This game was initially created to be the final project for a Mobile App Development class, but it has since grown far beyond that.
Built as a demonstration of my skills using React Native, it uses a variety of different components and controls to create a usable, and hopefully fun, game.
It is a dungeon crawler style of game, where the player can chose their name and starting class. The player then makes their way through one of four mazes, chosen at random/
There are random combat encounters throughout the maze. During combat, the player and the enemy take turns either attacking or defending. The player can swipe right to attack, and left to defend. If the player shakes their device, it will activate their special abilities, for a stronger attack/defense.
Once the player either reaches the end of the maze or dies in combat, their record is stored to a local database where they will be able to view details on the last 15 runs of the game.
npm install @react-navigation/native @react-navigation/native-stack
npx expo install react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context
npx expo intall expo-av
expo install expo-sqlite
npm i -S react-native-swipe-gestures
npx expo install expo-splash-screen
npx expo install expo-sensors
All Sprites courtesy of Antifarea and Chris Hamons on
Music courtesy of Spring Spring on