- 1. Open Source
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- 3. Machine Learning Libraries
- 4. Deep Learning Frameworks
- 5. Books
- 6. English
- 7. My Links
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- Datawhale | 主页 数据科学与 AI 领域的开源组织
- Haiguang Huang | machine learning
- karpathy | deep learning
- Ruocheng Guo | causal inference
- van der Schaar Lab | Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Medicine
- Kanaries | Make visual exploration accessible for everyone
- lucidrains | Working with Attention. It's all we need
- lyhue1991 | Trainer of dragons and models
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- Hello算法 | 数据结构与算法教程
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- 莫烦python | MorvanZhou
- python | 中文官网 | 中文文档 | cheatsheet-1 | cheatsheet-2 | video-1 | video-2
- numpy | 中文文档-1 | 中文文档-2 | numpy速查手册
- 英文: https://numpy.org
- 中文: https://numpy.net
- pandas | 中文文档-1 | 中文文档-2 | joyful-pandas | pandas进阶宝典
- matplotlib | 中文文档-1 | 中文文档-2
- seaborn | 中文文档-1
- 图之典 | 可视化图表的词典
- graphviz | graphviz-visual-editor | GraphvizOnline
- networkx | 用于创建、操作和研究复杂网络的结构、动力学和功能的Python包
- figma | figma中文社区 | 在线UI设计工具
- python数据分析_英文第3版 | 中文第2版
- scikit-learn | 中文文档-1 | 中文文档-2
- pycaret | 中文文档
- lazypredict
- Made-With-ML | Design · Develop · Deploy · Iterate
- AI工具中文文档库
- 数据科学资源
- 官网 | 中文文档1 | 中文文档2 | pytorch-examples-cn | PyTorch常用函数手册
- PyTorch学习笔记
- 深入浅出PyTorch | 完整版 | video
- PyTorch实用教程
- eat_pytorch_in_20_days | 一个有毅力的吃货
- External-Attention-pytorch
- labmlai | 中文版
- AAAMLP-CN | Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem 中译版
- ML-notes | DL-notes (吴恩达 Andrew Ng)
- d2l | 动手学深度学习 (李沐)
- leedl-tutorial | 深度学习教程 (李宏毅)
- nndl | 神经网络与深度学习 (邱锡鹏)
- tl-book | tl-code | 迁移学习导论 | DeepDA | tl-repo | (王晋东)
- 深度学习调优指南中文版
- machine-learning-deep-learning-notes
- PaddleEdu
- tiny-universe | 大模型白盒子构建指南
- self-llm | 开源大模型食用指南
- 大语言模型
- llms-from-scratch-cn
- iml-en | iml-cn | Interpretable Machine Learning 可解释机器学习
- Explanatory Model Analysis | DALEX | 解释模型分析
- open-mmlab | open-source computer vision algorithm system
- hugging-face | The AI community building the future
- numpy-ml | machine learning models, algorithms, and tools
- 100-Days-Of-ML-Code
- cs230-code-examples | Code examples in pyTorch and Tensorflow
- Introduction to Causal Inference (Brady Neal)
- Causal Inference for The Brave and True | 中文版
- A First Course in Causal Inference (丁鹏 Peng Ding)
- Microsoft支持 | word, ppt, visio等软件教程
- learnlatex | Learn LaTeX online
- Read-the-Docs | readthedocs-demo | 文档编排
- Jupyter-Book | 中文文档 | ExecutableBooksProject
- gitbook | 中文文档-1 | 中文文档-2
- 了不起的markdown | Cmd Markdown | tutorial-1 | tutorial-2
- 网站制作 | 样例 | 博客模板
- cookiecutter-data-science | flexible project structure
- reference-cn | reference-en | 速查表
- WritingAIPaper | Writing AI Conference Papers: A Handbook for Beginners
- earthworm |
- everyone-can-use-english