CjwMultiSiteBundle requires eZ Platform with LegacyBridge installed. Currently, https://github.com/emodric/ezplatform-legacy provides the easiest installation. Please test the installation before proceeding.
We strongly recommend (and assume) that https://github.com/netgen/NetgenAdminUIBundle to be installed. Please follow the installation instructions closely and test the installation before proceeding.
Add these lines to the composer.json file in your eZ Platform root directory:
"lolautruche/ez-core-extra-bundle": "2.0 as 1.1",
"netgen/admin-ui-bundle": "^2.0",
"cjw-network/multisite-bundle": "^2.0"
Note that we need to camouflage version 2.0
of the EzCoreExtraBundle
as 1.1
to satisfy the requirements of the Netgen AdminUI bundle which aims at compatibility with 2014.11/5.4
After this, update your installation to have CjwMultiSiteBundle installed.
$ php -d memory-limit=-1 composer.phar update
CjwMultiSiteBundle can live side by side with the standard eZ Platform installation. The installation script installs the following items, needed for the functioning of CjwMultiSiteBundle:
- a complement to
, calledapp_cjw.php
- its own application folder in the eZ Platform root directory, called
To invoke the installation script, place yourself in the eZ Platform root directory and issue the following command:
$ sh vendor/cjw-network/multisite-bundle/install/install_cjwmultisite.sh
Note: The install script will not overwrite previousely installed files.
For a discussion about these items, see Resources/doc/configuration.md
We suggest that you create a separate VHOST configuration for every site.
Take the /doc/apache2/vhost.template
from the eZ Platform installation as a basis, and locate the following line:
RewriteRule .* /app.php
and change it to
RewriteRule .* /app_cjw.php
Define ServerName
and ServerAlias
as needed.
We suggest that you create a separate VHOST configuration for every site.
Take the doc/nginx/vhost.template
from the eZ Platform installation as a basis. Define server_name
as needed.
Then locate the following line in doc/nginx/ez_params.d/ez_rewrite_params
rewrite "^(.*)$" "/app.php$1" last;
and change it to
rewrite "^(.*)$" "/app_cjw.php$1" last;
In a CjwMultiSite environment, every site is a separate bundle. To make it work out of the box, please follow the naming conventions in Resources/doc/conventions.md.
First, create a new SiteBundle
Then activate the SiteBundle in app_cjwmultisite/config/cjwmultisite.yml
- Company/SiteProjectNameBundle
- ...
Set up the consoles for all active Sitebundles
$ php ./app_cjwmultisite/console --create-symlinks
Manage your project using the generated dedicated console-project-name
command, e.g.
$ php ./app_cjwmultisite/console-project-name assets:install web --symlink
Learn more about the console in Resources/doc/console.md