A tool for manipulating spatial media ([spherical video]) This is a port from the python scripts provided by google to C++ by Varol Okan and support iOS、Android by cievon
It can be used to inject spatial media metadata into a file or validate metadata in an existing file.
SpatialMedia::Parser parser;
parser.getInFile = "input file";
parser.getOutFile = "output file";
if ( parser.getInFile ( ) == "" ) {
cout << "Please provide an input file." << endl;
exit ( -1 );
Utils utils;
if ( parser.getInject ( ) ) {
if ( parser.getOutFile ( ) == "" ) {
cout << "Injecting metadata requires both input and output file." << endl;
exit ( -2 );
Metadata md;
std::string &strVideoXML = utils.generate_spherical_xml ( parser.getStereoMode ( ), parser.getCrop ( ) );
md.setVideoXML ( strVideoXML );
if ( parser.getSpatialAudio ( ) )
md.setAudio ( &g_DefAudioMetadata );
if ( strVideoXML.length ( ) > 1 )
utils.inject_metadata ( parser.getInFile ( ), parser.getOutFile ( ), &md );
cout << "Failed to generate metadata." << endl;
Selects the left/right eye frame layout; see the StereoMode
element in the
Spherical Video RFC for more information.
: Mono frame layout. -
: Top half contains the left eye and bottom half contains the right eye. -
: Left half contains the left eye and right half contains the right eye.
Enables injection of spatial audio metadata. If enabled, the file must contain a 4-channel first-order ambisonics audio track with ACN channel ordering and SN3D normalization; see the Spatial Audio RFC for more information.