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Using metadata from your Stash to rename/move your file.

Table of Contents


Installation (manually)

  • Download the whole folder 'renamerOnUpdate' (,,
  • Place it in your plugins folder (where the config.yml is)
  • Reload plugins (Settings > Plugins > Reload)
  • renamerOnUpdate appears

❗ Make sure to configure the plugin by editing before running it ❗

Installation (via manager)

  • Go to Settings > Plugins
  • Find Available Plugins and expand the package called Community (stable).
  • Select renamerOnUpdate and click Install

❗ Make sure to configure the plugin by editing before running it ❗


  • Everytime you update a scene, it will check/rename your file. An update can be:

    • Saving in Scene Edit.
    • Clicking the Organized button.
    • Running a scan that updates the path.
  • By pressing the button in the Task menu.

    • It will go through each of your scenes.
    • ⚠️ It's recommended to understand correctly how this plugin works, and use DryRun first.


  • Read/Edit

    • Change template filename/path
    • Add log_file path
  • There are multiple buttons in Task menu:

    • Enable: (default) Enable the trigger update
    • Disable: Disable the trigger update
    • Dry-run: A switch to enable/disable dry-run mode
  • Dry-run mode:

    • It prevents editing the file, only shows in your log.
    • This mode can write into a file (dryrun_renamerOnUpdate.txt), the change that the plugin will do.
      • You need to set a path for log_file in
      • The format will be: scene_id|current path|new path. (e.g. 100|C:\Temp\foo.mp4|C:\Temp\bar.mp4)
      • This file will be overwritten everytime the plugin is triggered.

Custom configuration file

Due to the nature of how plugin updates work, your file will get replaced with the fresh copy resetting it to default values. To work around that you can create a custom config file and use it instead.

  • Create a copy of
  • Rename your copy to
  • Use the will default to if not found)

Note: Since file is not tracked it won't get updated with new configuration options, so you will need to update it manually. explained


To modify your path/filename, you can use variables. These are elements that will change based on your metadata.

  • Variables are represented with a word preceded with a $ symbol. (E.g. $date)
  • If the metadata exists, this term will be replaced by it:
    • Scene date = 2006-01-02, $date = 2006-01-02
  • You can find the list of available variables in

In the example below, we will use:


Change your filename (C:\Temp\QmlnQnVja0J1bm55.mp4)

Priority : Tags > Studios > Default

- Based on a Tag

tag_templates  = {
	"rename_tag": "$year $title - $studio $resolution $video_codec",
	"rename_tag2": "$title"
tag new path
rename_tag C:\Temp\2008 Big Buck Bunny - Blender Institute 1080p H264.mp4
rename_tag2 C:\Temp\Big Buck Bunny.mp4

- Based on a Studio

studio_templates  = {
	"Blender Institute": "$date - $title [$studio]",
	"Pixar": "$title [$studio]"
studio new path
Blender Institute C:\Temp\2008-05-20 - Big Buck Bunny [Blender Institute].mp4
Pixar C:\Temp\Big Buck Bunny [Pixar].mp4

- Change filename no matter what

use_default_template  =  True
default_template  =  "$date $title"

The file became: C:\Temp\2008-05-20 - Big Buck Bunny.mp4


Change your path (C:\Temp\QmlnQnVja0J1bm55.mp4)

- Based on a Tag

p_tag_templates  = {
	"rename_tag": r"D:\Video\",
	"rename_tag2": r"E:\Video\$year"
tag new path
rename_tag D:\Video\QmlnQnVja0J1bm55.mp4
rename_tag2 E:\Video\2008\QmlnQnVja0J1bm55.mp4

- Based on a Studio

p_studio_templates  = {
	"Blender Institute": r"D:\Video\Blender\",
	"Pixar": r"E:\Video\$studio\"
studio new path
Blender Institute D:\Video\Blender\QmlnQnVja0J1bm55.mp4
Pixar E:\Video\Pixar\QmlnQnVja0J1bm55.mp4

- Based on a Path

p_path_templates = {
	r"C:\Temp": r"D:\Video\",
	r"C:\Video": r"E:\Video\Win\"
file path new path
C:\Temp D:\Video\QmlnQnVja0J1bm55.mp4
C:\Video E:\Video\Win\QmlnQnVja0J1bm55.mp4

- Change path no matter what

p_use_default_template  =  True
p_default_template  =  r"D:\Video\"

The file is moved to: D:\Video\QmlnQnVja0J1bm55.mp4

- Special Variables

$studio_hierarchy - Create the entire hierarchy of studio as folder (E.g. ../MindGeek/Brazzers/Hot And Mean/video.mp4). Use your parent studio.

^* - The current directory of the file. Explanation:

  • If: p_default_template = r"^*\$performer"
  • It creates a folder with a performer name in the current directory where the file is.
  • C:\Temp\video.mp4 so ^*=C:\Temp\, result: C:\Temp\Jane Doe\video.mp4
  • If you don't use prevent_consecutive option, the plugin will create a new folder everytime (C:\Temp\Jane Doe\Jane Doe\...\video.mp4).



You can group elements in the template with {}, it's used when you want to remove a character if a variable is null.


With date in Stash:

  • [$studio] $date - $title -> [Blender] 2008-05-20 - Big Buck Bunny

Without date in Stash:

  • [$studio] $date - $title -> [Blender] - Big Buck Bunny

If you want to use the - only when you have the date, you can group the - with $date Without date in Stash:

  • [$studio] {$date -} $title -> [Blender] Big Buck Bunny