diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store
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Binary files /dev/null and b/SoTM24/images/.DS_Store differ
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+title: "Mapping with fAIr"
+subtitle: "Assessing the performance of AI-assisted mapping of building footprints for OSM"
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+date: "2024-09-08"
+date-format: long
+ - "*Anna Zanchetta, Omran Najjar, Kshitij Sharma*"
+ - "The Alan Turing Institute"
+ - "HOT Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team"
+css: style.scss
+ text: |
+# Introduction
+## {background-image="../images/Intro_sotm.png" background-size="1200px"}
+## {background-image="../images/fair_morewebpage.png" background-size="800px"}
+ fAIr
+## {background-image="../images/fair_sample1.png" background-size="1200px"}
+ Reason for research
+## {background-image="../images/fair_sample1_pred.png" background-size="1200px"}
+## {background-image="../images/fair_sample2.png" background-size="1200px" background-color="black"}
+## {background-image="../images/fair_sample2_pred.png" background-size="1200px" background-color="black"}
+## {background-image="../images/fair_sample2_pred.png" background-size="1200px" background-color="black"}
+How accurate is fAIr in detecting buildings
+in different conditions?
+# Methods
+## {background-image="../images/ramp_morewebpage.png" background-size="800px" background-color="black"}
+ ML engine
+## {background-image="../images/ramp_effunet_morewebpage2.png" background-size="600px"}
+ ML engine
+[2020 paper by Baheti et al.](https://rampml.global/ramp-model-card/)
+ Data
+## {background-image="../images/oam_morewebpage.png" background-size="800px" background-color="black"}
+ RGB from OAM
+[Open Aerial Map](https://openaerialmap.org/)
+## {background-image="../images/labels_fair.png" background-size="1200px"}
+ Labels from OSM
+[Preprocessing through fAIr website](https://fair-dev.hotosm.org/training-datasets)
+ Dataset
+|[]() | |
+| **Urban regions** | 25 |
+| **Countries** | 21 |
+| **Zoom levels** | 19, 20, 21 |
+| **N. images** | 8400 (~350 per region) |
+| **Images size** | 256x256 |
+| **Resolution** | cm |
+|[]() | |
+## {background-image="../images/world_map_citieslocations.png"}
+ Locations
+## {background-image="../images/world_map_byurbantype.png"}
+ Categories
+## {background-image="../images/urban1.png" background-color="black"}
+ Rural
+Desa Kulaba
+## {background-image="../images/urban2.png"}
+ Peri-urban
+## {background-image="../images/urban4.png" background-color="black"}
+ Urban
+## {background-image="../images/urban3.png" background-color="black"}
+ Refugee camp
+## {background-image="../images/world_map_bycovertype.png"}
+ Categories
+## {background-image="../images/cover1.png"}
+ Shingles
+## {background-image="../images/cover2.png" background-color="black"}
+ Metal
+## {background-image="../images/cover3.png"}
+ Cement
+## {background-image="../images/cover4.png"}
+ Mixed
+## {background-image="../images/world_map_bydensity.png"}
+ Categories
+## {background-image="../images/density1.png" background-color="black"}
+ Dense
+Montevideo dense
+## {background-image="../images/density3.png"}
+ Sparse
+Gornja Rijeka
+## {background-image="../images/density2.png"}
+ Grid
+ Training
+|[]() | |
+| **Urban regions** | all (25) |
+| **N. of epochs** | 20 |
+| **Batch sizes** | 4 (2, 4, 8, 16) |
+| **Accuracy metrics** | 5 Categorical accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1 Score, IoU |
+|[]() | |
+# Results
+## {background-image="../images/graph_sample.png" background-size="900px"}
+## {background-image="../images/graph_with_circle.png" background-size="900px"}
+## {background-image="../images/plot_map_density.png" background-size="800px"}
+~~ Urbanity~~
+~~ Roof type~~
+ Density
+## {background-image="../images/plot_box_all.png" background-size="800px"}
+~~Batch size~~
+# Conclusions
+## Conclusions
+:::: {.columns}
+::: {.column width="5%"}
+::: {.column width="15%"}
+::: {.column width="25%"}
+::: {.column width="15%"}
+::: {.column width="40%"}
+## Conclusions
+:::: {.columns}
+::: {.column width="5%"}
+::: {.column width="15%"}
+::: {.column width="25%"}
+::: {.column width="15%"}
+::: {.column width="40%"}
+## {background-image="../images/banyuwangi_batch16.png" background-size="1100px"}
+## {background-image="../images/pallabi_batch16.png" background-size="1100px"}
+Pallaby Dhaka
+ Future
+ Models Features
+# THANK YOU {background-image="../images/black_background.jpg" background-color="black"}
+GitHub repo [https://github.com/ciupava/fAIr-utilities](https://github.com/ciupava/fAIr-utilities)
+fAIr website [https://fair-dev.hotosm.org/](https://fair-dev.hotosm.org/)
+This presentation
\ No newline at end of file
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