We include 4 notebooks to be able recreate our learning to defer experiments on the CIFAR-10/100 datasets, each notebook records the metrics measured for a single expert k. To be able to recreate Figure 3, one needs to run the cifar10_* notebooks for every expert k. To be able to reproduce our results on CIFAR-10H in Table 2, follow the notebook cifar10h_defer.ipynb. To be able to reproduce the results for CIFAR-100, simply change 'n_dataset' to 100 in the below notebooks.
To summarize, we include the following notebooks
cifar10_defer_ours.ipynb reproduces the results for our method L_{CE}^{\alpha} for a single expert k.
cifar10_defer_baselines.ipynb reproduces the results for the Confidence and LearnedOracle baseline for a single expert k.
cifar10_defer_madras.ipynb reproduces the results for the MixOfExp (Madras et al. 2018) baseline for a single expert k.
cifar10h_defer.ipynb reproduces the results recorded in Table 2 for CIFAR-10H.