diff --git a/docs/_static/images/EDA.svg b/docs/_static/images/EDA.svg
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--- a/docs/_static/images/EDA.svg
+++ b/docs/_static/images/EDA.svg
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/community.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+`FOSS Flows For FPGA (F4PGA) `__ project is a `Workgroup `__
+under the `CHIPS Alliance `__.
+The F4PGA Workgroup consists of members from different backgrounds, including FPGA vendors
+(`Xilinx `__
+and `QuickLogic `__),
+industrial users
+(`Google `__
+and `Antmicro `__)
+and academia
+(`University of Toronto `__),
+who collaborate to build a more open source and software-driven FPGA ecosystem (IP, tools and workflows) to drive the
+adoption of FPGAs in existing and new use cases, and eliminate barriers of entry.
+* `Twitter [@f4pga] `__
+* `Slack [chipsalliance.slack.com] `__
+ .. TIP::
+ To register to CHIPS Alliance Slack workspace, use the following `Slack Invite `__.
+* `IRC [irc.libera.chat/#F4PGA] `__
+* `Mailing list [lists.chipsalliance.org/g/f4pga-wg] `__
+* `github.com/chipsalliance `__
+* `github.com/F4PGA `__
+.. _Contributing:
+Are you interested in helping this project move forward?
+F4PGA is a collaborative project and we welcome your contributions.
+The code is available on GitHub, while the HTML documentation is available on Read The Docs.
+There are multiple areas and technologies we need help with - reach out to us, we're sure we will find something for you.
+* Do you know **Python**?
+ Almost all scripts are written in Python!
+* Do you know **C++**?
+ VPR & nextpnr & libraries written in C++!
+* Do you know **TCL**?
+ All the EDA tools use TCL!
+* Do you know **(System) Verilog**, **VHDL**, **Chisel**, **Migen** and/or **Amaranth**?
+ Simulation and models are written in Hardware Description Languages (HDLs)!
+* Do you know **XML**?
+ Most file formats are XML!
+* Do you know English?
+ Documentation is written in English!
+* Do you know **Docker** and/or **Podman**?
+ Help make it easier to set up F4PGA!
+* Do you have time?
+ We will find you a task!
diff --git a/docs/conf.py b/docs/conf.py
index 4f6210311..3906f48b2 100644
--- a/docs/conf.py
+++ b/docs/conf.py
@@ -6,9 +6,33 @@
import sys, os
from pathlib import Path
+from tabulate import tabulate
+ROOT = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
-# -- General configuration -----------------------------------------------------
+# -- Generate status.inc -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+with (ROOT / "status.inc").open("w", encoding="utf-8") as wfptr:
+ wfptr.write(
+ tabulate(
+ [
+ ["[Basic Tiles] Logic", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes"],
+ ["[Basic Tiles] Block RAM", "Yes", "Yes", "Partial", "Yes"],
+ ["[Advanced Tiles] DSP", "Yes", "Yes", "Partial", "Yes"],
+ ["[Advanced Tiles] Hard Blocks", "Yes", "Yes", "Partial", "Yes"],
+ ["[Advanced Tiles] Clock Tiles", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes"],
+ ["[Advanced Tiles] IO Tiles", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes"],
+ ["[Routing] Logic", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes"],
+ ["[Routing] Clock", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes"],
+ ],
+ headers=["", "Project Icestorm", "Project Trellis ", "Project X-Ray", "QuickLogic Database"],
+ tablefmt="rst",
+ )
+ )
+# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
project = 'F4PGA'
basic_filename = 'f4pga-docs'
@@ -47,7 +71,7 @@
:format: html
-# -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------------
+# -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
html_show_sourcelink = True
@@ -66,7 +90,7 @@
html_logo = str(Path(html_static_path[0]) / 'logo.svg')
html_favicon = str(Path(html_static_path[0]) / 'favicon.svg')
-# -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------------
+# -- Options for LaTeX output ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
latex_documents = [
('index', basic_filename+'.tex', project,
@@ -99,7 +123,7 @@
-# -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------------
+# -- Options for manual page output ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
man_pages = [
('index', basic_filename, project,
diff --git a/docs/flows/bitstream.rst b/docs/flows/bitstream.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dcb457bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/flows/bitstream.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Bitstream translation
+The routing process results in an output file specifying the used blocks
+and routing paths. It contains the resources that needs to be instantiated
+on the FPGA chip, however, the output format is not understood
+by the FPGA chip itself.
+In the last step, the description of the chip is translated into
+the appropriate format, suitable for the chosen FPGA.
+That final file contains instructions readable by the configuration block of
+the desired chip.
+Documenting the bitstream format for different FPGA chips is one of the
+most important tasks in the F4PGA Project!
diff --git a/docs/flows/f4pga.rst b/docs/flows/f4pga.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7caa1bec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/flows/f4pga.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+In the F4PGA toolchain synthesis is made with the use of Yosys, that is able to perform all the mentioned steps and
+convert HDL to netlist description.
+The result of these steps is written to a file in ``.eblif`` format.
+Place & Route
+The F4PGA Project uses two different tools for the PnR process - ``nextpnr`` and ``Versatile Place and Route`` (VPR).
+Both of them write their final result to a file in the ``.fasm`` format.
diff --git a/docs/flows/index.rst b/docs/flows/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6afae870e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/flows/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+This section provides a description of the F4PGA toolchain as well as the basic concepts of the FPGA design flow.
+F4PGA is an end-to-end FPGA synthesis toolchain, because of that it provides all the necessary tools to convert input
+Hardware Description Language (HDL) sources into a final bitstream.
+It is simple to use however, the whole synthesis and implementation process is not trivial.
+The final bitstream format depends on the used platform.
+What's more, every platform has different resources and even if some of them provide similar functionality, they can be
+implemented in a different way.
+In order to be able to match all that variety of possible situations, the creation of the final bitstream is divided
+into few steps.
+F4PGA uses different programs to create the bitstream and is responsible for their proper integration.
+The procedure of converting HDL files into the bitstream is described in the next sections.
+.. figure:: ../_static/images/toolchain-flow.svg
+ :align: center
+ F4PGA Toolchain design flow
diff --git a/docs/flows/pnr.rst b/docs/flows/pnr.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c865e70f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/flows/pnr.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Place & Route
+The Synthesis process results in an output containing logical elements
+available on the desired FPGA chip with the specified connections between them.
+However, it does not specify the physical layout of those elements in the
+final design. The goal of the Place and Route (PnR) process is to take the
+synthesized design and implement it into the target FPGA device. The PnR tool
+needs to have information about the physical composition of the device, routing
+paths between the different logical blocks and signal propagation timings.
+The working flow of different PnR tools may vary, however, the process presented
+below represents the typical one, adopted by most of these tools. Usually, it
+consists of four steps - packing, placing, routing and analysis.
+In the first step, the tool collects and analyzes the primitives present
+in the synthesized design (e.g. Flip-Flops, Muxes, Carry-chains, etc), and
+organizes them in clusters, each one belonging to a physical tile of the device.
+The PnR tool makes the best possible decision, based on the FPGA routing
+resources and timings between different points in the chip.
+After having clustered all the various primitives into the physical tiles of the
+device, the tool begins the placement process. This step consists in assigning a
+physical location to every cluster generated in the packing stage. The choice of
+the locations is based on the chosen algorithm and on the user's parameters, but
+generally, the final goal is to find the best placement that allows the routing
+step to find more optimal solutions.
+Routing is one of the most demanding tasks of the the whole process.
+All possible connections between the placed blocks and the information on
+the signals propagation timings, form a complex graph.
+The tool tries to find the optimal path connecting all the placed
+clusters using the information provided in the routing graph. Once all the nets
+have been routed, an output file containing the implemented design is produced.
+This last step usually checks the whole design in terms of timings and power
diff --git a/docs/flows/synthesis.rst b/docs/flows/synthesis.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c7e918a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/flows/synthesis.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+Synthesis is the process of converting input Verilog file into a netlist,
+which describes the connections between different block available on the
+desired FPGA chip. However, it is worth to notice that these are only
+logical connections. So the synthesized model is only a draft of the final
+design, made with the use of available resources.
+RTL Generation
+the input Verilog file is often really complicated. Usually it is written in
+a way that it is hard to distinguish the digital circuit standing behind
+the implemented functionality. Designers often use a so-called
+*Behavioral Level* of abstraction, in their designs, which means that the whole
+description is mostly event-driven. In Verilog, support for behavioral models
+is made with use of ``always`` statements.
+However, FPGA mostly consist of Look Up Tables (LUT) and flip-flops.
+Look Up Tables implement only the functionality of logic gates.
+Due to that, the synthesis process has to convert the complicated
+Behavioral model to a simpler description.
+Firstly, the design is described in terms of registers and logical operations.
+This is the so-called *Register-Transfer Level* (*RTL*).
+Secondly, in order to simplify the design even more, some complex logic is
+rewritten in the way that the final result contain only logic gates
+and registers. This model is on *Logical Gate level* of abstraction.
+The process of simplification is quite complicated, because of that it often
+demands additional simulations between mentioned steps to prove that the input
+design is equivalent to its simplified form.
+Technology mapping
+FPGAs from different architectures may have different architecture. For example,
+they may contain some complicated functional blocks (i.e. RAM, DSP blocks)
+and even some of the basic blocks like LUT tables and flip-flops may vary
+between chips. Because of that, there is a need to describe the final design
+in terms of platform-specific resources. This is the next step in the process
+of synthesis. The simplified description containing i.e. logic gates, flip-flops
+and a few more complicated blocks like RAM is taken and used "general" blocks
+are substituted with that physically located in the chosen FPGA.
+The vendor-specific definitions of these blocks are often located
+in a separate library.
+Optimization is the key factor that allows to better utilize resources
+of an FPGA. There are some universal situations in which the design
+can be optimized, for example by substituting a bunch of logic gates
+in terms of fewer, different gates. However, some operations can be performed
+only after certain steps i.e. after technology mapping.
+As a result, optimization is an integral part of most of the synthesis steps.
diff --git a/docs/getting-started.rst b/docs/getting-started.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f9819da0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/getting-started.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Getting started
+To begin using F4PGA, you might want to take a look at the tutorials below, which make for a good starting point.
+They will guide you through the process of using the toolchain, explaining how to generate and load a bitstream into
+your FPGA.
+* User guide and examples how to use the toolchain:
+ * `Examples ➚ `__ (for users)
+ * `Architecture Definitions ➚ `__ (for developers)
+* Other resources:
+ * `X-Ray Quickstart ➚ `__
+ * `F4PGA Architectures Visualizer ➚ `__
diff --git a/docs/introduction.rst b/docs/how.rst
similarity index 50%
rename from docs/introduction.rst
rename to docs/how.rst
index 2eee56941..ab5735307 100644
--- a/docs/introduction.rst
+++ b/docs/how.rst
@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
+How it works
-F4PGA is a Open Source Verilog-to-Bitstream FPGA synthesis flow,
-currently targeting Xilinx 7-Series, Lattice iCE40 and Lattice ECP5 FPGAs.
-Think of it as the GCC of FPGAs.
-The project aim is to design tools that are highly extendable and multiplatform.
+To understand how F4PGA works, it is best to start with an overview of the general EDA tooling ecosystem and then
+proceed to see what the F4PGA project consists of.
EDA Tooling Ecosystem
For both ASIC- and FPGA-oriented EDA tooling, there are three major areas that
the workflow needs to cover: hardware description, frontend and backend.
@@ -28,7 +25,7 @@ on the latter (some parts of F4PGA will also be useful in the former).
.. figure:: _static/images/EDA.svg
Project structure
To achieve F4PGA's goal of a complete FOSS FPGA toolchain, a number of tools and projects are necessary to provide all
the needed components of an end-to-end flow.
@@ -47,35 +44,26 @@ collaborating projects targeting different FPGAs - :doc:`Project X-Ray
.. figure:: _static/images/parts.svg
-Current status of bitstream documentation
+The F4PGA toolchain consists of logic synthesis and implementation tools, as well as chip documentation projects for
+chips of various vendors.
+To prepare a working bitstream for a particular FPGA chip, the toolchain goes through the following stages:
+* First, a description of the FPGA chip is created with the information from the relevant bitstream documentation
+ project.
+ This part is done within the `F4PGA Architecture Definitions `__.
+ The project prepares information about the timings and resources available in the chip needed at the implementation
+ stage, as well as techmaps for the synthesis tools.
+* The second step is logic synthesis.
+ It is carried out in the Yosys framework, which expresses the input Verilog file by means of the block and connection
+ types available in the chosen chip.
-.. table::
- :align: center
- :widths: 40 20 20 20
+* The next step is implementation.
+ Placement and routing tools put individual blocks from the synthesis description in the specific chip locations and
+ create paths between them.
+ To do that, F4PGA uses either `nextpnr `__ or `Verilog to Routing `__.
- +-----------------+----------+----------+---------+
- | Projects | IceStorm | X-Ray | Trellis |
- +=================+==========+==========+=========+
- | **Basic Tiles** |
- +-----------------+----------+----------+---------+
- | Logic | Yes | Yes | Yes |
- +-----------------+----------+----------+---------+
- | Block RAM | Yes | Partial | N/A |
- +-----------------+----------+----------+---------+
- | **Advanced Tiles** |
- +-----------------+----------+----------+---------+
- | DSP | Yes | No | Yes |
- +-----------------+----------+----------+---------+
- | Hard Blocks | Yes | No | Yes |
- +-----------------+----------+----------+---------+
- | Clock Tiles | Yes | Partial | Yes |
- +-----------------+----------+----------+---------+
- | IO Tiles | Yes | Partial | Yes |
- +-----------------+----------+----------+---------+
- | **Routing** |
- +-----------------+----------+----------+---------+
- | Logic | Yes | Yes | Yes |
- +-----------------+----------+----------+---------+
- | Clock | Yes | Partial | Yes |
- +-----------------+----------+----------+---------+
+* Finally, the design properties are translated into a set of features available in the given FPGA chip.
+ These features are saved in the `fasm format `__, which is developed as part of
+ F4PGA.
+ The fasm file is then translated to bitstream using the information from the bitstream documentation projects.
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 3b0b7c728..50189ca69 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -1,17 +1,45 @@
-F4PGA documentation
+FOSS Flows For FPGA
+F4PGA is an Open Source HDL-to-Bitstream FPGA synthesis solution, currently targeting Xilinx 7-Series, Lattice iCE40 and
+Lattice ECP5 FPGAs.
+Think of it as the GCC of FPGAs.
+The project aim is to design tools that are highly extendable and multiplatform.
+.. toctree::
+ :caption: About F4PGA
+ community
+ how
+ status
+ getting-started
+.. toctree::
+ :caption: Design Flows
+ flows/index
+ flows/synthesis
+ flows/pnr
+ flows/bitstream
+ flows/f4pga
+.. toctree::
+ :caption: Specifications
+ FPGA Assembly (FASM) ➚
.. toctree::
+ :caption: Other
- introduction
- toolchain-desc/index
- Architecture Definitions ➚
- Project X-Ray ➚
- Project Trellis ➚
- FPGA Assembly (FASM) ➚
+ yosys
+ VPR ➚
+ Architecture Definitions ➚
+ Project X-Ray ➚
+ Project Trellis ➚
.. toctree::
- :caption: Contributing
+ :caption: Contributing
- contributing/building-docs
- contributing/venv
+ contributing/building-docs
+ contributing/venv
diff --git a/docs/requirements.txt b/docs/requirements.txt
index 2a38f8663..325f714a0 100644
--- a/docs/requirements.txt
+++ b/docs/requirements.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/docs/status.rst b/docs/status.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d8fae8dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/status.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Supported Architectures
+* `Xilinx 7-Series `__:
+ the most popular Xilinx FPGA family.
+* `Lattice ice40 `__:
+ world's smallest FPGAs for mobile devices.
+* `Lattice ecp5 `__:
+ low cost FPGAs with high performance features.
+* `QuickLogic EOS S3 `__:
+ FPGA + CPU sensor processing platform.
+* `QuickLogic QLF K4N8 `__:
+ a 24x24 eFPGA with 6144 flip-flops, 4608 LUT4s, adder and shift-register support.
+* Do you want to add more? :ref:`Help us! `
+Bitstream documentation
+.. include:: status.inc
+See `f4pga.org: Supported boards `__.
diff --git a/docs/toolchain-desc/design-flow.rst b/docs/toolchain-desc/design-flow.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 469245593..000000000
--- a/docs/toolchain-desc/design-flow.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-FPGA Design Flow
-F4PGA is an end-to-end FPGA synthesis toolchain, because of that it provides
-all the necessary tools to convert input Verilog design into a final bitstream.
-It is simple to use however, the whole synthesis and implementation process
-is not trivial.
-The final bitstream format depends on the used platform.
-What's more, every platform has different resources and even if some of them
-provide similar functionality, they can be implemented in a different way.
-In order to be able to match all that variety of possible situations,
-the creation of the final bitstream is divided into few steps.
-F4PGA uses different programs to create the bitstream and is
-responsible for their proper integration. The procedure of converting
-Verilog file into the bitstream is described in the next sections.
-.. figure:: ../_static/images/toolchain-flow.svg
- :align: center
- F4PGA Toolchain design flow
-Synthesis is the process of converting input Verilog file into a netlist,
-which describes the connections between different block available on the
-desired FPGA chip. However, it is worth to notice that these are only
-logical connections. So the synthesized model is only a draft of the final
-design, made with the use of available resources.
-RTL Generation
-the input Verilog file is often really complicated. Usually it is written in
-a way that it is hard to distinguish the digital circuit standing behind
-the implemented functionality. Designers often use a so-called
-*Behavioral Level* of abstraction, in their designs, which means that the whole
-description is mostly event-driven. In Verilog, support for behavioral models
-is made with use of ``always`` statements.
-However, FPGA mostly consist of Look Up Tables (LUT) and flip-flops.
-Look Up Tables implement only the functionality of logic gates.
-Due to that, the synthesis process has to convert the complicated
-Behavioral model to a simpler description.
-Firstly, the design is described in terms of registers and logical operations.
-This is the so-called *Register-Transfer Level* (*RTL*).
-Secondly, in order to simplify the design even more, some complex logic is
-rewritten in the way that the final result contain only logic gates
-and registers. This model is on *Logical Gate level* of abstraction.
-The process of simplification is quite complicated, because of that it often
-demands additional simulations between mentioned steps to prove that the input
-design is equivalent to its simplified form.
-Technology mapping
-FPGAs from different architectures may have different architecture. For example,
-they may contain some complicated functional blocks (i.e. RAM, DSP blocks)
-and even some of the basic blocks like LUT tables and flip-flops may vary
-between chips. Because of that, there is a need to describe the final design
-in terms of platform-specific resources. This is the next step in the process
-of synthesis. The simplified description containing i.e. logic gates, flip-flops
-and a few more complicated blocks like RAM is taken and used "general" blocks
-are substituted with that physically located in the chosen FPGA.
-The vendor-specific definitions of these blocks are often located
-in a separate library.
-Optimization is the key factor that allows to better utilize resources
-of an FPGA. There are some universal situations in which the design
-can be optimized, for example by substituting a bunch of logic gates
-in terms of fewer, different gates. However, some operations can be performed
-only after certain steps i.e. after technology mapping.
-As a result, optimization is an integral part of most of the synthesis steps.
-Synthesis in F4PGA
-In the F4PGA toolchain synthesis is made with the use of Yosys,
-that is able to perform all the mentioned steps and convert Verilog to netlist
-description. The result of these steps is written to a file in ``.eblif``
-Place & Route
-The Synthesis process results in an output containing logical elements
-available on the desired FPGA chip with the specified connections between them.
-However, it does not specify the physical layout of those elements in the
-final design. The goal of the Place and Route (PnR) process is to take the
-synthesized design and implement it into the target FPGA device. The PnR tool
-needs to have information about the physical composition of the device, routing
-paths between the different logical blocks and signal propagation timings.
-The working flow of different PnR tools may vary, however, the process presented
-below represents the typical one, adopted by most of these tools. Usually, it
-consists of four steps - packing, placing, routing and analysis.
-In the first step, the tool collects and analyzes the primitives present
-in the synthesized design (e.g. Flip-Flops, Muxes, Carry-chains, etc), and
-organizes them in clusters, each one belonging to a physical tile of the device.
-The PnR tool makes the best possible decision, based on the FPGA routing
-resources and timings between different points in the chip.
-After having clustered all the various primitives into the physical tiles of the
-device, the tool begins the placement process. This step consists in assigning a
-physical location to every cluster generated in the packing stage. The choice of
-the locations is based on the chosen algorithm and on the user's parameters, but
-generally, the final goal is to find the best placement that allows the routing
-step to find more optimal solutions.
-Routing is one of the most demanding tasks of the the whole process.
-All possible connections between the placed blocks and the information on
-the signals propagation timings, form a complex graph.
-The tool tries to find the optimal path connecting all the placed
-clusters using the information provided in the routing graph. Once all the nets
-have been routed, an output file containing the implemented design is produced.
-This last step usually checks the whole design in terms of timings and power
-Place & Route in F4PGA
-The F4PGA Project uses two different tools for the PnR process - ``nextpnr``
-and ``Versatile Place and Route`` (VPR). Both of them write their final result
-to a file in the ``.fasm`` format.
-Bitstream translation
-The routing process results in an output file specifying the used blocks
-and routing paths. It contains the resources that needs to be instantiated
-on the FPGA chip, however, the output format is not understood
-by the FPGA chip itself.
-In the last step, the description of the chip is translated into
-the appropriate format, suitable for the chosen FPGA.
-That final file contains instructions readable by the configuration block of
-the desired chip.
-Documenting the bitstream format for different FPGA chips is one of the
-most important tasks in the F4PGA Project!
diff --git a/docs/toolchain-desc/index.rst b/docs/toolchain-desc/index.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index c79c34e89..000000000
--- a/docs/toolchain-desc/index.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Toolchain description
-This section provides a description of the F4PGA toolchain as well as the basic concepts of the FPGA design flow.
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 3
- Getting started ➚
- design-flow
- yosys
- VPR ➚
diff --git a/docs/toolchain-desc/yosys.rst b/docs/yosys.rst
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/toolchain-desc/yosys.rst
rename to docs/yosys.rst