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clockzhong edited this page Dec 25, 2015 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the WrapLAMP!

This project is used to help you to deploy a web service in a Linux IAAS with PHP&Mysql support using only one script command: All the supportive work(includes building and installation for all sub-modules, e.g. Apache, Boost, Mysql, Php) will be done in Before calling, you need to insure your Linux host has the supportive packages, if not, just execute the following commands in ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install cmake cmake-data libarchive13 liblzo2-2 libnettle4 libncurses5-dev libtinfo-dev libpcre3-dev libxml2-dev

After execution, you've installed Apache, Mysql and PHP into ~/Work/Software If you want to start the web service, just execute: And you also could test the web service after running "". Just visit http://YouServerIP/test.php to confirm the PHP engine is running correctly. If you want to stop the web service, just execute: For more detailed configuration on Apache, you could customize your own version utilities/httpd.conf, please refer to This file will be copied to ~/Work/Software/Apache/conf after your running "".

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