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new file mode 100644
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+# Children use disagreement to infer what happened
+This repository contains the study materials, data, analyses, and figures for the paper "[Children use disagreement to infer what happened](https://osf.io/preprints/psyarxiv/y79sd)" by Jamie Amemiya, Gail D. Heyman, and Tobias Gerstenberg .
+- [Introduction](#introduction)
+- [Preregistration](#preregistration)
+- [Experiments](#experiments)
+## Introduction
+A challenge when figuring out what happened based on what others say is that they might disagree. Two preregistered experiments examined how children age 7 to 11 years use disagreement to make inferences about social events. Specifically, when there is no reason to question the reliability of either informant, can children use disagreement to infer that an ambiguous social event occurred? Experiment 1 *N* = 52 found that children are indeed more likely to infer that an ambiguous social event occurred after learning that people disagreed (versus agreed) about what happened and that these inferences become stronger with age. Experiment 2 *N* = 110 examined children's ability to *predict* that an ambiguous social event would cause disagreement and applied a computational model to examine the extent to which predictions explained their inferences. Children made the expected predictions and their inferences were consistent with the computational model, indicating that the ability to predict disagreement plays an important role for drawing inferences about what happened.
+## Preregistrations
+Both experiments were preregistered via the Open Science Framework, [Experiment 1](https://osf.io/jbkvm/?view_only=0d6ba84ba3dd42c5909dc8da0cc5d483) and [Experiment 2](https://osf.io/7ha68/?view_only=af2061b1df3941dd83bae87d64d97f14).
+## Repo structure
+├── analysis
+├── data
+├── docs
+├── figures
+│ ├── diagrams
+│ └── plots
+├── materials
+└── videos
+### analysis
+- RMarkdown file with stats and plots
+- You can view the rendered analysis file [here](https://cicl-stanford.github.io/children_disagree/)
+### data
+- csv files for all experiments
+### figures
+- plots and diagrams from the paper
+### materials
+- document with all the different story versions
+- slides used for running both experiments
+### videos
+- sample versions of the procedure from each experiments:
+ + Experiment 1 - [Inference](videos/exp1_inference_story_version_1.mp4)
+ + Experiment 2 - [Prediction](videos/exp2_prediction_story_version_1.mp4)
+ + Experiment 2 - [Inference](videos/exp2_inference_story_version_1.mp4)
diff --git a/analysis/children_disagree.Rmd b/analysis/children_disagree.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a625dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/children_disagree.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,936 @@
+title: "Children use disagreement to infer what happened"
+author: "Jamie Amemiya, Gail D. Heyman & Tobias Gerstenberg"
+date: "`r format(Sys.Date(), '%B %d, %Y')`"
+bibliography: grateful-refs.bib
+ bookdown::html_document2:
+ toc: true
+ toc_depth: 4
+ toc_float: true
+ theme: cosmo
+ highlight: tango
+# Libraries
+```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
+library("lme4") # for linear mixed effects models
+library("rsample") # for bootstrapping
+library("xtable") # for latex tables
+library("kableExtra") # for rmarkdown
+library("knitr") # for rmarkdown
+library("car") # for hypothesis test
+library("Metrics") # for rmse
+library("scales") # for percentage plots
+library("broom.mixed") # for model summaries
+library("grateful") # for package citations
+library("ggeffects") # for marginal predictions
+library("scales") # for percentage scales
+library("Hmisc") # for bootstrapped means
+library("ggtext") # for colored text in ggplot
+library("tidyverse") # for everything else
+# Helper functions
+# set classic theme
+theme_set(theme_classic() +
+ theme(text = element_text(size = 16)))
+# function for printing out html or latex tables
+print_table = function(data, format = "html", digits = 2){
+ if(format == "html"){
+ data %>%
+ kable(digits = digits) %>%
+ kable_styling()
+ }else if(format == "latex"){
+ data %>%
+ xtable(digits = digits,
+ caption = "Caption",
+ label = "tab:table") %>%
+ print(include.rownames = F,
+ booktabs = T,
+ sanitize.colnames.function = identity,
+ caption.placement = "top")
+ }
+# suppress grouping warning
+options(dplyr.summarise.inform = F)
+# show figures at the end of code chunks
+opts_chunk$set(comment = "",
+ fig.show = "hold")
+# regression function
+fun.regression = function(formula, data){
+ results = glmer(formula = formula,
+ family = binomial,
+ data = data)
+ print(results)
+ return(results)
+# results table
+fun.table = function(results, type = "exploratory"){
+ table = results %>%
+ tidy(conf.int = T) %>%
+ filter(effect == "fixed") %>%
+ select(-group)
+ if (type == "exploratory"){
+ table = table %>%
+ select(-c(p.value))
+ }
+ table %>%
+ print_table()
+# colors
+l.color = list(agreement = "#89fa50",
+ disagreement = "#ff968c",
+ ambiguous = "#d38950",
+ unambiguous = "#96d5d6")
+## DATA
+### Read in data
+```{r, message=FALSE}
+# fixed rounding issue; one participant was actually 11 and turned 12 the next day
+# participant reported they were 9 despite birth year indicating they were 8;
+# recoded to 9.69 given reported age likely more reliable
+df.exp1 = read_csv("../data/data1_infer.csv") %>%
+ rename(trial_order = trial_order_dada) %>%
+ mutate(age_continuous = ifelse(age_continuous == 12, 11.99,
+ ifelse(age_continuous == 8.69, 9.69,
+ age_continuous)))
+### Counterbalancing
+- check if counterbalanced factors moderate the effect of trial type
+#### Story order
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * story_order_wagon + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
+#### Trial order
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * trial_order + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
+#### Valence
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * valence_neg + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
+### Confirmatory analysis
+#### Trial type effect
+Choose ambiguous statement more in disagreement than agreement trials.
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
+fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+#### Inferences above chance
+Choose unambiguous in agreement trials above chance (log odds = -.69; 33%).
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "unambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
+fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+linearHypothesis(results, "(Intercept) = -.69")
+#### Ambiguous choice
+Choose ambiguous in disagreement trials above chance (log odds = -.69; 33%).
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_agree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
+fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+linearHypothesis(results, "(Intercept) = -.69")
+### Exploratory analysis
+#### Trial type by age interaction
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * age_continuous + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
+#### Moderation by age
+# from 7 to 11 years
+for(i in 7:11){
+ cat(str_c("Age = ", i, "\n\n"))
+ results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1 %>%
+ filter(age_group == i))
+### Inference
+```{r fig.height=4, fig.width=8}
+df.plot.individual = df.exp1 %>%
+ mutate(condition_disagree = as.character(condition_disagree)) %>%
+ group_by(participant, age_continuous, condition_disagree) %>%
+ summarize(pct_amb = sum(ambiguous_yes)/n())
+df.age.means = df.plot.individual %>%
+ distinct(participant, age_continuous) %>%
+ mutate(age_group = floor(age_continuous)) %>%
+ group_by(age_group) %>%
+ summarize(age_mean = mean(age_continuous),
+ n = str_c("n = ", n())) %>%
+ ungroup()
+df.plot.means = df.exp1 %>%
+ mutate(condition_disagree = as.character(condition_disagree)) %>%
+ group_by(participant, age_group, condition_disagree) %>%
+ summarize(pct_amb = sum(ambiguous_yes)/n()) %>%
+ group_by(age_group, condition_disagree) %>%
+ reframe(response = smean.cl.boot(pct_amb),
+ name = c("mean", "low", "high")) %>%
+ left_join(df.age.means,
+ by = "age_group") %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = name,
+ values_from = response) %>%
+ mutate(age_mean = ifelse(condition_disagree == 0, age_mean - 0.05, age_mean + 0.05))
+df.plot.text = df.plot.means %>%
+ distinct(age_group, n)
+ggplot() +
+ geom_hline(yintercept = 1/3,
+ linetype = 2,
+ alpha = 0.1) +
+ geom_point(data = df.plot.individual,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_continuous,
+ y = pct_amb,
+ color = condition_disagree),
+ alpha = 0.5,
+ show.legend = T,
+ shape = 16,
+ size = 1.5) +
+ geom_linerange(data = df.plot.means,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = mean,
+ ymin = low,
+ ymax = high),
+ color = "gray40") +
+ geom_point(data = df.plot.means,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = mean,
+ fill = condition_disagree),
+ shape = 21,
+ size = 3,
+ show.legend = T) +
+ geom_text(data = df.plot.text,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_group + 0.5,
+ y = 1.05,
+ label = n),
+ hjust = 0.5) +
+ scale_y_continuous(labels = percent) +
+ labs(x = "Age (in years)",
+ y = "% Infer Ambiguous Utterance",
+ title = "Experiment 1: Inference") +
+ coord_cartesian(xlim = c(7, 12),
+ ylim = c(0, 1),
+ clip = "off") +
+ scale_color_manual(name = "Trial Type",
+ labels = c("Agreement", "Disagreement"),
+ values = c(l.color$agreement, l.color$disagreement),
+ guide = guide_legend(reverse = T)) +
+ scale_fill_manual(name = "Trial Type",
+ labels = c("Agreement", "Disagreement"),
+ values = c(l.color$agreement, l.color$disagreement),
+ guide = guide_legend(reverse = T)) +
+ theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,
+ vjust = 2,
+ size = 18,
+ face = "bold"),
+ axis.title.y = element_markdown(color = l.color$ambiguous),
+ legend.position = "right")
+ggsave(filename = "../figures/plots/exp1_inference.pdf",
+ width = 8,
+ height = 4)
+## DATA
+### Read in data
+```{r, message=FALSE}
+df.exp2.predict = read_csv("../data/data2_predict.csv")
+df.exp2.infer = read_csv("../data/data2_infer.csv") %>%
+ drop_na()
+### Counterbalancing
+#### Prediction condition
+##### Story order
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb * story_order_wagon + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.predict)
+##### Trial order
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb*trial_order_auau + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.predict)
+##### Valence
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb * valence_neg + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.predict)
+#### Inference condition
+##### Story order
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * story_order_wagon + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer)
+##### Trial order
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * trial_order_dada + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer)
+##### Valence
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * valence_neg + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer)
+### Confirmatory analyses
+#### Trial type effect
+##### Prediction condition
+Predict disagreement more in ambiguous than unambiguous trials.
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.predict)
+prop.table(table(df.exp2.predict$condition_amb, df.exp2.predict$dis_yes),
+ margin = 1)
+fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+##### Inference condition
+Choose ambiguous statement more in disagreement than agreement trials.
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer)
+prop.table(table(df.exp2.infer$condition_disagree, df.exp2.infer$ambiguous_yes),
+ margin = 1)
+fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+### Exploratory analysis
+#### Trial type by age interaction
+##### Prediction
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb * age_continuous + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.predict)
+##### Inference
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * age_continuous + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer)
+#### Moderation by age
+##### Prediction condition
+# from 7 to 11 years
+for(i in 7:11){
+ cat(str_c("Age = ", i, "\n\n"))
+ fun.regression(
+ formula = "dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.predict %>%
+ filter(age_group == i))
+##### Inference condition
+# from 7 to 11 years
+for(i in 7:11){
+ cat(str_c("Age = ", i, "\n\n"))
+ fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer %>%
+ filter(age_group == i))
+##### Inference condition: First story only
+Examine story 1 (trials 1 and 2) and story 4 (trials 7 and 8) among 7-year-olds.
+# story 1, 7 year olds
+df.exp2.infer.7.1 = df.exp2.infer %>%
+ filter(age_group == 7 &
+ (trial == "trial 1" |trial == "trial 2"))
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer.7.1)
+prop.table(table(df.exp2.infer.7.1$condition_disagree, df.exp2.infer.7.1$ambiguous_yes),
+ margin = 1)
+fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+# story 4, 7 year olds
+df.exp2.infer.7.4 = df.exp2.infer %>%
+ filter(age_group == 7 &
+ (trial == "trial 7" |trial == "trial 8"))
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer.7.4)
+prop.table(table(df.exp2.infer.7.4$condition_disagree, df.exp2.infer.7.4$ambiguous_yes),
+ margin = 1)
+fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+### Bayesian model
+#### Prediction data
+df.exp2.predict.prob = df.exp2.predict %>%
+ count(age_group, condition_amb_c, dis_yes) %>%
+ group_by(age_group, condition_amb_c) %>%
+ mutate(probability = n/sum(n)) %>%
+ ungroup() %>%
+ mutate(utterance = str_remove_all(condition_amb_c, " Trials"),
+ utterance = factor(utterance,
+ levels = c("Unambiguous", "Ambiguous")),
+ agreement = factor(dis_yes,
+ levels = c(0, 1),
+ labels = c("agree", "disagree"))) %>%
+ select(-c(condition_amb_c, dis_yes, n)) %>%
+ relocate(probability, .after = last_col()) %>%
+ arrange(age_group, utterance, agreement)
+#### Without softmax
+utterance_prior = c(0.5, 0.5)
+df.inference = df.exp2.predict.prob %>%
+ group_by(agreement, age_group) %>%
+ mutate(prior = utterance_prior) %>%
+ mutate(posterior = probability * prior /
+ sum(probability * prior)) %>%
+ ungroup()
+df.model.posterior = df.inference %>%
+ rename(condition = agreement) %>%
+ mutate(condition = factor(condition,
+ levels = c("agree", "disagree"),
+ labels = c("Agreement Trials", "Disagreement Trials"))) %>%
+ filter(utterance == "Ambiguous")
+#### One temperature parameter
+```{r, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
+age = 7:11
+softmax = function(vec, temp = 3) {
+ out = exp(vec*temp) / sum(exp(vec*temp))
+ return(out)
+df.data = df.exp2.infer %>%
+ count(age_group, condition_disagree_c, ambiguous_yes) %>%
+ group_by(age_group, condition_disagree_c) %>%
+ reframe(p = n/sum(n)) %>%
+ filter(row_number() %% 2 == 0) %>%
+ rename(agreement = condition_disagree_c) %>%
+ mutate(agreement = ifelse(agreement == "Agreement Trials", "agree", "disagree"))
+fit_softmax = function(beta){
+ df.prediction = df.inference %>%
+ filter(age_group %in% age) %>%
+ select(age_group, utterance, agreement, posterior) %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = utterance,
+ values_from = posterior) %>%
+ rowwise() %>%
+ mutate(Unambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[1],
+ Ambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[2]) %>%
+ select(age_group, agreement, prediction = Ambiguous_soft)
+ # compute loss as squared error
+ loss = df.data %>%
+ filter(age_group %in% age) %>%
+ left_join(df.prediction) %>%
+ mutate(loss = (p-prediction)^2) %>%
+ pull(loss) %>%
+ sum()
+ return(loss)
+# find best fitting softmax parameter
+fit = optim(par = 0,
+ fn = fit_softmax)
+# use the best parameter
+beta = fit[[1]]
+# model with softmax
+df.model.softmax = df.inference %>%
+ select(age_group, utterance, agreement, posterior) %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = utterance,
+ values_from = posterior) %>%
+ rowwise() %>%
+ mutate(Unambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[1],
+ Ambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[2]) %>%
+ select(age_group, condition = agreement, posterior = Ambiguous_soft) %>%
+ mutate(condition = factor(condition,
+ levels = c("agree", "disagree"),
+ labels = c("Agreement Trials", "Disagreement Trials")))
+#### Linear increase of temperature parameter
+- fit linear model of softmax temperature as a function of age
+# rm(beta)
+fit_softmax_age = function(par){
+ df.prediction = df.inference %>%
+ select(age_group, utterance, agreement, posterior) %>%
+ mutate(beta = par[1] + par[2] * age_group) %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = utterance,
+ values_from = posterior) %>%
+ rowwise() %>%
+ mutate(Unambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[1],
+ Ambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[2]) %>%
+ select(age_group, agreement, prediction = Ambiguous_soft)
+ # compute loss as squared error
+ loss = df.data %>%
+ filter(age_group %in% age) %>%
+ left_join(df.prediction,
+ by = c("age_group", "agreement")) %>%
+ mutate(loss = (p-prediction)^2) %>%
+ pull(loss) %>%
+ sum()
+ return(loss)
+# find best fitting softmax parameter
+fit = optim(par = c(0, 0),
+ fn = fit_softmax_age)
+df.model.softmax.linear = df.inference %>%
+ select(age_group, utterance, agreement, posterior) %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = utterance,
+ values_from = posterior) %>%
+ mutate(beta = fit$par[1] + fit$par[2] * age_group) %>%
+ rowwise() %>%
+ mutate(Unambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[1],
+ Ambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[2]) %>%
+ select(age_group, condition = agreement, posterior = Ambiguous_soft) %>%
+ mutate(condition = factor(condition,
+ levels = c("agree", "disagree"),
+ labels = c("Agreement Trials", "Disagreement Trials")))
+#### Model comparison
+df.model.posterior %>%
+ mutate(name = "posterior") %>%
+ select(-c(utterance, probability, prior)) %>%
+ bind_rows(df.model.softmax %>%
+ mutate(name = "softmax")) %>%
+ bind_rows(df.model.softmax.linear %>%
+ mutate(name = "softmax increase")) %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = name,
+ values_from = posterior) %>%
+ left_join(df.data %>%
+ mutate(condition = factor(agreement,
+ levels = c("agree", "disagree"),
+ labels = c("Agreement Trials",
+ "Disagreement Trials"))) %>%
+ select(-agreement),
+ by = c("age_group", "condition")) %>%
+ summarize(
+ r_posterior = cor(p, posterior),
+ r_softmax = cor(p, softmax),
+ r_softmaxincrease = cor(p, `softmax increase`),
+ rmse_posterior = rmse(p, posterior),
+ rmse_softmax = rmse(p, softmax),
+ rmse_softmaxincrease = rmse(p, `softmax increase`)) %>%
+ pivot_longer(cols = everything(),
+ names_to = c("index", "name"),
+ names_sep = "_") %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = index,
+ values_from = value) %>%
+ print_table()
+### Prediction
+```{r, fig.width=8, fig.height=4}
+df.plot.individual = df.exp2.predict %>%
+ mutate(condition_amb = as.character(condition_amb)) %>%
+ group_by(participant, age_continuous, condition_amb) %>%
+ summarize(pct_dis = sum(dis_yes)/n())
+df.age.means = df.plot.individual %>%
+ distinct(participant, age_continuous) %>%
+ mutate(age_group = floor(age_continuous)) %>%
+ group_by(age_group) %>%
+ summarize(age_mean = mean(age_continuous),
+ n = str_c("n = ", n())) %>%
+ ungroup()
+df.plot.means = df.exp2.predict %>%
+ mutate(condition_amb = as.character(condition_amb)) %>%
+ group_by(participant, age_group, condition_amb) %>%
+ summarize(pct_dis = sum(dis_yes)/n()) %>%
+ group_by(age_group, condition_amb) %>%
+ reframe(response = smean.cl.boot(pct_dis),
+ name = c("mean", "low", "high")) %>%
+ left_join(df.age.means,
+ by = "age_group") %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = name,
+ values_from = response) %>%
+ mutate(age_mean = ifelse(condition_amb == 0, age_mean - 0.05, age_mean + 0.05))
+df.plot.text = df.plot.means %>%
+ distinct(age_group, n)
+ggplot() +
+ geom_hline(yintercept = 0.5,
+ linetype = 2,
+ alpha = 0.1) +
+ geom_point(data = df.plot.individual,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_continuous,
+ y = pct_dis,
+ color = condition_amb),
+ alpha = 0.5,
+ show.legend = T,
+ shape = 16,
+ size = 1.5) +
+ geom_linerange(data = df.plot.means,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = mean,
+ ymin = low,
+ ymax = high),
+ color = "gray40") +
+ geom_point(data = df.plot.means,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = mean,
+ fill = condition_amb),
+ shape = 21,
+ size = 3,
+ show.legend = T) +
+ geom_text(data = df.plot.text,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_group + 0.5,
+ y = 1.05,
+ label = n),
+ hjust = 0.5) +
+ scale_y_continuous(labels = percent) +
+ labs(x = "Age (in years)",
+ y = "% Predict Disagreement",
+ title = "Experiment 2: Prediction") +
+ coord_cartesian(xlim = c(7, 12),
+ ylim = c(0, 1),
+ clip = "off") +
+ scale_color_manual(name = "Trial Type",
+ labels = c("Unambiguous", "Ambiguous"),
+ values = c(l.color$unambiguous, l.color$ambiguous),
+ guide = guide_legend(reverse = T)) +
+ scale_fill_manual(name = "Trial Type",
+ labels = c("Unambiguous", "Ambiguous"),
+ values = c(l.color$unambiguous, l.color$ambiguous),
+ guide = guide_legend(reverse = T)) +
+ theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,
+ vjust = 2,
+ size = 18,
+ face = "bold"),
+ axis.title.y = element_markdown(color = l.color$disagreement),
+ legend.position = "right")
+ggsave(filename = "../figures/plots/exp2_prediction.pdf",
+ width = 8,
+ height = 4)
+### Inference
+```{r, fig.width=8, fig.height=4}
+df.plot.individual = df.exp2.infer %>%
+ mutate(condition_disagree = as.character(condition_disagree)) %>%
+ group_by(participant, age_continuous, condition_disagree) %>%
+ summarize(pct_amb = sum(ambiguous_yes)/n())
+df.age.means = df.plot.individual %>%
+ distinct(participant, age_continuous) %>%
+ mutate(age_group = floor(age_continuous)) %>%
+ group_by(age_group) %>%
+ summarize(age_mean = mean(age_continuous),
+ n = str_c("n = ", n())) %>%
+ ungroup()
+df.plot.means = df.exp2.infer %>%
+ mutate(condition_disagree = as.character(condition_disagree)) %>%
+ group_by(participant, age_group, condition_disagree) %>%
+ summarize(pct_amb = sum(ambiguous_yes)/n()) %>%
+ group_by(age_group, condition_disagree) %>%
+ reframe(response = smean.cl.boot(pct_amb),
+ name = c("mean", "low", "high")) %>%
+ left_join(df.age.means,
+ by = "age_group") %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = name,
+ values_from = response) %>%
+ mutate(age_mean = ifelse(condition_disagree == 0, age_mean - 0.05, age_mean + 0.05))
+df.plot.text = df.plot.means %>%
+ distinct(age_group, n)
+df.model = df.model.posterior %>%
+ mutate(name = "posterior") %>%
+ select(-c(utterance, probability, prior)) %>%
+ bind_rows(df.model.softmax %>%
+ mutate(name = "softmax")) %>%
+ bind_rows(df.model.softmax.linear %>%
+ mutate(name = "softmax increase")) %>%
+ mutate(condition_disagree = factor(condition,
+ levels = c("Agreement Trials",
+ "Disagreement Trials"),
+ labels = c(0,
+ 1))) %>%
+ left_join(df.age.means %>%
+ select(-n),
+ by = "age_group") %>%
+ mutate(age_mean = ifelse(condition_disagree == 0,
+ age_mean - 0.05,
+ age_mean + 0.05))
+ggplot() +
+ geom_hline(yintercept = 0.5,
+ linetype = 2,
+ alpha = 0.1) +
+ geom_point(data = df.plot.individual,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_continuous,
+ y = pct_amb,
+ color = condition_disagree),
+ alpha = 0.5,
+ show.legend = T,
+ shape = 16,
+ size = 1.5) +
+ geom_linerange(data = df.plot.means,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = mean,
+ ymin = low,
+ ymax = high),
+ color = "gray40",
+ show.legend = F) +
+ geom_point(data = df.plot.means,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = mean,
+ fill = condition_disagree),
+ shape = 21,
+ size = 3,
+ show.legend = F) +
+ geom_point(data = df.model,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = posterior,
+ shape = name,
+ fill = condition_disagree),
+ size = 1.5,
+ alpha = 0.5,
+ show.legend = T) +
+ geom_text(data = df.plot.text,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_group + 0.5,
+ y = 1.05,
+ label = n),
+ hjust = 0.5) +
+ scale_y_continuous(labels = percent) +
+ labs(x = "Age (in years)",
+ y = "% Infer Ambiguous Utterance",
+ title = "Experiment 2: Inference") +
+ coord_cartesian(xlim = c(7, 12),
+ ylim = c(0, 1),
+ clip = "off") +
+ scale_color_manual(name = "Trial Type",
+ labels = c("Agreement", "Disagreement"),
+ values = c(l.color$agreement, l.color$disagreement)) +
+ scale_fill_manual(name = "Trial Type",
+ labels = c("Agreement", "Disagreement"),
+ values = c(l.color$agreement, l.color$disagreement)) +
+ scale_shape_manual(name = "Model",
+ labels = c("posterior", "softmax", "softmax increase"),
+ values = c(21, 22, 23)) +
+ theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,
+ vjust = 2,
+ size = 18,
+ face = "bold"),
+ axis.title.y = element_markdown(color = l.color$ambiguous),
+ legend.position = "right") +
+ guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape = 21,
+ size = 3,
+ alpha = 1),
+ reverse = T,
+ order = 1),
+ shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(fill = "white",
+ alpha = 1)),
+ color = "none")
+ggsave(filename = "../figures/plots/exp2_inference.pdf",
+ width = 8,
+ height = 4)
+# Session info
+cite_packages(output = "paragraph",
+ cite.tidyverse = TRUE,
+ out.dir = ".")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/analysis/children_disagree.Rproj b/analysis/children_disagree.Rproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e3c2eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/children_disagree.Rproj
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Version: 1.0
+RestoreWorkspace: Default
+SaveWorkspace: Default
+AlwaysSaveHistory: Default
+EnableCodeIndexing: Yes
+UseSpacesForTab: Yes
+NumSpacesForTab: 2
+Encoding: UTF-8
+RnwWeave: Sweave
+LaTeX: pdfLaTeX
diff --git a/analysis/children_disagree.html b/analysis/children_disagree.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d803191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/children_disagree.html
@@ -0,0 +1,5528 @@
+Children use disagreement to infer what happened
library("lme4") # for linear mixed effects models
+library("rsample") # for bootstrapping
+library("xtable") # for latex tables
+library("kableExtra") # for rmarkdown
+library("knitr") # for rmarkdown
+library("car") # for hypothesis test
+library("Metrics") # for rmse
+library("scales") # for percentage plots
+library("broom.mixed") # for model summaries
+library("grateful") # for package citations
+library("ggeffects") # for marginal predictions
+library("scales") # for percentage scales
+library("Hmisc") # for bootstrapped means
+library("ggtext") # for colored text in ggplot
+library("tidyverse") # for everything else
Helper functions
# set classic theme
+theme_set(theme_classic() +
+ theme(text = element_text(size = 16)))
+# function for printing out html or latex tables
+print_table = function(data, format = "html", digits = 2){
+ if(format == "html"){
+ data %>%
+ kable(digits = digits) %>%
+ kable_styling()
+ }else if(format == "latex"){
+ data %>%
+ xtable(digits = digits,
+ caption = "Caption",
+ label = "tab:table") %>%
+ print(include.rownames = F,
+ booktabs = T,
+ sanitize.colnames.function = identity,
+ caption.placement = "top")
+ }
+# suppress grouping warning
+options(dplyr.summarise.inform = F)
+# show figures at the end of code chunks
+opts_chunk$set(comment = "",
+ fig.show = "hold")
+# regression function
+fun.regression = function(formula, data){
+ results = glmer(formula = formula,
+ family = binomial,
+ data = data)
+ print(results)
+ return(results)
+# results table
+fun.table = function(results, type = "exploratory"){
+ table = results %>%
+ tidy(conf.int = T) %>%
+ filter(effect == "fixed") %>%
+ select(-group)
+ if (type == "exploratory"){
+ table = table %>%
+ select(-c(p.value))
+ }
+ table %>%
+ print_table()
+# colors
+l.color = list(agreement = "#89fa50",
+ disagreement = "#ff968c",
+ ambiguous = "#d38950",
+ unambiguous = "#96d5d6")
Read in data
# fixed rounding issue; one participant was actually 11 and turned 12 the next day
+# participant reported they were 9 despite birth year indicating they were 8;
+# recoded to 9.69 given reported age likely more reliable
+df.exp1 = read_csv("../data/data1_infer.csv") %>%
+ rename(trial_order = trial_order_dada) %>%
+ mutate(age_continuous = ifelse(age_continuous == 12, 11.99,
+ ifelse(age_continuous == 8.69, 9.69,
+ age_continuous)))
+- check if counterbalanced factors moderate the effect of trial type
Story order
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * story_order_wagon + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * story_order_wagon +
+ (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 243.5716 260.2593 -116.7858 233.5716 203
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.424
+Number of obs: 208, groups: participant, 52
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -1.8473 1.8559
+ story_order_wagon condition_disagree:story_order_wagon
+ 0.5618 -0.2295
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Trial order
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * trial_order + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * trial_order + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 241.2821 257.9698 -115.6410 231.2821 203
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.477
+Number of obs: 208, groups: participant, 52
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -1.84349 1.83408
+ trial_order condition_disagree:trial_order
+ -0.02668 -0.64759
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * valence_neg + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * valence_neg + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 244.9991 261.6868 -117.4996 234.9991 203
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.481
+Number of obs: 208, groups: participant, 52
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -1.844699 1.867938
+ valence_neg condition_disagree:valence_neg
+ -0.004625 0.350825
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Confirmatory analysis
Trial type effect
Choose ambiguous statement more in disagreement than agreement trials.
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 242.4062 252.4188 -118.2031 236.4062 205
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.455
+Number of obs: 208, groups: participant, 52
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -1.828 1.828
fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Inferences above chance
Choose unambiguous in agreement trials above chance (log odds = -.69; 33%).
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "unambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: unambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 242.1031 252.1157 -118.0515 236.1031 205
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.475
+Number of obs: 208, groups: participant, 52
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ 1.841 -1.893
fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
linearHypothesis(results, "(Intercept) = -.69")
Linear hypothesis test
+(Intercept) = - 0.69
+Model 1: restricted model
+Model 2: unambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Df Chisq Pr(>Chisq)
+2 1 40.144 2.359e-10 ***
+Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Ambiguous choice
Choose ambiguous in disagreement trials above chance (log odds = -.69; 33%).
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_agree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_agree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 242.4062 252.4188 -118.2031 236.4062 205
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.455
+Number of obs: 208, groups: participant, 52
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_agree
+ -0.0003634 -1.8277981
fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
linearHypothesis(results, "(Intercept) = -.69")
Linear hypothesis test
+(Intercept) = - 0.69
+Model 1: restricted model
+Model 2: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_agree + (1 | participant)
+ Df Chisq Pr(>Chisq)
+2 1 4.8736 0.02727 *
+Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Exploratory analysis
Trial type by age interaction
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * age_continuous + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * age_continuous + (1 |
+ participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 237.4681 254.1558 -113.7340 227.4681 203
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.546
+Number of obs: 208, groups: participant, 52
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ 2.5127 -6.0120
+ age_continuous condition_disagree:age_continuous
+ -0.4749 0.8474
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Moderation by age
# from 7 to 11 years
+for(i in 7:11){
+ cat(str_c("Age = ", i, "\n\n"))
+ results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1 %>%
+ filter(age_group == i))
Age = 7
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 50.2215 55.2881 -22.1107 44.2215 37
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 2.049
+Number of obs: 40, groups: participant, 10
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -1.879 1.489
+Age = 8
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 61.2404 66.8540 -27.6202 55.2404 45
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.994
+Number of obs: 48, groups: participant, 12
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -1.1496 0.5988
+Age = 9
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 54.6152 59.6818 -24.3076 48.6152 37
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.8046
+Number of obs: 40, groups: participant, 10
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -1.2513 0.7889
+Age = 10
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 43.7876 48.8542 -18.8938 37.7876 37
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.833
+Number of obs: 40, groups: participant, 10
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -3.272 3.225
+Age = 11
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 40.0251 45.0917 -17.0125 34.0251 37
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.543
+Number of obs: 40, groups: participant, 10
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -2.956 4.529
+df.plot.individual = df.exp1 %>%
+ mutate(condition_disagree = as.character(condition_disagree)) %>%
+ group_by(participant, age_continuous, condition_disagree) %>%
+ summarize(pct_amb = sum(ambiguous_yes)/n())
+df.age.means = df.plot.individual %>%
+ distinct(participant, age_continuous) %>%
+ mutate(age_group = floor(age_continuous)) %>%
+ group_by(age_group) %>%
+ summarize(age_mean = mean(age_continuous),
+ n = str_c("n = ", n())) %>%
+ ungroup()
+df.plot.means = df.exp1 %>%
+ mutate(condition_disagree = as.character(condition_disagree)) %>%
+ group_by(participant, age_group, condition_disagree) %>%
+ summarize(pct_amb = sum(ambiguous_yes)/n()) %>%
+ group_by(age_group, condition_disagree) %>%
+ reframe(response = smean.cl.boot(pct_amb),
+ name = c("mean", "low", "high")) %>%
+ left_join(df.age.means,
+ by = "age_group") %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = name,
+ values_from = response) %>%
+ mutate(age_mean = ifelse(condition_disagree == 0, age_mean - 0.05, age_mean + 0.05))
+df.plot.text = df.plot.means %>%
+ distinct(age_group, n)
+ggplot() +
+ geom_hline(yintercept = 1/3,
+ linetype = 2,
+ alpha = 0.1) +
+ geom_point(data = df.plot.individual,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_continuous,
+ y = pct_amb,
+ color = condition_disagree),
+ alpha = 0.5,
+ show.legend = T,
+ shape = 16,
+ size = 1.5) +
+ geom_linerange(data = df.plot.means,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = mean,
+ ymin = low,
+ ymax = high),
+ color = "gray40") +
+ geom_point(data = df.plot.means,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = mean,
+ fill = condition_disagree),
+ shape = 21,
+ size = 3,
+ show.legend = T) +
+ geom_text(data = df.plot.text,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_group + 0.5,
+ y = 1.05,
+ label = n),
+ hjust = 0.5) +
+ scale_y_continuous(labels = percent) +
+ labs(x = "Age (in years)",
+ y = "% Infer Ambiguous Utterance",
+ title = "Experiment 1: Inference") +
+ coord_cartesian(xlim = c(7, 12),
+ ylim = c(0, 1),
+ clip = "off") +
+ scale_color_manual(name = "Trial Type",
+ labels = c("Agreement", "Disagreement"),
+ values = c(l.color$agreement, l.color$disagreement),
+ guide = guide_legend(reverse = T)) +
+ scale_fill_manual(name = "Trial Type",
+ labels = c("Agreement", "Disagreement"),
+ values = c(l.color$agreement, l.color$disagreement),
+ guide = guide_legend(reverse = T)) +
+ theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,
+ vjust = 2,
+ size = 18,
+ face = "bold"),
+ axis.title.y = element_markdown(color = l.color$ambiguous),
+ legend.position = "right")
+ggsave(filename = "../figures/plots/exp1_inference.pdf",
+ width = 8,
+ height = 4)
Read in data
df.exp2.predict = read_csv("../data/data2_predict.csv")
+df.exp2.infer = read_csv("../data/data2_infer.csv") %>%
+ drop_na()
Prediction condition
Story order
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb * story_order_wagon + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.predict)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb * story_order_wagon + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 533.8373 554.1795 -261.9187 523.8373 427
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.5109
+Number of obs: 432, groups: participant, 54
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ -1.2683 1.5824
+ story_order_wagon condition_amb:story_order_wagon
+ -0.1105 0.2620
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Trial order
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb*trial_order_auau + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.predict)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb * trial_order_auau + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 533.6323 553.9745 -261.8162 523.6323 427
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.473
+Number of obs: 432, groups: participant, 54
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ -1.25973 1.58341
+ trial_order_auau condition_amb:trial_order_auau
+ 0.15624 0.01714
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
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+ |
+ |
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+ |
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+ |
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+ |
+ |
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+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb * valence_neg + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.predict)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb * valence_neg + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 531.5686 551.9108 -260.7843 521.5686 427
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.4787
+Number of obs: 432, groups: participant, 54
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ -1.26341 1.59408
+ valence_neg condition_amb:valence_neg
+ -0.05144 0.34376
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
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+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Inference condition
Story order
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * story_order_wagon + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * story_order_wagon +
+ (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 398.6856 419.1984 -194.3428 388.6856 442
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.009
+Number of obs: 447, groups: participant, 56
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -2.687817 3.783142
+ story_order_wagon condition_disagree:story_order_wagon
+ 0.005322 -0.262981
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Trial order
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * trial_order_dada + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * trial_order_dada + (1 |
+ participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 400.1794 420.6922 -195.0897 390.1794 442
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.032
+Number of obs: 447, groups: participant, 56
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -2.70545 3.78219
+ trial_order_dada condition_disagree:trial_order_dada
+ -0.06539 0.08335
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
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+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * valence_neg + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * valence_neg + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 396.7389 417.2517 -193.3695 386.7389 442
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.9986
+Number of obs: 447, groups: participant, 56
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -2.6816 3.7756
+ valence_neg condition_disagree:valence_neg
+ -0.0941 -0.3050
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
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+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Confirmatory analyses
Trial type effect
Prediction condition
Predict disagreement more in ambiguous than unambiguous trials.
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.predict)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 531.3732 543.5785 -262.6866 525.3732 429
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.5009
+Number of obs: 432, groups: participant, 54
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ -1.267 1.584
prop.table(table(df.exp2.predict$condition_amb, df.exp2.predict$dis_yes),
+ margin = 1)
+ 0 1
+ 0 0.7685185 0.2314815
+ 1 0.4259259 0.5740741
fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Inference condition
Choose ambiguous statement more in disagreement than agreement trials.
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 396.2555 408.5632 -195.1278 390.2555 444
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.028
+Number of obs: 447, groups: participant, 56
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -2.697 3.771
prop.table(table(df.exp2.infer$condition_disagree, df.exp2.infer$ambiguous_yes),
+ margin = 1)
+ 0 1
+ 0 0.91071429 0.08928571
+ 1 0.29147982 0.70852018
fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Exploratory analysis
Trial type by age interaction
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb * age_continuous + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.predict)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb * age_continuous + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 533.1134 553.4555 -261.5567 523.1134 427
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.4888
+Number of obs: 432, groups: participant, 54
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ 0.3225 -0.3813
+ age_continuous condition_amb:age_continuous
+ -0.1702 0.2100
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
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+ |
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+ |
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+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * age_continuous + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * age_continuous + (1 |
+ participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 370.9069 391.4197 -180.4534 360.9069 442
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.188
+Number of obs: 447, groups: participant, 56
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ 4.0689 -7.5859
+ age_continuous condition_disagree:age_continuous
+ -0.7699 1.2725
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
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+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Moderation by age
Prediction condition
# from 7 to 11 years
+for(i in 7:11){
+ cat(str_c("Age = ", i, "\n\n"))
+ fun.regression(
+ formula = "dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.predict %>%
+ filter(age_group == i))
Age = 7
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+124.0071 131.7002 -59.0036 118.0071 93
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.161
+Number of obs: 96, groups: participant, 12
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ -0.9926 1.2093
+Age = 8
boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 93.6577 100.8037 -43.8288 87.6577 77
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 3.525e-08
+Number of obs: 80, groups: participant, 10
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ -1.735 2.140
+optimizer (Nelder_Mead) convergence code: 0 (OK) ; 0 optimizer warnings; 1 lme4 warnings
+Age = 9
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+130.8159 138.5089 -62.4079 124.8159 93
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.1557
+Number of obs: 96, groups: participant, 12
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ -0.793 1.132
+Age = 10
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 94.7171 101.8631 -44.3585 88.7171 77
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.3675
+Number of obs: 80, groups: participant, 10
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ -1.782 1.989
+Age = 11
boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 99.8731 107.0192 -46.9366 93.8731 77
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.804e-07
+Number of obs: 80, groups: participant, 10
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ -1.386 1.792
+optimizer (Nelder_Mead) convergence code: 0 (OK) ; 0 optimizer warnings; 1 lme4 warnings
Inference condition
# from 7 to 11 years
+for(i in 7:11){
+ cat(str_c("Age = ", i, "\n\n"))
+ fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer %>%
+ filter(age_group == i))
Age = 7
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+120.7673 128.4603 -57.3836 114.7673 93
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.8776
+Number of obs: 96, groups: participant, 12
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -1.410 1.197
+Age = 8
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 88.856 96.549 -41.428 82.856 93
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.184
+Number of obs: 96, groups: participant, 12
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -2.911 3.917
+Age = 9
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 52.2821 59.9752 -23.1411 46.2821 93
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 3.168
+Number of obs: 96, groups: participant, 12
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -5.704 8.442
+Age = 10
boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 43.0340 50.1423 -18.5170 37.0340 76
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0
+Number of obs: 79, groups: participant, 10
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -2.944 5.429
+optimizer (Nelder_Mead) convergence code: 0 (OK) ; 0 optimizer warnings; 1 lme4 warnings
+Age = 11
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 65.8653 73.0114 -29.9327 59.8653 77
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.843
+Number of obs: 80, groups: participant, 10
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -3.241 4.510
Inference condition: First story only
Examine story 1 (trials 1 and 2) and story 4 (trials 7 and 8) among 7-year-olds.
# story 1, 7 year olds
+df.exp2.infer.7.1 = df.exp2.infer %>%
+ filter(age_group == 7 &
+ (trial == "trial 1" |trial == "trial 2"))
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer.7.1)
boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 34.7724 38.3065 -14.3862 28.7724 21
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0
+Number of obs: 24, groups: participant, 12
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -0.6931 -0.4055
+optimizer (Nelder_Mead) convergence code: 0 (OK) ; 0 optimizer warnings; 1 lme4 warnings
prop.table(table(df.exp2.infer.7.1$condition_disagree, df.exp2.infer.7.1$ambiguous_yes),
+ margin = 1)
+ 0 1
+ 0 0.6666667 0.3333333
+ 1 0.7500000 0.2500000
fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
# story 4, 7 year olds
+df.exp2.infer.7.4 = df.exp2.infer %>%
+ filter(age_group == 7 &
+ (trial == "trial 7" |trial == "trial 8"))
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer.7.4)
boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 35.7967 39.3308 -14.8983 29.7967 21
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0
+Number of obs: 24, groups: participant, 12
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -1.099 1.435
+optimizer (Nelder_Mead) convergence code: 0 (OK) ; 0 optimizer warnings; 1 lme4 warnings
prop.table(table(df.exp2.infer.7.4$condition_disagree, df.exp2.infer.7.4$ambiguous_yes),
+ margin = 1)
+ 0 1
+ 0 0.7500000 0.2500000
+ 1 0.4166667 0.5833333
fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Bayesian model
Prediction data
df.exp2.predict.prob = df.exp2.predict %>%
+ count(age_group, condition_amb_c, dis_yes) %>%
+ group_by(age_group, condition_amb_c) %>%
+ mutate(probability = n/sum(n)) %>%
+ ungroup() %>%
+ mutate(utterance = str_remove_all(condition_amb_c, " Trials"),
+ utterance = factor(utterance,
+ levels = c("Unambiguous", "Ambiguous")),
+ agreement = factor(dis_yes,
+ levels = c(0, 1),
+ labels = c("agree", "disagree"))) %>%
+ select(-c(condition_amb_c, dis_yes, n)) %>%
+ relocate(probability, .after = last_col()) %>%
+ arrange(age_group, utterance, agreement)
Without softmax
utterance_prior = c(0.5, 0.5)
+df.inference = df.exp2.predict.prob %>%
+ group_by(agreement, age_group) %>%
+ mutate(prior = utterance_prior) %>%
+ mutate(posterior = probability * prior /
+ sum(probability * prior)) %>%
+ ungroup()
+df.model.posterior = df.inference %>%
+ rename(condition = agreement) %>%
+ mutate(condition = factor(condition,
+ levels = c("agree", "disagree"),
+ labels = c("Agreement Trials", "Disagreement Trials"))) %>%
+ filter(utterance == "Ambiguous")
One temperature parameter
age = 7:11
+softmax = function(vec, temp = 3) {
+ out = exp(vec*temp) / sum(exp(vec*temp))
+ return(out)
+df.data = df.exp2.infer %>%
+ count(age_group, condition_disagree_c, ambiguous_yes) %>%
+ group_by(age_group, condition_disagree_c) %>%
+ reframe(p = n/sum(n)) %>%
+ filter(row_number() %% 2 == 0) %>%
+ rename(agreement = condition_disagree_c) %>%
+ mutate(agreement = ifelse(agreement == "Agreement Trials", "agree", "disagree"))
+fit_softmax = function(beta){
+ df.prediction = df.inference %>%
+ filter(age_group %in% age) %>%
+ select(age_group, utterance, agreement, posterior) %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = utterance,
+ values_from = posterior) %>%
+ rowwise() %>%
+ mutate(Unambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[1],
+ Ambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[2]) %>%
+ select(age_group, agreement, prediction = Ambiguous_soft)
+ # compute loss as squared error
+ loss = df.data %>%
+ filter(age_group %in% age) %>%
+ left_join(df.prediction) %>%
+ mutate(loss = (p-prediction)^2) %>%
+ pull(loss) %>%
+ sum()
+ return(loss)
+# find best fitting softmax parameter
+fit = optim(par = 0,
+ fn = fit_softmax)
+# use the best parameter
+beta = fit[[1]]
+# model with softmax
+df.model.softmax = df.inference %>%
+ select(age_group, utterance, agreement, posterior) %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = utterance,
+ values_from = posterior) %>%
+ rowwise() %>%
+ mutate(Unambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[1],
+ Ambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[2]) %>%
+ select(age_group, condition = agreement, posterior = Ambiguous_soft) %>%
+ mutate(condition = factor(condition,
+ levels = c("agree", "disagree"),
+ labels = c("Agreement Trials", "Disagreement Trials")))
Linear increase of temperature parameter
+- fit linear model of softmax temperature as a function of age
# rm(beta)
+fit_softmax_age = function(par){
+ df.prediction = df.inference %>%
+ select(age_group, utterance, agreement, posterior) %>%
+ mutate(beta = par[1] + par[2] * age_group) %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = utterance,
+ values_from = posterior) %>%
+ rowwise() %>%
+ mutate(Unambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[1],
+ Ambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[2]) %>%
+ select(age_group, agreement, prediction = Ambiguous_soft)
+ # compute loss as squared error
+ loss = df.data %>%
+ filter(age_group %in% age) %>%
+ left_join(df.prediction,
+ by = c("age_group", "agreement")) %>%
+ mutate(loss = (p-prediction)^2) %>%
+ pull(loss) %>%
+ sum()
+ return(loss)
+# find best fitting softmax parameter
+fit = optim(par = c(0, 0),
+ fn = fit_softmax_age)
+df.model.softmax.linear = df.inference %>%
+ select(age_group, utterance, agreement, posterior) %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = utterance,
+ values_from = posterior) %>%
+ mutate(beta = fit$par[1] + fit$par[2] * age_group) %>%
+ rowwise() %>%
+ mutate(Unambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[1],
+ Ambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[2]) %>%
+ select(age_group, condition = agreement, posterior = Ambiguous_soft) %>%
+ mutate(condition = factor(condition,
+ levels = c("agree", "disagree"),
+ labels = c("Agreement Trials", "Disagreement Trials")))
Model comparison
df.model.posterior %>%
+ mutate(name = "posterior") %>%
+ select(-c(utterance, probability, prior)) %>%
+ bind_rows(df.model.softmax %>%
+ mutate(name = "softmax")) %>%
+ bind_rows(df.model.softmax.linear %>%
+ mutate(name = "softmax increase")) %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = name,
+ values_from = posterior) %>%
+ left_join(df.data %>%
+ mutate(condition = factor(agreement,
+ levels = c("agree", "disagree"),
+ labels = c("Agreement Trials",
+ "Disagreement Trials"))) %>%
+ select(-agreement),
+ by = c("age_group", "condition")) %>%
+ summarize(
+ r_posterior = cor(p, posterior),
+ r_softmax = cor(p, softmax),
+ r_softmaxincrease = cor(p, `softmax increase`),
+ rmse_posterior = rmse(p, posterior),
+ rmse_softmax = rmse(p, softmax),
+ rmse_softmaxincrease = rmse(p, `softmax increase`)) %>%
+ pivot_longer(cols = everything(),
+ names_to = c("index", "name"),
+ names_sep = "_") %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = index,
+ values_from = value) %>%
+ print_table()
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+df.plot.individual = df.exp2.predict %>%
+ mutate(condition_amb = as.character(condition_amb)) %>%
+ group_by(participant, age_continuous, condition_amb) %>%
+ summarize(pct_dis = sum(dis_yes)/n())
+df.age.means = df.plot.individual %>%
+ distinct(participant, age_continuous) %>%
+ mutate(age_group = floor(age_continuous)) %>%
+ group_by(age_group) %>%
+ summarize(age_mean = mean(age_continuous),
+ n = str_c("n = ", n())) %>%
+ ungroup()
+df.plot.means = df.exp2.predict %>%
+ mutate(condition_amb = as.character(condition_amb)) %>%
+ group_by(participant, age_group, condition_amb) %>%
+ summarize(pct_dis = sum(dis_yes)/n()) %>%
+ group_by(age_group, condition_amb) %>%
+ reframe(response = smean.cl.boot(pct_dis),
+ name = c("mean", "low", "high")) %>%
+ left_join(df.age.means,
+ by = "age_group") %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = name,
+ values_from = response) %>%
+ mutate(age_mean = ifelse(condition_amb == 0, age_mean - 0.05, age_mean + 0.05))
+df.plot.text = df.plot.means %>%
+ distinct(age_group, n)
+ggplot() +
+ geom_hline(yintercept = 0.5,
+ linetype = 2,
+ alpha = 0.1) +
+ geom_point(data = df.plot.individual,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_continuous,
+ y = pct_dis,
+ color = condition_amb),
+ alpha = 0.5,
+ show.legend = T,
+ shape = 16,
+ size = 1.5) +
+ geom_linerange(data = df.plot.means,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = mean,
+ ymin = low,
+ ymax = high),
+ color = "gray40") +
+ geom_point(data = df.plot.means,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = mean,
+ fill = condition_amb),
+ shape = 21,
+ size = 3,
+ show.legend = T) +
+ geom_text(data = df.plot.text,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_group + 0.5,
+ y = 1.05,
+ label = n),
+ hjust = 0.5) +
+ scale_y_continuous(labels = percent) +
+ labs(x = "Age (in years)",
+ y = "% Predict Disagreement",
+ title = "Experiment 2: Prediction") +
+ coord_cartesian(xlim = c(7, 12),
+ ylim = c(0, 1),
+ clip = "off") +
+ scale_color_manual(name = "Trial Type",
+ labels = c("Unambiguous", "Ambiguous"),
+ values = c(l.color$unambiguous, l.color$ambiguous),
+ guide = guide_legend(reverse = T)) +
+ scale_fill_manual(name = "Trial Type",
+ labels = c("Unambiguous", "Ambiguous"),
+ values = c(l.color$unambiguous, l.color$ambiguous),
+ guide = guide_legend(reverse = T)) +
+ theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,
+ vjust = 2,
+ size = 18,
+ face = "bold"),
+ axis.title.y = element_markdown(color = l.color$disagreement),
+ legend.position = "right")
+ggsave(filename = "../figures/plots/exp2_prediction.pdf",
+ width = 8,
+ height = 4)
+df.plot.individual = df.exp2.infer %>%
+ mutate(condition_disagree = as.character(condition_disagree)) %>%
+ group_by(participant, age_continuous, condition_disagree) %>%
+ summarize(pct_amb = sum(ambiguous_yes)/n())
+df.age.means = df.plot.individual %>%
+ distinct(participant, age_continuous) %>%
+ mutate(age_group = floor(age_continuous)) %>%
+ group_by(age_group) %>%
+ summarize(age_mean = mean(age_continuous),
+ n = str_c("n = ", n())) %>%
+ ungroup()
+df.plot.means = df.exp2.infer %>%
+ mutate(condition_disagree = as.character(condition_disagree)) %>%
+ group_by(participant, age_group, condition_disagree) %>%
+ summarize(pct_amb = sum(ambiguous_yes)/n()) %>%
+ group_by(age_group, condition_disagree) %>%
+ reframe(response = smean.cl.boot(pct_amb),
+ name = c("mean", "low", "high")) %>%
+ left_join(df.age.means,
+ by = "age_group") %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = name,
+ values_from = response) %>%
+ mutate(age_mean = ifelse(condition_disagree == 0, age_mean - 0.05, age_mean + 0.05))
+df.plot.text = df.plot.means %>%
+ distinct(age_group, n)
+df.model = df.model.posterior %>%
+ mutate(name = "posterior") %>%
+ select(-c(utterance, probability, prior)) %>%
+ bind_rows(df.model.softmax %>%
+ mutate(name = "softmax")) %>%
+ bind_rows(df.model.softmax.linear %>%
+ mutate(name = "softmax increase")) %>%
+ mutate(condition_disagree = factor(condition,
+ levels = c("Agreement Trials",
+ "Disagreement Trials"),
+ labels = c(0,
+ 1))) %>%
+ left_join(df.age.means %>%
+ select(-n),
+ by = "age_group") %>%
+ mutate(age_mean = ifelse(condition_disagree == 0,
+ age_mean - 0.05,
+ age_mean + 0.05))
+ggplot() +
+ geom_hline(yintercept = 0.5,
+ linetype = 2,
+ alpha = 0.1) +
+ geom_point(data = df.plot.individual,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_continuous,
+ y = pct_amb,
+ color = condition_disagree),
+ alpha = 0.5,
+ show.legend = T,
+ shape = 16,
+ size = 1.5) +
+ geom_linerange(data = df.plot.means,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = mean,
+ ymin = low,
+ ymax = high),
+ color = "gray40",
+ show.legend = F) +
+ geom_point(data = df.plot.means,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = mean,
+ fill = condition_disagree),
+ shape = 21,
+ size = 3,
+ show.legend = F) +
+ geom_point(data = df.model,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = posterior,
+ shape = name,
+ fill = condition_disagree),
+ size = 1.5,
+ alpha = 0.5,
+ show.legend = T) +
+ geom_text(data = df.plot.text,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_group + 0.5,
+ y = 1.05,
+ label = n),
+ hjust = 0.5) +
+ scale_y_continuous(labels = percent) +
+ labs(x = "Age (in years)",
+ y = "% Infer Ambiguous Utterance",
+ title = "Experiment 2: Inference") +
+ coord_cartesian(xlim = c(7, 12),
+ ylim = c(0, 1),
+ clip = "off") +
+ scale_color_manual(name = "Trial Type",
+ labels = c("Agreement", "Disagreement"),
+ values = c(l.color$agreement, l.color$disagreement)) +
+ scale_fill_manual(name = "Trial Type",
+ labels = c("Agreement", "Disagreement"),
+ values = c(l.color$agreement, l.color$disagreement)) +
+ scale_shape_manual(name = "Model",
+ labels = c("posterior", "softmax", "softmax increase"),
+ values = c(21, 22, 23)) +
+ theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,
+ vjust = 2,
+ size = 18,
+ face = "bold"),
+ axis.title.y = element_markdown(color = l.color$ambiguous),
+ legend.position = "right") +
+ guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape = 21,
+ size = 3,
+ alpha = 1),
+ reverse = T,
+ order = 1),
+ shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(fill = "white",
+ alpha = 1)),
+ color = "none")
+ggsave(filename = "../figures/plots/exp2_inference.pdf",
+ width = 8,
+ height = 4)
Session info
cite_packages(output = "paragraph",
+ cite.tidyverse = TRUE,
+ out.dir = ".")
We used R version 4.3.2 (R Core Team 2023) and the following R packages: bookdown v. 0.37 (Xie 2016, 2023a), broom.mixed v. (Bolker and Robinson 2022), car v. 3.1.2 (Fox and Weisberg 2019), ggeffects v. 1.3.4 (Lüdecke 2018), ggtext v. 0.1.2 (Wilke and Wiernik 2022), Hmisc v. 5.1.1 (Harrell Jr 2023), kableExtra v. 1.3.4 (Zhu 2021), knitr v. 1.45 (Xie 2014, 2015, 2023b), lme4 v. (Bates et al. 2015), Metrics v. 0.1.4 (Hamner and Frasco 2018), rmarkdown v. 2.25 (Xie, Allaire, and Grolemund 2018; Xie, Dervieux, and Riederer 2020; Allaire et al. 2023), rsample v. 1.2.0 (Frick et al. 2023), scales v. 1.3.0 (Wickham, Pedersen, and Seidel 2023), tidyverse v. 2.0.0 (Wickham et al. 2019), xtable v. 1.8.4 (Dahl et al. 2019).
R version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31)
+Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)
+Running under: macOS Sonoma 14.4.1
+Matrix products: default
+BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.3-arm64/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
+LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.3-arm64/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib; LAPACK version 3.11.0
+[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
+time zone: America/Los_Angeles
+tzcode source: internal
+attached base packages:
+[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
+other attached packages:
+ [1] lubridate_1.9.3 forcats_1.0.0 stringr_1.5.1
+ [4] dplyr_1.1.4 purrr_1.0.2 readr_2.1.4
+ [7] tidyr_1.3.0 tibble_3.2.1 ggplot2_3.4.4
+[10] tidyverse_2.0.0 ggtext_0.1.2 Hmisc_5.1-1
+[13] ggeffects_1.3.4 grateful_0.2.4 broom.mixed_0.2.9.4
+[16] scales_1.3.0 Metrics_0.1.4 car_3.1-2
+[19] carData_3.0-5 knitr_1.45 kableExtra_1.3.4
+[22] xtable_1.8-4 rsample_1.2.0 lme4_1.1-35.1
+[25] Matrix_1.6-4
+loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
+ [1] gridExtra_2.3 rlang_1.1.3 magrittr_2.0.3 furrr_0.3.1
+ [5] compiler_4.3.2 systemfonts_1.0.5 vctrs_0.6.5 rvest_1.0.3
+ [9] pkgconfig_2.0.3 crayon_1.5.2 fastmap_1.1.1 backports_1.4.1
+[13] labeling_0.4.3 utf8_1.2.4 rmarkdown_2.25 markdown_1.12
+[17] tzdb_0.4.0 nloptr_2.0.3 ragg_1.2.7 bit_4.0.5
+[21] xfun_0.41 cachem_1.0.8 jsonlite_1.8.8 highr_0.10
+[25] broom_1.0.5 parallel_4.3.2 cluster_2.1.6 R6_2.5.1
+[29] bslib_0.6.1 stringi_1.8.3 parallelly_1.37.0 boot_1.3-28.1
+[33] rpart_4.1.23 jquerylib_0.1.4 Rcpp_1.0.12 bookdown_0.37
+[37] base64enc_0.1-3 splines_4.3.2 nnet_7.3-19 timechange_0.2.0
+[41] tidyselect_1.2.0 rstudioapi_0.15.0 abind_1.4-5 yaml_2.3.8
+[45] codetools_0.2-19 listenv_0.9.1 lattice_0.22-5 withr_3.0.0
+[49] evaluate_0.23 foreign_0.8-86 future_1.33.1 xml2_1.3.6
+[53] pillar_1.9.0 renv_1.0.3 checkmate_2.3.1 generics_0.1.3
+[57] vroom_1.6.5 hms_1.1.3 commonmark_1.9.0 munsell_0.5.0
+[61] minqa_1.2.6 globals_0.16.2 glue_1.7.0 tools_4.3.2
+[65] data.table_1.14.10 webshot_0.5.5 grid_4.3.2 colorspace_2.1-0
+[69] nlme_3.1-164 htmlTable_2.4.2 Formula_1.2-5 cli_3.6.2
+[73] textshaping_0.3.7 fansi_1.0.6 viridisLite_0.4.2 svglite_2.1.3
+[77] gtable_0.3.4 sass_0.4.8 digest_0.6.34 htmlwidgets_1.6.4
+[81] farver_2.1.1 htmltools_0.5.7 lifecycle_1.0.4 httr_1.4.7
+[85] gridtext_0.1.5 bit64_4.0.5 MASS_7.3-60
+Allaire, JJ, Yihui Xie, Christophe Dervieux, Jonathan McPherson, Javier Luraschi, Kevin Ushey, Aron Atkins, et al. 2023.
rmarkdown: Dynamic Documents for r.
+Bates, Douglas, Martin Mächler, Ben Bolker, and Steve Walker. 2015.
“Fitting Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using lme4.” Journal of Statistical Software 67 (1): 1–48.
+Bolker, Ben, and David Robinson. 2022.
broom.mixed: Tidying Methods for Mixed Models.
+Dahl, David B., David Scott, Charles Roosen, Arni Magnusson, and Jonathan Swinton. 2019.
xtable: Export Tables to LaTeX or HTML.
+Fox, John, and Sanford Weisberg. 2019.
An R Companion to Applied Regression. Third. Thousand Oaks
CA: Sage.
+Frick, Hannah, Fanny Chow, Max Kuhn, Michael Mahoney, Julia Silge, and Hadley Wickham. 2023.
rsample: General Resampling Infrastructure.
+Hamner, Ben, and Michael Frasco. 2018.
Metrics: Evaluation Metrics for Machine Learning.
+Harrell Jr, Frank E. 2023.
Hmisc: Harrell Miscellaneous.
+Lüdecke, Daniel. 2018.
“ggeffects: Tidy Data Frames of Marginal Effects from Regression Models.” Journal of Open Source Software 3 (26): 772.
+R Core Team. 2023.
R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing.
+Wickham, Hadley, Mara Averick, Jennifer Bryan, Winston Chang, Lucy D’Agostino McGowan, Romain François, Garrett Grolemund, et al. 2019.
“Welcome to the tidyverse.” Journal of Open Source Software 4 (43): 1686.
+Wickham, Hadley, Thomas Lin Pedersen, and Dana Seidel. 2023.
scales: Scale Functions for Visualization.
+Wilke, Claus O., and Brenton M. Wiernik. 2022.
ggtext: Improved Text Rendering Support for “ggplot2”.
+Xie, Yihui. 2014. “knitr: A Comprehensive Tool for Reproducible Research in R.” In Implementing Reproducible Computational Research, edited by Victoria Stodden, Friedrich Leisch, and Roger D. Peng. Chapman; Hall/CRC.
+———. 2015.
Dynamic Documents with R and Knitr. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman; Hall/CRC.
+———. 2016.
bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman; Hall/CRC.
+———. 2023a.
bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with r Markdown.
+———. 2023b.
knitr: A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in r.
+Xie, Yihui, J. J. Allaire, and Garrett Grolemund. 2018.
R Markdown: The Definitive Guide. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman; Hall/CRC.
+Xie, Yihui, Christophe Dervieux, and Emily Riederer. 2020.
R Markdown Cookbook. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman; Hall/CRC.
diff --git a/analysis/grateful-refs.bib b/analysis/grateful-refs.bib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c49acaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis/grateful-refs.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+title = {{R}: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing},
+ author = {{R Core Team}},
+ organization = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing},
+ address = {Vienna, Austria},
+ year = {2023},
+ url = {https://www.R-project.org/},
+title = {{bookdown}: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown},
+ author = {Yihui Xie},
+ year = {2023},
+ note = {R package version 0.37},
+ url = {https://github.com/rstudio/bookdown},
+title = {{bookdown}: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with {R} Markdown},
+ author = {Yihui Xie},
+ publisher = {Chapman and Hall/CRC},
+ address = {Boca Raton, Florida},
+ year = {2016},
+ isbn = {978-1138700109},
+ url = {https://bookdown.org/yihui/bookdown},
+title = {{broom.mixed}: Tidying Methods for Mixed Models},
+ author = {Ben Bolker and David Robinson},
+ year = {2022},
+ note = {R package version},
+ url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=broom.mixed},
+ title = {An {R} Companion to Applied Regression},
+ edition = {Third},
+ author = {John Fox and Sanford Weisberg},
+ year = {2019},
+ publisher = {Sage},
+ address = {Thousand Oaks {CA}},
+ url = {https://socialsciences.mcmaster.ca/jfox/Books/Companion/},
+title = {{ggeffects}: Tidy Data Frames of Marginal Effects from Regression Models.},
+ volume = {3},
+ doi = {10.21105/joss.00772},
+ number = {26},
+ journal = {Journal of Open Source Software},
+ author = {Daniel Lüdecke},
+ year = {2018},
+ pages = {772},
+title = {{ggtext}: Improved Text Rendering Support for `{ggplot2}'},
+ author = {Claus O. Wilke and Brenton M. Wiernik},
+ year = {2022},
+ note = {R package version 0.1.2},
+ url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ggtext},
+title = {{Hmisc}: Harrell Miscellaneous},
+ author = {Frank E {Harrell Jr}},
+ year = {2023},
+ note = {R package version 5.1-1},
+ url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=Hmisc},
+title = {{kableExtra}: Construct Complex Table with `{kable}' and Pipe Syntax},
+ author = {Hao Zhu},
+ year = {2021},
+ note = {R package version 1.3.4},
+ url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=kableExtra},
+title = {{knitr}: A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R},
+ author = {Yihui Xie},
+ year = {2023},
+ note = {R package version 1.45},
+ url = {https://yihui.org/knitr/},
+ title = {Dynamic Documents with {R} and knitr},
+ author = {Yihui Xie},
+ publisher = {Chapman and Hall/CRC},
+ address = {Boca Raton, Florida},
+ year = {2015},
+ edition = {2nd},
+ note = {ISBN 978-1498716963},
+ url = {https://yihui.org/knitr/},
+ booktitle = {Implementing Reproducible Computational Research},
+ editor = {Victoria Stodden and Friedrich Leisch and Roger D. Peng},
+title = {{knitr}: A Comprehensive Tool for Reproducible Research in {R}},
+ author = {Yihui Xie},
+ publisher = {Chapman and Hall/CRC},
+ year = {2014},
+ note = {ISBN 978-1466561595},
+ title = {Fitting Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using {lme4}},
+ author = {Douglas Bates and Martin M{\"a}chler and Ben Bolker and Steve Walker},
+ journal = {Journal of Statistical Software},
+ year = {2015},
+ volume = {67},
+ number = {1},
+ pages = {1--48},
+ doi = {10.18637/jss.v067.i01},
+title = {{Metrics}: Evaluation Metrics for Machine Learning},
+ author = {Ben Hamner and Michael Frasco},
+ year = {2018},
+ note = {R package version 0.1.4},
+ url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=Metrics},
+title = {{rmarkdown}: Dynamic Documents for R},
+ author = {JJ Allaire and Yihui Xie and Christophe Dervieux and Jonathan McPherson and Javier Luraschi and Kevin Ushey and Aron Atkins and Hadley Wickham and Joe Cheng and Winston Chang and Richard Iannone},
+ year = {2023},
+ note = {R package version 2.25},
+ url = {https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown},
+ title = {R Markdown: The Definitive Guide},
+ author = {Yihui Xie and J.J. Allaire and Garrett Grolemund},
+ publisher = {Chapman and Hall/CRC},
+ address = {Boca Raton, Florida},
+ year = {2018},
+ isbn = {9781138359338},
+ url = {https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown},
+ title = {R Markdown Cookbook},
+ author = {Yihui Xie and Christophe Dervieux and Emily Riederer},
+ publisher = {Chapman and Hall/CRC},
+ address = {Boca Raton, Florida},
+ year = {2020},
+ isbn = {9780367563837},
+ url = {https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown-cookbook},
+title = {{rsample}: General Resampling Infrastructure},
+ author = {Hannah Frick and Fanny Chow and Max Kuhn and Michael Mahoney and Julia Silge and Hadley Wickham},
+ year = {2023},
+ note = {R package version 1.2.0},
+ url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rsample},
+title = {{scales}: Scale Functions for Visualization},
+ author = {Hadley Wickham and Thomas Lin Pedersen and Dana Seidel},
+ year = {2023},
+ note = {R package version 1.3.0},
+ url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=scales},
+title = {{xtable}: Export Tables to LaTeX or HTML},
+ author = {David B. Dahl and David Scott and Charles Roosen and Arni Magnusson and Jonathan Swinton},
+ year = {2019},
+ note = {R package version 1.8-4},
+ url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=xtable},
+ title = {Welcome to the {tidyverse}},
+ author = {Hadley Wickham and Mara Averick and Jennifer Bryan and Winston Chang and Lucy D'Agostino McGowan and Romain François and Garrett Grolemund and Alex Hayes and Lionel Henry and Jim Hester and Max Kuhn and Thomas Lin Pedersen and Evan Miller and Stephan Milton Bache and Kirill Müller and Jeroen Ooms and David Robinson and Dana Paige Seidel and Vitalie Spinu and Kohske Takahashi and Davis Vaughan and Claus Wilke and Kara Woo and Hiroaki Yutani},
+ year = {2019},
+ journal = {Journal of Open Source Software},
+ volume = {4},
+ number = {43},
+ pages = {1686},
+ doi = {10.21105/joss.01686},
diff --git a/data/data1_infer.csv b/data/data1_infer.csv
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1a452b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/data1_infer.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+1,7,7.64,0,"Boy","Black/African",-1,"disagree 1",-1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+2,7,7.58,0,"Girl","Mixed",1,"disagree 1",-1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+3,7,7.69,0,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"disagree 1",1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+4,7,7.38,0,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"disagree 1",-1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+5,7,7.27,0,"Girl","Not reported",1,"disagree 1",-1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+6,7,7.95,1,"Girl","White/European",-1,"disagree 1",1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+7,7,7.59,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"disagree 1",-1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+8,7,7.74,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"disagree 1",-1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+9,7,7.41,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"disagree 1",1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+10,7,7.33,1,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"disagree 1",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+11,8,8.34,0,"Girl","White/European",-1,"disagree 1",1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+12,8,8.16,0,"Girl","Black/African",-1,"disagree 1",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+13,8,8.82,0,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"disagree 1",-1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+14,8,8.63,0,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"disagree 1",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+15,8,8.51,0,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"disagree 1",-1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+16,8,8.86,0,"Girl","Not reported",1,"disagree 1",-1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+17,8,8.16,0,"Girl","White/European",-1,"disagree 1",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+18,8,8.01,1,"Boy","Hispanic/Latinx",-1,"disagree 1",-1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+19,8,8.07,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"disagree 1",-1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+20,8,8.19,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"disagree 1",1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+21,8,8.45,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"disagree 1",-1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+22,8,8.32,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"disagree 1",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+23,9,9.13,0,"Girl","Middle Eastern",1,"disagree 1",1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+24,9,9.23,0,"Girl","Not reported",-1,"disagree 1",-1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+25,9,9.54,0,"Boy","Not reported",1,"disagree 1",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+26,9,9.26,0,"Boy","Mixed",1,"disagree 1",-1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+27,9,9.38,1,"Boy","White/European",1,"disagree 1",1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+28,9,9.49,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"disagree 1",-1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+29,9,8.69,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"disagree 1",1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+30,9,9.71,1,"Girl","Middle Eastern",-1,"disagree 1",1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+31,9,9.49,1,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"disagree 1",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+32,9,9.39,1,"Boy","Hispanic/Latinx",1,"disagree 1",-1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+33,10,10.07,0,"Boy","Black/African",-1,"disagree 1",-1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+34,10,10.55,0,"Boy","White/European",-1,"disagree 1",1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+35,10,10.28,0,"Boy","Not reported",1,"disagree 1",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+36,10,10.56,0,"Boy","Middle Eastern",-1,"disagree 1",1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+37,10,10.26,0,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"disagree 1",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+38,10,10.85,1,"Girl","White/European",-1,"disagree 1",-1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+39,10,10.75,1,"Girl","Black/African",-1,"disagree 1",-1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+40,10,10.13,1,"Girl","Hispanic/Latinx",-1,"disagree 1",-1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+41,10,10.79,1,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"disagree 1",-1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+42,10,10.11,1,"Boy","White/European",-1,"disagree 1",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+43,11,11.07,0,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"disagree 1",-1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+44,11,11.6,0,"Boy","Other",1,"disagree 1",-1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+45,11,11.08,0,"Boy","White/European",1,"disagree 1",1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+46,11,11.41,1,"Boy","White/European",-1,"disagree 1",-1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+47,11,11.3,1,"Girl","White/European",1,"disagree 1",1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+48,11,11.06,1,"Girl","White/European",1,"disagree 1",-1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+49,11,11.09,1,"Boy","Hispanic/Latinx",1,"disagree 1",1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+50,11,12,1,"Boy","White/European",1,"disagree 1",-1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+51,11,11.01,1,"Girl","White/European",1,"disagree 1",-1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+52,11,11.28,1,"Girl","White/European",1,"disagree 1",1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+1,7,7.64,0,"Boy","Black/African",-1,"disagree 2",-1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+2,7,7.58,0,"Girl","Mixed",1,"disagree 2",-1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+3,7,7.69,0,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"disagree 2",1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+4,7,7.38,0,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"disagree 2",-1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+5,7,7.27,0,"Girl","Not reported",1,"disagree 2",-1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+6,7,7.95,1,"Girl","White/European",-1,"disagree 2",1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+7,7,7.59,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"disagree 2",-1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+8,7,7.74,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"disagree 2",-1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+9,7,7.41,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"disagree 2",1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+10,7,7.33,1,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"disagree 2",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+11,8,8.34,0,"Girl","White/European",-1,"disagree 2",1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+12,8,8.16,0,"Girl","Black/African",-1,"disagree 2",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+13,8,8.82,0,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"disagree 2",-1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+14,8,8.63,0,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"disagree 2",1,-1,1,0,"Random",0,0
+15,8,8.51,0,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"disagree 2",-1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+16,8,8.86,0,"Girl","Not reported",1,"disagree 2",-1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+17,8,8.16,0,"Girl","White/European",-1,"disagree 2",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+18,8,8.01,1,"Boy","Hispanic/Latinx",-1,"disagree 2",-1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+19,8,8.07,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"disagree 2",-1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+20,8,8.19,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"disagree 2",1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+21,8,8.45,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"disagree 2",-1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+22,8,8.32,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"disagree 2",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+23,9,9.13,0,"Girl","Middle Eastern",1,"disagree 2",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+24,9,9.23,0,"Girl","Not reported",-1,"disagree 2",-1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+25,9,9.54,0,"Boy","Not reported",1,"disagree 2",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+26,9,9.26,0,"Boy","Mixed",1,"disagree 2",-1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+27,9,9.38,1,"Boy","White/European",1,"disagree 2",1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+28,9,9.49,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"disagree 2",-1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+29,9,8.69,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"disagree 2",1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+30,9,9.71,1,"Girl","Middle Eastern",-1,"disagree 2",1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+31,9,9.49,1,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"disagree 2",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+32,9,9.39,1,"Boy","Hispanic/Latinx",1,"disagree 2",-1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+33,10,10.07,0,"Boy","Black/African",-1,"disagree 2",-1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+34,10,10.55,0,"Boy","White/European",-1,"disagree 2",1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+35,10,10.28,0,"Boy","Not reported",1,"disagree 2",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+36,10,10.56,0,"Boy","Middle Eastern",-1,"disagree 2",1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+37,10,10.26,0,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"disagree 2",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+38,10,10.85,1,"Girl","White/European",-1,"disagree 2",-1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+39,10,10.75,1,"Girl","Black/African",-1,"disagree 2",-1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+40,10,10.13,1,"Girl","Hispanic/Latinx",-1,"disagree 2",-1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+41,10,10.79,1,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"disagree 2",-1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+42,10,10.11,1,"Boy","White/European",-1,"disagree 2",1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+43,11,11.07,0,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"disagree 2",-1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+44,11,11.6,0,"Boy","Other",1,"disagree 2",-1,-1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+45,11,11.08,0,"Boy","White/European",1,"disagree 2",1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+46,11,11.41,1,"Boy","White/European",-1,"disagree 2",-1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+47,11,11.3,1,"Girl","White/European",1,"disagree 2",1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+48,11,11.06,1,"Girl","White/European",1,"disagree 2",-1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+49,11,11.09,1,"Boy","Hispanic/Latinx",1,"disagree 2",1,1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+50,11,12,1,"Boy","White/European",1,"disagree 2",-1,1,1,0,"Unambiguous",0,1
+51,11,11.01,1,"Girl","White/European",1,"disagree 2",-1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+52,11,11.28,1,"Girl","White/European",1,"disagree 2",1,-1,1,0,"Ambiguous",1,0
+1,7,7.64,0,"Boy","Black/African",-1,"agree 1",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+2,7,7.58,0,"Girl","Mixed",1,"agree 1",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+3,7,7.69,0,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"agree 1",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+4,7,7.38,0,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"agree 1",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+5,7,7.27,0,"Girl","Not reported",1,"agree 1",-1,-1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+6,7,7.95,1,"Girl","White/European",-1,"agree 1",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+7,7,7.59,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"agree 1",-1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+8,7,7.74,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"agree 1",-1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+9,7,7.41,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"agree 1",1,1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+10,7,7.33,1,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"agree 1",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+11,8,8.34,0,"Girl","White/European",-1,"agree 1",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+12,8,8.16,0,"Girl","Black/African",-1,"agree 1",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+13,8,8.82,0,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"agree 1",-1,1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+14,8,8.63,0,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"agree 1",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+15,8,8.51,0,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"agree 1",-1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+16,8,8.86,0,"Girl","Not reported",1,"agree 1",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+17,8,8.16,0,"Girl","White/European",-1,"agree 1",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+18,8,8.01,1,"Boy","Hispanic/Latinx",-1,"agree 1",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+19,8,8.07,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"agree 1",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+20,8,8.19,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"agree 1",1,1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+21,8,8.45,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"agree 1",-1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+22,8,8.32,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"agree 1",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+23,9,9.13,0,"Girl","Middle Eastern",1,"agree 1",1,-1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+24,9,9.23,0,"Girl","Not reported",-1,"agree 1",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+25,9,9.54,0,"Boy","Not reported",1,"agree 1",1,-1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+26,9,9.26,0,"Boy","Mixed",1,"agree 1",-1,1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+27,9,9.38,1,"Boy","White/European",1,"agree 1",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+28,9,9.49,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"agree 1",-1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+29,9,8.69,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"agree 1",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+30,9,9.71,1,"Girl","Middle Eastern",-1,"agree 1",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+31,9,9.49,1,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"agree 1",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+32,9,9.39,1,"Boy","Hispanic/Latinx",1,"agree 1",-1,1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+33,10,10.07,0,"Boy","Black/African",-1,"agree 1",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+34,10,10.55,0,"Boy","White/European",-1,"agree 1",1,1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+35,10,10.28,0,"Boy","Not reported",1,"agree 1",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+36,10,10.56,0,"Boy","Middle Eastern",-1,"agree 1",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+37,10,10.26,0,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"agree 1",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+38,10,10.85,1,"Girl","White/European",-1,"agree 1",-1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+39,10,10.75,1,"Girl","Black/African",-1,"agree 1",-1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+40,10,10.13,1,"Girl","Hispanic/Latinx",-1,"agree 1",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+41,10,10.79,1,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"agree 1",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+42,10,10.11,1,"Boy","White/European",-1,"agree 1",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+43,11,11.07,0,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"agree 1",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+44,11,11.6,0,"Boy","Other",1,"agree 1",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+45,11,11.08,0,"Boy","White/European",1,"agree 1",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+46,11,11.41,1,"Boy","White/European",-1,"agree 1",-1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+47,11,11.3,1,"Girl","White/European",1,"agree 1",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+48,11,11.06,1,"Girl","White/European",1,"agree 1",-1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+49,11,11.09,1,"Boy","Hispanic/Latinx",1,"agree 1",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+50,11,12,1,"Boy","White/European",1,"agree 1",-1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+51,11,11.01,1,"Girl","White/European",1,"agree 1",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+52,11,11.28,1,"Girl","White/European",1,"agree 1",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+1,7,7.64,0,"Boy","Black/African",-1,"agree 2",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+2,7,7.58,0,"Girl","Mixed",1,"agree 2",-1,-1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+3,7,7.69,0,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"agree 2",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+4,7,7.38,0,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"agree 2",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+5,7,7.27,0,"Girl","Not reported",1,"agree 2",-1,-1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+6,7,7.95,1,"Girl","White/European",-1,"agree 2",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+7,7,7.59,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"agree 2",-1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+8,7,7.74,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"agree 2",-1,1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+9,7,7.41,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"agree 2",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+10,7,7.33,1,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"agree 2",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+11,8,8.34,0,"Girl","White/European",-1,"agree 2",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+12,8,8.16,0,"Girl","Black/African",-1,"agree 2",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+13,8,8.82,0,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"agree 2",-1,1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+14,8,8.63,0,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"agree 2",1,-1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+15,8,8.51,0,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"agree 2",-1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+16,8,8.86,0,"Girl","Not reported",1,"agree 2",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+17,8,8.16,0,"Girl","White/European",-1,"agree 2",1,-1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+18,8,8.01,1,"Boy","Hispanic/Latinx",-1,"agree 2",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+19,8,8.07,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"agree 2",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+20,8,8.19,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"agree 2",1,1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+21,8,8.45,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"agree 2",-1,1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+22,8,8.32,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"agree 2",1,-1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+23,9,9.13,0,"Girl","Middle Eastern",1,"agree 2",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+24,9,9.23,0,"Girl","Not reported",-1,"agree 2",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+25,9,9.54,0,"Boy","Not reported",1,"agree 2",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+26,9,9.26,0,"Boy","Mixed",1,"agree 2",-1,1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+27,9,9.38,1,"Boy","White/European",1,"agree 2",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+28,9,9.49,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"agree 2",-1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+29,9,8.69,1,"Boy","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"agree 2",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+30,9,9.71,1,"Girl","Middle Eastern",-1,"agree 2",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+31,9,9.49,1,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"agree 2",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+32,9,9.39,1,"Boy","Hispanic/Latinx",1,"agree 2",-1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+33,10,10.07,0,"Boy","Black/African",-1,"agree 2",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+34,10,10.55,0,"Boy","White/European",-1,"agree 2",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+35,10,10.28,0,"Boy","Not reported",1,"agree 2",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+36,10,10.56,0,"Boy","Middle Eastern",-1,"agree 2",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+37,10,10.26,0,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"agree 2",1,-1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+38,10,10.85,1,"Girl","White/European",-1,"agree 2",-1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+39,10,10.75,1,"Girl","Black/African",-1,"agree 2",-1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+40,10,10.13,1,"Girl","Hispanic/Latinx",-1,"agree 2",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+41,10,10.79,1,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",1,"agree 2",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+42,10,10.11,1,"Boy","White/European",-1,"agree 2",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+43,11,11.07,0,"Girl","Asian (including Pacific Islander, Indian)",-1,"agree 2",-1,-1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+44,11,11.6,0,"Boy","Other",1,"agree 2",-1,-1,0,1,"Ambiguous",1,0
+45,11,11.08,0,"Boy","White/European",1,"agree 2",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+46,11,11.41,1,"Boy","White/European",-1,"agree 2",-1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+47,11,11.3,1,"Girl","White/European",1,"agree 2",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+48,11,11.06,1,"Girl","White/European",1,"agree 2",-1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+49,11,11.09,1,"Boy","Hispanic/Latinx",1,"agree 2",1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+50,11,12,1,"Boy","White/European",1,"agree 2",-1,1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+51,11,11.01,1,"Girl","White/European",1,"agree 2",-1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
+52,11,11.28,1,"Girl","White/European",1,"agree 2",1,-1,0,1,"Unambiguous",0,1
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+1,7,7.436111111,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+2,7,7.838888889,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+3,7,7.130555556,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+4,7,7.886111111,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+5,7,7.113888889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+6,7,7.738888889,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+7,7,7.244444444,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+8,7,7.616666667,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+9,7,7.847222222,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 1",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+10,7,7.197222222,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 1",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+11,7,7.222222222,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
+12,7,7.086111111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 1",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+25,8,8.688888889,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+26,8,8.338888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+27,8,8.547222222,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+28,8,8.561111111,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+29,8,8.330555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+30,8,8.341666667,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+31,8,8.758333333,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+32,8,8.358333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
+33,8,8.844444444,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 1",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+34,8,8.541666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+35,8,8.577777778,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+36,8,8.205555556,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 1",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+47,9,9.444444444,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+48,9,9.561111111,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+49,9,9.494444444,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+50,9,9.5,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+51,9,9.813888889,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+52,9,9.605555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+53,9,9.766666667,1,"Girl","Black",1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+54,9,9.275,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+55,9,9.736111111,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 1",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+56,9,9.561111111,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 1",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+57,9,9.872222222,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+58,9,9.783333333,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 1",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
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+72,10,10.74166667,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+73,10,10.40555556,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+74,10,10.40555556,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,NA
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+76,10,10.93611111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 1",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+77,10,10.16388889,1,"Boy","Black",-1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+78,10,10.19166667,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+79,10,10.95555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 1",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+80,10,10.18611111,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 1",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+91,11,11.83055556,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+92,11,11.13333333,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
+93,11,11.075,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+94,11,11.01111111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+95,11,11.16944444,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+96,11,11.40833333,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+97,11,11.57222222,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+98,11,11.77777778,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 1",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+99,11,11.36388889,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+100,11,11.57222222,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 1",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+1,7,7.436111111,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+2,7,7.838888889,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+3,7,7.130555556,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
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+5,7,7.113888889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+6,7,7.738888889,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
+7,7,7.244444444,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+8,7,7.616666667,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+9,7,7.847222222,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 2",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+10,7,7.197222222,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 2",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
+11,7,7.222222222,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+12,7,7.086111111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 2",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+25,8,8.688888889,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
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+27,8,8.547222222,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+28,8,8.561111111,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+29,8,8.330555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+30,8,8.341666667,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+31,8,8.758333333,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+32,8,8.358333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+33,8,8.844444444,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 2",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+34,8,8.541666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+35,8,8.577777778,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+36,8,8.205555556,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 2",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+47,9,9.444444444,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+48,9,9.561111111,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+49,9,9.494444444,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+50,9,9.5,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+51,9,9.813888889,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+52,9,9.605555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+53,9,9.766666667,1,"Girl","Black",1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+54,9,9.275,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+55,9,9.736111111,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 2",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+56,9,9.561111111,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 2",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+57,9,9.872222222,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+58,9,9.783333333,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 2",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+71,10,10.37222222,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+72,10,10.74166667,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+73,10,10.40555556,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+74,10,10.40555556,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+75,10,10.93888889,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+76,10,10.93611111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 2",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+77,10,10.16388889,1,"Boy","Black",-1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+78,10,10.19166667,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+79,10,10.95555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 2",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+80,10,10.18611111,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 2",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+91,11,11.83055556,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+92,11,11.13333333,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+93,11,11.075,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+94,11,11.01111111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+95,11,11.16944444,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+96,11,11.40833333,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+97,11,11.57222222,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+98,11,11.77777778,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 2",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+99,11,11.36388889,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+100,11,11.57222222,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 2",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+1,7,7.436111111,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+2,7,7.838888889,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+3,7,7.130555556,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+4,7,7.886111111,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+5,7,7.113888889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+6,7,7.738888889,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+7,7,7.244444444,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 3",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+8,7,7.616666667,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 3",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
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+10,7,7.197222222,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 3",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+11,7,7.222222222,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 3",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+12,7,7.086111111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 3",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
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+28,8,8.561111111,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+29,8,8.330555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
+30,8,8.341666667,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
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+36,8,8.205555556,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 3",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+47,9,9.444444444,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+48,9,9.561111111,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+49,9,9.494444444,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+50,9,9.5,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
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+71,10,10.37222222,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+72,10,10.74166667,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+73,10,10.40555556,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+74,10,10.40555556,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
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+77,10,10.16388889,1,"Boy","Black",-1,"trial 3",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
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+79,10,10.95555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 3",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+80,10,10.18611111,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 3",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+91,11,11.83055556,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+92,11,11.13333333,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+93,11,11.075,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+94,11,11.01111111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+95,11,11.16944444,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+96,11,11.40833333,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
+97,11,11.57222222,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 3",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+98,11,11.77777778,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 3",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+99,11,11.36388889,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 3",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+100,11,11.57222222,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 3",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+1,7,7.436111111,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
+2,7,7.838888889,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+3,7,7.130555556,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+4,7,7.886111111,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+5,7,7.113888889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
+6,7,7.738888889,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+7,7,7.244444444,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
+8,7,7.616666667,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+9,7,7.847222222,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 4",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+10,7,7.197222222,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 4",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+11,7,7.222222222,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+12,7,7.086111111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 4",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+25,8,8.688888889,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+26,8,8.338888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+27,8,8.547222222,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+28,8,8.561111111,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+29,8,8.330555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+30,8,8.341666667,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+31,8,8.758333333,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+32,8,8.358333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+33,8,8.844444444,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 4",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+34,8,8.541666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+35,8,8.577777778,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+36,8,8.205555556,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 4",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+47,9,9.444444444,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+48,9,9.561111111,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+49,9,9.494444444,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+50,9,9.5,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+51,9,9.813888889,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+52,9,9.605555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+53,9,9.766666667,1,"Girl","Black",1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+54,9,9.275,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+55,9,9.736111111,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 4",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+56,9,9.561111111,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 4",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+57,9,9.872222222,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+58,9,9.783333333,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 4",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+71,10,10.37222222,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+72,10,10.74166667,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+73,10,10.40555556,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+74,10,10.40555556,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+75,10,10.93888889,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+76,10,10.93611111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 4",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+77,10,10.16388889,1,"Boy","Black",-1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
+78,10,10.19166667,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+79,10,10.95555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 4",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+80,10,10.18611111,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 4",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+91,11,11.83055556,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+92,11,11.13333333,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+93,11,11.075,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+94,11,11.01111111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+95,11,11.16944444,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+96,11,11.40833333,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+97,11,11.57222222,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+98,11,11.77777778,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 4",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+99,11,11.36388889,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+100,11,11.57222222,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 4",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+1,7,7.436111111,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+2,7,7.838888889,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+3,7,7.130555556,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+4,7,7.886111111,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+5,7,7.113888889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+6,7,7.738888889,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+7,7,7.244444444,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+8,7,7.616666667,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+9,7,7.847222222,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 5",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+10,7,7.197222222,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 5",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+11,7,7.222222222,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+12,7,7.086111111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 5",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+25,8,8.688888889,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+26,8,8.338888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+27,8,8.547222222,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+28,8,8.561111111,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+29,8,8.330555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+30,8,8.341666667,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+31,8,8.758333333,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+32,8,8.358333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
+33,8,8.844444444,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 5",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+34,8,8.541666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+35,8,8.577777778,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+36,8,8.205555556,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 5",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+47,9,9.444444444,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+48,9,9.561111111,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+49,9,9.494444444,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+50,9,9.5,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+51,9,9.813888889,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+52,9,9.605555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+53,9,9.766666667,1,"Girl","Black",1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+54,9,9.275,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+55,9,9.736111111,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 5",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+56,9,9.561111111,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 5",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+57,9,9.872222222,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+58,9,9.783333333,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 5",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+71,10,10.37222222,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+72,10,10.74166667,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+73,10,10.40555556,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+74,10,10.40555556,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+75,10,10.93888889,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+76,10,10.93611111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 5",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+77,10,10.16388889,1,"Boy","Black",-1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+78,10,10.19166667,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+79,10,10.95555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 5",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+80,10,10.18611111,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 5",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+91,11,11.83055556,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+92,11,11.13333333,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+93,11,11.075,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+94,11,11.01111111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+95,11,11.16944444,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+96,11,11.40833333,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+97,11,11.57222222,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+98,11,11.77777778,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 5",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+99,11,11.36388889,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+100,11,11.57222222,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 5",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+1,7,7.436111111,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+2,7,7.838888889,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+3,7,7.130555556,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+4,7,7.886111111,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+5,7,7.113888889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+6,7,7.738888889,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
+7,7,7.244444444,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+8,7,7.616666667,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+9,7,7.847222222,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 6",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+10,7,7.197222222,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 6",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+11,7,7.222222222,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+12,7,7.086111111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 6",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+25,8,8.688888889,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+26,8,8.338888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+27,8,8.547222222,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+28,8,8.561111111,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+29,8,8.330555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
+30,8,8.341666667,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+31,8,8.758333333,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+32,8,8.358333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+33,8,8.844444444,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 6",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+34,8,8.541666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+35,8,8.577777778,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+36,8,8.205555556,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 6",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+47,9,9.444444444,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+48,9,9.561111111,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+49,9,9.494444444,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+50,9,9.5,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+51,9,9.813888889,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+52,9,9.605555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+53,9,9.766666667,1,"Girl","Black",1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+54,9,9.275,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+55,9,9.736111111,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 6",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+56,9,9.561111111,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 6",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
+57,9,9.872222222,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+58,9,9.783333333,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 6",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+71,10,10.37222222,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+72,10,10.74166667,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+73,10,10.40555556,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+74,10,10.40555556,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+75,10,10.93888889,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+76,10,10.93611111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 6",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+77,10,10.16388889,1,"Boy","Black",-1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+78,10,10.19166667,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+79,10,10.95555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 6",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+80,10,10.18611111,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 6",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+91,11,11.83055556,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+92,11,11.13333333,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+93,11,11.075,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+94,11,11.01111111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+95,11,11.16944444,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+96,11,11.40833333,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+97,11,11.57222222,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+98,11,11.77777778,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 6",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+99,11,11.36388889,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+100,11,11.57222222,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 6",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+1,7,7.436111111,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+2,7,7.838888889,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+3,7,7.130555556,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
+4,7,7.886111111,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+5,7,7.113888889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+6,7,7.738888889,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+7,7,7.244444444,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+8,7,7.616666667,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+9,7,7.847222222,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 7",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+10,7,7.197222222,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 7",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+11,7,7.222222222,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+12,7,7.086111111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 7",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+25,8,8.688888889,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+26,8,8.338888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+27,8,8.547222222,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+28,8,8.561111111,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+29,8,8.330555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+30,8,8.341666667,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+31,8,8.758333333,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+32,8,8.358333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+33,8,8.844444444,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 7",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+34,8,8.541666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+35,8,8.577777778,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+36,8,8.205555556,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 7",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+47,9,9.444444444,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+48,9,9.561111111,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+49,9,9.494444444,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+50,9,9.5,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+51,9,9.813888889,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+52,9,9.605555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+53,9,9.766666667,1,"Girl","Black",1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+54,9,9.275,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+55,9,9.736111111,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 7",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+56,9,9.561111111,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 7",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+57,9,9.872222222,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+58,9,9.783333333,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 7",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+71,10,10.37222222,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+72,10,10.74166667,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+73,10,10.40555556,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+74,10,10.40555556,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+75,10,10.93888889,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+76,10,10.93611111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 7",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+77,10,10.16388889,1,"Boy","Black",-1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+78,10,10.19166667,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+79,10,10.95555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 7",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+80,10,10.18611111,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 7",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+91,11,11.83055556,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+92,11,11.13333333,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+93,11,11.075,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+94,11,11.01111111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+95,11,11.16944444,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+96,11,11.40833333,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+97,11,11.57222222,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+98,11,11.77777778,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 7",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+99,11,11.36388889,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+100,11,11.57222222,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 7",1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+1,7,7.436111111,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
+2,7,7.838888889,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+3,7,7.130555556,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+4,7,7.886111111,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+5,7,7.113888889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+6,7,7.738888889,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+7,7,7.244444444,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
+8,7,7.616666667,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+9,7,7.847222222,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 8",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+10,7,7.197222222,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 8",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+11,7,7.222222222,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+12,7,7.086111111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 8",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+25,8,8.688888889,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+26,8,8.338888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+27,8,8.547222222,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+28,8,8.561111111,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+29,8,8.330555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+30,8,8.341666667,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+31,8,8.758333333,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+32,8,8.358333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+33,8,8.844444444,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 8",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+34,8,8.541666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+35,8,8.577777778,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+36,8,8.205555556,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 8",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+47,9,9.444444444,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+48,9,9.561111111,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+49,9,9.494444444,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+50,9,9.5,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+51,9,9.813888889,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+52,9,9.605555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+53,9,9.766666667,1,"Girl","Black",1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+54,9,9.275,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+55,9,9.736111111,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 8",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+56,9,9.561111111,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 8",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+57,9,9.872222222,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+58,9,9.783333333,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 8",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+71,10,10.37222222,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+72,10,10.74166667,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+73,10,10.40555556,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+74,10,10.40555556,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+75,10,10.93888889,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+76,10,10.93611111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 8",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+77,10,10.16388889,1,"Boy","Black",-1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,1
+78,10,10.19166667,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+79,10,10.95555556,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 8",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+80,10,10.18611111,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 8",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+91,11,11.83055556,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+92,11,11.13333333,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+93,11,11.075,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+94,11,11.01111111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+95,11,11.16944444,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+96,11,11.40833333,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
+97,11,11.57222222,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+98,11,11.77777778,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 8",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,0
+99,11,11.36388889,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Agreement Trials",0,0
+100,11,11.57222222,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 8",1,1,"Disagreement Trials",1,1
diff --git a/data/data2_predict.csv b/data/data2_predict.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29ed722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/data2_predict.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+13,7,7.775,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+14,7,7.219444444,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+15,7,7.013888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+16,7,7.327777778,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+17,7,7.25,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+18,7,7.133333333,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+19,7,7.758333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+20,7,7.861111111,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+21,7,7.066666667,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+22,7,7.586111111,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 1",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+23,7,7.441666667,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+24,7,7.961111111,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 1",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+37,8,8.541666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+38,8,8.261111111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+39,8,8.927777778,0,"Girl","White",1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+40,8,8.225,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+41,8,8.341666667,1,"Not Reported","Not reported",1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+42,8,8.569444444,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 1",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+43,8,8.202777778,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+44,8,8.455555556,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+45,8,8.497222222,1,"Non-binary","White",-1,"trial 1",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+46,8,8.711111111,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 1",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+59,9,9.622222222,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+60,9,9.458333333,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+61,9,9.294444444,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+62,9,9.986111111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+63,9,9.413888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+64,9,9.736111111,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+65,9,9.461111111,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 1",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+66,9,9.725,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 1",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+67,9,9.111111111,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+68,9,9.616666667,1,"Boy","Not reported",-1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+69,9,9.575,1,"Boy","Latinx",-1,"trial 1",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+70,9,9.216666667,1,"Boy","Middle Eastern",-1,"trial 1",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+81,10,10.43611111,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+82,10,10.01944444,0,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+83,10,10.46388889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+84,10,10.31944444,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+85,10,10.91666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+86,10,10.78333333,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+87,10,10.89166667,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+88,10,10.23333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 1",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+89,10,10.03333333,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+90,10,10.68611111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 1",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+101,11,11.1,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+102,11,11.5,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+103,11,11.10555556,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+104,11,11.94722222,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+105,11,11.37777778,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 1",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+106,11,11.66944444,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 1",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+107,11,11.85277778,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+108,11,11.28333333,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 1",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+109,11,11.15833333,1,"Boy","Black",-1,"trial 1",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+110,11,11.66388889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 1",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+13,7,7.775,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+14,7,7.219444444,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+15,7,7.013888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+16,7,7.327777778,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+17,7,7.25,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+18,7,7.133333333,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+19,7,7.758333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+20,7,7.861111111,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+21,7,7.066666667,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+22,7,7.586111111,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 2",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+23,7,7.441666667,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+24,7,7.961111111,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 2",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+37,8,8.541666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+38,8,8.261111111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+39,8,8.927777778,0,"Girl","White",1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+40,8,8.225,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+41,8,8.341666667,1,"Not Reported","Not reported",1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+42,8,8.569444444,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 2",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+43,8,8.202777778,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+44,8,8.455555556,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+45,8,8.497222222,1,"Non-binary","White",-1,"trial 2",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+46,8,8.711111111,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 2",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+59,9,9.622222222,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+60,9,9.458333333,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+61,9,9.294444444,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+62,9,9.986111111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+63,9,9.413888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+64,9,9.736111111,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+65,9,9.461111111,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 2",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+66,9,9.725,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 2",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+67,9,9.111111111,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+68,9,9.616666667,1,"Boy","Not reported",-1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+69,9,9.575,1,"Boy","Latinx",-1,"trial 2",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+70,9,9.216666667,1,"Boy","Middle Eastern",-1,"trial 2",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+81,10,10.43611111,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+82,10,10.01944444,0,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+83,10,10.46388889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+84,10,10.31944444,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+85,10,10.91666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+86,10,10.78333333,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+87,10,10.89166667,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+88,10,10.23333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 2",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+89,10,10.03333333,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+90,10,10.68611111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 2",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+101,11,11.1,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+102,11,11.5,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+103,11,11.10555556,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+104,11,11.94722222,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+105,11,11.37777778,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 2",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+106,11,11.66944444,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 2",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+107,11,11.85277778,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+108,11,11.28333333,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 2",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+109,11,11.15833333,1,"Boy","Black",-1,"trial 2",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+110,11,11.66388889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 2",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+13,7,7.775,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+14,7,7.219444444,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+15,7,7.013888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+16,7,7.327777778,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+17,7,7.25,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+18,7,7.133333333,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+19,7,7.758333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+20,7,7.861111111,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 3",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+21,7,7.066666667,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 3",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+22,7,7.586111111,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 3",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+23,7,7.441666667,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 3",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+24,7,7.961111111,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 3",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+37,8,8.541666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+38,8,8.261111111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+39,8,8.927777778,0,"Girl","White",1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+40,8,8.225,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+41,8,8.341666667,1,"Not Reported","Not reported",1,"trial 3",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+42,8,8.569444444,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 3",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+43,8,8.202777778,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+44,8,8.455555556,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 3",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+45,8,8.497222222,1,"Non-binary","White",-1,"trial 3",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+46,8,8.711111111,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 3",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+59,9,9.622222222,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+60,9,9.458333333,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+61,9,9.294444444,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+62,9,9.986111111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+63,9,9.413888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 3",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+64,9,9.736111111,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 3",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+65,9,9.461111111,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 3",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+66,9,9.725,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 3",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+67,9,9.111111111,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 3",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+68,9,9.616666667,1,"Boy","Not reported",-1,"trial 3",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+69,9,9.575,1,"Boy","Latinx",-1,"trial 3",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+70,9,9.216666667,1,"Boy","Middle Eastern",-1,"trial 3",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+81,10,10.43611111,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+82,10,10.01944444,0,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+83,10,10.46388889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+84,10,10.31944444,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+85,10,10.91666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+86,10,10.78333333,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+87,10,10.89166667,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 3",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+88,10,10.23333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 3",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+89,10,10.03333333,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"trial 3",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+90,10,10.68611111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 3",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+101,11,11.1,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+102,11,11.5,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+103,11,11.10555556,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+104,11,11.94722222,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+105,11,11.37777778,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 3",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+106,11,11.66944444,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 3",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+107,11,11.85277778,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 3",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+108,11,11.28333333,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 3",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+109,11,11.15833333,1,"Boy","Black",-1,"trial 3",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+110,11,11.66388889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 3",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+13,7,7.775,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+14,7,7.219444444,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+15,7,7.013888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+16,7,7.327777778,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+17,7,7.25,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+18,7,7.133333333,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+19,7,7.758333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+20,7,7.861111111,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+21,7,7.066666667,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+22,7,7.586111111,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 4",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+23,7,7.441666667,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+24,7,7.961111111,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 4",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+37,8,8.541666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+38,8,8.261111111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+39,8,8.927777778,0,"Girl","White",1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+40,8,8.225,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+41,8,8.341666667,1,"Not Reported","Not reported",1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+42,8,8.569444444,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 4",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+43,8,8.202777778,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+44,8,8.455555556,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+45,8,8.497222222,1,"Non-binary","White",-1,"trial 4",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+46,8,8.711111111,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 4",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+59,9,9.622222222,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+60,9,9.458333333,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+61,9,9.294444444,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+62,9,9.986111111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+63,9,9.413888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+64,9,9.736111111,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+65,9,9.461111111,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 4",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+66,9,9.725,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 4",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+67,9,9.111111111,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+68,9,9.616666667,1,"Boy","Not reported",-1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+69,9,9.575,1,"Boy","Latinx",-1,"trial 4",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+70,9,9.216666667,1,"Boy","Middle Eastern",-1,"trial 4",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+81,10,10.43611111,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+82,10,10.01944444,0,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+83,10,10.46388889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+84,10,10.31944444,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+85,10,10.91666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+86,10,10.78333333,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+87,10,10.89166667,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+88,10,10.23333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 4",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+89,10,10.03333333,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+90,10,10.68611111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 4",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+101,11,11.1,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+102,11,11.5,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+103,11,11.10555556,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+104,11,11.94722222,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+105,11,11.37777778,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 4",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+106,11,11.66944444,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 4",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+107,11,11.85277778,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+108,11,11.28333333,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 4",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+109,11,11.15833333,1,"Boy","Black",-1,"trial 4",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+110,11,11.66388889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 4",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+13,7,7.775,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+14,7,7.219444444,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+15,7,7.013888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+16,7,7.327777778,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+17,7,7.25,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+18,7,7.133333333,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+19,7,7.758333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+20,7,7.861111111,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+21,7,7.066666667,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+22,7,7.586111111,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 5",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+23,7,7.441666667,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+24,7,7.961111111,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 5",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+37,8,8.541666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+38,8,8.261111111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+39,8,8.927777778,0,"Girl","White",1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+40,8,8.225,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+41,8,8.341666667,1,"Not Reported","Not reported",1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+42,8,8.569444444,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 5",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+43,8,8.202777778,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+44,8,8.455555556,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+45,8,8.497222222,1,"Non-binary","White",-1,"trial 5",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+46,8,8.711111111,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 5",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+59,9,9.622222222,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+60,9,9.458333333,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+61,9,9.294444444,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+62,9,9.986111111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+63,9,9.413888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+64,9,9.736111111,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+65,9,9.461111111,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 5",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+66,9,9.725,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 5",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+67,9,9.111111111,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+68,9,9.616666667,1,"Boy","Not reported",-1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+69,9,9.575,1,"Boy","Latinx",-1,"trial 5",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+70,9,9.216666667,1,"Boy","Middle Eastern",-1,"trial 5",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+81,10,10.43611111,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+82,10,10.01944444,0,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+83,10,10.46388889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+84,10,10.31944444,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+85,10,10.91666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+86,10,10.78333333,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+87,10,10.89166667,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+88,10,10.23333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 5",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+89,10,10.03333333,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+90,10,10.68611111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 5",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+101,11,11.1,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+102,11,11.5,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+103,11,11.10555556,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+104,11,11.94722222,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+105,11,11.37777778,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 5",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+106,11,11.66944444,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 5",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+107,11,11.85277778,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+108,11,11.28333333,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 5",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+109,11,11.15833333,1,"Boy","Black",-1,"trial 5",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+110,11,11.66388889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 5",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+13,7,7.775,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+14,7,7.219444444,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+15,7,7.013888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+16,7,7.327777778,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+17,7,7.25,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+18,7,7.133333333,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+19,7,7.758333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+20,7,7.861111111,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+21,7,7.066666667,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+22,7,7.586111111,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 6",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+23,7,7.441666667,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+24,7,7.961111111,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 6",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+37,8,8.541666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+38,8,8.261111111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+39,8,8.927777778,0,"Girl","White",1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+40,8,8.225,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+41,8,8.341666667,1,"Not Reported","Not reported",1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+42,8,8.569444444,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 6",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+43,8,8.202777778,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+44,8,8.455555556,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+45,8,8.497222222,1,"Non-binary","White",-1,"trial 6",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+46,8,8.711111111,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 6",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+59,9,9.622222222,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+60,9,9.458333333,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+61,9,9.294444444,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+62,9,9.986111111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+63,9,9.413888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+64,9,9.736111111,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+65,9,9.461111111,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 6",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+66,9,9.725,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 6",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+67,9,9.111111111,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+68,9,9.616666667,1,"Boy","Not reported",-1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+69,9,9.575,1,"Boy","Latinx",-1,"trial 6",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+70,9,9.216666667,1,"Boy","Middle Eastern",-1,"trial 6",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+81,10,10.43611111,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+82,10,10.01944444,0,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+83,10,10.46388889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+84,10,10.31944444,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+85,10,10.91666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+86,10,10.78333333,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+87,10,10.89166667,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+88,10,10.23333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 6",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+89,10,10.03333333,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+90,10,10.68611111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 6",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+101,11,11.1,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+102,11,11.5,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+103,11,11.10555556,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+104,11,11.94722222,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+105,11,11.37777778,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 6",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+106,11,11.66944444,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 6",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+107,11,11.85277778,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+108,11,11.28333333,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 6",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+109,11,11.15833333,1,"Boy","Black",-1,"trial 6",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+110,11,11.66388889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 6",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+13,7,7.775,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+14,7,7.219444444,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+15,7,7.013888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+16,7,7.327777778,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+17,7,7.25,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+18,7,7.133333333,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+19,7,7.758333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+20,7,7.861111111,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+21,7,7.066666667,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+22,7,7.586111111,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 7",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+23,7,7.441666667,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+24,7,7.961111111,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 7",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+37,8,8.541666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+38,8,8.261111111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+39,8,8.927777778,0,"Girl","White",1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+40,8,8.225,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+41,8,8.341666667,1,"Not Reported","Not reported",1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+42,8,8.569444444,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 7",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+43,8,8.202777778,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+44,8,8.455555556,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+45,8,8.497222222,1,"Non-binary","White",-1,"trial 7",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+46,8,8.711111111,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 7",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+59,9,9.622222222,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+60,9,9.458333333,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+61,9,9.294444444,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+62,9,9.986111111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+63,9,9.413888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+64,9,9.736111111,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+65,9,9.461111111,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 7",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+66,9,9.725,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 7",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+67,9,9.111111111,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+68,9,9.616666667,1,"Boy","Not reported",-1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+69,9,9.575,1,"Boy","Latinx",-1,"trial 7",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+70,9,9.216666667,1,"Boy","Middle Eastern",-1,"trial 7",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+81,10,10.43611111,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+82,10,10.01944444,0,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+83,10,10.46388889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+84,10,10.31944444,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+85,10,10.91666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+86,10,10.78333333,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+87,10,10.89166667,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+88,10,10.23333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 7",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+89,10,10.03333333,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+90,10,10.68611111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 7",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+101,11,11.1,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+102,11,11.5,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+103,11,11.10555556,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+104,11,11.94722222,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+105,11,11.37777778,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 7",-1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+106,11,11.66944444,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 7",1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+107,11,11.85277778,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+108,11,11.28333333,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 7",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+109,11,11.15833333,1,"Boy","Black",-1,"trial 7",-1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+110,11,11.66388889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 7",1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+13,7,7.775,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+14,7,7.219444444,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+15,7,7.013888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+16,7,7.327777778,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+17,7,7.25,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+18,7,7.133333333,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+19,7,7.758333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+20,7,7.861111111,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+21,7,7.066666667,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+22,7,7.586111111,1,"Girl","White",1,"trial 8",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+23,7,7.441666667,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+24,7,7.961111111,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 8",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+37,8,8.541666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+38,8,8.261111111,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+39,8,8.927777778,0,"Girl","White",1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+40,8,8.225,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+41,8,8.341666667,1,"Not Reported","Not reported",1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+42,8,8.569444444,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 8",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+43,8,8.202777778,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+44,8,8.455555556,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+45,8,8.497222222,1,"Non-binary","White",-1,"trial 8",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+46,8,8.711111111,1,"Girl","White",-1,"trial 8",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+59,9,9.622222222,1,"Boy","Latinx",1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+60,9,9.458333333,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+61,9,9.294444444,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+62,9,9.986111111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+63,9,9.413888889,1,"Boy","Asian",1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+64,9,9.736111111,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+65,9,9.461111111,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 8",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+66,9,9.725,1,"Boy","White",1,"trial 8",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+67,9,9.111111111,1,"Boy","Mixed",-1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+68,9,9.616666667,1,"Boy","Not reported",-1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+69,9,9.575,1,"Boy","Latinx",-1,"trial 8",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+70,9,9.216666667,1,"Boy","Middle Eastern",-1,"trial 8",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+81,10,10.43611111,0,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+82,10,10.01944444,0,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+83,10,10.46388889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+84,10,10.31944444,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+85,10,10.91666667,1,"Girl","Latinx",-1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+86,10,10.78333333,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+87,10,10.89166667,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+88,10,10.23333333,1,"Boy","Mixed",1,"trial 8",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+89,10,10.03333333,1,"Girl","Mixed",-1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,1
+90,10,10.68611111,1,"Girl","Asian",-1,"trial 8",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+101,11,11.1,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+102,11,11.5,1,"Girl","Latinx",1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+103,11,11.10555556,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+104,11,11.94722222,1,"Girl","Mixed",1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+105,11,11.37777778,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 8",-1,-1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+106,11,11.66944444,1,"Boy","Asian",-1,"trial 8",1,-1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
+107,11,11.85277778,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+108,11,11.28333333,1,"Girl","Asian",1,"trial 8",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,1
+109,11,11.15833333,1,"Boy","Black",-1,"trial 8",-1,1,"Unambiguous Trials",0,0
+110,11,11.66388889,1,"Boy","White",-1,"trial 8",1,1,"Ambiguous Trials",1,0
diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d803191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,5528 @@
+Children use disagreement to infer what happened
library("lme4") # for linear mixed effects models
+library("rsample") # for bootstrapping
+library("xtable") # for latex tables
+library("kableExtra") # for rmarkdown
+library("knitr") # for rmarkdown
+library("car") # for hypothesis test
+library("Metrics") # for rmse
+library("scales") # for percentage plots
+library("broom.mixed") # for model summaries
+library("grateful") # for package citations
+library("ggeffects") # for marginal predictions
+library("scales") # for percentage scales
+library("Hmisc") # for bootstrapped means
+library("ggtext") # for colored text in ggplot
+library("tidyverse") # for everything else
Helper functions
# set classic theme
+theme_set(theme_classic() +
+ theme(text = element_text(size = 16)))
+# function for printing out html or latex tables
+print_table = function(data, format = "html", digits = 2){
+ if(format == "html"){
+ data %>%
+ kable(digits = digits) %>%
+ kable_styling()
+ }else if(format == "latex"){
+ data %>%
+ xtable(digits = digits,
+ caption = "Caption",
+ label = "tab:table") %>%
+ print(include.rownames = F,
+ booktabs = T,
+ sanitize.colnames.function = identity,
+ caption.placement = "top")
+ }
+# suppress grouping warning
+options(dplyr.summarise.inform = F)
+# show figures at the end of code chunks
+opts_chunk$set(comment = "",
+ fig.show = "hold")
+# regression function
+fun.regression = function(formula, data){
+ results = glmer(formula = formula,
+ family = binomial,
+ data = data)
+ print(results)
+ return(results)
+# results table
+fun.table = function(results, type = "exploratory"){
+ table = results %>%
+ tidy(conf.int = T) %>%
+ filter(effect == "fixed") %>%
+ select(-group)
+ if (type == "exploratory"){
+ table = table %>%
+ select(-c(p.value))
+ }
+ table %>%
+ print_table()
+# colors
+l.color = list(agreement = "#89fa50",
+ disagreement = "#ff968c",
+ ambiguous = "#d38950",
+ unambiguous = "#96d5d6")
Read in data
# fixed rounding issue; one participant was actually 11 and turned 12 the next day
+# participant reported they were 9 despite birth year indicating they were 8;
+# recoded to 9.69 given reported age likely more reliable
+df.exp1 = read_csv("../data/data1_infer.csv") %>%
+ rename(trial_order = trial_order_dada) %>%
+ mutate(age_continuous = ifelse(age_continuous == 12, 11.99,
+ ifelse(age_continuous == 8.69, 9.69,
+ age_continuous)))
+- check if counterbalanced factors moderate the effect of trial type
Story order
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * story_order_wagon + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * story_order_wagon +
+ (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 243.5716 260.2593 -116.7858 233.5716 203
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.424
+Number of obs: 208, groups: participant, 52
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -1.8473 1.8559
+ story_order_wagon condition_disagree:story_order_wagon
+ 0.5618 -0.2295
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Trial order
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * trial_order + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * trial_order + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 241.2821 257.9698 -115.6410 231.2821 203
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.477
+Number of obs: 208, groups: participant, 52
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -1.84349 1.83408
+ trial_order condition_disagree:trial_order
+ -0.02668 -0.64759
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * valence_neg + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * valence_neg + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 244.9991 261.6868 -117.4996 234.9991 203
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.481
+Number of obs: 208, groups: participant, 52
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -1.844699 1.867938
+ valence_neg condition_disagree:valence_neg
+ -0.004625 0.350825
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Confirmatory analysis
Trial type effect
Choose ambiguous statement more in disagreement than agreement trials.
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 242.4062 252.4188 -118.2031 236.4062 205
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.455
+Number of obs: 208, groups: participant, 52
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -1.828 1.828
fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Inferences above chance
Choose unambiguous in agreement trials above chance (log odds = -.69; 33%).
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "unambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: unambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 242.1031 252.1157 -118.0515 236.1031 205
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.475
+Number of obs: 208, groups: participant, 52
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ 1.841 -1.893
fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
linearHypothesis(results, "(Intercept) = -.69")
Linear hypothesis test
+(Intercept) = - 0.69
+Model 1: restricted model
+Model 2: unambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Df Chisq Pr(>Chisq)
+2 1 40.144 2.359e-10 ***
+Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Ambiguous choice
Choose ambiguous in disagreement trials above chance (log odds = -.69; 33%).
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_agree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_agree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 242.4062 252.4188 -118.2031 236.4062 205
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.455
+Number of obs: 208, groups: participant, 52
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_agree
+ -0.0003634 -1.8277981
fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
linearHypothesis(results, "(Intercept) = -.69")
Linear hypothesis test
+(Intercept) = - 0.69
+Model 1: restricted model
+Model 2: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_agree + (1 | participant)
+ Df Chisq Pr(>Chisq)
+2 1 4.8736 0.02727 *
+Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Exploratory analysis
Trial type by age interaction
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * age_continuous + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * age_continuous + (1 |
+ participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 237.4681 254.1558 -113.7340 227.4681 203
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.546
+Number of obs: 208, groups: participant, 52
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ 2.5127 -6.0120
+ age_continuous condition_disagree:age_continuous
+ -0.4749 0.8474
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Moderation by age
# from 7 to 11 years
+for(i in 7:11){
+ cat(str_c("Age = ", i, "\n\n"))
+ results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp1 %>%
+ filter(age_group == i))
Age = 7
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 50.2215 55.2881 -22.1107 44.2215 37
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 2.049
+Number of obs: 40, groups: participant, 10
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -1.879 1.489
+Age = 8
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 61.2404 66.8540 -27.6202 55.2404 45
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.994
+Number of obs: 48, groups: participant, 12
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -1.1496 0.5988
+Age = 9
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 54.6152 59.6818 -24.3076 48.6152 37
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.8046
+Number of obs: 40, groups: participant, 10
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -1.2513 0.7889
+Age = 10
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 43.7876 48.8542 -18.8938 37.7876 37
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.833
+Number of obs: 40, groups: participant, 10
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -3.272 3.225
+Age = 11
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 40.0251 45.0917 -17.0125 34.0251 37
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.543
+Number of obs: 40, groups: participant, 10
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -2.956 4.529
+df.plot.individual = df.exp1 %>%
+ mutate(condition_disagree = as.character(condition_disagree)) %>%
+ group_by(participant, age_continuous, condition_disagree) %>%
+ summarize(pct_amb = sum(ambiguous_yes)/n())
+df.age.means = df.plot.individual %>%
+ distinct(participant, age_continuous) %>%
+ mutate(age_group = floor(age_continuous)) %>%
+ group_by(age_group) %>%
+ summarize(age_mean = mean(age_continuous),
+ n = str_c("n = ", n())) %>%
+ ungroup()
+df.plot.means = df.exp1 %>%
+ mutate(condition_disagree = as.character(condition_disagree)) %>%
+ group_by(participant, age_group, condition_disagree) %>%
+ summarize(pct_amb = sum(ambiguous_yes)/n()) %>%
+ group_by(age_group, condition_disagree) %>%
+ reframe(response = smean.cl.boot(pct_amb),
+ name = c("mean", "low", "high")) %>%
+ left_join(df.age.means,
+ by = "age_group") %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = name,
+ values_from = response) %>%
+ mutate(age_mean = ifelse(condition_disagree == 0, age_mean - 0.05, age_mean + 0.05))
+df.plot.text = df.plot.means %>%
+ distinct(age_group, n)
+ggplot() +
+ geom_hline(yintercept = 1/3,
+ linetype = 2,
+ alpha = 0.1) +
+ geom_point(data = df.plot.individual,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_continuous,
+ y = pct_amb,
+ color = condition_disagree),
+ alpha = 0.5,
+ show.legend = T,
+ shape = 16,
+ size = 1.5) +
+ geom_linerange(data = df.plot.means,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = mean,
+ ymin = low,
+ ymax = high),
+ color = "gray40") +
+ geom_point(data = df.plot.means,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = mean,
+ fill = condition_disagree),
+ shape = 21,
+ size = 3,
+ show.legend = T) +
+ geom_text(data = df.plot.text,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_group + 0.5,
+ y = 1.05,
+ label = n),
+ hjust = 0.5) +
+ scale_y_continuous(labels = percent) +
+ labs(x = "Age (in years)",
+ y = "% Infer Ambiguous Utterance",
+ title = "Experiment 1: Inference") +
+ coord_cartesian(xlim = c(7, 12),
+ ylim = c(0, 1),
+ clip = "off") +
+ scale_color_manual(name = "Trial Type",
+ labels = c("Agreement", "Disagreement"),
+ values = c(l.color$agreement, l.color$disagreement),
+ guide = guide_legend(reverse = T)) +
+ scale_fill_manual(name = "Trial Type",
+ labels = c("Agreement", "Disagreement"),
+ values = c(l.color$agreement, l.color$disagreement),
+ guide = guide_legend(reverse = T)) +
+ theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,
+ vjust = 2,
+ size = 18,
+ face = "bold"),
+ axis.title.y = element_markdown(color = l.color$ambiguous),
+ legend.position = "right")
+ggsave(filename = "../figures/plots/exp1_inference.pdf",
+ width = 8,
+ height = 4)
Read in data
df.exp2.predict = read_csv("../data/data2_predict.csv")
+df.exp2.infer = read_csv("../data/data2_infer.csv") %>%
+ drop_na()
Prediction condition
Story order
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb * story_order_wagon + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.predict)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb * story_order_wagon + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 533.8373 554.1795 -261.9187 523.8373 427
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.5109
+Number of obs: 432, groups: participant, 54
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ -1.2683 1.5824
+ story_order_wagon condition_amb:story_order_wagon
+ -0.1105 0.2620
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Trial order
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb*trial_order_auau + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.predict)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb * trial_order_auau + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 533.6323 553.9745 -261.8162 523.6323 427
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.473
+Number of obs: 432, groups: participant, 54
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ -1.25973 1.58341
+ trial_order_auau condition_amb:trial_order_auau
+ 0.15624 0.01714
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb * valence_neg + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.predict)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb * valence_neg + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 531.5686 551.9108 -260.7843 521.5686 427
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.4787
+Number of obs: 432, groups: participant, 54
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ -1.26341 1.59408
+ valence_neg condition_amb:valence_neg
+ -0.05144 0.34376
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Inference condition
Story order
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * story_order_wagon + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * story_order_wagon +
+ (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 398.6856 419.1984 -194.3428 388.6856 442
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.009
+Number of obs: 447, groups: participant, 56
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -2.687817 3.783142
+ story_order_wagon condition_disagree:story_order_wagon
+ 0.005322 -0.262981
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
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+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Trial order
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * trial_order_dada + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * trial_order_dada + (1 |
+ participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 400.1794 420.6922 -195.0897 390.1794 442
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.032
+Number of obs: 447, groups: participant, 56
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -2.70545 3.78219
+ trial_order_dada condition_disagree:trial_order_dada
+ -0.06539 0.08335
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * valence_neg + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * valence_neg + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 396.7389 417.2517 -193.3695 386.7389 442
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.9986
+Number of obs: 447, groups: participant, 56
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -2.6816 3.7756
+ valence_neg condition_disagree:valence_neg
+ -0.0941 -0.3050
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Confirmatory analyses
Trial type effect
Prediction condition
Predict disagreement more in ambiguous than unambiguous trials.
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.predict)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 531.3732 543.5785 -262.6866 525.3732 429
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.5009
+Number of obs: 432, groups: participant, 54
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ -1.267 1.584
prop.table(table(df.exp2.predict$condition_amb, df.exp2.predict$dis_yes),
+ margin = 1)
+ 0 1
+ 0 0.7685185 0.2314815
+ 1 0.4259259 0.5740741
fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Inference condition
Choose ambiguous statement more in disagreement than agreement trials.
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 396.2555 408.5632 -195.1278 390.2555 444
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.028
+Number of obs: 447, groups: participant, 56
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -2.697 3.771
prop.table(table(df.exp2.infer$condition_disagree, df.exp2.infer$ambiguous_yes),
+ margin = 1)
+ 0 1
+ 0 0.91071429 0.08928571
+ 1 0.29147982 0.70852018
fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Exploratory analysis
Trial type by age interaction
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb * age_continuous + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.predict)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb * age_continuous + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 533.1134 553.4555 -261.5567 523.1134 427
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.4888
+Number of obs: 432, groups: participant, 54
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ 0.3225 -0.3813
+ age_continuous condition_amb:age_continuous
+ -0.1702 0.2100
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * age_continuous + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree * age_continuous + (1 |
+ participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 370.9069 391.4197 -180.4534 360.9069 442
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.188
+Number of obs: 447, groups: participant, 56
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ 4.0689 -7.5859
+ age_continuous condition_disagree:age_continuous
+ -0.7699 1.2725
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
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+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Moderation by age
Prediction condition
# from 7 to 11 years
+for(i in 7:11){
+ cat(str_c("Age = ", i, "\n\n"))
+ fun.regression(
+ formula = "dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.predict %>%
+ filter(age_group == i))
Age = 7
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+124.0071 131.7002 -59.0036 118.0071 93
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.161
+Number of obs: 96, groups: participant, 12
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ -0.9926 1.2093
+Age = 8
boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 93.6577 100.8037 -43.8288 87.6577 77
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 3.525e-08
+Number of obs: 80, groups: participant, 10
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ -1.735 2.140
+optimizer (Nelder_Mead) convergence code: 0 (OK) ; 0 optimizer warnings; 1 lme4 warnings
+Age = 9
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+130.8159 138.5089 -62.4079 124.8159 93
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.1557
+Number of obs: 96, groups: participant, 12
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ -0.793 1.132
+Age = 10
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 94.7171 101.8631 -44.3585 88.7171 77
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.3675
+Number of obs: 80, groups: participant, 10
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ -1.782 1.989
+Age = 11
boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: dis_yes ~ 1 + condition_amb + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 99.8731 107.0192 -46.9366 93.8731 77
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.804e-07
+Number of obs: 80, groups: participant, 10
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_amb
+ -1.386 1.792
+optimizer (Nelder_Mead) convergence code: 0 (OK) ; 0 optimizer warnings; 1 lme4 warnings
Inference condition
# from 7 to 11 years
+for(i in 7:11){
+ cat(str_c("Age = ", i, "\n\n"))
+ fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer %>%
+ filter(age_group == i))
Age = 7
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+120.7673 128.4603 -57.3836 114.7673 93
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.8776
+Number of obs: 96, groups: participant, 12
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -1.410 1.197
+Age = 8
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 88.856 96.549 -41.428 82.856 93
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 1.184
+Number of obs: 96, groups: participant, 12
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -2.911 3.917
+Age = 9
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 52.2821 59.9752 -23.1411 46.2821 93
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 3.168
+Number of obs: 96, groups: participant, 12
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -5.704 8.442
+Age = 10
boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 43.0340 50.1423 -18.5170 37.0340 76
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0
+Number of obs: 79, groups: participant, 10
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -2.944 5.429
+optimizer (Nelder_Mead) convergence code: 0 (OK) ; 0 optimizer warnings; 1 lme4 warnings
+Age = 11
+Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 65.8653 73.0114 -29.9327 59.8653 77
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0.843
+Number of obs: 80, groups: participant, 10
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -3.241 4.510
Inference condition: First story only
Examine story 1 (trials 1 and 2) and story 4 (trials 7 and 8) among 7-year-olds.
# story 1, 7 year olds
+df.exp2.infer.7.1 = df.exp2.infer %>%
+ filter(age_group == 7 &
+ (trial == "trial 1" |trial == "trial 2"))
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer.7.1)
boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 34.7724 38.3065 -14.3862 28.7724 21
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0
+Number of obs: 24, groups: participant, 12
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -0.6931 -0.4055
+optimizer (Nelder_Mead) convergence code: 0 (OK) ; 0 optimizer warnings; 1 lme4 warnings
prop.table(table(df.exp2.infer.7.1$condition_disagree, df.exp2.infer.7.1$ambiguous_yes),
+ margin = 1)
+ 0 1
+ 0 0.6666667 0.3333333
+ 1 0.7500000 0.2500000
fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
# story 4, 7 year olds
+df.exp2.infer.7.4 = df.exp2.infer %>%
+ filter(age_group == 7 &
+ (trial == "trial 7" |trial == "trial 8"))
+results = fun.regression(
+ formula = "ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)",
+ data = df.exp2.infer.7.4)
boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
+ Approximation) [glmerMod]
+ Family: binomial ( logit )
+Formula: ambiguous_yes ~ 1 + condition_disagree + (1 | participant)
+ Data: data
+ AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
+ 35.7967 39.3308 -14.8983 29.7967 21
+Random effects:
+ Groups Name Std.Dev.
+ participant (Intercept) 0
+Number of obs: 24, groups: participant, 12
+Fixed Effects:
+ (Intercept) condition_disagree
+ -1.099 1.435
+optimizer (Nelder_Mead) convergence code: 0 (OK) ; 0 optimizer warnings; 1 lme4 warnings
prop.table(table(df.exp2.infer.7.4$condition_disagree, df.exp2.infer.7.4$ambiguous_yes),
+ margin = 1)
+ 0 1
+ 0 0.7500000 0.2500000
+ 1 0.4166667 0.5833333
fun.table(results, type = "confirmatory")
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Bayesian model
Prediction data
df.exp2.predict.prob = df.exp2.predict %>%
+ count(age_group, condition_amb_c, dis_yes) %>%
+ group_by(age_group, condition_amb_c) %>%
+ mutate(probability = n/sum(n)) %>%
+ ungroup() %>%
+ mutate(utterance = str_remove_all(condition_amb_c, " Trials"),
+ utterance = factor(utterance,
+ levels = c("Unambiguous", "Ambiguous")),
+ agreement = factor(dis_yes,
+ levels = c(0, 1),
+ labels = c("agree", "disagree"))) %>%
+ select(-c(condition_amb_c, dis_yes, n)) %>%
+ relocate(probability, .after = last_col()) %>%
+ arrange(age_group, utterance, agreement)
Without softmax
utterance_prior = c(0.5, 0.5)
+df.inference = df.exp2.predict.prob %>%
+ group_by(agreement, age_group) %>%
+ mutate(prior = utterance_prior) %>%
+ mutate(posterior = probability * prior /
+ sum(probability * prior)) %>%
+ ungroup()
+df.model.posterior = df.inference %>%
+ rename(condition = agreement) %>%
+ mutate(condition = factor(condition,
+ levels = c("agree", "disagree"),
+ labels = c("Agreement Trials", "Disagreement Trials"))) %>%
+ filter(utterance == "Ambiguous")
One temperature parameter
age = 7:11
+softmax = function(vec, temp = 3) {
+ out = exp(vec*temp) / sum(exp(vec*temp))
+ return(out)
+df.data = df.exp2.infer %>%
+ count(age_group, condition_disagree_c, ambiguous_yes) %>%
+ group_by(age_group, condition_disagree_c) %>%
+ reframe(p = n/sum(n)) %>%
+ filter(row_number() %% 2 == 0) %>%
+ rename(agreement = condition_disagree_c) %>%
+ mutate(agreement = ifelse(agreement == "Agreement Trials", "agree", "disagree"))
+fit_softmax = function(beta){
+ df.prediction = df.inference %>%
+ filter(age_group %in% age) %>%
+ select(age_group, utterance, agreement, posterior) %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = utterance,
+ values_from = posterior) %>%
+ rowwise() %>%
+ mutate(Unambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[1],
+ Ambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[2]) %>%
+ select(age_group, agreement, prediction = Ambiguous_soft)
+ # compute loss as squared error
+ loss = df.data %>%
+ filter(age_group %in% age) %>%
+ left_join(df.prediction) %>%
+ mutate(loss = (p-prediction)^2) %>%
+ pull(loss) %>%
+ sum()
+ return(loss)
+# find best fitting softmax parameter
+fit = optim(par = 0,
+ fn = fit_softmax)
+# use the best parameter
+beta = fit[[1]]
+# model with softmax
+df.model.softmax = df.inference %>%
+ select(age_group, utterance, agreement, posterior) %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = utterance,
+ values_from = posterior) %>%
+ rowwise() %>%
+ mutate(Unambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[1],
+ Ambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[2]) %>%
+ select(age_group, condition = agreement, posterior = Ambiguous_soft) %>%
+ mutate(condition = factor(condition,
+ levels = c("agree", "disagree"),
+ labels = c("Agreement Trials", "Disagreement Trials")))
Linear increase of temperature parameter
+- fit linear model of softmax temperature as a function of age
# rm(beta)
+fit_softmax_age = function(par){
+ df.prediction = df.inference %>%
+ select(age_group, utterance, agreement, posterior) %>%
+ mutate(beta = par[1] + par[2] * age_group) %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = utterance,
+ values_from = posterior) %>%
+ rowwise() %>%
+ mutate(Unambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[1],
+ Ambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[2]) %>%
+ select(age_group, agreement, prediction = Ambiguous_soft)
+ # compute loss as squared error
+ loss = df.data %>%
+ filter(age_group %in% age) %>%
+ left_join(df.prediction,
+ by = c("age_group", "agreement")) %>%
+ mutate(loss = (p-prediction)^2) %>%
+ pull(loss) %>%
+ sum()
+ return(loss)
+# find best fitting softmax parameter
+fit = optim(par = c(0, 0),
+ fn = fit_softmax_age)
+df.model.softmax.linear = df.inference %>%
+ select(age_group, utterance, agreement, posterior) %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = utterance,
+ values_from = posterior) %>%
+ mutate(beta = fit$par[1] + fit$par[2] * age_group) %>%
+ rowwise() %>%
+ mutate(Unambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[1],
+ Ambiguous_soft = softmax(c(Unambiguous, Ambiguous),
+ temp = beta)[2]) %>%
+ select(age_group, condition = agreement, posterior = Ambiguous_soft) %>%
+ mutate(condition = factor(condition,
+ levels = c("agree", "disagree"),
+ labels = c("Agreement Trials", "Disagreement Trials")))
Model comparison
df.model.posterior %>%
+ mutate(name = "posterior") %>%
+ select(-c(utterance, probability, prior)) %>%
+ bind_rows(df.model.softmax %>%
+ mutate(name = "softmax")) %>%
+ bind_rows(df.model.softmax.linear %>%
+ mutate(name = "softmax increase")) %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = name,
+ values_from = posterior) %>%
+ left_join(df.data %>%
+ mutate(condition = factor(agreement,
+ levels = c("agree", "disagree"),
+ labels = c("Agreement Trials",
+ "Disagreement Trials"))) %>%
+ select(-agreement),
+ by = c("age_group", "condition")) %>%
+ summarize(
+ r_posterior = cor(p, posterior),
+ r_softmax = cor(p, softmax),
+ r_softmaxincrease = cor(p, `softmax increase`),
+ rmse_posterior = rmse(p, posterior),
+ rmse_softmax = rmse(p, softmax),
+ rmse_softmaxincrease = rmse(p, `softmax increase`)) %>%
+ pivot_longer(cols = everything(),
+ names_to = c("index", "name"),
+ names_sep = "_") %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = index,
+ values_from = value) %>%
+ print_table()
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+df.plot.individual = df.exp2.predict %>%
+ mutate(condition_amb = as.character(condition_amb)) %>%
+ group_by(participant, age_continuous, condition_amb) %>%
+ summarize(pct_dis = sum(dis_yes)/n())
+df.age.means = df.plot.individual %>%
+ distinct(participant, age_continuous) %>%
+ mutate(age_group = floor(age_continuous)) %>%
+ group_by(age_group) %>%
+ summarize(age_mean = mean(age_continuous),
+ n = str_c("n = ", n())) %>%
+ ungroup()
+df.plot.means = df.exp2.predict %>%
+ mutate(condition_amb = as.character(condition_amb)) %>%
+ group_by(participant, age_group, condition_amb) %>%
+ summarize(pct_dis = sum(dis_yes)/n()) %>%
+ group_by(age_group, condition_amb) %>%
+ reframe(response = smean.cl.boot(pct_dis),
+ name = c("mean", "low", "high")) %>%
+ left_join(df.age.means,
+ by = "age_group") %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = name,
+ values_from = response) %>%
+ mutate(age_mean = ifelse(condition_amb == 0, age_mean - 0.05, age_mean + 0.05))
+df.plot.text = df.plot.means %>%
+ distinct(age_group, n)
+ggplot() +
+ geom_hline(yintercept = 0.5,
+ linetype = 2,
+ alpha = 0.1) +
+ geom_point(data = df.plot.individual,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_continuous,
+ y = pct_dis,
+ color = condition_amb),
+ alpha = 0.5,
+ show.legend = T,
+ shape = 16,
+ size = 1.5) +
+ geom_linerange(data = df.plot.means,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = mean,
+ ymin = low,
+ ymax = high),
+ color = "gray40") +
+ geom_point(data = df.plot.means,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = mean,
+ fill = condition_amb),
+ shape = 21,
+ size = 3,
+ show.legend = T) +
+ geom_text(data = df.plot.text,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_group + 0.5,
+ y = 1.05,
+ label = n),
+ hjust = 0.5) +
+ scale_y_continuous(labels = percent) +
+ labs(x = "Age (in years)",
+ y = "% Predict Disagreement",
+ title = "Experiment 2: Prediction") +
+ coord_cartesian(xlim = c(7, 12),
+ ylim = c(0, 1),
+ clip = "off") +
+ scale_color_manual(name = "Trial Type",
+ labels = c("Unambiguous", "Ambiguous"),
+ values = c(l.color$unambiguous, l.color$ambiguous),
+ guide = guide_legend(reverse = T)) +
+ scale_fill_manual(name = "Trial Type",
+ labels = c("Unambiguous", "Ambiguous"),
+ values = c(l.color$unambiguous, l.color$ambiguous),
+ guide = guide_legend(reverse = T)) +
+ theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,
+ vjust = 2,
+ size = 18,
+ face = "bold"),
+ axis.title.y = element_markdown(color = l.color$disagreement),
+ legend.position = "right")
+ggsave(filename = "../figures/plots/exp2_prediction.pdf",
+ width = 8,
+ height = 4)
+df.plot.individual = df.exp2.infer %>%
+ mutate(condition_disagree = as.character(condition_disagree)) %>%
+ group_by(participant, age_continuous, condition_disagree) %>%
+ summarize(pct_amb = sum(ambiguous_yes)/n())
+df.age.means = df.plot.individual %>%
+ distinct(participant, age_continuous) %>%
+ mutate(age_group = floor(age_continuous)) %>%
+ group_by(age_group) %>%
+ summarize(age_mean = mean(age_continuous),
+ n = str_c("n = ", n())) %>%
+ ungroup()
+df.plot.means = df.exp2.infer %>%
+ mutate(condition_disagree = as.character(condition_disagree)) %>%
+ group_by(participant, age_group, condition_disagree) %>%
+ summarize(pct_amb = sum(ambiguous_yes)/n()) %>%
+ group_by(age_group, condition_disagree) %>%
+ reframe(response = smean.cl.boot(pct_amb),
+ name = c("mean", "low", "high")) %>%
+ left_join(df.age.means,
+ by = "age_group") %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = name,
+ values_from = response) %>%
+ mutate(age_mean = ifelse(condition_disagree == 0, age_mean - 0.05, age_mean + 0.05))
+df.plot.text = df.plot.means %>%
+ distinct(age_group, n)
+df.model = df.model.posterior %>%
+ mutate(name = "posterior") %>%
+ select(-c(utterance, probability, prior)) %>%
+ bind_rows(df.model.softmax %>%
+ mutate(name = "softmax")) %>%
+ bind_rows(df.model.softmax.linear %>%
+ mutate(name = "softmax increase")) %>%
+ mutate(condition_disagree = factor(condition,
+ levels = c("Agreement Trials",
+ "Disagreement Trials"),
+ labels = c(0,
+ 1))) %>%
+ left_join(df.age.means %>%
+ select(-n),
+ by = "age_group") %>%
+ mutate(age_mean = ifelse(condition_disagree == 0,
+ age_mean - 0.05,
+ age_mean + 0.05))
+ggplot() +
+ geom_hline(yintercept = 0.5,
+ linetype = 2,
+ alpha = 0.1) +
+ geom_point(data = df.plot.individual,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_continuous,
+ y = pct_amb,
+ color = condition_disagree),
+ alpha = 0.5,
+ show.legend = T,
+ shape = 16,
+ size = 1.5) +
+ geom_linerange(data = df.plot.means,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = mean,
+ ymin = low,
+ ymax = high),
+ color = "gray40",
+ show.legend = F) +
+ geom_point(data = df.plot.means,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = mean,
+ fill = condition_disagree),
+ shape = 21,
+ size = 3,
+ show.legend = F) +
+ geom_point(data = df.model,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_mean,
+ y = posterior,
+ shape = name,
+ fill = condition_disagree),
+ size = 1.5,
+ alpha = 0.5,
+ show.legend = T) +
+ geom_text(data = df.plot.text,
+ mapping = aes(x = age_group + 0.5,
+ y = 1.05,
+ label = n),
+ hjust = 0.5) +
+ scale_y_continuous(labels = percent) +
+ labs(x = "Age (in years)",
+ y = "% Infer Ambiguous Utterance",
+ title = "Experiment 2: Inference") +
+ coord_cartesian(xlim = c(7, 12),
+ ylim = c(0, 1),
+ clip = "off") +
+ scale_color_manual(name = "Trial Type",
+ labels = c("Agreement", "Disagreement"),
+ values = c(l.color$agreement, l.color$disagreement)) +
+ scale_fill_manual(name = "Trial Type",
+ labels = c("Agreement", "Disagreement"),
+ values = c(l.color$agreement, l.color$disagreement)) +
+ scale_shape_manual(name = "Model",
+ labels = c("posterior", "softmax", "softmax increase"),
+ values = c(21, 22, 23)) +
+ theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5,
+ vjust = 2,
+ size = 18,
+ face = "bold"),
+ axis.title.y = element_markdown(color = l.color$ambiguous),
+ legend.position = "right") +
+ guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape = 21,
+ size = 3,
+ alpha = 1),
+ reverse = T,
+ order = 1),
+ shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(fill = "white",
+ alpha = 1)),
+ color = "none")
+ggsave(filename = "../figures/plots/exp2_inference.pdf",
+ width = 8,
+ height = 4)
Session info
cite_packages(output = "paragraph",
+ cite.tidyverse = TRUE,
+ out.dir = ".")
We used R version 4.3.2 (R Core Team 2023) and the following R packages: bookdown v. 0.37 (Xie 2016, 2023a), broom.mixed v. (Bolker and Robinson 2022), car v. 3.1.2 (Fox and Weisberg 2019), ggeffects v. 1.3.4 (Lüdecke 2018), ggtext v. 0.1.2 (Wilke and Wiernik 2022), Hmisc v. 5.1.1 (Harrell Jr 2023), kableExtra v. 1.3.4 (Zhu 2021), knitr v. 1.45 (Xie 2014, 2015, 2023b), lme4 v. (Bates et al. 2015), Metrics v. 0.1.4 (Hamner and Frasco 2018), rmarkdown v. 2.25 (Xie, Allaire, and Grolemund 2018; Xie, Dervieux, and Riederer 2020; Allaire et al. 2023), rsample v. 1.2.0 (Frick et al. 2023), scales v. 1.3.0 (Wickham, Pedersen, and Seidel 2023), tidyverse v. 2.0.0 (Wickham et al. 2019), xtable v. 1.8.4 (Dahl et al. 2019).
R version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31)
+Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)
+Running under: macOS Sonoma 14.4.1
+Matrix products: default
+BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.3-arm64/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
+LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.3-arm64/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib; LAPACK version 3.11.0
+[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
+time zone: America/Los_Angeles
+tzcode source: internal
+attached base packages:
+[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
+other attached packages:
+ [1] lubridate_1.9.3 forcats_1.0.0 stringr_1.5.1
+ [4] dplyr_1.1.4 purrr_1.0.2 readr_2.1.4
+ [7] tidyr_1.3.0 tibble_3.2.1 ggplot2_3.4.4
+[10] tidyverse_2.0.0 ggtext_0.1.2 Hmisc_5.1-1
+[13] ggeffects_1.3.4 grateful_0.2.4 broom.mixed_0.2.9.4
+[16] scales_1.3.0 Metrics_0.1.4 car_3.1-2
+[19] carData_3.0-5 knitr_1.45 kableExtra_1.3.4
+[22] xtable_1.8-4 rsample_1.2.0 lme4_1.1-35.1
+[25] Matrix_1.6-4
+loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
+ [1] gridExtra_2.3 rlang_1.1.3 magrittr_2.0.3 furrr_0.3.1
+ [5] compiler_4.3.2 systemfonts_1.0.5 vctrs_0.6.5 rvest_1.0.3
+ [9] pkgconfig_2.0.3 crayon_1.5.2 fastmap_1.1.1 backports_1.4.1
+[13] labeling_0.4.3 utf8_1.2.4 rmarkdown_2.25 markdown_1.12
+[17] tzdb_0.4.0 nloptr_2.0.3 ragg_1.2.7 bit_4.0.5
+[21] xfun_0.41 cachem_1.0.8 jsonlite_1.8.8 highr_0.10
+[25] broom_1.0.5 parallel_4.3.2 cluster_2.1.6 R6_2.5.1
+[29] bslib_0.6.1 stringi_1.8.3 parallelly_1.37.0 boot_1.3-28.1
+[33] rpart_4.1.23 jquerylib_0.1.4 Rcpp_1.0.12 bookdown_0.37
+[37] base64enc_0.1-3 splines_4.3.2 nnet_7.3-19 timechange_0.2.0
+[41] tidyselect_1.2.0 rstudioapi_0.15.0 abind_1.4-5 yaml_2.3.8
+[45] codetools_0.2-19 listenv_0.9.1 lattice_0.22-5 withr_3.0.0
+[49] evaluate_0.23 foreign_0.8-86 future_1.33.1 xml2_1.3.6
+[53] pillar_1.9.0 renv_1.0.3 checkmate_2.3.1 generics_0.1.3
+[57] vroom_1.6.5 hms_1.1.3 commonmark_1.9.0 munsell_0.5.0
+[61] minqa_1.2.6 globals_0.16.2 glue_1.7.0 tools_4.3.2
+[65] data.table_1.14.10 webshot_0.5.5 grid_4.3.2 colorspace_2.1-0
+[69] nlme_3.1-164 htmlTable_2.4.2 Formula_1.2-5 cli_3.6.2
+[73] textshaping_0.3.7 fansi_1.0.6 viridisLite_0.4.2 svglite_2.1.3
+[77] gtable_0.3.4 sass_0.4.8 digest_0.6.34 htmlwidgets_1.6.4
+[81] farver_2.1.1 htmltools_0.5.7 lifecycle_1.0.4 httr_1.4.7
+[85] gridtext_0.1.5 bit64_4.0.5 MASS_7.3-60
+Allaire, JJ, Yihui Xie, Christophe Dervieux, Jonathan McPherson, Javier Luraschi, Kevin Ushey, Aron Atkins, et al. 2023.
rmarkdown: Dynamic Documents for r.
+Bates, Douglas, Martin Mächler, Ben Bolker, and Steve Walker. 2015.
“Fitting Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using lme4.” Journal of Statistical Software 67 (1): 1–48.
+Bolker, Ben, and David Robinson. 2022.
broom.mixed: Tidying Methods for Mixed Models.
+Dahl, David B., David Scott, Charles Roosen, Arni Magnusson, and Jonathan Swinton. 2019.
xtable: Export Tables to LaTeX or HTML.
+Fox, John, and Sanford Weisberg. 2019.
An R Companion to Applied Regression. Third. Thousand Oaks
CA: Sage.
+Frick, Hannah, Fanny Chow, Max Kuhn, Michael Mahoney, Julia Silge, and Hadley Wickham. 2023.
rsample: General Resampling Infrastructure.
+Hamner, Ben, and Michael Frasco. 2018.
Metrics: Evaluation Metrics for Machine Learning.
+Harrell Jr, Frank E. 2023.
Hmisc: Harrell Miscellaneous.
+Lüdecke, Daniel. 2018.
“ggeffects: Tidy Data Frames of Marginal Effects from Regression Models.” Journal of Open Source Software 3 (26): 772.
+R Core Team. 2023.
R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing.
+Wickham, Hadley, Mara Averick, Jennifer Bryan, Winston Chang, Lucy D’Agostino McGowan, Romain François, Garrett Grolemund, et al. 2019.
“Welcome to the tidyverse.” Journal of Open Source Software 4 (43): 1686.
+Wickham, Hadley, Thomas Lin Pedersen, and Dana Seidel. 2023.
scales: Scale Functions for Visualization.
+Wilke, Claus O., and Brenton M. Wiernik. 2022.
ggtext: Improved Text Rendering Support for “ggplot2”.
+Xie, Yihui. 2014. “knitr: A Comprehensive Tool for Reproducible Research in R.” In Implementing Reproducible Computational Research, edited by Victoria Stodden, Friedrich Leisch, and Roger D. Peng. Chapman; Hall/CRC.
+———. 2015.
Dynamic Documents with R and Knitr. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman; Hall/CRC.
+———. 2016.
bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman; Hall/CRC.
+———. 2023a.
bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with r Markdown.
+———. 2023b.
knitr: A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in r.
+Xie, Yihui, J. J. Allaire, and Garrett Grolemund. 2018.
R Markdown: The Definitive Guide. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman; Hall/CRC.
+Xie, Yihui, Christophe Dervieux, and Emily Riederer. 2020.
R Markdown Cookbook. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman; Hall/CRC.
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/videos/exp1_inference_story_version_1.mp4 differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/videos/exp2_inference_story_version_1.mp4 differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/videos/exp2_prediction_story_version_1.mp4 differ