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Neutron and XenServer - 2014

More than a year ago I wrote a blog entry on how to get XenServer up and running with neutron. A lot of things have moved since, so we thought it might be a good idea to re-visit XenServer's neutron support. In this blog entry I will guide you through the process of getting neutron up and running with XenServer.


I will be using XenServer 6.2 installations for my work. My only requirement for the environment is to have XenServer's eth0 connected to a network with a DHCP server on it.

Installing an OpenStack cloud with DevStack

DevStack is a quite common tool to install an OpenStack cloud for development purposes. I will use it to deploy my environment as well. If you wanted to use bare devstack, you would need to use ssh to log in to your hypervisor, download devstack somehow, and execute a script from there. I am picking another route: a script will be used to generate a deployment script. The deployment script will then be used to deploy my cloud. I don't need to log in to Dom0, I don't need to copy any files over there, it's all done by the deployment script.

Generating the deployment script

To generate the deployment script, I will need the qa repository of citrix-openstack user:

git clone

I also create a directory to hold the files that I create during the investigation:

mkdir neutron-investigation

Now I want to generate a deployment script that will deploy a specific revision of each component of openstack. For each build that passes internally, we push a reference to our github repo clones. The last reference at the time of writing that passed the full nova-network suite is: refs/citrix-builds/jenkins-os-ctx-test-2295, so I will use that as a basis for my work:

pushd qa
./ \
    refs/citrix-builds/jenkins-os-ctx-test-2295 \
    -t neutron \
    -u trusty -x > ../neutron-investigation/

This yields an installation script that could be used to deploy an OpenStack cloud on XenServer for development purposes, with devstack. The one mandatory parameter represents the remote reference to be used - this fixes the revision of all the components. The parameter with -t tells us that we would like to deploy neutron networking, -u tells us that we want to use the trusty version of ubuntu, and -x will generate references to an external git repository - in this case github.

Take a look at the file, and look for the string DEVSTACK_SRC. You will see that this variable is referencing to a tgz snapshot of a git repository. This is the devstack that's gonna be used to deploy the cloud.

Later in the file you will see that each repository's revision is fixed to refs/citrix-builds/jenkins-os-ctx-test-2295. That's how the revisions are fixed.

Deploying the Cloud

It's time to deploy the cloud to a XenServer, using the deployment script that we have just created. My server's name is To deploy my development cloud to that box, I will need to run the generated script. To learn about what parameters does it take, run the script without arguments:

bash neutron-investigation/

At the end of the screen you will see a typical example to be used. Let's follow on that for now:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f devstack_key.priv
ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Now we have a file devstack_key.priv and we can communicate with the host without being asked. Let's deploy the cloud:

bash neutron-investigation/ \ \
    xenroot devstack_key.priv \
    -t smoke

What we are expecting from this instruction is to deploy a cloud with neutron and run smoke tests on that. After a minute or so, a surprise happened:

+++ set +o xtrace
line 41: declare: -A: invalid option
declare: usage: declare [-afFirtx] [-p] [name[=value] ...]

That's an error message which needs to be fixed. I created a new branch on my github repository, and fixed the issue with this fix. Now what I need to do is to modify the deployment script to use my own devstach branch. See for that. Let's see if my fix worked:

bash neutron-investigation/ \ \
    xenroot devstack_key.priv \
    -t smoke

This script will first install an Ubuntu VM, than an OpenStack cloud, so be patient. The script failed with the following error:

| + timeout 60 sh -c 'while ! wget  --no-proxy -q -O- http://10.21...
| + die 616 'Neutron did not start'
| + local exitcode=0
| [Call Trace]
| ./
| /opt/stack/devstack/lib/neutron:616:die
| [ERROR] /opt/stack/devstack/lib/neutron:616 Neutron did not start
| Error on exit

Before investigating this issue, save the xva so it will be quicker to install OpenStack on another hypervisor:

bash neutron-investigation/ \ \
    xenroot devstack_key.priv \
    -e trusty.xva

After it's done, you should have a file called trusty.xva. Export that file through a webserver, and you can re-use that basic operating system next time, significantly reducing the time required for installation.

Let's get back to neutron, log in to the domU. One of the last log messages was someting like:

+ ssh_no_check -q stack@ 'test -e /var/run/devstack.succeeded'

That line contains the IP we'll use to reach domU:

ssh stack@

The password is citrix. See that it's configured within The first thing I want to see is what's on the console, so do the following:

screen -R

The error message is as follows:

[-] Unrecoverable error: please check log for details.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/stack/neutron/neutron/", line 102, in serve_wsgi
  File "/opt/stack/neutron/neutron/", line 73, in start
    self.wsgi_app = _run_wsgi(self.app_name)
  File "/opt/stack/neutron/neutron/", line 168, in _run_wsgi
    app = config.load_paste_app(app_name)
  File "/opt/stack/neutron/neutron/common/", line 192, in load_paste_app
    raise RuntimeError(msg)
RuntimeError: Unable to load neutron from configuration file /etc/neutron/api-paste.ini.

ERROR: Unable to load neutron from configuration file
q-svc failed to start

Let's check if /etc/neutron/api-paste.ini exists. It does, and looks fine. I need to look a bit higher in the stacktrace. The next clue is:

  File "/opt/stack/neutron/neutron/", line 139, in _get_plugin_instance
    raise ImportError(_("Plugin not found."))
ImportError: Plugin not found.

That's a bit more useful. What is the plugin that's used? Take a look at /etc/neutron/neutron.conf.

stack@DevStackOSDomU:~/devstack$ grep plugin /etc/neutron/neutron.conf

reveals that the plugin used is:

core_plugin = neutron.plugins.openvswitch.ovs_neutron_plugin.OVSNeutronPluginV2

I read the rest of the config file and found a reference to neutron's setup.cfg, so grepped it:

grep OVSNeutronPluginV2 /opt/stack/neutron/setup.cfg

And it came back to me with:

openvswitch = neutron.plugins.openvswitch.ovs_neutron_plugin:OVSNeutronPluginV2

So I edited /etc/neutron/neutron.conf and set:

core_plugin = openvswitch

And re-called the failed instruction from the history with Ctrl+P. The error is different this time:

ImportError: No module named ovs_neutron_plugin

Look into the source tree this time, and see that the module referenced by openvswitch actually does not exist:

ls /opt/stack/neutron/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/


README  __init__.pyc  agent  common

Clearly no sign of ovs_neutron_plugin. I will browse the history of the repository to see when did it disappear:

commit 205162f58050fcb94db53cd51b674d2093dfe700
Author: Mark McClain <>
Date:   Wed Sep 24 04:00:54 2014 +0000

    remove openvswitch plugin

    This changeset removes the openvswitch plugin, but retains the agent for ML2
    The database models were not removed since operators will need to migrate the

    Change-Id: I8b519cb2bbebcbec2c78bb0ec9325716970736cf
    Closes-Bug: 1323729

That's clearly a sign to switch to ML2. I need to learn how to do that. The first bit that's obvious is that I'll need to use ml2 as Q_PLUGIN. So I created the script. After that, re-ran the deployment:

bash neutron-investigation/ \ \
    xenroot \
    devstack_key.priv -t smoke

The error message this time is:

Error: Service q-agt is not running

I'm logging in to domU again and g the screen session to see what happened. Looking into the console output of the quantum agent:

...Failed to create OVS patch port.
   Cannot have tunneling enabled on this agent,
   since this version of OVS does not support tunnels or patch ports.
Agent terminated!
q-agt failed to start

I would definitely want to use vlans, so it's going to be another configuration issue. Looking at /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini, it seems that under the [ovs] section, the tunneling is enabled. I disable that config to see it's effect:

enable_tunneling = False

Looking at devstack, this is controlled by the OVS_ENABLE_TUNNELING varaible, which is controlled by the ENABLE_TENANT_TUNNELS variabe. So turning it off in, and re-installing the cloud.

bash neutron-investigation/ \ \
    xenroot \
    devstack_key.priv -t smoke

The error message is the same:

Error: Service q-agt is not running

It's still complaining about the same things. After editing /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini I realised that tenant_network_types is set to vxlan. I definitely want that to be vlan. Looking at devstack, the value is controlled by Q_ML2_TENANT_NETWORK_TYPE. That leaves me with the next deployment script,

bash neutron-investigation/ \ \
    xenroot \
    devstack_key.priv -t smoke

This time the script terminated at a different point - I'm clearly making progress here:

Unable to create the network. No tenant network is available for allocation.
[ERROR] /opt/stack/devstack/functions-common:515 Failure ...
...creating NET_ID for 0712dc0d52e940bdbe5b2eb67d876b18

Again, let's resume the screen session to see some more details. A lot of red lines on q-agt. The devstack script actually failed after:

Creating initial neutron network elements

So let's read devstack and figure out what was the intention there. It was calling the create_neutron_initial_network function. That's defined in lib/neutron.

I think what's missing is the listing of available VLAN ranges for tenant networks. The setting network_vlan_ranges should define this value. In devstack, it is defined by ML2_VLAN_RANGES. I'm adding that option to my new deployment config, and re-deploying my cloud:

bash neutron-investigation/ \ \
    xenroot \
    devstack_key.priv -t smoke

This resulted in the following output:

Run: 614 in 1484.443647 sec.
 - Passed: 500
 - Skipped: 55
 - Failed: 59

Which means I successfully got to the tests. Now I will need to do some cleanup, and also re-build the hypervisor to do another run.

I'm triggering a re-build of my hypervisor before doing a re-run with the cleaned-up revision


Always update mirrors

We have an JeOS template that refers to an internal ubuntu mirror. If I wanted to use another mirror, I have no other chanses just to create another xva with those the new mirror settings. I woul rather prefer the /etc/apt/sources.list file being updated all the time.

Invalid vi configuration file

Within DomU whenever I opened a file with vi, it was complaining:

stack@DevStackOSDomU:~$ vi /etc/init.d/networking
Error detected while processing /opt/stack/.vimrc:
line    1:
E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version: syntax on
Press ENTER or type command to continue

This is rather annoying. I need to fix that issue by excluding the syntax on line from the .vimrc installed by devstack.

Being able to quit after jeos template installation

When I created a jeos template, I also had to run all the tests and devstack, whereas my only goal would be to create the appliance. Those bits either need to be extracted to a different script, or a parameter would be useful to specify that the script should quit after installation of the basic operating system.

The modifications related to this script are contained in


It's time to re-run devstack. To achieve this, I remove the old neutron settings, see for the updated script. Removed only OVS_VLAN_RANGES for the first run:

bash neutron-investigation/ \ xenroot \
    devstack_key.priv -t smoke

It seems that did not succeed. The error message that I get is:

Error: Service q-agt is not running

Again, use screen to investigate. On q-agt, the following message welcomes me:

[\'XENAPI_MISSING_PLUGIN\', \'netwrap\']

The problem is that the dom0 plugins has not been installed. The installation of nova plugins has already been moved to domU, so it's time to move the installation of these plugins there as well. I am looking at how we install the nova plugins, and copy the code to neutron. Once it's working, I can refactor them to avoid code duplication. While I moved the plugin installation to domU, I realised that the main xenserver installation script contained some references to functions that are no longer available, like is_service_enabled. I removed those instructions as well and modified the script so that it always sets up the environment to be ready for neutron. Those changes were pushed to my own devstack branch, and the end result is:

Run: 628 in 2716.470039 sec.
 - Passed: 528
 - Skipped: 59
 - Failed: 41

Another re-build of my hypervisor, create a new branch called neutron-2014 and re-run the tests:

bash neutron-investigation/ \ xenroot \
    devstack_key.priv -t smoke

The result is the same as before, this could be a good starting point to fix the tests.