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File metadata and controls

125 lines (95 loc) · 5.38 KB


The official code for our VLDB 2021 paper: Nearest Neighbor Classifiers over Incomplete Information: From Certain Answers to Certain Predictions .


Install the package using pip

pip install -r requirements.txt


1. Reproduce Experiment Results

To reproduce the main experiment results in our paper (i.e. Table 3), run the following command:



The results of a dataset with a type of missing values can be found in the folder ./reproduce_result/dataset_name/mv_type. Each folder has a baseline.csv containing the results of baseline methods and a CPClean.csv containing the results of CPClean.

The baseline.csv contains the following columns:

  • dataset: name of the dataset
  • mv_type: type of missing values
  • val_acc_{method}: the validation accuracy using a cleaning method
  • test_acc_{method}: the test accuracy using a cleaning method

The CPClean.csv contains the following columns:

  • n_iter: number of iterations
  • selection: the id of the example selected to clean at this iteration
  • time: time for selection at this iteration
  • percent_cp: the percentage of validation examples CP'ed so far
  • percent_clean: the percentage of examples cleaned so far
  • val_acc_gt, val_acc_dc: the validation accuracy of ground truth and default cleaning
  • test_acc_gt, test_acc_dc: the test accuracy of ground truth and default cleaning
  • test_acc_cpclean, val_acc_cpclean: the test/val accuracy of CPClean at the current iteration

Note that CPClean iteratively select an example to clean until all validation example CP'ed. The cpclean.csv contains the accuracy for all iterations.

2. Construct CPClean Space

To build the space for running CPClean algorithm on a dataset, run the following command. It will (1) split the dataset into train/val/test sets (2) inject missing values (if the mv_type is "random" or "systematic") into the training set (3) run cleaning algorithms to generate candidate repairs.

python --data_dir <data_dir> --dataset <dataset_name> --mv_type <mv_type> --save_dir <space_dir>  --mv_prob <mv_prov> --val_size <val_size> --seed <seed>

Before you run the command: The raw data need to be stored in data_dir /dataset_name. For synthetic datasets (i.e., datasets to be injected with missing values), it requires to provide a data.csv file containing the original data and an info.json file containing the information of the dataset. See data/datasets/Puma for example. For real datasets (i.e., datasets with real missing values), it requires to provide a clean.csv containing the clean data, a dirty.csv containing the dirty data and an info.json file containing the information of the dataset. See data/datasets/BabyProduct for example.


  • data_dir: directory of the raw data.
  • dataset_name: name of the dataset.
  • mv_type: type of missing values. This can be "random", "systematic" or "real" . If "random", missing values will be completely randomly injected in to the features of the training data; if "systematic", missing values are more likely to be injected into important features; if "real", missing values will not be injected.
  • space_dir: the directory to save the space.
  • mv_prob: the probability of a cell to be missing, default 0.2.
  • val_size: size of validation set, default 1400.
  • seed: random seed, default 1.


The results can be found in space_dir/dataset_name/mv_type with the following files:

  • X_full.csv, y_full.csv: features and labels of the original full dataset
  • X_train_clean.csv: features of the clean training set.
  • X_train_dirty.csv: features of the dirty training set with injected/real missing values.
  • X_train_repairs: this folder contains the repaired training set using different cleaning methods.
  • X_train_ground_truth.csv: features of the "ground truth" training set. For each example, we pick the candidate repair that is closest to its clean version (the corresponding example in X_train_clean.csv) as its ground truth. This is the possible world closest to the unknown clean world in the space.
  • y_train.csv: labels of training set
  • X_val.csv, y_val.csv: features and labels of the validation set
  • X_test.csv, y_test.csv: feature and labels of the test set
  • indicator.csv: boolean values indicating whether a cell is missing or not in the training set
  • info.json: information of the dataset

3. Run CPClean Algorithm

To run our CPClean algorithm on a new dataset, first construct the CPClean space on the dataset and then run the following command:

python --space_dir <space_dir> --dataset <dataset_name> --mv_type <mv_type> --result_dir <result_dir> --val_size <val_size> --n_jobs <n_jobs>


  • space_dir: the directory of the space.
  • dataset_name: name of the dataset.
  • mv_type: type of missing values. This can be "random", "systematic" or "real".
  • val_size: size of validation set used to run cpclean, default 1000.
  • result_dir: the directory to save the result.
  • n_jobs: number of CPU. -1 means using all CPU, default -1.


The results can be found in result_dir/dataset_name/mv_type/CPClean.csv. The explanation of this file can be found here.