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940 lines (704 loc) · 43.8 KB

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940 lines (704 loc) · 43.8 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and this changelog format.


[7.2.0] - 2025-03-21


  • Package now supports Laravel 12.

[7.1.0] - 2025-01-11


  • Removed PHP 8.4 deprecation notices.


  • #648 Ensure self link is removed when it is returned as false.

[7.0.0] - 2024-03-14


  • BREAKING Package now requires Laravel 11.
  • Minimum PHP version is now 8.2.

[6.1.0] - 2024-02-11


  • #642 Add missing resource meta functionality.
  • #643 Add missing resource link functionality.

[6.0.0] - 2023-02-14


  • Dropped support for PHP 8.0 - minimum PHP version is now 8.1.
  • Upgraded to Laravel 10, dropping support for Laravel 9.

[5.0.0] - 2023-01-21


  • Drop support for PHP 7.4 - minimum PHP version is now 8.0.
  • Drop support for Laravel 8 - package requires Laravel 9.

[5.0.0-alpha.1] - 2022-06-25


  • BREAKING Upgraded the neomerx/json-api dependency from v1 to v5 of our fork laravel-json-api/neomerx-json-api. Refer to the Upgrade Guide for details of the required changes.

[4.1.0] - 2023-01-21


  • Drop support for PHP 7.4 - minimum PHP version is now 8.0.
  • Drop support for Laravel 8.
  • Upgraded laravel-json-api/neomerx-json-api dependency to ^1.2. This allows v1, v2 and v3 of the PSR log dependency, whereas previously only v1 was allowed.

[4.0.1] - 2022-04-24


  • Fixed deprecation messages in tests originating from the fakerphp/faker package.

[4.0.0] - 2022-02-09


  • Package now supports PHP 8.1.
  • Package now supports Laravel 9.


  • Minimum PHP version is now 7.4 (previously was 7.3).
  • Minimum Laravel version is now 8.76. This is needed as we are dependent on all the Laravel PHP 8.1 changes.
  • Package now depends on our fork of the Neomerx JSON:API package - laravel-json-api/neomerx-json-api. This is a non-breaking change.
  • BREAKING Added return types to internal methods, to remove deprecation notices in PHP 8.1. This will affect your implementation if you have extended any of our classes and overloaded a method that now has a return type.


  • BREAKING Removed the following classes from the CloudCreativity\LaravelJsonApi\Testing namespace. You must use classes (with the same names) from the LaravelJsonApi\Testing namespace, after installing the laravel-json-api/testing package as a dev dependency. Refer to the upgrade guide for details. Classes/traits removed are:
    • MakesJsonApiRequests
    • TestBuilder
    • TestResponse



  • #589 Bind request API classes into the service container as singletons. This is considered non-breaking because HTTP requests are always handled by new instances of the Laravel application. Binding these classes as singletons is no different from Laravel binding its HTTP request class as a singleton.

[3.3.0] - 2021-02-06


  • #586 Added French translations for validation and specification compliance messages.
  • #490 Add newRelationQuery() method to Eloquent adapter.


  • #576 Correctly pass existing resource values to JSON values, before merging client values for validation.

[3.2.0] - 2020-11-26


  • Package now supports PHP 8.
  • #570 Exception parser now handles the Symfony request exception interface.
  • #507 Can now specify the resource type and relationship URIs when registering routes. This allows the URI fragment to be different from the resource type or relationship name.


  • Fixed qualifying column for morph-to-many relations. This was caused by Laravel introducing a breaking change of adding a qualifyColumn method to the relation builder. Previously calling qualifyColumn on the relation forwarded the call to the model.

[3.1.0] - 2020-10-28


  • #563 Added Dutch translation files for validation and errors.


  • #566 Ensure the exception parser correctly parses an instance of this package's JsonApiException.
  • Exception parser now correctly uses the Symfony HttpExceptionInterface instead of the actual HttpException instance. Although this change would break consuming applications that have extended the ExceptionParser class, it is considered a bug fix as it should have been type-hinting the interface in v3.0.0.

[3.0.1] - 2020-10-14


  • #560 Fixed type-hinting in abstract adapter stub.

[3.0.0] - 2020-09-09


  • #545 The request test builder now supports testing requests that do not have JSON API request content, but expect a JSON API response. For example, a file upload that results in a JSON API resource in the response body can be tested using: $this->jsonApi()->asMultiPartFormData()->withPayload($data)->post('/api/v1/avatars');.


  • Minimum PHP version is now 7.3.
  • Minimum Laravel version is now 8.0.
  • #497 and #529 BREAKING: The method signature of the AbstractValidators::rules() method has changed, so that the method has access to the data that will be validated.
  • #393 BREAKING: when using the SoftDeletesModel trait on an adapter, the expected JSON API field for the soft delete attribute now defaults to the camel-case version of the model column. For example, column deleted_at previously defaulted to the JSON API field deleted-at, whereas now it will default to deletedAt. To continue to use dash-case, set the softDeleteField property on your adapter.

[2.2.0] - 2020-09-09


  • #549 Can now add sort methods to an Eloquent adapter if sorting is more complex than just sorting by a column value.


  • The error translator will now detect if the translated value is identical to the translation key path, and return null when it is. This fixes behaviour that changed in Laravel 7.28.

[2.1.0] - 2020-09-04


  • #538 New JSON API exception class that accepts the new error objects from this package. It is recommended that you use CloudCreativity\LaravelJsonApi\Exceptions\JsonApiException combined with the CloudCreativity\LaravelJsonApi\Document\Error\Error. It is not recommended to use the Neomerx\JsonApi\Exceptions\JsonApiException class as support for this exception class will be removed in a future version.

[2.0.0] - 2020-06-17


  • Translation files can now be published using the vendor:publish Artisan command.


  • #506 Resolve model bindings correctly when substituting URL parameters.
  • Updated type-hinting for Responses::errors() method and allowed a null default status code to be passed to Helpers::httpErrorStatus() method.
  • #518 Ensure empty sort and include query parameters pass validation.

[2.0.0-beta.3] - 2020-04-13


  • #503 The JSON API hasOne relation now also supports an Eloquent morphOne relation.

[2.0.0-beta.2] - 2020-04-12


  • Refactored API configuration to reduce constructor arguments in the API class.
  • Updated UUID dependency so that version 3 and 4 are allowed.


  • #498 Update exception parser interface to type-hint a Throwable instance instead of an Exception.

[2.0.0-beta.1] - 2020-03-04


  • #348 Can now use route parameters in the API's URL configuration value.
  • New test builder class allows tests to fluently construct a test JSON API request.
  • #427 Test requests will now ensure that query parameter values are strings, integers or floats. This is to ensure that the developer is correctly testing boolean filters.


  • Minimum PHP version is now 7.2.
  • Minimum Laravel version is now 7.0.
  • Amended the store interface so that it always takes a string resource type and string id, instead of the deprecated resource identifier object.
  • Moved the Validation\ErrorTranslator class to Document\Error\Translator.
  • The Testing\MakesJsonApiRequests::jsonApi() method no longer accepts any function arguments, and returns an instance of Testing\TestBuilder. This allows the developer to fluently execute test JSON API requests.


  • The deprecated 0.x validation implementation was removed. This deletes all interfaces in the Contracts\Validators namespace, and classes in the Validators namespace. You should use the documented validation implementation instead.
  • The deprecated json_api_request() helper was removed.
  • The following methods were removed from the JSON API service (and are therefore no longer available via the facade):
    • request(): use currentRoute() instead.
    • defaultApi(): set the default API via LaravelJsonApi::defaultApi() instead.
  • All deprecated methods on the Testing\MakesJsonApiRequests trait and Testing\TestResponse class were removed.
  • Removed the Http\Requests\ValidatedRequest::validate() method, as Laravel replaced it with validateResolved(). This affects all JSON API request classes.
  • Additionally, the following deprecated interfaces, classes and traits were removed:
    • Api\ResourceProvider - extend Api\AbstractProvider instead.
    • Contracts\Document\MutableErrorInterface
    • Contracts\Exceptions\ErrorIdAllocatorInterface
    • Contracts\Factories\FactoryInterface
    • Contracts\Http\Responses\ErrorResponseInterface
    • Contracts\Object\* - all interfaces in this namespace.
    • Contracts\Repositories\ErrorRepositoryInterface
    • Contracts\Utils\ErrorReporterInterface
    • Contracts\Utils\ErrorsAwareInterface
    • Contracts\Utils\ReplacerInterface
    • Document\Error - use Document\Error\Error instead.
    • Eloquent\AbstractSchema - extend the neomerx/json-api schema instead.
    • Eloquent\Concerns\SerializesModels trait.
    • Exceptions\MutableErrorCollection
    • Exceptions\NotFoundException
    • Exceptions\RecordNotFoundException - use Exceptions\ResourceNotFoundException instead.
    • Http\Query\ChecksQueryParameters trait.
    • Http\Requests\JsonApiRequest
    • Http\Responses\ErrorResponse
    • Object\* - all classes in this namespace.
    • Repositories\ErrorRepository
    • Schema\AbstractSchema - extend the neomerx/json-api schema instead.
    • Schema\CreatesEloquentIdentities trait.
    • Schema\CreatesLinks trait.
    • Schema\EloquentSchema - extend the neomerx/json-api schema instead.
    • Utils\AbstractErrorBag
    • Utils\ErrorBag
    • Utils\ErrorCreatorTrait
    • Utils\ErrorsAwareTrait
    • Utils\Pointer
    • Utils\Replacer

[1.7.0] - 2020-04-13


  • #503 The JSON API hasOne relation now also supports an Eloquent morphOne relation.


  • Minimum Laravel version is now 5.8 (previously 5.5).

[1.6.0] - 2020-01-13


  • Updated to support PHP 7.4 (minimum PHP remains 7.1).


  • #440 Amend query method signature on validated request to match Laravel request signature.


  • #445 Allow resource identifier to be zero.
  • #447 Ensure deserialized attributes do not include relations if the relation has been sent as an attribute.

[1.5.0] - 2019-10-14


  • #415 Added a has-one-through JSON API resource relationship for the Eloquent has-one-through relationship that was added in Laravel 5.8.


  • #439 Fixed tests failing in Laravel ^6.1. Applications using Laravel 6 need to upgrade the JSON API testing package to ^2.0 as follows:
$ composer require --dev cloudcreativity/json-api-testing:^2.0

[1.4.0] - 2019-09-04


  • Package now supports Laravel 6.
  • #333 Eloquent adapters now have a filterWithScopes() method, that maps JSON API filters to model scopes and the Eloquent where* method names. This is opt-in: i.e. to use, the developer must call filterWithScopes() within their adapter's filter() method.
  • Added put, putAttr and putRelation methods to the ResourceObject class.

[1.3.1] - 2019-08-19


  • Updated Travis config for Laravel 5.9 being renamed 6.0.
  • #400 Fix overridden variable in error translator.

[1.3.0] - 2019-07-24


  • #352 Can now set an API's default controller name to the singular version of the resource type.
  • Can now register a callback for resolving a controller name from a resource type.
  • #373 Can now change the JSON API controller's default connection and whether it uses transactions via an API's config.
  • #377 Can now toggle the simple pagination strategy back to using length aware pagination.
  • #380 Can now customise the conversion of a resource id to a database id on an adapter by overloading the databaseId() method.
  • New HasOne and HasMany rule objects for validating that a relationship is to-one or to-many, and has the expected resource type(s).
  • #391 Allow the validators existingRelationships() method to return the existing related records, and automatically convert these to JSON API identifiers.


  • #371 Ensure Eloquent delete/deleting events are fired when soft-deleting a resource.
  • Eloquent adapter hooks will now be invoked when force-deleting a resource that uses the SoftDeletesModels trait.

[1.2.0] - 2019-06-20


  • #360 Allow soft delete attribute path to use dot notation.
  • Added domain method to API fluent routing methods.
  • #337 Can now apply global scopes to JSON API resources via adapter scopes.


  • #370 Fix wrong validation error title when creating a custom validator.
  • #369 Fix using an alternative decoding type for update (PATCH) requests.
  • #362 Fix fatal error in route class caused by polymorphic entity types.
  • #358 Queue listener could trigger a ModelNotFoundException when deserializing a job that had deleted a model during its handle() method.
  • #347 Update zend-diactoros dependency.

[1.1.0] - 2019-04-12


  • #315 Allow developers to use the exact JSON API field name as the relationship method name on their adapters, plus for default conversion of names in include paths. Although we recommend following the PSR1 standard of using camel case for method names, this does allow a developer to use snake case field names with snake case method names.
  • Exception handlers can now use the parseJsonApiException() helper method if they need to convert JSON API exceptions to HTTP exceptions. Refer to the installation instructions for an example of how to do this on an exception handler.


  • #329 Render JSON API error responses when a codec has matched, but the client has not explicitly asked for JSON API response (e.g. asked for Accept: */*).
  • #313 Ensure that the standard paging strategy uses the resource identifier so that pages have a deterministic sort order.

[1.0.1] - 2019-03-12


  • A 303 See Other will now not be returned if a client job has failed. This is necessary because otherwise there is no way for an API client to determine that the job completed but failed.

[1.0.0] - 2019-02-28


  • Package now supports Laravel 5.8.


  • #302 Reject resource objects sent in relationships, as the spec defines that only resource identifiers are expected. This is based on the object having either an attributes or a relationships member.
  • #295 Use null for empty from/to fields in cursor page meta.

[1.0.0-rc.2] - 2019-02-05


  • #265 Allow wildcard media type parameters when matching decodings. Allows multipart/form-data; boundary=* to be accepted for decoding purposes.

[1.0.0-rc.1] - 2019-01-30


  • #271 Can now validate delete resource requests.
  • #196 Can now add custom actions to resource controllers. Refer to the Routing and Controllers chapters.
  • #242 Can now override the default controller for an API. Refer to the Controllers chapter for details.
  • #289 Can now opt-in to Laravel validation failure data being added to the meta member of JSON API error objects.


  • #254 Refactored content negotiation so that multiple media types can be supported. Refer to the Media Types documentation for details.
  • Simplified the validator classes into a single class: Validators\Validator.
  • Renamed a lot of classes in the Routing namespace. They are also marked as final because they are not meant to be extended.
  • Modified the abstract mount method that package providers use to add routes to an API. Also added PHP 7 type-hinting to all methods in the abstract class.


  • #265 Allow wildcard media type parameters when matching decoders. This enables support for media types that include random parameter values, primarily the multipart/form-data type that has a boundary parameter that is unpredictable.
  • #280 Validation error objects for relationship objects now have correct source pointers.
  • #284 Content negotiation middleware no longer causes a container binding exception when the Kernel is terminated.


  • The following classes in the Validation namespace were removed as the Validation\Validator class can be used instead, or validators can be constructed via the factory instead:
    • AbstractValidator
    • ResourceValidator
    • QueryValidator
  • The deprecated EloquentController was removed - extend JsonApiController directly.
  • The Store\EloquentAdapter was removed - extend Eloquent\AbstractAdapter directly.
  • The following previously deprecated methods/properties were removed from the EloquentAdapter:
    • public method queryRelation(): renamed queryToMany().
    • protected property $with: renamed $defaultWith.
    • protected method keyForAttribute(): renamed modelKeyForField().
    • protected method columnForField(): renamed getSortColumn().
    • protected method all(): renamed searchAll().
    • protected method extractIncludePaths(): overload the getQueryParameters() method instead.
    • protected method extractFilters(): overload the getQueryParameters() method instead.
    • protected method extractPagination(): overload the getQueryParameters() method instead.
  • The previously deprecated Eloquent\Concerns\AbstractRelation class was removed. Extend Adapter\AbstractRelationshipAdapter and use the Eloquent\Concerns\QueriesRelations trait.
  • Removed the deprecated Contracts\Utils\ConfigurableInterface as this has not been in use for some time.
  • Removed the deprecated createResourceDocumentValidator() method from the factory.
  • Removed the following previously deprecated methods from the TestResponse class:
    • assertJsonApiResponse(): use jsonApi().
    • normalizeIds() and normalizeId() as these are not in use by the refactored test implementation.
  • Removed the following previously deprecated methods from the JSON API service/facade:
    • report(): no longer supported for access via the service.
    • requestOrFail(): no longer required.
  • Removed the previously deprecated Schema\ExtractsAttributesTrait as it has not been used for some time.

[1.0.0-beta.6] - 2019-01-03


  • #277 Eloquent adapter can now support soft-deleting, restoring and force-deleting resources by applying a trait to the adapter. See the soft-deletes documentation chapter for details.
  • #247 New date time rule object to validate a JSON date string is a valid ISO 8601 date and time format.
  • #261 Package now supports the JSON API recommendation for asynchronous processing. See the Asynchronous Processing chapter for details.
  • #267 New adapter hooks are invoked to allow either the filling of additional attributes or dispatching asynchronous processes from within an adapter.
  • #246 Can now disable providing the existing resource attributes to the resource validator for an update request.
  • Added an existingRelationships method to the abstract validators class. Child classes can overload this method if they need the validator to have access to any existing relationship values for an update request.
  • JSON API specification validation will now fail if the attributes or relationships members have type or id fields.
  • JSON API specification validation will now fail if the attributes and relationships members have common field names, as field names share a common namespace.
  • Can now return Responsable instances from controller hooks.


  • #248 Adapters now receive the JSON API document (HTTP content) as an array.
  • #278 The adapter's read method now receives the record being read as its first argument rather than the resource ID. This makes it consistent with all other adapter methods that receive the record being read.
  • Renamed Http\Requests\IlluminateRequest to Http\Requests\JsonApiRequest.
  • The getJsonApi() test helper method now only has two arguments: URI and headers. Previously it accepted data as the second argument.
  • Improved test assertions and tidied up the test response class. Also added PHP 7 type-hinting to the methods.
  • Improve the store aware trait so that it returns a store even if one has not been injected.
  • Encoding parameters are now resolved as a singleton in the Laravel container and are bound into the responses factory even in custom routes.
  • The responses factory error method now only creates a response for a single error. For multi-error responses, the errors method should be used.


  • #201 Adapters now receive the array that has been transformed by Laravel's middleware, e.g. trim strings.
  • Legacy validators now correctly receive the record when validating a document for an update resource or update relationship request. This matches previous behaviour which was removed by accident in beta.4.
  • #255 Fix invalid pointer for a required resource field when the client does not supply the field.
  • #273 Responses class now correctly passes an array of errors to the error repository.
  • #259 If a client sends a client-generated ID for a resource that does not support client-generated IDs, a 403 Forbidden response will be sent, as defined in the JSON API spec.


  • The deprecated Contracts\Store\AdapterInterface was removed. Use Contracts\Adapter\ResourceAdapterInterface instead.
  • The deprecated Adapter\HydratesAttributesTrait was removed.
  • The Contracts\Http\Requests\RequestInterface was removed as it is no longer necessary (because the package is no longer framework-agnostic).
  • Removed the Contracts\Repository\SchemasRepositoryInterface and Repository\SchemasRepository class because these were not in use.
  • The previously deprecated InteractsWithModels testing trait was removed.
  • The following (majority previously deprecated methods) on the TestResponse class were removed:
    • assertDocument
    • assertResourceResponse
    • assertResourcesResponse
    • assertRelatedResourcesResponse
    • assertSearchResponse
    • assertSearchOneResponse
    • assertCreateResponse
    • assertReadResponse
    • assertUpdateResponse
    • assertDeleteResponse
    • assertRelatedResourceResponse
    • assertHasOneRelationshipResponse
    • assertDataCollection
    • assertDataResource
    • assertDataResourceIdentifier
    • assertSearchByIdResponse
    • assertSearchedPolymorphIds
    • assertReadPolymorphHasMany


  • All interfaces in the Contracts\Object namespace will be removed for 2.0.
  • All classes in the Object namespace will be removed for 2.0.
  • A number of methods on the MakesJsonApiRequests and TestResponse classes have been deprecated as they are better named equivalents or they are not applicable to the current testing approach. These will be removed in 2.0.

[1.0.0-beta.5] - 2018-10-13


  • #240 Ensure PHP class name is passed to authorizer when authorizing fetch-many and create resource requests.

[1.0.0-beta.4] - 2018-10-11


  • New validation implementation that uses Laravel validators throughout. See the validation documentation for details.
  • Errors for the new validation implementation now have their title, detail and code members translated via Laravel's translator. This means consuming applications can change the messages by overriding the default translations provided by this package.
  • #234 HTTP exception headers are now added to the JSON API response when converting to JSON API errors.


  • Minimum PHP version is now 7.1.
  • Minimum Laravel version is now 5.5.
  • The validated request object is now abstract, with a concrete implementation for each type of request.
  • #237 The route key name is now used as the default cursor key name.


  • The Auth\HandlesAuthorizers trait was removed and its logic moved into the Authorize middleware.


  • The previous validation solution is deprecated in favour of the new solution and will be removed at 2.0.
  • The error factory implementation is deprecated in favour of using Laravel translation and will be removed at 2.0.
  • The Document\Error and Contracts\Document\MutableErrorInterface are deprecated and will be removed at 2.0. You should use the error interface/class from the neomerx/jsonapi package instead.
  • The following utility classes/traits/interfaces are deprecated and will be removed at 2.0:
    • Utils/ErrorCreatorTrait
    • Utils/ErrorsAwareTrait and Contracts\Utils\ErrorsAwareInterface
    • Utils/Pointers
    • Utils/Replacer and Contracts\Utils\ReplacerInterface
  • The Contracts\Factories\FactoryInterface is deprecated and will be removed at 1.0. You should type-hint Factories\Factory directly instead.

[1.0.0-beta.3] - 2018-09-21


  • New cursor-based paging strategy, refer to the Pagination docs for details.
  • Refactored the client interface and implementation, improving record serializing and adding missing relationship request methods.
  • #123 Can now use a custom resolver if wanting to override the default namespace resolution provided by this package. This is documented in the Resolvers chapter.


  • Extract model sorting from the Eloquent adapter into a SortsModels trait.
  • #144 Improved the helper method that creates new client instances so that it automatically adds a base URI for the client if one is not provided.


  • #222 Adding related resources to a has-many relationship now does not add duplicates. The JSON API spec states that duplicates must not be added, but the default Laravel behaviour does add duplicates. The HasMany relationship now takes care of this by filtering out duplicates before adding them.


  • The following methods on the Eloquent adapter will be removed in 1.0.0 as they are no longer required:
    • extractIncludePaths
    • extractFilters
    • extractPagination
    • columnForField: use getSortColumn instead.

[1.0.0-beta.2] - 2018-08-25


  • Can now use Eloquent query builders as resource relationships using the queriesOne or queriesMany JSON API relations.
  • Custom relationships can now extend the Adapter\AbstractRelationshipAdapter class.


  • JSON API document is now only parsed out of the request if data is expected within the document. This ensures that Laravel's get JSON test helpers can be used.
  • Extracted common Eloquent relation querying methods to the Eloquent\Concerns\QueriesRelations trait.


  • The Eloquent\AbstractRelation class is deprecated and will be removed in 1.0.0. Use the new Adapter\AbstractRelationshipAdapter class and apply the QueriesRelations trait.
  • The Adapter\HydratesAttributesTrait is deprecated as it is no longer in use and will be removed in 1.0.0.

[1.0.0-beta.1] - 2018-08-22


  • Package now supports Laravel 5.4 to 5.7 inclusive.
  • #210 Can now map a single JSON API path to multiple Eloquent eager load paths.
  • #218 Can now filter a request for a specific resource, e.g. /api/posts/1?filter['published']=1.
  • Filtering Eloquent resources using the id filter is now also supported on to-many and to-one relationships.
  • Can now set default sort parameters on an Eloquent adapter using the $defaultSort property.


  • #184 Eloquent route keys are now used as the resource id by default.


  • The following deprecated methods have been removed from the Eloquent adapter:
    • first: use searchOne instead.


  • The follow methods are deprecated on the Eloquent adapter and will be removed in 1.0.0:
    • queryRelation: use queryToMany or queryToOne instead.


  • #185 Rename adapter store method to getStore to avoid collisions with relation methods.
  • #187 Ensure hydration of Eloquent morph-many relationship works.
  • #194 Ensure encoding parameters are validated when reading a specific resource.
  • Exception messages are no longer pushed into the JSON API error detail member, unless the Exception is a HTTP Exception.
  • #219 Can now use the id filter as one of many filters, previously the id filter ignored any other filters provided. It now also respects sort and paging parameters.

[1.0.0-alpha.4] - 2018-07-02


  • #203 JSON API container now checks whether there is a Laravel container binding for a class name. This allows schemas, adapters etc to be bound into the container rather than having to exist as actual classes.


  • #202 When appending the schema and host on a request, the base URL is now also appended. This caters for Laravel applications that are served from host sub-directories.

[1.0.0-alpha.3] - 2018-05-17


  • Errors that occur before a route is processed by a JSON API are now sent to the client as JSON API error responses if the client wants a JSON API response. This is determined using the Accept header and means that exceptions such as the maintenance mode exception are correctly returned as JSON API errors if that is what the client wants.
  • Can now override the default API name via the JSON API facade.


  • Field guarding that was previously available on the Eloquent adapter is now also available on the generic adapter.
  • Extracted the logic for an Eloquent hasManyThrough relation into its own relationship adapter (was previously in the has-many adapter).
  • Moved the FindsManyResources trait from the Store namespace to Adapter\Concerns.
  • The hydrateRelationships method on the AbstractResourceAdapter is no longer abstract as it now contains the implementation that was previously on the Eloquent adapter.
  • The test exception handler has been moved from the dummy app to the Testing namespace. This means it can now be used when testing JSON API packages.
  • Merged the two resolvers provided by this package into a single class.
  • #176 When using not-by-resource resolution, the type of the class is now appended to the class name. E.g. App\JsonApi\Adapters\PostAdapter is now expected instead of App\JsonApi\Adapters\Post. The previous behaviour can be maintained by setting the by-resource config option to the string false-0.x.
  • The constructor dependencies for the Repositories\ErrorRepository have been simplified.


  • Resolver was not correctly classifying the resource type when resolution was not by resource.
  • #176 Do not import model class in Eloquent adapter stub to avoid collisions with class name when using the legacy not-by-resource behaviour.
  • An exception is no longer triggered when create JSON API responses when there is no booted JSON API handling the request.
  • #181 Send a 419 error response with an error object for a TokenMismatchException.
  • #182 Send a 422 error response with JSON API error objects when a ValidationException is thrown outside of JSON API validation.


  • The report method on the JSON API service/facade will be removed by 1.0.0.

[1.0.0-alpha.2] - 2018-05-06


  • New authorizer interface and an abstract class that better integrates with Laravel's authentication and authorization style. See the new Security chapter for details.
  • Can now generate authorizers using the make:json-api:authorizer command, or the --auth flag when generating a resource with make:json-api:resource.
  • The JSON API controller now has the following additional hooks:
    • searching for an index action.
    • reading for a read action.
  • #163 Added relationship hooks to the JSON API controller.


  • Generating an Eloquent schema will now generate a class that extends SchemaProvider, i.e. the generic schema.
  • Existing JSON API controller hooks now receive the whole validated JSON API request rather than just the resource object submitted by the client.


  • The previous authorizer implementation has been removed in favour of the new one. The following were deleted:
    • Contract\Authorizer\AuthorizerInterface
    • Authorizer\AbstractAuthorizer
    • Authorizer\ReadOnlyAuthorizer
    • Exceptions\AuthorizationException


  • Eloquent schemas are now deprecated in favour of using generic schemas. This is because of the amount of processing involved without any benefit, as generic schemas are straight-forward to construct. The following classes/traits are deprecated:
    • Eloquent\AbstractSchema
    • Eloquent\SerializesModels
    • Schema\CreatesLinks
    • Schema\EloquentSchema (was deprecated in 1.0.0-alpha.1).

[1.0.0-alpha.1] - 2018-04-29

As we are now only developing JSON API within Laravel applications, we have deprecated our framework agnostic cloudcreativity/json-api package. All the classes from that package have been merged into this package and renamed to the CloudCreativity\LaravelJsonApi namespace. This will allow us to more rapidly develop this Laravel package and simplify the code in subsequent releases.


  • New Eloquent relationship adapters allows full support for relationship endpoints.
  • Message bags can now have their keys mapped and/or dasherized when converting them to JSON API errors in the ErrorBag class.
  • JSON API resource paths are now automatically converted to model relationship paths for eager loading in the Eloquent adapter.
  • The Eloquent adapter now applies eager loading when reading or updating a specific resource.
  • Eloquent adapters can now guard JSON API fields via their $guarded and $fillable properties. These are used when filling attributes and relationships.
  • Added standard serialization of relationships within Eloquent schemas. This always serializes self and related links for listed model relationships, and only adds the relationship data if the relationship is being included in a compound document.


  • By default resources no longer need to have a controller as the generic JSON API controller will now handle any resource. If resources have controllers, the controller routing option can be set to a string controller name, or true to use a controller with the same name as the resource.
  • Split adapter into resource and relationship adapter, and created classes to specifically deal with Eloquent relationships.
  • Adapters now handle both reading and modifying domain records.
  • Moved Eloquent JSON API classes into a single namespace.
  • Moved logic from Eloquent controller into the JSON API controller as the logic is no longer specific to handling resources that related to Eloquent models.
  • Filter, sort and page query parameters are no longer allowed for requests on primary resources (create, read update and delete) because these query parameters do not apply to these requests.
  • When serializing Eloquent models, if no attributes are specified for serialization (a null value), only Model::getVisible() will now be used to work out what attributes must be serialized. Previously if getVisible returned an empty array, getFillable would be used instead.


  • Delete Eloquent hydrator class as all hydration is now handled by adapters instead.
  • The utility Fqn class has been removed as namespace resolution is now done by resolvers.
  • The deprecated Str utility class has been removed. Use CloudCreativity\JsonApi\Utils\Str instead.


  • The Eloquent controller is deprecated in favour using the JSON API controller directly.
  • The Schema\EloquentSchema is deprecated in favour of using the Eloquent\AbstractSchema.
  • The Store\EloquentAdapter is deprecated in favour of using the Eloquent\AbstractAdapter.
  • The Testing\InteractsWithModels trait is deprecated in favour of Laravel database assertion helpers.
  • The ErrorBag::toArray method is deprecated in favour of ErrorBag::all.
  • The Schema\CreatesEloquentIdentities trait is deprecated.


  • #128 Filter, sort and page parameters validation rules are excluded for resource requests for which those parameters do not apply (create, read, update and delete).
  • #92 Last page link is now excluded if there are pages, rather than linking to page zero.
  • #67 Pagination meta will no longer leak into error response if error occurs when encoding data.
  • #111 Sending an invalid content type header now returns a JSON API error object.
  • #146 Return a 404 JSON API error object and allow this to be overridden.
  • #155 Return a JSON API error when the request content cannot be JSON decoded.
  • #169 Generating a resource when the by-resource option was set to false had the wrong class name in the generated file.