Have you ever had any questions about all of the conspiracy theories out there in the world? Have you ever felt overwhelmed by how many you have to have passing knowledge of just to get all the memes? We are designing a Stack Overflow-like website where you can ask questions and read answers to all the questions have for the people who believe in Flat Earth, lizard people, fake space travel, real time travel, ghouls, and more!
We are:
- Tove Mercer
- Joe LeBeau
- Katrina Sabbak
- Stacy Curry
- Simon Swartzman
As a user, I...
- would like to post questions
- want to answer questions
- want to comment on questions/answers
- want to be able to select a "best" answer on a question I posed
- want to up/downvote questions/answers/comments (once)
- need to login/out/create an account
- want to view questions, answers, comments and votes without logging in
- don't want to interact without logging in
As a user, I...
- want to see answers in a logical fashion (best, followed by highest votes)
- want to see the comments displayed chronologically (oldest first)
- want to pick how I see questions displayed (trending/highest votes/time)
- want to have a profile page where I see all the questions I asked, answers I gave, comments I made
- would like to tag my questions
- edit/delete content