This page contains notes from the cf summit berlin 2005 unconference session on how to improve CF w.r.t. use-cases supported by docker orchestration systems. First by identifying areas where CF is not yet strong at, and there sharing ideas how to fix it and make it stronger.
- developer experience does not support offline work
- developer experience lacks a fast feedback loop (live reloads)
- CF experience does not cover "build phase" (e.g. running integration tests in jenkins against same php/apache dependencies as the ones provided in the php buildpack in CF)
- high bar to become data service providers:
- need to turn into platform operations (learning bosh, owning a bosh instance)
- limited app eligibility (e.g. advanced networking such as multi-cast/broadcast networking used in hazelcast client)
- limited marketplace (w.r.t. docker hub available images) and limited community contributing to it.
- developer experience does not support offline work
- => improve packaging of CF to make it affordeable to run on desktop (lattice, bosh-lite ?)
- => find a way to have online service exposed in the marketplace support an offline mode (e.g. their service broker catalog provides in its meta-data, a docker image reference that can be automatically started on a local development box)
- developer experience lacks a fast feedback loop (live reloads)
- => cloudrocker supports live reloading of sources by mounting them within a docker volume
- => ssh-fs mounts local development box sources in the CF app container
- high bar to become data service providers:
- need to turn into platform operations (learning bosh, owning a bosh instance)
- => See
- contribute improvements to
- accept docker images are service instance params (to enable wider contributor base)
- add declarative storage requirements (whether the images needs a storage, which reqs for this storage) e.g. implemented through:
- dynamically instanciated bosh release (docker host + associated volumes dedicated to services)
- dynamically attached volumes (e.g. or ceph technology)
- add standard mechanisms to signaling data app within the docker image (restart and drain signals)
- add standard ways to support backup/snapshot/restore of data services (e.g )
- add standard ways to have data services generate metrics and logs visible to app developers
- contribute improvements to