Dynamize headers or R code within Rmd documents to prevent proliferation of Rmd docs for similar tasks. Add in external HTML document within rmarkdown rendered HTML doc.
First pre-knitting processing, then knitr::knit
, then rmarkdown::render
, then post HTML-rendering processing
The current process:
*.Rmd --------------- *.md --------------------- *.html -----------> | knitr::knit | -----------> | rmarkdown::render | -----------> --------------- ---------------------
*.Rmd ------------ *.Rmd --------------- *.md --------------------- *.html -------------- *.html --------> | pre_knit |-----------> | knitr::knit | -----------> | rmarkdown::render | -----------> | post_render| -----------> ------------ --------------- --------------------- --------------
In pre-knitting processing, function takes in a Rmd file, evaluates code chunks which are marked as between adjacent lines of
, and then replace these code chunks with evaluated output captured usingcapture.output
function. -
Function then calls
followed byrmarkdown::render
. -
After which, in post HTML-rendering processing, function evaluates code chunks in between
, and then replace these code chunks with evaluated output captured using capture.output function. Typically, we want to insert an external HTML file and we can use`%%% writeLines(readLines("MY_EXTERNAL_HTML_FILE"))`
within the Rmd file. This function will read in the external html file and replace this`%%% `
with contents in the html file.
preknit_knit_render_postrender(pRmdfile, outhtml = NULL)
pRmdfile - input Rmd file
outhtml - output html file
The output html file will have the codes between @@@
and/or `%%% `
code chunks evaluated.
#rmarkdown package and pandoc.exe is required to run this code
oldwd <- getwd()
#pandoc.exe is required to run this code
samplermd <- tempfile('test', getwd(), '.Rmd')
addhtml <- 'test__test.html'
#generate the test Rmd file
'title: "Example Usage"',
'output: html_document',
'This document is used for various similar reports.',
"cat(paste('#Dynamic Header1', rnorm(1)))",
'`%%% writeLines(readLines("test__test.html"))`',
'cat(paste("##Dynamic Header2", rnorm(1)))',
'Some content is invariant across different reports.'), samplermd)
#generate test html file
'<li>Item 1</li>',
'<li>Item 2</li>',
'<li>Item 3</li>',
'</ul>'), addhtml)
#Pre-knit processing and post HTML render processing
preknit_knit_render_postrender(samplermd, "sample__html.html")
#output 'sample__html.html' is in tempdir()