- Updated through
message (currently easiest, might go for more efficient solution later).
I'd like incremental files for when the simulation does something weird or crashes. Idea:
- Write general robot JSON file (parents, position) + protobuf binary when robot is registered
- Store and flush robot poses to separate files every once in a while
Joints reach ridiculously high velocities making the simulation unstable.
A servo has both a velocity rating and a torque rating. Both these numbers are maxima, i.e. the servo cannot go faster than the velocity rating and cannot exert more torque than the torque rating.
In the simulation, we either add a torque to a joint, or we set its velocity explicitly. Doing the latter ignores all physics and sets the velocity of the bodies regardless of the maximum forces the joint motor can exert. For realism I would thus rather avoid this. Doing the former will prevent any forces from being applied to the joint once it moves on or above the allowed velocity. This does not solve the problem however, since as it would turn out the maximum torque of our servo's can make a joint with little load (i.e. little resistance) accelerate to very large velocities in one timestep, after which not allowing any forces is simply too late (it's alread moving insanely fast).
At a 1/1000 s timestep update rate, a rotator pointing up without any attachment (I'm assuming this is about the "lightest" case) will move to the maximum velocity with a force of only 0.005 times the currently defined effort limit. Apply any more, and the velocity will be too large without it being possible to do anything about it. Let's make a table of how much maximum rotational torque influences angular velocity based on the weight of the attachment:
Block weight 1dt velocity 1000 1.2 500 2.4
- Set the velocities directly, like it happens in RoboGen. This means bypassing the main Gazebo APIs and talking to ODE directly (or rather call ODE specific functions through the Gazebo API), which is undesirable for obvious reasons. It is however very simple to do, ODE will enforce the maximum forces as constraints in calculating the angular velocity in the next timestep. I see a potential of supporting this in Bullet without recompiling Gazebo, by registering a new fake physics engine or overriding the Bullet Physics one with one that does support angular motors...
- Fine-tune the PID-controller to make sure this never happens. The problem is that we do not know what type of force we need to reach a certain speed, but this is of course what a PID-controller is for. When the joint load is large, we might still have to apply maximum force to gain movement. I'm hoping that with some careful tuning I can use the integral term for this. If that works the force will build up until there's enough force to move the motor. After this it will of course continue building up until the desired position is reached so it will lead to overshooting. I might then have to prevent this with the derivative term, in order to have the error buildup effect decrease when the error decreases.
- Maintain some "correcting factor" within the motor, i.e. check over time how much velocity can be gained by which percentage of the relative torque, and adapt the maximum motor output based on that. Should start with a small value. This seems like a rather messy solution, it would be a sort of PID controller for the PID controller.
I'm currently going for (1) since it's so very easy to implement.