Detailed Mention of Topics and its Timestamps according to Namaste React Web Series
00:14:00 β Mock design, Various sections of a web page and its coding
00:23:00 β CSS coding
00:29:00 β Created a Header element using React
00:36:00 β CSS for body component & restaurant card
00:38:33 β Inline style of writing CSS in JSX
00:42:00 β JSX feature
00:45:00 β Adding an image to restaurant card
00:49:00 β Coding inside App.js, adding details to restaurant card
00:54:00 β Multiple Restaurant Cards
00:59:25 β Making a Restaurant card with dynamic data, PROPS, Passing a prop to a component
01:07:30 β Destructure the props
01:14:00 β Install Chrome extension β JSON Viewer
01:15:40 β Config Driven UI, Data layer & UI layer
01:26:00 β Bug found in the API
01:33:27 β Array + join(.) usage
01:35:00 β Further modifying the CSS
01:36:00 β Making the image dynamic too, cloudinary image, String concatenation
01:44:14 β Restaurant card becomes Dynamic
01:47:00 β Optimizimg the code, Optional Chaining
01:50:00 β usage of map() function
01:56:00 β React feature
01:58:00 β Unique Key Property
02:08:05 β Lists & Keys, react.js org
02:12:00 β Session Recap