Please note: CJW Admin for eZ Publish/eZ Platform is a technology study only.
Note: The bundle has been developed and tested unter eZ Publish 5.4/2014.11. Tests with eZ Platform 1.8 were very limited, but promising.
Clone or unzip into directory
Activate the bundle by adding the following line to EzPublishKernel.php
(eZ Publish 5.4/2014.11) or AppKernel.php
(eZ Platform 1.8):
new \Cjw\AdminAppBundle\CjwAdminAppBundle(),
Add the follwing lines to ezpublish/config/routing.yml
(eZ Publish 5.4/2014.11) or app/config/routing.yml
(eZ Platform 1.8):
resource: "@CjwAdminAppBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
Check ezpublish/config/security.yml
(eZ Publish 5.4/2014.11) or app/config/security.yml
(eZ Platform 1.8) and modify it if necessary.
The firewall/ezpublish_rest
section should be commented out.
# ezpublish_rest:
# pattern: ^/api/ezp/v2
# stateless: true
# ezpublish_http_basic:
# realm: eZ Publish REST API
The firewall/ezpublish_front
section should read:
pattern: ^/
anonymous: ~
ezpublish_rest_session: ~
require_previous_session: false
logout: ~
eZ Publish 5.4/2014.11
$ php ezpublish/console assets:install --symlink
$ php ezpublish/console cache:clear
eZ Platform 1.8
$ php ezpublish/console assets:install --symlink
$ php ezpublish/console cache:clear
You invoke CJW Admin with this URL: http://<yoursite>/adminapp
Note: you may get a Symfony Login prompt before the CJW Admin Login page is presented.
Use your normal credentials- CJW Admin honours a subset of roles, e.g. for creating new objects.