This document outlines the development plan for Monolake. Our roadmap is divided into short-term and long-term goals, with specific milestones and features planned for each phase.
- Config update notification support (replace existing polling approach)
- Admin interface to allow users push configuration, observe internal state and control log level
- Connection dispatcher: dispatching new connections to threads with better strategy
- Enhance observability features (logging, tracing, metrics)
- Load balancing with various algorithms
- TLS/SSL Intel QAT support
- IP Allow and Deny list
- Rate limiting
- Enhanced authentication/authorization
- Ingress Controller for Kubernetes
- TLS/SSL NIC/DPU acceleration
- Proxy protocol support
- WebSocket support
- HTTP/3 support
- Decompression and serialization DPU acceleration
- DPDK support
- Monolake-powered applications
- Community-driven feature requests (see Issues labeled 'C-feature-request')
We welcome contributions from the community! If you're interested in working on any of these items:
- Check the issue tracker for related issues
- Open a new issue to discuss your approach if none exists
- Submit a pull request referencing the relevant issue
For more details, please see our file.
This roadmap is subject to change based on community feedback, project priorities, and available resources. We'll update this document as plans evolve.
Last updated: [Nov.5, 2024]