The CodeGeneration
object defines global properties that are used to drive the underlying database-driven code generation.
The CodeGeneration
object supports a number of properties that control the generated code output. These properties are separated into a series of logical categories. The properties with a bold name are those that are more typically used (considered more important).
Category | Description |
Infer |
Provides the special Column Name inference configuration. |
Provides the Change Data Capture (CDC) configuration. |
Path |
Provides the Path (Directory) configuration for the generated artefacts. |
DotNet |
Provides the .NET configuration. |
Event |
Provides the Event configuration. |
Outbox |
Provides the Event Outbox configuration. |
Auth |
Provides the Authorization configuration. |
Namespace |
Provides the .NET Namespace configuration for the generated artefacts. |
Collections |
Provides related child (hierarchical) configuration. |
Provides the special Column Name inference configuration.
Property | Description |
columnNameIsDeleted |
The column name for the IsDeleted capability. Defaults to IsDeleted . |
columnNameTenantId |
The column name for the TenantId capability. Defaults to TenantId . |
columnNameOrgUnitId |
The column name for the OrgUnitId capability. Defaults to OrgUnitId . |
columnNameRowVersion |
The column name for the RowVersion capability. Defaults to RowVersion . |
columnNameCreatedBy |
The column name for the CreatedBy capability. Defaults to CreatedBy . |
columnNameCreatedDate |
The column name for the CreatedDate capability. Defaults to CreatedDate . |
columnNameUpdatedBy |
The column name for the UpdatedBy capability. Defaults to UpdatedBy . |
columnNameUpdatedDate |
The column name for the UpdatedDate capability. Defaults to UpdatedDate . |
columnNameDeletedBy |
The column name for the DeletedBy capability. Defaults to UpdatedBy . |
columnNameDeletedDate |
The column name for the DeletedDate capability. Defaults to UpdatedDate . |
orgUnitJoinSql |
The SQL table or function that is to be used to join against for security-based OrgUnitId verification. Defaults to [Sec].[fnGetUserOrgUnits]() . |
checkUserPermissionSql |
The SQL stored procedure that is to be used for Permission verification. Defaults to [Sec].[spCheckUserHasPermission] . |
getUserPermissionSql |
The SQL function that is to be used for Permission verification. Defaults to [Sec].[fnGetUserHasPermission] . |
Provides the Change Data Capture (CDC) configuration.
Property | Description |
cdcSchema |
The schema name for the generated CDC -related database artefacts. Defaults to XCdc (literal). |
cdcAuditTableName |
The table name for the Cdc -Tracking. Defaults to CdcTracking (literal). |
cdcIdentifierMapping |
Indicates whether to include the generation of the generic Cdc -IdentifierMapping database capabilities. |
cdcIdentifierMappingTableName |
The table name for the Cdc -IdentifierMapping. Defaults to CdcIdentifierMapping (literal). |
cdcIdentifierMappingStoredProcedureName |
The table name for the Cdc -IdentifierMapping. Defaults to spCreateCdcIdentifierMapping (literal). |
jsonSerializer |
The JSON Serializer to use for JSON property attribution. Valid options are: None , Newtonsoft . Defaults to Newtonsoft . This can be overridden within the Entity (s). |
pluralizeCollectionProperties |
Indicates whether the .NET collection properties should be pluralized. |
hasBeefDbo |
Indicates whether the database has (contains) the standard Beef dbo schema objects. Defaults to true . |
Provides the Path (Directory) configuration for the generated artefacts.
Property | Description |
pathBase |
The base path (directory) prefix for the Database-related artefacts; other Path* properties append to this value when they are not specifically overridden. Defaults to Company (runtime parameter) + . + AppName (runtime parameter). For example Beef.Demo . |
pathDatabaseSchema |
The path (directory) for the Schema Database-related artefacts. Defaults to PathBase + .Database/Schema (literal). For example Beef.Demo.Database/Schema . |
pathDatabaseMigrations |
The path (directory) for the Schema Database-related artefacts. Defaults to PathBase + .Database/Migrations (literal). For example Beef.Demo.Database/Migrations . |
pathBusiness |
The path (directory) for the Business-related (.NET) artefacts. Defaults to PathBase + .Business (literal). For example Beef.Demo.Business . |
PathCdcPublisher |
The path (directory) for the CDC-related (.NET) artefacts. Defaults to PathBase + .Cdc (literal). For example Beef.Demo.Cdc . |
Provides the .NET configuration.
Property | Description |
cdcExcludeColumnsFromETag |
The default list of Column names that should be excluded from the generated ETag (used for the likes of duplicate send tracking) |
autoDotNetRename |
The option to automatically rename the SQL Tables and Columns for use in .NET. Valid options are: None , PascalCase , SnakeKebabToPascalCase . Defaults SnakeKebabToPascalCase that will remove any underscores or hyphens separating each word and capitalize the first character of each; e.g. internal-customer_id would be renamed as InternalCustomerId . The PascalCase option will capatilize the first character only. |
entityScope |
The entity scope option. Valid options are: Common , Business , Autonomous . Defaults to Common for backwards compatibility; Autonomous is recommended. Determines where the entity is scoped/defined, being Common or Business (i.e. not externally visible). |
Provides the Event configuration.
Property | Description |
eventSubjectRoot |
The root for the event name by prepending to all event subject names via CDC. Used to enable the sending of messages to the likes of EventHub, Service Broker, SignalR, etc. This can be extended within the Entity (s). |
eventSubjectFormat |
The default formatting for the Subject when an Event is published via CDC. Valid options are: NameOnly , NameAndKey . Defaults to NameAndKey (being the event subject name appended with the corresponding unique key.)`. |
eventActionFormat |
The formatting for the Action when an Event is published via CDC. Valid options are: None , PastTense . Defaults to None (no formatting required, i.e. as-is). |
eventSourceRoot |
The URI root for the event source by prepending to all event source URIs for CDC. The event source is only updated where an EventSourceKind is not None . This can be extended within the Entity (s). |
eventSourceKind |
The URI kind for the event source URIs for CDC. Valid options are: None , Absolute , Relative , RelativeOrAbsolute . Defaults to None (being the event source is not updated). |
eventSourceFormat |
The default formatting for the Source when an Event is published via CDC. Valid options are: NameOnly , NameAndKey , NameAndGlobalId . Defaults to NameAndKey (being the event subject name appended with the corresponding unique key.)`. |
Provides the Event Outbox configuration.
Property | Description |
eventOutbox |
Indicates whether events will publish using the outbox pattern and therefore the event outbox artefacts are required. |
eventOutboxTableName |
The table name for the EventOutbox . Defaults to EventOutbox (literal). |
Provides the Authorization configuration.
Property | Description |
orgUnitImmutable |
Indicates whether the OrgUnitId column is considered immutable, in that it can not be changed once set. This is only applicable for stored procedures. |
Provides the .NET Namespace configuration for the generated artefacts.
Property | Description |
namespaceBase |
The base Namespace (root) for the .NET artefacts. Defaults to Company (runtime parameter) + . + AppName (runtime parameter). For example Beef.Demo . |
namespaceCommon |
The Namespace (root) for the Common-related .NET artefacts. Defaults to NamespaceBase + .Common (literal). For example Beef.Demo.Common . |
namespaceBusiness |
The Namespace (root) for the Business-related .NET artefacts. Defaults to NamespaceBase + .Business (literal). For example Beef.Demo.Business . |
NamespaceCdcPublisher |
The Namespace (root) for the CDC-related publisher .NET artefacts. Defaults to NamespaceBase + .CdcPublisher (literal). For example Beef.Demo.CdcPublisher . |
Provides related child (hierarchical) configuration.
Property | Description |
tables |
The corresponding Table collection. A Table object provides the relationship to an existing table within the database. |
queries |
The corresponding Query collection. A Query object provides the primary configuration for a query, including multiple table joins. |
cdc |
The corresponding Cdc collection. A Cdc object provides the primary configuration for Change Data Capture (CDC), including multiple table joins to form a composite entity. |
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