examples/environments/chatroom/ b/examples/environments/chatroom/ index 7d192654e..56fe35cd9 100644 --- a/examples/environments/chatroom/ +++ b/examples/environments/chatroom/ @@ -59,22 +59,12 @@ def main(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: ), role="system", ) - r = ChatRoom(name="chat", announcement=ann, to_dist=args.use_dist) + r = ChatRoom(name="chat", announcement=ann, model_config_name=YOUR_MODEL_CONFIGURATION_NAME, to_dist=args.use_dist) # Setup the persona of Alice, Bob and Carol alice = ChatRoomAgent( # Game Art Designer name="Alice", - sys_prompt=r"""You are a game art designer named Alice. """ - r"""Programmer Bob and game planner Carol are your colleagues, """ - r"""and you need to collaborate with them to complete an open """ - r"""world game. Please ask appropriate question to planner or """ - r"""generate appropriate responses in this work group based on """ - r"""the following chat history. When you need to mention someone, """ - r"""you can use @ to remind them. You only need to output Alice's """ - r"""possible replies, without giving anyone else's replies or """ - r"""continuing the conversation. When the discussion is complete, """ - r"""you need to reply with a message containing 'Goodbye' to """ - r"""indicate exiting the conversation.""", + sys_prompt=r"""You are a game art designer named Alice.""", model_config_name=YOUR_MODEL_CONFIGURATION_NAME, to_dist=args.use_dist, ) @@ -82,17 +72,7 @@ def main(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: bob = ChatRoomAgent( # Game Programmer name="Bob", - sys_prompt=r"""You are a game programmer named Bob. """ - r"""Art designer Alice and game planner Carol are your colleagues, """ - r"""and you need to collaborate with them to complete an open """ - r"""world game. Please ask appropriate questions or generate """ - r"""appropriate responses in the work group based on the following """ - r"""historical records. When you need to mention someone, you can """ - r"""use @ to remind them. You only need to output Bob's possible """ - r"""replies, without giving anyone else's replies or continuing """ - r"""the conversation. When the discussion is complete, you need """ - r"""to reply with a message containing 'Goodbye' to indicate """ - r"""exiting the conversation.""", + sys_prompt=r"""You are a game programmer named Bob.""", model_config_name=YOUR_MODEL_CONFIGURATION_NAME, to_dist=args.use_dist, ) @@ -100,16 +80,7 @@ def main(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: carol = ChatRoomAgent( # Game Designer name="Carol", - sys_prompt=r"""You are a game planner named Carol. """ - r"""Programmer Bob and art designer Alice are your colleagues, """ - r"""and you need to guide them in developing an open world game. """ - r"""Please generate a suitable response in this work group based """ - r"""on the following chat history. When you need to mention """ - r"""someone, you can use @ to remind them. You only need to output """ - r"""Carol's possible replies, without giving anyone else's replies """ - r"""or continuing the conversation. When the discussion is """ - r"""complete, you need to reply with a message containing """ - r"""'Goodbye' to indicate exiting the conversation.""", + sys_prompt=r"""You are a game planner named Carol.""", model_config_name=YOUR_MODEL_CONFIGURATION_NAME, to_dist=args.use_dist, ) @@ -119,7 +90,7 @@ def main(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: r.chat_freely( delay=10, interval=10, - max_round=10, + max_round=3, # 10, ) diff --git a/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ b/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ index a17b34119..e7ea0604b 100644 --- a/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ +++ b/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ event_func, ) from agentscope.models import ModelResponse +from agentscope.manager import ModelManager from import _studio_client from agentscope.web.gradio.utils import user_input @@ -92,6 +93,7 @@ class ChatRoom(BasicEnv): def __init__( self, name: str = None, + model_config_name: str = None, announcement: Msg = None, participants: List[AgentBase] = None, all_history: bool = False, @@ -126,6 +128,12 @@ def __init__( ) self.history = [] self.announcement = announcement + self.member_description = {} + if model_config_name is not None: + model_manager = ModelManager.get_instance() + self.model = model_manager.get_model_by_config_name( + model_config_name, + ) @event_func def join(self, agent: AgentBase) -> bool: @@ -171,6 +179,38 @@ def describe(self, agent_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> str: ann = ( self.announcement.content if self.announcement.content else "EMPTY" ) + if agent_name not in self.member_description: + members_profile = [] + for name, member in self.children.items(): + sys_prompt = member.agent.sys_prompt + members_profile.append(f'{name}: {sys_prompt}') + members_profile_str = "\n\n".join(members_profile) + if hasattr(self, 'model'): + desc_prompt = ( + f"""{self.children[agent_name].agent.sys_prompt}\nYou are participating in a chatroom.\n\n""" + f"""======= CHATROOM MEMBERS' PROFILE BEGIN ========\n""" + f"""{members_profile_str}""" + f"""======= CHATROOM MEMBERS' PROFILE END ========\n""" + f"""Please describe the group members in one sentence from {agent_name}'s perspective.""" + ) + prompt = self.model.format( + Msg(name="system", role="system", content=desc_prompt) + ) + logger.debug(prompt) + response = self.model(prompt) + desc = response.text + + else: + desc = members_profile_str + self.member_description[agent_name] = desc + ann += f"\n{self.member_description[agent_name]}\n\n" + ann += ( + r"""Please generate a suitable response in this work group based """ + r"""on the following chat history. When you need to mention """ + r"""someone, you can use @ to remind them. You only need to output """ + rf"""{agent_name}'s possible replies, without giving anyone else's replies """ + r"""or continuing the conversation.""" + ) history = "\n\n".join( [ f"{}: {msg.content}" @@ -240,7 +280,7 @@ def chatting_parse_func(self, response: ModelResponse) -> ModelResponse: pattern = re.compile(pattern_str, re.DOTALL) logger.debug(repr(pattern_str)) logger.debug(response.text) - texts = [s.strip() for s in pattern.split(response.text)] + texts = [s.strip() for s in pattern.split(response.text) if s.strip()] logger.debug(texts) return ModelResponse(text=texts[0]) @@ -249,10 +289,12 @@ def chat_freely( delay: float = 1, interval: float = 5, max_round: int = 10, + agent_name_list: List[str] = None, ) -> None: """Let all agents to chat freely without any preset order""" tasks = [] - for agent_name in self.children.keys(): + agent_name_list = agent_name_list or list(self.children.keys()) + for agent_name in agent_name_list: task = threading.Thread( target=self.children[agent_name].chat_freely, kwargs={ @@ -272,6 +314,7 @@ def chat_in_sequence(self, agent_name_order: List[str] = None) -> None: Args: agent_name_order (`List[str]`): Order of speakers' names. """ + agent_name_list = agent_name_list or list(self.children.keys()) for agent_name in agent_name_order: self.children[agent_name].chat() @@ -287,6 +330,7 @@ def __init__( def __call__(self, room: Env, event: Event) -> None: names = self.pattern.findall(str(event.args["message"].content)) + names = list(set(names)) for name in names: if name in room.children: @@ -315,6 +359,8 @@ def __init__( # pylint: disable=W0613 sys_prompt=sys_prompt, model_config_name=model_config_name, ) + self.room_history_length = 0 + self.room_slient_count = 0 = None self.mentioned_messages = [] self.mentioned_messages_lock = threading.Lock() @@ -382,44 +428,35 @@ def speak( def reply(self, x: Msg = None) -> Msg: """Generate reply to chat room""" + room_history_length = len( + if room_history_length != self.room_history_length: + self.room_history_length = room_history_length + self.room_slient_count = 0 + else: + self.room_slient_count += 1 room_info = - system_hint = ( - f"{self.sys_prompt}\n\nYou are participating in a chatroom.\n" - f"\n{room_info}" - ) + reply_hint = '' mentioned, mentioned_hint = self._generate_mentioned_prompt() if mentioned: - # if mentioned, response directly - prompt = self.model.format( - Msg( - name="system", - role="system", - content=system_hint, - ), - Msg( - name="user", - role="user", - content=mentioned_hint, - ), - ) + reply_hint = f'{mentioned_hint}\n{}:' else: # decide whether to speak - if self._want_to_speak(room_info): - prompt = self.model.format( - Msg( - name="system", - role="system", - content=system_hint, - ), - Msg( - name="user", - role="user", - content="Please generate a response based on the " - "CHATROOM.", - ), - ) + if self.room_history_length <= 3 or (self.room_slient_count <= 2 and self._want_to_speak(room_info)): + reply_hint = f"Please generate a response based on the CHATROOM.\n{}:" else: return Msg(name="assistant", role="assistant", content="") + system_hint = ( + f"{self.sys_prompt}\n\nYou are participating in a chatroom.\n" + f"\n{room_info}\n{reply_hint}" + ) + prompt = self.model.format( + Msg( + name="system", + role="system", + content=system_hint, + ) + ) + prompt[-1]["content"] = prompt[-1]["content"].strip() logger.debug(prompt) response = self.model( prompt, @@ -442,6 +479,7 @@ def __init__( ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.timeout = timeout + self.room_history_length = 0 def reply(self, x: Msg = None) -> Msg: if @@ -472,13 +510,34 @@ def reply(self, x: Msg = None) -> Msg: if content is not None: # user input response = content else: # assistant reply - msg_hint = self._generate_mentioned_prompt() + room_history_length = len( + if room_history_length == self.room_history_length: + return Msg(name="assistant", role="assistant", content="") + self.room_history_length = room_history_length + # msg_hint = self._generate_mentioned_prompt() + room_info = + reply_hint = '' + mentioned, mentioned_hint = self._generate_mentioned_prompt() + if mentioned: + reply_hint = f'{mentioned_hint}\n{}:' + else: + # decide whether to speak + if self.room_history_length <= 3 or (self.room_slient_count <= 2 and self._want_to_speak(room_info)): + reply_hint = f"Please generate a response based on the CHATROOM.\n{}:" + else: + return Msg(name="assistant", role="assistant", content="") + system_hint = ( + f"{self.sys_prompt}\n\nYou are participating in a chatroom.\n" + f"\n{room_info}\n{reply_hint}" + ) + msg_hint = Msg(, content=system_hint, role="system") + self_msg = Msg(, content="", role="assistant") - history = + # history = prompt = self.model.format( msg_hint, - history, + # history, self_msg, ) logger.debug(prompt) diff --git a/src/agentscope/rpc/ b/src/agentscope/rpc/ index e72054582..ae35823f4 100644 --- a/src/agentscope/rpc/ +++ b/src/agentscope/rpc/ @@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: ) def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> Any: + self._check_created() return self._call_func("__getitem__", {"args": (item,)}) def _launch_server(self) -> None: From 3a805e941107b1c83337c531c463fead2264f303 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "panxuchen.pxc" Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 09:42:57 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 08/18] fix comments --- src/agentscope/environment/ | 15 +++++++++++++++ src/agentscope/server/ | 2 +- 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/agentscope/environment/ b/src/agentscope/environment/ index e8b6c6af5..422ba1b45 100644 --- a/src/agentscope/environment/ +++ b/src/agentscope/environment/ @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from typing import Any, List, Callable from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor import inspect +from loguru import logger from ..exception import ( EnvNotFoundError, EnvAlreadyExistError, @@ -326,6 +327,13 @@ def add_listener(self, target_event: str, listener: EventListener) -> bool: if not in self.event_listeners[target_event]: self.event_listeners[target_event][] = listener return True + else: + logger.warning( + f"Listener {} already " + f"exists in {target_event}", + ) + else: + logger.warning(f"Event {target_event} does not exist") return False def remove_listener(self, target_event: str, listener_name: str) -> bool: @@ -342,6 +350,13 @@ def remove_listener(self, target_event: str, listener_name: str) -> bool: if listener_name in self.event_listeners[target_event]: del self.event_listeners[target_event][listener_name] return True + else: + logger.warning( + f"Listener {listener_name} does not" + f" exist in {target_event}", + ) + else: + logger.warning(f"Event {target_event} does not exist") return False def get_listeners(self, target_event: str) -> List[EventListener]: diff --git a/src/agentscope/server/ b/src/agentscope/server/ index ae855480e..21d2347a6 100644 --- a/src/agentscope/server/ +++ b/src/agentscope/server/ @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ async def _setup_agent_server_async( # pylint: disable=R0912 the result of an async call. studio_url (`str`, defaults to `None`): URL of the AgentScope Studio. - custom_agent_classes (`list`, defaults to `None`): + custom_classes (`list`, defaults to `None`): A list of customized agent classes that are not in `agentscope.agents`. agent_dir (`str`, defaults to `None`): From e2fda5d3492fb58c8212bdb23b33fdfe5a0f77fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "panxuchen.pxc" Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 10:01:25 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 09/18] fix comments --- src/agentscope/environment/ | 3 +++ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+) diff --git a/src/agentscope/environment/ b/src/agentscope/environment/ index 422ba1b45..5b3a5ca68 100644 --- a/src/agentscope/environment/ +++ b/src/agentscope/environment/ @@ -271,6 +271,8 @@ def set_parent(self, parent: Env) -> None: Args: parent (`Env`): The parent env. """ + if self.parent is not None: + self.parent.remove_child( self.parent = parent def get_children(self) -> dict[str, Env]: @@ -391,5 +393,6 @@ def __setitem__(self, env_name: str, env: Env) -> None: if env_name not in self.children: self.children[env_name] = env env.set_parent(self) + logger.debug(f"Set Env[{env_name}] as child of Env[{}]") else: raise EnvAlreadyExistError(env_name) From c9a07ce807aa63e80f96beee749cf8653c2f63fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "panxuchen.pxc" Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 11:52:54 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 10/18] fix comments --- src/agentscope/agents/ | 34 ---------------------------------- 1 file changed, 34 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/agentscope/agents/ b/src/agentscope/agents/ index c4e02fa4b..85d3fba5f 100644 --- a/src/agentscope/agents/ +++ b/src/agentscope/agents/ @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ from typing import Sequence from typing import Union from typing import Any -from typing import Type import json import uuid from loguru import logger @@ -108,39 +107,6 @@ def generate_agent_id(cls) -> str: # TODO: change cls.__name__ into a global unique agent_type return uuid.uuid4().hex - # todo: add a unique agent_type field to distinguish different agent class - @classmethod - def get_agent_class(cls, agent_class_name: str) -> Type[AgentBase]: - """Get the agent class based on the specific agent class name. - - Args: - agent_class_name (`str`): the name of the agent class. - - Raises: - ValueError: Agent class name not exits. - - Returns: - Type[AgentBase]: the AgentBase subclass. - """ - if agent_class_name not in cls._registry: - raise ValueError(f"Agent class <{agent_class_name}> not found.") - return cls._registry[agent_class_name] # type: ignore[return-value] - - @classmethod - def register_agent_class(cls, agent_class: Type[AgentBase]) -> None: - """Register the agent class into the registry. - - Args: - agent_class (Type[AgentBase]): the agent class to be registered. - """ - agent_class_name = agent_class.__name__ - if agent_class_name in cls._registry: - - f"Agent class with name [{agent_class_name}] already exists.", - ) - else: - cls._registry[agent_class_name] = agent_class - @async_func def reply(self, x: Optional[Union[Msg, Sequence[Msg]]] = None) -> Msg: """Define the actions taken by this agent. From fc98f32749f969b0424a40a354d7fcfdbd9d313b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "panxuchen.pxc" Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 16:27:17 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 11/18] add notes --- src/agentscope/rpc/ | 11 ++++++++++- src/agentscope/rpc/ | 11 ++++++++++- 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/agentscope/rpc/ b/src/agentscope/rpc/ index 8568c5992..c120514a8 100644 --- a/src/agentscope/rpc/ +++ b/src/agentscope/rpc/ @@ -53,7 +53,16 @@ def generate_oid() -> str: class RpcMeta(ABCMeta): - """The metaclass for all classes that can run on rpc server.""" + """The metaclass for all classes that can use `to_dist` and other + distributed related functionality. + + Note: + + The `RpcMeta` will automatically add the `to_dist` method and + initialization parameter to its subclasses. And it will also + detect all public functions and register them into the `_info` + attribute of the class. + """ _REGISTRY = {} diff --git a/src/agentscope/rpc/ b/src/agentscope/rpc/ index e72054582..8a6e31061 100644 --- a/src/agentscope/rpc/ +++ b/src/agentscope/rpc/ @@ -74,7 +74,16 @@ def detect(self, attrs: dict) -> None: class RpcObject(ABC): - """A proxy object which represent an object located in a rpc server.""" + """A proxy object which represent an object located in an Rpc server. + + Note: + + When `to_dist` is called on an object or when using the `to_dist` + parameter to create an object, the object is moved to an Rpc server, + and an `RpcObject` instance is left behind in the local process. + The `RpcObject` will automatically forward all public method invocations + to the original object in the rpc server. + """ def __init__( # pylint: disable=R0912 self, From a50e58c8e3447423cebde0cf5ed414e1c0184f25 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chenyushuo <> Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 17:24:50 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 12/18] fix in chatroom --- .../environments/chatroom/ | 9 +- .../ | 12 ++- .../environments/chatroom/envs/ | 89 ++++++++++++------- 3 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/examples/environments/chatroom/ b/examples/environments/chatroom/ index 56fe35cd9..f552f6c17 100644 --- a/examples/environments/chatroom/ +++ b/examples/environments/chatroom/ @@ -59,7 +59,12 @@ def main(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: ), role="system", ) - r = ChatRoom(name="chat", announcement=ann, model_config_name=YOUR_MODEL_CONFIGURATION_NAME, to_dist=args.use_dist) + r = ChatRoom( + name="chat", + announcement=ann, + model_config_name=YOUR_MODEL_CONFIGURATION_NAME, + to_dist=args.use_dist, + ) # Setup the persona of Alice, Bob and Carol alice = ChatRoomAgent( # Game Art Designer @@ -90,7 +95,7 @@ def main(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: r.chat_freely( delay=10, interval=10, - max_round=3, # 10, + max_round=10, ) diff --git a/examples/environments/chatroom/ b/examples/environments/chatroom/ index 13dbbf1d5..e1fc2096c 100644 --- a/examples/environments/chatroom/ +++ b/examples/environments/chatroom/ @@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ def main(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: name="Bob", sys_prompt=r"""You are Bob's chat room assistant and he is """ r"""currently unable to reply to messages. Please generate a """ - r"""suitable response based on the following chat history. """ - r"""The content you reply to must be based on the chat history. """ - r"""Please refuse to reply to questions that are beyond the scope """ - r"""of the chat history.""", + r"""suitable response based on the following chat history without """ + r"""reasoning. The content you reply to must be based on the chat """ + r"""history. Please refuse to reply to questions that are beyond """ + r"""the scope of the chat history.""", model_config_name=YOUR_MODEL_CONFIGURATION_NAME, to_dist=args.use_dist, timeout=args.timeout, @@ -178,9 +178,7 @@ def main(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: name="Carol", sys_prompt=r"""You are Carol, and now you need to interview Bob. """ r"""Just ask him where he is from, which school he graduated from, """ - r"""his profession, and his hobbies. At the end of the interview, """ - r"""please output a reply containing Goodbye to indicate the end """ - r"""of the conversation.""", + r"""his profession, and his hobbies.""", model_config_name=YOUR_MODEL_CONFIGURATION_NAME, to_dist=args.use_dist, ) diff --git a/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ b/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ index e7ea0604b..9cfe22947 100644 --- a/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ +++ b/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ @@ -174,6 +174,16 @@ def get_history(self, agent_name: str) -> List[Msg]: history_idx = self.children[agent_name].history_idx return deepcopy(self.history[history_idx:]) + def get_history_length(self, agent_name: str) -> int: + """Get the length of the history of the agent.""" + if agent_name not in self.children: + return 0 + if self.all_history: + history_idx = 0 + else: + history_idx = self.children[agent_name].history_idx + return len(self.history) - history_idx + def describe(self, agent_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Get the description of the chatroom.""" ann = ( @@ -183,18 +193,20 @@ def describe(self, agent_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> str: members_profile = [] for name, member in self.children.items(): sys_prompt = member.agent.sys_prompt - members_profile.append(f'{name}: {sys_prompt}') + members_profile.append(f"{name}: {sys_prompt}") members_profile_str = "\n\n".join(members_profile) - if hasattr(self, 'model'): + if hasattr(self, "model"): desc_prompt = ( - f"""{self.children[agent_name].agent.sys_prompt}\nYou are participating in a chatroom.\n\n""" + f"""{self.children[agent_name].agent.sys_prompt}\n""" + f"""You are participating in a chatroom.\n\n""" f"""======= CHATROOM MEMBERS' PROFILE BEGIN ========\n""" f"""{members_profile_str}""" f"""======= CHATROOM MEMBERS' PROFILE END ========\n""" - f"""Please describe the group members in one sentence from {agent_name}'s perspective.""" + f"""Please describe the group members in one sentence """ + f"""from {agent_name}'s perspective.""" ) prompt = self.model.format( - Msg(name="system", role="system", content=desc_prompt) + Msg(name="system", role="system", content=desc_prompt), ) logger.debug(prompt) response = self.model(prompt) @@ -205,11 +217,11 @@ def describe(self, agent_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> str: self.member_description[agent_name] = desc ann += f"\n{self.member_description[agent_name]}\n\n" ann += ( - r"""Please generate a suitable response in this work group based """ - r"""on the following chat history. When you need to mention """ - r"""someone, you can use @ to remind them. You only need to output """ - rf"""{agent_name}'s possible replies, without giving anyone else's replies """ - r"""or continuing the conversation.""" + r"""Please generate a suitable response in this work group based""" + r""" on the following chat history. When you need to mention """ + r"""someone, you can use @ to remind them. You only need to """ + rf"""output {agent_name}'s possible replies, without giving """ + r"""anyone else's replies or continuing the conversation.""" ) history = "\n\n".join( [ @@ -293,7 +305,8 @@ def chat_freely( ) -> None: """Let all agents to chat freely without any preset order""" tasks = [] - agent_name_list = agent_name_list or list(self.children.keys()) + if agent_name_list is None: + agent_name_list = list(self.children.keys()) for agent_name in agent_name_list: task = threading.Thread( target=self.children[agent_name].chat_freely, @@ -314,7 +327,7 @@ def chat_in_sequence(self, agent_name_order: List[str] = None) -> None: Args: agent_name_order (`List[str]`): Order of speakers' names. """ - agent_name_list = agent_name_list or list(self.children.keys()) + agent_name_order = agent_name_order or list(self.children.keys()) for agent_name in agent_name_order: self.children[agent_name].chat() @@ -373,6 +386,7 @@ def add_mentioned_message(self, msg: Msg) -> None: def join(self, room: ChatRoom) -> bool: """Join a room""" = room + self.room_history_length = return room.join(self) def _is_mentioned(self) -> bool: @@ -390,21 +404,27 @@ def _generate_mentioned_prompt(self) -> Tuple[bool, str]: for msg in self.mentioned_messages ], ) + self.mentioned_messages = [] return True, hint return False, "" def _want_to_speak(self, hint: str) -> bool: """Check whether the agent want to speak currently""" + hint = ( + f"{self.sys_prompt}\n\nYou are participating in a chatroom.\n" + + hint + ) prompt = self.model.format( Msg(name="system", role="system", content=hint), Msg( name="user", role="user", content="Based on the CHATROOM." - " Do you want to speak in the chatroom now?\n" - "Speak yes or no.", + " Do you want to or need to speak in the chatroom now?\n" + "Return yes or no.", ), ) + logger.debug(prompt) response = self.model( prompt, max_retries=3, @@ -428,21 +448,27 @@ def speak( def reply(self, x: Msg = None) -> Msg: """Generate reply to chat room""" - room_history_length = len( + room_history_length = if room_history_length != self.room_history_length: self.room_history_length = room_history_length self.room_slient_count = 0 else: self.room_slient_count += 1 room_info = - reply_hint = '' + reply_hint = "" mentioned, mentioned_hint = self._generate_mentioned_prompt() if mentioned: - reply_hint = f'{mentioned_hint}\n{}:' + reply_hint = f"{mentioned_hint}\n{}:" else: # decide whether to speak - if self.room_history_length <= 3 or (self.room_slient_count <= 2 and self._want_to_speak(room_info)): - reply_hint = f"Please generate a response based on the CHATROOM.\n{}:" + if self.room_history_length <= 3 or ( + self.room_slient_count <= 2 and self._want_to_speak(room_info) + ): + reply_hint = ( + f"Please generate a response based on the" + f" CHATROOM. You need only generate response without " + f"reasoning.\n{}:" + ) else: return Msg(name="assistant", role="assistant", content="") system_hint = ( @@ -454,7 +480,7 @@ def reply(self, x: Msg = None) -> Msg: name="system", role="system", content=system_hint, - ) + ), ) prompt[-1]["content"] = prompt[-1]["content"].strip() logger.debug(prompt) @@ -466,6 +492,7 @@ def reply(self, x: Msg = None) -> Msg: msg = Msg(, content=response, role="assistant") if response: self.speak(msg) + self.room_history_length = return msg @@ -510,35 +537,28 @@ def reply(self, x: Msg = None) -> Msg: if content is not None: # user input response = content else: # assistant reply - room_history_length = len( + room_history_length = if room_history_length == self.room_history_length: return Msg(name="assistant", role="assistant", content="") self.room_history_length = room_history_length - # msg_hint = self._generate_mentioned_prompt() room_info = - reply_hint = '' + reply_hint = "" mentioned, mentioned_hint = self._generate_mentioned_prompt() if mentioned: - reply_hint = f'{mentioned_hint}\n{}:' + reply_hint = f"{mentioned_hint}\n{}:" else: - # decide whether to speak - if self.room_history_length <= 3 or (self.room_slient_count <= 2 and self._want_to_speak(room_info)): - reply_hint = f"Please generate a response based on the CHATROOM.\n{}:" - else: - return Msg(name="assistant", role="assistant", content="") + reply_hint = ( + f"Please generate a response based on the CHATROOM." + f"\n{}:" + ) system_hint = ( f"{self.sys_prompt}\n\nYou are participating in a chatroom.\n" f"\n{room_info}\n{reply_hint}" ) msg_hint = Msg(, content=system_hint, role="system") - self_msg = Msg(, content="", role="assistant") - - # history = prompt = self.model.format( msg_hint, - # history, - self_msg, ) logger.debug(prompt) response = self.model( @@ -550,4 +570,5 @@ def reply(self, x: Msg = None) -> Msg: response = "[auto reply] " + response msg = Msg(, content=response, role="user") self.speak(msg) + self.room_history_length = return msg From 4eb994076ec423e424f813f72413c5ddcbd7dbda Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chenyushuo <> Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 18:00:39 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 13/18] fix in chatroom --- .../ | 7 +- .../environments/chatroom/envs/ | 91 +++++++++++++------ 2 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-) diff --git a/examples/environments/chatroom/ b/examples/environments/chatroom/ index e1fc2096c..cd7a4bff8 100644 --- a/examples/environments/chatroom/ +++ b/examples/environments/chatroom/ @@ -176,9 +176,10 @@ def main(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: # Setup the persona of Carol carol = ChatRoomAgent( name="Carol", - sys_prompt=r"""You are Carol, and now you need to interview Bob. """ - r"""Just ask him where he is from, which school he graduated from, """ - r"""his profession, and his hobbies.""", + sys_prompt="""You are Carol, and now you need to interview Bob. """ + """Just ask him where he is from, which school he graduated from, """ + """his profession, and his hobbies. You'd better only ask one """ + """question at a time.""", model_config_name=YOUR_MODEL_CONFIGURATION_NAME, to_dist=args.use_dist, ) diff --git a/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ b/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ index 9cfe22947..f3d1ab570 100644 --- a/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ +++ b/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ @@ -39,6 +39,22 @@ """ +def format_messages(msgs: Union[Msg, List[Msg]]) -> list[dict]: + """Format the messages""" + messages = [] + if isinstance(msgs, Msg): + msgs = [msgs] + for msg in msgs: + messages.append( + { + "role": msg.role, + "name":, + "content": str(msg.content), + }, + ) + return messages + + class ChatRoomMember(BasicEnv): """A member of chatroom.""" @@ -196,8 +212,9 @@ def describe(self, agent_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> str: members_profile.append(f"{name}: {sys_prompt}") members_profile_str = "\n\n".join(members_profile) if hasattr(self, "model"): + sys_prompt = self.children[agent_name].agent.sys_prompt desc_prompt = ( - f"""{self.children[agent_name].agent.sys_prompt}\n""" + # f"""{self.children[agent_name].agent.sys_prompt}\n""" f"""You are participating in a chatroom.\n\n""" f"""======= CHATROOM MEMBERS' PROFILE BEGIN ========\n""" f"""{members_profile_str}""" @@ -205,8 +222,11 @@ def describe(self, agent_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> str: f"""Please describe the group members in one sentence """ f"""from {agent_name}'s perspective.""" ) - prompt = self.model.format( - Msg(name="system", role="system", content=desc_prompt), + prompt = format_messages( + [ + Msg(name="system", role="system", content=sys_prompt), + Msg(name="user", role="user", content=desc_prompt), + ], ) logger.debug(prompt) response = self.model(prompt) @@ -217,11 +237,11 @@ def describe(self, agent_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> str: self.member_description[agent_name] = desc ann += f"\n{self.member_description[agent_name]}\n\n" ann += ( - r"""Please generate a suitable response in this work group based""" - r""" on the following chat history. When you need to mention """ - r"""someone, you can use @ to remind them. You only need to """ - rf"""output {agent_name}'s possible replies, without giving """ - r"""anyone else's replies or continuing the conversation.""" + """Please generate a suitable response in this work group based""" + """ on the following chat history. When you need to mention """ + """someone, you can use @ to remind them. You only need to """ + f"""output {agent_name}'s possible replies, without giving """ + """anyone else's replies or continuing the conversation.""" ) history = "\n\n".join( [ @@ -414,15 +434,17 @@ def _want_to_speak(self, hint: str) -> bool: f"{self.sys_prompt}\n\nYou are participating in a chatroom.\n" + hint ) - prompt = self.model.format( - Msg(name="system", role="system", content=hint), - Msg( - name="user", - role="user", - content="Based on the CHATROOM." - " Do you want to or need to speak in the chatroom now?\n" - "Return yes or no.", - ), + prompt = format_messages( + [ + Msg(name="system", role="system", content=hint), + Msg( + name="user", + role="user", + content="Based on the CHATROOM." + " Do you want to or need to speak in the chatroom now?\n" + "Return yes or no.", + ), + ], ) logger.debug(prompt) response = self.model( @@ -471,16 +493,20 @@ def reply(self, x: Msg = None) -> Msg: ) else: return Msg(name="assistant", role="assistant", content="") - system_hint = ( - f"{self.sys_prompt}\n\nYou are participating in a chatroom.\n" + user_hint = ( + # f"{self.sys_prompt}\n\n" + f"You are participating in a chatroom.\n" f"\n{room_info}\n{reply_hint}" ) - prompt = self.model.format( - Msg( - name="system", - role="system", - content=system_hint, - ), + prompt = format_messages( + [ + Msg( + name="system", + role="system", + content=self.sys_prompt, + ), + Msg(name="user", role="user", content=user_hint), + ], ) prompt[-1]["content"] = prompt[-1]["content"].strip() logger.debug(prompt) @@ -552,13 +578,20 @@ def reply(self, x: Msg = None) -> Msg: f"\n{}:" ) system_hint = ( - f"{self.sys_prompt}\n\nYou are participating in a chatroom.\n" + # f"{self.sys_prompt}\n\n" + f"You are participating in a chatroom.\n" f"\n{room_info}\n{reply_hint}" ) - msg_hint = Msg(, content=system_hint, role="system") - prompt = self.model.format( - msg_hint, + prompt = format_messages( + [ + Msg( +, + content=self.sys_prompt, + role="system", + ), + Msg(name="user", content=system_hint, role="user"), + ], ) logger.debug(prompt) response = self.model( From 7d59469d5a47e7f33a5b7670357205a60b1cfea7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chenyushuo <> Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 20:02:15 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 14/18] fix in chatroom --- .../ | 2 +- .../environments/chatroom/envs/ | 76 ++++++++++--------- 2 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-) diff --git a/examples/environments/chatroom/ b/examples/environments/chatroom/ index cd7a4bff8..3983a2711 100644 --- a/examples/environments/chatroom/ +++ b/examples/environments/chatroom/ @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ def main(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: bob = ChatRoomAgentWithAssistant( name="Bob", - sys_prompt=r"""You are Bob's chat room assistant and he is """ + sys_prompt=r"""You are Bob's chat room assistant and Bob is """ r"""currently unable to reply to messages. Please generate a """ r"""suitable response based on the following chat history without """ r"""reasoning. The content you reply to must be based on the chat """ diff --git a/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ b/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ index f3d1ab570..7dff2d56c 100644 --- a/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ +++ b/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ def __init__( ) self.history = [] self.announcement = announcement - self.member_description = {} + self.member_introduction = {} if model_config_name is not None: model_manager = ModelManager.get_instance() self.model = model_manager.get_model_by_config_name( @@ -161,15 +161,17 @@ def join(self, agent: AgentBase) -> bool: agent=agent, history_idx=len(self.history), ) + self.member_introduction[] = agent.introduction self.add_listener("speak", Notifier()) return True @event_func def leave(self, agent: AgentBase) -> bool: """Remove the participant agent from the chatroom.""" - if agent.agent_id not in self.children: + if not in self.children: return False - del self.children[agent.agent_id] + del self.children[] + del self.children[] return True @event_func @@ -202,40 +204,14 @@ def get_history_length(self, agent_name: str) -> int: def describe(self, agent_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Get the description of the chatroom.""" - ann = ( - self.announcement.content if self.announcement.content else "EMPTY" + ann = self.announcement.content if self.announcement.content else "" + members_introduction = "\n\n".join( + [ + f"{name}: {introduction}" + for name, introduction in self.member_introduction.items() + ], ) - if agent_name not in self.member_description: - members_profile = [] - for name, member in self.children.items(): - sys_prompt = member.agent.sys_prompt - members_profile.append(f"{name}: {sys_prompt}") - members_profile_str = "\n\n".join(members_profile) - if hasattr(self, "model"): - sys_prompt = self.children[agent_name].agent.sys_prompt - desc_prompt = ( - # f"""{self.children[agent_name].agent.sys_prompt}\n""" - f"""You are participating in a chatroom.\n\n""" - f"""======= CHATROOM MEMBERS' PROFILE BEGIN ========\n""" - f"""{members_profile_str}""" - f"""======= CHATROOM MEMBERS' PROFILE END ========\n""" - f"""Please describe the group members in one sentence """ - f"""from {agent_name}'s perspective.""" - ) - prompt = format_messages( - [ - Msg(name="system", role="system", content=sys_prompt), - Msg(name="user", role="user", content=desc_prompt), - ], - ) - logger.debug(prompt) - response = self.model(prompt) - desc = response.text - - else: - desc = members_profile_str - self.member_description[agent_name] = desc - ann += f"\n{self.member_description[agent_name]}\n\n" + ann += f"\n{members_introduction}\n\n" ann += ( """Please generate a suitable response in this work group based""" """ on the following chat history. When you need to mention """ @@ -392,6 +368,33 @@ def __init__( # pylint: disable=W0613 sys_prompt=sys_prompt, model_config_name=model_config_name, ) + if self.sys_prompt: + prompt = format_messages( + [ + Msg( + name="user", + role="user", + content=( + f"Please generate a brief character introduction " + f"in one sentence, which based on the following " + f"prompt:\n" + f"Prompt: {sys_prompt}\n" + f"The generated description needs to follow the " + f"following format:\n" + f"[PERSONA BEGIN]\n" + f"Description: One sentence introduction\n" + f"[PERSONA END]" + ), + ), + ], + ) + raw_introduction = self.model(prompt).text + raw_introduction = raw_introduction.split("[PERSONA BEGIN]", 1)[1] + raw_introduction = raw_introduction.split("[PERSONA END]")[0] + self.introduction = raw_introduction.strip() + else: + self.introduction = "" +"introduction: {self.introduction}") self.room_history_length = 0 self.room_slient_count = 0 = None @@ -578,7 +581,6 @@ def reply(self, x: Msg = None) -> Msg: f"\n{}:" ) system_hint = ( - # f"{self.sys_prompt}\n\n" f"You are participating in a chatroom.\n" f"\n{room_info}\n{reply_hint}" ) From c6684b12463ef1cd50fad11478aa35f4347a8d34 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chenyushuo <> Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 20:06:03 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 15/18] bug fix in leave chatroom --- examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ b/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ index 7dff2d56c..7e1104199 100644 --- a/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ +++ b/examples/environments/chatroom/envs/ @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ def leave(self, agent: AgentBase) -> bool: if not in self.children: return False del self.children[] - del self.children[] + del self.member_introduction[] return True @event_func From dfa5606dbc9ffcc72b752fd435ae018412c8f1b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chenyushuo <> Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 20:25:10 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 16/18] bug fix in intro --- tests/ | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/ index a3fa2d982..269ccdbf7 100644 --- a/tests/ +++ b/tests/ @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ def __init__( # pylint: disable=W0613 ) -> None: super().__init__(name=name) = None + self.introduction = '' self.event_list = [] def join(self, room: ChatRoom) -> bool: From 84c44de410185ef9bc6a7bd0a7794cc010637eb2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chenyushuo <> Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 20:31:27 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 17/18] precommit fix --- tests/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/ index 269ccdbf7..636cc5ca5 100644 --- a/tests/ +++ b/tests/ @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def __init__( # pylint: disable=W0613 ) -> None: super().__init__(name=name) = None - self.introduction = '' + self.introduction = "" self.event_list = [] def join(self, room: ChatRoom) -> bool: From 872ffb6e9bc41be1813e00e106bcbba39025c45f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "panxuchen.pxc" Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 20:49:11 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 18/18] update docs --- docs/sphinx_doc/zh_CN/source/index.rst | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/docs/sphinx_doc/zh_CN/source/index.rst b/docs/sphinx_doc/zh_CN/source/index.rst index ca674a0e1..0a30339da 100644 --- a/docs/sphinx_doc/zh_CN/source/index.rst +++ b/docs/sphinx_doc/zh_CN/source/index.rst @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ AgentScope 文档 agentscope.service agentscope.rpc agentscope.server + agentscope.environment agentscope.web agentscope.prompt agentscope.utils \ No newline at end of file