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Complete example of de novo strain level analysis from metagenome data

Table of Contents

Getting started

Read assembly, mapping and binning

Contig genome assignments

Contig taxonomic assignments

Determine core genes

Determine variants

Infer strains

Validate strains

Assign accessory genomes

alt tag

Getting started

To provide an in depth illustration of how to use Deman we will give a complete worked example from a subset of the synthetic community used in the [bioRxiv preprint]( We have provided 16 samples, subsampled to 1 million reads from the 64 samples with 11.75 million reads used originally. This example is therefore more tractable but the following analysis assumes you have access to a multi-core server. We also assume that you have some standard and not so standard sequence analysis software installed. To make things a bit simpler we include installation for each of these assuming a Linux Ubuntu distribution if you are not running Ubuntu these will have to be adapted accordingly:

You will use need to make a local bin directory and a repos dir:

mkdir ~/bin
mkdir ~/repos

if not already present and add to your path by adding this line to your .bashrc:

export PATH=~/bin:$PATH

and also install GSL:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential libgsl0-dev
  1. megahit: A highly efficient metagenomics assembler currently our default for most studies

    cd ~/repos
    git clone
    cd megahit/
    sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
    cp megahit* ~/bin
  2. bwa: Necessary for mapping reads onto contigs

    cd ~/repos
    git clone
    cd bwa; make
    cp bwa ~/bin
  3. bam-readcount: Used to get per sample base frequencies at each position

    cd ~/repos
    sudo apt-get install build-essential git-core cmake zlib1g-dev libncurses-dev patch
    git clone
    mkdir bam-readcount-build
    cd bam-readcount-build/
    cmake ../bam-readcount
    cp bin/bam-readcount ~/bin/
  4. samtools: Utilities for processing mapped files. The version available through apt will NOT work instead...

    cd ~/repos
    tar xvfj samtools-1.3.1.tar.bz2 
    cd samtools-1.3.1/ 
    sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev
    ./configure --enable-plugins --enable-libcurl --with-plugin-path=$PWD/htslib-1.3.1
    make all plugins-htslib
    cp samtools ~/bin/  
  5. bedtools: Utilities for working with read mappings

    sudo apt-get install bedtools
  6. prodigal: Used for calling genes on contigs

    cp prodigal.linux ~/bin/prodigal
    chmod +rwx ~/bin/prodigal
  7. gnu parallel: Used for parallelising rps-blast

    sudo apt-get install parallel
  8. standalone blast: Need a legacy blast 2.5.0 which we provide as a download:

    tar -xvzf ncbi-blast-2.5.0+-x64-linux.tar.gz
    cp ncbi-blast-2.5.0+/bin/* ~/bin
  9. diamond: BLAST compatible accelerated aligner

    cd ~/repos
    mkdir diamond
    cd diamond
    tar xzf diamond-linux64.tar.gz
    cp diamond ~/bin/
  10. R Finally we need R we followed these steps how to install r on linux ubuntu 16-04 xenial xerus: and installed the additional packages: gplots ggplot2 getopt reshape

We also need some database files versions of which that are compatible with the pipeline we have made available through s3. Below we suggest downloading them to a databases directory:

  1. COG RPS database: Cog databases

    mkdir ~/Databases
    cd ~/Databases
    tar -xvzf rpsblast_cog_db.tar.gz
  2. NCBI non-redundant database formatted in old GI format downloaded 02/08/2016 02:07:05. We provide this as fasta sequence so that you can diamond format it yourself to avoid any version issues:

    cd ~/Databases
    mkdir NR
    cd NR
    diamond makedb --in nr.faa -d nr

or we also provide a pre-formatted version: wget

  1. GI to Taxaid and lineage files for the above:


We then install both the CONCOCT and DESMAN repositories. Concoct is Python 2.7 whereas Desman is now python3 they require the following modules:

    sudo apt-get -y install python-pip python3-pip 
    sudo pip install cython numpy scipy biopython pandas pip scikit-learn pysam bcbio-gff
    sudo pip3 install cython numpy scipy biopython pandas pip scikit-learn pysam bcbio-gff

Then install the repos and set their location in your .bashrc:

cd ~/repos

git clone


sudo python ./ install

cd ~/repos

git clone


sudo python3 ./ install

Then add this lines to .bashrc:

export CONCOCT=~/repos/CONCOCT
export DESMAN=~/repos/DESMAN

To begin make working directory and obtain the reads from Dropbox:

cd ~
mkdir DesmanExample
cd DesmanExample

Rename, untar and unzip the example directory and move into it:

tar -xvzf Example.tar.gz
cd Example

Read assembly, mapping and binning

Then assemble the reads. We recommend megahit for this:

nohup megahit -1 $(<R1.csv) -2 $(<R2.csv) -t 36 -o Assembly > megahit.out&

This will take a while so we have set megahit running on 36 threads (adjust to your system) and run in background with nohup.

We will now perform CONCOCT binning of these contigs. As explained in Alneberg et al. there are good reasons to cut up contigs prior to binning. We will use a script from CONCOCT to do this. For convenience we will create environmental variables points to the CONCOCT and DESMAN install directories:

export DESMAN_EXAMPLE=$HOME/mypathtoDesmanExample/Example

Then cut up contigs and place in new dir:

cd ~/DesmanExample/Example
mkdir contigs
python $CONCOCT/scripts/ -c 10000 -o 0 -m Assembly/final.contigs.fa > contigs/final_contigs_c10K.fa

Having cut-up the contigs the next step is to map all the reads from each sample back onto them. First index the contigs with bwa:

cd contigs
bwa index final_contigs_c10K.fa
cd ..

Then perform the actual mapping you may want to put this in a shell script:

mkdir Map

for file in *R1.fastq

   echo $stub


   bwa mem -t 32 contigs/final_contigs_c10K.fa $file $file2 > Map/${stub}.sam

Here we are using 32 threads for bwa mem '-t 32' you can adjust this to whatever is suitable for your machine. Then we need to calculate our contig lengths using one of the Desman scripts.

python3 $DESMAN/scripts/ -i contigs/final_contigs_c10K.fa > contigs/final_contigs_c10K.len

Then we calculate coverages for each contig in each sample:

for file in Map/*.sam
    echo $stub	
    (samtools view -h -b -S $file > ${stub}.bam; samtools view -b -F 4 ${stub}.bam > ${stub}.mapped.bam; samtools sort -m 1000000000 ${stub}.mapped.bam -o ${stub}.mapped.sorted.bam; bedtools genomecov -ibam ${stub}.mapped.sorted.bam -g contigs/final_contigs_c10K.len > ${stub}_cov.txt)&

and use awk to aggregate the output of bedtools:

for i in Map/*_cov.txt 
   echo $i
   echo $stub
   awk -F"\t" '{l[$1]=l[$1]+($2 *$3);r[$1]=$4} END {for (i in l){print i","(l[i]/r[i])}}' $i > Map/${stub}_cov.csv

and finally run the following perl script to collate the coverages across samples, where we have simply adjusted the format from csv to tsv to be compatible with CONCOCT:

$DESMAN/scripts/ Map | tr "," "\t" > Coverage.tsv

and run CONCOCT:

mkdir Concoct
cd Concoct
mv ../Coverage.tsv .
concoct --coverage_file Coverage.tsv --composition_file ../contigs/final_contigs_c10K.fa
cd ..

Contig genome assignments

In this case we know which contig derives from which of the 20 genomes and so we can compare the assignment of contigs to clusters with those genome assignments. To get the genome assignments we first need the strain genomes:

mkdir AssignGenome
mv Mock1_20genomes.fasta AssignGenome/Mock1_20genomes.fasta

We need to index our bam files:

for file in Map/*mapped.sorted.bam
    echo $stub	
    samtools index $file

Then we run a script that extracts the mock genome ids out of the fastq ids of the simulated reads:

cd AssignGenome
python3 $DESMAN/scripts/ ../contigs/final_contigs_c10K.fa Mock1_20genomes.fasta ../Map/*mapped.sorted.bam > final_contigs_c10K_genome_count.tsv
cd ..

This file contains counts of unambiguous and ambiguous reads mapping to each of the genomes for each of the contigs. We simplify the genome names and filter these counts:

$DESMAN/scripts/ $DESMAN/complete_example/Map.txt < AssignGenome/final_contigs_c10K_genome_count.tsv > AssignGenome/final_contigs_c10K_genome_countR.tsv

Then we get assignments of each contig to each genome:

$DESMAN/scripts/ Concoct/clustering_gt1000.csv AssignGenome/final_contigs_c10K_genome_countR.tsv > AssignGenome/clustering_gt1000_smap.csv

This enables to compare the CONCOCT clusterings with these assignments:

$CONCOCT/scripts/ --cfile=Concoct/clustering_gt1000.csv --sfile=AssignGenome/clustering_gt1000_smap.csv --ffile=contigs/final_contigs_c10K.fa 

This should generate output similar too:

N	M	TL	S	K	Rec.	Prec.	NMI	Rand	AdjRand
9869	9869	6.1623e+07	20	24	0.983277	0.983970	0.984496	0.998533	0.986840

The exact results may vary but the overall accuracy should be similar. We can also plot the resulting confusion matrix:

$CONCOCT/scripts/ConfPlot.R -c Conf.csv -o Conf.pdf

CONCOCT clusters

From this it is apparent that five clusters: D1, D9, D11, D15, and D18 represent the E. coli pangenome. In general, it will not be known a priori from which taxa a cluster derives and so not possible to link them in this way. However, in many analyses the pangenome will be contained in a single cluster or a contig taxonomic classifier could be used to determine clusters deriving from the same species. We illustrate how to do this below. In your particular run these assignments may vary and the code below must be changed accordingly.

Taxonomic classification of contigs

There are many ways to taxonomically classify assembled sequence. We suggest a gene based approach. The first step is to call genes on all contigs that are greater than 1,000 bp. Shorter sequences are unlikely to contain complete coding sequences.

Set the environment variable NR_DMD to point to the location of your formatted NR database:

export NR_DMD=$HOME/Databases/NR/nr.dmnd

Then we begin by calling genes on all contigs greater than 1000bp in length.

cd ~/DesmanExample/Example
mkdir Annotate_gt1000
cd Annotate_gt1000
python3 $DESMAN/scripts/ -m 1000 ../contigs/final_contigs_c10K.fa > final_contigs_gt1000_c10K.fa
prodigal -i final_contigs_gt1000_c10K.fa -a final_contigs_gt1000_c10K.faa -d final_contigs_gt1000_c10K.fna  -f gff -p meta -o final_contigs_gt1000_c10K.gff
cd ..
mkdir AssignTaxa
cd AssignTaxa
cp ../Annotate_gt1000/final_contigs_gt1000_c10K.faa .
diamond blastp -p 32 -d $NR_DMD -q final_contigs_gt1000_c10K.faa -a final_contigs_gt1000_c10K > d.out
diamond view -a final_contigs_gt1000_c10K.daa -o final_contigs_gt1000_c10K_nr.m8

To classify the contigs we need two files a gid to taxid mapping file and a mapping of taxaid to full lineage:

  1. gi_taxid_prot.dmp

  2. all_taxa_lineage_notnone.tsv

These can also be downloaded from the Dropbox:


The path to these files are default in the script as the variables:

DEF_DMP_FILE = "/home/chris/native/Databases/nr/FASTA/gi_taxid_prot.dmp"

DEF_LINE_FILE = "/home/chris/native/Databases/nr/FASTA/all_taxa_lineage_notnone.tsv"

We calculate the gene length in amino acids before running this. Then we can assign the contigs and genes called on them:

python3 $DESMAN/scripts/ -i final_contigs_gt1000_c10K.faa > final_contigs_gt1000_c10K.len
python3 $DESMAN/scripts/ final_contigs_gt1000_c10K_nr.m8 final_contigs_gt1000_c10K.len -o final_contigs_gt1000_c10K_nr -l /mypath/all_taxa_lineage_notnone.tsv -g /mypath/gi_taxid_prot.dmp

Then we extract species out:

$DESMAN/scripts/ 8 < final_contigs_gt1000_c10K_nr_contigs.csv | grep -v "_6" | grep -v "None" > final_contigs_gt1000_c10K_nr_species.csv

These can then be used for the cluster confusion plot:

$CONCOCT/scripts/ --cfile=../Concoct/clustering_gt1000.csv --sfile=final_contigs_gt1000_c10K_nr_species.csv --ffile=../contigs/final_contigs_c10K.fa --ofile=Taxa_Conf.csv

Now the results will be somewhat different...

N	M	TL	S	K	Rec.	Prec.	NMI	Rand	AdjRand
9869	1746	1.5257e+07	17	24	0.985459	0.999801	0.990303	0.999300	0.996926

We then plot the out Conf.csv which contains species proportions in each cluster:

$CONCOCT/scripts/ConfPlot.R -c Taxa_Conf.csv -o Taxa_Conf.pdf 

CONCOCT clusters against taxa

This confirms from a de novo approach that D0, D14, D17, D18 and D21 represent the E. coli pangenome. In your own analysis it will probably be a different set of clusters and hence the code below will have to be adjusted accordingly.

Identifying E. coli core genes

We now determine core genes single copy genes within these four clusters through annotation to COGs. First lets split the contigs by their cluster and concatenate togethers those from D0, D14, D17, D18 and D21 into one file ClusterEC.fa. If your clustering gave different bins associated with E. coli then change the files selected below as appropriate:

Go back to the top level example directory and then:

mkdir Split
cd Split
$DESMAN/scripts/ ../contigs/final_contigs_c10K.fa ../Concoct/clustering_gt1000.csv
cat Cluster0/Cluster0.fa Cluster14/Cluster14.fa Cluster17/Cluster17.fa Cluster18/Cluster18.fa Cluster21/Cluster21.fa > ClusterEC.fa
cd ..

Now call genes on the E. coli contigs.

mkdir AnnotateEC
cd AnnotateEC
cp ../Split/ClusterEC.fa .
prodigal -i ClusterEC.fa -a ClusterEC.faa -d ClusterEC.fna  -f gff -p meta -o ClusterEC.gff

Next we assign COGs using the CONCOCT script First set location of your COG rpsblast database. Then run the CONCOCT script. This requires rpsblast and gnu parallel.

export COGSDB_DIR=~/gpfs/Databases/rpsblast_db
$CONCOCT/scripts/ -f ClusterEC.faa -p -c 8 -r 1

and extract out the annotated Cogs associated with called genes:

python3 $DESMAN/scripts/ -g ClusterEC.gff -b ClusterEC.out --cdd_cog_file $CONCOCT/scgs/cdd_to_cog.tsv > ClusterEC.cogs

Then we determine those regions of the contigs with core COGs on in single copy using the 982 predetermined E. coli core COGs:

$DESMAN/scripts/ $DESMAN/complete_example/EColi_core_ident95.txt < ClusterEC.cogs > ClusterEC_core.cogs

This contains core COG ids and gene locations i.e:


Now we just reformat the location of core cogs on contigs:

cut -d"," -f2,3,4 ClusterEC_core.cogs | tr "," "\t" > ClusterEC_core_cogs.tsv

This will simply be a bed style tab separated format file i.e.:

k119_1371	8446	9352
k119_5582	920	1970
k119_6421	2	1037
k119_5506	1310	3941
k119_3846.0	293	1547
k119_7392	581	1952
k119_10287	405	1389
k119_17329	321	1722
k119_7639	4300	6034
k119_6580	570	1833

Determine variants on core COGs

To input into bam-readcount:

cd ..
mkdir Counts

Before doing so though we need to index the contigs fasta file

samtools faidx contigs/final_contigs_c10K.fa

then run bam-readcount:

for file in Map/*sorted.bam
	echo $stub
	(bam-readcount -q 20 -l AnnotateEC/ClusterEC_core_cogs.tsv -f contigs/final_contigs_c10K.fa $file 2> Counts/${stub}.err > Counts/${stub}.cnt)&

The above will run each sample in parallel adjust as necessary. To save space we will zip the resulting base frequencies:

cd Counts
gzip *cnt
cd ..

Next we collate the positions frequencies into a single file for Desman, here we use all genes regardless of length:

python3 $DESMAN/scripts/ AnnotateEC/ClusterEC_core.cogs Counts --output_file Cluster_esc3_scgs.freq

Infer strains with Desman

Now lets use Desman to find the variant positions on these core cogs:

mkdir Variants
cd Variants/
mv ../Cluster_esc3_scgs.freq . Cluster_esc3_scgs.freq
cd ..

and run Desman:

mkdir RunDesman
cd RunDesman

for g in 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; do     
    for r in 0 1 2 3 4; do             
        desman ../Variants/outputsel_var.csv -e ../Variants/outputtran_df.csv -o ClusterEC_${g}_${r} -r 1000 -i 100 -g $g -s $r > ClusterEC_${g}_${r}.out&                 
cd ..

This runs the haplotype inference for between 2 and 8 strains inclusive with 5 replicates. The options used are:

  1. -r 1000 : The number of randomly selected positions to base inference on
  2. -i 100 : The number of Gibbs sampling updates on real data increase this to say 500
  3. -g $g : Number of haplotypes to be inferred
  4. -s $r : Seed for random number generator using integer run index ensures independent replicate runs

First lets have a look at the mean posterior deviance as a function of strain number:

cat */fit.txt | cut -d"," -f2- > Dev.csv
sed -i '1iH,G,LP,Dev' Dev.csv 

which we can plot with a simple R script included in the Desman distribution:

$DESMAN/scripts/PlotDev.R -l RunDesman/Dev.csv -o RunDesman/Dev.pdf

Mean posterior deviance vs. strain number

From this it is not as clear as in the full data set analysed in the paper that five strains are present, since on average there is some improvement going from five to six strains. However, we can run our heuristic program for determining haplotype number:

python3 $DESMAN/scripts/ ClusterEC

This gave in our run the following output:


Which we interpret as the best run had six haplotypes, five of which we are confident in and the average error in those inferences was 1.6%. The best haplotypes are given by the file ClusterEC_6_2/Filtered_Tau_star.csv. This is what we will use in the analysis below.

Validation of strains

To validate the strain inference we will download pre-identified sequences for each of the 982 single copy core COGs in the five known reference genomes.

mkdir Validate
cd Validate
tar -xvzf Hits.tar.gz

We then select core COGs that were included in our analysis. We reverse those that are reversed on the contigs so that positions match and then find all variants mapping onto the 0,1 encoding employed in DESMAN.

mkdir Select
$DESMAN/scripts/ ../AnnotateEC/ClusterEC_core.cogs
$DESMAN/scripts/ > ClusterEC_core_tau.csv
$DESMAN/scripts/ ../AnnotateEC/ClusterEC_core.cogs < ClusterEC_core_tau.csv > ClusterEC_core_tau_gene.csv

We then compare these known assignments to those predicted by DESMAN for our optimum run:

python3 $DESMAN/scripts/ ../RunDesman/ClusterEC_6_2/Collated_Tau_mean.csv ClusterEC_core_tau_gene.csv

The output should look like:

Intersection: 14854
[[9219 4045 9022 6726 3692]
 [8849  625 8784 6124 4190]
 [5127 8765 1349 9308 7850]
 [1155 8738 5002 9148 7975]
 [8793 4451 8713 5843  399]
 [9123 5949 9126  482 5702]]
[[ 0.6206409   0.27231722  0.60737848  0.45280732  0.24855258]
 [ 0.59573179  0.04207621  0.59135586  0.41227952  0.2820789 ]
 [ 0.34515955  0.59007675  0.09081729  0.62663256  0.52847718]
 [ 0.07775683  0.58825905  0.33674431  0.61586105  0.53689242]
 [ 0.59196176  0.29964993  0.58657601  0.39336206  0.02686145]
 [ 0.614178    0.40049818  0.61437996  0.03244917  0.38386966]]

This gives for each (row) predicted haplotype (or posterior mean in fact) the fraction of SNPs differing to each of the five reference genomes (columns). We see that each strain maps to one genome with an error rate between 2.7% and 9.1%.

Determine accessory genomes

Now we need the variant frequencies on all contigs:

python3 $DESMAN/scripts/ -i AnnotateEC/ClusterEC.fa > AnnotateEC/ClusterEC.len

mkdir CountsAll

$DESMAN/scripts/ < AnnotateEC/ClusterEC.len > AnnotateEC/ClusterEC.tsv

for file in Map/*sorted.bam
	echo $stub
	(bam-readcount -w 1 -q 20 -l AnnotateEC/ClusterEC.tsv -f contigs/final_contigs_c10K.fa $file > CountsAll/${stub}.cnt 2> CountsAll/${stub}.err)&

Gzip them up to save space and because the downstream programs expect this format:

cd CountsAll
gzip *.cnt
cd ..

We also need to extract info on all genes in the E. coli clusters:

python3 $DESMAN/scripts/ -g AnnotateEC/ClusterEC.gff > AnnotateEC/ClusterEC.genes

Then we collate the count files together filtering to genes greater than 500bp:

python3 $DESMAN/scripts/ -g AnnotateEC/ClusterEC.genes CountsAll --output_file Cluster_esc3.freq 

The -g flag here tells the script to expect gene positions in a slightly different format to the cog file used above. Now we find variants again, this time insisting on a minimum frequency of 3% and not filtering on sample coverage:

mkdir VariantsAll
cd VariantsAll
mv ../Cluster_esc3.freq . Cluster_esc3.freq -m 0.0 -v 0.03
cd ..

To assign contigs we also need individual gene coverages, for consistency we generate these from the aggregated count files:

cd VariantsAll
python3 $DESMAN/scripts/ Cluster_esc3.freq > Cluster_esc3_gene_cov.csv

Get list of core COGs:

cut -d"," -f5 ../AnnotateEC/ClusterEC_core.cogs > ClusterEC_core_genes.txt

Calculate coverage on core genes:

python3 $DESMAN/scripts/ Cluster_esc3_gene_cov.csv ClusterEC_core_genes.txt ClusterEC_core

Select run with lowest deviance and 5 strains:

export SEL_RUN=$DESMAN_EXAMPLE/RunDesman/ClusterEC_6_2/

Then we run the gene/contig assignment algorithm.

python3 $DESMAN/desman/ ClusterEC_coremean_sd_df.csv $SEL_RUN/Gamma_star.csv Cluster_esc3_gene_cov.csv $SEL_RUN/Eta_star.csv -m 20 -v outputsel_var.csv -o ClusterEC --assign_tau > ClusterEC.cout&

This should generate the following output files.

  1. ClusterEC_log_file.txt: A log file

  2. ClusterECeta_df.csv: The assignments from NMF unmanipulated useful for identifying multicopy genes.

  3. ClusterECetaD_df.csv: As above but discretised NMF predictions.

  4. ClusterECetaS_df.csv: Predictions from the Gibbs sampler selecting run with maximum log posterior.

  5. ClusterECetaM_df.csv: Mean log posterior predictions from Gibbs sampler.

Validate accessory genomes

We will now compare predictions with known assignments to reference genomes. First we use the mapping files to determine number of reads from each genome mapping to each gene.

python3 $DESMAN/scripts/ ../AnnotateEC/ClusterEC.genes ../AssignGenome/Mock1_20genomes.fasta  ../Map/*mapped.sorted.bam > ClusterEC_gene_counts.tsv

As above we will rename the header file to be a bit more presentable:

$DESMAN/scripts/ $DESMAN/complete_example/Map.txt < ClusterEC_gene_counts.tsv > ClusterEC_gene_countsR.tsv

and select just unambiguous assignments to E. coli genomes:

cut -f1-6 < ClusterEC_gene_countsR.tsv > ClusterEC_gene_counts_unamb.tsv

We then do a little bit of R to convert the counts into gene assignments to genomes assuming that if more than 1% of reads mapping to a gene derive from a genome then that gene is present in that genome.

Gene_eta <- read.table("ClusterEC_gene_counts_unamb.tsv",header=TRUE,row.names=1)
Gene_etaP <- Gene_eta/rowSums(Gene_eta)
Gene_etaP[Gene_etaP > 0.01] = 1.
Gene_etaP[Gene_etaP <= 0.01] = 0.

Finally we compare the mean posterior predictions to those assignments.

python3 $DESMAN/scripts/ ClusterECetaM_df.csv Gene_etaP.csv

Output should look like:

Av. accurracy = 0.963333