Welcome to Stated Workflow. We appreciate your interest and contributions to the project. This document will guide you on how to participate and contribute effectively.
If you encounter any issues or bugs while using Stated, please help us by reporting them. You can submit an issue on our issue tracker and provide detailed information about the problem, including steps to reproduce it and any relevant error messages or logs.
We welcome new feature ideas and suggestions. If you have an idea to improve Stated, you can submit a feature request on our issue tracker. Please describe the proposed feature in detail and explain how it would benefit the project.
When making changes to the project, it's important to provide clear and descriptive commit messages and pull request descriptions. This helps reviewers and maintainers understand the purpose and impact of your changes.
We encourage contributors to write tests for their code changes. Tests help ensure the stability and quality of the project.
Joining discussions is a great way to contribute to the project. You can participate in discussions by commenting on open issues, feature requests, or pull requests. Share your thoughts, provide feedback, or offer suggestions to help shape the project.
Thank you for your interest in contributing to Stated. We value and appreciate your contributions. Together, we can make the project even better!
If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to the project maintainers or refer to our README.md for more information.
Happy contributing!