- 06.03
- 20.03
- 03.04
- 17.04
- 08.05
- 22.05 (student presentations)
- attend all invited talks
- investigate topic
- write 1 A4 page summary (2000 char)
- write 5 questions to ask each speaker
- hand in above before talk (ILIAS)
- guarantee 3 answered questions
- summarize key message from speaker in 3-5 sentences
- summarize answers to questions
- hand in answers and key message the same night (ILIAS)
- completion of thesis
- group of 2
- on assigned topic
- summarize findings in 18-24 page report
- contains critical view on topic
- english
- attend a first coaching session (before 26.03.19)
- with the assigned coach
- submit intermediate state (before 26.03.19)
- essential facts of document
- identify sources used
- submit of 80% (before 16.04.19)
- attend coaching (before 14.05.19)
- submit final document (before 14.05.19)
- submit rework (before 18.05.19)
- latest 12:00pm
- present results
- in plenum
- discussion
- 22.05.19
- defend thesis
- questions regarding colloquium talks and discussions